Sunday, October 03, 2021

Pandora Papers: Biggest Ever Leak of Offshore Data Exposes Financial Secrets of Rich and Powerful

THE GUARDIAN: Millions of documents reveal offshore deals and assets of more than 100 billionaires, 30 world leaders and 300 public officials

The Pandora papers reveal the inner workings of what is a shadow financial world, providing a rare window into the hidden operations of a global offshore economy. Illustration: Guardian Design

The secret deals and hidden assets of some of the world’s richest and most powerful people have been revealed in the biggest trove of leaked offshore data in history.

Branded the Pandora papers, the cache includes 11.9m files from companies hired by wealthy clients to create offshore structures and trusts in tax havens such as Panama, Dubai, Monaco, Switzerland and the Cayman Islands.

They expose the secret offshore affairs of 35 world leaders, including current and former presidents, prime ministers and heads of state. They also shine a light on the secret finances of more than 300 other public officials such as government ministers, judges, mayors and military generals in more than 90 countries.

The files include disclosures about major donors to the Conservative party, raising difficult questions for Boris Johnson as his party meets for its annual conference.

More than 100 billionaires feature in the leaked data, as well as celebrities, rock stars and business leaders. Many use shell companies to hold luxury items such as property and yachts, as well as incognito bank accounts. There is even art ranging from looted Cambodian antiquities to paintings by Picasso and murals by Banksy.

The Pandora papers reveal the inner workings of what is a shadow financial world, providing a rare window into the hidden operations of a global offshore economy that enables some of the world’s richest people to hide their wealth and in some cases pay little or no tax. » | Guardian investigations team | Sunday, October 3, 2021

Pandora papers reveal hidden riches of Putin’s inner circle »

Tony and Cherie Blair bought property via offshore firm and saved £300,000 in tax »

Let the light in: why the Guardian is publishing the Pandora papers »

Pandora Papers : plusieurs chefs de gouvernement mis en cause pour évasion fiscale : Une enquête publiée dimanche, à laquelle ont collaboré environ 600 journalistes de l'ICIJ, met en cause le premier ministre tchèque, le roi de Jordanie ou les présidents du Kenya et d'Équateur entre autres. »

« Pandora Papers » : du roi Abdallah II à Tony Blair, des dizaines de dirigeants politiques éclaboussés par le scandale »

Chopin: Scherzo No. 2 in B Flat Minor, Op. 31 | Seong-Jin Cho

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group


Maintaining this blog is more difficult than it needs to be because I am working without any information on its demographics: I have no idea of your ages, your first language, or sexual orientation, or even whether your out of the closet. (Are most of my visitors gay or straight? Please bear in mind that this blog had been going for twenty or so years before it ever became gay-friendly.) Further, I do not know exactly what percentage of my visitors are English-speaking, German-speaking, or French-speaking, especially as a first language.

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Warm wishes to all,


Phil Collins: Everyday | 2016 Remastered

Provided to YouTube by Laika Network | Views on YouTube: 2,612,359

Après le Brexit, Boris Johnson se prépare à un «hiver du mécontentement»

Boris Johnson à son arrivée au congrès annuel du Parti conservateur, le 3 octobre à Manchester. BEN STANSALL/AFP

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Suite à l’envolée du prix du gaz et la pénurie de carburant, le premier ministre va devoir s’expliquer au congrès annuel du Parti conservateur.

Correspondant à Londres

Le grand large, on le sait, recèle souvent moins de dangers que le cabotage en vue des côtes. Boris Johnson en fait en ce début d’automne la singulière expérience. À Washington, il a eu son moment de gloire en compagnie de Joe Biden, pour célébrer le joli coup en Asie-Pacifique. Le retour en terre britannique a été plus rude. Les foyers de crise se multiplient et le gouvernement semble ne plus savoir où donner de la tête. La presse conservatrice l’accuse même de «l’avoir enterrée dans le sable», incapable de s’attaquer aux problèmes par incompétence. Et le premier ministre pourrait se trouver confronté à ce qu’on appelle ici un grand «hiver de mécontentement».

Comme toile de fond de la conférence annuelle du Parti conservateur qui se tient jusqu’à mercredi à Manchester, Boris Johnson aurait pu rêver mieux. Le Covid ayant dématérialisé le raout de l’an dernier, c’est pourtant la première fois que les tories se retrouvent depuis leur rezzou électoral de décembre 2019, qui a offert au vénérable parti sa plus solide majorité depuis trois décennies. «BoJo» voulait se servir de ce congrès pour tourner la page de dix-huit mois de pandémie et relancer son mandat. Mais le message est obscurci par les files de voitures devant des stations-service à sec. » | Par Arnaud De La Grange | dimanche 3 octobre 2021

Brexit Shortages - Clueless Government Has No Idea How to Deal with the Shortages

Oct 3, 2021 • The pandemic and Brexit resulted in hundreds of thousands of EU workers leaving the UK and not returning causing severe labour shortages in many sectors including transport, care, health, food and construction.

The reason why they have not returned is because of new entry requirement which include paying for work visas, health insurance and having at least £1200 to support themselves initially. This has left the UK economy with severe labour shortages whilst the loss of tax revenues generated by those EU workers.

The government has no idea how to solve this problem except by talking about 'training up our own people and paying them a lot more money' Many of 'our own people do not want the jobs previously done by EU workers and paying them more will only result in higher prices without an increase in productivity.

With an ageing population, we will need immigrants to fill the vacancies caused by Brexit and this will inevitably mean that we will have to find workers from Third World countries.

James Taylor : You’ve Got a Friend

Mount Salem Kitchen: How to Make Tafelspitz the Classic Austrian Way

Tafelspitz nach österreichischer Art


-1 large yellow onion, halved horizontally (unpeeled)
-1 lb. beef bones, roasted at 400F [200C] for 30 minutes
-1 tri-tip (beef triangle), about 1½ lbs. (substitute with top round sirloin)
-2 large carrots (or 4 narrow ones), peeled and cut
-2 medium parsnips, peeled and sliced
-1 small celery root, peeled and sliced
-1 T. sea salt
-15 black peppercorns
-4 juniper berries
-1 t. mustard seed
-2 bay leaves
-2 cloves garlic, peeled
-1 leek, rinsed of soil and sand, sliced
-8 ‘branches’ flat-leaf parsley, tied


1. Slice onion in half (don’t peel it) and place it cut-side down on a hot skillet; sear until blackened. While this is happening…

2. Rinse beef bones and tri-tip (beef triangle) in cool water; roast beef bones as directed, then place them and the beef Triangle in a pot large enough to hold them; fill ¾ with cool water, turn heat on high, and add the blackened onions.

3. Prepare the carrots, parsnips, celery root as directed, and separate into two equal parts; place half of each vegetable into the pot and set the rest aside. Add the Sea Salt, black peppercorn, juniper berries, mustard seed, bay leaves and garlic cloves.

4. When the pot is in a rolling boil, skim the scum that rises to the surface during the first 15 minutes; reduce heat to a simmer, and cook for 1 ½ hours, or until the beef is tender.

5.When the beef is almost tender, remove it from the pot and strain all the solids out (consider serving the beef bones with a knife and toasted bread: spread the morrow and enjoy). Return the broth to the pot with the beef, and then add the reserved vegetables (carrots, parsnip, celery root) as well as the sliced leeks and the parsley. Simmer for 20 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender.

