Thursday, November 23, 2023

German Police Carry Out Raids on Suspected Hamas and Samidoun Properties | DW News

Nov 23, 2023 | The German Interior Ministry on Thursday said police had conducted raids on properties in four federal states connected to suspected Hamas and Samidoun members. Germany, along with the US, the EU and others, has designated Hamas a terrorist organization. Samidoun describes itself as an international Palestinian prisoner solidarity group. Berlin had banned the activities of both organizations in early November.

Searches were carried out in Berlin, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein. A spokesperson for the Senate Interior Administration said that more than 300 police officers took part in the raids of 15 properties, 11 of them in Berlin. Seven searches concerned Hamas, and four Samidoun. Germany's Interior Ministry says that there are around 450 Hamas members in the country. According to German authorities, their activities include influencing political and social discourse in Germany and financing and fundraising to strengthen the organization. A week ago, authorities also conducted nationwide searches of 54 locations across seven federal states connected to the Islamic Center of Hamburg, suspected of supporting the militant group Hezbollah.

WIKIPEDIA: Samidoun »

EXCLUSIVE: Antisemitic Hate Speech Calling for Jewish Deaths Preached In Several UK Mosques

Nov 23, 2023 | EXCLUSIVE: A TalkTV investigation has unearthed footage of hate preachers in several UK mosques calling for Jewish people to be killed.

Imam Ajmal Masroor: “Hate speech preached by anyone is condemned and not tolerated anywhere! We’re living at a very hateful time.”

London's Metropolitan Police are reporting a significant surge in antisemitic and anti-Islamic hate crimes in the city since the start of the Israel-Hamas conflict. In a statement Friday, they said that from October 1 to 18 the department saw 218 antisemitic offenses compared to 15 in the same period last year, while Islamophobic offenses jumped from 42 to 101, representing increases of 1,353 percent and 140 percent respectively.

The department said the crimes include abuse directed at individuals or groups in person or online, racially or religiously motivated criminal damage and other offenses.

So has political correctness been successful, then, I wonder? It is high time for us to abandon political correctness and return to encouraging our own, indigenous young ladies to start giving birth to babies again. Give tax breaks and family allowance payments to encourage procreation. This needs to be done as a matter of urgency; otherwise, Britain will no longer be Britain anymore.

Do you think that Muslim countries would tolerate this nonsense? Go to Saudi Arabia and see what happens to you if you speak about Muslims like these people speak about Christians — infidels in their eyes! — and Jews, for whom they have a visceral hatred. We really do not have to tolerate this dangerous bullshit. Either incarcerate these people or, better still, deport them forthwith! We need to have zero tolerance for such hate speech! – © Mark Alexander

Wishing You All a Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving

Wishing all my visitors and followers from the States a very happy and enjoyable Thanksgiving celebration. May your day sparkle!

For the photo of this beautiful and elegant tablescape, we can thank on Pinterest.

Populist Geert Wilders Emerges as Winner in the Dutch Elections, Might Fall Short of Governing

Nov 23, 2023 | The party of far-right populist Geert Wilders is set to emerge as the largest force after elections in the Netherlands. Early results point to the Freedom Party winning 35 of the 150 seats in parliament. Many other parties have ruled out working with Wilders and his party.

Rudy Rochman: "The Purpose of Antisemitism"

A screenshot of Rudy Rochman taken from this video.

Sep 8, 2022 | Why is there so much hatred towards Jews, throughout time and across borders? How does it function? Why does it grow? Are Jews bound to just always being rejected and scapegoated?

It’s time to spark the conversation and to really address the issue. No generation should ever be just looking to manage or survive through the waves of antisemitism, nor should we ever expect the world to solve Jewish problems for Jews.

If one wants to solve a problem they must understand the formula, but before anything they must first believe they can calculate. If you do not believe antisemitism can be understood or solved, then that means it is supernatural, and if it is, then the formula concluded in this video ends up being the same.

Jews carry so much generational trauma that even talking about solving antisemitism or trying to understand why it happens triggers many. However, every chapter of Jewish history, many of which are memorialized through Jewish holidays, is looked through that lens. The Hebrew way of understanding our past is seeing ourselves as our ancestors and understanding what went wrong, where we messed up, what we did to make it out, and the lessons we must pass down from that experience for the future generations not to repeat it.

Antisemitism is not our creation, but it’s our responsibility to prevent its fruition of Jewish annihilation.

“Never Again” means we make sure it Never happens Again. If it does, it means we failed our minimal responsibility of self-preservation. This phrase may be young, but this promise is ancient, and began the moment we became a People thousands of years ago.

Every time Jews are united and are on their path to fulfilling their purpose, they have overcome the greatest of challenges. Every time Jews are divided and assimilating, they have gotten struck with the worst of tragedies. Both thousands of years of evidence in practice, and the Torah, have already given us the answer as to why Jews are hated. Yet too many have never learnt Jewish history thoroughly, or Torah, or have just refused to accept and apply its understanding because then just surviving or asking for recognition not only doesn’t work, but is part of the problem.

Healing victimhood is difficult and can hurt because victims sometimes need to go through a painful process of understanding that only self-empowerment and responsibility can ensure them to no longer be victims in the future. Victim mentalities only lead to victim realities. Join the conversation as it is time to be a part of the solution.

This video is age-restricted; so it cannot be embedded on external websites. Here is a link to the video on YouTube which has been produced by Kavana Films. If you like Rudy Rochman’s work, you can support him, his work and his team here.

WIKIPEDIA: Rudy Rochman »

Anti-Islam Populist Geert Wilders Wins Dutch Election | BBC News

Nov 23, 2023 | Geert Wilders, a veteran anti-Islam populist leader, has won a dramatic victory in the Dutch general election, according to the latest forecast. After 25 years in parliament, his Freedom party (PVV) is set to win 37 seats, well ahead of his nearest rival, a left-wing alliance. "The PVV can no longer be ignored," he said. His win has shaken Dutch politics and it will send a shock across Europe too.

Netherlands Election | Geert Wilders Won Dutch Elections with His Anti-Islamist Campaign | N18V

Nov 23, 2023 | The far-right, anti-Islam party of firebrand politician Geert Wilders has won a stunning victory in the Dutch election, partial results showed on Wednesday, a political bombshell that will resound in Europe and around the world. His PVV (Freedom Party) won 35 seats in parliament, a landslide according to initial results and a generally reliable exit poll. A left-wing bloc trailed far behind on 25 seats, with the centre-right party on 24.

Argentina Braces Itself for Its New ‘Anarcho-Capitalist’ President

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Javier Milei has said that society is better without government. Now he is about to run Argentina’s.

President-elect Javier Milei greeting supporters on Sunday in Buenos Aires. “The changes that our country needs are drastic,” he said in his victory speech. | Juan Ignacio Roncoroni/EPA, via Shutterstock

Javier Milei was first introduced to the Argentine public as a combative television personality with an unruly hairdo and a tendency to insult his critics. So when he entered Argentina’s presidential race last year, he was viewed by many as a sideshow.

On Sunday, he was elected Argentina’s next president, and is now tasked with guiding one of Latin America’s largest economies out of one of its worst economic crises.

