Saturday, June 04, 2022

Sei ein Mann! Nur wie? | Streetphilosophy | ARTE

Jun 4, 2022 • "Was ist eigentlich männlich?", fragt sich Jan in dieser Folge "Streetphilosophy". Kann und muss man das definieren? Bei einem Pils in der Fußballkneipe spricht er mit Kneipenwirtin Rose darüber, was Männer ausmacht und wie sie sich im Lauf der Jahre verändert haben.

Bei einem Steak-Grundkurs in der Grillakademie Berlin ist Jan mit Fikri Anil Altintas verabredet, der sich als Autor mit Männlichkeitsbildern auseinandersetzt. Feuer und Fleisch: spricht ja angeblich urmännliche Steinzeitinstinkte an. Ist das wirklich so? Oder sind wir einfach nur durch Werbung beeinflusst? Wann wird Männlichkeit zu einem gesellschaftlichen Problem, wann wird sie hegemonial oder gar toxisch?

„Männer begegnen sich in Räumen, in denen sie unter sich sind und ‘richtige Männlichkeit’ erlernen – darunter auch die Libido dominandi, die Lust an Konkurrenz und Dominanz”, erklärt Anil. Zum Beispiel in Männermannschaften beim Sport. Bei den Berlin Bears in Neukölln absolviert Jan sein erstes American-Football-Probetraining. Muskelmänner in Rüstungen, die sich gegenseitig umrammen: Welches Ideal von Männlichkeit gilt in dieser Welt und welches ist erstrebenswert für die Zukunft?

In Brandenburg begegnet Jan einem ungewöhnlichen Förster: Yves hat 20 Jahre lang in Berlin gelebt und war in der queeren Community zu Hause, bevor er in ein kleines Dorf in Brandenburg zog. Wie geht das zusammen und was passiert bei so einem Clash: ein queerer Feminist in einem traditionellen Männerberuf in einer komplett konservativen Umgebung?

Magazin (D 2022, 27 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 31/12/2026

British Fishermen and Brexit I Documentary

Jun 3, 2022 • Fisherman Darren Kenyon is from Grimsby in north-east #England. Like 70% of the people in the area, he voted for Brexit in the hope for a better deal for the #fishing sector. But so far nothing has improved for the industry and the wider region. Former Boris Johnson supporters feel cheated.

'Moment Everyone Had Been Waiting For': Columnist on Meghan and Harry Attending Jubilee Service

Jun 4, 2022 • Robert Hardman, columnist for The Daily Mail, tells CNN's Christi Paul about the reception the Harry and Meghan received at Queen Elizabeth II's platinum jubilee.

Platinum Jubilee: Joe and Jill Biden Congratulate Queen Elizabeth II

Jun 2, 2022 • President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden have congratulated the Queen on 70 years on the throne in a video message.

Queen Congratulates Australians of the Year via Video Call

Jun 4, 2022 • The Queen took part in a video call with the Australians of the Year. Footage released by Buckingham Palace showed the Queen virtually meeting Australian of the Year Dylan Alcott, who has won four paralympic gold medals and created a foundation to help Australians with disabilities.

The call was was chaired by the Governor-General of Australia David Hurley.

The Queen was also introduced to Shanna Whan, Val Dempsey and Dr Daniel Nour. Members of the royal family are attending events across the UK as platinum jubilee celebrations enter their third day, but the Queen will not attend the Epsom Derby Platinum jubilee celebrations enter third day as Queen misses Epsom Derby

Queen's Platinum Jubilee Service of Thanksgiving

Queen’s Absence Strikes Symbolic Note as Royals Gather at Jubilee Service

THE GUARDIAN: Charles stands in for his mother at St Paul’s Cathedral in ceremony that pays tribute to her seven-decade reign

Prince William, the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Charles attend the national service of thanksgiving at St Paul's Cathedral on Friday. Photograph: Reuters

The symbolism of a great state service of thanksgiving for an absent Queen was not lost beneath the imposing dome of St Paul’s Cathedral. All the more so as the country was paying tribute to her seven decades of public service as Britain’s now longest-reigning monarch.

The Prince of Wales was in her stead for the formal procession through a 2,000-strong congregation of prime ministers past and present, parliamentarians, diplomats, a full squad of other royals and 400 members of the public honoured for their community work.

As the archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, said in his hastily rewritten sermon, the horse-loving Queen, 96, is “still in the saddle”. But it seemed a moment to recognise that her presence, taken for granted at such grand public events, is no longer guaranteed due to the mobility problems that have plagued her platinum jubilee year.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who had flown in at the Queen’s invitation, made their first public appearance with other members of the royal family since their exit from royal duties and relocation to California two years ago. » | Caroline Davies | Friday, June 3, 2022

Friday, June 03, 2022

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee: A Service of Thankgiving

Jubilee celebrations continue, marking HM the Queen’s 70-year reign with a national service of thanksgiving from St Paul’s Cathedral, acknowledging her dedicated service as monarch in the presence of senior members of the royal family.

David Dimbleby will provide expert commentary from inside St Paul’s, leading us through the service. Sophie Raworth meets many of the key people taking part.

From the BBC’s platinum jubilee studio at St James’s Park, Kirsty Young will be joined by special guests who share their experiences of spending time with the Queen and reflect on how important her faith has been through the years.

Watch it here.

Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey : When You Believe | Official HD Video

Donald Trump: Think Again

un 3, 2022 • The threat is as real as it ever was.

Oh Jesus! Please spare us another four years of this clown. Please show us your omnipotence. It's more important than ever that you do so now. – © Mark

Very Bad News for Peter Navarro’: Ex-Trump Adviser Indicted

Jun 3, 2022 • A federal grand jury has indicted former Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro for contempt of Congress after he refused to cooperate in the House January 6 committee's investigation. CNN legal analyst Elie Honig breaks down the significance of the indictment.

Bavaria Train Crash: At Least Four Killed in German Rail Accident

Read the article here.

‘On the Throne Till I Drop’: How Does British Monarchy Compare with European Royals?

THE GUARDIAN: Some monarchies have modernised to stay relevant but other dynasties have not been so successful

While the pomp and tradition of the British monarchy continue to fascinate people and media around the world, the Windsors are far from the only royal dynasty to have survived into the 21st century. Other European monarchies, from Spain to Belgium and from Norway to the Netherlands, have made similar efforts to adapt, modernise and stay relevant. Some have been more successful than others. » | Sam Jones in Madrid, Jon Henley in Paris, Jennifer Rankin in Brussels and Kim Willsher in Paris | Thursday, June 2, 2022

Österreich: Wie die Teuerung Familen trifft

DER STANDARD: Wenn Liliana an der Supermarktkasse steht, dann muss sie erst einmal kräftig schlucken. Erdäpfel sind um 18 Prozent teurer als noch vor einem Jahr, Tomaten um 44 Prozent. Aber auch Teebutter, Brot, Öl – die Inflation ist am Esstisch angekommen. Dazu kommen die gestiegenen Kosten für Sprit und Energie. Während die Inflationsrate im April des Vorjahrs rund zwei Prozent betrug, lag sie nach Schätzungen der Statistik Austria diesen Mai schon bei acht Prozent. Das ist der höchste Wert seit September 1975.

