Friday, June 29, 2018

Exclusive: Sergey Lavrov, Russia's Foreign Minister, on Skripals, Trump 'Kompromat' (compromising material) Claims and Organisation for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)

Exclusive Channel 4 News interview with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. He accuses Britain of 'extermination of the evidence' in the Skripal poisoning and of 'all kinds of tricks' to change the rules of the OPCW.

#antisemitism : Anti-Semitism Incidents Fuel Migrant Debate in Germany

After a spate of antisemitic attacks Germany's 100,000 strong Jewish community is becoming increasingly anxious about a new wave of hate crime. There are fears that it may be linked to an upsurge in migration from Muslim countries hostile to Israel.

Trump to Macron: Why Don't You Leave the European Union?

In a story for the Washington Post, CNN political analyst Josh Rogin reports that during a private conversation, President Trump suggested to French President Emmanuel Macron that France leave the European Union.

#bbcqt : Question Time – June 28, 2018

This week's Question Time, filmed in Exeter, where panellists focus on key issues such as Heathrow expansion and Brexit. All rights go to the BBC and Mentorn Scotland.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Donald "Roach Restaurant" Trump Attacks "Dirty" Red Hen

Trump is legendary for his projection, even among Republicans. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.

Saudi Women Hit the Road as Kingdom Overturns Ban on Female Driving

A Brief History of Fat, and Why We Hate It

Fat is a complex organ, as essential as the heart or liver. Why do we hate it? Produced by the Science Communication Lab.

#democracynow: Top US News & World Headlines — June 27, 2018

Lawmaker: I Won't Delete Retweet of Nazi Sympathizer

CNN's Chris Cuomo questions Rep. Steve King (R-IA) about retweeting a message from a self-described Nazi sympathizer who has expressed admiration for Adolf Hitler.

Steve King »

”Dave Rubin Is a Clueless Fraud”

Dave Rubin is one clueless guy! Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

#F24Debate: The Migration Crisis: An Unholy Rift

Keith Ellison: Court Tailored to Trump's Ugly Philosophy

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim elected to Congress, reacts to the Supreme Court's decision to uphold President Trump's travel ban, saying Trump has "his Supreme Court tailor-made to his ugly philosophy."

US ‘Isolated’ as Iran Moves Closer to EU & Russia – Professor

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has warned Iran will ‘face the wrath of the world’ if it pursues nuclear weapons. Meanwhile the top diplomats of Germany, United Kingdom, Russia and France are scrambling to rebuild the nuclear deal the United States abandoned in May. Dan Kovalik, professor of international human rights at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, joins Manila Chan to discuss.

Obama Adviser to Democrats: Don’t Follow Trump to the Bottom

Former Obama adviser David Axelrod discusses Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) call to confront Trump officials.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — June 26, 2018

How Mitt Romney Plans to Take on Trump

CNN's Dana Bash reports on Mitt Romney's complex approach to President Trump as he runs for senate in Utah, saying he is ready to speak out against Trump if he disagrees, but recognizes it's Trump's Republican Party.

Dan Rather: Trump Not a Descendant of Some God

Journalist Dan Rather says Trump's call to take away due process for undocumented immigrants is contrary to American ideals and classic authoritarianism.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Sanders Speaks about Being Asked to Leave Restaurant

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders addresses being asked to leave a Virginia restaurant, saying "calls for harassment and the push for any Trump supporter to avoid the public is unacceptable."

'One Man Rule' for Turkey after Erdogan's Election Win?

Turkey has become a "one-man regime" - the words of President Erdogan's main rival after losing yesterday's election by ten million votes. The Turkish leader wins another five years in office, in what is seen as the country's most important poll in decades.

Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad | Full Interview with Russian NTV

Erdogan Almighty: Turkey Elections Hand President Enhanced Powers

What Will Erdogan Do as Executive President? | Inside Story

Recep Tayyip Erdogan has dominated Turkey's political scene for the past 16 years, and looks set to continue for many more to come. His re-election on Sunday makes him Turkey's first executive president. That means he has new, expanded powers because of changes to the constitution approved in last year's referendum.

