Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Dimitra's Dishes: Greek Lemony Chicken & Rice Skillet

Aug 23, 2023

Get the recipe here.

Yevgeny Prigozhin Killed in Plane Crash Near Moscow - Live Updates

Yevgeny Prigozhin

THE TELEGRAPH: Yevgeny Prigozhin has been killed in a private jet crash in the Tver region north of Moscow, Russian agencies have reported.

The Wagner mercenary boss was on board the aircraft when it crashed killing all 10 passengers, authorities have said. » | The Telegraph | Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Guerre en Ukraine en direct : Evgueni Prigojine était sur la liste de passagers d’un avion qui s’est écrasé au nord de Moscou, selon l’aviation civile russe : L’annonce a été faite par l’agence fédérale de transport aérien, et relayée par l’agence de presse russe TASS. « Selon la liste des passagers, parmi eux se trouvent le nom et le prénom d’Evgueni Prigojine », a indiqué l’agence fédérale. »

Zehn Tote bei Flugzeugabsturz in Russland – Wagner-Chef Prigoschin soll auf Passagierliste stehen: Das Privat-Flugzeug soll der Wagner-Gruppe von Jewgenij Prigoschin gehören. Bei dem Absturz sollen zehn Personen ums Leben gekommen sein. »

‘India Is on the Moon’: Lander’s Success Moves Nation to Next Space Chapter

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Chandrayaan-3 mission makes India the first country to reach the lunar south polar region in one piece and adds to the achievements of the country’s homegrown space program.

The Chandrayaan-3 mission makes India the first country to reach the lunar south polar region in one piece and adds to the achievements of the country’s homegrown space program.

Two visitors from India — a lander named Vikram and a rover named Pragyan — landed in the southern polar region of the moon on Wednesday. The two robots, from a mission named Chandrayaan-3, make India the first country to ever reach this part of the lunar surface in one piece — and only the fourth country ever to land on the moon.

“We have achieved soft landing on the moon,” S. Somanath, the chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization, said after a roar ripped through the ISRO compound just past 6 p.m. local time. “India is on the moon.” » | Hari Kumar, Alex Travelli, Mujib Mashal and Kenneth Chang | Hari Kumar and Alex Travelli reported from Bengaluru, India, near the Chandrayaan-3 mission control. | Wednesday, August 23, 2023

James Hewitt Talks Diana with Larry King (2003)

Aug 17, 2023 | James Hewitt, a former British army officer with whom Princess Diana had a five-year affair, appeared on Larry King Live on 8th January 2003. He had attracted media attention at the time because he was considering selling letters the late princess had written to him.

Regierung beschließt neue Regeln zur Änderung des Geschlechtseintrags


ZEIT ONLINE: Das Bundeskabinett hat das sogenannte Selbstbestimmungsgesetz auf den Weg gebracht. Geschlechtseinträge sollen dadurch künftig einfacher geändert werden können.

Trans Personen bezeichnen das bisherige Verfahren zur Änderung des Geschlechtereintrags als entwürdigend. © Anastassiya Bezhekeneva/Getty Images

Die Bundesregierung hat das sogenannte Selbstbestimmungsgesetz beschlossen, das eine vereinfachte Änderung des Geschlechtseintrags ermöglichen soll. Menschen sollen künftig nur noch eine einfache Selbstauskunft beim Standesamt abgeben müssen, wenn sie den Vornamen oder den Geschlechtseintrag im Personenstandsregister ändern wollen. Das neue Gesetz soll das seit 1981 geltende sogenannte Transsexuellengesetz ablösen. » | Quelle: ZEIT ONLINE, AFP, isd | Mittwoch, 23 August 2023

So, wenn ich dies richtig verstehe, künftig erlaubt es einem das Grundgesetz sein eigenes Geschlecht selbst zu bestimmen: Männer, die gelangweilt mit dem eigenen Gott-gegebenen Sex sind dürfen von nun an Frauen werden können und, natürlich, das Gegenteil gilt auch! Dies scheint ein ganz interessantes Spiel zu sein. Es wird dem Vaterland sicherlich gut dienen. – © Mark Alexander

Canicule en France : des températures record attendues jeudi, 19 départements en vigilance rouge et alerte aux orages dans plusieurs autres

LE MONDE : Des températures comprises entre 39 et 42 °C sont prévues dans les départements sur une diagonale allant du Gers jusqu’à l’Ain. Un épisode caniculaire qualifié par Météo-France d’« intense » et de « durable », voire d’« exceptionnel » dans certaines localités.

Des températures inédites sont encore attendues pour jeudi en France, où la chaleur s’intensifie, selon Météo-France. Dix-neuf départements sont maintenus en vigilance rouge canicule sur une diagonale allant du Gers à l’Ain.

Beaucoup de températures seront comprises entre 39 et 42 °C sur les départements placés en vigilance rouge. Les températures dépasseront les niveaux les plus hauts jamais enregistrés à Narbonne et à Carcassonne, où 42 °C sont attendus, et à Toulouse-Blagnac, où il fera 41 °C. A Moulés-et-Baucels, dans l’Hérault, il fera 43 °C. Cet épisode de chaleur est qualifié par Météo-France d’« intense » et de « durable », voire d’« exceptionnel » dans certaines localités. » | Le Monde avec AFP | mercredi 23 août 2023

Article associé.

Le nazisme, une aventure autrichienne | Les coulisses de l'histoire | ARTE

Aug 13, 2023 | La postérité a fait du nazisme une affaire allemande, occultant le rôle joué par l'Autriche, terre natale du Führer et laboratoire des politiques antijuives du IIIe Reich. Fin 1918, l'Empire austro-hongrois, vaincu, est dépecé. En proie à la misère, au chômage et à l'instabilité politique, la jeune République autrichienne cède aux sirènes du pangermanisme, courant pétri d'antisémitisme et de xénophobie.

Fondé en 1920, dans le sillage de son grand frère allemand, le Parti national-socialiste attire de plus en plus de sympathisants et multiplie les coups de force, au point d'être interdit en juillet 1933. Le 12 mars 1938, lorsque Hitler annexe l'Autriche - dans la ferveur populaire -, les nazis sortent de leur clandestinité. Des personnalités comme Ernst Kaltenbrunner ou Arthur Seyss-Inquart enclenchent la machine de répression avec un zèle terrifiant. Le camp de concentration de Mauthausen est construit dès le mois d'août, tandis que les handicapés mentaux et physiques sont assassinés. Adolf Eichmann, nazi autrichien de la première heure, est envoyé à Vienne pour vider la ville de sa population juive. La nouvelle province du Reich devient pionnière en la matière, à travers un système fondé sur la spoliation et l'émigration forcée, qui conduira aux premières déportations - Berlin n'expédiera ses premiers convois que deux ans plus tard. De la France à la Pologne en passant par les Pays-Bas, les cadres du régime sont bientôt envoyés dans les territoires occupés pour mettre à profit leur expérience. Une fois la guerre terminée, l'Autriche sera pourtant auréolée du statut de "première victime du nazisme". Il faudra attendre 1991 pour que le chancelier Franz Vranitzky mette fin au déni, en reconnaissant la responsabilité de son pays dans les crimes commis.

Bousculer les certitudes

Avec le temps, la connaissance du passé s'affine, mais les idées reçues restent parfois tenaces. De la responsabilité de l'Autriche dans les atrocités du nazisme à la faillite européenne engendrée par la crise des subprimes, du rôle joué par l'Angleterre dans la résistance à Hitler à la création de l'État d'Israël, fruit des rapports de force entre grandes puissances, cette passionnante collection documentaire porte un nouveau regard sur l'histoire récente en bousculant les certitudes et en décryptant les faits. Une lecture revue et corrigée, déroulée dans des récits limpides tissés de saisissantes archives.

