Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Across Europe, the Far Right Is Rising. That It Seems Normal Is All the More Terrifying

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: Austria, France, Germany, Sweden and now Spain – the firewall between the mainstream and the far right is crumbling

Normalisation is the process by which something unusual or extreme becomes part of the everyday. What once provoked horror and outrage soon barely registers. The way the presence of Donald Trump became a mere fact of political life is perhaps the most familiar example. But the normalisation of the far right is happening across the democratic world.

Once Trump became “normal”, events that seemed even more extreme did too. A 2022 survey found that two in five Americans thought civil war was “at least somewhat likely” in the next decade. One political scientist speaks of the possibility of rightwing dictatorship in the US by 2030.

The same creep of normalisation is happening in European politics. At the turn of the millennium, when Austria’s far-right Freedom party (FPÖ) – led by Jörg Haider, who had made comments suggesting he was sympathetic to the Nazi regime – entered a coalition with the conservative People’s party, mass protests not only erupted in Vienna but across Europe and in the US. The EU even imposed diplomatic sanctions on Austria. It was understood that an important red line had been crossed; that given Europe’s blood-soaked history, the far right had to be kept firmly outside the tent. » | Owen Jones | Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Frilly Dresses and White Supremacy: Welcome to the Weird, Frightening World of ‘Trad Wives’

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: No longer a far-right subculture, the movement’s anti-feminist tenets are now inserting themselves into mainstream western politics

Protesters at the Women’s March for abortion rights in Washington DC, 22 January 2023. Photograph: Bryan Olin Dozier/NurPhoto/REX/Shutterstock

“In some more traditional relationships (but not all) the man disciplines the woman either physically (like spanking) or with things like writing lines and standing in the corner,” one woman advises another on the Red Pill Women forum, an online community of rightwing, anti-feminist women.

Welcome to the weird and frightening world of trad wives, where women spurn modern, egalitarian values to dedicate their lives to the service of their husbands. My research into this far-right subculture began during the writing of my book on the far right and reproductive rights. I was curious to learn how the movement, determined to reduce women to reproductive vessels to aid white male supremacy, recruited women to its cause. The answer was a toxic combination of anti-feminism, white supremacy, normalised abuse and a desire to return to an imagined past. » | Sian Norris | Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Did Jesus Have a Biological Father? Sorting Out the Pantera Traditions

Dec 9, 2022 | Contrary to what is often asserted, by scholars as well as general readers, the early traditions that Jesus had a biological father named "Pantera" has nothing to do with an assertion that Mary was raped by a Roman soldier. Further, the name Pantera was never said to be a pun on Parthenos--the Greek word for "virgin"--until it was suggested by a German scholar in the 19th century! No ancient writers who comment on the name "Yeshua bar Pantera" associates it with such a pun--they know the name as a real name from the family of Joseph and Mary. Furthermore, 1st century rabbis living in Sepphoris, just north of Nazareth, use the name in a descriptive way--not as slander at all--referring to Jesus of Nazareth. It was a REAL name, not a pun used in slander. In this interview I offer an overview of the Pantera traditions--what we know and don't know, including what I have discovered about the tombstone of a 1st century Roman soldier from Sidon found Bingerbrücke, Germany, on the Rhine river, in 1859.

Seven Arrested in Germany for Allegedly Funding 'IS' Terror Group | DW News

May 31, 2023 | Police in Germany have carried out raids on the financing network of the so-called "Islamic State" terror group, arresting several suspects. Prosecutors in Karlsruhe on Wednesday said more than 1,000 federal and state police were involved in raids across several states on an alleged terrorist financing network.

The men and women, mostly of German nationality, were detained on suspicion of supporting a terrorist organization. They allegedly belonged to an international network that solicited financial donations for IS in Syria using platforms that included Telegram. They subsequently transferred the money to the group or its intermediaries.

German Court Convicts Left-Wing Group in Violent Attacks Against Far Right

THE NEW YORK TIMES: A 28-year-old woman and three accomplices were sentenced to prison for their roles in a series of attacks on people they considered neo-Nazis.

A German court on Wednesday convicted a 28-year-old woman and three accomplices of organizing and carrying out brutal attacks against people they perceived to be neo-Nazis, in what experts have described as an uncommon case of left-wing extremist violence in the country.

The woman, who in accordance with Germany’s strict privacy laws was identified only as Lina E., was sentenced to five years and three months in prison by a court in Dresden, in eastern Germany, according to DPA, a German newswire, and MDR, a regional public broadcaster. Three other members of the group — identified as Lennart A., 28; Jannis R., 37; and Philipp M., 28 — received prison sentences ranging from two years and five months to three years and three months. » | Christopher F. Schuetze, Reporting from Dresden, Germany | Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Wie viel Europa steckt in der Türkei unter Erdogan? | Markus Lanz vom 30. Mai 2023

May 31, 2023 | „Ich glaube, dass es das auf Dauer nicht geben wird und auch auf Dauer nicht geben soll“, erklärt der CSU-Politiker und Fraktionsvorsitzender der Europäischen Volkspartei, Manfred Weber, zu einem EU-Betritt der Türkei. Seit Jahren wird ein Betritt der Türkei in der EU diskutiert. Doch wie viel Europa steckt in der Türkei?

Für Manfred Weber sollte man in der gesamten Debatte darauf achten, wofür die EU steht. Wenn es nur um einen Wirtschaftsraum ginge, dann könne man die Türkei in die EU aufnehmen. Doch für ihn als Vollblut-Europäer ist es eben nicht nur eine wirtschaftliche Perspektive, sondern viel mehr eine Identitätsfrage. Eine Identitätsfrage, die besonders mit Werten und Normen zu betrachten ist. Die Türkei, jüngst nach der gewonnenen Wahl von Erdogan, würde diese Werte nicht in jedem Punkt widerspiegeln. Und vor allem eine Einheit sei bei den europäischen Ländern die große Basis. Dass die Türkei immer noch ein Problem mit Schweden hat, passe eben nicht zu dem großen Bündnisgedanken der EU.

Doch für den deutsch-chinesischen Wirtschaftsexperten Felix Lee ist diese Sicht Manfred Webers eine alte Denkart. „Das ist eine eurozentristische Sichtweise“, argumentiert er gegen Manfred Webers Gedanken, dass die EU noch so stark und wichtig in ihren Werten sei. Für die Türkei, aber auch viele andere Länder wie Brasilien und afrikanische Staaten, stellt sich nicht mehr nur die Frage, ob Europa DER Partner für die Zukunft ist. China würde aktuell deutlich an Europa vorbei-ziehen. Diese Entwicklung könne man aktuell beim Ukraine-Krieg beobachten: Europa und der Westen stellen sich gegen Russland, aber es gebe auch viele Länder, die eine klare Position aus strategischen Gründen nicht einnehmen. Und dies zeige den Schwund der europäischen Bedeutsamkeit.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The Rise and Fall of Elizabeth Holmes

Read the accompanying BBC article: Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes begins 11-year prison sentence: Disgraced Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes has reported to the federal prison where she will serve an 11-year sentence. »

Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes turns herself in for 11-year prison term: Blood-testing firm’s fraud saga sees its end as 39-year-old tech founder reports to federal prison camp »

Elizabeth Holmes Reports to Prison to Begin More Than 11-Year Sentence: The disgraced founder of the blood testing start-up Theranos, who was convicted of fraud, turned herself in at a minimum-security prison in Texas. »

Al-Andalus | History of Islamic Spain | Part 1 | الأندلس

May 10. 2009 | Muslim Spain, Muslim Iberia, or Islamic Iberia, was a medieval Muslim territory and cultural domain that in its early period occupied most of Iberia, today's Portugal and Spain. At its greatest geographical extent, it occupied the northwest of the Iberian peninsula and a part of present day southern France Septimania (8th century) and for nearly a century (9th–10th centuries) extended its control from Fraxinet over the Alpine passes which connect Italy with the remainder of Western Europe During the Islamic 'golden age' between the 8th and 14th century, al-Andalus became a hub for social and cultural exchange, while the arts, science, architecture, agriculture, medicine and mathemathics flourished.

