Showing posts with label Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam. Show all posts
Wednesday, November 01, 2017
Robert Spencer on Ingraham Angle on the NYC Truck Jihad Massacre
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Why Farhan Left Islam?
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
DEUTSCHE WELLE: For the first time in Germany, a Muslim community has been granted 'corporation under public law' status. Abdullah Uwe Wagishauser, its chairman, tells DW that this includes rights as well as responsibilities.
The Culture Ministry in the state of Hesse has granted Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat (AMJ) in Frankfurt, a Muslim religious community, the status of 'corporation under public law' - a first in Germany.
Legally, the new status puts it on par with the major Christian churches and the Jewish community in Germany. Public corporation status gives the communities certain rights, including the right to pass laws for their organization and raise taxes from members.
Abdullah Uwe Wagishauser has served as AMJ chairman since 1984. Active in Germany since the 1950s, the AMJ, with its 39 mosques and more than 35,000 members in about 225 communities, is regarded as a moderate Muslim reformist movement. » | DW.DE | Interview: Klaus Krämer / db | Editor: Michael Lawton | Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
THE TRENTONIAN: America is desperate to find un-Muslim-like allies among the world’s Muslims. That is, Muslims who believe as Americans do that no particular religion should have the upper hand in politics and government.
Alas, the Pew Research Foundation polls keep revealing that this search is a chimerical quest. The Pew polling regularly reports overwhelming support in the “Muslim world” for the rule of Sharia, Islamic law, and for Islam-dominated policy and government.
Which inevitably means that Muslim nations are going to be suspicious of, if not hostile to, U.S. notions of what constitutes Islamic extremism.
This perhaps is why President Obama avoids using the modifier “Islamic” when referring to extremism, even extremism obviously based on interpretations of Islam. He perhaps believes such references would be counterproductive. (Perhaps he’s right, perhaps not.)
Middle East scholar Daniel Pipes has a mantra that goes: “Extreme Islam is the problem, moderate Islam is the solution.” Problem is, our notion of “moderate” may bear little resemblance to the notions prevalent in Muslim countries.
What if Muslims endorsed a particular religious perspective for Christians in American — Gnosticism, say? Not only would there likely not be a rush to embrace is, there would likely be a stampede to condemn it — and demands that Muslims mind their own damn business. » | Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Members of the Ahmadiyya Community have seen a significant upsurge in threats and intimidation over the past four months, sparked by an extremist attack on two of their largest mosques in Pakistan earlier this year.
Hardline Islamists in Britain have been distributing leaflets calling for the murder of AhmadiMuslims in Kingston-upon-Thames whilst mosques have been vandalised in Newham and Crawley. Preachers in south London have also been orchestrating a boycott of Ahmadi businesses and Ofcom has had to reprimand an Islamic satellite channel for repeatedly calling the sect "Wajib-ul Qatal" - an Arabic phrase used to describe those who digress from mainstream Islam that translates as "liable for death". >>> Jerome Taylor, Religious Affairs Correspondent | Thursday, October 21, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
THE TELEGRAPH: Gunmen armed with grenades stormed two mosques belonging to a minority Islamic sect in the Pakistani city of Lahore, seizing hostages and opening fire on police.
At least 20 people died in the attacks against the persecuted Ahmadi sect during Friday prayers, according to government officials, who said the death toll was expected to rise.
Men armed with AK-47s appeared in the minaret of one of the mosques shooting at onlookers.
"Some gunmen have managed to enter the worship place. We have surrounded it. I have no idea of casualties," said Illyas Saleem, a senior police officer in Model Town, outside one of the mosques, shortly before it was cleared of attackers.
One man was arrested and a dozen ambulances took dead and injured to hospitals.
Witnesses said they saw four gunmen attack with two grenades. A bomb on a motorbike was also detonated outside the building. >>> Rob Crilly, in Islamabad and Farzana Fiaz, in Lahore | Friday, May 28, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
LE FIGARO: À une cinquantaine de kilomètres au nord de Toronto, des musulmans ahmadis bâtissent leur ville depuis dix ans, à l'écart des banlieues traditionnelles.
L'appel à la prière tombe sur Peace Village, terre d'islam en plein Canada. Les 3 000 habitants y sont tous musulmans. Des Pakistanais pour la plupart, mais aussi des Bengalis ou des Nigériens. Comme tous les vendredis, à 13h30 tapantes, la foi transporte ce petit peuple voilé ou moustachu de l'avenue Abdus Salam vers une immense mosquée blanche. Les dômes d'acier de Bait'ul Al Islam dominent l'horizon. Des croyantes, vêtues du niqab noir ou de voiles aux couleurs chatoyantes, se pressent vers la mosquée. Journaux en ourdou sous le bras, les hommes vêtus du salwar kameez, longue chemise traditionnelle pakistanaise, entrent par une porte séparée. La mosquée fait salle comble. Un millier de fidèles se tourne vers La Mecque.
Tous sont des ahmadis, pratiquant une version eschatologique de l'islam. Le secrétaire de l'association ahmadie du Canada, Ahmed Dildar, est un ancien colonel de l'armée pakistanaise. Le vieillard à la peau parcheminée s'enflamme : «Nous ne pouvions pas pratiquer notre religion au Pakistan. Certains d'entre nous ont été tués par les autorités. Ici, nous sommes libres.» À deux pas de la station de télévision musulmane locale et de la mosquée, une gigantesque inscription : «Ahmadiya, le vrai islam.» Face à la salle de prière, un libraire vend Le Djihad des Britanniques ou La Place de la femme dans l'islam, en version arabe, ourdoue et anglaise.
Cette vague coranique au pays des caribous a commencé il y a vingt-cinq ans par la croisade d'un immigré pakistanais, Naseer Ahmad, devenu à 56 ans un homme d'affaires prospère. «En 1985, il n'y avait que de la friche à des kilomètres à la ronde. Notre communauté a acheté de grands terrains et fait transformer cela en zone constructible. Sept ans plus tard, nous avons construit - pour 4,5 millions de dollars cash - ce qui était alors la plus grosse mosquée d'Amérique. C'est cher, mais c'est le rêve de toute une communauté.» Le fondateur de Peace Village vante aussi sa cité islamique de 330 pavillons, construite entre 1998 et 2008 et dont toutes les rues mènent à la mosquée. Des cloisons pour séparer hommes et femmes >>> Par Ludovic Hirtzmann | Jeudi 18 Mars 2010
Al Islam: The Official Website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community >>>
Saturday, January 24, 2009
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – USA)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardcover – USA)
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