Série documentaire (France, 2022, 53mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 14/10/2023

AVERTISSEMENT ! Ce documentaire n'est pas adapté aux enfants. Les jeunes et les personnes sensibles doivent également faire preuve d’une extrême prudence lorsqu’ils regardent.

Übrigens ist diese hervorragende Dokumentation auch in der deutschen Sprache verfügbar. Klicken Sie bitte hier den Film zuzusehen. – Mark

Manliness, Prestige and Cash: How Military Service Is Sold on Russian TV

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Times tracked several months of Russian state messaging in the Kremlin’s effort to recruit soldiers.

A supermarket security guard, a taxi driver, a guy at the gym. The Russian government has a message for all of them: Aren’t you a man?

And don’t you want to earn more money?

Last spring, the Russian military kicked off a new recruitment drive for the war in Ukraine, seeking to replace tens of thousands of dead and wounded without having to resort to an unpopular draft. For the last four months, The New York Times has tracked how the campaign played out on Russian state television and social media, and found that recruitment messages focused on the Kremlin’s official rationale for the invasion — an existential threat from the West against Russians — played only a supporting role.

Rather, there were frequent appeals to masculinity, sometimes voiced by soldiers’ wives and other women interviewed on television news. There were incessant reminders of above-average pay and benefits for military servicemen. And the messages — appearing both in video ads produced by the Defense Ministry and on regular TV newscasts — stress the ease of signing up, promising relief from Russia’s notorious bureaucracy. » | Anton Troianovski, Alina Lobzina, Sarah Kerr and Natalie Reneau | Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Poofs need not apply. Only real men kill. – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Cartier, les joailliers des rois - Une histoire du luxe | Documentaire complet

Dec 24, 2020 | Il y a des noms qui signifient beaucoup. Ils ont franchi le cap de la célébrité, de la gloire, pour devenir des symboles, des mythes.

Il en va ainsi du nom de ces trois frères qui fait miroiter l’éclat de pierres précieuses et plus encore. Leur patronyme les rattache aux plus gros diamants du monde, à des boucles d’oreilles dépassant le million de dollars, aux cours d’Europe et aux gloires d’Hollywood.

La réussite de Cartier tient d’une alchimie mystérieuse ou une place importante est laissée à l’invention. Mais rien ne serait possible sans le travail obscur d’artisans hors pair. Un film de Mark Shekter

Risotto Alfredo* | Akis Petretzikis

May 26, 2022

Get the recipe here.

* 'Alfredo' denotes a sauce incorporating butter, cream, garlic and Parmesan cheese. It is named after the Italian chef and restaurateur Alfredo di Lelio.

Trump Yearns to Govern a Mafia State. Fitting That He Faces Racketeering Charges

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: The perfected mafia state uses ostensibly legal procedures and insider loyalty to protect corrupt autocrats from accountability

‘Although the conspiracy after the 2020 election was amateurish in many ways, Trump’s current campaign shows that Maga operatives are trying to draw lessons from previous failures.’Photograph: Evan Vucci/AP

Could there be such a thing as Trump indictment fatigue? Every week seems to bring a new set of charges; one might be forgiven for losing any sense of what’s what in the four major cases the former president now faces. (Of course, Trump himself has long perfected the art of sowing confusion through falsehoods in response to any criticisms, impeachments and now indictments – or, in the words of Steve Bannon, “flooding the zone with shit”.) What mitigates this risk, though, is that the different indictments illuminate very different aspects of Trumpism – and the way Trump operated as president, and now continues to operate in his campaign to regain the White House.

The Georgia indictment is particularly important: what many have long suspected – that Trump operates like a mafia boss – is confirmed by the ample evidence of Trump and his (increasingly bizarre and brutal) associates forming a criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States. Unlike mobsters, Trump used the power of the state itself to try to get his way, even if his making offers one couldn’t refuse ultimately failed. If Trump were brought back to power in 2024, there is every reason to believe that he would not only engage in all-out retribution for alleged wrongs against his political clan, but also erect what some observers describe as a mafia state. » | Jan-Werner Müller | Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Free Oil | Planet Finance (2/6)

Aug 5, 2023 | Planet Finance sets the world price for many commodities: for grain, for gold and also for oil. There is always demand for oil and the price is constantly changing. It is hard to imagine now, but at the beginning of the COVID pandemic, we could not get rid of oil. The world's oil supply was floating at sea. The tankers, and their crews, had no choice but to wait for a better price. And then came a day when a barrel of oil was free! How can a market be so derailed?

In this six-part documentary series, Marije Meerman takes you to Planet Finance. Who live and work there? What language do they speak? What is the use of this planet, and what makes this financial world so attractive to so many people?

Part 1 here.

Romanovs: Imprisoned, Murdered, Exhumed : A Shocking Story of Tragedy and Death

Aug 4, 2020 | Using archival material, this film tells the story of the imperial family’s imprisonment, murder, exhumation, and state burial in 1998. This film includes excerpts from the memoirs of the killers, as well as a detailed interview with Geli Ryabov, the man who was given information by the son of the killer Yakov Yurovsky, the commandant of the Ipatiev house, which led Ryabov and Al. Avdonin to identify a precise location and to begin informal exhumations, eventually discovering the first burial site with the corpses of five members of the Romanov family and those of their retainers. The film also features rare footage with King George V, Alexander Kerensky, Lenin, Trotsky, Sverdlov, and scenes from the Russian Revolution and the Russian Civil War.

The original version of the film was produced and released in 2001, by Homevision Studio. This version is a special edition by The Romanov Royal Martyrs Project, featuring new music, newsreel footage, and colorized pictures by Olga Shirnina.

The video is produced as part of the project for the book The Romanov Royal Martyrs, which is an impressive 512-page book, featuring nearly 200 black & white photographs, and a 56-page photo insert of more than 80 high-quality images, colorized by the acclaimed Russian artist Olga Shirnina (Klimbim) and appearing here in print for the first time.

French Resort Renames Airport after Queen Elizabeth II

THE TELEGRAPH: Le Touquet pays homage to late Queen who, as a girl, used to visit seaside town with her uncle for horseback riding [horse riding] and sand yachting

Le Touquet made the proposal to change the name of its airport just six days after Elizabeth II died | CREDIT: TOLGA AKMEN/AFP

The French seaside town of Le Touquet, described as “the most British of French resorts”, will rename its airport after Elizabeth II.

On Monday, Daniel Fasquelle, Le Touquet mayor, announced that the town had received the royal blessing of King Charles to rename the local airport the Elizabeth II Le Touquet-Paris-Plage International Airport after his mother, and called the agreement a historic turning point for the town.

“This is a tribute to a great queen and her uncle who had a fondness for France, as well as a recognition of the ‘most British of French resorts’”, read a statement posted by the town hall. » | Vivian Song | Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The golden age of Le Touquet – and why the late Queen adored it: Take a trip back in time to the heyday of this most British of French resorts, which has named its airport in honour of Queen Elizabeth II »

UK Cannot Ignore Calls for Slavery Reparations, Says Leading UN Judge

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: Patrick Robinson says reparation for transatlantic slavery ‘is required by history and is required by law’

A leading judge at the international court of justice has said the UK will no longer be able to ignore the growing calls for reparation for transatlantic slavery.

