Saturday, January 18, 2014

Valérie Trierweiler quitte l'hôpital pour la Lanterne

Valérie Trierweiler

LE POINT: La première dame a quitté l'hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière ce samedi vers 15 heures pour se rendre à la Lanterne, la résidence de la République à Versailles.

Valérie Trierweiler n'est plus à l'hôpital. La première dame a quitté sa chambre ce samedi dans l'après-midi à 15 heures pour se rendre à la Lanterne, la résidence de la République située dans les Yvelines à Versailles. Valérie Trierweiler a été admise il y a plus d'une semaine à la Pitié-Salpêtrière à Paris après la révélation de la liaison présumée de François Hollande avec l'actrice Julie Gayet par le magazine Closer.

Selon Le Canard enchaîné, la première dame avait été victime d'une "crise de nerfs". Information démentie par son entourage pendant que son cabinet indiquait qu'elle devait "prendre du repos". Puis, sa date de sortie de l'hôpital avait été reportée à plusieurs reprises. Un conseiller de l'Élysée assurait encore jeudi : "Rien n'est fixé, ce sont toujours les médecins qui sont maîtres de la décision." » | Source SIPA Media | samedi 18 janvier 2014

Der Euro muss weg, damit die EU gerettet wird

DIE WELT: Die gemeinsame Währung ist ein mutiges Experiment - das gescheitert ist. Eine geordnete Euro-Auflösung wäre schmerzhaft, doch weniger traumatisch als die Massenarbeitslosigkeit in vielen EU-Ländern.

Ich gehöre zu einer seltenen und gefährdeten Spezies: Ich bin ein europäischer Föderalist, der daran glaubt, dass die EU auf lange Sicht so tief integriert sein sollte wie Brasilien, Indien oder die USA. Trotzdem möchte ich Sie dazu einladen, über eine Auflösung des Euro nachzudenken. Denn ich bin zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass die beschlossenen Maßnahmen zur Rettung des Euro am Ende zur Zerstörung der EU führen werden.

Der Euro ist ein mutiges Experiment, das gescheitert ist. Die gemeinsame Währung sollte für Einheit, Stabilität und Wachstum in einer immer engeren Union sorgen. Stattdessen ist die EU tief gespalten – wirtschaftlich, sozial und politisch.

Das europäische Projekt hat aufgehört, eine breit angelegte, kollektive Unternehmung zu sein, es ist nur noch auf eine einzige Dimension reduziert: den Euro zu retten. Die Wähler sind sauer – entweder als Folge der endlosen Austeritätsprogramme und beängstigend hohen Arbeitslosigkeit oder weil die Bürger in den Geberländern fürchten, dass ihnen auf undurchsichtige Weise die Verbindlichkeiten der Schuldenstaaten übertragen werden. » | Von François Heisbourg | Donnerstag, 16. Januar 2014

UK Storms Are Divine Retribution for Gay Marriage Laws, Says Ukip Councillor

THE GUARDIAN: Former Tory David Silvester says 'natural disasters' are result of David Cameron acting 'arrogantly against the Gospel'

A UK Independence party (Ukip) councillor has claimed that Britain's recent storms and floods are "divine retribution for the government's decision to legalise gay marriage.

David Silvester, who defected from the Tories in protest at David Cameron's support for same-sex unions, claimed he had warned the prime minister that the legislation would result in "disasters".

The Henley-on-Thames councillor said that the country had been "beset by storms" since the passage of the new law on gay marriage because Cameron had acted "arrogantly against the Gospel".

In a letter to the Henley Standard he wrote: "The scriptures make it abundantly clear that a Christian nation that abandons its faith and acts contrary to the Gospel (and in naked breach of a coronation oath) will be beset by natural disasters such as storms, disease, pestilence and war.

"I wrote to David Cameron in April 2012 to warn him that disasters would accompany the passage of his same-sex marriage bill.

"But he went ahead despite a 600,000-signature petition by concerned Christians and more than half of his own parliamentary party saying that he should not do so."

Blaming the prime minister for the bad weather, he added: "It is his fault that large swaths of the nation have been afflicted by storms and floods. » | Press Association | Saturday, January 18, 2014

Nigeria: Les gardiens de la charia promettent de punir l'homosexualité

Goodluck Jonathan
TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Le président du Nigeria a approuvé lundi une loi punissant l'homosexualité. Les gardiens de la charia de la ville de Kano ont promis de «travailler sans relâche» à son application.

Pour les gardiens de la loi islamique à Kano, la plus grande ville du nord du Nigeria, la nouvelle loi approuvée lundi par le président Goodluck Jonathan, qui punit l'homosexualité, est «une évolution bienvenue». Ils promettent de «travailler sans relâche» à son application.

«Dorénavant, nous irons dans chaque recoin de l'Etat de Kano pour contrôler que l'interdiction de la prostitution, des mariages de même sexe et la consommation d'alcool (...) est pleinement appliquée», a affirmé le chef adjoint de la Hisbah (police islamique des mœurs) de l'Etat de Kano, Usman Nabahani.

Comme bon nombre de pays africains - 38 sur 54 en juin 2013, selon Amnesty International -, le Nigeria bénéficiait déjà d'une législation réprimant l'homosexualité.

Mais la nouvelle loi promulguée lundi, qui prévoit une peine de 14 ans de prison en cas de mariage homosexuel et 10 ans d'emprisonnement pour les personnes de même sexe affichant publiquement leur relation, risque d'encourager une répression encore plus sévère envers les homosexuels, notamment dans le Nord musulman. » | ats/Newsnet | samedi 18 janvier 2014

Egyptians 'Will Kill Americans in the Streets', Prominent Editor Threatens

General Abdel Fatah al-Sisi
THE GUARDIAN: Mostafa Bakry speculates that US government plans to assassinate Egypt's army chief, General Abdel Fatah al-Sisi

A prominent Egyptian editor has threatened that Americans could be slaughtered in the streets in an extreme example of the growing xenophobic rhetoric by media outlets who back the country's army chief, General Abdel Fatah al-Sisi.

