Friday, January 21, 2022

80 Years Ago the Nazis Planned the ‘Final Solution.’ It Took 90 Minutes.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: As Germany observes the anniversary of the Wannsee Conference, witnesses of the Nazi era are dying and antisemitism is resurgent in Europe and the United States.

Portraits of European Jews murdered during the Holocaust, at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin, on Wednesday. | Sean Gallup/Getty Images

BERLIN — On Jan. 20, 1942, 15 high-ranking officials of the Nazi bureaucracy met in a villa on Lake Wannsee on the western edge of Berlin. Nibbles were served and washed down with cognac. There was only one point on the agenda: “The organizational, logistical and material steps for a final solution of the Jewish question in Europe.”

Planning the Holocaust took all of 90 minutes.

Eighty years after the infamous Wannsee Conference that meticulously mapped it out, the bureaucratic efficiency of it remains as unnerving as ever.

The minutes taken that day and typed up on 15 pages do not explicitly refer to murder. They use phrases like “evacuation” and “reduction” and “treatment” — and divide up the task among different government departments and their “pertinent specialists.”

“You read that protocol, and it’s chilling,” said Deborah E. Lipstadt, a renowned Holocaust scholar. “It’s all very camouflaged language. But then you look at the list of countries and the number of Jews they planned to kill. Eleven million people they were going to go after. They had very big plans.”

The anniversary of that fateful meeting has a special resonance at a time when survivors of the Holocaust are dwindling and antisemitism and the ideology of white supremacy are resurgent in Europe and the United States, along with attacks targeting Jewish people and ethnic minorities. Just last Saturday a man took a rabbi and three members of his congregation hostage in a synagogue in Texas. » | Katrin Bennhold | Thursday, January 20, 2022

Leer en español :

Hace 80 años, los nazis planificaron la ‘solución final’ en solo 90 minutos : Mientras Alemania recuerda el aniversario de la Conferencia de Wannsee, los testigos de la era nazi están muriendo y el antisemitismo vuelve a resurgir en Europa y Estados Unidos. »

Dario Ronchi: Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag

Oct 15, 2017 • Dario Ronchi plays the Maple Leaf Rag to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Scott Joplin's death. | Views on YouTube: 1,394,777

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Phil Collins : Do You Remember? | Remastered

Provided to YouTube by Laika Network | Views on YouTube: 19,505,296

Boris Johnson weiter unter Druck – Nun tauchen auch Vorwürfe wegen der angeblichen Erpressung von Abgeordneten auf

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Er schien schon zu taumeln, dann rappelte sich der britische Premier Johnson noch einmal mit einem kämpferischen Auftritt im Parlament auf. Doch schon am Tag danach gibt es neue Vorwürfe.

Bei seiner Rede am Mittwoch in der Fragestunde im Parlament zeigt sich Boris Johnson kämpferisch. Doch mittlerweile bringen ihn neue Vorwürfe unter Druck. | Uk Parliament/ Jessica Taylor / Reuters

(dpa) Im Skandal um Lockdown-Partys im Regierungssitz Downing Street schafft es der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson nicht aus den Negativschlagzeilen. Nachdem er sich tags zuvor mit einem kämpferischen Auftritt im Parlament ein wenig Luft verschafft hatte, kamen am Donnerstag Vorwürfe über angebliche Erpressungstaktiken gegen aufsässige Tory-Abgeordnete auf. Neue Enthüllungen wecken zudem weiter Zweifel an Johnsons Aufrichtigkeit.

Er habe Berichte über die Erpressung von Abgeordneten erhalten, sagte der Vorsitzende des Verwaltungs- und Verfassungsausschusses im Unterhaus, William Wragg, am Donnerstag. Konservative Parlamentsmitglieder, die im Verdacht stünden, dem Premier die Gefolgschaft zu versagen, seien von Regierungsmitarbeitern mit der Veröffentlichung kompromittierenden Materials in der Presse bedroht worden. » | dpa | Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2022

The Guardian View on Dropping Covid Restrictions: Follow the Scandal

THE GUARDIAN: The scrapping of plan B is driven by the prime minister’s political panic, not scientific guidance

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland ‘are keeping the mask mandate on public transport, in shops and similar places, while England is dropping it’. Photograph: Guy Bell/Rex/Shutterstock

No one is under the illusion that the ending of Covid restrictions in England from next week is driven by science. The prime minister’s announcement on Wednesday was prompted by political desperation, not data. The daily death rate on Wednesday was reported as 359.

Scientists warn that infections are likely to resurge. While the level of infection across the population and health staff absences are falling sharply, the chair of the British Medical Association warned that hospitalisations are double the level that they were when plan B was introduced, and case rates close to twice as high. Dr Chaand Nagpaul noted that the NHS remains under crippling pressure, with a record backlog of six million patients.

After two years of the pandemic, it is not only Tory backbenchers who long for a return to normality. It is true that Omicron has wreaked less damage than feared – though many have still lost loved ones, or suffered serious and perhaps lasting damage to their health. With vaccines and treatments now available, it is entirely reasonable that people are rethinking what constitutes appropriate and proportionate responses to the virus. Restrictions have saved countless lives, but they have economic, social and indeed health costs: the effects of isolation have been punishing for many. » | Editorial | Thursday, January 20, 2022

It’s high time that this circus leave town! Complete with its clowns!

In order for the chief clown to obtain the keys to Number 10, we, the people, had to relinquish all our rights as citizens of the EU. Now, he wants the people to relinquish their right to life too, in order that he be able to save his political career! Enough already! It’s high time that the Conservative Party restore normality, restore decency. Once upon a time, it was the Party of decency and common sense!

It is peculiar and unfathomable indeed that at the very time that other European countries are toughening their restrictions because of the dangers of the Omicron variant that this government is relaxing them. How senseless is that? – © Mark

'Alone Out Here' : A Gay Farmer on Love, Isolation, and Disrupting the Meat Industry in Australia | The New Yorker | Re-upload

Jun 9, 2021 • In “Alone Out Here,” by Philip Busfield and Luke Cornish, an Australian rancher who is openly gay in a conservative industry fights to reduce carbon emissions through his cattle farming.

A Short Message to My Visitors and Followers

I should like to draw your attention to one very important fact: When you see something posted on this website, you should not conclude that I necessarily agree with the content posted. I often post items which I might not always agree with. I post them because I think they might be of interest to you, my visitors and followers. I also sometimes post items because I feel they give one food for thought.

This blog is not about pushing an ideology. As a person, I am rather moderate in my views and live a very normal, moderate and, I believe, a very respectable life. Further, I have never been given to excess of any sort, neither in food nor drink nor dressing; indeed, in outlook, I am generally rather conservative.

I do, however, believe that there is a place in this world for all people, regardless of faith, skin colour, or sexual orientation. As long as people live decent lives and help others, especially when those people are in difficulty or need, they should be respected.

This is not a website for people with extreme political views. I firmly believe that extreme political views lead to instability in society and definitely, ultimately, lead to no good place.

So please, if you come across anything posted on this website, do not conclude that I necessarily agree with what has been posted. Only the comment I may have posted on it will give you any indication of my own beliefs. Even the recipes I post are not always things that I would necessarily wish to eat. For example, if I post a vegan recipe, not being a vegan myself, I might well not wish to cook that recipe.

I am trying hard to make this website interesting to as wide an audience as possible: gay, straight, young or old. I also work hard to bring you all something in English, German and French; and sometimes even in Spanish, even though, alas, I am a greenhorn in that language. But I have many visitors from Spain and Spanish-speaking nations, so I feel that such links would be of interest to them.