Judge Patrick Robinson, who presided over the trial of the former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milošević, said the international tide on slavery reparations was quickly shifting and urged the UK to change its current position on the issue.

“They cannot continue to ignore the greatest atrocity, signifying man’s inhumanity to man. They cannot continue to ignore it. Reparations have been paid for other wrongs and obviously far more quickly, far more speedily than reparations for what I consider the greatest atrocity and crime in the history of mankind: transatlantic chattel slavery,” Robinson said. » | Aamna Mohdin, Community affairs correspondent | Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Italie: limogeage du général auteur d'un livre homophobe et raciste

KOMITID : Un général italien a été limogé de son poste suite à la polémique déclenchée par son ouvrage homophobe et raciste.

Un général italien dont le livre contenant des passages homophobes et racistes avait soulevé un tollé dans la péninsule a été limogé vendredi de son poste de commandant de l’Institut géographique militaire, indiquent les médias.

Interrogé par l’AFP, le ministère de la Défense n’a pas démenti cette information.

Dans son livre publié à compte d’auteur et intitulé Le monde à l’envers, sorti le 10 août, le général Roberto Vannacci, 54 ans, ex-chef d’un corps d’élite des parachutistes, se présente comme “un héritier de Jules César“.

“Chers homosexuels, vous n’êtes pas normaux, faites-vous une raison“, écrit-il notamment dans ce livre, dans lequel il dénonce “des règles discutables d’inclusion et de tolérance imposées par les minorités“.

Il s’en prend violemment à la volleyeuse noire Paola Egonu, qui joue dans l’équipe d’Italie : “Paola Egonu est de nationalité italienne, mais il est évident que ses traits ne représentent l’italianité“. » | La Rédaction avec l’AFP | lundi 21 août 2023

Le livre raciste et homophobe d'un général fait un tollé en Italie : « Le général (Roberto) Vannacci a exprimé des opinions qui discréditent l'Armée (...) et la Constitution », a fustigé dans un communiqué le ministre de la Défense Guido Crosetto. »

Elon Musk Considered Pulling Plug on Ukraine’s Starlink Access after ‘Great Conversation with Putin’

THE TELEGRAPH: Tech billionaire worried about being seen ‘in Russia as enabling Ukrainian war effort’

Elon Musk said he could see the 'entire war unfolding' through a map of Starlink activity | CREDIT: ALAIN JOCARD/AFP via Getty Images

Elon Musk pondered pulling Starlink satellite internet from Ukraine because he feared being perceived as a warmonger in Russia, a former Pentagon official has said.

The 52 year-old South African-born billionaire expressed his concerns after Ukrainian forces reported network outages close to the front lines separating them from their Russian occupiers.

Colin Kahl, a US undersecretary of defence for policy until last month, was charged with brokering a deal to prevent Mr Musk from turning the system off altogether.

“If you turn this off, it doesn’t end the war,” Mr Kahl recalled telling the SpaceX chief, in an interview with The New Yorker.

“My inference was that he was getting nervous that Starlink’s involvement was increasingly seen in Russia as enabling the Ukrainian war effort, and was looking for a way to placate Russian concerns,” the former US official added. » | Joe Barnes | Monday, August 21, 2023

Moldova: In the Shadow of Putin’s War | DW Documentary

Aug 17, 2023 | The people of Moldova have been living in fear since the Russian attack on the Ukraine. Their nation could be next on Moscow’s list. Russian politicians and propagandists issue outright threats, even including the prospect of an invasion.

It’s a danger also recognized by Maia Sandu, the country’s pro-European President: "We’re seeing military activities close to the borders of the Republic of Moldova. This is a dramatic situation for our neighbors. For us, it’s extremely threatening."

The concern is justified. Since 1992, Moscow has controlled the breakaway region of Transnistria in eastern Moldova and stationed troops there. The situation in Moldova was recently exacerbated when Vladimir Putin revoked a decree guaranteeing the nation’s sovereignty. The Moldovan government stepped down on 10 February; three days later, Maia Sandu announced the emergence of specific Russian plans to destabilize Moldova, including acts of sabotage and violence including attacks on government offices and hostage-taking.

Moldova is also living in the shadow of the war. More than a year ago, shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, many Moldovans prepared to leave their country: "We were afraid, we had our cases packed and ready," says Elena Cernei, who lives close the Ukrainian border. More than 600,000 Ukrainian refugees arrived in the Republic of Moldova last year, gas and electricity prices exploded, inflation rose to more than 30 per cent - immense challenges for the poorest nation in Europe with a population of just 2.6 million. Entrepreneur Anatolie Dicusar is struggling to keep his business going; he’s turned his factory into a clothing warehouse for refugees. The blogger and musician Vova Karmanov stopped making music; instead, he films reports about the conflicts in post-Soviet regions. President Maia Sandu fights tirelessly for democracy and freedom. Moldova attained official EU candidate status on 24 June 2022.

But society is increasingly split over the war in Ukraine thanks to Russian propaganda. This film by Irene Langemann charts the personal fates of protagonists as well as the societal and political developments in the Republic of Moldova since the start of the all-out Russian war on Ukraine - and seeks answers to the question: Will the country survive this ordeal?

The Nazi Art Heist: A Belated Search for Justice – On the Trail of a Gigantic Nazi Raid | DW Documentary

Aug 20, 2023 | The systematic looting of art owned by Jewish families has never been fully investigated. Descendants of families forced to leave Nazi Germany are still searching for their property - often in vain.

The documentary follows the trail of one large-scale Nazi looting operation. Provenance researcher Kathrin Kleibl and her colleagues are investigating the crime, and hope to bring about justice one day. It’s her job to ascertain the whereabouts of looted art and return it to its rightful owners.

Jewish families ordered to leave Germany were assured they could take their property with them. But often, all their worldly goods remained behind. Thousands of crates stored at locations like the port of Hamburg were seized by the Gestapo. Instead of sending the objects on to their owners, they were auctioned. The contents of entire households went under the hammer at the "Hamburg Bailiff’s Office" and in many other auction houses; the lots included valuable artworks.

The auctions were blatantly advertised in newspapers. In Hamburg, they raised 7.2 million Reichsmark for the Nazis. A state-sponsored bargain hunt, says historian Frank Bajohr. The objects disappeared into the hands of private individuals, museums and dealers. In most cases, they have never been seen again.

Who were the owners and who were the buyers? Kathrin Kleibl explains her mission: "The primary goal is to give these objects back to the families." In a research project funded by the German Lost Art Foundation, Keibl is hot on the trail. She has one key advantage, in the search: the Nazis kept meticulous records of their crimes. Kathrin Keibl has access to thousands of pages of auction reports, store ledgers and invoices. It’s an arduous task, but: "Using these puzzle pieces, we can trace the path of a theft from its original location to its eventual sale in Hamburg, " says Kleibl.

The descendants of these Jewish families can now hold out some hope of recovering their property. The Koch family from Wiesbaden, for example, was forced to emigrate to London. But their crates, which contained priceless art collections including works by Nolde, Jawlensky and Klee, never arrived. What happened to their grandparents’ property? There’s a specific lead on one painting, but several changes of ownership and an art market that still remains largely secretive are hampering the search. As one member of the Koch family says: "If our generation stops searching, then this chapter will remain forever lost in darkness.”

The valuable art collection of Johanna Ploschitzki from Berlin was also lost. Her belongings, which totaled 1,500 objects and included pieces by renowned artists such as Pissarro, Beckmann and Liebermann, was auctioned off over the course of three days in Hamburg. To this day, her descendants are hoping to recover at least some of the items.

