Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Arthur Rubinstein - Chopin Mazurka, Op. 7 No. 1

Jul 13, 2009

Pope Francis Admitted to Hospital to Undergo Abdominal Surgery | DW News

Jun 7, 2023 | Pope Francis is going to the hospital for abdominal surgery, the Vatican said on Wednesday. Francis, who is 86, is to be put under general anesthesia and will be hospitalized at Rome's Gemelli hospital for several days. The Vatican said that the treatment for "recurrent, painful and worsening" intestinal constriction would entail a "laparotomy and abdominal wall plastic surgery with prosthesis." The procedure is conducted by inserting surgical instruments through the abdominal cavity.

"The stay at the health facility will last several days to allow for the normal post-operative course and full functional recovery," it said. Earlier on Wednesday, Pope Francis held an audience in St. Peter's Square in Vatican City and also attended two meetings.

Related video.

Being Gay Is Illegal in Many Countries. L.G.B.T.Q. Travelers Are Going Anyway.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Tropical reefs, safaris, the pyramids: L.G.B.T.Q. travel companies deliver dream vacations, even to places where being out and proud could land you in prison.

A romantic island getaway in the Maldives. A safari in Kenya. A visit to the pyramids in Egypt.

Apart from being popular on bucket lists, these vacations have one thing in common: Their destinations have strict anti-L.G.B.T.Q. legislation. In the Maldives, gay sex may be punished with lashes and up to eight years in prison. In Kenya, it can bring a sentence of up to 14 years. And in Egypt, the authorities are known to throw people in jail for simply waving a rainbow flag.

Paradoxically, these trips are also all offered by travel companies founded by and catering to members of the L.G.B.T.Q. community. In interviews, the founders of four of these companies, which take a combined total of 3,000 tourists — most of them American — abroad each year, said they were providing a safe way to meet a growing demand for trips to countries that criminalize L.B.G.T.Q. people.

“I’m gay and I want to visit these places,” said Darren Burn, the founder of Out of Office, an inclusive luxury travel company. “And if I want to visit these places, then there are other gay people who do, too. So if we can enable them to do it in a fun, exciting and safe way, then that’s exactly what we’re here for.” » | Ainara Tiefenthäler | Tuesday, June 6, 2023

US-Saudi Relations: Secretary of State Meets Saudi Crown Prince

Jun 7, 2023 | US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has held talks with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman ahead of a meeting with Gulf Cooperation Council foreign ministers in Saudi Arabia. The US State Department says they had 'candid' discussions that included human rights concerns and ending the war in Yemen. Ties between Washington and Riyadh have been strained in recent years.

Canada Wildfires Cause Smoky Skies and Spark Air-quality Alerts in North-East US

THE GUARDIAN: Hazy skies hung over north-eastern US a day after the midwest received a similar alert from the Environmental Protection Agency

The sun is shrouded as it rises in a hazy, smoky sky behind the Empire State Building in New York City on 6 June. Photograph: Gary Hershorn/Getty Images

Canada is dealing with a series of intense wildfires that have spread from the western provinces to Quebec, with hundreds of forest fires burning. Wind has carried smoke from the fires southward, triggering air-quality alerts throughout the United States.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Tuesday issued a poor air-quality alert for New England, a day after parts of Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota received a similar advisory. Last week, US officials as far south as Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania reported being affected by the wildfires. » | Associated Press | Wednesday, June 7, 2023

From British Columbia to Nova Scotia, Wildfires Spread Across Canada: Hundreds of wildfires are burning nationwide, expanding a sense of unease in the country as thick smoke billowed over Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. »

Tracking the Smoke From the Canadian Fires »

Wildfires Are Intensifying. Here’s How to Protect Your Health.: Wildfire smoke is “like tobacco smoke without the nicotine,” one expert said. Here are some ways to keep yourself — and your family — healthy. »


Feux au Canada : le Québec, dernière victime des incendies hors norme qui ravagent le pays : Le pays connaît une saison intense de feux de forêts. Selon le gouvernement fédéral, 2 214 incendies ont consumé environ 3,3 millions d’hectares ces dernières semaines. Au total, 120 000 personnes ont déjà été forcées de quitter leur domicile et 26 200 autres sont en cours d’évacuation. »

A New York, les incendies canadiens rendent l’air irrespirable : L’indice de qualité de l’air ne cesse de se dégrader dans la mégapole américaine, où il est conseillé de ne pas sortir et d’utiliser des masques. »

Piers Morgan vs Noam Chomsky | The Full Interview

Jun 5, 2023 | Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by American linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky to discuss the current state of the world, the threat of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Ukraine vs Russia conflict, the attack on free speech within western societies, Donald Trump re-running for President and much more.

China Youth: Graduates Leave Cities to Find Work

1,066 views Jun 7, 2023 | Youth unemployment in China has hit a record high. More than a fifth of young people are now without a job, according to recent statistics. The crisis has pushed more urban youth out of big cities to rural areas in search of jobs. Al Jazeera’s Jessica Washington reports from Anji County in Zhejiang province.

Prince Harry Takes the Stand in His Lawsuit against British Tabloids

Jun 6, 2023 | Prince Harry is accusing the tabloids of hacking his phone and sending private investigators after him, but the defense says he has no proof.

Prince Harry in Court: UK Royal Testifies against Newspaper Group

Jun 7, 2023 | Prince Harry has begun to give evidence at London’s High Court in his lawsuit against a tabloid publisher whose titles he accuses of phone-hacking and other unlawful activities. “I have experienced hostility from the press since I was born,” he said in his witness testimony on Tuesday.

Prince Harry Gives Evidence in UK Court against Tabloid Publisher

Jun 7, 2023 | The fifth-in-line to the British throne is suing Mirror Group Newspapers for phone-hacking and other unlawful activities. Al Jazeera’s Harry Fawcett has more.

Pope Francis to Undergo Surgery - BBC News

Jun 7, 2023 | Pope Francis will have surgery on his abdomen on Wednesday afternoon at Rome's Gemelli hospital. He is expected to stay in hospital for "several days" to recover from the hernia operation, the Vatican said. The hernia is "causing recurrent, painful and worsening" symptoms, added Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni. The 86-year-old has faced a series of health issues in recent years, and uses a cane and a wheelchair due to a persistent knee ailment.

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Nocturne for Piano, No. 8 in D flat Major, Op. 27,2

Nov 8, 2014 | Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises | Views on YouTube: 2,231,208

Ukraine War: Thousands Evacuate as Major Dam Is Destroyed

Jun 6, 2023 | Ukraine has accused Russian forces of blowing up a major dam and hydroelectric power station in a part of southern Ukraine that Russia controls. Hundreds of thousands of residents downriver were ordered to evacuate over fears of a massive flood.

Afghanistan: Inside the Taliban's War on Drugs - BBC News

Jun 6, 2023 | Afghanistan’s Taliban leaders have been more successful in cracking down on opium than anyone ever has, a BBC investigation has found. The BBC has travelled to major poppy growing areas and had exclusive access to remote provinces where our journalists have seen that farmers have either not grown opium poppy complying with the Taliban’s ban, or they’ve had their poppy crops destroyed if they defied the order. This is backed by research from UK based experts who have analysed satellite images and said the drop in opium cultivation is likely to be as much as 80%. The crackdown has big global ramifications, with most of the world’s opium coming from Afghanistan.

