Thursday, September 22, 2022

UK in Recession and Further Interest Rate Hikes on Their Way, Bank Warns Kwarteng

THE GUARDIAN: Threadneedle Street makes clear on eve of tax-cutting mini-budget that plans risk triggering more rate rises

One Whitehall source described the chancellor’s mini-budget as having ‘more rabbits than Watership Down’. Photograph: Toby Melville/Reuters

The Bank of England has warned Kwasi Kwarteng the economy is in recession and it will most probably need to push interest rates higher following Friday’s tax-cutting mini budget from the chancellor.

On the eve of a major package of support from the chancellor designed to break what he called the economy’s “cycle of stagnation”, Threadneedle Street said the UK economy was heading for a second consecutive quarter of falling output, with gross domestic product set to shrink 0.1% in the three months to September.

However, with energy and food bills still soaring, and inflation not expected to peak until October, the Bank of England raised the cost of borrowing for a seventh successive meeting of its monetary policy committee (MPC) and made clear the new government’s plans risked triggering more interest rate hikes. » | Larry Elliott, Jessica Elgot and Richard Partington | Thursday, September 22, 2022

heute 19:00 Uhr vom 22.09.2022 Unruhen in Russland, UN-Sicherheitsrat, Energiekrise, Iran

Gegen die Teilmobilmachung in Russland regt sich Widerstand. Viele Menschen verlassen fluchtartig das Land, während andere eingezogen werden. Diese und weitere Nachrichten des Tages in den ZDFheute Nachrichten um 19 Uhr.

Women Burn Hijabs in Iran as Protests Escalate over Killing of Mahsa Amini by "Morality Police"

Protests in Iran continue after the death of a 22-year-old Kurdish woman in custody of the so-called morality police. Mahsa Amini died last week after being detained for allegedly leaving some of her hair visible in violation of an Iranian law requiring women to cover their heads. Witnesses said Amini was severely beaten by police, but authorities claim she died of natural causes. Thousands of people, often led by young women, have taken to the streets in outrage over Amini's death, chanting slogans against the morality police and the government, with some burning their headscarves in a show of defiance. "This anger against the morality police and the violence they are committing on the streets has been building up for years," says Iranian American journalist Negar Mortazavi.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — September 22, 2022

Why Hate Is Fuelling Politics

Hate is fuelling politics in America and Britain, as arguments over racial justice, transgender rights

Labour May Abolish House of Lords If It Wins Next Election, Leaked Report Reveals

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: Constitutional review by Gordon Brown also recommends devolving economic powers

Gordon Brown was commissioned to undertake the constitutional review by the Labour leader, Keir Starmer. Photograph: Russell Cheyne/Reuters

Labour is considering abolishing the House of Lords and replacing it with an upper house of nations and regions, as well as handing sweeping new powers to local regions and devolved nations, a leaked report has revealed.

The constitutional review by the former prime minister Gordon Brown, which has been seen by MPs and shadow cabinet ministers, recommends devolving new economic powers, including over taxation, and creating new independent councils of the nations and for England.

The review, seen by the Guardian, recommends: » | Jessica Elgot Chief political correspondent | Thursday, September 22, 2022

‘It’s a 100% Mobilisation’: Day One of Russia’s Drive to Build Its Army

THE GUARDIAN: Reports ethnic minorities may be disproportionately affected while protesters in Moscow drafted on arrest

There were emotional scenes in the eastern Siberian republic of Buryatia as drafted men said goodbye to their families. Photograph: Ayuna Shagdurova

Summons delivered to eligible men at midnight. Schoolteachers pressed into handing out draft notices. Men given an hour to pack their things and appear at draft centres. Women sobbing as they send their husbands and sons off to fight in Russia’s war in Ukraine.

The first full day of Russia’s first mobilisation since the second world war produced emotional showdowns at draft centres and even signs of protest, while it appears Russia could be considering far more than the 300,000 new conscripts claimed by the defence minister Sergei Shoigu.

One woman in a small village in the Zakamensky region of Buryatia in eastern Siberia, said she first felt something was amiss when the dogs began barking about midnight. » | Andrew Roth in Moscow | Thursday, September 22, 2022

‘I will cross the border tonight’: Russians flee after news of draft: Border guards cite ‘exceptional’ number of people leaving the country after ‘partial mobilisation’ announcement »

Men Flee Russia as Mobilization Begins »

Apparently Brexit Was Never about a Free Trade Deal with the US

Sep 21, 2022

Liz Truss's Dodgy Economics

Sep 22, 2022

We Have to Be Prepared for War with Russia | Sir Richard Shirreff

"The way to manage the risks is to be prepared to face up to them. That means being prepared for the worst case, which is war with Russia."

Nato must be ready with a "very powerful deterrent" to control Putin, former Nato deputy supreme commander Sir Richard Shirreff tells #TimesRadio.

Denmark’s Queen Margrethe II Marks Five Decades on the Throne with Muted Celebrations

Denmark’s Queen Margrethe II scales back her jubilee festivities in light of her UK counterpart’s -- and first cousin's -- death.

Britons Freed in Russia-Ukraine Prisoner Swap

ive Britons have been released from Russian detention in a prisoner swap brokered with help from Turkey and Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince.

The exchange took place unexpectedly, following Russian President Vladimir Putin's threat to use nuclear weapons.

The Psychic Trauma of Being Queer in Singapore

Jasjyot Singh Hans


THE NEW YORK TIMES: I was at a watch party last month, waiting excitedly for the expected announcement that Singapore would finally decriminalize consensual sex between gay men.

Section 377A of Singapore’s Penal Code, a holdover from British colonial times, has loomed as a barrier to queer rights, setting the tone for discrimination in broader areas like housing, health care and employment.

Although the government had years ago stopped enforcing it, repeal gave gay Singaporeans like me hope that we might finally be accepted, and cheers went up when Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong delivered the news. But the room went silent moments later.

Anxious to reassure conservatives, Mr. Lee quickly added that marriage was defined as between a man and a woman and would be protected from further legal challenge through a constitutional amendment. No changes were mentioned in other policy areas that marginalize us. The status quo, justified by the familiar refrain of family values, would be maintained.

Rather than a gesture of reconciliation, the government cynically validated bigoted factions that have historically abused and organized against queers. » | Joel Tan * | Thursday, September 22, 2022

* Joel Tan is a Singaporean playwright and artist based in London. His play Tango dramatized the human cost of Singapore’s homophobic policy environment.

Trumps Inflated Net Worth by Billions, Says NY State Lawsuit

Read the article here.

Protests & International Condemnation: How the World Reacts to Putin's Escalation of the Ukraine War

Russian President Vladimir Putin made a rare televised address to the Russian people on Wednesday morning when he announced a "partial mobilization," saying the measure was needed to protect Russian people from what he called "the entire war machine of the collective West" in Ukraine.