6. Remove the beef and slice it against the grain. Onto each plate or bowl, lay several slices of beef and then use a slotted spoon to add vegetables from the pot; spoon broth over the top and then garnish: add 2 T. of the apple/horseradish on top of the beef, then sprinkle minced chives and the dill fronds. Serve immediately.

Taliban Threaten Women Who Defy Working Bans | DW News

Oct 3, 2021 • When the Taliban were in power in Afghanistan in the late 1990s, women were shut out of education and could only leave their homes in the company of a male relative – this time around, 40 million Afghans are waiting to see if the new Taliban government will now try to turn back the clock on twenty years of advances for the country’s women. For Afghan women in the media, the signs aren’t looking good – the country’s state broadcaster has already taken all its female journalists off air. DW’s Nick Connolly has been to meet a radio journalist who’s in no mood to give up.

UK Calls in Military, Recruits Civilians to Drive Trucks | DW News

Oct 3, 2021 • The UK's armed forces are to start delivering fuel to gas stations across Britain, in an effort to ease a supply crisis which has brought much of the UK to a standstill.

Hundreds of filling stations have run dry, causing chaotic scenes as drivers panic-buy and attempt to stockpile fuel. The government is blaming a lack of truck drivers, and unprecedented demand driven by scare-mongering. Critics point to the fact that many foreign truck drivers left the country because of Brexit.

Fancy a UK visa? Maybe you should quickly become a truck driver. But bear in mind: You might be thrown out again at Christmas.

The UK government plans to issue temporary visas to 5,000 foreign truck drivers. The move comes after gasoline shortfalls and empty supermarket shelves.

The UK lacks about 100,000 truck drivers. They are needed to deliver everything from gasoline to groceries. The shortfall has caused panic buying.

Many blame the pandemic and above all, Brexit. But while many countries in Europe face driver shortages, some experts say unless companies in Britain offer significantly higher wages, it remains unclear how many workers will take advantage of the short-term visas.

Face au scandale des abus sexuels, comment l'Église forme ses futurs prêtres

Célébration chantante quotidienne dans l'église du séminaire, concélébrée par six prêtres. Axelle de Russé

LE FIGARO : REPORTAGE - Prise dans la tourmente, l'Église de France continue d'attirer des jeunes désireux de devenir prêtres. Alors que la commission Sauvé rend ses conclusions le 5 octobre sur les agressions sexuelles dans l'Église depuis quatre-vingts ans, Le Figaro Magazine est allé à la rencontre de ces appelés, au Séminaire international d'Ars-sur-Formans, dans l'Ain.

« La sexualité imprègne toute la vie. Y renoncer signe mon existence. » Tout en passant les vitesses de sa Peugeot un peu ¬cabossée, frôlant de ses doigts le chapelet en bois auquel pend une photo en noir et blanc du curé d'Ars, Roch Valentin se prête au jeu des questions indiscrètes. Chargé depuis huit ans de la formation d'une quarantaine de sémina¬ristes en Bourgogne, dont l'âge oscille entre 20 et 35 ans, ce prêtre est sans ¬détour. Que faire avec le désir sexuel, la frustration, la solitude, le célibat, quand on a choisi le sacerdoce ? «Aujourd'hui, toutes ces questions ne sont plus tues dans l'Église. Au contraire, nous les prenons en charge, promet-il dans un tournant pris de ¬façon un peu trop serrée, sur cette jolie route de campagne. Pour moi, l'équi¬libre de nos élèves est la clé. Nous veillons à ce qu'ils soient des hommes complets, heureux dans leur vie. » Idéal de chasteté » | Par Guyonne de Montjou (texte) et Axelle de Russé (photos) | vendredi 1 octobre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

For His Sake, and Britain’s, Now Is the Time for Boris Johnson to Ride Off into the Sunset

THE GUARDIAN: He could resume his career as an entertainer and we might get a PM worthy of the office

A new prime minister might begin a reset of relations with our European neighbours, such as is impossible under Johnson.’ Photograph: Reuters

At the end of The Magnificent Seven, most delightful of all westerns, there is a scene in which the elderly Mexican village sage says to Yul Brynner and Steve McQueen: “Your work is done.” It was time for the farmers to take over again. Following which, the two gunfighters rode away, to massacre evildoers elsewhere.

We shall dismiss scepticism about whether Boris Johnson can plausibly be compared to either Brynner or McQueen, but suggest that this is a good moment for the prime minister’s chums to put to him the old Mexican’s proposition: “Your work is done.” We might then return our governance to people willing to be interested not in farming, but instead boring stuff such as keeping the gas on and making sure children attend school.

What’s more, how do we keep Britain functioning between today and Christmas, when the foreign lorry drivers’ and turkey-feeders’ temporary visas will expire? There is no immediate prospect of evicting the incumbent from Downing Street against his, or perhaps Mrs Johnson’s, wishes.

It may be possible, however, to start convincing the couple that their interests would be well served by an early bath. The prime minister could tell his host of admirers that he has delivered Brexit and the Covid vaccination programme and averted a Corbyn premiership.

Whatever view we take of his record, he is assured of many pages in the history of the times. Only Nigel Farage has been more influential in reshaping our politics. Johnson can resume his rightful career as an entertainer. His memoirs, entwined with the diaries that he has assuredly been keeping (to the discomfiture of everyone who has spoken to him privately since he took office) will be worth millions. He might explore new terrain by becoming a devoted family man.

Almost none of the above is designedly facetious. If Johnson quits soon, he can remain famous, become rich and escape the protracted descent awaiting him if he lingers, eventually to vanish beneath the flock of poultry returning to roost in Downing Street. » | Max Hastings | Sunday, October 3, 2021

Gay Quote: Frank Kameny

Photo thanks to the Guardian. It is taken fron his obituary in the Guardian, to which there is a link below.

“Dr. Frank Kameny is widely hailed as one of the most prominent figures of the United States LGBTQ rights movement. …

In 1971, Kameny became the first openly gay candidate for the US Congress when he ran in the District of Columbia’s first election for a non-voting Congressional delegate. After his defeat Kameny and his campaign organization created the Gay and Lesbian Alliance of Washington, DC, an organization that continues to lobby government and press the case for equal rights.”

The following is one of his many quotes:

“The person who really needs the psychotherapy (…) is not the homosexual youngster who gets dragged to the psychiatrist’s office by his mother, but the mother, to releive her anxieties about his homosexuality.”
[Source: News 18.]

Dr. Kameny died in 2011. Here is his obituary in the Guardian.

More ‘Hot’ Than ‘Cute’!

Again, my thanks go to El Chulo Dominicano, who has some of the very best photos of gay kisses on Pinterest.


Niedlich / Joli

With thanks to Wattpad and El Chulo Dominicano and, of course, Pinterest for this lovely photo.

Mass Protests in Brazil Call for Jair Bolsonaro’s Impeachment

THE GUARDIAN: Crowds parade through cities as polling shows president’s ratings sinking to new depths

Protesters in Rio de Janeiro were addressed by politicians calling for a united opposition to Jair Bolsonaro.Photograph: António Lacerda/EPA

Tens of thousands of protesters have returned to the streets of Brazil’s biggest cities to demand Jair Bolsonaro’s impeachment, as a poll showed the Brazilian president’s ratings had plumbed new depths.

