Friday, May 30, 2014

Les buralistes «choqués» par les mesures antitabac de Marisol Touraine

Pascal Montredon est le président de la Confédération des buralistes.
LE FIGARO: «Un gouvernement aux abonnés absents» qui «fait vraiment n'importe quoi». La réaction des buralistes ne s'est pas fait attendre après l'annonce des mesures antitabac de la ministre de la Santé, Marisol Touraine qui seront présentées le 17 juin prochain.

Après la loi Évin de 1991 interdisant la publicité pour les cigarettes et le décret sur l'interdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics en 2007, voici un nouveau coup dur pour les buralistes, qui reste toutefois à confirmer. Le ministère de la Santé a en effet déclaré qu'il réfléchissait également à d'autres pistes. Le coup dur est signé Marisol Touraine, la ministre de la Santé, qui présentera le 17 juin prochain ses nouvelles mesures antitabac. Le projet de loi relatif à la politique de santé prévoit trois mesures chocs: la mise en place de paquets neutres, la possibilité de faire des actions de groupe à la manière des class actions américaines et l'interdiction de la cigarette électronique dans les lieux publics. » | Par Charlotte Peyronnet | vendredi 30 mai 2014

Tabac, famille, malbouffe : arrêtez de nous dire comment vivre ! »

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Edward Snowden will nach Hause

Der frühere NSA-Mitarbeiter Edward Snowden will zurück in die USA, traut sich aber nicht. Denn in den USA warte auf ihn ein Leben im Gefängnis, sagte Snowden in seinem ersten Interview mit einem US-Fernsehsender.

Pakistans Premier kritisiert Steinigung

Nawaz Sharif hat die Steinigung einer schwangeren Frau in der pakistanischen Metropole Lahore als «vollkommen inakzeptabel» bezeichnet.

France Moves to Ban e-Cigarettes from Public Places

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Health ministry due to unveil tough anti-smoking rules that could ban e-cigarettes and impose 'neutral' packets without logos

France could ban e-cigarettes in public places and force tobacco companies to remove logos and colours from packaging under tough new legislation due to be unveiled in June.

The measures are reportedly among several being considered by Marisol Touraine, the French health minister, and which will be outlined on June 17.

They could see all company branding and colour banned from cigarette packs dubbed “neutral”, in legislation similar to a landmark 2012 Australian rule.

A maximum of 65 percent of the package could be covered with written or visual anti-smoking messages, which would be a 25 percent increase over the current 40 percent limit, French daily Le Figaro reported.

It is hoped that by removing recognisable symbols, such as the bright red of Malboro packages, younger people will find the whole idea of smoking less appealing. » | Henry Samuel, Paris | Friday, May 30, 2014

Robert De Niro On Gay Father: ‘I Wish We Had Spoken About It Much More’

Robert De Niro has opened up
about his gay father
PINK NEWS: Robert De Niro has opened up about his gay father, saying he wishes they had spoken about his sexuality more.

The actor was speaking to Out Magazine, ahead of the launch of a documentary about his father – the artist Robert De Niro Sr – who died in 1993.

On his father’s sexuality, De Niro said: “I was not aware, much, of it. I wish we had spoken about it much more.

“My mother didn’t want to talk about things in general, and you’re not interested when you’re a certain age.

“Again, for my kids, I want them to stop and take a moment and realize that you sometimes have to do things now instead of later, because later may be 20 years from now — and that’s too late. » | Nick Duffy | Tuesday, May 27, 2014

EuroMillions Lottery Winner to Give Away €50 Million to Charity

The philanthropic Frenchman has been hailed a hero on social
media after giving away more than two-thirds of his Euro
Millions winnings to worthy causes
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: French winner donates lion's share of €72m jackpot to worthy causes in 'incredible act of generosity'

Amid all the gloom over a stagnating economy, serial scandals and a surge in support for the far-right, France finally had a good news story to celebrate on Friday.

A man who scooped more than €72 million (£58 million) on the EuroMillions lottery has decided to give €50 million of his jackpot to charity.

In what the Le Parisien tabloid hailed as "an incredible act of generosity," the unidentified winner from the Haute-Garonne area of southwestern France has said he will share his giveaway between around 10 NGOs working on behalf of the disadvantaged. » | AFP | Friday, May 30, 2014

Sir John Major: Ukip Is 'Very Intolerant' And Will Not Last

Sir John Major, the former Prime Minister, says Ukip is 'very intolerant'
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Sir John Major warns that leaving the European Union would cost Britain billions and leave the country in a 'very isolated and very difficult' position

Ukip is a "very intolerant" party and its appeal is not likely to last for a "long time" despite its success in the European elections, Sir John Major has said.

The former Conservative Prime Minister said Nigel Farage has been "very smart" and proved "good at exploiting grievances".

But he warned that the arguments for quitting Europe are "absolute nonsense" and said it would cost billions and leave this country in a "very isolated and very difficult" position.

He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: “Ukip are extremely good at exploiting grievances and people are very upset about Europe. Politically, Ukip have been very smart in exploiting those disagreements, but Ukip are not, frankly, a very tolerant party. » | Steven Swinford, Senior Political Correspondent | Friday, May 30, 2014

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Edward Snowden Exclusive Interview with NBC Brian Williams

Are the Fascists Coming Back to France?

Is Marine Le Pen's smiling face a mask?
BBC: The Front National's victory in the EU elections - its greatest triumph ever - is attributed to the policy of "detoxification" conducted by Marine Le Pen since she took over in 2011.

But its enemies remain unconvinced that the FN has become in any sense a normal or acceptable political force.

Mainstream politicians regard the FN as a classic party of the nationalist extreme, exploiting economic distress to whip up hatred of the outsider, the immigrant.