Many Argentines awoke on Monday anxious, others hopeful, but just about everyone was uncertain about what lay ahead.

Perhaps the only certainty about the country’s political and economic future was that, in three weeks, a far-right political outsider with little governing experience was set to take the reins of a government that he has vowed to upend.

In other words, it is Argentina’s Donald Trump moment.

Mr. Milei, a libertarian economist and freshman congressman, made clear in his victory speech on Sunday that he would move fast to overhaul the government and economy. “Argentina’s situation is critical,” he said. “The changes that our country needs are drastic. There is no place for gradualism.”

Markets cheered his election, with Argentine stocks and bonds rising on U.S. exchanges (the Argentine market was closed for a holiday). Even without clarity on what he can accomplish, markets appear to view him as a better economic bet than his mostly leftist predecessors.

Failed economic policies — including overspending, protectionist trade measures, suffocating international debt and the printing of more pesos to pay for it — have sent the nation of 46 million people into an economic tailspin.

Annual inflation has surpassed 140 percent, the world’s third highest rate, leaving many residents rushing to spend or convert their pesos to U.S. dollars or cryptocurrencies as quickly as they can, while the country’s growing number of poor increasingly line up at food banks and soup kitchens. » | Jack Nicas, Natalie Alcoba and Lucía Cholakian Herrera, Reporting from Buenos Aires | Monday, November 20, 2023

Argentina se prepara para un presidente ‘anarcocapitalista’: Javier Milei ha dicho que la sociedad es mejor sin Estado. Ahora está a punto de dirigir el de Argentina. »

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Mehrheit der Deutschen steht nicht an der Seite Israels


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der Krieg im Nahen Osten beunruhigt die meisten Menschen in Deutschland. Aber in der Einschätzung der Ereignisse ist die Bevölkerung gespalten. Nur eine Minderheit ist der Ansicht, Deutschland habe eine besondere Verantwortung für Israel.

Der Krieg im Nahen Osten beunruhigt die große Mehrheit der Bevölkerung außerordentlich. 76 Prozent sind über die Situation besorgt, beim politisch inter¬essierten Teil der Bevölkerung liegt der Anteil noch über diesem Durchschnitt. Gleichzeitig besteht jedoch kein Konsens bei der Bewertung des Konflikts und der Reaktion Israels auf den barbarischen Angriff der Hamas. Zwar ist vielen bewusst, dass Israel ein Land ist, das von steter Bedrohung geprägt ist. Die Ereignisse vom 7. Oktober haben diese Bedrohungslage auf grausame Weise ins Gedächtnis gerufen. » | Von Renate Köcher, Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach | Donnerstag, 23. November 2023 | [€]

What an 'Anarcho-capitalist' Will Do for Argentina | DW Business

Nov 22, 2023 | Argentina is on the brink of radical economic change following the election of libertarian Javier Milei. The self-branded 'anarcho-capitalist' has vowed to scrap multiple government departments, do away with the central bank and abandon the country's Peso currency in favor of the US dollar. Markets have reacted favorably to his win - but the question now is - can he live up to his promises to battle inflation and turn the country's fortunes around? Video features expert analysis from Alicia García-Herrero, Economist at Natixis, as well as reaction from World Bank President Ajay Banga.

No tickets necessary for the roller coaster/big dipper ride you have embarked on. Javier Milei will give you a free ride. But don’t forget to take plenty of sick bags with you for it! You’re going to need them. – © Mark Alexander

La Corée du Nord a reçu de l’aide de la Russie pour lancer son satellite espion, affirme Séoul

LE MONDE : Le service de renseignement sud-coréen a confirmé qu’« après le sommet » entre le président russe Vladimir Poutine et le dirigeant nord-coréen Kim Jong-un en septembre, les deux nations ont collaboré pour mener à bien ce lancement.

La Corée du Nord a reçu l’aide de la Russie pour le lancement d’un satellite de surveillance que Pyongyang a réussi à placer en orbite cette semaine, ont déclaré jeudi 23 novembre des parlementaires sud-coréens, citant les services de renseignement. » | Le Monde avec Reuters | jeudi 23 novembre 2023

Geert Wilders: The Dutch Far-right Figurehead Sending a Chill across Europe

GUARDIAN EUROPE: After 20 years as a political outlier, the leader of the anti-immigration Freedom party is closer to power than ever before

Known for his distinctive platinum-blond hairstyle and his aggressive anti-Islam and anti-immigration rhetoric, Geert Wilders has been catapulted by the Dutch elections to the place he loves most to be: at the centre of attention.

In a political earthquake, Wilders’ Freedom party was on course late on Wednesday to win the most votes in the country’s parliamentary elections, opening the way for the politician to play a key role in the formation of the next government after an election dominated by debate over immigration.

From describing Islam as “an ideology of a retarded culture” and calling Moroccans “scum”, Wilders, who is often compared to former US president Donald Trump for his inflammatory rhetoric and use of social media, has long been a prominent fixture in the European far-right landscape. » | Pjotr Sauer in Amsterdam | Thursday, November 23, 2023

How Europe’s far right is marching steadily into the mainstream: Whether in Italy, Spain, France or Finland, parties that were once outcasts are fast gaining respectability – and power »


Pays-Bas : l’extrême droite de Geert Wilders remporte les législatives, selon les sondages sortie des urnes : Le PVV (Parti de la Liberté) a obtenu autour de 35 sièges et une victoire électorale confortable, selon l’institut Ipsos, contre 26 pour l’alliance de gauche. Le VVD de centre droit a remporté 23 sièges. Une coalition a besoin de 76 sièges pour gouverner. »

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Far-right Populist Geert Wilders Leads Dutch Election, Says Exit Polls • FRANCE 24 English

Nov 22, 2023 | The far-right, anti-Islam party of firebrand politician Geert Wilders has won the Dutch election, exit polls suggested Wednesday, a political earthquake that will be felt far beyond the country's borders.

Anti-Islam firebrand Geert Wilders wins Dutch election: Far-Right political veteran, 60, predicted to take majority after campaign demanding a Nexit referendum and ‘zero asylum seekers’ »

Erdrutschsieg für Rechtspopulist Geert Wilders

Der niederländische rechtsextreme Politiker und Vorsitzende der PVV-Partei, Geert Wilders, nach seiner Stimmabgabe in einem Wahllokal. Bild: REUTERS


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Wilders wird mit Abstand stärkste Kraft. Er ruft die anderen Parteien zur konstruktiven Zusammenarbeit auf, um eine Koalition zu bilden. Kann er auch Ministerpräsident werden?

Die rechtspopulistische Partei für die Freiheit (PVV) von Geert Wilders hat die vorgezogene Parlamentswahl in den Niederlanden deutlich gewonnen. Der Partei wurden auf der Grundlage von Nachwahlbefragungen 35 Sitze in der 150 Sitze großen Abgeordnetenkammer prognostiziert, doppelt so viele wie 2021. Das Linksbündnis von Sozialdemokraten und Grünen kam auf 26 Sitze (plus 9). Dagegen lag die rechtsliberale Partei (VVD) des scheidenden Ministerpräsidenten Mark Rutte nur bei 23 Sitzen ( minus 11). Wilders forderte die anderen Parteien zu einer konstruktiven Zusammenarbeit auf. Er wolle Ministerpräsident aller Niederländer werden. » | Von Thomas Gutschker, Brüssel | Mittwoch, 22. November 2023 | [€]

Personnes condamnées pour homosexualité en France : le Sénat reconnaît la responsabilité de l’Etat

LE MONDE : Le Sénat a ouvert la voie, mercredi, à la reconnaissance de milliers de victimes d’anciennes lois discriminatoires, refusant néanmoins de leur accorder une réparation financière.