Many attribute these achievements to religious tolerance and collaboration between Muslims, Christians and Jews, which is why that period of history is also sometimes referred to as La Convivencia, or co-existence.

The era also produced some of the most significant scholars, poets, musicians, philosophers, historians and thinkers of the medieval age - such as Ibn Arabi, Ibn Rushd (also known as Averroes), al-Zarqali (Arzachel in Latin), al-Zahrawi (Abulcasis in Latin) and Ibn Firnas, among others.

The Secret Muslim History of Spanish Culture

Sept 1, 2022 | Islam was a social and political force in Spain for over 800 years; 3 times the entire history of the United States. And yet, the impact the Muslims had on Spain and modern Spanish culture is rarely ever acknowledged.

Dimitra’s Dishes: Baked Chicken & String Beans Skillet

May 29, 2023

Get the recipe here.

Stevie Wonder: I Just Called To Say I Love You | Reupload

Aug 7, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views on YouTube: 49,348,378

A Risky Film on Atatürk | The New York Times

Nov 13, 2008 | A new documentary film shows Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the revered and godlike founder of Turkey, as a private person with human weaknesses - a rare and risky endeavor.

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — May 26, 2023

Côte d'Ivoire : l'Afrique des possibles - Le dessous des cartes | ARTE

May 27, 2023 | Dans les années 2000, la Côte d’Ivoire était déchirée par la guerre civile. Aujourd'hui, malgré ses fragilités, le pays possède l’une des économies les plus dynamiques du continent africain et est devenu le premier producteur mondial de fèves de cacao. Cacao, café, noix de cajou, ressources minières, pétrole, grands travaux : la Côte d’Ivoire a su mobiliser ses nombreux atouts pour tourner la page de la guerre civile et relancer son économie. Mais les disparités géographiques, le climat politique, les inégalités sociales, l’insécurité dans la région sahélienne et les différents contentieux avec les pays voisins fragilisent les potentialités ivoiriennes.

Uganda's Anti-LGBTQ Law Met with Dismay in Ghana

May 30, 2023 | Alex Kofi Donkor was 'disappointed' but 'not surprised' as he watched Uganda enact one of Africa's harshest anti-LGBTQ laws. He's the founder of the civil rights group 'LGBT Rights Ghana' in a country that has its own proposed anti-LGBTQ bill.

The Moscow Strike Is a Psychological Blow to a Nation Trying to Ignore the War, Russian Nationalists Say.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Kremlin says the Defense Ministry responded well to the attack, but critics argue that the assault shows a lack of leadership from a government that promised only a “special military operation” in Ukraine.

Russian nationalist commentators said Tuesday that the first mass drone attack to strike Moscow highlights the government’s inability to prepare the population for a prolonged conflict that is steadily crossing the nation’s borders.

The flurry of drones that targeted the Russian capital on Tuesday morning caused minimal damage, shattering some windows in three residential buildings and lightly injuring two residents, according to local officials. The attack’s biggest impact, however, is likely to be psychological, forcing Muscovites to confront the reality of Russia’s war in Ukraine, which many have worked hard to block from their daily lives. » | Anatoly Kurmanaev | Tuesday, May 30, 2023

International Condemnation of Ugandan Anti-LGBTQ Bill | DW News

May 30, 2023 | The new law in Uganda contains a provision that would punish "aggravated homosexuality" with the death penalty. The legislation has been met with broad international condemnation.

Uganda’s President Approves Tough New Anti-LGBTQ Law

May 30, 2023 | Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni has imposed one of the world's harshest laws against LGBTQ people, sparking condemnation from human rights activists and several foreign governments. Those convicted of same-sex relationships could face the death penalty or life imprisonment.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Uganda's President Museveni Approves Tough New Anti-gay Law

BBC: Uganda's progress in tackling HIV is in "grave jeopardy" after the president approved tough new anti-homosexuality legislation, the UN and US have warned.

An increasing number of people are being discouraged from seeking vital health services for fear of attacks and punishment, they added.

President Yoweri Museveni signed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill into law after parliament watered it down.

It is still among the harshest anti-LGBTQ laws in the world.

Homosexual acts are already illegal in Uganda but now anyone convicted faces life imprisonment.

The legislation imposes the death penalty for so-called aggravated cases, which include having gay sex with someone below the age of 18 or where someone is infected with a life-long illness including HIV. » | BBC | Monday, May 29, 2023

What Can Be Expected from President Erdogan's Third Term? | Inside Story

May 29, 2023 | President Recep Tayyip Erdogan re-elected in run-off vote - but faces big domestic and foreign policy challenges ahead It went to a run-off after a very tight first round, but Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the clear winner of Turkey's presidential election. Opponents expressed dismay with the result reflecting deep political divisions in the country.

A key player between East and West, Turkey's relations are complex with the NATO member also on good terms with Russia. So, what can we expect from Erdogan's third term at home and abroad?

Presenter: Folly Bah Thibault

Guests: Helin Sari Ertem, Associate Prof. of Intern'l Relations at Istanbul Medeniyet University
Ben Aris, Founder/Editor-in-chief, BNE IntelliNews.
Onur Erim, Political Adviser, President of Dragoman Strategies.

One word sums up Turkey perfectly: Janus. Turkey looks in two directions: one side looks West; the other side looks East. It was ever thus; and for the foreseeable future, at least, so it will be. – © Mark Alexander

Erdoğan’s World - Turkey and Its President | DW Documentary

May 29, 2023 | President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been in power for 20 years. Turkey has become increasingly autocratic under his rule, his critics are persecuted. We travel through Erdoğan’s Turkey, meeting both supporters and opponents of the head of state.

The devastating earthquake on February 6 that killed around 45,000 people has damaged Erdoğan’s reputation. His government is accused of mismanaging the disaster and, above all, of allowing corruption in the construction sector. Thousands of homes were built by crooked developers who paid little attention to safety standards.

