Thursday, March 20, 2014

Nirgends ist die EU so russisch wie in Lettland

Nach dem politischen Anschluss der Krim baut Russland seine militärische Kontrolle über die Halbinsel aus. Nicht nur in der Ukraine, auch in anderen Staaten der ehemaligen Sowjetunion mit grossen russischen Minderheiten verfolgt man die Vorgänge auf der Krim intensiv. Zum Beispiel in der zweitgrössten Stadt Lettlands, in Daugavpils.

G8 stellen Russland aufs Abstellgleis

Klare Worte Richtung Moskau: Merkel sieht Russland gegenwärtig nicht mehr im Kreis der Top-Wirtschaftsnationen. Die sieben westlichen Industriestaaten dürften bald über einen Ausschluss entscheiden.

Nur eine einzige Stimme gegen Krim-Annexion

TAGES ANZEIGER: Das Parlament in Moskau hat mit überwältigender Mehrheit den Weg für die Aufnahme der Krim in die Russische Föderation freigemacht. Die Ukraine hat die Halbinsel aber noch nicht aufgegeben.

Das Unterhaus des russischen Parlaments hat heute erwartungsgemäss den Vertrag über die Aufnahme der Krim in die Russische Föderation ratifiziert. Das Abkommen wurde mit 443 Ja- und einer einzigen Nein-Stimme angenommen. Um wen es sich beim Nein-Sager handelte, ist gegenwärtig noch unklar. » | Donnerstag, 20. März 2014

Jihad: British Fighters in Syria Urge Others to Join Them

THE INDEPENDENT: Rebel group Isis have released a video urging British citizens' participation

A British citizen fighting with an extremist rebel group in Syria has issued a call for others to join the country’s civil war.

In a video posted online, a masked man speaking in a London accent says that “the doors of jihad are still open,” and claims that he has helped three other Brits make the journey to Syria.

The man is believed to be a member of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) – an extremist Islamist rebel group formerly affiliated with al-Qa’ida and similar in ideology. He has appeared in several other videos uploaded by a group called Rayat al-Tawheed, which claims to be the distributor of English-language materials for Isis.

The plea from the rebel fighter comes as UK authorities are becoming increasingly concerned at the number of British citizens travelling to Syria to join extremist groups in the three year old civil war. British and other non-Syrians travelling to Syria tend to gravitate towards al-Qa’ida-type groups that espouse global jihad. » | Richard Hall | Thursday, March 20, 2014

Angela Merkel: EU Prepared to Punish Russia with Sanctions over Ukraine

The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, tells German MPs that members of G7 will take economic sanctions against Russia during the EU summit which starts on Thursday. Leaders will discuss imposing travel restrictions on Moscow as well as the future of its relationship with Europe

Václav Klaus on Barack Obama, America

Václav Klaus, former Premier of the Czech Republic

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president." – Václav Klaus, the former Premier of the Czech Republic [Source:] 2012

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Russia Warns West It May Change Stance on Iran, in Retaliation over Sanctions

FOX NEWS: Russia reportedly is prepared to change its stand on Iran nuclear talks in a high-stakes gamble to counter expanded sanctions by the United States and the European Union over Crimea.

After the Obama administration on Monday hit 11 Russian and Ukrainian officials with sanctions -- a move criticized by Republican lawmakers as too timid -- Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov was quoted Wednesday by the Interfax news agency as saying the country may have to alter its position on the negotiations over Iran's nuclear program.

The statement is the most serious threat of retaliation by Moscow since the disputed Crimea region voted to join Russia over the weekend, and Vladimir Putin's government moved to annex the peninsula.

NATO and U.S. leaders say they're prepared to do more. (+ FoxNews video) » | FoxNews with contributions from the Associated Press | Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Yves Saint Laurent: Fashion on Film

Yves St Laurent was the original superstar designer
BBC: Yves Saint Laurent became head of one of the world's great fashion houses aged 21. Until his death half a century later in 2008, he was one of fashion's dominant figures. This year sees the release of two feature films about his tumultuous professional and private life. The first opens this week in the UK.

Earlier masters of Parisian couture such as Christian Dior or Cristobal Balenciaga shaped fashion around the world. But until Yves Saint Laurent, no designer found such personal fame with the public.

In the 1960s and 1970s he was a regular in gossip columns, photographed endlessly with the likes of the Rolling Stones, Andy Warhol and the most gorgeous models of the day.

Born in colonial Algeria in 1936, Saint Laurent became an extraordinary prodigy.

Always obsessed with fashion, as a painfully shy teenager he moved to Paris to work for Dior. Three years later, Christian Dior died and Saint Laurent took over as artistic director at just 21. Many in the fashion world were astounded but it was clear a star had arrived. » | Vincent Dowd | Arts Correspondent | BBC World Service | Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Putin führt uns die Schwäche Europas vor Augen

DIE WELT: Die Machtpolitik Russlands trifft auf einen schwachen Westen, der unfähig ist, in Traditionen der Realpolitik zu denken. Auch die Geheimdienste haben Moskaus Griff nach der Krim nicht vorhergesehen.

Europa hat auf Russlands Krim-Coup so ungläubig reagiert, als hätte es eine simple Tatsache schlicht vergessen: die Tatsache, dass Verträge nur solange wirksam sind, wie beide Seiten das Recht anerkennen. Diese Übereinkunft hatte das Kräftespiel der Staaten schon immer bestimmt, zumindest aber mitgeprägt. Kants Idee vom ewigen Frieden ist ein Licht, das von weiter, weiter Ferne her leuchtet. Und so schön und zivilisierend rule of law, die Herrschaft des Gesetzes, auch ist – sie endet da, wo ein Mitspieler sich nicht mehr an sie gebunden fühlt. Europas Stärke ist zugleich seine Schwäche – die vergangenen Wochen haben das auf blamable Weise offenbart. » | Von Thomas Schmid | Mittwoch, 19. März 2014

Has President Obama Weakened US Standing in the World?

