Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Jesus Was Single and Single People Should Be Valued, Says Church of England

THE GUARDIAN: C of E report says church should not regard singleness as lesser than living in couple or family

Single people should be valued as much as couples and families, the Church of England has said in a major report that welcomes diversity in personal relationships.

The church should “not regard [singleness] as lesser than living in a couple relationship”, the report said, pointing out that Jesus was single.

“We have an amazing opportunity to reimagine a diverse society in which all families and loving relationships are valued and strengthened, promoting the stability that enables us all to thrive in a variety of family constellations, including being single. » | Harriet Sherwood | Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Love Matters.

Piers Morgan Encouraged Illegal Targeting of Diana, Says Prince Harry

THE GUARDIAN: Court papers allege that Morgan, when he was NoW editor, and others knew about and concealed hacking of texts and phone calls

Piers Morgan, who hosts a nightly show on Murdoch’s TalkTV channel, has always denied any knowledge of phone hacking during his time as a tabloid editor. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA

Prince Harry has claimed Piers Morgan “knew about, encouraged and concealed” illegal targeting of Princess Diana when he was editor of the News of the World.

Harry alleges that his mother’s private text messages and phone calls were obtained by journalists working for Rupert Murdoch’s tabloid newspapers before she died, with the information used as the basis for multiple stories in the Sun and the News of the World.

Harry alleged in court documents that this illegal targeting of Diana – as well as Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles – was known about and hidden by Morgan and other editors in the mid-1990s.

Morgan, who now hosts a nightly show on Murdoch’s TalkTV channel, has always denied any direct knowledge of phone hacking during his time as a tabloid newspaper editor. The television presenter has had repeated run-ins with Harry. In 2021, Morgan quit ITV’s Good Morning Britain after making comments about the prince’s wife, Meghan. » | Jim Waterson, Media editor | Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Trump Is Absolutely Devastated about Tucker Carlson Getting Fired

Apr 26, 2023 | Donald Trump is absolutely devastated by Tucker Carlson's firing from Fox News, and he said in an interview on Newsmax that it came as a "shock" to him. Trump had recently done a sit-down interview with Carlson earlier this month, but now one of his favorite people is gone and he's super sad. But Trump also revealed the only reason why he's sad, and Farron Cousins explains what is hurting Trump the most about this move by Fox. …

Joe: Why Was the Russian Foreign Minister Bemoaning Carlson’s Firing?

Apr 26, 2023 | Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday weighed in on Tucker Carlson's departure from Fox News and the Morning Joe panel wonders why Lavrov would have an opinion on this issue.

Harry Belafonte in His Own Words on Opposing Iraq War & Calling George W. Bush a "Terrorist"

Apr 26, 2023 | As we remember the life and legacy of Harry Belafonte, we look back at his antiwar activism, including his outspoken opposition to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. On February 15 of that year, amid global protests against the war, Belafonte addressed hundreds of thousands who rallied in New York City and called for peace. "We have let the world know that we are in solidarity with those who seek to have other ways than war to settle our grievances," he told Democracy Now! Belafonte later made worldwide headlines in 2006 when, on a trip to Venezuela, he called President George W. Bush "the greatest terrorist in the world."

Das Baguette in den Kaffee tunken | Karambolage | ARTE

Oct 27, 2020 | Nikola Obermann versteht gar nicht, warum die Franzosen das Baguette in den Kaffee tunken.

Autorin: Nikola Obermann
Regie: Marion Auvin

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — April 26, 2023

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

How to Make an Authentic Cheese Fondue | A Typical Dish from Switzerland

Feb 19, 2022 | In Switzerland cheese fondue is one of the most popular dishes. Well, it is a national dish after all.

Gruyère and Vacherin are the most common cheeses used for fondue recipes. Here we have the recipe explained to us - and lucky for you, it's quite simple.

Vereinte Kräfte, November 1942 - Juni 1943 | Widerstand – Die Résistance (3/4) | ARTE

Apr 23, 2023 | Die vierteilige Dokureihe erzählt die Geschichte der französischen Résistance. In dieser Folge: Nach der britisch-amerikanischen Landung in Nordafrika am 8. November 1942 marschiert die deutsche Armee am 11. November in die Südzone ein. Die Maßnahmen gegen den französischen Widerstand werden verschärft. Die Gestapo greift durch, die Verhaftungen häufen sich.

Anfang 1943 schließen sich die drei Bewegungen der Südzone zu den Vereinigten Résistance-Bewegungen – Mouvements unis de la Resistance (MUR) – unter der Leitung von Jean Moulin zusammen. Er wird damit Delegierter von General de Gaulle und Anführer des französischen Widerstands. Die Initiatoren der einzelnen Bewegungen, insbesondere Henri Frenay, lehnen die Rolle Jean Moulins allerdings ab, was zu heftigen Spannungen führt. Den Gruppen gelingt es jedoch, sich zu verständigen, und so wird am 21. März 1943 der Nationale Widerstandsrat, der Conseil National de la Résistance (CNR), ins Leben gerufen, der die Aktivitäten in der Nord- und der Südzone koordinieren soll.

Mit der Gründung des CNR vereint de Gaulle einen bis dahin zersplitterten Widerstand und sichert sich die Akzeptanz der Alliierten, die ihn zuvor nicht als Autorität anerkannt und es vorgezogen hatten, sich mit General Giraud auszutauschen.

Im Juni 1943 erleidet der französische Widerstand zwei harte Schläge: Am 9. Juni wird Charles Delestraint, Chef der Résistance-Gruppierung Armée secrète (AS), an der Pariser Métro-Station La Muette festgenommen; am 21. Juni wird Jean Moulin in der Gemeinde Caluire-et-Cuire im Département Rhône verhaftet. Die Umstände dieser Verhaftung zeigen, wie gespalten die Résistance war. Innerhalb der Bewegung herrschte ein Klima des Misstrauens und der Rivalität, das es der Gestapo leicht machte, Spione einzuschleusen.

Dokureihe, Regie: Patrick Rotman (F 2020, 56 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 24/06/2023

Klicken Sie hier, um Teil 1 anzuschauen und hier, um Teil 2 anzuschauen.

Daniel Lacalle: Gold Is Money. Fiat Is Credit

Apr 24, 2023

Daniel Lacalle: Bitcoin’s Worth. Where Next?

April 25, 2023

Traditional Zurich Ragout – One of Switzerland’s Most Common Dishes

Zürcher Geschnetzeltes

Oct 29, 2022 | Zürcher Geschnetzeltes is the classic king of Zurich cuisine, though it's a dish with a relatively short history. It was only in a 1947 Swiss cookbook that the terms 'Zürich' and 'Geschnetzeltes' (or 'sliced') paired up for the first time – at the time without the mushrooms that are these days a must. These days, the dish can be found on the menu of almost every home-style Swiss restaurant.

Zürcher Geschnetzeltes is typically made with veal fillet, mushrooms, butter, shallots, white wine, bouillon, cream, sauce stock, and a little cognac. Veal kidneys are an optional addition. The meat is seared briefly, and then kept warm while a sauce is prepared from the other ingredients, which is finally pureed. This is then poured over the meat, and the whole dish is then typically served with rösti – potato pancakes.

