Friday, October 29, 2021

Escaping Jehovah's Witnesses: Inside the Dangerous World of a Brutal Religion | Four Corners

Sep 13, 2021 • Former Jehovah's Witnesses are fighting back against a religion that failed them. They know they'll lose their loved ones for doing so.

Few know the extreme nature of the beliefs of the Jehovah's Witnesses, a religious group which boasts eight million followers in multiple nations.

They take a strict interpretation of the Bible and predicted the world would meet its ‘wicked end’ in 1914, 1925 and 1975.

A US-based Governing Body of eight men sits at the pinnacle of the Jehovah’s Witnesses organisation. Witnesses believe these men are anointed as the voice of God on Earth.

Former members reveal the secretive practices used to instil fear and maintain discipline among followers.

With strict rules governing every aspect of their lives, these former Witnesses say the organisation is controlling and dangerous.

They say it's time to hold the Jehovah's Witnesses to account.

Euromillions : la gagnante du jackpot record de 220 millions d'euros est une jeune Polynésienne

LE FIGARO : La chanceuse, qui avait l'habitude de voir son grand-père jouer à la loterie, jouait pour la première fois. C'est le plus gros gain jamais remporté en Europe.

Elle nage dans un océan de richesses: la gagnante qui a remporté mi-octobre 220 millions d'euros, le plus gros jackpot de l'histoire de l'Euromillions, est une jeune Polynésienne qui jouait pour la première fois, a annoncé vendredi la Française des jeux (FDJ).

La chanceuse, qui avait l'habitude de voir son grand-père jouer à la loterie, mais n'avait jamais sauté le pas, a validé son ticket gagnant à Tahiti, selon un communiqué de la FDJ. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | vendredi 29 octobre 2021

EuroMillions jackpot of £184m is largest lottery prize in UK history »

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — October 29, 2021

Trump: What's the Deal? Full Documentary | 1991

Sep 28, 2020 • Donald Trump is one of the richest and most famous men in America, but on what foundation has his success been built? From accusations of harassment to repeated flirtations with bankruptcy, his very public business career has been one of artifice and intrigue; a Machiavellian performance played out before the American media. Originally produced in 1991, Donald Trump: What's the Deal? investigates the unscrupulous reality behind this most public of figures.

Fans Point Out the Obvious as Saudi-owned Newcastle United Back Gay Footballer Josh Cavallo

Newcastle United sent a message of support to gay footballer Josh Cavallo. Fans pointed out the "hypocrisy" given the club is now majority owned by a Saudi Arabia-led group.(Getty/Matt King)

PINK NEWS: Fans have criticised Newcastle United for not seeing the “hypocrisy” in its support for Josh Cavallo after the club’s takeover by Saudi Arabia.

Earlier this month, Newcastle United Football Club (NUFC) announced it had been taken over by a Saudi Arabia-backed fund, ending billionaire Mike Ashley’s ownership of the club. As a result, Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) – chaired by crown prince Mohammed bin Salman – now owns 80 per cent of the club, with the rest divided between RB Sports & Media and PCP Capital Partners.
Saudi Arabia has one of the worst LGBT+ rights records in the world. There has been strong backlash from fans, LGBT+ fan groups and human rights groups over the takeover. » | Maggie Baska | Thursday, October 28, 2021

LGBT-Bewegung in Polens Parlament mit Nazis verglichen


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Vor dem Parlament in Warschau protestierten Menschen, weil Veranstaltungen wie Pride-Umzüge verboten werden könnten. Drinnen redeten Konservative von „Terror“ der LGBT-Bewegung.

Hunderte Menschen haben in Polens Hauptstadt Warschau gegen ein geplantes Verbot von Demonstrationen für Lesben und Schwule protestiert. Vor dem Parlament versammelten sich am Donnerstagabend mindestens 300 Menschen, berichtete die Tageszeitung Gazeta Wyborcz. Viele Teilnehmer schwenkten Regenbogenfahnen. Auf Transparenten stand etwa „Liebe kennt kein Geschlecht“. Am späten Abend beriet das Parlament in erster Lesung über den Gesetzesvorschlag. Vor dem Gebäude waren auch Unterstützer des Entwurfs. Die Polizei trennte beide Seiten.

Konkret soll das Gesetz künftig verbieten, dass Demonstranten etwa die Ehe zwischen Mann und Frau infrage stellen und ihre Ausweitung auf Menschen des gleichen Geschlechts fordern. … Zudem soll dem Entwurf … » | Quelle: dpa | Freitag, 29. Oktober 2021

Showing a Little Passion!


Montrer un peu de passion ! / Ein bisschen Leidenschaft zeigen!

Romantic Engagement

Romantische Verlobung / Fiançailles romantique

Many thanks to Equally Wed on Pinterest for this great photo of two young men becoming engaged on a beach in Kauai, Hawaii.

Londres veut lutter pénalement contre les thérapies de conversion

Le projet de loi prévoit de punir d'une peine d'emprisonnement pouvant aller jusqu'à cinq ans de telles pratiques. ZACH GIBSON / AFP

LE FIGARO : Le gouvernement britannique envisage de créer une infraction pénale pour lutter contre les thérapies de conversion, qui prétendent transformer l'orientation sexuelle ou l'identité de genre d'une personne. Le projet, dévoilé vendredi 29 octobre, prévoit de punir d'une peine d'emprisonnement pouvant aller jusqu'à cinq ans de telles pratiques. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | vendredi 29 octobre 2021

Les «thérapies de conversion» pour homosexuels, entre mythe et réalité »

Urging change of gender to be criminalised »

Gay conversion therapy is set to be BANNED as equalities minister announces consultation on how to legislate against the practice: Liz Truss has announced a consultation on banning 'archaic' conversion therapy / The equalities minister says there is 'no place for the abhorrent practice' / Violent forms of the therapy are already covered under other offences in the UK / he Government's six-week public consultation will close on December 10 »

Conversion therapy to be restricted but not banned in proposed bill: Equalities minister Liz Truss will consult on plans to allow counselling for non-vulnerable adults »

Tories’ proposed conversion therapy ban includes ‘concerning’ loophole for ‘praying the gay away’: The Conservative government has finally announced proposed plans for its conversion therapy ban – with religious forms of the discredited practice to remain legal. »

BoJo fails again! This bill doesn’t go far enough! Gay conversion therapy is considered dangerous; therefore, it should be banned outright – no ‘ifs’, no ‘buts’. BoJo wanted to be our leader, so he should show some leadership and courage. This is a half-baked measure! – © Mark

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Streit um Migration und Polens Justizreform: Europa vor dem Scheitern? | Auf den Punkt

Oct 28, 2021 • Nach dem Austritt Großbritanniens hat die EU nun Ärger mit Polen: Das Land stellt nationales Recht über europäisches und untergräbt aus Brüsseler Sicht das Fundament der Union. Folgt dem Brexit der Polexit? Unsere Gäste: Wojciech Szymański (DW), Andreas Kluth (Bloomberg), Alexandra von Nahmen (DW).