Recettes québécoises par Stephane Jacques : Crème de laitue (Franden)

Dec 27, 2012

Pour la recette complète, cliquez ici.

Gonorrhoea and Syphilis Sex Infections Reach Record Levels in England

BBC: England is seeing record high levels of gonorrhoea and syphilis sexually transmitted infections, following a dip during Covid years, new figures reveal.

People are being urged to practise safe sex to protect themselves and get tested if they may be at risk.

There were 82,592 cases of gonorrhoea in 2022 - up 50% on the 54,661 recorded the year before, the UK Health Security Agency says.

Syphilis cases increased by 15% from 7,543 to 8,692.

The age group most likely to be diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is people who are 15-24.

Some of the rise will be due to increased testing, but the scale of the surge strongly suggests that there are more of the infections around, says the UKHSA.

Condoms are "the best line of defence" it advises. » | Michelle Roberts, Digital health editor | Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The West has become degenerate! Everything these days revolves around sex. Just look at the adverts! So many products are sold to consumers through sex-infused commercials. People should concentrate on “making love" instead of “having sex”. Animals have sex; human beings should make love. Love is clean and pure; sex, dirty. If this simple principle were adhered to, there would be far fewer STDs around. That goes for the straight community as well as for the gay community. Without wanting to sound old-fashioned and prudish, man was never meant to scatter his seed as though there were no tomorrow. – © Mark Alexander

Haïti : plusieurs morts après un séisme dans l’ouest de l’île

LE MONDE : Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 4,9 s’est produit peu après 5 heures du matin. La catastrophe survient après des inondations qui ont fait au moins 42 morts durant le week-end.

Un séisme a fait au moins trois morts et 28 blessés mardi 6 juin dans l’ouest d’Haïti, a annoncé une antenne locale de la Protection civile.

Le tremblement de terre, de magnitude 4,9 selon l’Institut de géophysique américain (USGS), s’est produit peu après 5 heures du matin (10 heures à Paris) à une profondeur de 10 km et à environ 9 km des côtes, a fait savoir Christine Monquélé, responsable de la Protection civile dans le département de la Grand’Anse. Ce pays des Caraïbes esst régulièrement touché par des séismes destructeurs. » | Le Monde avec AFP | mardi 6 juin 2023

Universal Basic Income: The Solution to Inflation in the UK? | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Jun 5, 2023 | Universal Basic Income: The Solution to Inflation in the UK? | Vantage with Palki Sharma A think tank wants to pilot a Universal Basic Income project in the UK. The experiment is a bid to find solutions for the UK's crippling cost-of-living crisis. Currently, the British government is struggling to curb runaway food inflation. Downing Street is heading for confrontation with supermarkets over a proposed voluntary price cap. Will the UK government find a way to address the cost-of-living crisis? Palki Sharma decodes


Hard-pressed UK shoppers feel food ‘shrinkflation’: Consumers increasingly claim that manufacturers are reducing the size of products, Barclays research finds »

Britain’s Government and Press at Rock Bottom, Prince Harry Tells Court

THE GUARDIAN: Royal breaks with protocol and criticises Sunak administration, suggesting papers work with ministers to defend vested interests

Prince Harry arriving at the high court on Tuesday. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Prince Harry has said Rishi Sunak’s government is at “rock bottom” and avoids scrutiny by getting “in bed” with friendly newspapers.

The prince once again broke with royal protocol by using his appearance in the phone-hacking trial to criticise a serving government. He said democracy in the UK was threatened because British media outlets were working with the government to maintain the “status quo”.

Harry told the high court that “our country is judged globally by the state of our press and our government, both of which I believe are at rock bottom”. » | Jim Waterson and Kiran Stacey | Tuesday, June 6, 2023

As the Australians would say: Good on ya, Sir! These people need a damn good shake up. One is in bed with the other. That's one reason why we have no real democracy in this country. Our democracy is but a mere sham. – © Mark Alexander

Testimony Is Another Chapter in What Has Become a Life of Litigation: Prince Harry is getting his day in court as he takes on the tabloids that scrutinized his every move for years, even hacking his phone. »

Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat Major, Op. 73 "Emperor" - II. Adagio un poco mosso

Dec 12, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat Major, Op. 73 "Emperor" - II. Adagio un poco mosso (Live) · Krystian Zimerman · Wiener Philharmoniker · Leonard Bernstein

Schumann: Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op. 54 - I. Allegro affettuoso

Jul 30, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Schumann: Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op. 54 - I. Allegro affettuoso · Krystian Zimerman · Berliner Philharmoniker · Herbert von Karajan

L’Espagne, un pays divisé | ARTE

Jun 4, 2023 | Les blessures de la guerre civile et du franquisme expliquent-elles la polarisation croissante de la vie politique espagnole, entre une extrême gauche toujours forte et l’ascension du parti d’extrême droite Vox ? État des lieux.

La vie politique espagnole connaît depuis quinze ans une polarisation croissante, spectaculaire à l’échelle de l’Europe. La crise économique de 2008 et le conflit autour de l’indépendance catalane ont vu émerger successivement le parti Podemos, à gauche, puis celui d’extrême droite Vox. Leur succès a poussé à se radicaliser les formations historiques comme le Parti populaire (PP) et le parti socialiste (PSOE), tandis que les centristes perdaient du terrain. Certains discours raniment ainsi les fantômes de la guerre civile (1936-1939) et des crimes amnistiés du franquisme, qui ont laissé dans la mémoire collective des plaies jamais refermées. Au point que, sur fond d’une crise sanitaire qui a accentué encore les inégalités, cette attraction vers les extrêmes donne l'image d'un pays fracturé.

Échos de guerre

Outre l’écrivain Javier Cercas, dont l’œuvre se nourrit de l’histoire de la guerre d’Espagne et de ses échos dans le présent, Marcel Mettelsiefen rencontre différents représentants et militants politiques, comme Pablo Iglesias, cofondateur et ancien dirigeant de Podemos, Carles Puigdemont, Lluïsa Erill et Anna Rufí, leader et militantes indépendantistes catalans, Maria Avila, une activiste du droit au logement, Emilio Silva, président d’une association de réhabilitation des victimes du franquisme, le matador Morante de la Puebla, candidat pour Vox en 2018, ainsi qu’Antonio Mellado, un membre de ce parti. Le passionnant état des lieux d’un pays et de ses lignes de faille.

