BLOOMBERG: Google’s decision to pull a protest election app from Russia before the election is significant in some surprising ways
No nation asks Google to scrub more from the internet than Russia. Over the past decade, Russian officials have requested the removal of nearly 1 million web pages, documents, apps and videos, mostly for reasons Google categorizes as "copyright" or "national security."
Last week, Russia made another request. Russian officials demanded Alphabet Inc.'s Google and Apple Inc. pull a voting app from Alexey Navalny, a jailed politician, that recommends a slate of candidates opposing President Vladimir Putin. A Russian court had ruled Navalny's app was "extremist" and requested its removal from app stores in the country. The companies complied.
It was an unprecedented intervention, and an alarming one for those who see Russia as a growing threat to internet freedoms. Armed men reportedlyspent "several hours" inside Google's Moscow office last week to enforce the order, which came with a threat to arrest Russian staff if the company didn't comply. Some Google employees protested the decision. Historically, Google officials have often spoken out about attacks on the open web—and the company's position as its defender—but Google has said nothing officially about the recent Russian incident.
Also quiet is the person from Google’s history who once had strong opinions on the topic: Sergey Brin. » | Mark Bergen | Thursday, September 23, 2021
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Is Jesus Christ Just a Myth? | Pagan Christ | Timeline
Jesus Christ,
La Palma Volcano: Firefighters Retreat as Eruption Intensifies | DW News
La Palma residents warned of ‘evolution of volcanic emergency’: People evacuated from three towns are told they cannot return as volcano has entered new explosive phase »
Boris Johnson Is Finished - and He Knows It
Sep 25, 2021 • Boris Johnson led the Brexit campaign because he saw it as a way of advancing his own career. He expected the referendum to result in a vote to remain. Hence the look of shock on his and Michael Gove's faces the day after the referendum. But he saw an opportunity to become prime minister and pursued this.
Since then, it has become clear that he is incompetent, dishonest and a worldwide laughing stock. His incompetence has led the UK to a desperate place where prices are out of control, shortages of labour are seriously affecting many industries and there is no prospect of a return to prosperity for the UK.
The pandemic together with the sudden hike in gas prices have served to show how weak and vulnerable the UK economy is post-Brexit. The sudden increase of gas prices has gone to show how foolish it has been to allow foreign enterprises and states to buy up our utilities.
Four of the big six power companies in the UK are owned by European governments and other funds, 71% of our water companies are foreign-owned as are more than 70% of our railways.
During Johnson's ill-fated trip to New York and Washington it became clear that he is finished. He is now a loser and the whole world, and increasingly the British population, can see this. He has defeat in his eyes and he realises it is all over. The time for jokes and wisecracks is over. It is only a matter of time before backbench Tory MP's rebel and he will be soon gone.
Since then, it has become clear that he is incompetent, dishonest and a worldwide laughing stock. His incompetence has led the UK to a desperate place where prices are out of control, shortages of labour are seriously affecting many industries and there is no prospect of a return to prosperity for the UK.
The pandemic together with the sudden hike in gas prices have served to show how weak and vulnerable the UK economy is post-Brexit. The sudden increase of gas prices has gone to show how foolish it has been to allow foreign enterprises and states to buy up our utilities.
Four of the big six power companies in the UK are owned by European governments and other funds, 71% of our water companies are foreign-owned as are more than 70% of our railways.
During Johnson's ill-fated trip to New York and Washington it became clear that he is finished. He is now a loser and the whole world, and increasingly the British population, can see this. He has defeat in his eyes and he realises it is all over. The time for jokes and wisecracks is over. It is only a matter of time before backbench Tory MP's rebel and he will be soon gone.
In Britain, Rising Prices and Shortages Evoke 1970s-Style Jitters
THE NEW YORK TIMES: The nation’s economy is very different from the bleak days of the 70s, but certain parallels are unnerving Britons and loom as a potential headache for Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
Motorists lining up for fuel at a gas station in London on Friday. | Daniel Leal-Olivas/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
LONDON — Long lines at gas stations, rising fuel prices, empty shelves in supermarkets and worries about runaway inflation.
Britons have emerged from 18 months of pandemic-imposed hibernation to find their country has many of the same afflictions it had during the 1970s. There is nothing Austin Powers-like about this time machine: Unlike the swinging Sixties, the Seventies were, by all accounts, some of the bleakest days in postwar Britain; even contemplating a return to them is enough to make leaders of the current government shiver.
The sudden burst of doomsaying in Britain is rooted at least as much in psychology as economics. While there is no question the country faces a confluence of problems — some caused by the pandemic, others by Brexit — experts said it was far too soon to predict that Britain was headed for the kind of economic malaise and political upheaval that characterized that decade.
“It’s a combination of things that could, in principle, lead to that, but are quite survivable on their own,” said Jonathan Portes, a professor of economics at Kings College London. “We always talk about the 1970s, but it’s half a century later, and all sorts of things are different.” » | By Mark Landler, Eshe Nelson and Jenny Gross | Friday, September 24, 2021
U.K. Economic Headaches Pile Up From Inflation to Energy Crisis: Gas crisis, Brexit, the pandemic and furlough weigh on growth / Inflation surge adds to pressure on BOE to remove stimulus »
…petrol bosses limit drivers to £30 fuel each while panic-buyers gridlock forecourts and tempers flare at the pumps »
LONDON — Long lines at gas stations, rising fuel prices, empty shelves in supermarkets and worries about runaway inflation.
Britons have emerged from 18 months of pandemic-imposed hibernation to find their country has many of the same afflictions it had during the 1970s. There is nothing Austin Powers-like about this time machine: Unlike the swinging Sixties, the Seventies were, by all accounts, some of the bleakest days in postwar Britain; even contemplating a return to them is enough to make leaders of the current government shiver.
The sudden burst of doomsaying in Britain is rooted at least as much in psychology as economics. While there is no question the country faces a confluence of problems — some caused by the pandemic, others by Brexit — experts said it was far too soon to predict that Britain was headed for the kind of economic malaise and political upheaval that characterized that decade.
“It’s a combination of things that could, in principle, lead to that, but are quite survivable on their own,” said Jonathan Portes, a professor of economics at Kings College London. “We always talk about the 1970s, but it’s half a century later, and all sorts of things are different.” » | By Mark Landler, Eshe Nelson and Jenny Gross | Friday, September 24, 2021
U.K. Economic Headaches Pile Up From Inflation to Energy Crisis: Gas crisis, Brexit, the pandemic and furlough weigh on growth / Inflation surge adds to pressure on BOE to remove stimulus »
…petrol bosses limit drivers to £30 fuel each while panic-buyers gridlock forecourts and tempers flare at the pumps »
food shortages,
UK economy
Leaving Your Partner in No Doubt!
gay kiss
Liebe bedeutet…
Friday, September 24, 2021
Don Winslow Films - #MyLetterToRepublicans
There’s a sucker born every minute of each and every day! – Mark
Don Winslow Films,
Pourquoi l’Australie a peur de la Chine
LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Face à la constante montée en puissance de la Chine dans la zone indopacifique et aux tensions commerciales de plus en plus fortes entre les deux pays, l’Australie a choisi de renforcer sa coopération militaire avec les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni.
Si la deuxième économie au monde s’intéresse particulièrement aux richesses minières et aux productions agricoles australiennes, elle ne cesse par ailleurs d’accentuer son implantation dans les pays du sud du Pacifique, voisins de l’Australie. Au point que l’île-continent - où vivent un peu plus de 25 millions d’Australiens - craint de devenir peu à peu l’arrière-pays d’une Chine de 1,4 milliard d’habitants, située à 4000 kilomètres de ses côtes. Depuis le vote, en 2017, d’une loi sur les ingérences étrangères et le financement de la vie politique qui visait particulièrement l’activisme du Parti communiste chinois en Australie, le torchon diplomatique brûle entre les deux pays.