Yet the president still enjoys a lot of support in the country, in spite of the corruption, high inflation and his autocratic leadership style. Erdoğan’s policies are a combination of economic liberalism, Islamism and nationalism and he appeals to many Turks’ patriotism and religious sentiments. Long claiming to be a Muslim democrat, he has gradually Islamized Turkey, in spite of its secular constitution. In order to remain unchallenged in his rule, Erdoğan has largely suppressed press freedom. According to Reporters Without Borders, Turkey is one of the most repressive countries in the world for journalists.

Mary Trump Exposes SECRETS of the Trump Household That Created a MONSTER | Burn the Boats

May 24, 2023 | Mary Trump is a clinical psychologist and host of the The Mary Trump Show. Her first book, Too Much and Never Enough, revealed how Donald Trump’s toxic upbringing created America’s most dangerous president. In this conversation with Ken Harbaugh, she discusses her most recent book, The Reckoning, and offers her insights on national trauma and finding ways to heal.

Ne-Yo : Sexy Love | Official Music Video

Dec 14, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 133,251,228

Turkish Election Victory for Erdogan Leaves Nation Divided - BBC News

May 29, 2023 | Recep Tayyip Erdogan's supporters are celebrating after Turkey's long-time president won Sunday's vote, securing another five years in power. "The entire nation of 85 million won," he told cheering crowds outside his enormous palace on the edge of Ankara. But his call for unity sounded hollow as he ridiculed his opponent Kemal Kilicdaroglu - and took aim at a jailed Kurdish leader and the LGBT community. The opposition leader denounced "the most unfair election in recent years".

Re-electing Erdogan into office is tantamount to ‘turkeys voting for Christmas’! (Please excuse the pun!) Clearly, Turks show every sign of being masochists. Good luck to Turks in the coming years! In the next five years, they are going to need all the luck they can get. Erdogan believes in using low interest rates to fight inflation; he believes in allowing extremely high inflation to run rampant and thus allowing people's savings to be seriously depleted; he believes in shutting down free speech; he believes in jailing his opponents; he believes in denying LGBTQ+ people their human rights; and he believes in denying women their rights, too. Yet so many Turks are able to rejoice over his re-election into high office. Go figure! – © Mark Alexander

The world's headless chickens react to Erdogan’s re-election: Click here.

Es ist rätselhaft, daß in der Türkei auch nach all den wirtschaftlichen und politischen Schwierigkeiten, zum Beispiel, unerhört hohen Teuerung und unfassbar niedrigen Zinsen, welche die Ersparnisse der Türken schnell wegschnitzen, ist Erdogan wiedergewählt worden. Zudem sind die Rechte der Türken auch ebenso schnell weggestohlen worden, Rechte wie Frauenrechte und Schwulenrechte. Erdogan hat die Präsidentschaftswahl trotzdem gewonnen. Dieser Gewinn ist wirklich schwer zu verstehen; und vermutlich für viele Türken auch ebenso schwer zu verdauen! – © Mark Alexander

Tina Turner about Sickness, Singing, Love & Death (2018)

Nov 12, 2019

Doctissimo : Recette de crème de laitue

Jun 15, 2013 | Le chef italien Alessandro Dal Degan vous propose de réaliser une recette typique de son pays : une crème de laitue avec des petits canederlis à la ricotta et à la confiture de citrons ! Découvrez la vidéo et toutes les étapes de cette recette, qui va ensoleiller vos assiettes

Erdoğan and His Hardline Allies Have Won Turkey – Women and LGBTQ+ People Will Pay the Price

THE GUARDIAN: For civil society and rights defenders, five more years of the Turkish president and his radical backers are a daunting prospect

Supporters of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan celebrating his election victory in Istanbul, 28 May 2023. Photograph: Yasin Akgül/AFP/Getty Images

On Sunday, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was declared the winner of Turkey’s presidential runoff elections. According to numbers reported by the state-owned Anadolu news agency, more than 27 million voters cast their ballots in favour of Erdoğan, who has been at the country’s helm for more than two decades. He entered the second round in the lead in the polls, and was expected by most to emerge victorious. Although Erdoğan captured slightly more than half of the vote, more than 25 million people also mobilised to vote against him.

The elections were being held under deeply unfair conditions, with an opposition set up to fail. Istanbul’s mayor, Ekrem İmamoğlu, was recently sentenced to more than two years in prison and banned from holding public office for insulting members of the supreme election council. This left the opposition unable to nominate its maybe most promising candidate. This was all amid biased media coverage, relentless smear campaigns against the eventual opposition candidate, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, threats, manipulation and a crackdown on civil society, such as the arrest of 126 Kurdish lawyers, activists and politicians at the end of April in Diyarbakır. » | Constanze Letsch | Monday, May 29, 2023

What Erdogan's Win Means for Turkey and the World | DW News

May 29, 2023 | President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has won an election runoff to begin a third decade in power. Turkey's long-serving leader won 52 percent of the vote, despite facing the biggest challenge to his rule. His rival, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, called the election unfair, without disputing the outcome. He'd promised to restore democratic norms if elected, and increasingly veered to an anti-migrant platform in the final days of campaigning.

Can a New Bridge Unite Sweden's Divided Society? | Focus on Europe

May 28, 2023 | A new bridge in Stockholm is set to connect a wealthy area with an underprivileged district. But some people are objecting to it, triggering a divisive debate in Swedish society.

UK Could Break Up unless It Is Rebuilt as ‘Solidarity Union’, Says Mark Drakeford

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: First minister of Wales says bonds that tie UK together have come under ‘sustained assault’ from 40 years of neoliberalism

Drakeford said Anglocentric Tories in London had shown a ‘fundamental disrespect’ for the Welsh and Scottish parliaments. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/AFP/Getty Images

The UK could break apart unless it is rebuilt as a “solidarity union” where every citizen’s rights to public services and financial security are protected, the first minister of Wales, has warned.

Mark Drakeford said the social and political bonds that tie the different parts of the UK together have come under “sustained assault” from 40 years of neoliberalism, a trend launched by Margaret Thatcher in 1979 and then reinforced after Brexit by Boris Johnson and Liz Truss.

“In order to persuade people in all parts of the United Kingdom that their futures lie together within a restructured United Kingdom, we have to recreate a solidarity union,” the Welsh Labour leader said in an interview with the Guardian.

That included rebuilding the safety net for those sick or out of work, with fundamental rights, he said, to environment, consumer and trade union protections, to human rights and to affordable public services. » | Severin Carrell, Scotland editor | Monday, May 29, 2023

Sunday, May 28, 2023

tina and erwin bach’s LOVE STORY

Oct 17, 2021 | Love is easier when the man enjoys doing labor for your love. You should feel secure and you shouldn’t have to worry if he is betraying you because you can see he is trustworthy through his actions. Even their house looks peaceful.

Erdogan Declares Victory in Turkey's Runoff Election | DW News

May 28, 2023 | Turkey's incumbent president has declared victory in historic run-off elections. Unofficial results from state-run and independent news agencies put Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the lead.

The state-run Anadolu agency puts Erdogan on just over 52 percent of the vote with more than 99 percent of the ballot boxes opened. His challenger Kemal Kilicdaroglu, a secular former civil servant, is at just under 48 percent.