Again, I should like to thank you all for your continued support. It means a lot to me. I appreciate it greatly. Stay safe in these perilous times! – © Mark

L'Assemblée nationale reconnaît officiellement le génocide des Ouïghours

LE FIGARO : La proposition de résolution des députés socialistes a été adoptée presque unanimement ce matin, reconnaissant officiellement le génocide en cours au Xinjiang (Chine).

Presque unanimement, l'Assemblée nationale vient de voter ce jeudi matin en faveur d'une proposition de résolution reconnaissant et condamnant le «caractère génocidaire des violences politiques systématiques ainsi que des crimes contre l'humanité actuellement perpétrés par la République populaire de Chine à l'égard des Ouïghours». Par 169 voix pour, une voix contre et cinq abstentions, la France rejoint ainsi le Canada, les États-Unis et l'Irlande et plusieurs autres pays du monde dans la reconnaissance de ce génocide. Regarder la vidéo » | Par Jean Cittone | jeudi 20 janvier 2022

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 20, 2022

Jeff Bezos Recruits in Quest for Eternal Youth

THE TIMES: The Amazon founder is backing a venture to extend the prime of life, write Rhys Blakely and Louisa Clarence-Smith

Altos Labs, which is backed by Jeff Bezos and Yuri Milner, has hired GSK’s chief executive Hal Barron along with a slew of Nobel prize-winners

An effort to vanquish death moved up a gear yesterday as a new “anti-ageing” company backed by Jeff Bezos revealed it had recruited one of the world’s most respected scientists.

The venture, called Altos Labs, has poached Hal Barron, 59, to be its chief executive. He had previously been chief scientific officer for the British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline.

That alone would have secured Altos credibility — but the biotech start-up also revealed $3 billion in funding yesterday, as well as a board of directors brimming with Nobel laureates.

Its focus will be on “cellular programming”, a technique that can already be used to rejuvenate individual cells in a laboratory — and that some believe holds the key to prolonging human life by banishing diseases associated with … » | Rhys Blakely, Science Correspondent | Louisa Clarence-Smith | Thursday, January 20, 2022 [£]

Has Amazon Contributed to America’s Political Unraveling? | Amanpour & Company

Jan 19, 2022 • Amazon is the second most trusted institution in the U.S., surpassed only by the military, according to a Georgetown and New York University poll. What can the company's disproportionate influence mean for American society? This is the subject of a new book from award-winning journalist Alec MacGillis. In "Fulfillment," he examines the company’s impact on the wealth and poverty of towns and cities across the country. He speaks with Hari Sreenivasan about what lies behind that easy one-click purchase. Originally aired on January 18, 2022

Erdogan Pledges to Tackle Record Inflation in Turkey | DW News

Jan 20, 2022 • Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has pledged to bring down Turkey's soaring inflation. Inflation jumped to 36% last month, seriously eroding the earnings of millions of Turks.

Christian Couple Ban Gay Man and His ITV Producer Partner from Buying Their Dream Surrey Home due to Their Relationship

MAIL ONLINE – EXTRACT: A gay couple were stunned to be told they could not buy their dream house in Surrey from a devoutly Christian couple - because of their sexuality.

When they tried to arrange a viewing through internet estate agents Purplebricks, they were refused and sent astonishing references to fire and brimstone Bible passages by the couple.

Luke Whitehouse and his ITV producer partner Lachlan Mantell spotted a £650,000, three-bed, semi-detached cottage as they looked to get on the property ladder. Read the story here » | Nick Craven for MailOnline | Thursday, January 20, 2022

Christian homophobes ban gay couple from buying their home, cite Bible verses at them instead: A Christian physicist and her husband refused to sell their house to a gay couple, instead messaging them with Bible verses. »

Silvio Berlusconi Angles for Italy’s Presidency, Bunga Bunga and All

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The billionaire former prime minister is working hard to persuade lawmakers to vote for him next week, despite an unusual résumé for a job resting on moral authority.

Silvio Berlusconi in Milan in October. | .Claudio Furlan/LaPresse, via Associated Press

ROME — Early this month, Silvio Berlusconi sat at a dining room table in his mansion with his girlfriend, more than a half-century younger, and an old political ally. As they feasted on a pumpkin souffle and truffle tagliatelle, the 85-year-old Italian former prime minister and billionaire made hours of phone calls, working his way down a list of disaffected lawmakers he hoped to persuade to elect him president of Italy next week.

“‘We are forming the Bunga Bunga party and we want you with us,’” Christian Romaniello, a lawmaker formerly with the anti-establishment Five Star Movement, recounted Mr. Berlusconi as saying, referring to the sex-fueled bacchanals that Mr. Berlusconi has deemed merely “elegant dinners.” According to Mr. Romaniello, Mr. Berlusconi then added, “‘But I’ll bring the ladies.’”

The Italian presidency, the country’s head of state, is a seven-year position usually filled by a figure of unimpeachable integrity and sobriety whose influence flows from moral authority. The current holder, Sergio Mattarella, is a quiet statesman whose brother was murdered by the mob. Another contender is Mario Draghi, the prime minister and a titan of European politics who has led the country to a period of unusual stability.

Then there is Mr. Berlusconi, who despite his recent bad health, waxen appearance and weakened political standing, is making an unabashed push to win a career-culminating position that he hopes will wash away decades of stains — his allies say unjustly thrown mud — and rewrite his legacy. » | Jason Horowitz | Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

If Democracy Ends? Inside the Economics of Fascism w/ Richard Wolff

Phil Collins : Another Day in Paradise | Official Music Video

Views on YouTube: 410,507,416

Just Married!

Frisch verheiratet! / Tout juste marié !

Many thanks to Roy van der Wens Wedding Photo & Film on Pinterest for this lovely photo.

Le parquet antiterroriste ouvre une enquête sur «l'assassinat» d'une touriste française au Maroc

Photo d'illustration. FADEL SENNA / AFP

LE FIGARO : Cette ressortissante française de 79 ans a été tuée sur un marché de Tiznit, dans le sud du pays, à l'aide d'une arme blanche. Un suspect âgé de 31 ans a été arrêté le jour même à Agadir, à quelques dizaines kilomètres seulement du lieu du crime.

Le parquet national antiterroriste (Pnat) a annoncé mercredi dans un communiqué avoir ouvert une enquête pour «assassinat en relation avec une entreprise terroriste» après le meurtre samedi d'une touriste française à Tiznit dans le sud du Maroc. Cette ressortissante française de 79 ans a été tuée sur un marché de Tiznit à l'aide d'une arme blanche. Elle résidait dans un camping proche de cette petite ville. Un suspect âgé de 31 ans a été arrêté le jour même à Agadir, à quelques dizaines kilomètres seulement du lieu du crime. «Les investigations ont été confiées à la Direction générale de la sécurité intérieure, à la sous-direction antiterroriste de la direction centrale de la police judiciaire et à la direction centrale de la police judiciaire», a précisé le Pnat. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | mercredi 19 janvier 2022


Maroc : la police antiterroriste chargée de l'enquête sur le meurtre d'une touriste française font color=#339933>»

Tonga: A Tongan Olympian Has Started a Fundraiser for His Home Islands

Tonga volcano: New images reveal scale of damage after tsunami: New pictures have emerged from Tonga, revealing the damage wreaked by tsunami waves triggered by an undersea volcano. »

You can donate here: / Sie können hier spenden: / Vous pouvez faire un don ici :

Tonga Tsunami Relief by Pita Taufatofua »


Confused Conservatives Wonder How America Fell?

