Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Brigitte Bardot ne veut pas être vaccinée contre le Covid

Brigitte Bardot assure être en bonne santé pour une octogénaire et dit ne pas craindre la mort. ERIC FEFERBERG / AFP

LE FIGARO : L'actrice Brigitte a révélé mercredi 5 janvier au magazine Gala ne pas vouloir être vaccinée contre le Covid-19, se disant «allergique à tous les produits chimiques».

Parce qu'elle se dit «allergique à tous les produits chimiques», Brigitte Bardot a révélé ne pas vouloir être vaccinée contre le Covid-19, [sic]

«Je suis allergique à tous les produits chimiques»

Interrogée par l'hebdomadaire Gala pour savoir si elle était vaccinée, l'actrice, qui vit retirée dans sa villa en bord de Méditerranée à Saint-Tropez, a répondu: «Ah non! Je suis allergique à tous les produits chimiques». «Même quand j'ai voyagé en Afrique, j'ai refusé de le faire contre la fièvre jaune. Mon médecin de l'époque m'avait rédigé un faux certificat. Je suis partie et revenue en pleine forme !», a-t-elle ajouté. Elle n'a pas précisé à quelle date. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | mercredi 5 janvier 2022

Cigarette électronique : les médecins ne doivent pas conseiller le vapotage pour se sevrer du tabac, selon le HCSP

LE MONDE : Selon le Haut Conseil de la santé publique, « les bénéfices potentiels et les risques » de l’utilisation de cigarettes électroniques « ne sont pas établis à ce jour ».

Selon le Haut Conseil de la santé publique, « les connaissances fondées sur les preuves sont insuffisantes pour proposer [les cigarettes électroniques] comme aides au sevrage tabagique ». DANIEL BECERRIL / REUTERS

La cigarette électronique ne doit pas être proposée comme outil de sevrage du tabac par les professionnels de santé, faute de recul sur ses bénéfices et ses risques, estime le Haut Conseil de la santé publique (HCSP), dans un avis publié mardi 4 janvier.

« Les professionnels de santé qui accompagnent un fumeur dans une démarche de sevrage tabagique se doivent d’utiliser des traitements médicamenteux ou non ayant prouvé leur efficacité », comme les patchs ou les gommes à la nicotine, juge le HCSP.

Selon cet organisme consultatif, « les connaissances fondées sur les preuves sont insuffisantes pour proposer [les cigarettes électroniques] comme aides au sevrage tabagique dans la prise en charge des fumeurs par les professionnels de santé ». « Les bénéfices potentiels et les risques de l’utilisation à moyen ou à long terme de cigarettes électroniques avec ou sans nicotine, ne sont pas établis à ce jour », poursuit le HCSP, qui souhaite que des études soient conduites sur le sujet. » | Le Monde avec AFP | mercredi 5 janvier 2022


Vapoter est-il sans danger ? Questions sur une « mystérieuse épidémie » »

Churchill vs Roosevelt: The WWII Power Struggle | Warlords | Timeline

Oct 19, 2017 • An examination of the mental battles waged between 20th-century leaders Winston Churchill and Franklin D Roosevelt during the first two years of their relationship. A duel of false promises, evasion and delusion ensued, which was far removed from the more familiar image of friendship and loyalty. World War II was not only a military conflict. It was also a series of private psychological battles waged by the four great leaders: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. In these mental duels, the 'warlords' lied, schemed, charmed, flattered and cheated to win.


Timeline on Facebook.

Timeline on Instagram.

Simon & Garfunkel : The Sound Of Silence | Remastered

Prince Andrew's Most Controversial Scandals (His Spending & Epstein) | Fergie & Andrew | Channel 5

Dec 1, 2020 • Prince Andrew has many controversial scandals reported about him. The most notorious of these is his friendship with Jeffery Epstein.

The Fall of Elizabeth Holmes: How Silicon Valley's Trial of the Century Unfolded

Jan 5, 2022 • Elizabeth Holmes, founder of the collapsed blood testing company Theranos, is facing decades in prison after being found guilty of conspiring to defraud her investors out of billions. The Guardian’s Rupert Neate explains how she went from "the next Steve Jobs" to convicted fraudster

Winter Storms Engulf US States - BBC News

Jan 4, 2022 • Heavy snowfall across the US has grounded flights, shut government and school buildings and left hundreds of thousands of people without power.

Washington, Tennessee, Virginia and Alabama have seen the most disruption, with a foot of snow falling in northern Virginia and similar levels in the other three states.

Lebanon Enters the New Year in a Deepening Crisis - BBC News

Jan 2, 2022 • Lebanon has begun 2022 in a state of paralysis, with the cabinet having not met for two months, the value of currency plummeting, and the investigation into the deadly Beirut port blast in 2020 has stalled.

Elections are due this year but political arguments over the dates have led to fears they may not happen at all.

Gewürzmühle Rosenheim: Von Fichtennadeln bis Schokoladenpfeffer | Wir in Bayern | BR

Zum Video: In der Gewürzmühle Rosenheim dreht sich seit 1957 alles um erlesene Gewürze und perfekte Mischungen. Die Gewürzmüller Simon Mendel und Jacqueline Bohleber zeigen die Vielfalt des Pfeffers und sie erklären vieles mehr. Autorin: Kerstin Kirbach

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 5, 2022

Judge Deals Blow to Prince Andrew’s Hopes of Dismissing Virginia Giuffre Sex Claim

The Duke of York, who vehemently denies the allegations, is attempting to have the lawsuit thrown out | NEIL HALL/PA

THE TIMES: The Duke of York’s hopes of stopping a sexual assault lawsuit filed by Virginia Roberts Giuffre appeared to diminish as a judge in New York questioned his lawyer’s arguments that an earlier settlement shielded him from being sued.

Andrew Brettler, the duke’s lawyer, argued that an agreement Giuffre signed with the American child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein in 2009 to settle a $500,000 suit, protecting “other potential defendants” from further legal action, included Prince Andrew. However, Judge Lewis Kaplan said that the definition of “potential defendants” was unclear and pointed to two sentences in the agreement that seemed to suggest it could not be used by Andrew. » | Will Pavia, New York | Valentine Low | Wednesday, January 5, 2022 [£]

Pope Calls Couples Who Choose Pets over Having Children ‘Selfish’

THE GUARDIAN: Pontiff says denial of fatherhood and motherhood diminishes people and takes away their humanity

Pope Francis risked the ire of the world’s childless dog and cat owners by suggesting people who substitute pets for children exhibit “a certain selfishness”.

Speaking on parenthood during a general audience at the Vatican, the pontiff lamented that pets “sometimes take the place of children” in society.

“Today … we see a form of selfishness. We see that some people do not want to have a child,” he said. “Sometimes they have one and that’s it, but they have dogs and cats that take the place of children. This may make people laugh but it is a reality.”

The practice, said the head of the world’s 1.3 billion Catholics, “is a denial of fatherhood and motherhood and diminishes us, takes away our humanity”.

Thus, “civilisation grows old without humanity because we lose the richness of fatherhood and motherhood, and it is the country that suffers”, the pontiff said at the Paul VI Hall. » | Agence France-Presse in Vatican City | Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Former Peer Nazir Ahmed Found Guilty of Serious Sexual Assault

THE GUARDIAN: Ahmed found guilty of two counts of attempted rape and one of buggery when he was a teenager in 1970s

The former peer Nazir Ahmed has been found guilty of serious sexual assault against a young boy and the attempted rape of a girl when he was a teenager in the 1970s.

