Sunday, October 02, 2022

Brasilien wählt, doch Bolsonaro will nichts anderes als einen Wahlsieg akzeptieren

NEUE ZURCHER ZEITUNG: Das grösste Land Lateinamerikas wählt an diesem Sonntag. Präsident Jair Bolsonaro sät Zweifel am elektronischen Wahlsystem. Seine Anhänger sind bewaffnet. Es drohen gewalttätige Unruhen. Die Urnen schliessen um 22 Uhr mitteleuropäischer Zeit.

Präsident Jair Bolsonaro mit Anhängern an einer Wahlveranstaltung in Santos. | Andre Penner / AP

Er werde das Wahlergebnis akzeptieren – solange bei den Wahlen alles mit rechten Dingen zugehe, wiederholt Präsident Jair Bolsonaro fast täglich gegenüber seinen Anhängern. Alles andere als ein hoher Wahlsieg seinerzeit im ersten Wahlgang von diesem Sonntag deute darauf hin, dass irgendetwas falsch laufe im Obersten Wahlgericht.

Mit der kühnen Behauptung des Wahlsieges scheint der Präsident seine Anhänger auf die drohende Niederlage bei seiner Wiederwahl vorbereiten zu wollen. Denn es sieht nicht gut für ihn aus: In den Umfragen der renommierten Institute Ipec und Datafolha liegt sein Kontrahent Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva 14 Prozentpunkte vor ihm. Ein Wahlsieg des Ex-Präsidenten Lula schon im ersten Wahldurchgang erscheint möglich.

Um eine mögliche Niederlage im Vorfeld zu diskreditieren, attackiert Bolsonaro die elektronischen Wahlurnen. Das macht er seit Beginn seiner Regierung 2019. Dabei hat er nie Belege vorlegen können, die seine Behauptungen stützen. Er selbst wurde sechs Mal mit diesem System als Abgeordneter für Rio de Janeiro und schliesslich zum Präsidenten gewählt. » | Alexander Busch, Salvador | Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2022

Brazil: A Nation Divided | FT Film

Latin America’s largest nation is facing its most important election in decades as Jair Bolsonaro and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva square off amid deep political and cultural polarisation. FT Brazil bureau chief Bryan Harris travels the nation to look at the enormous economic and social challenges facing the next president. He meets wealthy farmers, truckers, evangelicals and those facing food insecurity

Jour de vote au Brésil : Lula favori, désinformation et tensions... ce qu’il faut savoir sur le scrutin : Les campagnes de désinformation et les attaques contre le système électoral font craindre des tensions après l’annonce des résultats. L’ancien président Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva est le favori. »

Brazil Elections 2022: It's Bolsonaro vs Lula, Explained

A former leader seeking a comeback and a polarising far-right president. It's Lula da Silva vs Jair Bolsonaro as elections get underway in Brazil. If neither manages to secure at least 50-per-cent of the vote - there will be a run off election later this month.

A Picture Paints a Thousand Words.

Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte. / Une image vaut mille mots.

With many thanks to L.T. on Pinterest for this really great photo.

Who Are the Russians Resisting Putin's Ukraine War Draft? | Focus on Europe

Putin has announced an emergency partial mobilization because of the war in Ukraine, but many Russians are refusing to join.

The French Revolution | Documentary

The French Revolution (French: Révolution française [ʁevɔlysjɔ̃ fʁɑ̃sɛːz]) was a period of far-reaching social and political upheaval in France that lasted from 1789 until 1799, and was partially carried forward by Napoleon during the later expansion of the French Empire. The Revolution overthrew the monarchy, established a republic, experienced violent periods of political turmoil, and finally culminated in a dictatorship under Napoleon that rapidly brought many of its principles to Western Europe and beyond. Inspired by liberal and radical ideas, the Revolution profoundly altered the course of modern history, triggering the global decline of absolute monarchies while replacing them with republics and liberal democracies. Through the Revolutionary Wars, it unleashed a wave of global conflicts that extended from the Caribbean to the Middle East. Historians widely regard the Revolution as one of the most important events in human history.

The causes of the French Revolution are complex and are still debated among historians. Following the Seven Years' War and the American Revolutionary War, the French government was deeply in debt and attempted to restore its financial status through unpopular taxation schemes, which were heavily regressive. Years of bad harvests leading up to the Revolution also inflamed popular resentment of the privileges enjoyed by the clergy and the aristocracy. Demands for change were formulated in terms of Enlightenment ideals and contributed to the convocation of the Estates-General in May 1789. The first year of the Revolution saw members of the Third Estate (commoners) taking control, the assault on the Bastille in July, the passage of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in August, and a women's march on Versailles that forced the royal court back to Paris in October. A central event of the first stage, in August 1789, was the abolition of feudalism and the old rules and privileges left over from the Ancien Régime. The next few years featured political struggles between various liberal assemblies and right-wing supporters of the monarchy intent on thwarting major reforms. The Republic was proclaimed in September 1792 after the French victory at Valmy. In a momentous event that led to international condemnation, Louis XVI was executed in January 1793.

External threats closely shaped the course of the Revolution. The Revolutionary Wars beginning in 1792 ultimately featured French victories that facilitated the conquest of the Italian Peninsula, the Low Countries and most territories west of the Rhine – achievements that had eluded previous French governments for centuries. Internally, popular agitation radicalised the Revolution significantly, culminating in the rise of Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobins. The dictatorship imposed by the Committee of Public Safety during the Reign of Terror, from 1793 until 1794, established price controls on food and other items, abolished slavery in French colonies abroad, dechristianised society through the creation of a new calendar and the expulsion of religious figures, and secured the borders of the new republic from its enemies. Large numbers of civilians were executed by revolutionary tribunals during the Terror, with estimates ranging from 16,000 to 40,000. After the Thermidorian Reaction, an executive council known as the Directory assumed control of the French state in 1795. The rule of the Directory was characterised by suspended elections, debt repudiations, financial instability, persecutions against the Catholic clergy, and significant military conquests abroad.[7] Dogged by charges of corruption, the Directory collapsed in a coup led by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1799. Napoleon, who became the hero of the Revolution through his popular military campaigns, went on to establish the Consulate and later the First Empire, setting the stage for a wider array of global conflicts in the Napoleonic Wars.

The modern era has unfolded in the shadow of the French Revolution. Almost all future revolutionary movements looked back to the Revolution as their predecessor, Its central phrases and cultural symbols, such as La Marseillaise and Liberté, fraternité, égalité, ou la mort, became the clarion call for other major upheavals in modern history, including the Russian Revolution over a century later.

The values and institutions of the Revolution dominate French politics to this day. The Revolution resulted in the suppression of the feudal system, the emancipation of the individual, the greater division of landed property, the abolition of the privileges of noble birth and the nominal establishment of equality. The French Revolution differed from other revolutions in being not merely national, for it aimed at benefiting all humanity.

Globally, the Revolution accelerated the rise of republics and democracies.

Jacob Rees-Mogg’s Business Partner Given Senior Minister Role

THE GUARDIAN: City financier who co-founded investment firm with business secretary is made trade minister

Jacob Rees-Mogg and other senior cabinet members face questions about being too close to the City. Photograph: Paul Ellis/AFP/Getty Images

The City business partner of Jacob Rees-Mogg has been handed a peerage and job as a senior minister by Liz Truss’s government in a move likely to trigger accusations of cronyism.

Dominic Johnson, a financier who co-founded Somerset Capital Management with Rees-Mogg, was appointed as a minister in the Cabinet Office and the Department for International Trade.

