Wednesday, June 20, 2018

What Is behind US Decision to Abandon UN Human Rights Council? | Inside Story

The United States has announced it's leaving the UN Human Rights Council. It calls the 47-member body 'hypocritical' and 'self-serving'. The decision follows months of threats by President Donald Trump.

The United States has long had a conflicting relationship with the UNHRC and says it has to be reformed. President Trump has recently faced widespread, and vociferous condemnation for his zero tolerance immigration policy, that's separating children from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border.

So, how will this decision impact the global fight to protect human rights? And will this further isolate the U.S. on the world Stage?

Presenter: Peter Dobbie | Guests: Guillaume Charron - Director of the global advisory group, Independent Diplomat; Rosa Freedman - Professor of Law and Global Development, University of Reading; Mohammed Cherkaoui - Professor of Conflict Resolution at George Mason University