Documentaire de Marcel Mettelsiefen (Espagne, 2022, 52mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 28/08/2023

NZZ: So könnte die grosse Gegenoffensive der Ukraine aussehen

Jun 6, 2023 | Die Ukraine steht unter einem enormen Erfolgsdruck. Seit Monaten wird eine Frühlingsoffensive angekündigt. Nun setzt die ukrainische Armee erste Züge. Militärexperte Georg Häsler erklärt, wie eine mögliche Gegenoffensive ausgestaltet sein könnte und wie hoch die Erfolgschancen sind.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 6, 2023

Karen Armstrong: I Was a Nun Who Couldn't Pray | SuperSoul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network

Jun 9, 2013 | When she was 17 years old, Karen Armstrong was in search of God. To find Him, she entered a Roman Catholic convent and became a nun. When she started her new life, she faced a number of struggles, including the fact she couldn't pray. Watch as Karen reflects on feeling like a failure in the convent.

Who Would Be Tsar of Russia Today? | Romanov Family Tree

Jan 1, 2021 | Views on YouTube: 2,212,731

Turkey: Did Erdogan's Unorthodox Approach to Bring Down Inflation Actually Work? | DW Business

Jun 5, 2023 | Turkish inflation has fallen below 40% for the first time in 16 months. We speak to Erdal Yalcin, professor of international economics at Konstanz University of Applied Sciences. We ask him: is this a meaningful figure?

Erdogan's low interest rate policy is in line with Islam. His economic policy is unorthodox only to Western economists; his policy is very orthodox if considered in the light of Islamic economics. Erdogan is, after all, trying to re-Islamize the country. He is out to undo Ataürk's secular legacy. – © Mark Alexander

Australia to Ban Recreational Vaping - BBC News

May 30, 2023 | Australia is set to ban recreational vaping as part of major crackdown amid what experts say is an "epidemic". This means that vape products can only be sold with a prescription. New measures will have to be passed by Parliament before becoming law. However, there are fears that the ban will fuel a black market.

Disposable vapes should be banned to protect children, UK paediatricians say: Single-use e-cigarettes growing in popularity among young people despite unknown health effects and environmental impact »

Why am I not surprised? Governments have created this problem with their relentless war on tobacco and smoking. One can but shake one’s head. – © Mark Alexander

Monday, June 05, 2023

Hass predigen und Homophobie verbreiten. Wie kann man das?

Es erstaunt mich wirklich, wie ein Christ homophob sein kann und Hass verbreiten kann, wenn er gleichzeitig das Christentum predigt. Das erscheint mir heuchlerisch und widersprüchlich zu sein.

Alle Menschen sollten das Recht haben, sich selbst treu zu bleiben und ihr eigenes Leben zu gestalten. Ein Leben führen, das ihnen dient und befriedigt. Wenn dieses Leben gegen Gott ist, muss er sich am letzten Tag rechtfertigen.

Selbst, glaube ich, daß wir alle Kinder Gottes sind. Darüber hinaus glaube ich, daß Gott uns alle liebt, egal welche Ausrichtung wir haben. – © Mark Alexander

I Just Called to Say…

…I love you.

Click here for the music.

Many thanks to Pinterest for this beautiful picture.

Mike Pence, Trump’s Former Vice-President, Announces White House Run

THE GUARDIAN: Republican who narrowly escaped harm at hands of January 6 rioters jumps into nomination race

Donald Trump with Mike Pence at the Republican national convention in Charlotte in August 2020. Photograph: Leah Millis/Reuters

Mike Pence, who as Donald Trump’s vice-president narrowly escaped harm at the hands of the January 6 rioters, has declared his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination next year, pitting him against his former boss.

Pence filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission, but will formally launch his bid for the Republican nomination with a video and event in Des Moines, Iowa, on Wednesday – his 64th birthday.

The former congressman and Indiana governor, an evangelical conservative, enters a primary dominated by Trump, who enjoys commanding polling leads. » | Martin Pengelly in New York | Monday, June 5, 2023

Oh Jesus! Another right-wing, homophobic, Republican loon is running for the White House! Does the insanity have no end? In any case, Pence is merely 64. Is he actually old enough to run for the White House? – © Mark Alexander

Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 1 in D Minor, Op. 15 - I. Maestoso - Poco più moderato

Jul 29, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 1 in D Minor, Op. 15 - I. Maestoso - Poco più moderato · Krystian Zimerman · Berliner Philharmoniker · Sir Simon Rattle

The Last Christmas of the Romanovs

Dec 30, 2020 | Christmas 1917 would be the last for the Romanov family. Isolated from the world, exiled in Siberia, they lived the joy of the feast of love, distributing gifts to the members of their staff that they had made themselves. Under house arrest and closely guarded, they were able to organize a traditional Christmas that was in many ways their closest family holiday.

Why Do Europeans Dislike Americans So Much?

May 31, 2023

Please note that this video has been made by an American. It is not a reflection of my own, personal views on America: so it should therefore not be misconstrued as such. This video is posted for interest only. – © Mark Alexander

Dr. Philip Ovadia: Debunking Carb Essentials

Click here for Dr. Ovadia’s sage dietary advice.

Marlene Dietrich : Lili Marleen

May 19, 2013 | Created by Dimitris Taganos | Artist: Marlene Dietrich

Falls Sie den Liedtext lesen möchten, klicken Sie bitte hier und dann klicken Sie an 'show more'.

Certified Angus Beef: The Perfect Filet Mignon

Jun 5, 2023 | Give your steak a flavor upgrade with a savory addition, like this umami topper. Watch as Chef Michael shows you how to reverse-sear a tender, Certified Angus Beef filet! This handy technique ensures that each steak is cooked to your desired doneness, while browning perfectly on the outside. You’ll then top the steaks with a decadent butter mixture. Add in flavor bombs like miso and chili paste to complement the meaty flavors in the steak, without overpowering it. A quick pass of a crème brule torch caramelizes the buttery topping and gives the Certified Angus Beef steaks extra charred flavor. Take your steak to the next level with this perfect filet mignon recipe!

Get the full recipe here and then click on ‘show more’.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 5, 2023

Interview with Karen Armstrong on "A History of God", "The Case for God", "Sacred Nature" HQ

May 5, 2022 | Karen Armstrong in conversation with Professor Henk de Berg from The University of Sheffield on A History of God, The Case for God, Sacred Nature (23 March 2022)

Professor Henk de Berg.

War Brings Urgency to Fight for LGBT Rights in Ukraine

THE GUARDIAN: Campaigners hope a new law will show LGBT soldiers that the country they are risking their lives for cares about them

Participants in the Equality march, organised by the LGBT community in Kyiv in 2021.Photograph: Valentyn Ogirenko/Reuters

The Ukrainian MP Andrii Kozhemiakin is a wiry, conservative ex-spy who likes to emphasise his Christian faith and large family. He is also an unlikely new recruit in the fight for LGBT rights in Ukraine.

A draft civil union law that would give same-sex partnerships legal status for the first time was introduced this year to Ukraine’s parliament, which is still functioning despite the war.

Kozhemiakin’s committee was the first to debate it and the team behind the legislation were bracing for defeat; they had even prepared a statement. He started with a script they recognised, talking about his Soviet-era KGB training, his religious beliefs and his “personal opinion about LGBT people”.

And then he announced his wholehearted support for the legislation, referencing Vladimir Putin’s homophobic claim that there are no gay Russians.