Mar. 19, 2014 - 3:53 - Rep. Louis Gohmert weighs in

Ticking Timebomb: Moscow Moves to Destabilize Eastern Ukraine

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: It's not only in Crimea where Russian President Vladimir Putin is playing with fire, but also in eastern Ukraine. The majority of the people in the economically powerful region speak Russian and reject the new government in Kiev.

The pensioner Oxana Kremenyuk limps as she passes by the House of Culture in a small village in eastern Ukraine. As a young woman, she used to dance here. Today the stucco is crumbling and the windows are broken. "The people in Kiev are driving our country into civil war," she says. "These good-for-nothings should be slaving away the way we do here." Kremenyuk receives a pension of about €90 ($125) a month. In order to ensure there is food on the table, she keeps 10 chickens and a pig.

Kremenyuk's village of Maidan, with its three dozen homes, is a peaceful place in a gentle, hilly landscape. The village is 378 kilometers (235 miles) -- but also worlds apart -- from the Maidan in the capital city of Kiev, the Independence Square that has become known around the world since the start of the revolution. Most of the village's homes have fallen into a state of disrepair and young families moved away long ago. The people living here don't think much of the revolution taking place in the western part of the country. Read on and comment » | Uwe Klussmann and Matthias Schepp | Translated from the German by Daryl Lindsey | Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Whose Side Is This Codger On? 'US Thinks It's Superior, Rules Only Apply to Inferior Nations' – Ex-Australian PM

The US has been accused of double standards for supporting Kosovo's secession while calling Crimea's illegal. We talked to former Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser, to clarify the contradiction in the US/EU positions on secession.

Pro-Russia Forces Enter Ukraine Naval Base

Crimean "self-defence" forces overtake Sevastopol base without using violence and raise Russian flags at the gates.

America Is in Danger

Mar. 18, 2014 - 8:23 - Talking Points 3/18

US Power Failure: A Price of Obama's Failed Leadership?

Mar. 18, 2014 - 3:11 - Karl Rove on Mitt Romney's op-ed on the consequences of alleged Obama's missteps in handling of Putin and the Ukraine and other world crises

U.S. Warns Russia: More Sanctions Coming due to Ukraine Crisis

Read the CNN article here

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Inside Story: Reclaiming Crimea: Is It Legal?

President Vladimir Putin signs a treaty making the Ukrainian region part of the Russian Federation.

David Cameron Sends Shivers Down Putin’s Spine: “There Will Be Consequences”

Russian Officials Mock US Sanctions

Mar. 18, 2014 - 4:56 - President Obama making US look weak?

Putin Has Stuck Two Fingers Up to the West by Annexing Crimea, Says Sir Malcolm Rifkind

Sir Malcolm Rifkind
DAILY EXPRESS: VLADIMIR Putin has given the West “two fingers” by his annexing of Crimea and needs to be hit with punitive economic sanctions, former Foreign Secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind has argued.

The Conservative grandee, who is chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee, said Russia was now treating the West with contempt and warned the situation is “the most dangerous we have faced.”

Today Foreign Secretary William Hague announced in the Commons that the EU was was ready to pursue trade and economic sanctions against Russia.

Sanctions announced by the EU and US so far have just focused on the assets and travel movements of a handful of Russian and Ukrainian officials – but this goes much further.

Speaking exclusively to Express Online, Sir Malcolm – who served as Foreign Secretary from 1995 to 1997 – welcomed the move after earlier arguing that the international community had so far been “pathetic in its response.”

He said: “The measures that have been announced by both the US and the EU have been treated, understandably in my view, with contempt by Russia.

"What is needed is financial economic sanctions. » | Owen Bennett | Political Editor | Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Saudi Cleric ‘Issues Religious Edict Banning against All-you-can-eat Buffets’

THE INDEPENDENT: Sheikh Saleh al-Fawzan says open buffets involve paying lump sum for ‘unknown’ quality and quantity of goods – which goes against Sharia law

A senior cleric in Saudi Arabia has reportedly issued a religious edict, or fatwa, banning all-you-can-eat style buffets.

According to Sheik Saleh al-Fawzan, such restaurants breach Sharia law by requiring customers to pay a set price for a product that is unknown and unquantified in advance.

The cleric, who is a member of the country’s highest religious body, the Council of Senior Scholars, announced the fatwa while appearing on the Saudi Arabia-based Quranic TV station, according to Al Arabiya news.

“Whoever enters the buffet and eats for 10 or 50 riyals without deciding the quantity they will eat is violating Sharia (Islamic) law,” Fawzan said. » | Adam Withnall | Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Libyen: Alltag in einem zerfallenden Land

Krim gehört zu Russland: Die Unterzeichnung des Vertrages

Die Schwarzmeerhalbinsel Krim und die Hafenstadt Sewastopol sollen neu zur Russischen Föderation gehören. Russlands Präsident Putin hat den Vertrag zusammen mit der pro-russischen Krim-Führung unterzeichnet. Die noch ausstehende Zustimmung des Parlaments gilt als sicher.

US-Vizepräsident Biden zur Krim-Annexion

Putin Approves Annexation of Crimea

Mar. 18, 2014 - 3:24 - Greg Palkot reports from Kiev, Ukraine

Putin Condemns Western Hypocrisy as He Confirms Annexation of Crimea

THE GUARDIAN: Russian president makes speech laced with bluster and anger at west, saying Russia has been 'cheated again and again'

Vladimir Putin announced the annexation of Crimea on Tuesday in a searing speech to assembled political elites in Moscow shot through with angry rhetoric about western aggression and hypocrisy.

The Russian president summoned the federal assembly, which includes both houses of parliament and all key political leaders, for an extraordinary session in the Kremlin's St George Hall.

Putin delivered an hour-long speech laced with patriotic bluster and anger at the west, whose politicians he said "call something white today and black tomorrow".

He was frequently interrupted by applause and at the end of the speech signed documents together with the de facto leader of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov – who came to power after seizing the local parliament at gunpoint last month – to absorb the territory into Russia.