D’autant plus qu’en arrivant à la tête du gouvernement l’année suivante, le nouveau premier ministre Scott Morrison, bien décidé à freiner les projets d’investissement chinois sur son territoire, a suivi la même ligne et multiplié les passes d’armes. Le 20 avril 2021, il a notamment mis son veto à un accord par lequel l’État de Victoria envisageait d’être partie prenante de la «nouvelle route de la soie» chinoise, provoquant une nouvelle fois la colère de Pékin. Depuis, la liste des litiges entre les deux puissances régionales n’en finit plus de s’allonger. » | Par Cyril Hofstein | vendredi 24 septembre 2021
Réservé aux abonnés
Chine contre Australie: les raisons de l’escalade »
Chopin: Nocturne No.8 In D Flat, Op.27 No.2 | Maurizio Pollini
Frédéric Chopin,
Gipsy Kings - Trista Pena
«Ich spreche für die Frauen», sagt der Sprecher der Taliban – was sie wollen, fragt er sie nicht
NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die Taliban versprechen den Frauen Afghanistans Rechte. Doch die Erfahrung lässt bezweifeln, dass sie es ernst meinen. Das könnte ein Stolperstein für die internationale Anerkennung sein, die sie sich erhoffen.
Eine Frau sitzt verschleiert auf dem hinteren Sitz eines Motorrads. Seit die Taliban an der Macht sind, fürchten es viele Frauen, ihr Haus zu verlassen. | Bulent Kilic / AFP
Das gefürchtete Ministerium ist zurück. Über dem Eingang des einstigen Ministeriums für Frauen in Kabul prangt eine neue Tafel: Es ist jetzt das Ministerium zur «Verbreitung von Tugend und Verhinderung von Untugend». Hinter dem Namen verbirgt sich ein Ministerium, das im ersten Taliban-Emirat der neunziger Jahre Schrecken verbreitete: Frauen wurden geschlagen, wenn sie keine Burka trugen, Männer bestraft, wenn ihr Bart nicht genug lang war.
Vergangene Woche protestierte eine kleine Gruppe Frauen vor dem Gebäude, die Taliban liessen sie diesmal gewähren. Die Bilder gingen durch die Social Media und um die Welt. Eine Frau sagte der «BBC»: «Wir wollen nicht, dass das Frauenministerium entfernt wird.» Das Entfernen von Frauen bedeute das Entfernen von Menschen.
Es ist vielleicht der grösste Stolperstein des neuen Taliban-Regimes: Die Welt will wissen, welche Rechte die neuen und alten Herrscher Afghanistans den Afghaninnen gewähren. Viele Frauen haben Angst, sie fürchten einen Rückfall in die neunziger Jahre, die Zeit des ersten Emirats. » | Andreas Babst, Kandahar | Freitag, 24. September 2021
Das gefürchtete Ministerium ist zurück. Über dem Eingang des einstigen Ministeriums für Frauen in Kabul prangt eine neue Tafel: Es ist jetzt das Ministerium zur «Verbreitung von Tugend und Verhinderung von Untugend». Hinter dem Namen verbirgt sich ein Ministerium, das im ersten Taliban-Emirat der neunziger Jahre Schrecken verbreitete: Frauen wurden geschlagen, wenn sie keine Burka trugen, Männer bestraft, wenn ihr Bart nicht genug lang war.
Vergangene Woche protestierte eine kleine Gruppe Frauen vor dem Gebäude, die Taliban liessen sie diesmal gewähren. Die Bilder gingen durch die Social Media und um die Welt. Eine Frau sagte der «BBC»: «Wir wollen nicht, dass das Frauenministerium entfernt wird.» Das Entfernen von Frauen bedeute das Entfernen von Menschen.
Es ist vielleicht der grösste Stolperstein des neuen Taliban-Regimes: Die Welt will wissen, welche Rechte die neuen und alten Herrscher Afghanistans den Afghaninnen gewähren. Viele Frauen haben Angst, sie fürchten einen Rückfall in die neunziger Jahre, die Zeit des ersten Emirats. » | Andreas Babst, Kandahar | Freitag, 24. September 2021
How Nancy Wake Saved Countless Lives | Enemy of the Reich | Timeline
Nancy Wake,
The Resistance,
The Buddhist View on Gay Marriage
gay marriage
Die Guillotine | Karambolage | ARTE
Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — September 24, 2021
Where is Biden’s Christianity when he deports all these poor Haitians? One of the qualities of a good Christian is to have mercy on people. Biden shows no mercy! But I bet he’ll go to church on Sunday to ask for God’s mercy. Such hypocrisy! – © Mark
Democracy Now!,
US news,
world news
Gold - Dokumentation von NZZ Format (1994)
Dec 6, 2016 • Bis heute wurden etwa 100 000 Tonnen Gold gewonnen, was einem Würfel mit einer Kantenlänge von 17 Metern entspricht. NZZ Format zeigt, wie in Südafrika 3500 Meter unter Tag Gold gewonnen wird.
In einer italienischen Fabrik bei Arezzo werden jährlich 80 Tonnen Gold zu Schmuck verarbeitet. Goldraffinierung, Goldtransport und Goldhandel: Schweizer gehören zur Spitze.
In "Swiss made"»: Alte Goldwaschmethoden im Napfgebiet.
In einer italienischen Fabrik bei Arezzo werden jährlich 80 Tonnen Gold zu Schmuck verarbeitet. Goldraffinierung, Goldtransport und Goldhandel: Schweizer gehören zur Spitze.
In "Swiss made"»: Alte Goldwaschmethoden im Napfgebiet.
NZZ Format
Platin: das Edelste der Edlen - Dokumentation von NZZ Format (2004)
Feb 12, 2016 • Unreifes Gold nannte man es und warf es zurück ins Bachbett. Heute aber kommt Platin immer dann ins Spiel, wenn Gold nicht mehr exklusiv genug ist, vor allem in der Uhren- und Schmuckindustrie.
Allein schon die Seltenheit und der immense Aufwand, der zur Förderung und Gewinnung von Platin betrieben werden muss, rechtfertigt den Status als teuerstes und edelstes aller Edelmetalle. Seine besonderen Eigenschaften machen es aber auch in Bereichen des Alltags unverzichtbar, beispielsweise bei der Lösung von Abgasproblemen.
NZZ Format zeigt den Weg des Platins von der Mine in Südafrika bis zum Autokatalysator und zum luxuriösen Schmuckstück.
Allein schon die Seltenheit und der immense Aufwand, der zur Förderung und Gewinnung von Platin betrieben werden muss, rechtfertigt den Status als teuerstes und edelstes aller Edelmetalle. Seine besonderen Eigenschaften machen es aber auch in Bereichen des Alltags unverzichtbar, beispielsweise bei der Lösung von Abgasproblemen.
NZZ Format zeigt den Weg des Platins von der Mine in Südafrika bis zum Autokatalysator und zum luxuriösen Schmuckstück.
NZZ Format,
China Cracks Down on Cryptocurrency, Banning Transactions and Mining.
THE NEW YORK TIMES: China intensified its crackdown on cryptocurrency on Friday, calling all financial transactions involving cryptocurrencies illegal and issuing a nationwide ban on cryptocurrency mining.
In a joint statement by 11 Chinese government entities, authorities vowed to work closely to punish “illegal” crypto mining activities to help prevent the “hidden risks caused by the blind and disorderly development” of the industry and to help the country achieve its carbon reduction goals.
China’s central bank announced that services offering trading, order matching, token issuance and derivatives for virtual currencies would be strictly prohibited. The bank also said that overseas crypto exchanges providing services in mainland China were also illegal.
Less than three hours after the notice was posted by China’s central bank, Bitcoin, the world’s largest cryptocurrency, had dropped by about 7 percent, to around $41,100. » | Amy Qin | Friday, September 24, 2021
In a joint statement by 11 Chinese government entities, authorities vowed to work closely to punish “illegal” crypto mining activities to help prevent the “hidden risks caused by the blind and disorderly development” of the industry and to help the country achieve its carbon reduction goals.
China’s central bank announced that services offering trading, order matching, token issuance and derivatives for virtual currencies would be strictly prohibited. The bank also said that overseas crypto exchanges providing services in mainland China were also illegal.
Less than three hours after the notice was posted by China’s central bank, Bitcoin, the world’s largest cryptocurrency, had dropped by about 7 percent, to around $41,100. » | Amy Qin | Friday, September 24, 2021
Marc Fromager, sur les pas d’Ismérie pour convertir… les musulmans
LE FIGARO : PORTRAIT - Chaque année, des musulmans se convertissent en France au christianisme. Lancée en 2020, Mission Ismérie, que dirige Marc Fromager, les accompagne dans leur parcours.