Trump Family Hit by Bombshell Evidence

Jan 19, 2022 • New York Attorney General Letitia James has announced she has bombshell evidence against the Trump family. Adrienne Lawrence breaks it down on Rebel HQ.

Donald Trump investigation reveals new details of alleged fraud: Donald Trump's family business misrepresented the value of some of its biggest assets by hundreds of millions of dollars, according to documents filed by the New York attorney general. »

CALLEkocht : Schluss mit der Fresserei! Jetzt mal etwas Leichtes: Gemüsereis Rezept

Jan 14, 2022 • CALLEkocht: Jetzt wird es Zeit gesünder zu essen. Unser Rezept mit Reis und vielem guten Gemüse und Olivenöl kann dazu beitragen. Auf den Käse kann auch verzichtet werden. Durch Knoblauch und Peperoni bekommt dieses Reisgericht ein wunderbares Aroma. Leicht, lecker und so einfach zu kochen. Bitte unbedingt einmal selber machen.



500 g Naturreis
1 Zucchini
100 g Kirschtomaten
2 Schlangen-Auberginen
100 g Zuckerschoten
1 Paprika
1 Zwiebel
2 Knoblauchzehen
1 Peperoni
Salz und Pfeffer
200g Feta Oregano

Calles Rezepte sind hier erhältlich.

UK's Johnson Faces Calls to Step Down over 'Partygate' | DW News

Jan 19, 2022 • UK's Prime Minister Boris Johnson is under fire for breaking COVID-19 rules and holding parties at his Downing Street residence last year, at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, when such gatherings were banned. With his political leadership hanging in the balance, he faces calls from MPs to step down.

In Peru, Courts ‘Used Like Whips’ to Silence Journalists

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The author of a book about a powerful politician has been sentenced to two years in prison. Media advocates say the case is part of a trend in which the courts are being used to punish critics.

The Peruvian journalist Christopher Acosta has been sentenced to two years in prison and, with his publisher, fined $100,000 following a defamation lawsuit brought by a powerful politician. | Angela Ponce for The New York Times

The police raided a reporter’s house after he investigated an elite Catholic society. A court ordered journalists’ assets frozen following a defamation complaint from a powerful figure. A sports journalist called the head of a soccer club inept, and was sentenced to a year in prison.

And then, last week, a judge sentenced a Peruvian journalist to two years in prison and imposed a $100,000 fine following a defamation lawsuit brought by a powerful, wealthy politician.

Media experts called the decision the most direct threat to freedom of expression in Peru in years. And, they said, it was part of a worrying trend across the region — but particularly strong in Peru — in which powerful figures are using the courts to intimidate and punish journalists who investigate them.

“It absolutely sidesteps the fundamental principles of freedom of expression,” said Ricardo Uceda, who leads the Press and Society Institute of Peru, of the ruling. » | Julie Turkewitz and Mitra Taj | Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Leer en español:

En Perú las cortes se usan ‘como látigos’ para callar a los periodistas : El autor de un libro sobre un empresario y político ha sido sentenciado a dos años de prisión, parte de una tendencia en la que los personajes poderosos emplean las cortes para castigar a sus críticos. »

Wealth of World's 10 Richest Men Doubled in Pandemic, Oxfam Says - BBC News

Jan 17, 2022 • The Covid pandemic has made the world's wealthiest far richer but has led to more people living in poverty, according to the charity Oxfam.

Their report said lower incomes for the world's poorest contributed to the death of 21,000 people each day.

But the world's 10 richest men have more than doubled their collective fortunes since March 2020.

Oxfam's report is based on data from the Forbes Billionaires List and the annual Credit Suisse Global Wealth report, which gives the distribution of global wealth going back to 2000.


Chopin: Piano Concert No. 2 - Rosalía Gómez Lasheras - Live HD Classical Music

Pianist Rosalía Gómez Lasheras performs in the Young Pianst Festival finale in Amsterdam, november 24 2013.

At five years old Rosalía Gómez Lasheras started piano lessons with Alexander Gold. In 2011 she won the Extraordinary Award from the Santiago Conservatory and was accepted at the Conservatory in Utrecht (Netherlands), where, in 2013, she was in her third year Bachelor with Alan Weiss.

Greek-style Beef Stew with Roasted Red Peppers & Mushrooms

Get the recipe here.

Prince Andrew’s Social Media Accounts Deleted as He Fights US Lawsuit

THE GUARDIAN: Twitter and YouTube pages no longer accessible, while royal website refers to his role in the past tense

Prince Charles, the Queen and Prince Andrew at the Trooping the Colour in 2019. The Queen has now stripped Andrew of his military affiliations. Photograph: Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

The Duke of York’s social media accounts are being deleted as he continues his legal battle to fight a sexual assault lawsuit filed against him in the US.

Last week the Queen stripped her second son of his honorary military affiliations and royal patronages, and he agreed not to use his royal style HRH in any official capacity.

Prince Andrew’s official Twitter handle, TheDukeOfYork, now leads to a blank page. His YouTube page is also no longer accessible. While his Instagram account, hrhthedukeofyork, still appeared on Wednesday, it is understood that that too is being removed, along with his Facebook account, but some accounts are taking longer to filter through.

Royal aides have also updated the British monarchy’s official website as Buckingham Palace seeks to distance the institution from Andrew’s legal battle.

While the prince still appears under the section titled Members of the Royal Family, the list of his military affiliations and patronages has been removed. Buckingham Palace announced last week that the roles would be shared out among other members of the royal family. The decision was made after discussion between senior family members. » | Caroline Davies | Wednesday, January 19, 2022


A Possible Sex Offender Doesn’t Look Good on a Commemorative Tea Towel »

1918-1939 : les rêves brisés de l’entre-deux guerres (5/8) | ARTE

Jan 16, 2022 • Treize destins de célébrités ou d'anonymes brossent le portrait des années troubles de l'entre-deux-guerres. Une fresque historique internationale, magistrale. Cinquième volet : tandis que des privilégiés vivent joyeusement les Années folles, des millions de personnes vivent dans la plus extrême pauvreté.

Tandis que des privilégiés vivent joyeusement les Années folles, des millions de personnes vivent dans la plus extrême pauvreté. Fin 1927, nombreux sont ceux qui s’endettent massivement grâce au crédit à la consommation inventé aux États-Unis ou qui spéculent sur les actions. Le Vendredi noir de 1929 fait voler en éclats tous les espoirs de prospérité. Pour sauver le "One-Two-Two", le bordel de luxe qu'il a ouvert à Paris, Marcel Jamet accepte de collaborer avec la police. Sorti de prison, Hans Baimler s'éprend d'une camarade du parti. Albert, le compagnon d'Elise Ottensen, noue une liaison avec Alfa, 18 ans. La politique monétaire de Mussolini ruine l'empire textile fondé par Silvio Crespi. Entamant en Autriche ses études de médecine, Edith Wellspacher fait la connaissance de Max Wachstein, un jeune interne juif…

Années fiévreuses

Après 14, des armes et des mots, qui restituait la barbarie de la Première Guerre mondiale à travers les itinéraires singuliers d’hommes, de femmes et d’enfants originaires de six pays belligérants, cette nouvelle fresque historique se penche sur la période 1918-1939, cet entre-deux-guerres où la guerre n'a jamais vraiment cessé. À partir de leur correspondance, de leurs journaux intimes et de récits biographiques, les huit épisodes de cette coproduction internationale s’attachent aux destinées contrastées de treize personnages, célèbres ou anonymes, qui furent les témoins et acteurs des bouleversements de l’entre-deux-guerres. Entremêlant images d’archives issues de vingt-trois pays et reconstitutions remarquablement soignées, Jan Peter et Frédéric Goupil ressuscitent, par le prisme de l’intime, la chronologie de ces fiévreuses années, entre fureur de vivre, convulsions économiques et luttes politiques – dominées par l’affirmation des idéologies communiste et fasciste. De l’armistice de 1918 à la déclaration de guerre du 3 septembre 1939, une plongée magistrale dans une époque qui ambitionnait d’accoucher d’un nouveau monde et engendra une nouvelle tragédie.