For the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble, reacting to Sunday's vote, there is no question but that the FN is "fascist and extremist".

And in the UK, Nigel Farage of UKIP says he will never go into alliance with Marine Le Pen because of her party's "nasty, anti-Semitic past". » | Hugh Schofield, BBC News, Paris | Thursday, May 29, 2014

Clegg Under Pressure To Sack 'Disloyal’ Cable

Business Secretary Vince Cable (right) with Leader of Liberal
Democrats Nick Clegg
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Senior Liberal Democrats say Vince Cable should be stripped of his economic affairs title over plot to undermine Nick Clegg

Vince Cable should be stripped of his role as the Liberal Democrats’ voice on economic affairs over his links to a plot to undermine Nick Clegg, colleagues have said.

Senior Lib Dems are pushing Mr Clegg to sideline Mr Cable in the party’s general election campaign next year, giving control of economic policy to loyal younger ministers.

That could mean Mr Cable is denied a role in any pre-election television debates or a major position in any new coalition government the Lib Dems might join next year.

Mr Cable, the Business Secretary, is facing questions about his loyalty this week after it emerged that Lord Oakeshott, a friend and political ally, had secretly commissioned opinion polls that suggested the Lib Dems would win more votes if they ditched Mr Clegg.

Lord Oakeshott has said he told Mr Cable about some of his polling several weeks ago. Some Lib Dems say Mr Cable failed to stop “treacherous” moves to remove Mr Clegg and take his job. » | James Kirkup, and Georgia Graham | Thursday, May 29, 2014

Talk to Al Jazeera: Why Arab Women Still ‘Have No Voice’ (April 2012)

Amal al-Malki, a Qatari author, says the Arab Spring has failed women in their struggle for equality.

Talk to Al Jazeera: Marine Le Pen: The Threat of Radical Islam (December 2012)

The leader of the far-right National Front party explains why she sees Muslim immigration as a grave threat to France.

Reaktion auf Le-Pen-Wahlsieg: Frankreichs Regierung stoppt Einwanderer-Wahlrecht

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Der Europawahl-Sieg des rechtsextremen Front National setzt Frankreichs Regierung unter Druck: Das Wahlrecht für Nicht-EU-Ausländer in Kommunen werde doch nicht eingeführt, erklärte der sozialistische Innenminister.

Paris - Nach dem Sieg des rechtsextremen Front National (FN) von Marine Le Pen bei der Europawahl rückt Frankreichs Regierung vom geplanten Wahlrecht für Nicht-EU-Bürger auf Kommunalebene ab. Das Vorhaben habe nun keine Aussicht auf Erfolg mehr, sagte Innenminister Bernard Cazeneuve dem Fernsehsender LPC.

Präsident François Hollande hatte eine entsprechende Gesetzesänderung in seinem Präsidentschaftswahlkampf vor zwei Jahren in Aussicht gestellt. Davon profitiert hätten vor allem die in Frankreich lebenden Marokkaner und Algerier. » | ade/Reuters/AP | Donnerstag, 29. Mai 2014

Inside Story: Anti-Europe Protest Vote?

The far right and hard left make significant gains in European Parliament elections.

Drama: Clara Immerwahr

Breslau, 1880er Jahre. Clara Immerwahr ist intelligent und wissbegierig und wird darin von ihrer weltoffenen jüdischen Familie unterstützt. Angeregt von ihrem Vater Philipp hat sie großes Interesse an chemischen Forschungen. Clara will unbedingt das Abitur machen, was im deutschen Reich für Mädchen nur auf mühseligen Umwegen möglich ist.

Das Drama hier anschauen

Related »

Germans Rediscover First World War Heroine in New TV Drama

Clara Immerwahr was the first German woman to be awarded
a doctorate in chemistry
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: New film has reawakened interest in Germany in a largely forgotten feminist heroine from the war

A new TV drama is leading Germans to rediscover a long-forgotten heroine of the women’s rights movement – and tragic victim of World War One.

Clara Immerwahr was the first German woman to be awarded a doctorate in chemistry, and with her husband, Fritz Haber, a pioneer of chemical fertilisers. Together, they devised the process by which ammonia is produced to this day.

But with the coming of the First World War, Haber turned his talents to darker uses, and became the father of chemical weapons, supervising the use of chlorine gas in Flanders, the first deployment of a weapon of mass destruction in history.

Horrified at what her husband had done, Immerwahr committed suicide, shooting herself in the chest with his military pistol. Her death was hushed up, and for decades she has been forgotten. » | Justin Huggle, Berlin | Thursday, May 29, 2014

Gedenkfeier zum D-Day: Merkel würde neben Putin sitzen

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Russlands Präsident Putin ist bei westlichen Staatschefs momentan äußerst unbeliebt. Bei einer Gedenkfeier zum D-Day wollen einige, so das Gerücht, auf keinen Fall neben ihm sitzen. Die deutsche Kanzlerin gibt sich locker.

Berlin - Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hätte kein Problem damit, bei einer Gedenkfeier zum D-Day in der Normandie neben dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin zu sitzen. » | kgp/dpa/AFP | Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Peter Robinson Faces Backlash After Saying He 'Wouldn't Trust' Muslims

BELFAST TELEGRAPH: Petition calls for First Minister to resign after he gave his backing to controversial pastor James McConnell

Peter Robinson has faced an angry backlash from the public and fellow politicians after saying he "wouldn't trust" some Muslims.

Northern Ireland's First Minister made the remark during an interview in which he defended under-fire pastor James McConnell, who gave a sermon in north Belfast denouncing Islam as "heathen" and "satanic".

Mr Robinson said a Christian minister had a right to "denounce false doctrines".