Huge crowds paraded through downtown Rio on Saturday to voice their outrage at Bolsonaro’s response to a Covid outbreak that has killed nearly 600,000 people and dealt a heavy blow to the South American country’s economy.

“We have come to shout at the top of our voices: Bolsonaro’s place is behind bars,” Carlos Lupi, the president of Brazil’s Democratic Labour party, told thousands of flag-waving demonstrators who had gathered outside Rio’s municipal chamber under a ferocious midday sun.

“This crook who uses the Bible to trick the people … This worm! This wretch! He must go to jail!” Lupi bellowed to cheers of approval. » | Tom Phillips in Rio de Janeiro | Saturday, October 2, 2021

Saturday, October 02, 2021

You Can’t Level Up by Raising Taxes on the Poor, Tories Tell PM

THE OBSERVER: Top MPs warn No 10 over plans for equality as Conservative conference gets under way in Manchester
The prime minister, Boris Johnson, visits the site of the new children’s hospital at Leeds general infirmary on Saturday 2 October. Photograph: Christopher Furlong/AFP/Getty Images

A group of senior Conservative MPs has broken ranks to openly question how Boris Johnson can deliver on his promise to increase prosperity in poorer parts of the UK while at the same time raising taxes for working people and cutting benefits.

As the prime minister arrived in Manchester on Saturday night for his party’s first full conference since its thumping 2019 election win, Johnson insisted he was ready to take the “big, bold decisions on the priorities people care about – like on social care, on supporting jobs, on climate change, tackling crime and levelling up”.

But among Tory MPs, including some who won their northern or Midlands seats from Labour on the back of Johnson’s promise to “level up” the country, there was growing concern that tax rises and cuts to universal credit may fatally undermine their constituents’ trust in Johnson and his ability to deliver for people in more deprived areas. » | Toby Helm, Michael Savage, Phillip Inman and Harriet Sherwood | Saturday, October 2, 2021

I have said before and I'll say it again: Boris Johnson has a poor grip on economics. He is a classicist; he is not an economist. Not only does he not understand economics, he is clueless, too. One thing that he doesn't seem to understand is this: The economy must work for everyone, not just the superrich. There are going to be very many people hurting this winter because of the cuts in benefits and the rising energy and food prices. For the poor and less well-off, this is a huge problem. Doubtless, the superrich will keep on partyng. Energy price rises and rising food prices will mean little to them. But for the less well-off, it will be a huge deal. Have a heart, Boris. It's the Christian way. – © Mark

Die Kaviar-Connection (1/2) | Doku HD | ARTE

Sep 24, 2021 • Die 2-teilige Investigations-Doku deckt auf, wie Diktatoren in Zentralasien und im Kaukasus ihr Ansehen verbessern und Menschenrechtsverletzungen vertuschen, indem sie westliche Politiker bis tief in die europäischen Institutionen hinein bestechen. Die Dokumentation zeigt aber auch, wie ein gut organisiertes Netzwerk von Investigationsjournalisten zur Gegenwehr schreitet.

Die zweiteilige Investigation schildert, wie die Enthüllungsjournalistin Khadija Ismayilova wegen ihrer mutigen Berichterstattung über das korrupte Regime in Aserbaidschan ins Gefängnis kam. Ihre Enthüllungen betrafen die persönliche Bereicherung des Präsidenten Ilham Aliyev und seiner Familie an den Bodenschätzen des Landes. Die Folge „Die Macht des Geldes“ beschreibt außerdem den Aufstieg der neuen Diktatoren in den kaukasischen und zentralasiatischen Gebieten nach dem Niedergang der Sowjetunion.In dem Film werden die Mechanismen der berüchtigten „Kaviar-Diplomatie“ erklärt. Diese von Aserbaidschan eingesetzte Lobby-Strategie zielt darauf ab, das Ansehen der Scheindemokratie auf der internationalen Bühne zu verbessern – mit Hilfe internationaler Sportveranstaltungen, Einladungen von Stars aus der ganzen Welt und Geschenken an westliche Politiker. Die Rechnung ging auf, denn immer noch drücken europäische Eliten trotz eklatanter Veruntreuungen und Menschenrechtsverletzungen ein Auge zu. Die aktive Kaviar-Diplomatie aserbaidschanischer Gesandter fruchtete sogar im Europarat: Ein kritischer Bericht über politische Gefangene in Aserbaidschan wurde in der Parlamentarischen Versammlung überraschend mehrheitlich abgelehnt.Parallel dazu schildert der auf organisierte Verbrechen spezialisierte rumänische Enthüllungsjournalist Paul Radu, dass Journalisten wie Khadija Ismayilova inzwischen gelernt haben, dass sie an Einfluss und Gewicht gewinnen, wenn sie sich auf internationaler Ebene vernetzen.

2-tlg. Doku von Benoît Bringer und Laurent Richard (F 2021, 55 Min)

Un séminariste transgenre embarrasse l'épiscopat américain

Mgr Jerome Listecki. Darren Hauck / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP

LE FIGARO : Née femme, cette personne aurait trafiqué son certificat de baptême pour entrer au séminaire après une opération de changement de sexe. Un évêque américain propose dans une note interne de vérifier le sexe de naissance des candidats au sacerdoce.

C'est un sujet épineux qu'a abordé Mgr Jerome Listecki, président de la commission des affaires catholiques au sein de la conférence des évêques catholiques des États-Unis. L'archevêque de Milwaukee, dans le Wisconsin, a en effet alerté ses confrères au sujet de plusieurs cas de séminaristes transgenres. Dans l'Église catholique, seuls les hommes sont autorisés à accéder à la prêtrise, rappelle-t-il dans une note interne datée du 22 septembre, et qui a depuis fuité sur Internet. Les évêques considèrent, en se référant au Code de Droit Canon qui régit le gouvernement de l'Église, que cette exigence s'applique au sexe de naissance, et refusent donc le sacerdoce aux femmes qui ont eu recours à des opérations de changement de sexe. » | Par Le Figaro | vendredi 1 octobre 2021

Mahan Esfahani – Bach: Goldberg Variations (Medley)

On his new album harpsichord star Mahan Esfahani approaches one of the greatest masterpieces of the Baroque repertoire with fresh eyes: Bach’s incomparable Goldberg Variations. The music featured in this video includes Aria da capo, Variatio 11 a 2 Clav. and Variatio 29 a 1 ovvero 2 Clav from the "Goldberg Variations”.

NastassjaCanCook: Country-style Beef Stew | “My Grandmother's Recipe”

Sep 25, 2021 • I usually make this stew either in a fast cooker or slow cooker, but today I want to show you how to make it in just the oven. My grandmother used to make this stew quite often and it was cooked in traditional Russian stove known as a pechka.. This stove was the heart and soul of country living. It made food, baked bread and also gave heat in winter days to warm up the house.


2 lb stew meat [UK: stewing steak]
2 large onions
1 cup beef stock (or water)
1 cup tomato puree
3 tbsp clarified butter (ghee)
4-5 cloves
minced garlic 1 tsp coriander
1 tsp paprika
½ tsp chili pepper
1 bay leaf

The meat, the METHOD and the cooking pot:

Best cuts of beef for stew are chuck, sirloin or boneless short ribs. This dish is made entirely in the oven and does not require any pre-cooking. The secret is in the temperature of your oven. Add all ingredients to a cast iron Dutch oven [UK – casserole]

Place in the oven (uncovered) at 350°F (180°C) for 1 hour.
Mix it and cover it either with the lid or foil.
Lower the temperature of your oven to slow a cooking temperature of 220°F (120°C) and cook for a further 3 - 4 hours.
Total cooking time would be 5 hours and will result in a thick sauce, full of flavor. The meat will be very tender.
Serve with mashed potatoes or noodles.
Vegetables like: carrots and mushrooms can be added at the end, when there is about 1 hour of cooking time left.