Putin recognised Crimea as an independent state late on Monday evening, making it easier to incorporate into the Russian Federation than if it were still Ukrainian territory. Kiev has said it will never give up its claim to Crimea, but is unable to respond to Russia militarily due to the huge disparity in their respective martial forces. » | Shaun Walker in Simferopol | Tuesday, March 16, 2014

Celente: Sanctions against Russia over Crimea Are Toothless

More than two dozen Russian and Crimean officials have been sanctioned with travel bans and asset freezes in the US and Europe. But, few seem to be happy with that. Lawmakers in Washington say it's not enough, while Russia's furious at being handed any sanctions at all, given the overwhelming show of support in Crimea. Gerald Celente, publisher of the Trends Journal says there was little choice in the restrictions placed on the officials.

Watters' World: Russians in America Edition

Mar. 17, 2014 - 3:47 - Watters heads to one of the largest Russian communities in the US

Russia TV Host: Russia Could Turn USA into Radioactive Ashes

A Russian TV host has threatened the United States with a nuclear strike in his news broadcast. The remarks made by Dmitry Kiselyov were broadcast at the same time as the polls closed in the disputed Crimean referendum about secession from Ukraine. With a picture of a nuclear explosion behind him and words "Into radioactive ashes" written across the screen, Kiselyov said: "Russia is the only country in the world that is really able to turn the USA into radioactive ashes. He also referenced an official Russian government article published in January and urged US officials to read it as it "very clearly explained in detail how our system of guaranteed nuclear revenge works. It is called 'Perimeter'. In the USA it was nicknamed 'Dead Hand'. Actually I advise you to read it." Kiselyov is seen as a loyalist of Russian President Vladimir Putin who has been awarded a friendship medal and made the head of the Russia Today news agency. Report by Ashley Fudge.

THE INDEPENDENT: State television presenter warns Russia could 'turn the US into radioactive dust': TV presenter says Obama won't stop calling Putin and living in fear of the Russian president is making his hair go grey » | Maria Tadeo | Monday, March 17, 2014

Bolton: 'Embarrassing How Weak' Obama's Russia Sanctions Are

Mar. 17, 2014 - 6:20 - Former US ambassador to the UN sounds off on president's sanctions on Putin's inner circle over Crimea and questions about the politics of missing Malaysia plane's pilot

Monday, March 17, 2014

Diese Sanktionen beeindrucken Wladimir Putin sicher nicht

Wladimir Putin
DIE PRESSE: Die EU hat nach dem Anschluss-Referendum auf der Krim pflichtschuldig Strafmaßnahmen verhängt. Russland wird deshalb sein Verhalten nicht ändern.

Vielleicht ist ja schon erstaunlich, dass Europa irgendeinen Finger gegen Russland rührt. Doch bei Licht betrachtet sind die Sanktionen der EU ähnlich furchteinflößend wie eine paar aufblasbare Plastikkrokodile im Kinderschwimmbecken. Ob nun acht prorussische Krim-Führer und 13 zweitrangige Politiker aus Russland nach Europa reisen und dort auf, möglicherweise ohnehin inexistente, Konten zugreifen dürfen oder nicht, wird das Kalkül des russischen Präsidenten kaum verändern. Jedenfalls werden diese „Strafen“ Wladimir Putin nicht davon abhalten, den Anschluss der Krim an Russland zu vollziehen. Das war auch gar nicht mehr Ziel des Beschlusses der EU-Außenminister. Jean Asselborn, mitteilsamer Chefdiplomat Luxemburgs, hat die Wahrheit ausgesprochen: Der Status quo ante auf der Krim werde sich auch mit schärfsten Sanktionen nicht mehr herstellen lassen. » | Von Christian Ultsch | Die Presse | Print-Ausgabe | Dienstag, 18. März 2014

Die neue Eiszeit

Menschen feiern nach dem Referendum auf der Krim.
TAGES ANZEIGER: Die russisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen glichen zunehmend der Fahrt auf einer Achterbahn. Nach der russischen Annexion der Krim ist Schluss.

Wozu Wladimir Putin fähig ist, zeigte er schon 2008 beim Angriff auf Georgien. In Washington freilich erlosch selbst damals nicht die Hoffnung, der Mann in Moskau werde sich doch noch als verlässlicher Partner erweisen. Nach Putins gesetzlosem Vorgehen auf der Krim ist davon nichts geblieben: Washington sammelt die Scherben einer Politik ein, die niemals wirklich wusste, wer Wladimir Putin war und ist. Und je mehr sich der Russe als amerikanischer Buhmann empfiehlt und Erinnerungen wachruft an die Zeiten des Kalten Krieges, desto intensiver wird in der amerikanischen Hauptstadt seine psychische Befindlichkeit hinterfragt. » | Von Martin Kilian, Washington | Montag, 07. Müarz 2014

Independence from Rome! Venice Floating Away Unnoticed as Crimea Steals Show

While the Crimean referendum tops world media headlines, an attempt at secession is going on in Veneto, Italy, with its major city Venice. But as it is being virtually ignored by media, people in Europe are hardly aware of what's happening next door.

EU and US Impose Crimea Sanctions on Russia

Obama entraîné dans une nouvelle guerre froide

LE FIGARO: Bousculé par une agressivité qu'il était loin d'avoir anticipée, le président américain a durci le ton en annonçant « un élargissement des sanctions » à plusieurs membres du gouvernement russe.

Barack Obama avait rêvé d'une présidence centrée sur la reconstruction de la nation américaine. D'une politique de sécurité du «XXIe siècle» à «l'empreinte légère» qui mettrait l'accent sur la diplomatie. Mais le voilà forcé, bien malgré lui, de s'engager ainsi que ses alliés dans une confrontation avec la Russie qui commence à ressembler furieusement à une nouvelle guerre froide. » | Par Laure Mandeville | lundi 17 mars 2014

From a Country Which Has Just Legalised Marijuana, This BS!

Paris Car Ban Starts After Pollution Hits High

BBC: Hundreds of police are monitoring traffic in Paris after pollution levels prompted the French government to impose major restrictions.

Only motorists whose cars have odd-numbered registration plates are allowed to drive.

On Tuesday, if the restrictions remain in place, it will be the turn of those with even-numbered plates.

Ministers acted after air pollution exceeded safe levels for five days running in Paris and surrounding areas.