His main opposition rival accepts the result - but Muharrem Ince says the election was unfair, and warns Erdogan's 'one man rule' is a danger to Turks. So how will the balance of power be changed?

Presenter: Sami Zeidan | Guests: Enes Bayrakli - Professor of International Relations, Turkish-German University; Selim Sazaka - Fellow at the Century Foundation focusing on Turkey's foreign policy in the Middle East; Ege Seckin - Turkey specialist, IHS Markit financial services company

#brennpunkt: Wie viel Türkei braucht Österreich?

Lehnt sich Staatspräsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan vor den Türkei-Wahlen zu weit aus dem Fenster? Und ist der neue selbstbewusste Kurs der österreichischen Bundesregierung nötig - oder zu riskant? Darüber diskutierte und #brennpunkt-Moderatorin Katia Wagner mit Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP), Juristin und Sektionschefin im Integrationsressort des Außenministeriums Susanne Raab, Chef des Türkischen Kulturvereins Birol Kilic und Leiter der Landesverteidigungsakademie Brigadier Walter Feichtinger.

Achim Steiner: "The World Won’t Improve on Its Own" | DW English

"We are living in a political moment in which nationalism, protectionism, and withdrawal have become a great temptation," says the head of the United Nations Development Programme, Achim Steiner. On DW Interview, he praised Germany’s role in the refugee crisis.

Lebensborn erklärt | Historische Ereignisse mit Mirko Drotschmann

Lebensborn – eine geheimnisvolle Einrichtung im Dritten Reich, um die sich bis heute viele Legenden ranken. Waren das geheime Bordelle für potente SS-Männer? Begattungsheime für blonde deutsche Frauen ? Wie die „arische Rasse“ mit Hilfe der Lebensborn-Heime vergrößert werden sollte und wie es den Kindern aus diesen Heimen erging, darum geht es jetzt.

Top US News & World Headlines — June 25, 2018

Trump: Deport Immigrants without 'Judges or Court Cases'

President Donald Trump on Sunday called for the US to deport people without judicial proceedings, referred to an invasion by "these people" and railed against standing immigration laws.

What US and UK Media Won't Tell You about the War in Yemen

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Glenn Beck Walks Off Interview after 'Blaze' Layoffs Question

Glenn Beck walk off an interview with CNN's Brian Stelter after Stelter asked Beck about a Daily Beast report about layoffs at Beck's company "The Blaze."

Will US Lose Global Influence after Human Rights Council Pullout? | Al Jazeera English

Diplomats are assessing the fallout of the US withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council. The move was widely condemned by activists and even some of Washington's allies. They say the retreat could leave the US with less influence on the international stage.

An Exclusive Interview with President Donald Trump | Full Interview – Huckabee

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Booted From Red Hen Restaurant

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Tens of Thousands March in Pro- and Anti-Brexit Rallies

Tens of thousands of anti-Brexit campaigners have marched through central London on the second anniversary of the vote to take Britain out of the EU - demanding another referendum on any final Brexit deal.

Will Turkey's Election Produce a Surprise? | Inside Story

Turks go to the polls on Sunday for what are seen as the most crucial elections in Turkish modern history.

For the first time presidential and parliamentary votes take place on the same day. There are six candidates for president. If no one wins more than 50 percent of the vote in Sunday's poll, the top two will be involved in a run-off. And whoever becomes president will be assuming enhanced powers approved in a referendum last year.

These are not easy times. Turkey's been in a state of emergency since a failed coup attempt in 2016 and the economy is in crisis. So could there be a surprise? And what would that mean for Turkey's future?

