Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Vague de chaleur : établissements scolaires, pompiers, sportifs… partout, la nécessité de s’adapter

LE MONDE : Pendant plusieurs jours, jusqu’au week-end, le thermomètre pourrait dépasser les 40 °C. Une poussée précoce du mercure qui met plusieurs secteurs d’activité sous tension, et les contraint à se préparer au réchauffement climatique.

La température atteint et dépasse 40 °C à Perpignan, le 13 juin 2022. IDHIR BAHA /HANS LUCAS POUR « LE MONDE »

La vague de chaleur précoce annoncée en France, qui s’amorce par le sud-ouest du pays et devrait progresser jusqu’au week-end, avec des températures dépassant par endroits les 40 °C, va mettre plusieurs secteurs d’activité sous tension, des établissements scolaires aux pompiers, en passant par le secteur médico-social. La multiplication des épisodes caniculaires liés au réchauffement climatique impose partout de s’adapter à cette nouvelle donne.

Mardi 14 juin, à la sortie du conseil des ministres, la porte-parole du gouvernement, Olivia Grégoire, a ainsi annoncé la création d’un fonds de 500 millions d’euros pour la « renaturation » des villes, qui sont les endroits où la chaleur est la plus prégnante. « Le gouvernement va favoriser le développement d’îlots de fraîcheur en ville en s’engageant très fortement pour accompagner les collectivités locales dans l’adaptation aux conséquences du dérèglement climatique », a affirmé Mme Grégoire. » | Par Mattea Battaglia, Antoine Albertini, Sabrina El Mosselli, Camille Stromboni, Nicolas Lepeltier et Isabelle Rey-Lefebvre | mercredi 15 juin 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés


Une vague de chaleur exceptionnellement intense arrive en France cette semaine : Entre jeudi et samedi, les températures iront de 33 °C à 35 °C dans le centre du pays, et jusqu’à 39 °C dans le Sud. Les prochains jours diront si la vigilance canicule sera déclenchée. »

Comment Météo-France définit une « vague de chaleur » : La canicule qui s’installe sur la France, où 23 départements sont en alerte orange, cette semaine est exceptionnellement précoce et pourrait aggraver la sécheresse des sols observée depuis plusieurs mois. »

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

‘The Music Has Stopped’: Crypto Firms Quake as Prices Fall

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Crypto companies are laying off staff, freezing withdrawals and trying to stem losses, raising questions about the health of the ecosystem.

Employees of Coinbase in Times Square last year for its initial public offering. On Tuesday, the company said that it was laying off 18 percent of its workers. | Gabby Jones for The New York Times

SAN FRANCISCO — No one wanted to miss out on the cryptocurrency mania.

Over the last two years, as the prices of Bitcoin and other virtual currencies surged, crypto start-ups proliferated. Companies that market digital coins to investors flooded the airwaves with TV commercials, newfangled lending operations offered sky-high interest rates on crypto deposits and exchanges like Coinbase that allow investors to trade digital assets went on hiring sprees.

A global industry worth hundreds of billions of dollars rose up practically overnight. Now it is crashing down. After weeks of plummeting cryptocurrency prices, Coinbase said on Tuesday that it was cutting 18 percent of its employees, after layoffs at other crypto companies like Gemini, BlockFi and High-profile start-ups like Terraform Labs have imploded, wiping away years of investments. On Sunday, an experimental crypto bank, Celsius, abruptly halted withdrawals.

The pullback in the crypto ecosystem illustrates the precariousness of the structure built around these risky and unregulated digital assets. The total value of the cryptocurrency market has dropped by about 65 percent since autumn, and analysts predict the sell-off will continue. Stock prices of crypto companies have cratered, retail traders are fleeing and industry executives are predicting a prolonged slump that could put more companies in jeopardy. » | David Yaffe-Bellany and Erin Griffith | Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Bernie Sanders: My Message to Fox News Viewers

Jun 14, 2022

This is the man who should be president of the USA! – Mark

Kurt Krömer über Depressionen und Alkoholsucht: »Ich wollte mich nur wegknallen«

Mit zehn Bier intus auf der Bühne: Für Komiker Kurt Krömer war das Realität. Wie er seine Alkoholsucht und Depression bekämpfte und mit seiner Impotenz umging, erzählt er im »Spitzengespräch«.

How Does It Feel to Be Russian Right Now? | NYT Opinion

Jun 14, 2022 • With Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in February, it suddenly became very difficult to be Russian in this world. A nation, it seemed, had become a global pariah overnight.

This fell particularly heavily on cosmopolitan Russians who had viewed themselves as citizens of the global community and had opposed the war but now feared a kind of international cancellation based on their nationality alone.

Yet for many, things were even worse inside Russia. The country they called home and was central to their identity had revealed itself as something different and darker than they knew.

In the Opinion video above, three women who oppose the war speak about how it feels to be Russian now, how it feels to be them.

Two of the women — Natasha Zamorskaya, an activist, political aide and journalist; and Elina Kulikova, a performance artist and theater director — fled Russia, like tens of thousands of others, soon after the war began. The third — Anna Narinskaya, a literary critic, curator and educator — has remained in Russia.

With aching honesty, they describe the feelings that have overwhelmed them: anger and sadness, loss and regret, and a near-paralyzing uncertainty about who they are now and what will become of their lives, which were so closely tied to a country that in some ways feels foreign to them now.

Their struggle has been complicated by a concern that this might not be the time to give voice to their pain, not while their government inflicts such horror on Ukrainians.

As Ms. Zamorskaya says, “I think silence is my punishment now.”

Hot Sun, Hot Day, Hot Beach, Hot Men, Hot Kiss

Soleil chaud, journée chaude, plage chaude, hommes chauds, baiser chaud / Heiße Sonne, heißer Tag, heißer Strand, heiße Männer, heißer Kuß

Very many thanks to on Pinterest for this hot photo.

Trump’s “Big Lie Was Also a Big Ripoff” as He Raised $250 Million from Supporters After 2020 Loss

Jun 14, 2022 • Monday’s January 6 committee hearing ended with closing statements from January 6 committee vice chair, Republican Liz Cheney and Democrat Zoe Lofgren describing how the Trump campaign raised over $250 million from his supporters, off of the lie that the 2020 election results were fraudulent, for an election defense fund that didn’t exist.

We should all know the answer to the last question asked in this video clip! – Mark

En Ecosse, la première ministre relance la campagne pour l’indépendance

LE MONDE : Malgré une première consultation où 55 % des électeurs avaient rejeté l’autodétermination en 2014 et le refus du gouvernement de Londres, Nicola Sturgeon souhaite organiser un nouveau référendum d’ici à 2023.

La première ministre écossaise relance la campagne pour l’indépendance, mardi 14 juin. RUSSELL CHEYNE / AFP

La première ministre écossaise, Nicola Sturgeon, a lancé, mardi 14 juin, une nouvelle campagne pour l’indépendance de l’Ecosse, en dévoilant le premier d’une série de livres blancs plaidant pour une rupture avec le Royaume-Uni. « Après tout ce qui est arrivé, le Brexit, le Covid-19, [le premier ministre britannique] Boris Johnson, il est temps de présenter une vision différente et meilleure », a déclaré Mme Sturgeon, lors d’une conférence de presse.