The smoggy conditions have been caused by a combination of cold nights and warm days, which have prevented pollution from dispersing. (+ BBC video) » | Monday, March 17, 2014

Putin erkennt Krim als souveränen Staat an

ZEIT ONLINE: Der nächste Schritt für einen Beitritt zu Russland ist getan: Präsident Putin hat die Halbinsel Krim trotz westlicher Warnungen als unabhängigen Staat anerkannt. » | Quelle: Zeit Online, dpa, AFP, Reuters, tis | Montag, 17. März 2014

Crimean Referendum: Mr Putin and the Threat of a New Cold War

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: Through a series of interventions in civil liberties, Mr Putin is turning a soft autocracy into a highly repressive state

The referendum that took place in Crimea is both irrelevant and deeply significant. Irrelevant because it has no standing in the law of the country to which it applies, and because it took place while the autonomous region was under military occupation. International bodies are unlikely to recognise its outcome: the UN security council voted by 13-1 to condemn it on Saturday, with only Russia voting against. The referendum is significant, however, because it represents a giant step on the road to Russian annexation, and because it reveals a little more of the nature of that country's president, Vladimir Putin. » | Editorial | Sunday, March 16, 2014

Earthquake Strongly Felt Across Los Angeles

Mar. 17, 2014 - 1:55 - William La Jeunesse reports

Christian Values Under Attack At Home and Overseas?

Mar. 17, 2014 - 3:15 - Reaction from Ralph Reed, chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition

Will US Sanctions Deter Russian Expansion?

Mar. 17, 2014 - 3:15 - Michael Singh, managing director of The Washington Institute, weighs in

Obama to Russia: 'Further Provocation Will Do Nothing': Sanctions Imposed

FOX NEWS: Is it enough? Obama imposes sanctions on Russian officials over Crimea: WASHINGTON – Faced with calls for a swift and stern reaction to Russia's threatened annexation of Crimea, President Obama wielded his executive pen Monday morning, slapping seven in Vladimir Putin's inner circle -- but not the Russian president himself -- with sanctions freezing their U.S. assets. » | Monday, March 17, 2014

Galloway: West Created Frankenstein Monster in Ukraine

Ukraine's Right Sector members stormed and torched government buildings - and attacked unarmed police squads. They also consistently rejected the concessions offered by the Yanukovich administration, when it was trying in vain to calm the unrest. And now, they have become arguably one of the most influential groups in Ukraine. British MP George Galloway says the West needs to recognize the dangers it poses.

The Changing Face of America? Jewish Convert to Islam Does Pilgrimage to Plain of Arafat

Al Jazeera's Hashem Ahelbarra inside the streem of pilgrims heading to Mount Arafat in Mecca, a journey that millions of Muslims do every year.

Pro-Russia Protesters in Donetsk Want Referendum

BBC: As the voting took place in Crimea, in eastern Ukraine in the city of Donetsk, hundreds of pro-Russian protesters stormed government buildings, demanding their own referendum on whether to become part of Russia.

Steve Rosenberg reports. (+ BBC video) » | Sunday, March 16, 2014

UN Report on North Korea Finds 'Atrocities Like WW2'

BBC: The UN human rights council is due to discuss a report on human rights violations in North Korea.

The authors say the infringements resemble the worst atrocities of World War Two and suggest North Korea should be referred to the International Criminal Court.

A number of people who managed to escape from North Korea have travelled to Geneva for the meeting.

Imogen Foulkes reports. (+ BBC video) » | Geneva | Monday, March 17, 2014

Crimea Votes to Return to ‘Motherland’

CNN's Anna Coren visits a polling station where an overwhelming majority say they want to return to the "Motherland."

Ukraine Mobilises Its Army as Kremlin Ups the Ante with Warning to America: 'We Can Reduce You to Radioactive Ash'

MAIL ONLINE: Ukraine has a national guard of 20,000 troops and another 20,000 reserves / Russia, meanwhile, has an army of 700,000 battle-ready frontline soldiers / Yesterday, Russian state news agency chief warns US to stay out of crisis / Dmitry Kiselyov tells TV viewers Russia could turn US to 'radioactive ash'

The Crimean crisis moved a step closer to all-out war today as Ukraine mobilised its armed forces and a firebrand Kremlin mouthpiece warned America to stay out of its business, declaring: 'We could turn you to radioactive ash.'

In a sign of rising tensions following yesterday's referendum that called for Crimea's annexation to Russia, the Ukrainian parliament approved the deployment of up to 20,000 soldiers and declared all Ukrainian state property on the territory to be nationalized.

Tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are now on stand by, including another 20,000 battle-ready reservists, prepared to fight should their government fail to find a solution to the standoff with Russia over the future of the Black Sea peninsular. Read on and comment » | Matt Blake and Associated Press | Monday, March 17, 2014

Will Crimea Vote Further Inflame US Tensions with Russia?

Mar. 16, 2014 - 11:18 - Reaction from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's top members, Sens. Robert Menendez and Bob Corker

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Chris Wallace on Imposing Tough Economic Sanctions on Russia

Mar. 14, 2014 - 4:09 - Kerry: U.S. will not recognize Crimea vote

Inside Story: Crimea Referendum: Ukraine or Russia?

As people in Crimea vote to join Russia, we discuss what the move means for Ukraine.

Anjem Choudary vs. David Wood: Would Sharia Help the West? (Debate)

Muslims claim that the West is immoral, and that Islam can improve Western society. But can the teachings of Muhammad really help the United States, Great Britain, and other Western nations? Anjem Choudary and David Wood debate the evidence.

American Pastor Jailed in Iran Denied Medical Treatment

Mar. 15, 2014 - 4:14 - Saeed Abedini's wife on husband's plight

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Why Russia Sees Crimea as Crucial to Its Future

Mar. 12, 2014 - 11:26 - US Navy Capt. William Parker III explains the strategic value of the Crimean peninsula

Ukraine Crisis: Moscow Rally Opposes Crimea Intervention

BBC: Tens of thousands have joined a rally in the Russian capital Moscow to oppose its intervention in Ukraine, a day before Crimeans vote on whether to secede and join Russia.