Une loi mémorielle est en gestation pour réhabiliter les personnes condamnées pour homosexualité en France. Le Sénat a adopté mercredi 22 novembre une proposition de loi visant à reconnaître la « responsabilité » de l’Etat français dans les condamnations de personnes pour homosexualité entre 1945 et 1982 sur le fondement d’anciennes lois discriminatoires. » | Le Monde avec AFP | mercredi 22 novembre 2023

« Combien de personnes ont-elles été condamnées en France pour homosexualité ? » : Jusqu’en 1982, l’homosexualité était considérée en France comme un délit passible de trois ans d’emprisonnement. Une proposition de loi d’indemnisation est en discussion au Sénat mais, constate l’historien Régis Schlagdenhauffen dans une tribune au « Monde », le nombre des victimes de cette répression est très difficile à établir. »

Why IS Remains a Threat | DW Documentary

Nov 17, 2023

Isn't it true to say that fundamentalist Islam is a pox on the civilised world? – © Mark Alexander

One-pan Christmas Turkey | Jamie Oliver

Dec 11, 2022 | Nothing says Christmas like turkey, stuffing and gravy. It may be a classic but honey, bacon and chestnut crumb makes this turkey recipe an extra special festive treat. And it’s all ready in one pan too!

Cross-dressing among Nazi-era German Wehrmacht Soldiers | DW Feature

Nov 24, 2018 | Homosexuality was a crime in Nazi Germany. Still, artist Martin Dammann found so many Nazi-era photos of Wehrmacht soldiers in drag that he published an entire book of them. What do the photos tell us about sexuality in the Wehrmacht? Why was cross-dressing so prevalent among Nazi-era soldiers?

Remembering JFK on the 60th Anniversary of His Assassination | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Nov 22, 2023 | On the 60th anniversary of John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s assassination, Steve Schmidt remembers the impact of the 35th President of the United States, the lessons our country can learn from his short life and how the fallout from his assassination is still felt today.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: From New Atheist to Christian Convert

Nov 21, 2023 | UnHerd's Freddie Sayers sits down with former New Atheist Ayaan Hirsi Ali to discuss why she now considers herself to be Christian.

They're Going to Win" - Will Muslims Run America in 30 Years? | Reupload

Sep 22, 2023 | Patrick Bet-David moderates a religious discussion between Muslims and Christians. In this short clip, they discuss why America might have a Muslim majority in the future. Today's guests were Daniel Haqiqatjou, Robert Spencer, Brother Rachid, and Jake Brancatella.

Will Muslims Run America in 30 Years? Jesus! Heaven forfend such an outcome!

In this video, Robert Spencer states that women need to have more babies. ‘Goddamm’ right they do! Feminism has been a curse on the West. Why? Because it has taken women out of the home and into the workspace. Increasingly, it is also giving them equal pay. That is all well and good, of course; but it comes at a high cost to society. It cannot be denied that the more equal women’s pay is, the greater the opportunity cost of a woman staying at home. Not entering the workplace becomes ever more expensive. And here’s the kicker: Unless a woman stays out of the workplace, she cannot give birth to more babies. Motherhood is a demanding job; it is also the most important job that a woman can do. In my opinion, it is far too underrated. As prestigious a job being a CEO might be, how can it compare in importance to society with the raising of the next generation? Well-behaved, well-educated, well-dressed, well-socialised citizens, citizens who can take their place in society, are such an asset to our societies and our economies.

Gays have virtually no impact on the birthrate. That’s because gays have always existed; they have existed since time immemorial. Yes, a gay man can procreate. But what use is that if that man/woman is locked into an unhappy marriage? In an unhappy marriage, neither partner is happy. Such scenarios eventually lead to divorces.

So, in a few words, and to cut this complicated story short, if Westerners want the West to survive and thrive, we need to change the way society is set up. Further, dumping children into kindergarten and day care centres is hardly the right way to bring up children. Moreover, if we want Islam to become dominant, just carry on doing things the way we are doing things. This will almost guarantee the eventual dominance and influence of Islam on our culture and societies.– © Mark Alexander

Crown Prince of Iran Opens Up on the Revolution & Mistakes Made by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi

Nov 18, 2023 | Patrick Bet-David interviews Reza Pahlavi, the Crown Prince of Iran. They discuss the seismic events of the Iranian Revolution and how it shaped Iran and the entire Middle Eastern region. Reza Pahlavi offers his unique perspective, reflecting on his family's legacy and the tumultuous events that have marked Iran's recent history. The conversation shifts to the current situation in Iran, where Patrick and the Crown Prince discuss the ongoing challenges faced by the Iranian people, the state of governance, and the international community's role in the region. They delve into what life is like in Iran today and what hope lies ahead for its citizens.

Could the Holocaust Happen Again? This Survivor Says It Could “If We Let It” | Amanpour & Co.

Nov 21, 2023 | The Israel-Hamas war has caused a global spike in hate crime. Filmmaker Daniel Lombroso knows all about it. His first film, “White Noise”, was a deep dive into the alt-right movement in the U.S. Lombroso's latest film, “Nina & Irena," follows his interviews with his Holocaust-surviving grandmother, who reveals that her older sister perished during the war. Hari Sreenivasan spoke to them both about the importance of this film and its release in the world of today. | Originally aired on November 21, 2023

My! My! People are sensitive these days, aren’t they? There is absolutely nothing offensive in what I have written in gold below. I am merely speaking the truth. Human nature has not changed. Period! If Amanpour & Co. cannot stand the truth, that’s their problem. I shall keep my comment up, even though I have taken down the video. – © Mark Alexander

What a delightful lady! This story is so moving! We are now living through the worst times in my life. I was born after the war, in the early 50s. I believe that I have already lived through the best years that I ever will experience again. Why do I say this? I say it because I see people are so different now from what they were like in my youth and young adulthood. People back then were more sensible somehow, and more sensitive to the needs of others. They cared for each other and they had a sense of community. All we see around us today is greed, selfish people, a lack of mercy and compassion, and crazy politicians. Trump is a prime example of a crazy politician. But his craziness has metastasised around the world. The latest example being the new president of Argentina. Common sense no longer prevails. So if you were asking me, I'm afraid I would have to say that something like the Holocaust could indeed happen again. Not with the Jews, but with some other group of people. Human nature is human nature; and it hasn't changed. Sadly, life has already taken a sad turn. At this point, who knows what the future holds? – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

How Elon Musk & Linda Yaccarino Turned Twitter into a Nazi Cesspool | The Warning

Nov 21, 2023 | Steve Schmidt details how Elon Must and Twitter/X CEO, Linda Yaccarino, have turned the social media platform into a Nazi-loving hellhole.

