Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Angela Merkel Under Fire over Communist Links as New Image of Her in Uniform Is Released

MAIL ONLINE: Photo found of her as 17-year-old marching with East German officer / Released as she is forced to play down new book which alleges communist past

German Chancellor Angela Merkel faced fresh speculation over her supposed links to hardline East German communists today after a photo emerged of her marching with the kommisars as a teenager.

Mrs Merkel, who was 17-year-old Angela Kasner when the picture was taken in 1972, is shown in fatigues marching with a group of friends and an East German officer as they prepared to take part in a civil defence exercise.

Her smile is easily recognisable and her forage cap is set at a jaunty angle as she strides along at the High School Hermann Matern in Templin, where she was brought up behind the iron curtain.

All children in the former German Democratic Republic had to take part in such exercises if they wanted to complete the equivalent of A-levels and go on to university. The drills included preparing for gas and nuclear attacks, how to spot enemy paratroopers and caring for wounded East German soldiers.

Not even illness or a death in the family allowed for the youngsters to skip the martial lessons - they were simply postponed but had to be completed. » | Alan Hall | Tuesday, May 21, 2013

BILD.DE: Diese junge Frau in Uniform ist heute unsere Kanzlerin: Templin – Ein Schwarz-Weiß-Foto aus dem Jahr 1972. Es zeigt Schülerinnen der 11. Klasse der Erweiterten Oberschule (EOS) „Hermann Matern“ in Templin. Sie marschieren... » | Von H. Kascha und B. Kolodziej | Dienstag, 21. Mai 2013
Gay Marriage Bill Passes Commons Despite Tory Opposition

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: David Cameron’s plan to allow same-sex couples to marry has passed its final Commons hurdle despite an attempt by almost half of Conservative MPs to block the reform.

Two Cabinet ministers, David Jones, the Welsh Secretary, and Owen Paterson, the Environment Secretary, were among the 133 Conservative MPs who voted against the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill.

They were joined by ten other ministers, including John Hayes, who is Mr Cameron's senior parliamentary adviser and a key figure linking the Prime Minister with backbench Tories.

But the legislation was passed by an overwhelming majority of 205 in the free vote on Tuesday night, winning the support of 366 MPs from across the political spectrum. A total of 161 MPs from all parties opposed the reforms in last night's free vote.

Mr Cameron initially championed gay marriage as a personal cause when he surprised his party by announcing his intention to introduce the reforms two years ago.

But he ultimately needed the help of Ed Miliband and Labour MPs to see his Bill pass. » | Tim Ross, Political Correspondent | Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Krawalle in Tunis: Salafisten zetteln Straßenschlachten an

Die Mitglieder der Salafisten-Gruppe Ansar al-Scharia haben mit Krawallen auf das Verbot ihres Jahrestreffens reagiert. Sie blockierten Straßen in Tunis und attackierten die Polizei.

Paris : un essayiste d'extrême droite se suicide dans Notre-Dame

LE POINT: Selon une source policière, la cathédrale a été évacuée peu après le coup de feu. L'homme, âgé de 78 ans, s'est tiré une balle dans la bouche.

Un homme, essayiste d'extrême droite, s'est suicidé avec une arme à feu mardi après-midi dans Notre-Dame de Paris, provoquant l'évacuation de la cathédrale, haut lieu touristique en plein coeur de Paris, a-t-on appris de sources policières et auprès de son éditeur. Cet homme, Dominique Venner, un essayiste de 78 ans apprécié des milieux nationalistes, s'est donné la mort devant l'autel peu après 16 heures à l'aide d'un pistolet à un coup de fabrication belge. Ancien militant de l'OAS, cet homme était une figure respectée au sein de la mouvance d'extrême droite.

La cathédrale a rapidement été évacuée mardi après-midi, sans incident, selon plusieurs sources, mais on ignorait peu avant 17 heures le nombre exact de personnes qui étaient concernées. Greg, un touriste américain venu de Phoenix dans l'Arizona, a expliqué que la cathédrale était pleine au moment du suicide, mais qu'il n'y a pas eu de mouvement de panique lors de l'évacuation de la cathédrale par les gardes en civil. Monseigneur Patrick Jacquin, recteur de la cathédrale, a précisé que le suicidé avait posé une lettre sur l'autel, dans le choeur, à l'attention des enquêteurs, avant son suicide.

Un surveillant a procédé à un massage cardiaque, en attendant l'arrivée des secours. Les enquêteurs ont trouvé sa carte d'identité sur lui. "On ne le connaissait pas, ce n'était pas un fidèle de la cathédrale", a expliqué monseigneur Jacquin, affirmant qu'à sa connaissance c'est la première fois qu'un suicide intervient à l'intérieur de la cathédrale. Toutes les messes ont été annulées jusqu'à 20 heures, lorsqu'une "veillée pour la vie" sera organisée avec les évêques d'Ile-de-France. "On va prier pour cet homme comme pour tant d'autres qui sont à bout", a ajouté monseigneur Jacquin. "C'est terrible, on pense à lui et à sa famille." » | LePoint.fr (avec AFP) | mardi 21 mai 2013

Related »

Britische Regierungspartei uneins: Führung der Tories in Turbulenzen

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Der britische Premierminister Cameron hat das Gesetz zur Einführung der Homo-Ehe nur mithilfe Labours gegen eine parteiinterne Rebellion verteidigt. Die Konflikte bei den Konservativen toben weiter.

Die Führung der britischen Konservativen kommt nicht zur Ruhe. Nicht einmal eine Woche nach einer peinlichen Abstimmung im Unterhaus, in der die Hälfte der konservativen Hinterbänkler einer Rüge über die EU-Politik der Regierung zustimmte, hat die Parteiführung in der Nacht auf Dienstag eine weitere Revolte wieder nur mit Unterstützung Labours abzuwenden vermocht. Diesmal hat sich der Aufstand konservativer Abgeordneter gegen das Gesetz zur Einführung der Ehe unter Gleichgeschlechtlichen ergeben. Ein konservativer Hinterbänkler hatte mit einem raffinierten Zusatz zum Gesetz versucht, jenes zum Entgleisen zu bringen. Als sich im Verlauf des Montags abzeichnete, dass sich erneut etwa eine Hundertschaft von Tory-Abgeordneten gegen die Parteiführung stellen würde, vermochte jene nur dank eiligen Zugeständnissen an Labour die Vorlage zu retten. » | Peter Rásonyi, London | Dienstag, 21. Mai 2013

U.S.-approved ‘Muslims’

THE TRENTONIAN: America is desperate to find un-Muslim-like allies among the world’s Muslims. That is, Muslims who believe as Americans do that no particular religion should have the upper hand in politics and government.