The announcement was slipped out on the government’s website, which said he had been appointed as of Sunday.

The appointment is likely to be controversial at a time when Truss, her chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, and Rees-Mogg face questions about being too close to the City, after the mini-budget handed substantial tax cuts to financiers and the wealthy. » | Rowena Mason, Whitehall editor | Sunday, October 2, 2022

WTF! This administration is as corrupt as corrupt can be! Talk about jobs for the boys … this is it! This country’s government behaves in a way one would expect a banana republic’s government to behave. Kick these corrupt Tories out of office forthwith!

It would appear that they have already lost the next election. Now, Parliament has to find a way of bringing the date of the election forward. – © Mark Alexander

Imam und schwul: Kampf für einen toleranten Islam | DW Reporter

Ludovic Mohamed Zahed will einen Islam, der mit LGBTQ-Minderheiten toleranter umgeht. Muslim und schwul sein zu können, ohne sich dafür schämen oder sich verstecken zu müssen, dafür kämpft er.

Zahed hat in Algerien eine Ausbildung zum Imam durchlaufen. In der Heimat traute er sich nicht, über seine Homosexualität zu sprechen. Erst in Marseille outete er sich. Zahed ist Initiator der ersten inklusiven Moschee Frankreichs und des Calem-Instituts in Marseille, wo er neue Imame in einem fortschrittlicheren Islam ausbildet. Eigentlich sind gleichgeschlechtliche Ehen im Islam tabu. Aber Zahed will neue Wege beschreiten - und scheut sich nicht, dieses Tabu zu umgehen und homosexuellen Paaren ihren größten Wunsch zu erfüllen.

Asking Londoners What They Think of Liz Truss

Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng are pulling the piss! Kick them out of office! The French got it right in 1789!

Outrageous Pulled Pork | Jamie Oliver | ONE

This is a principles recipe - the most delicious pulled pork extravaganza that you can use however you want, from pizza toppings to burger buns it's sure to be a crowd pleaser. Using just simple ingredients, you'll get about 15 portions out of this so feed a crowd or mix it up with different meal ideas, either way you're on to a winner. Recipe from Jamie's latest book ONE.

Das Oktoberfest in München - zwischen zünftiger Gaudi und Massenexzess | ZDF.reportage

Das größte Volksfest der Welt, Millionen Besucherinnen und Besucher, Millionen Maß Bier. Für viele ist es eine zünftige Gaudi, für andere ein Massenexzess. Aber für die meisten ist es einfach: das Oktoberfest. Das größte Zelt bietet Platz für 9.800 Besucherinnen und Besucher aus München, Bayern und der ganzen Welt. "Die Krüge hoch!", ruft der Kapellmeister, und die durstigen Gäste folgen brav. Tausendfach klackert die Maß beim Anstoßen: Wieder ist ein Hektoliter Bier weggetrunken.

Mit dabei: Alina und Laura, 18 und 20 Jahre alt, zum ersten Mal als Erwachsene auf der Wiesn. Sie und ihre Clique wollen bis zur Sperrstunde Spaß haben. Ein klarer Plan nach mehr als zwei Jahren ohne Oktoberfest. Die Wirte hoffen, dass es so gut wie vor Corona läuft: Die Wiesn, das ist Gastronomie im XXL-Format. Wie am Fließband werden Hähnchen auf Drehspieße gesteckt und Schnitzel paniert. Das Bier kommt per Leitung direkt aus einem der Großtanks – das Holzfass in der Schenke ist meist nur noch Fassade. Nachts, wenn die letzten Gäste gegangen sind, füllen Tanklaster alles wieder auf.

Tagsüber schleppen Hundertschaften an Bedienungen von früh bis spät Hendl, Bier und mehr für die Gäste. 500 Maß am Tag können es schon mal sein, wenn's gut läuft. Der Lohn und die Trinkgelder sind gut. Nur das Gedränge und den Lärm muss man vertragen – diesmal 17 Tage am Stück.

Der Job der "Brotverkäuferinnen" ist reserviert für Geringverdiener. Nicht jeder Tag läuft gut, aber am Ende reicht es hoffentlich für einen kleinen Urlaub, trotz magerer Rente. Früher war mehr drin. Doch die Konkurrenz ist groß: Drinnen im Bierzelt gibt's die Brezen inzwischen auch an den Platz gebracht – oder es steht gleich ein ganzes Brotzeitbrettl auf dem Tisch.

Von früh bis spät buhlen Schausteller und Marktkaufleute um Kundschaft. Familie Kaiser hat fast so viele Fahrgeschäfte wie Familienmitglieder. Auf der Wiesn steht beinahe der gesamte Kaiser-Clan mit Hightech-Karussells und Achterbahnen vereint auf einem Platz – und gewährt einen Einblick ins Rauf und Runter einer Branche, die sich immer weiterentwickeln muss.

Das Teufelsrad ist das Gegenmodell: Familie Polaczy hat das uralte Fahrgeschäft geerbt – die Schaustellerei ist für die drei Generationen nur ein Nebenjob. Die Idee dieses "Karussells" ist genial einfach: Wer es am längsten schafft, sich auf einer drehenden Scheibe zu halten, den feiern sie – wer vorher abrutscht oder weggekegelt wird, füttert die Schadenfreude der Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer. "Ein Leben ohne Wiesn", sagt Elisabeth Polaczy und spricht damit vielen aus der Seele, "ist undenkbar."

Eine "ZDF.reportage" über das Oktoberfest in München, das nun endlich wieder stattfindet.

Der Fall von Liman ist ein weiteres Desaster für Russland – nun rechnen führende Kommandanten öffentlich mit dem Generalstab ab

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die Ukrainer rücken an verschiedenen Fronten vor und wollen vor dem Winter möglichst grosse Geländegewinne erzielen. In Moskau hofft man auf den Effekt der Teilmobilisierung, doch die Nerven liegen blank.

Ukrainische Soldaten posieren vor einem Verwaltungsgebäude in der befreiten Stadt Liman. | Oleksiy Biloshytskyi / Reuters

Als Russlands Armee im Frühling aus der Umgebung von Kiew floh, verkaufte dies Moskau als «Geste des guten Willens», den chaotischen Rückzug aus Kupjansk und Isjum als «Umgruppierung». Doch als der Fall der strategisch bedeutsamen Stadt Liman am Samstagnachmittag nicht mehr zu verheimlichen war, verzichtete die Militärführung für einmal auf Euphemismen: «Angesichts der Gefahr einer Einkesselung wurden die alliierten Truppen abgezogen», erklärte das Verteidigungsministerium.

Ob diese auf «eine günstigere Position» zurückwichen, wie es im zweiten Teil der Meldung hiess, darf hingegen bezweifelt werden. Am Samstagabend gab es in der Stadt weiterhin Scharmützel, es blieb unklar, wie vielen der geschätzt 5000 russischen Soldaten die Flucht gelang. Das ukrainische Verteidigungsministerium erklärte dazu nur, die Mehrheit habe sich «entweder in Gefangenschaft begeben oder in Leichensäcke ‹verlagert›». In Videos auf sozialen Medien sind Tote Russen und Kriegsgefangene zu sehen, sie erlauben aber keinen Rückschluss auf genaue Zahlen. » | Ivo Mijnssen, Wien | Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2022

Related link.

Le Brésil aux urnes : entre Bolsonaro et Lula, un choix décisif sous tension

LE MONDE : A la veille du scrutin présidentiel, qui se tient dimanche, le président sortant d’extrême droite tentait de rattraper son retard sur le candidat de gauche.