Putin followed the announcement with repeated assurances that this mobilization is just "partial." He emphasized that it only concerns reservists and those who have previously served in the army or have military experience.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu also addressed the public, saying conscripts and students would not be called up to fight and that only 300,000 people would be drafted under the new mobilization measure.

The measure was not completely unexpected. Discussions about whether Russia would need more soldiers took on a new urgency this month after Ukraine retook control over more than 6,000 square kilometers (about 2,320 square miles) of territory that had been under Russian control.

Throughout the war, there have been reports about a drive in Russia to enlist more men to fight, including advertisements on jobseeker websites promising fast cash. In mid-September, footage circulated on social media that allegedly showed Kremlin-linked businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin recruiting Russian prisoners to fight in Ukraine as part of the Wagner mercenary group.

Military experts argue the recent Russian retreat marks a turning point in the war. Putin's announcement Wednesday made the call to arms official. But his order, published on the Kremlin website, has raised questions. The document outlined the legal status of the soldiers being drafted in 10 points, but the seventh point was never published. Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov has said it concerned the number of conscripts and was intended only for administrative use. That has raised questions about whether the Kremlin only intends to conscript 300,000 soldiers.

Hundreds Arrested and Flights Out of Moscow Sell Out amid Russia Military Call-up - BBC News

Russian police are reported to have arrested hundreds of protesters rallying against the Kremlin's decision to call up thousands of extra troops to fight in Ukraine.

Russian human rights group OVD-Info put the total at more than 1,300, with the largest numbers arrested in St Petersburg and Moscow.

Flights out of Russia sold out fast after Vladimir Putin's announcement.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

En Iran, la colère grandit après la mort de Mahsa Amini, devenue le symbole de la brutalité du régime

LE MONDE : Malgré la répression, les manifestations se poursuivent dans tout le pays en réaction au décès de la jeune femme de 22 ans, le 16 septembre, après son arrestation par la police des
mœurs. Six personnes auraient été tuées lors d’affrontements avec les forces de l’ordre.

Des manifestants protestent contre la mort de Mahsa Amini, à Téhéran, le 19 septembre 2022. AP

Du Kurdistan à Téhéran, la colère ne retombe pas en Iran. Pour le troisième jour consécutif, villes et universités ont été le théâtre de manifestations contre le régime. La mort de Mahsa Amini, le 16 septembre, après son arrestation par une patrouille de la police des mœurs, a fait office de catalyseur. La jeune femme de 22 ans, arrêtée dans une rue de la capitale pour un foulard jugé « mal porté », est devenue un nouveau symbole de la brutalité de l’Etat iranien.

Les slogans des manifestants – « Femme, vie, liberté ! », « A bas le dictateur ! », « Mort à Khamenei ! [le Guide suprême et la plus haute autorité du pays] » – visent le régime et ses fondements. A commencer par le port obligatoire du voile, un dogme de la République islamique d’Iran. » | Par Ghazal Golshiri et Madjid Zerrouky | mercredi 21 septembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Mobilisation in Russia

“The House Is On Fire”

Watch Konstanin’s 'short' on it here.

Justin Timberlake: Can’t Stop the Feeling! | From DreamWorks Animation's "Trolls" | Official Video | Reupload

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Les évêques flamands ouvrent la voie à la bénédiction des unions homosexuelles

LE MONDE : Cette décision est en porte-à-faux avec la doctrine officielle de l’Eglise catholique.

L’un des initiateurs du projet le qualifie lui-même de « révolutionnaire » et de « signal envoyé au monde entier » : en Belgique, les évêques flamands ont pris position, mardi 20 septembre, en faveur d’une ouverture de l’Eglise catholique à la communauté homosexuelle. Les évêques ont annoncé la création d’une liturgie spécifique pour bénir des couples homosexuels. L’institution catholique de Flandre instaurera aussi un « point de contact » pour les croyants homosexuels. Cette annonce, qui passe outre un avis du dicastère (ministère du Vatican) pour la doctrine de la foi de mars 2021 et semble en porte-à-faux avec la doctrine catholique sur l’homosexualité, a aussitôt déclenché l’émoi dans l’Eglise.

Le coordinateur du projet, Willy Bombeek, ancien porte-parole du réseau d’enseignement catholique de Flandre, est lui-même homosexuel. « C’est pour cette raison que les évêques m’ont demandé d’accepter cette mission, a-t-il expliqué à la chaîne de télévision VRT. Il est important de relever que l’Eglise a spécifiquement voulu une personne LGBTI à ce poste. » Chaque diocèse sera invité a désigner un responsable de cette question. » | Par Cécile Chambraud et Jean-Pierre Stroobants (Bruxelles, Correspondant) | mercredi 21 septembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

'Putin Is a Liar,' Says Former Ukrainian President

Former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has praised "international support" for Ukraine and has said Russian President Vladimir "Putin is a liar," regarding Russian war casualties.

Fed Makes Another Big Rate Increase

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Federal Reserve raised rates by three-quarters of a point and projected a more aggressive path ahead, suggesting that borrowing costs would be increased to 4.4 percent by the end of the year.

Federal Reserve officials ramped up their battle against the fastest inflation in 40 years on Wednesday, ushering in a third straight supersize rate increase while projecting a more aggressive path ahead for monetary policy, one that would lift interest rates higher and keep them elevated longer.

Central bankers raised their policy interest rate by three-quarters of a percentage point, boosting it to a range of 3 to 3.25 percent. The federal funds rate was set at near zero as recently as March, and the Fed’s increases since then have made for its fastest policy adjustment since the 1980s.

Even more notably, policymakers predicted on Wednesday that they will raise borrowing costs to 4.4 percent by the end of the year — suggesting that they could make another supersize rate move, followed by a half-point adjustment. Officials estimated that rates will climb to 4.6 percent by the end of 2023, up from an estimate of 3.8 percent in June, when they last published estimates. » | Jeanna Smialek | Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Biden Condemns Russian Escalation of Ukraine War | DW News

US President Joe Biden delivered a firm rebuke of Russia's "brutal, needless war" in Ukraine during an address to the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Wednesday.

He said Moscow "shamelessly violated" the UN charter with the invasion.

"If nations can pursue their imperial ambitions without consequences then we put at risk everything this institution stands for," he said.

Biden's address to the UN comes only hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered reservists to report for duty to fight the war in Ukraine.

Enya : Caribbean Blue | Official 4k Music Video | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 56,497,531

Scott Joplin : The Entertainer (1916)

Performed by: Scott Joplin

Marvin Gaye : Sexual Healing | Official HD Video

Views on YouTube: 170,008,257

Ein heißer Kuss am Ende eines langen, heißen Sommers.

A hot kiss at the end of a long, hot summer. / Un baiser chaud à la fin d'un été long et chaud.

