Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Finland: Anti-migrant Rally Fumes against Mosque Construction Plan

In the wake of plans for a new Mosque to be built in the centre of Helsinki, an anti-immigration rally was held, Saturday. The protest, branded 'Islamophobic' by counter-protesters, formed in opposition to the building plans in the Finnish capital. Protesters held banners and chanted slogans denouncing the plan. However, the 'anti-racist' demo who met them also held banners decrying their 'prejudice' and 'discrimination.'

Europe's 'Porous Borders' Increase Terror Risk, Head of Metropolitan Police Says

THE TELEGRAPH: Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe says Europe has a 'problem' as he criticises the Schengen agreement and warns that terrorists could pose as migrants

Europe's "porous" borders mean that terrorists could be able to "hide" among migrants coming from Syria, the head of the Metropolitan Police has warned as he criticised the Schengen agreement.

Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe said that in the wake of the Paris terror attacks Europe has a significant "problem" because it has "millions of people wandering through" but only "limited control over the borders".

Asked if he is a fan of the Schengen agreement on open borders, he wants "good strong borders" to ensure that the police and security services can properly assess the risk people pose.

He told LBC Radio: "If you've got porous borders and you've got migrants coming through there's a risk that terrorists are hidden amongst them or people who become terrorists get hidden amongst them. (+ video) » | Steven Swinford, Deputy Political Editor, video source LBC | Tuesday, November 17, 2015

PEGIDA Dresden: Rede von Tatjana Festerling (16.11.2015)

PEGIDA Dresden 16.11.2015 Rede von Tatjana Festerling (1) vor über 30 000 Patrioten.

Germany: PEGIDA Holds First Rally Since Paris Attacks

Thousands of PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West) supporters gathered at Theaterplatz in Dresden, Monday, to march through the city centre in protest against Merkel's policies on Europe's ongoing migrant and refugee crisis.

Gretchen's Take: Who Will Stand Up to Obama to Keep Us Safe?

Nov. 16, 2015 - 1:18 - White House needs to get serious on ISIS

Obama Not Reconsidering Acceptance of Syrian Refugees

Nov. 16, 2015 - 1:52 - Kristin Fisher reports from New York

Gov. Kasich on Decision to Refuse Syrian Refugees

Nov. 16, 2015 - 4:18 - Republican presidential candidate notes the public 'is deeply concerned'

After Paris Attacks, a Darker Mood Toward Islam Emerges in France

THE NEW YORK TIMES: PARIS — November is not January. That thought has been filtering through the statements of most French politicians and the news media, and most people seem to understand.

Unlike the response in January after attacks at the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and elsewhere left 17 dead, there were no grand public appeals for solidarity with Muslims after the Friday attacks that left 129 dead in Paris. There were no marches, few pleas not to confuse practitioners of Islam with those who preach jihad.

Instead, there was a palpable fear, even anger, as President François Hollande asked Parliament to extend a state of emergency and called for changing the Constitution to deal with terrorism. It was largely unspoken but nevertheless clear: Secular France had always had a complicated relationship with its Muslim community, but now it was tipping toward outright distrust, even hostility.

The shift could be all the more tempting because the government is struggling to find its footing politically as it is threatened on its far right by the anti-immigrant National Front party.

Already, tough talk from officials in the government shows them shifting rightward, calling for new scrutiny of mosques, extending the state of emergency and possibly placing restrictions on the 10,000 or more people loosely indexed as possible threats to the state. France needs to “expel all these radicalized imams,” Prime Minister Manuel Valls declared Saturday. » | Adam Nossiter and Liz Alderman | Monday, November 16, 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

France Will Be in a State of Emergency for Three Months: Hollande Vows to 'Destroy' ISIS and Pledges 'No Barbarians Will Prevent Us from Living How We Have Decided to Live'

DAILY MAIL: Francois [sic] Hollande is sending more jets to 'destroy ISIS' for the 129 dead / President also calling for UN resolution to fight on the ground in Syria / Army will stay on streets and strict border controls will last until into 2016 / He said: 'Terrorism will never destroy the republic, because the republic will destroy terrorism'

France will be in a state of emergency for the next three months and is now 'at war' with ISIS, Francois [sic] Hollande said today.

The French President told MPs in Paris he 'will destroy' the terror group by intensifying bombing raids on targets in Syria and is sending an aircraft carrier packed with jets this week.

In a speech at Versailles this afternoon Mr Hollande announced he wants a new UN Security Council resolution to fight ISIS, which could in theory lead to a coalition ground invasion.

He said: 'France is at war. No barbarians will prevent us from living how we have decided to live. To live fully. Terrorism will never destroy the republic, because the republic will destroy terrorism'.

To make France safer from future attacks he said he would change the law to revoke terrorists of their French citizenship and ban them from entering the country. Read on and comment » | Martin Robinson for MailOnline | Monday, November 16, 2015

Les principales annonces du président de la République devant le Parlement réuni en Congrès

[REPORTAGE] Les principales annonces du... by elysee

Château de Versailes »

Donald Trump: Syrian Refugees a 'Trojan Horse'

Österreich: Merkel muss weg : Wieder tausende Flüchtlinge in Spielfeld

Merkel will alle "Flüchtlinge"der Welt nach Deutschland herlocken

Beim Bürgerdialog am 28.10.2015 wirbt sie für mehr Zuwanderung, insbesondere aus Afrika und den Balkanländern. Weil noch nicht genug kommen, fordert sie mehr Propaganda in den entsprechenden Regionen.