Report: Jens von Larcher
Camera: Dirk Frenkel
Edit: Eva Luenig

Un chapeau de dame très élégant.

Ein sehr eleganter Damenhut. / A very elegant lady's hat.

With thanks to for this delightful photo. [Photo by Aaron Zhang].

Tucker Carlson's Fall Marks Another Step in Declining Power of Right-wing Figureheads

Apr 25, 2023 | Rachel Maddow looks at the biggest names in right-wing media going back to the 1930s and how each successive figure could not quite match the power and reach of his predecessor.

Why Did Fox Fire Tucker Carlson? Far-right Host Helped Fox Mainstream Hate Conspiracies to Millions

If you so wish, you can donate to Democracy Now! here.

Tucker Carlson Undermined Democracy through 'Enormous Platform' Lincoln Project Senior Advisor Says

Apr 25, 2023 | Tucker Carlson’s reign as the top rated primetime host in cable news came to an abrupt and embarrassing end some say when Fox announced that the two had “agreed to part ways” and thanked him for his service to the network on Monday. Tucker Carlson has officially achieved something that some say no one else in the media industry can claim: being let go by all three major cable news networks. Joy Reid and her panel discuss.

Carlson Crisis Threatens Right-wing Media Ability to Carry Feckless Republican Party

Apr 25, 2023 | Rachel Maddow contrasts the ability of right-wing media to organize and message to conservative voters against the ineptitude of Republican politicians who, on their own, turn off voters with unpopular policies.

Phil Collins : Can't Stop Loving You | Official Music Video | Reupload

May 11, 2010 | Views on YouTube: 39,614,079

Traditional French Ratatouille? Do It Yourself! with This Easy-to-follow Recipe | A Typical Dish

Feb 25, 2023 #ratatouille #howtocook #frenchcuisine Ratatouille is made only from vegetables and is said to have been served for the first time in the 18th century, in Nice, Southern France. We travelled to Provence to meet Viktorija Todorovska. She works at cooking school Les Petits Farcis and shows you how to prepare traditional ratatouille.

Report: Gönna Ketels
Camera: Robert Richter
Edit: Josi Funck

Joe Biden Formally Announces 2024 White House Run

THE GUARDIAN: President, who could face Donald Trump in 2020 re-run, urges voters to give him four further years to finish what he started

Biden in the White House in April 2021. He enters the 2024 campaign cycle dogged by stubbornly low approval ratings. Photograph: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

Joe Biden formally launched his re-election campaign on Tuesday, asking Americans to give him another four years to finish what he started.

The president, famously nostalgic, chose to launch his campaign on the fourth anniversary of his return to politics in 2019, when he declared his intention to seek the presidential nomination for a third time. Then, like now, Biden relied on a video to formally declare his candidacy before venturing on to the campaign trail. » | Lauren Gambino in Washington | Tuesday, April 25, 2023


Biden Announces Re-election Bid, Defying Trump and History: While the president once pitched himself as “a bridge” to a new generation of Democratic leaders, he has decided that he is not ready to turn the torch over yet. »


Joe Biden officialise sa candidature à un second mandat à la présidence des Etats-Unis : Le président démocrate a officialisé, mardi, sa candidature à l’élection présidentielle américaine de 2024. »


Joe Biden will für zweite Amtszeit kandidieren: Joe Biden bewirbt sich um eine zweite Amtszeit. Er wolle bei der Präsidentenwahl im November 2024 abermals als Kandidat für die Demokratische Partei antreten, teilte der 80 Jahre alte amerikanische Präsident mit. »

What Tucker Carlson Leaves Behind as He Is Shown the Door

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The host’s abrupt dismissal upends Fox News’s prime-time lineup — and the carefully honed impression that the ratings star was all but untouchable.

Tucker Carlson has weathered one controversy after another in his years at Fox. On Monday, the network announced that it was cutting ties with him. | Leigh Vogel for The New York Times

In the days after the 2020 election, the Fox host Tucker Carlson sent an anxious text message to one of his producers. Fox viewers were furious about the network’s decision to call Arizona for Joseph R. Biden Jr.

The defeated president, Donald J. Trump, was eagerly stoking their anger. As Mr. Carlson and his producer batted around ideas for a new Carlson podcast — one that might help win back the audience most angry about Mr. Trump’s defeat — they saw both opportunity and peril in the moment.

“He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong,” Mr. Carlson warned, in a text released during Fox’s now-settled litigation with the voting software company Dominion.

Mr. Carlson proved prophetic, if not entirely in the way he had predicted. His nearly six-year reign in prime-time cable came to a sudden end on Monday, as Fox abruptly cut ties with the host, thanking him in a terse news release “for his service to the network.” » | Nicholas Confessore | Monday, April 24, 2023


Tucker Carlson’s Downfall: He rose at Fox News by tapping into fears of a changing society »


Don Lemon Ousted from CNN in Move That Left Him ‘Stunned’

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Mr. Lemon, one of the network’s most recognizable stars, had been under scrutiny since an uproar over on-air remarks he made about women and aging in February.

Don Lemon during a Democratic presidential primary debate in 2019. He had a reputation as a fiery political commentator at CNN. | Erin Schaff/The New York Times

Don Lemon is out at CNN.

In an announcement that Mr. Lemon said left him “stunned,” CNN on Monday declared an end to its longtime relationship with Mr. Lemon, a star anchor who was a fixture of the network’s prime-time lineup before enduring a short but controversial tenure as a morning show co-host.

“CNN and Don have parted ways,” Chris Licht, CNN’s chairman, said in a statement. “Don will forever be a part of the CNN family, and we thank him for his contributions over the past 17 years. We wish him well and will be cheering him on in his future endeavors.”

That benign language contrasted sharply with Mr. Lemon’s interpretation of the day’s events. In a scathing message on Twitter, he told viewers that his talent agent had abruptly informed him “that I have been terminated by CNN.”

“I am stunned,” Mr. Lemon wrote. “After 17 years at CNN I would have thought that someone in management would have had the decency to tell me directly. At no time was I ever given any indication that I would not be able to continue to do the work I have loved at the network.” (CNN disputed Mr. Lemon’s account, saying the anchor “was offered an opportunity to meet with management but instead released a statement on Twitter.”) » | Michael M. Grynbaum, John Koblin and Benjamin Mullin | Monday, April 24, 2023

Monday, April 24, 2023

India Overtakes China to Become World’s Most Populous Country

THE GUARDIAN: Milestone marks the first time since 1950 that China has dropped to second place in global population ranks

India has overtaken China as the world’s most populous country, according to UN population estimates, the most significant shift in global demographics since records began.

According to the UN’s projections, which are calculated through a variety of factors including census data and birth and death rates, India now has a population of 1,425,775,850, surpassing China for the first time.

It is also the first time since 1950, when the UN first began keeping global population records, that China has been knocked off the top spot.

China’s population decline follows decades of strict laws to bring the country’s booming birthrate under control, including the introduction of a one-child policy in the 1980s. This included fines for having extra children, forced abortions and sterilisations. While initially highly effective in controlling the population, these policies became a victim of their own success, and the country is now grappling with an ageing population in steep decline, which could have severe economic implications.