Presenter: Martine Dennis | Guests Muhittin Ataman - Editor of Insight Turkey and Director of the SETA Think Tank Education and Social Policy; Fadi Hakura - Associate Fellow in the Europe Programme at Chatham House; Ozgur Ozdamar - Professor in the Depatment of International Relations at Bilkent University

Krach um Flüchtlinge: Stürzt Merkel? | DW Deutsch

Stürzt Angela Merkel über die Flüchtlingsfrage? Der Angriff aus den Reihen der Schwesterpartei ist der gefährlichste in Merkels gesamter langer Kanzlerschaft. Schafft sie es, mit einer europäischen Lösung ihre Macht zu sichern? Gäste: Anna Sauerbrey (Der Tagesspiegel), Hélène Kohl (freie Korrespondentin), Jörg Quoos (Funke-Mediengruppe)

Altkanzler Helmut Schmidt über seinen Freund Henry Kissinger | dbate-Interview

Tom Arnold Says Michael Cohen Is Cooperating “100%” With Prosecutors | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence gets Tom Arnold to answer questions about Michael Cohen and Tom Arnold says Michael Cohen will tell the truth about Donald Trump.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Tom Arnold: ‘President Donald Trump Is An Illegitimate President’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Tom Arnold sits down with MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace to discuss his meeting with Michael Cohen. Arnold talks about his Vice series, “Hunt for the Trump Tapes,” which is focused on finding ‘incriminating’ Trump tapes with Cohen’s help. Arnold also speaks about his ex-wife Roseanne Barr saying she is “full on with the Nazis.”

The World This Week: Zero Tolerance: Does Border Security Trump Compassion?

In the United States, the Trump administration has gone back on its decision to separate migrant children from their parents at the border. But confusion still reigns over the fate of the 23-hundred kids detained. Can this situation be remedied? Also on the programme, Turkish President Erdogan is likely to win Sunday's presidential elections.The government's human rights violations and lack of freedom of the press are well known abroad. Is the government a dictatorship?

The Billionaire Class Is Not Fit to Rule – Paul Jay

The ruling elites are creating a world where the majority of people suffer the consequences of the climate crisis and massive unemployment while the super-rich use artificial intelligence to save themselves - a commentary by TRNN’s Senior Editor

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Trump Says North Korea 'No Longer a Nuclear Threat'; Not Everyone Agrees

Donald Trump says the Singapore summit ended North Korea's nuclear threat. Is his claim premature? Former Rep. David Jolly (R-FL) and Asia expert Mike Chinoy weigh in. Then, "Gatekeepers" author Chris Whipple on John Kelly's future at The White House.

Ein Zeitzeuge von Auschwitz erzählt

„Die Zukunft gehört euch.“ Das hat Jacek Zieliniewicz gesagt. Er hat das Konzentrationslager Auschwitz überlebt. Sarah Modrow hat ihn beim Projekt "Nahaufnahmen" des Maximilian-Kolbe-Werkes vor Ort in Auschwitz kennen gelernt und interviewt.

Das System Konzentrationslager | Historische Ereignisse mit Mirko Drotschmann

Am 11. April 1945 befreiten US-amerikanische Soldaten das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald. Mirko Drotschmann erklärt in der "Zeitreise2Go" das System dieser Lager.

MDR ZEITREISE: Buchenwald - Geschichte des KZ »

Gedenkstätte des KZs Buchenwald »

Helmut Schmidt erklärt | Promis der Geschichte mit Mirko Drotschmann

Man kennt ihn als den kettenrauchenden Altkanzler aus Talkshows. Viele haben ihn auch im Portemonnaie, denn sein Konterfei ist auf der 2-Euro-Münze: Helmut Schmidt. Aber wer war dieser Schmidt, welche Rolle hat er als Bundeskanzler gespielt und was hat es mit seinem Familiengeheimnis auf sich?

Ehemaliger Bundeskanzler Schmidt: Bis zum Ende des Jahrhunderts mehr Muslime als so genannte "Weiße" | September 2015

In einem Interview mit Journalisten der NZZ äußert der ehemalige Bundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt Skepsis gegenüber dem Engagement Deutschlands in Afghanistan. Seiner Meinung nach hat das militärische Engagement in Afghanistan zu viele Jahre gedauert, ohne sich zu verbessern. Gleichzeitig nimmt die Feindschaft zwischen dem Islam und dem Westen zu. Vor dem Hintergrund, bis zum Ende des 21. Jahrhunderts mehr Muslime als so genannte "Weiße" zu erwarten, sollte dies laut Schmidt eine besorgniserregende Entwicklung sein.