« Il est temps de parler d’indépendance », a ajouté la cheffe du parti indépendantiste SNP, estimant avoir « un mandat démocratique incontestable », en ce sens, après la victoire de sa formation aux élections locales en 2021. » | Le Monde avec AFP | mardi 14 juin 2022

Talking to Loved Ones about 'Coming Out'

Jun 13, 2022 • Clinical psychologist Dr. Richard Levak joined FOX 5 on Monday to discuss how to talk to loved ones about "coming out" as a member of the LGBTQ+ community.

Tim Cook : l’impact de son coming out

Clique TV : Regardez le clip ici

Spain Heatwave Brings Record Temperatures - BBC News

Jun 14, 2022 • Temperatures in some areas of Spain are expected to hit or remain around 43 degrees celsius this week, as a sweltering heatwave continues to hang over the country. The soaring temperatures have caused the authorities to put many areas of the country on alert due to the risk of wildfires.

Article associé.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – June 14, 2022

More Than 15,000 Millionaires Expected to Leave Russia in 2022

THE GUARDIAN: Data suggests exits after invasion of Ukraine, and UAE to overtake US and UK as top destination for world’s wealthy

A luxury yacht in Dubai. The UAE is expected to attract the largest net inflows of millionaires globally in 2022. Photograph: Karim Sahib/AFP/Getty Images

More than 15,000 millionaires are expected to flee Russia this year, as wealthy citizens turn their back on Vladmir Putin’s regime after the invasion of Ukraine, according to an analysis of migration data.

About 15% of Russians with more than $1m (£820,000) in ready assets are expected to have emigrated to other countries by the end of 2022, according to projects based on migration data by Henley & Partners, a London-based firm that acts as matchmaker between the super-rich and countries selling their citizenships.

“Russia [is] haemorrhaging millionaires,” said Andrew Amoils, the head of research at New World Wealth, which compiled the data for Henley. “Affluent individuals have been emigrating from Russia in steadily rising numbers every year over the past decade, an early warning sign of the current problems the country is facing. Historically, major country collapses have usually been preceded by an acceleration in emigration of wealthy people, who are often the first to leave as they have the means to do so.” » | Rupert Neate, Wealth correspondent | Monday, June 13, 2022

Beijing Faces Covid Lockdown Once Again

Jun 14, 2022 • China's zero-COVID policy is leading to an uncertain and stressful existence for people living in the country's major cities as Sky's Tom Cheshire explains.

Don’t be complacent, another Covid wave is coming. Here’s how we can manage it: A spike in infections every three months seems to be the pattern, but the UK has the power to beat this if we act wisely »

Global Stock Sell-Off Continues as Economic Concerns Mount

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The losses in China, Japan and Australia followed weakness in the United States, where stocks closed in bear market territory.

The sell-off in stocks continued across the Asia-Pacific region on Tuesday as fears mounted of a recession in the United States and a slowdown in the global economy.

Japan’s Nikkei index fell 1.7 percent in afternoon trading, while China’s Shanghai Composite Index was off 0.5 percent. In Australia, the key stock index tumbled about 4 percent, to its lowest levels in two years.

The market declines followed weakness in the United States, where stocks lost 3.9 percent on Monday to close in bear market territory. After reaching a record high in January, the S&P 500 has fallen more than 20 percent, the seventh bear market in the last 50 years. » | Daisuke Wakabayashi | Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Bear Market Sends Grim Signal of Economic Fears »

The Fed May Discuss the Biggest Interest Rate Increase Since 1994 »

Monday, June 13, 2022

Rwanda: Asylum Seeker Deportation Flight to Go Ahead

Jun 13, 2022 • Downing Street insists the flight taking asylum seekers to Rwanda will go ahead as planned tomorrow, after the Court of Appeal rejected a legal challenge.

The prime minister said it was necessary to stop illegal people smuggling rackets both in the UK and France.

The SNP compared it to state-sponsored people trafficking. Labour said it was "completely unworkable, deeply unethical and extortionately expensive".

UK Reveals Plans to Ditch Parts of EU Brexit Deal

Read the BBC article here.

UK risks EU trade war as Northern Ireland protocol bill is published: Liz Truss says bill will ‘fix’ post-Brexit trade problems but legal experts and some Tory MPs say move is illegal under international law »

Boris Johnson and his band of jesters, Liz Truss included, behave appallingly.

How can one possibly be proud of one’s country when one’s government flouts international law like this and reneges on the very treaty it has signed, even with fanfare.

It is high time that this excuse for a government be kicked out of office. Surely, with our illustrious history, the United Kingdom can do better than this. – © Mark Alexander

McDonald’s ist jetzt lecker: Der Nachfolger in Russland kopiert die Marketingsünden des Westens


NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die alten McDonald’s-Filialen sperren in Moskau wieder auf – mit russischem Namen. Doch der amerikanische Einfluss bei Marke und Werbung ist unverkennbar. Man hätte besser auf das Nachahmen verzichtet.

Der McDonald’s-Einfluss ist bei «Wkusno i totschka» unverkennbar. | Evgenia Novozhenina / Reuters

McDonald’s hat sich zwar aus Russland verabschiedet. Burger werden aber wieder verkauft, jetzt mit anderem Namen, anderem Logo und ohne Beteiligung der Amerikaner. Der Unternehmer Alexander Gowor hat das McDonald’s-Filialnetz gekauft und am Wochenende die ersten Ableger in Moskau wiedereröffnet. Das Menu liest sich etwas anders, der Big Mac ist verschwunden, und an den neuen Auftritt der Kette muss man sich gewöhnen: «Wkusno i totschka». Das heisst «Lecker und Punkt». Es soll bedeuten «Lecker. So ist es».

Damit können die neuen alten russischen Burger-Brater auch bei der Werbung dem amerikanischen Einfluss nicht entkommen – aller Russifizierung zum Trotz. Der «Totschka»-Punkt ist eigentlich ein Satzzeichen. Im Marketing-Englisch ist es etabliert, einen Slogan durch einen Punkt zu verstärken. «Just do it.», empfiehlt der Sportartikelhersteller Nike seit Jahrzehnten. Der Punkt fügt Gravitas hinzu, wirkt bekräftigend, aber nicht so aufgeregt wie ein Ausrufezeichen. » | Benjamin Triebe | Montag, 13. Juni 2022

La France va être touchée par une vague de chaleur précoce et intense

LE MONDE : Le dérèglement climatique augmente la fréquence, l’intensité et la durée de tels épisodes. Les prochains jours permettront de dire si cet événement marquera un record.

La France n’est même pas entrée dans l’été qu’elle va suffoquer sous des températures brûlantes. Le pays va être touché par une vague de chaleur remarquablement précoce et exceptionnellement intense à partir du milieu de la semaine jusqu’au week-end. « On s’attend à des températures très élevées inédites aussi tôt dans la saison », explique Sébastien Léas, prévisionniste à Météo-France, tout en précisant que le phénomène fait encore l’objet « de fortes incertitudes en termes d’intensité et de localisation des épisodes les plus chauds ».