Ahmed, 64, was found guilty on Wednesday of buggery against a boy in Rotherham, and twice attempting to rape a girl.

Buggery was the legal term for the specific sexual assault at the time of the offences.

The former Lord Ahmed of Rotherham was charged alongside his two older brothers, Mohammed Farouq, 71, and Mohammed Tariq, 65, but both were deemed unfit to stand trial. » | Maya Wolfe-Robinson | Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Ein Jahr nach dem Sturm aufs Capitol: Trumps Putschversuch ist gescheitert und war doch erfolgreich


NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Der Aufstand am 6. Januar war keine echte Gefahr für die amerikanische Demokratie. Diese war vielmehr in den Wochen zuvor attackiert worden – aus dem Weissen Haus und durch willige Helfer in höchsten Ämtern.

Es sind mittlerweile berühmte Bilder, die vor einem Jahr aus Washington um die Welt gingen. Eine gewaltbereite Horde entert buchstäblich mit wehenden Fahnen das Capitol, klettert über die Fassade, schlägt Türen und Fenster ein, um die Beglaubigung der Wahl Joe Bidens zum Präsidenten im letzten Moment noch zu verhindern. Die Krawallanten wüten in den heiligsten Hallen der amerikanischen Demokratie, die Symbolkraft hätte kaum grösser sein können. Das tief gespaltene Amerika war für einen Moment vereint im Entsetzen. «Das ging zu weit und ist ausser Kontrolle geraten», schrieb selbst Donald Trumps ältester Sohn an den damaligen Stabschef seines Vaters, Mark Meadows. » | Meret Baumann | Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2022

The Guardian View on Britain and France: The Very Worst of Rivals

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: Despite Brexit, a shared history and geography means Paris and London will have to find a way to work together

‘The French president, Emmanuel Macron, has been quoted describing Boris Johnson as “a clown”’. Photograph: Alastair Grant/PA

At the core of Boris Johnson’s Brexit is a conflict between ideology and geography. The purpose of the project is divergence – a competitive leap away from Europe into other markets. But that impulse to move is thwarted by the permanence of Britain’s location. No matter how much sovereignty the Eurosceptics claim over national regulation, governing a medium-sized power 30 miles from the coast of France will always require some accommodation with the interests of neighbouring states.

EU membership was not the only possible way to manage those relationships, but it worked better than anything that had been tried in the preceding centuries, and nothing has been arranged to replace it. The Brexit withdrawal deal offers only a technical framework for economic partnership, and even that is unstable, as is clear from the ongoing negotiations over customs checks for Northern Ireland and operating licences for French fishers in UK waters. » | Editorial | Monday, January 3, 2022

«Indigne», «sidérant», «vulgaire» : la sortie d'Emmanuel Macron sur les non-vaccinés enflamme la classe politique

La classe politique s'indigne depuis hier soir de la sortie d'Emmanuel Macron sur les non-vaccinés. AFP / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP / ALAIN JOCARD / AFP / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN

LE FIGARO : Le président de la République a déclaré hier dans une interview au Parisien qu'il avait «très envie d'emmerder» les non-vaccinés «jusqu'au bout».

Une pluie de réactions indignées. En déclarant mardi 4 janvier au soir dans une interview au Parisien qu'il avait «très envie d'emmerder» les non-vaccinés «jusqu'au bout» , Emmanuel Macron a provoqué un véritable tollé dans la classe politique. Hier soir, les débats à l'Assemblée nationale sur le projet de loi voulant instaurer le passe vaccinal ont tourné court, suspendus après les propos tenus par le président de la République.

Au cours de cette séance houleuse interrompue dans la nuit, les parlementaires de tous bords ont fustigé les déclarations du chef de l'État. Le patron des députés LR, Damien Abad, a regretté des propos «indignes, irresponsables et prémédités» qui relèvent d'un «cynisme puéril». Ugo Bernalicis, député LFI, a estimé que la France était désormais dans une «crise politique déclenchée par le monarque présidentiel, qui se permet d'insulter une partie des Français». «Un président ne peut pas tenir les propos qui ont été tenus», a quant à lui lancé Christian Jacob, président des Républicains. «Je ne peux pas cautionner un texte qui vise à emmerder les Français», a-t-il ajouté. » | Par Wally Bordas | mercredi 5 janvier 2022

Europe, vaccination, présidentielle… Emmanuel Macron se livre à nos lecteurs : EXCLUSIF. Le président de la République a répondu pendant un peu plus de deux heures aux questions de sept lecteurs du Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France. Des anti-vaccins au discours de l’extrême droite, en passant par l’écologie et la sécurité, il n’a éludé aucun sujet. »

Macron declares his Covid strategy is to ‘piss off’ the unvaccinated: French president stokes divisions as parliament debates tighter requirements for mandatory health pass »

Impfgegner sind für Macron keine Bürger mehr: In einem Zeitungsgespräch platzt dem französischen Präsidenten der Kragen. Er wettert gegen Impfgegner und will sie vom Sozialleben ausschließen. Rechte, Konservative, Linke, Grüne und Kommunisten – sie alle sind empört. »

Warum Erdoğan sich Saudi-Arabien wieder annähert

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Erst Ägypten, dann die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, nun Saudi-Arabien: Die Türkei will ihre Beziehungen mit der arabischen Welt verbessern. Dahinter stecken auch wirtschaftliche Interessen.

Eine Überraschung war es nicht mehr, als der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan während einer Veranstaltung des Verbands der türkischen Exporteure ankündigte, er werde im nächsten Monat Saudi-Arabien besuchen. „Er wartet auf mich im Februar, er hat es versprochen“, sagte Erdoğan. Alle verstanden, dass Erdoğan Kronprinz Muhammad Bin Salman, den starken Mann des Königreichs, gemeint hatte.

Seit Monaten arbeiten Ankara und Riad an der Normalisierung ihrer Beziehungen, die mit der Ermordung des saudischen Dissidenten Jamal Khashoggi am 2. Oktober 2018 im saudischen Generalkonsulat in Istanbul auf einen Tiefpunkt gefallen waren. An jenem Morgen waren 15 Saudis auf dem Istanbuler Flughafen eingetroffen. In einem Koffer hatte sich, wie die Auswertung der Aufnahmen im Flughafen ergaben, eine Knochensäge befunden, mit der Khashoggis Leichnam mutmaßlich zerstückelt wurde. » | Von Rainer Hermann, Redakteur in der Politik | Dienstag, 4. Januar 2022

Elizabeth Holmes: Theranos Founder Guilty of Fraud

Jan 4, 2022 • She was once feted as the world's youngest female self made billionaire who promised that her blood testing start-up would transform the future of healthcare but now Elizabeth Holmes has been found guilty of four counts of fraud - in a case which came to symbolise Silicon Valley's ethos of hype and corporate greed.


