Sunday, January 14, 2024

Denmark’s King Frederik X Takes Throne after Margrethe Abdicates

THE GUARDIAN: Thousands on streets of Danish capital to see monarch hand over to eldest son

Denmark's newly proclaimed King Frederik and Queen Mary, with Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine, on the balcony of Christiansborg Palace.Photograph: Wolfgang Rattay/Reuters

Denmark’s prime minister has proclaimed Frederik X as king on the balcony of Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen, after Queen Margrethe II formally signed her abdication, ending her 52-year reign as Denmark’s longest-serving monarch.

Thousands of people gathered on the streets of the Danish capital on Sunday to greet Frederik and bid farewell to Margrethe, who has become the first Danish monarch in nearly 900 years to abdicate voluntarily.

At 3pm exactly, the doors to the Christiansborg balcony opened and the new king came out, where he was met with huge cheers from the thousands standing outside and an explosion of silver confetti. The crowd, some dressed in crowns, others drinking champagne, waved red and white flags.

He was joined by the prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, who thanked the outgoing queen and praised the new king before leading a chorus of cheers, raising her arm as she did so. Then it was the turn of the new king, who paid tribute to his mother, his wife and his family before being joined by the new Queen Mary, dressed in white, followed by their four children. Australian-born Mary is the first commoner to become queen in Denmark.

Frederik had automatically become the new king earlier in the day when his mother signed an abdication declaration in the Council of State. She left the room with tears in her eyes, saying: “God bless the king.” » | Miranda Bryant in Copenhagen | Sunday, January 14, 2024

Frederik crowned King of Denmark after Queen Margrethe’s abdication: The Queen signed the declaration ending her 52-year reign on Sunday passing the title of monarch to her son »

Frederik X est officiellement roi du Danemark après l’abdication de sa mère : Frederik X est devenu dimanche roi du Danemark, succédant à sa mère la reine Margrethe qui a abdiqué après exactement 52 ans de règne, un événément célébré à Copenhague par une centaine de milliers de Danois. »

Frederik ist neuer König von Dänemark: Die dänische Königin Margrethe II. hat ihre Abdankungsurkunde unterzeichnet. Damit wird aus dem ehemaligen Kronprinzen Frederik der neue Monarch. »

Cheered by Thousands, Denmark’s New King Takes His Throne: The prime minister publicly presented the new monarch, King Frederik X, after his mother formally completed her abdication as queen in a private meeting. »

Die Ahnen der Queen | Adelsfamilie Sachsen-Coburg

Jan 12, 2024 | Die Ahnen der Queen - Anlässlich des 60. Jahrestages der Krönung von Königin Elisabeth II. von England erforscht diese arte-Dokumentation die deutschen Wurzeln des britischen Königshauses und zeigt, wie das Haus Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha zum Königsmacher Europas wurde.

Die Ahnen der Queen (2013)
Regie: Hannes Schuler
Drehbuchautoren: Christiane Böhm, Hannes Schuler
Stars: Martin Rother, Sarah Kempin, Sandra Bertalanffy
Genre: Dokumentarfilm, Biographie, Geschichte
Land: Deutschland
Sprache: DeutschMbr /> Erscheinungsdatum: Juni 1, 2013 (Frankreich)

Am 2. Juni 2013 feiert Königin Elisabeth II. von England den 60. Jahrestag ihrer Krönung. Die arte-Dokumentation

"Die Vorfahren der Königin" zeigt, dass die Wurzeln des britischen Königshauses ursprünglich in Mitteldeutschland lagen, genauer gesagt im Haus Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha. Doch die Bedeutung dieser deutschen Herzogsfamilie für den europäischen Adel reicht viel weiter. Eine Untersuchung der verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen der Königin zeigt genealogische Verbindungen zu allen noch bestehenden europäischen Monarchien. Kurzum: Das Haus Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha ist sowohl die Keimzelle als auch der Garant des europäischen Hochadels.

"Die Vorfahren der Königin" erzählt die faszinierende Geschichte, wie es einem unbedeutenden Außenseiter unter den europäischen Adelshäusern gelang, seine Nachkommen auf die Throne des Alten Kontinents zu manövrieren, von Norwegen bis Portugal, von Großbritannien bis Griechenland, von Schweden bis Bulgarien.