Alas, the Pew Research Foundation polls keep revealing that this search is a chimerical quest. The Pew polling regularly reports overwhelming support in the “Muslim world” for the rule of Sharia, Islamic law, and for Islam-dominated policy and government.

Which inevitably means that Muslim nations are going to be suspicious of, if not hostile to, U.S. notions of what constitutes Islamic extremism.

This perhaps is why President Obama avoids using the modifier “Islamic” when referring to extremism, even extremism obviously based on interpretations of Islam. He perhaps believes such references would be counterproductive. (Perhaps he’s right, perhaps not.)

Middle East scholar Daniel Pipes has a mantra that goes: “Extreme Islam is the problem, moderate Islam is the solution.” Problem is, our notion of “moderate” may bear little resemblance to the notions prevalent in Muslim countries.

What if Muslims endorsed a particular religious perspective for Christians in American — Gnosticism, say? Not only would there likely not be a rush to embrace is, there would likely be a stampede to condemn it — and demands that Muslims mind their own damn business. » | Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Right-wing Historian Shoots Himself in Notre Dame Cathedral 'In Protest at Gay Marriage'

MAIL ONLINE: Man kills himself in iconic Parisian attraction / French media reports say historian Dominique Venner shot himself / He is known to be a virulent opponent of gay marriage / The 78-year-old also fought in a militant paramilitary group / The historic site was close to the public

A right-wing historian shot himself dead in front of hundreds of tourists at the altar of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris today, apparently in protest at France's legalisation of gay marriage.

Dominique Venner, who had recently been campaigning against gay marriage in France, is said to have calmly walked past the crowds milling around the 850-year-old Cathedral, one of the most popular tourist sites in the world, before taking out a Herstal automatic pistol.

The 78-year-old put the gun in his mouth and fired before collapsing on to the altar, according to French media reports.

Mr Venner, who was awarded a prestigious prize by l'Académie française for one of his historical works, was a former member of the Secret Army Organisation (OAS), the paramilitary group which fought against France giving up Algeria as a colony.

He was jailed for 18 months in La Santé Prison as a political undesirable for his role in the ultra-national organisation and was freed in 1962.

A report by Europe 1 radio station reads: 'According to our information, he is Dominique Venner, essayist and former member of the OAS who was close to the anti-gay marriage movement.'

The Cathedral was full of visitors when the horrific incident took place, at around 4pm. 'There was screaming and lot so shouting following a loud bang,' said one witness. 'People were naturally very scared and began to run out in panic. » | Sam Webb | Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dominique Venner »

Biographie »

Scottish Referendum: Alex Salmond Says Scotland Can Afford Independence

BBC: Scotland can "more than afford' to be a successful independent country, its first minister has said.

Alex Salmond was speaking as he launched a paper outlining the nation's key economic strengths.

He said the document offered a consolidated picture of the country's strong financial foundations, diverse economy, ingenuity and natural resources.

Scotland's electorate will vote in a referendum on independence next year. (+ video) » | Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Arabie saoudite : cinq Yéménites décapités et crucifiés pour meurtre

LE POINT: Les cinq hommes avaient commis une série de vols à travers le pays et assassiné un Saoudien en l'étouffant.

Cinq Yéménites, condamnés pour vols et meurtre, ont été exécutés et leurs corps exposés en public mardi à Jizane, dans le sud-ouest de l'Arabie saoudite, a rapporté l'agence officielle Spa. Les cinq hommes avaient commis une série de vols dans le pays et assassiné un Saoudien en l'étouffant, selon l'agence qui cite un communiqué du ministère de l'Intérieur. "Ils ont été exécutés et crucifiés", selon le communiqué. Le terme de crucifixion en Arabie saoudite, peine prévue pour certains crimes, signifie l'exposition en public des corps des suppliciés.

L'exécution des cinq hommes, dont trois frères, porte à 46 le nombre d'exécutions en Arabie saoudite depuis le début de l'année, selon un décompte de l'Agence France-Presse à partir de communiqués du ministère saoudien de l'Intérieur. Un témoin, qui a vu les corps exposés, a indiqué que l'exécution avait eu lieu sur une place devant le campus de l'université de Jizane. » | Source AFP | mardi 21 mai 2013

Tory Newspapers Turn On Cameron in Wake of Gay Marriage Vote

GUARDIAN – GREENSLADE BLOG: Newspapers that generally support the Tory party have never been wildly enthusiastic about David Cameron. Now, on the evidence of today's leading articles and commentaries, they appear wholly hostile.

The Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph carry extremely critical editorials, as does The Sun. And the Daily Express weighs in with a short rebuff. The Times, more measured as always, advises the prime minister to show greater leadership.

To make matters worse for Cameron, there is yet more favourable press publicity for Ukip, the upstart party now apparently attracting support from disaffected Tories.

I was amused by the Mail's reference to "press baron Lord Beaverbrook" in the intro of its leading article. » | Roy Greenslade | Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Report: Discrimination against Jews and Muslims Rising Everywhere

THE JEWISH PRESS: Discrimination against Jews and Muslims is on the rise around the world, according to the annual U.S. State Dept. report for 2012.

The report points to growing antisemitism, especially in Venezuela, Egypt and Iran.

The BBC noted that the International Religious Freedom Report noted that in Egypt, antisemitic sentiment in the media sometimes included Holocaust denial or, perhaps worse, glorification of the mass murder of Jews.

The report says that traditional forms of antisemitism, such as conspiracy theories, blood libel myths and cartoons demonizing Jews continue to flourish. » | Jewish Press News Briefs | Tuesday, may 21, 2013

A German’s View of Islam

FRONTPAGE MAG: I used to know a man whose family were German aristocracy prior to World War II. They owned a number of large industries and estates. I asked him how many German people were true Nazis, and the answer he gave has stuck with me and guided my attitude toward fanaticism ever since.

“Very few people were true Nazis,” he said, “but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come. My family lost everything. I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.”

We are told again and again by experts and talking heads that Islam is the religion of peace, and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unquantified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the specter of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam.

The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars world wide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or execute honor killings. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. The hard, quantifiable fact is that the “peaceful majority” is the “silent majority,” and it is cowed and extraneous. » | Paul Marek | Tuesday, May 21, 2013

ISREAL NATIONAL NEWS (ARUTZ SHEVA): Why the Peaceful Majority is Irrelevant » | Paul E. Marek * | Sunday, March 18, 2013

* Paul E. Marek is a second-generation Canadian, whose grandparents fled Czechoslovakia just prior to the Nazi takeover. He is an educational consultant specializing in programs that protect children from predatory adults.