De la gloire à la prison, la chute d'une icône de la Silicon Valley : RÉCIT - Reconnue coupable d'avoir menti sur la technologie de Theranos, Elizabeth Holmes risque vingt ans de réclusion. »

Der tiefe Fall eines einstigen Silicon-Valley-Stars: Elisabeth Holmes wollte mit Theranos Bluttests revolutionieren – und schaffte es als jüngste Selfmade-Milliardärin sogar auf das Cover von Forbes. Dann folgte der tiefe Sturz des einst gefeierten Stars aus dem Silicon Valley. »

Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Lionel Richie : Do It To Me

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views on YouTube: 5,506,476

Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey : When You Believe | Official HD Video

May 10, 2014 • "When You Believe" by Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey from The Prince of Egypt | Views on YouTube: 359,125,053

Taliban wollen Schaufensterpuppen köpfen

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Ein Vertreter des Ministeriums zur Erhaltung der Tugend bezeichnet die Puppen als Götzenbilder, die verschwinden müssten. Kritik kommt aus der Handelskammer in Herat.

In Afghanistan haben die regierenden islamistischen Taliban abermals strenge Vorschriften verhängt und nun Modegeschäfte im Westen des Landes aufgefordert, Schaufensterpuppen zu köpfen. Diese seien Götzenbilder und somit unislamisch, sagte Asisul Rahman, ein Provinzvertreter des neu geschaffenen Ministeriums zur Erhaltung der Tugend, der Deutschen Presse-Agentur am Dienstag. „Sie müssen beseitigt werden“, erklärte Rahman. Zunächst solle es jedoch genügen, dass die Schaufensterpuppen enthauptet werden. » | Quelle: dpa | Dienstag, 4. Januar 2022

Prince Andrew’s Uncertain Legal Fate Casts Shadow on Britain’s Royals

THE NEW YORK TIMES: As Queen Elizabeth II prepares to mark 70 years on the throne this year, a sexual abuse case in a Manhattan court involving her son could mean more turmoil for the royal family.

LONDON — Queen Elizabeth II will mark 70 years on the throne in February, a milestone unmatched by any British sovereign and a chance to turn the page on three years of ceaseless turmoil in the royal family. But a sexual-abuse lawsuit unfolding in a Manhattan courtroom could yet spoil her celebration.

On Tuesday, lawyers for the queen’s second son, Prince Andrew, asked a federal judge to throw out a lawsuit by Virginia Roberts Giuffre, in which she claims that Andrew, a friend of the late financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, raped her when she was 17.

It was the latest in a skein of legal maneuvers by the prince’s lawyers to defuse Ms. Giuffre’s case. While the judge, Lewis A. Kaplan, did not immediately rule on the motion, leaving Andrew’s legal fate unsettled for now, the hearing dramatized the shadow that the 61-year-old prince still casts over his family.

If the judge allows the case to go forward, Andrew could face damaging testimony from Ms. Giuffre about his alleged abuse of her at Mr. Epstein’s residences in New York and in the Caribbean. That would plunge the House of Windsor back into scandal at the very moment it hopes to use the Platinum Jubilee to remind Britons of the queen’s extraordinary longevity and largely blemish-free record of service.

The 70-minute hearing gave a glimpse into the kinds of issues that could spill out in a prolonged trial. At one point, Prince Andrew’s lead lawyer, Andrew B. Brettler, argued that Ms. Giuffre had not been specific in her allegations against him. Judge Kaplan replied that she claimed she had been subjected to “involuntary sexual intercourse” and asked what was not clear about that. » | Mark Landler | Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Un an après l’assaut du Capitole, Donald Trump veut croire à son retour

Donald Trump (ici, en janvier 2021) entend se positionner en arbitre au sein de son camp en accordant ou non son soutien aux élus républicains. MANDEL NGAN/AFP

LE FIGARO : ANALYSE - Loin d’être un exil, son palais de Palm Beach est devenu le centre de son contre-pouvoir.

Correspondant à Washington

L’émeute du 6 janvier 2021 aurait signifié la fin de n’importe quelle autre carrière politique. Dans les semaines suivantes, même celle de Donald Trump ne semblait pas avoir un grand avenir. À son départ de la Maison-Blanche le 20 janvier, jour de l’investiture de Joe Biden, seule une poignée de fidèles étaient allés le saluer à son décollage vers la Floride. Les principaux responsables républicains n’avaient alors pas de mots assez durs pour condamner ce président qui les avait conduits à la défaite, perdant la Maison-Blanche, la majorité au Sénat et celle à la Chambre des représentants, avant de susciter une émeute qui s’en était pris au symbole de la démocratie américaine.

L’image de l’ancien président était associée avec celles de ses partisans faisant irruption au Capitole en frappant des policiers avec les hampes de drapeaux américains. Le Parti républicain était pressé d’oublier cette journée funeste. Kevin McCarthy, le chef du groupe républicain à la Chambre, avait déclaré ne plus vouloir avoir affaire à Trump. Mitch McConnell, le puissant chef de file des républicains au Sénat, tenait l’ancien président comme «moralement responsable de la journée du 6 janvier. Le 13 février, les sénateurs républicains, à l’exception de sept d’entre eux, avaient néanmoins refusé de condamner Trump après sa deuxième destitution, certains espérant secrètement que l’ancien président se ferait oublier dans sa retraite de Mar-a-Lago, et que ses accusations de fraude s’éloigneraient avec lui. » | Par Adrien Jaulmes | mardi 4 janvier 2022

Réservé aux abonnés

Quel cauchemar ! Allons-nous vraiment être soumis à un autre terme de cet homme incompétent, perturbateur, corrompu et pugnace ? O mon Dieu d'amour et de grâce, s'il te plaît, épargne-nous tous ! – © Mark

Gas Price Hike of More Than 30% Stokes Home Bills Fears for Europe

THE GUARDIAN: Rise comes amid ongoing concern about intentions of Russia as supplies flow east for 15th day in row

European gas prices have risen by more than 30% on Tuesday, adding to mounting concerns about the cost of heating a home, as supplies that usually come into Europe from Siberia continued to flow eastwards for the 15th day in a row.

The Kremlin has repeatedly denied using Russia’s vast gas resources to turn the screw on Europe, after gas coming through the Yamal-Europe pipeline reversed direction three days before Christmas.

Data from the Mallnow metering point on the German-Polish border on Tuesday showed that the eastwards flow of gas has increased, with volumes hitting almost 9.9m kilowatt hours an hour (kWh/h), up from 5.8m previously.

Eastbound volumes via the Yamal-Europe pipeline hit almost 9.9m kWh/h at the Mallnow metering point on the German-Polish border on Tuesday morning, the data showed, up from 5.8m previously. » | Rob Davies | Tuesday, January 4, 2022

WHO Warns of a ‘Tsunami’ of Infections | Coronavirus Latest

Dec 30, 2021 • Surging COVID-19 infections are worrying governments around the globe. France has posted a record number of infections, more 200,000 in a single day. Italy, Ireland and Portugal have also announced record numbers of new cases. Officials say the skyrocketing infection rates are being driven by the highly contagious omicron variant.

While countries are still grappling with rising case numbers, health authorities are also under pressure to reduce the isolation requirements for people infected, or in contact with a positive case. The US recently shortened its quarantine period, and Germany's health minister says he's considering a similar move.

Rachmaninoff: Symphony No. 2 | Antonio Pappano with the Staatskapelle Dresden

Dec 4, 2021 • A frenzy of timbres: Sergei Rachmaninoff's Symphony No. 2 in E minor, Op. 27, performed by the Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden under the baton of Antonio Pappano. The concert took place in the Semperoper Dresden in 2018.