My Big Gay Jewish Conversion

May 2, 2020 • When a nice Irish Catholic queer 'boy' falls in love with a nice English Jewish queer 'boy', he frets about whether he should change Gods too.

TV Presenter/Producer SIMON ATKINS decides to check it out, in order to see if there's more to the issue than just undergoing an (extremely painful) adult circumcision. His very entertaining search takes him from liberal North London to ultra-conservative Orthodox Jerusalem via Israel's gay hotspot Tel Aviv.

Chine-États-Unis: le dangereux face-à-face

Un navire de ravitaillement de l’APL s’apprête à prendre la mer depuis le port naval de Qingdao. CHINA DAILY/REUTERS

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Avec Pékin, dit Joe Biden, il y aura «compétition quand elle est nécessaire, collaboration quand elle est possible, confrontation quand elle est inévitable».

La nouvelle guerre froide a commencé. Après la rupture fracassante de Donald Trump avec la Chine au début de l’année 2020, Joe Biden est en passe d’articuler en doctrine stratégique la rivalité croissante entre les deux grandes puissances.

Le nouveau président américain avait défini dès son entrée en fonction sa politique vis-à-vis de Pékin: «Une compétition quand elle est nécessaire, une collaboration quand elle est possible et une confrontation quand elle est inévitable.» Neuf mois plus tard, les relations entre Washington et Pékin se résument surtout à la troisième catégorie. » | Par Adrien Jaulmes | Publié : mardi 28 septembre 2021 ; mis à jour : mercredi 29 septembre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

Philippines : Duterte annonce son retrait de la vie politique après la présidentielle, ouvrant la voie à sa fille

LE FIGARO : Le président, connu pour sa «croisade» ultra violente contre les trafiquants de drogue, n'a pas indiqué la personne qu'il souhaitait voir lui succéder à la présidence, mais beaucoup spéculent sur la candidature de sa fille, Sara Duterte-Carpio.

Le président philippin Rodrigo Duterte a annoncé samedi qu'il ne se présenterait pas à la vice-présidence en 2022 et se retirerait de la vie politique, ouvrant ainsi la voie à sa fille pour lui succéder à la tête du pays. «Le sentiment dominant... chez les Philippins, est que je ne suis pas qualifié et que ce serait enfreindre la constitution» que de se présenter à la vice-présidence, a-t-il déclaré. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | samedi 2 octobre 2021

Evangelists Accuse Church in Wales of Making God Sad by Blessing Same-sex Couples

PINK NEWS: An Evangelist group has condemned the Church of Wales for deciding to bless same-sex unions, accusing it of upsetting God.

On 6 September, the Church in Wales voted in favour of allowing blessings for same-sex unions “experimentally” for the next five years.

It has taken the Evangelical Fellowship in the Church in Wales (EFCW) three weeks to respond to the decision, and in a statement published Monday (27 September), it accuses the church of defying “the apostolic faith as revealed in scripture.”

In its statement, the EFCW said it recognises that the church has been “insensitive and even hurtful” to LGBT+ people in the past and that believes the church should welcome LGBT+ people – as long as they don’t have sex.

“The only biblical context for sexual activity is heterosexual marriage,” it wrote, accusing the church of dishonouring “those who, persuaded that Scripture teaches that sexual activity is restricted to heterosexual marriage, have chosen to remain celibate”.

The group claims that allowing blessings of same-sex partnerships within the church has “changed the Church’s doctrine on marriage”.

The statement continued: “This decision has damaged the Church in Wales’ relationship with the majority of the provinces in the global Anglican Communion, which remain committed to an orthodox understanding of human sexuality.” "Such disunity is a grave and serious matter which grieves the heart of God." » | Alice Broster | Friday, October 1, 2021

How pathetic! How can these people speak on behalf of God with such authority? Do they have a hotline to God?

This is anthropomorphism, pure and simple! First of all, how can they possibly know that God has the same emotions as humans? In fact, does He have any emotions at all? To believe in God does not mean that one has to accept that He sees, feels and perceives everything in the same way that human beings do. That is such a simplistic portrayal of God. It reminds me of the old folk who often said that when there was a thunderstorm, it was a sign of God’s anger! Give us a break! Such silly notions!

In any case, if one is to believe that there is indeed a God, then one is also to believe that we are all God’s children. Further, we are born just as God intended us to be. Because Christians, and other believers, insist that God is perfect and that He doesn’t err.

By rejecting gays and by denying gays equal rights, implicit in what they are saying is that God has indeed erred and that God has created people who are less than perfect. How inconsistent is that?

To believe in God means that one has to believe all of God’s creation are worthy of respect and equal rights. All people, regardless of sexual orientation, should have the right to pursue their own happiness. They should also have the right to fulfil their potential. Anything else must surely be in defiance of God and God's will. And if anything will make God sad, that will! – © Mark

Conversion Therapy to Be Banned in UK by Spring 2022, Vows Boris Johnson’s LGBT+ Rights Envoy

PINK NEWS: The British government is, in fact, “committed to outlawing conversion ‘therapy’ by spring 2022”, the prime minister’s LGBT+ envoy has said.

Nick Herbert appointed by Boris Johnson as a “special envoy” on queer advocacy at home and abroad, gave a simple piece of information that many officials have been unable to give – a time the ban will be introduced.

“I welcome this,” the former MP for Arundel and South Downs, said.

“A useful and constructive report and timely as the government’s consultation will be published shortly on how (not whether) conversion therapy should be outlawed.” » | Josh Milton | Friday, October 1, 2021

China to Ban Video Games Featuring Same-sex Relationships, ‘Effeminate’ Men and Moral Choices

PINK NEWS: China will ban video games featuring same-sex relationships, ‘effeminate’ men and moral choices, according to a leaked memo.

The internal memo from a recent internal training by the state-backed gaming association was revealed by the South China Morning Post, lays out new restrictions for approving video games in China.

According to the publication, the memo said that video games must not be viewed as “pure entertainment”, and should instead convey “a correct set of values”.

Games that feature queer relationships or “effeminate males”, the memo states, should not be approved for release in China.

“If regulators can’t tell the character’s gender immediately, the setting of the characters could be considered problematic and red flags will be raised,” it added.

Games that allow players to make moral choices between good and evil should also not be approved, according to the memo. » | Lily Wakefield | Saturday, October 2, 2021

Sie sind einfach am Knutschen.

Ils s'embrassent juste. / They're just kissing.

Many thanks to El Chulo Dominicano and Pinterest for this nice photo of two clean-cut gays simply kissing.

Friday, October 01, 2021

Paolo & Patrick's Wedding Vows #LoveWins

Follow Paolo on Twitter here.

And on Facebook here.

U-Boot-Streit: Aussenminister Blinken reist nach Frankreich

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Nachdem sich die Franzosen durch den Aukus-Sicherheitspakt übergangen fühlten, wollen die Vereinigten Staaten Vertrauen wiederaufbauen.