Pendant vingt et un ans, Marc Fromager a parcouru la planète alors qu’il dirigeait l’Aide à l’Église en détresse (AED) en France. On le retrouve aujourd’hui à la tête de Mission Ismérie, du nom de cette princesse musulmane, fille d’un sultan égyptien du Caire, devenue chrétienne au XIIe siècle. La structure n’a qu’un an d’existence mais, déjà, un objectif ambitieux que ce quinquagénaire à l’âme missionnaire poursuit avec conviction: il s’agit ni plus ni moins d’annoncer le Christ aux musulmans, en réponse à l’invitation du pape François d’aller porter l’Évangile aux périphéries. Mission impossible? Loin de là, estime Marc Fromager qui connaît trop bien le monde musulman, «sa soif de transcendance, son appétence métaphysique et spirituelle» pour se décourager. «Il est sans doute plus facile de discuter de Dieu avec un musulman qu’avec un athée», lance-t-il. Lors des missions d’évangélisation que nous menons dans la rue, les musulmans sont les premiers à s’arrêter pour discuter. Ils sont surpris de rencontrer des «Gaulois» qui croient en Dieu et se proposent de leur transmettre son message d’espérance, dans une attitude de respect mutuel, d’ouverture et de dialogue. Beaucoup de musulmans ont envie de connaître Dieu.» » | Par Ghislain de Montalembert | vendredi 24 septembre 2021
Réservé aux abonnés
‘Necessary for Security’: Veteran Taliban Enforcer Says Amputations Will Resume
THE GUARDIAN: Nooruddin Turabi, in charge of Afghan prisons, says executions and removal of hands will restart, but possibly not in public
Afghanistan’s Taliban leader Mullah Nooruddin Turabi. ‘No one will tell us what our laws should be. We will follow Islam.’ Photograph: Felipe Dana/AP
The Taliban will resume executions and the amputation of hands for criminals they convict, in a return to their harsh version of Islamic justice.
According to a senior official – a veteran leader of the hardline Islamist group who was in charge of justice during its previous period in power – executions would not necessarily take place in public as they did before.
The Taliban’s first period ruling Afghanistan during the 1990s, before they were toppled by a US-led invasion in 2001 following the 9/11 attacks, was marked by the grisly excesses of its perfunctory justice system, which included public executions in the football stadium in Kabul.
In an interview with Associated Press, Mullah Nooruddin Turabi – who was justice minister and head of the so-called ministry of propagation of virtue and prevention of vice during the Taliban’s previous rule – dismissed outrage over the Taliban’s executions in the past, and warned the world against interfering with Afghanistan’s new rulers.
Under the new Taliban government, Turabi is in charge of prisons. He is among a number of Taliban leaders, including members of the all-male interim cabinet, who are on a United Nations sanctions list.
“Everyone criticised us for the punishments in the stadium, but we have never said anything about their laws and their punishments,” Turabi said in Kabul. “No one will tell us what our laws should be. We will follow Islam and we will make our laws on the Qur’an.”
“Cutting off of hands is very necessary for security,” Turabi added, saying it had a deterrent effect. He said the cabinet was studying whether to carry out punishments in public and would “develop a policy”. » | Peter Beaumont | Friday, September 24, 2021
Barbaric laws for people who live in darkness, for people who are shackled to a bygone age. – © Mark
Afghanistan: Executions will return, says senior Taliban official: The Taliban's notorious former head of religious police has said extreme punishments such as executions and amputations will resume in Afghanistan. »
The Taliban will resume executions and the amputation of hands for criminals they convict, in a return to their harsh version of Islamic justice.
According to a senior official – a veteran leader of the hardline Islamist group who was in charge of justice during its previous period in power – executions would not necessarily take place in public as they did before.
The Taliban’s first period ruling Afghanistan during the 1990s, before they were toppled by a US-led invasion in 2001 following the 9/11 attacks, was marked by the grisly excesses of its perfunctory justice system, which included public executions in the football stadium in Kabul.
In an interview with Associated Press, Mullah Nooruddin Turabi – who was justice minister and head of the so-called ministry of propagation of virtue and prevention of vice during the Taliban’s previous rule – dismissed outrage over the Taliban’s executions in the past, and warned the world against interfering with Afghanistan’s new rulers.
Under the new Taliban government, Turabi is in charge of prisons. He is among a number of Taliban leaders, including members of the all-male interim cabinet, who are on a United Nations sanctions list.
“Everyone criticised us for the punishments in the stadium, but we have never said anything about their laws and their punishments,” Turabi said in Kabul. “No one will tell us what our laws should be. We will follow Islam and we will make our laws on the Qur’an.”
“Cutting off of hands is very necessary for security,” Turabi added, saying it had a deterrent effect. He said the cabinet was studying whether to carry out punishments in public and would “develop a policy”. » | Peter Beaumont | Friday, September 24, 2021
Barbaric laws for people who live in darkness, for people who are shackled to a bygone age. – © Mark
Afghanistan: Executions will return, says senior Taliban official: The Taliban's notorious former head of religious police has said extreme punishments such as executions and amputations will resume in Afghanistan. »
Furious French Defence Contractor to Seek Compensation over Aukus Deal
THE GUARDIAN: Head of Naval Group attacks Australia’s ‘political’ decision to cancel €56bn contract with his firm
Australia has signed up to an empty promise by agreeing to a US nuclear powered submarine deal for which there is no clear delivery date or technology transfer agreement, the furious head of the French defence contractor Naval Group has warned.
Pierre Eric Pommellet also said his firm will be seeking compensation for Australia’s cancellation of a €56bn (£48bn) contract for 12 new Attack-class submarines, which he described as a purely political decision which came without warning.
His comments to Le Figaro were the latest allegations that Australia’s decision to replace the French contract with the Aukus deal with the UK and US was political rather than defence-based. Australia has implied that the contract cancellation followed a new assessment of the security threat posed by China.
Pommellet said the only tangible point of the proposed new contract “is the decision to acquire nuclear powered boats. When, how, with which partners, which technological transfer? No one knows. Australia, on the other hand, knows what it is losing and what we were committed to building.”
He added: “At Naval Group … we had no warning sign or the slightest information that we were becoming a plan B in favour of a plan A with the United States and the United Kingdom.
“Discussions between these two countries and Australia have undoubtedly been conducted in a very small circle at the highest political level for several months.
“This decision was announced to us without any notice, with incredible brutality.” » | Patrick Wintour | Thursday, September 23, 2021
Crise des sous-marins : le président de Naval Group rompt le silence »
Australia has signed up to an empty promise by agreeing to a US nuclear powered submarine deal for which there is no clear delivery date or technology transfer agreement, the furious head of the French defence contractor Naval Group has warned.
Pierre Eric Pommellet also said his firm will be seeking compensation for Australia’s cancellation of a €56bn (£48bn) contract for 12 new Attack-class submarines, which he described as a purely political decision which came without warning.
His comments to Le Figaro were the latest allegations that Australia’s decision to replace the French contract with the Aukus deal with the UK and US was political rather than defence-based. Australia has implied that the contract cancellation followed a new assessment of the security threat posed by China.
Pommellet said the only tangible point of the proposed new contract “is the decision to acquire nuclear powered boats. When, how, with which partners, which technological transfer? No one knows. Australia, on the other hand, knows what it is losing and what we were committed to building.”
He added: “At Naval Group … we had no warning sign or the slightest information that we were becoming a plan B in favour of a plan A with the United States and the United Kingdom.
“Discussions between these two countries and Australia have undoubtedly been conducted in a very small circle at the highest political level for several months.
“This decision was announced to us without any notice, with incredible brutality.” » | Patrick Wintour | Thursday, September 23, 2021
Crise des sous-marins : le président de Naval Group rompt le silence »
The AP Interview: Hungary Committed to Contentious LGBT Law
ASSOCIATED PRESS: UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The right-wing populist government in Hungary is attracting conservative thinkers from the United States who admire its approaches to migration, LGBT issues and national sovereignty — all matters that have put the country at odds with its European partners, who see not a conservative haven but a worrying erosion of democratic institutions on multiple fronts.
Hungary’s top diplomat has a few things to say about that.
In an interview Thursday with The Associated Press on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly’s meeting of world leaders, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said his country would not cede ground on policies that have caused the European Union to impose financial penalties and start legal proceedings against it over violations of the bloc’s values.