The second symphony by Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873 - 1943) could also be called his "Dresden Symphony" since Rachmaninoff wrote the symphonic work in 1906/07 in Dresden, where his family had spent the winter months for three consecutive years. The premiere of Symphony No. 2 took place again in St. Petersburg in 1908 under the composer's direction and was a great success, which Rachmaninoff was in dire need of, since the premiere of his first symphony in 1897 had been a debacle and had plunged him into depression and a deep creative crisis.

All the more astonishing was the great success he had with his 2nd Symphony. This may be due, on the one hand, to the balance that characterizes the form of each of the four movements. But above all, it is the symphony's tonal colours that give it an incomparable radiance. Through lush orchestration and varied combinations of instrumental groups, the orchestra's tonal possibilities come into their own.

In the past, Rachmaninoff's Symphony No. 2 was often performed in an abridged version. Here, the Staatskapelle Dresden plays it completely authentically – in its unabridged original version and at the location of its creation.

(00:00) Rachmaninoff: Symphony No. 2 in E minor, Op. 27
(00:25) I. Largo - Allegro moderato
(19:23) II. Allegro molto (29:50) III Adagio
(44:19) IV. Allegro vivace
© EuroArts Music International

Prince Andrew to Face Court Hearing in Sexual Misconduct Case l GMA

Jan 4, 2022 • Attorneys for the prince claim unsealed documents should prevent the British royal from being sued by an alleged victim of Jeffrey Epstein.

Hiding behind the loophole of a dead sex trafficker? Stay classy, Andrew »

Phil Collins - A Groovy Kind of Love | Official Music Video

Views on YouTube: 23,118,980

Aus der Reihe tanzen – das wilde Leben der Mitford-Schwestern, Kulturplatz 18.03.2015

Mar 19, 2015 • Die Sendung «Kulturplatz»: Die Schriftstellerin Susanne Kippenberger fragt es sich angesichts der sechs Schwestern der Mitford-Familie, die in Grossbritannien so bekannt sind wie in Deutschland die Familie Mann, nur berüchtigter. Eine wurde Schriftstellerin, eine heiratete den Faschistenführer Englands, eine wurde Hitler-Freundin, eine andere Herzogin von Devonshire. Jessica Mitford aber wurde Kommunistin und Bürgerrechtlerin. Susanne Kippenberger porträtiert diese Nonkonformistin und spricht mit «Kulturplatz» über Verwandtschaft und Wahlverwandschaften.

Related / Verwandt (auf Englisch).

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 4, 2022

Double Defector Who Returned to North Korea ‘Struggled Financially’ in South

THE GUARDIAN: Man’s decision raises questions about treatment of defectors in South Korea with many said to face discrimination

A North Korean defector who made a daring return to his home country at the weekend had reportedly struggled to build a new life in South Korea since his arrival just over a year ago.

The man, who has not been named, crossed the heavily armed demilitarised zone [DMZ] that has divided North and South since the end of the 1950 to 1953 Korean war, on Saturday.

Reports said the defector, who is in his 30s, had been prompted to make the dangerous journey back across the border after struggling to make ends meet in the South.

His decision to return to North Korea has raised questions about how defectors are treated in the South, where many face discrimination in employment, education and housing. » | Justin McCurry in Tokyo and agencies | Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Mahler Symphony No. 5 - Adagietto

Nov 22, 2015 • Myung-Whun Chung NHK Symphony Orchestra

Quit the Cr**! Stop the BS! Give Us Our Full Rights Now! Everywhere! We Are Human Beings, Too! We Are Entitled to Love and Entitled to Be Happy.


Elizabeth Holmes Trial: Jury Finds Theranos Founder Guilty on Four Fraud Counts

THE GUARDIAN: The jury delivered the verdict after announcing they were deadlocked on three of the 11 charges faced by Holmes

Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos, has been found guilty on four of 11 charges of fraud, concluding a high profile trial that captivated Silicon Valley and chronicled the missteps of the now-defunct blood testing startup.

The jury found Holmes guilty of several charges – including conspiracy to defraud investors – following a dramatic day in which jurors said they remained deadlocked on three of the criminal counts she faced.

On Monday, the seventh day of deliberations, the jury told US district judge Edward Davila that it was unable to reach a unanimous verdict on those three charges. In response, Davila encouraged them to deliberate further, but jurors later returned and rendered their final decision.

As the verdict was read, the Theranos founder bowed her head, remained seated and expressed no visible emotion. Her partner, Billy Evans, showed agitation in earlier moments but appeared calm during the verdict reading.

Holmes was found guilty on four charges: one count of conspiracy to defraud investors, and three counts of wire fraud against investors. With video » | Karl Paul | Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Silicon Valley Can’t Escape Elizabeth Holmes: Ms. Holmes, the founder of Theranos, wasn’t a creature of Silicon Valley, or so the refrain went. But her fraud trial showed otherwise. »

Past Convictions for Homosexual Activity to Be Wiped from Records, Patel to Announce

THE GUARDIAN: UK’s disregards and pardons scheme set to be expanded to ‘right wrongs of the past’

Any conviction that was imposed on someone purely due to consensual homosexual activity under now-abolished laws will be included in a scheme aimed at “righting the wrongs of the past”, the UK home secretary is set to announce.

Priti Patel said more people would have convictions for same-sex sexual activity wiped from their records, as she sought to expand the government’s disregards and pardons scheme from a narrow set of laws.

Currently, only nine former offences are included on a specified list that the Home Office said “largely focused on the repealed offences of buggery and gross indecency between men”.

If someone had been convicted of a crime under these now-scrapped laws, they can apply to have it disregarded – wiped from their criminal record and not be required to be disclosed. » | PA Media | Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Monday, January 03, 2022

Apple Becomes First Company to Hit $3 Trillion Market Value

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The iPhone maker’s value tripled since 2018 as its sales continued to soar and it spent hundreds of billions of dollars on its own stock.

Combine Walmart, Disney, Netflix, Nike, Exxon Mobil, Coca-Cola, Comcast, Morgan Stanley, McDonald’s, AT&T, Goldman Sachs, Boeing, IBM and Ford.

Apple is still worth more.

Apple, the computer company that started in a California garage in 1976, is now worth $3 trillion. It became the first publicly traded company to ever reach the figure on Monday, when its stock briefly eclipsed $182.86 a sharebefore closing at $182.01.

Apple’s value is even more remarkable considering how rapid its recent ascent has been. In August 2018, Apple became the first American company ever to be worth $1 trillion, an achievement that took 42 years. It surged past $2 trillion two years later. Its next trillion took just 16 months and 15 days. » | Jack Nicas | Monday, January 3, 2022

Knackt Apple auch bald die 4 Billionen Dollar?: Mit iPhones und anderen Produkten hat der amerikanische Elektronikkonzern innerhalb weniger Jahre seinen Börsenwert auf nun 3 Billionen Dollar vervielfacht. Doch erste Analysten warnen vor einem Ende des langen Laufs. »

Ce baiser respire l'amour !

This kiss exudes love! / Dieser Kuß strahlt Liebe aus!

Merci à sur Pinterest pour cette superbe photo.

President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil Is Hospitalized

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Mr. Bolsonaro, who was stabbed while on the campaign trail in 2018, experienced stomach discomfort during his vacation and was flown back to São Paulo.

RIO DE JANEIRO — President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil was flown to São Paulo on Monday and hospitalized for treatment of a possible stomach obstruction after experiencing discomfort while on vacation in the southern state of Santa Catarina, his office and a hospital said.