Für Liliana, Mutter von zwei Kindern, ist die finanzielle Belastung enorm: „Ich kaufe nur noch beim Diskonter oder Produkte mit starkem Preisnachlass. Ich weiß nicht, wo ich noch sparen soll?“

Sie gehört zu den Familien, die schon bislang ihr gesamtes Einkommen ausgeben mussten, um die monatlichen Fixkosten zu decken. Nun müssen sie auf weniger hochwertige Produkte umsteigen, sich verschulden. Besserverdiener dagegen können ihren Lebensstandard meist beibehalten.

DER STANDARD hat mit vier Familien gesprochen und sie gefragt, wo sie die Teuerung spüren, wie sie den Gürtel enger schnallen und was sie sich noch leisten. Auskunft gaben ein junges Paar, eine Familie mit einem fünfjährigen Sohn, eine Alleinerziehende mit zwei Kindern und eine vierköpfige Familie. » | Freitag, 3. Juni 2022

Elizabeth II. - Lang lebe die Queen! | DER SPIEGEL

Jun 14, 2021 • Sie ist das Pflichtbewusstsein in Person, und sie steuert mit festem Griff die Firma Windsor – auch nach dem Tod ihres Ehemannes Prinz Philip.

Boris Johnson Booed as He Arrives at Queen's Jubilee Thanksgiving Service

Jun 3, 2022 • Boris Johnson was greeted by a chorus of boos as he arrived at the Queen’s platinum jubilee thanksgiving service on Friday morning. Stepping out of his car when it pulled up at St Paul’s Cathedral in London with his wife, Carrie, the prime minister was met with boos and whistles from spectators. During an awkward 15-second walk up the stairs where senior royals, signatories and politicians were marking the second day of celebrations to honour the Queen’s 70-year reign, Johnson appeared unfazed as he smiled and nodded Boris Johnson booed as he arrives at St Paul’s for platinum jubilee event

U.K.’s ‘Brightest and Best’ Visa Leaves Out Africa, India and Latin America

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Under the new program, graduates of top-ranked global colleges can move to Britain for two years, even without a job offer. But critics say the plan nurtures global inequalities.

LONDON — When Britain started a program this week offering a two-year visa to graduates from some top global universities, Nikhil Mane, an Indian computer science student at New York University, welcomed the news.

“I was happy,” said Mr. Mane, 23, whose university was on the list. “It’s a good way to pursue our dreams.”

More than 5,000 miles away, Adeola Adepoju, 22, a biochemistry student at Olabisi Onabanjo University in Nigeria, also read the announcement with great interest. But he had the opposite reaction.

“I couldn’t believe my eyes,” Mr. Adepoju said. “No university from the third world is ranked.”

Britain’s “High Potential Individual” visa program allows graduates from 37 top-rated world universities in Australia, Canada, China, Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and the United States to come to the country for two years even if they do not have a job offer.

A majority of universities on the list are in the United States, including Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California, San Diego.

The government said the plan would attract the world’s “brightest and best” and benefit the British economy. Critics, however, say the plan nurtures global inequalities and discriminates against most developing countries. » | Emma Bubola | Friday, June 3, 2022

A Londres, la foule se presse pour voir la reine « une dernière fois »

LE MONDE : Elizabeth II, 96 ans, est apparue au balcon du palais de Buchkingam au début des cérémonies organisées en l’honneur de ses soixante-dix années de règne, prévues jusqu’au 5 juin.

La reine Elizabeth II, aux côtés du prince Charles et de son épouse Camilla, au balcon du palais de Buckingham, à Londres, le 2 juin 2022. DANIEL LEAL / AFP

Dès les premières heures de la journée, jeudi 2 juin, coup d’envoi des célébrations marquant les soixante-dix ans du règne d’Elizabeth II, prévues jusqu’au 5 juin, des centaines de fans de la Couronne ont déroulé les Union Jack et déplié les sièges de camping sur le Mall, l’allée donnant sur le palais de Buckingham. Louise, Wendy et John sont arrivés la veille des Midlands et se sont installés pour être aux premières loges du Trooping the Colour, la parade militaire marquant l’anniversaire officiel de la reine, qui inaugure, cette année, son jubilé de platine.

C’est la première fois qu’un monarque britannique atteint une telle longévité sur le trône. « On est de tous les Trooping the Colour, mais celui-ci est très spécial, c’est l’occasion d’une vie », explique Wendy, coiffée d’un haut-de-forme Union Jack. « On n’y voit rien, mais ce n’est pas grave, on est là pour crier “Hourra” ! » », rigole une famille d’Américains, épatée par le sens de la tradition britannique. » | Par Cécile Ducourtieux (Londres, correspondante) | jeudi 2 juin 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – June 3, 2022

Sounds: Best of Today: Platinum Jubilee: Service of Thanksgiving | BBC

The Platinum Jubilee celebrations continue with a national service of thanksgiving from St Paul’s Cathedral. Speaking with Today’s Mishal Husain, broadcaster and presenter David Dimbleby reflects on his father Richard’s coverage of the Coronation of Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey in 1953. Mishal also hears from Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell, asking him how he feels stepping in for Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby after the latter fell ill last Thursday.

Listen here.

Platinum Jubilee: Royals Attend Jubilee Thanksgiving Service

Screenshot from the accompanying video: Prince Harry and Meghan arrive at Jubilee service

BBC: Senior royals have joined more than 400 key workers, volunteers and members of the armed forces for a thanksgiving service for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

The Prince of Wales, the Cambridges and the Sussexes are among the attendees at St Paul's Cathedral.

The Queen, 96, is watching at home in Windsor Castle after experiencing "discomfort" during Thursday's events.

Prince Andrew was forced to withdraw after a positive Covid test.

Arriving for their first major event since they stepped down from royal duties in 2020, Prince Harry and Meghan received a huge cheer from the crowd outside St Paul's. With video » | Joseph Lee & George Bowden, BBC News | Friday, June 3, 2022

BBC: In pictures: Harry and Meghan join royals for National Service of Thanksgiving: The Royal Family and guests have attended a service of thanksgiving for the Queen at St Paul's Cathedral - but without the monarch herself. She is resting at Windsor Castle and is believed to have watched the service on television. »

Londongrad: Hauptstadt der Geldwäscherei | Globale Themen erklärt | #SRFglobal

Jun 3, 2022 • Welcome to Londongrad: Spielplatz von Oligarchen, Gangstern, Spionen und mitunter Attentätern: Wie London seit Jahren immer stärker in die Fänge der reichen russischen Exilgemeinde gerät.

In Grossbritannien herrschen optimale Bedingungen, um illegal erwirtschaftetes Geld zu waschen. Das macht London seit Jahren zu einem Magnet für Russen, die vor allem durch Privatisierungen in der Heimat zu enormem Reichtum gekommen sind. Nicht umsonst trägt die Metropole den Spitznamen Londongrad. Umgerechnet etwa 125 Milliarden Franken sollen jedes Jahr in Grossbritannien gewaschen werden. Dieses Geld wird in London in Immobilien, Banken, Fussballclubs und renommierte Bildungseinrichtungen gesteckt.