Terror in Paris - Anschläge auf die Freiheit - Sicherheit, Flüchtlinge, Hetze, Solidarität - ZDF

Terror in Paris - mit den Themen: 1.) Sicherheitslage in Deutschland, 2.) Merkels Flüchtlingspolitik, 3.) Hetze gegen Flüchtlinge im Internet, 4.) Was bedeutet "internationale Solidarität"?

Pegida-Demo: Mehr als 9000 Teilnehmer am Montagabend

DIE PRESSE: Die antiislamische Bewegung hat nach den Anschlägen in Paris offenbar etwas mehr Zulauf bekommen. In Dresden waren Plakate mit Aufschriften wie "Gestern in Paris - morgen in Deutschland" zu sehen.

Drei Tage nach den Anschlägen in Paris hat die fremdenfeindliche und antiislamische Pegida-Bewegung in Dresden offenbar etwas mehr Zulauf bekommen. Nach ersten Schätzungen der Studenteninitiative "Durchgezählt" kamen zu der Pegida-Kundgebung am Montagabend 9000 bis 12000 Menschen. Vor einer Woche hatte Pegida bis zu 8500 Anhänger auf die Straße gebracht.

Zum Beginn der Kundgebung vor der Semperoper legten die Demonstranten eine Schweigeminute für die Opfer der Anschläge in Paris ein. Einige Demonstranten trugen französische Fahnen mit Trauerflor. Es waren Plakate zu sehen mit Aufschriften wie "Je suis Paris", aber auch "Gestern in Paris - morgen in Deutschland". » | APA/AFP | Montag, 16. November 2015

PEGIDA: Dresden Abendspaziergang (16.11.2015)

Pegida Dresden Abendspaziergang live vom Theaterplatz Dresden

Pat Condell: The Rape of Sweden

Swedish woman raped for hours by migrant “children”

Anonymous Declares War on Islamic State after Paris Attacks in Chilling Video

Anonymous has posted a video declaring war against Islamic State following a series of terror attacks in Paris.

Paris attacks: Anonymous declares war on Isil. Hacker group Anonymous says in a video that it will "hunt" Islamic State after its terrorist attacks in Paris, France on Friday.

Anonymous has posted a video declaring war against Islamic State following a series of terror attacks in Paris that have left at least 129 people dead. The hacker group, known for its cyber attacks against controversial organisations and individuals, is believed to have uploaded the footage on Friday night.

In the video, an announcer wearing an Anonymous Guy Fawkes mask and speaking French says: "You should know that we will find you and we will not let you go. "We will launch the biggest operation ever against you. "Expect massive cyber attacks. War is declared. Get prepared.

"The French people are stronger than you and will come out of this atrocity even stronger."

‪Islamic State Threatens Further Attacks in New Video‬

Islamic State is warning in a new video released online that more attacks are imminen

Geert Wilders Speaks on Paris Attacks and Islam

François Hollande to Congress after Paris Attacks: "We Need to Do More in Syria"

‪Massive Anti-terror Raids in France, Belgium Follow Paris Attacks, Dozens Arrested‬

Anti-terrorist raids are currently underway across France, authorities said. The operations come following Friday’s co-ordinated attacks by jihadists in Paris that killed more than 120 people and left hundreds injured.

Paris Attacks: Throughout the World, La Marseillaise Echoes to Commemorate the Victims of Barbarity

Merkels offene Grenzen läuten Zeitalter des Terrors in Europa ein?

Man braucht Grenzen, um sein Territorium zu schützen. Wenn man das unterlässt, dann gibt man seine Nation den Feinden preis.

Franklin Graham Blames Terror Attacks on Islam, Sends Team of Chaplains to Paris

THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: Six French-speaking chaplains should arrive Monday to work with church, Christian groups / Graham says ‘Islam is at war with us’ and calls for restricting Muslim immigration / Muslim groups in Charlotte and around world condemn attacks, say ISIS is contrary to true Islam

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is sending a rapid-response team of chaplains to Paris.

The move comes as Franklin Graham, who heads the Charlotte-based group, continues to make waves by blaming the latest ISIS terror attacks on the religion of Islam and calling for restricting Muslim immigration to the United States.

“In the hours after the horrific attacks, some said ‘Terrorism has no religion.’ Do not be fooled. ... In this case, terrorism does have a religion – its name is Islam and its god is Allah,” Graham wrote in a Facebook post Saturday. “Islam is at war with us – we’ve witnessed its evil face firsthand over and over.”

In a second Facebook post Saturday, Graham reiterated his call for reform of America’s immigration policies to exclude Muslims. “We cannot allow Muslim immigrants to come across our borders unchecked while we are fighting this war of terror,” he wrote. “If we continue to allow Muslim immigration, we’ll see much more of what happened in Paris – it’s on our doorstep.” » | Tim Funk | Sunday, November 15, 2015

L’editorial du Guardian: Nous devons rester fermes après les attaques de Paris

THE GUARDIAN: On ne défend pas ses idéaux en les démontant. L’Europe doit rester un lieu de liberté, de refuge et de résolution sans faille

Avant d’évoquer quoi que que soit d’autre, parlons des victimes. Au milieu du bruit qui suit un épouvantable acte de violence, au milieu du vacarme des débats et des argumentaires, il est facile de ne plus entendre la seule douleur de l’événement. Paris déplore la perte d’au moins 132 personnes qui, ce vendredi, se livraient à des activités inoffensives et heureuses: manger ensemble, regarder ensemble un match de football, écouter de la musique ensemble. Ils sont morts aujourd’hui, assassinés dans des circonstances absolument terrifiantes. Les survivants, les blessés, les Français tous ensemble, déjà blessés par les attaques meurtrières de Janvier, sont sous le choc. Dans leur perte, leur deuil, leur douleur, nous sommes avec eux.