Série documentaire (Allemagne, 2018, 52mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 17/02/2022

Les parties 1 et 2 sont disponibles ici. Les parties 3, 4 et 5 sont soumises à une limite d'âge aussi et ne peuvent donc pas être intégrées à des sites Web externes. Ils doivent être visionnés sur YouTube. Voici les liens vers eux : Partie 3 ; Partie 4; Partie 5. – Mark

The Billionaire Variant: World’s Richest Doubled Their Wealth While Millions Fell into Poverty – Oxfam

Jan 19, 2022 • We speak to Max Lawson of Oxfam about the ‘Inequality Kills’ report, which details how while 99% of humanity’s income fell, 160 million were pushed into poverty and 1 person died every 4 seconds over the course of the Coronavirus pandemic…the top 10 richest men saw their wealth more than double from $700 billion to $1.5 trillion dollars, a rate of $1.2 billion a day.


Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 19, 2022

Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on nearly 1,400 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday.

L'acteur Gaspard Ulliel, 37 ans, est mort après un accident de ski

Jan 19, 2022 • L'acteur Gaspard Ulliel est mort à l'âge de 37 ans, ce mercredi 19 janvier. Il a été victime d'un accident de ski, survenu mardi vers 16 heures, après avoir percuté un autre skieur à la croisée de deux pistes bleues. Il a été secouru par les CRS Alpes, avec l'appui du médecin de la station. L'acteur était inconscient lors de leur arrivée sur les lieux.

L'acteur Gaspard Ulliel est mort à 37 ans après un accident de ski : Le comédien a été victime d'un grave accident de ski sur le domaine de La Rosière en Savoie. Il avait été transporté mardi par hélicoptère au CHU de Grenoble. »

Gaspard Ulliel et Gaëlle Pietri, un couple secret qui ne cherchait pas la lumière : Gaspard Ulliel, décédé ce mercredi 19 janvier après un accident de ski, partageait la vie du mannequin corse Gaëlle Pietri. Ensemble, ils ont donné naissance à un garçon en 2016. »

Gaspard Ulliel: Moon Knight actor dies aged 37 after ski accident: French actor Gaspard Ulliel, who is set to appear in Marvel's forthcoming TV series Moon Knight, has died aged 37. »

Tory MP Christian Wakeford Defects to Labour, Blaming PM’s ‘Disgraceful’ Conduct

THE GUARDIAN: Bury South MP says Tory policies ‘doing nothing’ to help constituents, piling further pressure on Boris Johnson

The Bury South MP, Christian Wakeford, sitting on the opposition benches during PMQs on Wednesday. Photograph: House of Commons/PA

The Tory MP Christian Wakeford has defected to Labour, piling more pressure on Boris Johnson as growing numbers within his own party call on the prime minister to resign.

Just minutes before prime minister’s questions, Wakeford – elected as the MP for Bury South in 2019 – crossed the floor to sit with Keir Starmer’s party, declaring in a letter to Johnson resigning the Conservative whip that he was “incapable of offering the leadership and government this country deserves”.

The move will prove a huge embarrassment for Johnson, who is fighting to avoid enough of his own backbenchers submitting letters calling for a no-confidence vote. Fifty-four are needed to trigger a ballot. Many of those who have written a letter are members of the 2019 intake, like Wakeford. He submitted a letter last week.

In a letter to Johnson released on Wednesday afternoon, Wakeford said he believed “the policies of the Conservative government that you lead are doing nothing to help the people of my constituency and indeed are only making the struggles they face on a daily basis worse”.

Raising concerns about the “cost of living crisis” and how the country should emerge from the Covid pandemic, Wakeford said the UK needed “a government that upholds the highest standards of integrity and probity in public life”.

He added: “Sadly, both you and the Conservative party as a whole have shown themselves incapable of offering the leadership and government this country deserves.” » | Aubrey Allegretti, Political correspondent | Wednesday, January 19, 2022

David Davis tells Boris Johnson ‘in the name of God, go’ after Tory MP for Bury South defects to Labour »

Who is Christian Wakeford and who are the red wall MPs plotting against PM? »

'In the name of God, go!' Boris is told to QUIT over Partygate by ex-minister David Davis in bear-pit PMQs just minutes after Red Wall Tory MP DEFECTS to Labour - as 'Pork Pie plotters' vow no confidence vote and Keir Starmer says more rebels are 'welcome': Boris Johnson is struggling to quell a so-called 'Pork Pie Plot' with dozens of Red Wall MPs threatening coup / Around 20 MPs are thought to have held a secret lunchtime meeting on plans to force Tory leadership contest / Bishop Auckland MP Dehenna Davison and fellow Tory Alicia Kearns were identified as ringleaders by sources »

«Partygate»-Affäre: Parteiinterne Rebellion gegen britischen Premier weitet sich aus – Johnson bläst zum Gegenangriff: Hinter den Kulissen brodelt es, immer mehr Tories scheinen am Stuhl von Boris Johnson zu sägen. Doch der Regierungschef gibt sich noch nicht geschlagen. »

Turbulente Debatte in London: Johnson wartet auf «Partygate»-Bericht und schliesst sofortige Konsequenzen aus »

Ein Held für Serbiens Impfskeptiker


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Unter serbischen Verschwörungstheoretikern genießt Djoković hohes Ansehen. Dabei war Serbien beim Impfen einmal ganz vorn dabei. Ob er sich impfen lässt oder nicht, wird politische Folgen haben.

Derzeit sieht es danach aus, dass der serbische Tennisspieler Novak Djoković vor einer nicht nur für ihn selbst wichtigen Entscheidung steht: Er kann sich impfen lassen und noch in diesem Jahr zu einem Tennisspieler werden, der mehr Grand-Slam-Turniere gewonnen hat als jeder andere vor ihm. Oder er kann sich gegen eine Impfung entscheiden und so zur weltweiten Ikone einer Wissenschaftsfeindlichkeit werden, die in der „Impfskepsis“ ihren derzeit populärsten Ausdruck findet. Eine Entscheidung gegen das Impfen könnte allerdings ein Ende oder zumindest eine lange Unterbrechung seiner Karriere bedeuten. In jedem Falle wird die Entscheidung des Sportlers politische Folgen haben, und das aufgrund von Djokovićs Bekanntheitsgrad wohl nicht nur in Serbien.