Für dieses Superfoto möchte ich mich bei Sloppy Kiss auf Pinterest bedanken.

Billy Ocean : There'll Be Sad Songs (to Make You Cry) | Official Video

Views on YouTube: 19,881,355

Nicotine’s Effects on the Brain & Body & How to Quit Smoking or Vaping | Huberman Lab Podcast #90

In this episode, I explain how nicotine impacts the brain and body, including its potent ability to enhance attention, focus, and alertness, increase blood pressure and metabolism and reduce appetite. I discuss nicotine’s ability to increase the action of neurochemicals, including dopamine, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine and activate sympathetic (alertness-promoting) neural circuits. I also discuss common nicotine delivery methods, such as cigarettes, vaping, dip, and snuff, and how they each create their own unique experience and how they, but not nicotine itself, cause cancer and other adverse health effects. I also explain science-based tools to permanently quit smoking cigarettes or vaping, including peer-reviewed clinical hypnosis tools, antidepressants, and alternative nicotine replacement (patches, lozenges, gums etc.). As nicotine is one of the most widely used substances with billions of users — most of whom report wanting to quit — this episode ought to be of interest to former/current nicotine users, those who want to quit smoking or vaping and/or those interested in learning the biology behind how nicotine impacts the brain and body.

What Alcohol Does to Your Body, Brain & Health | Huberman Lab Podcast #86

Aug 22, 2022 In this episode, I discuss the physiological effects that drinking alcohol has on the brain and body at different levels of consumption and over time. I also describe genetic differences that predispose certain individuals to alcoholism, binge and habit-drinking. I explain alcohol metabolism in simple terms and how it effectively acts as a poison, leading to cellular stress and damage. I then explain that it impacts neuronal function and changes our thinking and behavior – hallmarks of inebriation. I also discuss how alcohol consumption of different amounts impacts inflammation, stress, neurodegeneration, and cancer risk and negatively impacts the gut microbiome, brain thickness, hormone balance, mood and feelings of motivation. Additionally, I discuss the biology of hangovers and describe science-based strategies to mitigate the severity of a hangover. Since alcohol is one of the most widely consumed recreational substances, this episode ought to be of relevance to everyone. Indeed, even low-to-moderate alcohol consumption negatively impacts the brain and body in direct ways. The goal of this episode is to help people make informed decisions about their alcohol consumption that are in keeping with their mental and physical health goals.

Number of Global Ultra High Net Worth Individuals Hits Record High

THE GUARDIAN: Credit Suisse finds those with assets exceeding $50m total 218,200 after post-pandemic ‘explosion of wealth’

The ranks of the global “ultra high net worth” (UHNW) individuals swelled by 46,000 last year to a record 218,200 as the world’s richest people benefited from “almost an explosion of wealth” during the recovery from the pandemic.

The number of UHNW people – those with assets of more than $50m (£43.7m) – jumped in 2021 as the super-rich benefited from soaring house prices and booming stock markets, according to a report by investment bank Credit Suisse. The number of people in the UHNW bracket has increased by more than 50% over the past two years.

The huge increase in wealth of the richest 0.00004% of the world’s adult population comes as billions of low- and middle-income people – many of whom saw their savings wiped out during the pandemic – struggle to cope with soaring food and energy prices.

“The strong rise in financial assets resulted in an increase in inequality in 2021,” the report by Credit Suisse, which helps manage the fortunes of many of the world’s richest people, said. “The rise in inequality is probably due to the surge in the value of financial assets during the Covid-19 pandemic.” » | Rupert Neate, Wealth correspondent | Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Why wealth matters. The Global Wealth Report: The most comprehensive and up-to-date resource of its kind. Our Global Wealth Report analyzes the household wealth of 5.3 billion people across the globe. Multi-faceted and eye-opening. »

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — September 21, 2022

Our Country Yearns for Unity - but Truss’s Government Is Mercilessly Dividing It into Rich and Poor

THE GUARDIAN: For the first time since the welfare state was created, the food bank will be our safety net and charity our last line of defence

‘Liz Truss’s £150bn energy package remains so poorly targeted it will not prevent 5 million children falling into poverty this winter.’ Photograph: Toby Melville/PA

Having been promised an energy price freeze, millions of hard-pressed families will be shocked and fearful when, on 1 October, they are hit with a 25% rise in their fuel bills.

After a summer of doing nothing the government looked as if it had done a lot, but it has not done anywhere near enough. In 10 days’, the cap on energy bills will rise to an unprecedented £2,500 a year. This is an average increase of £10 a week, on top of April’s rise of £14 a week. Fuel costs will, according to Jonathan Bradshaw and Antonia Keung at York University, consume an unprecedented 20% of the income of 4.1 million families in October. By May, that figure could rise to 7.4 million. For 2.2 million families, energy bills will take up an unpayable 30% of their income, and this could rise to 3.8 million families by May.

Never has fuel poverty hit so many people so hard, and unless new help is announced for low-income families on Friday, Liz Truss’s £150bn energy package will remain so poorly targeted that it will not prevent 5 million children falling into poverty this winter, and an ever larger proportion of our nation from turning up at one of the country’s 3,000 food banks. » | Gordon Brown | Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Our Yemeni Kitchen | مطبخنا اليمني | Yemeni Kofta Kebab | كباب كفتة يمنية

Delicious : لذيذ

For a complete list of the ingredients used in this recipe and its method of preparation, in both English and Arabic, please click here and then click on “show more”.

Land ohne Queen | ARTE Re:

Der Tod Elizabeth II. ist eine Zäsur. Millionen Briten und Menschen aus aller Welt nehmen Abschied. Zwischen Trauer und Neuanfang wird eine Frage immer drängender: Was bedeutet das Ende der Ära Elizabeth II. für die Monarchie – und was für die Briten selbst?

London. Nah am Buckingham Palace krabbelt John Loughrey aus seinem Zelt. Es ist fünf Uhr morgens, der 67-Jährige muss sich beeilen, denn schon bald müssen er und seine Freunde den Platz für die Massen räumen. Der Sarg der Queen wird an diesem Nachmittag vom Buckingham Palace zur Westminster Hall überführt. Seit Tagen campen die „Royal Superfans“ hier, um Abschied von ihrer Königin zu nehmen. Nicht nur John Loughrey, überall erzählen Briten von ganz persönlichen Begegnungen mit der Königin – und wie es ihr Leben bis heute prägt. So auch in Schottland. In Edinburgh verabschieden sich Menschen am geschlossenen Sarg der verstorbenen Monarchin. Vor Schloss Balmoral haben Anwohner hunderte Blumensträuße abgelegt. John Sinclair ist Metzger in Ballater, Aberdeenshire und beliefert das Schloss seit vielen Jahren. „Das erste Mal traf ich die Queen 2010. Ich war sehrnervös. Sie sah mich einfach an. Ich schaute diese kleine Dame an – ich wusste gar nicht, dass die Königin so klein ist.“ Viele richten nun den Blick nach vorn und hoffen, dass König Charles der Monarchie ähnliche Strahlkraft verleiht. Andere leben dagegen seit Jahren im Konflikt mit der Krone.