Le Président Français a répondu aux tueries parisiennes en les qualifiant de déclaration de guerre. Cela semble incontestable. Parler des tirs et des explosions de vendredi soir comme de simples crimes, comme s’ils n’étaient qu’une suite de meurtres commis par des gangs urbains, passe à côté de quelque chose d’important. Ces meurtres ont été coordonnés, méticuleusement planifiés et, selon des témoins visuels, effectués avec une précision froide et militaire. François Hollande n’a pas, pour rien, parlé de confrontation avec « l’armée » d’EI (Etat islamique). » | Monday, November 16, 2015

Read this editorial in English »

France Launches 'Massive' Airstrikes In Wake Of Paris Attacks

THE GUARDIAN: As planes took off for Syria to strike Isis, French police issued wanted notice for Brussels-born Salah Abdeslam, thought to be involved in attacks

France launched “massive” airstrikes against the Islamic State’s de facto capital in Syria on Sunday as French and Belgian police hunted a fugitive who was among the perpetrators of Friday’s bloody wave of suicide bombings and shootings in Paris.

As evidence mounted of a sophisticated, multinational terror operation with links to at least three European countries and the Middle East, 12 French aircraft including 10 fighter jets dropped a total of 20 bombs on a jihadi training camp and munitions dump in the city of Raqqa.

A French defence ministry statement said the strike, launched in coordination with US forces from airfields in Jordan and the Persian Gulf, was the biggest since France extended its bombing campaign against the extremist group to Syria in September.

Meanwhile in Paris, French police had released a wanted notice for Salah Abdeslam, a 26-year-old man born in Brussels, thought to be one of three French brothers living in Belgium who were involved in the attacks, which killed 129 people and left more than 350 injured, including nearly 100 critically. Belgian police also issued an international arrest warrant in Abdeslam’s name. » | Jon Henley in Paris and Ian Traynor in Molenbeek | Monday, November 16, 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Schweiz: Tagesschau Spezial: Terror in Paris (14.11.2015)

Hollande va s’adresser aux parlementaires pour «rassembler la nation»

LE MONDE: Deux jours après les attentats de Paris et l’annonce du président François Hollande de la tenue d’un Congrès extraordinaire, lundi 16 novembre, les forces politiques du Parlement se mettent en marche pour organiser cet événement exceptionnel, qui sera suivi d’un débat entre parlementaires.

Pour la deuxième fois de l’histoire de la Ve République, et même depuis 1848, un chef de l’Etat s’exprimera devant tous les parlementaires réunis en Congrès à Versailles, une allocution rendue possible depuis la réforme de la Constitution, en 2008. Nicolas Sarkozy avait été le premier à utiliser ce droit, en juin 2009, pour présenter ses orientations économiques et sociales. » | Par Hélène Bekmezian | dimanche 15 novembre 2015

French Citizen Directly Involved in Terror Attacks Being Hunted by Officials

Read the FoxNews articlehere | Sunday, November 15, 2015


Paris Attacks: "By Hitting in Paris, Terrorists Want to Diminish Everything France Represents"

Paris Attacks: "The Islamic State Group Is Exporting Its War into Europe"

Hundreds Sing Marseillaise in London’s Trafalgar Square Paying Tribute to Victims of Paris Attacks

Turkey: Lavrov Calls on World Leaders to Build Universal Anti-terrorist Front

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stressed the necessity to "put aside all excuses, preconditions and to concentrate on the creation of a universal anti-terrorist front," during a press briefing at the G20 Summit in Antalya, Sunday. Lavrov added that the so-called Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), Jabhat an-Nusra and other terrorist organizations are the "common enemy."

Germany: After Paris, President Gauck Speaks of a "New Type of War"

German President Joachim Gauck addressed the members of the Bundestag (German parliament) during a commemoration ceremony in Berlin, Sunday, held for the victims of the Paris attacks, in which he said a "new type of war" has emerged.

Les Souverains choqués, attristés, révulsés

Les souverains d'Europe, du Maroc, de Jordanie ont adressé
leurs condoléances à la France
PARIS MATCH: Aux lendemains des attentats meurtriers de Paris, les souverains de l’Europe, mais aussi de Jordanie et du Maroc, ont fait savoir qu’ils avaient adressés leurs condoléances à François Hollande et qu’ils partageaient la douleur des Français.

Dans une dépêche officielle adressée au président de la République française François Hollande, le prince Albert II de Monaco a indiqué: «Les attaques qui viennent de frapper Paris au cœur nous révulsent. Mon pays partage le chagrin et l'effroi de la France amie, meurtrie par ces crimes terroristes». Après avoir fait part d’une «profonde émotion» et dit s’incliner «devant la mémoire des si nombreuses victimes et la douleur indicible de leurs familles», le souverain de la Principauté écrit: «En mon nom personnel, en celui de ma Famille et de la population de Monaco, je veux vous assurer de notre profonde et réelle solidarité, en union avec toutes les personnes qui se mobilisent contre le fléau terroriste. Aux côtés de la République française, nous savons qu'il ne l'emportera pas.» » | Dominique Bonnet | samedi 14 novembre 2015

UK: Victims of Paris Attacks Honoured at Trafalgar Square Vigil

Thousands of people gathered in London’s Trafalgar Square to hold a vigil in solidarity with the victims of Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris, Saturday.