Speaking on a major TV talkshow, Mostafa Bakry speculated that the US government planned to assassinate Sisi, who ousted Egypt's first democratically elected leader, Mohamed Morsi, last July after mass protests against his one-year rule.

Bakry's comments come as the US is reportedly poised to unfreeze millions of dollars in aid to Egypt after the successful completion of a referendum on a new constitution, and follow praise of Egypt's post-Morsi transition by US the secretary of state, John Kerry. » | Patrick Kingsley in Cairo | Saturday, January 18, 2014

Vatican Defrocked 400 Priests for Molesting Children

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Nearly 400 priests were defrocked by the Vatican over just two years for molesting children, according to a leaked document.

The statistics for 2011 and 2012 show a dramatic increase over the 171 priests removed in 2008 and 2009, when the Vatican first provided details on the number of priests who have been defrocked. Prior to that, it had only publicly revealed the number of alleged cases of sexual abuse it had received and the number of trials it had authorized[.]

The document was obtained by the Associated Press and was prepared from data the Vatican collected to help the Holy See defend itself before a U.N. committee this week in Geneva.

However, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Vatican's U.N. ambassador in Geneva, referred to just one of the statistics in the course of eight hours of questioning from the U.N. human rights committee.

While it's not clear why the numbers spiked in 2011, it could be because 2010 saw a new explosion in the number of cases reported in the media in Europe and beyond. » | Agencies | Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

Anti-NSA Activists Don't Like Obama Speech

Read the CNN article here | Doug Gross. CNN | Friday, January 17, 2014

INTERNATIONAL NEW YORK TIMES: Obama Calls for Overhaul of N.S.A.’s Phone Data Collection Program » | Mark Landler and Peter Baker | Friday, January 17, 2014

The Plight of African Migrants in Israel

Are policies towards asylum seekers a legitimate stand against undocumented immigrants or a violation of human rights?

Putin über Homosexuelle: "Lassen Sie bitte die Kinder in Ruhe"

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Homosexuelle dürften bei den Olympischen Winterspielen in Sotschi entspannt sein, behauptet Wladimir Putin - solange sie sich von Kindern fernhalten. Mit den fragwürdigen Äußerungen verteidigte der Kreml-Chef das umstrittene Propaganda-Gesetz in Russland.

Moskau - Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin hat sich drei Wochen vor Beginn der Olympischen Winterspiele in Sotschi in fragwürdiger Weise über den Umgang mit Homosexuellen geäußert. "Wir verbieten nichts, und wir sperren niemanden ein. Deshalb können Sie ruhig und entspannt sein", sagte der 61-Jährige an Homosexuelle gewandt, "aber lassen Sie bitte die Kinder in Ruhe."

Der Kommentar dürfte Empörung auslösen. In Putins Aussage schwingt der Vorwurf mit, Homosexuelle würden sich bevorzugt jungen Menschen nähern. Der Präsident wiederholt damit auch den Vorwurf, der seinen Getreuen zur Verteidigung des umstrittenen Gesetzes zum Verbot von Homosexuellen-Propaganda dient: dass Schwule und Lesben Einfluss auf Kinder und Heranwachsende nehmen könnten. » | hut/sid/dpa/AP | Freitag, 17. Januar 2014

Arabie saoudite ou Iran : la France a choisi son camp

Le président François Hollande, aux côtés du roi Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz al-Saoud,  à l'occasion de sa visite en Arabie saoudite, le 29 décembre 2013

LE POINT: Dans la guerre confessionnelle qui oppose les deux puissances du Moyen-Orient, Paris mise sur l'ultraconservateur royaume wahhabite. Un pari très risqué.

L'année 2013 a signé le retour de l'Iran. Isolée diplomatiquement sous l'ère Ahmadinejad, la République islamique est revenue sur le devant de la scène internationale par la grande porte. À la faveur de l'élection en juin du président "modéré" Hassan Rohani, Téhéran a changé de ton et a précipité la conclusion d'un accord intermédiaire limitant son programme nucléaire, qui empoisonne ses relations avec l'Occident depuis une décennie. Surtout, les ayatollahs ont entamé en catimini des discussions directes avec les Américains, une première en trente ans.

"Ce rapprochement entre l'Iran et les États-Unis, même s'il est timide, change totalement la donne de la région", souligne Fatiha Dazi-Héni, maître de conférences à l'IEP de Lille et spécialiste des monarchies du Golfe. Une évolution qui pourrait sensiblement modifier les rapports de force dans la guerre confessionnelle que se livrent musulmans sunnites (pays du Golfe) et musulmans chiites (Iran) et qui trouve actuellement son apogée dans le conflit syrien. » | Par Armin Arefi | vendredi 17 janvier 2014

Israel Berates 'Pro-Palestinian EU'

BBC: Israel has summoned the ambassadors of Britain, France, Italy and Spain, accusing their countries of pro-Palestinian bias.

The Foreign Ministry said the envoys would be told that their "perpetual one-sided stance" is unacceptable.

On Thursday, the four EU countries summoned Israeli ambassadors to object to plans to expand settlements in the occupied West Bank.

The EU's Catherine Ashton has labelled the settlements "an obstacle to peace".

However, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said it was "time to stop this hypocrisy" and "inject some balance and fairness to this discussion".

"The EU calls our ambassadors in because of the construction of a few houses? When did the EU call in the Palestinian ambassadors about incitement that calls for Israel's destruction?" he said at a meeting of foreign journalists on Thursday. » | Friday, January 17, 2014

Artistic Masterpieces Brought to Life with Video Magic

Landscapes, portraits and gothic masterpieces are brought to life using some digital trickery

Read the Telegraph article and comment here | Richard Gray |Friday, January 17, 2014

François Hollande and Julie Gayet 'In Love for Two Years,' Closer Magazine Claims

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: François Hollande and Julie Gayet "have been in love for two years," spending time at a second Paris apartment and in the South of France, Closer magazine reported on Friday

François Hollande has been having an affair with Julie Gayet for two years and the French president was introduced to the actress by Ségolène Royal, his ex-partner and mother of his four children, according to the gossip magazine that broke the story last week.