Die serbische Regierung war äußerst erfolgreich in der Beschaffung und Bereitstellung von Impfstoffen gegen Covid-19. Belgrad deckte sich nicht nur mit westlichen Produkten wie dem Angebot von Biontech-Pfizer ein, sondern auch mit dem russischen Vakzin Sputnik und einem chinesischen namens Sinopharm. Dies führte dazu, dass Bürgerinnen und Bürger in Serbien schon zwischen verschiedenen Impfstoffen wählen konnten, als in vielen anderen Ländern noch gar keine bereitstanden. » | Von Michael Martens, Korrespondent für südosteuropäische Länder mit Sitz in Wien | Mittwoch, 19. Januar 2022

Djokovic has 80% stake in biotech firm developing Covid drug: QuantBioRes is working on a treatment not a vaccine, but CEO says tennis star is ‘not anti-vax’ »

La Maltaise Metsola élue à la présidence du Parlement de l'UE

Roberta Metsola

LE FIGARO : Elle est la troisième femme, après Simone Veil et Nicole Fontaine, à accéder à ce poste.

L'élection du président du Parlement européen a été rondement menée, mardi à Strasbourg. La Maltaise Roberta Metsola, membre du PPE – le parti européen de centre droit - et considérée comme la favorite, est sortie victorieuse, dès le premier tour, avec une très confortable majorité. Sur les 690 eurodéputés ayant participé au scrutin, 458 ont voté en faveur de cette candidate qui fêtait aussi mardi ses 43 ans.

Elle est, après Simone Veil et Nicole Fontaine, la troisième femme élue présidente du Parlement européen. Un symbole fort. Et ce n'est pas le seul. C'est aussi la première fois qu'un eurodéputé originaire d'un « petit » État membre est propulsé à ce niveau de responsabilités. Malte ne compte que 525.000 habitants. Metsola est, enfin, la plus jeune à exercer une telle fonction. Elle succède à l'Italien David Sassoli, décédé la semaine dernière, et conservera le poste jusqu'en juillet 2024. Regarder la vidéo » | Par Anne Rovan | mardi 18 janvier 2022

Éditorial du « Monde » :

Roberta Metsola, une présidente antiavortement au Parlement européen : Les positions personnelles de la députée maltaise de centre droit contre l’IVG sont en contradiction avec les objectifs humanistes et éclairés de l’Union européenne. »

As Johnson Reels From Scandals, Is Someone Plotting to Take His Place?

THE NEW YORK TIMES: A key question is: Will the results of an inquiry over parties in Downing Street during lockdown push a fellow conservative to move against Prime Minister Boris Johnson?

LONDON — Prime Minister Boris Johnson may have crossed a political Rubicon in recent days over charges that he lied about Downing Street parties during the pandemic. But whether he is forced out of power could depend on whether one of his fellow Conservatives is ready to play the role of Brutus.

As Britain’s political establishment waits for the results of an internal investigation of the parties, a key question is whether it will trigger a plot against Mr. Johnson, and if so, who would make the first move against him? » | Mark Landler and Stephen Castle | Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Millionaires Call On Governments Worldwide to ‘Tax Us Now’

THE GUARDIAN: Group of 102 wealthy people say tax would help tackle gulf between rich and poor

Gemma McGough, a British entrepreneur and founding member of Patriotic Millionaires UK.Photograph: PA

More than 100 members of the global super-rich called on Wednesday for governments around the world to “tax us now” to help pay for the pandemic response and tackle the gulf between rich and poor.

The group of 102 millionaires and billionaires, including Disney heiress Abigail Disney, said the current tax system is rigged in their favour and needs to be rewritten to make taxation fairer for hard-working people and restore trust in politics.

“As millionaires, we know that the current tax system is not fair,” they said in an open letter published on Wednesday. “Most of us can say that, while the world has gone through an immense amount of suffering in the last two years, we have actually seen our wealth rise during the pandemic – yet few if any of us can honestly say that we pay our fair share in taxes.”

The super-rich signatories, who brand themselves as “patriotic millionaires”, called for the introduction of “permanent wealth taxes on the richest to help reduce extreme inequality and raise revenue for sustained, long-term increases in public services like healthcare”. » | Rupert Neate Wealth correspondent | Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Witness Willing to Testify She Saw Prince Andrew with a ‘Young Girl’ at London Nightclub

THE GUARDIAN: Virginia Giuffre’s lawyers seek her statement to counter the royal’s insistence he has never met their client or visited the club

A witness is willing to testify that she saw Prince Andrew in a nightclub in 2001. Photograph: Hollie Adams/Getty Images

A woman who may have seen Prince Andrew with Virginia Giuffre at a London nightclub 20 years ago is “willing” to provide testimony in Giuffre’s civil lawsuit against the royal, whom she accuses of sexual abuse, the witness’s lawyer said.

“I am proud to represent Shukri Walker, who has bravely stepped forward as a witness and encourages others who may have information to do so as well,” the lawyer Lisa Bloom said in an email.

“She is willing to do the deposition Virginia Giuffre’s team is seeking.”

Giuffre, now 38, maintains that at age 17 she was coerced into having sex with the prince, by his associates Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Andrew emphatically denies all allegations of misconduct. » | Victoria Bekiempis in New York | Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Ein liebevoller Kuß inmitten der Bougainvillea.

Un baiser amoureux au milieu des bougainvilliers. / A loving kiss amid the bougainvillea.

Für dieses schöne und ausdrucksvolle Foto bedanke ich mich bei Taksim gay sohbet auf Pinterst..

Don McClean : Vincent

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views on YouTube: 5,918,033

The Epic Rise and Fall of Elizabeth Holmes

THE NEW YORK TIMES: In Silicon Valley’s world of make-believe, the philosophy of “fake it until you make it” finally gets its comeuppance.

For a decade, Ms. Holmes fooled savvy investors, hundreds of smart employees, an all-star board and a media eager to anoint a new star. | Jenny Hueston

SAN FRANCISCO — Near the end of Elizabeth Holmes’s criminal trial, her lawyers submitted into evidence her punishing self-improvement plan.

“4 a.m. Rise and thank God,” the handwritten memo began.Exercise, meditation, prayer, breakfast (whey and, as she spelled it, “bannanna”) followed. By 6:45 a.m., a time when slackers were still fumbling for the alarm clock, she was at the office of Theranos, the blood-testing company she founded in 2003.

Ms. Holmes had many rules at Theranos: “I am never a minute late. I show no excitement. ALL ABOUT BUSINESS. I am not impulsive. I know the outcome of every encounter. I do not hesitate. I constantly make decisions and change them as needed. I speak rarely. I call bullshit immediately.”

It worked. Ms. Holmes’s resolve was so forceful, and fit so neatly into the Silicon Valley cliché of achieving the impossible by refusing to admit it was impossible, that it inspired belief right up to the moment on Monday when a jury officially convicted her of four counts of fraud.

The verdict signaled the end of an era. In Silicon Valley, where the line between talk and achievement is often vague, there is finally a limit to faking it. » | David Streitfeld | Monday, January 3, 2022

Leer en español :

El auge y la caída de Elizabeth Holmes : El caso de la fundadora de Theranos podría cambiar el estatus de culto que tienen algunos emprendedores tecnológicos a los que no se les cuestionan sus ambiciosos proyectos ni se les exige que rindan cuentas. »

Rabbi Describes Escape from Texas Synagogue Siege - BBC News

Jan 17, 2022 • The rabbi of a US synagogue who was taken hostage on Saturday has described how he threw a chair at the gunman in order to escape.

He and two other hostages were then able to get out "without a shot being fired", following a 10-hour siege in Texas.

The hostage-taker, named as British citizen Malik Faisal Akram, was shot dead after a stand-off with police.