Ngozi Fulani stammt eigentlich aus der Karibik. Sie berichtet von Diskriminierungen – und von Chris Kaba, einem schwarzen jungen Mann, der drei Tage vor dem Tod der Queen von Polizisten erschossen wurde. Sie nimmt daraufhin an Protestmärschen in London Teil. Fulani kann in die Trauer für die Queen nicht mit einstimmen. Rassismus und Kolonialismus, dagegen habe das Königshaus zu wenig getan. Geht König Charles neue Wege?

Reportage (D 2022, 32 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 21/09/2023

Russland will Teile der Ost-Ukraine annektieren | Putins Panik-Reaktion

Der Kreml will Teile der besetzten Ost-Ukraine illegal annektieren!

Einem Bericht der russischen Nachrichtenagentur „Tass“ zufolge plant Moskau Referenden in den sogenannten „Volksrepubliken“ Donezk und Lugansk. Zudem sollen auch auch in der besetzten Stadt Cherson und in der teilweise besetzten Region Saporischschja in der Süd-Ukraine Referenden stattfinden. Die Referenden sollen zeitgleich zwischen dem 23. und dem 27. September stattfinden; Ziel ist ein Anschluss der besetzten Regionen an Russland.

Bereits am Montag hatte die russische Propagandistin Margarita Simonjan ein „sofortiges Referendum“ in den besetzten Gebieten gefordert, um das „Krim-Szenario“ zu wiederholen. 2014 hatte Russland die ukrainische Halbinsel Krim nach einem manipulierten Referendum illegal annektiert.

Ein russischer Elitesoldat packt aus: Die Enthüllungen des Pavel Filatjew | SPIEGEL TV

Pavel Filatjew ist ein russischer Fallschirmjäger. Zwei Monate kämpfte der 33-Jährige an der ukrainischen Front. Nach einer Verwundung schrieb er ein aufsehenerregendes Buch: über die schlechte Ausbildung in der Armee, die Unfähigkeit der Kommandeure und das System Putin. Das brachte ihn in Gefahr. Er floh nach Frankreich. SPIEGEL TV hat ihn exklusiv getroffen.

Putin Announces Partial Mobilisation and Threatens Nuclear Retaliation in Escalation of Ukraine War

THE GUARDIAN: Russian president threatens west with nuclear retaliation, saying ‘we will use all the means at our disposal’

A screenshot taken from the accompanying video.

Vladimir Putin has announced a partial mobilisation in Russia in a significant escalation that places the country’s people and economy on a wartime footing.

The president also threatened nuclear retaliation, saying that Russia had “lots of weapons to reply” to what he called western threats on Russian territory and added that he was not bluffing.

In a highly anticipated televised address, Putin said the “partial mobilisation” was a direct response to the dangers posed by the west, which “wants to destroy our country”, and claimed the west had tried to “turn Ukraine’s people into cannon fodder”.

“Military service will apply only to citizens who are currently in the reserve, especially those who have served in the armed forces, have certain military professions and relevant experience,” he said.

Shortly after Putin’s announcement, the country’s defence ministry, Sergei Shoigu, said 300,000 Russians would be called up as part of the mobilisation that will apply to “those with previous military experience”.With video » | Pjotr Sauer | Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Mobilisation de 300 000 réservistes, chantage nucléaire : la fuite en avant de Vladimir Poutine : Le président russe, qui assure qu’il « soutiendra » une annexion des territoires occupés d’Ukraine, met également en avant la menace de l’arme nucléaire. »

Russland will 300.000 Reservisten mobilisieren: Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin ordnet eine Teilmobilmachung für Russland an. In seiner Fernsehansprache droht er auch mit dem Einsatz von Atomwaffen. »

Liz Truss Urges World Leaders to Follow UK with Trickle Down Economics

THE GUARDIAN: Reports that stamp duty will be cut with PM to use UN speech to argue for far-reaching tax reductions, putting her at odds with Joe Biden

A screenshot of Liz Truss taken from the accompanying video.

Liz Truss is to urge world leaders to join Britain in introducing far-reaching tax cuts despite US president Joe Biden pouring scorn on “trickle down economics” ahead of their first bilateral talks in New York.

In a speech to the United Nations on Wednesday, the prime minister will argue the free world must prioritise economic growth to deny authoritarian states like Russia the chance to manipulate the global economy.

However, her embrace of Reaganite economic policy puts her on a collision course with the Democratic president who tweeted yesterday that he was “sick and tired” of the approach, which he claimed had never worked. With video » | Pippa Crerar in New York | Tuesday, September 20, 2022

What an uninformed prime mnster we have! Has she not learnt yet, after all these years, that “trickle down” economics is a myth? It simply doesn’t work. Poor lass! And poor electorate, of course! – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Ukraine-Krieg dominiert UN-Generalversammlung in New York | DW Nachrichten

Heute startete die Generaldebatte der Vereinten Nationen in New York. Zu Beginn richtete UN-Generalsekretär Antonio Guterres eindringliche Worte an die Weltgemeinschaft. Auch Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz ist nach New York gereist.

War in Ukraine overshadows UN session | DW News »

Macron Says UK and France Must ‘Move On’ from Truss Remarks

THE GUARDIAN: Two leaders appear to smooth over tensions in first bilateral talks in New York but avoid awkward topics

Liz Truss had said the ‘jury’s out’ over whether Emmanuel Macron was a friend or foe of Britain.Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/Reuters

Emmanuel Macron has offered Liz Truss an olive branch after her controversial “friend or foe” remarks by saying after their first bilateral talks that it is time to “move on”.

The two leaders appeared to smooth over tensions during their meeting in New York, which No 10 said was dominated by Ukraine and energy security, but avoided the controversial issues of the Northern Ireland protocol and migration.

After the talks, the French president told reporters: “I now believe in proof, in results. There is a will to re-engage, to move on, and to show that we are allies and friends in a complex world.” » | Pippa Crerar in New York | Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Good for Emmanuel Macron! He is the wise one: he is ‘showing better’. This is precisely the advice that my late grandmother always used to advise us to show as children!

The French are certainly our friends, even if Liz Truss doesn’t know this fact yet. The late Queen Elizabeth II knew it. Emmanuel Macron knows it too. Emmanuel Macron is indeed our friend; and a good one at that! It is to be hoped that Liz Truss will soon come to her senses. © Mark Alexander

Andrés & Hugo | Cuatro Lunas | I Feel It Coming | Reupload

Viewer discretion is strongly advised. This video is not suitable for children. – © Mark Alexander

Greek Portokalopita: Orange Phyllo Cake

Portokalopita : Πορτοκαλόπιτα

Get the recipe here.

