Showing posts with label Thessaloniki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thessaloniki. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Greece: Petrol Bombs Fly on Thessaloniki Streets as University Squat Protest Turns Violent

A protest in support of a 34-year-old squat in the basement of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki turned violent on Saturday.

Unidentified protesters threw petrol bombs at the police who responded with tear gas. Several were detained amid clashes.

The university squat, which had been allegedly used as a hideout for self-styled anarchists, had been cleared out in December in a police operation.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Riots Break Out in Athens

THE TELEGRAPH: Clashes broke out during a march to commemorate the first anniversary of the police shooting of a teenager, whose death sparked massive riots.

Police fired tear gas at youths throwing rocks and firecrackers in central Athens, as several thousand demonstrators gathered to mark the death of 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos.

About 3,000 mostly students, anarchists and leftists began a march to parliament on Sunday and more protests were expected on Monday. An evening memorial service was planned in the Exarchia district, where the teenager was shot dead.

Violence also broke out in Thessaloniki, Greece's second-largest city, where youths threw petrol bombs at police and smashed the storefront of a Starbucks cafe. >>> Julian Kossoff | Sunday, December 06, 2009

TIMES ONLINE: Violence flares in Athens on anniversary of teenager's death >>> John Carr, Athens | Sunday, December 06, 2009

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Chaoten setzen in Griechenland Autos in Brand

TAGES ANZEIGER: In Griechenland geht die Serie von Anschlägen autonomer Gruppen weiter.

Vermummte Täter schleuderten in der Nacht zum Samstag mehrere Brandflaschen auf die Büros und den Parkplatz einer Filiale der Elektrizitätsgesellschaft DEI in der Hafenstadt Thessaloniki. >>> mbr/sda | Samstag, 7. März 2009

NZZ Online: Autonome setzen Anschlagsserie in Griechenland fort

Vermummte attackieren Polizisten

In Griechenland geht die Serie von Anschlägen autonomer Gruppen weiter. In der Nacht zum Sonntag entzündeten Unbekannte in Athen mehrere Haushalts-Gasflaschen vor zwei Filialen des Arbeitsamtes und eines Sportartikelgeschäftes. Dabei entstanden erhebliche Schäden. >>> sda/dpa | Sonntag, 8. März 2009

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Saturday, December 06, 2008

Asylum Seekers Riot in Athens

DAILY EXPRESS: Hundreds of migrants waiting to submit asylum applications rioted in central Athens, setting fire to rubbish bins and attacking passing cars.

Protesters said the riot began when one man fell into a nearby canal after authorities told the crowd that no more applications could be submitted. Only a small number of applications can be submitted each week. 

It was not immediately clear how the man fell into the canal. Police said he was injured and was taken by ambulance to a hospital. They said they were investigating the incident. 

Outraged asylum-seekers began setting fire to rubbish bins and throwing them into the street, and ripped branches off trees to set them alight. A smaller group threw rocks at passing cars, stopping some vehicles and banging on them with their hands. There were no reports of any passers-by being injured. 

The riot lasted for about an hour, and riot police who were on standby nearby did not intervene. A fire truck extinguished the blazes. >>> | December 6, 2008

NZZ Online: Schwere Krawalle in Griechenland: Tod eines Jugendlichen löst Protestwelle aus

Der Tod eines 15-Jährigen durch Schüsse der Polizei hat in mehreren griechischen Städten schwere Krawalle ausgelöst. In Athen und Thessaloniki sowie auf Kreta protestierten mehrere hundert Jugendliche gewaltsam gegen die Polizei.

(sda/ap) Der 16-jährige Athener war am Samstagabend bei gewalttätigen Zusammenstössen zwischen Polizisten und linksextremen Gruppen in Athen getötet worden. Die Gruppe von Jugendlichen hatte nach Angaben von Augenzeugen am Samstagabend einen Streifenwagen attackiert. Ein Polizist gab drei Schüsse auf die Gruppe ab und traf den Jugendlichen in der Brust. >>> | 7. Dezember 2008

BBC: Fresh Riots Erupt in Greek Cities

BBC: Thousands of protesters have attacked banks and shops in Athens and Greece's northern city of Thessaloniki, angered by the police's killing of a teenager.

Demonstrators threw petrol bombs, rocks and other objects at the buildings and at police, who responded with tear gas.

Greek Interior Minister Prokopis Pavlopoulos has appealed for restraint.

The streets of the capital were already strewn with glass and rubble after a night of rioting sparked by Saturday's shooting, in the Exarchia district.

Police said Saturday's riots had left 24 police officers injured, one seriously, and 31 shops, nine banks and 25 cars damaged or burned.

Six people were arrested, one of them for carrying a weapon.
Alex Hadjisavvas, the owner of a shop on Patission Avenue in central Athens, told the BBC that many nearby businesses had been looted.

"The window was smashed, the shop front damaged and a large quantity of stock taken from inside has been used by the rioters as material to start street fires," he said.

