Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Guardian View on Dropping Covid Restrictions: Follow the Scandal

THE GUARDIAN: The scrapping of plan B is driven by the prime minister’s political panic, not scientific guidance

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland ‘are keeping the mask mandate on public transport, in shops and similar places, while England is dropping it’. Photograph: Guy Bell/Rex/Shutterstock

No one is under the illusion that the ending of Covid restrictions in England from next week is driven by science. The prime minister’s announcement on Wednesday was prompted by political desperation, not data. The daily death rate on Wednesday was reported as 359.

Scientists warn that infections are likely to resurge. While the level of infection across the population and health staff absences are falling sharply, the chair of the British Medical Association warned that hospitalisations are double the level that they were when plan B was introduced, and case rates close to twice as high. Dr Chaand Nagpaul noted that the NHS remains under crippling pressure, with a record backlog of six million patients.

After two years of the pandemic, it is not only Tory backbenchers who long for a return to normality. It is true that Omicron has wreaked less damage than feared – though many have still lost loved ones, or suffered serious and perhaps lasting damage to their health. With vaccines and treatments now available, it is entirely reasonable that people are rethinking what constitutes appropriate and proportionate responses to the virus. Restrictions have saved countless lives, but they have economic, social and indeed health costs: the effects of isolation have been punishing for many. » | Editorial | Thursday, January 20, 2022

It’s high time that this circus leave town! Complete with its clowns!

In order for the chief clown to obtain the keys to Number 10, we, the people, had to relinquish all our rights as citizens of the EU. Now, he wants the people to relinquish their right to life too, in order that he be able to save his political career! Enough already! It’s high time that the Conservative Party restore normality, restore decency. Once upon a time, it was the Party of decency and common sense!

It is peculiar and unfathomable indeed that at the very time that other European countries are toughening their restrictions because of the dangers of the Omicron variant that this government is relaxing them. How senseless is that? – © Mark