La chaleur se fait déjà ressentir dans certaines villes lundi 13 juin, avec 36 °C à l’ombre attendus à Marseille, 35 °C à Nîmes et 34 °C à Perpignan. Au plus fort de l’épisode, entre jeudi et samedi, le thermomètre pourrait atteindre entre 35 °C et 39 °C dans le Sud – du sud-ouest au sud-est en remontant sur le Lyonnais – avec des pointes à 40 °C. « Hors Corse, le seuil des 40 °C n’a jamais été observé avant un 18 juin », précise Gaétan Heymes, prévisionniste chez Météo-France. Les températures minimales ne devraient pas descendre sous les 20 °C pendant la nuit. La vague de chaleur devrait aussi toucher la moitié nord : Météo-France s’attend à des maximales entre 33 et 35 °C des bords de Loire jusqu’à la Franche-Comté en passant par le bassin parisien, et entre 25 °C et 31 °C en Bretagne, en Normandie, dans les Hauts-de-France et le nord-est du pays. » | Par Audrey Garric | lundi 13 juin 2022

United Arab Emirates I Documentary

Dec 17, 2021 • The United Arab Emirates includes the sci-fi like cities of Abu Dhabi and Dubai with their breath taking towers and impressive beach resorts. It is also a land of expats with residents from over two hundred different nations. | Available until the 23/06/2023

Wall St. Tumbles as Global Sell-off Accelerates.

Screenshot: The New York Times

THE NEW YORK TIMES: U.S. stocks opened in bear market territory on Monday, a 20 percent decline from their peak in January, a sign of growing pessimism about the outlook for the economy.

Markets around the world tumbled, as higher-than-expected inflation and lower-than-expected economic growth upend the outlook for interest rates and corporate profits. Stocks in Asia and Europe fell, investors dumped government bonds, oil prices slipped and cryptocurrencies crashed.

The S&P 500 fell 2.5 percent at the open of trading, as a wave of selling continued. The S&P 500 briefly dipped into bear market territory last month, before recovering to close just above it. The markets have been jittery since, with the S&P 500 last week recording its worst weekly loss since January.

The benchmark U.S. stock index is now “within one bad day’s move of a bear market, and equity futures suggest that we haven’t seen all the negative sentiment expressed yet,” analysts at ING wrote in a note to investors on Monday morning. The S&P 500 has fallen in nine of the past 10 weeks.

A report on Friday showed a surge in inflation in the United States, which rattled markets, as investors worried that the Federal Reserve may have to raise interest rates higher and faster than expected to rein in rising prices, a move that could hit the U.S. economy.

Global investors sold stocks, bonds and other assets, as inflation is running high in many countries, supply chains remain snarled and forecasts for economic growth are being downgraded. » | Alexandra Stevenson and Jason Karaian | Monday, June 13, 2022

What you should know about bear markets: There have been several instances of near-bear markets in recent decades, but it’s rare for them to hit the threshold »

Wall Street chute, inquiète de l’inflation et de la perspective d’une hausse des taux : La Bourse de New York est entrée dans un marché baissier, avec un recul supérieur à 20 % pour le S&P 500 et de 30 % pour le Nasdaq depuis le début de l’année. Lundi, en début de matinée, les deux indices perdaient respectivement 4,15 % et 3,6 %. »

Angst vor schneller steigenden Leitzinsen – Dax fällt auf weniger als 13.500 Punkte: Nachdem die Inflation in Amerika sogar noch einmal gestiegen ist auf deutlich mehr als 8 Prozent, rückt die mächtigste Notenbank der Welt wieder ins Visier der Börse: Straffen die Währungshüter mehr als gedacht? Die Anleger reagieren schon. »

Bitcoin Falls below $25,000, Celsius and Binance Pause Withdrawals

Jun 13, 2022 • Yahoo Finance Live anchors Julie Hyman, Brad Smith and Brian Sozzi discuss bitcoin trading below $25,000 and some crypto companies pausing withdrawals in response.

Der Bitcoin-Kurs fällt und fällt: Der Kryptomarkt taumelt: Grund ist auch ein amerikanisches Unternehmen, das in Deutschland beworben wurde. Betroffen sind zahlreiche Digitalwährungen. »

Bitcoin drops 18 percent to lowest price since 2020: The cryptocurrency market melted down again on Monday, as the price of Bitcoin plummeted to its lowest point since 2020, wiping away years of investments »

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – June 13, 2022

The Guardian View on Overriding the Brexit Treaty: A National Disgrace

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: Boris Johnson’s plans to shred the Northern Ireland protocol have no basis in law, economics or diplomacy

There is no good reason for the UK to sabotage relations with its European neighbours, but doing it to score ideological points with a small faction of the prime minister’s supporters is exceptionally poor judgment. Yet that is what Boris Johnson intends to do with legislation, now said to be due for publication next week, to override the Northern Ireland protocol of the Brexit deal he signed in 2019.

The ostensible trigger is the collapse of power-sharing at Stormont, caused by the Democratic Unionist party’s refusal to form an administration with Sinn Féin. The DUP objects to the basis of the protocol – the requirement for customs checks on goods crossing the Irish Sea – and wants it rewritten. The EU offers modifications in the way that the treaty is implemented, saying checks are necessary to prevent Northern Ireland becoming an unregulated backdoor into the single market. » | Editorial | Thursday, June 9, 2022

Brexit: PM to unveil plans to scrap parts of NI Protocol agreed with EU: Boris Johnson will later publish plans to scrap parts of the post-Brexit deal he struck with the EU in 2020. »

Former US President Donald Trump Accused of 'Attempted Coup' - BBC News

Jun 10, 2022 • Former US President Donald Trump has been accused of orchestrating last year's Capitol riot in an "attempted coup". Trump supporters stormed Congress on 6 January 2021 as lawmakers met to certify Joe Biden's election victory.

After almost a year of investigating, a congressional hearing revealed never-before-seen footage and interviews with members of Mr Trump's inner circle about what happened - including the ex-president's daughter, Ivanka Trump.

Poland Shows the Risks for Women When Abortion Is Banned

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Poland’s abortion ban has had many unintended consequences. One is that doctors are sometimes afraid to remove fetuses or administer cancer treatment to save women’s lives.

Barbara Skrobol visiting the grave of her sister-in-law Izabela Sajbor and her unborn child at a cemetery in Cwiklice, Poland. | Anna Liminowicz for The New York Times

PSZCZYNA, Poland — It was shortly before 11 p.m. when Izabela Sajbor realized the doctors were prepared to let her die.

Her doctor had already told her that her fetus had severe abnormalities and would almost certainly die in the womb. If it made it to term, life expectancy was a year, at most. At 22 weeks pregnant, Ms. Sajbor had been admitted to a hospital after her water broke prematurely.

She knew that there was a short window to induce birth or surgically remove the fetus to avert infection and potentially fatal sepsis. But even as she developed a fever, vomited and convulsed on the floor, it seemed to be the baby’s heartbeat that the doctors were most concerned about.

“My life is in danger,” she wrote in a string of distressed text messages to her mother and husband that was shared with The New York Times by her family’s lawyer.