Kritisch ist auch die Lage an Polens EU-Außengrenze: Der belarusische Diktator Lukaschenko schleust Tausende Migranten aus dem Nahen Osten und Afrika gezielt in die EU. Polen schickt sie zurück. Um sie abzuhalten, will die polnische Regierung eine Mauer bauen. Ist es den EU-Partnern am Ende recht, was Polen an seiner Ostgrenze tut?

Ali al-Nimr: Saudi Child Protester Who Faced Death Penalty Released

Ali al-Nimr's family posted a photograph of him following his release from prison on Wednesday | JA'AFAR B AL NEMER

BBC: Saudi authorities have freed a man who was sentenced to death for protest-related crimes as a child in a case that provoked an international outcry.

Ali al-Nimr was 17 when he was detained in 2012 during anti-government protests by the kingdom's Shia Muslim minority.

In 2014, a court condemned him to death by "crucifixion" - beheading followed by the public display of his body.

The sentence was commuted in February after the king ended the death penalty for some crimes committed by children.

Saudi Arabia is among the world's major executioners. It put to death at least 40 people between January and July - more than during the whole of last year, when it held the presidency of the G20. » | BBC | Thursday, October 28, 2021

Government’s Own Shocking Figures Show Brexit Is Twice as Damaging as a Deadly Pandemic

BoJo, you really should have stuck with your day job of being a wordsmith of lies! At least that way, you wouldn’t have done so much damage to people’s livelihoods.

I know you wanted to be prime minister so badly; but sometimes in life we desire jobs and positions we are ill-suited to, just as you were and are to being prime minister.

Many people bought into your fantasies. But they were taken in and are going to end up being all the poorer for their misplaced optimism and belief in your abilities and suitability for the position you now hold. ‘Sad’ is too mild a word for this catastrophe. Perhaps ‘tragic’ would be a more suitable word.

Further, look at how you are angering our allies and neighbours! France and the French in particular. It is going to take years to repair the damage and loss of trust in the UK after you leave office, which I hope will be very soon. – © Mark

Le Old Fashioned, un cocktail de nouveau à la mode

LE FIGARO : Qu'est-ce que Old Fashioned ? Lancée en 2015 en France, une «Old Fashioned Week» met à l’honneur chaque automne ce cocktail classique aux saveurs de bourbon. Petit b a-ba du breuvage vintage !


Du bourbon, du sucre, un peu d’eau et de bitters ! A première vue, le Old Fashioned semble un jeu d’enfant. Mais tout comme grand classique, le cocktail fait souvent débat et s’avère loin d’être l’œuvre du premier venu. Largement réhabilité ses dernières années par Don Drapper dans la série Mad Men, le drink aurait vu le jour dans les années 1800 sous le nom Whisky Cocktail. Il fut rebaptisé au Pendennis Club à Louisville, en réaction aux nouvelles recettes de cocktails de la fin du 19è siècle – et oui, les cocktails connaissent aussi les effets de mode – pour attester de son style «à l’ancienne». » | Par Olivier Reneau | mercredi 27 octobre 2021

Brexit: Paris prêt au «combat» pour ses pêcheurs face à Londres

Des pêcheurs français au large de Jersey, en mai. La France affirme que près de la moitié des demandes de licence effectuées par ses pêcheurs n’ont toujours pas été satisfaites. SAMEER AL-DOUMY/AFP

LE FIGARO : La France a saisi un chalutier britannique et a lancé un avertissement verbal à un deuxième, provoquant la colère du Royaume-Uni.

De notre correspondant à Londres

«Ce n’est pas la guerre, c’est un combat.» Après l’annonce de mesures de rétorsion pour «défendre les droits des pêcheurs français» face aux Britanniques, la ministre de la Mer, Annick Girardin, s’est défendue de vouloir déclencher les hostilités générales. Mais le «combat» s’est durci ce jeudi avec le déroutage d’un navire de pêche britannique. Et les relations franco-britanniques ne cessent de se dégrader.

Après la saisie par la France d’un chalutier et l’avertissement verbal lancé à un deuxième, le gouvernement de Boris Johnson a dénoncé un acte «décevant et disproportionné». Les deux navires, spécialisés dans la coquille Saint-Jacques, ont été contrôlés par la gendarmerie maritime française en baie de Seine. L’un d’eux, le Cornelis Gert Jan, a été dérouté sur Le Havre. Selon Paris, il ne figurait pas sur les listes de licences accordées au Royaume-Uni par la Commission européenne et la France. Londres affirme au contraire que le bateau était en règle. Le propriétaire de ce chalutier écossais a estimé qu’il s’agissait d’un «malentendu» et dénoncé une manœuvre politique. » | Par Arnaud De La Grange | jeudi 28 October 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

Jersey offers 162 fishing licences after French ultimatum: Jersey has offered fishing licences to 162 French vessels after an ultimatum was issued by France. »

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — October 28 2021

Gay Couple Murdered "In the Name of God" | Crime Documentary | Real Stories

Nov 13, 2018 • A morally complex post-colonial tragedy, the story of a murder and of Fiji, a small country divided along ethnic and class lines, told through the eyes of two very different families.

Director of the Fiji Red Cross John Scott and his partner of 20 years, Greg Scrivener were brutally murdered in the name of God by a young indigenous man, Apete Kaisau. John had reached international notice during the coup of 2000 when he assisted hostages seized by coup leader George Speight. He was also from one of the most powerful European Fijian families. The documentary explores a "Pacific paradise" fraught by its colonial history, ethnic and tribal tensions, class differences and political coups.

„Es ist kein Krieg, aber ein Kampf“


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Frankreich hat einen britischen Fischkutter in Le Havre festgesetzt, weil er keine gültige Lizenz hatte. London verstehe nur die Sprache der Härte. Die britische Seite kündigt Vergeltungsmaßnahmen an.