Related articles in German, French and English here.

The Last Persian Shah - Full Movie

Feb 25, 2021 | Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi would have been 100 years in October 2019. The Shah's story begins with good ideas and ideals and ends in bloody chaos. On the one hand, he helped carry Iran into modernity. His wealth was legendary, and his marriages made tabloid headlines for years. However, his name also stands for a time of human rights violations, vicious oppression and intolerance.

Queen Elizabeth II: The Speech You've Never Heard

May 6, 2023 | In this nostalgic video, we witness the majestic and inspiring compilation of speeches from Queen Elizabeth II, with footage of her life and coronation. This iconic moment in British history took place on June 2, 1953, when Queen Elizabeth II was crowned as the Queen of England. Her message was a stirring call to duty, responsibility, and service to her people, and her words continue to resonate today. …

Ina Garten's Jewish-style Brisket with Carrots and Onions | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

May 26, 2023 | Ina Garten slow cooks brisket for a classic and delicious Friday night dinner that's perfect for holidays, too!

Get the recipe here.

Knapper Sieg Erdogans zeichnet sich ab


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Sowohl bei staatlichen als auch bei oppositionsnahen Medien liegt Erdogan vorn. Das spricht dafür, dass der Amtsinhaber siegen könnte. Aber Kilicdaroglu gibt sich noch nicht geschlagen.

Bei der Präsidentenwahl in der Türkei zeichnet sich ein knapper Wahlsieg des Amtsinhabers Recep Tayyip Erdogan ab. Die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur Anadolu sah ihn nach Auszählung von 94 Prozent der Wahlurnen mit 52,4 Prozent zu 47,6 Prozent in Führung. Die unabhängige Agentur Anka, die als oppositionsnah gilt, meldete für Erdogan eine knappe Führung von 51,4. Den Herausforderer Kemal Kilicdaroglu sah sie bei 48,6 Prozent nach Auszählung von 96 Prozent der Wahlurnen. » | Von Friederike Böge. Politische Korrespondentin für die Türkei, Iran, Afghanistan und Pakistan mit Sitz in Ankara | Sonntag, 28. Mai 2023

Erdogan bleibt Präsident: Der türkische Präsident hat die Stichwahl gewonnen. Nach Angaben verschiedener Medien lag er nach Auszählung fast aller Stimmen mit rund 52 Prozent vorn. Das Oppositionsbündnis steht nun vor einer Zerreißprobe. »


Turkey's Erdogan Leads Opposition After Runoff Election With Nearly All Ballots Counted: The head of the High Election Board said at a press conference that Erdogan was leading challenger Kemal Kilicdaroglu with 54.47 percent support »

President Erdogan Wins Re-Election in Turkey: President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s paramount politician for 20 years, defeated the opposition candidate, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, according to unofficial results published by state media. The election was the biggest challenge of his political career. »


Présidentielle en Turquie, en direct : Erdogan réélu président par sa victoire sur Kemal Kiliçdaroglu lors du second tour : L’agence Anadolu donne Recep Tayyip Erdogan devant son adversaire, avec 52,11 % des voix contre 47,89 % pour Kemal Kiliçdaroglu. »

More Than Half of Voters Now Want Britain to Forge Closer Ties with the EU, Poll Reveals

THE OBSERVER: Dramatic reversal in public opinion seen even in those constituencies that recorded the highest votes to leave

A clear majority of British voters now favours building closer relations with the European Union, according to new polling that highlights a dramatic reversal in the tide of public opinion since Brexit.

Even in those constituencies that recorded the highest votes to leave the EU in 2016, more than twice as many voters now believe the best route forward is to move in the opposite direction – and forge closer ties with Brussels.

The survey of more than 10,000 voters, for the internationalist campaign group Best for Britain, accompanied by detailed MRP (multilevel regression and poststratification) analysis based on new constituency boundaries, will provide sobering reading for Rishi Sunak, who backed Brexit as a route to greater economic success.

The poll by Focaldata found that three times as many adults (63%) now believe Brexit has created more problems than it has solved, compared with just 21% who believe it has solved more than it has created. » | Toby Helm | Sunday, May 28, 2023

What Was Queen Victoria Like Behind Closed Doors? | Victoria's Secrets | Real Royalty

Feb 1, 2023 | Queen Victoria inherited the throne of Great Britain at the tender age of 18 and rules for 63 years, giving her name to an entire era. Victoria was a complex character, her personality a strange mixture of contradictions. This fascinating documentary provides a penetrating insight into the Queen's life as Victoria's Secrets are revealed at last.

House & A Host: Althorp with Earl Spencer

Oct 31, 2022 | Join artist and designer, Ashley Hicks, as he meets Earl Charles Spencer for a tour of Althorp, the ancestral seat of the Spencer family. In this fascinating film, shot by Felipe Sanguinetti for Cabana, Ashley also sits down with Earl Spencer for a detailed discussion about Althorp's history and magnificent contents, which include its museum-worthy fine art collection.

Visit the World of Cabana for weekly stories and interiors here.

Erdoğan Hands Banknotes to Supporters outside Turkish Polling Station

May 28, 2023 | Recep Tayyip Erdoğan gave out money at a polling station where he cast his ballot in Turkey's presidential election runoff. The incumbent head of state handed out banknotes worth 200 lira (£8) while shaking hands with supporters. The polling stations opened for the second round of the presidential election in which Erdoğan hopes to see off a challenge from rival Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu Polls open in Turkish election runoff as Erdoğan hopes to retain power.

France Struggles to Stub Out ‘Explosion’ in Contraband Cigarettes

THE GUARDIAN: Criminal turf wars are a sign of deeper problems in country that has EU’s highest cigarette taxes

Outside a station in Pantin, a town that nudges up against Paris’s north-eastern border, young men hollered “cigarettes!” at commuters. They flashed two or three packets of what looked like ordinary Malboros or Camels for €5 (£4.35), about half the legal price. “There are so many illegal cigarette sellers near stations, they’re taking over the pavements,” said a customer at a local bakery.

The French government has warned of an “explosion” in contraband cigarettes since the Covid lockdowns, as the number of smokers in France remains stable and has even risen among women over 18. Men selling cheap contraband packets near stations in and around Paris, from the Gare du Nord to Barbès or Noisy-le-Sec and La Courneuve, are so commonplace that some residents’ groups deem greater Paris a “giant, open-air, illegal tobacconist’s”.

But France’s cigarette wars are a sign of deeper problems running through society. International criminal gangs are putting millions of euros into setting up secret illegal cigarette factories in western Europe and France is a key target market – it has among the highest taxes on cigarettes in the EU with the average price of a pack about €11. … » | Angelique Chrisafis in Pantin | Sunday, May 28, 2023

French people have stopped giving up smoking, survey shows: A rebound in smoking in France has health authorities wondering if tobacco has lost its taboo – with a survey showing that one in three adults last year smoked at least occasionally. »

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Loneliness Is Causing Our Physical and Mental Health to Suffer | DW News

May 26, 2023 | Everyone is lonely at times. But chronic loneliness can make you sick. Earlier this month, US surgeon general shone a light on the problems associated with loneliness by declaring it an American epidemic. He said the growing isolation in society poses a health risk as deadly as smoking. In an 80-page report Doctor Vivek Murthy said: "We now know that loneliness is a common feeling that many people experience. It's like hunger or thirst. ItLoneliness as dangerous as smokings a feeling the body sends us when something we need for survival is missing."