The magazine said the president and Miss Gayet had been having a "turbulent romance" that began in 2011, before Mr Hollande's election campaign.

The revelations in Friday’s edition of Closer, which Miss Gayet, 41, is suing for breach of privacy, came as Mr Hollande's official partner, Valerie [sic] Trierweiler, remained in hospital, where she was admitted after learning of the alleged affair a week ago. Friends were reported to have said on Thursday that she had taken “a pill too many” and was too weak to stand. » | Harriet Alexander | Friday, January 17, 2014

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Nazi Occupation of Jersey - Radio Discussion, 2013

On the 1st July 1940, Jersey was occupied by German forces. Some called it "the Model Occupation" - a taster of what might actually happen across the country if Hitler was successful in his plans to invade Britain.

Churchill's government had decided the Channel islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney and Sark, were of no strategic importance and would be very difficult to defend and so, just a couple of weeks before, all troops had been withdrawn from the islands. The islanders were instructed to surrender to the German army. Hitler's forces were in occupation from July 1940 until the war ended in May 1945.

These were hard years for both the occupiers and the occupied. Food was scarce and, although acts of resistance were limited, the justice was harsh when it was meted out. Those who lived on the island were faced with a complex crisis of conscience - how should they live with the enemy?

In this edition of The Reunion, Sue MacGregor reunites a group of Jersey people who endured that difficult time, finding out how they look back on it seventy years on: Bob Le Sueur, a young insurance clerk at the time, who helped Russian prisoners hide from their German Captors; Leo Harris, a teenager at the beginning of the war, who carried out acts of 'boys own' resistance; Michael Ginns, who found himself in an internment camp in Bavaria; Hazel Lakeman, who was also taken off the island and interned in terrible conditions; and John Floyd, one of the few Jersey residents who actually managed to escape from the island.

Italian MP 'Blacks Up' in Parliament in Anti-immigration Tirade

Northern League politician blacks up, saying that all white Italians should do the same so as to receive benefits, free housing and preferential treatment African migrants do

Read the Telegraph article here | Nick Squires, Rome | Thursday, January 16, 2014

UK Not 'Full Partner' with US, Says Former Defence Chief

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Robert Gates, who served under Bush and Obama, says the “fairly substantial reductions” in spending mean Britain can no longer be a leading military player

Defence cuts are limiting Britain’s capacity to be “full partner” with America, a former US defence secretary has said.

Robert Gates, who served under George W Bush and Barack Obama, said the “fairly substantial reductions” in spending mean Britain can no longer stand alongside the US as a leading military player.

For decades British Armed Forces have had a so-called “special relationship” with their counterparts across the Atlantic - particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan recently - but Mr Gates’s comments indicate that partnership could be over.

He said America had always been able to “count on” Britain to stand shoulder to shoulder with them militarily, but reductions in spending mean UK forces can no longer offer a “full spectrum” of capabilities on land, in the air, and particularly at sea.

The Army is currently going through sweeping cuts as part of Coalition cost-cutting which will see the loss of 20,000 regulars by 2020, while there are further reductions in spending for the Royal Navy and RAF.

Mr Gates told BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme: "With the fairly substantial reductions in defence spending in Great Britain, what we're finding is that it won't have full spectrum capabilities and the ability to be a full partner as they have been in the past."

The former US defence chief singled out naval cuts as particularly damaging, noting that for the first time since the First World War Britain does not have an operational aircraft carrier. » | James Edgar | Thursday, January 16, 2914

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hitler's Britain

An alternate history - what if Hitler and his Wehrmacht had invaded and occupied Britain? This documentary deals with the Nazi's plans and the consequences for the British people.

Hollande Says France Will Not Tolerate Religious Hatred

YNET NEWS: French president hails as 'victory' ban on anti-Semitic comic's sketches initiated by interior minister. 'There are acts, there are anti-Semitic words, there are anti-Muslim actions which all must be denounced,' Hollande says

France will not tolerate any hate speech or acts against Jews, Muslims or Christians, President Francois Hollande said Tuesday, just days after a comic whose sketches were viewed as anti-Semitic was banned from performing.

Hollande hailed as a "victory" a ban on Dieudonne's sketches initiated by Interior Minister Manuel Valls. The controversial comic has since been forced to cancel a nationwide tour after his attempts to challenge the ban in court failed.

The French leader added that all forms of religious hatred would be treated in the same way.

"There are acts, there are anti-Semitic words, there are anti-Muslim actions which all must be denounced," he said, also evoking "anti-Christian acts."

"None of these actions can be accepted," he said. "All citizens have to be protected." » | AFP | Wednesday, January 15, 2014

'Francois Hollande Looks Totally Ridiculous,' French Newspaper Claims Nicolas Sarkozy Said

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Nicolas Sarkozy has reportedly said that his successor, President Francois Hollande, "looks totally ridiculous" as he seemingly emerges from his mistress's apartment wearing a motorbike helmet - and has gloated about how well in comparison he handled his blossoming relationship with Carla Bruni

François Hollande has made the French presidency look "ridiculous" with his scooter-driven nocturnal trips to visit his mistress, Nicolas Sarkozy was reported as saying on Wednesday.

As the scandal over Mr Hollande's affair with Julie Gayet, a 41-year old actress, continued to reverberate around France, Le Canard Enchaîné, the investigative weekly, said that Mr Sarkozy – his Right-wing predecessor – has been gloating over his rival's woes.

"He's got himself into a right old pickle," he was reported as saying to "visitors".

"Perhaps this will put an end to all his moralising," said Mr Sarkozy, whose Socialist successor has often accused of shamelessly exploiting his private life for political gain.

"With Carla, we tried to quickly make our relationship official because I didn't want a photo taken one sordid morning or after nightfall," Le Canard cites him as saying.

"While everyone has the right to a private life, when one is a public figure and president, one must be careful to avoid being ridiculous," he is quoted as scoffing.

"Well, that photo of Hollande coming out of his mistress' place with a motorbike helmet makes Hollande look totally ridiculous. He is the ridiculous president." Read on and comment » | Henry Samuel, Paris | Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Mastermind of 9/11 Says Koran 'Forbids' Violence to Spread Islam

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed makes his first public statement in five years, saying 'Holy Koran forbids us to use force as a means of converting'

The self-proclaimed mastermind of the September 11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, has released a manifesto claiming that the Koran forbids the use of violence to spread Islam.