Lors d’une retransmission en extérieur du débat présidentiel, à Rio de Janeiro, jeudi 29 septembre 2022. MATIAS DELACROIX / AP

Le « choc des titans » est enfin arrivé. Celui-ci oppose, lors de l’élection présidentielle, dimanche 2 octobre, les deux plus grandes figures politiques actuelles du Brésil : à l’extrême droite, le chef de l’Etat sortant, Jair Bolsonaro, et à gauche, l’ancien syndicaliste et président (2003-2011), Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Un duel au sommet, aussi historique que périlleux, dans un pays polarisé et électrisé comme jamais.

A la veille du scrutin, les sondages donnaient la gauche largement en tête. Lula obtiendrait 50 % des votes exprimés (hors blancs et nuls), contre 36 % à Jair Bolsonaro, selon la dernière enquête de l’institut Datafolha, laissant entrevoir la possibilité d’une victoire du chef de file du Parti des travailleurs (PT) dès le premier tour. Les tenants de la troisième voie, le travailliste Ciro Gomes et la centriste Simone Tebet, plafonnent respectivement à 6 % et 5 % d’intentions de vote, contre 0 % à 1 % pour les sept candidats restants. » | Par Bruno Meyerfeld (Rio de Janeiro, correspondant) | samedi 1 octobre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Cacio e Pepe: Original vs. Gourmet (Grilled) with Errico Recanati - Andreina*

Errico Recanati's Cacio e Pepe is the result of the great research work that the chef of Andreina Restaurant has been carrying out for years on the grilling process. After the classic version of the recipe not to be confused with Mac & Cheese, Recanati illustrates the different steps to make his signature dish with smoke, flames and a selection of 7 peppers from all over the world. A cacio e pepe that challenges commonplaces about pasta but above all a recipe to be handled with extreme caution.

Zelensky Says Russia’s Retreat Is a Sign of Its Weak Position in the East

A photo provided by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Service of President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday in Kyiv. | Ukrainian Presidential Press Service, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

THE NEW YORK TIMES: President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine quickly sought to capitalize politically on the Russian retreat from the crucial rail hub of Lyman, saying that it showed that Moscow’s attempt to illegally annex much of the country was an “absolute farce.”

On Friday, after Russian-appointed officials held discredited referendums in four partially occupied areas of Ukraine, the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin, announced that the areas, including Donetsk Province, where Lyman is, would be absorbed into Russia and that its people would be Russian citizens “forever.”

Mr. Putin claimed the residents in those provinces had voted overwhelmingly to join the Russian Federation, but Ukraine and its Western allies dismissed the referendums as shams, as most of the citizens had fled the region and many of those left behind were forced to cast ballots at gunpoint. » | James C. McKinley Jr. | Sunday, October 2, 2022

Kwasi Kwarteng ‘Attended Champagne Party with Financiers on Mini-budget Day’

THE GUARDIAN: Guests, which included hedge fund managers, allegedly congratulated the chancellor and told him to ‘double down’

Two sources said Kwarteng described the day of the mini-budget announcement as a ‘great day for freedom’. Photograph: BBC News

Kwasi Kwarteng reportedly attended a private champagne reception with hedge fund managers at the home of a Conservative donor on the same day he delivered his mini-budget.

The chancellor is alleged to have given guests information about forthcoming government spending cuts during the event at the west London home of Andrew Law, a financier, on the evening of Friday 23 September.

Kwarteng’s mini-budget earlier in the day, which introduced a £45bn package of tax cuts that will mostly benefit the richest fifth of households, triggered economic turmoil – with sterling collapsing to its lowest level since 1985 and the Bank of England acting to save pension funds.

The Labour leader, Keir Starmer, has called for the recall of parliament to address the financial crisis. » | Nadeem Badshah | Sunday, October 2, 2022

Protesters Attack French Embassy in Burkina Faso over Allegedly Harbouring Ousted President

THE GUARDIAN: West African bloc denounced the country’s second military coup in nine months, saying it was ‘inappropriate’

Angry protesters have attacked the French embassy in Burkina Faso’s capital after supporters of the west African nation’s new coup leader accused France of harbouring the ousted interim president, a charge French authorities vehemently denied.

Lt Col Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba was overthrown late on Friday less than nine months after he mounted a coup in Burkina Faso, which has been failing to effectively counter rising violence by Islamic extremists.

Comments by a junta spokesperson on Saturday set into motion an outburst of anger in Ouagadougou, the capital. » | Associated Press in Ouagadougou | Saturday, October 1, 2022

Related links.

Saturday, October 01, 2022

Voters Abandon Tories as Faith in Economic Competence Dives

THE OBSERVER: Conservative MPs urge Liz Truss’s removal from No 10 after poll reveals British public’s fury over tax plans

Liz Truss on Saturday: she showed no sign of backing down over £45bn in unfunded tax cuts.Photograph: Alberto Pezzali/AP

Three-quarters of UK voters, including a staggering 71% of those who backed the Conservatives at the last general election, believe the prime minister, Liz Truss, and the chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, have “lost control” of the economy, according to a devastating poll for the Observer on the eve of the Tory conference.

The survey by Opinium – which also reveals that Labour has extended its lead by a massive 14 percentage points in the last week alone, from 5 points to 19 points, and that Truss’s ratings are now lower than Boris Johnson’s at the height of the Partygate scandal – comes as some Tory MPs are beginning to demand the new prime minister’s removal from No 10 after less than a month in office.
Other senior party figures are warning that the damage to the party’s reputation for economic management resulting from Kwarteng’s tax-cutting budget, is so serious that it will take many years to repair. » | Toby Helm & Michael Savage | Saturday, October 1, 2022

How to Start Smoking (Again)

THE GUARDIAN: There's nothing quite as dull as a how-I-quit-fags story. Taking up cigarettes, however, can be pretty interesting, says Tim Wilson, who has begun smoking seven times

I have started smoking about seven times. The best one was the last. It always is. Practice makes perfect, so you have a more textured awareness of what is unfolding. There's the moment of fatal nostalgia, the decision, the dizzy embrace, and, between 10 to 15 minutes later, the desire to repeat. Quitting cigarettes grabs headlines, (understandably, it's a trial) but starting them deserves scrutiny also. Just because something is easy, doesn't mean it isn't significant.

I'm not alone, apparently, in my vacillation. Studies say that smokers who quit may fail three to seven times before making the final abstention. "Relapse rates" are estimated to range from between 60 and 90 per cent in the first year. Relapse, indeed. Medical language is so cold-blooded. If I'm relapsing, why does the event feel like a reunion? It's like bumping into an ex-girlfriend, finding she is still trouble, and knowing that just this once more, you're up for it.

My last... fling began at a party. I was with intelligent and attractive people, and on the wagon. My doctor had told me not to get off the wagon, so there I stood, clutching my sparkling mineral water. The sex columnist I was talking to was smoking. I looked about me. Everyone was smoking. Cigarettes hung in the air, being tapped insouciantly, being sucked as a prelude to delivering clever remarks. The bubbles in my water continued to rise, cheerful and empty. Something was missing from my life. Risk.

To an ex-smoker, good health can pale because its benefits are quickly absorbed into daily existence. Clean breath and a lack of morning phlegm are instances of absence rather than presence. You quit because you are tired of the smoking rigmarole, the locating of matches and the coughing. You start because well-being is, well, tedious. » | Tim Wilson | Tuesday, December 17, 2002


MARK ALEXANDER: I came across this delightful article recently. It is delightful precisely because it goes against the current poltitically correct narrative about how awful and dangerous smoking tobacco is. I don’t agree with this narrative.