Zunächst soll Antony Blinken nach Paris reisen. Joe Biden und Emmanuel Macron wollen im Oktober bei einem persönlichen Treffen zusammenkommen. | John Altdorfer / X03626

(dpa) Vor dem Hintergrund des heftigen U-Boot-Streits mit Frankreich reist der amerikanische Aussenminister Antony Blinken zu Gesprächen nach Paris. Blinken werde dort von Montag bis Mittwoch mit Spitzenpolitikern zusammentreffen, teilte das Aussenministerium mit.

Die für Europa zuständige Top-Diplomatin Karen Donfried räumte am Freitag in einer Telefonschalte mit Journalisten ein, dass «bessere und offenere Konsultationen zwischen Verbündeten» vor der U-Boot-Krise hilfreich gewesen wären. Sie äusserte Verständnis für die französische Haltung, dass für den Wiederaufbau von Vertrauen nicht nur Worte, sondern auch Taten notwendig seien. » | dpa | Freitag, 1. Oktober 2021

La sœur de Kim Jong-un obtient un poste haut placé dans la hiérarchie

Kim Yo Jong, conseillère très proche de son frère, a été promue membre de la Commission des affaires de l'État. JORGE SILVA / AFP

LE FIGARO : La sœur et conseillère du dirigeant nord-coréen Kim Jong-un a été nommée au sein du plus haut organe de l'exécutif du pays, a annoncé jeudi 29 septembre l'agence de presse officielle KCNA. Kim Yo Jong, conseillère très proche de son frère, a été promue membre de la Commission des affaires de l'État, dans le cadre d'une série de changements approuvés par l'Assemblée populaire suprême, le parlement servant de chambre d'enregistrement de l'exécutif.

Pas moins de neuf membres de la commission ont été démis de leurs fonctions, dont un vice-président, Pak Pong Ju et la diplomate Choe Son Hui, une des rares femmes à occuper un poste élevé dans la hiérarchie de la Corée du Nord, et qui a joué un rôle clé dans les négociations avec les États-Unis. Le journal officiel Rodong Sinmun a publié jeudi des portraits des huit nouveaux membres, Kim Yo Jong sortant du lot en tant que seule femme et de par sa jeunesse. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | jeudi 30 september 2021

In Plain Sight, Boris Johnson Is Rigging the System to Stay in Power

THE GUARDIAN: Weakening the courts, limiting protest, hobbling the elections regulator. If another country did this, what would we call it?

Boris Johnson at the first post-reshuffle cabinet meeting in Downing Street on 17 September. Photograph: WPA/Getty Images

If this wasn’t us, how would we describe it? If this was Viktor Orbán’s Hungary, or Poland, what language might we use? Would an announcer on the BBC World Service declare: “Amid fuel and food shortages, the government has moved to cement its grip on power. It’s taking action against the courts, shrinking their ability to hold the ruling party to account, curbing citizens’ right to protest and imposing new rules that would gag whistleblowers and sharply restrict freedom of the press. It’s also moving against election monitors while changing voting rules, which observers say will hurt beleaguered opposition groups … ”

It doesn’t sound like us. We like to tell ourselves that we live in a mature democracy, our institutions deep rooted. Political competition is brisk, never more so than at this time of year, as one party conference ends and another begins. This is not a one-party state. All it would require is Labour to get its act together – to which end it made a decent start this week – and, with a fair wind, the Conservatives would be out.

It’s a consoling thought, but not a reliable one. Almost unnoticed, perhaps because it’s done with an English rather than a Hungarian accent, our populist, nationalist prime minister is steadily setting out to weaken the institutions that define a liberal democracy: the ones that might act as checks and balances on him. And he’s moving, Orbán style, to make it ever harder for his government to lose power. » | Jonathan Freedland | Friday, October 1, 2021

The façade is that of a clown; beneath that façade, however, appears to hide something rather more sinister. This is troubling indeed. What is my country being turned into? One cannot help but rue the fact that this country has no ‘First Amendment' and a written, American-style constitution. – © Mark

Jan Lisiecki – Chopin: Nocturne in E Minor, Op. posth. 72/1 | Live from Würzburg, 2018

Sep 17, 2021 • “These remarkable pieces invite you to think and feel whatever you want", says Lisiecki, "There’s no ‘right’ response to them, other than the one you’re having.”

WIKIPEDIA: Jan Lisiecki »

A Visit to a Stronghold of Germany's Far-right Party | DW News

Oct 1, 2021 • The far-right Alternative for Germany party remains strong in the east, but has suffered small losses nationwide — and will not be involved in any coalition talks, as it remains a pariah for all other parties.

Germany's eastern state of Saxony bucked the nationwide downward trend: The Alternative for Germany (AfD) emerged as the strongest party there in Sunday's general election, clearly ahead of the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU). In neighboring Thuringia, the AfD also narrowly beat the Social Democrats to become the largest single party.

Why is the AfD so strong in the east? We went to the city of Görlitz to find out.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — October 1, 2021

Sogar Professoren werden als Lkw-Fahrer umworben


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die britische Benzin-Krise entspannt sich nur langsam. Jetzt schlagen auch andere Branchen Alarm – zum Beispiel die Fleischer. Zu Weihnachten drohe ein Fest ohne Truthahn und Würstchen.

Auch für die Reichen und Berühmten in Großbritannien ist es derzeit nicht so leicht, an Sprit zu kommen. Fußballstar Christiano Ronaldo schickte seinen Fahrer mit der Bentley-Limousine los, um irgendwo Benzin aufzutreiben. Nach fast sieben Stunden Warten an einer Tankstelle kehrte der Fahrer zurück – ohne Sprit, wie die Zeitung The Sun meldete. „Selbst mit all seinem Geld sitzt Ronaldo im gleichen Boot wie wir alle“, flüsterte einer aus seinem Umfeld dem Boulevardblatt zu.

Wie Christiano Ronaldo geht es derzeit Millionen Briten, nur dass sie keinen Bentley zu betanken haben. Man trifft verärgerte und besorgte Nachbarn, die sich fragen, wie sie die Kinder noch zur Schule fahren und danach in die Arbeit kommen sollen. Eine junge Frau erzählt im Zug nach Somerset, dass ihr Kleinwagen in London auf der Straße plötzlich stehen blieb. Jetzt fährt sie mit der Bahn zu ihren Eltern. Ein Viertel aller Taxifahrer, so hieß es, habe die Arbeit zeitweise aufgegeben, weil sie keinen Sprit mehr in den Tank bekamen. Sie hatten nicht das Glück wie Multimillionär Ronaldo, der später doch noch in Manchester auf der Straße gesehen wurde – mit seinem Ursus-SUV von Lamborghini. » | Von Philip Plickert, London | Freitag, Oktober 1, 2021

Germans with no HGV experience asked to drive lorries amid UK fuel crisis: Mass appeal automatically sent to holders of pre-1999 German licences, which entitle holder to drive trucks »

Dimitra’s Dishes: Greek Lemony Chicken Avgolemono Soup | Two Ways

The most popular Greek soup has to be the classic Chicken Avgolemono. It is made with an egg-lemon sauce known as avgolemono, homemade chicken stock, flavorful chunks of chicken, and lots of zesty lemon juice. We think of it as Greek penicillin, especially during the colder months.

Get the recipe here.

A Princess Is Set to Be Wed. But It’s No Fairy Tale.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Princess Mako of Japan will forgo the trappings of royal nuptials when she marries her college boyfriend, a commoner, after a long and arduous engagement.