New Dark Age Alert! Germany: Neo-Nazi March Honours National Socialism in Wunsiedel

Around one hundred German neo-Nazis marched through the streets of Wunsiedel, Northern Bavaria on Saturday evening, to glorify Nazism and to pay tribute to Nazi Germans who fought under Hitler's command in Second World War.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

How Can Anyone Be Shocked?

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: The West, especially Europe, continues to be taken aback every time a new terror attack occurs, as if each one were the first. / "We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a different understanding of society and law." — From a leaked German intelligence document. / The current generation of European political leaders has exhibited an irresponsibility and lack of leadership that is almost infantile.

One of the most surprising aspects of the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday night is how "deeply shocked" members of the European political establishment appeared to be.

Angela Merkel, David Cameron and the Pope all expressed their condolences -- and "deep shock" -- at the well-coordinated, citywide terror attacks in six different places across Paris, which as of this writing have claimed at least 128 lives and more than 200 wounded. French President François Hollande confirmed that Islamic State terrorists perpetrated the attacks, carried out with suicide bombings, hand grenades and assault rifles. According to witnesses, terrorists were heard yelling, "Allahu Akbar" ['Allah is the Greatest"] and "this is for Syria" as they shot into the audience at the Bataclan Theater, where a rock concert was underway.

Although the writing has literally been on the wall in blood for the past decade and a half, the West, especially Europe, continues to be taken aback every time a new terror attack occurs, as if each one were the first. » | Judith Bergman | Saturday, November 14, 2015

Schweiz: Tagesschau Spezial vom 14.11.2015

Merkel zu den Anschlägen von Paris: "Wir weinen mit Ihnen"

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat Frankreich nach den Terroranschlägen von Paris "jedwede Unterstützung" zugesichert, die Deutschland bieten könne. "Wir, die deutschen Freunde, wir fühlen uns Ihnen so nah", sagte Merkel.

Tensions in Germany Rise Amid Flood of Asylum-Seekers

ABC NEWS: As a local lawmaker in the east German city of Magdeburg who regularly speaks out against the far right, Soeren Herbst has endured years of animosity. But the sight that greeted him outside his home last week made the Green Party politician realize that the abuse had reached a new level.

Someone had sprayed a gallows on the front of his house, along with Herbst's name and the word "Volksverraeter" — traitor to the German people.

"Now we indeed have a new situation," Herbst said in a telephone interview the day after the incident. "You start worrying about your safety and that of your family."

The incident reflects a growing public tension in Germany. While it's the extremists on the far right who are grabbing most of the headlines, mainstream Germans are increasingly being drawn into inflammatory rhetoric — and at times anti-foreigner sentiment. The country's normally staid — some might say dull — political debates have in particular become inflamed with vitriol amid the influx of hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers in recent months.

Nazi comparisons, once considered beyond the pale of polite political discussion in a country still grappling with its genocidal past, have become a common slur. The co-founder of anti-Islam group PEGIDA, Lutz Bachmann, last week likened Germany's justice minister to Nazi demagogue Joseph Goebbels; in response, a senior official in Justice Minister Heiko Maas' party labeled Bachmann a "crazy fascist."

"The situation that we have at the moment is leading to a split in society where people are drifting apart," said Joachim Trebbe, a communications researcher at Berlin's Free University. » | Frank Jordans, Associated Press | Berlin | Saturday, November 14, 2015

Leaders Express Condolences to France over Paris Attack

France: Hollande Blames ISIS for 'Act of War' against Paris

French President Francois Hollande gave a press conference from Paris, Saturday, after an emergency security meeting following Friday night's attacks across the French capital which left over 120 dead and at least 200 injured.

Le Président de la France : Déclaration à l'issue du Conseil de défense : Après les attaques à Paris, le président François Hollande s'est exprimé à l'issue du Conseil de défense ce matin »

France: 'We Are At War' - Sarkozy

Former President of France Nicolas Sarkozy said that "the terrorists have declared war on France" during a press conference in Paris, Saturday, following Friday night's attacks across the French capital which left at last 127 dead and 200 injured.

LIVE Outside the Bataclan Theatre in Paris Following Deadly Attack

Warning! Disturbing Images! Paris Attacks: People Clamber Out of Bataclan Concert Hall to Escape Gunfire

Le Monde journalist Daniel Psenny, who lives overlooking the Bataclan concert hall, has posted a video of people climbing out of windows and running from the emergency exit as gunfire breaks out. Psenny himself was shot in the arm as he attempted to help people shelter in his apartment, and is being treated at the Georges-Pompidou hospital.

THE GUARDIAN: Paris attacks: Hollande holds Islamic State responsible for 'act of war' – live »

President Obama Offers a Statement on the Attacks in Paris

LIVE: Paris Under Attack, Hostage Situation, Dozens Dead in Gunfire, Blasts

Watch the video here

National Borders Must Be Closed across Europe to Halt an 'Islamic Invasion' Says Far-right Dutch Politician Geert Wilders

DAILY MAIL: 'We close our borders to migrants, not refugees,' Geert Wilders said / Polls showed his PVV would win 38 seats in the 150-seat Lower House / Holland is bracing to take in 60,000 asylum seekers by the end of the year

The best way to deal with Europe's growing refugee crisis is to close national borders to stop an 'Islamic invasion', Dutch anti-immigration politician Geert Wilders says.