Der Streit über Fischereirechte nach dem Brexit hat am Donnerstag zu heftigen Vorwürfen und Drohungen zwischen Frankreich und Großbritannien geführt. Zuvor hatte die Regierung in Paris einen britischen Kutter ohne gültige Lizenz in der Hafenstadt Le Havre festgesetzt. Dem Fischer droht eine Geldbuße und die Beschlagnahmung seines Fangguts. Ein zweites Boot wurde verwarnt, weil es ohne Erlaubnis in französischen Gewässern fischte. „Die britische Regierung versteht leider nur die Sprache der Härte“, sagte Europastaatssekretär Clément Beaune im Fernsehsender CNews. Vom 2. November an sollen britische Fischerboote ihren Fang nicht mehr in Frankreich zur Weiterverarbeitung anlanden dürfen. Außerdem werde Frankreich systematisch die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen an britischen Booten überprüfen. Das kündigte Regierungssprecher Gabriel Attal am Mittwochabend an. „Unsere Geduld hat Grenzen“, sagte Attal. „Wir lassen nicht zu, dass Großbritannien den Brexit-Vertrag wie einen Fußabstreifer benutzt“, so der Regierungssprecher. » | Von Michaela Wiegel, Paris und Jochen Buchsteiner, London | Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 2021

France to Use ‘Language of Force’ in Post-Brexit Fishing Rights Row

THE GUARDIAN: Comments from French EU affairs minister come as British trawler is detained in France amid dispute

A French gendarmerie patrol boat is moored alongside the seized British trawler Cornelis Gert Jan in Le Havre on Thursday. Photograph: Sarah Meyssonnier/Reuters

France’s EU affairs minister, Clément Beaune, has said Paris will “now use the language of force” in an escalation of a row over post-Brexit fishing rights, as French maritime police seized a British trawler found in its territorial waters without a licence.

One vessel had been stopped off Le Havre in the early hours of Thursday morning, after which it was rerouted to the quay and “handed over to the judicial authority”, while a second was given a verbal warning.

In a statement, the French government said the checks during the scallop fishing season had been routine but admitted they were conducted “in the context of the discussion on licences with the United Kingdom and the European Commission”. » | Daniel Boffey in Brussels, Angelique Chrisafis in Paris, Peter Walker and Dan Sabbagh | Thursday, October 28, 2021

Pêche : Paris «ouvert aux discussions» si Londres «respecte ses engagements», déclare Castex : La France a annoncé mercredi des mesures de rétorsion sur les licences de pêche post-Brexit. »

Budget 2021: IFS Predicts ‘Real Pain’ for Low-income Households

THE GUARDIAN: Thinktank’s verdict on Rishi Sunak’s budget says tax rises and inflation will mean falling living standards for many

Rishi Sunak in Bury, the day after delivering the budget. Photograph: Lindsey Parnaby/AFP/Getty Images

Rishi Sunak’s decision to raise taxes on workers amid high levels of inflation will squeeze living standards next year, causing “real pain” for low-income households, the Institute for Fiscal Studies has warned.

Issuing its verdict after the chancellor’s budget on Wednesday, the UK’s leading tax and spending thinktank said a middle earner was likely to be worse off next year as high rates of inflation and tax rises negate weak growth in wages.

It said that while Sunak was promising a new age of optimism, voters might not get much feelgood factor after the chancellor announced £40bn of tax increases this year – the largest increase since 1993.

Paul Johnson, the director of the IFS, said the outlook for living standards jarred with the chancellor’s upbeat tone. “Over the next several years a combination of tax increases and high inflation will mean very slow growth in living standards,” he said. » | Richard Partington, Economics correspondent | Thursday, October 29, 2021

Smooch Away to Your Hearts' Content!


Jeune et amoureux

Young and in love / Jung und verliebt

Thanks to GAY for this lovely photo.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

It’s Absolut o’Clock !


Cheers! / À votre santé ! / Zum Wohl!

Many thanks to GIPHY.COM for this superb animation.

Pêche: la France va dégainer ses mesures de rétorsion contre la Grande-Bretagne

Les pêcheurs britanniques (ici, en mars, au large des côtes de Cornouailles) déplorent de faire les frais de la guerre commerciale entre les deux pays. HUGH HASTINGS/Getty Images via AFP

LE FIGARO : La France s'apprête à frapper le commerce transfrontalier dès le 2 novembre.

La France s'apprête à déclencher une guerre commerciale contre la Grande-Bretagne, dans le conflit sur les pêcheurs. Évoquée depuis des semaines, une liste de mesures de rétorsion devait être précisée mercredi soir. Celles-ci ont été présentées mercredi matin aux élus locaux des régions concernées, Hauts-de-France, Normandie et Bretagne. Le porte-parole du gouvernement, Gabriel Attal, en a fait l'annonce à l'issue du Conseil des ministres.

Dès le 2 novembre, « des contrôles douaniers et sanitaires systématiques sur les produits débarqués en France et l'interdiction de débarquement de produits de la mer » seront mis en place, a-t-il déclaré, faute de changement de position britannique d'ici là. Cela signifie que l'ensemble des marchandises importées pourront faire l'objet d'une sorte de zèle des « contrôles sur les camions », susceptible de ralentir considérablement les échanges. Voire un blocus total sur le poisson. » | Par Florentin Collomp | mercredi 27 octobre 2021

À LIRE AUSSI : Covid ou Brexit: les vraies raisons des turbulences britanniques »

Patti LaBelle - On My Own ft. Michael McDonald | Official Music Video

Views on YouTube: 74,511,673

Dimitra's Dishes: Instant Pot Butternut Squash Soup in 30 Mins!

Get the recipe here.

The recipe for, and demonstration of, the ‘Loaded Olive and Halloumi Bread’ is here.

Lebanon’s Economic Crisis: 'No Food, No Gas, No Hope' - BBC Newsnight

Oct 27, 2021 • As Lebanon’s crisis continues to intensify, how are people trying to cope in the midst of financial devastation?

Earlier this month violent clashes in Beirut touched off fears of renewed civil strife in Lebanon.

The country has been mired in crisis of late - political, economic, Covid, and on top of all that the devastating port blast in August 2020.

As if that's not bad enough a brain drain of the educated professionals has been gathering pace.

Leaving carries shame, so there are no reliable statistics about that flight.

Newsnight’s Mark Urban reports from Beirut.

US Issues Its First Passport with X Gender Designation to Reflect ‘Lived Reality’

THE GUARDIAN: Diplomatic envoy for LGBTQ rights said it’s a matter of ‘dignity and respect’

The White House is lit in pride colors in Washington DC in 2015. Photograph: Molly Riley/AFP/Getty Images

The US has issued its first passport with an “X” gender designation – a milestone in the recognition of the rights of people who don’t identify as male or female – and expects to be able to offer the option more broadly next year, the state department said on Wednesday.

The US special diplomatic envoy for LGBTQ rights, Jessica Stern, called the moves historic and celebratory, saying they brought the government documents in line with the “lived reality” that there is a wider spectrum of human sex characteristics than is reflected in the previous two designations.