“Anything that our enemy hates … I will support,” Kozhemiakin said. “If it will never exist in Russia, it should exist and be supported here, to show them and signal to them that we are different. This law is like a smile towards Europe and a middle finger to Russia. So I support it.” » | Emma Graham-Harrison and Artem Mazhulin in Kyiv | Monday, June 5, 2023

Is Opposition to Putin Even Possible in, or outside, Russia? | DW News

Jun 5, 2023 | Russian police have arrested more than 100 demonstrators who took to the streets to mark the birthday of jailed Kremlin ciritc Alexey Navalny. Demonstrators held handwritten signs calling for his release. The human rights monitoring group OVD-Info said Navalny supporters were detained in 23 cities across Russia, including Moscow and St Petersburg. The prominent opposition leader was jailed for fraud and contempt of court. But Navalny maintains the charges were trumped up to silence him. Russia's government has passed increasingly tough laws to stifle criticism since its invasion of Ukraine. So is it even possible to oppose the government in Vladimir Putin's Russia? DW caught up with a local opposition politician in Moscow.

John Major’s Brexit Warning before the Brexit Referendum

Jun 5, 2023 | → What the former Prime Minister warned BEFORE the referendum

John Major is one of the last decent Tories. Here, Sir John Major speaks the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about that rash and ridiculous Brexit. Fie on the clowns that duped the electorate and fie on those same people for dragging this country out of the European Union. – © Mark Alexander

Sunday, June 04, 2023

Michael Bolton : Drift Away | Reupload

Nov 6, 2014 Provided to YouTube by Columbia | Views on YouTube: 5,924,276

The Last Days of the Romanovs | National Geographic

Jul 8, 2018 | For 300 years the Romanovs ruled Russia as tsars. But as World War I brought Russia to revolution, Tsar Nicholas II and his family were overthrown. During his World Cup tour of Russia, National Geographic reporter Sergey Gordeev visits the Church on the Blood in Yekaterinburg that memorializes the location of their demise.

Jesus Son of Pantera: Ancient Slander or Historical Probability?

Jun 4, 2023 | Contrary to what is often asserted by scholars as well as general readers, the early traditions that Jesus had a biological father named "Pantera" has nothing to do with an assertion that Mary was raped by a Roman soldier. Further, the name Pantera was never said to be a pun on Parthenos--the Greek word for "virgin"--until it was suggested by a German scholar in the 19th century! No ancient writers who comment on the name "Yeshua bar Pantera" associates it with such a pun--they know the name as a real name from the family of Joseph and Mary. Furthermore, 1st century rabbis living in Sepphoris, just north of Nazareth, use the name in a descriptive way--not as slander at all--referring to Jesus of Nazareth. It was a REAL name, not a pun used in slander. In this interview I offer an overview of the Pantera traditions--what we know and don't know, including what I have discovered about the tombstone of a 1st century Roman soldier from Sidon found Bingerbrücke, Germany, on the Rhine river, in 1859.

Poland: Thousands Protest over New Law - BBC News

Jun 4, 2023 | Thousands of people have been taking part in an anti-government rally in Poland's capital Warsaw. They were protesting against a new law that critics say could be used to target opposition politicians in an election year. There is due to be an election in Poland in October or November 2023.


Universal Basic Income of £1,600 a Month to be Trialled in Two Places in England

THE GUARDIAN: Scheme to run for two years and participants will be monitored to see what effect it has on mental and physical health

A universal basic income of £1,600 a month is to be trialled in England for the first time in a pilot programme.

Thirty people will be paid a lump sum without conditions each month for two years and will be observed to understand the effects on their lives.

Two places in England have been selected for the micro pilot scheme: central Jarrow, in north-east England, and East Finchley, in north London.

Will Stronge, the director of research at the thinktank Autonomy, which is backing the plan, said of the £1,600 figure: “This is a substantial amount. Universal basic income usually covers people’s basic needs but we want to see what effect this unconditional lump sum has on people’s mental and physical health, whether they choose to work or not.

“Our society is going to require some form of basic income in the coming years, given the tumult of climate change, tech disruption and industrial transition that lies ahead. This is why building the evidence base and public engagement now is so important, so the ground is well prepared for national implementation.” » | Dahaba Ali Hussen | Sunday, June 4, 2023

Poland: Hundreds of Thousands March against Rightwing Populist Government

THE GUARDIAN: ‘We’re half a million here,’ says Donald Tusk at what he says is biggest political gathering since Poland regained independence

Donald Tusk: ‘The whole of Poland, the whole of Europe and the whole world sees how strong we are and how we are ready to fight for democracy and freedom again, like we did 30, 40 years ago.’ Photograph: Paweł Supernak/EPA

Hundreds of thousands of people have marched through central Warsaw to protest against Poland’s rightwing populist government before a delicately poised election due in the autumn.

The Law and Justice (PiS) party came to power in 2015, since when it has eroded democratic norms, attacked the independent judiciary and launched campaigns against the LGBTQ+ community and reproductive rights.

“We’re half a million here, it’s a record,” said Donald Tusk, the former prime minister who leads the Civil Platform opposition grouping. He said the march on Sunday had been the biggest political gathering since Poland regained independence after the communist period.

There was no official confirmation of the size of the rally, though Warsaw’s city hall also gave a 500,000 estimate, and central streets thronged with crowds of protesters. The city’s metro was overwhelmed as people converged on the centre. Many people waved Polish or EU flags and the mood was defiant but often festive.

“The whole of Poland, the whole of Europe and the whole world sees how strong we are and how we are ready to fight for democracy and freedom again, like we did 30, 40 years ago,” Tusk told the crowds at the start of the rally. » | Shaun Walker in Warsaw | Sunday, June 4, 2023

Glad to see the good and sensible people of Poland fighting back against the extreme right-wing loons that now have a grip on power in Poland. – © Mark Alexander

Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2 in B-Flat Major, Op. 83 - II. Allegro appassionato

Sep 16, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2 in B-Flat Major, Op. 83 - II. Allegro appassionato · Krystian Zimerman · Wiener Philharmoniker · Leonard Bernstein · Johannes Brahms

Deutschland bei Nacht | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Jun 4, 2023 | Die Nacht ist vielfältig – von sternenklaren Himmeln auf der Schwäbischen Alb, dem Dunkel der Wälder, dem Glitzern des Wattenmeers und den Lichtglocken über nie schlafenden Metropolen. Die Nacht ist lebendig, von vermeintlicher Ruhe oder Stillstand kaum die Spur. Der Dokumentarfilm ist eine Reise durch Deutschland bei Dunkelheit - inklusive Geheimnissen und Überraschungen.

Eine Reise durch Deutschland und in den Kosmos der Dunkelheit: Auf der Schwäbischen Alb bietet die Dokumentation einen ungetrübten Blick auf Mars, Jupiter und Venus, Sterne und Sternschnuppen. Sie führt in die Allgäuer Alpen, das Wattenmeer, an den Bodensee und viele andere Orte, wo die die Natur in der Nacht Überraschungen bereithält. Und sie stellt Menschen vor, die in der Nacht aktiv sind oder sie erforschen.