WIKIPEDIA: Portokalopita.

Scott Joplin : Maple Leaf Rag | Reupload

Dario Ronchi plays the Maple Leaf Rag to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Scott Joplin's death.

Omar Sharif Jr. : “One Day I Will Go Home”

Exiled Actor Omar Sharif Jr. says he will return to Egypt one day, but that he's not prepared to “try his luck” just yet for fear of arrest amid a crackdown on LGBT people in his homeland.

Originally published here.

Related video here.

Chris Brown : Forever | Official HD Video

Views on YouTube: 298,955,103

Liz Truss Defends Plan to Lift Cap on Bankers’ Bonuses

Read the article here.

This is the sh** that falls from the bull! Liz Truss's understanding of economics leaves much to be desired. This is yet more 'trickle-up' economics, i.e. economics which makes the rich, richer still and the poor, poorer still.

This voodoo economics will not lead to economic growth; in fact, it will probably lead to economic contraction. If policies like these led to economic growth, this country would have one of the fastest-growing economies on the planet. These neoliberal policies have been followed since Thatcher was in office back in the 80s; and look at the parlous state of the UK economy today! – © Mark Alexander

Liz Truss, the market fundamentalist »

Liz Truss urges world leaders to follow UK with trickle down economics: Reports that stamp duty will be cut with PM to use UN speech to argue for far-reaching tax reductions, putting her at odds with Joe Biden »

Trickle down economics is a load of bullshit! No economist (or politician) worth his or her salt would ever promote such a stupid theory. The theory has already been discredited. – © Mark Alexander

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — September 20, 2022

Are Russia's Defeats in Ukraine Causing a Shift in Public Opinion? | DW News

Ukraine’s recent successes have left some opponents of Russian President Vladimir Putin's war emboldened to speak out against the Kremlin. One of Russia's most celebrated pop stars, Alla Pugachova has asked to be declared a foreign agent, in solidarity with her exiled husband Maxim Galkin. He was designated a foreign agent less than a week ago. In an online post, she said Putin's war in Ukraine was "killing soldiers for illusory aims", and turning Russia into a "global pariah". Is there a shift in Russian public opinion, given Moscow's recent military set-backs in its war on Ukraine?

Vladimir Poutine en perte d’influence

LE MONDE – ÉDITORIAL : Face au regain de violence entre le Tadjikistan et le Kirghizistan, et entre l’Arménie et l’Azerbaïdjan, Moscou peine à tenir le rôle d’arbitre qu’elle revendique. Un signe qui témoigne de l’affaiblissement du président russe sur la scène internationale.

La géopolitique est impitoyable dès que se manifestent des signes de faiblesse. Vladimir Poutine ne peut que le constater alors que ses troupes viennent d’essuyer en Ukraine un revers cuisant, contraintes à la retraitedans la région de Kharkiv sous la pression des forces de Kiev. Le sommet de l’Organisation de coopération de Shanghaï qui s’est tenu à Samarcande, en Ouzbékistan, lui a certes donné l’occasion d’une photo de famille, au côté notamment du président chinois, Xi Jinping, mais ses homologues ont été chiches en soutiens. » | Éditorial « du Monde » | mardi 20 septembre 2022

Saudi Aramco Chief Says Europe’s Plans on Energy Crisis Are Not Helpful

THE GUARDIAN: Amin Nasser says plans to cap bills and tax energy companies are not long-term solutions

Saudi Aramco’s Amin Nasser said the root cause of the energy crisis had come from underinvestment in fossil fuels. Photograph: Ahmed Yosri/Reuters

The chief executive of Saudi Aramco has said European governments’ efforts to tackle the energy crisis are “not helpful”.

Amin Nasser, who leads the world’s largest oil exporter, said plans to cap consumer bills and tax energy companies were not long-term solutions to the global crisis.

Nasser told a forum in Switzerland: “Freezing or capping energy bills might help consumers in the short term, but it does not address the real causes and is not the long-term solution.

“And taxing companies when you want them to increase production is clearly not helpful.” » | Alex Lawson, Energy correspondent | Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Hodges: 'I Believe the Ukrainians Have Achieved Irreversible Momentum' | DW News

Sep 19, 2022 Ben Hodges, former commander of US forces in Europe, tells DW News there's "irreversible momentum" for Ukraine in the war with Russia. "In my view, the defeat of Russia, Ukrainian victory, which means total restoration of all of its sovereign territory, including Crimea, is inevitable."

Sweden Is Becoming Unbearable

Supporters of the Sweden Democrats political party during its election night rally. | Jonathan Nackstrand/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images



Those two words, spoken by Rebecka Fallenkvist, a 27-year-old media figure and politician from the Sweden Democrats, the far-right party that took 20 percent in Sweden’s general election last week, sent shivers down spines throughout the country. It’s not the phrase, which is odd and means “weekend victory.” It’s the sound: one letter away from “Hell seger,” the Swedish translation of the Nazi salute “Sieg Heil,” and the war cry of Swedish Nazis for decades.

Ms. Fallenkvist was quick to disavow any Nazi associations. She meant to declare the weekend a victorious one, she said, but the words came out in the wrong order. Perhaps that’s true. But the statement would be entirely in keeping with the party Ms. Fallenkvist represents which, after a steady rise, is now likely to play a major role in the next government.

For Sweden, a country that trades on being a bastion of social democracy, tolerance and fairness, it’s a shock. But perhaps it shouldn’t be. Steadily rising for the past decade, the Swedish far right has profited from the country’s growing inequalities, fostering an obsession with crime and an antipathy to migrants. Its advance marks the end of Swedish exceptionalism, the idea that the country stood out both morally and materially.

There’s no doubt about the party’s Nazi origins. The Sweden Democrats was created in 1988 out of a neo-Nazi group called B.S.S., or Keep Sweden Swedish, and of the party’s 30 founding fathers, 18 had Nazi affiliations, according to a historian and former party member, Tony Gustaffson. Some of the founding fathers had even served in Hitler’s Waffen SS. » | Elisabeth Asbrink * | Tuesday, September 20, 2022

* Ms. Asbrink is the author of “1947: Where Now Begins” and “Made in Sweden: 25 Ideas That Created a Country.

Elizabeth II: Das Ende einer Epoche | Mit offenen Karten - Im Fokus | ARTE

Mit offenen Karten im Fokus: Täglich drei Minuten Aktuelles. In dieser Folge: Elizabeth II: das Ende einer Epoche Magazin (F 2022, 3 Min) Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 04/09/2024

Thousands Pay Tribute as Britain Says Final Farewell to Its Queen

THE NEW YORK TIMES: More than 100 world leaders, including President Biden, attended the funeral for Queen Elizabeth II, and Britons lined the streets for a procession that took her to her final resting place at Windsor Castle.