The DUP leader added that he would not trust Muslims either for spiritual guidance, or those engaged in terrorist acts, but would trust Muslims to "go down the shops for me" or to deal with a number of other "day to day issues". » | Claire Cromie | Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Rove: Obama's Foreign Policy Will 'Embolden Our Adversaries'

May. 28, 2014 - 4:41 - Fox News contributor responds to president's West Point address

Barack Obama: US Can't Solve All World Problems With Military Intervention »

Kerry Challenges NSA Leaker to 'Man Up'

May. 28, 2014 - 3:35 - Edward Snowden claims State Dept. trapped him in Russia

Angela Merkel Counters Critics of Germany Indifference to WW1 Commemorations

Chancellor inaugurates Berlin exhibit amid criticism that Germany has invested little in commemorating the centenary of the conflict

Read the Telegraph article here | Tony Paterson, Berlin | Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Barack Obama: US Can't Solve All World Problems With Military Intervention

Obama arrives for the commencement ceremony at the United
States Military Academy at West Point, New York
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: US president uses major foreign policy speech to argue for restraint before embarking on military adventures and call for more coordinated approach against terrorism

Barack Obama has sought to re-define the notion of a muscular US foreign policy, warning against “military adventures” and saying that America must lead the world through diplomacy and aid, not war.

Facing down accusations of weakness over his handling of crises in Syria, Ukraine and Iran, the US president said that working multilaterally in concert with allies was a sign of strength, not weakness.

“This is American leadership. This is American strength. In each case, we built coalitions to respond to a specific challenge,” Mr Obama said, addressing cadets at West Point military academy.

Reminding his young audience that they were the first class since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 who would not experience combat in Afghanistan and Iraq, Mr Obama argued that no-one should mistake US withdrawal for American decline.

“America has rarely been stronger relative to the rest of the world. Those who argue otherwise - who suggest that America is in decline, or has seen its global leadership slip away - are either misreading history or engaged in partisan politics,” he said. » | Peter Foster, Washington | Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Vince Cable Accused of Leadership Bid after 'Shambolic Coup'

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Vince Cable, the business secretary, accused of having leadership ambitions after admitting he knew that his ally Lord Oakeshott was conducting secret general election polls

Vince Cable has been accused of trying to "take the reins" of the Liberal Democrat party after he was implicated in a "shambolic coup" to oust Nick Clegg.

The business secretary admitted he knew that his friend and party peer Lord Oakeshott had privately commissioned polls which were later used to try and undermine Mr Clegg’s position.

But in a statement addressing allegations of a plot Mr Cable failed to offer Mr Clegg his backing or endorsement.

One of the Lib Dem's leading figures accused Cable of trying to "take the reins" of the party and said that Mr Cable has "leadership ambitions".

However, in what critics described as a sign of weakness following his party’s wipeout in the local and European elections, Mr Clegg failed to sack or even condemn Mr Cable.

His decision led to further turmoil in the Liberal Democrats after a week in which MPs have called on Mr Clegg to stand aside and let Mr Cable take over. » | Steven Swinford, Senior Political Correspondent | Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Merkel refuse à Hollande toute «réorientation de l'UE»

La chancelière Angela Merkel.
LE FIGARO: La capacité du gouvernement Hollande à redresser la situation économique en France suscite toujours autant d'inquiétude outre-Rhin.

C'est une question à laquelle Angela Merkel a déjà répondu. Pour la chancelière, il n'y a pas de raison de changer d'avis. Pourtant, dans son allocution lundi soir, François Hollande a une nouvelle fois plaidé pour une «réorientation de l'Europe». Il l'avait déjà promis durant sa campagne présidentielle, sans parvenir, une fois élu, à modifier en profondeur le cours des politiques de l'Union européenne. Angela Merkel n'avait, elle, consenti qu'à colorer son discours en y ajoutant des références à la croissance et à l'emploi. Mais il n'était pas question pour elle de changer de point de vue sur les instruments pour y parvenir: assainissement des comptes publics et réformes structurelles. Mardi soir à Bruxelles, pour la rencontre informelle des chefs d'État et de gouvernement de l'UE, elle ne devait pas atténuer ses positions. » | Par Nicolas Barotte | mercredi 28 mai 2014

A Real National Front: The French Far Right Aims High

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: After its triumph in European elections on Sunday, the French far-right Front National is hoping to increase its power back home, with Marine Le Pen aiming for the presidency in 2017. With François Hollande's popularity plummeting, it is not out of the question.

Marine Le Pen shed tears of joy after her triumph in European Parliament elections on Sunday. When she arrived after midnight at a Parisian night club for the victory celebration with her fellow party members, the head of the far-right Front National (FN) embraced fans and family before letting the champagne flow. Marine's father Jean-Marie, who was re-elected to the EU body for the seventh time, was also on hand to congratulate his daughter. "It was a historic victory," he said.

By Monday morning, the emotional evening had already been forgotten and strategists were once again busy at work at the party's headquarters in Nanterre. Until Sunday's election, the Front National had occupied but three seats in European Parliament -- one each for Marine, her father and his political companion Bruno Gollnisch -- and had led a largely unnoticed existence on the political fringes in Brussels. Now, though, the party's caucus will grow by 21 representatives.

After pulling in a triumphant 25 percent of the vote, the Front National will now have the largest number of seats of any French political party in the European Parliament. Marine Le Pen has every intention of using the party's presence at parliament's headquarters in Strasbourg and Brussels for political gain. Some within the far-right in France are already considering their political futures -- all the way up to the presidential palace in Paris. » | Stefan Simons in Paris | Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Triumph für Marine Le Pen: Frankreich im Schockzustand » | Von Stefan Simons, Paris | Montag, 26. Mai 2014

D-Day-Jahrestag: Hollande lädt Putin in den Elysée

Präsident Putin: Hat seine Teilnahme an der Gedenkfeier
zum D-Day in der Normandie zugesagt
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Frankreichs Präsident will seinen russischen Amtskollegen im Elysée-Palast empfangen. Wladimir Putin reist zum 70. Jahrestag des D-Day nach Paris, am Abend zuvor wird er mit François Hollande über die Ukraine-Krise sprechen.

