Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Australian Republicans Claim Majority Now Want to Abolish the Monarchy

The Duke of Edinburgh and the Queen in Perth in 2011, her last trip to Australia. Her long reign is thought to be increasing support for the monarchy | LINCOLN BAKER/POOL/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

THE TIMES: Australian republicans say that the majority of the public support ditching the British monarchy and have proposed a new system to elect a head of state.

In the proposal, called “the Australian Choice”, each of the country’s nine parliaments would nominate a candidate who would then be put forward to a national vote.

The Australian Republican Movement said that the system was designed to produce a list of distinguished Australians from whom the public would choose a replacement for the British monarch. “People don’t want a Trump-like figure and they don’t want Shane Warne [the cricketer]. They want an eminent person,” Peter FitzSimons, a former rugby player who is chairman of the movement, said on Wednesday. » | Bernard Lagan, Sydney | Wednesday, January 12, 2022 [£]