Monday, July 03, 2023

DeSantis’s Stalling Campaign: How to Lose Friends and Alienate People

Ron DeSantis remains publicly upbeat: ‘Biden beats Trump in the swing states and I beat Biden handily in the swing states. That’s ultimately the election right there. Photograph: Bryan Olin Dozier/NurPhoto/Shutterstock

THE GUARDIAN: Florida governor launched his bid for the 2024 Republican presidential pick as Trump’s main challenger but finds himself sinking in the polls

Among the books still available in Florida despite Ron DeSantis’s ongoing purge of “unsuitable” material is one the Republican governor might want to peruse.

Dale Carnegie’s 1936 bestseller How to Win Friends and Influence People would appear to be the antithesis of DeSantis’s stuttering push for his party’s 2024 presidential nomination, as Donald Trump’s closest challenger traverses the country turning off voters to his dull personality and extremist policies.

By almost every measure, the rightwinger has had another lackluster week on the campaign trail, with “clumsy” missteps in New Hampshire, Texas, California and New York. Now, barely one month after his glitch-ridden launch on Twitter, DeSantis finds himself sinking in the polls, closer to the large field of optimists below him than the twice-indicted, twice-impeached former president who retains a stranglehold over the Republican party. » | Richard Luscombe in Miami | Sunday, July 2, 2023

Schottische Orkney-Inseln diskutieren den „Orkxit“


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Ein selbstverwaltetes Gebiet Norwegens oder britischer Kronbesitz? Die Orkney-Inseln prüfen derzeit eine andere Regierungsform. Von London und Edinburgh fühlt sich die schottischen Inselgruppe betrogen.

Auf den schottischen Orkney-Inseln im Nordatlantik wird über eine Loslösung von Großbritannien diskutiert. Als eine von mehreren Optionen gilt, ein selbst verwaltetes Gebiet Norwegens zu werden. Gemeinde-Vorsteher James Stockan betonte im Gespräch mit BBC Radio Scotland die historisch engen Beziehungen zu dem skandinavischen Land, zu dem die Inselgruppe mit 20.000 Einwohnern einst gehörte. Britische Medien sprachen am späten Sonntagabend – in Anlehnung an den „Brexit“ getauften EU-Austritt Großbritanniens – von einem möglichen „Orkxit“ im Nordatlantik. » | Quelle: dpa | Montag, 3. Juli 2023

Orkney could leave UK for Norway as it explores ‘alternative governance’: Island council leader cites ‘deep cultural relationship’, as authority considers a report looking at status of Channel Islands and Faroes »

Sunday, July 02, 2023

Dutch King Apologizes for the Netherlands' Role in Slavery | DW News

Jul 1, 2023 | King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands has apologized for his country's role in slavery.

The Netherlands is commemorating the anniversary of the country's abolition of slavery. Speculation had been growing that the king would offer an apology on behalf of the royal house. Last year Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte apologized for the country's involvement in the slave trade and slavery, but stopped short of offering compensation to descendants of enslaved people.

It is part of a wider reckoning with colonial histories in the West that have been spurred in recent years by the Black Lives Matter movement. DW correspondent Christine Mhundwa has more.

Related article here.

France Riots: Mayor's Wife Hurt after Attack on Their Home - BBC News

July 2, 2023 | Attackers in France tried to set fire to the home of a suburban Paris mayor's home overnight and fired rockets at his fleeing wife and children. The incident has caused widespread shock and is being treated as attempted murder. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne has described it as intolerable. Mayor Vincent Jeanbrun was not at home, but his wife suffered a broken leg and a child was also hurt. France has seen violent protests after police killed a teenager, Nahel M, on Tuesday.


‘There is no hope’: simmering anger boils over in poverty-riven French district: Situation in Borny mirrors that in many of the neighbourhoods that have clashed with police amid riots »

Paris Riots: Suburban Mayor's Wife Hurt as Rioters Attack Their Home

Mayor Vincent Jeanbrun (L) called it "a murder attempt of unspeakable cowardice" | REUTERS

BBC: Attackers in France tried to set fire to the home of a suburban Paris mayor's home overnight and fired rockets at the official's fleeing wife and children.

The incident has caused widespread shock and is being treated as attempted murder. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne described it as intolerable.

Mayor Vincent Jeanbrun was not at home, but his wife suffered a broken leg and a child was also hurt.

France has seen violent protests after police killed a teenager on Tuesday.

The suspects in the incident in L'Haÿ-les-Roses, south of Paris, have not been identified.

Mr Jeanbrun said he had been in his office overseeing the situation when the attack on his home occurred at 01:30 (23:30 GMT on Saturday). » | BBC | Sunday, July 2, 2023

A L’Haÿ-les-Roses, « si tranquille, si normale », la violente attaque du domicile du maire sidère les habitants : >i>REPORTAGE | Le maire de la commune du Val-de-Marne et sa famille ont été la cible d’une tentative d’assassinat à la voiture-bélier. Interdits, ses administrés s’interrogent sur le mobile de telles exactions. »

Shooting in Baltimore Leaves at Least 2 Dead and Dozens Injured

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The police were searching for a suspect or suspects in the shooting, which happened early on Sunday at a block party in the city’s southern neighborhood of Brooklyn.

At least two people died and dozens more were injured in a shooting at a block party in Baltimore early on Sunday, the police said.

Just after 12:30 a.m., officers received multiple calls for a shooting at 800 Gretna Court, in Baltimore’s southern neighborhood of Brooklyn, the city’s acting police commissioner, Col. Richard Worley, said at a news conference on Sunday morning.

An 18-year-old woman was found dead at the scene, and shortly after, a 20-year-old man was pronounced dead at a hospital, the police said in a statement.

Multiple other people had gunshot wounds, Colonel Worley said, and three were in critical condition. Nine people were taken to hospitals, and 20 more took themselves to hospitals, he added. » | Tiffany May and Emma Bubola | Sunday, July 2, 2023

Global Gay: The Next Frontier in Human Rights - Documentary

Nov 16, 2018 | A global revolution is underway to obtain what UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and Barack Obama call ‘the final frontier in human rights’: the universal decriminalization of homosexuality.

Homosexuality is forbidden in almost half of the world. Out of 196 UN member states, there are 7 where it is punishable by death. In 84 others, it can merit prison and physical punishment. But today, momentum is building and the debate on gay rights is omnipresent - whether it be regarding legalization in the Middle-East and Africa or the focus of gay marriage laws in the West.

After years of long diplomatic struggle, several world leaders have declared themselves in favor of the universal decriminalization of homosexuality. But victory won’t come easily. The countries that still punish homosexuality refuse to give in to international pressure. Global acceptance and equality will take time to achieve.

‘Global Gay’ follows this battle for decriminalization through the lives and work of some of its fearless pioneers, providing a vibrant chronicle of the growing global social movement. In the words of Ban Ki Moon, “The time has come”.

Filmed in Russia, Cuba, Cameroon, Nepal and South Africa.

