Showing posts with label Ayn Rand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ayn Rand. Show all posts

Monday, January 10, 2022

Adam Smith und der Wohlstand der Nationen | Der Kapitalismus (2/6) | Doku HD | ARTE

Jan 10, 2022 • Woher kommt der Kapitalismus? Dokureihe. In dieser Folge reflektieren mehr als 20 prominente Mitwirkende aus dem Bereich Wirtschaftstheorie die Entwicklung seit 2008 und hinterfragen die wirtschaftspolitischen Denker aus der Geschichte des Kapitalismus. So auch Adam Smith, dessen "Wohlstand der Nationen" (1776) ein Bestseller ist, der regelmäßig neu aufgelegt wird.

Der Untergang des Sowjetreiches war auch das Ende des Kommunismus. Das einzig funktionierende Wirtschaftssystem sei der Kapitalismus – dachten viele. Spätestens seit der Finanzkrise 2007 scheint diese These mehr als fraglich. In dieser Dokumentation reflektieren mehr als 20 prominente Mitwirkende aus dem Bereich Wirtschaftstheorie die Entwicklung seit 2008 und hinterfragen die wirtschaftspolitischen Denker aus der Geschichte des Kapitalismus. So auch Adam Smith, dessen „Wohlstand der Nationen“ seit seinem Erscheinen im Jahr 1776 ein Bestseller ist, der regelmäßig neu aufgelegt wird. Für viele gilt er als Bibel eines neuen Wirtschaftssystems. In der aktuellen Folge wird anhand konkreter Beispiele dargelegt, wie Schlüsselpassagen des Buches aus ihrem Kontext gerissen und für politische Zwecke benutzt werden. In dem Bestreben, das Werk zum ökonomischen Testament zu erheben, wurden die sozialpolitischen Überlegungen von Adam Smith einfach außer Acht gelassen.

Dokureihe, Regie: Ilan Ziv (Frankreich 2013, 54 Min)

Ayn Rands ‚Philosophie‘ wirkte auf Amerika, in der Wirtschaft und in der Politik, wie Krebs. Sie stellte dar, eine Philosophie der Selbstsüchtigkeit und Egoismus. Sie hat für Amerika gar nichts Gutes getan. Im Gegenteil, ihre Philosophie breitete sich aus wie Krebs sich metastasiert!

Sie verbrachte ihr ganzes Leben im Schimpfen des Wohlfahrtsstaates, doch ironischerweise beendete sie ihre Tage auf Wohlfahrt!

Besser wäre es gewesen, wenn sie in Russland geblieben wäre! Dann hätte sie weniger Möglichkeit gehabt, die Ökonomie Amerikas zu schaden oder das Denken der Politiker dort mit ihren dummen Ideen zu vergiften. – © Mark

Monday, February 27, 2017

Ayn Rand: Trump's Favorite Intellectual

ZEIT ONLINE: Libertarian novelist Ayn Rand still sells millions of books in the U.S. years after her death. Why is she so highly admired in the White House?

She was born more than a century ago in Russia, but today the novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand is one of the most powerful intellectual forces in American politics. Speaker of the House of Represantatives Paul Ryan has called her books "the reason I went into public service." President Trump said her novel "The Fountainhead" was one of his favorites. And many of Trump's most prominent team members – including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and CIA director Mike Pompeo – are also fans of Ayn Rand. Year in and year out, her books command a broad popular audience. Combined annual sales of all her books hover around the million mark. Not bad for a writer whose last major work was published in 1957!

What explains the lasting influence of Ayn Rand among American conservatives? And what can her perennial popularity tell us about where the new Trump administration might be headed? » | Guest contribution by Jennifer Burns, Stanford | Monday, February 27, 2017

Eine deutsche Version dieses Artikels können Sie hier lesen. »

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

At Last, a Fair and Balanced View of Ayn Rand

TRIBUNE MAGAZINE: Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right by Jennifer Burns
Oxford University Press, £16.99

At last! A well balanced book about Ayn Rand (1905-82), the guru of selfishness. After all the attack memoirs and right-wing adulation, Jennifer Burns has finally given us an intellectual biography of the founder of objectivism that can truly be described as objective. Burns explains Rand’s integrated system of ideas in clear language, showing us how it developed out of her life experiences and personal relationships, both intellectual and emotional. To her credit, Burns resists the temptation to snipe at such an inviting target as the elitist and dogmatic Rand and, wherever possible, she presents negative criticism using the original words of Rand’s colleagues and contemporaries.

Goddess of the Market traces Rand’s irresistible rise from bourgeois Russian origins to fame and fortune in America and shows how the success of her two blockbuster novels – The Fountainhead (1943) and Atlas Shrugged (1957) – which both glorified heroic individualism – allowed her to use her celebrity as a platform for her subsequent career as political ideologue and philosopher. She invented an abstract rational system called objectivism, which was designed to keep the world safe from communism by proving (mostly by assertion) that capitalism was the most rational and moral form of human society.

But even as an anti-communist in America, she discovered that she didn’t quite fit in. She was an atheist iconoclast, not a traditionalist reactionary, and was forced to create her own niche on the contrarian far right, promoting guilt-free wealth creation and denouncing the state, but viciously opposed to libertarians, anarcho-capitalists and religious conservatives. Thus she escaped from the tyranny of collectivism in Russia only to end up in a self-created dystopia of heightened rhetoric where she lived out a life of extreme alarmism, always imagining civilisation was crashing around her ears. >>> Roddy Matthews |Friday, May 28, 2010

HT: Guido Fawkes >>>

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Ayn Rand's Ideas: An Introduction - Ayn Rand Center

These videos are presented to you merely as food for thought. I am NOT an Objectivist. – Mark
1959 – The Mike Wallace Interview: Ayn Rand

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

These videos are presented to you merely as food for thought. I am NOT an Objectivist. – Mark

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged Climbs Up Charts During Recession

THE TELEGRAPH: Atlas Shrugged, the literary classic which promotes individual enterprise above all else during tough economic times, has catapulted up the charts since the recession.

Photo of Ayn Rand courtesy of The Telegraph

Sales of the 1957 philosophy novel, written by the late Ayn Rand, enjoyed a major resurgence over an 18-month period that coincided with pivotal economic moments.

Such is the modern-day fascination, according to The Economist, that the book's sales rank on Amazon climbed more than 500 places in the book charts over a two-year period, eclipsing such rival tomes as Barack Obama's The Audacity of Hope. >>> By Mark Coleman in Los Angeles | Tuesday, March 10, 2009

YOU TUBE: Ayn Rand: The Mike Wallace Interview (1959)

Part 2

Part 3

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback (US) Barnes & Noble >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Hardcover (US) Barnes & Noble >>>