#SRFglobal zeigt auf, wieso gerade London zum Geldwaschsalon der Welt wurde und wie die britische Regierung damit umgeht.

Moderatorin Wasiliki Goutziomitros bespricht diese und weitere Fragen mit Tom Keatinge, dem Direktor des Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies in London, Elisabeth Schimpfössl, Autorin des Buches «Rich Russians», Mark Pieth, Korruptionsexperte und SRF-Korrespondent in London, Michael Gerber.

Erstausstrahlung auf SRF 1 am 2.6.2022

Thursday, June 02, 2022

Platinum Jubilee: Queen Pulls Out of Service Appearance


BBC: The Queen will not attend Friday's Jubilee service at St Paul's Cathedral after experiencing discomfort while watching Thursday's parade at Buckingham Palace.

The decision was made with "great reluctance" after considering the "journey and activity required", the palace said.

However, she did take part in a beacon lighting ceremony on Thursday evening.

Four days of celebrations marking the Queen's 70-year reign began earlier.

The 96-year-old monarch appeared twice at Buckingham Palace balcony, flanked by other senior royals, as they watched a military parade and waved at thousands of well-wishers gathered on The Mall.

Hours after the ceremony, the palace confirmed she would not attend Friday's thanksgiving service, but said she "would like to thank all those who made today such a memorable occasion".

The service at St Paul's in central London will give thanks for the Queen's seven decades as monarch. » | Dulcie Lee & Hamzah Abbas, BBC News | Thursday, June 2, 2022

The New Tsar: How Putin Became Russia's Dictator | Foreign Correspondent

Jun 2, 2022 • He started as a low-level spy. He ended up President for Life. For two decades, former Moscow correspondent Eric Campbell has tracked Putin’s rise to power.

Whitney Houston : I Wanna Dance With Somebody | Official Video

Views on YouTube: 354,013,190

Story Update: Khalid El Khatib on Coming Out and the Importance of Self-care & Empathy.

Sep 30, 2020 • Over five years ago, Khalid told us the story of how he came out to his father, a devout Muslim, and the complex but loving father-son relationship that grew out of that experience. Now, five years later, Khalid is closer to his father than ever. We recently caught up with him and got to hear about what drew them closer together, as well as his views on the role empathy should play in the coming out process and the importance of accepting your own experience as unique.

Watch the original video here.

Turkey Wants to Be Called Türkiye in Rebranding Move

BBC: Turkey will be known as Türkiye at the United Nations from now on, after it agreed to a formal request from Ankara.

Several international bodies will be asked to make the name change as part of a rebranding campaign launched by the Turkish president late last year.

"Türkiye is the best representation and expression of the Turkish people's culture, civilization, and values," Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in December.

The UN says it made the change as soon as it received the request this week.

Most Turks already know their country as Türkiye. However the anglicised form Turkey is widely used, even within the country.

State broadcaster TRT was quick to make the change as soon as it was announced last year, explaining that among the reasons for the image rebrand was the association with the bird traditionally associated with Christmas, New Year or Thanksgiving.

It also pointed out the Cambridge English Dictionary's definition of one of the meanings of the word as "something that fails badly" or "a stupid or silly person". » | Tiffany Wertheimer, BBC News | Thursday, June 2, 2022

God Save the Queen: London feiert das Thronjubiläum

Königin Elisabeth II. und ihre Familie bestaunen den Parade-Flug anlässlich ihres Jubiläums. | Bild: AP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Bei bestem Wetter begann die viertägige Jubiläumsfeier zu Ehren der britischen Königin. Elisabeth II. dankte ihren Landsleuten vorab für „viele schöne Erinnerungen, die entstehen werden“. Vor der Parade kam es jedoch zu einem Zwischenfall.

Kaiserwetter für die Königin: Zehntausende Menschen haben in London das 70. Thronjubiläum von Königin Elisabeth II. gefeiert. Laut brauste Jubel auf, als sich die 96-Jährige zwei Mal auf dem Balkon des Buckingham-Palasts im Stadtzentrum zeigte. In einem taubenblauen Kleid nahm die Monarchin lächelnd die Huldigungen entgegen, beim zweiten Auftritt trug sie eine Sonnenbrille.

Engste Familie an ihrer Seite

Bei strahlendem Sonnenschein stand der Auftakt der viertägigen Jubiläumsfeiern im Fokus der britischen Streitkräfte. Das Militär ehrte seine Oberbefehlshaberin mit der traditionellen Parade „Trooping the Colour“, einem Formationsflug von mehr als 70 Flugzeugen und Helikoptern sowie Dutzenden Salutschüssen.

An der Seite der Königin standen ihre engsten Familienangehörigen, etwa Sohn und Thronfolger Prinz Charles sowie Enkel Prinz William, auch er ein künftiger König, samt Familien. Charles und William hatten mit Königin-Tochter Prinzessin Anne – alle in Galauniform – die Königin zuvor bei der Parade vertreten. Doch auf dem Balkon stahl ein kleiner Gast der Königin die Schau. Prinz Louis (4), jüngster Sohn von William und Herzogin Kate, machte Grimassen und hielt sich beim lautstarken „Flypast“ der Royal Air Force die Ohren zu. Lächelnd neigte sich die Königin zu ihrem Urenkel herunter und plauderte mit ihm. » | Quelle: dpa | Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2022

Platinum Jubilee: French President Emmanuel Macron Pays Tribute to Queen

Jun 2, 2022 • French President Emmanuel Macron has hailed the Queen on her Platinum Jubilee with a video message.

Dimitra’s Dishes : Mediterranean Chicken Kebabs

Get the recipe here.

That Cloud of Smoke Is Not a Mirage

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Cigarettes, once shunned, have made a comeback with a younger crowd who knows better.

Smokers outside McSorley's in the East Village on a recent Friday night. | Dolly Faibyshev for The New York Times

On a recent not-so-wintry Thursday in the Bushwick neighborhood of Brooklyn, when the only snowflakes seen were over text, a gang of 20-somethings stood in a circle outside Clearing Gallery, sharing a pack of American Spirits.

A few days earlier, at Columbia University, a 19-year-old pre-med student stared enviously at her phone screen — at Parisian women in cute dresses walking, cigarettes in hand — before stepping outside for a cigarette with her friends. (She requested not to be identified by name because she didn’t want her habit to affect her career in medicine.)

People are smoking online too. On Instagram, Tasmin Ersahin, a photographer and stylist, posted a story of her boyfriend, Arsun Sorrenti (son of the photographer Mario Sorrenti), catching a lit cigarette in his mouth. On TikTok, Charly Jordan, a D.J. and model, tried a sexy French inhale for her 7.7 million followers.

“Smoking is back,” said Isabel Rower, a 24-year-old sculptor, one of the spirited Americans outside Clearing. “Weirdly, in the last year or two, all my friends who didn’t smoke, now smoke. I don’t know why. No one is really addicted to it. It’s more of a pleasure activity.”