US President Joe Biden has described the hostage-taking incident as "an act of terror".

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Zu Tisch ... Oldenburger Land | ARTE

Jan 9, 2022 • Im Oldenburger Land ist Grünkohl das traditionelle Wintergemüse. In der Region im Nordwesten Deutschlands kommt der Kohl mit dem feuchten Meeresklima gut zurecht. Früher stand Grünkohl in fast jedem Garten in der Umgebung, denn er sicherte die Grundversorgung in der kalten Jahreszeit. Bio-Bauer Peter Kluin baut seltene Grünkohlsorten an und verkauft sie auf dem Wochenmarkt.

Peter Kluin ist Landwirt und verkauft seit über 30 Jahren auf dem Oldenburger Rathausmarkt Bio-Gemüse. Mit den ersten kühlen Tagen beginnt die Grünkohlsaison. Grünkohl ist ein Wintergemüse, es wird von November bis März geerntet. Auf seinem Hof südlich von Oldenburg baut Peter Kluin alte Sorten wie Lerchenzunge, Schwarzkohl oder Roten Grünkohl an. Seine Frau Susanne Bruns und er kochen mit dem Gemüse ausschließlich vegetarisch. Susanne verarbeitet den Kohl auch roh im Smoothie, geröstet als Chips und sogar als Dessert-Zutat.

Peter hat eine SoLaWi-Genossenschaft gegründet, um unabhängiger vom Wochenmarktgeschäft zu sein. Die Mitglieder der solidarischen Landwirtschaft erhalten wöchentlich eine Gemüse-Kiste und Peter mehr Planungssicherheit. Gemeinsam pflegen sie einen norddeutschen Brauch: Sie unternehmen eine Kohlfahrt. Trotz eisiger Temperaturen wird gewandert und anschließend Grünkohl gegessen. Zur Kohlfahrt gehört der Klassiker „Grünkohl mit Pinkel“ mit geräucherten Würsten aus Speck und Hafergrütze. Peter und seine Frau probieren auch eine vegane Variante mit kräftigen Gewürzen.

Während im Handel meist nur eine Sorte Grünkohl angeboten wird, setzen sich immer mehr Landwirte für den Erhalt seltener Sorten ein. Peter Kluin besucht den Saatgutretter Reinhard Lühring, der regionale Gemüsesorten sammelt und vermehrt. Bei ihm entdeckt Peter alte Sorten für die nächste Grünkohlsaison.

Esskulturreihe, Regie: Hanna Leissner (D 2021, 32 Min)

Is Historic Rome Villa the World's Most Valuable Property?

A historic Rome valued at €471m ($535m) has failed to sell at auction, with a new sale set for later this year.

The property is home to the only known ceiling mural by Italian baroque artist Michelangelo Merisi, better known as Caravaggio.

The BBC's Rome correspondent Mark Lowen was allowed in to take a sneak peek inside.

Villa Aurora: Rome property fails to sell for €471m at auction: A villa in the Italian capital Rome housing the only mural by Caravaggio has failed to sell at auction. »

The Downfall of Prince Andrew: Here’s What You Need to Know

THE NEW YORK TIMES: After a New York judge ruled that a civil suit against the prince could move forward, he was stripped of his military titles. What happens now?

Prince Andrew, Queen Elizabeth II’s second son, in Norfolk, Britain, in 2020. | Will Oliver/EPA, via Shutterstock

He was a dashing helicopter pilot and war hero, who captivated millions of Britons during the Falkland Islands war. Royal watchers liked to say he was a favorite of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II.

These days, however, Prince Andrew, 61, is drawing global infamy and revulsion over accusations that he raped a teenager in 2001.

The prince has repeatedly denied the accusations. But this week, his once-glittering royal life was shattered irreparably after a federal judge in Manhattan ruled that a civil case related to the sexual abuse accusations could proceed.

The reaction from Buckingham Palace was swift and punishing. Just a day later, the prince’s 95-year-old mother stripped him of his military titles and royal patronages. Going forward, the prince will no longer use the title “His Royal Highness,” a symbol of his status as a senior member of the royal family. The Sun, a popular British tabloid, summed it up: Prince Andrew had been “effectively banished.”

Looming over the case is the prince’s friendship with the former financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who the accuser, Virginia Giuffre, claimed had trafficked her to the prince. Mr. Epstein committed suicide in prison in 2019.

The case has deeply shaken the royal family, already buffeted by scandal and the rancorous departure of Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan. The timing could hardly be worse: Queen Elizabeth is poised to celebrate her 70th anniversary on the throne this year, and the monarchy — the symbol and unifier of an often restive nation — has been seeking to burnish and renew its brand for future generations. » | Dan Bilefsky | Sunday, January 16, 2022

Leer en español :

La caída del príncipe Andrés: esto es lo que hay que saber : Al príncipe se le retiraron sus títulos militares luego de que un juez de Nueva York falló que una demanda civil en contra suya era procedente. ¿Qué pasará ahora? »

1918-1939 : les rêves brisés de l’entre-deux guerres (2/8) | ARTE

Jan 8, 2022 • Treize destins de célébrités ou d'anonymes brossent le portrait des années troubles de l'entre-deux-guerres. Une fresque historique internationale, magistrale. Dans ce volet : 1919. La conférence de paix de Paris, qui réunit les grandes puissances face à l'Allemagne vaincue, entérine le traité de Versailles.

Silvio Crespi, ministre italien, réclame de nouveaux territoires en compensation de l'effort de guerre. Marie-Jeanne Picqueray fait la découverte des milieux anarchistes, tombe amoureuse et change d'identité. Jeune plongeur au Ritz, Nguyen Ai Quoc (futur Hô Chi Minh) tente de convaincre ses collègues de condamner le joug colonialiste français sur le Viêtnam. Pour le jeune lieutenant allemand Rudolf Höss, fervent patriote et futur commandant d'Auschwitz, la défaite allemande est une catastrophe. La star du muet Pola Negri doit rentrer en Pologne suite aux émeutes révolutionnaires qui enflamment l'Allemagne.

Années fiévreuses

Après 14, des armes et des mots, qui restituait la barbarie de la Première Guerre mondiale à travers les itinéraires singuliers d’hommes, de femmes et d’enfants originaires de six pays belligérants, cette nouvelle fresque historique se penche sur la période 1918-1939, cet entre-deux-guerres où la guerre n'a jamais vraiment cessé. À partir de leur correspondance, de leurs journaux intimes et de récits biographiques, les huit épisodes de cette coproduction internationale s’attachent aux destinées contrastées de treize personnages, célèbres ou anonymes, qui furent les témoins et acteurs des bouleversements de la période. Entremêlant images d’archives issues de vingt-trois pays et reconstitutions remarquablement soignées, Jan Peter et Frédéric Goupil ressuscitent, par le prisme de l’intime, la chronologie de ces fiévreuses années, entre fureur de vivre, convulsions économiques et luttes politiques – dominées par l’affirmation des idéologies communiste et fasciste. De l’armistice de 1918 à la déclaration de guerre du 3 septembre 1939, une plongée magistrale dans une époque qui ambitionnait d’accoucher d’un nouveau monde et engendra une nouvelle tragédie.