Im späten 18. Jahrhundert ist die herzogliche Familie in Coburg nur eine von vielen Adelsdynastien. Die Französische Revolution bedroht die Fürstenhäuser in ihrer Existenz. Doch nachdem das Bürgertum die Herrschaft übernommen hat, macht das Haus Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha eine fast beispiellose Karriere. Mit dieser Familie schreiben Mitteldeutschland und Bayern europäische Geschichte.

Eine der beiden Schlüsselfiguren des Films ist Leopold I. von Belgien. Seine geschickte Heiratspolitik ebnete den Weg für den Aufstieg der herzoglichen Familie von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha und sicherte ihm den belgischen Thron, den das Haus noch heute innehat.

Sein taktisches Geschick und sein diplomatischer Scharfsinn brachten die legendäre Königin Victoria, eine Angehörige des Hauses Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, auf den britischen Thron. Ihre zahlreichen Nachkommen festigten dann den Ruf des Hauses als "Königsmacher".

Iceland Volcano Erupts Near Village | BBC News

Jan 14, 2024 | A volcano has erupted in south-west Iceland near the fishing town of Grindavik, which has been evacuated. The eruption started at about 03:00 GMT on Sunday. Iceland's public broadcaster RUV says it is not clear which direction the lava is flowing. "A crack has opened up on both sides of the dikes that have begun to be built north of Grindavik," the country's met office said. Grindavik was evacuated in November after another eruption, but residents had been allowed home for periods of time.

Defending Brexit Is Now Indefensible

Jan14, 2024

Read about the report here.

The treacherous cabal at the top sold the electorate a bill of goods! We all know who these swindlers are; they are well-known to ALL of us. They did this, of course, to line their own pockets, the future and prosperity of the nation be damned. These people pretend to be patriots, but in reality, they are nothing of the sort. Alas, they managed to hoodwink enough people to vote for that silly, stupid Brexit – a scheme thought-up by people who understand little or nothing about economics, international trade, or geopolitics. But unfortunately, the people in the cabal did understand manipulation: how to manipulate public opinion.

Brexit MUST BE REVERSED as soon as possible; moreover, we need to dump the pound and adopt the euro.

This country needs prosperity not impoverishment; it needs wealth not poverty! Furthermore, the country needs prosperity for ALL, not just for the PRIVILEGED FEW. Let us take our bitter lemons and make out of them sweet lemonade! Let us turn our misfortune into great good fortune. Let us turn this into an opportunity to make this country, once and for all, a TRUE DEMOCRACY! – © Mark Alexander

The Secret Weapon of the Danish Monarchy's Survival | ABC News

Jan 14, 2024 | When Crown Prince Frederik and his Australian-born wife Princess Mary ascend the throne overnight, it will be a simple, pared-back affair. But it's all part of a centuries-long effort to keep the Danish monarchy going.

Frederik X, le prince dont le royaume doutait, devient roi du Danemark : Après cinquante-deux années de règne, la reine Margrethe II cède sa couronne à son fils aîné le 14 janvier. Le futur Frederik X a su gagner le cœur des Danois, longtemps sceptiques sur sa capacité à incarner la monarchie. » [€]

Royal Countdown Begins as Princess Mary Is Crowned Queen of Denmark | 7 News Australia

Jan 14, 2024 | In just a few hours, the woman once known as Mary Donaldson, will become Queen of Denmark. Huge crowds are expected to gather in Copenhagen to watch the Hobart-born Crown Princess, and her Prince, take the throne. 7NEWS at 6pm. More local news:

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Houthis Strike a Russian Oil Ship

Jan 13, 2024 | “The Houthis are doing it in part to push their own domestic and regional interests.” Houthis are striking “random” ships to give themselves a stronger position in the war in Yemen, Gregg Carlstrom tells Times Radio.

Pourquoi l'islamisme nous fait-il peur ? La réponse de Boualem Sansal

Jan 13, 2024 | Boualem Sansal, écrivain et auteur de « Vivre - Le compte à rebours » (Gallimard), était l’invité de Timothée Dhellemmes dans « Points de Vue ».