Holding Russian and Ukrainian flags, they shouted: "The occupation of Crimea is Russia's disgrace." A smaller pro-Moscow rally was being held elsewhere.

Moscow supports the vote, which Ukraine and the West have dismissed as illegal.

Kiev says Russian "provocateurs" are behind clashes in eastern Ukraine. (+ BBC videos) » | Saturday, March 15, 2014

Venezuela: Maduro wirft den USA Umsturzpläne vor

Präsident Maduro: Anschuldigungen gegen US-Außenminister Kerry
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Der Ton zwischen Caracas und Washington verschärft sich. Venezuelas linker Staatschef Nicolás Maduro wirft der US-Regierung vor, gezielt seinen Sturz zu betreiben. Nun will er mehr Polizei gegen die regierungsfeindlichen Demonstranten einsetzen.

Caracas - Die Proteste gegen Präsident Nicolás Maduro dauern an. Jetzt will die venezolanische Regierung härter durchgreifen. Der Linksnationalist Maduro kündigte in Caracas eine höhere Polizeipräsenz in der Hauptstadt Caracas, San Cristóbal, dem Ausgangspunkt der Bewegung im Zentrum des Landes, und Valencia im Norden an. Dort waren am Mittwoch drei Menschen an Schussverletzungen gestorben: zwei Zivilisten und ein Nationalgardist. Es gehe darum, die Straßen von Barrikaden und Blockierern zu befreien, sagte der Staatschef. » | ler/AFP/dpa | Samstag, 15. März 2014

Vor dem Referendum: Krim-Bewohner heben massenhaft Geld ab

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Vor der Volksabstimmung auf der Krim ist die Stimmung angespannt. Die Menschen sorgen sich offenbar um die Zeit danach und stehen in Schlangen vor den Banken an. In den ostukrainischen Städten Charkow und Donezk gab es Tote bei Krawallen - Kiew sieht russische Provokateure am Werk.

Simferopol - Die Krim bereitet sich mit einem "Tag der Ruhe" ohne politische Agitation auf das umstrittene Referendum vor. In der Hauptstadt Simferopol bildeten sich am Samstag bei sonnigem Wetter Warteschlangen an Geldautomaten, an denen Menschen ukrainische Geldscheine zogen. Am Sonntag sind mehr als 1,8 Millionen Krim-Bewohner aufgerufen, über den Anschluss an Russland abzustimmen. » | ler/dpa/Reuters | Samstag, 15. März 2014

Saudi Arabia Bans 50 Baby Names

GULF NEWS: List includes foreign names; those that ‘contradict culture and religion’

Dubai: Saudi Arabia’s interior ministry has banned 50 given names including “foreign” names, names related to royalty and those it considers to be blasphemous.

Saudis will no longer be able to give their children names such as Amir (prince), Linda or Abdul Nabi (Slave of the Prophet) after the civil affairs department at the ministry issued the list, according to Saudi news sites.

It justified the ban by saying that the names either contradicted the culture or religion of the kingdom, or were foreign, or “inappropriate”.

The names fit into at least three categories: those that offend perceived religious sensibilities, those that are affiliated to royalty and those that are of non-Arabic or non-Islamic origin. » | Gulf News Report | Thursday, March 13, 2014

Riyadh Demands Qatar Shut Down Al Jazeera

GULF NEWS: Qatar considers the demand an interference in its affairs

Dubai: Saudi Arabia demanded that Qatar shut down Al Jazeera and two think tanks during a recent meeting of the Gulf Cooperation Council, a source close to someone who attended the talks said Friday.

Riyadh demanded the closure of the pan-Arab broadcaster as well as the Brookings Doha Centre and the Arab Centre for Research and Policy Studies, the source said. » | AFP | Friday, March 14, 2014

Indian Expat Stabs Saudi to Death

GULF NEWS: The defendant said the victim threatened to kill him with a pistol

Riyadh: An expatriate Indian in Saudi Arabia stabbed a young Saudi to death at a rest house on a highway, media reported.

The victim, who was in his 20s, was found bleeding inside the kitchen of a rest house on the Riyadh-Dammam highway with two severe stabs to his chest, local media reported Friday.

The report did not say when the person was killed. » | IANS | Friday, March 14, 2014

International Talks On Crimea Crisis

Mar. 14, 2014 - 5:45 - Geraldo on tensions between the US and Russia over Ukraine

Gove Attacks 'Preposterous' Number of Old Etonians in Cameron's Cabinet

Michael Gove, the education secretary, was educated at a fee-paying school in Scotland.
THE GUARDIAN: Education secretary draws comparisons between PM's team and cabinet of Lord Salisbury, criticised for alleged cronyism

The education secretary, Michael Gove, has attacked the "preposterous" number of Etonians in David Cameron's inner cabinet and, in the process, taken aim at the chances of Old Etonian Boris Johnson succeeding Cameron as party leader after the general election.

He described the concentration of Old Etonians as "ridiculous", adding that such a bastion of privilege does not exist in any other rich country.

Although Gove, in an interview with the Financial Times, stressed that the elite nature of Cameron's top team reflected the failings of past state education policies, the remarks fit perfectly with the Labour claim that the top of the Conservative party is an out-of-touch elite. » | Patrick Wintour | Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday, March 14, 2014

Fears Russia Will Use Syria, Iran to Retaliate for Sanctions

Mar. 14, 2014 - 4:07 - Reaction from Elliot Abrams, former deputy national security adviser for President George W. Bush

Frostige Stimmung zwischen Kerry und Lawrow

DIE WELT: Das Treffen der Außenminister in London macht deutlich, wie weit die Ansichten der USA und Russlands in der Krim-Krise auseinander liegen. Nicht einmal vor die Presse wollten sie gemeinsam treten.