Tucker Carlson Interviews Argentinian Presidential Candidate Javier Milei

Sep 15, 2023 | Tucker Carlson interviewed Argentinian presidential candidate Javier Milei

Argentina’s New Leader Is a Snake-oil Salesman with Extreme Views on Abortion, Gay Rights and More. I Fear for My Country

THE GUARDIAN: After his landslide victory in the presidential election, Javier Milei is threatening to undo 40 years of democracy in Argentina

Javier Milei speaks to his supporters after winning the Argentinian presidential election. Photograph: Luis Robayo/AFP/Getty Images

Anti-woke libertarian Javier Milei’s landslide win in Argentina’s presidential election poses not only a worrying question for my country’s fragile 40-year-old democracy, but could also embolden other extreme libertarians in the US and Europe in their own anti-woke wars.

Milei is often described as an outsider – but his revolutionary persona has been carefully crafted by one of the country’s richest men. Argentinian billionaire Eduardo Eurnekian plugged the wild-haired economist relentlessly on his A24 media network as an antidote to those he views as the dominant “political caste”. Milei has accused the Peronist establishment of being “socialist” because they had legalised gay marriage and abortion, put on trial and sentenced the perpetrators of Argentina’s genocidal 1976-83 dictatorship and threatened to impose new taxes on wealth.

Milei has pledged to review all these achievements, and has even proposed a referendum on the legality of abortion. His party is already working on slashing taxes as soon as it takes office next month, and he has signalled he may exonerate Argentina’s imprisoned dictatorship officers. During a presidential debate, he said that the military were guilty only of “excesses”. » | Uki Goñi | Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Trump and Bolsonaro salute Javier Milei as far right rejoice around the world: ‘El Loco’ wins landslide victory in Argentina that experts say shows scale of frustration with Peronist status quo »

Billionaires Are Lining Up to Fund Donald Trump’s Anti-Democratic Agenda

THE GUARDIAN: The more disturbing Trump’s public proclamations become, the more US plutocrats seem to want him to win

‘On Veterans Day, Trump pledged to ‘root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country’.’ Photograph: Carlos Barría/Reuters

As an ever-greater portion of the nation’s total wealth goes to the top, it’s hardly surprising that ever more of that wealth is corrupting US politics.

In the 2020 presidential election cycle, more than $14bn went to federal candidates, party committees, and Super Pacs – double the $7bn doled out in the 2016 cycle. Total giving in 2024 is bound to be much higher.

That money is not supporting US democracy. If anything, that money is contributing to rising Trumpism and neofascism.

There is a certain logic to this.

As more and more wealth concentrates at the top, the moneyed interests rationally fear that democratic majorities will take it away through higher taxes, stricter regulations (on everything from trade to climate change), enforcement of anti-monopoly laws, pro-union initiatives and price controls

So they’re sinking ever more of their wealth into anti-democracy candidates.

Donald Trump is going full fascist these days and gaining the backing of prominent billionaires. » | Robert Reich | Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The public doesn’t understand the risks of a Trump victory. That’s the media’s fault: With democracy in the balance, the press must relay the crucial importance of this election and the dangers of a Trump win »

Patient privacy fears as US spy tech firm Palantir wins £330m NHS contract: Awarding of contract to create new data platform prompts immediate concerns about security of medical records »

"The Good Guys Don't Always Win" | Salman Rushdie on Israel-Gaza, India, Panchatantra & Freedom

Nov 10, 2013 | Salman Rushdie's German Peace Prize 2023 — Acceptance Speech Courtesy — Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels

Salman Rushdie, the British-Indian writer, was awarded the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade in Frankfurt's historic St Paul's Church in October 2023.

The prestigious German Peace Prize, accompanied by a €25,000 ($27,300) payment, has been a significant honour in Germany since its inception in 1950.

In a commendatory speech, Rushdie's friend and fellow writer, Daniel Kehlmann, lauded him as "possibly the most important defender of freedom of art and speech of our time." Despite surviving a stabbing attack last year, Rushdie expressed his commitment to continuing the defence of freedom of speech.

WIKIPEDIA: Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels » | D | F.

Dimitra’s Dishes: Greek Hand Pies Filled with Beef — Kalitsounia

Nov 21, 2023 | καλιτσούνια

Get the recipe here »

Delafé Testimonies: From Islam to Jesus

Sep 25, 2023 | Colorado: Delafé Testimonies is a global evangelistic project with the mission of creating the world's largest archive of Jesus testimonies. Our vision is to save souls, build community, and set people free through the testimony of Jesus.

Finnland erwägt dauerhafte Grenzschließung zu Russland

Nov 21, 2023 | Im vergangenen Monat waren immer mehr Migrant:innen aus dem Nahen Osten und Irak von Russland nach Finnland gekommen. Das ist der finnischen Regierung ein Dorn im Auge. Sie will die Grenze zum Nachbarland dicht machen.

Ultraorthodox: schwieriger Weg in die Freiheit

Apr 10, 2023 | Die Netflix-Serie „Unorthodox“ erzählt die wahre Geschichte von Deborah Feldman, die aus ihrer ultraorthodoxen Gemeinde in New York ausgebrochen und nach Berlin geflohen ist. ZDF-Reporterin Katrin Eigendorf interviewt die Frau via Skype in Berlin und fährt dann nach Jerusalem, um hinter die Kulissen der ultraorthodoxen Gemeinschaft dort zu blicken.

Dort wirkt das Stadtviertel Mea Shearim wie ein eigener Planet mitten in Jerusalem. Seine Bewohner sehen sich als besonders fromm an: Eine ultraorthodoxe Gemeinschaft, die nach eigenen Gesetzen lebt. Sie alle folgen den Regeln der Rabbiner.

Für eine Fremde ist es so gut wie unmöglich, einen Einblick in eine ultraorthodoxe Familie zu bekommen. Der Reporterin gelingt es dann allerdings doch: Yossi Saaks empfängt das ZDF-Team in einer engen Drei-Zimmer Wohnung, wo er und seine Frau mit fünf Kindern leben, die jüngste ist noch ein Baby. Sie sprechen nur Jiddisch untereinander. Internet oder Fernsehen gibt es hier nicht.

Die Mauern der ultraorthodoxen Gemeinde bröckeln. Die Anzahl der Aussteiger liegt inzwischen bei zehn Prozent. Ihre Geschichten haben das Thema herausgetragen an die Öffentlichkeit.

Arzt bescheinigt Trump „ausgezeichnete“ Gesundheit

Hat angeblich abgenommen: Trump veröffentlichte seinen Arztbrief an Joe Bidens 81. Geburtstag (Aufnahme von einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung am Sonntag in Edinburg, Texas). | Bild: REUTERS


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINER ZEITUNG: Amerikanische Präsidenten informieren regelmäßig über ihren Gesundheitszustand. Nun veröffentlicht Ex-Präsident Trump seinen jüngsten Arztbrief - allerdings ohne jedes Testergebnis.

Der ehemalige US-Präsident Donald Trump stichelt an Joe Bidens 81. Geburtstag gegen seinen vier Jahre älteren NachfolgerJoe Biden. Trump veröffentlichte am Montag einen Brief, bei dem es sich um eine fachliche Einschätzung seines Arztes handeln soll, der ihm einen „ausgezeichneten“ Gesundheitszustand attestiere.