After a state funeral at Westminster Abbey and a procession across central London, Queen Elizabeth II’s coffin was lowered into the royal vault of St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle. | Andrew Testa for The New York Times

LONDON — Queen Elizabeth II was laid to rest on Monday after a majestic state funeral that drew tens of millions of Britons together in a vast expression of grief and gratitude, as they bade farewell to a sovereign whose seven-decade reign had spanned their lives and defined their times.

It was the culmination of 10 days of mourning since the queen died on Sept. 8 in Scotland — a highly choreographed series of rituals that fell amid a deepening economic crisis and a fraught political transition in Britain — and yet everything about the day seemed destined to be etched into history.

Tens of thousands of people lined the route of the cortege past the landmarks of London. In Hyde Park, people watching the service on large screens joined in “The Lord’s Prayer” when it was recited at Westminster Abbey. Thousands more cheered, many strewing flowers in the path of her glass-topped hearse, as the queen’s coffin was driven to Windsor Castle, where she was buried next to her husband, Prince Philip.

“In this changing world, she was a pillar of the old world,” said Richard Roe, 36, who works in finance in Zurich and flew home for the funeral. “It’s nice to have something that’s stable and stands for good values.”

An unbroken thread of sadness ran through the day, but also an acute sense of uncertainty. The queen, who died at 96, was one of the last living links to World War II and the twilight of Britain’s imperial age. The country she embodied with such dignity has fundamentally changed. » | Mark Landler | Monday, September 19, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II Is Buried at Windsor Alongside Her Husband, Prince Philip: After a state funeral at Westminster Abbey and a procession across central London, the British monarch was interred at the King George VI Memorial Chapel. »

Prince William Moves Into the Spotlight as Heir to the Throne: Many royal watchers and historians are looking to William and his wife, Catherine, who rank high in popularity polls, as the long-term future of the British monarchy. »

The Guardian view on the Queen’s funeral: stirring emotions that transcend logic: Ministers want to reduce workers’ rights and increase bankers’ bonuses. They should be brave enough to reform the crown »

Monday, September 19, 2022

Peaceful Cooking | هدوء الطبخ | Chicken w/ Rice | دجاج مع أرز

Delicious and easy to cook | لذيذ وسهل الطبخ

For a full list of the ingredients used in this recipe and the method of cooking it, in both English and Arabic, please click here and then click on “show more”.

Royal Family Turns Out in Flawless Fashion for the Queen’s Funeral

THE GUARDIAN: From pillbox hats to pearls and sharp tailoring, the dress code was one of resplendent solemnity

The Queen Consort with, left, the Duchess of Sussex and, right, Prince George, the Princess of Wales and Princess Charlotte. Photograph: Tim Rooke/REX/Shutterstock

There was not a hair out of place, nor a shoe unpolished. Not one speck of lint on a jacket was to be seen. For the grandest, most gorgeous of occasions the dress code was resplendent solemnity, in pearls and pillbox hats, high heels and sharp tailoring.

For the royal family this was, as the archbishop of Canterbury noted, a portrait of grief under the brightest spotlight. The Queen Consort, the Princess of Wales and the Duchess of Sussex found a little privacy under wide-brimmed hats, or veils, or both. And while Britain was looking at the royal family, the rest of the world was looking at Britain. » | Jess Cartner-Morley | Monday, September 19, 2022

La Poste française rend hommage à Elizabeth II

LE MONDE : Les services postaux ont mis en vente un collector de quatre timbres à l’effigie de la reine disparue.

Collector de quatre timbres à l’effigie de la reine Elizabeth II (Photos : © Roger Viollet / PA Archive / TopPhoto / Peter Grugeon / John Hedgecoe – Création : agence Huitième Jour). DR/LA POSTE

La Poste a émis, le 19 septembre, un collector de quatre timbres en mémoire de la reine Elizabeth II, qui s’est éteinte le jeudi 8 septembre, à l’âge de 96 ans.

Les timbres, au format de 37 millimètres sur 45 millimètres, mis en page par l’agence Huitième Jour, sont imprimés en offset. Le collector de quatre timbres, vendu au prix de 8,50 euros – le tarif de la lettre pour l’international est de 1,65 euro pour un poids maximal de 20 grammes –, est tiré à cinquante mille exemplaires.

Le collector est dans des tons dominants rappelant les couleurs de l’Union Jack, le drapeau du Royaume-Uni : bleu, blanc et rouge. » | Par Pierre Jullien| lundi 19 septembre 2022

Grossbritannien zelebriert am Tag des Abschieds von der Queen seine Soft Power meisterhaft

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die Welt schaut zu, wenn Königin Elizabeth II. in England zu Grabe getragen wird. Das ist der Faszination für ihre Person ebenso geschuldet wie der grandiosen Inszenierung des Königshauses durch die Briten.

Geleitzug der Königin zur Trauerfeier in Westminster. | Reuters


Präsident Joe Biden sitzt mit seiner Ehefrau Jill in der 14. Reihe der Westminster Abbey und verfolgt den Trauergottesdienst für Königin Elizabeth II. Auch der französische Präsident Macron ist da, der deutsche Bundespräsident Steinmeier und die EU-Kommissions-Präsidentin von der Leyen. Von weit her sind der brasilianische Präsident Bolsonaro angereist, der kanadische Premierminister Trudeau, der südkoreanische Präsident Yoon und viele weitere Staatschefs. Für die Fernsehübertragung wurde ein Milliardenpublikum erwartet. Welche Persönlichkeit kann bei ihrem Tod eine ähnlich grosse Aufmerksamkeit erwarten? Die weltweite Anziehungskraft der englischen Königin ist einmalig.

Das hat viel mit ihrer Person zu tun, die während 70 Jahren als Staatsoberhaupt 117 Länder in offizieller Mission bereist hat. Nie hat sie sich einen Fehltritt erlaubt, nie hat sie einen Gast oder einen Gastgeber vor den Kopf gestossen. Die Perfektion und Ausdauer, mit der Königin Elizabeth ihr Land in der Welt vertreten hat, löst überall Respekt und Bewunderung aus. Die Queen erhält verdientermassen grossen Dank aus der Bevölkerung dafür. Es braucht mehr als perfekte Pflichterfüllung » | Peter Rásonyi | Montag, 19. September 2022

Queen Elizabeth II. († 96) – das Staatsbegräbnis LIVE bei BILD TV

LIVE: Queen Elizabeth II's Funeral

Watch live coverage of Queen Elizabeth II's funeral held at Westminster Abbey. Heads of state, members of the Royal Family, and others will attend.

The Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II - BBC News

Live coverage of HM Queen Elizabeth II's state funeral at Westminster Abbey in London and the committal service at St George’s Chapel in Windsor.