Across New York City, as the pandemic waxes and wanes, a social activity that had seemed diminished, or replaced (with vapes, cannabis and education), seems to have reappeared. Have cigarettes, those filthy, cancer-causing things — and still the No. 1 cause of preventable death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — lost their taboo? Are we actually seeing more smokers? » | John Ortved | Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Please note that I post this article as an ex-smoker. Please note also that just because I have given up the very pleasurable habit, I do not expect the rest of the world and his uncle to give it up too. I am still very tolerant of smokers and smoking, and I shall remain so. Over the years, I have noticed that so many ex-smokers become very hostile to smoking and smokers once they have managed to kick the habit—please note I call it a habit rather than an addiction! (It is NOT an addiction)—but I shall not be like that. I have no desire or intention of depriving other people their pleasures just because I have quit. When I smoked, I expected others to be tolerant. Now that I have quit, I think it is only fair and decent that I be tolerant too. – © Mark Alexander

After Homophobic Assault, Gay Middle Eastern Man Refuses to Hide. “Yes, I Identify as a Gay Man.”

Nov 10, 2021 • The last summer before moving from Saudi Arabia to the United States, Jawad Bandar came out to his close friends. They all seemed to take it well - or so he thought. On one of his last nights in Saudi Arabia, Jawad was threatened by a group of men wielding bats. Though he escaped harm’s way, he later found out that his would-be attackers were tipped off by some people he thought were his friends. Rather than hide or retreat to the closet, Jawad took a different approach - upon relocating to Dearborn, Michigan, Jawad began living life as an open and unapologetically gay man.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlins – June 2, 2022

70 Jahre Queen: Großbritannien zwischen Prunk und Elend | auslandsjournal

Jun 2, 2022 • Während die Queen ihr 70. Thronjubiläum feiert, geht die Schere zwischen Arm und Reich in Großbritannien immer weiter auseinander. Millionen Menschen können es sich in Großbritannien nicht leisten, richtig zu heizen. In den vergangenen Wintern sind mehr als 9.000 Menschen an den Folgen von kalten Wohnungen gestorben.

Insgesamt gelten 20 Prozent der Briten und Britinnen als arm. Ursachen für die steigende Armut sind unter anderem teure Energiepreise, die hohe Inflation und steigende Preise durch den Brexit. Seit Jahrzehnten scheitern verschiedene Regierungen daran, die Kluft zwischen dem reichen Süden und dem armen Norden aufzuheben.

Während sich viele Menschen im nordenglischen Burnley die Grundversorgung nicht mehr leisten können, lebt die Londoner Elite im Luxus. In der englischen Hauptstadt wird knapp ein Viertel des nationalen Bruttoinlandsproduktes erwirtschaftet, ein Großteil davon im Finanzdistrikt. Durch die Reisebeschränkungen während der Corona-Pandemie haben die Reichen auf der Insel viel Geld gespart.

Der Film „auslandsjournal – die doku: Armes KönigReich“ führt in vergessene Gegenden und exklusive Luxusorte und zeigt dabei, wie unterschiedlich das Leben der Menschen in Großbritannien ist. Die ganze Doku seht ihr hier.

Platinum Jubilee Live: The Queen's Birthday Parade

Prince Charles will deliver the Queen's speech at the State Opening of Parliament today after the Queen announced she would miss the ceremony for the first time since 1963.

Prince William will also be in attendance having been granted authority to open parliament on the Queen's behalf, along with his father, the Prince of Wales.

Buckingham Palace announced late on Monday that despite hoping to attend, "episodic mobility issues" were keeping the 96-year-old monarch from her duties.

BBC: LIVE: Charles and William in military parade as Jubilee begins »

NZZ – BILDSTRECKE: Vor 70 Jahren bestieg Queen Elizabeth II. den Thron: die Feier des Jahrhunderts – und wie es dazu kam – in Bildern: Vor 70 Jahren wurde Prinzessin Elizabeth über Nacht zur Queen. Bis zu ihrer Krönung dauerte es aber noch über ein Jahr. Ein Rückblick in Bildern auf eine Feier, wie man sie im Vereinigten Königreich so noch nicht gesehen hatte. »

NZZ – LIVE: Thronjubiläum der Queen: Parade zum Thron-Jubiläum ist im Gang, 4 Tage Ausnahmezustand: Seit siebzig Jahren ist Queen Elizabeth II. das Oberhaupt des Vereinigten Königreichs. Vom 2. bis 5. Juni feiern die Britinnen und Briten das Jubiläum ihrer Königin. Eine Übersicht über die Feierlichkeiten. »

NZZ – INTERVIEW: «Elizabeth II. musste sich als junge Frau in absoluten Männerdomänen bewähren. Dennoch war ihr Geschlecht für die Queen ein Vorteil»: Während siebzig Jahren auf dem Thron hat Königin Elizabeth II. in Zeiten rasanten Wandels Stabilität gestiftet. Laut der Historikerin Ellie Woodacre musste sich die Queen in patriarchalen Strukturen bewähren, doch wirkte sie bereits als junge Frau als Identifikationsfigur. Sie konnte sich auf eine Tradition grosser englischer Königinnen stützen. »

LE MONDE – PORTRAIT : Jubilé de la reine Elizabeth II : Arthur Edwards, une vie à l’affût des Windsor : PORTRAIT – Le photographe du « Sun » suit les faits et gestes de la famille royale depuis quarante-cinq ans. Toujours insatiable, l’auteur des premières photos volées de Diana et de Charles couvre, à 81 ans, le jubilé des soixante-dix ans de règne d’Elizabeth II. »

Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee: Seven Decades in Photos

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee, celebrating her 70 years on the British throne, is above all a tribute to one of history’s great acts of constancy.

Her reign has spanned virtually the entire post-World War II era, making her a witness to cultural upheavals from the Beatles to Brexit, technological advances from wireless radio to Zoom, political leaders from Winston Churchill to Boris Johnson.

From the sepia-tinted pictures of her coronation in 1953 to her emotional televised address to a nation in the grip of the pandemic in 2020, the queen has been an abiding presence in British life for as long as most Britons have been alive.

Her triumphs — history-making visits to South Africa and Ireland — have lifted the country. Her sorrows — the fraught days after the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, in a Paris car crash, or the Covid-enforced isolation of her grieving for her deceased husband, Prince Philip — have become the nation’s sorrows. » | Mark Landler | Produced by Mona Boshnaq | Thursday, June 2, 2022

Daniil Trifonov – Chopin: Fantaisie-Impromptu In C-Sharp Minor, Op. 66

Locked Lips.

Verschlossene Lippen. / Lèvres verrouillées.

With many thanks to 8bithero on Pinterest for this superb photo.

Wednesday, June 01, 2022

California ‘Crippling Drought’ Leads to Strict Water Restrictions – BBC News

Jun 1, 2022 • Strict water restrictions come into force for millions of people in California as the US west coast continues to experience a crippling drought.