Katastrophengebiet Oklahoma: Mehr als 90 Tote nach Tornado

21.05.2013 - Die Suchaktion in Moore, einem Vorort von Oklahoma City, verlangt den Rettungskräften viel ab: Noch immer werden Dutzende Kinder in einer Grundschule gesucht, die von einem Tornado völlig verwüstet wurde. Einer der schwersten Wirbelstürme der US-Geschichte forderte im US-Bundesstaat Oklahoma mehr als 90 Opfer, mehr als 230 Menschen wurden verletzt.

Obama Urges Myanmar to Stop Violence against Muslims

REUTERS.COM: (Reuters) - President Barack Obama urged the president of Myanmar on Monday to take steps to halt violence against Muslims in his country and move ahead with economic and political reforms.

Thein Sein became the first head of Myanmar to visit the White House in 47 years, and he and Obama sat down for talks in the Oval Office.

Obama said the Myanmar leader had assured him that he intends to move forward on releasing more political prisoners and institutionalizing political reforms that have already taken place. Thein Sein also vowed to resolve ethnic conflicts by incorporating all communities into the political process, Obama said.

"I also shared with President Sein our deep concern about communal violence that has been directed at Muslim communities inside Myanmar. The displacement of people, the violence directed towards them needs to stop," Obama said.

Sein, speaking through a translator, said his country faces a "daunting task" in carrying out reforms but said for democracy to flourish in Myanmar the reforms must be carried out in the years ahead. » | Paul Eckert | Washington | Monday, May 20, 2013

Gay Marriage Could Stop Christians Becoming Teachers Or Doctors - Church Leaders

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Hundreds of thousands of Christian young people will be put off becoming teachers, doctors, nurses or other public servants once gay marriage becomes law, a coalition of church leaders claims.

They are calling on MPs to make urgent amendments to the Government’s same-sex marriage bill, which will be debated on Monday, to protect Christians and others with traditional views from being punished in the workplace for their beliefs.

Otherwise, it could have a “chilling effect” on young people’s career choices, deterring many from going into public service or charities in case they are branded homophobic for speaking about their beliefs, they fear.

The call comes in a letter to The Daily Telegraph signed by an informal grouping of Christian leaders ranging from the second most senior Roman Catholic cleric in England and Wales to Anglican vicars and independent evangelical pastors.

It follows an unprecedented letter from more than 500 imams accusing the Government of attacking “the cornerstone of family life”.

And it comes amid mounting anger from grassroots Conservatives, which threatens to split the party.

Young people, will be forced to “choose between their conscience and their career”, the church leaders write.

Unless it is amended, the bill will “cause pain for many, without tackling prejudice against the few”, they add. » | John Bingham, Religious Affairs Editor | Sunday, May 19, 2013

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: More than 500 imams in landmark gay marriage protest: More than 500 imams have joined forces to protest against David Cameron’s plans for gay marriage in an unprecedented intervention from the British Muslim community. » | John Bingham, Religious affairs Editor | Sunday, May 19, 2013

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Muslim leaders stand against gay marriage: British imams and Muslim leaders speak out against the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill » | Saturday, May 18, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

Church of Scotland Votes to Allow Gay Ministers

THE GUARDIAN: General assembly votes to allow congregations to admit gay ministers but only if they specifically elect to do so

The Church of Scotland, the country's largest Protestant church, has narrowly voted to admit gay and lesbian ministers after traditionalists agreed to compromise after four years of division.

The church's ruling general assembly voted to allow congregations to admit gay ministers but only if they specifically elect to do so, in a radical departure from more than 450 years of orthodoxy set in train by the protestant reformer John Knox.

The vote is likely to lead to an end to a four-year controversy which has split the church after an openly gay minister, Scott Rennie, was selected to lead Queen's Cross parish in Aberdeen in 2009.

The general assembly, equivalent to the Church of England's synod, rejected a motion which would have made gay ordination – solely for ministers in civil partnerships or who are celibate - the default position of the Church of Scotland, by 340 votes to 282.

The new deal – which now has to be written into a new church law and authorised by next year's general assembly - affirms the traditional teaching of the church as favouring heterosexual ministers, but will allow congregations to opt in to select gay ministers if they wish. » | Severin Carrell, Scotland correspondent | Monday, May 20, 2013

Die Welt hat Islam satt: "Annäherung der Zivilisationen gescheitert"

STIMME RUSSLANDS: Die Ablehnung des Islams sei gegenwärtig ein Phänomen der westlichen Welt, lautet das Urteil der jüngsten sozilogischen Studien. Die Bedrohung durch die Präsenz und die Ausbreitung des Islams fühlten am eigenen Körper alle, von den USA bis Asien.

„Der Islam wird als Eroberer und Sieger nach Europa zurückkehren, nachdem man ihn zweimal vom Kontinent vertrieben hat.“ Dies Erklärung gab nach dem Tod des römischen Papstes, Johannes Paul II., einer der Anführer radikaler Islamisten ab. Er versprach, den Christen „nur die eine Wahl, den Islam anzunehmen, oder die Dschiszya (eine Abgabe, mit der die Nichtmuslime besteuert werden, um berechtigt zu sein, in einem islamischen Land zu wohnen) zu zahlen.“ Es ist offenkundig, dass eine solche Prognose, die einst fantastisch zu sein schien, sich schon heute in eine grobe Realität verwandeln kann. Laut Prognosen mancher Analysten könnte Frankreich, wo die Zahl der muslimischen weißen Franzosen bereits 50.000 Personen übersteigt, in allernächster Zukunft zum ersten islamischen Land Westeuropas werden.

Dessen sind sich auch die Europäer selbst in vollem Maße bewusst, wovon die jüngste Studie spricht, die von der Bertelsmann-Stiftung vorgenommen wurde. Soziologen stellten fest, dass die Ablehnung des Islams gegenwärtig ein Phänomen der westlichen Welt ist. Die Bedrohung durch seine Präsenz und Ausbreitung fühlten am eigenen Körper mehr als die Hälfte Spanier und Israelis sowie 42 Prozent Amerikaner. In Europa wurde der höchste „Grad“ der Zurückweisung des Islams in Spanien und der Schweiz und der niedrigste (45 Prozent) in Großbritannien festgehalten. Was das Vereinigte Königsreich anbelangt, so ist eine solche Loyalität dem Islam gegenüber in vieler Hinsicht darauf zurückzuführen, dass die Studie im Grunde genommen nur die Hälfte der Bevölkerung betraf, denn die zweite Hälfte besteht aus Immigranten und anderen ethnischen Minderheiten. In den letzten zehn Jahren haben übrigens bereits 620.000 weiße Briten London verlassen.