Série documentaire (2018, 52mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 11/02/2022

La partie 1 est disponible ici.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 18, 2022

Are NATO and Russia on the Brink of War over the Ukraine Crisis? | Guest: Ex-UK Ambassador to Russia

Tonga Volcano: How Much Damage Did It Cause? | DW News

Jan 18, 2022 • A closed airport and lack of communication have continued to hinder international relief measures on the Pacific island nation of Tonga after Saturday's massive volcanic eruption and tsunami, even as significant damage was reported along the western coast of the country’s main island on Tuesday. The New Zealand High Commission reported damage on the island of Tongatapu, which is home to many holiday resorts, and the waterfront of capital Nuku'alofa. The United Nations also said that satellite visuals showed extensive damage on the western coast of Tongatapu, with several resorts and houses destroyed or severely damaged.

The official toll of deaths, injuries and damage from the disaster is still unclear, as the South Pacific archipelago has remained severed from the rest of the world after its main undersea communications cable was cut during the eruption on the uninhabited volcanic island of Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha'apai. In the first known death from the catastrophe, British national Angela Glover, 50, was killed in the tsunami as she attempted to save dogs at a rescue shelter she had set up with her husband in Tonga, her brother said. High waves from the eruption also caused two deaths in faraway Peru, where two women drowned. The country also reported an oil spill after a ship was affected while transferring oil at a refinery. "We don't have any further information that would suggest... significant casualties, although, as you would appreciate, information is still relatively patchy," Australia's Minister for the Pacific Zed Seselja said on Nine's Today show on Tuesday. He said the airport could likely open by Wednesday, with volcanic ash currently preventing planes from landing safely.

The UN said on Tuesday that it had detected a distress beacon from Tonga. eThe UN office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) expressed concern about the small low-lying islands of Mango and Fonoi. An active distress signal was detected from Mango. "Communication is still the most challenging single issue as internet and international phone lines are still out of order," the OCHA said. "Satellite phones are the only reliable instrument for communication with the outside but they, too, do not always work reliably." Meanwhile, the New Zealand High Commission said that it was trying to establish communications with smaller islands "as a matter of priority." The eruption triggered atmospheric shockwaves and unusually large waves that traveled as far as Alaska, Japan and South America.

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Greece: Petrol Bombs Fly on Thessaloniki Streets as University Squat Protest Turns Violent

A protest in support of a 34-year-old squat in the basement of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki turned violent on Saturday.

Unidentified protesters threw petrol bombs at the police who responded with tear gas. Several were detained amid clashes.

The university squat, which had been allegedly used as a hideout for self-styled anarchists, had been cleared out in December in a police operation.

30 Years after the Collapse of the USSR - Spring of Hope or Winter of Despair? | DW Documentary

Jan 17, 2022 • Thirty years ago the Soviet Union, the bastion of communism, fell apart after member states declared their independence. What do people who were born at that time think about the USSR? We ask young adults in Georgia, Ukraine and Russia.

While Ukrainian Sergey Sobol and Georgian Irakli Rusadze see their future in Europe, Russian Igor Tischkowetz is convinced that Russia is the place to be. Thirty years after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, none of these young men longs to be back in the USSR. Still, there are a few remnants of the era that Igor Tischkowetz appreciates. A report by Juri Rescheto.

Heftige Kritik aus dem House of Lords an Johnsons Polizeigesetz


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Mit einer Gesetzesreform will die britische Regierung das Versammlungsrecht ändern. Es ist nur eine von mehreren Maßnahmen, die Kritiker der Regierung als Frontalangriff auf Demokratie und Gewaltenteilung verurteilen. Der Widerstand dagegen wächst.

Autoritär, reaktionär, repressiv: Die Kritik an möglichen Einschränkungen der Demonstrationsfreiheit durch das geplante britische Polizeigesetz im Oberhaus hätte kaum beißender sein können. Die Mitglieder im House of Lords fügten der Regierung von Premierminister Boris Johnson in der Nacht zum Dienstag eine Abstimmungsniederlage nach der anderen zu.

Mit großer Mehrheit lehnten die Lords mehrere Paragrafen im Entwurf des geplanten neuen Polizeigesetzes ab. Darin waren beispielsweise erhebliche Einschränkungen von Protesten vorgesehen, wenn diese nach Ansicht der Polizei eine Lärmbelästigung darstellen oder Verkehrswege blockieren. „Menschenrechte ernsthaft infrage gestellt“ » | Quelle: dpa | Dienstag, 18. Januar 2022

Boris Johnson bataille pour sa survie politique

Boris Johnson, lors d’un débat au Parlement britannique, le 5 janvier, à Londres. REUTERS TV/REUTERS

LE FIGARO : RÉCIT - Le premier ministre prépare une salve de mesures populaires chez les tories pour tenter de désamorcer le scandale.

Dans les couloirs de Whitehall, on la dénomme «Operation Save Big Dog» (sauver le gros chien)… L’opération de sauvetage de Boris Johnson est lancée. Sérieusement touché par le «Partygate», le premier ministre lutte pour sa survie politique. Les conclusions de l’enquête interne sur les «fêtes de confinement» au sommet du pouvoir pourraient être rendues en fin de semaine. La contre-attaque passe par le nettoyage des positions de Downing Street et une salve de mesures populaires dans les rangs conservateurs.

Boris Johnson veut changer la «petite» musique qui se fait entendre à travers tout le pays. L’idée s’imprime dans l’opinion qu’il n’est pas - ou plus - à sa place. Que ses jours sont comptés. Que politiquement, il n’est plus qu’un «homme mort qui marche» comme l’a asséné le député conservateur Roger Gale. Ses soutiens montent au front mollement. D’autres se tiennent à l’écart comme on s’écarte des malades. Cette fois-ci, celui qu’on surnommait «Mr Teflon» parce que les polémiques glissaient sur lui, est sérieusement accroché. Il reste à savoir si la blessure est mortelle ou non. » | Par Arnaud De La Grange | Publié : lundi 17 janvier 2022 ; mis à jour : mardi 18 janvier 2022

Réservé aux abonnés


Royaume-Uni: Boris Johnson face au lent poison du «Partygate» : De nouvelles révélations sur une «garden-party» organisée à Downing Street en plein confinement fragilisent le premier ministre. »


Wie Johnson versucht, dem Affärensumpf zu entkommen: Boris Johnson ist unter anderem durch seine Corona-Partys schwer angeschlagen. Mit der „Operation rotes Fleisch“ sollen nun Wähler wieder angelockt werden, die von den Affären des Premierministers enttäuscht sind. »

MI5 Investigated Texas Synagogue Hostage-taker in 2020

THE GUARDIAN: UK intelligence concluded Malik Faisal Akram posed no threat, which allowed him to travel to US and buy gun

The British man who took hostages at a Texas synagogue had been under investigation by MI5 as a possible Islamist terrorist threat as recently as 2020, Whitehall sources have acknowledged.

British intelligence closed the investigation, however, after officers had concluded Malik Faisal Akram from Blackburn posed no threat, and as a result he was able to travel freely to the US and purchase a gun.

It is understood the investigation was “mid-level” and took place in the second half of 2020 – but once it had ended Akram was left as a closed subject of interest on MI5’s records, and no information of concern appears to have been passed to the US authorities before the synagogue attack.

The Security Service’s investigation lasted “over four weeks”, a source said. But it ended with an assessment that Akram did not pose a jihadist terror risk and there was no reason to prevent him from travelling abroad.

The acknowledgment is a particular embarrassment to the agency, which prides itself on a close working relationship with its US counterparts. The FBI has known about MI5’s previous investigation for some time, although British sources declined to say whether they had apologised.