“We do not compromise on these issues because we are a sovereign country, a sovereign nation. And no one, not even the European Commission, should blackmail us regarding these policies,” Szijjarto said.
Topping the list of contentious government policies: a controversial Hungarian law that the EU says violates the fundamental rights of LGBT people. That led the EU’s executive commission to delay billions in economic recovery funds earmarked for Hungary — a move Szijjarto called “a purely political decision” and “blackmail.” The law, he says, is meant to protect children from pedophiles and ”homosexual propaganda.”
“We will not make [make] compromises about the future of our children,” Szijjarto told the AP.
The law, passed in June, makes it illegal to promote or portray sex reassignment or homosexuality to minors under 18 in media content. It also contains provisions that provide harsher penalties for pedophilia. Critics say it conflates pedophilia with homosexuality and stigmatizes sexual minorities. » | Justin Spike | Friday, September 24, 2021
Does Hungary really belong in the European Union? The EU is progressive; Hungary, under this regime, is regressive. It is an outrage that the Hungarian government should be conflating being gay with paedophilia! An absolute outrage! It shows these people's ignorance and bigotry. – © Mark
Poland Loses ‘LGBT-free Zone’ as Region Renounces Hate and ‘Guarantees Equality for All’
PINK NEWS: A rural region in southern Poland scrapped a motion opposing “LGBT ideology” after the European Union (EU) threatened to cut funding.
Several Polish regions, towns and cities have adopted hostile resolutions that declare the areas “free from LGBT ideology”. The EU has harshly rebuked the so-called ‘LGBT-free zones’ since they began popping up across Poland in 2019.
On Wednesday (22 September), the regional assembly of Swietokrzyskie voted in a special session to abolish the anti-LGBT+ resolution, Euronews reported.
At the special regional assembly, 25 councillors in Swietokrzyskie passed a new resolution stating that Poland’s constitution guarantees parents the right to raise their children consistent with their beliefs and views. But it stated the constitution also ensures a “guarantee of equality and fair treatment for all”.
LGBT+ activist Bart Staszewski said it was a “great day for Poland and great success of activists and civil society”, the Associated Press reported. » | Maggie Baska | Thursday, September 23, 2021
Verwandter Artikel hier.
Several Polish regions, towns and cities have adopted hostile resolutions that declare the areas “free from LGBT ideology”. The EU has harshly rebuked the so-called ‘LGBT-free zones’ since they began popping up across Poland in 2019.
On Wednesday (22 September), the regional assembly of Swietokrzyskie voted in a special session to abolish the anti-LGBT+ resolution, Euronews reported.
At the special regional assembly, 25 councillors in Swietokrzyskie passed a new resolution stating that Poland’s constitution guarantees parents the right to raise their children consistent with their beliefs and views. But it stated the constitution also ensures a “guarantee of equality and fair treatment for all”.
LGBT+ activist Bart Staszewski said it was a “great day for Poland and great success of activists and civil society”, the Associated Press reported. » | Maggie Baska | Thursday, September 23, 2021
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Thursday, September 23, 2021
Le pape à contre-courant des peurs européennes
LE MONDE : En défendant le multiculturalisme et la diversité religieuse, lors de sa visite à Budapest et en Slovaquie, du 12 au 15 septembre, le pape François a martelé un message d’audace et de créativité auprès des dirigeants de l’Europe.
Editorial du « Monde ». Le célèbre mot d’ordre de Jean Paul II, « N’ayez pas peur ! », est resté gravé dans les mémoires. Lancé lors de la messe inaugurale de son pontificat, en octobre 1978, il ne s’adressait pas seulement aux catholiques européens. Mais ceux qui vivaient derrière le rideau de fer, dont ses compatriotes polonais, l’ont pris comme un encouragement à braver le glacis soviétique.
Le pape François n’a pas repris la formule telle quelle lors de sa visite à Budapest et en Slovaquie, du 12 au 15 septembre. Mais toutes les paroles qu’il y a prononcées revenaient à renouveler à tous les Européens, et pas seulement à ceux d’Europe centrale ni aux seuls catholiques, les encouragements de son prédécesseur polonais. Face aux défis contemporains qui taraudent le continent, ne vous laissez pas dominer par la peur, leur a-t-il dit en substance. Non seulement elle vous rendrait infidèles à vous-mêmes, mais encore elle vous fermerait à « une société fraternelle ». » | Éditorial | jeudi 16 septembre 2021
Editorial du « Monde ». Le célèbre mot d’ordre de Jean Paul II, « N’ayez pas peur ! », est resté gravé dans les mémoires. Lancé lors de la messe inaugurale de son pontificat, en octobre 1978, il ne s’adressait pas seulement aux catholiques européens. Mais ceux qui vivaient derrière le rideau de fer, dont ses compatriotes polonais, l’ont pris comme un encouragement à braver le glacis soviétique.
Le pape François n’a pas repris la formule telle quelle lors de sa visite à Budapest et en Slovaquie, du 12 au 15 septembre. Mais toutes les paroles qu’il y a prononcées revenaient à renouveler à tous les Européens, et pas seulement à ceux d’Europe centrale ni aux seuls catholiques, les encouragements de son prédécesseur polonais. Face aux défis contemporains qui taraudent le continent, ne vous laissez pas dominer par la peur, leur a-t-il dit en substance. Non seulement elle vous rendrait infidèles à vous-mêmes, mais encore elle vous fermerait à « une société fraternelle ». » | Éditorial | jeudi 16 septembre 2021
le pape François
Richard Buckley, rédacteur mode et mari "bien-aimé" de Tom Ford, est mort à 72 ans
MADAME FIGARO : Le journaliste de mode partageait la vie du créateur américain depuis trente-cinq ans. Tom Ford a annoncé sa disparition par voie de communiqué.
Un physique fin, des yeux perçants, un sourire discret. Dans les soirées mondaines, la silhouette de Richard Buckley n'était jamais loin de celle de Tom Ford, qui était son compagnon depuis 35 ans. Le créateur américain a révélé sa disparition lundi soir. «C'est avec une grande tristesse que Tom Ford annonce le décès de son mari bien-aimé depuis 35 ans. Richard est décédé paisiblement à leur domicile à Los Angeles la nuit dernière, avec Tom et leur fils Jack à ses côtés. Il est décédé de causes naturelles après une longue maladie». » | Par Sabrina Pons | mardi 21 septembre 2021
Plusieurs liens vers des articles ici.
Et une vidéo en anglais : Tom Ford on Finding 'Love at First Sight' & His Relationship Lasting »
Richard Buckley,
Tom Ford
Sous-marins australiens : la sortie de crise prendra du «temps» et requiert des «actes», estime Le Drian
LE FIGARO : Après un entretien avec son homologue américain, Antony Blinken, le ministre français des Affaires étrangères a «rappelé qu'une première étape avait été franchie lors de l'appel des deux présidents», Emmanuel Macron et Joe Biden, mercredi.
La sortie de crise entre la France et les États-Unis va prendre du «temps» et demander des «actes», a affirmé jeudi le chef de la diplomatie française Jean-Yves Le Drian à son homologue américain Antony Blinken, lors d'un entretien bilatéral à New York. Le ministre français a «rappelé qu'une première étape avait été franchie lors de l'appel des deux présidents (Joe Biden et Emmanuel Macron mercredi) mais a constaté que la sortie de crise entre nos deux pays prendrait du temps et requerrait des actes», indique un communiqué de son ministère publié après la rencontre tenue dans les locaux de la mission diplomatique française auprès de l'ONU. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | jeudi 23 septembre 2021
Marvin Gaye : I Heard It Through The Grapevine
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Crise des sous-marins: Macron et Biden désamorcent la crise diplomatique
LE FIGARO : Les présidents français et américain ont promis mercredi de rétablir la confiance entre Paris et Washington, après six jours de tensions autour des sous-marins australiens.
L'ambassadeur français Philippe Étienne retourne aux États-Unis la semaine prochaine. Et des « consultations approfondies » vont être mises en place pour permettre le retour de la confiance entre les deux pays.