Darin schreibt Bruce Aronwald, er sei seit 2021 der persönliche Arzt Trumps. Aronwald ist bei der Morristown Medical Group im US-Bundesstaat New Jersey als Familienarzt gelistet. Zuletzt habe er Trumps Gesundheitszustand im September „umfassend“ untersucht, so Aronwald. » | Quelle: dpa | Dienstag, 21. November 2023

Trump, das gesundheitliche Wunderkind! Perfekte Gesundheit, perfektes Denken, perfekte Logik. Geh weg! Hier gibt es nichts zu sehen, nichts zu berichten. Alles ist bei ihm in bester Ordnung. – © Mark Alexander

Far-Right Leader Wilders Leads Dutch Poll on Eve of Election

BLOOMBERG: Wilders jumped in polls this week after key televised debates / Center-right, left parties are close behind in polls

Dutch far-right populist Geert Wilders jumped to first place in the latest survey ahead of elections on Wednesday, setting the stage for him to enter government.

His Freedom Party is projected to gain 28 seats in parliament, just one seat more than the two parties currently tied for second place, according to an I&O Research poll published Tuesday.

The surge comes on the heels of recent televised debates featuring Wilders, who promotes anti-Muslim views and has lived under police protection for two decades following death threats. » | Cagan Koc | Posted: Monday, November 20, 2023; updated: Tuesday, November 21, 2023

A Dream of Jesus Changed a Jihadi Muslim’s Life Forever | Powerful Testimony

Oct 19, 2023 | Testimony of a trained terrorist goes viral among Muslims! Kareem used to hate the Jews and Israel, but a visitation from the King of the Jews changed his life forever!

Los retos que tiene Javier Milei

Nov 21, 2023

Was plant Rechtspopulist Javier Milei für Argentinien? | DW Nachrichten

Nov 21, 2023 | Der 53-jährige Ökonom Javier Milei hat die Präsidentschaftswahl in Argentinien mit einer deutlichen Mehrheit gewonnen. Inmitten der schlimmsten Wirtschaftskrise in Argentinien seit Jahrzehnten konnte der Rechtspopulist mehr als 55% der Stimmen erringen. Was sind seine Pläne für die Zukunft des Landes?

Natürlich wünsche ich den Argentiniern alles Gute. Ich hoffe, daß dieses Experiment ihre Lösung sein wird. Ich fürchte allerdings, daß das alles in Tränen enden wird. – © Mark Alexander

How to Make Britain's All-time Favourite: Chicken Tikka Masala | Madhur Jaffrey's Curry Nation

Oct 5, 2022 | After learning more about how Britain embraced Indian cuisine and made it its own, Madhur Jaffrey shows how to make her version of the beloved Chicken Tikka Masala.

Definition: Masala — a masala is a mixture of ground spices used in Indian cooking. Plural: masalas. [Source: Google]

Katherine Stewart on Far-right Ideology and Its Threat to Democracy | The Warning Podcast

Nov 20, 2023 | Steve is joined by Katherine Stewart, an American journalist and author to discuss Far-right ideology and its threat to democracy, extremism in the American right and how this will impact the 2024 election

WIKIPEDIA: Claremont Institute »

Rudy Rochman: Judaism Is Not a Religion

Sep 4, 2022 | It's time to have these tough and important conversations about who Jews are, what we mean when we use certain terms, and to get the world to understand and respect the Jewish People.

A religion is just a belief system for any people. Judaism is way more than just a belief system and it is only for one People.

When a member of any religion rejects the belief system of their religion, they are no longer a part of that religion. If a Jew were to reject the spirituality linked to their identity, they would still be Jewish, not more or less than a practicing member of their People.

Almost every native or indigenous population has spirituality at the foundation of their culture, so just because many of today's modern nations omit spirituality from their way of life or identity does not mean native civilizations are religions when they have spirituality at the core of who they are.

Judaism is the portable culture, way of life, identity, and purpose of an ancient civilization indigenous to the Land of Israel, which was created to preserve the Judean/Israelite civilization while in diaspora.

Video filmed on the Breslev English podcast.

Sunak 'Thought It Was OK to Just Let People Die', Covid Inquiry Hears | ITV News

Nov 20, 2023 | Rishi Sunak "thought it was OK to just let people die" instead of imposing an economy-crippling second lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic, the UK Covid-19 inquiry has heard. It was also suggested the then-chancellor did not consult scientists on his controversial Eat Out to Help scheme despite the risks being "obvious" to anyone involved. Private diaries - written as a "brain dump" by the government's former chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance as a way to protect his mental health - have shone a light on the now-prime minister's attitude during the pandemic. Number 10 said Mr Sunak was due to give evidence to the inquiry soon and would not comment on anything claimed during Sir Patrick's testimony.

So, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, otherwise known as ‘BoJo the Clown’, isn’t as erudite and clever as he would have us all believe. None of us should be surprised! From the very start, it was obvious to me, as it surely was to many.

Reading just some of his articles will tell you who and what he is. But… even though I am not surprised by is his economic illiteracy — that was pretty clear to me from day one — his statistical illiteracy does surprise me. His Eton and Oxford education should have done much more for his education and erudition than that! It’s a sad state of affairs not to be able to cope with rudimentary graphs and statistics when in high office, especially when as prime minister one is also, ex officio, First Lord of the Treasury! Dear oh dear!

Further, as for Rishi Sunak’s comment on letting people die, that is graver still. A day or so ago, I asked the question whether Sunak was truly fit to govern us. Now, with this news snippet, I have got my answer! – © Mark Alexander

The Guardian View on Argentina’s New President: A Dark Day for Democracy

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: The election of the far-right candidate Javier Milei reflects the seriousness of the country’s problems – and threatens to deepen them

Javier Milei and his sister, Karina Milei, react to the election results in Buenos Aires on 19 November. Photograph: Reuters

Javier Milei’s landslide election victory, with 55.7% of the vote to his rival’s 44.3%, is not only terrible news for Argentina but terrifying for many. In a country celebrating 40 years of hard-won democracy, the far-right economist threatens to turn the clock back.

It would be easy to mock the former TV celebrity and tantric sex coach, who wielded a chainsaw at rallies and promised that he would take it to the state. But his election as president is no joke. Among the 53-year-old libertarian’s ideas are a referendum to overturn the legalisation of abortion, reducing gun ownership restrictions, making the trade in organs lawful, slashing social spending and abolishing the central bank. He has called the Argentina-born Pope Francis “the representative of the evil one on Earth”, smeared the victims of the military dictatorship as “terrorists” and claimed that their death toll was far smaller than the accepted 30,000 figure.

His win is bad news globally too, and not only because he dismisses climate change as a “socialist lie”. It is a filip for the far right around the world, and was welcomed as far away as Europe. Donald Trump, to whom Mr Milei has often been compared, and the former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro, were swift to congratulate him. » | Editorial | Monday, November 20, 2023

Another clown joins the circus! – © Mark Alexander

And if you’re wondering what ‘tantric sex’ is, I’ve googled it so you don’t have to! Here’s a link.