“When a person obtains identity documents that reflect their true identity, they live with greater dignity and respect,” Stern said. » | Associated Press | Wednesday, October 27, 2021

EU Court Fines Poland 1 Million Euros a Day for Judiciary Row | DW News

Oct 27, 2021 • In breaking news from Brussels, the European Union's top court has ordered Poland to pay one million euros a day over a legal dispute with the bloc. The European Court of Justice says Warsaw failed to heed an earlier EU ruling that demanded changes to some of Poland’s judicial reforms. The EU decision in July found that the Polish Supreme Court’s new disciplinary chamber did not guarantee independence, in clear violation of EU law.

Poland fined €1m a day over controversial judicial system changes: Warsaw calls European court of justice move blackmail and says penalties ‘not the right road’ »

Luxembourg Leader’s University Thesis Was ‘Mostly Plagiarised’

THE GUARDIAN: Prime minister Xavier Bettel admits postgraduate dissertation ‘should have been done differently’

Xavier Bettel said his thesis was ‘written with a clear conscience’ but an inquiry found just two of the work’s 56 pages had not been plagiarised. Photograph: Johanna Geron/EPA

Luxembourg’s prime minister, Xavier Bettel, has admitted his university thesis “should have been done differently” after a media investigation concluded that only two of the work’s 56 pages had not been plagiarised.

A local news outlet,, said on Wednesday that Bettel had lifted three-quarters of the text, describing it as “an impressive hodgepodge of copied passages that does not meet the customary requirements of academia”.

Bettel, 48, who has been prime minister since 2013, said in a statement the thesis was “more than 20 years old” and “written with a clear conscience”. But “from today’s standpoint, it could have – yes, maybe should have – been done differently”, he said.

Bettel said he had full confidence in the University of Lorraine in eastern France to assess whether the work met its standards of the time, and that he would “naturally accept” its decision, even if it meant his qualification was withdrawn. » | Jon Henley | Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Luxemburgischer Premierminister gesteht Plagiate indirekt ein: Der luxemburgische Regierungschef hat bei seiner Abschlussarbeit an der Universität Nancy plagiiert. Heute würde er es anders machen, sagt Xavier Bettel. Folgt nun der Rücktritt? »

German politicians suffer higher degree of embarrassment from plagiarism than from sex scandals: Third minister in Angela Merkel’s administration falls foul of the country’s fixation on academic credentials »

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — October 27 2021

Islamism Is Our Greatest Terrorist Threat. Yet Our Politicians & Media Refuse to Openly Discuss It.

Oct 23, 2021 • The murder of Sir David Amess has vividly shown the degree to which our political and media elites are living in an alternative reality. Whilst the far-right motivations of the horrific killing of Jo Cox were quite rightly raised and discussed from the outset, when it comes to Islam our political and media class become deaf and dumb. And so we have seen widespread attempts at distraction, for example with attempts to divert discussion on to online safety.

Islamism remains overwhelmingly the greatest terrorist threat to the public. Yet fear of Islamophobia continues to prevent open discussion of this subject. This cannot continue. If we cannot bring ourselves to name the problem how can we ever hope to overcome it? We must put pressure on our politicians to have the courage and confidence to speak out.

Italie : la Sicile frappée par des inondations meurtrières

LE FIGARO : La ville de Catane a été touchée par de violentes inondations mardi. Au moins deux personnes sont décédées.

Des pluies torrentielles se sont abattues à Catane, mardi 26 octobre. Les inondations ont fait au moins deux morts dans la deuxième ville de Sicile, rapporte Le Parisien . L'une des victimes est un homme de 53 ans, noyé dans son véhicule inondé à Gravina di Catania, une banlieue de la ville. Regardez la vidéo » | Par Le Figaro | mercredi 27 octobre 2021

Schottland – Exit vom Brexit?

May 4, 2021 • Bis Mitte Oktober sollten Großbritannien und die EU ihre künftigen Beziehungen nach dem Brexit geklärt haben, anderenfalls steht wieder das Szenario eines harten Brexit ohne Deal im Raum. Vor allem die Schotten fürchten eine Verschlechterung ihrer Lebensbedingungen. Sie haben mehrheitlich gegen den Brexit gestimmt. Viele fühlen sich von der Regierung in London zunehmend entfremdet. Nirgendwo sonst ist Premier Boris Johnson so unbeliebt, nirgendwo sonst ist die Kritik an seiner Corona-Politik so stark. Im Norden des Vereinigten Königreichs herrscht eben nicht nur ein anderes Wetter, sondern auch ein anderes politisches Klima als im Rest des Landes: „Das ist das erste Mal in der Geschichte, dass Umfragen über eine lange Zeitspanne eine Mehrheit für eine Unabhängigkeit Schottlands prognostizieren“, sagt John Curtice. Der Politologe gilt als wichtigster Meinungsforscher des Landes und hat die letzten vier Unterhauswahlen richtig vorausgesagt.

Reporter Benedict Feichtner, selbst Brite, ist quer durch das Land der Highlands gefahren. In Sterling trifft er den Flötenbauer George Ormiston, der aus einer der ältesten Familien Schottlands stammt und seit seiner Jugend für die Unabhängigkeit kämpft. Im Nordwesten besucht er Whisky-Destilleure, die sich einst in die unzugänglichsten Regionen zurückzogen haben, um sich vor den englischen Steuereintreibern zu verstecken. Jetzt wollen sie, so wie die klare Mehrheit der Schotten, durch die Unabhängigkeit zurück in die EU. Doch kann das gelingen?

Loving Embrace and Loving Kiss.

Liebevolle Umarmung und liebevoller Kuss. / Êtreinte amoureuse et baiser amoureux.

With many thanks to edgy podcast for this great photo.

Two Ladies in Love.

Deux dames amoureuses. / Zwei verliebte Damen.

Many thanks to for this delightful vintage photo. It just goes to show that there is nothing new under the sun!

Arman & Dylan: Santorini Gay Wedding Trailer

Gay Wedding Santorini 2nd July 2018

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

How the Final Days of Trump's Presidency Brought America to the Brink of War | 60 Minutes Australia

It’s hard to believe but former president Donald Trump is eyeing off the 2024 presidential election. Many thought his return to the White House was dead in the water after the criminal and chaotic Capitol riots, which killed five people after the Trump mob bought his false claims that the election was rigged - but that was a blip and it looks like it’s just the start of a resurgence. Bob Woodward is the legendary journalist whose Watergate reporting brought down former President Richard Nixon. In his latest book Peril with the Washington Post’s Robert Costa, he reveals in the dying days of the Trump presidency the US stood on the brink of democratic collapse.Trump’s behaviour was so dangerous that there were concerns he would drag the world’s foremost superpower into a war with China. But just how close did it come to that? It was closer than you think...

EXCLUSIVE: Stunning Allegations against Mohammad Bin Salman | Amanpour and Company

Aug 11, 2020 • A suit filed in Washington, D.C. raises stunning new allegations against Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman. Dr. Saad Al-Jabri, a former top Saudi intelligence official, claims Bin Salman sent an assassination squad to kill him just two weeks after the brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. His son joins Christiane from Toronto for this exclusive interview. Originally aired on August 7, 2020.