The document, published Tuesday by The Huffington Post and Britain's Channel 4 News, marks Mohammed's first public communication since 2009, when the US government officially accused him of terrorism.

Mohammed, the most high-profile of the five men accused over the 2001 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people on US soil, has been held at the US detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba since 2006.

In a major departure from his previous position, Mohammed said that "the Holy Koran forbids us to use force as a means of converting!" » | Wednesday, January 15, 2014

UK Slammed for Offering Syrian Refugees Charity, Not Asylum

The United Nations is urging EU members to take in Syrian refugees, who fled the warzone but are now struggling to survive in neighbouring countries. Several European nations have answered the call, and are granting asylum to Syrians. But one of the largest member states is being criticised for shutting its doors, as Tesa Arcilla reports.

Vanity Art: UK MPs Splash £250k of Public Cash on Portraits

At a time of economic unease and deep welfare cuts - British politicians haven't been holding back when it comes to immortalizing their colleagues on canvas and in sculpture while leaving taxpayers to pick up the tab. RT's Polly Boyko reports.

Dubai Censors Cut Quarter of The Wolf of Wall Street

Margot Robbie stars opposite Leonardo DiCaprio in 'The Wolf of Wall Street'
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Moviegoers said all profanities were bleeped out from the Martin Scorsese movie featuring Leonardo DiCaprio

About 45 minutes have been cut from the nearly 3-hour high-finance extravaganza "The Wolf of Wall Street" for Dubai audiences, or a quarter of the film, leaving many viewers disappointed and confused about the sequence of events.

The cuts come as the movie has drawn criticism even from film critics in more liberal countries for its portrayal of drugs, sex and money. Detractors say the film glorifies unchecked greed, includes full nudity and is loaded with a reported record for F- bombs in a movie - more than 500.

Moviegoers said all profanities were bleeped out from the Martin Scorsese movie featuring Leonardo DiCaprio. One woman wrote on the Facebook page for Reel Cinemas, which operates two theaters in Dubai, that she and her friend walked out after about 40 minutes because they felt the movie was simply incoherent and unwatchable. » | AP | Tuesday, January 14, 2014

John Kerry Hits Back at Israeli Minister's 'Nobel Prize' Jibe

Moshe Ya'alon | John Kerry
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: US Secretary of State's spokesman calls remarks by Israel's defence minister 'offensive', if accurate

Tensions between Israel and America spilled into the open on Tuesday as the US angrily rejected the Israeli defence minister's claim that John Kerry is on a messianic quest for peace in the Middle East.

Moshe Yaalon, a hawkish Israeli cabinet minister, reportedly dismissed the US secretary of state's frenetic peacemaking efforts as outside meddling motivated by "an incomprehensible obsession and a sense of messianism".

"The only thing that might save us is if John Kerry wins the Nobel Prize and leaves us be," Mr Yaalon told US and Israeli officials, according to the Yediot Ahranot newspaper.

The former Israeli general reportedly said Mr Kerry "can't teach me anything about the conflict with the Palestinians" and disdainfully dismissed a US security proposal as "not worth the paper it was written on". » | Raf Sanchez, Washington, Inna Lazareva in Jerusalem | Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Related »

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Unbelievable! European Court Backs Immunity for Saudi Arabian Officials Accused of Torture

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: European human rights judges uphold the immunity of Saudi Arabian officials accused of torturing Britons

Saudi Arabian officials have immunity in Britain's courts from being sued over the alleged torture of British nationals including rape, European human rights judges have ruled.

The European Court of Human Rights has upheld a judicial ruling in the House of Lords that stopped four Britons from taking legal action against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Ron Jones, Alexander Mitchell, Leslie Walker and William Sampson claimed they were subjected to torture following their arrest after a series of terrorist bombings carried out by opposition groups in 2001 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia's capital city.

The four Britons confessed to acting as spies under orders from the British government, and were convicted in closed court without legal representation.

The men claimed that they were subjected to beatings, sleep deprivation and anal rape as well as being given mind-altering drugs during their time in custody and have to pursue Saudi Arabian officials, their alleged torturers, in the British courts. Mr Sampson has since died. » | Bruno Waterfield, Brussels | Tuesday, January 14, 2014

François Hollande's 'Affair' Leads to Poll Boost... Thanks to Support from French Women

Valérie Trierweiler | François Hollande
LONDON EVENING STANDARD: François Hollande has won the support of tens of thousands more French women following reports of his affair, a poll reveals today.

The survey for Le Nouvel Observateur magazine showed a three-point jump among women in approval for the French leader, from 23 per cent in December to 26 per cent. The biggest increase in backing for him in the LH2 poll appeared to be among women aged 25-34 and 50-64.

In contrast, men in France seem far less impressed by the president’s reported liaisons with actress Julie Gayet. His 26 per cent approval rating remains unchanged.

The poll also appeared to show that France is divided in its reaction to the revelations about Mr Hollande’s love life and has crystalised opinion about him. The percentage of women who disapproved of him has also gone up three points, leaving his overall net popularity unchanged. » | Nicholas Cecil, Peter Allen | Tuesday, January 14, 2014

François Hollande's 'Escapades' - A Glossary

Valérie Trierweiler
BBC: Followers of France's political love story may have been intrigued by some expressions used in the media, writes Hugh Schofield. What, for example, to make of a presidential spokesman's statement that Valerie Trierweiler has succumbed to the blues?

Le blues means (as in English) sadness or melancholy. To have a coup de blues is to get an attack of the blues, to feel down all of a sudden. Used of Valerie Trierweiler, it underplays the extent of her distress. You would not normally go to hospital with le blues.

Some have said that Trierweiler, President Francois [sic] Hollande and his alleged new girlfriend Julie Gayet are all from the gauche caviar - the caviar-eating left. This is the French equivalent of champagne Socialists. But because left-wing thinking is very much part of the French establishment, the gauche caviar is an easily identifiable social class.