Part of the problem is that because of a traditional preference for boys, the one-child policy led to a massive gender imbalance. Men now outnumber women by about 32 million. “How can the country now shore up birth rates, with millions of missing women?” asks Mei Fong, the author of One Child, a book about the impact of the policy. » | Hannah Ellis-Petersen | South Asia correspondent | Monday, April 24, 2023

Julio Iglesias, Stevie Wonder : My Love

Nov 11, 2011 | Views on YouTube: 15,011,141

Elton John : Something about the Way You Look Tonight

Sep 1, 2010 | Views on YouTube: 27,234,559

Britain’s Asylum Plan ‘Unlawful’ and Rwanda ‘Unsafe’, Lawyers Tell Court of Appeal

Apr 24, 2023 | The Government's plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda is unlawful because the country isn't safe, the Court of Appeal has been told.

Kick this Tory government out of office. They are a disgrace. They are reducing the UK to the status of a banana republic. – © Mark Alexander

Phil Collins : Everyday | Official Music Video | Reupload

May 17, 2010 | Views pn YouTube: 21,420,771 | [From the LP version]

Tucker Carlson Leaves Fox News in Surprise Announcement

THE GUARDIAN: Far-right cable news host leaves with immediate effect with interim presenters replacing him

Tucker Carlson on 17 November 2022 in Hollywood, Florida. Photograph: Jason Koerner/Getty Images

The far-right Fox News host Tucker Carlson is leaving the channel, the network abruptly announced Monday.

“Fox News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways,” the company said in a statement. “We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor.”.

The statement added that the last episode of Carlson’s program was Friday. Beginning Monday night, the 8pm ET slot which was Carlson’s would be hosted by a rotation of personalities until the selection of a new permanent host, according to the network. » | Sam Levine in New York | Monday, November 24, 2023


Live Updates: Fox News Parts Ways With Tucker Carlson Days After Dominion Settlement: The announcement came less than a week after the network agreed to pay $787.5 million in a defamation lawsuit in which Mr. Carlson’s show, one of the highest rated on Fox, figured prominently. »

‘Wow’ and ‘OMG’: shock after Fox News announces Tucker Carlson departure: Many are surprised by news given Carlson’s popularity, while several conservative pundits expressed displeasure »

What to Know About Tucker Carlson’s Rise: A Times examination of the host’s career and singular influence at Fox News shows how his trajectory traces the transformation of American conservatism itself. »

’Cook around the World’: French Onion Soup

Soupe à l’oignon gratinée à la française

Mar 24, 2023 | French Onion Soup is a classic comfort dish that originated in France. This savory soup is made with caramelized onions, and beef broth, topped with crusty baguette slices and melted Gruyere cheese. It's a perfect combination of sweet and savory flavours

For a full list of the ingredients, please click here and then click on ‘Show more’.

Napoleon's Muse: The Remarkable Life of Joséphine de Beauharnais | The Emperor's Darling | Timeline

Mar 30, 2023 | Josephine de Beauharnais was Napoleon's Empress, his muse and his great love. It is next to impossible to imagine him without her or her without him. She survived the death sentence of insurgency and a bomb attack. Her weapons were her razor-sharp mind, her good taste and her body. Josephine de Beauharnais held the love of one of the Europe’ greatest Generals.

Buried within French archives and embedded within private collections is priceless information that can cast a new perspective on the life of the historical figure, Josephine. Hundreds of letters, long thought to be lost, have allowed us to reveal the true life of the clandestine Empress. Through a narrative account of her biography, the film presents a comprehensive yet historically contextualized understanding of the escapades of the illusive Josephine de Beauharnais.

Cheesy Delight: How to Prepare an Authentic Swiss Raclette

Mar 18, 2023 | Say Switzerland and one of the things that'll probably spring to mind, as well as mountains, Alpine pastures and chocolate, is cheese. Aside from fondue, another popular dish in the country is raclette, a dish made mainly of cheese and potatoes. Find out how an authentic Swiss raclette is prepared and why there's no tabletop grill involved!

Wendungen, Juni 1941 - November 1942 | Widerstand – Die Résistance (2/4) | ARTE

Apr 23, 2023 | Die vierteilige Dokureihe erzählt die Geschichte der französischen Résistance. In dieser Folge: Der Einmarsch von Hitlers Truppen in die UdSSR im Juni 1941 verändert die Lage. Die Kommunistische Partei Frankreichs tritt in den bewaffneten Kampf ein. An der Metrostation Barbès-Rochechouart erschießt Pierre Georges einen deutschen Offiziersanwärter. Die Deutschen üben Vergeltung.

Im Laufe des Jahres 1941 weitet die Résistance ihre Aktionen aus. Es werden heimlich Flugblätter gedruckt und Papiere gefälscht. Im Juli 1941 erscheint die Untergrundzeitung „Libération“. Jean-Pierre Lévy gründet die Résistance-Gruppe Franc-Tireur, Henri Frenay die Gruppe Combat.

Im Herbst 1941 kommt Jean Moulin nach London. Er verlässt England am 1. Januar 1942, nachdem General de Gaulle ihn mit der Aufgabe betraut hat, die Widerstandsbewegungen der Freien Zone im Süden Frankreichs zu vereinen. 18 Monate lang trifft sich Jean Moulin alias Rex mit Henri Frenay, Emmanuel d’Astier de La Vigerie und Jean-Pierre Lévy, um sie davon zu überzeugen, ihre Aktivitäten zu koordinieren.

Bei der Verfolgung von Widerstandskämpfern leistet die französische Polizei der Gestapo bedeutende Hilfe. Die Brigades spéciales (BS), Sondereinheiten der Präfektur, spezialisieren sich auf die Verfolgung kommunistischer Widerstandskämpfer. Die kommunistischen Kampfgruppen bündeln ihre Kräfte in der Organisation Francs-tireurs et partisans, kurz FTP. Charles Tillon übernimmt ihr Kommando. Die ausländischen Kommunisten organisieren sich in der Untergruppe FTP-MOI. Sie ist für zahlreiche Guerilla-Aktionen verantwortlich, vor allem in Toulouse und Paris.

Im Frühjahr 1942 reisen die Anführer der Résistance nach London, um sich mit General de Gaulle zu beraten. Im April 1942 beruft Pétain zum zweiten Mal Pierre Laval zum Ministerpräsidenten. Laval wiederum ernennt René Bousquet zum Generalsekretär der Polizei. Der junge und ehrgeizige Bousquet setzt sich aktiv für eine Zusammenarbeit der französischen mit der deutschen Polizei ein und verhandelt direkt mit Carl Oberg, dem SS-Polizeiführer in Paris, über eine französische Beteiligung an der antijüdischen Politik.

Die Razzien in der besetzten Nordzone und in der freien Südzone lösen in der Bevölkerung große Unruhe aus. Jean Moulin hat alle Hände voll zu tun, den Widerstand zu vereinen. Nach zähen Verhandlungen gelingt ihm der Zusammenschluss der Gruppen Combat, Libération-Sud und Franc-Tireur zu der paramilitärischen Armée secrète (AS) unter dem Kommando von General Delestraint.