Après une semaine d'une crise diplomatique intense, Joe Biden et Emmanuel Macron ont fait baisser la tension mercredi. Ils se sont entretenus au téléphone, à la demande du président américain, « pour examiner les conséquences », selon le communiqué conjoint de l'Élysée et de la Maison-Blanche, de l'annonce faite le 15 septembre.
Suite à la constitution d'une nouvelle alliance entre les États-Unis, l'Australie et le Royaume-Uni et la rupture du partenariat stratégique noué autour du contrat des « sous-marins australiens », la France avait, dans un geste rare et fort, rappelé pour consultation ses ambassadeurs à Washington et à Canberra.
Les deux chefs d'État, constatant « que des consultations ouvertes entre alliés sur les questions d'intérêt stratégique pour la France et les partenaires européens auraient permis d'éviter cette situation », ont décidé de lancer un processus de consultations « approfondies ». » | Par Isabelle Lasserre | Publié : mercredi 22 sptembre 2021 ; mis à jour : jeudi 23 septembre 2021
Crise des sous-marins : le président de Naval Group rompt le silence : EXCLUSIF - Dans un entretien au Figaro, Pierre Éric Pommellet, assure que le matin même du jour de la dénonciation du contrat, le gouvernement australien «avait accepté l'offre de Naval Group qui aurait permis d'engager une nouvelle phase du programme». »
Emmanuel Macron,
Joe Biden
Is China Stepping Up Its Ambition to Supplant US as Top Superpower?
THE GUARDIAN: Analysis: Joe Biden has cleared the decks to focus on China. But how imminent is the danger?
Joe Biden and Xi Jinping. The US president was prepared to take diplomatic risks to form the Aukus pact. | Photograph: Reuters
It may have been an inelegantly, even ineptly, executed pivot, gratuitously alienating key allies, but by leaving Afghanistan and forming the Australian, US and UK security pact in the Indo-Pacific, Joe Biden has at least cleared the decks to focus on his great foreign policy challenge – the systemic rivalry with China.
Yet the concern now is how quickly this rivalry could escalate, especially in Taiwan. The linchpin of the US alliance system in south-east Asia, Taiwan is the biggest island in the “first island chain”, the group of islands that keeps China blocked in. It is China’s next target, and as the former British prime minister Theresa May pointed out, no one quite knows if the west is prepared to fight to save Taiwan or whether the new tripartite pact in some way places a new obligation on the UK to come to the country’s defence.
Chinese nationalist outlets, enthusiastic chroniclers of the end of the American empire, have certainly interpreted the US pullout from Afghanistan through the prism of Beijing’s claim on Taiwan. The Global Times predicted that Afghanistan showed that in the event of a war in the strait, Taiwan’s defence would “collapse in hours and the US military will not come to help”. The US, it said, had shown it did not have the stomach for a fight.
US policy for 40 years has been one of strategic ambiguity leaving unanswered what the it might do in the event of an invasion. Tracts predicting conflict with China have been pouring out for decades. In what is often called the bible of the modern China threat school, Richard Bernstein and Ross Munro warned of The Coming Conflict with China as early 1997. » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Wednesday, September 22, 2021
A related discussion on 60 Minutes Australia here.
It may have been an inelegantly, even ineptly, executed pivot, gratuitously alienating key allies, but by leaving Afghanistan and forming the Australian, US and UK security pact in the Indo-Pacific, Joe Biden has at least cleared the decks to focus on his great foreign policy challenge – the systemic rivalry with China.
Yet the concern now is how quickly this rivalry could escalate, especially in Taiwan. The linchpin of the US alliance system in south-east Asia, Taiwan is the biggest island in the “first island chain”, the group of islands that keeps China blocked in. It is China’s next target, and as the former British prime minister Theresa May pointed out, no one quite knows if the west is prepared to fight to save Taiwan or whether the new tripartite pact in some way places a new obligation on the UK to come to the country’s defence.
Chinese nationalist outlets, enthusiastic chroniclers of the end of the American empire, have certainly interpreted the US pullout from Afghanistan through the prism of Beijing’s claim on Taiwan. The Global Times predicted that Afghanistan showed that in the event of a war in the strait, Taiwan’s defence would “collapse in hours and the US military will not come to help”. The US, it said, had shown it did not have the stomach for a fight.
US policy for 40 years has been one of strategic ambiguity leaving unanswered what the it might do in the event of an invasion. Tracts predicting conflict with China have been pouring out for decades. In what is often called the bible of the modern China threat school, Richard Bernstein and Ross Munro warned of The Coming Conflict with China as early 1997. » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Wednesday, September 22, 2021
A related discussion on 60 Minutes Australia here.
Joe Biden,
Xi Jinping
Weitere Region in Polen hebt „LGBT-Ideologie-freie“ Zone auf
FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: In Polen haben sich fast hundert Städte und Regionen zu „LGBT-Ideologie-freien“ Zonen erklärt. Doch nun rücken einige wieder davon ab – weil die EU droht, regionale Fördermittel zu streichen.
Eine Region im Süden Polens auf Druck der EU hin eine Resolution gegen nicht-heterosexuelle Menschen (LGBT) aufgehoben. Das Regionalparlament der Woiwodschaft Swietokryskie stimmt am Mittwoch dafür, eine 2019 verabschiedete Erklärung über „Widerstand gegen die LGBT-Ideologie“ zu streichen.
In Polen haben sich knapp hundert Städte und Regionen zur „LGBT-Ideologie-freien“ Zone erklärt. Die meisten davon befinden sich im stark katholisch geprägten Osten und Süden des Landes. » | Quelle: dpa | Donnerstag, 23. September 2021
Dank der Aukus-Allianz mit den USA und Australien nimmt «Global Britain» Konturen an
NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: An Amerikas Seite gegen China, im Zentrum einer Allianz englischsprachiger Länder und als sicherheitspolitischer Akteur im asiatischen Raum: Der neue Militärpakt mit Canberra und Washington zeigt, wie sich Grossbritannien nach dem Brexit auf der Weltbühne positionieren will.
Als Zeichen seiner aussenpolitischen Neuausrichtung entsandte Grossbritannien den Flugzeugträger HMS «Queen Elizabeth» im Sommer in den Pazifik. | Yiannis Kourtoglou / Reuter
Der überstürzte amerikanische Truppenabzug aus Afghanistan erwischte Mitte August nicht nur die Nato-Partner auf dem europäischen Festland, sondern auch Grossbritannien auf dem falschen Fuss. Hochrangige Minister, Diplomaten und Armeeangehörige machten kein Hehl daraus, dass sie das Vorgehen Washingtons missbilligten und die mangelnde Konsultation als respektlos empfanden. Konservative Abgeordnete deckten den Demokraten Joe Biden mit hämischer Kritik ein. Leitartikler sprachen von einem Tiefpunkt in der «special relationship» zwischen Washington und London.
Balsam für die britische Seele
Doch als Biden den britischen Premierminister Boris Johnson am Dienstagabend zu dessen erstem Besuch im Weissen Haus empfing, waren die alarmistischen Kommentare schon fast wieder vergessen. Denn vor Wochenfrist hatten Australien, das Vereinigte Königreich und die USA eine Kooperation über militärische Zukunftstechnologien ins Leben gerufen, die Canberra mit amerikanischen Nuklear-U-Booten beliefern soll und wie Balsam für die britische Seele wirkte.
Die Allianz mit dem Akronym Aukus ist ein Zeichen der Abschreckung gegenüber China. Die Briten finden sich in ihrer traditionellen Rolle als enger Verbündeter Washingtons wieder – und fanden daran umso mehr Gefallen, je mehr sich die Erzrivalen in Frankreich über den Verlust ihres eigenen Rüstungsgeschäfts mit Australien und über den «Verrat» Bidens empörten. Welche Rolle spielen die Briten? » | Niklaus Nuspliger, London | Donnerstag, 23. September 2021
Warum Frankreichs Wut nach dem geplatzten U-Boot-Deal immer noch anhält: Die Worte sind drastisch, das Verhalten verschnupft: Für Paris ist der Vertragsbruch der Australier mehr als eine monetäre Angelegenheit. Er berührt das Selbstverständnis der Franzosen und bestätigt eine These von Emmanuel Macron. »
Der überstürzte amerikanische Truppenabzug aus Afghanistan erwischte Mitte August nicht nur die Nato-Partner auf dem europäischen Festland, sondern auch Grossbritannien auf dem falschen Fuss. Hochrangige Minister, Diplomaten und Armeeangehörige machten kein Hehl daraus, dass sie das Vorgehen Washingtons missbilligten und die mangelnde Konsultation als respektlos empfanden. Konservative Abgeordnete deckten den Demokraten Joe Biden mit hämischer Kritik ein. Leitartikler sprachen von einem Tiefpunkt in der «special relationship» zwischen Washington und London.