As the popularity of his far-right Freedom Party (PVV) skyrockets amid Europe's largest movement of migrants since World War II, Wilders has his sights set on becoming the next prime minister of the Netherlands in elections due in 2017. 'The only way to deal with it (the refugee crisis) is to regain our national sovereignty and close our national borders,' Wilders said.

Talking to AFP, he continued: 'I'm not asking for anything strange, I am asking that our government close its doors as Hungary did ... that we close our borders to those we consider to be migrants, not refugees.'

Reviled and supported in equal measure, Wilders' fiery rhetoric is finding fertile ground among working and middle-class Dutch, who fear social upheaval as thousands of asylum seekers from Syria, Afghanistan and other conflict areas reach the Netherlands. Read on and comment » | Ted Thornhill for MailOnline and AFP | Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015

Multiple Attacks Roil Paris; President Hollande Is Evacuated From Stadium

THE NEW YORK TIMES: PARIS — Shootings in central Paris on Friday night have left several people dead and wounded, French television reported, while an explosion near Paris at the country’s main sports stadium forced the hasty evacuation of President François Hollande. The explosion occurred during a France-Germany soccer match.

The shooting broke out at a concert hall. Some reports said as many as 18 had been killed in the 10th and 11th Arrondissements of Paris. Others said hostages had been taken.

It was unclear whether there was a link in any of the violence to terrorism but French media reported that Kalashnikov rifles were involved in the shootings — a favored weapon of militants who have attacked targets in France — and that many rounds were fired.

The shootings occurred near the former headquarters of Charlie Hebdo, the satirical newspaper where shootings in January traumatized France.

Police sirens sounded throughout central Paris on Friday night. » | Adam Nossiter | Friday, November 13, 2015

Helmut Schmidt 2015

Menschen bei Maischberger vom 28. April 2015

Angela Merkel's Future Under Scrutiny for the First Time as German Asylum Process Criticised

THE TELEGRAPH: A popular talk show […] the possibility of a coup against the German chancellor after her own party made implicit criticisms of her policy

Angela Merkel’s political future is being questioned for the first time in Germany as divisions continue to grow in her government over her “open-door” refugee policy.

Guests on a popular television political talk show debated the possibility of a coup against the German chancellor from within her own party.

The discussion came as civil servants at the government refugee agency published warned identity checks for Syrian asylum-seekers were ineffective and open to abuse by economic migrants and terrorists.

Wolfgang Schäuble, the finance minister, warned that Germany was facing an “avalanche” of refugees set off by a “careless skier”.

And Thomas de Maiziere, the interior minister, twice acted unilaterally to introduce stricter controls on Syrian asylum-seekers without informing Mrs Merkel. » | Justin Huggler, Berlin | Friday, November 13, 2015

Frau Merkel: Treten Sie ab!

Refugee Camps Multiply in France, as Calais Migrants Flee Fearing ISIS Moving In

Thousands of refugees have traveled to northern France hoping to cross into Great Britain but are stuck in refugee camps. The media has mostly focused on the Calais camp, dubbed the 'Jungle', but there are many others. RT's Poly Boiko went to one of them and found that refugees have been leaving amid fears Islamist extremists and former ISIS members have moved in..

‪Lebanon: Police Forensic Experts Inspect Double Bomb Site in Southern Beirut‬

Policemen and forensic investigators worked on Friday at the bomb site where double suicide attacks killed at least 43 people and left more than 200 injured, Thursday, in the suburb of Bourj al-Barajneh in southern Beirut.

Germany: Merkel Welcomes Australian PM Turnbull with Full Military Honours

German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to Berlin with full military honours, Friday.

Iran : la visite de Rohani, "une insulte aux juifs de France"

LE POINT: Le président iranien, qui a déclaré mercredi sur France 2 qu'"Israël n'était pas un État légitime", sera reçu en France à partir de dimanche.

Le Crif a estimé jeudi que la visite de Hassan Rohani à partir de dimanche en France, une première pour un président iranien depuis dix ans, constituait "une insulte" pour la première communauté juive d'Europe. Dans un communiqué, le Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France (Crif) "condamne avec fermeté les propos du président iranien Hassan Rohani qui a déclaré sur France 2 (mercredi soir) : Israël n'est pas un État légitime". » | Source AFP | jeudi 12 novembre 2015

A Brutal New Germany: What's Happening to My Country?

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Germany could approach the refugee crisis without surrendering its civility. But instead, the basest of anti-foreigner sentiment is taking hold in many places. If it continues, we could soon witness an atmosphere of brutality not seen in decades.

Recently, I just returned to Germany after spending a couple of years in the United States as a foreign correspondent. In that time that I've been back, I've become concerned, wrought with worry that my own country is losing its civility. » | A Commentary by Markus Feldenkirchen | Thursday, November 12, 2015

David Cameron: Airstrike on Mohammed Emwazi 'Act of Self Defence'

David Cameron confirms the United States carried out an airstrike against Isis executioner Mohammed Emwazi but could not confirm if he was dead. In a statement outside Downing Street on Friday morning, the prime minister says the UK has been working ‘round the clock’ with the US to track down Emwazi

UK: Anti-Modi Activists Picket Downing Street to Protest Indian PM's Visit

Hundreds of protesters rallied outside Downing Street in London on Thursday as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with British Prime Minister David Cameron. Protesters, joined by London mayoral candidate George Galloway, chanted slogans condemning Modi and his government.