Dokureihe, Regie: Patrick Rotman (F 2020, 55 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 24/06/2023

Teil 1 befindet sich hier.

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — April 24, 2023

Sunday, April 23, 2023

The Best Things about Leaving Islam

Apr 23, 2023 | Leaving religion isn't easy--but more often than not, is a rewarding experience. Ex-Muslims overwhelmingly report a less stressful, more fulfilling life. Here are some of the best outcomes after leaving Islam.

Mut und Improvisation, Sommer 1940 - Juni 1941 | Widerstand – Die Résistance (1/4) | ARTE

Apr 23, 2023 | Die vierteilige Dokureihe erzählt die Geschichte der französischen Résistance anhand der Schicksale von zwei Dutzend heldenhaften Frauen und Männern. In dieser Folge: Am 10. Mai 1940 beginnt der Westfeldzug der deutschen Wehrmacht. Ziel der Operation ist die "Zerschlagung Frankreichs" und die Niederwerfung Großbritanniens. Ab Juni 1940 bilden sich die ersten Résistance-Netzwerke.

Kaum hatte Marschall Pétain am 17. Juni 1940 um Waffenstillstand nachgesucht, meldete sich via BBC von London aus Charles de Gaulle zu Wort. In seinem später berühmt gewordenen Appell vom 18. Juni rief er dazu auf, den Krieg gegen Deutschland fortzuführen. Die Anfänge der Résistance gingen dann letztlich auf das individuelle Engagement einiger Weniger zurück, die sich nicht mit der Niederlage abfinden wollten. Es entstanden verschiedenen Gruppe, die ihre Aktionen koordinieren wollten. Germaine Tillion und Boris Vildé gründen das Netzwerk Musée de l’Homme. Im Norden formieren sich einige Gewerkschafter um Christian Pineau zu der Gruppe Libération Nord.

In der freien Zone im Süden Frankreichs schließen sich Ende 1940 beziehungsweise Anfang 1941 die ersten Widerstandsbewegungen zusammen. Um Emmanuel d’Astier de La Vigerie bildet sich eine Gruppe namens La dernière Colonne, der auch der Philosoph Jean Cavaillès und das Ehepaar Aubrac angehören. Henri Frenay und Bertie Albrecht gründen eine Initiative, aus der später die Gruppe Combat hervorgehen wird. Mit der Verbreitung von Flugblättern und improvisierter Untergrundzeitungen rufen sie die Bevölkerung zu passivem Widerstand auf.

Die deutschen Besatzer bemühen sich von Anfang an vor allem um die Sicherheit ihrer Truppen. Ihre Taktik wird sich im Verlauf des Krieges nicht ändern: Sie versuchen, die Résistance-Gruppen zu unterwandern und zu zerschlagen. Der französische Marineoffizier Henri Honoré d’Estienne d‘Orves, der für France libre eine Funkverbindung nach London herstellt, wird im Januar 1941 von einem deutschen Agenten verraten, verhaftet und im August 1941 erschossen. Das Netzwerk Musée de l’Homme wird ebenfalls ausgehoben.

Dokureihe, Regie: Patrick Rotman (F 2020, 55 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 24/07/2023

Concierto de Aranjuez. II Adagio. Joaquín Rodrigo. Pablo Saínz Villegas/Carlos Kalmar/ORTVE

Mar 1, 2021 | Concierto ofrecido en el teatro Monumental de Madrid el 24 de abril de 2015. Por la orquesta de Radio y Televisión de España

Director: Carlos Kalmar.
Guitarra: Pablo Sáinz-Villegas

Dominic Raab Is Just the Latest Culprit – the Public Have Lost Faith in All Politicians

THE OBSERVER: Scandal after scandal has left our democracy in extremely poor health

And another one bites the dust. Dominic Raab is the third man to exit the cabinet during Rishi Sunak’s six months at Number 10 and the umpteenth minister to be sacked or compelled to quit during the long years of Conservative government. He was the deputy prime minister. That’s a big title, his departure has generated large headlines and he’s not gone quietly into the night, banging the door behind him with a lot of uncontrite noise about being treated unfairly.

Yet his fall will probably merit only a small paragraph in the histories of these years. I say that because resignations have been so common. Bullying, sexual predation, cronyism, rule-busting, law-breaking, illicit lobbying for commercial interests. Name a genre of bad behaviour and these years have served it up. All political eras have their share of scandal. The distinguishing characteristic of this one is that there have been so many of them and of so many different types. » | Andrew Rawnsley | Sunday, April 23, 2023


BoJo ist der Führer! Er ist auch der König! »

Die Krupps: Eine deutsche Saga - »Prozesse« (Teil3) | SPIEGEL TV (2012)

Apr 23, 2023 | Zwei verlorene Weltkriege belasten die Erben des Krupp-Imperiums. Ob es eine Zukunft gibt, ist im Frühjahr ungewiss. Schon seit Monaten liegt die Produktion in den Fabriken still. Der Mythos Krupp scheint gebrochen. Die Dynastie der Stahlmagnaten von der Ruhr, so sieht es aus, ist am Ende. SPIEGEL-TV-Autor Michael Kloft erzählt die Saga der einst mächtigsten Industriellenfamilie Deutschlands und ihres Stahl-Imperiums.

Teil 1 ist hier zuzuschauen und Teil 2 hier.

Elisabeth Kopp, Swiss Politician Who Made History, Dies at 86

THE NEW YORK TIMES: In 1984 she became the first woman elected to the country’s governing council, but a scandal prevented her from being the first woman to serve as president.

Elisabeth Kopp being sworn in as the first female member of the Federal Council, Switzerland’s governing body, in 1984. Her political foes had tried to deny her a seat by stirring up dirt about husband. | Keystone, via Associated Press

Elisabeth Kopp, who in 1984 overcame accusations involving her husband to become the first woman elected to Switzerland’s governing Federal Council — but who could not overcome another scandal a few years later, also related to her husband, and resigned when she had seemed likely to be the country’s first female president — died on April 7 in Zumikon, southeast of Zurich. She was 86. » | Neil Genzlinger | Saturday, April 22, 2023

Daniel Lacalle: The Bubble of Everything Is Back

April 23, 2023


In English

En español

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Chopin Nocturne No. 20 in C Sharp Minor, Op. Posth.Chanel Wang (14 Yr Old)

Feb 28, 2014 | Views on YouTube: 8,572,169

Chanel Wang.

Chris Brown - Forever | Official HD Video | Reupload

Oct 25, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 317,411,022

How to Cook Authentic Tunisian Shakshuka

Apr 4, 2022 | Shakshuka or Chakchouka as its locally known has been around for over 400 years and recently has become a worldwide phenomenon, and for good reason! It is easy to prepare and can be enjoyed for brunch, lunch, or even dinner. There are many claims to the origins of Shakshuka, my research seems to indicate it originated in Tunisia and that’s the recipe I’m sharing with you today. If however, you know different, please let me know in the comments below.

Sexual Attraction — Homosexuality | Documentary

May 13, 2017 | Old 1990s Documentary about Homosexuality and Same Sex Sexual Attraction. Aired on A&E Channel in year 2000s.