Balsam für die britische Seele
Doch als Biden den britischen Premierminister Boris Johnson am Dienstagabend zu dessen erstem Besuch im Weissen Haus empfing, waren die alarmistischen Kommentare schon fast wieder vergessen. Denn vor Wochenfrist hatten Australien, das Vereinigte Königreich und die USA eine Kooperation über militärische Zukunftstechnologien ins Leben gerufen, die Canberra mit amerikanischen Nuklear-U-Booten beliefern soll und wie Balsam für die britische Seele wirkte.
Die Allianz mit dem Akronym Aukus ist ein Zeichen der Abschreckung gegenüber China. Die Briten finden sich in ihrer traditionellen Rolle als enger Verbündeter Washingtons wieder – und fanden daran umso mehr Gefallen, je mehr sich die Erzrivalen in Frankreich über den Verlust ihres eigenen Rüstungsgeschäfts mit Australien und über den «Verrat» Bidens empörten. Welche Rolle spielen die Briten? » | Niklaus Nuspliger, London | Donnerstag, 23. September 2021
Warum Frankreichs Wut nach dem geplatzten U-Boot-Deal immer noch anhält: Die Worte sind drastisch, das Verhalten verschnupft: Für Paris ist der Vertragsbruch der Australier mehr als eine monetäre Angelegenheit. Er berührt das Selbstverständnis der Franzosen und bestätigt eine These von Emmanuel Macron. »
Prince Andrew's Hand 'Has Been Forced' amid Sexual Assault Lawsuit
Sep 22, 2021 • The Daily Mirror's Royal Editor Russell Myers says it seems Prince Andrew's "hand has been forced" as the Duke of York's lawyers are officially served with legal papers.
The legal papers have been served in a sex abuse case launched by Australian Virginia Giuffre, who claims Prince Andrew sexually assaulted her three times in 2001.
"The Duke of York has essentially been playing cat and mouse with the legal representation of Virginia Giuffre," Mr Myers told Sky News host Peta Credlin.
"It's been a complete wall of silence from the Duke, and certainly my understanding of the last couple of weeks is that Prince Andrew's inner circle has been really putting pressure on him to dump his legal team and to have a new tact.
"But it seems as though his hand has been forced, and he will have to pursue some sort of defence now."
The legal papers have been served in a sex abuse case launched by Australian Virginia Giuffre, who claims Prince Andrew sexually assaulted her three times in 2001.
"The Duke of York has essentially been playing cat and mouse with the legal representation of Virginia Giuffre," Mr Myers told Sky News host Peta Credlin.
"It's been a complete wall of silence from the Duke, and certainly my understanding of the last couple of weeks is that Prince Andrew's inner circle has been really putting pressure on him to dump his legal team and to have a new tact.
"But it seems as though his hand has been forced, and he will have to pursue some sort of defence now."
Prince Andrew Served Sexual Assault Lawsuit in United States
Sep 21, 2021 • Prince Andrew has been served with legal papers in the United States. Virginia Giuffre alleges the Duke of York sexually assaulted her when she was 17 and is seeking damages through a civil case in New York.
Prince Andrew denies the allegations.
The Duke's legal team have previously disputed whether he had been officially notified about the case.
I spoke to Adam Klasfeld - an American journalist who has been following the case. I began by asking him: how are Prince Andrew's tactics being viewed over there?
Prince Andrew denies the allegations.
The Duke's legal team have previously disputed whether he had been officially notified about the case.
I spoke to Adam Klasfeld - an American journalist who has been following the case. I began by asking him: how are Prince Andrew's tactics being viewed over there?
The Late Technical Sergeant Leonard Philip Matlovich, Gay, Mormon Vietnam War Veteran
Technical Sergeant Leonard Philip Matlovich was a Vietnam War veteran, race relations instructor, and recipient of the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star. He was a fierce advocate of LGBT rights and fought to end discrimination of sexuality. Matlovich was also a Latter-day Saint and found himself at odds with his religion and sexuality. [Read the full article here.]
The gay airman who took on the US military target=_blank> »
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‘Donnez-moi un break’: Johnson Deepens Rift with France over Defence Deal
THE GUARDIAN: UK prime minister hits out after Paris reacted with fury to announcement of defence pact
A screenshot taken from the video which accompanies this article.
THE GUARDIAN: UK prime minister hits out after Paris reacted with fury to announcement of defence pact
Boris Johnson has reopened the rift with Paris over the Aukus defence and security deal, urging the French to “prenez un grip about this and donnez-moi un break”, after he and Joe Biden discussed deepening the pact.
The prime minister was speaking in Washington, where he attended a dinner on Tuesday evening with the Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, after meeting the US president at the White House.
Johnson and Biden talked about extending their cooperation through the pact to cover further issues including safeguarding human rights and promoting free markets – and ruled out inviting more countries to join.
Johnson said: “What I found on Capitol Hill was that they want to populate the agenda with all sorts of other things which matter.” He cited the need for a western rival to telecom giant Huawei, which the UK government recently decided to remove from some parts of the country’s critical infrastructure because of security concerns. “What we need is a western technology on which we can all rely,” he said. Read the rest of the article and watch the video » | Heather Stewart, Political editor | Wednesday, September 22, 2021
THE GUARDIAN: UK prime minister hits out after Paris reacted with fury to announcement of defence pact
Boris Johnson has reopened the rift with Paris over the Aukus defence and security deal, urging the French to “prenez un grip about this and donnez-moi un break”, after he and Joe Biden discussed deepening the pact.
The prime minister was speaking in Washington, where he attended a dinner on Tuesday evening with the Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, after meeting the US president at the White House.
Johnson and Biden talked about extending their cooperation through the pact to cover further issues including safeguarding human rights and promoting free markets – and ruled out inviting more countries to join.
Johnson said: “What I found on Capitol Hill was that they want to populate the agenda with all sorts of other things which matter.” He cited the need for a western rival to telecom giant Huawei, which the UK government recently decided to remove from some parts of the country’s critical infrastructure because of security concerns. “What we need is a western technology on which we can all rely,” he said. Read the rest of the article and watch the video » | Heather Stewart, Political editor | Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Boris Johnson,
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Crise des sous-marins: dans les coulisses de la «trahison» du siècle
LE FIGARO : RÉCIT - Pour satisfaire les Australiens, la France avait même proposé de «réévaluer» le contrat et de fournir des sous-marins nucléaires.
Même les anciens espions John le Carré et Ian Flemming, le créateur de James Bond, n’auraient pu imaginer un tel scénario. Ils auraient en revanche pu trouver un titre à l’affaire dite «des sous-marins australiens»: la trahison du siècle. Ses détails, qui racontent l’une des plus grandes arnaques diplomatiques dont a jamais été victime la France, expliquent le niveau de colère, rarement vu pour un allié, des plus hauts responsables français. Ils justifient aussi la «rupture de confiance» évoquée par Paris envers les États-Unis et l’Australie. Elle devrait laisser des traces pendant longtemps. Surtout vis-à-vis de l’Australie. » | Par Isabelle Lasserre | mardi 21 septembre 2021
Réservé aux abonnés
Forbidden Love - Taboos in World Religions | Faith, Love, Desire
Weg mit diesem Unsinn! Ein Homosexueller ist ein Kind Gottes. Es ist genau so, wie der Schöpfer es geschaffen hat! Was kann ein Mensch gegen den Willen Gottes sagen? Man kann nicht behaupten, daß Gott auf der einen Seite vollkommen ist und auf der anderen sagen, daß er Fehler macht! Entweder ist er perfekt und kann keine Fehler machen, oder er ist nicht perfekt und kann doch Fehler machen. Welches ist es?
Ist es nicht wahr zu sagen, daß Religion ein Werkzeug der Mächtigen ist, um die Schwachen zu kontrollieren? – © Mark
world religions
Les Quatre Saisons de Antonio Vivaldi
Voici une version complète des Quatre Saisons de Antonio Vivaldi.
