Saturday, October 02, 2021

Evangelists Accuse Church in Wales of Making God Sad by Blessing Same-sex Couples

PINK NEWS: An Evangelist group has condemned the Church of Wales for deciding to bless same-sex unions, accusing it of upsetting God.

On 6 September, the Church in Wales voted in favour of allowing blessings for same-sex unions “experimentally” for the next five years.

It has taken the Evangelical Fellowship in the Church in Wales (EFCW) three weeks to respond to the decision, and in a statement published Monday (27 September), it accuses the church of defying “the apostolic faith as revealed in scripture.”

In its statement, the EFCW said it recognises that the church has been “insensitive and even hurtful” to LGBT+ people in the past and that believes the church should welcome LGBT+ people – as long as they don’t have sex.

“The only biblical context for sexual activity is heterosexual marriage,” it wrote, accusing the church of dishonouring “those who, persuaded that Scripture teaches that sexual activity is restricted to heterosexual marriage, have chosen to remain celibate”.

The group claims that allowing blessings of same-sex partnerships within the church has “changed the Church’s doctrine on marriage”.

The statement continued: “This decision has damaged the Church in Wales’ relationship with the majority of the provinces in the global Anglican Communion, which remain committed to an orthodox understanding of human sexuality.” "Such disunity is a grave and serious matter which grieves the heart of God." » | Alice Broster | Friday, October 1, 2021

How pathetic! How can these people speak on behalf of God with such authority? Do they have a hotline to God?

This is anthropomorphism, pure and simple! First of all, how can they possibly know that God has the same emotions as humans? In fact, does He have any emotions at all? To believe in God does not mean that one has to accept that He sees, feels and perceives everything in the same way that human beings do. That is such a simplistic portrayal of God. It reminds me of the old folk who often said that when there was a thunderstorm, it was a sign of God’s anger! Give us a break! Such silly notions!

In any case, if one is to believe that there is indeed a God, then one is also to believe that we are all God’s children. Further, we are born just as God intended us to be. Because Christians, and other believers, insist that God is perfect and that He doesn’t err.

By rejecting gays and by denying gays equal rights, implicit in what they are saying is that God has indeed erred and that God has created people who are less than perfect. How inconsistent is that?

To believe in God means that one has to believe all of God’s creation are worthy of respect and equal rights. All people, regardless of sexual orientation, should have the right to pursue their own happiness. They should also have the right to fulfil their potential. Anything else must surely be in defiance of God and God's will. And if anything will make God sad, that will! – © Mark