Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Prince Andrew’s Social Media Accounts Deleted as He Fights US Lawsuit

THE GUARDIAN: Twitter and YouTube pages no longer accessible, while royal website refers to his role in the past tense

Prince Charles, the Queen and Prince Andrew at the Trooping the Colour in 2019. The Queen has now stripped Andrew of his military affiliations. Photograph: Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

The Duke of York’s social media accounts are being deleted as he continues his legal battle to fight a sexual assault lawsuit filed against him in the US.

Last week the Queen stripped her second son of his honorary military affiliations and royal patronages, and he agreed not to use his royal style HRH in any official capacity.

Prince Andrew’s official Twitter handle, TheDukeOfYork, now leads to a blank page. His YouTube page is also no longer accessible. While his Instagram account, hrhthedukeofyork, still appeared on Wednesday, it is understood that that too is being removed, along with his Facebook account, but some accounts are taking longer to filter through.

Royal aides have also updated the British monarchy’s official website as Buckingham Palace seeks to distance the institution from Andrew’s legal battle.

While the prince still appears under the section titled Members of the Royal Family, the list of his military affiliations and patronages has been removed. Buckingham Palace announced last week that the roles would be shared out among other members of the royal family. The decision was made after discussion between senior family members. » | Caroline Davies | Wednesday, January 19, 2022


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