Eagles : Lyin’ Eyes | Remastered | Reupload

Nov 1, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Rhino/Elektra

Frank Sinatra : Somethin' Stupid | Reupload

Jul 29, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views on YouTube: 16,274,871

Ne-Yo Ft. Fabolous - Link Up Remix | Official Music Video | Reupload

Premiered Nov 3, 2023 | Views on YouTube: 1,028,215

How Brexit Became Prime Suspect in the Death of the Stock Market

THE TELEGRAPH: Clues point to Britain’s 2016 vote as City suffers brutal losing streak

Just before 8am on Tuesday morning, around a dozen top bankers trudged into Number 11 Downing Street to solve a pressing problem.

The London stock market, a beacon of Britain’s standing in the world, is rapidly losing its status as a global centre for raising new capital.

Companies that once jetted into Heathrow to tap London’s vast pools of money are slowly fleeing to the US or into the arms of private equity buyers. Even those who are already listed here are starting to flee.

The London stock market just endured its quietest year since 2010, according to EY, while investors have continued to remove billions from UK equity funds.

At £2.3 trillion, Apple is now worth more than the entire British stock market.

What is behind the slump? Figures in the City point the finger of blame at the Brexit vote and the political instability in Westminster that followed. » | Michael Bow and Adam Mawardi | Saturday, January 13, 2024

What have I been saying all along? Brexit was, is, and will forever remain a disaster for the British economy. Nobody with just an elementary understanding of economics would be for Brexit. There are many reasons why Brexit is a disaster for the economy and for us Brits, but one of the main economic reasons is that the European Union is the largest single market in the world. Known as The Single Market, it is a market of approximately 450million consumers. And we, as a nation, have walked away from it! One needs just a modicum of intelligence and an elementary understanding of econpmics to figure out that such a move makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. The British electorate were lied to and led down the garden path. Brexit will lead to no good place; it will impoverish the nation. Indeed, it is already doing so. It will also lead to lower standards.

This country needs to reverse Brexit as soon as possible. And please allow me to make one more very important suggestion. It is as follows: We need to dump the pound sterling in favour of the euro. Ever since the turn of the last century, the pound has lost in value in relation to other world currencies. In fact, the pound has approximately halved in value each and every decade in the twentieth century! Therefore, we need to adopt the euro. The euro is the currency of the future. We need to be part of it. – © Mark Alexander

Australians Gather in Copenhagen to Assist Danes in Welcoming Denmark's New Monarchs

Jan 12, 2024 | Tens of thousands of people are expected to line the streets of Copenhagen to welcome Denmark’s new King and Queen as Australian-born Princess Mary will ascend to the throne alongside her husband Prince Frederik.

Amalienborg Castle, which is the royal residence, will see people from both Denmark and Australia brave the cold to catch a first glimpse of the new monarchs. The coronation party will then travel to Christiansborg Palace where they will ascend to the throne.

Australia’s Ambassador to Denmark Ms Kerin Ayyalaraju is preparing a gift for the royal couple as an acknowledgement to Princess Mary’s Tasmanian roots and is encouraging messages of support from Down Under.

The event will begin just after 11:30pm AEDT [Australian Eastern Standard Time] and 1:30pm in Copenhagen, capital city of Denmark

Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 5 in E flat Major ("Emperor") | Gergely Kovács | Reupload

Nov 5, 2023

Hungarian Pianist Gergely Kovács plays Beethoven 5th Piano Concerto
Franz Liszt Academy of Music Grand Hall
Failoni Chamber Orchestra
Conductor: Gábor Horváth

Anne Applebaum Explains Why Putin Is Rooting for Trump & Democracy's Decline | The Warning Podcast

Jan 13, 2024 | Journalist and historian Anne Applebaum joins Steve Schmidt to discuss the rise of authoritarianism and democratic decline, propaganda, myths, and the manipulation of truth in politics. She also explains why Putin is so interested in Donald Trump winning the 2024 presidential election.