Radical Turn: What's Populist Javier Milei's Plan for Argentina? • FRANCE 24 English

Nov 20, 2023 | You know the old adage about politics: you campaign in poetry and you govern in prose. Introducing Argentina’s Javier Milei and even though the winner of Sunday’s presidential runoff did not wield a chainsaw like he did on the campaign trail, the free market absolutist did again promise in his acceptance speech Argentina’s answer to draining the swamp. How radical will he be?

Son of HAMAS: Can the Children of Gaza Be Saved?

Nov 20, 2023

Monday, November 20, 2023

Smoking Is So Sexy. Vaping Will Never Be Able to Replace It.

Many thanks to Pinterest for this great photo of this handsome smoker.

So let’s make smoking cool again! Let’s help put an end to this stupid war on smoking, smokers and pleasure! Many of the politicians are on drugs. A cigarette is harmless by comparison. Fie on these politicians! They want to take the joy out of life. Sie wollen dem Leben die Freude nehmen! Ils veulent retirer la joie de la vie !

Ne-Yo : Link Up | Official Music Video

Sep 29, 2023 | Views on YouTube: 1,318,051

What a truly fabulous sound this is! This man has got such talent. – Mark

Rudy Rochman: Hamas is NOT Amalek (Worst Jewish Enemy)

Nov 20, 2023 | During hard times, many Jews tend to use the term ‘Amalek’ to describe the enemy they are currently experiencing. Amalek is the worst enemy of Am Israel, but not all enemies are Amalek. The People of Israel have faced countless ruthless nations throughout the generations who’ve sought to destroy them, but only one of them is Amalek. If we forget the difference and water down the recognition of our enemies, then we lose sight of the objective in understanding that Amalek is an enemy different than others to begin with.

Delia's Classic Christmas | Parts 1, 2 & 3

Nov 23, 2018

Dimitra’s Dishes: Greek Ricotta & Honey Cheesecake: Melópita from Sifnos

Nov 20, 2023 | Μελόπιτα

You can get Dimitra’s e-book here.

Washington Week with The Atlantic | Full Episode, Nov. 17, 2023

Nov 18, 2023 | Former President Trump has never been modulated in rhetoric and action. But there’s a real sense, as he comes under more and more legal pressure, he’s become more apocalyptic.

Join moderator Jeffrey Goldberg, Peter Baker of The New York Times, Leigh Ann Caldwell of The Washington Post, Idrees Kahloon of The Economist and Elaina Plott Calabro of The Atlantic to discuss this and more.

Javier Milei Wins Argentina Presidential Run-off Election - BBC News

Nov 20, 2023 | Far-right libertarian outsider Javier Milei has won Argentina's presidential run-off poll, according to provisional results. His rival, economy minister Sergio Massa, called him to concede, while former US President Donald Trump congratulated Milei on his victory, saying he would "Make Argentina Great Again!". Milei's proposals, which included "blowing up" the central bank, won support with voters desperate for change amid an economy in crisis.

Another bloody disaster for the world! – © Mark Alexander

John Anderson: Silent Radical Islam Will "Turn the West against Itself" | Niall Ferguson

Nov 20, 2023 | In this clip Niall unpacks the difference between jihad and da'wah.

The mistake the West is making is in trying to distinguish between various types of Islam: Islam, Islamism, radical Islam, etc. There is but ONE Islam; and Islam is the source of the problem. The Crusaders knew this well. They understood the nature of the threat to the free world. So why have we become so ill-informed? Why are we so bloody stupid?

You CANNOT distinguish between benign Islam and malign Islam. Islam is Islam. No one will ever be able to change its nature. Islam and the West are immiscible. There are many reasons for this, but ONE important reason is that Islam recognises no separation of religion and politics. They are one whole. The West, on the other hand, depends on their separation. Without that separation, the West cannot be the West!

If we want the free West to survive, we had better learn this damn lesson quickly! I wrote a book about this more than twenty years ago. Why don’t people listen to common sense? – © Mark Alexander

Prinzessin Victoria beklagt „eisige Stimmung in der Welt“

Die schwedische Kronprinzessin Victoria legt am Sonntag anlässlich des Volkstrauertags in der Berliner Neuen Wache einen Kranz mit Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier nieder. | Bild: REUTERS


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die schwedische Kronprinzessin hat in ihrer Rede im Bundestag auf die Bedeutung des Völkerrechts hingewiesen. Sie forderte den Schutz aller Zivilisten – in Israel und in Gaza.

Bei der Gedenkstunde zum Volkstrauertag im Berliner Bundestag hat Schwedens Kronprinzessin Victoria an das Leid durch den Krieg in der Ukraine und den Konflikt in Nahost erinnert. „Die Stimmung in der Welt ist so eisig wie seit langem nicht mehr“, sagte sie bei ihrer Rede am Sonntag. Die Gedenkstunde wurde von Musik begleitet, junge Frauen aus der Ukraine, Frankreich und Schweden sprachen. Auch Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier und Regierungsvertreter waren anwesend.

„Es ist ein Krieg, der uns an die dunkelsten Kapitel der europäischen Geschichte erinnert“, sagte Victoria über den Ukraine-Krieg. Hinzu kämen die Entwicklungen nach den „schrecklichen Angriffen“ der Hamas auf israelische Zivilisten. „Wir sehen entsetzliche Bilder aus Gaza mit großem menschlichem Leid.“ Natürlich habe Israel das Recht, sich in Übereinstimmung mit dem Völkerrecht zu verteidigen. „Der Schutz aller Zivilisten sowohl in Israel als auch in Gaza muss garantiert und das humanitäre Völkerrecht respektiert werden, zu jeder Zeit unter allen Umständen.“ » | Quelle: dpa | Sonntag, 19. November 2023

The Guardian View on the Tories’ Autumn Statement: Wrong to Reward the Rich and Punish the Poor

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: The deepening cracks in the country’s social structure are a clear sign that voters cannot just be left to face the cold winds of the market on their own

Jeremy Hunt will appeal to voters next week, if the leaks are true, on behalf of the Tory party’s worst instincts. The chancellor’s “autumn statement for growth” is said to include inheritance tax cuts that benefit the rich, reduced welfare payments which the poor rely on, and the withdrawal of free medical care from “coasters” who want to “take taxpayers for a ride”. To push the idea that the state should, in a cost of living crisis, reward the rich and punish the poor reveals an appalling disregard for social justice.

The five giants of poverty first identified in the second world war – want, disease, ignorance, squalor and idleness – are returning in new forms. MPs warn that the babies of poor families are dying for want of a cot as the benefit rules don’t provide for safe sleeping provision for the homeless. Diseases caused by malnutrition and associated with destitution, such as scurvy and rickets, now appear in doctors’ surgeries. With food prices 30% higher than two years ago, the ranks of the hungry are growing. The former Labour prime minister Gordon Brown warned only this week that “poverty, as distinct from neglect, parental addictions or domestic violence, is now a principal cause of children being forced into care”. » | Editorial | Friday, November 17, 2023

The Tories have turned sour and toxic. The party is no longer fit to govern the nation. This government must therefore be turfed out of office. The sooner, the better. – © Mark Alexander

Who Is Javier Milei? Argentina’s New Far-right President ‘El Loco’ Takes the Stage

THE GUARDIAN: Likened to Wolverine and Trump and nicknamed ‘the madman’, the former TV pundit is known for his prolific swearing and pledge to take a chainsaw to the machinery of state

Javier Milei addresses supporters after winning Argentina's runoff presidential election, in Buenos Aires Photograph: Cristina Sille/Reuters


“The vote represents a desperate attempt at something new, come what may,” said Benjamin Gedan, an Argentina specialist from the Wilson Centre. “The option [voters had] was more of the same in catastrophic economic conditions or a radical gamble on a potentially bright future with a lot of downside risk.”