“They cannot help as long as the fetus is alive thanks to the anti-abortion law,” she wrote only hours before she died. “A woman is like an incubator.” » | Katrin Bennhold and Monika Pronczuk | Sunday, June 12, 2022

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Michael Bolton : Drift Away | Reupload

The Bible: A Queer Positive Book | Rev. Dr. Cheri DiNovo | TEDxToronto

Dec 6, 2017 • Within the pages of the Bible shines clear evidence and proof of a queer positive culture. The Bible must never again be used as an excuse for hate and division of the LGBTQ community. Rev. Dr. Cheri DiNovo has been the Member of Parliament for Parkdale - High Park for the last 11 years. She holds the record for most Private Member’s Bills passed by an MPP and the most pro-LGBTQ legislation than anyone in Canadian history. DiNovo is an ordained United Church Minister who performed the first legalized same-sex marriage. DiNovo won the Lambda Literary Award in Washington D.C. for spirituality and religion for her book, Queering Evangelism and has received numerous high profile awards for her 40+ years of activism. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

فقط حب اخوي؟

Nur brüderliche Liebe? / Just brotherly love? / Juste de l'amour fraternel ?

شكرا جزيلا على هذه الصورة الجميلة

Sealed with a Loving Kiss and a Bouquet

Many thanks to one fab day on Pinterest for this loving and tender wedding photo.

World Cup 2022: Wales Staff Boycott Qatar over Gay Rights

BBC: Some of the Welsh national football team's staff will not travel to the World Cup in Qatar because of the country's stance on gay rights.

Head of Welsh football Noel Mooney said the team would use the event as a "platform" to discuss human rights in Qatar, where homosexuality is illegal.

He is also asking Fifa and Uefa to "think very deeply about their conscience" when choosing host nations.

Qatari officials have said it would be a "tournament for everyone". » | James Williams, BBC Wales political correspondent | Sunday, June 12, 2022

Zu Tisch... Chios – Griechenland | ARTE

Jun 12, 2022 • Das Harz des Mastix-Strauchs ist das "weiße Gold" der Ägäis-Insel Chios. Im Sommer werden die baumähnlichen Pflanzen angeritzt, das austretende Harz in einem mühsamen Prozess getrocknet, gesammelt und gereinigt. Auf Chios nutzen die Bewohner es als Kaugummi, exportiert findet es als Medizin und Kleber für Maskenbildner Verwendung und neuerdings wird damit auch gekocht.

Das Harz des Mastix-Strauchs ist das „weiße Gold“ der Ägäis-Insel Chios. Im Sommer werden die Rinden der baumähnlichen Pflanzen angeritzt, nach ein paar Tagen tritt das Harz aus. Hart geworden kann es eingesammelt werden. Danach muss man es mehrmals mühsam reinigen, bevor matt-weiße Tröpfchen übrig bleiben, deren Geschmack einmalig ist. Kalliopi Chlorus ist fast 80 Jahre alt, aber lässt sich nicht davon abbringen, bei der Mastix-Gewinnung kräftig mitzumischen. Sie windet sich gelenkig unter den zu Bäumen geschnittenen Sträuchern durch, hantiert mit großen Wassereimern am Hafen beim Waschen oder entfernt mit einem spitzen Messer winzige Verunreinigungen aus dem Mastix. Die Inselbewohner nutzen Mastix als Kaugummi, exportiert findet es als Medizin und Kleber für Maskenbildner Verwendung und neuerdings wird damit auch gekocht: Aus dem traditionell aus Blätterteig und Pudding zubereiteten Kuchen Galaktoboureko wird so ein Mastix-Boureko, auch Loukoumades kann man mit Mastix verfeinern oder den Rührkuchen Glikisma. Eine weitere Spezialität der Insel sind die kleinen Tomaten, die zum Trocknen aufgehängt werden. Die Pflanzen brauchen zum Wachsen kaum Wasser und die Früchte sind zuckersüß und bleiben auch getrocknet innen saftig. Sie werden für das Rührei Sfugato verwendet oder im Fischgericht Kollii plaki.

Esskulturreihe, Regie: Elke Sasse und Chrysanthi Goula (D 2018, 27 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis zum 12/07/2022

The Observer View on Britain’s Dire Economic Outlook

THE OBSERVER – EDITORIAL: The true cost of Brexit is becoming painfully clearer by the day

The OECD has predicted that the UK economy will not grow at all next year. Photograph: Phil Noble/Reuters

Britain’s growth prospects are the gloomiest of all developed nations. The OECD predicted last week that the UK economy would not grow at all next year, the worst outlook for any OECD nation. This follows warnings in April from the IMF that the UK will experience the worst growth out of the G7 nations in 2023. After a decade of stagnant wages, it seems Britons need to resign themselves to the fact that the buoyant growth of the 2000s is but a distant memory.

Every country has suffered the shock of the pandemic, followed by the spike in oil and wheat prices triggered by Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine. But other developed economies have proved more resilient, enjoying export-driven recoveries in the wake of Covid. Here in Britain, the economic malaise left exposed by the 2008 financial crisis is long term and structural.

This crisis was supposed to prompt a big economic rethink: a reckoning with Britain’s addiction to growth fuelled by rising levels of consumer debt enabled by rising house prices. The then shadow chancellor George Osborne pledged to rebalance the economy away from debt-driven growth to more productive development, driven by business investment and exports, underpinned with an expansion of the UK’s manufacturing base and a reduction in the huge regional inequalities between the south-east and the rest of the country. » | Editorial | Sunday, June 12, 2022

We are being led by clowns, fools and jesters. These dickheads wouldn't be able to arrange an orgy in a brothel! Brexit is for the birds. – © Mark Alexander

The Lincoln Project: Cheney to Republicans

Jun 11, 2022 • "Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible – there will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain."

There Must Be a Gay Zoo Around Somewhere!

With many thanks to Wahyu Romdhoni on on Pinterest for this delightful image.

Protests Over Prophet Muhammad Comments Turn Deadly in India

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Two young protesters were killed in eastern India on Friday amid demonstrations by Muslims across South Asia.

Muslim protestors threw stones at the police on Friday in Prayagraj, India. Demonstrations across the country were set off by remarks that some Muslims found offensive. | Ritesh Shukla/Reuters

NEW DELHI — Two young demonstrators were killed on Friday in India’s eastern Jharkhand State amid protests across South Asia by Muslims angered by a comment from an official in India’s governing party that they believe profaned the Prophet Muhammad.

The protesters were shot during demonstrations that erupted after Friday Prayers in Ranchi, Jharkhand’s capital. Protesters there called for the arrest of Nupur Sharma, a spokeswoman for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s party, who last week made speculative comments on a television talk show about the relationship between the prophet and his youngest wife.

That comment, along with another about the prophet, made by Naveen Kumar Jindal, also an official in the governing Bharatiya Janata Party, prompted outrage across the Muslim world, forcing the government to try to contain the growing diplomatic fallout.

