Thursday, October 28, 2021

Government’s Own Shocking Figures Show Brexit Is Twice as Damaging as a Deadly Pandemic

BoJo, you really should have stuck with your day job of being a wordsmith of lies! At least that way, you wouldn’t have done so much damage to people’s livelihoods.

I know you wanted to be prime minister so badly; but sometimes in life we desire jobs and positions we are ill-suited to, just as you were and are to being prime minister.

Many people bought into your fantasies. But they were taken in and are going to end up being all the poorer for their misplaced optimism and belief in your abilities and suitability for the position you now hold. ‘Sad’ is too mild a word for this catastrophe. Perhaps ‘tragic’ would be a more suitable word.

Further, look at how you are angering our allies and neighbours! France and the French in particular. It is going to take years to repair the damage and loss of trust in the UK after you leave office, which I hope will be very soon. – © Mark