Related links.

La maman d'Elon Musk: affirmée, stylée et au sommet de sa carrière à 73 ans

Maye Musk, le 10 septembre, à New York lors d'un défilé de mode. CINDY ORD / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / GETTY IMAGES VIA AFP

Par Maria-Antonia Gerstmeyer (Die Welt)

LE FIGARO : VU D'AILLEURS - Maye Musk est douze fois grand-mère, top model et auteure de best-sellers. À 59 ans, la mère du fondateur de Tesla Elon Musk a décidé de ne plus se teindre les cheveux et de changer radicalement de vie. Aujourd'hui âgée de 73 ans, sa vie est plus belle que jamais.

Plutôt hors du commun : à 73 ans, elle donne l'impression d'essuyer les traces du temps d'un simple disque de coton humide. «C'est vrai, les gens sont toujours surpris que je sois encore si belle à mon âge», lance Maye Musk, lorsque le magazine ICONIST la contacte par téléphone à New York. Dans son style vestimentaire aussi, elle va à l'encontre de tout ce que l'on classerait dans la catégorie des vêtements adaptés à sa tranche d'âge. Maye Musk privilégie les couleurs vives, les chemisiers transparents et porte ses cheveux gris très courts. » | Par Lena | jeudi 21 octobre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

À LIRE AUSSI : Bertille Bayart: «Musk change tout et aussi la France de 2030» : CHRONIQUE - Emmanuel Macron a cité SpaceX, l’entreprise d’Elon Musk, dans la présentation de son plan d’investissement France 2030 mardi à l’Elysée. »

Auf Deutsch: Elons Mutter - Selbstbewusst, stilvoll und mit 73 auf dem Höhepunkt ihrer Karriere »

Dimitra’s Dishes : The Best Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe

Get the recipe here.

Being Gay In Deeply Conservative China | Foreign Correspondent

Jan 19, 2018 • While Australia says ‘yes’, the country with more gay people than most says an implacable ‘no’.

But in China, a determined group of young men and women just won’t take no for an answer. About 800 special invitees are piling aboard a cruise ship to witness the marriages of nine LGBT couples in a brazen statement against China’s law and traditional family values.

But there’s a hitch. Even though shipboard marriages have no legal standing in China, authorities are edgy about this “immoral” cruise and the defiance it represents. They move to stop the ship sailing, threatening to blow up months of planning.

Homosexuality from Ancient to Modern China

May 9, 2013 • The Chinese history of homosexuality has undergone a dramatic trajectory. In contemporary China, homosexuality wasn't decriminalized until 1997. And in 2001, it was removed from being listed as a mental disease. But for centuries, China was more tolerant of same-sex love than nearly any other society, rivalled perhaps only by ancient Greece and Rome, according to Richard Burger, author of "Behind the Red Door: Sex in China." However, he says the same-sex behavior in ancient China differs from the modern understanding of homosexuality.

Daniil Trifonov - Chopin: Concerto For Piano And Orchestra No. 2 In F Minor, Op.21 | Arr. by Mikhail Pletnev

Mar 2, 2018 • Listen to Chopin’s “Concerto For Piano And Orchestra No. 2 In F Minor, Op. 21, 2. Larghetto” (Arr. By Mikhail Pletnev) played by Daniil Trifonov and the Mahler Chamber Orchestra under the direction of Mikhail Pletnev. Daniil Trifonov’s album “Chopin Evocations” contains Chopin’s two beautiful piano concertos in fascinating new orchestrations by pianist-conductor-composer Mikhail Pletnev. Alongside the concerts Trifonov presents Chopin’s solo works and pieces by Mompou, Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Grieg, and Barber paying homage to the genius who, in Trifonov’s words, “revolutionized the expressive horizons of the piano.” Daniil Trifonov – Frédéric Chopin: Concerto For Piano And Orchestra No. 2 In F Minor, Op. 21 (Arr. By Mikhail Pletnev), 2. Larghetto – Chopin Evocations.

This Amazing Gay Marriage Speech by Maureen Walsh Went Viral in 2012

Feb 11, 2012 • Washington State Rep. Maureen Walsh (a Republican) gave a passionate speech defending marriage equality that's going viral. Is gay marriage coming to Washington? The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

Japan's Princess Mako Marries Commoner, Gives Up Royal Title

Oct 26, 2021 • Japan's Princess Mako has married her non-royal college sweetheart Kei Komuro, formally giving up her royal status. The couple held a low-key wedding, after years of criticism and media scrutiny over their relationship. The pair will now be moving to the US where Komuro works as a lawyer. Al Jazeera’s Priyanka Gupta reports.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — October 26, 2021

Amazon Empire: The Rise and Reign of Jeff Bezos | Full Film | FRONTLINE

Feb 19, 2020 • An inside look at how Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos built one of the largest and most influential economic forces in the world — and the cost of Amazon’s convenience.

Brasilien : Santa Catarina

Apr 30, 2009 • Santa Catarina (Südbrasilien) auf Deutsch. Herrlich! Interessant! Wunderbar!

Prince Andrew Given Deadline to Face Questions in Virginia Giuffre Case

THE GUARDIAN: Duke must make himself available by 14 July in US lawsuit brought by woman who accuses him of sexual[ly] abusing her

Prince Andrew vehemently denies allegations he sexually assaulted Virginia Giuffre when she was a teenager. Photograph: Liam McBurney/PA

Prince Andrew must make himself available to answer questions under oath by 14 July next year in a civil lawsuit brought by a woman who has accused him of sexually abusing her when she was a teenager.

While not specified in the court papers, the Duke of York and his accuser, Virginia Giuffre, are both expected to answer questions under oath. Depositions must be completed on or before 14 July, said the district judge Lewis Kaplan, who serves in the southern district of New York.

The Queen’s platinum jubilee celebrations will take place in June, potentially setting up a clash with the duke’s legal issues over the summer. » | Agencies | Tuesday,, October 26, 2021

Queen Carries Out First Official Engagements since Hospital Stay

THE GUARDIAN: Monarch, 95, holds virtual audiences from Windsor Castle after following doctor’s orders to rest

The Queen was pictured on a computer screen as she greeted the South Korean ambassador to the UK.Photograph: Victoria Jones/AP

The Queen has carried out virtual audiences from Windsor Castle – her first official engagements in seven days since she was ordered to rest by doctors.

It is the first time the 95-year-old head of state has been seen – albeit on a computer screen – since she hosted a busy evening reception for the global investment summit on 19 October.