Es besteht die Auffassung, dass der Islam in vieler Hinsicht dank den starken Traditionen und der Gottgläubigkeit sicheren Schrittes durch die Welt schreite, vor deren Hintergrund die Europäer, die unter einer Krise der Familienwerte und dem geistigen Hunger leiden, als weitaus schwächer aussähen. Eine nicht gerade unwichtige Rolle bei der nahezu gewaltsamen Eroberung der Welt spielten auch die finanziellen Ressourcen der islamischen Gemeinde, meint Juri Tabak, Schriftsteller, Religionsforscher, Experte des Moskauer Büros für Menschenrechte:
„Im Unterschied zu anderen Religionen, vom Christentum bis zum Judaismus, stellt der Islam gegenwärtig eine expansionistische Religion dar. Und gemäß seinen theologischen sowie praktischen Vorstellungen, ist der Islam bestrebt, seinen Einflussbereich zu erweitern, wobei dies auf verschiedenen Ebenen geschieht: Sowohl auf dem Weg der Umsiedlung von Migranten als auch auf den Ebenen solcher hinreichend aggressiven Strömungen des Islams, die bestrebt sind, den Koran, ihre geheiligten Quellen in dem Sinne zu lesen, dass sie die Welt buchstäblich gewaltsam erobern und ein weltweites Kalifat errichten müssen.“
» | Lubow Kurjanowa | Dienstag, 14. Mai 2013

Verwandt hier und hier

Deutschland: Warum der Islam bei uns keine Heimat findet

DIE WELT: Gehört der Islam zu Deutschland? Und welcher Islam ist gemeint? Eine Bertelsmann-Studie offenbart eine große Distanz vieler Deutscher zu Muslimen – und deren Distanz zu deutschen Wertehaltungen.

Gehört der Islam zu Deutschland? Eine schwierige Frage, findet Emel Zeynelabidin. "Wenn die Antwort nein lautet, was passiert dann mit den Muslimen, die hier sind, und ihren Kindern?", sagt sie. "Und noch wichtiger: Von welchem Islam sprechen wir hier?"

Für Zeynelabidin gibt es eine konservative Lesart des Islam, von der sie sich heute distanziert. Diese schreibt strikte Richtlinien vor, kein Alkohol, kein Schweinefleisch, kein Sex vor der Ehe, Fasten zu Ramadan. Wer sich daran hält, wird von Gott belohnt, wer die Regeln bricht, wird bestraft. "Ich bin Muslimin und fühle mich heute religiöser denn je!", sagt Zeynelabidin, "Aber mit diesem System habe ich heute nichts mehr am Hut.

Gott ist allgegenwärtig, da muss ich mich nicht mit Ritualen aufhalten." Für sie heißt Islam Freiheit, Liebe, nach dem vorbildlichen Verhalten Mohammeds, der aufrichtig handelte, der sich für die Rechte der Frauen einsetzte.

Die 52-Jährige ist die Tochter des Gründers der deutschen Sektion der türkischen Gemeinschaft Milli Görüs, die vom Verfassungsschutz überwacht wird. Lange Zeit war sie stramme Anhängerin des Islam, bekam sechs Kinder, war Vorsitzende eines Frauenvereins, gründete den ersten islamischen Kindergarten in Berlin, das war 1987. 18 Jahre später legte sie ihr Kopftuch ab. Dass die Hälfte der Deutschen sagt, der Islam passe nicht in ihr Land, überrascht sie nicht. » | Von Miriam Hollstein und Freia Peters | Mitarbeit: Achim Breitenbach | Sonntag, 28. Mai 2013

Ablehnung des Islam steigt weltweit: Annäherung der Religionen wohl gescheitert

SHORT NEWS: Russische Religionswissenschaftler sehen die Annäherung des Islam an die westliche Welt und an das Christentum als gescheitert an. Des Weiteren seien die meisten Länder wegen der aggressiven islamischen Expansionspolitik des Islams überdrüssig.

Die einzige Religion, welche sich noch immer weltweit verbreiten will, sei der Islam, so Juri Tabak, russischer Schriftsteller, Religionsforscher und Experte des Moskauer Büros für Menschenrechte. So sieht er Frankreich bedroht, das erste islamische Land in Westeuropa zu werden. » | Quelle: german.ruvr.ru | Samstag, 18. Mai 2013

Iraq Tribal Leaders Warn of War

Tribal chiefs in Iraq have issued a dire warning about the country's future after the latest wave of sectarian violence.

French Opt For E-cigarettes But Health Risk Remains

Almost half a million people in France have turned to the e-cigarette but studies show it may also be harmful to health.

Italians Lose Interest in Pizza-making Tradition

Despite a long recession and a high unemployment rate, many people in Italy do not want to get their hands dirty - with pizza dough.

Melanie Phillips - Islam in Europe (2011)

Radical Islamic Recruitment Inside US Prisons

Many prisoners become members of various communities to combat loneliness, and to ensure protection from the daily threats associated with life in jail. An unusually high number of convicts are being converted to Islam.

In particular, African Americans in the prison system are converting in large numbers. According to estimates, up to 20 percent of prisoners in the U.S. are Muslims. This figure is approximately 20 times higher than the national Muslim population average.

This excerpt from 'The Third Jihad' documents the high rate of inmate conversions to Islam and their indoctrination with an anti-American, violent ideology.

Have Shock Jocks Gone Too Far after Rush Limbaugh Called Sandra Fluke a Slut?

THE INDEPENDENT: Rush Limbaugh’s incendiary remark about a 30-year-old law graduate may be the beginning of the end for outspoken right-wing US broadcasters

When Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a slut, he probably thought it was just another incendiary remark: the latest in a four-decade career full of – and, arguably, built on – incendiary remarks.

In February 2012, Fluke, a 30-year-old graduate law student at Georgetown, appeared before Washington lawmakers to explain why her university ought to offer free contraception under its student health insurance plan. Limbaugh, 62, the cigar-chomping king of conservative talk-radio, described her on his show as a “slut” and a “prostitute”.

When his comments proved controversial, rather than back down, he doubled down, suggesting: “If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it … We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.”

