Showing posts with label construction of mosques. Show all posts
Showing posts with label construction of mosques. Show all posts
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Finland: Anti-migrant Rally Fumes against Mosque Construction Plan
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Sunday, October 31, 2010
RT: Activists say the construction of a second mosque in Warsaw is part of the Islamisation of the country and could eventually lead to radicalism and terrorism.
But local Muslims claim religious discrimination.
Mohammed moved from Egypt to Warsaw several years ago. Poland’s accession to the EU promised greener pastures. However, he says it’s been hard to settle in.
“I do only freelance jobs as it is very difficult for me to find any permanent work,” he said. “And not because I’m not skilled, but because my applications are turned down as soon as employers learn that my name is Mohammed.”Poland has long been a mono-ethnic nation with the Muslim community making up less than one percent of the population. Most Muslims are ethnic Tatars who have been here for centuries. But the head of Warsaw’s only Islamic centre says the number of migrants from Muslim countries is growing rapidly. >>> | Published: Friday, October 08, 2010; Edited: Monday, October 11, 2010
construction of mosques,
Monday, July 19, 2010
THE TELEGRAPH: Sarah Palin has run into language difficulties in the course of attempting to write an entry on her Twitter account about plans to build a mosque near the Ground Zero site in New York.
The former vice-presidential candidate, who regularly uses the social networking website to communicate her views, made three attempts before writing an error-free Twitter entry, which can only contain 140 characters.
In her first effort, she asked "peaceful Muslims to "pls refudiate" the mosque. Having invented a word, in her second attempt she used "refute" incorrectly, calling on "peaceful New Yorkers to "refute the Ground Zero mosque plan". >>> Alex Spillius in Washington | Monday, July 19, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

NEW YORK POST: Rivals clash at hearing on Ground Zero project
A city hearing yesterday on the historical significance of the downtown Manhattan site of a proposed mosque quickly turned into a raucous -- and at times ugly -- debate about whether an Islamic center should be located so close to Ground Zero.
About 150 people crowded into the Hunter College Auditorium in Manhattan for the Landmarks Preservation Commission hearing, held to see if the 152-year-old building at 45-47 Park Place in lower Manhattan had the cultural or architectural consequence worthy of being landmarked.
Those who opposed the construction of the 13-story mosque and community center, called the Cordoba House, accused their opponents of being unpatriotic and insensitive to the thousands who died on 9/11.
But attendees who want to see the $100 million project completed accused their challengers of being racist and encouraging conflict with Muslims.
One protester, shouting, "Down with this McCarthyistic witch hunt against Muslims," was escorted out after interrupting speakers against the mosque.
Sally Regenhard, mother of an FDNY firefighter who died on 9/11, begged the commission to landmark the spot, which could end or complicate plans for the new mosque.
"I'm here to represent my son, probationary firefighter Christian Regenhard, a beautiful person who loved all people," she said.
"Follow the guidelines to making this a landmark. Please do not fold to political forces."
Joseph Reichling of Ridgewood, Queens, said, "Our forefathers are turning in their graves. Have we forgotten what happened on 9/11? We must never forget 9/11."
Andrea Quinn echoed his sentiments.
"The plan to build a 13-story mosque on that site is ludicrous," said Quinn of Queens. "Not to preserve this building is to allow for a citadel of Islamic supremacy to be built in its place." Continue reading and comment >>> Tom Topousis | Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
NEW YORK POST: Andrew Cuomo and his GOP challengers are splitting sharply on the hotly contested question of building a mosque near Ground Zero, even as they're in surprising agreement on the need to cut taxes and spending.
Attorney General Cuomo said he favored building the mosque, which polls show is opposed by most city residents, including many who say it would be an insult to 9/11 victims.
Cuomo, who polls show is the overwhelming favorite to be the state's next governor, said through a spokesman, "America is all about diversity and tolerance and, thus, we should let this project proceed, even though it may justifiably make some people uncomfortable and offend some of our sensibilities."