Les Quatre Saisons (dont le titre original italien est « Le quattro stagioni ») est le nom donné aux quatre concertos pour violon, composés par Antonio Vivaldi, Opus 8, no 1-4, qui ouvrent le recueil Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'invenzione — « La confrontation entre l'harmonie et l'invention ». L'opus 8 de Vivaldi a été édité en 1725 à Amsterdam par Michel Le Cène, mais il est admis que la composition de ces quatre concertos est antérieure de plusieurs années. L'œuvre connut un grand succès dans toute l'Europe notamment à Londres et à Paris où les concertos furent interprétés au début de l’année 1728 au Concert Spirituel.
Les Quatre Saisons (dont le titre original italien est « Le quattro stagioni ») est le nom donné aux quatre concertos pour violon, composés par Antonio Vivaldi, Opus 8, no 1-4, qui ouvrent le recueil Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'invenzione — « La confrontation entre l'harmonie et l'invention ». L'opus 8 de Vivaldi a été édité en 1725 à Amsterdam par Michel Le Cène, mais il est admis que la composition de ces quatre concertos est antérieure de plusieurs années. L'œuvre connut un grand succès dans toute l'Europe notamment à Londres et à Paris où les concertos furent interprétés au début de l’année 1728 au Concert Spirituel.
Antonio Vivaldi
War with China: Are We Closer Than We Think? | Under Investigation
60 Minutes Australia,
Ina Garten's Famous Herb-Marinated Pork Tenderloins | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network
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Earthquake in Australia Forces Hospitals and Residents to Evacuate
THE NEW YORK TIMES: The 5.9-magnitude quake damaged buildings in Melbourne, but there were no immediate reports of serious injuries or deaths.
Damaged buildings along Chapel Street in Melbourne after an earthquake on Wednesday. | Asanka Ratnayake/Getty Images
THE NEW YORK TIMES: The 5.9-magnitude quake damaged buildings in Melbourne, but there were no immediate reports of serious injuries or deaths.
MELBOURNE, Australia — A magnitude 5.9 earthquake hit southeast Australia on Wednesday morning, damaging buildings and forcing hospitals to evacuate staff members and patients. It was an unusually large quake in a country less susceptible to major temblors than neighboring countries.
There were no immediate reports of serious injuries or deaths, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said at a news conference from New York, where he was attending the U.N. General Assembly.
It was the largest onshore earthquake in the state of Victoria in recorded history, according to Adam Pascale, chief scientist at the Seismology Research Center. And it was the largest land earthquake in the country since 2016, when a 6.1-magnitude temblor hit the Northern Territory, according to Geoscience Australia.
The quake on Wednesday collapsed the walls of buildings in Melbourne, Australia’s second-largest city and the capital of Victoria. It forced residents to flee apartments, shattered windows, left cracks in roads and led to power outages.
Photos and videos shared widely on social media show a damaged building in Melbourne, with bricks spewed across the street. » | Yan Zhuang | Tuesday, September 21, 2021
THE NEW YORK TIMES: The 5.9-magnitude quake damaged buildings in Melbourne, but there were no immediate reports of serious injuries or deaths.
MELBOURNE, Australia — A magnitude 5.9 earthquake hit southeast Australia on Wednesday morning, damaging buildings and forcing hospitals to evacuate staff members and patients. It was an unusually large quake in a country less susceptible to major temblors than neighboring countries.
There were no immediate reports of serious injuries or deaths, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said at a news conference from New York, where he was attending the U.N. General Assembly.
It was the largest onshore earthquake in the state of Victoria in recorded history, according to Adam Pascale, chief scientist at the Seismology Research Center. And it was the largest land earthquake in the country since 2016, when a 6.1-magnitude temblor hit the Northern Territory, according to Geoscience Australia.
The quake on Wednesday collapsed the walls of buildings in Melbourne, Australia’s second-largest city and the capital of Victoria. It forced residents to flee apartments, shattered windows, left cracks in roads and led to power outages.
Photos and videos shared widely on social media show a damaged building in Melbourne, with bricks spewed across the street. » | Yan Zhuang | Tuesday, September 21, 2021
The Roots of French Pique
THE NEW YORK TIMES: It’s hardly surprising that France would be furious over losing a multibillion-dollar arms deal with Australia, all the more so because it believes it was blindsided as Canberra, Washington and London secretly worked to get a different deal for themselves.
But recalling ambassadors, as France did from Washington and Canberra, a step just short of breaking relations, is not normal behavior among allies, no matter how miffed they may be. The lost sale of a dozen submarines is painful, but not fatal to the French arms industry, especially as the hulls and engines were to be built in Australia and the electronics and armaments were to come from Lockheed Martin, an American company. And, as the Australians argue, France should have seen it coming: The diesel-powered submarines France offered were no longer what confronting a rising China required.
What really got the French seeing red was something else. It was being callously shunted aside by the United States and its Anglophone allies — “les Anglo-Saxons,” as Gen. Charles de Gaulle somewhat disparagingly referred to them — and being excluded from a role in what is shaping up to be the central geopolitical action for decades to come.
The imperious general, whose place in French history and national identity is reflected in the innumerable streets, boulevards and squares bearing his name, left a legacy very much in the background of the furor over the submarine deal, according to Serge Berstein, a noted historian of the de Gaulle era. The common thread, he said, arises from de Gaulle’s conviction that France, even if not a superpower, “retains an important international role by virtue of its presence in all parts of the globe.” In Asia, that includes a long colonial history and control over several islands in the Pacific. » | Serge Schmemann | Tuesday, September 21, 2021
No Wonder the French Are Angry »
Trump verklagt seine Nichte
FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Donald Trump will sich für die Enthüllungen über seine Finanzen rächen. Er verklagt die New York Times und seine eigene Nichte – denn die war eine wichtige Quelle.
Der frühere amerikanische Präsident Donald Trump hat wegen der Enthüllungen der Zeitung New York Times über seine Finanzen Klage gegen die Zeitung und seine Nichte Mary Trump eingereicht. Er wirft ihnen vor, ein „heimtückisches Komplott“ geschmiedet zu haben, um seine Steuererklärungen zu erhalten, wie aus der bei einem Gericht im Bundesstaat New York eingereichten Klageschrift hervorgeht.
Die New York Times-Reporter Susanne Craig, David Barstow und Russ Buettner hätten einen „Kreuzzug“ geführt, um an vertrauliche Unterlagen des früheren Präsidenten zu gelangen. Ihr Motiv sei Rache gewesen. » | Quelle: AFP | Mittwoch, 22. September 2021
Trump Sues His Niece and The New York Times Over Leaked Tax Documents: Former President Donald J. Trump filed a lawsuit on Tuesday accusing Mary Trump and three Times reporters of conspiring to publish information about his tax records. »
Der Nahe Osten – eine Weltregion im ewigen Krieg
NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Gescheiterte Revolutionen, Bürgerkriege, Flüchtlingswellen und Hungersnöte: Der Nahe Osten macht nur selten positive Schlagzeilen. Und ein Ende von Gewalt und Chaos ist nicht in Sicht. Selbst die Inseln relativer Stabilität sind auf Sand gebaut.
«Im Nahen Osten muss man ein Optimist sein», hat mir ein erfahrener Kollege einst geraten. Als mentale Überlebenshilfe mag diese Denkweise für einen Korrespondenten nützlich sein. Nach drei Jahren in Beirut muss ich indes feststellen: Realistisch betrachtet gibt es im Orient kaum Grund, auf Besserung zu hoffen. Selbst verheissungsvolle Silberstreifen am Horizont erweisen sich als leere Luftspiegelungen.
Einer dieser seltenen Silberstreifen war der Aufstieg von Mohammed bin Salman in Saudiarabien. Der junge Kronprinz predigte einen «gemässigten Islam», schlug freundliche Töne gegenüber Israel an, erlaubte den Frauen das Autofahren und lockerte ihre Bevormundung. Er liess Kinos und Konzerte zu und öffnete das Mutterland des Islams für abenteuerlustige Individualtouristen. Hatte die saudische Erdölmonarchie früher die globale Verbreitung eines rigiden Islams finanziert, der nicht selten zur Einstiegsdroge für Jihadisten wurde, schien Riad nun offen für eine zukunftsfähige, pragmatische Politik zu sein. » | Christian Weisflog, Beirut | Mittwoch, 22. September 2021
«Im Nahen Osten muss man ein Optimist sein», hat mir ein erfahrener Kollege einst geraten. Als mentale Überlebenshilfe mag diese Denkweise für einen Korrespondenten nützlich sein. Nach drei Jahren in Beirut muss ich indes feststellen: Realistisch betrachtet gibt es im Orient kaum Grund, auf Besserung zu hoffen. Selbst verheissungsvolle Silberstreifen am Horizont erweisen sich als leere Luftspiegelungen.