He was admitted to Vila Nova Star hospital, where he was undergoing exams under the care of Dr. Antônio Luiz Macedo, the surgeon who treated Mr. Bolsonaro after he was stabbed in 2018 while campaigning for president. Mr. Bolsonaro is in stable condition, the hospital said, adding that five doctors were overseeing his care.

In a post on Twitter, Mr. Bolsonaro said he “started feeling poorly after lunch on Sunday.” After arriving at the hospital at 3 a.m., he wrote, he was administered a nasogastric tube, which can be used to drain fluid from the stomach of a patient with an intestinal obstruction. The president, who included a photo from the hospital in the tweet, said that more exams would be conducted to determine whether surgery was necessary. » | Ernesto Londoño and Flávia Milhorance | Monday, January 3, 2022

Brésil : Jair Bolsonaro hospitalisé d'urgence pour une probable occlusion intestinale : Le président brésilien a subi une demi-douzaine d'opérations de l'abdomen depuis la tentative d'assassinat qui l'a visé en septembre 2018. »

How the E.U. Allowed Hungary to Become an Illiberal Model

THE NEW YORK TIMES: After years of complacency and wishful thinking, Brussels is finally trying to rein in the country’s pugnacious leader, Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary in June. The position he has put the bloc in says much about why it has stumbled in the face of populist challenges. | Bernadett Szabo/Reuters

BRUSSELS — After long indulging him, leaders in the European Union now widely consider Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary an existential threat to a bloc that holds itself up as a model of human rights and the rule of law.

Mr. Orban has spent the past decade steadily building his “illiberal state,” as he proudly calls Hungary, with the help of lavish E.U. funding. Even as his project widened fissures in the bloc, which Hungary joined in 2004, his fellow national leaders mostly looked the other way, committed to staying out of one another’s affairs.

But now Mr. Orban’s defiance and intransigence has had an important, if unintended, effect: serving as a catalyst for an often-sluggish European Union system to act to safeguard the democratic principles that are the foundation of the bloc.

Early this year, the European Court of Justice will issue a landmark decision on whether the union has the authority to make its funds to member states conditional on meeting the bloc’s core values. Doing so would allow Brussels to deny billions of euros to countries that violate those values. » | Steven Erlanger and Benjamin Novak | Monday, January 3, 2022

Orban bekommt Unterstützung von Trump: Ungarns rechtsnationaler Ministerpräsident will im April wiedergewählt werden. Dafür hat er prominente Unterstützung: Donald Trump. In dessen Augen hat Orban einen „wundervollen Job“ gemacht. »

Prince Andrew Accuser Virginia Giuffre’s Legal Deal with Jeffrey Epstein Released

THE GUARDIAN: Unsealing stems from Giuffre’s sexual abuse lawsuit against duke, filed in Manhattan federal court in August

Prince Andrew with Virginia Giuffre and Ghislaine Maxwell. The Duke of York vehemently maintained his innocence against the claims made against him. Photograph: Enterprise News and Pictures

A near-dozen-year-old legal settlement between Virginia Giuffre and Jeffrey Epstein, the late financier and convicted sex offender whom she accused of sexual abuse, was released on Monday. Giuffre received $500,000 in her lawsuit against Epstein, court papers revealed.

The unsealing stemmed from Giuffre’s sexual abuse lawsuit against Prince Andrew, which she filed on 9 August in Manhattan federal court.

Giuffre has long accused Epstein and his sometime girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell – now a convicted sex trafficker, after the conclusion of her New York trial last week – of forcing her into sex with the royal when she was 17.

He vehemently maintains his innocence.

Andrew filed Giuffre’s settlement with Epstein as part of his attempt to dismiss her case, arguing that it shields him. Lawyers for the prince contend the settlement contains provisions that bar Giuffre from taking legal action against many of Epstein’s associates. » | Victoria Bekiempis in New York | Monday, January 3, 2022

Kommt Prinz Andrew ins Schwitzen?: Prinz Andrew muss am Dienstag in Manhattan vor Gericht. Virginia Giuffre wirft dem Royal vor, sie als Minderjährige sexuell missbraucht zu haben. Der Adelige setze in der Vergangenheit bereits auf eine sonderbare Ausrede. »

Seong-Jin Cho | Chopin 4 Ballades | 2017

Jul 11, 2017 • Seong-Jin Cho, first prize winner of the XVII International Chopin Piano Competition (2015), plays Frédéric Chopin's 4 Ballades:

- Ballade no.1 in G minor, op.23
- Ballade no.2 in F major, 38
- Ballade no.3 in A flat major, op.47
- Ballade no.4 in F minor, op.52
LIVE - July 2017 - Flagey, Brussels

Unity Mitford

König der Haute-Cuisine - Auguste Escoffier | Doku HD | Reupload | ARTE

Dec 24, 2021 • Die französische Küche scheint in der Welt der Spitzenköche schon immer maßgebend gewesen zu sein und bleibt ein unerlässlicher Teil jeder Kochausbildung. Dies ist größtenteils einem provenzalischen Koch mit herausragenden Fähigkeiten zu verdanken: Auguste Escoffier (1846 - 1935). Er will nicht einfach nur kochen - was ihn animiert, ist die Kochkunst.

Für die besten Köche der Welt ist Auguste Escoffier (1846-1935) eine Legende, ein Vorbild, ja eine Art Bibel. In Spitzenrestaurants überall auf der Welt ist sein Geist bis heute spürbar. Auguste Escoffier hat sein Leben der Verwirklichung eines sehr französischen Traums geweiht: Er wollte die Kochkunst in den Rang der schönen Künste erheben. Ihre Meisterköche sollten dasselbe Prestige und dieselbe kreative Freiheit wie große Künstler genießen. Als Zeuge tiefgreifender gesellschaftlicher Veränderungen hat Escoffier die Welt der Gastronomie nach und nach reformiert: Auf ihn gehen Neuerungen auf allen Gebieten zurück, wie etwa die sogenannten Küchenbrigaden, eine sehr präzise und sehr hierarchische Arbeitsteilung in Anlehnung an den Taylorismus, die bis heute Anwendung findet. Und er verhalf gesünderen und bekömmlicheren Speisen zum Durchbruch. 1865 versucht Auguste Escoffier sein Glück in Paris und verlässt Nizza, wo er seit seinem 13. Lebensjahr bei seinem Onkel in die Lehre gegangen war. Auf Empfehlung wird er im renommierten Nachtlokal Petit Moulin Rouge eingestellt. Schon bald kann sich der fleißige und talentierte Jungkoch in der Glanzzeit des Zweiten Kaiserreichs zum Chef-Saucier hocharbeiten. Während des Deutsch-Französischen Krieges von 1870-71 leistet Auguste Escoffier seinen Militärdienst als Küchenchef beim französischen Generalstab. Nach Paris zurückgekehrt, avanciert er als 27-Jähriger zum Küchenchef des Petit Moulin Rouge. Durch die Begegnung mit dem reichen Hotelier César Ritz nimmt sein Leben 1882 eine neue Wende: Ritz verpflichtet ihn 1884 als Küchenchef seines Grandhotels in Monte Carlo. Escoffier gilt als „König der Köche“. Bleibenden Ruhm erlangt er durch seinen weltweit übersetzen „Guide Culinaire“ von 1903. Der „Kochkunstführer“ ist eine regelrechte Enzyklopädie, die mit schon fast wissenschaftlicher Präzision alle Rezepte und Grundprinzipien von Escoffiers Art zu Kochen vermittelt. Das Buch wird für nachfolgende Generationen zum Standardwerk der französischen Küche.