Embedding on external websites has been disallowed by the BBC. Therefore, it has to be watched on YouTube itself; so, in order to watch this coverage, please click here

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II: Final Preparations Made for First State Funeral since Winston Churchill

Final preparations are underway here at Westminster Abbey ahead of the Queen's state funeral tomorrow morning - the first since Winston Churchill's in 1965.

Crowds have continued to make their way into central London, some queuing for the lying-in-state, while others are camping out alongside the funeral route, ready to witness this historic occasion.

Hundreds of foreign dignitaries are also now here - they'll be inside the Abbey for the service itself.

But there will also be some special invited guests there, who've been rewarded by the Queen in the past for their service to the country.

Sheikh Mohammed Arrives at Buckingham Palace to Offer Condolences on the Death of Queen Elizabeth II

KHALEEJ TIMES: Heads of state and leaders representing nearly 200 countries and territories will join Monday's state funeral

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has arrived at Buckingham Palace to offer his condolences on the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

A video posted by the Government of Dubai Media Office showed the UAE Vice-President entering the palace along with Reem Al Hashimy, Minister of State for International Cooperation.

The Dubai Ruler is among the many heads of state, world leaders and royals from across the world who have travelled to London to pay their respects to Britain's longest-reigning monarch, who died on September 8, aged 96.

The President, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid had led tributes as the country mourned the passing of the Queen on September 8.

The UAE had declared a three-day mourning after the Queen passed as the country's leaders, top officials, diplomats and residents paid glowing tributes.

Till September 12, flags within the UAE and in the country's embassies abroad flew at half-mast.

UAE leaders, including some Rulers and Crown Princes, visited UK missions in the country to offer their respects. » | A Staff Reporter | Sunday, September 18, 2022

« La reine Elizabeth II était économe de mots, donc sa parole avait du poids »

LE MONDE : L’historien britannique Robert Tombs détaille, dans un entretien au « Monde », le rôle de la reine dans la conduite des affaires extérieures du Royaume-Uni, notamment en ce qui concerne ses relations avec la France.

Robert Tombs, professeur émérite d’histoire à Cambridge (St John’s College), est spécialiste de l’histoire de France au XIXe siècle. Il a notamment écrit, avec Isabelle Tombs, La France et le Royaume-Uni. Des ennemis intimes (Armand Colin, 2012).

C’est difficile à déterminer, car elle n’est jamais sortie de son rôle officiel. Je dirais que la relation politique entre la France et le Royaume-Uni est à deux niveaux. Le premier niveau est celui entre les Etats et les peuples. Il s’agit d’assurer à long terme les relations d’amitié entre bons voisins. Voici le domaine de la reine. Le second niveau est celui de la politique au quotidien, entre des gouvernements qui changent et des difficultés qui vont et qui viennent. Le sentiment d’amitié entre les deux pays était pour la reine quelque chose de fondamental. Lors de ses interventions en France, elle choisissait les expressions avec soin, refusait celles qui n’étaient pas appropriées, comme lors de sa dernière visite officielle en France, où elle avait parlé avec finesse de « ce mélange unique d’amitié, de rivalité dans la bonne humeur, ainsi que d’admiration » entre les deux pays. »| Propos recueillis par Alain Salles | samedi 17 Septembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Duke of York Pays Tribute to ‘Mummy’ Queen Elizabeth for Her ‘Love, Compassion and Care’

The Duke of York has paid tribute to his mother the Queen, saying: “Mummy, your love for a son, your compassion, your care, your confidence I will treasure forever.”

The Duke of York added: "As our book of experiences closes, another opens, and I will forever hold you close to my heart with my deepest love and gratitude, and I will tread gladly into the next with you as my guide."

Prince Andrew, 62, has taken part in the vigils next to his mother's coffin in recent days, alongside his siblings.

Our Yemeni Kitchen | مطبخنا اليمني | Beef with Aubergine (Eggplant) | لحم بقري مع باذنجان

Delicious | لذيذ

For a full list of the ingredients and cooking method of this recipe in both English and Arabic, click here and then click on “show more”.

Putins Autorität ist in Gefahr

Ein Ausschnitt aus der Fernsehansprache, in der Präsident Wladimir Putin am Morgen des 24. Februar 2022 begründete, warum Russland die Ukraine angegriffen hat. | Bild: AP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der russische Präsident Putin wird sich bald entscheiden müssen, was gefährlicher für seine Herrschaft ist: weitere militärische Misserfolge oder eine Mobilmachung.

In seiner Rede am Morgen des Angriffs auf die Ukraine hat der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin sein Handeln mit der Erfahrung des deutschen Überfalls auf die Sowjetunion 1941 begründet. Laut seiner Darstellung war die Lage für Russland Anfang dieses Jahres ebenso gefährlich wie in jenen Monaten vor 81 Jahren, in denen die Nationalsozialisten ihren Vernichtungskrieg gegen die Sowjetunion vorbereitet haben. Die rechtzeitige „Entnazifizierung“ und „Entmilitarisierung“ der Ukraine seien nötig, um eine Wiederholung der Schrecken zu verhindern, welche die Menschen in der Sowjetunion damals erleiden mussten, behauptete er.

Dieser Vorgabe folgend, schildert die russische Propaganda den Krieg in der Ukraine seither in schrillen Tönen als einen Kampf um das Überleben Russlands. In einem merkwürdigen Kontrast dazu wird der Krieg jedoch gleichzeitig als „militärische Spezialoperation“ kleingeredet und vom Alltag der Bevölkerung ferngehalten. Stünde wirklich Russlands Existenz auf dem Spiel, dann müsste die Regierung alles ins Gefecht werfen, was ihr zur Verfügung steht. Jeder Rückschlag an der Front müsste das ganze Land in Alarmzustand versetzen und noch größere Anstrengungen zur Folge haben. Aber so ist es nicht. Nach dem Zusammenbruch der russischen Front im Charkiwer Gebiet taten Putin und die Armeeführung so, als sei nichts Besonderes geschehen. Moskau feierte mit Tanz und Feuerwerk seinen Stadtgeburtstag. » | Ein Kommentar von Reinhard Veser | Sonntag, 18. September 2022

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Queen Consort Camilla: The Emerging Star of the New-look Royal Family | 60 Minutes Australia

Sep 18, 2022 Her funeral will take place at Westminster Abbey tomorrow, but for many of us Queen Elizabeth’s death still feels surreal. After such long service, not having her as the head of the royal family will surely take some getting used to. It begins with retraining our brains Charles is now a king, not a prince; something many a commentator has fumbled these past few days. For the new monarch, juggling immense private grief one moment, essential public duty the next, has been challenging. But by his side all the way has been his most trusted and closest confidante – King Charles’ wife, now Queen Consort Camilla.

Camilla: I Will Always Remember Queen's Smile

Read the article here.