The unrest, the worst in the country in several years, later spread to Thessaloniki and the southern island of Crete. >>> | December 7, 2008

Watch BBC video: Rioters throw stones and petrol bombs at police, who respond with tear gas >>>

THE TELEGRAPH: Third Day of Rioting in Greek Cities

Greek rioters have fought police in Thessaloniki and Trikala in a third day of violence sparked by the death of a 15-year-old boy shot by Athens police on Saturday night.

In Athens, protesters continued to occupy two university campuses and block main road and rail systems, with the rioters promising fresh demonstrations in five cities on Monday night.

About 15 protesters also occupied the Greek consulate in Berlin, taking down its flag and raising a banner that read: "Murderer state".

About 300 students in Thessaloniki, the country's second-largest city, were reportedly battling riot police on Monday morning, setting alight rubbish bins and attacking cars and shop fronts.

At the same time a policeman in Trikala, a small town in central Greece, was injured in fighting.

The authorities in the capital were preparing for a mass rally by the Communist party, still a powerful force in the east Mediterranean state.

On Saturday night and throughout Sunday, Greek cities endured the worst street violence seen for years as youths fought police.

The clashes erupted after police shot dead 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos in Exarchia, a neighbourhood of central Athens. >>> | December 8, 2008

WELT ONLINE: Chaos in Griechenland, Konsulat in Berlin besetzt

Griechenland kommt nach dem Tod eines 15-Jährigen nicht zur Ruhe. Am dritten Tag in Folge gab es teils gewaltsame Proteste von Jugendlichen. Vermummte Demonstranten und die Bereitschaftspolizisten lieferten sich in Thessaloniki heftige Straßenschlachten. In Berlin besetzen Demonstranten das griechische Konsulat.

Griechenland versinkt im Chaos. In Thessaloniki, der zweitgrößten Stadt des Landes, setzten am Montagvormittag etwa 300 Demonstranten in der Nähe eines Polizeikommissariats Autos in Brand und schlugen Schaufensterscheiben ein.

Die von Studierenden besetzte Universität Thessaloniki wurde auf Anordnung des Rektorats bis mindestens Dienstag geschlossen. Auch in Athen und anderen Städten ruhte der Lehrbetrieb in mehreren Universitäten und Hochschulen. In der Stadt Trikala wurde am Montag ein Polizist bei Auseinandersetzungen mit Demonstranten verletzt. Auch dort wurde eine Bahnverbindung blockiert.

Linksgerichtete Gruppen kündigten für den Nachmittag weitere Demonstrationen in mehreren Städten an. Die Kommunistische Partei Griechenlands (KKE) veranstaltete eine Protestkundgebung am zentralen Athener Omonia-Platz, das Bündnis der radikalen Linken (SYRIZA) wollte vor dem Universitätsgebäude im Stadtzentrum demonstrieren. Innenminister Prokopis Pavlopoulos und sein Stellvertreter boten ihren Rücktritt an, Ministerpräsident Konstantinos Karamanlis lehnte jedoch ab. >>> AFP/AP/dpa/fsl | 8. Dezember 2008

SPIEGELONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Demonstrators Occupy Greek Consulate in Berlin

A group of 30 demonstrators has occupied the Greek consulate in Berlin to protest the killing of a teenager by police in Athens on Saturday night. The Berlin protesters are behaving peacefully.

A group of demonstrators occupied the Greek consulate in Berlin on Monday morning in protest over the fatal shooting of a 15-year-old boy by Athens police on Saturday that triggered the worst rioting Greece has seen in 25 years.

Some 30 people pushed their way into the lobby of the consulate at Wittenbergplatz in western Berlin at around 9.40 a.m. local time, said SPIEGEL TV reporter Martin Heller, who is on the scene.

Around 120 German police cordoned off the area outside the consulate and negotiations are underway with the demonstrators, who were behaving peacefully and had made no demands, police said. At around 11 a.m., 10 people wearing hats and scarves to mask their faces appeared on the balcony of the consulate and shouted: "Police Assassins" and "Alexandros, That Was Murder!" >>> cro -- with wire reports | December 8, 2008

NZZ Online: Griechenlands Regierung verspricht Aufklärung: Nach Tod eines 15-Jährigen durch Polizeikugel - Wieder Unruhen

Der griechische Ministerpräsident Kostas Karamanlis will nach dem Tod eines 15-jährigen Schülers durch eine Polizeikugel die Verantwortlichen zur Rechenschaft ziehen.

(sda/dpa/ap) «Wir werden alles tun, damit diese Tragödie sich nicht wiederholt», sagte Karamanlis in einer Fernsehansprache. Für die schweren Ausschreitungen am Wochenende machte er «extreme Elemente» verantwortlich. «Deren einziges Motiv ist die Gewalt und die Zerstörung», sagte der konservative Regierungschef: «Wir werden das nicht dulden.» >>> | 8. Dezember 2008

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