Von AfD bis Vox: Rechtsruck durch Europa | ARTE Europa - Die Woche

Jul 2, 2023 | In Deutschland stellt die AfD erstmals einen Landrat, in Griechenland ziehen Ultrarechte ins Parlament ein, in Finnland stellen Rechtspopulisten die neue stellvertretende Ministerpräsidentin. Quer durch Europa gewinnen rechtspopulistische Parteien an Einfluss. Wo sind sie am stärksten, und was gibt ihnen Auftrieb? Wir sprechen mit einem Politologen und treffen spanische Landwirte, die Vox wählen.

Is Vladimir Putin’s Power Coming to an End? | 60 Minutes Australia

Jul 2, 2023 | For 24 years there was no dispute about who was the boss in Russia. Vladimir Putin seemed to proudly wear the label of the world’s most feared strongman. But last weekend, all of sudden, his iron rule was challenged. Putin stumbled and for the first time appeared weak and vulnerable.

The man threatening to topple the Russian tyrant was Yevgeny Prigozhin, arguably an even nastier piece of work than Putin himself. As the head of the Wagner group, he controls the brutal mercenaries who have been fighting alongside Russian forces in the illegal war against Ukraine. Tom Steinfort reports that what worries the world now is figuring out what Prigozhin’s next move could be. And where.

Is There a Meaningful Solution to Stopping Scammers and Financial Fraud? | 60 Minutes Australia

Jul 2, 2023 | Falling victim to a scammer is an awful feeling. It’s not only the theft of money or personal information that stings, the thought of being tricked by lowlife crooks is enough to enrage anyone. Statistics show more than 95 per cent of Australians are exposed to telephone, text and internet scams each year. Even more alarming is the amount of money these thieves are stealing from us. Last year it exceeded three billion dollars.

A Fatal Shooting and a Hijab Ban: Two Faces of France’s Racial Divisions

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The almost simultaneous police killing of Nahel M. and a ban on head scarves in soccer were coincidental, but they illuminate France’s crisis of identity and inclusion.

The killing of Nahel M. last week ignited protests and riots over accusations of police brutality and racial profiling. | Abdulmonam Eassa/Getty Images

Mama Diakité is a French citizen, raised in the suburbs of Paris by two immigrant parents, not far from where a 17-year-old boy was shot by the police during a traffic stop last week.

As cars burned and barricades went up in her neighborhood over the shooting, she got word from the country’s top administrative court that she could not play the most popular sport in France — soccer — while wearing her hijab. On Thursday, the Conseil d’Etat upheld the French Football Federation’s ban on wearing any obvious religious symbols, in keeping with the country’s bedrock principle of laïcité, or secularism.

The decision inspired a storm of feelings in Ms. Diakité — shock, anger, disappointment. “I feel betrayed by the country, which is supposed be the country of the rights of man,” said Ms. Diakité, 25, who stopped playing soccer on a club team this past season because of the rule. “I don’t feel safe because they don’t accept who I am.”

The timing of the ruling and of the unrest after the death of the young man, identified as Nahel M., was purely coincidental, and in many ways, the cases are different. One involved a fatal traffic stop that French officials have condemned; the other involved a charged debate on the visibility of Islam in French society. But both touch upon long-simmering issues of identity and inclusion in France. » | Catherine Porter, Reporting from Paris | Sunday, July 2, 2023

Russian Forces Launch Overnight Drone Attacks on Kyiv

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The assault was the first pre-dawn drone barrage to target the Ukrainian capital in almost two weeks, officials said.

Sweeping up debris after an apartment building was hit by a Russian drone that was shot down in May by Ukrainian defenses in Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital. | Brendan Hoffman for The New York Times

Russian forces launched a wave of drone attacks on Ukraine’s capital before dawn on Sunday for the first time in nearly two weeks, according to Ukrainian officials.

Air-raid alarms sounded around 2:30 a.m. in the capital, Kyiv. Explosions were later reported.

Serhiy Popko, the head of the city’s military administration, said that air defenses had destroyed all of the drones in Kyiv’s airspace. It was the first time in 12 days that Russian forces had used Iranian-made attack drones to target the capital, he said in a statement on the Telegram messaging app.

No one was killed, but debris from downed drones damaged three homes in the Kyiv region, according to the local military administration in a statement on Telegram. A man suffered a leg injury in one of those homes, it added. » | Cassandra Vinograd, Reporting from Kyiv, Ukraine | Sunday, July 2, 2023

I Just Called to Say…

...I Love You.

Friedliche Trauerfeier und brennende Rathäuser

Die Polizeipräsenz auf den Straßen ist massiv aufgestockt worden. | Bild: AFP

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Nach dem Tod des 17 Jahre alten Nahel bei einer Polizeikontrolle haben Freunde und Verwandte Abschied von dem Teenager genommen. Im ganzen Land wurden Rathäuser in Brand gesteckt.

Vier Tage nach dem Tod des 17 Jahre alten Nahel bei einer Polizeikontrolle bei Paris haben am Samstag Freunde und Verwandte von ihm Abschied genommen. Gegen Mittag begann laut der Tageszeitung „Le Parisien“ eine Trauerfeier in der Moschee in Nanterre nahe Paris. Die Familie hatte sich gewünscht, dass keine Presse an der Trauerfeier und der anschließenden Beisetzung teilnehmen soll. Der Tod des Jugendlichen hatte landesweite Unruhen ausgelöst.

„Le Parisien“ berichtete, dass gegen Mittag ein weißer Sarg in der Moschee aufgebahrt wurde. Rund um das Gebäude sei eine Sicherheitszone errichtet worden, zu der nur ausgewählte Personen Zutritt bekommen hätten. Die Zeitung „Le Figaro“ schrieb, dass Hunderte Menschen an den Trauerfeierlichkeiten teilnahmen. Der Jugendliche war am Dienstag in Nanterre am Steuer eines Autos von einer Motorradstreife gestoppt worden. Als der junge Mann plötzlich anfuhr, fiel ein tödlicher Schuss aus der Dienstwaffe eines Polizisten. Die Beamten hatten zunächst angegeben, der Jugendliche habe sie überfahren wollen. » | Quelle: dpa/jufi | Samstag, 1. Juli 2023

Emeutes après la mort de Nahel M., en direct : Emmanuel Macron réunit une partie du gouvernement dimanche soir pour faire un « point de situation » : La nuit de samedi à dimanche a été « plus calme » selon Gérald Darmanin. Les policiers ont procédé à 719 interpellations. A L’Haÿ-les-Roses, le domicile du maire a été attaqué à la voiture bélier. »

France riots: calmer night reported despite 700 arrests: Forty-five thousand police and gendarmes deployed across country in fifth night of rioting »

France Arrests Hundreds More in Fifth Night of Unrest: The authorities arrested more than 700 people, deploying additional officers in the cities of Grenoble, Lyon and Marseille to quell violent protests. »

Homosexualité : ce qu’en disent les religions orientales

LE MONDE : Dans les traditions orientales, l’homosexualité n’est pas forcément condamnée : tout dépend des textes et des époques. Hindouisme, bouddhisme, taoïsme… Au lendemain de l’édition 2023 de la Marche des fiertés (ou Gay Pride) parisienne, « Le Monde des religions » passe en revue ce qu’en disent les principales spiritualités d’Extrême-Orient.