Many predict will get even worse during the summer.

People in the state's agricultural heartland, who have been struggling with water shortages and contamination for years, say it’s time for people in metropolitan areas to conserve water and do their part.

Prince Harry, Alcohol & Cigarettes in 2012 Interview, Katie Couric Reveals in Her Memoir

Oct 1, 2021 • Katie Couric is opening up about her sit-down interview with Prince Harry, nearly a decade later. The journalist is reportedly revealing new details about her 2012 chat with the Duke of Sussex in her memoir "Going There." In an excerpt from the book obtained by, Katie claimed Harry smelled of cigarettes and alcohol while filming a special for ABC about his grandmother's Diamond Jubilee.

BBC 4: The Smoking Years | 2012

May 5, 2022 • The program reveals the story of the creature that is 'the smoker'. How did this species arrive on our shores? Why did it become so sexy - and so dominant in our lives? Was there really a time when everywhere people could be found shrouded in a thick blue cloud? Enlisting the help of Barry Cryer, Stuart Maconie and others, The Smoking Years tells the unnatural history of a quite remarkable - and now threatened - creature. Warning: smoke-filled nostalgia may damage your health.

This documentary cannot be embedded on external websites. It must be watched on YouTube itself. Watch the documentary here.

Welby’s Suggestion Duke of York Is ‘Seeking to Make Amends’ Prompts Fury

THE GUARDIAN: Clergy abuse survivors say ‘church hasn’t begun to address its own debts’ after archbishop of Canterbury’s remarks

In an interview with ITV on Tuesday, Welby said the Queen’s second son was seeking to make amends, adding: ‘I think that’s a very good thing.’ Photograph: Gareth Fuller/PA

Survivors of clergy abuse have reacted with fury to the archbishop of Canterbury’s suggestion that the Duke of York was “seeking to make amends” after settling a sexual assault case.

Andrew Graystone, who advocates on behalf of survivors, said: “Victims of clergy abuse have spoken to me about their shock that Justin Welby should speak about forgiveness and reconciliation when the church hasn’t begun to address its own debts.”

The Church of England had repeatedly failed to listen to victims and deal effectively with abusers, he said. “If Welby wants to discuss issues of justice, mercy and reconciliation – and if he wants to give a lead to the nation on those things – he needs to get his own church in order first.

“Welby says we should cut Prince Andrew some slack because he is ‘seeking to make amends’ for what he may have done. Where are the signs that [the C of E] is seeking to make amends for those it has grievously abused?” » | Harriet Sherwood | Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Archbishop of Canterbury suggests Prince Andrew wants to ‘make amends’: Justin Welby made comment about the duke as he asked public to be more ‘open and forgiving’ »

Lebanon: A People in Crisis I Documentary

May 30, 2022 • Undermined by the corruption of its leaders, Lebanon is going through one of the worst economic crises in its history. Since the collapse of the #banking system, Lebanese people have seen their living standards plunge. The local currency has lost up to 90% of its value, and #inflation is soaring. There are also shortages of fuel, electricity, and medicines. Some citizens even say Lebanon is on the brink of becoming a failed state. | Available until the 23/08/2022

Platinum Jubilee: Queen's Life in Pictures

Elizabeth was born on 21 April 1926 in London, the first child of Albert, Duke of York, and his wife, formerly Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. | PA MEDIA

BBC: The Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations have begun, with Elizabeth II becoming the first British monarch to reign for 70 years. To mark the event we present an image from the archives of PA Media from every year of her life. » | BBC | Sunday, February 6, 2022

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – June 1, 2022

Boris Johnson’s Move to Bring Back Imperial Units Is Pure Piffle – and Simply Unfathomable

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: The prime minister is tapping into a history of xenophobia, pseudoscience and fears over lost political sovereignty

‘Touting the “return” of imperial units to shops is just disastrously retrograde.’ Photograph: George Marks/Getty Images

Starting a fight between metric and imperial units of measurement seems, at first, like an odd choice for Boris Johnson. From a political perspective. The move is obviously pure piffle: a dumbshow designed to placate (or at least entertain) the conservative base while distracting and antagonising rivals. But knowingly or not, by reigniting what 19th-century observers once called the “Battle of the Standards”, Johnson has tapped in to a long and wild history of anti-metric feeling that encompasses xenophobia, pseudoscience and fears over lost political sovereignty. » | James Vincent | Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Related articles in German and English here.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Crypto Mania: Behind the Hype of Cryptocurrencies | Four Corners

May 30, 2022 • Cryptocurrency is the hottest financial product in the world.

The hype is everywhere, with forms of the digital currency endorsed and advertised by celebrities daring you to invest in this brave new world.

Not everyone is convinced by the glossy ads and bold claims.

Four Corners investigates what lies behind the slick marketing and big promises to examine if it's a fad, a fraud or the future.

How Corporations Are Using Inflation to Take Your Money

May 31, 2022 • Don’t tell me corporations have no choice but to raise prices. Corporate profits are at a 70-year high. Stock buybacks are expected to reach $1,000,000,000,000 this year. News flash: They’re using inflation as cover to squeeze more money out of you.

L’Australie désigne symboliquement un « ministre délégué pour la République » avant une possible sortie de la monarchie

LE MONDE : Cette mesure, voulue par le nouveau premier ministre Anthony Albanese, pourrait aboutir à une « suppression de la Couronne » dans le pays.

Le premier ministre australien, Anthony Albanese, le 31 mai 2022. LUKAS COCH / AP

Le nouveau premier ministre australien, de centre gauche, Anthony Albanese, a nommé mardi 31 mai son gouvernement qui comprend un « ministre délégué pour la République », dans un pays qui est une monarchie selon sa Constitution. Matt Thistlethwaite, député de Sydney, a vu cette attribution lui échoir parmi d’autres. Il s’agit pour l’Australie d’une étape symbolique vers une sortie de la monarchie britannique, en pleins préparatifs à Londres du jubilé de la reine Elizabeth II.

Des dirigeants travaillistes avaient déjà promis dans le passé un référendum pour défaire la reine d’Angleterre de son titre de chef d’Etat de l’Australie. Une promesse que M. Albanese, républicain de longue date, s’est gardé de réitérer pendant la campagne. » | Le Monde avec AFP | mardi 31 mai 2022

Dimitra’s Dishes : Greek Lemon Phyllo Pie: Lemonopita / Patsavouropita

Get the recipe here.

König der Schaumweine | Karambolage | ARTE

Dec 24, 2021 • Kurz vor Weihnachten geht Nikola Obermann den Ursprüngen des Champagners auf den Grund. Autorin: Nikola Obermann Regie: Gilles Roqueplo | Verfügbar bis zum 05/02/2041

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – May 31, 2022

Andrea Leadsom Criticises ‘Failures of Leadership’ in No 10

THE GUARDIAN: Former business secretary does not call on PM to resign but says MPs must ‘decide on right course of action’

Leadsom said she believed it was ‘extremely unlikely that senior leaders were unaware of what was going on’ in No 10 while Covid rules were in place. Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA

The former cabinet minister Andrea Leadsom has criticised Boris Johnson’s “failure of leadership” – the latest in a string of senior Tory figures to express doubts about the prime minister’s future.