Dokumentarfilm von Olivier Julien (F 2019, 91 Min)

Ce documentaire peut être visionné en français ici : Auguste Escoffier, la naissance de la gastronomie moderne, reportage ARTE.

Lira Loses 5% of Value in a Single Day amid Erdoğan's 'Economic War of Independence' | DW News

Jan 3, 2022 • Turkey’s annual inflation rate jumped to more than 36% in December. That's the highest level in almost two decades. The value of the Turkish lira has slumped to record lows, forcing retailers to hike prices sharply. The currency has suffered as a result of a series of central bank rate cuts, forced through by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'.

Top US News & World Headlines — January 3, 2022

Erdoğan treibt viele Türken in die Armut


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die Inflation in der Türkei steigt in wahnwitzige Höhen. Große Teile der Bevölkerung verarmen, weil Präsident Erdoğan an seiner Wirtschafts- und Währungspolitik festhält. Derweil schwindet sein Einfluss.

Aus der Türkei kommen wieder mal Nachrichten, die noch schlechter ausfallen als erwartet: Im Dezember sind die Lebenshaltungskosten kräftig gestiegen und liegen nun 36,1 Prozent höher als vor einem Jahr. Ökonomen hatten im Vorfeld lediglich mit einem Zuwachs um die 30 Prozent gerechnet, was für sich betrachtet auch schon für viele Menschen eine Katastrophe ist. Jetzt kommt es noch härter, denn der Anstieg der Preise um mehr als ein Drittel im Jahresvergleich ist ja nur der Durchschnittswert.

Die Kosten für Nahrungsmittel kletterten nach Angaben des türkischen Statistikamtes zum Jahresende sogar um 44 Prozent, die im Verkehrswesen um 54 Prozent. Das trifft die zunehmend in wenige Reiche und immer mehr Arme geteilte Bevölkerung hart. Strikte Preisvergleiche und Konsumverzicht gehören schon in der dünner werdenden Mittelschicht zum Alltag. Andere müssen sich jetzt noch mehr abmühen, die Wohnung warm und ihre Familie satt zu bekommen. » | Ein Kommentar von Andreas Mihm | Montag, 3. Januar 2022

Poutine veut faire plier l’Otan et l’Europe

Nostalgique de l’ex-URSS, le président Vladimir Poutine (ici en réunion avec son ministre de la défense le 21 décembre 2021) se bat pour rétablir une zone d’influence russe à l’est. SPUTNIK/via REUTERS

LE FIGARO : ANALYSE - En maintenant la pression militaire sur l’Ukraine, le maître du Kremlin rêve de ressusciter l’empire soviétique.

Pour Vladimir Poutine, l’histoire ne passe décidément pas. Depuis qu’il est arrivé au Kremlin en 2000, l’ancien officier du KGB n’a eu de cesse d’en réécrire certains chapitres, notamment ceux qui, après la chute du communisme, avaient entériné la perte d’influence de Moscou sur ses voisins.

Effacer ou vider de leur contenu les indépendances de 1991, rejouer la guerre froide à son avantage: le président russe, qui considère la disparition de l’URSS comme une «catastrophe géopolitique», veut revoir l’ordre international post-soviétique et retrouver son influence sur les anciennes Républiques d’URSS.

Obsédé à l’idée d’une contagion démocratique et libérale venue d’Ukraine qui pourrait menacer son régime, Vladimir Poutine a proposé, le 17 décembre, aux Américains et à l’Otan un nouveau Yalta, qui les chasserait de l’est de l’Europe, redessinerait la carte géopolitique du continent et permettrait à Moscou de reprendre le contrôle, directement ou indirectement, de l’ancien glacis soviétique. … » | Par Isabelle Lasserre | dimanche 2 janvier 2022 ; mis à jour : lundi 3 janvier 2022

Réservé aux abonnés

ITV Journalist Gary Burgess Dies of Cancer Aged 46

THE GUARDIAN: In final message to be released after his death, Jersey-based broadcaster said: ‘I’ve had the best life’

Gary Burgess began working as a reporter at ITV Channel TV in May 2011 in the Guernsey newsroom, before moving to Jersey in March 2012. Photograph: ITV News Channel TV

A 46-year-old television journalist who spoke out about his cancer diagnosis has died, ITV has confirmed.

Gary Burgess died peacefully in his sleep at a hospice in Jersey on New Year’s Day. Doctors had found tumours on his lungs and told him they were inoperable.

He was first diagnosed with testicular cancer in 1999, and treated for further tumours in 2015 and 2016.

Burgess used a popular blog to record his condition. In November 2020, he told followers that he had six to 12 months left to live and documented his cancer journey after receiving the terminal diagnosis.

The Manchester-born broadcaster set the world record for the longest radio show at Blackpool’s Radio Wave, staying on air for 76 hours and raising money for charity.

In a final message, written for ITV to release after his death, the journalist wrote: “I’ve had the best life. I’ve had the luckiest life.

“I met my soulmate and the love of my life who went on to become my husband. I got to work with some of the most amazing people in newsrooms and studios doing the job I absolutely adore. » | Rajeev Syal and agencies |Sunday, January 2, 2022

Sunday, January 02, 2022

Liz Truss Asked for Public Money to Cover £3,000 Lunch

THE GUARDIAN: Reports say Truss demanded booking at ‘obviously incredibly expensive’ club owned by Tory donor

At 5 Hertford Street Truss and her companions drank two bottles of dry gin, three £153 bottles of Pazo Barrantes Albarinño, a Spanish white wine and two £130 bottles of the French red Coudoulet de Beaucastel. Photograph: Alberto Pezzali/AP

Liz Truss, the current favourite to succeed Boris Johnson as leader of the Conservatives among party members, hosted a lunch at an expensive private club owned by a Tory donor after overruling civil service advice to look for a cheaper venue.

Leaked correspondence has revealed the foreign secretary “refused to consider anywhere else” and asked that public funds should pay for a £3,000 event with Joe Biden’s trade representative.

Civil servants were so concerned at the cost and the venue’s close links to the Tories that the proposal was referred to the most senior official at the Department for International Trade.

According to the correspondence, Truss, then the trade secretary, “explicitly asked that we book 5 Hertford Street”, which is owned by Robin Birley, a £20,000 donor to Boris Johnson’s leadership campaign and the half-brother of Zac Goldsmith, the environment minister. » | Rajeev Syal | Sunday, January 2, 2022

Rishi Sunak, favori à la succession de Boris Johnson : PORTRAIT - Alors que le premier ministre anglais vit une période délicate, marquée par une impopularité croissante, les députés conservateurs songent à le remplacer. Parmi les noms les plus cités, se détache celui du chancelier de l’Échiquier. »

Gay Moroccan Author Abdellah Taïa

Abdellah Taïa talks about his split-second decision to be the first openly gay author in Morocco, the promise of the Arab Spring and his book, An Arab Melancholia. Taïa, who presently lives in Paris, was in Toronto for the International Festival of Authors. He has also directed his first movie, Salvation Army, which is based on a previous novel.

kenny Rogers : Crazy

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views on YouTube: 2,411,294

Rabbi Steven Greenberg - JFS Lecture - Inclusion Gay Jews (2015)

Jan 12, 2015 • Rabbi Steven Greenberg (CLAL) discusses the commandment of "Hachnassat Orchim" ("Welcoming Guests"), and how it needs to extend to the Gay Community as well. From the Third Annual JFS - Saul Cohen Lecture, at the Ferguson Library in Stamford, CT.