Moskau - Frankreichs Präsident hatte sich bereits für eine Teilnahme von Wladimir Putin an den Feierlichkeiten zum 70. Jahrestag der Landung der Alliierten in der Normandie stark gemacht. Nun will François Hollande seinen russischen Amtskollegen auch im Elysée-Palast in Paris empfangen. Thema der Gespräche: die Ukraine-Krise.

Am 5. Juni, also am Abend vor dem D-Day-Jahrestag, werden Putin und Hollande aufeinandertreffen. Das bestätigte der Kreml. Es wird Putins erstes Treffen mit der Führung eines westlichen Staats sein, seit Russland die Krim annektiert hat. » | vek/Reuters | Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2014

We Need Nick Clegg – Demanding His Resignation Is Absurd

'Nick Clegg and his colleagues in the coalition have been blamed
for many of its actions, even those they privately opposed.'
THE GUARDIAN: The Liberal Democrats are lucky to have such an able and committed leader – and one with a lot to be proud of

Nick Clegg has been a principled, honourable and brave leader of the Liberal Democrats. He has borne criticism, even insult and abuse, with remarkable grace, maintaining a political position based on reason and on strongly held values. Such politicians are rare. It would be absurd to demand his resignation now because some parliamentary candidates think that bowing to a populist anti-Europe campaign would somehow win their seats for them. As for polling in four seats reported today by the Guardian, the survey was conducted throughout April, undermining its credibility – and was clearly commissioned and leaked for political purposes. » | Shirley Williams | Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Rupert Murdoch Paper Prints Picture of Duchess of Cambridge's Bare Bottom

A Rupert Murdoch paper has followed German tabloid Bild in
publishing photos of the Duchess of Cambridge's bare bottom
snapped on her Australian tour with Prince William.
THE GUARDIAN: Sydney Daily Telegraph criticises 'ridiculous' UK media ban as it follows German tabloid Bild in printing controversial image

One of Rupert Murdoch's Australian newspapers has published a picture showing the Duchess of Cambridge's bare bottom, refusing to follow a "ridiculous" ban imposed by the British media.

The image was taken during the royal couple's tour of Australia in April when they showed off their infant son George, and was run in the Sydney Daily Telegraph a day after it appeared in German tabloid Bild, which declared she had a "beautiful bum".

It shows the Duchess of Cambridge's blue and white summer dress lifted by a gust of wind when the royal couple got out of a helicopter in the Blue Mountains, 80 kilometres (50 miles) west of Sydney.

The Sydney Daily Telegraph said British newspapers had refused to run the photo out of respect to the royals, but in a comment piece said this was "an antiquated code of etiquette" under the headline "My bare lady: Derri-heir to the throne is fair game."

"It seems a bit ridiculous to expect the rest of the world's media to follow suit, particularly in a world in which flesh and commercialism go hand in hand," said Telegraph social writer Annette Sharp.

"If the duchess can't be bothered protecting herself by having hem weights sewn into her garments, why should the media protect her?" Read on and comment » | Agence France-Presse | Wednesday, May 28, 2014

THE SYDNEY DAILY TELEGRAPH: Why should the media stick to an antiquated code of etiquette when Kate doesn’t bother to protect her own modesty? » | Annette Sharp | Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Danke für dieses arschgeile Wochenende! »

Zeman: Islam Is to Blame for Attack on Jewish Museum in Brussels

Miloš Zeman, Czech President
PRAGUE POST: Czech president says he condemns any group that targets another based on religion

Prague, May 27 (ČTK)
— Islamic ideology rather than individual groups of religious fundamentalists is behind violent actions similar to the gun attack at the Jewish Museum in Brussels that killed four people, Czech President Miloš Zeman said Monday at the Israeli Embassy in Prague.

Two Israeli tourists and a member of the museum staff were killed by an unknown shooter Saturday, and another staff member died of his injuries Sunday.

Zeman's speech sharply condemning "the hideous attack" was posted on his official website today. Zeman took part in the celebration of the 66 years of independence of Israel.

"I will not be calmed down by statements that it is only small marginal groups. I believe, on the contrary, that this xenophobia and this racism or anti-Semitism stem from the very nature of the ideology on which these fanatical groups rely," Zeman said.

He said one of the sacred texts of Islam calls for the killing of Jews. » | Czech News Agency | Tuesday, May 27, 2014

WND Exclusive: ’Moderate’ Muslims Back Death for ‘Gays’

'Peace' conference speaker finds audience affirms Islamic-law punishments

Read the WND article here | Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Edward Snowden: I Was a Trained Spy, Not Just a Computer Analyst

In an exclusive interview with NBC News, former NSA Contractor Edward Snowden says he was much more than a low-level systems administrator

Read the short Telegraph article here

NBC News Releases Clip From Brian Williams’ Interview With Edward Snowden »

NBC NEWS: EXCLUSIVE: Edward Snowden Tells Brian Williams: ‘I Was Trained as a Spy’ » | Erin McClam

Auction Houses Fear Offending Middle Eastern Art Collectors With Nude Paintings

Modigliani's 'Romanian Beauty' and Lucien Freud's portrait
of a naked and pregnant Kate Moss
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Auction houses are thinking twice about offering nudes to some of their clientele for fear of offending collectors from Middle Eastern galleries and museums, experts say

It has been a staple of the art world for centuries, but it appears auction houses are thinking twice about offering nudes to their clientele for fear of causing offence.