She cancelled a trip to Northern Ireland, was under doctor’s orders to rest and underwent preliminary tests in hospital on 20 October during her first overnight stay at a medical facility in eight years.

The Queen was wearing a yellow dress and her three-strand pearl necklace and was seen smiling during the audiences on Tuesday.

She was pictured on a computer screen as she greeted the South Korean ambassador to the UK, Kim Gunn. » | PA Media | Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Die Kolonisten - Deutschbrasilianer im Süden Brasiliens

Elio und Oliver konnten das Gefühl sicherlich nicht stoppen!


Elio and Oliver certainly couldn’t stop the feeling! / Elio et Oliver n'ont certainement pas pu arrêter le sentiment !

Many thanks to GIPHY and Pinterest for this clip from ‘Call Me by Your Name’, starring Timothée Chalamet as Elio and Armie Hammer as Oliver.

Ces jeunes hommes ne peuvent pas arrêter le sentiment non plus.

Auch diese jungen Männer können das Gefühl nicht aufhalten. / These young men can't stop the feeling, either.

Mes remerciements pour cette jolie photo allez à LEUC (@Mylenien) sur Pinterest.

Justin Timberlake : Can't Stop The Feeling | Stormtroopers Dance Moves & More | Tradução | HQ

A Jewish Far-Right Pundit Splits the French Jewish Community as He Rises

THE NEW YORK TIMES Éric Zemmour, eyeing the presidency, tries to rehabilitate the wartime Vichy regime that collaborated with the Nazis as part of a campaign filled with provocations.

Éric Zemmour attending an event last month for his new book in Versailles, France. Mr. Zemmour, 63, has done nothing to deny intense speculation that he will soon become a candidate for the French presidency. | Chesnot/Getty Images

PARIS — There have been many startling elements to Éric Zemmour’s as yet undeclared campaign to forge a hard-right path to the French presidency, but perhaps none as surprising as his attempt to rehabilitate France’s collaborationist wartime regime.

“Vichy protected French Jews and gave the foreign Jews,” Mr. Zemmour said in September on CNews, a growing Fox News-like TV channel, one of several remarks suggesting that the wartime government of Marshal Philippe Pétain that sent more than 72,500 Jews to their deaths was not so bad after all.

The comment was shocking not least because Mr. Zemmour is Jewish. From 1942 onward, there is no evidence that the Vichy regime tried to protect French Jews. It collaborated with the Nazis to round up Jews, whether foreign or French.

Clearly borrowed from the Trump playbook of staying at the top of the news through provocation and outrage, Mr. Zemmour’s declarations have divided the French Jewish community and made the unsayable sayable. But they have not slowed the giddy rise of this smooth-talking TV star and author, with the French presidential election less than six months away. » | Roger Cohen | Monday, October 25, 2021

Free Julian Assange: Snowden, Varoufakis, Corbyn & Tariq Ali Speak Out ahead of Extradition Hearing

Oct 25, 2021 • As jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange faces an extradition hearing Wednesday in London, supporters gathered Friday for the Belmarsh Tribunal, named for the Belmarsh maximum security prison where Assange is being held.

The mock trial highlighted major WikiLeaks revelations of U.S. war crimes and demanded Assange’s freedom. Assange faces up to 175 years in prison in the U.S. under the Espionage Act for publishing classified documents exposing U.S. war crimes. Though a British judge blocked his extradition in January, the U.S. appealed the decision.

We feature speakers from the tribunal, including writer Tariq Ali, Afghan political activist Selay Ghaffar, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis and former Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn.

“Julian, far from being indicted, should actually be a hero,” said Ali. “He should never have been kept in prison for bail. He should not be in prison now awaiting a trial for extradition. He should be released.

” We also hear from Srećko Horvat, philosopher and Belmarsh Tribunal chair; Ewen MacAskill, former Guardian journalist; and Stella Morris, partner of Julian Assange.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Stevie Wonder : I Just Called To Say I Love You

Hits on YouTube: 20,590,529

The Guardian View on US Abortion Laws: Freedoms Hanging by a Thread

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: By allowing the Texas law banning abortions after six weeks to stand, the supreme court has joined the attack

Protesters march in Austin, Texas, against the state’s abortion laws. Photograph: AFP/Getty

The announcement by the US supreme court that Texas’s new law banning abortions after six weeks would be allowed to stand, until it hears the federal government’s case against it on 1 November, was a blow to anyone hoping that the court might block attempts to remove women’s constitutional right to abortion. The 1973 decision that established this right, Roe v Wade, is a landmark in the history of the court.

The challenge brought by the Biden administration aims to overturn the Texas law on grounds that the state has violated the court’s authority. By outsourcing enforcement of its abortion ban to private citizens, who since September have been allowed to sue anyone who helps a woman obtain an abortion, Texas legislators have sought “to evade the traditional mechanisms for judicial review”, the suit states. The justice department argues that this is a dangerous precedent with the potential to undermine other supreme court decisions. While some employers are ffering to relocate staff to other states, the women most likely to be harmed by the ban are the poorest and least mobile, who in Texas are disproportionately women of colour. » | Editorial | Monday, October 25, 2021

Keep politics out of medical matters! The criminalisation of abortions does not affect the rich and privileged – they can afford to travel out of state, or even abroad, to get their abortions. This draconian law affects only the poor and under-privileged, who might well be forced to revert to the Victorian solution: knitting needles and bottles of gin! – © Mark

Sudan’s Army Seizes Power in Coup and Detains Prime Minister

THE GUARDIAN: Military declares state of emergency and gunfire reported as protesters flood Khartoum streets

Sudan’s military has seized power in a coup, arrested leading civilian politicians including the prime minister, Abdalla Hamdok, and declared a state of emergency as thousands of protesters flooded the streets of Khartoum in opposition.

The Sudan Doctors’ Committee said late on Monday that three protesters had been killed and 80 people wounded after security forces fired on demonstrators. As night fell in Khartoum, witnesses described gangs of young men armed with sticks reportedly beating anyone found on the streets.

Sudan has been on edge since a failed coup plot last month unleashed recriminations between military and civilian groups who have been sharing power since the toppling of the autocrat Omar al-Bashir two years ago. With video » | A reporter in Khartoum and Peter Beaumont | Monday, October 25, 2021

Renaud Girard: «Taïwan, une lente strangulation chinoise»

LE FIGARO : CHRONIQUE - Nous risquons d’assister, au cours de cette décennie, à une guerre d’usure entre la Chine et l’Amérique pour le contrôle de ce territoire.

Interrogé en public sur la question de Taïwan par un journaliste le 21 octobre 2021, le président américain actuel est sorti de l’ambiguïté stratégique que tous ses prédécesseurs avaient soigneusement conservée depuis que les États-Unis ont, en 1979, reconnu officiellement la République populaire de Chine et sa doctrine d’un seul pays.

