Thursday, January 20, 2022

Jeff Bezos Recruits in Quest for Eternal Youth

THE TIMES: The Amazon founder is backing a venture to extend the prime of life, write Rhys Blakely and Louisa Clarence-Smith

Altos Labs, which is backed by Jeff Bezos and Yuri Milner, has hired GSK’s chief executive Hal Barron along with a slew of Nobel prize-winners

An effort to vanquish death moved up a gear yesterday as a new “anti-ageing” company backed by Jeff Bezos revealed it had recruited one of the world’s most respected scientists.

The venture, called Altos Labs, has poached Hal Barron, 59, to be its chief executive. He had previously been chief scientific officer for the British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline.

That alone would have secured Altos credibility — but the biotech start-up also revealed $3 billion in funding yesterday, as well as a board of directors brimming with Nobel laureates.

Its focus will be on “cellular programming”, a technique that can already be used to rejuvenate individual cells in a laboratory — and that some believe holds the key to prolonging human life by banishing diseases associated with … » | Rhys Blakely, Science Correspondent | Louisa Clarence-Smith | Thursday, January 20, 2022 [£]