So organisiert der Physiklehrer Till Credner für seine Schüler, die Hobbyastronomen sind, auf der Ostalb regelmäßig Meteorcamps, in den Straßen von Berlin ist die Biologin Carolin Weh nachts Waschbären auf der Spur, am Bodensee untersuchen Biologinnen das Bewegungsmuster von Fledermäusen und im Jenaer Forst beobachtet der Chemiker Stefan Schramm balzende Glühwürmchen.

In der Nacht werden aber auch gewaltige Mengen von Fracht bewegt, ob am Frankfurter Flughafen oder am Containerterminal Altenwerder in Hamburg. Die Stahlproduktion kannte seit ihren Anfängen keine Pause; auch heute wird, wie in Bremen, der Stahl rund um die Uhr gekocht. Die nie ruhende menschliche Aktivität führt inzwischen aber auch zu erheblicher Lichtverschmutzung. Auch wirkt die ständige Verfügbarkeit von Licht ungünstig auf unsere innere Uhr, der Biorhythmus von Menschen und Tieren wird aus dem Takt gebracht.

Dokumentarfilm von Ole Gurr (D 2017, 89 Min)
Verfügbar bis zum 30/06/2023

German Chancellor Scholz Throws Angry Response at Chants of 'Warmonger' | DW News

Jun 4, 2023 | In Germany a video has gone viral showing Chancellor Olaf Scholz in a rare outburst of anger, shouting at protesters who attacked his government's military support of Ukraine.

Scholz was at a gathering of his party near Berlin when a group of protesters disrupted his speech, shouting slogans like 'Make peace without weapons' and calling him a warmonger.

Thailand Pride Celebrations Kick Off in Bangkok - BBC News

Jun 4, 2023 | Pride celebrations have begun in Thailand. Thailand is open to LGBTQ+ communities but has never passed the same-sex marriage law. However, the winner of the recent election, the Move Forward party, has said that adopting this law is part of its main agenda.

India Train Crash Investigation Begins - BBC News

Jun 4, 2023 | Investigations have been launched to determine the cause of a deadly train crash involving three trains in India. At least 288 people were killed and more than 800 injured in Friday's incident in Odisha state, involving two passenger trains and a goods train. Rescue efforts have concluded, with officials saying all trapped and injured passengers have been retrieved. It is still not clear what caused the multi-train collision in Balasore district, which has been described as India's worst rail accident this century.

Related video.

Nina Teicholz: “Wanna Avoid Heart Disease? Eat More Fat”

Reading the science changed Nina Teicholz’s perspective on nutrition. She’s a journalist and author who is known for her work on nutrition and health. As a vegetarian with a food review column, she had to eat red meat—exactly the dishes she stayed away from. However, upon checking with her doctor, she was surprised to find that her cholesterol actually improved. This experience led Nina to read the science behind nutrition. In this conversation, she tells us why saturated fats are not the villain, how easy it is to fall into the trap of believing popular narratives, and through her writing and advocacy, inspires us to question what we know and seek the truth. Nina understands the cost of speaking up against the nutrition industry and she remains committed to sharing the truth. She’s not giving up on that.

Nina Teicholz:

Nina Teicholz, the journalist who wrote The Big Fat Surprise, is the founder of Nutrition Coalition. She believes that there should be a unified movement to educate people and to provide organized advocacy efforts for more people to hear the message.

Saturday, June 03, 2023

Ne-Yo : Sexy Love | Official Music Video | Reupload

Dec 14, 200 | Views on YouTube: 133,443,958

Moroccan Eats: Moroccan Eggs in Tomato Sauce

Jan 24, 2021 | Easy and healthy Moroccan poached eggs in tomato sauce tagine. Great for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner!

Beim Frühstück können Sie ein einfaches und schmackhaftes Gericht aus Marokko genießen. / At breakfast you can enjoy a simple and tasty Moroccan dish. / Au petit-déjeuner, vous pourrez déguster un plat marocain simple et savoureux. – Mark

Turkey's President Erdogan Sworn in for Third Term - BBC News

Jun 3, 2023 | Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been sworn in for his third term as president of Turkey. The country's long-time president won Sunday's vote, securing another five years in power.

From this point on, the dark period in Turkey continues. – © Mark Alexander

Heart Surgeon Reveals What to Eat to Lose Weight & Prevent Disease | Dr. Philip Ovadia

May 30, 2023 | Dr. Philip Ovadia is a hearth surgeon who established Ovadia Heart Health, a telehealth practice that focuses on the prevention and treatment of metabolic and heart disease through lifestyle and dietary modification.

In an effort to overcome his lifelong struggle with obesity, Phil adopted a low-carbohydrate focused way of eating in 2015 and - since March 2019 - has maintained a mostly carnivorous way of eating. After decades of yo-yo dieting, he has maintained a weight loss of nearly 100 pounds.

Phil is the author of Stay Off My Operating Table, where he discusses the principles of optimizing metabolic health to prevent heart disease and other chronic diseases. He also hosts the Stay Off My Operating Table podcast.

If you’re looking to fix your metabolic health and you want to shed some extra body fat, stick around to hear what Phil has to say. As a heart surgeon and someone who’s lost almost 100 pounds himself, he knows what he’s talking about.


Nineteen sixty-two / Dix-neuf soixante-deux

Man bedankt sich dafür bei BIG HAIR 1962 auf Pinterest für dieses schöne Bild benutzen zu dürfen.

A Hot Song for a Hot Summer’s Day! Whitney Houston with Enrique Iglesias : Could I Have This Kiss Forever | Official HD Video | Reupload

Mar 16, 2014 | Views on YouTube: 150,875,722

Wer hat sich die französischen Zahlen ausgedacht? | Karambolage | ARTE

Jan 17, 2020 | Nikola Obermann erklärt uns, warum die Franzosen eine so komplizierte Art zu zählen haben und „vier zwanzig” anstelle von „achtzig” sagen. | Autorin: Nikola Obermann | Regie: Maud Remy

Protest over Pride Month Assembly at Los Angeles School Turns Violent

THE GUARDIAN: Reports of fights breaking out over a book reading about inclusive families forced police officers to separate clashing groups

A protest over a Pride month assembly at a Los Angeles elementary school reportedly broke out into fights, forcing police officers to separate groups of protesters and counter-protesters who clashed over the school’s teaching of LGBTQ+ issues.

Tensions at Saticoy elementary school, part of the Los Angeles unified school district, have been rising since last month over the Pride assembly the school has planned to hold on Friday.

The event included a reading of The Great Big Book of Families, which includes details about different family structures including single parents, LGBTQ+ parents, grandparents and foster parents, said Kelly Gonez, a member of the Los Angeles unified school district board. » | Guardian staff and agencies | Saturday, June 3, 2023

Obesity and Corporate Greed | DW Documentary

May 26, 2022 | Doctors predict that by 2030, half of the world's population will be overweight or obese. An epidemic of obesity is causing a rapid rise in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. It's becoming the biggest health challenge worldwide.