Let’s get this straight: I am an ex-smoker. I smoked for most of my adult life. I smoked twenty cigarettes a day, which I consider a normal, moderate number of cigarettes to smoke in a day.

Smoking gave me great pleasure: I loved a smoke. I never felt addicted to cigarettes. I simply wasn’t. That is why I was able to give up smoking from one day to the next; and I haven’t had any cravings for cigarettes after quitting.

My only 'naughty' pleasures in life were a few alcoholic drinks and some cigarettes. These days, even though the smoking of cigarettes is frowned upon by many, people do far, far worse things than smoke a cigarette. You don’t need me to tell you what they do. I have never ever indulged in anything stronger than a few glasses of alcohol—Scotch whisky and red or white wine, usually; and perhaps gin or vodka, more usually in summer.

I quit the lovely and enjoyable habit of smoking on April 10th this year. The day after my birthday. I had three cigarettes left in the pack from the day before. I smoked them; and that was the end of my smoking career (I think!).

The only negative thing I find about not smoking is that I have gained weight. Smoking helped me maintain a fairly constant weight all of my adult life.

When you tell people that after giving up smoking, one gains weight, they immediately think that one eats more. Not so! At least not in my case. One thing I have learnt is that smoking increases one’s metabolism; so, when one stops the pleasurable habit, one’s metabolism slows down. A slow metabolism means that one’’s ingested calories are more slowly burnt off, of course. Hence the weight gain.

Most people these days don’t smoke cigarettes anymore, at least not in public in the Anglosphere. But are they healthier because of this abstinence? Emphatically not! I have never seen so many obese people in my life. They may not be smokers; but they are certainly not any healthier. These days, they eat junk food instead, or puff on e-cigarettes (the long term consequences of which are as yet unknown), or puff, perhaps, on cannabis.

Some of the nicest, happiest people I have ever met in my life have been smokers. By contrast, some of the nastiest, most miserable people I have met have been non-smokers, especially when being militant about not smoking. Think about the non-smokers we know of: Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Putin; and many others besides.

I am not suggesting that smoking tobacco makes one a nice person. Obviously it doesn't. But it is interesting to note that some of the worst people who have ever lived have been not only non-smokers, but also militantly anti-smoking. Just some food for thought.

Anyway, enjoy the article. Such articles are a rare find today. © Mark Aleander

Ein schwuler Kuss mitten in den schönen bunten Blumen.| Reupload

A gay kiss in the middle of the beautiful colorful flowers. / Un baiser gay au milieu des belles fleurs colorées.

Für dieses schöne Bild bedanke ich mich bei Szymonss auf Pinterest.

L'élégance française

French elegance / Französische Eleganz

Un grand merci à Vogue Magazine pour cette jolie et chic photo.

Thousands March in Cardiff Calling for Welsh Independence

THE GUARDIAN: Rally by campaigners, who say Westminster government does not serve nation’s best interests, is second in a few months

Welsh independence campaigners in the centre of Cardiff, Wales on Saturday. Photograph: Bronwen Weatherby/PA

Thousands of people have marched through Cardiff as part of a rally for Welsh independence.

Campaigners at the event carried large flags and banners and paraded through the city centre led by a samba band. It was organised by All Under One Banner Cymru (AUOB) and Yes Cymru. It was the second pro-independence rally to take place in Wales this year, after a march attracted about 8,000 supporters in Wrexham in July.

The AUOB and Yes Cymru [Cymru is Welsh for Wales] are campaigning for independence from the United Kingdom, as they believe Westminster does not operate with the best interests of the Welsh people in mind.

Despite rail strikes across the UK, organisers estimated about 10,000 people made it to the march – at the front of which was a banner saying “Annibyniaeth”, meaning independence in Welsh.

Harriet Protheroe-Soltani from AUOB Cymru said: “Given the UK government’s recent tax cuts for the rich and continual erosion of workers’ rights it’s important, now more than ever, that people come along and demonstrate that we do not trust Westminster to look after the interests of Wales.” » | Gemma McSherry | Saturday, October 1, 2022

How ironic it would be if Scotland and Wales seceded from the Union and Ireland became independent, too. Scotland and Wales could be independent nations in the European Union. The Republic of Ireland is already in the European Union and is prosperous as a result of its membership; so, if Northern Ireland joined Eire, the whole of Ireland would be in the EU. That would leave England truly isolated. Perhaps it could apply to the US to become its 51st state! I'm sure Disney could do something splendid with England's royal heritage! A sad irony indeed. Sad, that is, for the English. – © Mark Alexander

« Les femmes françaises les plus chic de tous les temps »

« De tous temps, la femme française a fasciné le reste du monde, qui ne cesse de la fantasmer et de lui rendre hommage. Il n'était donc que justice que « The Cut » dévoile son classement de ces françaises – d'adoption ou non – qui ont marqué durablement l'Histoire de leur style bien à elles. »

Je tiens à remercier Vanity Fair France sur Pinterest pour cette vraiment élégant et chic photo.

Citizenship for the Rich: Demand Rises for ‘Golden Passports'

FRANCE 24: The EU is set to take Malta to court over its scheme allowing wealthy foreigners to buy Maltese – and EU – citizenship for a costly fee. But buying citizenship and residence rights is a global trend among the super-wealthy that looks set to stay.

The European Commission on Thursday took Malta to the European Union's highest court over its "golden passport" scheme that allows wealthy investors to buy Maltese – and therefore EU – citizenship, without having to live in the country.

Despite repeated calls to end the scheme, Malta has raised €1.1 billion since 2013 through offering passports in exchange for investments, with most investors coming from the Gulf, Asia and Russia.

Under pressure from the EU, Cyprus and Bulgaria have recently stopped offering similar schemes. Yet the only concession Malta has made is to suspend the scheme for Russian and Belarusian citizens following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

While Malta is under pressure to ban investment citizenship, multiple countries around the world welcome the practice.

“The [2008] global financial crisis also put pressure on governments to find ways to bring foreign investment into their economies, and this is seen as a relatively costless way of doing so,” says Lior Erez, departmental lecturer in theory of politics at Oxford University, UK. “Especially if it involves no actual migration.”

Yet the EU views things differently, citing “ethical, legal and economic” concerns as well as “several serious security risks”, if the scheme continues.

"By offering citizenship in exchange for pre-determined payments or investments, without a genuine link with the Member State concerned, Malta breaches EU law," tweeted EU Justice Affairs Commissioner Didier Reynders on Thursday. "European Union values are not for sale.” » | Joanna York | Saturday, October 1, 2022

Kwasi Kwarteng: An Eton Tough Nut with Legendary Self-confidence

THE GUARDIAN: Stories of the under-fire chancellor’s self-assurance abound. Colleagues see him as unlikely to back down without a fight

Kwasi Kwarteng ‘was never remotely interested in other people’s point of view’, said a former minister. Photograph: Michael Mayhew/Sportsphoto/Allstar

In recent years, Bill Gates held a roundtable discussion to which Kwasi Kwarteng was invited as a senior minister.

The billionaire was hosting the meeting, surrounded by high-profile guests. But according to observers, when Kwarteng turned up, he began to act as if he was the one in charge of the meeting “offering his opinion on everything” and “lecturing” Gates about the businessman’s own expert subject. It was “bizarre and embarrassing” to watch, according to one person with knowledge of the episode.

A tendency to arrogance – but also undoubted cleverness – is a common theme that many people who have worked with the new chancellor seem to report. This was the case even among fellow Tories, before he angered them with his politically and economically explosive mini-budget.