This chapter of German history is also posing a challenge to Dr. Ute Haug, provenance researcher at the Hamburger Kunsthalle art museum: In the year 1941, her museum bought eight paintings at an auction. But can these artworks be correctly assigned to the families they were stolen from? To find out, Ute Haug is also seeking help from Kathrin Kleibl.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Canicule en France : quatre départements seront en vigilance rouge mardi

LE MONDE : Le niveau maximal de vigilance vise les départements du Rhône, de la Drôme, de l’Ardèche et de la Haute-Loire. Par ailleurs, 49 départements seront en vigilance orange, et 13 en vigilance jaune.

Météo-France a placé lundi 21 août quatre départements en alerte rouge à la canicule, le plus haut niveau, à partir de mardi midi, alors que des températures avoisinant 40 °C sont attendues dans le Sud-Ouest, le Midi et la vallée du Rhône notamment. » | Le Monde avec AFP | lundi 21 août 2023

Trump Lawyers OK $200,000 Bond in Georgia Election Case

NEW YORK POST: Former President Donald Trump has agreed to post a $200,000 bond and abide by other release conditions in the case charging him with illegally trying to overturn Georgia’s 2020 election result.

The 77-year-old former president’s consent bond order was revealed in a filing with the Superior Court of Fulton County on Monday, signed by Judge Scott McAfee, District Attorney Fani Willis, and members of Trump’s legal team.

Under the terms of the agreement, the 2024 Republican presidential frontrunner will pay the court an $80,000 bond for release on count 1 of the Georgia grand jury’s indictment, which accuses Trump of violating the state’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. » | Victor Nava | Monday, August 21, 2023

Vanilla and Strawberry Jello Mold [Jelly Mould] | Akis Petretzikis

Aug 21, 2023

Get the recipe here.

Baby Serial Killer Nurse Lucy Letby Given Whole-Life Sentence - BBC News

Aug 21, 2023 | Nurse Lucy Letby, who was unmasked as the UK's most prolific child serial killer in modern times, has been given a whole-life sentence with no chance of parole.

The 33 year old was convicted of murdering seven babies and attempting to kill six other infants at the Countess of Chester Hospital. Letby deliberately injected babies with air, force-fed others milk and poisoned two of the infants with insulin.

She refused to appear in the dock for her sentencing hearing. Letby will face the rest of her life behind bars, becoming only the fourth woman in UK history to receive such a sentence.

Lucy Letby sentenced to whole-life jail term after murdering seven babies: Former nurse will never be released from prison as judge describes ‘deep malevolence bordering on sadism’ »

‘Cruel, calculated’ Lucy Letby to spend rest of life in prison: Neonatal nurse Lucy Letby, who is the UK's most prolific child serial killer in modern British history, will spend the rest of her life behind bars. »

The Prince and The Epstein Scandal | BBC Select

BBC Select presents a powerful BBC documentary first broadcast in December 2019 featuring the victims of Jeffrey Epstein sharing their stories. In what was her first UK interview, Virginia Giuffre who claims to have been trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein, spoke about her time with the convicted sex offender and her relationship with Prince Andrew.

Watch The Prince and The Epstein Scandal on BBC Select in the US: and Canada:

Netherlands and Denmark to Donate Up To 61 F-16 Fighter Jets to Ukraine

THE GUARDIAN: Danish PM says country will provide 19 in stages when pilot training is completed as Dutch counterpart pledges up to 42 planes

The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, and Mark Rutte give a press conference on Sunday at Eindhoven airbase in the Netherlands. Photograph: Rob Engelaar/ANP/AFP/Getty Images

The Netherlands and Denmark have announced they will donate up to 61 F-16 fighter jets between them to Ukraine once pilot training has been satisfactorily completed, as Volodymyr Zelenskiy visited both countries after months of entreaties to bolster the Ukrainian air force.

Denmark’s prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, said her country would provide 19 jets – “hopefully” six around new year, eight more next year and the remaining five in 2025. “Please take this donation as a token of Denmark’s unwavering support for your country’s fight for freedom,” Frederiksen said.

Mark Rutte, the Dutch prime minister, did not put a number on the Dutch donation, but said the Netherlands had 42 in its air force. The country was already in the process of replacing them with more advanced US-made F-35s. » | Dan Sabbagh in Kharkiv | Sunday, August 20, 2023

Livraison d’avions de combat à l’Ukraine : l’Occident franchit le pas : En visite aux Pays-Bas et au Danemark, le président ukrainien, Volodymyr Zelensky, a obtenu la promesse que des F-16 américains seraient transférés à Kiev avec l’approbation des Etats-Unis. « Ce n’est que le début », s’est-il félicité. »

Argentina Devalues Peso, Raises Rates after Shock Primary | The World

Aug 21, 2023 | Inflation has hit 113 percent in Argentina this year, leading to soaring consumer prices and plunging 40 percent of its population below the poverty line. The situation has worsened as the currency fell off the back of a shock primary election result. Madeline Lobooth reports.

Met Police Taking No Further Action on Cash-for-Honours Claims Involving King’s Charity

THE GUARDIAN: Force launched investigation after reports alleged offers of help were made to secure honours for Saudi national

No further action will be taken by detectives who have been investigating cash-for-honours allegations involving the king’s charity the Prince’s Foundation, the Metropolitan police said.

The force launched the investigation in February after media reports alleged offers of help were made to secure honours and citizenship for a Saudi national. » | Guardian staff and agency | Monday, August 21, 2023

‘Gigantic Step Backwards’: Far-right Gains in Chile Threaten Abortion Rights

THE GUARDIAN: Concerns mount as ultraconservative Republican party’s ‘right to life’ proposal could be enshrined in constitution

The Republican party founder, José Antonio Kast, lost the 2021 presidential election, but his party now holds considerable sway in writing a new constitution. Photograph: Reuters

The hard-won right to an abortion in Chile is at risk of being overturned, activists have warned, as the country’s far right moves to enshrine protection for “the life of the unborn child and maternity” in a new constitution.

Concerns have grown over the ultraconservative Republican party’s plans to pare back reproductive rights in Chile as it now holds significant sway in the fate of the country’s constitutional saga.

“Clearly, there is great concern over the risks to women and children implied by the suggested amendments, which threaten the most basic rights of human beings,” said Lieta Vivaldi, the director of Alberto Hurtado University’s gender and social justice programme.

“In a nation which seeks equality and justice, it is intolerable.” » | John Bartlett | Monday, August 21, 2023

I'd bet you "dollars to donuts" that this dude wants to strip gays of their rights, too; and he will certainly want to lower taxes on the superrich in the country. These far-right fossils are all the same: they are all so predictable. They are also anti-progress and reactionary. They all long to return to a bygone age. One can but feel sorry for Chileans with the threat of this benighted man possibly coming to power. – © Mark Alexander

Why You Have an Accent in a Foreign Language

Aug 17, 2023 | Ever wondered why it's so hard to sound like a local when you go on holiday? Discover the pronunciation tips your teachers may have missed.

Waldbrände in Kanada weiter angefacht

Aug 21, 2023 | Die Waldbrände in Kanada sind durch starken Wind weiter angefacht worden. Insgesamt gibt es derzeit rund 1.000 aktive Brände, zwei Drittel sind laut den Behörden außer Kontrolle.