Daniil Trifonov – Chopin: Fantaisie-Impromptu In C-Sharp Minor, Op. 66 | Reupload

Oct 6, 2017

Russia Designates Popular Writer a Foreign Agent over Ukraine Stance

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Books by bestselling author Grigori Chkhartishvili, who writes under pen name Boris Akunin, removed from shelves

Russia accused Grigori Chkhartishvili of distributing false and negative information. Photograph: Murdo Macleod/The Guardian

Russia’s justice ministry late on Friday designated one of the country’s most popular fiction writers a foreign agent because of his opposition to Moscow’s war in Ukraine.

The historical detective stories of Boris Akunin, the pen name of Georgian-born Grigori Chkhartishvili, used to be bestsellers in Russia before the authorities turned on him for what they said were his unacceptable anti-Russian views.

The justice ministry cited Chkhartishvili’s opposition to what Moscow calls its “special military operation” in Ukraine and accused him of distributing false and negative information about Russia and of helping raise money for the Ukrainian military.

The 67-year-old author lives in Britain. » | Reuters | Saturday, January 13, 2024

Breaking Down Seth Rogen's 'Internalized Anti-Semitism'

Aug 5, 2020 | Comedian & actor Seth Rogen along with Marc Maron recorded a podcast and unfortunately projected anti-Semitic rhetoric, regurgitated deeply offensive anti-Jewish tropes, and minimized the experiences, identity, and aspirations of the Jewish People.

This video wasn’t made to put down either of these two very Jewish individuals, but rather created to break down the problematic things that they said, and why so many Jews around the world took such offense to their ‘internalized anti-Semitism’.

‘Internalized anti-Semitism’ is a term used for when Jews internalize the non-Jewish world’s negative perception of Jews. They are both victims of institutional anti-Jewish xenophobia, while also being guilty of promoting it. Internalized prejudice exists in every community, and it has been part of the Jewish experience for as long as anti-Semitism itself has.

Seth may be joking about topics relating to the Jewish People and Israel, but his perspective is warped by a failed educational system and generalizes a whole population based on his individual experiences, while unintentionally pushing anti-Semitic tropes to his massive audience.

Seth and Marc are not “self-hating” nor should they be shunned or cancelled. That being said, I hope that they both take the time to understand why they’ve hurt so many Jews and not fall prey to movements that will seek to capitalize on their current state to further push them against their own collective.

Beware! This video contains some very strong language. – MarK

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Michael Saul: "My Growing Up Gay Story" - Coming Out | LGBTQ

Apr 6, 2023 | Michael Saul, a professional film maker reflects on 'growing up gay' and 'coming out' experiences.

Jacinda Ardern Marries Clarke Gayford after Five-year Engagement

GUARDIAN AUSTRALIA: New Zealand’s former first couple had originally planned to marry in 2022 but postponed the wedding due to Covid restrictions

Former New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern married her partner, Clarke Gayford, in Hawke's Bay after an almost five-year engagement. Photograph: Felicity Jean Photography

Jacinda Ardern, the former prime minister of New Zealand, has married her partner of a decade, Clarke Gayford, in a Hawkes Bay vineyard wedding attended by a small group of relatives and friends.

The ceremony took place late on Saturday afternoon at Craggy Range vineyard, a spokesperson for Ardern confirmed, with dinner and dancing at the popular wedding venue expected to continue into the night. Guests numbered about 50-75 people, the outlet Stuff reported. » | Charlotte Graham-McLay in Wellington | Saturday, January 13, 2024

Peter Oborne: ‘I Can’t Forgive Myself’ for Voting for Brexit, but Britain Will Rejoin EU

Jan 13, 2024 | Peter Oborne joins Hugo Rifkind to talk about everything from Brexit, the upcoming general election, and the war in Gaza.

Federal Scientists Recommend Easing Restrictions on Marijuana

THE NEW YORK TIMES: In newly disclosed documents, federal researchers find that cannabis may have medical uses and is less likely to cause harm than drugs like heroin.

Marijuana is neither as risky nor as prone to abuse as other tightly controlled substances and has potential medical benefits, and therefore should be removed from the nation’s most restrictive category of drugs, federal scientists have concluded.