This Is How Fascism Begins

Recently several right-wingers took to Fox News to claim there's a "soft coup d'etat" against Trump. Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks, debunks the right-wing conspiracy theory about the FBI's investigation into Trump.

Did Obama Separate Families at the Border?

Former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson says that he discussed separating kids from their parents as a deterrent to illegal immigration but didn’t think the practice was right.

Top US News & World Headlines — June 22, 2018

Ann Coulter Claims Child Migrants Detained at US Borders Are 'Child Actors' | Good Morning Britain

It is reported that over the course of a month 2,000 immigrant children have been separated from their parents at the US border. American political commentator Ann Coulter has recently made a controversial statement saying that these children are actors so Piers challenges her views.

Ivanka's Trump WH Role Facing New Scrutiny After Her Silence Amid Border Crisis | Deadline | MSNBC

Emily Jane Fox discusses her new book “Born Trump” and shares insight into Ivanka’s role as her father’s “senior advisor”

Anderson Cooper: Is Your Head Spinning Yet?

CNN's Anderson Cooper unpacks the confusion surrounding President Trump's executive order that would end family separations at the US-Mexico border.

Wilkerson: Don't Trust Trump, Bolton to Deliver US-North Korea Peace

The US has suspended war games as part of Trump's commitment in Singapore, but his administration can't be trusted to deliver a comprehensive denuclearization deal with North Korea, says Col. Lawrence Wilkerson

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Says She’s Tired Of Defending Trump

Reports say that Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ refusal to talk to the press for most of this week boils down to one reason: She’s sick and tired of defending Trump and his policies that she doesn’t support. Is this a sign that Huckabee Sanders is soon to be leaving the White House? Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

James Comey Interview on Trump, Russia, Hillary Clinton and the USA’s Border Policy

James Comey became a globally known figure following his decision in 2016 to announce that the FBI was re-opening the investigation into Hillary Clinton's handling of classified information. Many argue it was this move which lost Clinton the election.

After Trump took office in 2017 Comey says the President sought to win over and influence him and his inquiry into possible Russian interference in the 2016 election. Comey says he refused, and he was later fired by Donald Trump - an event which sparked the appointment Special Counsel Robert Mueller's ongoing investigation into links with Russia.

Trump Admin to Indefinitely Detain Migrant Families Together; No Plan to Reunite Separated Children

President Trump has signed an executive order claiming to end the separation of children from their parents at the border, but critics warn the order could lead to the indefinite detention of entire families. The government has no plans to reunite the thousands of children already separated from their families with their parents. We go to Washington, D.C. to speak with Franco Ordoñez, White House correspondent for the McClatchy Washington Bureau. His latest story is headlined, “Trump’s immigration order replaces one crisis with another.”

Bill de Blasio: Kids Have Lice, Bed Bugs, and Chickenpox

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio says he met with workers at a foster care center in New York, where 239 migrant children who were separated from their families are experiencing mental and physical health issues.

One Year since Mohammed bin Salman Crowned Prince of Saudi | Al Jazeera English

Top US News & World Headlines — June 21, 2018

Iran: Zarif to US: End Interference in Our Affairs

The trade row between the E-U and the United States is in its full force as the European Commission says it will begin charging 25 percent import duties on a range of American products. The E-U formally adopted a law to put in place the duties on 3-point-two billion dollars worth of U-S goods including steel, aluminum and farm products from Friday. The move is in response to the U-S tariffs imposed on E-U metal exports. The U-S president hit the E-U, Canada and Mexico with 25 percent levies on steels and 10 percent on aluminum at the beginning of June. Mexico retaliated against the move two weeks ago while Canada said it would place tariffs on U-S exports from July the first.