Gedan believed there would be “a lot of buyer’s remorse in Argentina” if Milei pursued even a small fraction of his ideas. Those ideas include legalising the sale of human organs, dramatically slashing social spending, downplaying the crimes of Argentina’s 1976-83 dictatorship, and cutting ties with Argentina’s two most important trade partners, Brazil and China. On the campaign trail, Milei vowed to abolish Argentina’s central bank and dollarise the economy, and brandished a chainsaw intended to symbolise ferocious cuts he believes will help stabilise the economy and “exterminate” rampant inflation.
Read the whole article by Tom Phillips in Buenos Aires here » | Monday, November 20, 2023

Argentina presidential election: far-right libertarian Javier Milei wins after rival concedes: Victory for TV celebrity-turned politician catapults South America’s second-largest economy into an unpredictable future »

If my instincts are right, this experiment will end in tears. I hope for long-suffering Argentinians that it won't; but I fear that it will. – © Mark Alexander

Argentina Elects Javier Milei in Victory for Far Right: Argentina’s next president is a libertarian economist whose brash style and embrace of conspiracy theories has parallels with those of Donald J. Trump. »

Javier Milei gana la presidencia de Argentina, una victoria para la ultraderecha mundial: El próximo presidente del país es un economista libertario cuyo estilo osado y proclividad a las teorías conspirativas le ha valido comparaciones con Donald Trump. »

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Argentina Presidential Election: Far-right Libertarian Javier Milei Wins after Rival Concedes

GUARDIAN INTERNATIONAL: Victory for TV celebrity-turned politician catapults South America’s number two economy into an unpredictable future

Javier Milei, a volatile far-right libertarian who has vowed to “exterminate” inflation and take a chainsaw to the state, has been elected president of Argentina, catapulting South America’s number two economy into an unpredictable and potentially turbulent future.

With nearly 90% of votes counted, the Mick Jagger impersonating TV celebrity-turned politician, who is often compared to Donald Trump, had secured nearly 56% of the vote compared to Massa’s 44.1%.

Milei’s rival, the centre-left finance minister Sergio Massa, conceded defeat in a press conference on Sunday night. » | Tom Phillips Latin America correspondent and Facundo Iglesia in Buenos Aires | Sunday, November 19, 2023

Illinois Governor ‘Deeply Concerned’ by Trump Rhetoric Reminiscent of Nazi Era

THE GUARDIAN: JB Pritzker, who’s of Jewish descent, says Trump ‘is dangerous for our democracy’ and ‘dangerous for specific minority groups in US

Donald Trump’s rhetoric on immigration, his plans for a second presidency if he wins next year’s election, and his description of political enemies as “vermin” reflect the language of 1930s Germany and the Nazis’ rise to power there, a senior Democrat warned on Sunday.

JB Pritzker, the Illinois governor of Jewish descent who helped drive the construction of the state’s Holocaust Museum and Education Center in Chicago, added his voice to a wave of condemnation over the former president’s remarks. » | Richard Luscombe | Sunday, November 19, 2023

To throw Trump's own sentiments re Hillary back at him: Lock him up! Save America the heartache! Indeed, save the world the heartache! The world doesn't need a 'Fourth Reich'! – © Mark Alexander

Sunak Could Block Human Rights Act to Force through Rwanda Asylum Plan

THE GUARDIAN: No 10 has discussed possibility of ‘disapplying’ key human rights law to emergency bill to head off legal challenges

The prime minister is under intense pressure from the Conservative right to get the Rwanda scheme working. Photograph: Leon Neal/PA

Rishi Sunak is considering blocking a key human rights law to help force through plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda amid growing pressure from rightwing Conservative MPs.

No 10 has discussed the possibility of “disapplying” the Human Rights Act to an emergency bill in an effort to minimise legal challenges against the prime minister’s key immigration policy. Ministers are aware such a proposal could face rebellions in the Commons and the Lords, which could vote down the proposals.

A Conservative party source said: “This would tear the party apart. Several cabinet ministers and the one nationers would not stand for it – the prime minister wouldn’t even get it through the Commons. Never mind that this wouldn’t placate the head-bangers on the right either.” » | Rajeev Syal, Home affairs editor | Sunday, November 19, 2023

Is this man truly fit to govern us? – © Mark Alexander

Steve Schmidt Tells Us… | #shorts

…all about Tucker Carlson.

Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter Dies at 96

Nov 19, 2023 | Former first lady Rosalynn Carter died at age 96. Carter championed mental health care and provided constant political counsel to her husband, former President Jimmy Carter.

Another video report here.

Islam: Democracy vs Theocracy | #shorts

John Anderson talks to Niall Ferguson about this.

My essay on this very topic written in April 2007 here.

How This Gay, Jewish Man Was Saved from the Nazis by a Muslim Woman | NowThis

Jul 1, 2019 | ‘She kept a knife under her pillow vowing to kill any Nazi who might try to come and get me.’ — Gay, Jewish man Dr. Alfred Münzer survived the Holocaust as a child thanks to a kind Indonesian Muslim woman. …

Openly Gay Rabbi Having Impact on Dallas Congregation

Dec 20, 2022 | "I meet a lot of people who have this notion that being gay and being religious are incompatible," Michael Lewis said.

Südtiroler Küche: das Beste aus zwei Welten - Dokumentation von NZZ Format (2010)

Apr 9, 2020 | Die Bäuerin weiß, wie sie schmecken müssen: Speckknödel / Das Beste aus zwei Welten: Saiblingfilets aus der Gourmet-Küche / Sehr viel Butter, aber unheimlich schmackhaft: Pustertaler Schlutzkrapfen / Jahrhundertealtes Wissen: Die Geheimnisse des Südtiroler Specks / Mit Leidenschaft gebacken: Schüttelbrot aus dem Ultental / 300 Sonnentage und ideale Böden: Hervorragende Südtiroler Weine / Süßer Festtagsschmaus: Mohnkrapfen nach altem Original-Rezept

Die Südtiroler kochen ihr eigenes Süppchen. In der nördlichsten Provinz Italiens trifft die österreichisch geprägte, traditionelle, bodenständige, alpine Küche auf die leichtere italienische, mediterrane Kochkunst mit ihrer südländischen Raffinesse. Am Schnittpunkt zweier Esskulturen setzt man seit den 80er Jahren ganz bewusst auf Qualität. Naturnahe, einheimische Produkte spielen dabei eine zentrale Rolle, egal ob in einer wildromantischen Berghütte, in einer Hofschenke oder in einem eleganten Haubenlokal serviert. Wenn Südtirols Bäuerinnen Dampf machen und die Spitzenköche der Region herzhafte alpine Spezialitäten mit mediterraner Leichtigkeit kombinieren, ist ein einmaliges Geschmackserlebnis garantiert.