Republican gubernatorial designee and one-time Long Island Rep. Rick Lazio "opposes the plan to build the Cordoba mosque across from Ground Zero, and shares the concerns of many over the [proposed mosque's] imam's view that Hamas is not a terrorist organization," said his spokesman, Barney Keller.
"Rick views the questions surrounding the overseas sources of funding for this project as a potential security risk."
Buffalo builder and megamillionaire Carl Paladino, a Tea Party activist expected to challenge Lazio in the GOP primary, said, "I am dead set against the mosque at Ground Zero because it's an affront to Americans everywhere.
"It just doesn't make sense to build a needlessly bold and insulting statement on hallowed ground where radical Islamists declared war on America." Continue reading and comment >>> Fredric U. Dicker | Monday, July 05, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
PRAESIDIUM RESPUBLICAE: It is our hope that most people are now becoming aware and suspicious of the organization called the Cordoba Initiative, founded by an Imam named Feisal Abdul Rauf; a man who is also attempting to convert an old building in New York, just a few steps away from Ground Zero, into an “Islamic Cultural Center” which will include a mosque. The mere suggestion boggles the mind—creating an Islamic mosque at the very place where 19 hijackers murdered nearly 3,000 innocent people in the name of the Islamic god. What is worse, however, is that so many New Yorkers seem tolerant of the suggestion —or at least sufficiently so to gain permission of New York councils and advisory committees. How is this even possible?
It is Islam’s goal to force non-believers into submission to the will of the Islamic god, and his spokesmen. The Qu’ran and Shar’ia Law clearly demand this form of tyranny, and the attack against innocent men and women on 9/11 is but one example of barbarian behaviors perpetrated by Islamacists in order to achieve their stated intentions. Even in lesser endeavors, these people demonstrate barbarism that is hard for anyone to imagine; they are terrifying and ruthless toward anyone who dare defy Shar’ia Law, including their own women and children. But we must acknowledge that not every act of barbarism is in the open for all to see; some of it —indeed perhaps most of it —is insidiously covert. We refer to this as “Stealth Jihad.”
Placing a mosque and Islamic center at the heart of Ground Zero is beyond insulting to Americans and the memory of so many murdered people; it also signals victory over the infidel to every Moslem in the world. It is a stepping-stone in Islam’s inexorable march to world domination. It will signal the submission of non-Moslem peoples (the Kafir). We must question the wisdom of handing radical Islamacists such an important trophy —a brilliant shining reminder of the progress of Islam over the Western World. Naturally, we also question why any true American patriot —politician or average citizen —would permit such a thing to take place, but then we are reminded how woefully uninformed most Americans are about Islam. Plainly stated, if this building is completed it will prove to the Moslem world that blazing planes, bombs, and violent Jihad is unnecessary, because foolish infidels will allow Stealth Jihad to succeed without pretense or argument.
Stealth Jihad involves the covert infiltration of our political system, our media, our educational system, and our communities. It involves pandering to Islam, and leftist relativism at its absolute worst by the same liberals who would allow the Cordoba House, and the same individuals who accuse conservatives of being politically incorrect. They are the same people who publically reject Judeo-Christian beliefs, but have no hesitance in making room in our legislatures and courts for Islamic ideology. We can celebrate Eid on a postage stamp, but we will not find a Christian cross or a Jewish Star of David. Stealth Jihad demands compromise with Moslems, but grants none to Christians or Jews. It misdirects information and truth with the goal of tricking people into thinking that Islam is a religion of peace, when it is in fact a religion of pieces. Stealth Jihad assures us, and our children through public educators, that Islam poses no threat to Western culture. Stealth Jihad seeks to convince us that the work of the Moslem Brotherhood in every state and federal penitentiary in the United States is merely a religious effort to produce a more peace-loving, civic-minded citizen. To such nonsense as this, we say balderdash because Islam is a serious threat to the American way of life; the goal of Islam is to destroy all but one society and culture —Islam. Read on and comment >>> Commentary by Sam Huntington and Hayden Jessen | Monday, June 21, 2010
HT: Always On Watch >>>
Monday, June 14, 2010
Dr. Zuhdi Jasser: American Islamic Forum for Democracy >>>
Monday, May 24, 2010
TIMES ONLINE: Plans to build a 13-storey mosque and Islamic centre two city blocks from Ground Zero in New York are provoking an anti-Muslim backlash in America.