Everything these days has to be compared with the dangers of smoking! It is sickening! Truly sickening! Smoking has become the bête noire of our age, as though there were nothing worse to do than smoke a cigarette. I can assure you that it is all bullshit! There are far worse things to do to your health than enjoy a cigarette. Until April 2022, I had smoked almost all of my adult life, twenty cigarettes a day, and I am still here to tell the tale.

If you listen to doctors, many of whom have never smoked a cigarette in their entire lives and therefore know nothing at all about smoking and the pleasure it gives one, but still feel qualified to pontificate on the habit, one could easily draw the conclusion that smoking is the provenance of all things evil and unhealthy. It is not! There are far unhealthier pursuits than smoking a few cigarettes. The danger is in the dose. Believe me, in this day and age, with all the bad things that people engage in, if all one has to worry about is the odd cigarette, then one is a very lucky person!

Although I am no longer a smoker, I wish this war on tobacco and cigarette-smoking would end. It already sounds like a broken reocrd. – © Mark Alexander

Ne-Yo : Because of You | Official Music Video

Oct 8, 2009

Der gelbe Stern - Ein Film über die Judenverfolgung 1933 - 1945

Mar 16, 2014 | Dieser Film unternimmt es, mit teilweise unveröffentlichtem Archivmaterial ein authentisches Bild jener Vorgänge zu zeichnen, deren letzte Station die Vernichtungslager waren.

Warum konnte sich die antisemitische Organisation Hitlers so rasch mit den Vorurteilen vieler Millionen Deutscher zu einem derartigen Verfolgungswahn verbinden? Der Film fragt vor allem auch nach den Anfängen, denen nicht gewehrt wurde. Der Film berichtet von den couragierten Versuchen der deutschen Juden, sich gegen den nationalsozialistischen Terror zusammenzuscharen und ein neues religiöses Selbstbewusstsein zu finden. Er zeigt die Zerstörungswut der Nazis in der Kristallnacht des November 1938, und er dokumentiert die Fluchtwege, Rettungsversuche und Überlebenskünste in den Wochen und Monaten danach."

Dieser Film ist altersbeschränkt. Aus diesem Grund kann der Film nicht eingebettet werden. Er muss auf YouTube selbst angeschaut werden. Klicken Sie bitte hier, um den Film anzusehen. Warnung! Für viele wird dieser Film schockierend und schwer verdaulich sein. – Mark

Entspannung im Hammam | Karambolage | ARTE | Reupload

Nov 22, 2019 | Sondes Zouaghi lädt uns ein, sie in den Hammam zu begleiten.

Autorin: Sondes Zouaghi
Regie: Florence Miailhe
Auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 28.10.2040

Homosexuality in the Islamic World | Al Muqaddimah | المقدمة

Premiered May 6, 2022

From the Archives: Tina Turner's 1984 Interview with CBS News

May 25, 2023 | Tina Turner discussed her hit song "What's Love Got To Do With It," her initial struggle breaking into the rock 'n' roll genre as a black woman, her musical inspirations and more in a 1984 interview with CBS News.

[The Late] Tina Turner Talks about Living in Switzerland (1996)

Listen to this #short of Tina Turner being interviewed.

Les contes des 1001 nuits | ARTE

May 27, 2023 | Peu d’oeuvres de la littérature mondiale peuvent se targuer d’exercer un aussi grand pouvoir de fascination que "Les contes des mille et une nuits". Retour sur l’histoire du célèbre recueil onirique aux multiples et mystérieuses origines.

Apparus dans l’Inde ancienne au IVe siècle, ces récits oniriques se transmettent oralement jusqu’à la Perse, puis sont traduits et enrichis par des marchands arabes, avant de subir d’autres influences. Premier Européen à traduire le mystérieux recueil, l’orientaliste français Antoine Galland (1646-1715) déclenche un véritable engouement pour ces contes, Les mille et une nuits s’imposant comme le texte le plus lu après la Bible. Le héros Aladdin, en particulier, jouit alors d’une popularité toute particulière qui perdurera. Pourtant, beaucoup ignorent que ni Aladdin ou la lampe merveilleuse ni Sinbad le marin ni Ali Baba et les quarante voleurs ne faisaient partie de la version originale. Des siècles durant, les chercheurs se sont efforcés en vain de retracer l’origine de ces histoires orphelines. La découverte fortuite d’un manuscrit dans la bibliothèque apostolique du Vatican permet cependant d’en retracer en partie la paternité : il s’agit d’extraits des Mémoires du chrétien syrien Hanna Dyâb, né à Alep en 1688, qui en 1709, lors d’un voyage à Paris, avait raconté certains contes à Antoine Galland.

Documentaire de Thomas Staehler (Allemagne, 2021, 52mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 18/08/2023

Diese Dokumentation ist hier auf Deutsch verfügbar. – Mark

King Charles & the Future of Britain | Melanie Phillips

May 24, 2023 | An outspoken British journalist with a reputation for fierce and honest opinions, Melanie Phillips offers cut-through commentary on a number of significant cultural and geopolitical issues. She and John discuss the coronation of Charles III, the cultural problems gripping the UK, and the relationship between Israel and the West.

Melanie considers what the reign of King Charles will mean for Britain socially and politically. Although she acknowledges that Charles has been more politically opinionated than his mother, Melanie points out that there is good reason to be optimistic about his reign on the basis of his character. Melanie gives a particularly scathing critique of law enforcement and state education in the UK.

Melanie's column currently appears in The Times, but over the years she has been published by the Guardian, Observer, Sunday Times and Daily Mail. She also writes for the Jewish Chronicle and Jewish News Syndicate.

Her best-selling book Londonistan, about the British establishment’s capitulation to Islamist aggression, was published in 2006 by Encounter, New York. She followed this in 2010 with The World Turned Upside Down: the Global Battle over God, Truth and Power, and in 2018 with her first novel, The Legacy. This is the third time she and John have sat down to talk.

Michael Lambert: How Boris Johnson Trashed the UK

May 27, 2023 | As leader of the Brexit 'leave' campaign and as prime minister, Boris Johnson is responsible for causing immense damage to the UK, its economy, its future prospects and its reputation worldwide.

Johnson is lazy, dishonest, incompetent and self-obsessed. He surrounded himself with a lacklustre cabinet with people of little talent and of whom 70% were and are 'remainers'. Brexit has been a disaster.

By insisting that all candidates in the 2019 general election should declare themselves 'pro-Brexit', Johnson eliminated many talented politicians whilst others who stood had to declare themselves to be pro-Brexit whether or not they were. 70% of the present cabinet voted to remain in the EU but now have to defend Brexit.

Johnson was only ever interested in self-publicity and being in the limelight and never much interested in the dull politics of running the country.