Einer dieser seltenen Silberstreifen war der Aufstieg von Mohammed bin Salman in Saudiarabien. Der junge Kronprinz predigte einen «gemässigten Islam», schlug freundliche Töne gegenüber Israel an, erlaubte den Frauen das Autofahren und lockerte ihre Bevormundung. Er liess Kinos und Konzerte zu und öffnete das Mutterland des Islams für abenteuerlustige Individualtouristen. Hatte die saudische Erdölmonarchie früher die globale Verbreitung eines rigiden Islams finanziert, der nicht selten zur Einstiegsdroge für Jihadisten wurde, schien Riad nun offen für eine zukunftsfähige, pragmatische Politik zu sein. » | Christian Weisflog, Beirut | Mittwoch, 22. September 2021
Crise des sous-marins: Scott Morrison, le pire des alliés pour la France
LE FIGARO : PORTRAIT - L’actuel premier ministre australien est l’exact opposé de son prédécesseur, le centriste Malcolm Turnbull avec qui la France avait signé en 2016 le «contrat du siècle».
Le monde l’avait découvert lors des violents incendies qui ont ravagé l’Australie en 2019-2020. Une crise d’une ampleur inédite particulièrement mal gérée par Scott Morrison, qui, au summum de celle-ci, avait choisi de maintenir ses vacances à Hawaï. Finalement contraint de revenir, il s’était défendu en rappelant que son rôle n’était pas de «tenir la lance à incendie»…
Depuis la semaine dernière et l’annonce choc d’un rapprochement anglo-saxon, plus personne en France n’ignore le nom du premier ministre australien. Scott Morrison, 53 ans, est accusé par Jean-Yves Le Drian d’avoir porté à la France un «coup dans le dos». Une figure qui ne lui est pas inconnue. Morrisson est devenu premier ministre en août 2018, après une énième rébellion interne du Parti libéral qui s’est traduite par l’éviction de son prédécesseur, le modéré Malcolm Turnbull, avec qui la France avait signé en 2016 le «contrat du siècle». » | Par Henri Biaujout | mardi 21 septembre 2021
Réservé aux abonnés
Crise des sous-marins : Macron s'entretiendra avec Biden ce mercredi – Le président américain a sollicité un entretien avec son homologue français pour évoquer la crise diplomatique entre les deux pays. »
Scott Morrison,
US-UK ‘Special Relationship’ Faces New Challenges Despite Signs of Healing
THE GUARDIAN: Relationship between Biden’s US and Johnson’s post-Brexit UK remains complicated and inevitably transactional
Further highs and lows in store: UK PM Boris Johnson meets US president Joe Biden in the Oval Office of the White House, Washington DC. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA
What a difference a month makes.
In August Joe Biden was being denounced in the British parliament for a “shameful” retreat from Afghanistan that blindsided the UK and other allies. The US president reportedly took a day and a half to return prime minister Boris Johnson’s call.
On Tuesday, by contrast, Johnson rode triumphantly into Washington on one of the Amtrak trains so beloved by Biden, celebrating both a new military pact and the lifting of a pandemic ban on British travellers visiting the US. He sat in the Oval Office and lavished praise on the president’s address to the UN general assembly.
The swing from hapless despair to giddy euphoria made for snappy headlines. But neither extreme was realistic. The relationship between the US and post-Brexit Britain, and between Biden and Johnson, remains complicated, nuanced and inevitably transactional – with further highs and lows surely still in store. » | David Smith in Washington | Wednesday, September 22, 2021
What a difference a month makes.
In August Joe Biden was being denounced in the British parliament for a “shameful” retreat from Afghanistan that blindsided the UK and other allies. The US president reportedly took a day and a half to return prime minister Boris Johnson’s call.
On Tuesday, by contrast, Johnson rode triumphantly into Washington on one of the Amtrak trains so beloved by Biden, celebrating both a new military pact and the lifting of a pandemic ban on British travellers visiting the US. He sat in the Oval Office and lavished praise on the president’s address to the UN general assembly.
The swing from hapless despair to giddy euphoria made for snappy headlines. But neither extreme was realistic. The relationship between the US and post-Brexit Britain, and between Biden and Johnson, remains complicated, nuanced and inevitably transactional – with further highs and lows surely still in store. » | David Smith in Washington | Wednesday, September 22, 2021
How We Got Gay – Discovery Channel Documentaries (2017)
Channel 4 Rupert Everett explores the changes in gay life in the 50 years since the decriminalisation of male homosexuality in.
‘How We Got Gay’ tells the incredible story of how gay men and women went from being the ultimate outsiders to occupying the halls of power.
Authors: Bertrand Loyer, Jessica Menendez, Stéphane Alexandresco.
According to recent scientific research, more than 450 different kinds of animals engage in homosexuality.
‘How We Got Gay’ tells the incredible story of how gay men and women went from being the ultimate outsiders to occupying the halls of power.
Authors: Bertrand Loyer, Jessica Menendez, Stéphane Alexandresco.
According to recent scientific research, more than 450 different kinds of animals engage in homosexuality.
Are You Thinking What I’m Thinking?
colourful birds
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
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Emmanuel Macron et Narendra Modi veulent «agir conjointement» en Indo-Pacifique
LE FIGARO : Après l'annulation du «contrat du siècle» par l'Australie, le président français et le premier ministre indien se sont entretenus et ont réaffirmé leur volonté «d'agir conjointement».
Le président français Emmanuel Macron et le premier ministre indien Narendra Modi se sont entretenus mardi 21 septembre en pleine crise des sous-marins australiens et ont réaffirmé leur volonté «d'agir conjointement dans un espace indo-pacifique ouvert et inclusif», a annoncé l'Élysée.
Le chef de l'État «a rappelé l'engagement de la France à contribuer au renforcement de l'autonomie stratégique de l'Inde, y compris sa base industrielle et technologique, dans le cadre d'une relation étroite fondée sur la confiance», a précisé la présidence française. Cet entretien téléphonique intervient au moment où Paris continue de montrer sa colère après l'annonce, le 15 septembre, d'une nouvelle alliance stratégique entre l'Australie, les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni, qui a torpillé un méga-contrat de sous-marins français à Canberra. Regardez la vidéo » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | mardi 21 septembre 2021
Le président français Emmanuel Macron et le premier ministre indien Narendra Modi se sont entretenus mardi 21 septembre en pleine crise des sous-marins australiens et ont réaffirmé leur volonté «d'agir conjointement dans un espace indo-pacifique ouvert et inclusif», a annoncé l'Élysée.
Le chef de l'État «a rappelé l'engagement de la France à contribuer au renforcement de l'autonomie stratégique de l'Inde, y compris sa base industrielle et technologique, dans le cadre d'une relation étroite fondée sur la confiance», a précisé la présidence française. Cet entretien téléphonique intervient au moment où Paris continue de montrer sa colère après l'annonce, le 15 septembre, d'une nouvelle alliance stratégique entre l'Australie, les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni, qui a torpillé un méga-contrat de sous-marins français à Canberra. Regardez la vidéo » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | mardi 21 septembre 2021
Stevie Wonder : I Just Called To Say I Love You
great songs
Tory Corruption: It’s Shocking What a “Donation” Can Buy. Truth To Power
Whoever would have thought that the UK would turn into one of those sh****** countries of which Trump spoke so colourfully? BoJo and his corrupt entourage are taking this country to new lows, to new depths.
In a relatively recent post, I likened British society to a bottle of non-homogenized milk. As well as all the cream rising to the top, you can now add corruption into the mix. In my lifetime, I have never known such a corrupt administration as BoJo’s. That man needs to be kicked out of office asap. His administration is a disaster. His administration is not fit for purpose; and nor is he. – © Mark
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