These people may abhor the pursuit of money, but find it normal to have a pied-a-terre in the Rue du Cirque - an exclusive street a stone's throw from the presidential residence, the Elysee [sic] Palace. This is where Julie Gayet was lent a flat by actress Emmanuelle Hauck, in order (allegedly) to facilitate the affair. Incidentally, had it been Hollande's flat, it would have been not a pied-a-terre, but a garconniere (bachelor pad). » | Magazine Monitor | Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Suivez la conférence de presse du président de la République

Pope Francis Denounces Abortion as ‘Horrific’

THE INDEPENDENT: The Pope described abortion as part of modern ‘throwaway culture’ which has grown to encompass human beings themselves

Pope Francis has denounced abortion as “horrific”, describing it as part of a “throwaway culture” that has grown to encompass human beings themselves.

Speaking in his annual “State of the World” address, the Pope finally bowed to conservative Catholic demands that he break his silence on what they call “the evil of abortion”.

While he has never looked likely to change the Church’s position on the practice, Pope Francis has been much less willing to publicly rail against abortion in the same manner as his predecessors Pope Benedict XVI and the late John Paul II.

And in a landmark interview with the Italian Jesuit magazine Civilta Cattolica, he said it was time for the Church to be rid of its “obsession” with teachings on abortion, contraception and homosexuality.

But addressing diplomats in the Vatican yesterday, the Pope spoke about the rights of children around the world.

“It is horrific even to think that there are children, victims of abortion, who will never see the light of day,” he said.

Abortion, he said, was part of a “throwaway culture” that had enveloped many parts of the world.

“Unfortunately, what is thrown away is not only food and dispensable objects, but often human beings themselves, who are discarded as unnecessary,” he said. » | Adam Withnall | Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Hidden Homophobia: Is Germany Really as Liberal as It Seems?

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Germany last week celebrated the coming out of former professional football player Thomas Hitzlsperger. But discrimination remains a fact of life for gays and lesbians in the country. How truly liberal is German society?

A gay couple that was seeking to open a restaurant near the Bavarian town of Freying received an anonymous letter early last year. "Stay away. We don't need people like you here," it read. Additional threats followed, including a faked obituary and an open, though anonymous, letter claiming that one of the two was HIV-positive and that there was a danger that diners could be infected. The restaurant was never opened.

Can a story like be really be true? In Germany of all places, a country that was last week enraptured by the coming out of former professional footballer Thomas Hitzlsperger and where it seemed like the entire country supported him?

Hitzlsperger made his announcement in the influential weekly Die Zeit, unleashing a tidal wave of media backing. "Respect" blared the left-wing Berlin daily Die Tageszeitung. Its conservative counterpart Bild chose the exact same headline, marking one of the very few times when the two publications have concurred. Everyone in the country seemed to be in agreement when it came to Hitzlsperger's courageous step.

Yet the jubilation was so great that it at times seemed a bit too much for the occasion. A former football player came out. Is that really such a monumental event? Of course its progress when it is made clear that homosexuality exists in the world of football as well. No player the caliber of Hitzlsperger had thus far gone public with his homosexuality.

But the rejoicing sounded suspiciously self-serving and smug: "We are so amazingly liberal that we can even get excited about a gay professional football player," the message seemed to be. "Germany is so much better than Russia, where homosexuals are openly discriminated against, and superior to France, where hundreds of thousands take to the streets to protest gay marriage."

One could almost feel the relief at the fact that the positive reaction to Hitzlsperger's announcement was large enough to cover up the normal hostilities, clichés, stereotypes and discrimination against gays that exist in Germany. But they were there. Even as Bild pronounced its "respect" for Hitzlsperger, the paper's columnist Franz Josef Wagner wrote in an open letter to the former German national team player: "Nobody thought that you are gay. You were athletic, a power-player." The prejudice was clear, even as it was hidden behind the admiration. » | Anna Kistner, Dirk Kurbjuweit, Ann-Katrin Müller and Simone Salden | Monday, January 13, 2014

Verwandt »

Pourquoi il faut absolument manger des fibres

Les légumes secs sont très riches en fibres

LE POINT: Une équipe franco-suédoise vient de découvrir le rôle exact des fibres dans le maintien de la glycémie et donc dans la prévention du diabète et de l'obésité.

Cela fait bien longtemps qu'une alimentation riche en fibres est recommandée, car elle protège - entre autres - contre l'obésité et le diabète. Même si, jusqu'ici, on ne connaissait pas exactement les mécanismes expliquant ses effets bénéfiques. C'est désormais chose faite grâce aux travaux d'une équipe franco-suédoise* qui a montré le rôle de la flore intestinale et la capacité de l'intestin à produire du glucose (sucre) entre les repas. Ces résultats, qui viennent d'être publiés dans la revue Cell, précisent également l'implication de l'intestin et de ses micro-organismes associés dans le maintien de la glycémie (taux de sucre dans le sang).

La plupart des fruits sucrés et différents légumes - notamment les salsifis, les choux ou les fèves - sont riches en fibres dites fermentescibles. Elles ne sont pas digérées directement par l'intestin, mais elles sont fermentées par certaines bactéries intestinales (comme le propionate et le butyrate) qui les rendent assimilables par notre organisme. De nombreuses études scientifiques montrent que des animaux recevant une alimentation riche en fibres grossissent moins et sont moins enclins à développer un diabète que ceux qui n'en consomment pas. » | Par Anne Jeanblanc | mardi 14 janvier 2014

Cameron 'Bribes' Councils to Allow Fracking

Britain's Prime Minister has given a massive lift to the controversial fracking industry. David Cameron has said local authorities who allow shale gas extraction will be able to keep 100% of business rates they collect from the sites.

Al-Qaeda Armies Seize Entire Iraqi Cities in Chaos Left Behind by War

The black flag of Al-Qaeda was this week raised over two Iraq cities which are now under the control of Jihadists bent on creating a new Islamic nation. But the real blood-letting is yet to begin, warn experts, as the Iraqi army and tribal militias mobilise, and prepare to counter-attack.