WIKIPEDIA: Rambam (Maimonides).

WIKIPEDIA: Rugelach.

The more I learn about Judaism, the more impressed I become! – © Mark

Obviously These Two Gentlemen Don't Want to Live without Each Other's Love!

Offensichtlich möchten diese zwei Herren nicht ohne die Liebe zueinander leben! / Evidemment ces deux messieurs ne veulent pas vivre sans l'amour l'un à l'autre !

With many thanks to Washington Photography on Pinterest for this great photo.

Brexit-Bilanz nach einem Jahr

Dec 30, 2021 • Inzwischen betrachtet die Mehrheit der Brit:innen den EU-Austritt mit Skepsis, denn das vergangene Jahr hat auch die Folgen gezeigt: In vielen Branchen fehlen Arbeitskräfte, die Unternehmen beklagen Handelshemmnisse und die Wirtschaft insgesamt leidet.

Foreigner : I Don't Want to Live without You | Official Music Video

Abdellah Taïa et son dernier ouvrage «Celui qui est digne d'être aimé»

Mar 24, 2017 • Considérée comme l'une des voix de la mémoire indienne, l'Amérindienne Louise Erdrich est souvent qualifiée de «romancière-ethnographe». Son roman «Dans le silence du vent» a été couronné du prestigieux National Book Award aux États-Unis, en 2012. En compagnie de François Busnel, elle évoque son parcours. Philippe Labro avec «Ma mère, cette inconnue», Abdellah Taïa pour «Celui qui est digne d'être aimé» et Anne-Dauphine Julliand, pour le film documentaire «Et les mistrals gagnants», sont également sur le plateau de La Grande Librairie cette semaine.

Abdellah Taia - African, Muslim, and Gay

Jul 1, 2015 • Abdellah Taia's speech at the 2015 Oslo Freedom Forum. See more talks like this at and follow @OsloFF for updates.

It’s Not the Police’s Job to Shut Down Political Debate. They Should Stick to Solving Crime

THE OBSERVER – OPINION: The appeals court has rightly upheld Harry Miller’s freedom to express his views

Aman gets a call from a police officer. He is told that, while he has done nothing criminal, his social media posts have offended someone, so the police have recorded them as a non-crime hate incident that may show up on criminal record checks. The officer warns that if he continues to “escalate” matters, the police may take criminal action against him, a message later reinforced by his superiors.

It may sound like something out of a police state. But this happened in Britain in 2019, in a case that led the high court judge who later ruled the actions of Humberside police force unlawful to warn them, “in this country we have never had a Cheka, a Gestapo or a Stasi”. Despite there being no evidence that Harry Miller, the man in question, might ever stray into unlawful speech, the police took action that reasonably led him to believe that he was being warned not to exercise his right to freedom of expression on pain of potential criminal prosecution; they also opined to the press that Miller’s tweets were “transphobic”.

And just before Christmas, in a landmark judgment that has attracted surprisingly little commentary from human rights lawyers given its profound implications, the court of appeal went further in ruling that the College of Policing’s guidance that the police should record all non-crime hate incidents, as perceived by those taking offence at them, is an unlawful incursion on citizens’ freedom of expression. » | Sonia Sodha | Sunday, January 2, 2022

'Boy Erased': Joel Edgerton & Garrard Conley on Portraying the Family in Gay Conversion-Therapy Drama

Oct 30, 2018 • Joel Edgerton and "Boy Erased" author Garrard Conley talk with Access about the film getting early Oscar buzz. Why do they feel Garrard's story of his experience with gay conversion therapy is especially important in today's political climate?

I Was Told to 'Pray the Gay Away' | This Morning

At just nineteen, Garrard Conley was sent to one of America’s most notorious conversion camps which specialised in ‘praying the gay away’. Pushing Garrard to the brink of suicide, it took him several years to finally come to terms with his real identity and settle down with his husband. Broadcast on 12/06/2018

Saturday, January 01, 2022

UK Ministers Eager to Ease Immigration Rules for Indian Citizens

THE GUARDIAN: Offer could be on table in upcoming trade talks in Delhi in bid to access to country’s growing economy

Ministers are keen to ease immigration restrictions in a bid to make it easier for thousands of Indian citizens to live and work in the UK as part of forthcoming trade talks.

The potential offer will be under discussion when the international trade secretary, Anne-Marie Trevelyan, travels to Delhi this month, reports the Times. Relaxing immigration rules for Indian citizens is a key demand from Delhi.

Trevelyan is said to have the backing of the foreign secretary, Liz Truss, who is keen to curb China’s growing influence in the region. However, they are likely to meet strong resistance from the home secretary, Priti Patel, who opposes the offer.

According to the publication, visa relaxation options under consideration include a scheme similar to one agreed with Australia which would allow young Indians the right to live and work in the UK for up to three years. Another would be to cut visa fees for students and allow them to stay in Britain for a period of time after they graduate. » | Jane Clinton | Saturday, January 1, 2022

Does Winning the Lottery Really Change Your Life for the Better? | 60 Minutes Australia

Before we begin - a warning. Some scenes in this story may excite some viewers. It contains fabulous mansions, flash cars, luxury yachts, all your wildest fantasies come true. What's more, the multi-millionaires who own this stuff are just ordinary people. Ordinary people who happened to get lucky, happened to win the big one, the really big one. Hundreds of millions of dollars. But deep down, are they genuinely happy? Well, let's just say that by the end of this cautionary tale, some of you may be feeling very self-satisfied indeed.

Shops in Great Britain Fear Gaps on Shelves as New Brexit Import Rules Hit

THE OBSERVER: Regulations likely to result in higher prices and shortages for delis and others

After a few minutes in the queue spent eyeing up the best on offer at the local deli, it is decision time.

Maybe some of the wonderful Parma ham from Italy? With a few slices of Spanish chorizo? And a piece of brie from that farm in Normandy … oh, and definitely some of the black olives from Greece.

The government may be making light of new and burdensome Brexit rules and regulations affecting imports to Great Britain from the EU that came into force on 1 January, but organisations representing small UK firms are not. The firms are worried about the impact on their businesses – and about the choices that will be available to their customers at their favourite specialist stores – on the high street.

The Federation of Small Businesses cites local delicatessens, many of which import from small specialist suppliers in the EU, as the type of operators that could be adversely affected.

“The classic example is your high street deli that is importing delicacies like, say, chorizo from Spain or parmesan from Italy,” says James Sibley, the federation’s head of international affairs. “For them, the thought of having to register for these systems is daunting and the process is expensive, so we’ve a lot of concern there. For those small businesses directly affected, we have picked up a lot of worry.” » | Toby Helm and Tom Wall | Saturday, January 1, 2022

Rest well tonight, my fellow countryman! Rest well in the knowledge that you have your blue passports back! Who needs a plentiful array of foodstuffs on the shelves of supermarkets when you can avail yourselves of blue passports? And who knows? BoJo might be able to conjure up a way of bringing back the British Empire! Rule Britannia, and all that! ‘Stay calm and carry on’! – © Mark

US Judge Delivers Double Setback to Prince Andrew’s Abuse Case Battle

THE OBSERVER: Pressure grows on duke to settle alleged victim’s claim before key hearing this week

Prince Andrew in Norfolk in 2020. Photograph: Lindsey Parnaby/AFP/Getty Images

Two of Prince Andrew’s avenues to prevent or stall the progression of Virginia Roberts Giuffre’s sex assault lawsuit against him were blocked on Saturday by a federal judge, increasing pressure to settle claims before a crucial court hearing this week.