How France's Most Famous Cheese Is Made | Food Secrets

May 22, 2021 | Camembert, the famous white mold cheese is only a real Camembert if it was produced in Normandy, Northern France. There’s even a village called Camembert in the region – and it’s said that the cheese finds its origins nearby. During the French Revolution in 1791, farmer Marie Harel is said to have hidden a priest on her farm. In return, he revealed the secrets of cheese-making to her. That’s just the legend, though – here comes the true secret of French Camembert!

How Russia Aims to Kill Germany's Support for Ukraine | DW News

Apr 22, 2023 | According to sensitive Russian documents obtained by a European intelligence agency, the Kremlin is trying to engineer German public opinion and German election results to be sympathetic to Russia and hostile to Ukraine and its Western allies. The documents reportedly reveal how Kremlin officials are working to bring together two unlikely bedfellows, Germany's far-right party known as the AfD and Germany's extreme left party, known as the Linke.

The Washington Post has reviewed this trove of Russian documents, and conducted interviews with people close to both political parties. The Post reports that he documents record meetings between Kremlin officials and Russian political strategists, and the Kremlin's orders for the strategists to focus on Germany to build antiwar sentiment in Europe and dampen support for Ukraine.

Barry Humphries, Australian Comedian and Creator of Dame Edna Everage, Dies Aged 89

THE GUARDIAN: Famed for personas that also included the vulgar Sir Les Patterson, Humphries became a household name in a seven-decade career

‘Entertaining people gave me a great feeling of release’ … Barry Humphries in 2014. The Australian comedian and creator of Dame Edna Everage has died aged 89. Photograph: Claudio Raschella/Headpress

Barry Humphries, the Australian comedian and actor best known for his creations Dame Edna Everage and Sir Les Patterson, has died aged 89.

In a seven-decade career spanning theatre, television, books and film, Humphries was famed for his absurdist, discomfiting and transgressive humour, poking fun at Australian culture with his cast of personas, some of which would rank among the best-loved comedic creations of all time: Dame Edna Everage, the gaudy, waspish housewife from Moonee Ponds; Sir Les Patterson, the vulgar and boozy Australian cultural attaché; the fundamentally decent and senile Sandy Stone; and archetypal Aussie bloke Barry McKenzie.

Everage, in particular, took on a life of her own, landing several talkshows, an appearance on Saturday Night Live and a recurring role on the 1990s drama Ally McBeal. Humphries described Everage and Patterson in particular as “wonderful outlets. I’m very careful myself about what I might say. Edna and Sir Les, on the other hand, can point to the nudity of the emperor.”

A statement from his family read: “He was completely himself until the very end, never losing his brilliant mind, his unique wit and generosity of spirit. » | Sian Cain | Saturday, April 22, 2023


Barry Humphries obituary »

Barry Humphries was a master of provocation and glorious grotesquerie: Despite a legacy tainted by PC-baiting provocation, many will remember Humphries with affection as the carnivalesque Dame Edna and foul-mouthed Sir Les Patterson »

Michael Lambert: Britain's Economy Is a Sinking Ship Post Brexit

Apr 22, 2023

A very interesting and true analysis, but very depressing to boot. The UK is indeed like a sinking ship. In fact, it resembles the Titanic.

Many of the people who pushed for the madness of Brexit have fallen silent; indeed, so may of them are not to be seen anymore: they are lying low. The reason for this is clear: they can see the damage they have done to the UK economy and, by extension, to people’s lives and living standards.

Many, if not most, of those arch-Brexiteers, the ones pushing so hard for the UK to leave the EU were public school educated. The fiasco of Brexit is no advert for sending one’s child to be educated in such schools. It is clear that despite their outward erudition, they understand little about either economics or geopolitics. One could call them duffers.

Brexit should be reversed as soon as possible. Michel Barnier has stated in an interview that in spite of all, the EU would—surprisingly—accept us back. But clearly not on the favourable terms we had. Personally, I would welcome dumping the pound sterling in favour of the euro. Ever since the Great War, the value of sterling has declined precipitously anyway. Indeed, its value has generally halved every decade ever since about 1918.

Outside of the EU, the UK has no good future. This country belongs to the European family of nations. Vive le Royaume-Uni dans l'Union Européenne ! – © Mark Alexander

Friday, April 21, 2023

Schokokuchen | Karambolage | ARTE

Apr 9, 2021 | Essen Sie auch so gerne Schokoladenkuchen? Dann läuft Ihnen bestimmt das Wasser im Munde zusammen, wenn Sie Nikola Obermann zuhören. Autorin: Nikola Obermann

Regie: Clémence Gandillot
Video verfügbar bis 01/07/2050

This Is What Gay Love Looks Like. Get over It! | Reupload

Voici à quoi ressemble l'amour gay. Passer à autre chose. / So sieht schwule Liebe aus. Komm darüber hinweg.

Many thanks to Tumblr on Pinterest for this splendid photo.

The Guardian View on Dominic Raab’s Resignation: an Ungracious Departure

THE GUARDIAN: Despite being found to have acted as a bully, Mr Raab’s portrayal of himself as the real victim shows a telling lack of contrition

‘Despite being found to have acted in an “intimidating”, “insulting” and “aggressive” way with officials, Mr Raab suggested he was the real victim.’ Photograph: Leon Neal/Getty Images

For Dominic Raab, nothing so became him in office as the leaving of it. He resigned from his roles as justice secretary, lord chancellor and deputy prime minister after being judged to have broken the ministerial code for bullying civil servants. This was the finding reached in rather more lawyerly language by Adam Tolley KC. Over three months of interviews with 66 people, he examined complaints made during Mr Raab’s span as foreign secretary, justice secretary and Brexit secretary before delivering a damning verdict.

Despite being found to have acted in an “intimidating”, “insulting” and “aggressive” way with officials, Mr Raab suggested he was the real victim of a “Kafkaesque saga” in which he had faced an inquisition. His ungracious resignation letter, written in an apparent fit of pique, played into Brexiters’ permanent sense that their Gulliver was being tied down by Lilliputians in the civil service. In this alternative world, voters are disillusioned because the government is being constrained by people who have not been elected. » | Editorial | Friday, April 21, 2023

Wenn man stilvoll aussehen will, denkt man an die Trachten Österreichs

If one wants to look stylish, one thinks of the traditional costumes of Austria / Si l'on veut avoir l'air stylé, on pense aux costumes traditionnels d'Autriche

Für dieses schöne Foto bedanke ich mich bei Klaus Becker auf Pinterest.

Anton Karas : Seine grossen Erfolge auf der Zither | His Greatest Zither Successes

Oct 24, 2019 Beautifully remastered audio, including Der dritte Mann [The Third Man] - The Harry Lime Theme, Rosamunde, An der schönen blauen Donnau

With Love to All the Homophobes in Parts of the USA, Uganda and All Other Backward Regions and Countries in the World | Reupload

Mit Liebe an alle Homophoben in Teilen der USA, Uganda und allen anderen rückständigen Regionen und Ländern der Welt / Avec amour à tous les homophobes dans certaines parties des États-Unis, de l'Ouganda et de toutes les autres régions et pays arriérés du monde

With many thanks to Pinterest for this exciting and delightful image of two beautiful men sharing their love.