Canada Wildfires: Soldiers Sent to British Columbia to Tackle Blazes - BBC News

Aug 21, 2023 | Canadian wildfires in British Columbia are to be tackled by soldiers deployed to the region. About 30,000 households have been ordered to evacuate in the province, where nearly 400 wildfires are raging. Two huge fires in the Shuswap region merged overnight, destroying blocks of houses and other buildings. To the south, travel to the waterside city of Kelowna has been restricted, and smoke from nearby fires hangs over Lake Okanagan. Fires have charred homes in West Kelowna, a nearby city of 36,000.

Iran bringt umstrittene Strafreform der Kopftuchpflicht auf den Weg

ZEIT ONLINE: Frauen im Iran drohen Geld- oder gar Haftstrafen, wenn sie die islamischen Kleidungsregeln künftig missachten. Eine umstrittene Strafreform hat das Parlament passiert.

Im Iran hat die Kommission des Parlaments die umstrittene Strafreform der Kopftuchpflicht gebilligt, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur Tasnim. Der Gesetzentwurf sieht drakonische Strafen bei Missachtung der islamischen Kleidungsregeln vor. Diese umfassen bei mehrfachen Verstößen etwa Geldbußen, Ausreisesperren oder auch Haft. » | Quelle: ZEIT ONLINE, dpa | Montag, 21. August 2023

Saudi Border Guards Accused of Killing Hundreds of African Migrants

THE NEW YORK TIMES: A Human Rights Watch report says the guards regularly fire on African migrants trying to enter the kingdom from Yemen and killed hundreds in a 15-month period.

Ethiopian migrants boarding a boat in Djibouti to reach Saudi Arabia in 2019. | Nariman El-Mofty/Associated Press

Border guards in Saudi Arabia have regularly opened fire on African migrants seeking to cross into the kingdom from Yemen, killing hundreds of men, women and children in a recent 15-month period, Human Rights Watch said in a report released on Monday.

The guards have beaten the migrants with rocks and bars, forced male migrants to rape women while guards watched and shot detained migrants in their limbs, leading to permanent injuries and amputations, the report said.

The shooting of migrants is “widespread and systematic,” it said, adding that if killing them were Saudi government policy, it would constitute a crime against humanity.

A Saudi government statement dismissed the report as inaccurate.

“The allegations included in the Human Rights Watch report about Saudi border guards shooting Ethiopians while they were crossing the Saudi-Yemeni border are unfounded and not based on reliable sources,” the statement said.

The report provides chilling new details about the conditions along one of the world’s most dangerous smuggling routes, a patch of isolated, war-ravaged territory rarely visited by journalists, aid workers or other international observers.

It focuses on the plight of migrants from Ethiopia, one of the world’s poorest countries, who seek to enter Saudi Arabia — the Arab world’s richest nation and one of the globe’s largest oil exporters — and on the increasingly harsh efforts by the kingdom’s security forces to keep migrants out.

Faisal Othman, a migrant from Ethiopia, told The New York Times that he was trying to cross the border with about 200 others last September when a projectile exploded near the group and shrapnel tore apart the women around him. » | Ben Hubbard and Shuaib Almosawa, Reporting from Istanbul and New Delhi | Monday, August 21, 2023

All done, of course, “In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful”! Allah is generous (كريم), most merciful (رحيم). – © Mark Alexander

Magnitude 5.1 Earthquake Hits Southern California as ‘Catastrophic’ Hurricane Hilary Batters State

THE TELEGRAPH: It is the first tropical storm to hit the state in 84 years, bringing the potential for flash floods, mudslides and tornadoes

A flooded intersection at Imperial Beach, California ahead of tropical storm Hilary | CREDIT: AFP

Southern California was hit by a 5.1 magnitude earthquake as the state braced itself for the impact of Hurricane Hilary.

There were no immediate reports of damage or injury when the earthquake struck at 2.41pm local time (9.41pm GMT) on Sunday, roughly 4.35 miles southeast of the Ojai community in Ventura County.

Buildings rattled from the impact of the shock and several smaller aftershocks followed.

It came as Hurricane Hilary, classed as a tropical storm, bore down on California where the governor, Gavin Newsom, has declared a state of emergency.

The hurricane made landfall in Baja California in Mexico on Sunday before barrelling north.

Hilary is the first tropical storm to hit Southern California in 84 years. » | David Millward, US Correspondent | Monday, August 21, 2023

California Quake Rattled Nerves, but Didn’t Appear to Cause Major Damage: There were no initial reports of significant damage or injuries from the 5.1-magnitude earthquake, one of several emergencies officials had to juggle. »

‘Orphaned by Decree’: Italy’s Same-sex Parents React to Losing Their Rights

THE GUARDIAN: Rightwing PM Giorgia Meloni has demanded councils register only biological parents on birth certificates, leaving partners in legal limbo

People protest in March 2023 after Italy's rightwing government told Milan's city council to stop registering same-sex parents' children. Photograph: Claudia Greco/Reuters

Whether it is school runs or doctors’ visits, Maria Silvia Fiengo and Francesca Pardi have always shared in the raising of their four children. But in recent months – after Italy’s rightwing government began cracking down on the listing of same-sex parents on birth certificates – the life they have forged together has been thrust into uncertainty.

“We’re a bit worried. You never know what is going to happen,” said Fiengo. “Our children have had two parents from the very first moment they were dreamed of and brought into the world. But we’re not protected by any law.”

Following the birth of their children, she and Pardi spent years battling for legal recognition, butting up constantly against the absence of a national law setting out parental rights for same-sex couples. In 2018, the city council of Milan offered up a lifeline, telling them it would begin listing parents of the same gender on their children’s birth certificates.

“It was really beautiful,” said Fiengo. “It gave us strength, our family felt more secure.” » | Ashifa Kassam, Europe Community affairs correspondent | Monday, August 21, 2023

Do you think, perhaps, that Giorgia Meloni feels justified in robbing same-sex couples of their rights because she herself is a paragon of Christian virtue? Check this out and make up your own mind!

The birth-rate in the West is at an all-time low; in fact, it is dangerously low. It could be said that any population growth is due largely to immigration rather than to births in the indigenous population.

One of the main reasons for this is the growth of feminism in the West, and women wanting to have all the rights of men in the workplace instead of concentrating on their traditional roles as mothers as a devout Christian believes God is said to have ordained. Gay rights have nothing to do with this, because, indubitably, a gay is born that way; so, generally doesn’t get married and father children anyway, with or without gay rights. Denying a gay the right to be gay or the right to be a father is NOT going to increase the birth-rate in Western countries.

As it happens, the birth-rate in Italy is abominably low! Only 1.25 babies per woman are being born. This means that for every twelve deaths, only seven babies are being born. [Source: CNN>].

Might I therefore suggest to Signora Meloni that the way to deal with this unsettling situation is not to take rights away from gays; rather, it is to introduce policies to attract woman back into the home to start procreating! There is a plethora of possible government policies that could be introduced to attract women back into the home; there are many ways to make motherhood cool again. – © Mark Alexander

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Mary Trump Reacts to Her Uncle's Fourth Indictment

Aug 20, 2023 | Author and psychologist Mary Trump joins The Katie Phang Show to discuss the Fulton County indictment against her uncle, Former President Donald Trump, and 18 of his allies. She also shares her thoughts on how the visibility of the trial may work against Trump.

Agnė Radzevičiūtė Plays Chopin Étude Op. 25, No. 1 in A flat Major

Mar 27, 2018

California Braces for 'Catastrophic' Impact of Hurricane Hilary | DW News

Aug 20, 2023 | Hurricane Hilary has brought flooding, high winds and at least one death to Mexico's Baja California. It's quickly advancing north toward heavily populated south-western states in the US. Authorities there warn of potentially life-threatening flooding.