Fashion vs Politics: BBC Chat to Be More Dolce & Gabbana Than Barack Obama?

Clintons Kept a Political 'Hit-list' of Friends and Enemies after Failed 2008 Bid

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: As Hillary Clinton deliberates on whether to run for president in 2016 a new book paints the Clintons as vindictive and raises ugly memories of desertions and betrayals in the 2008 campaign

Hillary and Bill Clinton keep a detailed "hit-list" of everyone who has crossed them during more than 20 years at the apex of American politics, a new book has claimed.

The list of so-called "sinners and saints" – including John Kerry, now secretary of state, and the late Ted Kennedy - was compiled on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in the dying days of Mrs Clinton's losing bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008.

The alleged "cheat-sheet" of betrayals – and there were many that year – ranked offenders on a scale from 1 to 7 and was compiled by aides to give the Clintons an instant database of those who deserved political favour, and those who did not.

"Almost six years later, most Clinton aides can still rattle off the names of traitors and the favors that had been done for them then provide details of just how each of the guilty had gone on to betray the Clintons as if it all had happened just a few hours before," wrote the authors of HRC: State Secrets and the Rebirth of Hillary Clinton.

The Clintons have a reputation in Washington for long memories, but the existence of a digital "favour book" raises questions about how Mrs Clinton, now 66, might conduct another run at the presidency in 2016. » | Peter Foster, Washington | Monday, January 13, 2014

Israel: Ya'alon: Kerry Should Win His Nobel and Leave Us Alone

Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon | Secretary of State John Kerry
YNET NEWS: Defense Minister says in private that US security plan 'not worth the paper it's written on', insists Kerry 'cannot teach me anything about the conflict with the Palestinians'.

While the United States is pushing hard for a final agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon has expressed his great skepticism of these efforts, both in private conversations in Israel and in the US. In particular, Ya'alon has harsh words to say about Secretary of State John Kerry.

"Abu Mazen (Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas) is alive and well thanks to us," Ya'alon said. "The moment we leave Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) he is finished. In reality, there have been no negotiations between us and the Palestinians for all these months – but rather between us and the Americans. The only thing that can 'save us' is for John Kerry to win a Nobel Prize and leave us in peace."

Ya'alon, who was IDF chief of staff from 2002-2005, at the height of the second intifada, also has little regard for the US-devised security provisions for a post-peace region.

"The American security plan presented to us is not worth the paper it's written on," Ya'alon said. "It contains no peace and no security. Only our continued presence in Judea and Samaria and the River Jordan will endure that Ben-Gurion Airport and Netanya don't become targets for rockets from every direction. American Secretary of State John Kerry, who turned up here determined and acting out of misplaced obsession and messianic fervor, cannot teach me anything about the conflict with the Palestinians." » | Shimon Shiffer | Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Atheist Afghan Man Granted Asylum in UK to Protect Him from ‘Religious’ Persecution

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: An Afghan asylum seeker who become an atheist has been granted leave to remain in Britain because he would face ‘religious’ persecution for abandoning Islam

A young Afghan man who became an atheist after coming to Britain has been granted asylum on the grounds that the threat to his life for having no faith would amount to “religious” persecution.

In what is thought to be the first case of its kind in the UK, the Home Office accepted that sending the man back to his country of birth could put him in danger specifically because of his lack of religious beliefs.

The man, who is not being named for safety reasons, was born a Muslim but abandoned his faith after coming to the UK as a teenager around five years ago.

Apostasy – or abandoning the faith – can be punished with the death penalty under Afghan law.

Central to his case to the Home Office was the example of Abdul Rahman an Afghan man who was put on trial and faced death in 2006 for converting to Christianity. » | John Bingham, Religious Affairs Editor | Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday, January 13, 2014

Thomas Hitzlsperger: "Homosexualität wird im Fußball ignoriert"

Thomas Hitzlsperger, Fußballprofi
ZEIT ONLINE: Als erster prominenter deutscher Fußballprofi bekennt sich der frühere Nationalspieler Thomas Hitzlsperger. Er begründet sein jahrelanges Schweigen, spricht über "schwule Pässe", dumme Sprüche in der Kabine und die Frage, ob homosexuelle Fußballer ihre Karriere gefährden.

DIE ZEIT: Herr Hitzlsperger, Sie haben um ein Gespräch gebeten, warum?

Thomas Hitzlsperger: Ich äußere mich zu meiner Homosexualität. Ich möchte gern eine öffentliche Diskussion voranbringen – die Diskussion über Homosexualität unter Profisportlern. Das Thema bleibt immer wieder in den Klischees stecken – Profisportler gelten als perfekt "diszipliniert", "hart" und "hypermännlich". Homosexuelle dagegen gelten als "zickig", "weich", "sensibel". Das passt natürlich nicht zusammen. Ein homosexueller Profisportler? Da werden Widersprüche aufgebaut, über die ich mich in meiner Profikarriere immer wieder geärgert habe. Diese Widersprüche werden an den Stammtischen als Sensationen verkauft. Mich hat zusätzlich geärgert, dass gerade diejenigen mit dem geringsten Sachwissen am lautesten über das Thema reden.

ZEIT: Warum wollen Sie dann jetzt sprechen? Hat Ihnen jemand gedroht, Sie zu outen?

Hitzlsperger: Das wäre für mich keine Drohung. Was soll das? Als Profi war ich eine öffentliche Person, an der sich jeder Soziopath ohne großes Nachdenken reiben konnte. Im Fußball kann dir alles nachgesagt werden, dann giltst du als: "manisch-depressiv", "homosexuell", "spielkrank", "Pleitier". Am häufigsten ist aber zurzeit "homosexuell", vor allem mit der genüsslich-denunziatorischen Bewertung "schwul".

ZEIT: Sie halten den Begriff "schwul" für denunziatorisch?

Hitzlsperger: Ja, so wird er meistens verwendet. (+ Video) » | Von Carolin Emcke und Moritz Müller-Wirth | Montag, 13. Januar 2014

Valérie Trierweiler to Remain in Hospital for Several More Days

THE GUARDIAN: François Hollande's partner was said to have suffered a 'very strong emotional shock' after hearing claims of affair

A top aide to France's first lady says she will remain in hospital for several more days to recover from the shock of a tabloid report that her partner, François Hollande, is having an affair with an actor.