Princess Mako of Japan is set to marry her fiancé, a commoner named Kei Komuro, on Oct. 26. | Kim Hong-Ji/Reuters

TOKYO — Anyone who dreams of being a princess should probably have a chat with Princess Mako of Japan.

On Friday, the agency that manages the affairs of Japan’s royal family announced that the princess, the 29-year-old niece of Emperor Naruhito, would marry her fiancé, a commoner named Kei Komuro, on Oct. 26.

It’s a long time coming. The couple, who first met in college, have been engaged since 2017 — but getting to the chapel has meant running a bruising gauntlet of media scrutiny and savage public commentary on Mr. Komuro’s fitness to be the spouse of an imperial daughter.

The pressure on the couple has been so intense that the princess has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, Japan’s public broadcaster, NHK, reported.

No Horse, No Carriage

If you’re expecting pomp and circumstance, prepare to be disappointed. There will be no royal wedding. Instead, Princess Mako intends to renounce her royal heritage and settle into a normal life in New York, where Mr. Komuro, 29, works in a law office after studying at Fordham. » | Ben Dooley | Friday, October 1, 2021

Britain Is Heading Into a Nightmarish Winter

Getty Images


THE NEW YORK TIMES: LONDON — Long lines outside gas stations. Panicked drivers fighting one another as the pumps run dry. Soldiers deployed to distribute fuel across the country. And in the background, the pandemic stretching on, food rotting in fields and families sinking into poverty. This is Britain in 2021.

Not long ago, as Prime Minister Boris Johnson lifted all pandemic restrictions in July, the mood across the country was cautiously optimistic. A successful vaccine rollout had finally restored cherished freedoms to daily life: visiting friends and family in their homes, socializing with strangers, eating in restaurants. Cases of the virus continued to multiply, but the number of hospitalizations and deaths fell markedly. The nightmare, it seemed, was over.

But any sense of normality has been banished in the past few weeks. A dramatic fuel crisis, caused in large part by a lack of truck drivers and which at its peak forced around a third of all gas stations to close, is only the most glaring concern.

A convergence of problems — a global gas shortage, rising energy and food prices, supply-chain issues and the Conservatives’ decision to slash welfare — has cast the country’s future in darkness. Even Mr. Johnson, known for his boosterish optimism and bonhomie, has struggled to make light of the situation.


One of the main causes of this predicament is Brexit, or at least the government’s handling of Brexit. Britain’s protracted departure from the bloc, undertaken without any real effort by Mr. Johnson to ensure a smooth transition, led to an exodus of European workers — a process then compounded by the pandemic. As many as 1.3 million overseas nationals left Britain between July 2019 and September 2020. Read the whole essay here » | Samuel Earle | Friday, October 1, 2021

Le Japon choisit le rassurant Fumio Kishida comme premier ministre

Fumio Kishida s’exprime après avoir été annoncé vainqueur de l’élection à la direction du Parti libéral-démocrate (PLD), à Tokyo, mercredi. POOL/REUTERS

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Le parti majoritaire a investi l’ancien ministre des Affaires étrangères qui donne peu de prise à l’opposition.


«Pour un “nihonbiki”, un amoureux du Japon comme moi, Fumio Kishida, c’est une très bonne nouvelle»: ce lobbyiste américain familier de l’Archipel ne cachait pas son contentement, mercredi soir, à l’annonce du nom du prochain dirigeant de la troisième économie du monde. L’ancien ministre des Affaires étrangères, Fumio Kishida, venait de remporter le scrutin interne au Parti libéral-démocrate (PLD), principale formation de la majorité. Il deviendra subséquemment, en raison du poids du PLD à la Diète, le 100e premier ministre de l’Archipel.

Des quatre candidats qui se sont poliment affrontés pendant douze jours, il a été le plus lisse. Sur le plan économique, il a appelé à mieux partager les fruits de la croissance, rééquilibrer les campagnes au détriment des métropoles, et autres lieux communs. Sur le plan sociétal, il est favorable à «un débat» sur l’évolution du statut ultra-rigide du mari et de la femme dans le couple nippon. Bref il n’a inquiété personne, remettant les réformes aux calendes grecques. Fumio Kishida est, en résumé, une victoire de l’establishment. » | Par Régis Arnaud | mercredi 29 septembre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

Brexit : les Européens se rendant au Royaume-Uni doivent désormais montrer leur passeport

Le Royaume-Uni exige désormais des citoyens européens de présenter un passeport et non plus une carte d'identité. juliasudnitskaya /

LE FIGARO : Jusque-là, les Européens voyageant outre-Manche pouvaient présenter leur carte d'identité seulement à l'entrée du territoire. Le ministère de l'Intérieur britannique estime que ces dernières ne sont pas assez sécurisées.

La carte d'identité ne sera plus utilisable à partir de vendredi pour rentrer au Royaume-Uni, qui exige désormais des citoyens européens ou suisses qu'ils présentent un passeport, une des dernières conséquences en date du Brexit. Dans un communiqué, le ministère de l'Intérieur britannique affirme que ce changement permettra «d'empêcher les bandes criminelles organisées et autres personnes d'abuser du système», car les cartes d'identité constituent selon lui un document «non-sécurisé». » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | jeudi 30 septembre 2021


Brexit : ces Britanniques qui cherchent une autre nationalité : INFOGRAPHIE - Les sujets de Sa Majesté établis sur le Continent, qui sont plus d'un million, se sentent oubliés par leur gouvernement dans les négociations sur le Brexit. Ils cherchent toutes les possibilités pour obtenir une double nationalité, ce qui n'est toutefois pas possible dans tous les pays de l'UE. »

Français de Londres: comment continuer à utiliser votre carte d'identité pour voyager entre l'Angleterre et la France : NOS CONSEILS - À partir du 1er octobre, les ressortissants français qui ne résident pas au Royaume-Uni ne pourront plus se servir de ce document pour s'y rendre, en raison du Brexit. Contrairement aux expatriés. »

Kenya Bans LGBTQ+ Documentary for ‘Promoting Same-sex Marriage’

THE GUARDIAN: ‘Discriminatory’ banning of I Am Samuel, about a gay man’s struggles with his sexuality, criticised by activists and producers

Samuel and Alex in a scene from I Am Samuel. Activists say the ban reflects Kenya’s ‘intolerant and intrusive religious and cultural beliefs’. Photograph: Peter Murimi/Reuters

Activists and film producers have criticised a decision by the Kenya Film Classification Board to ban a documentary that tells the story of a Kenyan man struggling with his sexuality.

They said banning the 52-minute film, I Am Samuel, amounted to “discrimination and persecution” of LGBTQ+ people.

The film – which was shot over five years and took two years to edit – follows the life of a young man tormented by his sexuality while growing up in rural Kenya, who finds acceptance after moving to the capital, Nairobi.

“The ongoing criminalisation of LGBTQ+ persons in Kenya is a sad trend bordering on discrimination and persecution of individuals perceived to have a minority orientation. The move is dictated by very intolerant and intrusive religious and cultural beliefs,” said Kamau Ngugi, the executive director of Defenders Coalition, an umbrella group of rights organisations and activists.