Dealers and auctioneers are having to be mindful of the works they show to collectors from newer Middle Eastern galleries and museums, who are unable to put explicit or realistic-looking nudes on their walls.

One expert, from Sotheby's auction house, said the emerging market of the Middle East meant it was now important to consider how offensive a nude painting is before offering it.

Speaking at the Hay Festival, senior director Philip Hook said the level of nudity in a painting is a "new factor" auction houses will consider, with some works just not "permissible" in certain areas.

A spokeswoman for Christie's confirmed they too were careful about the type of paintings offered to Middle Eastern collectors, respecting their religious and cultural beliefs. Read on and comment » | Hannah Furness, Arts Correspondent | Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Capitalism Is Doomed If Ethics Vanish, Says Bank of England Governor

'We simply cannot take the capitalist system for granted,' says Carney.
THE GUARDIAN: Mark Carney issues strong critique of City behaviour and warns of growing sense that basic social contract is breaking down

Capitalism is at risk of destroying itself unless bankers realise they have an obligation to create a fairer society, the Bank of England governor has warned.

Mark Carney said bankers had operated a "heads-I-win-tails-you-lose" system. He questioned whether traders met ethical standards and said that those who failed to meet high professional standards should face ostracism.

Speaking at a City conference, the Bank's governor warned that there was a growing sense that the basic social contract at the heart of capitalism was breaking down amid rising inequality. "We simply cannot take the capitalist system, which produces such plenty and so many solutions, for granted. Prosperity requires not just investment in economic capital, but investment in social capital."

In a strongly worded critique of City behaviour in the run-up to the financial crisis, Carney said market radicalism and light-touch regulation had eroded fair capitalism, while scandals such as the rigging of Libor markets had undermined trust in the financial system.

"Just as any revolution eats its children, unchecked market fundamentalism can devour the social capital essential for the long-term dynamism of capitalism itself. To counteract this tendency, individuals and their firms must have a sense of their responsibilities for the broader system."

Carney told delegates at a conference on inclusive capitalism in London – which was attended by the former US president Bill Clinton – that big banks had operated in a "heads-I-win-tails-you-lose bubble", with personal gain hotly pursued by bankers. » | Angela Monaghan | Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Le leader de l'Ukip lance la bataille pour sortir de l'UE

Le chef de l'Ukip Nigel Farage, généralissime d'un parti
considéré hier encore comme marginal.
TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Le chef de l'Ukip Nigel Farage, féru d'histoire militaire, a la métaphore guerrière pour célébrer son assaut victorieux aux Européennes et son projet de conquête du parlement de Westminster.

«Vous n'en avez pas fini avec nous», a lancé, triomphant au cœur de la nuit de dimanche à lundi, le chef de l'Ukip Nigel Farage, généralissime d'un parti considéré hier encore comme marginal, avec ses 36'000 adhérents. Les médias britanniques généralement hostiles évoquent des troupes «aux tempes grises», constituées majoritairement de quinquagénaires.

Mais le but de guerre ultime de l'«armée populaire» constituée par Nigel Farage est de sortir le Royaume-Uni de l'Union européenne. » | mardi 27 mai 2014

Pakistan : une jeune femme lapidée pour avoir fait un mariage d'amour

LE POINT: Opposée à ces noces, les membres de la famille ont porté plainte pour "kidnapping". Mais, à l'arrivée au tribunal, ils ont ouvert le feu.

Farzana Iqbal, une Pakistanaise âgée de 25 ans, s'était mariée récemment par amour et avait ainsi défié sa famille dans un pays où les mariages forcés demeurent la norme. Enceinte de trois mois, elle a été lapidée à mort mardi, dans le centre d'une grande ville du pays, par des membres de sa propre famille opposés à son mariage. Furieuse, la famille avait porté plainte pour "kidnapping" contre le Roméo de cette Juliette pakistanaise qui s'est présentée mardi à la cour de Lahore (est) où elle devait "dire au juge qu'elle s'était mariée par choix", selon son avocat, Rao Mohammad Kharal. » | Source AFP | mardi 27 mai 2014

Frankreichs Wahlsieger: Schäuble nennt Front National "faschistisch"

Bundesfinanzminister Schäuble: "Wir alle müssen uns fragen, was wir besser machen können"

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Das wird vielen in Frankreich nicht passen: Nach dem Erfolg des Front National hat der deutsche Finanzminister Schäuble die Partei als "faschistisch" bezeichnet.

Berlin/Paris - In Frankreich sitzt der Schock tief - und auch im benachbarten Ausland wurde der Erfolg des rechtsextremen Front National (FN) bei der Wahl zum Europaparlament mit Schrecken registriert. Der deutsche Bundesfinanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble sagte am Dienstag auf einer Konferenz in Berlin, ein Viertel der Franzosen habe "für eine faschistische, extremistische Partei gestimmt".

Die von Marine Le Pen geführte fremdenfeindliche Partei strebt den Austritt des Landes aus EU und Euro-Zone an. Das Ergebnis der Europa-Wahl gilt als schwere Schlappe für Staatschef François Hollande, dessen Sozialisten abgeschlagen hinter dem FN (rund 25 Prozent der Stimmen) und den Konservativen auf dem dritten Platz landeten. » | jok/dpa/AFP | Dienstag, 27. Mai 2014

Archbishop of Canterbury Arrives in Pakistan to Support Embattled Christians

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Religious minority has suffered blasphemy accusations, terrorists attacks and forced conversions as persecution increases

The Archbishop of Canterbury has arrived in Pakistan to show his backing for the country’s persecuted Christian minority and to ask Muslim leaders for help in building better relations.