A Queer Priest on Leaving His Evangelical Church & Making Faith More Inclusive | Devout and Out

Apr 18, 2019 | After going through conversion therapy, marrying a woman and having children, Pip came out as gay. He’s now an Anglican priest who’s breaking new ground with queer-focused services at his church.

Full Interview: Frank Mugisha on New Anti-LGBTQ Bill in Uganda That Could Impose Death Penalty

WIKIPEDIA: Scott Lively.

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — April 21, 2023

The Village of the Ugly | Documentary

Apr 21, 2023 | “Ugliness is a virtue, beauty is slavery” This is the motto of the Ugly Club in the Italian village of Piobbico. Every year a festival of ugliness is held there where local residents reject the Italian cult of beauty.

The Village of the Ugly | Documentary
Available until the 16/04/2024

Why German Beer Is So Special | Food Secrets

Oct 30, 2021 | Germany’s beer is famous all around the world. There are between 6000 and 8000 different varieties of German beer, yet they’re all made from the same four ingredients – water, malt, hops, and yeast.

That’s no coincidence, it’s the law! The Reinheitsgebot – Germany’s beer purity regulations – came into effect in 1516 in Bavaria. The southern-German state is home to around half of all the country’s breweries. Of those, around half again are located in Franconia.

The Germans sure love their beer – it’s likely the most popular beverage in the land. The average German drinks some 100 liters of it every year. Intake definitely increases when the Oktoberfest – Germany’s largest festival – is held in Munich. Only two nations drink more beer than Germany; Austria and Czechia.

German master brewer Isabella Mereien, hops farmer Theresa Eisenrieder, and beer sommelier Markus Raupach explain how German beer is made, and how it became such a big deal here.

Report: Ruben Kalus
Camera: Marco Borowski/Rossi Kreuger
Edit: Frederik Willmann
Supervising editor: Elke Schwabor: Elke Schwab

Kevin Maguire Says 'Incompetent' Dominic Raab's Political Career Is Over'

Apr 21, 2023 | Dominic Raab's resignation letter is an 'utter disgrace' says Kevin Maguire. Kevin Maguire reacts to Dominic Raab's resignation, saying the former Deputy Prime Minister was 'incompetent, not very good at his job, and now officially a bully.' His resignation comes after an investigation into bullying allegations was handed to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

The Mirror homepage: Mirror


Royaume-Uni : démission du vice-premier ministre, Dominic Raab, accusé de harcèlement moral : Celui qui était également ministre de la justice dans le gouvernement de Rishi Sunak a annoncé sa décision vendredi, au lendemain de la parution d’un rapport confirmant les accusations à son encontre, même s’il continue de nier les faits. »


Britischer Vize-Premier Raab tritt zurück : In einem Schreiben teilt Dominic Raab mit, seine Posten als stellvertretender Regierungschef und Justizminister niederzulegen. Den größten Teil der Vorwürfe gegen ihn weist er zugleich zurück. »

RELATED: here and here.

With all these short-term appointments and frequent sackings in recent Tory administrations, it is surely time to think seriously of changing the famous black door of Number 10 with a revolving door! – © Mark Alexander

Väter der Türken | Doku HD | ARTE

Apr 19, 2023 | Dieses Jahr besteht der türkische Staat seit hundert Jahren und blickt auf große Herausforderungen. Gerade jetzt lohnt sich die Rückschau auf die turbulente Geschichte der jungen Nation, die insbesondere von zwei Männern geprägt wurde. Sie könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein: auf der einen Seite der weltliche Republikgründer Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, General und Revolutionär, auf der anderen der reaktionäre Neubegründer und religiöse Aktivist Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Doch der Schein trügt, denn beide teilen den Traum von Macht und das Streben nach Alleinherrschaft.

Wohin entwickelt sich die Türkei? Inwiefern stellt ihre Politik eine Bedrohung dar? Wie kam es dazu, dass die Türkei innerhalb eines Jahrhunderts den Wunsch, Teil Europas zu sein, gegen das Streben nach Vorherrschaft über die islamische Welt eintauschte? Der Dokumentarfilm lässt einhundert Jahre permanenter Unruhen und Krisen des Landes Revue passieren und setzt diese in den Wirkungskontext der beiden „Väter der Türken“, die auf den ersten Blick nicht unterschiedlicher sein könnten: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, weltlicher Republikgründer, General und Revolutionär auf der einen Seite, und Recep Tayyip Erdogan, reaktionärer Neubegründer und religiöser Aktivist auf der anderen Seite. Durch die Gegenüberstellung der beiden wichtigsten Protagonisten der Republikgeschichte wird das unbekannte Gesicht der Türkei zutage gefördert: von der Nationalisierung des Islam bis zur Islamisierung der Gesellschaft, von der Instrumentalisierung der Frauen bis zur Manipulation der Moderne, vom Unabhängigkeitskrieg bis zum bewaffneten Grenzeinsatz, von der Nato bis zum IS und von der Abschaffung des Kalifats bis zu seiner Wiederauferstehung beim sogenannten Islamischen Staat. Doch auch die Gespenster der Vergangenheit, die unauslöschlich mit den Entstehungsjahren der Türkei verbunden sind, werden nicht ausgespart: der Völkermord an den Armeniern im Jahr 1915, die Vertreibung der Griechen 1923, die Verfolgung von Kurden und Aleviten ab 1928, die systematische Ausmerzung alles Andersartigen. Unveröffentlichte Archivaufnahmen und Berichte von türkischen Dissidenten, die der Freiheit nicht abgeschworen haben, liefern den Schlüssel zum Verständnis der geopolitischen Krise, die heute die ganze Welt erfasst.

Dokumentarfilm von Nicolas Glimois (F 2018, 91 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 14/07/2023

UK Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab Resigns over Bullying Report - BBC News

Apr 21, 2023 | Dominic Raab has resigned as UK justice secretary and deputy prime minister after an inquiry into allegations of bullying. The five-month probe, by a senior lawyer, was set up by UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak after complaints about Mr Raab's behaviour as a minister. In a letter to Mr Sunak, Mr Raab said he would resign if the inquiry "made any finding of bullying whatsoever".

Dominic Raab Resigns as Deputy PM after Bullying Allegations

THE GUARDIAN: Minister’s exit after complaints over dealings with civil servants is major blow to prime minister Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak appointed a leading employment barrister to investigate the allegations against Dominic Raab (above). Photograph: Toby Melville/Reuters

Dominic Raab has resigned as the UK’s deputy prime minister and as justice secretary after months of allegations about bullying behaviour in the Ministry of Justice and other Whitehall departments.

The senior Conservative MP had faced multiple formal complaints over his dealings with civil servants, including claims, first revealed by the Guardian, that he bullied and belittled staff, driving some to tears or causing them to vomit before meetings.

The departure of such a close political ally is a major blow to Rishi Sunak who will face questions over his judgment after allowing Raab to stay in post while an investigation by Adam Tolley KC, a leading employment barrister, was held. » | Pippa Crerar and Aubrey Allegretti | Friday, April 21, 2023


Dominic Raab’s abrasive political career hits the buffers: Hints about his behaviour emerged long ago amid his ministerial rises and falls »

Another political career of an avowed Brexiteer bites the dust. Many more political careers still to go! – Mark

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Ina Garten: The 60 Minutes Interview

Dec 26, 2022 | Sharyn Alfonsi speaks with the "Barefoot Contessa" about her journey to becoming one of the country's most beloved cooks.