Der Anfang vom Ende

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU)

ZEIT ONLINE: Merkels "Wir schaffen das" ist abgeschafft. Sie selbst schweigt dazu. So endet der Mythos von der Krisenmanagerin, die nie verliert.

"Mama Merkel" ist nicht mehr da. Die Kanzlerin, die Anfang September ihre Arme für Syrer öffnete, sie unbürokratisch ins Land und sich dafür weltweit bewundern ließ, sie hat sich abgewandt von denen, die alle Hoffnungen auf sie richten. Nur sie spricht nicht darüber.

Seit dem Wochenende haben mehrere Ankündigungen Verunsicherung ausbrechen lassen unter den Flüchtlingen. Wird es für sie künftig noch möglich sein, die Familien nachzuholen? Werden sie ihren sicheren Schutzstatus verlieren, gar wieder zurückgeschickt in die für sie so ungastlichen Länder Ungarn oder Italien?

Die Koalition befindet sich zwar im Kommunikationschaos, aber das Signal ist bereits jetzt glasklar: Deutschland macht dicht. Wie die Kanzlerin dazu steht, das wissen wir nicht. Hat sie inzwischen auch die Sorge, dass die deutsche Hilfsbereitschaft und -fähigkeit an ihre Grenzen geraten ist? Allein im September ließen sich in der Bundesrepublik 85.000 Syrer, 18.000 Iraker und 19.000 Afghanen registrieren. Die Stimmung in den Erstaufnahmelagern und davor wird aggressiver. Tausende schlafen in Zelten, sie haben noch nicht mal einen Asylantrag gestellt. In der Union wächst die Sorge um die Mehrheit und vor der AfD. Und in der EU ist kaum jemand bereit, den Deutschen zu helfen. Weiter lesen und einen Beitrag abgeben » | Ein Kommentar von Lisa Caspari | Mittwoch, 11. November 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

World MEDIA Cover-up of Islamization : Wake-up! (2012)

Isis Releases New Video Threatening Attacks in Russia ‘Very Soon’

THE INDEPENDENT: The militant group reportedly suffered significant losses on the battlefield on Thursday

The Isis militant group has released a new video threatening to launch attacks in Russia “very soon”.

Issued by the group’s foreign language propaganda wing, the al-Hayat Media Centre, the video combined footage of the Charlie Hebdo shootings and graphic depictions of executions with a threat that “soon, very soon, the blood will spill like an ocean”.

It was issued on Thursday afternoon in an apparent bid to distract international attention from the significant losses it was suffering on the battlefield in Iraq.

Subtitles on the video described Russia as “dying”.

“The kafir throats will tremble from the knives. The Kremlin will be ours,” it said. Read on and comment » | Thursday, November 12, 2015

‪Sverige - Sweden Waking Up? Islam Is Changing Sweden?‬

‪India PM to Visit UK amid Demands to Return British Crown Jewel to India‬

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi is heading to Britain, and he's expected to get a rock star reception... But amid the lavish and warm welcome, there could be a bone of contention as Indians plan legal action against the UK, demanding the return of Britain's most-famous crown jewel.

WIKIPEDIA: Koh-i-Noor »

Greece: Athens Burns amid General Strike against Austerity

A general strike called in Greece to protest against austerity measures being imposed by the Syriza government turned into clashes between police and protesters on the streets of Athens, Thursday.

EU Flag Burned as Tens of Thousands Join Warsaw Nationalist Demo

THE TELEGRAPH: Organisers said that up to 50,000 were on the march which marked the anniversary of Poland's independence after the First World War

Tens of thousands of protesters poured into Warsaw's streets on Wednesday for a demonstration organised by the far right, marching under the slogan "Poland for the Polish" and burning an EU flag.

Police said 25,000 people joined the march, which marked the anniversary of Poland's return to independence after the First World War, while organisers put the numbers at 50,000.

"God, honour, homeland," chanted the protesters as they marched under a sea of red-and-white Polish flags.

Demonstrators trampled and burned a European Union flag at one point, while a banner added to the anti-EU theme with the slogan "EU macht frei" ("Work [?] makes you free" in German), a reference to the slogan over the gates at Auschwitz.

"Yesterday it was Moscow, today it's Brussels which takes away our freedom," chanted one group of protesters. Other banners read "Great Catholic Poland" and "Stop Islamisation". » | AFP | Thursday, November 12, 2015

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Portugal Government Falls Amid Austerity Backlash

Portugal’s pro-austerity government has been forced to resign by a leftist anti-austerity block, despite being sworn in only two weeks ago.

Germany: Hamburg Pays Tribute to Deceased Ex-Chancellor of West Germany Helmut Schmidt

Hundreds of people queued at Hamburg's City Hall to pay their respects to the late former Chancellor of West Germany Helmut Schmidt, in Hamburg on Wednesday.

Norway: Huge Blaze Engulfs Refugee Accommodation Centre in Hemsedal

A reception centre for refugees burned down in a massive blaze in the Norwegian municipality of Hemsedal, early on Wednesday morning. The fire comes as arson attacks continue to dog migrant accommodation across Scandinavia.

Worlds Apart: David Rothkopf, Editor of Foreign Policy Magazine

The Russian air campaign against ISIS has paved the way for another major push towards a political solution in Syria. And though the Obama administration has been raising its stake in the conflict while engaging in the Vienna talks, his critics back home argue it's too little too late. Could a deal be reached to satisfy the major stakeholders, and is it likely to be sustainable, considering the complex geopolitical factors at play? Oksana is joined by David Rothkopf, the CEO of FP Group and Editor of Foreign Policy magazine, to analyse these issues.

