Friday, September 30, 2022

Burkina Faso’s Military Leader Ousted in Second Coup This Year

THE GUARDIAN: Army officer Captain Ibrahim Traore has overthrown Paul-Henri Damiba, eight months after he took power

A Burkina Faso army officer has ousted military leader Paul-Henri Damiba, dissolved the government and suspended the constitution and transitional charter.

In a statement read on national television late on Friday, Captain Ibrahim Traore said a group of officers had decided to remove Damiba due to his inability to deal with a worsening Islamist insurgency. He announced that borders were closed indefinitely and that all political and civil society activities were suspended. » | Reuters in Ouagadougou | Friday, September 30, 2022

Burkina Faso : le chef de la junte démis de ses fonctions, annoncent des militaires à la télévision : Les putschistes ont également annoncé la fermeture des frontières, ainsi que la suspension de la Constitution et la dissolution du gouvernement. »