Valerie Trierweiler's chief of staff, Patrice Biancone, said on Monday she could stay in hospital for a further six or eight days. She was initially expected to leave the hospital on Monday. He said she suffered a "very strong emotional shock" and needed rest. One official said she was receiving treatment for "a severe case of the blues".

Hollande has never married. He and Trierweiler have lived together since 2007 and she occupies the so-called "madame wing" of the presidential palace.

Meanwhile, the "Hollande affair" has taken an unexpectedly sinister turn with claims – and counter-claims – that the flat used for the president's alleged love tryst with an actor was linked to the Corsican mafia.

French media reported that the apartment where François Hollande met Julie Gayet was lent to her by a friend who was involved with two mobsters. » | Kim Willsher and Anne Penketh in Paris | Monday, January 13, 2014

Britain's Mean Streets – Immigrant Life in the UK

The economic migrants looking for a better life who end up in the gutter. The UK is bitterly divided on the EU and immigration. As the opening up of Europe's borders creates a new wave of poverty on its streets, we witness the deprivation and anger as it reaches crisis point.

Nigeria Criminalises Same-sex Relationships

THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD: Abuja: Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan signed a bill that criminalises same-sex relationships, the presidency said, defying pressure from Western governments to respect gay and lesbian rights.

The bill, which contains penalties of up to 14 years in prison and bans gay marriage, same-sex "amorous relationships" and membership of gay rights groups, was passed by the national assembly last May but Jonathan had delayed signing it into law.

Two similar bills have been proposed since 2006 but failed to make it through parliament.

"Yes, Mr President had signed the bill into law, a statement will be issued on it within the week," presidency spokesman Reuben Abati said.

As in much of sub-Saharan Africa, anti-gay sentiment and persecution of homosexuals is rife in Nigeria, so the new legislation is likely to be popular. Jonathan is expected to seek re-election in 2015 but is under pressure after several dozen lawmakers and a handful of regional governors defected to the opposition in the past two months.

Under existing Nigerian federal law, sodomy is punishable by jail, but this bill legislates for a much broader crackdown on homosexuals and lesbians, who already live a largely underground existence. » | Felix Onuah | Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Auslandsjournal: Die Netzwerke der Salafisten in Europa

Ariel Scharon: Israel trauert um ehemaligen Regierungschef

Mit einer Trauerfeier haben Staatsgäste aus aller Welt in Jerusalem Abschied von Ariel Scharon genomment. Auf seinem Landsitz wurde er beigesetzt.

Religious Charter Sparks Furor in Canada

Public consultations underway on contentious proposal to ban civil servants from wearing religious symbols in Quebec.

Meet Al-Qaeda's New Poster Boy for the Middle East

Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The fall of the Iraqi city of Fallujah back into the hands of al-Qaeda has shown the power of the movement's new leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

The FBI “most wanted” mugshot shows a tough, swarthy figure, his hair in a jailbird crew-cut. The $10 million price on his head, meanwhile, suggests that whoever released him from US custody four years ago may now be regretting it.

Taken during his years as a detainee at the US-run Camp Bucca in southern Iraq, this is the only known photograph of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the new leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq and Syria. But while he may lack the photogenic qualities of his hero, Osama bin Laden, he is fast becoming the new poster-boy for the global jihadist movement.

Well-organised and utterly ruthless, the ex-preacher is the driving force behind al-Qaeda’s resurgence throughout Syria and Iraq, putting it at the forefront of the war to topple President Bashar al-Assad and starting a fresh campaign of mayhem against the Western-backed government in Baghdad. » | Colin Freeman | Saturday, January 11, 2014

Right March: Anti-EU Nationalist Parties Surge Amid Economic Hardship Fears

Nothing seems to be able to stop Europe's lurch to the political right. With only tentative signs of economic growth and precious little good news for deeply indebted countries like Greece and France, it's a movement that seems difficult to reverse. RT's Peter Oliver takes a closer look at a continent in search of new answers to hard problems.

Koran Handouts in Germany: Freedom of Religion vs Fears of Islamism

Islamic radicals have been distributing free copies of the Koran in downtown Berlin - sparking concerns about the spread of Muslim extremism in Europe. There's nothing illegal however about the move - which those behind it say is freedom of expression. RT's Egor Piskunov investigates.

Koran Handouts in Germany: Freedom of religion... by RTnews

BBC Whitewash? Armed Forces Imam: UK 'Not At War With Islam'

Britain's armed forces first Muslim chaplain, Imam Asim Hafiz
BBC: The British armed forces' first Muslim chaplain says there is no conflict between being a Muslim and fighting for Britain.

Imam Asim Hafiz also challenged Muslim extremists who claimed the UK and US were waging a war against Islam.

Referring to people like the men who killed Fusilier Lee Rigby, he said: "These individuals are misled. They are not educated. They haven't necessarily studied the Koran... and have no appreciation of what the faith is about.

"To consider an unarmed individual in a time of peace to be a legitimate target for murder is absolutely unacceptable." Watch BBC video » | Monday, January 13, 2014

François Hollande's Partner Valérie Trierweiler in Hospital with 'Exhaustion'

THE GUARDIAN: Journalist has been prescribed rest by doctors after learning of claims that French president was having affair with Julie Gayet

Valérie Trierweiler, the partner of the French president, François Hollande, has been taken to hospital with "exhaustion" following claims that he has been having an affair, it has emerged.

After hearing of Hollande's alleged trysts with the actor Julie Gayet, Trierweiler, a journalist, was taken to hospital where doctors prescribed rest. Trierweiler's office told L'Express magazine she had been taken to hospital on Friday afternoon and was due to be released on Monday.

An unidentified Élysée official told Le Monde that Trierweiler was suffering a "severe case of the blues". » | Anne Penketh in Paris | Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Al-Qaeda Armies Seize Entire Iraqi Cities in Chaos Left Behind by War

The black flag of Al-Qaeda was this week raised over two Iraq cities which are now under the control of Jihadists bent on creating a new Islamic nation. But the real blood-letting is yet to begin, warn experts, as the Iraqi army and tribal militias mobilise, and prepare to counter-attack.