Trussonomics Is a Fanatical, Fantastical Creed, and the Last Thing Britain Needs

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: ust when we need visions of a better world, the prime minister is proclaiming the toxic gospel of neoliberalism

Soon, the focus will return, and the collapse of many people’s economic prospects will dominate once more. As winter approaches, it will become clear that our politics is spectacularly lacking in answers.

Why? Because the doctrine destroying our condition of life is the doctrine Liz Truss has promised to extend to new extremes. She is fanatically devoted to an ideology misleadingly called Thatcherism or Reaganism (as if they invented it), but more accurately described as neoliberalism.

This doctrine insists that politics submits to “the market”, which means, when translated, that democracy must submit to the power of money. Any impediment to the accumulation of wealth – such as public ownership, tax, regulation, trade unions and political protest – should be torn down, either quickly and noisily or slowly and stealthily. When consumer choice is unencumbered by political interference, the market is allowed to become a Great Winnower, sifting us into a natural hierarchy of winners and losers. » | George Monbiot | Saturday, September 17, 2022

Trial by TikTok: Camilla and Meghan Targeted with Abuse after Queen’s Death

THE OBSERVER: Posts containing slurs and misinformation have been liked by millions on social media

Camilla, the Queen Consort, has been subjected to abuse on social media. Photograph: Chris Jackson/PA

As solemn reports of the Queen’s death dominated TV bulletins and newspaper headlines, online another kind of royal content was drawing in millions of views.

Posts containing abuse and misinformation were widely shared on social media in the days after the news broke – many of them aimed at Camilla, the new Queen Consort.

Doctored photos of the Duchess of Sussex and posts claiming that Queen Elizabeth had been murdered because she held secrets on politicians, or was killed by the Covid-19 vaccine, were also widely shared, analysis shows. » | Shanti Das | Saturday, September 17, 2022

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Omar Sharif Jr. | Coming Out in the Middle of a Revolution | 2016

Omar Sharif Jr.'s talk at the 2016 Oslo Freedom Forum. See more talks like this at and follow @OsloFF for updates.

For your information, this blog, as far as I am aware, has NEVER had even one visitor from Egypt! I get visitors from ALL OVER THE WORLD, but never from Egypt. That repressive government doesn't even allow its citizens to access gay-friendly blogs; and let's get this straight: This website is nothing but a gay-friendly blog. It is NOT a gay blog as such.

Further, I do frequently get lots of visitors from Morocco, and some from Algeria, Tunisia and Libya. I even get visitors from from Saudi Arabia – daily! Kudos Saudi Arabia! But never from Egypt! That tells its own story. – © Mark Alexander

Critiques et polémiques à la veille des funérailles d’Etat de la reine

LE MONDE : Alors que le pays fait face à des défis considérables, notamment la flambée des prix de l’énergie et la récession, la période de deuil national paralyse une partie des institutions.
La garde royale se prépare pour la procession du cercueil de la reine Elisabeth II devant le palais de Buckingham, à Londres, le 14 septembre 2022. OLIVIA ARTHUR/MAGNUM PHOTOS POUR « LE MONDE »

A l’approche des funérailles d’Etat de la reine Elizabeth II, lundi 19 septembre, les critiques s’élèvent au Royaume-Uni, concentrées sur l’impact d’une période de deuil national paralysante, alors que le pays fait face à des défis considérables, à commencer par la flambée des prix de l’énergie et une récession qui menace.

L’activité gouvernementale, pour l’essentiel, a cessé depuis le 9 septembre, au lendemain du décès de la souveraine, et le cabinet Truss ne reprendra le cours normal de son travail que le jour suivant les funérailles. Cette longue pause inquiète d’autant plus qu’elle intervient après six semaines de primaire au Parti conservateur, durant lesquelles Boris Johnson, encore premier ministre, s’est contenté de gérer les affaires courantes quand il n’était pas en vacances. » | Par Cécile Ducourtieux (Londres, correspondante) | samedi 17 septembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Queen Margrethe II of Denmark Says Queen Elizabeth II Made an 'Enormous Impression' on Her | ITV News | May 2022

ITV News Correspondent Lucy Watson sat down with Queen Margrethe II of Denmark ahead of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee. The two royals are the only two reigning queens in the world. Coincidentally, 2022 was the late Queen Elizabeth II’s 70th Jubilee and it is the 50th Jubilee year for Her Majesty Queen Margrette II.

UK Becoming a Police State as Government Talks Nonsense about 'Going for Growth'

As Liz Truss appoints her new right-wing government, the UK economy continues to suffer from the effects of Brexit.

The new Health Secretary and Deputy Prime Minister Therese Coffey writes to staff asking them not to use the 'Oxford comma' whilst Kwasi Kwarteng announces that he is going to 'go for growth' by removing the limit on bankers' bonuses.

In Edinburgh a protester was forced to the ground and arrested by the police for shouting an insult at Prince Andrew, whilst another woman was arrested and is due to go to court for holding up an 'anti-monarchy' sign.

Truss is to borrow £130 billion in order to secure the massive windfall profits of energy companies. The taxpayer will repay this loan over the coming years.

‘We Wouldn’t Put Charles on a Bus’: Gulf Royals Balk at Queen’s Funeral Protocol

THE GUARDIAN: The monarchies are hopeful of stronger UK ties under King Charles, but plans for the ceremony have not gone down well

Charles is viewed in Saudi Arabia as coming from a longstanding sympathetic position to the traditions and history of the region. Photograph: Reuters

From Oman in the east to Morocco in the west, Middle East and north African royalty have been closely monitoring plans for the Queen’s funeral, but with days to go until the biggest event in modern royal history, they are unlikely to travel to London in numbers.

Monarchies have sought to divine meaning from protocol arrangements, and are largely underwhelmed by what they have seen.

An expectation that the kings and presidents of the region would board a bus to travel to Westminster Abbey has not been received well. Nor have mooted seating plans that place regional royals and presidents on pews well behind Commonwealth leaders who were an important part of the Queen’s orbit, but are often less influential when it comes to Britain’s trade and security ties.

Leaders of Kuwait, the UAE and Saudi Arabia have been uncertain who to send to London to what would be one of the biggest gatherings of global leaders in decades. Kuwait is thought to be sending its crown prince, and Abu Dhabi a vice-president. Saudi Arabia’s de facto leader, Mohammed bin Salman, is thought to still be planning to travel – for what would be his first trip to the UK since the death of the dissident Jamal Khashoggi – however, a final decision has not been made, 72 hours from dignitaries gathering. » | Martin Chulov, Middle East correspondent | Friday, September 16, 2022

Friday, September 16, 2022

What Is the Future of the British Monarchy?

In today’s world the idea of the monarchy is outdated, but it thrived under Queen Elizabeth II. The Economist’s Editor-in chief, Zanny Minton Beddoes, and Britain correspondent, Catherine Nixey, discuss what the Queen’s death means for the future of the crown.