Israel: PM Netanyahu’s Wife Charged with Fraud

Caliph Donald Trump and the Rise of the Christian Taliban

Mehdi Hasan is here to warn you about a growing threat to the laws and values of the United States from a group of religious extremists and fanatics.

No, he's not talking about so-called jihadists or Islamists, or to “creeping Sharia.” Mehdi is referring to what he like to call the “Christian Taliban” — those Bible-thumping fundamentalists who are bent on theocratizing the U.S. government.

There's the attorney general of the United States, Mullah Jeff Sessions, who wants Sharia law, but of the biblical variety. And there's Mullah Ted Cruz, who calls himself a Christian first and an American second.

As in the Middle East, to really politicize religion, you need a bunch of politicized clerics. Caliph Donald Trump can call on some of America’s finest to make the case for Christian supremacism.

Mullah Robert Jeffress said God gave Trump the authority to “take out” Kim Jong-un. Mullah Jim Bakker says we have to “obey” Trump because God “had him elected.”

If that isn’t the language of theocracy, of zealotry, then what is?

Bernie Sanders Reacts to Trump's Executive Order

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) discusses President Trump's executive order that ended his policy of separating families at the border.

A Once Silent Crisis is Now Turning into a Deafening Cry

Trump's policy of separating immigrant children from their parents and holding them in cages is sparking a wave of public outrage

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

What Is behind US Decision to Abandon UN Human Rights Council? | Inside Story

The United States has announced it's leaving the UN Human Rights Council. It calls the 47-member body 'hypocritical' and 'self-serving'. The decision follows months of threats by President Donald Trump.

The United States has long had a conflicting relationship with the UNHRC and says it has to be reformed. President Trump has recently faced widespread, and vociferous condemnation for his zero tolerance immigration policy, that's separating children from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border.

So, how will this decision impact the global fight to protect human rights? And will this further isolate the U.S. on the world Stage?

Presenter: Peter Dobbie | Guests: Guillaume Charron - Director of the global advisory group, Independent Diplomat; Rosa Freedman - Professor of Law and Global Development, University of Reading; Mohammed Cherkaoui - Professor of Conflict Resolution at George Mason University

Jake Tapper: Trump Surrendered for the First Time

CNN's Jake Tapper breaks down President Donald Trump's decision to back down from his administration's practice of separating immigrant families at the US-Mexico border.

German Right-wing Leader, Beatrix von Storch, Challenged on Immigration – BBC Newsnight

Deputy Leader of the right-wing German AFD party, Beatrix von Storch, speaks to Emily Maitlis about her party's immigration policy.

Melania Trump's Immigration Lawyer: Our Doors Need to Be Hinged Open

First lady Melania Trump's former immigration lawyer Michael Wildes criticizes the Trump's administration zero-tolerance border policy that has separated children from their families.

Don Lemon: If You Thought This Couldn't Get Worse Listen to Lewandowksi

While appearing on Fox News, Corey Lewandowski dismissed the story of a 10-year-old girl with Down syndrome who was reportedly separated from her mother after crossing the border illegally. The former Trump campaign manager responded "womp womp."

Cooper Blasts Trump's Rhetoric, False Statements

CNN's Anderson Cooper breaks down President Donald Trump's meeting with lawmakers at Capitol Hill over his administration's policy of separating immigrant families.

Top US News & World Headlines — June 20, 2018

Khaled Diab: Debunking Myths about Islam

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Jake Tapper: Trump Using Darkest Language Yet on Immigration

CNN's Jake Tapper says President Donald Trump is employing some of his harshest rhetoric since the opening of his campaign when describing immigrants coming to the United States.

Should the Government Be Reviewing Medicinal Cannabis? | Alexis Conran

The controversial topic of legalised cannbis use for medicinal purposes has divided many members of the public, as well as senior politicians. Journalist Peter Hitchens tells Alexis Conran that it should not be legalised as it will do more harm then good, and clashes with Saira Khan.