One former cabinet minister who worked with Kwarteng as business secretary described him as having “the concentration span of a gnat” and an inability to sit through anything other than very short meetings. “He was never remotely interested in other people’s point of view,” the former minister said.

“I found him very odd to deal with … but there is an intellectual arrogance about Kwasi and Liz [Truss] and Jacob [Rees-Mogg] and those four to five people at the top. They genuinely do think they are cleverer than anyone else and that other people’s views are slightly tiresome.” » | Rowena Mason and Aubrey Allegretti | Saturday, October 1, 2022

Michael Lambert: Keir Starmer – “Make Brexit Work”

Liz Truss, after only three weeks as prime minister, has shown that she is out of her depth and incompetent.

Kwarteng's 'financial statement' was a disaster which alarmed the markets. resulting in further increases in interest rates and an intervention by the Bank of England.

Labour held their conference where they voted in favour of electoral reform from First Past the Post to Proportional Representation which was duly overruled by Keir Starmer.

Starmer then went on to repeat his intention to 'Make Brexit Work'. This is an impossible task given that Brexit has caused so much damage and has been seen not to work.

Michael Lambert has a book out entitled BREXIT - It's not going too well, is it?, which is Michael Lambert’s humorous and satirical take on the history of Brexit. It is available to buy or download here.

Ukraine Troops Surround Key Town in Region Putin Annexed | DW News

Iranische Polizei verhaftet bei Protesten gegen das Regime mehrere Europäer – mindestens 19 Tote bei Ausschreitungen

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die Proteste in Iran halten trotz Repressalien der Regierung an, so auch die Festnahmen. Bei Ausschreitungen im Südosten des Landes kamen mindestens 19 Personen ums Leben.

Demonstrierende auf den Strassen Teherans (Aufnahme vom 19. September 2022). | Wana News Agency / Reuters

lia./(dpa/Reuters) Die Festnahmen im Zusammenhang mit den regierungskritischen Protesten in Iran gehen weiter. Unter den Verhafteten sollen auch neun Personen aus europäischen Ländern sein, darunter Deutschland, Polen, Italien, Frankreich, den Niederlanden oder Schweden, heisst es in einer durch iranische Medien verbreitete Erklärung des Geheimdienstministeriums.

Laut Medienberichten wurde auch ein bekannter iranischer Fussballspieler, der 36-jährige ehemalige Nationalspieler Hossein Mahini, wegen seiner Unterstützung der Proteste festgesetzt.

Unklar ist zudem das Schicksal eines Musikers: Der iranische Sänger Schwerwin Hadschipur hatte mit einem Protestsong mehr als 40 Millionen Klicks auf Instagram erreicht – das Video wurde aber am Donnerstagabend entfernt. Der Sänger soll im Norden des Landes verhaftet worden sein.

Sein Song mit dem Titel «Für» beschreibt unter anderem die Forderungen der Demonstranten. «Für Sehnsucht nach einem normalen Leben, für Tanzen auf den Strassen, für Küssen ohne Angst» heisst es etwa in dem Lied.

» |lia./(dpa/Reuters) | Samstag, 1. Oktober 2022

Is the UK Heading for Economic Disaster? | DW Business

Rising mortgage costs, pensions eroded, despairing businesses. It's only been a week since Prime Minister Liz Truss and her Chancellor, or Finance Minister, Kwasi Kwarteng announced a new economic plan to slash taxes and boost borrowing in the United Kingdom. But what a week it's been.

Truth To Power: How Brexit Led to Trussonomics

Brexit needs to be reversed asap. We Brits are Europeans. We belong in Europe. We belong in the EU. Kick these Europhobic Tories out of office! They are stale ideologues bereft of any new or sensible ideas. – © Mark Alexander

Großbritannien: Der Brexit beginnt zu wirken | Mit offenen Karten | ARTE

"Mit offenen Karten" untersucht den Zustand der britischen Wirtschaft nach mehreren sich überlagernden Krisen: Corona-Pandemie, Ukraine-Krieg und - Brexit. Eines der Ziele, die Ex-Premier Johnson mit dem EU-Austritt verfolgte, war die Wiederherstellung privilegierter politischer und wirtschaftlicher Beziehungen. Wurde dieses Ziel erreicht oder vielmehr verfehlt?

Seit August 2022 wird Großbritannien von Streikbewegungen erschüttert. Experten sprechen vom „Sommer der Unzufriedenheit“. Zur gleichen Zeit hat Brexit-Vollstrecker Boris Johnson seinen Platz als Premierminister räumen müssen. Warum also protestieren die Briten? Ist der Anstieg der Lebensmittel- und Energiepreise allein dem Krieg in der Ukraine geschuldet? „Mit offenen Karten“ untersucht den Zustand der britischen Wirtschaft nach mehreren sich überlagernden Krisen: Corona-Pandemie, Ukraine-Krieg und vor allem Brexit. Eines der Ziele, die Ex-Premier Johnson mit dem EU-Austritt verfolgte, war die Wiederherstellung privilegierter politischer und wirtschaftlicher Beziehungen zu den Vereinigten Staaten sowie zu bestimmten Commonwealth-Ländern. Wurde dieses Ziel erreicht oder vielmehr verfehlt?

Magazin (F 2022, 12 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 25/10/2029

What's Behind the Coup in Burkina Faso? | DW News

In West Africa, Burkina Faso's leader, Paul-Henri Damiba, has been ousted in a military coup. Captain Ibrahim Traore has taken over as interim leader.

The soldiers behind the coup say they have dissolved the government and suspended the constitution. That's according to a statement read by an army army captain on state television. Earlier, explosions and heavy gunfire were reported near the presidential palace in the capital Wagadugu. Damiba's military junta seized power just nine months ago.

Related articles.

Präsident Damiba in Burkina Faso abgesetzt: Seit dem Militärputsch im Januar regiert in dem westafrikanischen Land Oberstleutnant Damiba. Nun gab es abermals einen Staatsstreich. Das Übergangsparlament sei aufgelöst und die Verfassung ausgesetzt, heißt es. »

Trickle-down Truss Is Carrying On the dirty Work of Thatcher, Blair and Osborne

THE GUARDIAN: Britain has endured 40 years of decline thanks to this faulty economic theory. Will Keir Starmer finally kill it off?

If Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-budget survives the storm it triggered, a banker on a million-pound annual salary stands to receive £50,000 of income tax relief – on top of the extra bonuses the bank can throw in, now that the Liz Truss government has removed the cap on them. Meanwhile, a Deliveroo rider gets a pep talk on the emancipatory value of aspiring to be wealthy, presumably as an incentive to pedal harder. This is the gist of the government’s growth strategy or, according to former Brexit minister David Frost, its antidote to stagnation and defeatism.

While it’s tempting to draw the obvious analogy between zombie ideas such as the trickle-down growth effect, and the classic Hollywood horror film Night of the Living Dead, a more appropriate response to the seriousness of the situation is to follow the banker’s extra cash. The government claims the banker will invest it, thus promoting growth. If it were not a blatant lie, it might have passed as a touching example of unfounded faith. But unlike Adam Smith’s bakers, butchers and brewers, who would invest any spare cash into better and more bread, ale and meat, the banker will buy into some fund that will, in turn, purchase shares, derivatives and bonds.