The former business secretary, who has twice run for the party leadership, stopped short of calling for Johnson to resign but said individual MPs would decide on how best to restore confidence.

In a letter to her constituents, Leadsom said she believed it was “extremely unlikely that senior leaders were unaware of what was going on”.

“I therefore agree with Sue Gray’s conclusions that there have been significant failures of leadership, both political and official, in No 10 and the Cabinet Office,” she wrote.

The MP for South Northamptonshire added: “Each of my Conservative MP colleagues and I must now decide individually on what is the right course of action that will restore confidence in our government.” » | Jessica Elgot, Chief political correspondent | Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Tory MP John Stevenson submits letter of no confidence in Boris Johnson »

Immer mehr Tories gegen Boris Johnson: Fast täglich sprechen konservative Abgeordnete dem britischen Premierminister die Amtstauglichkeit ab. Selbst eine frühere Vertraute äußert sich kritisch. »

Audrey Hepburn : le choix de l'élégance | Reupload

Die gleiche Dokumentation ist hier auf Deutsch verfügbar.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Monkeypox Infections Rise as Guidance Advises Cases to Abstain from Sex

BBC: Another 71 cases of monkeypox have been identified in England over the weekend bringing the UK total to 179, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) says.

New guidance is advising anyone with the virus to abstain from sex while they have symptoms.

They are also told to use condoms for eight weeks after an infection as a precaution.

The risk to the population is low, but people should be alert to new rashes or lesions, the UKHSA says.

In total, 172 cases have been confirmed in England, with four in Scotland, two in Northern Ireland and one in Wales. » | Jim Reed, Health reporter | Monday, May 30, 2022


Von McDonald’s bleibt höchstens das Menu – Russlands Wirtschaft wahrt noch den Schein, aber entkoppelt sich vom Rest der Welt

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: In Russland kommen neue Marken auf. Das ist aber weniger eine Bereicherung des Marktes als die Folge des Rückzugs internationaler Firmen. Die Sanktionen des Westens werfen ihre grossen Schatten – ihre Folgen spüren die Russinnen und Russen jeden Tag.

Noch sind die McDonald's-Logos in Moskau zu sehen. | Evgenia Novozhenina / Reuters

In Russland hat eine neue Phase der kriegsbedingten wirtschaftlichen Umwälzungen in der Unternehmenswelt begonnen. Direkt nach dem Beginn des Krieges hatten internationale Unternehmen Schlag auf Schlag bekanntgegeben, Russland verlassen zu wollen, und ihre Operationen in dem Land oftmals zeitweilig sistiert. Nun vergeht kaum ein Tag, an dem nicht über neue Eigentümer von Firmen berichtet wird, die zuvor Teil weltumspannender Marken und Konzerne waren. » | Markus Ackeret, Moskau | Sonntag, 29. Mai 2022

Protester Throws Pastry at the Mona Lisa

The protester faked a disability to get close to the painting before throwing a pastry at it, smearing cream on its glass case. The painting was not damaged.

« La Joconde » entartée, le Louvre porte plainte : L’homme, âgé de 36 ans, a été admis à l’infirmerie psychiatrique de la préfecture de police et une enquête a été ouverte pour « tentative de dégradation d’un bien culturel ». »

Nancy Pelosi's Husband Busted for Alleged DUI after Crashing in Napa

May 30, 2022 • Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was arrested for alleged drunk driving after getting into a crash with another driver in Napa, the California Highway Patrol said, No one was hurt in the crash and Pelosi was booked into jail on two misdemeanor charges, the CHP said.

Queen Elizabeth Is a 'Beacon of Hope,' Says King of Jordan - BBC News

May 30, 2022 • The King of Jordan has described the Queen as "a beacon of light and hope."

In a BBC interview to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, King Abdullah II spoke of her dedication to the monarchy and high standards in public life.

The monarch congratulated the Queen, whom he described as a life-long family friend, on 70 years on the throne saying:

"Our heart is always going to have a very big and warm place for Her Majesty, The Queen."

Platinum Jubilee: The Queen has sought to be nation's comforter-in-chief: As the UK celebrates her 70 years on the throne, Queen Elizabeth II has become the keystone in the nation's architecture, a solid and immovable piece holding the country's image of itself in place. »

Dimitra’s Dishes : Roasted Peppers Stuffed with Feta & Olives

Get the recipe here.

Negative Views of Russia Mainly Limited to Western Liberal Democracies, Poll Shows

THE GUARDIAN: Annual global survey of attitudes to democracy finds many countries maintain positive views of Russia

In Asia, a majority of people were against cutting economic ties with Russia over Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Photograph: Mikhail Metzel/Sputnik/Kremlin pool/EPA

The sharp polarisation between mainly western liberal democracies and the rest of the world in perceptions of Russia has been laid bare in an annual global poll of attitudes towards democracy.

Within Europe, 55% of those surveyed for the Alliance for Democracies said they were in favour of cutting economic ties with Russia due to Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, whereas in Asia there was a majority against, and in Latin America opinion was evenly split.

Negative views of Russia are largely confined to Europe and other liberal democracies. Positive views of Russia have been retained in China, Indonesia, Egypt, Vietnam, Algeria, Morocco, Malaysia, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Monday, May 30, 2022

Ukraine war: Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov denies Putin illness: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has denied speculation that President Vladimir Putin is ill. »

Pastor Who Wants Death Penalty for Gays Rails against Pride Month

“I don’t understand why we celebrate what used to be a crime not long ago,” Jonathan Shelley said at an Arlington City Council meeting in Texas.

ADVOCATE: A minister who preaches that homosexuality merits the death penalty railed against Pride Month at the Arlington City Council meeting in Texas this week, saying the Bible teaches “we should hate pride, not celebrate it.”

“God’s already ruled that murder, adultery, witchcraft, rape, bestiality, and homosexuality are crimes worthy of capital punishment,” Jonathan Shelley, pastor of Stedfast Baptist Church in Fort Worth, said at the council meeting Tuesday.

The council was taking public comments on whether to proclaim June as Pride Month. It has issued such proclamations for the past several years, TV station KERA reports. Arlington is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area, and Shelley said he has church members from Arlington and does business there.

“I don’t understand why we celebrate what used to be a crime not long ago,” Shelley said at the meeting, in an appearance captured on video and shared on social media. He cited passages in the Bible condemning gay sex and noted that the Texas antisodomy law is still on the books, although the Supreme Court’s 2003 decision in Lawrence v. Texas has made it unenforceable.”

He claimed that by celebrating Pride, the city is promoting “disease and AIDS,” and he falsely claimed that LGBTQ+ people are child molesters. “They say that they love so much, but they hate children,” he said. “They hate Baptists, they hate Christianity, and they hate God.”