The recommendations are contained in a 250-page scientific review provided to Matthew Zorn, a Texas lawyer who sued Health and Human Services officials for its release and published it online on Friday night. An H.H.S. official confirmed the authenticity of the document.

The records shed light for the first time on the thinking of federal health officials who are pondering a momentous change. The agencies involved have not publicly commented on their debates over what amounts to a reconsideration of marijuana at the federal level.

Since 1970, marijuana has been considered a so-called Schedule I drug, a category that also includes heroin. Schedule I drugs have no medical use and a high potential for abuse, and they carry severe criminal penalties under federal trafficking laws.

The documents show that scientists at the Food and Drug Administration and the National Institute on Drug Abuse have recommended that the Drug Enforcement Administration make marijuana a Schedule III drug, alongside the likes of ketamine and testosterone, which are available by prescription. » | Christina Jewett and Noah Weiland | Friday, January 12, 2024

We are certainly living in a topsy-turvy world! Despite the war on cigarette-smoking and tobacco, the West seems to be determined to ease all restrictions on soft drugs like marijuana. I have never ever tried marijuana or any other similar substance in my not-so-short life. I have never been tempted to do so. Such substances have never appealed to me. What I used to enjoy was smoking cigarettes. But the government has increased the prices of cigarettes so much now that their price are totally out of proportion with the pleasure gained from smoking them. A packet of quality cigarettes in the UK now is extortionately expensive. Moreover, there are so many laws governing where one can enjoy a puff that it is virtually impossible to enjoy a smoke outside of one's own home at all! These are the reasons why I quit smoking in 2022. I would never have quit otherwise, because smoking was a source of great pleasure for me.

It is therefore rather annoying that I have been deprived of one of my great pleasures when governments around the West are busy making it far easier to enjoy a substance that has traditionally been frowned upon. I am damn sure that the recreational use of marijuana is NOT healthier than smoking a conventional cigarette. Actually, there are health benefits to smoking cigarettes in moderation; and that is a fact! If you don't believe me, google it! You'll be surprised. – © Mark Alexander

Michael Lambert: Many Major Businesses and Prime London Property Now Owned by Foreigners

Jan 13, 2024 | Having discovered that a relatively empty shopping centre in Slough is owned by the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, I began looking at how foreign companies and individuals are buying up much of London's prime properties and businesses.

The tiny Middle Eastern country, Qatar, owns Harrods The Ritz Hotel, the Shard and Canary Wharf. Also, many famous department stores and hotels are foreign-owned.

Foreign nationals own thousands of prime properties in central London, often hiding behind companies in tax havens.

The extent of foreign ownership of so many prime properties and businesses is alarming.

London is well-known as the money-laundering capital of the world and little seems to be done to investigate the source of money used to buy properties. In five years just four ‘Unexplained Wealth Orders’ have been issued.

Many well-known brands such as Rolls Royce, Heathrow Airport and even Newcastle Brown Ale are now foreign-owned as are fifteen of the UK's premiership football clubs.

The railways, water companies, gas and electricity companies all have substantial and often majority foreign owners. Our 42 offshore windfarms are all foreign-owned as is the new Hinkley Point nuclear power station which is jointly owned by the French government and the Chinese.

This could be called ‘The Great British Jumble Sale’! We all know whom we can thank for this: it is none other than Madam Thatcher! She was the lady whom the Russians, then Soviets, called the “Iron Lady”. Having the characteristics of iron, or not, she certainly understood the processing of smelting and proceeded to turn the United Kingdom into a kind of smeltery, where all our precious assets could be smelted away for short-term monetary gain – smelted away by selling off the family silvers. As Harold Macmillan said: "The sale of assets is common with individuals and states when they run into financial difficulties. First, all the Georgian silver goes, and then all that nice furniture that used to be in the saloon. Then the Canalettos go." Macmillan got that right!

So, here we are today in this fine pickle: we Brits own almost nothing of value in this country anymore. As you rightly and so succinctly stated in this find video: all has been sold off to foreigners.