La tempête tropicale Hilary touche terre au Mexique et menace les Etats-Unis : Rétrogradée d’ouragan à tempête tropicale, Hilary a déjà causé la mort d’une personne au Mexique, emportée avec son véhicule par une brutale montée des eaux. »

Peter Hitchens: The Rage Against God

Jan 5, 2016 | Eric Metaxas interviews the perspicacious Peter Hitchens, brother of the late Christopher Hitchens, about his book The Rage Against God.

WIKIPEDIA: Eric Metaxas.

Appeasing Donald Trump Won’t Work


THE NEW YORK TIMES: I’m going to begin this column with a rather unusual reading recommendation. If you’ve got an afternoon to kill and want to read 126 pages of heavily footnoted legal argument and historical analysis, I strongly recommend a law review article entitled “The Sweep and Force of Section Three.” It’s a rather dull headline for a highly provocative argument: that Donald Trump is constitutionally disqualified from holding the office of president.

In the article, two respected conservative law professors, William Baude and Michael Stokes Paulsen, make the case that the text, history and tradition of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment — a post-Civil War amendment that prohibited former public officials from holding office again if they “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” or gave “aid or comfort” to those who did — all strongly point to the conclusion that Trump is ineligible for the presidency based on his actions on and related to Jan. 6, 2021. Barring a two-thirds congressional amnesty vote, Trump’s ineligibility, Baude and Paulsen argue, is as absolute as if he were too young to be president or were not a natural-born citizen of the United States. » | David French, Opinion Columnist | Sunday, August 20, 2023

The Brexit Effect: How Leaving the EU Hit the UK | FT Film | Reupload

Oct 18, 2022 | The UK's recent disastrous "mini" Budget can trace its origins back to Britain's decision to leave the European Union. The economic costs of Brexit were masked by the Covid-19 pandemic and the crisis in Ukraine. But six years after the UK voted to leave, the effect has become clear. In this film, senior FT writers and British businesspeople examine how Brexit hit the UK economy, the political conspiracy of silence, and why there has not yet been a convincing case for a 'Brexit dividend'. | Produced, directed and edited by Daniel Garrahan

Is Brexit Pulling the United Kingdom Apart? | 7.30

Mar 17, 2023 | The disruptive force of Brexit - the UK's 2020 separation from the European Union - continues to reverberate. The long-running issue of the border between the North and South of Ireland was recently resolved but what the long-term consequences of Brexit will be for the Irish people remains to be seen.

Fintan O'Toole is one of Ireland's leading writers and is in Australia for the Adelaide Writers Festival. He speaks to 7.30’s Sarah Ferguson.

Nature of the Beast | Planet Finance (1/6)

Aug 1, 2023 | For most, Planet Finance is a complex, influential world that only becomes visible when crashes occur in the financial markets. Stock market prices quickly shot back up on Planet Finance during the COVID pandemic, while the inhabitants of planet Earth were still sweeping the shards together.

The contrast could hardly be greater. But how does such a market emerge? Through interviews including the founder of the market in oil futures, one of the first traders and a neuropsychologist who mentally guides stock traders and hedge fund managers in making risky decisions, it becomes clear how Planet Finance grew into what it is today.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Margaret MacMillan: The Road to 1914

Nov 12, 2014 | International historian Margaret MacMillan returns to The Agenda to discuss the events that led to the First World War, as chronicled in her book "The War That Ended Peace: The Road to 1914." MacMillan tells Steve Paikin why Europe's major powers made decisions that resulted in The Great War.

Mary Trump: Donald Is 'A Frightened Little Boy'

Listen to Mary Trump speak about Donald Trump here.

Hawaii Officials Rush to Clean Up Toxic Fire Dust on Maui before It Spreads | DW News

Aug 19, 2023 | Hawaii's devastating wildfires have left at least 114 people dead. Thousands of buildings are burnt to the ground. And the head of Maui's emergency management agency has stepped down, citing health reasons.

Herman Andaya has faced criticism for not doing more to warn residents. A day earlier, he'd defended his decision not to activate the island's tsunami sirens, saying they might have sent people running inland, towards the approaching fires. Power failures also kept many residents from receiving mobile phone alerts.

Lebanese Tabbouleh Salad | سلطة التبولة اللبنانية

Jan 8, 2020 | This traditional Lebanese Tabbouleh Salad recipe is a healthy vegan Mediterranean appetizer made with bulgur, parsley, mint and chopped vegetables.


1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1/4 cup extra-fine bulgur wheat
2 bunches parsley (about 2 cups chopped)
1-2 vine-ripe firm tomatoes
2 green onions [Spring onions], both green and white parts
1/4 cup fresh mint leaves (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste

Yumna’s website is here.

US Evangelicals in Freefall: Fewer Accept Core Christian Beliefs

Jun 24, 2023 | Fewer people are "capable of defending biblical perspectives in the public square." Christians pollster George Bana, Director of Research at ACU's Cultural Research Center discloses what his latest findings mean for the church and American society.

UK’s LGBTQ+ Community ‘More Likely’ to Face Real Hardship in Retirement

THE GUARDIAN: Data shows 44% at risk of struggling to afford food and heating after leaving workplace

Close to half of individuals who identify as LGBTQ+ are heading for a retirement where they are at risk of struggling to afford such basics as food and heating, according to new UK data.

Looking across various measures including amounts saved and pension scheme membership, researchers concluded that members of the LGBTQ+ community were “far more likely than the general population” to struggle in retirement.

The insurer and pension provider Scottish Widows’s latest retirement report found that 44% of people who identify as LGBTQ+ are not on track for even a minimum retirement lifestyle, as defined by one of the main pension bodies, which means they are “at risk of not covering [their] needs” when they are older. That contrasts with the national average of 35% of people who risk falling below the threshold. » | Rupert Jones | Saturday, August 19, 2023

Imperium: Das Ende der Zaren | Doku

Dec 27, 2017

In California and Mexico, a Rare Hurricane Sends Disaster Prep into High Gear

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Hurricane Hilary, now a Category 4 storm, has prompted flood warnings in Southern California and temporary shelters in Baja California, Mexico.

As Hurricane Hilary heads north, Southern California and Mexico are bracing for a rare and powerful storm that could produce dangerous flash flooding and sustained winds that have not been seen for decades.

Residents are racing to fill sandbags and fuel up generators before extreme weather arrives, and emergency officials are warning that roads may be inundated and setting up evacuation centers.

The Category 4 hurricane is so unusual that it has prompted the National Hurricane Center to issue a tropical storm watch for California for the first time in its history. Hilary is currently projected to make landfall in Baja California on Sunday and move northward as a tropical storm near San Diego and across the deserts and mountains east of Los Angeles — though its path could still veer elsewhere. » | Corina Knoll and Aline Corpus, Corina Knoll reported from Los Angeles, and Aline Corpus from Tijuana, Mexico. | Friday, August 18, 2023

Australia’s Internet Providers Are Ditching Email, to the Disgust of Older Customers

THE GUARDIAN: ‘This screws us royally,’ says one disgruntled iiNet user as internet service providers such as Telstra and TPG curtail email accounts for customers

After 30 years, Simon* is facing the prospect of moving.

“I think we’ve been using their products since we built the house,” he says. “We’ve gone through dial-up and then eventually there was an ADSL connection.”

The Canberra-based iiNet customer has had the same email address since the 1990s. For millennials and younger, the notion of getting your email address from the company you pay for broadband might seem antiquated. Free online services such as Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook and others not tied to the internet provider are the default. It is now not uncommon for someone to set up their own email address in a domain of their choosing.

