Friday, June 25, 2010

Stand Up for America! Ground Zero Mosque

PRAESIDIUM RESPUBLICAE: It is our hope that most people are now becoming aware and suspicious of the organization called the Cordoba Initiative, founded by an Imam named Feisal Abdul Rauf; a man who is also attempting to convert an old building in New York, just a few steps away from Ground Zero, into an “Islamic Cultural Center” which will include a mosque. The mere suggestion boggles the mind—creating an Islamic mosque at the very place where 19 hijackers murdered nearly 3,000 innocent people in the name of the Islamic god. What is worse, however, is that so many New Yorkers seem tolerant of the suggestion —or at least sufficiently so to gain permission of New York councils and advisory committees. How is this even possible?

It is Islam’s goal to force non-believers into submission to the will of the Islamic god, and his spokesmen. The Qu’ran and Shar’ia Law clearly demand this form of tyranny, and the attack against innocent men and women on 9/11 is but one example of barbarian behaviors perpetrated by Islamacists in order to achieve their stated intentions. Even in lesser endeavors, these people demonstrate barbarism that is hard for anyone to imagine; they are terrifying and ruthless toward anyone who dare defy Shar’ia Law, including their own women and children. But we must acknowledge that not every act of barbarism is in the open for all to see; some of it —indeed perhaps most of it —is insidiously covert. We refer to this as “Stealth Jihad.”

Placing a mosque and Islamic center at the heart of Ground Zero is beyond insulting to Americans and the memory of so many murdered people; it also signals victory over the infidel to every Moslem in the world. It is a stepping-stone in Islam’s inexorable march to world domination. It will signal the submission of non-Moslem peoples (the Kafir). We must question the wisdom of handing radical Islamacists such an important trophy —a brilliant shining reminder of the progress of Islam over the Western World. Naturally, we also question why any true American patriot —politician or average citizen —would permit such a thing to take place, but then we are reminded how woefully uninformed most Americans are about Islam. Plainly stated, if this building is completed it will prove to the Moslem world that blazing planes, bombs, and violent Jihad is unnecessary, because foolish infidels will allow Stealth Jihad to succeed without pretense or argument.

Stealth Jihad involves the covert infiltration of our political system, our media, our educational system, and our communities. It involves pandering to Islam, and leftist relativism at its absolute worst by the same liberals who would allow the Cordoba House, and the same individuals who accuse conservatives of being politically incorrect. They are the same people who publically reject Judeo-Christian beliefs, but have no hesitance in making room in our legislatures and courts for Islamic ideology. We can celebrate Eid on a postage stamp, but we will not find a Christian cross or a Jewish Star of David. Stealth Jihad demands compromise with Moslems, but grants none to Christians or Jews. It misdirects information and truth with the goal of tricking people into thinking that Islam is a religion of peace, when it is in fact a religion of pieces. Stealth Jihad assures us, and our children through public educators, that Islam poses no threat to Western culture. Stealth Jihad seeks to convince us that the work of the Moslem Brotherhood in every state and federal penitentiary in the United States is merely a religious effort to produce a more peace-loving, civic-minded citizen. To such nonsense as this, we say balderdash because Islam is a serious threat to the American way of life; the goal of Islam is to destroy all but one society and culture —Islam. Read on and comment >>> Commentary by Sam Huntington and Hayden Jessen | Monday, June 21, 2010

HT: Always On Watch >>>