The film classification body said last week that the film “blatantly” violated the country’s laws that penalise all forms of homosexuality or same-sex marriage, and that the storyline was a “clear and deliberate attempt by the producer to promote same-sex marriage as an acceptable way of life”. » | Peter Muiruri in Nairobi | Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Homosexuality: The Countries Where It Is Illegal to Be Gay

BBC: A crackdown on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in Cameroon has resulted in the arrest or assault by security forces of dozens of people this year, according to Human Rights Watch.

In the most recent incident, two transgender Cameroonians have been sentenced to five years in prison after being found guilty of "attempted homosexuality".

Where is homosexuality still outlawed?

There are 69 countries that have laws that criminalise homosexuality, and nearly half of these are in Africa.

However, in some countries there have been moves to decriminalise same-sex unions. In February this year, Angola's President Joao Lourenco signed into law a revised penal code to allow same-sex relationships and bans discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

In June last year, Gabon reversed a law that had criminalised homosexuality and made gay sex punishable with six months in prison and a large fine.

Botswana's High Court also ruled in favour of decriminalising homosexuality in 2019.

Mozambique and the Seychelles have also scrapped anti-homosexuality laws in recent years.

In Trinidad and Tobago, a court in 2018 ruled that laws banning gay sex were unconstitutional.

But there are countries where existing laws outlawing homosexuality have been tightened, including Nigeria and Uganda.

And in others, efforts to get the laws removed have failed.

A court in Singapore dismissed a bid to overturn a law that prohibits gay sex early last year.

In May 2019, the high court in Kenya upheld laws criminalising homosexual acts. Colonial legacy » | Reality Check team, BBC News | Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Russia Proposes ‘Extremist’ Label for LGBT, Feminist, Child-Free Movements

THE MOSCOW TIMES: Russia’s LGBT, radical feminist and child-free groups should be recognized as “extremist,” the chairman of an influential government commission said Wednesday.

“LGBT ideology, radical feminism and child-free movements should be recognized as extremism — an extremist ideology,” the state-run TASS news agency cited Andrei Tsyganov, chairman of a commission for the protection of children at the Roskomnadzor communications regulator, as saying Wednesday.

The proposed ban would help protect Russian children and adolescents from the influence of destructive content on social networks and the internet, Tsyganov said. » | The Moscow Times | Thursday, September 30, 2021

Human Rights Lawyers Call on UK Government to Ban ‘Conversion Therapy’

THE GUARDIAN: Experts say all practices, including prayer, aiming to change sexual orientation or gender identity must be criminalised

Activists have long campaigned for the government to outlaw conversion practices. Photograph: Vuk Valcic/Sopa Images/Rex/Shutterstock

Leading human rights lawyers and experts have called for swift action to outlaw so-called conversion therapy, which they say is degrading and harmful, and should not be tolerated in a civilised society.

The Forum, chaired by Helena Kennedy QC, says all practices, including prayer, that seek to suppress, “cure” or change sexual orientation or gender identity must be criminalised. There should be no defence that a victim appears to have consented.

“Individuals who seek out conversion practices in the hope of being ‘cured’ are not made aware of the severe psychological harm to which they are exposed, and so cannot give informed consent,” says the Forum’s report, published on Friday.

People who “actively sought out and ‘consented’ to these practices … have since provided evidence of the severe, long-term, negative psychological impact”. » | Harriet Sherwood | Friday, October 1, 2021


I give my thanks again to El Chulo Dominicano for this great and expressive photo.

How Romantic!

Hot love in a hot tub!

Thanks and gratitude again to El Chulo Dominicano for this attractive photograph.

The Things People Do for Love!

Many thanks to El Chulo Dominicano on Pinterest for this great photo.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Vintage Gay : "Secretly"

A montage of vintage pictures of gay couples set to the music of "Secretly"

Who Is Japan's Designated Prime Minister Fumio Kishida? | DW News

Sep 30, 2021 • Japan's ruling party lawmakers voted on Wednesday to elect a new leader, with Fumio Kishida announced as the winner. Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) members were voting to replace Yoshihide Suga, who announced he was stepping down from the leadership position after drawing intense criticism over his handling of the pandemic during the Olympic Games. The new leader will almost certainly become the next prime minister of the country. Kishida should be approved by the parliament within days, and will then contest elections as the leader of the LDP. The LDP is expected to retain its majority in the powerful lower house of the parliament during general elections in November. The election was being closely watched, with race looking particularly tight between the two lead candidates.

A softly-spoken former foreign minister who hails from the Hiroshima family of politicians, Kishida had long targeted the top job. This was his second time running for the position of leadership, after having lost out to Suga last year. He was the first candidate to step into the race and ran on a platform of pandemic stimulus, touting himself as a listener who carried a suggestion box to events to note down proposals from citizens. Though Kishida faced stiff competition from his rival in the first round of voting, he delivered a convincing victory in the runoff elections. He won 257 votes, while his rival won 170. The outcome of the runoff vote was somewhat expected since he has greater support from party members. He is also likely to broadly continue the policies of Suga government. Though any major shift in policies is unlikely, Kishida has called for a "politics of generosity." He has said he wants to move from the neo-liberal economic policies that has dominated Japan. Kishida faces tough tasks in the short term, which includes reviving a pandemic-battered economy as well as confronting security risks in the region from China and North Korea.

Gay Parents: Gabriel and Dylan's Story

Michael Bolton : Drift Away

On tour in the UK right now. Tickets for his concerts are available through Ticketmaster here.

Will There Ever Be a Post-Brexit US-UK Trade Deal? - BBC Newsnight

Sep 22, 2021 • Boris Johnson and Joe Biden hold face-to-face talks in the White House. Is there any progress of a free trade deal with the US?

Those post-Brexit sunny uplands are looking far, far away now, aren’t they? Things were good for us in the European Union. But BoJo and his clique thought they knew better, and out we came for a wonderful trade deal with the US.

From where I’m sitting, no deal the US can give us will compare with the deals we had as full members of the EU. A Single Market of 500m+ consumers.

BoJo, Hannan, Rees-Mogg et al are clearly living in cloud cuckoo land!

Would that we had some decent leaders! Margaret Thatcher, with all her antipathy towards the notion of a federal Europe, was all for the Single Market—indeed she was one of its principal architects—and I’m absolutely sure that she would never have sanctioned that stupid Brexit referendum. She was a shrewd politician. She knew which side Britain’s bread was buttered. These hacks, by contrast, haven’t got a clue.

I could say 'I told you so.' But I shall refrain from doing so, since it would be in rather bad taste. – © Mark

La France, exutoire de Boris Johnson

LE MONDE : Pêche, migrants, sous-marins australiens… Les sujets de conflits s’accumulent entre la France et le Royaume-Uni. Pour masquer ses propres difficultés, le premier ministre britannique multiplie les attaques contre Paris, ce qui ravit la presse populaire tabloïd de son pays.

Editorial du « Monde ».
De très longue date, les relations entre le Royaume-Uni et la France oscillent entre « entente cordiale » et exaspération réciproque sur fond de rivalité et, en réalité, de grande ressemblance. Mais jamais, dans l’histoire récente, les deux pays n’ont connu pareille accumulation de tensions. Aux différends sur la pêche, sur les migrants trans-Manche et sur la mise en œuvre du Brexit en Irlande du Nord s’est ajouté le « coup dans le dos » du pacte Aukus, conclu sur l’Indo-Pacifique entre Londres, Washington et Camberra au prix de la rupture de l’énorme contrat de fourniture de sous-marins français à l’Australie.