Since taking office in 2014, Mr. Modi has often been accused of stirring anti-Muslim sentiment or remaining silent when Hindu nationalists attacked Muslims, but his government appeared to take swift action after 17 Muslim nations condemned the remarks and lodged official diplomatic protests. Iran and Saudi Arabia, which often cannot agree on anything, both summoned India’s envoys in their capitals to complain. » | Emily Schmall and Suhasini Raj | Saturday, June 11, 2022

Le Prophète plutôt que les musulmans : Les dirigeants qui se réclament de l’islam sont plus prompts à dénoncer le blasphème du prophète Mahomet que les persécutions infligées à leurs coreligionnaires. »

Thousands Rally for Gun Control in US as Mass Shootings Surge | DW News

Jun 12, 2022 • Tens of thousands of people rallied across the United States in a renewed push for tougher gun control measures. In the aftermath of last month's school massacre in Texas, protesters say it's time for action, and not more prayers. While lawmakers have drafted new legislation, the reforms are unlikely to overcome congressional hurdles and become law.

If a young man is not considered old enough to smoke, then he is certainly not old enough to fight for his country. I heard this week from an American friend of mine that the new age limit for buying cigarettes is 21. This is absurd. A young man could have fathered several children by that age; and he could also be married. If a man is old enough and mature enough to marry and father a child, then he is certainly old enough and mature enough to smoke cigarettes. The fact that such a person cannot smoke or drink alcohol, but he can buy a semi-automatic weapon is totally and utterly absurd. American gun culture, if indeed culture it can be called, is appalling. It harkens back to the Wild West. The mentality in the US hasn't changed much since the days of 'cowboys and Indians'! – © Mark Alexander

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Real Men, Real Love, Real Kiss

Homophilia reigns supreme in the Marines.

With many thanks to on Pinterest for this superb photo.

As Energy Prices Soar, the Bitcoin Miners May Find They Have Struck Fool’s Gold

THE OBSERVER: The rising price of electricity and the plunging value of the cryptocurrency could burst the speculative bubble for today’s prospectors

In the bad old days, prospecting for gold was a grisly business involving hysterical crowds, pickaxes, digging, the wearing of appalling hats, standing in rivers panning for nuggets, “staking” claims and so on. The California gold rush of 1848-55, for example, brought 300,000 hopefuls to the Sierra Nevada and northern California and involved the massacre of thousands of Indigenous people.

In our day, the new gold is bitcoin, a cryptocurrency, and prospecting for it has become a genteel armchair activity, although it is called “mining”, for old times’ sake. What it actually involves is using computers to perform unfathomably complicated calculations to create cryptographic “hashes” – codes that are, in practical terms, uncrackable. » | John Naughton | Saturday, June 11, 2022

Françoise Hardy : Die Diskrete | Doku HD | Reupload | ARTE

Jun 11, 2022 • Von der Ikone der 60er zur Grande Dame des französischen Chansons: Bereits im zarten Alter von 18 Jahren wurde Françoise Hardy mit ihrem ersten großen Hit "Tous les garçons et les filles" (1962) zum Idol des "Yéyé". Ihre sanfte Stimme ließ sie zu einer der bekanntesten Pop- und Chansonsängerin Frankreichs werden. Hardy ist so zeitlos geblieben wie ihre Lieder ...

Françoise Hardy war das Idol des Yéyé, der Popmusik der 60er Jahre. Ihr erster großer Hit „Tous les garçons et les filles“ (1962) eröffnete der Sängerin schon im zarten Alter von 18 Jahren den Weg zu einer Karriere als eine der bekanntesten Pop- und Chansonsängerinnen Frankreichs. Auch wenn die Pariserin in der französischen Musikszene anfangs völlig aus dem Rahmen fiel und sich ab den 80er Jahren ins Privatleben zurückzog, sorgte sie regelmäßig mit Platten wie „Décalages“ (1988) für Schlagzeilen. Viele Künstler zählen zu ihren Bewunderern: Sex-Pistols-Legende Malcolm McLaren nahm mit ihr einen Song auf, Mick Jagger bezeichnete sie als „ideale Frau“ und Bob Dylan widmete ihr ein Gedicht. Die stilbewusste Künstlerin ist sich über ihre musikalische Laufbahn mit ihren nostalgischen und romantischen Liedern hinweg selbst treu geblieben – aus der Ikone der 60er ist eine Grande Dame geworden. Doch wie gelang es der eleganten Französin – die blonde Mähne ist mittlerweile schneeweiß –, auch 25 veröffentlichte Alben später nicht an Ausstrahlung zu verlieren? Die Dokumentation beleuchtet die Persönlichkeit hinter dem Star und ergründet das visionäre Talent der Künstlerin. Es kommen europäische Musiker, Produzenten, Modeschöpfer und Sänger zu Wort, die ihre Sicht auf Françoise Hardy, ihre Einzigartigkeit und ihren Beitrag zur Popmusik äußern.

Dokumentation von Émilie Valentin und Matthieu Jaubert (F 2016, 54 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 17/07/2022

WIKIPEDIA – Françoise Hardy : [E] ; [F] ; [D].

Canada : The Authorities Have Lost Their Minds!

With many thanks to Klaus Becker on Pinterest for this super photograph.

The Canadian government legalized the smoking of cannabis/marijuana three years ago; yet they are introducing ever more stringent laws against the smoking of cigarettes and other tobacco products. Clearly, these laws are redolent of a Nanny State. How stupid can people get? This means that you can legally get stoned out of your mind, yet enjoying a humble cigarette is becoming ever more difficult. How nonsensical is that? I had always thought that Canadians were smarter than this. Obviously, I was mistaken. – © Mark Alexander

The pros, cons and unknowns of legal cannabis in Canada 3 years later: Legalization has had a positive effect on the justice system, but public health data is lacking, experts say »

Written warning on every cigarette in Canadian world-first: Poison in every puff’ message proposed amid government concern photo warnings on tobacco packages have lost impact »

Zehn Jahre Haft für Boliviens Ex-Übergangspräsidentin Jeanine Áñez

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Für die einen war es ein Staatsstreich, für die anderen lediglich eine Interimsherrschaft nach der Flucht von Präsident Evo Morales. Jetzt wird Boliviens Ex-Übergangspräsidentin Áñez zu zehn Jahren Haft verurteilt.

Jeanine Áñez am 13. März 2020 an einer Zeremonie im Präsidentenpalast in La Paz. | David Mercado / Reuters

{dpa) Ein Gericht in La Paz hat die ehemalige bolivianische Übergangspräsidentin Jeanine Áñez zu zehn Jahren Haft verurteilt. Áñez müsse die Strafe wegen verfassungswidriger Entscheidungen und Pflichtverletzungen, als sie im November 2019 die Interimspräsidentschaft übernahm, im Miraflores-Gefängnis am Regierungssitz La Paz absitzen, sagte der Richter bei der Verlesung des Urteils am Freitag (Ortszeit). «Mir wurde alles verweigert, und ich wurde schlechter behandelt als alle anderen, aber ich war, bin und werde die verfassungsmässige Präsidentin sein, die ihre Aufgabe übernahm, nachdem der Feigling geflohen war», hatte Áñez zuvor auf Twitter geschrieben. » | dpa | Samstag, 11. Juni 2022

Bolivian ex-president Jeanine Áñez jailed as leader of ‘coup’: Court finds rightwinger defied constitution during chaotic exit of Evo Morales, from whom she took over presidency »

La Corée du Nord nomme une femme à la tête de sa diplomatie

LE MONDE : Choe Son-hui était une proche conseillère de Kim Jong-un pendant les pourparlers sur le nucléaire avec les Etats-Unis. Elle remplace Ri Son-gwon, un ancien responsable militaire partisan d’une ligne dure.