What Makes Real Champagne So Expensive | Food Secrets | DW Food

Dec 11, 2021 | Vintage Champagne or Cuveé, Brut, Semi-Sec, Sec, Grand Cru or Premier Cru, Blanc de blancs, Blanc de Noir, Rosé. All of the above made Marlene Dietrich feel like every day was a Sunday. Napoleon saw it both as a victory treat and a well needed consolation prize after a defeat.

Champagne is the epitome of France's bubbly pleasure. France without champagne would be like Paris without the Eiffel Tower. Worldwide, the upscale liquid is synonymous with luxury and festivity.

The small region of Champagne is the only place in the world that can legally produce Champagne wine. Laurence Ployez, winemaker, and cellar master, tells us the secrets of Champagne: how the special flavors characteristic for this golden liquid are extracted out of the grapes and what is important in the production process. The historian of champagne Patrick Demouy reveals how the champagne was invented. And how to best enjoy the excellent taste experience with its numerous flavors explains the chef Stéphane Rossillon.

Report: Regina Niedenzu
Camera: Dirk Rensmann
Editing: Dirk Rensmann

Asia Heatwave Pushing Temperatures to Record Levels

Apr 19, 2023 | Laos is the latest country to set a new all-time record as Luang Prabang reached 42.7°C (109°F) Tuesday, according to weather historian Maximiliano Herrera. Over the weekend, Thailand topped 45°C (113°F) for the first time in its history, according to Herrera, using data from the Thai Meteorological Department. On Monday, more than 100 weather stations in 12 provinces broke their April temperature record, according to climatologist Jim Yang. In the tropics, which encompasses much of Asia, people could be exposed to dangerous heat most days of the year, the study found. Days of “extremely dangerous heat”

Pot Roast with Barefoot Contessa | Cook Like a Pro | Food Network | Reupload

Mar 4, 2020 | Cooking for company

Haute Couture by Jacques Fath, Paris 1950

A white tailored alpaca dress by Jacques Fath in 1950. Photo by Georges Saad.

Many thanks to on Pinterest for this reminder of 1950s elegance.

WIKIPEDIA: Jacques Fath.

Camilla Had No ‘End Game’ and Married King Charles for Love, Her Son Says

THE GUARDIAN: Tom Parker Bowles’s comments will be seen as defending his mother against claims from Prince Harry

Tom Parker Bowles (left) with Camilla in 2015. He said she had ‘never complained’ about her royal role. Photograph: Joe Giddens/PA

The son of Camilla, the queen consort, has defended her against claims she played an “end game” in her relationship with the future king, maintaining she had simply “married the person she loved”.

The food writer Tom Parker Bowles said: “I think change happens but I don’t care what anyone says – this wasn’t any sort of end game. She married the person she loved and this is what happened.”

His remarks, made on the News Agents podcast, will be seen as countering allegations by his stepbrother, the Duke of Sussex, who was highly critical of Camilla in his memoir Spare. » | Caroline Davies | Thursday, April 20, 2023

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — April 20, 2023

Latter Gay Story: Joel Jacks | I Tried to Do Everything Right

April 20, 2023 | Joel was raised in an orthodox Mormon home, where rules were king—he never met a rule he didn't follow. His upbringing was one of “exact obedience”. PBS and KBYU were the only TV shows they were allowed to watch. He knew he was different but didn’t have words to describe what that difference was.

Family life for Joel was tenuous, to put it kindly. While serving a mission he was released early to come back to Utah for conversion therapy. His parents refused to pick him up at the airport.

Joel shares his story navigating his religion and his sexuality. He was a former member and employee of the Mormon church, held stake callings and served as an early morning seminary teacher. After doing all the “Mormon” things, like serving a mission, getting married in the temple, having kids, and serving the church, he still couldn’t reconcile an intrinsic part of who he is.

Ärztemangel in Frankreichs Dörfern | ARTE Re:

Apr 20, 2023 | Heute verzichten Millionen Franzosen auf ihr Recht auf den Zugang zu medizinischer Versorgung, weil sie arm sind, weil sie auf dem Land leben und auch, weil in Frankreich, vor allem auf dem Land, Ärzte fehlen. Die Kluft zwischen Stadt und Land vergrößerte sich dramatisch in den letzten 20 Jahren.

In den sogenannten medizinischen Wüsten Frankreichs ist es schwierig, Zugang zu medizinischer Versorgung zu erhalten. Es ist schwierig, einen Facharzt aufzusuchen, wenn man in einem kleinen Dorf wohnt, kein Auto hat und Dutzende Kilometer bis zur nächsten Stadt zurücklegen muss. Es ist schwer zu überleben, wenn man Bauer ist, eine mickrige Rente hat, arbeitslos ist oder seit vielen Jahren krank.

Das obere Aude-Tal erstreckt sich über drei Departements: Aude, Ariège und Pyrénées Orientales. Die Landschaft ist spektakulär und idyllisch, doch das Gebiet gehört zu den am stärksten benachteiligten Departements: Die Arbeitslosenquote ist hoch, und die veraltete Landwirtschaft hat Schwierigkeiten, sich zu wandeln. Im Hochtal der Aude kämpfen Gesundheitsmediatoren, Ärzte und Hilfsorganisationen wie Ärzte ohne Grenzen dafür, dass die Ärmsten ihr Recht auf eine Gesundheitsversorgung endlich wieder wahrnehmen können.

Reportage (F 2022, 32 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 20/05/2023

As Xi Befriends World Leaders, He Hardens His Stance on the U.S.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: China has rebuffed calls to restart high-level talks with the United States, raising the risk of confrontation in contested areas like the Taiwan Strait.

China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, has rolled out the red carpet for President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil, lauding him as “an old friend of the Chinese people.” He has sipped tea in a garden with President Emmanuel Macron of France, treating him to a performance of an ancient Chinese zither. And he has talked on the phone with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, offering well wishes for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

But even as Mr. Xi has offered a glad hand to those and other world leaders in recent weeks, it has been only the cold shoulder for the United States. China has rebuffed attempts by the Biden administration to restart high-level talks and lower tensions over Taiwan. And Mr. Xi’s government has intensified a campaign of ridicule and criticism of the United States and Western democracy. » | David Pierson | Thursday, April 20, 2023

Yellen to Call for ‘Constructive’ China Relationship: The Treasury secretary will strike a more conciliatory note in a speech Thursday, following months of escalated tensions between the world’s two largest economies. »

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

UK Will Sign Deal Paying in to EU Budget within 15 Years, Says Ryanair Boss

THE GUARDIAN: Michael O’Leary says Brexit is ‘unbelievably messy’ and a ‘net negative’ on the British economy

Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary launched a fresh attack on Brexit. Photograph: Thierry Monasse/Getty Images

The boss of Ryanair, Michael O’Leary, has launched a fresh attack on Brexit, describing it as “unbelievably messy” and predicting the UK would end up signing a Norway-style deal with the EU in the next 10 to 15 years under which it would pay into the bloc’s budget.

