Thursday, September 22, 2022

‘It’s a 100% Mobilisation’: Day One of Russia’s Drive to Build Its Army

THE GUARDIAN: Reports ethnic minorities may be disproportionately affected while protesters in Moscow drafted on arrest

There were emotional scenes in the eastern Siberian republic of Buryatia as drafted men said goodbye to their families. Photograph: Ayuna Shagdurova

Summons delivered to eligible men at midnight. Schoolteachers pressed into handing out draft notices. Men given an hour to pack their things and appear at draft centres. Women sobbing as they send their husbands and sons off to fight in Russia’s war in Ukraine.

The first full day of Russia’s first mobilisation since the second world war produced emotional showdowns at draft centres and even signs of protest, while it appears Russia could be considering far more than the 300,000 new conscripts claimed by the defence minister Sergei Shoigu.

One woman in a small village in the Zakamensky region of Buryatia in eastern Siberia, said she first felt something was amiss when the dogs began barking about midnight. » | Andrew Roth in Moscow | Thursday, September 22, 2022

‘I will cross the border tonight’: Russians flee after news of draft: Border guards cite ‘exceptional’ number of people leaving the country after ‘partial mobilisation’ announcement »

Men Flee Russia as Mobilization Begins »