So, it beggars the question: What control was there to be won back through Brexit? Why did so many Brits get themselves worked up into a lather about Brussels having control over us? Fact, surely, is this: The person who wields control is the person who pays the piper! And in this case, it is those individuals, states and countries that are our paymasters that have total control over us Brits. No one or no country has control in life without ownership of assets. Without assets, one becomes a rule-taker, not a rule-maker.

So, thank you, Baroness Thatcher! You have done this nation proud. – © Mark Alexander

‘She’s the Best’: Copenhagen Prepares for Queen Margrethe’s Abdication Day

THE GUARDIAN: Hotels and restaurants fully booked as thousands expected in Danish capital to farewell monarch of 52 years

Queen Margrethe travelling to Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen for the New Year's reception on 4 January. Photograph: Ritzau Scanpix/Reuters

On the streets of Copenhagen, the sound of drums boomed from the square and a blur of red and white flags came into view. People on cherrypickers tidied up buildings and staff at a department store replaced sales flags with the national one.

The arrival of a single police car, parked in the middle of the road, stopped traffic. Minutes later, the square filled with the sound of horses’ hooves on cobbles as riders arrived carrying brass instruments and silver swords followed by an empty carriage pulled by six horses. It was the rehearsal on Friday for the once-in-a-generation event set to unfold in little more than 48 hours: the formal abdication of Denmark’s Queen Margrethe II.

Though preparations were under way in the capital, the coronation of the queen’s son, Crown Prince Frederik, will be understated – particularly in comparison to that of King Charles. In Denmark, there will be no jewel-encrusted crowns, golden coaches or fur robes. As has been the case since the introduction of the constitution in 1849, there will not even be a ceremony.

Instead, after a procession by Frederik and his wife, Mary, followed by the queen, to Christiansborg Palace, the proclamation will be delivered by the prime minister. At 3pm, Mette Frederiksen will appear on the balcony of the palace, the home of the Danish parliament, to announce the new monarch. » | Miranda Bryant in Copenhagen | Saturday, January 13, 2024

Friday, January 12, 2024

Is the Economy Facing Another Energy Price Shock?

BBC: Both Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and US President Joe Biden cited the global economic impact of Houthi attacks on Red Sea cargo ships in overnight statements as the reasoning behind military action.

The Treasury has modelled scenarios suggesting that disruption in the Red Sea could further shrink the UK economy, risking a recession.

The main fear in the Treasury's analyses is of a rise of at least $10 per barrel in the international price of crude oil and a 25% increase in the price of natural gas.

Rises such as these have not actually materialised, so far, mainly because of the actions of Saudi Arabia - the major oil producing nation - in soothing global energy markets with price cuts.

The US and UK will hope that their overnight strikes on Iran-backed Houthi rebels will help reverse widespread delays and disruption to Red Sea trading routes, by re-establishing safe passage through the Bab-al-Mandeb Strait into the Suez Canal.

But, on the other hand, there is now also a clear pathway of escalation to a wider Middle East conflict. » | Faisal Islam, Economics editor | Friday, January 12, 2024

NZZ Erklärt: Eskalation am Roten Meer: Darum greifen die USA die Huthi-Miliz in Jemen an

Jan12, 2024 | Die USA und Grossbritannien haben in der Nacht auf den 12. Januar mehrere Orte in Jemen angegriffen. Davor hatten die Huthi-Miliz wochenlang Handelsschiffe attackiert. Um was geht es in diesem Konflikt?

Houthi Attacks Mark the Beginning of Conflict over the Red Sea and the Gulf

Jan 12, 2024 | “It's very clear that they are part of a much wider strategy from Iran to sow chaos in the near abroad.” Houthi attacks mark the “beginning of a protracted conflict over the Red Sea and the Gulf”, says Politico’s correspondent Gabriel Gavin.

Where Donald Trump, Nikki Haley & Ron DeSantis Stand before the Iowa Caucuses | The Warning

Jan 12, 2024 | Steve Schmidt breaks down where the 3 top contenders stand ahead of the Iowa Caucuses on Monday.

Slow Cooker Magic: Moroccan Beef Tagine with Caramelized Prunes | Flavors of Morocco

Jan 12, 2024

Click here to get the recipe and then click on “more”.