Im Konflikt um die Zukunft der Halbinsel Krim bleibt Russland auf Konfrontationskurs. "Wir müssen das Ergebnis der Volksabstimmung respektieren", sagte der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow am Freitag nach einem mehrstündigen Gespräch mit seinem US-Kollegen John Kerry in London. Mit den USA habe man keine gemeinsame Sichtweise. Kerry bekräftigte die Meinung seiner eigenen Regierung sowie der EU: Das für Sonntag geplante Referendum sei nicht legitim, zumal sich die zu Ukraine gehörige Krim unter russischer Besatzung befinde. Sollte sich Präsident Wladimir Putin für die Annektierung der Krim entscheiden, werde dies "enorme Konsequenzen" haben. (+ Video) » | Von Sebastian Borger, London | Freitag, 14. März 2014

Crimée : la diplomatie échoue avant le référendum

Les six heures d'entretien entre le chef de la diplomatie russe
Sergueï Lavrov et son homologue américain John Kerry,
vendredi à Londres, n'ont rien donné.
LE FIGARO: La réunion de la «dernière chance» n'a pas permis de désamorcer la crise ukrainienne, avant le vote sur le rattachement de la péninsule à la Russie.

Barack Obama assurait vendredi croire encore à une solution diplomatique sur la crise en Ukraine. La fenêtre semblait pourtant se refermer après l'échec de six heures de discussions «de la dernière chance», à Londres, entre le secrétaire d'État américain John Kerry et le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères, Sergueï Lavrov, même si les deux hommes sont convenus de rester en contact. » | Par Florentin Collomp, Pierre Avril | vendredi 14 mars 2014

Lee Rigby Murder: Couple Jailed for Glorification Videos

Royal Barnes and his wife Rebekah Dawson posted
three videos on YouTube
BBC: A married couple have been jailed for posting videos on YouTube glorifying Fusilier Lee Rigby's murder.

Royal Barnes, 23, of Hackney, east London, recorded and uploaded three videos shortly after the murder in Woolwich, south-east London, last May.

In one of the videos, he hailed the murder as a "brilliant day".

At the Old Bailey, the Muslim couple were both jailed - Barnes for five years and four months, while Rebekah Dawson, 22, was sentenced to 20 months. » | Friday, March 14, 2014

Veteran Labour Politician Tony Benn Dies Aged 88

Anthony Neil Wedgewood Benn, known as Tony Benn, formerly 2nd Viscount
Stansgate, was a controversial British Labour Party politician. He renounced his
hereditary peerage and served in the House of Commons for 50 years.

BBC: The veteran Labour Party politician, Tony Benn, has died at the age of 88.

In a statement his family said he passed away at his London home surrounded by relatives.

Tony Benn was one of the most influential left-wing figures in British politics.

Political editor Nick Robinson reports. (+ BBC video) » | Friday, March 14, 2014

Iraqi Cabinet Approves Legalizing Marriage For 9-Year-Old Girls

RTT NEWS: Iraq's Council of Ministers have approved a new draft law that would restrict women's rights in matters of inheritance and parental and other rights after divorce, make it easier for men to take multiple wives, and allow girls to be married from age nine.

The new Personal Status Law, which received the Cabinet's nod on February 25, must now be approved by the parliament to become law.

Human Rights Watch called on the Iraqi Government to withdraw the pending legislation and ensure that Iraq's legal framework protects women and girls in line with its international obligations.

The draft law, called the Jaafari Personal Status Law, is based on the principles of the Jaafari school of Shia religious jurisprudence, founded by Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq, the sixth Shia imam. » | RTT Staff Writer | Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Russia and West on Collision Course over Ukraine as Talks Fail in London

The Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, and the US
secretary of state, John Kerry, in London.
THE GUARDIAN: John Kerry and Sergei Lavrov fail to reach agreement as Crimea prepares for referendum on joining Russia

The Ukraine crisis has entered a new and more dangerous phase after 11th-hour talks in London between the US secretary of state, John Kerry, and his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, broke up without resolution.

The diplomatic failure sets Russia on a collision course with the west, with Moscow ordering further military deployments on Friday and a contentious referendum in Russian-dominated Crimea set to go ahead as planned on Sunday.

The referendum, which will almost certainly result in a vote in favour of breaking away from Ukraine and union with Russia, will trigger the imposition of sanctions by the west on Monday.

During five hours of talks, Kerry pushed Lavrov to postpone the referendum. He challenged him over sudden Russian troop movements along the Ukrainian border over the last few days. But Lavrov offered nothing in the way of a concession that would have helped reduce tensions.

At a press conference afterwards, the Russian foreign minister described the talks as productive, in that both sides were able to set out their positions, but the two sides did not share "a common vision". Looking for a way to emphasise his point, Lavrov sought an international parallel: Crimea meant more to Russia than the Falklands did to Britain. » | Ewen MacAskill and Alec Luhn in Moscow | Friday, March 14, 2014

Abdurraheem Green – Stoning, Homosexuality and Democracy

Is Islam a Threat to the West? By Abdur Raheem Green

Abdur Raheem Green (UK), well known for his efforts at the renowned Speaker's Corner in London's Hyde Park and Lecturer of Peace TV.

Inside Story: Pope Francis: Reform or Modernisation?

A report card on the first non-European Pontiff, as he marks his first year in office.

Kerry and Lavrov in Last-ditch Ukraine Talks

US Secretary of State John Kerry has been meeting Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in London. It is their last opportunity to talk, before a referendum is held in Ukraine's Crimea region - on whether it should become part of Russia. The US wants assurances that Russia would not annex Crimea. But Russia said it has the right to protect its compatriots in the whole of Ukraine.

Malaysia Airlines the Greatest Aviation Mystery in History?

Mar. 13, 2014 - 5:21 - Report: Unclear if investigators have evidence this is terror-related

Russia Announces Start of Military Exercises Near Ukrainian Border

Move comes as Ukraine backs creation of new force to keep Russian troops from advancing beyond Crimea

Read the Guardian article here | Thursday, March 13, 2014

Marin Le Pen: Schritt für Schritt an die Macht

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die Front-National-Chefin Marine Le Pen arbeitet systematisch am Aufstieg. Die rechtsextreme Partei könnte bei den Europawahlen stärkste Kraft in Frankreich werden.