But this particular incendiary remark, and the ensuing controversy, were different to the others. A year later, observers believe his “slut” moment may prove to have been the beginning of the end for Limbaugh. Not only has the big beast been wounded, but some say the right-wing shock-jock’s entire species may be facing extinction. Radio industry expert Jerry Del Colliano, the editor of Inside Music Media, says, “When Limbaugh attacked Sandra Fluke, everybody said, ‘he’s killing himself’ – but he was dying off years before that.” » | Tim Walker | Sunday, May 19, 2013

Tornadoes Wreak Destruction across Oklahoma and the American Midwest

Tornadoes have wreaked havoc across the American midwest, with at least one person killed in Oklahoma.

Read the article here | Monday, May 20, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

British Business: We Need to Stay in the EU or Risk Losing Up To £92bn a Year

THE INDEPENDENT: Richard Branson and Martin Sorrell among signatories to a letter to ‘The Independent’ that takes aim at Eurosceptics

Some of Britain’s most successful and eminent business leaders have accused Eurosceptic MPs of putting “politics before economics” and abandoning the national interest in their calls for Britain to leave the European Union.

In a letter to The Independent, the group issues a trenchant riposte to politicians who have argued that Britain’s economic interest would be better served outside the EU. They also call for David Cameron to “strengthen and deepen” the European single market to boost Britain’s economy by £110bn. The letter, which is signed by senior figures including the current and next presidents of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) as well as the chairmen of BT, Deloitte, Lloyds and Centrica, is the first co-ordinated response from the business community to increasing anti-European political rhetoric.

It reflects growing concern in the City that anti-European feeling is not being effectively countered by mainstream political leaders in the wake of last month’s local council elections.

Two cabinet ministers have already publicly stated that they would vote to leave the EU if a referendum were held today, while privately some senior Tories believe Mr Cameron will never be able to negotiate a new deal for Britain’s membership that Eurosceptics could willingly sign up to.

But in their letter the businessmen write that on a purely economic basis, exiting the EU would be deeply damaging to Britain. “The economic case to stay in the EU is overwhelming,” they say. “To Britain, membership is estimated to be worth between £31bn and £92bn per year in income gains, or between £1,200 to £3,500 for every household. » | Oliver Wright | Sunday, May 19, 2013

Iranian Authorities Hang Two 'Spies' Convicted of Working for U.S. and Israel

MAIL ONLINE: Mohammad Heidari and Kourosh Ahmadi were hanged at dawn in Tehran / It is not known when they were arrested or where a trial took place / Iran had the second-highest rate of executions last year, killing 314 people

Iranian authorities have executed two men convicted of spying for Israel's Mossad and the American CIA spy agency, according to the country's state radio.

Mohammad Heidari, accused of passing security-related information and secrets to Mossad agents in exchange for money, and Kourosh Ahmadi, accused of gathering information for the CIA, were hanged at dawn, it said.

The sentence for their execution was handed down by Tehran's Revolutionary Court and confirmed by the country's Supreme Court.

The report did not say when the pair were arrested nor when their trial took place.

Iran has in the past said it had successfully detected and dismantled spy networks operating inside the country. » | Helen Lawson | Sunday, May 19, 2013

'Neo-Ottomanism Driven Turkey Does NATO's Job, Adds Fuel to Syrian Fire'

Turkish police have fired gas at protesters in a town near the Syrian border - which was the scene of a deadly double car bombing a week ago. The unrest follows similar clashes in Istanbul and Ankara. Demonstrators are angry over Turkey's support for the Syrian rebels, which they say is putting Turks in the firing line. Journalist Manuel Ochsenreiter, who's covered the Syrian crisis extensively, says Ankara's aggravating the conflict.

Next Coronation to Involve Other Faiths Besides Christianity

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The coronation of the next monarch will include a role for people of other faiths besides Christianity, in a break with a thousand years of history, The Sunday Telegraph has learnt.

Church of England leaders have accepted the need to be “hospitable” to other faiths within any future service at Westminster Abbey, in order to reflect the spiritual diversity of modern Britain.

The Church has resisted calls for a multi-faith service in recent years, preferring to stress that the Christian nature of the coronation is preserved by law.

Senior church figures told this newspaper [t] that it was now accepted that other faiths should be recognised within the coronation service for the first time.

It will not, however, be a “multi-faith” service in the sense of a ceremony that treats all faiths as equal.

Representatives of other religions are likely to be asked to participate in a neutral symbolic act such as the lighting of candles, or to read from a text expressing shared values, rather than praying out loud or reading their own sacred texts.

The Church considers the coronation to be a royal ordination, setting apart the monarch for a sacred purpose under God, and will resist any compromise of that. » | Cole Moreton | Saturday, May 18, 2013

Glenn Beck – Why Obama Hid the Truth of Benghazi?

Glenn Beck: God Must Destroy Us Because We Are Becoming An Affront To Him In Every Way

Glenn Beck breaks down and tearfully begs God to forgive this nation.

Ex-Islamophobe to Produce Film on Islam, the Prophet

From Darkness to Light

RADIANCE VIEWS WEEKLY – EXTRACT: …[Arnoud van] Doorn repented for his involvement in the blasphemous film. “It was unfortunate that I did not make any efforts to know what really Islam is and who the Prophet is before blindly believing in the misinformation campaign being unleashed by the anti-Islamic forces. When I came to realise that it was not Islam, I decided to study about the religion and that led to my conversion,” he said. “Now, I am really enjoying the beauty of Islam and am extremely delighted in Allah’s great blessing to guide me onto His path. It is an explicable experience for me,” he said adding that his former colleagues in the Freedom Party are angry at his acceptance of Islam, which is still a bête noire for them. “The party stands against Islam and its spreading in Europe. Some of them now consider me as a traitor.”

The 46-year-old has continued on The Hague Council as an independent candidate since splitting from Wilders’s party. Doorn, who now serves as a regional adviser at the City Hall in The Hague, filed a formal application to the mayor of the city to allow him to perform prayers obligatory for Muslims during his working hours.

Doorn has a message to those who oppose his reversion to Islam. “Let me tell them that this is my personal decision and I see a new life in Islam that I don’t want any way to give it up. I happened to see on social networking sites several comments, expressing feelings of antagonism and hatred toward me,” he said adding that all these sprang out of ignorance, contempt and animosity against Islam and the Muslims. He also thanked all those who supported him and commended him for beginning a new life as a Muslim. Referring to his visit to the holy land, Doorn said: “Had anybody mentioned me about visiting the land of the two holy mosques earlier, I would have called him a lunatic.