Flavors of Morocco »

Why India's Fair Skin Business Is Booming

Jan 20, 2020 | India is home to Bollywood, the world's most prolific movie industry. For those who dream of stardom, landing a leading role may depend on the color of your skin.

India's preference for fair skin has given rise to a skin-lightening industry worth nearly $500 million dollars.

VICE's Gianna Toboni heads to Mumbai to find out how this cultural bias is fueling the booming business of fairer skin.

India’s Obesity Time Bomb

Nov 3, 2023 | Almost 1 in 4 adults is considered overweight or obese in India. As junk food giants push into developing nations with weaker public health awareness, campaigners are calling for tougher regulation.

Abschied von Könign Margrethe – Warum ihre Abdankung ungewöhnlich ist | FAZ

Jan 12, 2024 | Margrethe II. will nach 52 Jahren keine Königin mehr sein. Ihr 55-jähriger Sohn Frederik soll ihr am Sonntag nachfolgen. Was an ihrer Abdankung ungewöhnlich ist, erklärt ein dänischer Historiker. © REUTERS, DPA

Putins Tochter sinniert über den Wert des Lebens | NEWS

Jan 12, 2024 | Über Wladimir Putins Kinder ist wenig bekannt. Bestätigt ist, dass er zwei Töchter aus erster Ehe hat. Seine Erstgeborene hat nun ein seltenes Interview gegeben - und verwundert mit ihren Aussagen.

Ex-Partner von neuem Premier wird Außenminister | NEWS

Jan 12, 2024 | Die kürzlich gebildete Regierung in Frankreich präsentiert vertraute Gesichter und weist eine hohe Anzahl von Männern in Schlüsselpositionen auf. Stéphane Séjourné, ehemaliger Leiter der liberalen Fraktion im EU-Parlament und früherer Lebenspartner des neuen Premierministers Gabriel Attal, übernimmt dabei das Amt des Außenministers.

After US and UK Strikes against Houthis – Fears of Escalation in Middle East Become Real | DW News

Jan 12, 2024 | The United States and Britain have carried out military strikes against targets in Yemen in retaliation for Houthi rebel attacks on shipping in the Red Sea. The Houthis and the group's backer Iran have condemned the strikes. The US and the UK say the action is aimed at protecting international trade routes. For more on this, we talk to Frank Ledwidge. He's a senior lecturer in strategic studies at Portsmouth University and a former British military intelligence officer. And we talk to Elisabeth Kendall. She is a Middle East expert at Girton College, part of the University of Cambridge.

Jay Rosenzweig & Rudy Rochman from the Front Lines of the Hamas War

Nov 15, 2023 | Jay Rosenzweig & Rudy Rochman From The Front Lines of the Hamas War

The Lincoln Project: Trump’s Post-Trial Press Conference

Jan 12, 2024 | Trump’s Post-Trial Press Conference

The Famous French Cake that Melts in Your Mouth: Apricot Clouds, Simple and Delicious!

Jan 7, 2024

Get the recipe here.

U.S. Missiles Strike Targets in Yemen Linked to the Houthi Militia

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The American-led strikes came in response to more than two dozen Houthi drone and missile attacks against commercial shipping in the Red Sea since the Israel-Hamas war began.

The United States and five of its allies on Thursday carried out military strikes against more than a dozen targets in Yemen controlled by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia, in an expansion of the war in the Middle East that the Biden administration had sought to avoid for the past three months.

The American-led air and naval strikes came in response to more than two dozen Houthi drone and missile attacks against commercial shipping in the Red Sea since November, and after warnings to the Houthis in the past week from the Biden administration and several international allies of serious consequences if the salvos did not stop.

On Thursday night, President Biden called the strikes a “clear message that the United States and our partners will not tolerate attacks on our personnel or allow hostile actors to imperil freedom of navigation in one of the world’s most critical commercial routes.”