Jean-Marie Le Pen blickte ziemlich verdutzt in die Kameras, als er sich 2002 überraschend für die Stichwahl der Präsidentenwahl qualifizierte. Marine Le Pen aber hofft nicht auf Überraschungen. Die 45 Jahre alte Front-National-Chefin arbeitet systematisch an ihrem Aufstieg, der sie ins höchste Staatsamt bringen soll. In ihrem Stufenplan an die Macht stellen die Kommunalwahlen in drei Wochen eine wichtige Etappe dar. „Das Ziel ist klar: Wir wollen unsere lokale Verankerung stärken“, sagt die Parteivorsitzende im Gespräch in Paris. » | Von Michaela Wiegel, Paris | Samstag, 08. März 2014

La Russie bloque plusieurs sites qui critiquaient le gouvernement

LA PRESSE: La Russie a bloqué jeudi plusieurs sites internet connus pour leurs critiques du gouvernement et un blogue tenu par l'un des leaders de l'opposition, Alexeï Navalny, alors que le Kremlin intensifie sa répression contre les médias indépendants en pleine crise avec l'Ukraine. » | Associated Press | Moscou | jeudi 13 mars 2014

Ukraine Crisis Growing

Mar. 13, 2014 - 2:38 - Eric Shawn reports on prime minister's UN Security Council visit

Thursday, March 13, 2014

People Cannot Debate Traditional Issues because of Liberal 'Censoriousness', Says Lord Neuberger

Lord Neuberger
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Traditional attitudes to issues such as sexuality are being shut out of debate, Britain’s most senior judge warns

Traditional attitudes to issues such as sexuality are being shut out of debate by a new form of liberal “censoriousness” which only allows “inoffensive” opinions to be heard in public, Britain’s most senior judge has warned.

Lord Neuberger, President of the Supreme Court, said that Britain could be becoming less diverse rather than more because once common opinions are now deemed “unacceptable”.

He likened the new form of “moral reaction” to the opposite but equally restrictive attitudes of previous generations.

The judge also warned that the children of Britain's elite will have to settle for worse jobs than their parents in coming years. » | John Bingham, and Christopher Hope | Thursday, March 13, 2014

Islam Explained by a Non-Muslim

Britain’s 'Finest WWII General' Accused of Child Sex Abuse in Australia

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Viscount Slim has been accused of molesting multiple children at Fairbridge Farm School in rural New South Wales while representing the Queen in Australia

One of Britain’s greatest military commanders, Viscount Slim, has been accused of molesting children at a school for underprivileged youths while serving as the Queen’s representative in Australia.

Bob Stevens, a claimant in a lawsuit against Fairbridge Farm, a school in Australia for mostly British child migrants, said Viscount Slim would arrive in his Rolls Royce and the “next minute we were sitting on his knee and he's got his hands up our trousers”. » | Jonathan Pearlman, Sydney | Thursday, March 13, 2014

Le Canada perturbé par une tempête de neige

La tempête sévit également à Montréal
TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Une forte tempête de neige paralysait jeudi les transports sur tout l'est du Canada, avec d'importants retards ou des annulations de vols aux aéroports, des écoles fermées et des routes impraticables.

L'hiver est loin d'être terminé au Canada. Une tempête perturbe tout l'est du pays.

La neige s'est abattue pendant plus de 24 heures sur les provinces entre l'Ontario et la côte Atlantique, laissant jusqu'à 40 centimètres sur certaines régions comme par exemple dans le Nouveau Brunswick.

Le service météorologique Environnement Canada a émis des bulletins d'alerte pour «des vents forts», avec des pointes à 70 km/h, qui en raison «des températures froides produisent du blizzard». Ces conditions favorisent des accumulations de neige et des congères sur les routes. » | afp/Newsnet | jeudi 13 mars 2014

Crimée : Les États-Unis envisagent des mesures "très sérieuses" contre Moscou

LE POINT: Le secrétaire d'État américain John Kerry a annoncé que son pays, appuyé par l'Union européenne, apporterait "une réponse au référendum".

Les États-Unis et l'Union européenne sont prêts à prendre lundi des "mesures très sérieuses" visant Moscou pour répliquer au référendum de dimanche en Crimée qui doit entériner un rattachement à la Russie, a prévenu jeudi le secrétaire d'État John Kerry. "Il y aura une réponse au référendum et de surcroît s'il n'y a aucun signe d'avancées pour régler ce dossier, il y aura de très sérieuses mesures lundi en Europe et ici", a déclaré M. Kerry devant une commission du Sénat américain, à la veille d'une nouvelle rencontre vendredi à Londres avec son homologue russe Sergueï Lavrov. » | Source AFP | jeudi 13 mars 2014

Public Has a Right to See Prince Charles’ Letters, Says Guardian Editor Alan Rusbridger

Alan Rusbridger, the editor-in-chief of the Guardian, discusses the government's attempts to block publication of letters the Prince of Wales wrote to ministers. Rusbridger says the public has a right to know what was in the letters, as it appears Charles attempted to influence policy. Three senior judges ruled that Dominic Grieve, the attorney general, acted unlawfully when he blocked the publication of the letters

John McCain Urges Congressional Action to Punish Russia

Mar. 13, 2014 - 6:48 - Key Republican senator sounds off on crisis in Ukraine

Obama Threatens to Veto Bill Requiring He Follow Law

Mar. 13, 2014 - 4:46 - Debate over separation of powers

BBC Panorama – Muslim First, British Second (June 2013)

Exclusive: BBC ‘Free Speech’ Show Censors Gay Muslim After ‘Conerns’ from Mosque

BREITBART LONDON: BBC Three's Free Speech programme was broadcast from Birmingham Central Mosque last night, and one of the topics set to be debated was homosexuality and Islam.

But after the "BBC snake ate its own tail" (host Rick Edwards words, not mine) by discussing the necessity of BBC Three for 20 minutes, we were treated to an excellent example of how and why the BBC fails to do its job properly. Sort of like the snake eating its own tail, vomiting it back up, then eating it again.

A short clip was broadcast, featuring Asifa Lahore, Britain's "first and only" gay Muslim drag queen. The topic had "the most comments on the audience questions page", but this was still not enough for the BBC 'Free Speech' programme to force the issue with its venue hosts, the Birmingham Central Mosque.