“But what happened now is realisation of a dream and it is still unbelievable for me that I am now in the holy city that hosted the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be to him).” He continued saying: “I couldn’t control my feelings when I stood in front of the grave of the Prophet as well as in Rawdah Sharif, near the pulpit used by the Prophet. When I prayed at Rawdah Sharaif, my eyes were full of tears as I had the feeling that I am in a part of the Paradise.” … Read on and comment » | Majed Al-Sugairi | Undated
Gene Simmons Calls Muslims 'Vile'

YNET NEWS: After sparking outrage with anti-Islam comments on Melbourne radio station, Israeli-born musician explains he was specifically referring to 'extremists'

Legendary rock legend Gene Simmons sparked outrage in Australia earlier this month when he made anti-Muslim comments on a Melbourne radio station.

"This is a vile culture and if you think for a second that it's willing to just live in the sands of God's armpit, you've got another thing coming," the Israeli-born musician said on Melbourne’s 3AW radio.

"They want to come and live right where you live and they think that you're evil. Extremism believes that it’s okay to strap bombs onto your children and send them to paradise and whatever else and to behead people,” he continued.

The Kiss bassist, who was in Australia on tour, continued on his anti-Muslim rant for over a minute stating that dogs were treated better than Muslim women, and insinuating that the West was under threat.

"Your dog, however, can walk side by side, your dog is allowed to have its own dog house... You can send your dog to school to learn tricks, sit, beg, do all that stuff - none of the women have that advantage," Simmons stated.

Simmons said that the United Nations approach was not effective, suggesting that the West had to “speak softly and carry a big stick.” » | Ashley Baylen | Saturday, May 18, 2013
Greece’s Muslims Cite “Slaughter” Threat

GREEK REPORTER: The Muslim Association of Greece (MAG) said that it has received a threatening note giving all Muslims, Greeks and foreigners, one month’s time to evacuate the country or be “slaughtered like chickens,” according to a statement released by the association on May 18.

The note, published on the association’s webpage, is written in Greek, English and Arabic and the Golden Dawn emblem is printed on the paper, although there is no claim of responsibility from the neo-Nazi group that has 18 seats in Parliament, wants all immigrants out of Greece and has been accused of assaults on them, which the party has denied.

The note is printed over a symbol of Golden Dawn which has an openly anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-gay, anti-Semitic, anti-foreigner, ultra-religious jingoistic platform and says it wants a Greece populated only by Greeks with 100 percent Greek blood from both parents. » | Andy Dabilis | Saturday, May 18, 2013
Below is the content of the note, expurgated.

Muslim Murderers

Until June 30 you shut your bordela in Greece and you will go to hell.

From July 1 onwards those who are still here will [be] slaughtered like chickens on the road.

Islam F*** you, f*** you and the Koran f***ing your mothers.

There will be blood.

The Land without Muslims

THE JEWISH PRESS: The Japanese do not feel the need to apologize to Muslims for the negative way in which they relate to Islam.

There are countries in the world, mainly in Europe, that are presently undergoing significant cultural transformations as a result of Muslim immigration. France, Germany, Belgium and Holland are interesting examples of cases where immigration from Muslim countries, together with the Muslims’ high fertility rate, effects [sic] every area of life.

It is interesting to know that there is a country in the world whose official and public approach to the Muslim matter is totally different. This country is Japan. This country keeps a very low profile on all levels regarding the Muslim matter: On the diplomatic level, senior political figures from Islamic countries almost never visit Japan, and Japanese leaders rarely visit Muslim countries. The relations with Muslim countries are based on concerns such as oil and gas, which Japan imports from some Muslim countries. The official policy of Japan is not to give citizenship to Muslims who come to Japan, and even permits for permanent residency are given sparingly to Muslims.

Japan forbids exhorting people to adopt the religion of Islam (Dawah), and any Muslim who actively encourages conversion to Islam is seen as proselytizing to a foreign and undesirable culture. Few academic institutions teach the Arabic language. It is very difficult to import books of the Qur’an to Japan, and Muslims who come to Japan, are usually employees of foreign companies. In Japan there are very few mosques. The official policy of the Japanese authorities is to make every effort not to allow entry to Muslims, even if they are physicians, engineers and managers sent by foreign companies that are active in the region. Japanese society expects Muslim men to pray at home.

Japanese companies seeking foreign workers specifically note that they are not interested in Muslim workers. And any Muslim who does manage to enter Japan will find it very difficult to rent an apartment. Anywhere a Muslim lives, the neighbors become uneasy. Japan forbids the establishment of Islamic organizations, so setting up Islamic institutions such as mosques and schools is almost impossible. In Tokyo there is only one imam.

In contrast with what is happening in Europe, very few Japanese are drawn to Islam. If a Japanese woman marries a Muslim, she will be considered an outcast by her social and familial environment. There is no application of Shari’a law in Japan. There is some food in Japan that is halal, kosher according to Islamic law, but it is not easy to find it in the supermarket. » | Dr. Mordechai Kedar | Sunday, May 19, 2013

Türkei und EU: Westerwelle wirbt deutlich wie nie für türkischen EU-Beitritt

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Bundes-außenminister Guido Westerwelle (FDP) hat sich so deutlich wie nie zuvor für einen Beitritt der Türkei zur Europäischen Union ausgesprochen. In einem gemeinsam mit dem türkischen Außenminister Davutoglu verfassten Artikel in der F.A.S. werden „weitreichende Reformerfolge“ in Ankara hervorgehoben.

Bundesaußenminister Guido Westerwelle (FDP) hat sich so deutlich wie nie zuvor für einen Beitritt der Türkei zur Europäischen Union ausgesprochen. In einem gemeinsam mit dem türkischen Außenminister Ahmet Davutoglu verfassten Artikel, den die „Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung“ veröffentlicht, heißt es, beide Länder wollten „dem türkischen Beitrittsprozess neuen Schwung geben“. Die Türkei habe weitreichende Reformen vorangetrieben, die den gemeinsamen Grundwerten „Demokratie, Menschenrechte und Rechtsstaatlichkeit“ verpflichtet seien. Dabei habe es „große Fortschritte“ gegeben. „Reformerfolge in Ankara sollten sich auch positiv im Verhandlungsprozess über den EU-Beitritt der Türkei niederschlagen“, so Westerwelle und Davutoglu. » | Quelle: F.A.S. | Samstag, 11. Mai 2013

Russisch-amerikanische Initiative: Assad gibt Friedensgesprächen keine Chance

19.05.2013 - Erstmals seit Wochen hat Syriens Diktator Baschar al-Assad eines seiner seltenen Interviews gegeben. Er stellte sich den Fragen argentinischer Journalisten. Dabei wies er den Vorwurf energisch zurück, Chemiewaffen eingesetzt zu haben. Von der jüngsten Friedensinitiative hält er gar nichts.