The outspoken chief executive of the Irish budget airline said over the next three to five years, the UK’s departure from the EU would be “net negative on the UK economy, no question about it”.

O’Leary said the UK’s longer term relationship with its closest trading partner depended “on what the British establishment or future UK governments do”. However, he said he believed that the UK would “in the next 10 to 15 years” strike a “trade deal with Europe, similar to Norway or Switzerland”. » | oanna Partridge | Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Brexit was a stupid idea put forward by duffers. — © Mark Alexander

Latter Gay Stories: Jake Shepherd | I Was Unprepared to Come Out

Premiered Feb 24, 2023 | At age 10 Jake was mercilessly bullied, the kids called him “gay” a word he didn’t understand. Using the family’s dial-up internet connection Jake turned to Google to better understand the word. A life of pain ensued.

It would take Jake nearly seven years to finally say, "I am gay," out loud. And in the wake of that coming out arose a sexual assault, shame, and depression, all factors that convinced him to retreat back into the closet and further into Mormonism’s seemingly safe protection.

Jake’s story is one of healing, rising above the pain, setting religion aside, and finding strength and hope in the path ahead.

So gedenkt Bundespräsident Steinmeier dem Aufstand im Warschauer Ghetto

Streamed live 5 hours ago | Vor 80 Jahren begann der Aufstand im Warschauer Ghetto. Jüdinnen und Juden kämpften gegen die deutschen Besatzer, um ihre Deportation zu verhindern. Verfolgen Sie die Gedenkrede von Bundespräsident Steinmeier live.

App and Cyber Security: The Risks Are Real | DW Business

Apr 7, 2023 | The latest revelations about a private IT company building malware for Russian intelligence services have again put cyber security in the spotlight. In Ukraine, the Kremlin's war rages on thanks also to cyber-attacks on local infrastructure. Meanwhile, tensions between the US and China are increasing over the question of whether TikTok poses a threat to American national security. Critics say the video sharing app is collecting way more information than it needs to, while its makers face the requirement of handing over user data to the Chinese government. The latest news surrounding China's Pinduduo shopping app has cyber security experts concerned as well.

How to Make Authentic Fried Mussels | Moules frites

Apr 15, 2023 | Moules frites are quite a simple dish - but they make Belgian hearts beat faster. Along with waffles, chocolates, and beer, this dish is the embodiment of Belgian cuisine. We'll show you the basic recipe and most important steps, how fries are prepared in Belgium, and how to check the quality of fresh mussels. Bon appetit !

Report: Rosie Birchard Camera: Adriaan De Loore
Edit: Adriaan De Loore
Supervising editor: Ruben Kalus

A Guide to Spain's Famous Snack Culture

Apr 8, 2023 | Spain without tapas? Simply inconceivable! These little appetizers are found in seemingly endless varieties across Spain. But what do you need to know about Spanish tapas? Let’s find out.

Report: Diana Piñeros Camera: Jochen Bartelt
Edit: Nora Rehn

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — April 19, 2023

Zu Tisch ... in La Garrotxa | ARTE

Apr 1, 2023 | Erloschene Vulkane und mittelalterliche Dörfer prägen die Garrotxa, eine kleine katalanische Region im Nordosten Spaniens. Wurst und Fleisch vom Schwein haben hier eine lange Tradition und sind von höchster Qualität. Fermí Corominas ist Schweinezüchter und Metzger. Seine Spezialität: Botifara – eine gekochte Wurst, die kalt und warm, süß und salzig gegessen wird.

Erloschene Vulkane und mittelalterliche Dörfer: die Garrotxa, eine kleine katalanische Region im Nordosten Spaniens, die Pyrenäen sind nicht weit. Die Küche der Garrotxa ist von höchster Qualität, insbesondere Wurst- und Fleischwaren vom Schwein haben hier eine lange Tradition. Die Botifarra ist eine gekochte Wurst, die in vielen Variationen, kalt und warm, süß und salzig, morgens, mittags und abends gegessen wird. Es gibt sie als Blutwurst, süß mit Honig, als Leberwurst und als Bratwurst. Fermí Corominas ist Schweinezüchter und Metzger. Auf seine teilweise selbst kreierten Variationen der Botifarra und der Fuet – einer getrockneten Wurst – ist er besonders stolz. Fermí bietet über 30 verschiedene Wurstsorten an. Gern experimentiert er dabei mit alten Rezepten und neuen Varianten. Zusammen mit seinem Sohn Terenci versucht er sich nun an einer Bierbotifarra. Fermís Frau Paqui stammt aus Andalusien und musste sich zunächst an die Gerichte der Garrotxa gewöhnen. Zusammen mit ihrer Schwester probiert sie sich an den Patates d’Olot, einem typischen Gericht der Region: frittierte Kartoffelscheiben mit einer pürierten Gemüse-Fleisch-Füllung. Und für eine Ballonfahrt über die vulkanische Landschaft backen die beiden Coca de Llardons – einen Schwartenkuchen. Wichtigster Bestandteil sind die Llardons genannten frittierten Schweineschwarten. Fermí Corominas legt Wert auf eine schonende Schweinehaltung. Früher hatte er bis zu 4.000 Tiere, jetzt sind es nur noch wenige Hundert. Seine Schweine hat er selbst gekreuzt, sie wachsen deutlich langsamer und werden größer und schwerer als die üblichen Industrieschweine.

Esskulturreihe, Regie: Claus Wischmann (D 2017, 27 Min)
Verfügbar bis zum 02.05.2023

What Cannabis Legalization in Germany Will Look Like | DW News

Apr 16, 2023 | Germany is pulling back on plans for a broad commercialization of cannabis following some political opposition, as well as concerns from EU. Government ministers presented the new plan this week, calling for a 'model-project' to precede any further commercial sales. New legislation would otherwise legalize possession of up to 25 grams of cannabis and allow private growth of up three plants. It would also permit so-called 'Cannabis Clubs' for adult consumption. Under the new concept, a nationwide commercialization of cannabis would only come after a 5-year model project with a more limited scale. The exact outlines of the model, including the area involved, have yet to be clarified. But the plan calls for scientific- and policy-evaluation along the way, with results to be offered to the EU.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Ina Garten's Skillet-roasted Lemon Chicken | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Apr 10, 2023

For the full ingredients and the method of preparation, please cleck here and then click on “Show more”.

India's Top Court Opens Landmark Hearings on Same-sex Marriage | DW News

Apr 18, 2023 | In India, homosexuality is legally permitted, but same-sex unions have not been recognized yet. That could change soon: Beginning April 18, India's Supreme Court will start hearing final arguments to determine whether same-sex marriages should be legalized. Gay couples in the country currently face hurdles when it comes to adoption, inheritance and alimony, among other issues. The disparities of treatment between heterosexual and homosexual couples is also noticeable at many levels. For example, Kanav Sahgal, a writer on LGBTQ issues who works for the think tank Vidhi Center for Legal Policy, explains that hospitals usually require a patient undergoing a procedure to fill in the name of their spouse, mother, father or another person. Currently, he says, gay persons can only fill in their partner's names under "other."