But in the nascent days of the internet before Google and Microsoft were the online internet behemoths, getting your email address from your internet service provider was the norm, and even attractive as a bundle package – and a way for internet providers to lock you into their service.

The cost for relatively small – by comparison to Google – companies to offer the service has gone up in server and administration costs without the economies of scale. » | Josh Taylor | Saturday, August 19, 2023

Espagne : l’incendie à Tenerife qui a brûlé près de 5 000 hectares reste « incontrôlable »

LE MONDE : Les pompiers continuent de lutter contre les flammes sur l’île des Canaries, et s’attendent à de nouvelles complications dans la journée de samedi en raison de la chaleur et du vent.

Un hélicoptère largue de l’eau sur les flammes, à Tenerife, dans les îles Canaries, en Espagne, le 18 août 2023. ARTURO RODRIGUEZ / AP

Après trois jours de propagation incontrôlable des flammes, le feu qui a dévasté près de 5 000 hectares sur l’île de Tenerife, dans l’archipel espagnol des Canaries, au large de la côte ouest de l’Afrique, demeure une menace. Les opérations de lutte contre l’incendie « ont bien progressé même si le feu reste incontrôlable », a déclaré, vendredi 18 août en soirée, le président du gouvernement régional des Canaries, Fernando Clavijo, lors d’un point presse. Ce feu de forêt, qui s’est déclenché mardi soir, a brûlé environ 5 000 hectares sur un périmètre de cinquante kilomètres, a ajouté M. Clavijo. » | Le Monde avec AFP | vendredi 18 août 2023

Tenerife: thousands more flee their homes as ‘out of ‘control’ wildfires rage: Canary Islands officials order another 4,000 people to evacuate after 4,500 told to move on Friday »

VERBOTENE LIEBE - Von der Todesstrafe zur Ehe für alle

May 22, 2021 | 50 Jahre nach der Aufhebung des Totalverbots der Homosexualität blickt die neue ORF-III-Dokumentation „Verbotene Liebe“ zurück auf die Geschichte der gleich-geschlechtlichen Liebe in Österreich. Es ist eine Geschichte des Versteckens und Verbergens. Es ist die Geschichte von Menschen, die lange Zeit selbst gar keine Geschichte haben durften. Wie ist es gelungen, dass aus Unterdrückung Selbstbewusstsein wurde und aus Doppelleben Sichtbarkeit? Und ist es überhaupt möglich, dass aus einem Tabu Normalität wird?

In der Dokumentation von Peter Fässlacher kommen prominente Gesprächspartnerinnen und Gesprächspartner zu Wort, die den Weg zur Gleichstellung aus historischer, fachlicher wie persönlicher Sicht kommentieren: Schauspieler und Moderator Günter Tolar, Rechts-philosophin Elisabeth Holzleithner, Co-Leiter von „QWIEN“ (Zentrum für queere Geschichte) Hannes Sulzenbacher, Aktivistin und Autorin Marty Huber, Moderator und Schauspieler Alfons Haider, Film- und Kulturwissenschaftlerin Andrea Braidt sowie Rechtsanwalt und Präsident des „LAMBDA“-Rechtskomitees Helmut Graupner.

Ne-Yo - Sexy Love | Official Music Video | Reupload

Dec 14, 2009 | Remastered in HD | Views on YouTube: 136,467,573

Michael Lambert: Staggering Waste of Public Money by Inept Government

Aug 19, 2023 | The government is in chaos as the British economy continues to suffer the after effects of Brexit . The Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is hopeless and weak. He continues to obsess about stopping small boats crossing the Channel whilst other problems continue to mount.

In the meantime, the vast expense of the Covid19 Test & Trace programme overseen by Dido Harding is being totally forgotten despite costing almost £30 billion. The further write off of £15bn of PPE purchased often through companies without any experience of buying PPE and yet who knew certain Tory politicians who were able to arrange contracts resulted in these companies making huge fortunes.

The government claims to be paying £6 million per day to house 47,500 asylum seekers who are mostly sharing rooms amounts, but the cost is still between £250 and £400 per room per night. In addition, Rishi Sunak's bounce back loan scheme whilst he was Chancellor of the Exchequer has resulted in £17 billion being written off. All in all the government appear to have wasted as much as £60 billion.

Thanks for this, Mr. Lambert. This extraordinary waste of taxpayers' money needs to be drawn to people's attention. The people at the Telegraph also need to be reminded of this extraordinary waste of taxpayers' money and the corruption in this government at the highest level. The Telegraph has recently been running articles about the dreadful cost of the state pension and that the government, one day, is going to have to put a stop to paying it! The UK can no longer afford to pay a state pension, they say. Of course, this is absurd. But when I hear you, Mr. Lambert, pointing out just how much this government has been paying out to its donors and cronies for corrupt contracts related to the pandemic, it makes me very angry when I read these nonsense articles in the Conservative press about not being able to afford a basic living for the vast majority of Brits, when the one percenters are living in the lap of luxury. – © Mark Alexander

Friday, August 18, 2023

Why Donald Trump + Marjorie Taylor Greene Would Be a DISASTER in 2024 | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Aug 18, 2023 | Steve Schmidt breaks down Marjorie Taylor Greene's comments that she is considering running for senate or being Donald Trump's running mate in 2024.

Au Pakistan, 87 domiciles de chrétiens et 19 églises vandalisés lors d’émeutes liées à des accusations de blasphème

LE MONDE : Des centaines de personnes de confession musulmane, armées de bâtons et de pierres, ont déferlé mercredi dans les ruelles du quartier chrétien de Jaranwala, dans la banlieue de la ville de Faisalabad, poussant les chrétiens à la fuite.

A Jaranwala, ville du Pendjab pakistanais, 87 domiciles de chrétiens et 19 églises ont été vandalisés cette semaine, lors d’émeutes liées à des accusations de blasphème, selon la police. « Les événements qui se sont déroulés sont tragiques. Une telle violence ne peut jamais être justifiée », a déclaré Usman Anwar, le chef de la police provinciale de l’Etat du Pendjab, dans l’est du Pakistan, vendredi 18 août.

Des centaines de personnes de confession musulmane, armées de bâtons et de pierres, ont déferlé mercredi dans les ruelles du quartier chrétien de Jaranwala, qui se trouve dans la banlieue de la ville de Faisalabad, poussant les chrétiens à la fuite. L’attaque a été perpétrée après qu’un groupe de fanatiques religieux a accusé une famille d’avoir profané le Coran. » | Le Monde avec AFP | vendredi 18 août 2023


Divorced Men at Highest Amputation Risk among Diabetics, Study Finds

THE GUARDIAN: Researchers speculate this may be due to change in self-care, food habits and social isolation

Divorced men are at the highest risk among people with diabetes of having some or all of their feet and legs amputated because of the disease, research has found.

People with diabetes who are divorced are two-thirds (67%) more likely to have to undergo a lower limb amputation than those who are married. Men are at 57% greater risk than women of that fate.

The trends emerged from research conducted among 66,569 people with diabetes in Sweden, findings from which will be presented at a conference of specialists in the disease.

The need for lower limb amputation is a serious but common side-effect of diabetes and a risk run by people with the type 1 and type 2 forms of the disease. On average, 184 people a week in England have some part of a lower limb removed surgically to stop infection spreading and killing them. The number of people with diabetes in Britain recently reached a record high of about 5.1 million. » | Denis Campbell, Health policy editor | Thursday, August 17, 2023

Trump Demands Fox News Stop Using 'Big Orange' Photo of Him

THE TELEGRAPH: Former president also asks why network refuses to show poll 'where I am beating Biden, by a lot'

Mr Trump accused Fox of 'purposely showing the absolutely worst pictures of me' | CREDIT: CNN

Donald Trump has hit out at his once beloved Fox News for using unflattering photos of him, including one of him looking “orange” and with his “chin pulled back”.