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Bashar al-Assad Issues Defiant Message: 'I'm Here to Stay'

Bashar al-Assad speaks to Argentinian newspaper Clarin about the on[-]going civil war in Syria. The president says the country's crisis has become so deadly because of international interference. Assad claims Barack Obama's reluctance to intervene further is not down to principles but less finance and a lack of opportunity for America to benefit from Syrian peace. When asked if he would stand down in pursuit of peace, he replies he must 'face his duty' and remain in his elected position

Read the Observer article here | Martin Chulov, Beirut | Saturday, May 18, 2013

This Is a New, Farcical Low and David Cameron Is Losing Control

THE OBSERVER: The Tory backbenchers' desire to quit Europe would leave Britain dangerously isolated

Unfortunately, last week's events in the House of Commons have brought the debate on Europe within the Conservative party to a new, almost farcical, low. Having previously opposed the introduction of legislation in this parliament to hold a referendum in the next one, the prime minister suddenly allowed a free vote among backbenchers, with the government abstaining, on the extraordinary basis that the party had no policy on the issue.

Then, once more than 100 backbenchers had voted for such a referendum, he insisted that all Tory MPs, whatever their view, should from now on support the proposal, on a three-line whip, whereas only the day before they could take any position they chose. This saga looks more like the politics of the French Fourth Republic than the serious practice of government and it is especially disappointing and damaging on such an important issue – the place of Britain in Europe and the world.

Sadly, by making it clear in January that he opposes the current terms of UK membership of the EU, the prime minister has opened a Pandora's box politically and seems to be losing control of his party in the process. The ratchet-effect of Euroscepticism has now gone so far that the Conservative leadership is in effect running scared of its own backbenchers, let alone Ukip, having allowed deep anti-Europeanism to infect the very soul of the party. The risk now is that, if it loses the next general election – a far from negligible possibility – the Conservative party will move to a position of simply opposing Britain's continued membership, with or without a referendum.

Archimedes said: "Give me a place on which to stand and lever long enough, and I will move the world." British foreign policy should be about maximising and exploiting the levers we possess – whether through Europe, the transatlantic relationship or the Commonwealth – not breaking them or throwing them away.

In this context, I have yet to meet any significant western political figure from beyond our shores who can understand why Britain would even contemplate leaving the European Union, which is now a key point of leverage for this country in the modern world.

In Washington, Tokyo, Beijing, New Delhi or Moscow, let alone in all other EU national capitals, it seems obvious that the UK needs the union as the platform and vehicle by which to influence events and policy in many spheres. Nowadays, with the possible exception of Germany, a country such as Britain, boasting about 1% of the world's population and 3% of the world's GDP, is unlikely to be able to hold anything like the position of power to which we continue to aspire, unless this is firmly anchored in a strong alliances and, ideally, a credible regional framework. With the decline of Nato, the only such framework available, unless we seek to join the United States, is basically the European Union. » | Geoffrey Howe | Saturday, May 18, 2013

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Tory Party Out of Control over Europe, Says Lord Howe

THE OBSERVER: Former chancellor launches scathing attack on David Cameron and says Euroscepticism is 'infecting party soul'

Lord Howe, the former Conservative chancellor who triggered the downfall of Margaret Thatcher, has launched a scathing attack on the prime minister, accusing him of running scared of his backbenchers and endangering Britain's future in Europe.

The Tory grandee says David Cameron has opened a Pandora's box by opposing the current terms of the UK's membership of the European Union and now appears to be losing control of his party. The prime minister's actions, Howe writes in the Observer, have turned an internal Tory problem into a national one.

In a highly significant intervention over Britain's future, Howe laments the "new, almost farcical" level of debate over Europe in the Tory party, and says that Labour and the Liberal Democrats may need to bear the burden of retrieving the situation. Howe, Thatcher's longest-serving cabinet minister, whose resignation speech in 1990 is widely considered to have precipitated the then prime minister's downfall, writes: "Sadly, by making it clear in January that he opposes the current terms of UK membership of the EU, the prime minister has opened a Pandora's box politically and seems to be losing control of his party in the process.

"The ratchet-effect of Euroscepticism has now gone so far that the Conservative leadership is in effect running scared of its own backbenchers, let alone Ukip, having allowed deep anti-Europeanism to infect the very soul of the party."

Howe, who was also a former foreign secretary and deputy prime minister under the late Baroness Thatcher, adds that the events of recent days, in which the prime minister has been forced to offer more and more to satisfy his Eurosceptic MPs, were "more like the politics of the French Fourth Republic than the serious practice of government". » | Daniel Boffey, policy editor | Saturday, May 18, 2013

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Griechenland: Eklat um "Heil Hitler"-Ruf im Parlament

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Wüste Szenen im griechischen Parlament: Nach einem heftigen Streit erschallte der Ruf "Heil Hitler", als rechtsextremistische Abgeordnete den Saal verließen. Nun will es keiner gewesen sein.

Athen - Beide Seiten schenkten sich nichts an diesem Freitag imgriechischen Parlament. Abgeordnete der rechtsextremistischen Partei "Goldene Morgenröte" und Vertreter der radikalen Linken (Syriza) beschimpften sich gegenseitig, als ein neues Gesetz zur Bekämpfung des Rassismus zur Debatte stand. » | ler/dpa/AFP | Freitag, 17. Mai 2013
High-pitched Squeaky Voice Syndrome

Has anyone else noticed that young ‘ladies’ these days so often have high-pitched squeaky voices? This used not to be the case. It is a phenomenon that has made its appearance in the last decade or so. It seems that today’s young ‘ladies’ do not aspire to be ladies at all; rather, they aspire to be overgrown children. Talking to young women of a certain age is like to talking to a schoolgirl waiting to develop. It is most annoying. – © Mark

The Bible's Buried Secrets

The Bipartisan Folly of Our Islam Delusion

FOX NEWS: In our deeply partisan politics of today there is one area where it is hard to find the truth spoken by either Republicans or Democrats. It is the idea that Muslim people yearn for democracy. This is a glaring shortsightedness that both sides hold in common.

To be clear, many of my Muslim friends long for Western-style democracy and freedom. But they are always thwarted (and always will be) by the majority view that prevails in their countries. That is why even those friends of mine would admit that democracy is incompatible with Islamic ideology.