Choe Son-hui devant l’ambassade de Corée du Nord à Pékin, en Chine, le 23 juin 2016. ANDY WONG / AP

Au moment où Pyongyang poursuit une série d’essais d’armement et ignore les appels des Etats-Unis à des pourparlers, la Corée du Nord a nommé pour la première fois une femme, Choe Son-hui, au poste de ministre des affaires étrangères, a rapporté la presse officielle samedi 11 juin.

Mme Choe, ancienne vice-ministre des affaires étrangères, a été désignée pour diriger la diplomatie nord-coréenne lors d’une réunion du parti au pouvoir présidée par le dirigeant, Kim Jong-un, selon l’agence de presse officielle KCNA. Elle remplace Ri Son-gwon, un ancien responsable militaire partisan d’une ligne dure qui a dirigé des négociations avec la Corée du Sud. » | Le Monde avec AFP | samedi 11 juin 2022

Île du Levant: Wiege der französischen Freikörperkultur | Stadt, Land, Kunst | ARTE

Feb 21, 2022 • Die Île du Levant ist die wohl am wenigsten bekannte der Hyerischen Inseln. Mit ihren weißen Sandstränden und steilen Klippen, die mit dem tiefblauen Wasser des Mittelmeers kontrastieren, wurde sie in den 1930er Jahren zum Ausgangspunkt einer Lebensutopie, die die Rückkehr zur Natur proklamierte: die Freikörperkultur. Was schon im 18. Jahrhundert als medizinische Anwendung begann, fand schnell Anhänger in ganz Europa.

Die Brüder Durville brachten die Freikörperkultur auf die Insel, wo sie bis heute begeistert gepflegt wird.

Verfügbar bis zum 01/02/2024

Marc & Roger’s Epic Gay Jewish Wedding – Highlights | Justin Timberlake - Can't Stop the Feeling | Reupload

Feb 20, 2017 • Testimony of love: Amazing gay wedding highlights. This has got to be one of the most beautiful gay weddings ever! Two handsome men; one beautiful wedding reception. Exciting music to boot.

Not a Still Life | Gay Jewish Documentary Portrait | Reupload

Aug 13, 2018 • In this documentary portrait, a charismatic older, gay, Jewish man undergoes an evolution of awareness amid the joys and sorrows of his wild and fully lived life. In revealing his “naked truth,” he offers viewers an opportunity for reflection about the complexity of human identity.

In the words of the film’s spirited subject, “This is the story of a gay, Jewish, animal rights, vegetarian, recovering alcoholic ... individual.” Steve Stone is an ebullient, extroverted character and an engaging storyteller with a life full of captivating tales. He is also not unlike many gay men of a certain age who were almost brought to extinction with the AIDS epidemic of the 80’s. In that sense, this film, a portrait of a man, is also a chronicle of a time that was.

This one man’s story, his struggles with sexual orientation and various addictions, love and loss, taps into themes that encompass all our lives. His quirky and entertaining reflections come from a unique perspective. We cannot help but see ourselves in, and be inspired by his distinctive outlook because for all the ways that we may not share his “outside the box” personality, his evolution, his journey through life and his deep desires are ours. They exemplify the conflicts and complexities in every human heart.

Not a Still Life punctuates the stories of Steve’s personal journey through the decades with a judicious use of title graphics to reflect key aspects of gay social history in America. His is the tale of a man who, in the homophobic period of the 50s, was ridiculed and dismissed as a child which led his irreverence, hyperactivity and rebelliousness. Determined to be himself rather than conform to social mores that made him uncomfortable, he came out to everyone in the early 60’s at the age of 17. Eight years before the Stonewall Rebellion, this was a brave move. Steve Stone has been openly gay for fifty years!

Blacklist Dubai over Failure to Crack Down on Russian Oligarchs, Say Campaigners

THE OBSERVER: UAE has become haven for superyachts, private jets and ‘dirty money’ since invasion of Ukraine, but has taken no action

The 387ft Motor Yacht A belonging to Russian oligarch Andrey Melnichenko anchored in the port of Ras al-Khaimah, United Arab Emirates. Photograph: Kamran Jebreili/AP

Campaigners and politicians are calling for the United Arab Emirates to be blacklisted over its failures to combat the flow of “dirty money” and to enforce sanctions imposed on Russian oligarchs.

The Gulf state has emerged as a key refuge for the Russian super-rich fleeing the impact of global sanctions, with private jets and superyachts linked to oligarchs heading to the UAE after the invasion of Ukraine.

Bill Browder, the financier and critic of Vladimir Putin’s regime, said: “Dubai has long been a safe place for dirty money. It should now be put on financial blacklists and its leaders shouldn’t be welcome here.”

He said secondary sanctions should be imposed on the UAE unless it provided assistance to countries pursuing the oligarchs’ assets. » | Jon Ungoed-Thomas | Saturday, June 11, 2022

One Colourful “Giraffe Eating”!

Is this what a gay giraffe looks like? Out, proud and gay.

With many thanks to Linzi Lynn on Pinterest for this delightful image/painting.

Michael Lambert : 148 Tory MP’s Want to See the Back of Boris Johnson

Jun 11, 2022 • 148 Tory MP's want to see the back of Boris Johnson as their leader and Prime Minister. 41% of his Parliamentary party no longer support him and would like another leader. He has gone from being one of the most powerful prime ministers ever to becoming a lame duck in a day.

MP's have heard from their constituents how unpopular Johnson has become following the 'Partygate' scandal in which he flouted the very laws which he had introduced and insisted the nation obey. They will also have seen how he and his wife were booed at St Paul's Cathedral during the Jubilee.

His career is effectively over and, in due course, it will be time to choose a successor. Jeremy Hunt seems the favorite at present.

Boris Johnson Stands to Make £5m a Year after No 10, Say Experts

THE GUARDIAN: PM could join lecture circuit and rejoin paper where he complained of ‘chicken feed’ £250,000 salary

Boris Johnson’s current salary already puts him in the top 1% of earners in the UK Photograph: Andrew Parsons CCHQ/Parsons Media

Boris Johnson could make more than £5m a year after he leaves Downing Street, experts have estimated.

The figure will be welcome news to a prime minister who is said to regularly complain to friends that he is hard up, citing his second divorce, several children and his reduced income since entering No 10.

In fact, Johnson’s £155,376 salary puts him in the top 1% of UK earners. His housing, transport and a large part of his living costs are covered by the taxpayer.

Regardless of whether his financial straits are real or imagined, there are two certainties, says Tom Bower, one of Johnson’s biographers: that he is hopeless with money and that he will have no problem making lots of it after he leaves office.