Schweizer Spezialitäten: Bündnerfleisch und Nusstorte

Sep 23, 2019 | Hier sind einige der bekanntesten Gerichte der Bündner Küche: Das Bündnerfleisch, die Bündner Nusstorte oder ganz besondere Wurstspezialitäten wie "Andutgel" oder "Ligiongia Nera", die der Zunge des Fremden mehr Freude beim Essen bereiten als bei der Aussprache ihrer Namen.

Scott Joplin: The Entertainer

Oct 22, 2022

Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag

Oct 15, 2017 | Dario Ronchi plays the Maple Leaf Rag to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Scott Joplin's death.

Rabbi Simon Jacobson: EXPOSING the HEART of Antisemitism

Nov 19, 2023 | Rabbi Simon Jacobson is a pioneering speaker, educator and mentor to thousands.

Led by Donkeys: Landlord Jeremy Hunt

Nov 19, 2023 | The Chancellor told teachers and nurses they couldn’t have a pay rise that might stoke inflation. But what kind of pay rise did landlord Jeremy Hunt award himself? We found out.

How Authentic Ragù alla Bolognese Is Made in Italy

Nov 11, 2023 | Italy is famous for various pasta dishes and one of the most popular is: Ragù alla Bolognese. This meaty tomato sauce is known far beyond Italy's borders and is an absolute classic of Italian cuisine. But how is it prepared correctly? Why is the original recipe kept in the Bologna Chamber of Commerce? And why shouldn't you use spaghetti for this dish - as many people do? Let's find out!

Jewish Law: Everything Is Kosher. | Inside the World of an Orthodox Jewish Community

May 5, 2023 | This eye-opening documentary series was filmed with remarkable access to the hidden world of one Orthodox community in Manchester, UK.

How do people live their everyday lives with so many traditional rules?

This film focuses on the rules for kosher food. Why are there two sinks and two fridges in all Jewish kitchens? What makes food kosher? What is involved in Kosher slaughter?

We are given unique access to the work of a team of Kosher slaughterers. They believe that this is an instant and humane method of killing animals for food.

“This fascinating documentary series accesses a world seldom seen on television”

Süß und salzig, sauer und scharf: Die Thai-Küche | NZZ Format 2009

Jul 25, 2019 | Keine Küche gewinnt rascher an Popularität als die thailändische. NZZ Format stellt Thailand’s beste Restaurants und Kochschulen vor. Star-Köche zeigen ihre Tricks und verraten, worauf man bei Einkauf und Zubereitung zu achten hat. Richtig zubereitet ist thailändisches Essen nämlich nicht nur besonders gesund, sondern es hilft auch beim Abnehmen. In „NZZ Swiss made»: Das Thaischiff vom Vierwaldstättersee

Autumn Statement: Hunt Does Not Rule Out Income Tax Cuts

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has not ruled out cutting income tax in Wednesday's Autumn Statement, as he insisted economic growth was his priority.

Read the BBC aricle here.

This man is trying to take credit for bringing inflation down. He shouldn’t. Inflation is still raging. Any decrease in inflation so far has happened because energy prices have come down, prices over which he has no control. There has been little or no decrease in inflation as a result of Hunt’s efforts. He is merely trying to hoodwink the electorate.
The main reason for the sharp drop in inflation as measured by the consumer prices index was that the increase in energy prices in October 2022 was not repeated. Gas prices fell by 7% last month, having risen by almost 37% in the same month a year earlier. [Source: The Guradian]
Further, if Mr Hunt is wise, if there is any room for tax cuts, he should aim those tax cuts not at the superrich, but at the man in the street. And if economic growth is your goal, encourage spending on consumer goods, not superyachts and private jets! If you bring about tax cuts for the wealthy at this time of great hardship for the many, the elctorate will never forgive either you or the Tories.– © Mark Alexander

How Jews from Israel Are Seeking Refuge in Hungary | Focus on Europe

Nov 19, 2023 | Since the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, a Jewish refugee center in Hungary has been taking in families from southern Israel. It was initially set up in 2022 to house more than 600 Jews who fled Ukraine after the Russian invasion.

Russische Ärzte bitten Putin um Freilassung von Künstlerin


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Ein Kollektiv russischer Ärzte hat Putin um die Freilassung der Künstlerin Alexandra Skotschilenko gebeten. Diese leide unter mehreren schweren chronischen Erkrankungen.

Mehr als hundert Ärzte in Russland haben einen offenen Brief an Präsident Wladimir Putin veröffentlicht, in dem sie zur Freilassung der inhaftierten Künstlerin Alexandra „Sascha“ Skotschilenko aufrufen. „Als Ärztegemeinschaft sind wir in großer Sorge um Saschas Gesundheit“, heißt es in dem Brief, der am Samstag in Onlinenetzwerken und von unabhängigen russischen Nachrichtenportalen veröffentlicht wurde.

Die 33-jährige Künstlerin war am Donnerstag wegen ihrer Kritik an Russlands Militäroffensive in der Ukraine zu sieben Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt worden. Sie sei der „Verbreitung von Falschinfomationen über die Armee“ für schuldig befunden worden, hieß es in der Urteilsbegründung. » | Quelle: AFP | Samstag, 18. November 2023

In Hitler’s Birthplace, Soul-Searching Over a Poisonous Past

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Austrian government is turning the house where Hitler was born into a police station. But many think it should be used instead to teach essential lessons about history.

The building where Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria. | Marylise Vigneau for The New York Times

The Austrian town of Braunau am Inn, sitting just at the border with Germany, has a 15th-century church tower, cobblestone streets and cluttered rows of charming, colorful houses, some in green, pink and blue.

It also has a fraught historical burden. On the upper floors of the house at Salzburger Vorstadt 15 on April 20, 1889, Adolf Hitler was born.

One recent afternoon, Annette Pommer, 32, a history teacher, stared through the window of the Sailer cafe at the three-story 17th-century building across the street where Hitler spent the first few months of his life. She could hear the pounding of jackhammers; an excavator was crawling over a pile of bricks at the rear of the house while workers in hard hats swept the soil.

For many years, Braunau residents say, few gave the house a second thought, except when tourists asked for a photograph, or the occasional neo-Nazi showed up on the anniversary of Hitler’s birthday with a candle or wreath.

But in 2017, the Austrian government, acutely sensitive to the house’s poisonous symbolism and potential for abuse, expropriated the property, and after a period of debate, announced the building would be renovated to become a police station. The goal was to stop it from attracting any modern supporters of Hitler and to sever associations with its painful history. Construction began in October.

“It’s a missed opportunity,” Ms. Pommer said.

Like many in Braunau, she had wanted the building to become a museum or exhibition space to explore Austria’s part in the Nazi regime, a usage that could provide an especially valuable lesson at a time when war again rages in Europe, antisemitism is rising and far-right parties are stirring.

“It should be about how people become Hitler,” she said. “It’s not a house of evil. It’s just a house where a child was born. But it’s right to explain what became of that child.” » | Graham Bowley, Reporting from Braunau am Inn, Austria | Sunday, November 19, 2023