Muslim organisations picked the site of a former Burlington Coat Factory shop damaged in the September 11, 2001, attacks. The building at 45 Park Place has been vacant since it was hit by the fuselage of one of the jets flown into the World Trade Centre by Islamic terrorists.
“We want to create a platform by which the voices of the mainstream and silent majority of Muslims will be amplified. A centre of this scale and magnitude will do that,” said Daisy Khan, director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement, which is behind the project.
The financial district committee of New York Community Board 1, representing local residents, gave the proposed Islamic centre a vote of confidence at a meeting on May 5.
The $100 million (£69 million) project would include a swimming pool, a basketball court, a 500-seat theatre and possibly a daycare centre. About 2,000 Muslims are expected to attend Friday prayers there.
The plans, however, have stirred a groundswell of opposition, with a group called Stop the Islamicisation of America calling for a street demonstration on June 6. “What could be more insulting and humiliating than a monster mosque in the shadow of the World Trade Centre buildings that were brought down by an Islamic jihad attack?” said Pamela Geller, the group’s director. “Any decent American, Muslim or otherwise, wouldn’t dream of such an insult. It’s a stab in the eye of America.” Read on and comment >>> James Bone, New York | Monday, May 24, 2010
HUMAN EVENTS: Why There Should Be No Mosques at Ground Zero >>> Robert Spencer | Monday, May 24, 2010
Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch >>>
ABC news takes a 15 minute interview with Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs and shamefully edits it down to one VERY short statement. It may be only 9 seconds of Jim Riches (father of a New York firefighter who was murdered that day) and 8 seconds of Pamela, but Geller’s wise-words, when speaking of the Ground Zero Mosque, should be broadcast world-wide, “It’s not an olive-branch, it is a flag; it’s a flag of conquest at Ground Zero”. – [Source: No Mosques At Ground Zero]
Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs >>>
No Mosques At Ground Zero >>>
Related: NEW YORK DAILY NEWS: Plan for Mosque Near World Trade Center Site Moves Ahead (+ videos) >>> Joe Jackson and Bill Hutchinson | Published: Thursday May 06, 2010; Updated: Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Related: Ground Zero >>>
Monday, May 17, 2010
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS: A proposal to build a mosque steps from Ground Zero received the support of a downtown committee despite some loved ones of 9/11 victims finding it offensive.
The 13-story mosque and Islamic cultural center was unanimously endorsed by the 12-member Community Board 1's financial district committee.
The $100 million project, called the Cordoba House, is proposed for the old Burlington Coat Factory building at Park Place and Broadway, just two blocks from the World Trade Center site.
"I think it will be a wonderful asset to the community," said committee Chairman Ro Sheffe.
Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf, who helped found the Cordoba Initiative following the 9/11 attacks, said the project is intended to foster better relations between the West and Muslims.
He said the glass-and-steel building would include a 500-seat performing arts venue, a swimming pool and a basketball court. "There's nothing like it," said Rauf, adding that facilities will be open to all New Yorkers.
Daisy Khan, executive director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement and Cordoba Initiative board member, said the project has received little opposition.
"Whatever concerns anybody has, we have to make sure to educate them that we are an asset to the community," Khan said.
Khan said her group hopes construction on the project will begin by the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
Once built, 1,000 to 2,000 Muslims are expected to pray at the mosque every Friday, she said. >>> Joe Jackson and Bill Hutchinson | Published: Thursday May 06, 2010; Updated: Tuesday, May 11, 2010
THE TELEGRAPH: Ground Zero mosque plan angers New Yorkers: An ambitious plan to build a mosque next to New York's Ground Zero has angered residents of the city. >>> | Monday, May 17, 2010
No Mosques At Ground Zero >>>
Saturday, April 03, 2010
THE TELEGRAPH: Violent clashes have broken out between riot police and members of the English Defence League protesting against a planned mosque in Dudley, West Midlands.