The British government, thanks to Johnson, is composed of many second-rate politicians. There have been instances of the ministerial code having been broken, of bullying and ofcorruption, all under Boris Johnson's premiership.

This is yet another excellent synopsis of the appalling political situation in the United Kingdom: the political and economic mess that the Tories themselves have created. Regarding Boris Johnson—if I must call him that; I would prefer to call him BoJo, which I feel is more appropriate for the dangerous jester that he is—the man belongs in a circus, not in high office. Should we be surprised by a political and economic mess ensuing if we elect a clown into high office? Clowns belong in circuses, not in high office. – © Mark Alexander

Friday, May 26, 2023

The Lincoln Project: Rick Reacts: Proud Boys GUILTY!

May 4, 2023 | It was a bad day for the bad guys and Rick Wilson couldn’t be happier… but wait, there's more! There's a layer of people, from Roger Stone to Alex Jones to Steve Bannon, who were giving these street thugs their orders. Next up, Donald J. Trump.

UK Prepares for Recession amid Rising Interest Rates

May 26, 2023 | Owning a home is getting more expensive as lenders begin putting up mortgage rates, spooked by stubbornly high inflation figures.

'What Happened to Donald Trump': DeSantis Goes on the Offensive

May 26, 2023 | Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, now officially a candidate for president, is no longer tiptoeing around former President Donald Trump – nor is he being shy about his plans to flex the powers of the presidency like never before if he wins the White House.

Mariah Carey : My All | Official HD Video

Nov 24, 2009

Ministers Face Pressure to Ban Single-use Vapes amid Rising Popularity among Children in UK

THE GUARDIAN: As many as 15% of 11- to 15-year-olds use vapes, experts suggest, with products often packaged in bright colours

The relatively short history of e-cigarettes means there is minimal knowledge about long-term health effects. Photograph: Peter Dazeley/Alamy

Ministers are facing mounting pressure to impose an outright ban on single-use vapes, amid concern about their rising popularity among children and wider worries that officials have minimal grip over a fast-moving sector.

While it is illegal to sell e-cigarettes to under-18s, some experts suggest as many as 15% of 11- to 15-year-olds use vapes, with Rishi Sunak saying this week he was worried that his daughters could be “seduced” by a heavily flavoured product often packaged in bright colours. » | Peter Walker, Deputy political editor | Friday, May 26, 2023

This just goes to prove that the government’s relentless war on smoking is having a deleterious effect on children!

It would have been far better and more sensible if successive governments had simply used infomercials to make the public aware of the dangers of smoking and let the people decide for themselves whether they wish to smoke or not. In fact, that was the original strategy of governments to reduce smoking rates anyway; and, it must be said, that strategy was effective. It brought smoking rates right down over a period of years.

However, governments weren’t satisfied with this softly-softly approach. They have been determined to stub out the smoking of tobacco altogether which, of course, they will never be able to do.

The result has been that they have encouraged people to vape instead. The dangers of vaping are not yet well-understood. But the people in government have pushed ahead with this silly and ridiculous policy anyway.

At first, it was hoped that vaping would be used as a way of transitioning from smoking tobacco to not smoking at all. But it hasn’t turned out that way. Rather, vaping has become in itself a source of kicks for many people, including children. Vapes in multifarious flavours and forms have become particularly attractive even to young children, something which conventional cigarettes never were. The smell and taste of tobacco for children is often very off-putting. It certainly was for me as a child. As a child, I hated being around anyone who smoked cigarettes.

When I studied economics back in the day, one of the very first lessons we were taught was this: Governments should avoid at all costs distorting the market of any product, because the distortions caused by excessive taxes, etc, will often produce far more deleterious results than the use of the product the government is trying to stamp out. Clearly, our politicians haven’t learnt this lesson.

The moral of the story is quite simple: Stop interfering in the marketplace and stop interfering in the lives of the people. Let the people decide what they wish to do for enjoyment. Moreover, one shouldn’t be surprised that children are attracted to vaping when they are available in so many attractive flavours such as apricot, peach, blackcurrant, orange, etc. Make them taste of tobacco and most chidren will run far, far away from them! – © Mark Alexander

Russian Weapons Manufacturers Hosted at Saudi Trade Event

THE GUARDIAN: Companies with direct links to Russian military set to attend, which is likely to heighten tensions with US

Seven sanctioned Russian companies, including a manufacturer of military helicopters deployed in the war in Ukraine, are visiting Saudi Arabia next week as part of a trade mission to increase business with the Gulf state.

Companies including weapons manufacturers with direct links to the Russian military, state corporations involved in the invasion of Ukraine, and the agency overseeing a Ukrainian nuclear plant in the country seized by the Russian military last year, are set to attend.

Saudi Arabia’s willingness to develop business ties with Russian companies sanctioned by western states for their role in the invasion of Ukraine is likely to cause further tensions in its already strained relationship with Washington. » | David Pegg, Manisha Ganguly and Stephanie Kirchgaessner | Friday, May 26, 2023

Hungry Man Kitchen: Turkish Baked Rice Pudding: Firin Sutlac

May 26, 2023 | Sutlac is possibly one of the most well-known and common desserts in Turkey. Made with only milk, rice, sugar and optionally a pinch of salt, this version of sutlac is associated with the northern part (Black Sea region) of Türkiye and known as Hamsikoy Sutlaci from the city of Trabzon.

First slowly cooked to a thick milk and rice pudding and baked in the oven to have the signature burnt browning on top, this is a delectable rice pudding, leaving you craving for more.

Hungry Man Kitchen can be supported on Patreon here.

Liberation of Paris after Four Years of Nazi Occupation (June to August 1944)

May 26, 2023 | This is an excerpt from the film "The Spirit of Liberation": click here. Between the 19th and 25th August 1944 during the Second World War and in the course of Operation Overlord, the liberation of Paris took place. The capital of France had been occupied by German troops since June 1940. In mid-August 1944, a general strike set in motion the events of the eventual liberation, and an open revolt by French resistance fighters followed from 19th August. Allied formations advanced towards Paris in support, and soon the German city commander Dietrich von Choltitz capitulated in defiance of explicit orders from Adolf Hitler.

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — May 26, 2023

'Truth Is a Right-wing Concept' | Melanie Phillips

May 26, 2023 | British journalist Melanie Phillips argues that we have slipped into an age of "cultural totalitarianism". She bases this off a widespread societal refusal to listen to evidence, accept reason and consider dissenting views, which has the effect of reducing common freedoms for citizens across the Western world.

British Cycling to Ban Transgender Women from Female Events - BBC News

May 26, 2023 | British Cycling is to ban transgender women from the female category of its competitions following a nine-month review and consultation. Under a new participation policy that the governing body said was “predicated on fairness”, such athletes will compete in an ‘open category’ with men. The female category will be “for those whose sex was assigned female at birth”. The changes will prevent rider Emily Bridges - the country’s highest profile transgender cyclist - potential being part of the British women’s team.