Joe Biden a affirmé que si les forces communistes de l’Armée populaire de libération chinoise attaquaient Taïwan, l’Amérique se porterait militairement au secours de la petite île démocratique agressée.

Le sujet était dans tous les esprits, dans la mesure où l’ambassadeur de Chine à Washington, Zhang Jun, venait de critiquer publiquement «les dangereuses actions américaines dans le détroit de Formose». Ce diplomate de haut rang manie parfaitement l’inversion accusatoire, procédé rhétorique consistant à accuser l’autre de ses propres noires intentions. C’est en effet l’armée de l’air chinoise qui a multiplié, aux mois de septembre et d’octobre 2021, les vols dans la zone de défense de Taïwan et non les chasseurs-bombardiers américains qui sont allés frôler les côtes de la Chine populaire. L’ambassadeur voulait-il critiquer le passage de bâtiments de l’US Navy à travers le détroit, qui fait quand même 170 km de large? » | Par Renaud Girard | lundi 25 Octobre 2021

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À LIRE AUSSI : Pékin teste la détermination de Joe Biden dans le ciel de Taïwan »

David Beckham Slammed for Reportedly Becoming Face of Homophobic Qatar in £150 Million Deal

David Beckham speaks with Nasser al-Khelaifi, chairman of Qatar Sports Investments. (AFP via Getty/ KARIM JAAFAR)

PINK NEWS: David Beckham has reportedly signed a deal worth £150 million to become the “face of Qatar” ahead of next year’s World Cup.

According to The Sun, Beckham will “promote tourism and culture” for the next decade in the country, which is strongly anti-LGBT+ and has an atrocious human rights record.

The deal was first reported by The Mail on Sunday in February, although it is still unclear what duties the role will involve. He will reportedly earn £15 million a year for the next decade.

Beckham, who in 2007 said he was “honoured to have the tag of gay icon” and is an ambassador for UNICEF, spent a week in Qatar this month, one of the most dangerous places in the world to be LGBT+.

In a vague statement, a spokesperson for Beckham told The Telegraph: “David has been visiting Qatar regularly for over a decade and went on to play for [Qatar-owned Paris Saint-Germain] so he has seen the passion for football in the country and the long-term commitment that’s been made to hosting this World Cup and delivering a lasting legacy for the region.

“He’s always talked about the power of football as a force for good.

“As we reach the one-year-to-go point, he joins the wider football community that is coming together for the World Cup 2022 and he’s looking forward to what he thinks will be a great tournament.” Homosexuality can be punished by imprisonment, flogging or death in Qatar » | Lily Wakefield | Monday, October 25, 2021

UK Haulage Industry Tells PM to Act on Supply Chains or Face Christmas Crisis

THE GUARDIAN: Calls for Boris Johnson to intervene personally after ‘lacklustre’ efforts to tackle lorry driver shortage

The haulage industry has urged Boris Johnson to step up “lacklustre” efforts to tackle a shortage of 100,000 HGV drivers, telling him to act now on supply chains or face a Christmas crisis.

Bosses of multiple trade bodies and businesses in the trucking and food industries have written to the prime minister saying not enough had been done to resolve the crisis and urging him to intervene personally.

They said measures intended to plug the gap, including a temporary three month visa for HGV drivers, “simply do not go far enough to tackle the crisis and protect the UK economy in the months ahead”.

“Without further action, this will only get worse, particularly as we begin the countdown to Christmas,” they added.

A lack of qualified HGV drivers has been cited as a factor in last month’s petrol shortages and interruptions to supermarket supply chains, as well as prompting warnings of major disruption at Christmas, such as bins not being collected. » | Rob Davies | Monday, October 25, 2021

Royaume-Uni: le bacon et les dindes de Noël en danger : Les abattoirs et les boucheries britanniques sont frappés par un manque crucial de main-d’œuvre. »

Schweizer Auswanderer in Brasilien – Suche nach einer besseren Zukunft | Reportage | SRF Dok

Sep 4, 2017 • Nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs bewirtschaftete Anton Huber einen kleinen Hof in der Luzerner Gemeinde Kottwil.

Er wollte seinen neun Kindern eine gute Ausbildung ermöglichen. Das schien ihm zuhause unmöglich. Deshalb schloss sich die Familie Huber 1951 einer Gruppe von Auswanderern an, die in Brasilien eine bessere Zukunft suchte.

Die Familien von Anton und Klaus Huber lebten in Zelten, sie wuschen sich im Fluss, wurden von Mücken fast aufgefressen. Aber ein grosser Idealismus gab den Siedlern Kraft: Sie wollten in der Savanne eine Kolonie aufbauen, in der Kleinbauern eine umweltverträgliche Landwirtschaft betreiben und ihre Produkte gemeinsam vermarkten.

Dieser Dokumentarfilm ist zum Teil in Schweizerdeutsch (Schwyzertüütsch) aufgenommen worden. – Mark

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — October 25, 2021

Saudi Crown Prince a ‘Psychopath’, Says Exiled Intelligence Officer

THE GUARDIAN: Saad Aljabri says Mohammed bin Salman boasted he could kill former ruler King Abdullah

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been accused by Saad Aljabri in a 60 Minutes interview of boasting he could kill the kingdom’s one-time ruler, King Abdullah. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

A former senior Saudi intelligence officer has claimed that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is a “psychopath with no empathy” who once boasted that he could kill the kingdom’s ruler at the time, King Abdullah, and replace him with his own father.

In an interview on US television, Saad Aljabri, who fled Saudi Arabia in May 2017 and is living in exile in Canada, also said he had been warned by an associate in 2018, after the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, that a Saudi hit team was heading to Canada to kill him.

Aljabri told 60 Minutes on CBS he was warned “don’t be in a proximity of any Saudi mission in Canada. Don’t go to the consulate. Don’t go to the embassy.” When he asked why, he said he was told “they dismembered the guy, they kill him. You are on the top of the list.”

Some details of the alleged murder plot, which were detailed in litigation in the US and Canada, have already been reported. But the 60 Minutes interview represents the first time Aljabri has publicly spoken about his break with Prince Mohammed.

He also spoke of the plight of his two youngest children, Sarah and Omar, who were arrested and are in prison in Saudi Arabia in what is widely seen as an attempt to force their father back to the country. » | Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Washington | Monday, October 25, 2021

Saudi aide accused of directing Khashoggi murder edges back to power »

Un documentaire sur MBS et l'Arabie saoudite ici.

Saudi crown prince suggested killing King Abdullah, ex-official says: Saudi Arabia's crown prince suggested using a "poison ring" to kill the late King Abdullah, a former top Saudi intelligence official has alleged. »

Here is the 60 Minutes interview.