Why has no country managed to stop this epidemic? The food industry and government authorities say it's due to a lack of individual self-discipline. Is this true? Or is it the result of collective failure -- a symptom of a liberal society that abhors obesity, yet produces people who are overweight. Is society itself to blame for this situation?

Around the world, politicians, priests, doctors, and average people are standing up to multinational food corporations. They want to take back control of their nutrition and their bodies -- and they're using the law, scientific evidence, and political activism to correct the claim that people who are obese have only themselves to blame. These critics focus on sugary drinks that can be as addictive as some hard drugs; misleading advertising directed at children and low-income people; governments that turn a blind eye to junk-food companies; and lobbying that pushes the limits of legality.

These people say that a "hostile takeover" of our food has been underway for four decades, and they're demanding new legislation to put a stop to it. This documentary investigates how Chile is leading the way in this struggle. Which country will be the next to confront the big food corporations in the name of public health?

India Train Crash: More Than 260 Dead after Odisha Collision - BBC News

Jun 3, 2023 | At least 261 people have been killed and 1,000 injured in a crash involving three trains in India's eastern Odisha state, officials have said. One passenger train derailed on to the adjacent track and was struck by an incoming train on Friday, also hitting a nearby stationary freight train. A massive rescue operation was launched, with hundreds of emergency services searching the wreckage. It is India's worst train crash this century and the cause is not yet clear.

Is the Ukraine Counteroffensive Happening on Russian Soil? | DW News

Jun 3, 2023 | Recent days have seen large-scale Russian missile and drone attacks on Ukrainian cities, including the capital Kyiv. At the same time there have been increasing reports of attacks on Russian territory near Ukraine.

Hundreds of people have taken refuge in a sports arena in the Russian city of Belgorod. They're among thousands reported to have fled after increased shelling near the Ukrainian border. According to local officials, at least two people were killed by heavy artillery fire in the region on Friday.

Michael Lambert: As Johnson Mocks Sunak, Starmer Chases the 15% of Voters Who Still Back Brexit

Jun 3, 2023 | As Boris Johnson mocks Rishi Sunak over over the WhatsApp messages and diaries required by the Covid 19 enquiry, it is clear that Sunak does not want all information to be made available to the judge.

In the meantime, Sunak went to Moldova, where leaders of 47 countries gathered to support Ukraine, but Sunak tweeted that he was there talking about illegal immigration where, he claimed, the UK is leading Europe.

Little attention is being paid to the possible consequences of AI which is likely to change the world much quicker than many expect.

In an article in the Daily Express Keir Starmer wrote confirming emphatically that how, under his leadership, the UK will never seek to rejoin the Single Market or the Customs Union or agree to free movement. He wrote of how he will 'Make Brexit Work' by 're-negotiating' our deal with the EU despite this being practically impossible.

Another great analysis of the dystopia that we Brits now live in and the dystopic future that lies ahead of us all. It is often hard to comprehend what this once wonderful country has been turned into. We all know who the culprits and architects of our demise are. Unfortunately, they are all getting away scot-free with their crimes against this once proud nation; in fact, they are profiting from the grief they have caused us, the people. – © Mark Alexander

Friday, June 02, 2023

Princess Diana: The Interview That Shocked the World | Full Documentary

Premiered Sep 1, 2022

Half a Million More UK Kids Drop into Poverty

Jun 2, 2023 | The withdrawal of pandemic-era support combined with the soaring cost of living was always likely to drive up poverty and today there's evidence that Britain's children have begun to pay the price.

A survey carried out by the End Child Poverty Coalition - and seen exclusively by Channel 4 News - shows more than half a million have dropped below the poverty line in the last year.

But the government insists it has helped hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty in the last decade.

The Tories have destroyed this country. It all started with Thatcher. Yes, I was taken in by her at the time; but with the benefit of distance and hindsight, it is all too clear to see that she started the rot. She and the ‘Old Gipper’ over in the States.

When I was growing up, there were no such outlets as food banks. There was no need for them. A working man could feed his family (even with the wife at home raising her children, where she belongs). These days, even two parents working often cannot earn enough to feed their children. There’s something wrong somewhere! – © Mark Alexander

„Stoppt den radikalen Islam!“ | Hamed Abdel-Samad bei Viertel nach Acht

Jan 18, 2023 | „Die islamistische Welt wagt den Bruch mit der eigenen Vergangenheit bis heute nicht und wurde dazu von außen auch nie wirklich gezwungen. Sie hielt am Islam als Religion und Staat in einem fest, weil sie darin immer noch die einzige Quelle für die eigene Identität und den einzigen Weg für Erlösung im Jenseits sieht. Für gläubige Muslime, die in der Religion spirituellen Halt finden, sich aber nach einem Leben frei von Dogmen und Bevormundung etwa durch die Scharia sehnen, ist das ein großes Problem. Denn im Islam ist Religion eben nicht Privatsache. Der Wunsch nach Freiheit wird sanktioniert – von Religionswächtern, selbst ernannten Scharia-Polizisten, der eigenen Familie, der Community.

Auch deshalb gibt es in Europa bei der Integration von Muslimen deutlich mehr Probleme als mit anderen Einwanderungs- Gruppen. In Deutschland und in Europa leben viele Millionen friedliche Muslime, die nichts für das können, was islamistische Bewegungen im Schilde führen. Es ist wichtig, diese Muslime als loyale Staatsbürger zu gewinnen, sie nicht als Fremde zu behandeln und sie sowohl vor Diskriminierung und Rassismus als auch vor der Ideologie des Islamismus zu schützen. Das gelingt nur durch Bildung, Aufklärung und kulturelle und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe. Diese Muslime sollte man fördern und jene bekämpfen, die im Namen ihrer Religion politisch Einfluss zu gewinnen suchen und eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Islam mit Rassismus gleichsetzen. Die wirtschaftlichen Interessen Europas, die Emotionalität, mit der die Diskussion über den Islam geführt wird – wenn sie denn überhaupt geführt wird –, und die Hartnäckigkeit des politischen Islam erschweren diese Aufgabe. Europäische Politiker meinen, die Muslime müssten diese Reformen selbst durchführen und dürften nicht von außen dazu gedrängt werden. Diese Einstellung ist im Grunde richtig, doch die Politik hält sich nicht an ihr Neutralitätsgebot. Denn nicht die Reformer werden hier gefördert, sondern die reaktionären Kräfte, deren Projekte im Namen der Toleranz und Vielfalt teils sogar finanziert werden. Offen reaktionären Kräften kann man entgegentreten, bei verdeckt Operierenden ist das weitaus schwieriger. Umso wichtiger wäre es, sich mit Netzwerken zu befassen und deren Wurzeln offenzulegen und gleichzeitig Reformer und Kritiker anzuhören, anstatt sie zu diskreditieren. Damit spielt man nur dem Islamismus in die Hände. Ein erster Schritt wäre, wenn sich Europa offen zu den eigenen Werten bekennen und sie verteidigen würde!“

Ron DeSantis’ Pastor Says Gay People Should Be “Put to Death”

LGBTQNATION: The pastor tweeted in support of Uganda's new "Kill the Gays" law.