Italia Squisita: Anchovies and Butter Spaghetti (Spaghetti burro e alici) by Italian Michelin Chef Gianfranco Pascucci - Al Porticciolo

May 26, 2023 | We are back to Fiumicino to talk about another great seafood pasta, spaghetti burro e alici (butter and anchovies). Thanks to the ideas of chef Gianfranco Pascucci, an everyday comfort recipe, easy and quick to prepare, becomes not only a gourmet dish but a new classic.

Hunt Will Back More Interest Rate Rises Even If It Pushes UK [in]to Recession

THE GUARDIAN: Chancellor to support Bank of England’s decisions because ‘inflation is a source of instability’

Jeremy Hunt said he will back further interest rate rises by the Bank of England, even if it risks plunging the UK into recession, in order to combat soaring inflation.

The chancellor’s comments come after figures this week showed annual inflation in April was higher than expected at 8.7%, raising the prospect of a 13th interest rate rise by the Bank of England. Markets are now predicting that interest rates could climb to 5.5% by the end of the year, up from their current level of 4.5%, putting further pressure on borrowers and the housing market. » | Kalyeena Makortoff | Friday, May 26, 2023

FBI Files Reveal Plot to Kill Queen Elizabeth during US Trip in 1983

THE GUARDIAN: Document says man claimed he would attempt to harm monarch while she was visiting California

An FBI file relating to a visit to the US by the late Queen Elizabeth II has revealed a potential plot to assassinate her.

The document, available on the FBI’s online vault, outlines what appears to be intelligence provided to federal agents about a threat to the queen’s life in California 40 years ago.

Queen Elizabeth and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, made an official visit to the US west coast in February and March 1983.

The file states that a phone call was made by “a man who claimed that his daughter had been killed in Northern Ireland by a rubber bullet”. » | PA Media | Friday, May 26, 2023

Brands Embracing Pride Month Confront a Volatile Political Climate

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Target became the latest company to adjust plans for marketing supportive of the L.G.B.T.Q. community after it faced backlash from some customers.

For years, Pride Month, the annual celebration for L.G.B.T.Q. Americans, has afforded companies a marketing opportunity to tap into the buying power of a group with growing financial, political and social clout.

Yet, while these efforts have always faced some opposition, brands and marketers say the country’s current political environment — especially around transgender issues — has made this year’s campaigns more complicated. This week Target became the latest company to rethink its approach after facing criticism for its Pride collection, which included clothes and books for children that drew outrage from some on the right.

The retailer moved its Pride displays — including rainbow-striped collared shirts, yellow hoodies reading “Not a Phase” and baby clothing and accessories — from the entrances of some Target stores around the country and placed them in the back. » | Jordyn Holman and Julie Creswell | Thursday, May 25, 2023

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Hungry Man Kitchen: Muhammara | محمرة

Dec 9, 2022 | Muhammara, Mouhammara is a delicious roasted pepper dip originated in Aleppo, Syria. This walnut and roasted, red pepper mezze is very popular throughout the Mediterranean, including Turkey, especially in southeastern regions, where Arab dishes are more common in the local cuisine because of the Syrian cultural influence.

WIKIPEDIA: Muhammara.

Hungry Man Kitchen can be supported on Patreon here.

Throw Away the Chains That Bind You to Your Past! Be Yourself!

Werfen Sie die Ketten weg, die Sie an Ihre Vergangenheit binden! Seien Sie Sich selbst! / Jetez les chaînes qui vous enchaînent à votre passé ! Être soi-même !

Many thanks to ’Men’ on Pinterest for this truly delightful picture.

US Banker Paid £73m Dividend in 2021 after Firm Won Millions in UK Covid Contracts

THE GUARDIAN: Banks Bourne, sole owner of Tanner Pharma in North Carolina, took sum from Tanner’s UK arm, records show

Banks Bourne’s company, Tanner Pharma, was awarded contracts worth £865m from the UKHSA and the DHSC for the provision of lateral flow tests. Photograph: Medtex

An American banker was paid a £73m dividend in 2021 after his firm won hundreds of millions in Covid contracts, figures show.

Banks Bourne, the sole owner of the medical company Tanner Pharma, took the sum from Tanner’s UK division, Companies House records show.

While Tanner Pharma, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, registered profits of £1.4m in 2019, this figure hit £38.8m in 2020 and £64m in 2021. According to the company’s latest accounts, released in March, this financial growth was largely driven by a Covid windfall, with the firm paid huge sums by the UK government. » | Sam Bright | Thursday, May 25, 2023

Correct me if I am mistaken, but if my memory serves me well, it was the Tories who are responsible for this disgrace. Notably, Rishi Sunak, who was in charge of dishing out money during the pandemic, which he dished out to some like confetti, and to others like stale breadcrumbs to those on rations. Or, indeed, even worse, to many, none at all! – © Mark Alexander

The State of Smoking in India

Oct 10, 2018 | The State of Smoking is designed to provide a snapshot of progress, challenges, and circumstances facing smokers as they struggle to quit and as we work to end smoking worldwide. We’ve examined the tobacco control environment, trends, and key data points in 13 countries and provided profiles for each (9 are also translated into native languages). We hope that the State of Smoking provides useful information to all those interested in smoking cessation, harm reduction, and ultimately ending smoking worldwide within our generation.

The State of Smoking country profiles include limited data from the Foundation’s 2018 Global Survey and other sources. Note: tax, price, and population data change regularly. The below information is based on the latest available data. Additional content and expanded country profiles will be provided in conjunction with a series of in-country symposia which we plan to host in the coming months. Please contact us if you would like to receive more information on these upcoming events.

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — May 25, 2023

‘Potheads, Go Giggle Elsewhere’: Public Weed Ban Begins in Amsterdam

THE GUARDIAN: Tourists and residents now face €100 fine for public smoking in De Wallen, but some business owners are worried about impact

A worker hangs signs in the Nieuwmarkt publicising the new ban. Photograph: Hollandse Hoogte/Shutterstock

Thick fumes of cannabis smoke were noticeably absent from the air of Amsterdam’s red light district on Thursday, the familiar smell replaced by dank canal water and rats on the first day of a ban on smoking marijuana in public.

After years of complaints from residents about wild behaviour from 18 million annual visitors, a crackdown on nuisance tourism is in full swing. Last month, the municipality started a “stay away” campaign – aimed first at misbehaving Britons – that banned alcohol sales in shops at the weekend and imposed earlier closing times for window brothels and pubs.

Now, tourists and residents alike face a €100 (£87) fine for public cannabis smoking in and around the red light district, to “reduce crowding and nuisance in the area”. » | Senay Boztas in Amsterdam | Thursday, May 25, 2023

Middle Eats: Shish Taouk: Chicken Kebabs | شيش طاووق

May 25, 2023 | It's grilling season, so I wanted some chicken kebabs, and that meant I had to make the best ones - Shish taouk. These marinated chicken cubes, are juicy, flavourful, and so delicious. It barely requires any work to put together, and yet makes one of the best grilled foods you'll ever try.

WIKIPEDIA: Shish taouk.