Etudier la question de l’homosexualité dans les religions orientales est une gageure. Hindouisme, bouddhisme, taoïsme, shintoïsme, toutes ces traditions religieuses sont extrêmement variées et ne s’expriment pas à l’unisson. De surcroît, au sein d’une même religion, les enseignements peuvent différer, le bouddhisme indien étant, par exemple, très différent du bouddhisme chinois. Il est néanmoins possible de mettre en évidence quelques grands principes. » | Par Virginie Larousse | dimanche, 25 Juni 2023

Saturday, July 01, 2023

Bill Browder: The Future of Russia after the War

Jun 30, 2023 | At Spear's 500 Live, private client professionals — from wealth management, philanthropy, luxury, law and property — gathered at The Savoy to share insight, strengthen networks and hone their understanding of the forces that shape the lives of ultra-high-net-worth clients.

Spear's Editor-in-Chief Edwin Smith was joined by Bill Browder, CEO of Hermitage Capital Management — previously the largest foreign investor in Russia until 2005.

Browder spoke to the 500+ audience about his first-hand experiences uncovering corruption and money laundering in Russia; and the tragic death of his lawyer Sergei Magnitsky and his campaign in Sergei's name.

Kenny Rogers : Crazy

Oct 6, 2015 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views onn YouTube: 4,782,241

George Michael : One More Try

Nov 24, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 170,736,825

Art Garfunkel : Bright Eyes

Jan 18, 2017 | Provided to YouTube by Columbia

Dutch King Apologises for Country’s Historical Involvement in Slavery

THE GUARDIAN: On day to remember 160th anniversary of abolition of slavery in Netherlands, Willem-Alexander says racism is still a problem

‘I make this apology myself. And I feel the weight of the words in my heart and my soul,’ said King Willem-Alexander in a speech in Amsterdam on Saturday. Photograph: Reuters

The Dutch king, Willem-Alexander, has apologised for the Netherlands’ historical involvement in slavery and the effects that it still has today.

The king was speaking in Amsterdam on the 160th anniversary of the legal abolition of slavery in the Netherlands, including in former colonies in the Caribbean.

In an emotional speech, he said: “On this day that we remember the Dutch history of slavery, I ask forgiveness for this crime against humanity. As your king and as a member of the government, I make this apology myself. And I feel the weight of the words in my heart and my soul.”

He said racism in Dutch society was still a problem and not everyone would support his apology. However, “the times have changed and keti koti … the chains have truly been broken,” he said to cheers and applause from thousands of onlookers at the national slavery monument in Oosterpark. » | Donna Ferguson and agency | Saturday, July 1, 2023

France: Teen Shot by Police Given Private Funeral as Crisis Grips Government

THE GUARDIAN: President Macron cancels visit to Germany amid France’s worst violence for 18 years

The 17-year-old boy shot dead by a police officer was buried on Saturday as the French government braced for further protests after the worst violence for 18 years.

Friends and family attended a private funeral at Nanterre, where Nahel Merzouk was killed on Tuesday after being stopped by two motorcycle patrol police.

A large crowd gathered outside the local mosque and followed the coffin to the cemetery, many chanting “Justice for Nahel”. Lawyers for relatives had asked journalists to stay away from the ceremony, saying it was “a day for Nahel’s family” to mourn “with discretion”.

A 38-year-old police officer has been officially put under investigation – the equivalent in France of being charged – for voluntary homicide.

President Emmanuel Macron, who is facing the biggest challenge of his centrist government’s authority, cancelled a planned two-day visit to Germany on Sunday. The decision came after Macron faced criticism for attending an Elton John concert in Paris on Wednesday while the country burned. » | Kim Willsher in Paris and Montreuil | Saturday, July 1, 2023

Emeutes après la mort de Nahel M., en direct : 45 000 policiers et gendarmes déployés samedi soir, vives tensions à Marseille : Gérald Darmanin a annoncé des effectifs renforcés à Lyon et Marseille, théâtres de violences dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi. »

A Night to Remember | Full Movie in Color (1958)

Jan 9, 2022 | A Night to Remember is a 1958 British docudrama film based on the eponymous 1955 book by Walter Lord. The film and book recount the final night of RMS Titanic, which on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic and then sank in the early morning hours of Monday, 15 April 1912. Adapted by Eric Ambler and directed by Roy Ward Baker, the film stars Kenneth More as the ship's Second Officer Charles Lightoller and features Michael Goodliffe, Laurence Naismith, Kenneth Griffith, David McCallum and Tucker McGuire. It was filmed in the United Kingdom and tells the story of the sinking, portraying the main incidents and players in a documentary-style fashion with considerable attention to detail. The production team, supervised by producer William MacQuitty (who saw the original ship launched) used blueprints of the ship to create authentic sets, while Fourth Officer Joseph Boxhall and ex-Cunard Commodore Harry Grattidge worked as technical advisors on the film. Its estimated budget of up to £600,000 (£13.1 million adjusted for inflation [2019]) was exceptional and made it the most expensive film ever made in Britain up to that time.

The World Premiere was on Thursday, 3 July 1958, at the Odeon Leicester Square. Titanic survivor Elizabeth Dowdell attended the American premiere in New York on Tuesday 16 December 1958. The film disappointed at the box office. However, it received critical acclaim and won the 1959 "Samuel Goldwyn International Award" for the UK at the Golden Globe Awards. The film has been described as "the definitive cinematic telling of the story." Among the many films about the Titanic, A Night to Remember is regarded highly by Titanic historians and survivors for its accuracy, despite its modest production values, compared with the Oscar-winning film Titanic (1997).

Abattoirs clandestins et égorgements sauvages : comment l'État prévient les dérives en marge des célébrations de l'Aïd-el-Kébir

LE FIGARO : ENQUÊTE - Chaque année lors de la fête musulmane dite «du sacrifice», des centaines de moutons sont saisis par les forces de l'ordre hors cadre légal.

Que se passe-t-il à Nice ? Alors que se tient la fête de l'Aïd-el-Kébir du 28 juin au 1er juillet, trois sites clandestins de moutons ont été découverts en moins d'une semaine en pleine ville. La tradition musulmane, en effet, veut que le chef de famille, en souvenir d'Abraham, sacrifie un mouton selon un rituel «halal». Tourné vers La Mecque, l'agneau est entaillé à la gorge et vidé de son sang.

Mais tant pour garantir la salubrité de la viande que le bien-être des animaux, l'abattage rituel a été progressivement encadré. Pour se fournir en mouton halal, les boucheries et particuliers doivent se tourner vers la trentaine d'abattoirs agréés, autorisés de façon temporaire pour la période de la fête à déroger à l'étourdissement des animaux. L'animal ne doit toutefois «en aucun cas être suspendu», précise le Code rural, et la saignée doit être réalisée «avant que l'animal ne reprenne conscience». » | Par Elisabeth Pierson | jeudi 29 juni 2023

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Senior Tories Fear Mass Exodus from Parliament as Dozens of MPs Set to Quit

THE GUARDIAN: Former ministers, veterans and newcomers to quit Commons after years of exhausting political chaos

Senior ministers are expecting a “total clearout” of Tory MPs ahead of the next election, as party sources cited the experience of Boris Johnson’s premiership, the increasing stresses of the job and a continuing slump in the polls as reasons for a forthcoming bumper crop of departures.