These recipients of the banker’s extra money have a long track record of not investing in actual productive capacity. Why would they, when the masses out there can’t afford to buy new, high-value products? … » | Yanis Varoufakis * | Saturday, October 1, 2022

* Yanis Varoufakis is the leader of MeRA25 in Greece’s parliament, a former finance minister of Greece, and author of Another Now

‘Cruel and Greedy’: High Earners on Kwasi Kwarteng Ditching Top Tax Rate

THE GUARDIAN: Seven people in 45% tax bracket that chancellor is abolishing share how they feel about decision

International markets, voters, members of the Conservative party and experts have reacted with dismay to Kwasi Kwarteng’s “fiscal event” last Friday, when the chancellor announced that the top tax rate of 45% would be abolished.

Here, seven high earners who will benefit from this tax cut share how they feel about it, and what they will do with the money. » | Jedidajah Otte | Saturday, October 1, 2022

Lizzie makes Maggie look like the fairy godmother! Maggie’s family background was steeped in Christianity, so despite her being somewhat hard-nosed at times, her Christianity showed through from time to time, too. The same cannot be said for Lizzie. Lizzie is clearly hard of heart: she clearly has a total lack of compassion for the less fortunate. The needy and poor are so obviously off her radar screen. Not much Christianity to be discerned there! Has she even read the Bible, I wonder? Does she have any understanding of its message?

I would urge her to consider the following two verses from the Bible. The same goes for Kwasi Kwarteng:

The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: but the wicked regardeth not to know it. KJB Proverbs 29:7

For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land. KJB Deuteronomy 15:11

If Lizzie goes on like this, showing no mercy or compassion for the less fortunate, I cannot see her surviving in office for very long. – © Mark Alexander

Source of Bible quotes: King James Bible Online.

Britons to Burn Their Bills in Weekend Wave of Cost of Living Protests

THE GUARDIAN: Dozens of rallies planned from Plymouth to Aberdeen as £150bn energy price guarantee comes into effect

Demonstrators march from Downing Street to Trafalgar Square earlier this month to protest against rises in energy bills. Photograph: Guy Smallman/Getty Images

UK householders are poised to set fire to their utility bills on Saturday, in a wave of cost of living protests timed to coincide with the jump in gas and electricity unit prices that will cause bills to soar.

In what organisers forecast will be the largest nationwide protests against an economic crunch, which got worse this week with money market chaos and mortgage rate rises looming, dozens of rallies will be staged from Plymouth to Aberdeen, while postal and ailway workers also strike.

On the day the government’s £150bn energy price guarantee comes into effect, which allows average household bills to hit £2,500 a year, up from £1,971, people are expected to torch bills in Birmingham, Bradford, Brighton and London. » | Robert Booth Social affairs correspondent | Saturday, October 1, 2022

Friday, September 30, 2022

Burkina Faso’s Military Leader Ousted in Second Coup This Year

THE GUARDIAN: Army officer Captain Ibrahim Traore has overthrown Paul-Henri Damiba, eight months after he took power

A Burkina Faso army officer has ousted military leader Paul-Henri Damiba, dissolved the government and suspended the constitution and transitional charter.

In a statement read on national television late on Friday, Captain Ibrahim Traore said a group of officers had decided to remove Damiba due to his inability to deal with a worsening Islamist insurgency. He announced that borders were closed indefinitely and that all political and civil society activities were suspended. » | Reuters in Ouagadougou | Friday, September 30, 2022

Burkina Faso : le chef de la junte démis de ses fonctions, annoncent des militaires à la télévision : Les putschistes ont également annoncé la fermeture des frontières, ainsi que la suspension de la Constitution et la dissolution du gouvernement. »

Les images de la Floride ravagée par l'ouragan Ian

La côte ouest de la Floride était, après Cuba, la cible suivante sur la trajectoire de l'ouragan Ian. Le cyclone de catégorie 4 a frappé l'Etat américain sur sa côte ouest, mercredi 28 septembre, avec des rafales atteignant presque 250 km/h. Deux mille foyers ont été privés d'électricité.

Arthur Rubinstein Collection : Vol. 49 : Frédéric Chopin Nocturnes

Provided to YouTube by Sony Classical

Phil Collins: Do You Remember? | 2016 Remastered | Reupload

Provided to YouTube by Laika Network | Views on YouTube: 29,262,056

Vladimir Poutine scelle l’annexion de quatre territoires d’Ukraine à l’issue d’un discours anti-Occident

LE MONDE : Applaudi à plusieurs reprises, le président russe a appelé l’Ukraine à « un cessez-le-feu », malgré les récentes déconvenues des troupes de Moscou.

Ce devait être un discours « volumineux », selon Dmitri Peskov, son porte-parole. Il n’a finalement duré que trente-sept minutes. Le président russe, Vladimir Poutine, a officialisé, vendredi 30 septembre, l’annexion par la Russie des quatre territoires de l’est de l’Ukraine consultés par référendum, au nom du « droit à l’autodétermination des peuples ». « C’est la volonté de millions de personnes », a affirmé Vladimir Poutine lors d’une cérémonie officielle en présence de centaines de dignitaires, dont des élus de la Douma, dans la salle Saint-Georges du Kremlin.

« Les habitants de Louhansk, Donetsk, Kherson et Zaporijia deviennent nos citoyens pour toujours », a-t-il ajouté, ajoutant que les populations avaient voté « sans équivoque » pour « un avenir commun ». « Quatre nouvelles régions russes » seront ainsi formées, a-t-il dit. Nous défendrons ces terres « de toutes nos forces et par tous les moyens », a-t-il martelé, parlant d’un combat « pour la grande Russie historique ». « L’Union soviétique n’existe plus, nous ne pouvons plus revenir dans le passé, mais la Russie n’en a plus besoin, n’a plus besoin de cela », a-t-il poursuivi. » | Le Monde avec AFP et Reuters | vendredi 30 septembre 2022

What Russia’s Annexation Means for the War | DW News

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday formally announced that Moscow will annex four occupied regions of Ukraine, in an act condemned by the global community and in violation of international law.

Speaking at an event at the Kremlin, Putin announced the incorporation of the four Russian-occupied regions — Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia. Putin described them as "four new regions" of Russia.

"I want to say this to the Kyiv regime and its masters in the West: People living in the Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia [regions] are becoming our citizens forever," Putin said.
Putin called on Ukraine to sit down for talks to end the more than seven-month-long war, but warned sternly that Russia would never surrender control of the Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions.

Putin said the West had broken its promises to Russia and had no moral right to talk about democracy, and that the countries of the West were acting as the imperialist states that they had "always been."

Failure to Raise Benefits Would Be ‘Hostile and Harmful’, Truss Is Warned

THE GUARDIAN: PM reneging on Conservative promise to increase benefits in line with inflation ‘morally indefensible’, say experts

Liz Truss will deliver the biggest permanent real-terms cut to the basic rate of benefits ever made if she fails to raise them in line with inflation, one of the UK’s leading poverty charities has said.

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) urged the government not to renege on its promise, made earlier this year, to raise universal credit and other working age benefits in line with inflation. It said such a move would be a “harmful act of historic proportions” – and deliver a devastating blow to millions of families on low incomes.

The JRF’s intervention follows widespread outrage at suggestions that the Treasury will seek to strip billions of pounds from the welfare budget to help repair shattered government finances after its disastrous mini-budget last week, which announced generous tax breaks for the rich but caused a near financial crisis. » | Patrick Butler Social policy editor| Friday, September 30, 2022

If this heartless woman reneges on Tory promises, she will be nothing less than evil. Very many struggling families rely on those benefits just to survive. This is an outrage. – © Mark Alexander

Der Sommer war heiß und liebevoll. | Reupload

Summer was hot and loving. / L'été était chaud et affectueux.