Tom Ascol | Photo: YouTube screenshot

The pastor who delivered the invocation at Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis‘s (R) second inauguration has said that gay people should be put to death.

Tom Ascol — senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, Florida — made his comment on Twitter while criticizing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). On Monday, Cruz issued a tweet criticizing Uganda’s new “Anti-Homosexuality Act,” a law that punishes “aggravated homosexuality” with death.

Cruz’s tweet called the law “horrific & wrong,” adding, “Any law criminalizing homosexuality or imposing the death penalty for ‘aggravated homosexuality’ is grotesque & an abomination. ALL civilized nations should join together in condemning this human rights abuse.”

Ascol disagreed, writing on Tuesday, “Tell it to God, Ted.” » | Daniel Villarreal | Friday, June 2, 2023

This "dude" is supposed to be a 'man of the cloth'. But, to put it into disgusting American jargon, he's "kinda" ignorant and "kinda" stupid. He needs to go back to seminary (if he ever attended one) in order to re-learn the theology and lessons of true Christianity.

I've got news for this ignorant, cruel dude. Jesus never spoke of putting anyone to death. On the contrary, Jesus spoke of compassion and mercy, saying:
So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. KJV: King James Version, John 8:7
You, Sir, are a disgrace! An embarrassment to the Christian world. – © Mark Alexander

Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 11 - II. Romance (Larghetto)

Jul 30, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 11 - II. Romance (Larghetto) · Krystian Zimerman · Los Angeles Philharmonic · Carlo Maria Giulini

Key Moments from the Jordan Crown Prince's Lavish Royal Wedding

Jun 1, 2023 | For the first time in almost 30 years, a future King of Jordan’s Royal Hashemite Court married in a lavish wedding ceremony on June 1.

Jordan’s crown prince cements status with glitzy wedding to Saudi architect: Celebrities and UK royals watch Prince Hussein marry Rajwa Alseif in marriage seen to secure succession and boost state ties »


DW Food: White Asparagus Recipe from Germany | German Food Made Easy | DW Food

May 6, 2020 | People in Germany love asparagus, especially white asparagus! This vegetarian asparagus recipe is the classic way in which Germans prepare their asparagus, or “Spargel” as they call it – without meat though. As white asparagus is not as easy to source as its green relative, DW Food reporter Max Merrill also explains how to make a delicious salad with green asparagus, rocket and strawberries. Here’s the recipe.

USA's Obesity Epidemic: Heart Attack Grills, Fat Camps and Plus-Size Beauty Pageants | Documentary

Sep 14, 2021 | | Never in all its history has America been so obese. With 160 million Americans severely overweight, in this documentary explore increasingly aggressive treatments as well as the counter-trend of body positivity and 'Miss Plus' beauty pageants.

Despite repeated government efforts to encourage the population to slim down, the obesity rates just keep climbing.

Faced with this staggering figure, healthcare professionals are trying to find new, more efficient and more aggressive treatments for this illness… We meet Casey, one of the few people whose weight has become a matter of life and death, and travel to Arizona to see an innovative new academy helping young girls learn healthy habits and slim down.

Despite the rising obesity crisis, a new movement is shaking up the United States: body positivity. Through lucrative social media accounts, popular magazine covers and even successful ‘Miss Plus’ beauty pageants, overweight Americans are learning to flaunt their curves and love themselves no matter their size.

This documentary is disgusting and gross. I apologise for it. But it is necessary to be aware of the disgusting eating habits of so many in the USA, and actually throughout the Western world, thanks to the influence of American culture on our eating habits. Fast the food may be, but healthy, it is not! Americans can teach us nothing when it comes to food and healthy eating. – © Mark Alexander

French Cooking Academy: Delicious Provence-style Garlic Lemon Chicken Recipe

May 18, 2023

Get the recipe here.

Iran: Decadence and Downfall

Sep 7, 2022 | In 1971, the Shah of Iran, the self-proclaimed 'king of kings', celebrated 2,500 years of the Persian monarchy by throwing the greatest party in history.

Money was no object - a lavish tent city, using 37km of silk, was erected in a specially created oasis. The world's top restaurant at the time, Maxim's, closed its doors for two weeks to cater the event, a five-course banquet served to over sixty of the world's kings, queens and presidents, and washed down with some of the rarest wines known to man. Over a decadent five-day period, guests were treated to a pageant of thousands of soldiers dressed in ancient Persian costume, a 'son et lumiere' at the foot of Darius the Great's temple, and the opening of the Azadi Tower in Tehran, designed to honour the Shah himself.

Every party leaves a few hangovers. This one left a country reeling, never to recover. It crystallised the opposition, led by the Ayatollah Khomeini. More than any other event, this party marked the break between the king of kings and the people of Iran he reigned over.

The Lincoln Project: Indictment Requiem

Mar 31, 2023 | The party of law and order's 2024 front runner will soon have a mug shot, and they're handling it exactly as you'd expect.

When one listens to Republicans spouting crap, one can quickly see how China will soon be in pole position geopolitically. Americans are doing this to themselves. – © Mark Alexander

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — June 2, 2023

Jun 2, 2023 | Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on over 1,500 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream at Mondays to Fridays 8-9 a.m. ET.

En Ouganda, le président promulgue une loi anti-LGBT+, accusée de violer « de manière flagrante les droits humains »

LE MONDE : Dans la nouvelle version du texte, une disposition fait de « l’homosexualité aggravée » un crime capital, passible d’une condamnation à mort. Plus tôt cette année, l’ONU avait dénoncé un « texte discriminatoire, probablement le pire au monde en son genre ».

Le président ougandais, Yoweri Museveni, a promulgué une loi anti-LGBT+ prévoyant de lourdes peines pour les relations homosexuelles et la « promotion » de l’homosexualité, a annoncé, lundi 29 mai, la présidence. Ce texte avait suscité l’indignation de nombreuses organisations non gouvernementales et des menaces de gouvernements occidentaux.

« Le président a approuvé le projet de loi anti-homosexualité 2023. Il devient désormais la loi anti-homosexualité 2023 », a annoncé la présidence ougandaise dans un bref communiqué publié sur son compte Twitter officiel. » | Le Monde avec AFP | lundi 29 mai 2023

Ugandas Präsident unterzeichnet Anti-LGBTQ-Gesetz: Anfang Mai hatte das Parlament das umstrittene Gesetz auf den Weg gebracht. Es erklärt „schwere Homosexualität“ zu einem Kapitalverbrechen, für das die Todestrafe drohen kann. »

Anti-LGBTQ+ Law in Uganda That Threatens the Death Penalty Sparks International Outcry

May 31, 2023 | Uganda just enacted one of the world’s harshest anti-LGBTQ+ laws. Same-sex relations were already illegal there, but the new law goes much further, including life imprisonment for anyone convicted of homosexuality and in some cases mandates the death penalty. The draconian provisions upended the lives of queer Ugandans who now feel in danger. Stephanie Sy discussed the law with Steven Kabuye.