More than 40 Conservative MPs have already announced they will step down at the next election – the most for a ruling party since the exodus of 100 Labour MPs ahead of the 2010 election in the wake of the expenses scandal and 13 years in government.

A senior party source said they were expecting “lots more” of the 352 Tory MPs to announce they were leaving as the election approaches. Insiders said the political chaos of recent years had meant many had stayed in parliament much longer than they had intended. “There are loads more to come, there will be a total clearout,” said a senior party figure. “There are some who expected to go before now but held on because 2017 was a snap election and 2019 was exciting. This is the moment many will go.” » | Michael Savage, Policy editor | Saturday, July 1, 2023

At first, the Europe question split the Conservative Party. So, to try and heal the rift, Cameron called for an advisory referendum on Europe. The Brexit referendum projected onto the country the rift that the Conservative Party itself had been suffering, thus splitting the country and turning region against region, friend against friend, and even slplitting families. The country hasn't, and will not heal. The country is divided – as divided as the Conservative Party was, is, and will remain. Without wishing to sound overly religious, what does it say about such divisions in the Bible? It says the following... “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. …” [Jesus] – Matthew 12: 26 (NKJV). Source: Bible Gateway.

Truly, this country needs a business-friendly political party, but the Conservatives are from another age, a bygone age. This country needs a forward-looking, Europe-friendly, business-friendly party to replace the Conservatives. As I have stated so many times before... The Tories need to go the way of the Whigs before them: into oblivion. – © Mark Alexander

Sie verwüsten ganze Städte: Frankreich versinkt im Chaos

Jul 1, 2023 | Frankreich kommt nicht zur Ruhe! Tagelang wüten Tausende gewaltbereite Randalierer in mehreren Großstädten. Auslöser der Ausschreitungen war der Tod des 17-jährigen Lieferfahrers Nahel M. in Nanterre.

Der böse Jude ist wieder da


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Das kulturelle Gedächtnis Russlands ist geprägt von antisemitischen Kam¬pagnen der Sowjetzeit. Und es war nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis das russische Regime zum Antisemitismus greifen würde. Jetzt ist es so weit. Ein Gastbeitrag.

„Ich habe viele jüdische Freunde“, sagte Putin auf dem jährlichen Wirtschaftsforum in Sankt Petersburg. „Sie sagen, dass Selenskyj kein Jude ist, dass er eine Schande für das jüdische Volk ist“. Selenskyjs jüdische Herkunft stellte schon immer ein Problem für die russische Propaganda dar. Es passt nicht zu ihrem Bild der Ukraine als Nazistaat, den Russland befreit. Aber es ist nichts, was ein geschickter Diplomat nicht lösen könnte. Letztes Jahr deutete Außenminister Lawrow an, dass auch Hitler „jüdisches Blut“ hatte: Dass Selenskyj Jude sei, bedeute absolut nichts: „Weise jüdische Menschen sagen, dass die glühendsten Antisemiten in der Regel Juden sind.“

„Ich habe jüdische Freunde, aber …“, ist natürlich ein antisemitischer Klassiker. » | Von Ksenia Krimer | Samstag, 1. Juli 2023

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Nearly 1,000 Arrested on Fourth Night of Riots in France - BBC News

Jul 1, 2023 | Nearly 1,000 people have been arrested across France in a fourth night of rioting after a teenage boy, Nahel M, was killed by a police officer. There have been protests in Marseille, Lyon, Grenoble and some parts of Paris. The 17-year-old’s funeral will be held on Saturday in the Nanterre suburb of the capital.

Emeutes après la mort de Nahel M., en direct : le ministère de l’intérieur annonce plus de 1 300 interpellations dans la nuit : 79 policiers et gendarmes ont été blessés, a également annoncé Beauvau, précisant qu’il s’agissait d’un bilan provisoire. De nouvelles scènes de violence ont secoué plusieurs villes de France mais d’une « intensité bien moindre » que les précédentes. »

ÉDITORIAL : Mort de Nahel M. : un besoin de vraies réponses face à la colère et à la peur : Enrayer la spirale de la violence et pacifier les relations entre les forces de l’ordre et les jeunes de quartiers populaires impose des changements profonds. La lutte contre le sentiment de relégation voire d’abandon des habitants les plus pauvres doit être une priorité nationale. »

Hass ohne Grenzen: Nach dem Tod eines Jugendlichen durch den Schuss eines Polizisten kommt Frankreich nicht zur Ruhe. Busse und Bahnen sollen abends nun nicht mehr fahren. Das Auswärtige Amt aktualisierte seine Reisehinweise. »

Michael Lambert: Is This the Most Incompetent Government Ever?

Jul 1, 2023 | Seven years after the Brexit referendum, the UK economy is in a mess. The five pledges of Rishi Sunak are now 'priorities', most of which he has little chance of delivering. UK inflation is at 8.7% compared with just 5.5% average in Europe . The government appears to have no idea what to do and Sunak seems to have lost heart.

Thames Water is in difficulties, the foreign owners having borrowed enormous amounts of money and having paid out £72 billion in dividends since privatisation.

The story of Boris Johnson having visited the house of Evgeny Lebedev in Italy without any security whilst Foreign Secretary has re-emerged and it seems highly likely that kompromat would have been obtained during the weekend visit after which Johnson was seen dishevelled and apparently hungover and on his own at the airport a day later.

The UK economy continues to decline, with more bad news arriving almost daily.

As always, a brilliant synopsis of the dystopia that is the disUnited Kingdom; and as always, I agree with every word that you uttered. Michael—if I might be so bold as to use your first name— you really do have the happy knack of hitting the nail right on its head.

FYI, yours is one of my very favourite channels on YouTube. I look forward to my dose of 'Michael Lambert's truth-telling' each and every week. I kid you not. This is almost certainly because you say exactly what I've been thinking!

I never thought I would live to see the day in which I am ashamed to call myself British. Sadly, that day has arrived. I am now even beginning to have my doubts about democracy itself!

This country's political system is rotten to its very core. We need a completely new system.

By the way, I would like to say the following about Rishi Sunak: The man is useless as a prime minister and clueless to boot. In my opinion, he is far too rich to be a prime minister. Why? Because when a person is as rich as he is, how can he possibly understand the needs and difficulties of life that most ordinary people have to tolerate? I am not against a man being extremely rich; not at all! But I do believe that it is imperative that the prime minister of a country, any country, be able to understand the needs of ordinary folk. Rishi Sunak cannot. He inhabits a parallel universe.

I never thought I would live to see the day that, in my homeland, so many people have to sleep rough and so many people have to go to foodbanks to be able to put food on the table for their children. It appals me! In fact, it is quite heartbreaking. Most of the blame for this sad situation can be placed on the shoulders of the Tories. These sad circumstances have come about, or at least have been made ten times worse, under the watch of Conservative governments, since the Conservatives have been in power for so long. Yet nobody in government talks about these problems, still less offer solutions to solve them.