The Most Rev Justin Welby is due to meet politicians as well as bishops from the Church of Pakistan before travelling to Bangladesh and India.

The trip, conducted amid tight security, is part of a promise to meet leaders of the Anglican community as early as possible after taking up office and comes as Christians in some parts of the developing world suffer attacks at the hands of Islamist groups.

Xavier William, of Life for All Ministries who is due to meet the archbishop on Wednesday, said the visit was a source of comfort at a time when Pakistan’s Christian community - and other religious minorities – faced unprecedented pressure.

“We are seeing that persecution of Christians has got worse here in recent years,” he said. » | Rob Crilly, Islamabad | Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sudanese Woman Sentenced to Death for Apostasy Gives Birth

Meriam Ibrahim and husband Daniel Wani
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman awaiting the death penalty for refusing to convert to Islam, has given birth to a baby girl

The Sudanese woman who has been sentenced to hang for refusing to renounce Christianity has given birth to a baby girl named Maya, her lawyers told The Telegraph.

Meriam Ibrahim, 27, gave birth to the girl – her second child – in the early hours of Tuesday morning, in the hospital wing of the prison.

"They didn't even take Meriam to a hospital - she just delivered inside a prison clinic," As Elshareef Ali Elshareef Mohammed, her lawyer, told The Telegraph.

"But neither her husband nor I have been allowed to see them yet."

Mr Elshareef said he and Daniel Wani, Ms Ibrahim's husband, were still waiting outside the prison at 2pm in Khartoum (12.00 in the UK). » | Harriet Alexander | Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Who, What, Why: What Language Would Jesus Have Spoken?

BBC: Israel's prime minister has verbally sparred with the Pope over which language Christ might have spoken. Several languages were used in the places where Jesus lived - so which would he have known, asks Tom de Castella.

Benjamin Netanyahu and Pope Francis appeared to have a momentary disagreement. "Jesus was here, in this land. He spoke Hebrew," Netanyahu told the Pope at a public meeting in Jerusalem. "Aramaic," interjected the Pope. "He spoke Aramaic, but he knew Hebrew," Netanyahu shot back.

It's broadly accepted that Jesus existed, although the historicity of the events of his life is still hotly debated. But language historians can shed light on what language a carpenter's son from Galilee who became a spiritual leader would have spoken. » | Who, What, Why, BBC News Magazine | Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Scotland 'Becoming More Ethnically Diverse'

BBC: Scotland is becoming more ethnically diverse, according to a new study.

Researchers at the Centre on the Dynamics of Ethnicity, co-hosted by the universities of Glasgow and Manchester, analysed recent censuses in Scotland.

They found that one in six Scottish households, which contain two or more people, is now multi-ethnic.

The 2011 census contained 850,000 people who were not identified as being "white Scottish", however, almost half of these were "white: other British".

This category of ethnicity numbered 417,000, up 10% in the decade to 2011, with about three-quarters of these being born in England.

Other minority groups have seen "considerable increases" in size, according to researchers, including the African, Chinese, Pakistani and Indian populations. » | Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Vince Cable Accused of Plot to Oust Nick Clegg

Lib Dems say Nick Clegg is 'toxic' on the doorstep due to
decisions on policies such as tuition fees
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Supporters of the Deputy Prime Minister claim the Business Secretary's team commissioned polls designed to encourage Lib Dems to ditch Nick Clegg as leader

Nick Clegg’s allies have accused supporters of Vince Cable of plotting to undermine the Deputy Prime Minister’s position as Liberal Democrat leader.

Supporters of Mr Clegg have said that the Business Secretary’s team is responsible for commissioning opinion polls that suggest the Lib Dems will do better at the general election if they get rid of Mr Clegg.

Senior ministers close to Mr Clegg are also demanding that ICM Research, the polling firm that conducted the surveys, reveals who paid for the work.

The Lib Dem row over the polling comes as Mr Clegg faces calls for his resignation over the party’s dismal performance in the European elections, where the Lib Dems were beaten by the Greens and lost all but one of their MEPs.

Some Lib Dem MPs and candidates believe the party needs to remove Mr Clegg to improve its chances in next year’s general election. » James Kirkup, Political Editor | Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tony Blair Urges Labour to Take On Ukip over Immigration and EU

Tony Blair says an anti-immigration platform would confuse
Labour supporters.
THE GUARDIAN: Former leader says Ed Miliband will not gain anything if he tries to follow 'nasty and unpleasant' party led by Nigel Farage

Tony Blair has urged the Labour leader, Ed Miliband, and the rest of the mainstream political class to take on and confront Ukip, saying it would only confuse Labour's own supporters if it now ran on an anti-immigration platform.

He also urged Miliband to stay put on the issue of an in/out EU referendum, saying that yielding to the pressure of Ukip had not done the Conservative party any good to date.

Behind the Ukip facade was something pretty nasty and unpleasant, Blair told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

The former Labour leader said: "For the Labour party, if it tries to follow Ukip either on its anti-European platform or, even worse frankly, on its anti-immigrant platform, all that will happen is that it will confuse its own supporters and will not draw any greater support."

Miliband has repeatedly apologised for Labour's lenient approach to immigration in the past, saying it had not understood enough about the downsides of globalisation for working-class communities. Read on and comment » | Patrick Wintour, political editor | Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Malaysian Muslim Groups Call for Jihad on Cadbury after Pork Traces Found in Chocolate

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Islamic groups angry at Cadbury Malaysia after two batches found to contain pork DNA

Muslim groups are calling for a boycott of Cadbury after two of its products sold in predominately Islamic Malaysia were found to contain traces of pork.