"We Are a Society of Notoriously Unhappy People" - Interview with Erich Fromm | English Subtitles

Mar 24, 2020

Khaleej Times: 'Boys Don't Cry and Men Need to Man Up' - Busting Men's Mental Health Myths

May 25, 2023 | Being vulnerable — and admitting to it — is something most males would shy away from. It’s a sign of weakness. But given that depression, anxiety and toying with thoughts of self-harm are all realities of modern life, there need to be more conversations about men’s psychological wellbeing so they are not ‘ashamed’ to seek help, says men’s mental health specialist Rahaf Kobeissi.

Music Legend Tina Turner Has Died at the Age of 83 | DW News

May 24, 2023 | Music legend Tina Turner has died at the age of 83. Her publicist said she passed away peacefully at her home in Switzerland following long illness. Known as the "Queen of Rock 'n' Roll," she rose to fame in the 1960s partnering with her husband Ike Turner. She later left her abusive marriage and went on to launch her solo career. Turner soon became one of the top recording artists of all time with chart-topping hits like "What's Love Got to Do With It" and 'Private Dancer.'

WIKIPEDIA: Tina Turner »

Inside Tina Turner's 37-Year Romance with 'True Love' Erwin Bach: 'I Instantly Felt an Emotional Connection': Tina Turner, who died at 83 on Wednesday after a long illness, married her second husband, Erwin Bach, in 2013 »

A public person in a private country: Tina Turner reveled in 'normal' life in her Swiss home: In her adoptive country, Tina Turner was more than just a swivel-hipped rock, R&B and pop superstar »


Maha’s Lebanese Kitchen: How to Make the Best Baba Ghanouj | بابا غنوج

Jan 16, 2021 | The famous Lebanese Baba ghanouj. Visit Maha on Instagram @mahaslebanesecuisine here.

WIKIPEDIA: Baba ghanouj [also ghanoush].

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Ne-Yo - Sexy Love | Official Music Video

Dec 14, 2009

Je t’aime tellement

Ich liebe dich so sehr / I love you so much

Merci à Pinterest pour cette ravissante photo.

DeSantis Joins 2024 Presidential Race

May 24, 2023 | Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has entered the 2024 presidential race. He’s stepping into a crowded Republican primary contest that will test his national appeal as a cultural conservative firebrand and the party’s willingness to move on from former President Donald Trump.

What is there about Americans that so many of them find themselves incapable of embracing moderate politics? – © Mark Alexander

All hat, no cattle’: Ron DeSantis, the ‘anti-woke’ Florida governor running for president: The rightwing culture warrior has been called ‘Trump 2.0’ – but what, if anything, is driving him to attain the highest office in the land? »


Ron DeSantis, gouverneur républicain de Floride, annonce sa candidature à l’élection présidentielle américaine de 2024 : Quelques heures avant un échange prévu avec Elon Musk sur Twitter, le gouverneur de Floride a déclaré qu’il se portait candidat au scrutin présidentiel en 2024. »


Republikaner Ron DeSantis will bei US-Präsidentenwahl antreten: Floridas Gouverneur Ron DeSantis will Präsident von Amerika werden – und gegen Trump antreten. Seine Unterlagen hat er bereits bei der Bundeswahlkommission eingereicht. »

Tina Turner: Legendary Rock’n’roll Singer Dies Aged 83

Era-defining music … Tina Turner performing in 1987. Photograph: Sipa/Rex/Shutterstock

THE GUARDIAN: Turner who initially found fame in a turbulent musical partnership, became one of the biggest acts in the world as a solo artist and one of the defining pop icons of the 1980s

Tina Turner, the pioneering rock’n’roll star who became a pop behemoth in the 1980s, has died aged age of 83 after a long illness.

She had suffered ill health in recent years, being diagnosed with intestinal cancer in 2016 and having a kidney transplant in 2017. » | Laura Snapes | Wednesday, May 24, 2023


Tina Turner, Magnetic Singer of Explosive Power, Is Dead at 83: First hailed in the 1960s for her dynamic performances with her husband, Ike, she became one of the most successful recording artists of all time. »


Tina Turner, la « reine du rock’n’roll », est morte : En soixante-dix ans de carrière, la vedette du rhythm’n’blues avait imposé sa griffe. Tina Turner s’est éteinte, mercredi 24 mai, à l’âge de 83 ans. »


Tina Turner ist tot: Die US-Sängerin Tina Turner ist nach langer Krankheit im Alter von 83 Jahren verstorben. Mit Hits wie „What’s Love Got to Do With It“ und „The Best“ wurde sie weltberühmt. »

Sehr elegant in Schwarz

Très élégant en noir / Very elegant in black

Ich bedanke mich bei IvyRio auf Pinterest für dieses unglaublich schöne Bild.


Tucker Carlson Home Studio Reportedly Dismantled by Fox News Workers

THE GUARDIAN: Daily Mail report says construction workers ‘took the set, all the equipment, everything’ from Maine studio network built for him

As Tucker Carlson prepares to take his show to Twitter, workers from Fox News, the network which fired the primetime opinion host last month, have reportedly dismantled the home studio it built him in Maine.

“Fox came in last week and got all their shit out of there,” quoted Patrick Feeney, who it said was managing work to rebuild the studio, as saying.

“They took the set and everything, all the equipment, the chairs, the desk, the fake walls, everything.”

Fox News has not commented on Carlson’s firing beyond its initial statement on the day it happened, 24 April. » | Martin Pengelly in New York | Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Brexit Food Trade Barriers Have Cost UK Households £7bn, Report Finds

THE GUARDIAN: LSE researchers estimate that extra barriers on EU food imports have pushed up bills by £250 on average

British households have paid £7bn since Brexit to cover the extra cost of trade barriers on food imports from the EU, according to researchers at the London School of Economics (LSE).

The university’s latest report estimating the impact of leaving the bloc on UK food prices found that trade barriers were consistently hampering imports, pushing up bills by an average £250.

The cost of food in the UK had rocketed by 25% since 2019, the researchers calculated, but if the post-Brexit trade restrictions were not in place then this increase would be only 17% – nearly a third lower.

Adding up the impact on all British households suggested they had paid an extra £6.95bn as a consequence, they said. » | Phillip Inman | Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Hungry Man Kitchen: How to Make Tabbouleh - Lebanese Herb & Bulgur Salad | تبولة

Jul 7, 2021

To get the recipe, click here and then click on ‘show more’.

Germany Issues Arrest Warrant for Lebanese Central Bank Boss | DW News

May 24, 2023 | Germany has issued an arrest warrant for Lebanese Central Bank Governor, Riad Salameh, on allegations of corruption including forgery, money laundering, and embezzlement. The 72-year-old is accused of misappropriating millions from Lebanon's central bank. This follows a similar warrant from France and an Interpol Red Notice after his no-show at a Paris court hearing. Despite these charges, Salameh denies all wrongdoing. DW spoke to Anne Kirstine Rønn from the London School of Economics’ Middle East Center.

Is Greece in a Permanent Crisis? - ARTE

May 24, 2023 | The catastrophic train crash at Larissa in February 2023 provoked angry protests against the Greek government. Is this accident a symptom of a deeper problems?