It is difficult to have any optimism for the future of this country. The Conservatives are useless and totally corrupt; and Labour seem to be clueless too. In my humble opinion, it is to be rued that the LibDems aren't more on the offensive. That Party is pro-EU, but should be far more assertive about promising to try its best to take us back into the Union as full members. – © Mark Alexander

Friday, June 30, 2023

Super-rich Warned of ‘Pitchforks and Torches’ unless They Tackle Inequality

THE GUARDIAN: Global elite told at London’s Savoy hotel of real risk of ‘civil disruption’ if more is not done to help struggling millions

The conference took place in the ballroom of the Savoy hotel and was attended by about 500 members of the global super-rich and advisers. Photograph: Steve Gorton/Getty/Dorling Kindersley RF

In the ballroom of the five star Savoy hotel on the Strand in central London, the super-rich and their advisers were this week advised that they may soon need to watch out for people with “pitchforks and torches” unless they do more to use their fortunes to help the millions struggling with the cost of living crisis.

At an investment conference organised by Spear’s wealth management magazine, members of the global elite and their financial teams were told by progressive advisers that there was a “real risk of actual insurrection” and “civil disruption” if the yawning inequality gap between rich and poor was allowed to widen as a result of energy and food price hikes hitting squeezed households.

Julia Davies, a founding member of Patriotic Millionaires UK, a group of super-rich people calling for the introduction of a wealth tax, warned that global poverty and the climate emergency were going to get “so much worse” unless the wealthy did more to help poorer citizens. » | Rupert Neate, Wealth correspondent | Friday, June 30, 2023

Is Supreme Court's "Gay Wedding" Case Built on a Lie? Man at Center of Story Is Married to a Woman

Jun 30, 2023 | The Supreme Court has now ruled that Colorado's Anti-Discrimination Act would violate a Christian business owner's First Amendment rights by not allowing her to discriminate against same-sex couples and potentially compelling her to create websites "celebrating marriages she does not endorse." Lorie Smith of Colorado filed the lawsuit with help from the right-wing Alliance Defending Freedom as part of the group's ongoing attempt to roll back the rights of LGBTQ people. But as reporter Melissa Gira Grant discovered, part of the case may have been built on a lie. Smith has never actually built a wedding website; the lone request Smith claims to have received from a gay couple supposedly originated with a straight man in another state who told Grant he had never asked for a website and that he has been married to a woman for many years. "He had no idea that his information was in this case," says Grant, who wrote about the case for The New Republic.

Homophobic businesses in the US have a powerful ally: the US supreme court: The court is more interested in protecting the dignity of bigots than the dignity of gay couples denied services for who they are »

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 30, 2023

Finland's Economy Minister Resigns after 10 Days over Nazi References

Vilhelm Junnila apologised for his remarks but has now stepped down from his ministerial position | REUTERS

BBC: Finland's new economy minister has resigned after just 10 days in office over remarks he made at a far-right event four years ago.

Vilhelm Junnila, of the nationalist Finns Party, has been accused of making repeated Nazi references.

He apologised and survived a no-confidence vote, but announced his resignation on Friday.

Mr Junnila said he was stepping down so as not to harm the reputation of both the government and Finland.

"I see that it is impossible for me to continue as a minister in a satisfactory way," Mr Junnila added in a statement.

His resignation comes after it emerged he addressed a Nationalist Alliance event in the south-western city of Turku in 2019. » | James Gregory, BBC News | Friday, June 30, 2023

Junk Food: The Dark Side of the Food Industry | DW Documentary

Jun 30, 2023 | 40 % of the global population is overweight or obese. Highly processed industrial foodstuffs are largely to blame. But food companies continue to focus on products that are addictive.

Sugar is one of the strongest "drugs” and can get consumers really hooked. Food giants know this only too well. That’s why they use sugar, fats and flavor enhancers to encourage people to buy their products and boost their profits. The result: more and more people around the world are overweight or obese. Illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease are becoming more prevalent. What can be done to change or even put a stop to the food industry’s strategies?

Supreme Court Backs Web Designer Opposed to Same-Sex Marriage

Gay Rights Ruling

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The decision appeared to suggest that the rights of L.G.B.T.Q. people, including to same-sex marriage, are on more vulnerable legal footing, particularly when they are at odds with claims of religious freedom.

The Supreme Court sided on Friday with a web designer in Colorado who said she had a First Amendment right to refuse to provide services for same-sex marriages despite a state law that forbids discrimination against gay people.

In a 6 to 3 vote, split along ideological lines, the court held that the First Amendment prohibits Colorado from forcing a website designer to create expressive designs speaking messages with which the designer disagrees. Justice Neil M. Gorsuch wrote the majority opinion.

The case, though framed as a clash between free speech and gay rights, was the latest in a series of decisions in favor of religious people and groups, notably conservative Christians.

The decision also appeared to suggest that the rights of L.G.B.T.Q. people, including to same-sex marriage, are on more vulnerable legal footing, particularly when they are at odds with claims of religious freedom. At the same time, the ruling limited the ability of the governments to enforce anti-discrimination laws. » | Adam Liptak and Abbie VanSickle | Friday, June 30, 2023

Forget Hunter Biden, What about Jared and Ivanka’s Grift?

Jun 29, 2023 | If Republicans are truly worried about members of the first family improperly benefitting from their name, Mehdi says there are two people besides Hunter Biden that they should be looking at: Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner.

Dimitra's Dishes: Mediterranean Chicken & Vegetable Kebabs | Reupload

Jun 2, 202

Get the recipe here.

Kennt ihr die Austern-Regel? | Karambolage | ARTE

Jan 10, 2020 | Luisa Jendrek lädt uns zum Austernessen ein. | Autorin : Luisa Jendrek | Regie : Marc Chevalier

Dr. Bart Ehrman on Jesus | #shorts

Did Jesus think of Himself as God? Listen to what this world-renowned professor of theology has to say on the topic here.

(Trans)formation: The Story of Christine Jorgensen | AMERICAN EXPERIENCE | PBS

Jun 29, 2023 | On December 1, 1952 Americans were introduced to 26-year-old Christine Jorgensen, one of the first people to successfully undergo gender affirmation surgery. Instantaneously, the shy, private person previously known as George became an international media sensation, fascinating many and challenging others. At a time when public cross-dressing and other gender nonconforming behaviors were illegal, Jorgensen’s transformation offered transgender people the possibility of living as their authentic selves.

France Riots Continue as Hundreds Arrested - BBC News

Jun 30, 2023 | At least 667 people have been arrested across France after a third night of violence triggered by the fatal police shooting of a 17-year-old in Paris. The teenager, named as Nahel M, was shot in his car in the Paris region after failing to stop when ordered to by traffic police. In Paris, shops have been ransacked and cars set on fire despite a heavy police presence. French President Emmanuel Macron will hold another crisis meeting with ministers later after calling the protest violence "unjustifiable".

Paris Protests after Teen Died | News18

Jun 30, 2023 | France saw unrest spread to major cities in a third night of riots on Thursday as President Emmanuel Macron fought to contain a mounting crisis triggered by the deadly police shooting of a teenager of Algerian and Moroccan descent during a traffic stop

How Europe’s Far Right Is Marching Steadily into the Mainstream

THE GUARDIAN: Whether in Italy, Spain, France or Finland, parties that were once outcasts are fast gaining respectability – and power

Brothers of Italy, the party of Giorgia Meloni, the Italian prime minister, has neofascist roots. Photograph: Luca Zennaro/EPA

Almost 25 years ago, when Jörg Haider’s far-right populist Freedom party (FPÖ) won just under 27% of the vote and entered government in Austria, the shock waves reverberated around Europe. Diplomatic visits were cancelled and punitive measures imposed.