Le fil rouge qui relie chacun de ces conflits et exacerbe chacune de ces aigreurs est bien connu : il s’agit du Brexit. Tandis que la stratégie politique du premier ministre britannique vise à justifier le divorce avec l’Union européenne et à en souligner les prétendus bienfaits pour son pays, le président français, fondamentalement pro-européen, n’a cessé de fustiger le « mensonge » qui fonde le Brexit et dont Boris Johnson a été le principal artisan. Au printemps, M. Johnson a tenté d’attribuer au Brexit l’avance qu’avait alors son pays dans la vaccination, grâce à AstraZeneca. Cet argument ayant fait long feu, il entend aujourd’hui porter l’accord Aukus au crédit de sa politique de « Global Britain », corollaire de la sortie de l’Union européenne. » | Éditorial | jeudi 30 septembre 2021

Der niederländische Ministerpräsident Mark Rutte ist offenbar im Visier der Drogenmafia

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: In den Niederlanden wird gerade einem berüchtigten Drogenboss und seiner Bande der Prozess gemacht. Sollte es die «Mocro-Mafia» auch auf Mark Rutte abgesehen haben? Der Ministerpräsident steht derzeit unter erhöhtem Polizeischutz.

Ministerpräsident Mark Rutte sei seit mehreren Tagen schon nicht mehr mit seinem Velo zur Arbeit gefahren. | Imago

Mark Rutte gibt sich gerne volksnah. Allein in ausgebleichten Jeans durch Den Haag radelnd – am besten noch einen angebissenen Apfel in der rechten Hand –, so lächelt der niederländische Ministerpräsident am liebsten in die Kameras der Fotografen. Auf sichtbaren Personenschutz verzichtet er seit Jahren. Allenfalls gut versteckt im Hintergrund sollen sich die Männer mit den Knöpfen im Ohr halten. Kritik, dass dieses Verhalten leichtsinnig sein könnte, ignorierte der 54-Jährige. » | Daniel Steinvorth, Brüssel | Mittwoch, 29. September 2021

Dutch PM Given Extra Security amid Fears of Drug Gang Attack »

Tory Donor Made Life Peer and Appointed as Government Minister

THE GUARDIAN: Malcolm Offord, who has donated almost £150,000 to the Conservatives, sent to the Lords and becomes minister in Scotland Office

Malcolm Offord is the Founder and Chairman of Badenoch & Co. Photograph: Badenoch & Co

A financier who has donated almost £150,000 to the Conservatives has been made a life peer and given a ministerial job, Downing Street has announced.

Malcolm Offord, founder and chair of an Edinburgh-based “boutique investment” company, Badenoch and Co, will be made a life peer, a statement said, and become a junior minister in the Scotland Office.

Offord was a candidate for the Conservatives in May’s Scottish parliamentary election, a decision that prompted accusations of cronyism given that he had donated £147,500 to the party. Offord stood as a list candidate in the Lothian region, but was not elected.

He is the latest Conservative donor or associate to be sent to the Lords under Boris Johnson. In December last year, of 54 people ennobled by Johnson, 13 had either funded the Tories or had an employment or personal connection to Johnson. » | Peter Walker | Thursday, September 30, 2021

Comment mieux accueillir les élèves transgenres à l'école: la circulaire préparée par Blanquer

Jean-Michel Blanquer, le ministre de l'Éducation nationale. JEAN-FRANCOIS MONIER / AFP

LE FIGARO : INFO LE FIGARO - Le ministère de l'Éducation nationale s'apprête à publier un texte destiné à mieux accompagner les «transitions de genre» en milieu scolaire.

«Transgenres», «non binaires»* et «intersexes»**. Le ministère de l'Éducation nationale, après des mois de tergiversations, s'apprête à clarifier le rôle que doit tenir l'institution face à ces «transitions de genre» que de plus en plus d'élèves manifestent et souhaitent voir reconnues au sein de leur établissement scolaire. Après avoir auditionné les représentants de la communauté éducative, la rue de Grenelle va publier une circulaire intitulée «Pour un meilleur accueil des élèves transgenres en milieu scolaire».

La version provisoire de ce texte, que Le Figaro s'est procurée, tente, tant bien que mal, de fixer les règles pour répondre aux demandes de changement de prénoms, mais aussi concernant les tenues vestimentaires et l'usage de lieux d'intimité, comme les toilettes, vestiaires et chambres d'internat. Car sur le terrain, d'un chef d'établissement à un autre, d'un professeur à un autre, la situation de ces élèves, qui fait écho à l'intime de chacun, est très variablement accueillie. » | Par Caroline Beyer | jeudi 30 septembre 2021

Réservé aux abonnés

*Personne qui ne s'identifie ni comme homme, ni comme femme

** Personnes nées avec des caractéristiques sexuelles qui ne correspondent pas aux définitions types des corps féminins ou masculins

Jan-Werner Müller im Gespräch über Populismus und Identität | Sternstunde Philosophie | SRF Kultur

Aug 27, 2018 • Ob in Italien, den USA oder der Türkei: Populisten sind auf dem Vormarsch. Sie sehen sich als Stimme des Volkes im Kampf gegen die Elite. Doch was macht den Populismus derzeit so erfolgreich?

Der deutsche Politikwissenschaftler Jan-Werner Müller im Gespräch mit Yves Bossart über Erdogan, Trump, Orban, Salvini, Chavez und Blocher.

Sternstunde Philosophie vom 26.05.2018

Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Suite, Op.71a, TH.35 - 3. Valse des fleurs (Tempo di Valse)

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Berliner Philharmoniker · Herbert von Karajan · Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky | Tchaikovsky: Ballet Suites

COVID-19: Furlough Support Scheme Ends

Sep 30, 2021 • The government furlough support scheme, which supported people wages during the pandemic, closes.

Democracy Now ! Top US News & World Headlines — September 30, 2021

Die Inflation in Deutschland steigt auf 4,1 Prozent

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Am stärksten ist der Preisanstieg weiterhin bei Öl, Gas und Benzin. Aber auch Fleisch und Gemüse werden deutlich teurer – und viele Dienstleistungen. Bleibt das alles ein vorübergehendes Phänomen im Krisen-Ausklang, wie die Notenbanken sagen?

Die Inflation in Deutschland ist abermals deutlich gestiegen. Wie das Statistische Bundesamt am Donnerstag nach einer ersten Schätzung mitteilte, legten die Verbraucherpreise auf Jahressicht um 4,1 Prozent zu. Im August hatte die Rate bei 3,9 Prozent gelegen, nachdem sie noch Ende vorigen Jahres negativ gewesen war.

Die Teuerung hat damit den höchsten Stand seit immerhin Dezember 1993 erreicht. Damals, nicht lange nach der Wiedervereinigung, hatte die Inflationsrate in Deutschland bei 4,3 Prozent gelegen - seither immer unter 4 Prozent.

Der starke Anstieg der Inflation in letzter Zeit hält die Finanzmärkte in Atem. Christine Lagarde, die Präsidentin der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB), hatte am Dienstag - wohl im Vorgriff auf solche zu erwartenden Zahlen - gesagt, es sei eine große Herausforderung für die Notenbank, sie dürfe jetzt nicht „überreagieren“. Am stärksten steigen weiterhin die Energiepreise » | Von Christian Siedenbiedel | Donnerstag, 30. September 2021