“It’s because he’s such a bad money manager that he got himself into that ridiculous situation with the refurbishment of his Downing Street flat,” said Bower. “After that debacle, the financiers who fund the Tory party took him to one side and told him he didn’t need to worry about money; that his future earnings were guaranteed to be so strong that he could take out whatever loans he needed at very low rates.” » | Amelia Hill | Saturday, June 11, 2022

It looks as if Boris will be able to afford to buy a brush soon; and maybe a comb to go with it! – © Mark

There’s a New Breed of Young, Violent, Far-right Activist in Britain: ‘White Jihadists’

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: The neo-Nazi founder of the banned terror group National Action was jailed this week. Sadly, there are more like him

‘Alex Davies began outlining the framework for his neo-Nazi youth movement a decade ago.’ Alex Davies arrives at Winchester crown court, 20 April 2022. Photograph: Andrew Matthews/PA

Alex Davies, the co-founder of the proscribed far-right terror group National Action, was sentenced to more than eight years in prison this week, bringing the total number of people convicted of membership of the group to 19. Formed in 2013, National Action espouses extreme antisemitic and anti-immigrant views, and presented itself as better organised and more disciplined than other groups in a British neo-Nazi scene previously on the verge of collapse.

When it was banned by the then-home secretary, Amber Rudd, in December 2016, National Action was the first far-right organisation to be proscribed since the second world war. But it wasn’t the first such group in that period to espouse extreme neo-Nazi beliefs or promote the ideology of terror and violence – nor will it be the last.

Davies, 27, a former University of Warwick student, began outlining the framework for this neo-Nazi youth movement a decade ago, while he was being monitored by the government’s controversial Prevent programme. » | Matthew Collins | Saturday, June 11, 2022

Prince Charles Criticises ‘Appalling’ Rwanda Migrant Scheme – Reports

THE GUARDIAN: Source says Prince of Wales was ‘more than disappointed’ with deportation plans

A spokesperson for Clarence House said Prince Charles remains politically neutral. Photograph: Reuters

Prince Charles has privately criticised the government’s policy of deporting migrants to Rwanda, calling the practice “appalling”.

The heir to the throne has been heard opposing the policy behind closed doors, a source has told the Times and the Daily Mail.

The claim comes on the same day that a legal challenge against deporting asylum seekers was rejected by the high court. The first flight to send migrants to the central African country could leave on Tuesday. An appeal against the ruling has been launched.

The source said: “[Charles] said he was more than disappointed at the policy.

“He said he thinks the government’s whole approach is appalling. It was clear he was not impressed with the government’s direction of travel.” » | Harry Taylor | Friday, June 10, 2022

Related (including my own thoughts on the matter).

Friday, June 10, 2022

Griechenlands neue Helden

Jun 10, 2022 • Paminos schlug eine Karriere als Unternehmensberater aus und gründete eine Online-Firma, die schon mehr als hundert Arbeitsplätze geschaffen hat. Maria verlor ihren Job, machte sich selbstständig und ist nun eine erfolgreiche PR-Frau. Panos, Chemiker, und sein Bruder Thanos, Ökonom, hätten früher nie gedacht, dass sie ein Olivenöl der Extraklasse produzieren würden. Nicht wenige der gut ausgebildeten jungen Griechinnen und Griechen wollen im Land bleiben und packen in der Krise ihre Chance. Die Entscheidungsträger von morgen erzählen von Risiken und Erfolgserlebnissen. Ein NZZ Format über Griechenlands junge Generation, die sich nicht unterkriegen lässt.

'When Have We Ever Seen a Coup d'État Like This?' The Historical Significance of January 6th

Jun 10, 2022 • Andrea Mitchell, Hallie Jackson, and Katy Tur, spoke with presidential historian, Michael Beschloss, to talk about this historical context of the January 6th hearings.

Even the Murdoch Press Is Now Waking Up to the Truth: Brexit Was an Act of Self-harm

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: When the most anti-EU newspapers are pointing to the policy’s inevitable failures, it’s time our government admitted the truth

My love of gardening is grounded in the thrill of renewal: the first snowdrop bulb, the first songbird to break the silence, that shaft of warmth in early March. This week, as a veteran party member and supporter of every Conservative leader from Churchill to Cameron, I have detected something similar: the renewal of my party’s European legacy.

The disastrous consequences of Brexit for living standards, for our economic wellbeing and for Britain’s reputation abroad, have so far been obscured by Covid, the war in Ukraine and the headline-grabbing story of our prime minister’s lack of truthfulness and integrity. But this week, the British press perhaps unintentionally revealed the real world that is emerging as a result of Brexit.

While readers of the Guardian have been kept closely informed about the continuing tragedy of Brexit, it’s only now that other parts of the British press have begun to consider the truth of its legacy. The economies of three of the regions that voted most heavily for Brexit were “smaller at the end of last year … than at the time of the vote”, wrote David Smith in the business section of this week’s Sunday Times. Despite a weak pound making Britain’s goods cheap for foreign buyers, “exporters are … struggling”, Jim Armitage wrote in the same paper. “First-quarter figures last week showed exports of food and drink to the EU were down 17%, or £614m, on pre-Covid levels. Exports to non European countries increased by 10.7%, or £223m, but not enough to offset the European decline.”

Brexit was meant to be a “new beginning for the Tory party,” Jeremy Warner wrote this week in the Daily Telegraph, “but by making trade with Europe more difficult and costly it has so far only added to the country’s travails”. In its coverage of recent OECD warnings, the Daily Mail reported that the UK economy “is set to flatline next year – performing worse than every other G20 country except for sanctions-crippled Russia”. Most of these countries have also felt the consequences of the war in Ukraine and the Covid epidemic – but not, of course, Brexit. » | Michael Heseltine | Friday, June 10, 2022

I have said this from the very start: Brexit was a stupid idea, is a stupid idea and will remain a stupid idea. Nobody with any understanding of economics would walk away from the largest single market in the world, The Single Market. One doesn't need much of a grasp of economics to understand that to do so would be highly damaging to one's own economy. That the Conservatives have done this, the Party that prides itself on being business-friendly, is totally and utterly incomprehensible. – © Mark Alexander

Im Schatten des Ukraine-Krieges wächst Iran zur Atommacht heran


NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Iran produziert unverhohlen Material für eine Atombombe und reagiert auf Kritik an seinen Vertragsbrüchen, indem es die internationalen Inspektoren behindert. Solch alarmierendes Verhalten macht eine geeinte Reaktion der Grossmächte nötig – doch das Gegenteil ist der Fall.

Irans Präsident Ebrahim Raisi bei einer Zeremonie am Donnerstag in der Stadt Shahr-e Kord. Raisi kritisierte dabei die von der Internationalen Atomenergieagentur erteilte Rüge: Sie werde Iran nicht stoppen. | Iranian Presidency Office / EPA

Vor kurzem hat Iran eine wichtige Schwelle auf seinem jahrzehntelangen Weg zur Atombombe überschritten: Es besitzt nun genügend hochangereichertes Uran, um einen ersten nuklearen Sprengsatz herzustellen. Zwar verfügt Iran damit noch nicht über eine fertig gebaute Bombe, und auch die Entwicklung hin zu einem möglichen Einsatz einer solchen Waffe mit Mittelstreckenraketen ist vermutlich nicht abgeschlossen. Aber die Unverfrorenheit, mit der das Kleriker-Regime nach Atomwaffen greift, und die kraftlose weltweite Reaktion darauf sind bemerkenswert.