About 2,000 members of the EDL descended on Dudley town centre on Saturday afternoon.
Some of the protesters broke out of a pen in a car park, breaking down metal fences and throwing the metal brackets at officers, who were armed with riot shields and batons.
Members of the demonstration started fighting their own stewards who were trying to calm them down as they attacked the fences penning them in.
The EDL had put signs up which read ''Labour forcing mosques on Britain'' and ''No one wants this mosque''.
Some demonstrators held placards reading ''Muslim bombers off our streets'' and ''Say no to the mosque''.
The national anthem was played on a speaker system while demonstrators waved the flag of St George. >>> Alastair Jamieson | Saturday, April 03, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
MAIL ON SUNDAY: The Ministry Of Defence is fighting plans to build a giant mosque overlooking Sandhurst.
Military chiefs claim the place of worship will pose a security threat to the world-famous Army academy.
They have lodged an official objection backed by 7,000 local residents who have signed a petition.
Surrey Council has already approved an application to build the mosque, which would have a huge dome and two 100ft minarets that would be just 400 yards from the soldiers' parade ground.
But security experts have warned the mosque could attract radical Islamists if it is constructed.
'We have some concerns and have been checking links with known radical mosques in other areas and postings on websites,' a security source told the News Of The World.
'Police special branch has asked to brief the local council.'
A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: 'Sandhurst has objected to the plans as such a tall building would give oversight into Defence property which could prove a security risk. >>> | Sunday, February 21, 2010
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
"[Mosques] are often places of cultural indoctrination, sometimes linked to international terrorism." - Gibelli
REUTERS: ROME - Italy's Northern League, allies of centre-right Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, want to limit the growth of Islam in the centre of world Catholicism by blocking the construction of mosques through strict new regulations.
Muslim immigrants using Italy as a route into Europe already get a foretaste of the mistrust with which many Europeans view their religion, with many projects for mosques and prayer halls already blocked by the opposition of local Italian residents.
But if the anti-immigrant Northern League pushes its bill through parliament -- where Berlusconi's coalition has a strong majority -- Italy will soon have a new law effectively blocking the construction of new mosques in much of the country.
Fearing the advent of "Eurabia", the League has used its control of Berlusconi's interior ministry since helping him to power to push through tough new laws against illegal immigrants.
It has now turned its attention to the newcomers' religion, emboldened by polls showing many Italians mistrust Muslims and a third do not want a mosque in their neighbourhood.
The Northern League has "made life difficult for the Islamic component (of immigrants in Italy) in every sense and especially with regards to places of worship", the president of the Islamic Cultural Istitute of Milan, Abdel Hamid Sha'ari, told Reuters.
Not just recent or illegal immigrants feel unwelcome, but also established Muslim residents like Jihad Amro, who said: "I have paid taxes for 17 years but I still don't feel at home."
"There are still situations where I feel uncomfortable or strange because they (Italians) don't see me as someone who is integrated," Amro, a Palestinian, told Reuters TV in Rome.
The League's anti-Muslim protests have often made headlines, such as when Roberto Calderoli, now a cabinet minister, walked his pet pig on a proposed mosque site to defile the soil or wore a T-shirt of the Prophet Mohammad, triggering riots in Libya.
The League runs many town halls in the prosperous north, the homeland it calls "Padania" which is also home to a majority of Italy's immigrants and of its more than 1 million Muslims.
Estimating that permission for a new mosque or prayer hall is granted somewhere in the country every four days, Northern League parliamentarian Andrea Gibelli told Reuters: "I consider this to be an unfettered colonisation of our culture." FEATURE: Italy’s Right to Curb Islam with Mosque Law >>> By Stephen Brown (Additional reporting by Eleanor Biles and Cristiano Corvino, editing by Mark Trevelyan) | September 16, 2008
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – Italy)
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