The discovery was made during a periodic check for non-halal ingredients in food products by the country's Ministry of Health, which confirmed porcine DNA traces in bars of Cadbury Dairy Milk Hazelnut and Cadbury Dairy Milk Roast Almond.

Cadbury Malaysia, like most food makers in the country where Muslims make up more than 60 per cent of the population, has all of its products certified halal to conform with Islam's dietary restrictions, one of which is a prohibition on pork. » | Josie Ensor | Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Monday, May 26, 2014

European Elections 2014: Nick Clegg Faces Fight for Survival after Lib Dems' Euro Disaster

THE INDEPENDENT: Local Liberal Democrat party activists begin calling emergency meetings to force leadership contest as triumphant Nigel Farage predicts Ukip will hold balance of power at next year’s general election

Nick Clegg failed to quell a grassroots revolt by Liberal Democrat activists on Monday night as they stepped up an attempt to oust him following the party’s disastrous performance in the European elections.

After the Deputy Prime Minister refused to fall on his sword, The Independent learnt that activists had begun to call emergency meetings of local parties across the country in order to force a leadership election. They require the backing of 75 parties to trigger a contest.

The other way to open a battle over who should head the party is for a majority of the Lib Dems’ 56 MPs to support such a move. For now, most MPs are remaining publicly loyal to Mr Clegg or keeping their heads down, but some may call on him to quit in the next few days. » | Andrew Grace, Nigel Morris | Monday, May 26, 2014

Hollande : « L'avenir de la France, il est en Europe »

Lire l’article ici

French Political Class In Turmoil After Front National's European 'Earthquake' Victory

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The far-Right party has taken a quarter of the popular vote, beating both president Hollande's Socialists and the centre-Right UMP

France’s political establishment was in total disarray on Monday as its main parties reeled from the “earthquake” of seeing the far-Right Front National (FN) come first in European elections.

François Hollande, the deeply unpopular president, staged a crisis cabinet meeting to find ways to parry what is the French Socialist Party’s worst score since European elections were first held in 1979.

Sunday’s election saw the FN clinch almost 25 per cent of the vote, quadrupling its 2009 score in what its leader Marine Le Pen said translated a “massive rejection of the European Union”.

“We are witnessing the total rejection of the system,” she told Le Monde on Monday. “This is a kind of patriotic revolution” pitting the FN against the two main political parties, the Socialists and the opposition centre-Right UMP.

“The split is now between ‘nationals and globalists’,” she claimed. » | Henry Samuel, Paris | Monday, May 26, 2014

Nick Clegg: Election Losses Are 'Gutting and Heartbreaking'

In an emotional interview in which he appeared tired and red-eyed, deputy prime minister says he will not resign despite elections drubbing

Read and comment on the Telegraph article here | Georgia Graham | Monday, May 26, 2014

Worlds Apart: Martial Democracy? Radical Islam Has No Future in Egypt – Former General El-Yazal

Egypt has been embroiled in turmoil amid the Arab Spring revolution and the coup that toppled its first democratically-elected president last year. And as the nation gears up for new elections in the shadow of a shattered economy, will it receive the same old result? Can Egypt establish a democracy or will it slide back into chaos? Oksana is joined by the Chairman of the Algomhoria Center for Political and Security Studies, Sameh Seif El-Yazal, to discuss these issues.

Harte Zeiten für Christen in Nigeria

Die Stadt Jos liegt im Herzen Nigerias. Im Norden der 900'000-Einwohner-Stadt ist die islamistische Bewegung Boko Haram aktiv. Die Stadt selber und der Süden galten bis vor kurzem als sicher. Inzwischen hat sich das geändert. Der 46-jährige Markus Gamache arbeitet in Jos für eine Partnerkirche der Basler «Mission 21». Wie gefährlich ist das Leben in Jos für Christen?

Europas Populisten im Aufwind

Bei der Wahl zum Europaparlament sind die Konservativen stärkste Fraktion geworden, knapp vor den Sozialdemokraten. Die eigentlichen Gewinner aber sind die Rechtspopulisten. Viele von ihnen schafften den Sprung nach Brüssel aus dem Stand. Das Rennen um den Chefposten in der Kommission bleibt offen.

Den SRF Artikel hier lesen | Montag, 26. Mai 2014

Far-right Parties Sweep into Power across Europe

DAILY EXPRESS: The far Right made sweeping gains across Europe last night as swathes of voters rejected ruling Left-wing parties.

France’s National Front became the country’s biggest party for the first time with more than 25 per cent of the vote, trouncing President Hollande’s Socialists.

Leader Marine Le Pen told a crowd of cheering supporters: “Tonight is a massive rejection of the European Union. What is happening in France signals what will happen in all European countries – the return of the nation.” » | Monday, May 26, 2014

France: Front National Sweeps to Victory

French politics in turmoil following the shock

Read the Daily Mail article here

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Front National Wins European Parliament Elections in France

THE GUARDIAN: Elections return record number of MEPs opposed to EU project, with far right winning in France, Denmark and Austria

European politics were jolted as seldom before on Sunday when France's extreme nationalists triumphed in the European parliament elections, which across the continent returned an unprecedented number of MEPs hostile or sceptical about the European Union in a huge vote of no confidence in Europe's political elite.

France's Front National won the election there with a projected 25% of the vote, while the governing socialists of President François Hollande collapsed to 14%, according to exit polls.