Fürs schöne Bild bedanke ich mich sehr bei We Heart It auf Pinterest.

Ukraine Makes NATO Membership Bid Following Putin's Annexation of Four Ukrainian Regions

Ukraine’s president says his country is submitting an “accelerated” application to join the NATO transatlantic military alliance. Kyiv’s move follows Moscow’s formal annexation of four partly occupied regions.

“We are taking our decisive step by signing Ukraine’s application for accelerated accession to NATO,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in a Telegram post issued in the wake of Russia’s annexation announcement.

Ascension to NATO requires the unanimous approval of all 30 of the alliance’s member states. Prior to launching its offensive in late February, Russia had insisted on guarantees from the West that Ukraine would never join NATO.

«Warum werden sie so bestraft?» Königin Margrethe II. entzieht vier Enkeln den Prinzen-Titel – in den besten Kreisen kommt so etwas häufiger vor

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Royale Titel und Würden sind für Mitglieder von Königsfamilien ein emotionales Thema.

Königin Margrethe II. von Dänemark will die dänische Monarchie entschlacken. | Imago

Die dänische Königin Margrethe II. will einem Teil ihrer Enkel die Titel Prinz und Prinzessin entziehen. Betroffen sind die Kinder von Prinz Joachim – zwei Söhne aus erster Ehe sowie ein Sohn und eine Tochter mit der jetzigen Ehefrau. Ab dem 1. Januar 2023 sind die vier nur noch Grafen und Gräfin von Monpezat. Die Königin gibt als Begründung an, sie wolle den vier Enkelkindern so Freiheiten einräumen. Doch diese wollen diese Freiheiten offenbar gar nicht.

Der Vater Prinz Joachim sagt in einem Interview mit der dänischen Boulevardzeitung «B.T.»: «Ich bin sehr, sehr traurig, wenn ich sehe, wie betrübt die Kinder sind. Warum wird ihnen die Identität genommen? Warum werden sie so bestraft?»

Die Königin will mit dem Schritt die dänische Monarchie weiter entschlacken. Ein Schritt, der wenig überrascht – die Art der Kommunikation hingegen schon. Es erstaunt, dass die Königsfamilie den Streit öffentlich über die Medien austrägt. Das zeigt jedoch auch: Die Titel sind für Mitglieder von Königsfamilien ein emotionales Thema. Vier Geschichten aus jüngster Vergangenheit. » | Claudia Rey, Elena Oberholzer | Freitag, 30. September 2022

WIKIPEDIA (D): Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg »

WIKIPEDIA (E): Danish Royal Family »

WIKIPÉDIA (F): Famille royale de Danemark »

How to Cook Perfect Roast Beef | Jamie Oliver

Jamie loves Roast Beef, and we hope you do too! Here he gives us all the tips and tricks to make sure you get your beef spot on every time, no matter what cut you’re using. This guide to prepping, searing, roasting and resting your meat will mean your beef is the best ever, perfect to go with roast potatoes, yorkshire puddings and all the trimmings. For everything else you need, head to Enjoy!

Get the full recipe here.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — September 30, 2022

Putin Annexes Four Regions of Ukraine in Major Escalation of Russia’s War

THE GUARDIAN: Russian president signs ‘accession treaties’ at Kremlin in defiance of international law

Vladimir Putin celebrates with the Moscow-appointed heads of four partially-occupied Ukrainian regions after signing ‘accession treaties’ in the Kremlin. Photograph: Contributor/8523328/Getty Images

Vladimir Putin has signed “accession treaties” formalising Russia’s illegal annexation of four occupied regions in Ukraine, marking the largest forcible takeover of territory in Europe since the second world war.

The signing ceremony, held in defiance of international law, took place in the Grand Kremlin Palace in the presence of the country’s political elites, and comes on the heels of Kremlin-orchestrated. fake referendums in the four Ukrainian regions – Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk and Donetsk.

Putin kicked off the ceremony with a lengthy, combative and angry speech in which the Russian leader issued new nuclear threats, promising to “protect” the newly annexed lands “with all the forces and means at our disposal”.

“The people have made their choice. An unequivocal choice … This is the will of millions of people,” Putin said, adding that the citizens of the four occupied regions will be part of Russia “for ever”.

Shortly after, Putin signed the “accession treaties” on a podium alongside the Russian-installed heads of Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Donetsk and Luhansk. » | Pjotr Sauer | Friday, September 30, 2022

Putin feiert Annexion: 4 ukrainische Regionen sollen jetzt zu Russland gehören

Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin verkündet bei einer Feier in Moskau, dass die vier ukrainischen Regionen Donezk, Luhansk, Cherson und Saporischschja zu Russland gehören - und annektiert nach der Krim 2014 weitere Gebiete der Ukraine.

Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj forderte die Menschen in Russland dazu auf, Putin zu stoppen: "Sie müssen den Einen in Russland stoppen, der Krieg mehr will als Ihr Leben, das Leben der Menschen in Russland."

International wurde die angekündigte Annexion schon im Vorfeld verurteilt.

Live: Vladimir Putin Officially Annexing Four Ukrainian Regions at Moscow Ceremony

Russian President Vladimir Putin and top officials of Russia-held territories in Ukraine sign agreements in a ceremony to start the process of absorbing parts of Ukraine into Russia, defying international law.

UK Isolated as EU Agrees Windfall Tax on Energy Firms

THE GUARDIAN: Levy could raise €140bn, and energy ministers also set targets to cut electricity use

EU energy ministers have agreed to levy windfall taxes on energy companies’ profits, and to cut electricity use, but remain at loggerheads over proposals to cap the price of gas.

Meeting in Brussels on Friday, the bloc’s 27 energy ministers signed off on proposals to levy a “solidarity contribution” on fossil fuel producers that have benefited from soaring energy prices. » | Jennifer Rankin in Brussels | Friday, September 30, 2022

Iran: Woman Arrested for Having Breakfast without Wearing Hijab

FIRST POST: Even as anti-hijab protests continued in Iran and spread to Afghanistan, an Iranian woman named Donya Rad was arrested for having breakfast without wearing a hijab on Friday.

Donya Rad was arrested for having breakfast without wearing a hijab. Image Courtesy: @AlinejadMasih

New Delhi: Even as anti-hijab protests continued in Iran and spread to Afghanistan, an Iranian woman named Donya Rad was arrested for having breakfast without wearing a hijab on Friday.

The information was shared on Twitter by Iranian journalist and activist Masih Alinejad whose post read, “The woman who posted this photo got arrested for the crime of having breakfast without hijab! This is the horrific story of being a woman in Iran in 21st century.”

“Her name is Donya Rad. Women will continue their civil disobedience every day,” her post added. » | FP Staff | Friday, September 30, 2022

Le Royaume-Uni doit vite restaurer sa crédibilité

LE MONDE – ÉDITORIAL : Le gouvernement britannique est face à un dilemme. Soit il revient sur son programme fiscal radical, ce qui lui ferait perdre tout crédit politique. Soit il s’entête, et la crise financière empirera.

En présentant le 23 septembre un programme fiscal radical et déconnecté du contexte économique, la première ministre britannique, Liz Truss, et son chancelier de l’Echiquier, Kwasi Kwarteng, ont provoqué une onde de choc spectaculaire. Depuis une semaine, le Royaume-Uni essuie une tempête financière et monétaire comme le pays en a rarement connu. Il a suffi d’une poignée de mesures mal calibrées pour jeter un doute sur la capacité de la cinquième économie mondiale à rembourser sa dette.