Theresa May's Proposed Spying Law Is 'Worse Than Scary' United Nations Says

THE INDEPENDENT: The draft Investigatory Powers Bill would give the Government sweeping new spying powers

Theresa May’s proposed surveillance and spying laws are “worse than scary”, the United Nations’ privacy chief has said.

Joseph Cannataci, the UN's special rapporteur on privacy, said the draft Investigatory Powers Bill heralded a “golden age of surveillance” unlike any that had come before.

The draft law, published by the Home Secretary earlier this month, would require internet companies to hand over any and all of their users’ communications as required by authorities.

Other provisions in the bill require the visited websites of all users to be stored on record for a year.

Technical experts have said that the proposed rules on intercepting communications could lead to some services like WhatsApp and iMessage to be de-facto banned because their secure encryption makes it impossible for their host companies to read users’ messages. Read on and comment » | Jon Stone | Wednesday, November 11, 2015

ISIS Beheadings of Shiite Hazaras Spark Biggest Protest in Afghanistan in Years

Thousands of people rallied in the Afghan capital Kabul in protest against the killing of seven people by Afghan militants claiming loyalty to the Islamic State. The protesters said the security situation in the country deteriorated after the incident and government did not take any measures to deal with it. The victims were kidnapped by the terrorists along a main road in Ghazni months ago.

WIKI: Hazaras »

Germany: Former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Commemorated by German Leaders

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and President Joachim Gauck paid respects to the late former Chancellor of West Germany Helmut Schmidt at the German Chancellery in Berlin, Wednesday.

Fourth Republican Debate Highlights: 'Ask Israel' and Fight Isis 'Losers'

The eight top Republicans went head to head in the fourth debate in one of the most substantive yet volatile debates. Candidates also had moments of notable flare, declaring Isis ‘losers’ and promising they would not throw grannies off of cliffs

Read the Guardian article here | Ed Pilkington and Ben Jacobs in Milwaukee | Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Armistice Day: Nation Remembers War Dead

BBC: A two-minute silence has been observed across the UK to remember the nation's war dead on Armistice Day.

The silence began at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month - the time in 1918 when the guns fell silent along the Western Front in Europe.

War memorials, offices, schools, town halls, and churches all hosted events.

The Princess Royal was at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire, while veterans and serving personnel laid wreaths at the Cenotaph in London.

Armistice Day follows similar ceremonies on Remembrance Sunday to pay tribute to all those who died in World Wars One and Two and in every conflict since. (+ BBC video) » | Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Germany: Merkel Pays Tribute to Dead Former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt

German Chancellor Angela Merkel gave a public statement on the death of former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt in Berlin, Tuesday, praising the former German leader and offering her condolences to the relatives of the statesman.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Survivors Remember Kristallnacht: Susan (Strauss) Taube

In this interview with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Holocaust survivor Susan (Strauss) Taube shares her memories of Kristallnacht, the November 1938 pogroms.

To learn more about Kristallnacht, visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum here

Survivors Remember Kristallnacht: Johanna (Gerechter) Neumann

In this interview with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Holocaust survivor Johanna (Gerechter) Neumann shares her memories of Kristallnacht, the November 1938 pogroms.

Remembering "Kristallnacht": The Night of Broken Glass

Belgium: EU Slams Turkey’s Human Rights Record in Accession Report

“Turkey needs to commit to renewed reforms in the areas of the rule of law and fundamental human rights,” stated European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn during a press briefing at the European Commission in Brussels, Tuesday. Hahn’s comments follow the release of a report on Tuesday, assessing the country's potential candidacy to join the EU, while highlighting Ankara’s alleged crackdown on media outlets and potential human rights abuses.

Cameron: Brexit Could Pose National Security Risks

Leaving the European Union may have implications for national security, Prime Minister David Cameron said in a speech outlining his EU renegotiation plan, as his pro-EU reform campaign shifts gears.

Robert De Niro: We All Need to Get Past the 'Bullsh*t & Nonsense' in US-Russia Relations

Oscar award winning actor Robert De Niro opened his latest ‘Nobu’ restaurant in Moscow on Monday. Speaking at the opening alongside his business partner, Japanese chef Nobu Matsuhisa, De Niro said “we all need to get past the bullshit and the nonsense, and make the world that’s best for all of us,” in reference to bettering relations between his native United States and Russia.

Jihadists Shell Latakia University, Bus Stop, Killing and Wounding Dozens of Civilians

At least 23 people have been killed by shelling in the Syrian city of Latakia. Another 65 were injured, RIA Novosti reported citing a source in local police.

François Hollande-Hassan Rouhani Elysée Lunch Binned Over 'Wine Row'

THE TELEGRAPH: Official lunch between the presidents during the Iranian president's historic trip to Paris next week scrapped after French decline request to serve halal meal and no wine

Wine is considered a key ingredient of France's global prestige and the French president perhaps its ultimate ambassador.

So when Iran's president asked for bottles of Bordeaux and Burgundy to be removed from the table at the Elysée Palace during his historic trip next week, the answer was a polite "non".

Hassan Rouhani is visiting Paris as part of a four-day tour of Italy and France beginning November 14, making him the first Iranian president to travel to Europe in a decade.