He called on the city to eliminate its LGBTQ+ liaison and recommended that everyone in attendance watch a film he directed, The Sodomite Deception, “which would clearly illustrate what the Bible says on this issue, providing actual stats instead of bullying people.” » | Trudy Ring | Friday, May 27, 2022

Chase Strangio: Alabama Ban on Trans Youth Healthcare Is Part of Wider GOP Attack on Bodily Autonomy

May 30, 2022 • Alabama has become the first U.S. state to make it a felony to provide gender-affirming medical care to trans youth. The Alabama law is the latest in a series of escalating conservative attacks on LGBTQ people in the United States. "This is all happening in the same context that we're seeing the criminalization of abortion care, that we're continuing to see the massive suppression of votes across the country," says ACLU attorney Chase Strangio, deputy director for trans justice with the organization's LGBTQ & HIV Project. "All of these things are interconnected and creating chaos and fear among individuals, families and communities."

Donald Trump ridiculed for saying teachers shouldn’t ‘teach transgender’ to kids: Former US president Donald Trump – clearly with nothing better to do – has once again attacked trans people at a hate-filled rally. »

The Science & Process of Healing from Grief | Huberman Lab Podcast #74

May 30, 2022 • This episode, I discuss grief and the challenges of processing losses of different kinds. I explain the biological mechanisms of grief, including how neural circuits for emotional and factual memory combine with those for love and attachment, to create feelings of absence and yearning. I discuss how grief is distinct from depression, yet why they can feel so similar. I also provide science-based tools to assist with the grieving process, including how to reframe and remap the relationship with those we have lost while still maintaining a strong emotional connection to them. I also explain the importance of having and building strong foundational psychological and biological states so that we can better cope with grief when it happens. Finally, I describe tools to adjust those states, including those for accessing sleep, managing stress and emotional swings. This episode is for those suffering from grief but also for everyone, given that we all experience grief at some point in our lives.

We recorded this episode before the recent mass shooting tragedies in the United States. While we hope the information in this episode will be of use to anyone suffering from grief of any kind and at any time, we are also careful to acknowledge that many people require additional support and resources. For that reason, we include mention of such resources and we generally hope people will access them if needed.

"Policing the Womb": Law Professor Michele Goodwin on SCOTUS, Anti-Abortion Laws & the New Jane Crow

May 30, 2022 • As the Supreme Court appears poised to strike down Roe v. Wade, we speak with law professor Michele Goodwin, author of "Policing the Womb: Invisible Women and the Criminalization of Motherhood." She describes how the U.S. has historically endangered and denied essential health services to Black and Brown women, and calls new abortion restrictions "the new Jane Crow," warning that they will further criminalize reproductive health and encourage medical professionals to breach their patients' confidentiality and report self-administered abortions to law enforcement.

I Was Raped by My Father. An Abortion Saved My Life. »

This Age of Inflation Reveals the Sickness Ailing Britain’s Economy: Rentier Capitalism

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: Ever since Thatcher’s monetarist medicine, profits have become all-but guaranteed for wealthy elites – and society has suffered

Inflation in the UK has hit its highest level in 40 years, particularly thanks to the dramatic rise in energy and food prices. This fact has provoked panic among some commentators and policymakers that Britain is about to relive the inflationary turbulence of the 1970s, and has prompted Rishi Sunak to announce a last-minute £15bn “cost of living package” partly funded by a one-off tax on energy companies. Andrew Bailey, the governor of the Bank of England, has already been the subject of outrage for suggesting that workers should show “restraint” in their pay demands, to prevent an upward spiral in wages and prices as seen in the 1970s. Right now, with inflation at 9% and employers expecting to increase pay this year by just 3%, Bailey should be able to relax on that front.

Inflation aside, the differences between Britain’s economy of 2022 and that of 40 years ago are stark. In 1982, unemployment hit a postwar record, at more than 3 million, as manufacturing employment plummeted. Today, Boris Johnson boasts of record low unemployment. Trade union coverage was still over 50% in 1982; today, it’s less than half that, and almost half of that again in the private sector. The inability of most workers to negotiate collectively for wage increases is one of the principal reasons why Bailey sounded so out of touch, and why comparisons with the 1970s miss the mark. » | William Davies | Monday, May 30, 2022

Jim Acosta Challenges NRA Board Member

May 30, 2022 • CNN's Jim Acosta presses Judge Phillip Journey, an NRA board member, on gun laws and the organization's priorities following the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Variole du singe : seize cas « confirmés » en France

LE MONDE : Sur ces seize cas, douze ont été rapportés en Ile-de-France, un en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, deux en Occitanie et un en Normandie, selon Santé publique France.

La France comptait, samedi 28 mai, seize cas « confirmés » d’infection au virus de la variole du singe, selon les chiffres rapportés, dimanche, par Santé publique France. D’après l’agence nationale de santé publique, sur ces seize cas, douze ont été rapportés en Ile-de-France, un en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, deux en Occitanie et un en Normandie. » | Le Monde avec AFP | dimanche 29 mai 2022

Affenpocken: 71 weitere Fälle in Grossbritannien: Aus rund einem Dutzend Ländern ausserhalb Afrikas sind bisher mehr als 300 Fälle von Affenpocken bei Menschen gemeldet worden, auch aus der Schweiz und Deutschland. Die wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten und die neuesten Entwicklungen. »

Still Loyal to Putin

Apr 18, 2022 • Donald Trump: Still weak. Still compromised. Still loyal to Putin.

Royal Couples – The Next Generation I Documentary

May 29, 2022 • Across Europe, dynamic young couples are renewing monarchies to keep them relevant to the modern world. Although Charles and Camilla are next in line, William and Kate, the #Duke and #Duchess of Cambridge, already seem ready to take the throne. In 🇪🇸 Spain, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia want to get closer to the people, as do the 🇸🇪 Swedish royal couple Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel. Through the portraits of three emblematic royal couples, this #documentary traces the evolution of the monarchy in modern times and strategies monarchies deploy to survive.

Michael Bolton : Drift Away

Provided to YouTube by Columbia | Views on YouTube: 3,417,007

Hagebuttenmarmelade nach ARTE Art | Karambolage | ARTE

Oct 29, 2021 • Wir eröffnen in Karambolage eine neue Rubrik: typische deutsche und französische Rezepte, zum Mitkochen! Den Anfang macht Maija-Lene Rettig mit der Hagebuttenmarmelade. Autorin & Regie: Maija-Lene Rettig | Verfügbar bis zum 13/11/2050

Skin in the Game

Boris Johnson will Maßeinheiten Pfund und Unze zurückbringen

Rede zum Thronjubliläum: Boris Johnson am 26. Mai im Parlament in London | Bild: AFP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der britische Premierminister Johnson will eine weitere Begleiterscheinung der EU-Mitgliedschaft rückgängig machen – und die alten Maßeinheiten Pfund, Yard und Unze wiederbeleben.