Uganda's Museveni Defends Anti-LGBTQ Law

Jun 1, 2023 | Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni defended signing one of the world's harshest anti-LGBTQ laws, saying it was needed to prevent LGBTQ community members from ‘recruiting’ others.

Thursday, June 01, 2023

The Lincoln Project: President Fraud

Apr 4, 2023 | Trump. Fraud. Circus. The holy MAGA trinity.

Putin, der Präsident im Kokon


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Für Russlands Präsidenten häufen sich die schlechten Nachrichten. Er gibt sich unbeeindruckt. Doch sein Bild der Stärke bekommt immer mehr Risse.

Die Einschläge kommen immer näher, immer schneller. Doch Wladimir Putin reagiert auf die wiederholten Einfälle Bewaffneter ins Grenzgebiet zur Ukraine und auf Drohnenangriffe, mittlerweile sogar auf Moskau, demonstrativ gelassen. Oft schweigt Russlands Präsident schlicht, jedenfalls nach außen. » | Von Friedrich Schmidt, Politischer Korrespondent für Russland und die GUS. | Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2023

Jordan: Royal Wedding: Crown Prince Hussein Marries Rajwa Al Saif

Jun 1, 2023

Royal fever sweeps Jordan ahead of crown prince's wedding: Photos of bridal party of Crown Prince Hussein’s fiancee, Rajwa Al Saif, go viral as celebrations break from modest traditions »


Au cœur du mariage du prince Hussein de Jordanie et Rajwa Al Saif : récit d’une journée historique »

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — June 1, 2023

Brexit Will Be Known as ‘Historic Economic Error’, Says Former US Treasury Secretary

THE GUARDIAN: Larry Summers says departure from EU ‘contributed to higher inflation’ and calls economic policy ‘substantially flawed’

Larry Summers told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme Brexit has ‘reduced the competitiveness of the UK economy’. Photograph: Manuel Bruque/EPA

Brexit will be remembered as a “historic economic error”, which damaged the UK economy and has helped to drive inflation higher, according to the former US treasury secretary Larry Summers.

Singling out Britain’s departure from the EU as a factor for higher costs, Summers also criticised the UK’s economic policy as “substantially flawed for some years”.

Brexit “reduced the competitiveness of the UK economy, put downwards pressure on the pound and upwards pressure on prices, limited imports of goods and limited in some ways the supply of labour,” Summers told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.

“All of which contributed to higher inflation,” he added. » | Joanna Partridge | Thursday, June 1, 2023

The Tories once had a fine reputation for being the Party to trust with the economy. Alas, this is no longer the case. The UK economy is no longer safe in the hands of Tories. Brexit has put paid to that notion. – © Mark Alexander

Reverse Culture Shocks! Revisiting the UK from Germany

May 21, 2023 | Culture shapes us all whether we want it to or not. And the place where we live, our environment changes us. Culture shocks are real and the revers can happen very easily. There's not necessarily any winners and losers here. Just preferences, likes and dislikes

"Harry's a Hostage!" Panel Debate Prince Harry's Fight to Stay in the US

May 31, 2023 | |Piers Morgan Uncensored presented by Rosanna Lockwood is joined by foreign policy analyst Nile Gardiner, author and cultural commentator Bonnie Greer and former Head of Royal Protection Dai Davies to discuss Prince Harry's claims of a US Visa being challenged in court after admitting to taking illegal drugs in his book 'Spare'.

Bonnie believes that Harry is becoming a hostage in the middle of this dispute and thinks Homeland Security are right to seal the private documents, despite demands for the records to be public.

Dai also adds that he believes that the Duke of Sussex would be 'foolish' to admit on the witness stand that he has taken a variety of drugs on a regular basis.

Conflict with the Far Right Shrouds Jerusalem’s Pride Parade

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Much of Israel’s L.G.B.T.Q. community feels threatened by the right-wing government and its judicial overhaul plan — even with a gay speaker of Parliament.

The pride parade last year in Jerusalem. | Atef Safadi/EPA, via Shutterstock

One ultraconservative member of the Israeli government had pledged to abolish the Jerusalem Pride and Tolerance Parade. Another far-right minister with a history of homophobia, Itamar Ben-Gvir, who now oversees the police, is tasked with securing it.

The Jerusalem parade is normally a relatively staid annual tradition. But the event on Thursday is taking place at a fraught moment, five months after the most hard-line and religiously conservative government in Israel’s history took power.

L.G.B.T.Q. activists have reported a sharp increase in anti-gay abuse and violence in Israel in recent months, and say that they are expecting a large turnout for this year’s parade and bracing for possible violence.

Lehava, an extremist organization led by one of Mr. Ben-Gvir’s longtime associates, has planned a counter-demonstration nearby against what it calls the “abomination parade.” Lehava, which promotes strict separation of Jews and non-Jews, has been described by groups promoting religious tolerance as inciting ethnic hatred and even violence, and its leader has called for the expulsion of Christians from Israel. » | Isabel Kershner | Thursday, June 1, 2023

What’s behind Germany’s Decision to Order the Closure of 4 Russian Consulates? | DW News

May 31, 2023

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Erdoğan Re-elected to 5 More Years in Turkey as His Government Grows More Authoritarian & Nationalist

May 31, 2023 | We look at the impact of the reelection of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Sunday in a tight runoff vote, extending his 20-year rule for a further five years. Erdoğan received just over 52% of the vote, beating challenger Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, an economist and former civil servant who unified a broad coalition but failed to unseat Erdoğan despite growing dissatisfaction with his governance and deep economic pain within the country. We speak with Cihan Tuğal, UC Berkeley sociologist and author of The Fall of the Turkish Model: How the Arab Uprisings Brought Down Islamic Liberalism.

Cookswiss: How to Cook White Asparagus

Apr 22, 2019

Click here for the preparation and cooking instructions and then click on ‘show more’.

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — May 31, 2023

Ugandan Rights Activist: US Conservatives Exported Anti-LGBTQ Hate That Led to "Kill the Gays" Law

May 31, 2023 | We go to Kampala, Uganda, to discuss the impact of one of the most draconian anti-LGBTQ laws in the world, just signed by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni. The new law makes same-sex relationships punishable by life imprisonment. Some LGBTQ people could receive the death sentence. Homophobia in Uganda is heavily influenced by American evangelists, who function as “exporters of hate,” notes Pepe Onziema, a Ugandan human rights activist, causing LGBTQ Ugandans to “end up as collateral damage.”

Wohlstand für alle: Wie gerecht ist die Vermögensverteilung in Deutschland? | Kontext

May 30, 2023 | Deutschland belegt Platz 3 auf der Rangliste der Länder mit den meisten Millionär*innen, und es werden jedes Jahr mehr. Gleichzeitig verfügt jede*r Fünfte in Deutschland über keinerlei finanzielle Rücklagen. Ist das gerecht? Nein, findet Umfragen zufolge eine Mehrheit der Deutschen. Wir fragen uns in dieser Folge Kontext: Warum werden Reiche eigentlich immer reicher? Sollte etwas dagegen werden - und wenn ja, warum und was?