In Britain the Nigel Farage-led insurrection against Westminster was also expected by all three main parties to deliver a victory for Ukip in the election, albeit with a lower lead than some opinion polls had been predicting in recent weeks. Turnout in Britain was 36%, higher than at the last European elections in 2009. » | Ian Traynor in Brussels | Sunday, May 25, 2014

Nick Clegg's Supporters Round on Activists Calling for Him to Quit

Nick Clegg's supporters are criticising a push to oust the
Liberal Democrat leader from office in the wake of
disastrous local and European election results.
THE GUARDIAN: Lib Dem activists had claimed the deputy prime minister has no strategy to prevent electoral oblivion in 2015

Supporters of Nick Clegg have derided a push to oust the Liberal Democrat leader from office in the wake of disastrous local and European election results, claiming there were only minimal signs of a revolt inside the parliamentary party.

But Clegg's critics, comprising more than 200 party activists who backed the call for a change at the top, say the deputy prime minister is offering no strategy to prevent electoral oblivion in 2015 other than the hope that the current message will be better received in a year's time.

They claim there will be further momentum when the party sees the scale of the setbacks in the European elections. Some of those calling for a change in leader would prefer Vince Cable, the business secretary, to take the helm without a contest, but it is unlikely that the Treasury chief secretary, Danny Alexander, or other key figures at the top of the party would permit such a coronation. » | Patrick Wintour, Nicholas Watt and Rowena Mason | Sunday, May 25, 2014

Ukip Storms European Elections

Nigel Farage: My party's victory will 'terrify' the
political establishment
THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Nigel Farage says Ukip's success in the European elections will 'terrify' political establishment and prove 'disastrous' for Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg

The UK Independence Party has won a national election for the first time, taking the most votes and seats in the European Parliament elections according to sources in all of Britain's main political parties.

The Ukip victory, which came as anti-establishment parties advanced across the European Union, represents the biggest shock to the British political system in a generation.

Even before the final results were announced, sources in Ukip and the three older political parties were all predicting a historic victory for Nigel Farage’s party, which was founded in 1993 and does not have a single MP or council leader.

Labour was on course to come second, the first time the main Opposition party has failed to win a European election since 1984 and a serious setback to Ed Miliband.

The Conservatives said they would come third, a result that will add to the questions about David Cameron’s ability to win a majority at the general election next year. » | James Kirkup and Steven Swinford | Sunday, May 25, 2014

Far-right National Front Triumph in France as Voters across Europe Turn to Extremists and Anti-EU Parties

Jubilant: French National Front leader Marine Le Pen reacts
to exit polls revealing her party won the election
THE MAIL ON SUNDAY: Exit polls have placed the hardline party as the country's most popular / The ruling socialists appeared to trail well behind with just 14 per cent / FN leader Marine Le Pen heralded victory for 'sovereign people of France' / Prime Minister Manuel Valls described result as 'a shock, an earthquake' / Le Pen called for French parliament to be dissolved to 'control borders'

The far-right National Front has topped polls in France as countries across Europe turned to extremist and anti-EU parties.

Exit polls suggested the anti-immigrant party led by Marine Le Pen had taken more than a quarter of votes, pushing President Hollande’s Socialist Party into third place with just 13 per cent.

It is the first time that the party – which wants to drastically cut immigration and reduce the influence of Islam – has come first in a nationwide French election in its 40-year history. Projections suggest it could take 25 Euro seats out of 74.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said the National Front victory was ‘a political earthquake in France’, while ecology minister Segolene [sic] Royale said: ‘It’s a shock on a global scale.’

The result was the most striking of a number of successes for far right and anti-EU parties across Europe.

Chillingly, there were indications that a neo-Nazi candidate for the NPD party could be elected in Germany - giving the far-right a foothold for the first time in decades. » | Daniel Martin, Whitehall Correspondent | Sunday, May 25, 2014

Marine Le Pen Wins Record Victory for Front National in French Elections

French far-right leader of the National Front Party, Marine Le Pen
THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Marine Le Pen's far-Right Front National party has scored its highest ever percentage of the vote, exit polls in France show

France’s far-Right Front National was on course for an historic victory in European elections on Sunday night, coming top in a national election for the first time in its 42-year history in a score it said represented a “massive rejection” of the EU.

Early exit polls placed the anti-European, anti-immigrant party first with 25 per cent of the vote – a result that was even better than expected.

The result put the FN well ahead of the opposition centre-Right UMP party, on 20.6 per cent, which lost nine percentage points compared to 2009.

The ruling Socialists clinched a paltry 14.1 per cent, the second drubbing they have received in nationwide elections in two months after suffering heavy losses in municipal elections in March.

Estimations suggest that the FN was on course for clinching 24 seats in the European Parliament – a major jump from the three it won in 2009 – with the UMP taking 19, the Socialists 13 and the Greens six. » | Henry Samuel, Nanterre | Sunday, May 25, 2014

I Renounced Islam, So My family Think I Should Die

Amal Farah, above, said the case of Meriam Ibrahim
prompted her to speak out
THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Apostasy is not just something that scandalises people in far off lands. Harriet Alexander hears the story of a British woman whose life was turned upside down when she left Islam - echoing the plight of Meriam Ibrahim, who awaits a death sentence in Sudan for the same "crime"

If Amal Farah were not living in Britain, she believes she might well be dead.

For the 33-year-old financial manager had carried out an act so heinous, her family felt she deserved to die.

Her crime? She had renounced her Islamic faith – “and within my community, that’s a capital offence,” she said. “They believe you deserve to die.”

Mrs Farah, who was born in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, but now lives in Britain, has never told her story before.

She was too afraid; told that, even in the UK, it was safer for her to keep a low profile.

But when earlier this month the case of Meriam Ibrahim came to light – an eight-month pregnant Sudanese woman, sentenced to death for refusing to renounce her Christian faith – Mrs Farah felt she had to speak out.

“I had to do something,” she said. “I am so fortunate to be here, and I am in a position to be able to shout and scream and say this is wrong.” » | Harriet Alexander | Sunday, May 25, 2014