Akram, a 44-year-old from Blackburn, was killed after an 11-hour hostage standoff at the Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in the Dallas suburb of Colleyville on Saturday evening. All four hostages survived the siege unharmed. » | Dan Sabbagh | Tuesday, January 18, 2022

The Hostages Escaped. But Synagogues Ask, How Can They Be More Secure? »

Monday, January 17, 2022

Ravissant !

Herrlich! / Splendid!

Merci beaucoup à achuy tan sur Pinterest pour cette super photo.

Anne Frank et sa famille pourraient avoir été dénoncées par un notaire juif, selon un livre

LE MONDE : Selon « Qui a trahi Anne Frank ? », à paraître le 19 janvier, Arnold Van den Bergh aurait dénoncé la famille Frank dans l’espoir de sauver la sienne. La Maison Anne-Frank juge « l’hypothèse fascinante » mais demande des recherches plus approfondies.

Des journalistes prennent des photos de clichés d’Anne Frank, lors de la réouverture du musée, après des travaux de rénovation, en novembre 2018. PETER DEJONG / AP

C’est peut-être la fin de près de quatre-vingts années d’interrogations. Après six ans d’enquête sur cette affaire judiciaire non élucidée, le mystère entourant la dénonciation d’Anne Frank et de sa famille aux nazis pourrait avoir été élucidé.

C’est Arnold Van den Bergh, un notaire juif, qui aurait trahi la famille Frank pour sauver la sienne, selon Rosemary Sullivan, l’auteure canadienne d’un nouvel ouvrage intitulé Qui a trahi Anne Frank ? (Harpercollins, à paraître le 19 janvier). Un documentaire sur CBS en accompagne la publication. » | Le Monde avec AFP | lundi 17 janvier 2022

LGBTQ+ Rights Activist Found Dead in Florida Landfill

Screengrab via WTVJ

ADVOCATE: Jorge Diaz-Johnston and his husband were one of six couples who successfully challenged Florida's ban on same-sex marriage in 2014.

Authorities in Florida are investigating the death of Jorge Diaz-Johnston, an LGBTQ+ activist who won a landmark court case in Miami-Dade County against the state’s ban on same-sex marriages. He was 54.

Diaz-Johnston vanished from Tallahassee January 3, according to Miami TV station WPLG. Detectives found his remains in a trash pile at a landfill Saturday morning in Jackson County, Fla., which is west of Tallahassee.

Police are treating the case as a homicide.

Investigators said in a release that the trash Diaz-Johnston's remains were found in came from a metal bay at another landfill. They added that any person or company has access to it.

Diaz-Johnston and his husband, Don Johnston, were one of six couples who successfully sued the Miami-Dade County Clerk’s Office after the office denied them marriage licenses in 2014.

The activist leaves behind his husband and his brother, Manny Diaz, who is a former mayor of Miami and is currently the Florida Democratic Party Chair. » | Alex Cooper | Friday, January 14, 2022

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Edward VIII - The King Who Threw Away His Crown | Free Documentary History

This documentary tells one of the most dramatic stories of the 20th century. Using rare and previously unseen archive and interviews with Edward and Wallis Simpson, this is the real story of the man who gave up the throne to pursue his obsession with a twice-divorced American.

The strength of Edward’s feelings for his lover sparked the abdication crisis of 1936. Instead of a coronation in 1937, Edward married Wallis, and as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor the couple embarked into a life of exile and roleless celebrity.

Dimitra’s Dishes : Greek Tzatziki Sauce | Greek Yogurt & Cucumber Dip


Get the recipe here.

Covid-19 : l'Assemblée nationale adopte définitivement le projet de loi instaurant le passe vaccinal

LE FIGARO : Le texte a été adopté par 215 voix contre 58, et 7 abstentions. Deux recours différents au Conseil constitutionnel sont prévus à gauche, ce qui va repousser de quelques jours la promulgation.

C'est l'épilogue de deux semaines mouvementées : le Parlement a adopté ce dimanche, par un ultime vote de l'Assemblée, le projet de loi controversé instaurant le passe vaccinal, que le gouvernement veut voir entrer en vigueur au plus vite face au «raz-de-marée» du Covid-19. Le texte a été approuvé par 215 voix pour, celles de la majorité, des deux tiers des LR et d'une minorité des socialistes. Ils ont été 58 députés à se prononcer contre, dont la gauche de la gauche, les UDI et le RN, et trois dissidents LREM. Sept députés se sont abstenus. » | Par Le Figaro et AFP agence | Publié : dimanche 16 janvier 2022 ; mis à jour : lundi 17 janvier 2022

Französisches Parlament beschließt Impfpass: Der nun vom Parlament beschlossene Impfpass, der der deutschen 2-G-Regel entspricht, spaltet Frankreich. Demonstrationen von Impfgegnern arten in Gewalt aus, Journalisten werden mit dem Tode bedroht. »

1918-1939 : les rêves brisés de l’entre-deux guerres (1/8) | ARTE

Jan 8, 2022 • Treize destins de célébrités ou d'anonymes brossent le portrait des années troubles de l'entre-deux-guerres. Un fresque historique internationale, magistrale. Dans ce volet : l’armistice proclamé le 11 novembre 1918 acte la défaite de l'Allemagne. Sous-officier de la marine du Kaiser et communiste, Hans Beimler refuse une mission absurde et participe à la mutinerie des marins de Kiel, prélude à l'effondrement de l'Empire allemand. Marina Yurlova, ex-enfant-soldat qui s’est battue pour le tsar, est sauvée par deux fois du peloton d’exécution par un officier tchèque et s'enfuit pour échapper à l'Armée rouge. La jeune Polonaise Apolonia Chalupiec – future Pola Negri – rêve à Berlin de devenir actrice. Le cinéaste Ernst Lubitsch lui donne sa chance en lui confiant le rôle principal de Carmen. Marie-Jeanne Picqueray, qui a échappé à la grippe espagnole, monte à Paris pour fuir son mari violent.

Années fiévreuses

Après 14, des armes et des mots, qui restituait la barbarie de la Première Guerre mondiale à travers les itinéraires singuliers d’hommes, de femmes et d’enfants originaires de six pays belligérants, cette nouvelle fresque historique se penche sur la période 1918-1939, cet entre-deux-guerres où la guerre n'a jamais vraiment cessé. À partir de leur correspondance, de leurs journaux intimes et de récits biographiques, les huit épisodes de cette coproduction internationale s’attachent aux destinées contrastées de treize personnages, célèbres ou anonymes, qui furent les témoins et acteurs des bouleversements de la période. Entremêlant images d’archives issues de vingt-trois pays et reconstitutions remarquablement soignées, Jan Peter et Frédéric Goupil ressuscitent, par le prisme de l’intime, la chronologie de ces fiévreuses années, entre fureur de vivre, convulsions économiques et luttes politiques – dominées par l’affirmation des idéologies communiste et fasciste. De l’armistice de 1918 à la déclaration de guerre du 3 septembre 1939, une plongée magistrale dans une époque qui ambitionnait d’accoucher d’un nouveau monde et engendra une nouvelle tragédie.

Série documentaire (2018, 52mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 11/02/2022

Cette série de films en huit parties est la même que la série allemande en quatre parties que j'ai commencé à publier hier, intitulée "Krieg der Träume". La première partie est soumise à une limite d'âge, elle ne peut donc être visionnée que sur YouTube. Voici un lien pour cela.

Hier sind die Links zu den ersten beiden Teilen der gestern veröffentlichten Filmreihe.