“Trump Creates Crises & Preys on Fear”: Rep. Jayapal on Policy of Separating Kids from Parents

Top US News & World Headlines — June 19, 2018

'The Frozen Heart of America': Condemnation as Migrant Families Torn Apart in US

China: North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Is in Beijing for Talks with Xi Jinping

Melania on Trump Separating Children from Parents

Trump's ‘Zero-tolerance’ Immigration Policy: Discussion – BBC Newsnight

Conservative commentator Scottie Nell Hughes and Democratic Congressman Vicente Gonzalez join Newsnight’s Evan Davis to discuss the US’s ‘zero-tolerance’ policy of splitting up undocumented immigrant families stopped at the Mexico-US border.

Ann Coulter: Don't Fall For The Actor Children!

Spain: Spanish King's Brother-in-law Jailed over Corruption

Monday, June 18, 2018

Trump Defends Separating Families, Falsely Blames Democrats

President Donald Trump blamed Democrats for families being separated at the US-Mexico border, saying the United States will "not be a migrant camp."

The Germans - Bismarck and the German Empire | DW Documentary

Sessions Doubles Down on Immigration

Attorney General Jeff Sessions defended the Trump administration's immigration practices, but said "we do not want to separate children from their parents. We do not want adults to bring children into this country unlawfully, placing them at risk."

Food Fight: How Corporations Ruined Food – Food Industry Documentary – Real Stories

UN Human Rights Chief Al-Hussein Makes Final Public Address | Al Jazeera English

Outgoing UN Human Rights chief Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein has made his final address in Geneva. The outspoken Jordanian royal was the first Muslim to lead the UN human rights body. Al-Hussein chose not to seek a second term because of frustration with the ineffective UN Security Council. Al Jazeera's Charlotte Bellis reports.

Top US News & World Headlines — June 18, 2018

My Holidays in North Korea – North Korea Documentary – Real Stories

Michael Eric Dyson: 'Shame On Donald Trump, Shame On Jeffrey Preston Bezos Sessions' | MSNBC

President Trump is doubling down on falsely blaming Democrats for immigration policy, even after Attorney General Jeff Sessions turned to the Bible to defend the practice of separating migrant children from their parents. Michael Eric Dyson, author of “What Truth Sounds Like,” tells Alex Witt why this was a “misuse of scripture.”

Trudeau Imposes Retaliatory Trade Tariffs Against the US

It is in the long term interest of Canada to unravel the intertwined economy between the two countries says Dimitri Lascaris

The Jewish Community's Place in French Society

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Press TV: The Debate - Trump-Kim Summit

Who Wants Migrants Rescued from the Mediterranean Sea? | Inside Story

The arguments over who should take responsibility for refugees arriving in Europe are heating up again. EU leaders have long been divided about how to handle the migrant crisis, which is being highlighted by the grueling voyage undertaken by 630 migrants now in Spain. They were stranded at sea for more than a week because of a diplomatic row. Italy and Malta refused to accept them after being rescued from overcrowded dinghies off the coast of Libya.

After much debate, the new Spanish government allowed the charity ship Aquarius and two other vessels to dock in Valencia. Anti-immigration sentiment has increased in Europe with right-wing parties who want tougher rules making gains in Austria, Germany and Italy.

There is widespread agreement that the EU needs to overhaul asylum and immigration laws, but disagreement on how. An EU summit is due to discuss new rules in Brussels at the end of this month. Can they overcome their deep divisions?

Presenter: Elizabeth Puranam | Guests: William Lacy Swing - Director General, International Organization for Migration; Francesco Galietti - Head of Policy Sonar political risk consultancy

Susan Rice: Kim Jong-un Beat Trump at Summit

Susan Rice. a national security adviser to former President Obama, says that North Korea's Kim Jong Un won the summit with President Donald Trump, because Kim was able gain prestige and got Trump to end “war games” on the Korean peninsula while committing to less than previous North Korean leaders.

Mark Sanford: Trump Movement Has Morphed into 'Loyalty' Test | Meet The Press | NBC News

In an exclusive interview with Meet the Press, Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.) talks to Chuck Todd about his primary loss to an opponent who more full embraced President Trump