Not long after, when Jean-Marie Le Pen of France’s National Front (now National Rally or RN) reached the presidential runoff, the eventual winner, Jacques Chirac, refused even to debate with the far-right leader, so abhorrent – and abnormal – were his views.

But now across western Europe, far-right parties are advancing: climbing steadily up the polls, shaping the policies of the mainstream right to reflect nativist and populist platforms, and occupying select ministerial roles in coalition governments.

Giorgia Meloni, whose party has neofascist roots, is prime minister of Italy, and Spain’s far-right Vox, after recently doubling its regional and local vote, could soon be sharing power nationally.

The far right is part of the new coalition government in Finland and, in exchange for key policy concessions, is propping up another in Sweden. Back in Austria, the FPÖ is comfortably ahead in the polls, roughly a year from the next election. » | Jon Henley, Europe correspondent | Friday, June 30, 2023

Boris Johnson's KGB Links EXPOSED - John Sweeney | FULL Documentary

Jun 29, 2023

Byline TV can be supported here.

Mann in Stockholm will weiteren Koran verbrennen

Bei einer Kundgebung gegen eine Koranverbrennung in Schweden sind in Hamburg mehrere tausend Menschen auf die Straße gegangen. | Bild: DPA


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die Koranverbrennung eines in Schweden lebenden Irakers hat internationale Empörung und Proteste ausgelöst. Nun kündigt der Mann eine weitere Aktion an. Die Polizei ermittelt wegen Hetze.

Ungeachtet der empörten internationalen Reaktionen auf eine Koranverbrennung in Stockholm hat der dafür verantwortliche Iraker angekündigt, ein weiteres Koran-Exemplar zu verbrennen. Der Zeitung „Expressen“ sagte Salwan Momika am Donnerstag, er habe gewusst, dass seine Aktion Reaktionen hervorrufen würde. Trotzdem plane er weitere Aktionen und werde „innerhalb von zehn Tagen die irakische Flagge und den Koran vor der irakischen Botschaft in Stockholm verbrennen“. » | Quelle: AFP | Freitag, 30. Juni 2023

Verwandte Links hier, hier und hier.

France: Are Riots Spiraling Out of Control after a Teenager Was Shot by a Police Officer? | DW News

Jun 30, 2023 | The office of French President Emmanuel Macron's says he will be holding another emergency government meeting later on Friday. It comes as riots have continued across the country for a third night. Despite restrictions imposed in some cities, protesters took to the streets again burning cars and vandalizing buildings. Nearly seven hundred people have been arrested. The unrest began after police shot a 17-year-old teenager at a traffic stop earlier this week. Prosecutors have opened a formal manslaughter investigation into the policeman accused of shooting.


Water Privatisation Is a Con

Jun 30, 2023 | (Location: Thames Water HQ)

Kick these Tories out of office, once and for all time! The Tories need to go the way of the Whigs: into oblivion! The Tories have ruined this country. Tories pretend to be patriotic; however, they are anything but. Tories care not about their country or the people that reside in it; rather, they care about their own gain, their own profit, their own pockets and their own bank balances. Tories know the price of everything, but the value of nothing! – © Mark Alexander

Woman’s Leg Amputated at Bangkok Airport after Getting Stuck in Moving Walkway

THE GUARDIAN: Airport expresses ‘deepest condolences’ after 57-year-old gets caught and has left leg removed from above the knee

A woman’s leg has been amputated in a Thai airport after it became trapped by a movable walkway on Thursday, officials said.

The 57-year-old Thai passenger was due to board a morning flight from Bangkok’s Don Mueang airport to Nakhon Si Thammarat province when she was caught by the walkway in Terminal 2. A medical team there eventually had to remove her left leg from above the knee, according to the airport’s officials. » | Associated Press | Friday, June 30, 2023

France Riots: Macron to Hold Crisis Meeting as 667 Arrested and Violence Spreads

THE GUARDIAN: Government struggles to contain unrest that has spread from housing estates to the centres of major cities

Emmanuel Macron is to head another crisis meeting of ministers as the French government struggles to contain an escalation of unrest that has spread from housing estates across the country to the centre of major cities after the police shooting of a teenager earlier this week.

A total of 667 people were arrested across France into the early hours of Friday morning, officials said, as violence continued into a third night of riots triggered by the deadly police shooting of a 17-year-old of Algerian and Moroccan descent during a traffic stop.

Fireworks and projectiles were thrown at police, bins were set alight and buses and bus depots torched in towns and cities across the country. In some towns, public buildings were targeted. There was unrest in Dijon and several towns in Burgundy, clashes in the centre of Marseille in the south and in and around Lille in the north. There were also disturbances in cities including Rennes and Lyon. Protesters clashed with police in Paris, burning bins and for the first time, there was looting of shops in the centre of the capital. (+ video) » | Angelique Chrisafis and agencies | Friday, June 30, 2023

‘There’s so much anger’: France braces for more rioting over police shooting: Killing of 17-year-old in Nanterre has triggered nights of clashes and politicians fear unrest will spread »

Suites de la mort de Nahel M., en direct : au cours d’une troisième nuit de violences dans toute la France, 667 personnes interpellées et 249 blessés parmi les forces de l’ordre : Attaques de bâtiments publics, pillages de commerce, tirs de mortiers d’artifice et incendies ont eu lieu à Nanterre, où le jeune Nahel M. a été tué par un policier, et dans d’autres villes d’Ile-de-France et du pays. A Matignon, Elisabeth Borne a réuni plusieurs ministres et dénonce des actes « insupportables et inexcusables ». »

Vidéo : Les images d’une troisième nuit d’émeutes dans plusieurs villes de France »

Thursday, June 29, 2023

NATO Responds to Swedish Quran Burning

Jun 29, 2023 | NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday that he understood the emotion caused by the burning of a copy of the Quran in Sweden but urged for a compromise over Sweden's accession to NATO.

Koran-burning Protest Could Further Delay Sweden's Bid to Join NATO • FRANCE 24 English

Jun 29, 2023 | A man tore up and burned a Koran outside Stockholm's central mosque on Wednesday, an event that risks angering Turkey as Sweden bids to join NATO, after Swedish police granted permission for the protest to take place.

Burning of Quran in Stockholm Sparks Outrage in Muslim World

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Sweden has been widely condemned for allowing the burning of the Muslim holy book outside a mosque on Wednesday during Eid al-Adha, a major Islamic holiday.

The burning of a Quran outside a mosque in Sweden on one of the holiest days in Islam sparked outrage Thursday in many Muslim countries and widespread condemnations of the Swedish authorities.

In Iraq, several hundred people protested outside the Swedish Embassy in Baghdad at the urging of Muqtada al-Sadr, a populist cleric who called on the Iraqi government to break off diplomatic relations with Sweden, which he called “hostile” to Islam.

The crowd became increasingly angry, scaling the wall surrounding the compound and pushing through an external gate. There was no sign that Iraqi diplomatic police forces attempted to stop them. The protesters did not enter the embassy itself, which was closed for the Islamic holiday, and eventually left. Mr. Sadr called for larger protests after prayers on Friday.