As the clip ended, host Rick Edwards announced, "We were going to debate that question but today after speaking to the mosque they have expressed deep concerns with having this discussion here... so we'll move on to our next question". Read on and comment » | Raheem Kassam | Thursday, March 13, 2014

Book Unveils Shocking Details about Clinton's Benghazi Role

Mar. 12, 2014 - 4:11 - Author of 'The Benghazi Report' explains

Consequences of Marijuana Legalization

Mar. 12, 2014 - 4:45 - Patrick Kennedy and Christopher Kennedy Lawford on the dangers of marijuana legalization

I Back Kosher Animal Killing, Says David Cameron: PM Says He Will Defend Religious Slaughter of Animals in Britain During His Trip to Israel

MAIL ONLINE: Prime Minister told Israeli Knesset on his 'watch' there will be no ban on the production of kosher meat / He said his message is clear, Britain 'opposes boycotts of Israel' / His pro-Jewish speech came as leading British vet called for a ban on traditional kosher and halal meat, calling for more humane methods

David Cameron yesterday vowed to defend the religious slaughter of animals in Britain.

In a strongly pro-Jewish speech to the Israeli Knesset, Mr Cameron said he would never allow a ban on the production of kosher meat, despite a call from Britain’s leading vet for it to be replaced by more humane methods.

Earlier this month, John Blackwell, president-elect of the British Veterinary Association, called for a ban on the traditional production of both kosher and halal meat.

He said the practice of slitting animals’ throats and allowing them to bleed to death caused unnecessary suffering - and suggested animals should be stunned first.

Several Tory MPs have also called for a ban on a method of slaughter used to kill an estimated 600,000 animals a week in British abattoirs.

But, to applause from Israeli MPs yesterday, Mr Cameron, who attempted to speak Hebrew, praised the Jewish community’s integration into British society, and said he would never allow a ban on religious slaughter, known as Schechita.

He said: ‘The Jewish community has been an absolute exemplar in integrating into British life in every way but integration doesn’t mean that you have to give up things that you hold very dear in your religion.

'When people challenged kosher Shechita. I have defended it. » | Jason Groves | Thursday, March 13, 2014

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Kingdom That's Closed to Women: The Saudi Arabian Princesses Tethered by the Patriarchy

Saudi's strict modesty laws even apply to women shoppers
DAILY EXPRESS: ONCE upon a time there were four beautiful princesses called Sahar, Jawaher, Maha and Hala.

They lived in a fabulous palace and every year would go on two long holidays with their friends.

In winter they would ski at an exclusive resort in the French Alps. In summer they went to parties in Italy and Greece. Then, abruptly, the fairytale ended.

For the four sisters were part of the Saudi Arabian royal family and they had made the mistake of crossing the patriarchy that rules one of the most oppressive states in the world.

Now, instead of the carefree existence they once enjoyed as children of King Abdullah, they are trapped in a gilded cage.

The heavy metal gate that serves as the main entrance to the beachfront villa they occupy in the grounds of the royal palace in the Saudi capital Riyadh is padlocked at all times.

Guards in a watchtower keep them under observation 24 hours a day helped by the glare of spotlights after dark. And escape by sea is made impossible by underwater nets and concrete obstacles.

When the women do leave the compound to shop for food it is only with the permission of a half-brother who ensures their every move is monitored by a squad of plain-clothes security men.

There appears to be no respite from this house arrest as their London- based mother Alanoud Alfayez, distrustful of promises to grant her daughters’ freedom in exchange for her return, refuses to submit to the clutches of her ex-husband.

The plight of the Riyadh Four has come to light after a decade following publication of a plaintive email from two of the victims, Sahar, 42 and Jawaher, 38, and a plea by their mother to a UN agency, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. » | Dominic Midgley | Monday, March 10, 2014

Saudi Arabia Closes Local Al Jazeera Office over Qatar’s Backing for the Muslim Brotherhood

Qatar's ruler, Sheikh Tamim al-Thani
THE INDEPENDENT: The Saudis, UAE and Bahrain are in confrontation with Qatar over it's support for jihadi rebels in Syria and its satellite television station’s willingness to provide a platform for critics of the Gulf monarchs and their allies

Saudi Arabia intends to close the local office of the Qatari-owned al Jazeera satellite television station in the latest episode in the escalating conflict in which the Saudis, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are in confrontation with Qatar, say local media.

At the heart of the dispute is Qatar’s backing for the Muslim Brotherhood, which Saudi Arabia banned last Friday, and Qatari opposition to the regime of Field Marshall Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Egypt that came to power in a coup last summer.

Riyadh and Doha now differ on almost every aspect of foreign policy, notably Qatar’s support for jihadi rebels in Syria and al Jazeera’s willingness to provide a television platform for critics of the Gulf monarchs and their allies. » | Patrick Cockburn | Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Snowden's First Live: 'Constitution Being Violated on Massive Scale' (Full Video)

Courtesy: The Texas Tribune. ¶ Speaking remotely from Russia on Monday, former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden told attendees at the SXSW Interactive conference in Austin, Texas that encryption is still a powerful deterrent against government surveillance.

Immigrants Cost Britain £3,000 A Day Each, Says Report

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Study by MigrationWatch UK challenges findings of earlier academic report which said immigration made positive contribution to public coffers

Immigrants have cost the taxpayer more than £22 million a day since the mid-1990s, totting up a bill of more than £140 billion, according to a new report.

MigrationWatch UK, which campaigns against mass immigration, added that in 2011 the costs were equivalent to £3,000 a day for each of the eight million foreign-born people living in Britain.

It compiled the figures in response to a study published by University College London (UCL) last year which claimed immigrants made a “substantial” contribution to public finances.

The pressure group’s new report said UCL’s conclusions - which were given prominent coverage by the BBC - were “simply wrong”.

In fact, immigration between 1995 and 2011 cost the taxpayer more than £140 billion, or £22 million a day, after balancing what immigrants pay in tax with what they take out of Britain’s coffers by claiming benefits and tax credits, it said. » | David Barrett, Home Affairs Correspondent | Wednesday, March 12, 2014