The former US president and 2024 candidate also accused the Right-wing cable network of failing to show polling data “where I am beating [Joe] Biden, by a lot”.

Mr Trump, 77, is known to be a regular viewer of the network’s flagship morning show, “Fox and Friends”.

Fox was one of Mr Trump’s biggest supporters in the US media during his presidency.

But his views on the network have soured since it took the lead in calling the crucial state of Arizona for Mr Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

On his Truth Social platform on Thursday he said: “Why doesn’t Fox and Friends show all of the polls where I am beating Biden, by a lot. They just won’t do it!

“Also, they purposely show the absolutely worst pictures of me, especially the big “orange” one with my chin pulled way back. » | Rozina Sabur, Deputy US Editor | Thursday, August 17, 2023

Donnie, FYI, they call it a double chin, not a “chin pulled back”. By the way, I hope you’re stocking up on your orange spray tan. I doubt that they’ll have that colour in the commissary. – Mark

Jordan’s Secret Police Accused of Targeting LGBTQ+ Community

THE GUARDIAN: Jordanian security services are abducting, harassing and ‘outing’ LGBTQ+ people, activists claim, despite homosexuality being legal

Jordan’s flag in the capital, Amman. Two LGBTQ+ activists have fled abroad. Society was being ‘weaponised against queer people’, says one. Photograph: Danil Shamkin/NurPhoto/Shutterstock

Jordanian secret police have been accused of intimidating gay people by “outing” them to their families and of forcing the closure of two LGBTQ+ organisations.

Human rights groups say activists have been abducted, harassed and monitored, as well as having their sexuality revealed to religiously conservative families.

Sources say the intimidation campaign has seen a recent increase in targeting of LGBTQ+ individuals and groups by Jordan’s General Intelligence Directorate’s (GID). In January two activists were allegedly detained by GID officers and had their bank accounts frozen.

Mounir*, director of an unnamed LGTBQ+ centre, described being forced into a car by intelligence officers, before being interrogated and detained overnight. GID agents then called his parents, he said, and told them that he was homosexual. » | William Christou | Friday, August 18, 2023

LGBTQ+ rights

Sadly, anyone who thinks that attitudes to homosexuality are going to change much in the Middle East is whistling Dixie. As we all know, life in the Middle East is dominated by Islam—family life, public life, political life, everything—and it permeates each and every aspect of everyday life.

Attitudes to homosexuality, homoeroticism and homosexuals are profoundly hostile. The West’s relative relaxed attitude to homosexuality in the past decades is often viewed with scorn and derision and is also viewed as a sign of the decline of Western civilization.

This is not to say that homosexuality is rare in Middle Eastern countries; it is not. On the contrary, there is more homosexuality in Islamic countries than most people could possibly ever imagine. But it is hidden. In Islam, what you do in private, without being caught, is between you and Allah. The trick is not to get caught in flagrante delicto! And certainly not to talk openly about one’s sexual orientation or sexual proclivities. If you are caught in flagrante delicto, you’re in deep trouble! That was so, is so, and is likely to remain so for as long as Islam is their life’s guide and religion, or more accurately, Deen. Islam is considered to be far more than just a religion, or faith. Islam is a total and integrated way of life. It shapes and fashions everything; how you eat; how you dress; how you greet each other in the street; how you make love; how you go to the bathroom – absolutely everything.

There is no room in Islam for homosexuality. No room at all! However, it is true to say that being homosexual is less of a sin than behaving like one. In a Muslim’s eyes, if a man is a homosexual that denies himself all the pleasures, he will still go to heaven.

Having homosexuality accepted in Middle Eastern countries as it is in many Western countries, may be the hope of many politicians, but it will never become a reality. At least not in the foreseeable future. This is not being negative; rather, it is being realistic. Some younger Muslims might well have changed attitudes, but the laws in Muslim countries, fashioned as they are by Islam and the Shari'ah, are deeply hostile to LGBTQ+ rights. – © Mark Alexander

Russische Ostseeküste: Wie denken die Menschen über den Krieg? | auslandsjournal

Aug 9, 2023 | An Russlands Ostseeküste herrscht Urlaubsstimmung. Doch hier an der Grenze zur EU wird besonders deutlich, wie sich Russland immer mehr abschottet. Propaganda und Patriotismus beeinflusst die Menschen vor Ort. Die Schuld des Krieges liegt in ihren Augen nicht bei Russland. Man schütze lediglich das Land vor dem Westen.

Wie ehrlich sie über ihre Haltung zum Angriffskrieg in der Ukraine sprechen, ist fraglich. Denn Russlands Zensurgesetze stellen alles unter Strafe, was nicht der Haltung des Regimes entspricht. Dennoch trifft man vereinzelt auch auf Kritiker, die sich diesem Denken über den Krieg nicht anschließen möchten und für ein weltoffenes und gerechtes Russland einstehen.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Trump and 18 Co-defendants to Be Booked in Georgia Jail

THE GUARDIAN: Ex-president and co-defendants, including Giuliani, can ‘turn themselves in at any time’, sheriff’s office says

People gather near a courthouse in Washington DC as Trump is set to face a judge, on 3 August. Photograph: Jacquelyn Martin/AP

Donald Trump and the 18 co-defendants charged with racketeering and crimes for conspiring to subvert the 2020 presidential election in a “criminal enterprise” are set to be booked at a jail in Fulton county, Georgia, the local sheriff’s office said on Tuesday.

The grand jury has issued arrest warrants for all 19 defendants, said Fani Willis, the district attorney, during a news conference after she delivered a sweeping 41-count indictment late Monday night. Defendants have until 25 August to surrender voluntarily, after which they can expect to be arrested.

Trump and his co-defendants, including Rudy Giuliani, an attorney for the ex-president and former New York City mayor, and Mark Meadows, the former White House chief of staff, can “turn themselves in at any time” since the jail is open 24/7, the sheriff’s office said.

But the sheriff’s office added that “due to the unprecedented nature of this case, some circumstances may change with little or no warning”. » | Mary Yang | Thursday, August 17, 2023

Caprese Chicken | [Pollo caprese alla maniera di Akis] | Akis Petretzikis

Aug 19, 2021 | This recipe is a poultry alternative of a classic Italian dish. A fresh combination of tomato, mozzarella, and basil in a hearty sauce. Every single bite is full of flavor.

Get the recipe here.

Muslim Mobs Torch Churches after Koran ‘Desecrated’

THE TELEGRAPH: Dozens of houses also set ablaze as thousands riot in Pakistan after brothers accused of violating blasphemy laws

Muslim mobs have torched churches in Pakistan after two locals were accused of desecrating the Koran, violating blasphemy laws.

The violence erupted after torn pages of the sacred text with insulting remarks allegedly scribbled on them were found near a Christian community in Jaranwala, eastern Pakistan.

Local authorities said five churches and dozens of houses were set ablaze as thousands of rioters, led by local clerics, rampaged through the city carrying iron rods and knives, forcing Christians living there to flee.

Footage of flames and smoke billowing from buildings and people tearing a crucifix from a church was shared widely on social media.

The rioters were demanding that the two accused men, brothers who have fled their homes, be handed over to them. » | Samaan Lateef in New Delhi | Thursday, August 17, 2023