Knowledgeable people will agree that our modern form of democracy is a delicate rose that bloomed in the soil of the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation turned the people of the Dark Ages back to the Bible, with its deeply rooted respect for the individual.

The Bible unequivocally declares that God values “the individual.” God not only created a man and a woman to be compatible in every way, but God gave man the management responsibility for His creation—thus God placed “the individual” at the helm of importance. (+ video) » | Michael Youssef | Friday, May 17, 2013

France Least Tolerant Country in Western Europe of Homosexuals

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: World Values Survey: France is the least tolerant country in Western Europe, survey finds, despite the signing into law of a gay marriage bill.

The information which has been monitoring the political and moral attitudes of various countries for more than two decades, shows that countries with more economic freedom have higher degrees of tolerance.

France was the least tolerant country in Western Europe, with 28.8 per cent of the population responding that they would not want a homosexual neighbour. This contrasts with 3.6 per cent of Swedish people, 7.4 per cent of Spaniards and 11.1 per cent of Swiss. 16.8 per cent of British people would not want a homosexual neighbour.

There is a clear divide across the iron curtain, with homophobia much more common in Russia and Ukraine, while Serbia and Moldova were even less tolerant than majority Muslim Indonesia. Georgia, was the third most homophobic country surveyed, with 92.6 per cent of the population unhappy with the idea of a homosexual neighbour.

Muslim countries were among the most homophobic, with 19 out of 20 Jordanians unwilling to live near to homosexuals. Iran was close behind, with 93.2 per cent of the population intolerant. Despite their Catholic heritage, liberal attitudes predominate in Latin America, with Uruguay, Argentina and Guatemala more tolerant than some Western countries. Colombia was an outlier, with 45.9 per cent of the population unwilling to have a homosexual neighbour. » | William Clarke | Friday, May 17, 2013

Opinion: Nigel Farage's Scottish Hounding Was an Antidote to Fawning Media Treatment

THE GUARDIAN: Had the media focused more on Ukip's policies, Farage might not have believed his hype and made such a blunder in Scotland

Thursday's confrontation between Nigel Farage and Scottish protesters has led people to question just why Ukip is so unpopular in Scotland. However, it is the wrong question to ask. Instead we should be asking just what has happened to English culture that a party with a loathsome agenda of homophobia, barely masked racism and a litany of other far-right notions has made such headway in the 21st century. One answer is the media's obsessive treatment of personalities and not politics. The other is the extraordinary gulf that's developing between Scotland and England about the twin referendum campaigns and the political cultures they reflect. » | Mike Small | Friday, May 17, 2013

French Same-sex Marriage Law Signed by François Hollande

THE GUARDIAN: After intense protests, law allowing same-sex couples to marry and adopt children is approved, but key issues still unresolved

The French president, François Hollande, has signed a law authorising same-sex couples to marry and adopt children, after months of street protests, political slanging matches and a rise in homophobic attacks.

The move makes France the ninth country in Europe and the 14th globally to legalise same-sex marriage.

France's official journal announced on Saturday that the bill had become law after the Constitutional Council rejected a challenge by the right[-]wing opposition on Friday.

The first same-sex marriage is due to be held in Montpellier in the south of France on 29 May, Reuters reported.

Hollande and his ruling Socialist party have made the legislation their flagship social change, but the right to marriage and adoption for everyone regardless of sexual orientation has triggered the biggest conservative and right[-]wing street protests in 30 years, with more than 200 arrests. Opponents have called for another protest on 26 May. » | Staff and agencies | Saturday, May 18, 2013

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Friday, May 17, 2013

Israël : le "Bedgate", ce scandale qui embarrasse Netanyahou

LE POINT: Pour assister aux obsèques de Margaret Thatcher, Netanyahou et sa femme ont affrété un avion avec un lit ! Coût : 127 000 dollars aux frais du contribuable.

C'est devenu le "Bedgate". Soit les 127 000 dollars dépensés par la présidence du Conseil israélien pour mettre en place une chambre avec lit double destinée à Sarah et Benyamin Netanyahou dans l'avion qui les emmenait à Londres assister aux obsèques de Margaret Thatcher.

L'affaire remonte à quelques semaines. Lorsqu'il apprend le décès de la Dame de fer, qu'il admirait tant, Netanyahou donne l'ordre de publier un appel d'offres auprès des trois compagnies aériennes israéliennes pour la location d'un avion avec chambre. C'est finalement EL AL qui l'emporte. Le Premier ministre s'envole alors avec son épouse pour la capitale britannique, où le couple séjournera un peu moins de 48 heures.

Ce que le public israélien ne sait pas encore - jusqu'au scoop de la chaîne 10 -, c'est que ce voyage aura coûté la bagatelle de 127 000 dollars, le montant exigé par EL AL pour la location de l'un de ses appareils. En effet, le chef du gouvernement a exigé l'installation à bord de l'appareil, en plus de 22 sièges de classe business, d'une vraie pièce de repos, avec quatre murs, une porte et un lit double. Le tout afin que le couple puisse dormir durant les cinq heures de vol. Or, seuls les avions de EL AL sont suffisamment larges pour pouvoir satisfaire à cette demande. » | De correspondante du Point à Jérusalem, Danièle Kriegel | vendredi 17 mai 2013

Les sages valident le mariage pour tous

LE POINT: Le Conseil constitutionnel valide également le droit d'adopter pour les couples de même sexe, mais souligne que le texte ne leur reconnaît pas un "droit à l'enfant".

Le Conseil constitutionnel a validé totalement vendredi la loi ouvrant le mariage et l'adoption à deux personnes de même sexe, a annoncé la haute juridiction dans un communiqué. Mais le Conseil, tout en validant le droit d'adopter pour les couples de même sexe, a tenu à souligner que le texte ne leur reconnaissait pas un "droit à l'enfant", le principe à respecter pour tout agrément d'adoption devant être "l'intérêt de l'enfant". François Hollande devrait promulguer cette loi dès samedi.

La haute juridiction a jugé que le mariage homosexuel était "un choix du législateur" et "n'était contraire à aucun principe constitutionnel". Même si "la législation républicaine antérieure à 1946 et les lois postérieures ont" jusqu'à présent "regardé le mariage comme l'union d'un homme et d'une femme, cette règle n'intéresse ni les droits et libertés fondamentaux, ni la souveraineté nationale, ni l'organisation des pouvoirs publics" et "ne peut donc constituer un principe fondamental", a ajouté le Conseil dans sa décision. » | Source AFP | vendredi 17 mai 2013