Judge Lewis A Kaplan, in a written order, told the prince’s lawyers they must turn over documents on the schedule that has been set in the lawsuit brought by Guiffre who claims she was abused – aged 17 – by the prince on multiple occasions in 2001 while she was being sexually abused by financier Jeffrey Epstein.

Kaplan also rejected arguments by the prince’s lawyer, Andrew Brettler, on jurisdiction grounds after they argued last week that the lawsuit should be dismissed because Giuffre, a US citizen, no longer lives in the US.

The rulings come before an important case hearing in New York on Tuesday, one day after the scheduled public release on Monday of a 2009 settlement agreement between Epstein and Giuffre that lawyers for Andrew had hoped would protect him from Guiffre’s claims. » | Edward Helmore and Mark Townsend | Saturday, January 1, 2022

Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade, Op. 35 - II. Lento

Jul 31, 2018 • Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade, Op. 35 - II. Lento · Michel Schwalbé · Berliner Philharmoniker · Herbert von Karajan · Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

Investigative Journalist Reacts to Ghislaine Maxwell Conviction

Jan 1, 2022 • Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell almost got away with their crimes if it wasn’t for Miami Herald investigative journalist Julie K. Brown. Remember, Epstein went to jail in 2009 for unlawful sex with a minor. But he only served 13 months in jail. Brown delved back into that case and uncovered how far authorities went to accommodate Epstein and his army of lawyers. Brown also identified 80 women who accused Epstein of abuse when they were girls. Julie K. Brown says she “never expected that anyone would really be held accountable,” when she first started her investigation. “Epstein could not have done this alone. He had a whole orbit of people that helped him.”

British Citizenship of Six Million People Could Be Threatened by Home Office Plans

Dec 7, 2021 • Exclusive: British citizenship of six million people could be jeopardised by the Home Office Nationality and Borders Bill. Two in five people in England and Wales from an ethnic minority background could become eligible to be deprived of their citizen status without warning.

New Statesman analysis of data from the Office for National Statistics also finds that two in every five people from non-white ethnic minorities (41 per cent) are likely to be eligible for deprivation of citizenship, compared with just one in 20 people categorised as white (5 per cent).

Despite expansions in this area in 2014, the government’s Nationality and Borders Bill could extend the governments powers to strip people of citizenship further still. Clause nine of the draft bill states that the government does not need to notify those deprived of their citizenship if it does not have their contact details, or if it is “for any other reason” not “reasonably practicable” to do so. It also states that notice should not be given if it is “in the public interest” not to do so.

Video features Ben van der Merwe, Chai Patel and Frances Webber.

Video edited by Phil Clarke Hill.

Inside the New Afghanistan: France 24's Exclusive Look at Life under the Taliban | The Debate

Dec 16, 2021 • What is it really like inside the new Afghanistan? Four months after the fall of Kabul to the Taliban, France 24 went to the capital and beyond to speak with citizens from all walks of life. What they heard was a mix, relief that the guns have gone quiet and worry over the prospect of a bleak winter. What with more than half the population facing "acute" food shortages, international isolation, and new rulers who have yet to let women return to school and to work and yet to prove they can run a country.

Gay, Closeted, and Heartbroken in Morocco

While living in Morocco, where it's illegal to be gay, Anthony is dumped by his boyfriend back home. He has to find a way to communicate his feelings to his Moroccan host family while staying closeted.

France Takes Over EU Presidency as National Election Looms • France 24 English

Jan 1, 2022 • France takes over the rotating presidency of the European Union on Saturday, affording President Emmanuel Macron the chance to pose as the EU's de facto leader in the run-up to national elections in April.

South Africa Bids Farewell to Desmond Tutu - BBC News

Jan 1, 2022 • The funeral mass for South African anti-apartheid campaigner Archbishop Desmond Tutu has taken place at the Anglican cathedral in Cape Town.

Tutu, a Nobel Peace Prize winner who helped end the racist regime in South Africa, died last Sunday aged 90.

In his eulogy, President Cyril Ramaphosa described Tutu as "the spiritual father of our new nation".

Tutu had insisted there should be no "lavish spending" on the funeral. He wanted "the cheapest available coffin".

With a Simple Funeral, South Africa Bids Farewell to Desmond Tutu: The archbishop and Nobel laureate left plans for an unostentatious ceremony, which were stripped back further under Covid restrictions. »

Against Therapist's Advice, Son Comes Out to Devout Muslim Father

Khalid el Khatib's father is a Palestinian refugee who risked everything to come to America and start a family. Not wanting to disappoint him, Khalid stayed in the closet at the advice of a therapist, until the closet came too much to bear.

Kim Jong-un spricht von „Kampf um Leben und Tod“ in 2022

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong-un versichert in seiner Neujahrsansprache, er werde die Probleme der täglichen Versorgung in seinem Land lösen. Zudem hätten Notfallmaßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der Pandemie „oberste nationale Priorität“.

Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong-un hat zum Ende seines zehnten Jahres an der Macht die herrschende Arbeiterpartei und die Bevölkerung auf einen „Kampf um Leben und Tod“ im neuen Jahr vorbereitet. In seiner Rede zum Abschluss eines fünftägigen Parteitreffens in Pjöngjang stellte Kim am Freitag die wirtschaftspolitischen Ziele und die Überwindung der Versorgungsprobleme in den Mittelpunkt. Zudem müsse der weiteren Abwehr der Corona-Pandemie höchste Priorität in der Staatsarbeit eingeräumt werden, zitierten ihn die Staatsmedien am Samstag. » | Quelle: AFP | Samstag, 1. Januar 2022

Kim Jong-un’s New Year Resolution: More Food for North Korea: At a party meeting, Mr. Kim made little mention of the United States or South Korea. Instead, he promised to “completely solve the food problem.” »

En Corée du Nord, Kim Jong-un affirme que la sécurité alimentaire est sa priorité : Le dirigeant a mis l’économie au cœur de son discours du Nouvel An alors que le pays a connu en 2020 sa plus importante récession depuis deux décennies. »

Franziskus fordert: Schluss mit Gewalt gegen Frauen


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der Papst hat sich in seiner Neujahrspredigt dafür eingesetzt, Frauen besser zu beschützen. „Eine Frau zu verletzen bedeutet, Gott zu beleidigen“, so Franziskus im Petersdom.

Papst Franziskus hat zum Auftakt des neuen Kalenderjahres die wichtige Rolle der Frauen und Mütter in der Gesellschaft betont. In seiner Predigt zum Fest der Gottesmutter Maria sagte der Pontifex am Neujahrstag im Petersdom, dass Mütter gefördert und Frauen beschützt werden müssten.

„Wie viel Gewalt gibt es gegen Frauen!“, klagte der 85-Jährige. „Damit muss Schluss sein! Eine Frau zu verletzen bedeutet, Gott zu beleidigen, der von einer Frau seine Menschengestalt angenommen hat.“ Anders als die Vesper an Silvester leitete Franziskus den ersten Gottesdienst 2022 wieder selbst. » | Quelle: dpa | Samstag, 1. Januar 2022