He had been due to join François Hollande for a formal lunch at the presidential palace on November 17, but the meal was scrapped after the Elysée reportedly rejected Iran's request to serve a halal meal with no wine. » | Henry Samuel, Paris | Tuesday, November 10, 2015

LE MONDE : Hassan Rohani refuse de participer à un repas à l’Elysée où sera servi du vin » | Par Yves-Michel Riols | mardi 10 novembre 2015

Mort d'Helmut Schmidt : François Hollande salue un grand Européen

L'ancien chancelier allemand Helmut Schmidt est mort mardi à 96 ans. Pour le président François Hollande, "c'est un grand Européen qui vient de s'éteindre".

Helmut Schmidt, Former West German Chancellor, Dies Aged 96

Helmut Schmidt gestures during a speech he made at his
birthday party in Hamburg in January 2014.
THE GUARDIAN: Docker’s grandson led West Germany from 1974 to 1982 as it rose to become a global economic powerhouse

Helmut Schmidt, an elder statesman of German politics who led West Germany as it rose to become a global economic powerhouse, has died aged 96.

Schmidt’s doctor, Heiner Greten, told the German news agency dpa he died on Tuesday afternoon in Hamburg. He had been receiving treatment at home after his health deteriorated earlier this week.

The grandson of a docker became chancellor of West Germany in 1974 after the resignation of fellow Social Democrat Willy Brandt, triggered when a top aide to Brandt was unmasked as an East German agent. Schmidt served until 1982, when he lost power to conservative Helmut Kohl.

A centrist, Schmidt steered the country through a wave of homegrown terrorism, preached free-market economics to his party and embodied pragmatic politics in a Europe divided by the iron curtain. » | Staff and agencies in Berlin | Tuesday, November 10, 2015

THE GUARDIAN: Helmut Schmidt: 'Britain's empire has gone, though you think it still exists': Germany's former chancellor believes a lack of leadership has added to the crisis at the European institutions he helped forge » | Larry Elliott, Economics editor | Sunday, December 22, 2013

David Cameron Sets Out EU Reform Goals

Anne Will - "Merkels Flüchtlingspolitik - Große Geste, kleiner Plan?"

Sendung vom 30.09.2015 - Angela Merkel - wegen ihrer Flüchtlingspolitik steht sie zunehmend in der Kritik auch in den eigenen Reihen. Ihre Umfragewerte sinken. Und jetzt mahnt auch Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck, unsere Aufnahmekapazität sei begrenzt. Muss Deutschland bei der Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen Obergrenzen setzen? Ist Merkels Politik planlos oder planvoll? Schadet Deutschlands Flüchtlingspolitik am Ende auch Europa?

'Sick of Islam,' Muslims Turn to Christ

WORTHY NEWS: (Worthy News) - Kurdish Muslims in Iraq are turning to Christ after witnessing first hand the brutality of ISIS as it wages violent jihad in the name of Islam.

According to The Gospel Herald, a ministry leader in Iraq said his organization can not keep up with the demands for Bibles by Muslim refugees Bible since ISIS invaded their homeland.

"They're just sick of Islam," he said. "People are very hungry to know about Christ, especially when they hear about miracles, healing, mercy and love. As terrifying and horrifying as ISIS is, they did us a great favor because they came and have shown them all the killing, saying that it's all in the Quran verses. So now we don't have to say much -- we just say the truth." » | Joseph DeCaro | Monday, November 9, 2015

Spain: Catalan Independence Vote Divides Barcelona

Some dozens of people gathered in front of the Catalan Parliament in Barcelona to watch on a giant screen the vote of the deputies accepting to began the process of secession from Spain, Monday. The aim is to achieve political independence by 2017, despite strong opposition in Madrid. Seventy-two pro-independence parliamentarians voted in favour of the resolution for secession from Spain, with only 63 voting against.

Refugee Crisis Could Lead to EU Collapse, Luxembourg FM Warns

Luxembourg's Foreign Minister has claimed the European Union could collapse shortly.

This viewpoint is shared by a number of other EU politicians - but they have different reasons for believing a break-up is possible.

Monday, November 09, 2015

Angela Merkel Has Set Europe on a Path to Implosion

Within Europe, Angela Merkel has set Europe on a dangerous pathway. As of last week, citizens in Germany are increasingly convinced that only violence is going to solve the crisis caused by Merkel’s politics. This is a very dangerous development and once Germany goes down that road, this trend will spread to other countries in Europe.

Gospel And Guns: How Religion And Gun Law Intertwine In America

Russia's Syrian Intervention Has 'Given Hope' - Patriarch of Syriac Orthodox Church

The Patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Church began a four-day official visit to Russia in Moscow on Monday with a speech in which he welcomed the Russian military intervention in Syria.

UK Volunteer Who Fought ISIS in Syria Barred from Speaking at London University

A London university students’ union has been accused of displaying “horrible prejudice against the Kurdish cause, human rights and the freedom of speech” after a former student was banned from giving a talk about his experiences fighting Islamic State.

09.11.2015 PEGIDA Dresden – Live

Pegida Abendspaziergang live vom Theaterplatz Dresden

Andrew Marr Presents the 1939 Register on Findmypast: Eve of War

Andrew Marr reveals what life was like in Britain on the eve of war, and what you can discover in the pages of the 1939 Register. As war broke out in September 1939, a National Register was taken - The 1939 Register contains the names and details of 41 million civilians in England and Wales. For the very first time, the National Register taken on the eve of war in 1939 is available to search online, only at Findmypast. Find out more at www.findmypast.co.uk