German Ex-Muslim Reveals Absolute Truth about Islam, Explains What Is Going On in Europe, the West

Inside Story: Iran and the West: Thawing of Relations?

As a British delegation visits Tehran, we ask if it is to renew ties or to explore business opportunities.

Ariel Sharon's Body Lies in State in Jerusalem

BBC: Ariel Sharon death: Israelis pay respects at Knesset: Israelis are filing past the body of ex-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon who has died aged 85 of heart failure after eight years in a coma. » | Sunday, January 12, 2014

France's Hollande Attacks Report of Affair with Actress

Julie Gayet has appeared in more than 50 films
BBC: French President Francois Hollande says he is considering suing a magazine which claimed he was having an affair with actress Julie Gayet, 41.

Mr Hollande described the report as an "attack on the right to privacy", but did not deny the allegation.

Friday's print edition of the weekly tabloid Closer features seven pages about the alleged affair.

Closer later said it would remove its website version of the story at Ms Gayet's request.

"Julie Gayet's lawyer contacted us to request we remove from the website all mention of this relationship," Laurence Pieau, editor of Closer, told Agence France-Presse news agency, adding that the removal would probably take place by Friday evening.

No action was announced about the print version however.

Ms Pieau said there had been no contact with the presidential palace. (+ video) » | Friday, January 10, 2014

Sochi Safety: Unprecedented Security in Place around Winter Olympic Host City

An unprecedented level of security is in place around the Russian city of Sochi, the host of the 2014 Winter Olympic games. Tens of thousands of police officers have been drafted in, with the sole aim of keeping citizens, visitors and athletes safe. RT's Paul Scott takes a look.

Turkish Bizarre: MPs Throw Tablets, Punch Colleagues in Heated Brawl

'Don't Frack with My Future!' Hundreds of Water-contamination Complaints Filed in US

The states in the U.S. enjoying an energy boom due to fracking, are having to deal with the backlash that comes with it. A new report found that people who live in those states have filed hundreds of complaints of well-water becoming contaminated because of oil and gas drilling. Further casting doubt on claims by industry bosses that these problems are rare. RT's Marina Portnaya reports.

New Nationalism: Far-right Voices Get Louder in Japan

Some parts of Japanese society want to drag the pacifist nation to the right. Nationalist groups are growing louder in their calls for the country to take a harder-line against enemies home and abroad. RT's Aleksey Yaroshevsky looks at the possible political repercussions for the entire region.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Tel Aviv Unveils First Memorial to Gay Holocaust Victims

People lay flowers in memory of gays killed by Nazis in WWII
BBC: Tel Aviv has become the first Israeli city to unveil a memorial in honour of gay and lesbian victims of the Nazi Holocaust.

The monument in the centre of the city is designed around a pink triangle - the symbol gay prisoners were forced to wear in the concentration camps.

As many as 15,000 homosexuals were killed in the Nazi camps.

Similar monuments in their memory have been erected in Amsterdam, Berlin, San Francisco and Sydney. » | Friday, January 10, 2014

French President Hollande Attacks Reports of Affair

Julie Gayet (left) and François Hollande
BBC: French President Francois Hollande is considering legal action against a magazine that has claimed he is having an affair with an actress.

The latest edition of the weekly tabloid Closer features revelations concerning his alleged relationship with Julie Gayet, 41, an established television and cinema actress.

Mr Hollande says his privacy had been breached.

Hugh Schofield reports from Paris. Wayche BBC video » | Friday, January 10, 2014

Almost a Tenth of Babies and Toddlers in England and Wales Are Muslim, Census Figures Show

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The percentage of Muslims among the under-fives is almost twice as high as in the general population, according to a breakdown of census figures

Census figures reveal a ‘startling’ shift in Britain’s demographic trend with almost a tenth of babies and toddlers born in England and Wales being Muslim.

The percentage of Muslims among the under-fives is almost twice as high as in the general population. Less than one in 200 over 85s are Muslims – an indication of the extent to which birth rate is changing the UK’s religious demographic.

The Office for National Statistics produced the breakdown of Britain’s religions and age groups. The figures, according to the [sic] Times, were extracted from data collected in the 2011 census.

One expert said it was possible that Muslims who worshipped would outnumber practising Christians. “It’s not inconceivable,” said David Voas, Professor of Population Studies at the University of Essex. » | Keith Perry | Friday, January 10, 2014

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Freezing Weather Spreads into Eastern US

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Forecasters said some 187 million people in all could feel the effects of the 'polar vortex' by the time it spread across the country

The coldest, most dangerous blast of polar air in decades gripped the US Midwest and pushed toward the East and South and eastern Canada, closing schools and day care centres, grounding flights and forcing people to pull their hoods and scarves tight to protect exposed skin from nearly instant frostbite.

Many across the nation's midsection went into virtual hibernation, while others dared to venture out in temperatures that plunged well below zero Fahrenheit (minus 18 Celsius). » | AP | Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Friday, January 03, 2014

Saudi Man Sentenced to 80 Lashes for Accusing Kuwaiti Pop Singer of Adultery on Twitter

Kuwaiti singer, Shams
THE INDEPENDENT: The unidentified Saudi national allegedly accused pop singer Shams of adultery 'without providing proof' of her affair

A Saudi man has been sentenced to 80 lashes and three months in jail, after being convicted of defaming a Kuwaiti singer by accusing her of adultery on Twitter.

The unidentified Saudi national allegedly accused pop singer Shams of adultery "without providing proof" of her affair, according to the Saudi Sabq news agency. The news agency said he also posted fabricated photos showing Shams in "obscene" positions.

Shams subsequently filed a legal suit against the man. The Sabq said the verdict was based on sharia law, which states those who accuse others of adultery must be flogged.

The man, believed to have been a fan of a rival singer, was also fined 10,000 riyals (£1,600), AFP has reported. » | Heather Saul | Friday, January 03, 2014

Toto: Africa