Dies hat mit der Ablenkung durch den Krieg in der Ukraine zu tun, aber nicht allein. Von den Grossmächten betrachten es nur die USA als wichtige Aufgabe, den Aufstieg Irans zur Atommacht – der ersten in der konfliktreichen Region des Persischen Golfes – zu verhindern. China und Russland schauen dagegen in völliger Verantwortungslosigkeit zu, wie das einstige internationale Sicherungssystem gegen die Ausbreitung von Atomwaffen zusammenbricht. » | Andreas Rüesch | Freitag, 10. Juni 2022

Dimitra’s Dishes: Lemon Blueberry Cake: Mizithropita

Ricotta makes this cake very moist.

Get the recipe here.

Smoking Could Be Banned in Beer Gardens

Jun 10, 2022

This country is turning into a real Nanny State! Who the hell gives these idiots the right to tell other adults what they can or cannot do for a bit of pleasure in their lives? People at the top take drugs of all sorts; and much else besides. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a cigarette as long as one’s smoking is kept in moderation. It’s like everything else in life, moderation is key.

In my life, whilst working abroad, I worked with many Americans. Almost all of them were smokers, most were pretty slim, and few of them suffered from diabetes. Look at Americans today! Most of them don’t smoke anymore, but very many Americans are obese, and type-2 diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in the States.

I would be the last person to say that smoking is good for anyone’s health. But so aren't many things good for people’s health. Being obese certainly is not good for health. Nor is sugar or alcohol. Nor marijuana, for which laws are being relaxed. The long-term effects of vaping, despite what many governments say, are not yet known.

Please note that I am an ex-smoker, so I no longer have skin in the game. However, I will say this: When I smoked, I only ever smoked for the pleasure it brought me (and it brought me a lot of pleasure); I never smoked out of addiction. Never! Smoking is a habit, not an addiction. I know that to be true, because when I quit the habit, I had no withdrawal symptoms whatsoever. And I was a twenty a day smoker for most of my adult life. Were smoking to be an addiction, I would most certainly have had withdrawal symptoms. Nor, by the way, have I had any cravings.

So I say this: Let people smoke! Encourage them not to do so, by all means; but let people decide for themselves. I don’t want to live in a smoke-free Britain, because I am old enough to know that if they manage to stub out the habit altogether, it will be replaced by some other undesirable habit, from which many other undesirable side effects and problems will ensue. We will never be able to live in a Utopia. And as Margaret Thatcher once said: “We probably shouldn’t like it if we could.”

This government is a right-wing Conservative government. Right-wing Conservatives are supposed to believe in consumer choice. So they should live by their principles. For heaven's sake, leave smokers alone! – © Mark Alexander

Daniil Trifonov – Chopin: Fantaisie-Impromptu In C-Sharp Minor, Op. 66

Putin Likens Himself to Peter the Great

Jun 10, 2022 • Russian President Vladimir Putin compared himself favorably to Peter the Great, a Russian monarch from the late 17th century, using the likening to justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine. In his comments, Putin argued that Peter the Great was not conquering, but rather fighting over territory that rightfully belonged to Russia. CNN's Salma Abdelaziz reports.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – June 10, 2022

Russia's Economy: Is It Crumbling or Standing Strong? | DW News

un 10, 2022 • Sanctions against Russia are already having an effect. Prices are already rising, companies are closing and unemployment is rising. Especially in Russian aviation. What is the impact Russia's war against Ukraine is having on the country's industry?

The Queen's Reaction to The Death of Margaret & Her Mother | Elizabeth: Our Queen | Channel 5

Jan 7, 2021 • In 2002, Queen Elizabeth II's sister Princess Margaret's health deteriorated, causing her to pass away. A few weeks later, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Elizabeth II's mother, also died at the age of 102. Check out Elizabeth: Our Queen to see The Queen's reaction to both of their deaths, the funerals and how this changed the royal family.

Gary Younge Destroys America's Gun Obsession

Jun 10, 2022 • “Do you love the second amendment more than you love your children?"

"Nobody Is Sleeping Here"

Jun 10, 2022 • Johnson & Patel want to deport refugees to Rwanda before even hearing their stories. Many have fled repression & war We spoke to a Syrian held at a UK detention centre & recorded the call Fearing retribution, his words are translated and spoken by an actor This is his story

If this is the way that Britain treats refugees, it makes me ashamed to be British! Shame on BoJo! Shame on Priti Patel! Shame on the Conservative government! Shame on us all for tolerating this treatment of these poor refugees! And we have the nerve to call ourselves Christians and this a Christian country! Unbelievable! – © Mark Alexander

Donald Trump a « allumé la mèche » de l’assaut du Capitole, selon la commission d’enquête

LE MONDE : La commission d’enquête de la Chambre des représentants a présenté jeudi ses premières conclusions sur l’attaque du 6 janvier 2021. Retransmise en direct sur plusieurs chaînes de télévision, cette audition publique a mis en évidence la responsabilité de l’ancien président américain.

Un exercice de pédagogie vital pour la démocratie américaine a débuté, jeudi 9 juin, dans une salle du Congrès. Ce fut aussi un moment de télévision exceptionnel, dont la sobriété des acteurs n’a fait que renforcer l’intensité. La commission d’enquête de la Chambre des représentants a tenu une première audition publique afin de remonter le fil des événements qui ont conduit à l’assaut du 6 janvier 2021 contre le Capitole, par les partisans de Donald Trump. Cette sombre journée fut « le point culminant d’une tentative de coup d’Etat », a résumé en introduction le démocrate Bennie Thompson (Mississippi), président de la commission.

Assis sous un écran géant, les neuf membres de la commission siégeaient dans une atmosphère solennelle, devant un parterre nourri de photographes. L’audition était réglée minutieusement, menée par Bennie Thompson et la vice-présidente de la commission, la républicaine Liz Cheney (Wyoming). « Le 6 janvier et les mensonges ayant conduit à l’insurrection ont mis en danger deux siècles et demi de démocratie constitutionnelle », a dit Bennie Thomson, pour cadrer l’enjeu du moment. Mais c’est surtout Liz Cheney qui a imprimé sa marque à l’audition. Devenue une pestiférée au sein du parti républicain, honnie par Donald Trump, elle s’est engagée depuis des mois dans une croisade pour établir la vérité sur le 6 janvier, en compagnie de l’autre élu de son parti au sein de la commission, Adam Kinzinger (Illinois). Pour la fille de l’ancien vice-président Dick Cheney, il s’agit du combat décisif de sa vie politique, qui n’autorise ni faiblesse, ni demi-mesure. » | Par Piotr Smolar (Washington, correspondant) | vendredi 10 juin 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Thursday, June 09, 2022

Ukraine - The End of the Russian World I Documentary

Jun 9, 2022 • For Vladimir #Putin,🇺🇦Ukraine is not a real country. Like the #Russian Tsars before him he views Ukraine and #Belarus as dominions of a greater Russia with Moscow as the capital. But as Ukrainians resist Russian invasion the three countries, which have so much in common - similar languages, the same religion and a shared history - could become forever estranged. The Russian world that tied these lands and peoples together (russkiy mir) could be coming to an end.

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – June 9, 2022

Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Brian Sims | I'm From Bloomsburg, PA | True Gay Stories

Feb 19, 2010 • A college football captain comes out to his team to open arms and gains a slew of new allies.

WIKIPEDIA: Brian Sims.