Iraq’s foreign ministry also condemned Sweden “for allowing an extremist to burn a copy of the holy Quran.”

In the incident in Stockholm on Wednesday, two men, watched by a crowd of people, tore pages out of a Quran and burned them outside a mosque. » | Alissa J. Rubin and Isabella Kwai, Alissa Rubin reported from Baghdad, and Isabella Kwai from London | Thursday, June 29, 2023

Was bewegt Europa? | ARTE Info plus

Jun 29, 2023 | In Spanien könnte ein möglicher Sieg der Konservativen bei den Parlamentswahlen am 23. Juli zu einer Koalition mit den Rechtsextremen führen, was die Rechte von LGBTQIA+-Personen beschneiden könnte. Auch in Italien ist die LGBTQIA+-Community zur Zielscheibe der rechten Regierung geworden. Unsere Europa-Tour nimmt uns außerdem mit nach Griechenland, wo nach dem verunglückten Migrantenschiff Mitte Juni immer heftiger über die Rolle der Küstenwache gestritten wird. Und schließlich geht es noch um die Glaubenskrise junger polnischer Katholiken.

France Police Officer Charged after Nahel Shooting - BBC News

Jun 29, 2023 | The police officer accused of shooting dead 17-year-old Nahel M in Paris has been charged with voluntary homicide and placed under arrest. It comes after the local prosecutor of Nanterre, where the teen lived and died, said earlier that the officer involved had been put under formal investigation for voluntary homicide. The killing has sparked riots in cities across France as well as in Nanterre. Meanwhile, following the violent protests, a curfew has been announced in some areas of Paris.

US Supreme Court Overturns Race-based College Admissions

Jun 29, 2023 | In the United States, the Supreme Court has ruled that universities can no longer consider a student's race when deciding to admit them.

Boris Johnson, l’espion russe et le lord de Sibérie

LE MONDE : L’ancien premier ministre britannique se voit reprocher d’avoir nommé à la Chambre des lords Evgeny Lebedev, le fils d’un oligarque ex-agent du KGB, contre l’avis des services de renseignement, convaincus de l’existence de liens entre la famille Lebedev et le Kremlin.

Capture vidéo de l’homme d’affaires russo-britannique Evgeny Lebedev, lors de sa nomination à la Chambre des lords, à Londres, le 17 décembre 2020. PARLIAMENTARY RECORDING UNIT (PRU) / AFP

Un documentaire de la chaîne de télévision britannique Channel 4, diffusé mardi 28 juin, relance la polémique sur la nomination par Boris Johnson, peu après être devenu premier ministre, d’Evgeny Lebedev à la Chambre des lords. Ce dernier, fils de l’ex-agent du KGB Alexander Lebedev, un contemporain de Vladimir Poutine devenu un richissime homme d’affaires après la chute de l’URSS, a fait son entrée à la chambre haute du Parlement britannique en novembre 2020, avec un titre aussi pompeux qu’étonnant : baron Lebedev of Hampton and Siberia. La Chambre des lords n’a pas les pouvoirs de la Chambre des communes mais y siéger (on en est membre à vie) donne accès au cœur du pouvoir britannique et confère un épais vernis de respectabilité. » | Par Cécile Ducourtieux (Londres, correspondante) | jeudi 29 juin 2023

Putins ungewöhnliches Bad in der Menge: Kuss auf die Stirn | DER SPIEGEL

Jun 29, 2023 | Wladimir Putin schüttelt Hände, umarmt Fans und lässt Selfies zu: Der kontaktscheue Kremlchef hat sich beim Besuch eines Touristenortes filmen lassen. So, als hätte es den Wagner-Aufstand nie gegeben. Was steckt dahinter?

Edward VIII, the Traitor King | Complete Documentary

Jul 16, 2014 Was Edward VIII a nazi sympathiser? Complete Channel 4 documentary from 1995. | Views on YouTube: 1,167,371

Please excuse the poor film quality of this documentary. But what it lacks in film quality, it makes up in interest. I hope you enjoy it. – Mark Alexander

Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2 in B-Flat Major, Op. 83 - IV. Allegretto grazioso | (Live at Philharmonie, Berlin, 1995) · Maurizio Pollini · Berliner Philharmoniker · Claudio Abbado

Jul 30, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Weitere Enthüllungsgeschichten von Prinz Harry angekündigt


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Meghan und Harry haben Großbritannien endgültig verlassen und arbeiten sich von Amerika aus weiter am Königshaus ab. Nun könnte der umstrittene Bruder des Königs, Prinz Andrew, in ihr ehemaliges Anwesen im Park von Schloss Windsor einziehen.

Die Frist endete im Juni, und Meghan und Harry haben sie laut britischer Medien auch eingehalten. Das Herzogspaar hat nun endgültig das Vereinigte Königreich verlassen und seinen Wohnsitz Frogmore Cottage in Windsor, wie vom Königshaus im Januar gewünscht, aufgegeben. Letzte Habseligkeiten wurden in den vergangenen Tagen zusammengepackt, die Schlüssel übergeben. » | Quelle: pps. | Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2023

A New York Times Exclusive: Inside a Ukrainian Battlefield Hospital

The New York Times gained rare access to a military field hospital in eastern Ukraine, capturing the relentless toll of Russia’s war through the eyes of frontline combat medics and wounded soldiers. By Yousur Al-Hlou, Masha Froliak and Ben Laffin•June 29, 2023

WARNING: This video is NOT suitable for children NOR is it suitable for the fainthearted. It is extremely graphic. More graphic than many might imagine. It also contains some very strong language. – Mark

Thomas kocht: Falafel selber machen - frittiert, gebraten oder im Backofen

Jun 29, 2023

Fürs Rezept, klicken Sie bitte hier und dann klicken Sie auf ‚show more‘.

The Lincoln Project: How Many Topics Can Trump Cover in One Speech Other Than His Crimes

Jun 28, 2023 | Same guy who stared directly at the sun during a solar eclipse somehow can't face his criminal indictments head on.

The Former British King and the Nazis | Edward VIII: The Traitor King | BBC Select

May 19, 2022 | Historians examine newly discovered sources relating to the Duke of Windsor, the former king who renounced the throne to marry Wallace Simpson. This revelatory Edward VIII documentary explores his life after abdication, his connections with the Nazi Party, and evidence that he encouraged Germany to bomb the UK into submission during World War Two so he could regain the throne.

Braverman Plan to Send Asylum Seekers to Rwanda Unlawful, Appeal Court Rules

THE GUARDIAN: Judges rule against policy after high court previously found it was lawful to send some people to Rwanda to have claims processed

Court of appeal judges have ruled by a majority of two to one that it is unlawful for the UK government to send asylum seekers to Rwanda to have their claims processed.