Der britische Premier Boris Johnson will die Freiheiten seines Landes nach dem Brexit nutzen, um imperialistischen Maßeinheiten wie der Unze neue Bedeutung zu geben. Pünktlich zum Thronjubiläum der Queen am kommenden Wochenende wolle Johnson einen öffentlichen Beratungsprozess dazu beginnen, wie die Einheiten wie Pfund, Unze oder Yard künftig wieder genutzt werden könnten, berichteten mehrere britische Medien am Sonntag. » | Quelle: dpa | Sonntag, 29. Mai 2022

What law actually says on Imperial measurements - what will Boris Johnson really change?: Boris Johnson will announce a Queen's Platinum Jubilee bid to give traders the choice between metric and imperial units - after two decades of EU law. He'll also 'bring back' the Crown stamp on pints. We look at how much of the patriotic bluster is true »

Johnson will Masseinheiten Pfund und Unze zurückbringen: Der britische Premier Boris Johnson will die Freiheiten seines Landes nach dem Brexit nutzen, um imperialen Masseinheiten wie der Unze neue Bedeutung zu geben. Pünktlich zum Thronjubiläum der Queen am kommenden Wochenende wolle Johnson einen öffentlichen Beratungsprozess dazu beginnen, wie die Einheiten wie Pfund, Unze oder Yard künftig wieder genutzt werden könnten, berichteten mehrere britische Medien am Sonntag. »

'Falling Flat': Acosta Breaks Down GOP Lawmaker's Pro-gun Talking Points

May 28, 2022 • CNN's Jim Acosta breaks down the pro-gun talking points from some GOP members and examines the potential reasons the US leads in number of mass shootings compared to other countries.

Das Baguette in den Kaffee tunken | Karambolage | ARTE

Oct 27, 2020 • Nikola Obermann versteht gar nicht, warum die Franzosen das Baguette in den Kaffee tunken. Autorin: Nikola Obermann Regie: Marion Auvin | Auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 26/09/2049

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Gravitas Plus: Gun Terror in America

336 people have died of gun terror in US so far in 2021, 521 people died in 2020, 1620 died in the last 4 years. Had this been in any other country, US would have cried human rights violation, genocide. Why is it silent on “terrorism” at home? WION’s Palki Sharma tells you.

Abortion in Europe | DW Documentary

May 6, 2022 • In Europe, the right to abortion is not universal. Poland is the scene of vociferous protests against some of the continent’s strictest abortion laws. Further south, in Italy, some doctors refuse to terminate pregnancies - even in medical emergencies.

Valentina should still be alive, Salvatore Milluzzo is sure of that. His daughter died in 2016. Pregnant with twins, she was taken to a hospital where doctors refused her an abortion for idealogical reasons, despite the acute danger to her life. This resulted in the deaths of both the unborn babies and the 32-year-old mother. Many women wishing to have an abortion in Italy meet resistance: 70 per cent of doctors there refuse to participate in surgery to terminate a pregnancy, even if the law permits it.

Poland has effectively moved to ban all abortions. For months now, Marta Lampert has been organizing protests against the government and the ultra-conservative Christian lobbyist organization Ordo Iuris. She rejects the paternalism of the church: "Our movement is the reaction to a patriarchal culture, to a patriarchal, fundamentalist state that treats women especially badly.”

In Spain too, Christian fundamentalists are trying to torpedo the statutory right of pregnant women to have an abortion. There are frequent reports of expectant mothers being deliberately deceived about the health of their embryo in a bid to "force” them into giving birth to a severely disabled child.

In Germany too, women seeking an abortion still face considerable hurdles, particularly in rural regions. In the Catholic city of Münster, few doctors are willing to carry out the procedure. Gynecologist Kristina Hänel runs a practice in Gießen. For years, she’s been embroiled in a high-profile legal battle. Anti-abortionists and public prosecutors say her website is breaking the law. At issue is a controversial paragraph of the criminal code prohibiting doctors from advertising their abortion services.

The pro-choice lobby is heartened by the new coalition government’s plan to scrap the offending "paragraph 219.” But this change in the law won’t necessarily make it easier for doctors to inform patients about abortions, let alone carry them out. After all, fanatical anti-abortionist voices are unlikely to be silenced. Consequently, many doctors simply decide not to offer the service at all.

NRA Delegates Reject Calls for Stricter Gun Controls as Trump Speaks at Convention

May 28, 2022 • You cannot outlaw tragedy - but we can make America safer. That's what President Biden declared today - promising to take the necessary action to protect lives in the wake of Tuesday's school shooting in Texas.

Just across the state, to the echo of protests outside - America's National Rifle Association is holding its annual convention - with delegates rejecting calls for stricter gun control measures.

Related article here.

Related video here.

America’s Gun Problem: More guns in the U.S. mean more deaths. »

Obesity and Corporate Greed | DW Documentary

May 26, 2022 • Doctors predict that by 2030, half of the world's population will be overweight or obese. An epidemic of obesity is causing a rapid rise in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. It's becoming the biggest health challenge worldwide.

Why has no country managed to stop this epidemic? The food industry and government authorities say it's due to a lack of individual self-discipline. Is this true? Or is it the result of collective failure -- a symptom of a liberal society that abhors obesity, yet produces people who are overweight. Is society itself to blame for this situation?

Around the world, politicians, priests, doctors, and average people are standing up to multinational food corporations. They want to take back control of their nutrition and their bodies -- and they're using the law, scientific evidence, and political activism to correct the claim that people who are obese have only themselves to blame. These critics focus on sugary drinks that can be as addictive as some hard drugs; misleading advertising directed at children and low-income people; governments that turn a blind eye to junk-food companies; and lobbying that pushes the limits of legality.

These people say that a "hostile takeover" of our food has been underway for four decades, and they're demanding new legislation to put a stop to it. This documentary investigates how Chile is leading the way in this struggle. Which country will be the next to confront the big food corporations in the name of public health?

School Shooting Strengthens Case for Guns, Donald Trump Tells NRA

THE GUARDIAN: Speaking at the gun lobby’s convention, the former US president repeated his call to arm teachers

Trump denied guns are the problem and instead called for more school safety. Photograph: Aaron M Sprecher/EPA

Donald Trump has said the recent US school shooting is a reason to arm law-abiding citizens, not disarm them.

The former US president was a guest speaker at the National Rifle Association (NRA), which held its annual convention in Houston on Friday.

The event was held three days after 19 children and two adults were shot dead at a school in Uvalde and put in stark relief America’s deep divisions on gun control.

As demonstrations swelled in Houston, attenders inside the convention – including Trump – continued to deny that guns were the problem and put the emphasis on school safety and mental health. » | Guardian staff and agency | Saturday, May 28, 2022

'Give Me a Break': Acosta Reacts to Trump's NRA Speech

May 28, 2022 • CNN's Jim Acosta and former Ohio Republican Gov. John Kasich react to former President Donald Trump's speech at the annual NRA convention in Houston just days after a mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.

Hitler privat: Der Führer (1) | SPIEGEL TV

May 28, 2022 • Der Obersalzberg war nach der Machtübernahme ein beliebter Rückzugsraum für Adolf Hitler. Hier machte Eva Braun auch seltene private Aufnahmen vom "Führer".

WIKIPEDIA: Winifred Wagner [D]. / Winifred Wagner [E}.

Hitler's Welsh girlfriend revealed »