Gipsy Kings - Trista Pena

Nov 20, 2017 • Gipsy Kings - Trista Pena Scenes from the film «Revenge» starring Kevin Costner and Madeleine Stowe Lyrics, music: Andre Reyes, Jacques Baliardo, Jalhoul Bouchikhi, Maurice Baliardo, Nicolas Reyes, Tonino Baliardo

Erdogan durcit le bras de fer avec l’Occident

Le président turc, Tayyip Erdogan, à Sotchi en Russie, le 29 septembre. SPUTNIK/via REUTERS


LE FIGARO : ANALYSE - Le président turc a annoncé l’expulsion d’une dizaine d’ambassadeurs occidentaux, dont ceux de la France, de l’Allemagne et des États-Unis.

Dans les capitales occidentales et au sein de leurs chancelleries installées en Turquie, la nouvelle a choqué ceux qui s’étaient pourtant habitués aux affronts de Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Elle signale qu’une nouvelle étape a été franchie dans ce pays devenu imprévisible, dont la politique étrangère semble dépendre plus que jamais des aléas de sa politique intérieure.

Samedi, devant une foule de partisans, le chef de l’État turc a annoncé que dix ambassadeurs devraient plier bagage «au plus vite». «J’ai donné des instructions (…) pour que ces dix ministres des Affaires étrangères… pour que ces ambassadeurs soient déclarés persona non grata, a-t-il déclaré, commettant un lapsus. Ils vont connaître la Turquie, la comprendre… Sinon, ils la quitteront!» » | Par Anne Andlauer | Publié : dimanche 24 octobre 2021 ; mis à jour : lundi 25 octobre 2021

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Erwischt! / Je t'ai eu !

Many thanks to Wattpad on Pinterest for this great photo.


Contentement / Contentment

Many thanks to Michael Olivero on Pinterest for this lovely photo.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Les paris économiques risqués de Boris Johnson

La Grande-Bretagne ne peut, seule, isolée, mener une politique économique autarcique qui se défierait des contraintes pesant sur les autres. olga Akmen/Pool Photo via AP

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - La défiance du gouvernement britannique vis-à-vis des préoccupations des chefs d’entreprise risque d’entraîner le pays dans une spirale dangereuse.

C’était l’une des promesses du Brexit. Mettre fin à l’immigration incontrôlée d’Européens, accusée de tirer les salaires à la baisse, pour redonner la priorité aux Britanniques dans l’emploi. Boris Johnson a répété son objectif lors du congrès du Parti conservateur, au début du mois. Il entend faire du pays une «économie à hauts salaires, qualifications élevées, haute productivité et, par là même, faibles impôts».

Las. Ce postulat se heurte aux réalités d’une économie mondialisée et à ses tensions conjoncturelles. La Grande-Bretagne ne peut, seule, isolée, mener une politique économique autarcique qui se défierait des contraintes pesant sur les autres. Selon le professeur d’économie au King’s College London Jonathan Portes, l’impact prévisible de ce malthusianisme migratoire serait «moins d’emploi et moins de production», plutôt que l’inverse. » | Par Florentin Collomp | dimanche 24 octobre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

Presseclub: Ja zur EU, aber ohne ihre Werte – Sprengt Polen die Gemeinschaft?

Nur knapp zwei Jahre nach dem Brexit steht das europäische Haus schon wieder in Flammen. Der Grund: Das polnische Verfassungsgericht lehnt den generellen Vorrang von EU-Recht vor nationalem Recht ab.

Der französische Präsident Macron sprach von einem direkten Angriff auf das Herz Europas. Seither wird fieberhaft überlegt, ob man Warschau durch Geldentzug gefügig machen kann. Doch die polnische Regierung will sich nicht “erpressen lassen” und weigert sich einzulenken. Fliegt der europäische Laden jetzt endgültig auseinander?

Ellen Ehni diskutiert mit ihren Gästen:

Joanna Maria Stolarek (Magazin Dialog)
Christoph von Marshall (Der Tagesgespiegel)
Daniela Schwarzer (Open Society Foundation) Eric Bonse (freier Journalist)

Life with Siberian Nomads | Survival Documentary | Real Stories

Sep 7, 2019 • Kate Humble enters the deep, cold Siberian desert of snow and ice to live with some of the strongest surviving nomads of the world.

Long Arm of Russian Law Reaches Obscure Siberian Church: The arrest of the leader of a small religious group reveals that Russian repression reaches even to the depths of the Siberian forest. »

Major Investigation Targeting Australia’s Largest Neo-Nazi Group | 60 Minutes Australia

Aug 15, 2021 • A joint investigation by 60 MINUTES, ‘The Age’ and ‘Sydney Morning Herald’ to infiltrate and expose a toxic and rotting world of hate. Reporter Nick McKenzie has been working on this clandestine operation for the past eight months. The threat is so significant Australia’s top spy, the director-general of ASIO has agreed to his first major television interview. “This is of grave concern to ASIO, and should be of grave concern to all Australians,” Mike Burgess tells McKenzie.

This 60 Minutes Australia report is very disturbing, so I do not wish to embed the video on my blog; instead, I am posting a link to the video on YouTube so that you can view it there instead.

Be warned! This report is very troubling; further, much of the language used in the video is also troubling and disgusting. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. Both because of the report’s content and filthy language and racist sentiments used by the neo-Nazis in the report. Be aware that the report is NOT suitable viewing for children; nor is it suitable viewing for the anxious , the squeamish or the faint of heart.

Considering the dreadful history of the middle of the twentieth century, it is truly astonishing that people with such obnoxious and disturbing views should exist at all in the twenty-first century. Clearly, people like this have NOT learnt the lessons of history. Unfortunately, if we, as people, don’t learn the lessons of history, we are doomed to repeat them. This is extremely sad and very worrying.

The 60 Minutes Australia programme can be viewed here. – © Mark

The Alleged Dodgy Deals Casting a New Shadow on the Royal Family | 60 Minutes Australia

Their titles bring entitlement, but how much should the British royal family be allowed to exploit that privilege? The latest shadow cast over the Windsors comes from accusations they can – and are – being bought. The timing couldn't be worse with increasing fears for 95-year-old Queen Elizabeth's health. But as you'll see, some very curious characters have been doing some dubious deals, including with senior Royals, who appear to act as if cash for cachet is perfectly acceptable.

Hinter der Fassade | SWR Nachtcafé

Oct 22, 2021 • Jeden Tag treffen wir auf fremde Menschen - und häufig machen wir uns schnell ein Bild von ihnen. Doch was sie zu dem gemacht hat, was sie heute sind, was sie bewegt, das wissen wir nicht. Und selbst diejenigen, die wir zu kennen meinen, können hinter der Fassade Dinge verborgen halten, von denen wir nichts ahnen.