The ruling from Lord Burnett, Sir Geoffrey Vos, and Lord Justice Underhill follows a four-day hearing in April against a high court ruling last December that found it was lawful to send some asylum seekers, including small boat arrivals, to Rwanda to have their claims processed rather than dealing with their applications for sanctuary in the UK. » | Diane Taylor | Thursday, June 29, 2023

Rwanda policy: Government to take Rwanda ruling to Supreme Court: The government will appeal a court ruling deeming plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda unlawful, Rishi Sunak has said. »

What is the UK's plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda? »

We knew it and thank God judges agree: Suella Braverman’s ‘cash for humans’ plan is immoral – and illegal: Every day we hear about the fear and trauma this dirty deal has caused among vulnerable people. Let us now build a compassionate system »

New Wave of Overnight Rage Rocks France; Officer in Police Shooting Will Be Investigated

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The authorities said that 150 people had been arrested after protesters burned cars and buildings for the second night in a row in response to the killing of a 17-year-old driver by a police officer.

PARIS — French prosecutors on Thursday urged that a police officer be placed under investigation for voluntary homicide after the deadly shooting of a 17-year-old driver set off violent riots in more than a dozen cities overnight, with protesters burning cars, lighting buildings on fire and setting off fireworks for the second day in a row.

President Emmanuel Macron convened a crisis meeting after the unrest. In comments broadcast by French television at the start of the meeting on Thursday, he called the violent protests “absolutely unjustifiable” and appealed for calm after the death of the teenager, who has been identified only as Nahel M.

Gérald Darmanin, France’s interior minister, said that 150 people had been arrested overnight after the wave of unrest, and that town halls, schools and police stations had been set on fire or attacked. He called it “a night of intolerable violence against symbols of the Republic.”

Police stations were vandalized or targeted with fireworks in cities including Trappes, near Paris, and Rouen, in the north. In Clamart, a Paris suburb, a tramway was briefly set ablaze. » | Aurelien Breeden, Reporting from Paris | Thursday, June 29, 2023

Demonstrators clashed with riot police officers in the Paris suburb of Nanterre after the police fatally shot a 17-year-old driver during a traffic stop. | Zakaria Abdelkafi/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

‘Poison in Every Puff’ Among Warnings to Be Printed on Canadian Cigarettes

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Tobacco companies must soon label individual cigarettes sold in the country with a health warning, in what Canada is calling a global first.

The final wording of six separate warnings that will be printed directly on individual cigarettes in Canada. | Health Canada

TORONTO — “Poison in every puff.” “Cigarettes cause impotence.” “Tobacco smoke harms children.”

Those are the warnings that smokers in Canada will soon find on every single cigarette they light, as the country sets into motion a plan requiring tobacco companies to print health warnings directly onto cigarette filters.

The labels will appear in English and French, Canada’s official languages, and are intended to blunt the allure of smoking among young people, adults looking to quit and those addicted to nicotine, the government said on Wednesday.

Canada is a global leader in targeting tobacco use through health hazard labels. Graphic illustrations of some of the health outcomes of smoking, such as images of cancerous tumors or decaying teeth, have appeared on cigarette boxes in Canada since 2001, when it became the first country to feature depictions of serious smoking-related illnesses on packaging. It was also the first country to ban smoking on its domestic flights, followed by international flights on Canadian airlines in 1994.

Smoking is on the decline in Canada, and the country’s health services aim to reduce it even further. Currently, 10.2 percent of people over age 15 smoke cigarettes, and the government’s goal is to reduce that to less than 5 percent by 2035.

Within the next year, smokers will begin to see the new labels printed on their individual cigarettes, as well as an updated warning label on cigarette boxes. » | Vjosa Isai | Wednesday, May 31, 2023

This is totally over-the-top legislation! As if smokers don't already know that smoking can harm their health. They've been preached to for long enough.

But really, does this legislation make a whole lot of sense when the smoking of cannabis has already been legalised in the country? So clearly, you can smoke a joint without the authorities getting their knickers in a twist, but don't, for God's sake, get the idea of lighting a plain old-fashioned cigarette! The world is truly going crazy. (And I write as a non-smoker. I haven't smoked a cigarette since April 10th 2022.) Reading about nonsense legislation like this is enough to drive one to start smoking again. Just for the sheer hell of it. – © Mark Alexander

Will Wagner Pull Belarus into the War in Ukraine? Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya Interview

Jun 28, 2023 | Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, the leader of the Belarusian opposition movement has told DW the presence of the Wagner group leader in her country is a threat to the security of Europe and Belarus' independence.

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya was speaking following the arrival of Yevgeny Prigozhin to Belarus after a deal was struck between the country's leader, Alexander Lukashenko, and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.

Ms. Tsikhanouskaya told DW's Alexandra von Nahmen she's worried it could drag Belarus into the war in Ukraine.

She said: "Lukashenko is fully loyal to Putin, he will fulfill all the orders of Putin. And if let's imagine Putin gives Lukashenko the order to get rid of Prigozhin, he will do this."

The Belarusian opposition leader added that NATO should react to Russia transporting its tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus.

Guerre en Ukraine en direct : la présence du groupe Wagner en Biélorussie, « une menace » pour la région, juge le président polonais : « Difficile pour nous d’exclure que la présence du Groupe Wagner en Biélorussie puisse constituer une menace potentielle pour la Pologne, qui partage une frontière avec la Biélorussie, une menace pour la Lituanie (…), ainsi que, potentiellement, pour la Lettonie », a déclaré Andrzej Duda lors d’une conférence de presse à Kiev.. »

Greek Pita Bread for Souvlaki | Akis Petretzikis

Oct 1, 2015 | Views on YouTube: 1,621,410

Get the recipe here.

The Collapse of the British Establishment | Melanie Phillips

Jun 28, 2023 | In this clip, Melanie Phillips takes aim at some of Britain's long-standing institutions, including the BBC, the Church of England, the monarchy. She argues that the British Establishment which has operated and supported these cornerstones of British life has been complicit in the erosion of moral consensus and objectivity. The education system, she points out, has been an active participant in this.

Marco: A Film by Saleem Haddad (2019) | Reupload

Apr 23, 2023 | Views on YouTube: 4,362,389

Writer & director: Saleem Haddad
Producer: Jack Casey
Director of Photography: Deepa Keshvala
Starring Zed Josef & Marwan Kaabour
Casting Director: Aisha Bywaters
Production Designer: Zuzanna Skurtys
Production Manager: Jonny Lincoln
Script Supervisor: Madz Abbasi
Sound Recordist: Josh Bamford
Sound Mixer: Morgan Williams
Editor: Menna Kamel
Colourist: Filipe Fernandes
Executive Producer: Mohamed Al Sadek
Associate Producers: Christian Jordan, Jeffrey Jonkers, Moe Fakhro
Script Consultant: Sami Haddad

WARNING: This short film is NOT suitable for children. – Mark

The Divine Moses: Jewish Views on the Prophet | #shorts

Bart Ehrman talks about this here.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 28, 2023

Spectacular Colorized Film of the Beginning of the German Occupation of The Netherlands during WW II

Premiered Apr 23, 2023

Paris 1919

Apr 3, 2019 | This feature-length film, based on Margaret MacMillan's acclaimed book of the same name, takes us inside the most ambitious peace talks in history. Revisiting the event with a vivid sense of narrative, the film evokes a pivotal moment when peace seemed possible, and reflects on the hard-learned lessons of history. | Directed by Paul Cowan - 2008 | 94 min


Related documentary here.

Bart Ehrman: Living "Happier" without God | #shorts

Click here to hear Bart Ehrman, the New Testament scholar, talking about the “garbage” of an afterlife.