A peine nommé, le gouvernement veut enclencher un « cercle vertueux de la croissance ». Si l’intention est compréhensible, la méthode pour y parvenir est contestée à la fois par les marchés financiers, le Fonds monétaire international, l’opposition travailliste et même une partie des conservateurs. Un tour de force. » | Éditorial « du Monde » | vendredi 30 septembre 2022


Entre gel des factures d’énergie et fortes baisses d’impôt, l’énorme pari budgétaire du gouvernement britannique : Le cabinet de Liz Truss va emprunter autant que lors de la grande crise financière de 2008. Les marchés s’inquiètent et l’opposition parle de « folie ». »

Suicide Attack at a Kabul Education Center Kills At Least 19 Dead | DW News

Russia Prepares Large Annexation Ceremony for Occupied Territories | DW News

During an event to be held Friday at the Kremlin, Russia will annex four occupied regions of Ukraine in an act condemned by the global community and in violation of international law. President Vladimir Putin is expected to announce the incorporation of the four Russian-occupied regions — Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia — during a ceremony that, according to Moscow, will see the Ukrainian regions become part of the Russian Federation. Putin on Thursday signed decrees recognizing the supposed independence of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson, mirroring a decree signed in February regarding the Ukrainian regions of Luhansk and Donetsk. "I order the recognition of the state sovereignty and independence" of the regions of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson, situated in southern Ukraine, Putin said in the decrees. The four territories create a land corridor between Russia and the Crimean peninsula which was illegally annexed by Moscow in 2014 in a similar process. So-called referendums were hastily held in recent days amid an effective Ukrainian counteroffensive that has seen Russian forces pushed back in the east.

Russia's illegal annexation plan condemned

Moscow's plans have been widely condemned with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres slamming the annexation scheme as "a dangerous escalation" that "has no place in the modern world." US President Joe Biden said Thursday that "the United States will never, never, never" recognize Russia's claims on sovereign Ukraine territory. Both German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock sharply condemned the so-called referendums in the Russian-occupied Ukrainian territories. During these "sham referendums," Baerbock said "people were taken out of their homes or from their jobs" at gunpoint "to cast votes in glass ballot boxes." "This is the opposite of free and fair elections," she added. Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will on Friday convene an "urgent" meeting of his national security council according to his presidential spokesman. The UN Security Council will vote on a resolution on Friday condemning the referendums, although Moscow's veto power will ensure it has no chance of being passed.

UK Prime Minister Liz Truss Grilled over Tax Cuts in Local Radio Interviews - BBC News

Prime Minister Liz Truss has defended the new government’s economic policies in a series of interviews with BBC Local Radio stations.

Eight local radio presenters put questions and concerns to the prime minister, who has said her government needs to continue to "deliver economic growth, jobs and opportunities".

Related podcast.

Liz Truss is a heartless woman. It is clear that she has no feeling for the less fortunate, or compassion. How can it be right to cut taxes for the superrich when young families are struggling to put food on the table for their children? Often, to do so, they have to go to food banks! This in the United Kingdom in 2022! This is morally indefensible; in fact, it is an outrage!

It is high time that our prime minister, whoever it is, and regardless of stripe, concentrate on ensuring that people have adequate money to live each week. Living from hand-to-mouth is not an acceptable aim for them for any prime minister of the United Kingdom in the modern age.

We like to think of ourselves as a Christian nation, however loosely that might be defined. Yet we allow people to go to bed at night underfed and cold, especially in winter. I wonder how many old people will die of hypothermia this winter? I would suggest that it is high time that our prime minister concentrate on eradicating poverty rather than concentrate on enriching further the superrich!

By the way, Madame Truss, cutting taxes for the superrich WILL NOT generate significant growth in the economy. Selling a few more superyachts will do little to shore up economic activity on the high street! If you want to create growth in the economy, you need to put money into the pockets of the lower and middle classes. It is they who will generate demand for white goods, new cars, etc. The superrich will just stash most of it away. Their needs have already been taken care of. Moreover, many of them just take their money out of the country to tax havens anyway.

Madame Truss: I do declare that you are clueless! – © Mark Alexander

Election au Brésil : un dernier débat venimeux entre Bolsonaro et Lula au Brésil

LE MONDE : Le chef de l’Etat sortant d’extrême droite et l’ex-président de gauche, favori de l’élection présidentielle qui aura lieu ce dimanche, ont dû être rappelés à l’ordre à plusieurs reprises.

Les candidats à la présidence brésilienne (de gauche à droite) Jair Bolsonaro, Padre Kelmon, Luiz Felipe D’Avila, Soraya Thronicke, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Simone Tebet et Ciro Gomes, avant le dernier débat présidentiel avant les élections générales du 2 octobre, au réseau de télévision Globo à Rio de Janeiro, au Brésil, le 29 septembre 2022. MAURO PIMENTEL / AFP

L’ex-président de gauche Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva et le chef de l’Etat sortant d’extrême droite, Jair Bolsonaro, favoris de la présidentielle de dimanche au Brésil, ont échangé des propos haineux lors du dernier débat télévisé, jeudi 29 septembre au soir, se traitant l’un l’autre de « menteur » et de « corrompu ».

Les premières minutes de ce débat – auquel des dizaines de millions de téléspectateurs ont assisté durant plus de trois heures sur la chaîne TV Globo – ont donné lieu à de violentes passes d’armes, à trois jours du scrutin le plus polarisé de l’histoire récente du Brésil. Lula comme Bolsonaro sont sortis de leurs gonds et ont dû être rappelés à l’ordre à plusieurs reprises par le médiateur.

La tension a ensuite baissé d’un cran, mais peu de propositions concrètes ont été formulées par les sept candidats présents (sur les onze en lice), lors d’un débat jugé d’un faible niveau par les commentateurs. » | Le Monde avec AFP | vendredi 30 septembre 2022

Early Liz Truss Comments on Scrapping Benefits Stoke Fears of Further Cuts

THE GUARDIAN: Proposals from 1995 condemning ‘recycling’ of taxpayers’ money add to concerns for universal credit increase

The chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, right, arriving in Darlington on Thursday, said it was ‘premature’ to say if benefits would rise in line with inflation. Photograph: Owen Humphreys/PA

Liz Truss has previously suggested universal benefits such as the state pension should be scrapped because of the “huge expense” to taxpayers of “recycling” their money through the system – prompting fears she could go further still with her plans to cut back the benefits bill.

The proposal, included in her motion to the Liberal Democrat Youth conference in spring 1995, highlighted the “enormous – and rising – cost of pensions and child benefit”, calling for a “search for realistic alternatives to universal benefits”.

Truss, who left the party the next year to join the Conservatives, had added that it was not “socially desirable to pay out universal benefits in the current fashion”, given the “huge expense to the taxpayers of recycling money through the tax system”. » | Pippa Crerar, Political editor | Friday, September 30, 2022

State pensions are NOT a “benefit”! Benefits are handouts from the government. State pensions have to be paid for, by law, by the eventual recipient.

Madame Truss is going the right way about getting people onto the streets! I see before me a ‘winter of discontent’. In order to avoid this happening, I suggest that Madame Truss be unceremoniously kicked out of Number 10. I also suggest that her sidekick, the practitioner of voodoo economics, also be kicked out of Number 11. BEFORE they do any more damage to this country and its economy. The Tories should be kicked out of office forthwith, as well. They have been in office for far too long. As a result, they are stale and bereft of any good ideas.

I suggest that Madame Truss be recycled: recycled into the dustbin of history! – © Mark Alexander