In a statement, he warned: “I will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary.” » | Eric Schmitt and Helene Cooper, Reporting from Washington | Thursday, January 11, 2024

Les Etats-Unis et le Royaume-Uni tentent d’enrayer les attaques des houthistes en mer Rouge en menant des frappes contre leurs installations au Yémen : L’opération conduite dans la nuit du jeudi 11 au vendredi 12 janvier intervient après une trentaine d’attaques de navires commerciaux par les rebelles yéménites, qui prétendent agir par solidarité avec les Palestiniens de Gaza. » [€]

Biden meldet Militärschlag gegen Huthi-Rebellen: Die Amerikaner und ihre Verbündeten haben laut US-Regierung Stellungen der Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen angegriffen. Präsident Biden spricht von einer „direkten Reaktion auf die beispiellosen Angriffe der Huthi auf die internationale Schifffahrt“. »

Iranian Navy Says It Seized an Oil Tanker Off the Coast of Oman: The same vessel was involved last year in the U.S. government seizure of Iranian oil that was being transported in violation of American sanctions. »

Jewish Students Condemn Antisemitic Tweets about French PM Gabriel Attal

THE GUARDIAN: Students’ union calls for sanctions over posts on social network that have also contained homophobic abuse

Attal (centre) is France’s youngest prime minister and the first out gay politician in the role.Photograph: Eric Tschaen/Sipa/Rex/Shutterstock

The French Union of Jewish Students has called for sanctions against people who have written antisemitic and homophobic comments about France’s new prime minister, Gabriel Attal, on the social network X.

Attal, 34, who was appointed by the president, Emmanuel Macron, this week, is France’s youngest prime minister and also the first out gay politician in the job.

His father, a lawyer and film producer who died in 2015, was Jewish and his mother is Orthodox Christian. He was baptised as Christian but Attal has said his father told him he would feel Jewish all his life and would always face antisemitism because he had a Jewish name. » | Angelique Chrisafis in Paris | Friday, January 12, 2024

Who is Gabriel Attal, the French PM who climbed the ranks in record time?: France’s youngest prime minister, son of privilege, is known for his ability to think on his feet »

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Steve Schmidt Reacts to Donald Trump's "Dangerous" Town Hall Event on Fox News | The Warning

Jan 11, 2024 | Steve Schmidt reacts to Donald Trump's town hall on Fox News the week before the Iowa Caucuses take place.

Will America Turn Into a Nation of Donald Trumps?

Jan 10, 2024 | Fascism trickles down from fascist leadership, it’s what Trump’s cult members are dreaming of, too. And if you are not careful, they can turn you into another Trump...

Olaf Scholz Condemns Far-Right Plan to Deport Millions of Immigrants

THE TELERAPH: German chancellor says proposal, which would also expel German citizens, was drawn up by ‘fanatics with assimilation fantasies’

Mr Scholz warned German security services would investigate anyone 'who opposes our free democratic order' CREDIT: CLEMENS BILAN/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Olaf Scholz has strongly condemned a secret meeting at a mansion outside Berlin where far-Right groups drew up plans for deporting millions of immigrants, including German citizens.

The plan, revealed by the German investigative group Correctiv, has sent shockwaves across Germany given its echoes of Nazi ideology, notably the expulsion of those of non-German ethnic origin.

Mr Scholz, the German chancellor, said in response to the plan: “We protect everyone – regardless of origin, skin colour or how uncomfortable someone is for fanatics with assimilation fantasies.”

He also warned that the German security services would investigate anyone “who opposes our free democratic order,” adding that “the fact we learn from our history is not just lip service”. » | James Rothwell, Berlin Correspondent | Thursday, January 11, 2024

Greek PM Faces Fierce Opposition over Pledge to Legalise Gay Marriage

THE GUARDIAN: MPs in his own cabinet are against move, while powerful Orthodox church fear it could lead to dismantlement of society

Kyriakos Mitsotakis: ‘It is not something radically different from what applies in other European countries.’ Photograph: Anadolu/Getty Images

The Greek prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, appears to be facing one of his most daunting challenges yet after a pledge to legalise same-sex marriage ignited fierce debate in the Orthodox Christian country.

Throwing his weight behind an issue still prone to provoke extraordinary emotion, not least among his own MPs, Mitsotakis acknowledged he would have to use his skills of persuasion to push through the reform as opposition mounted within his centre-right New Democracy party.

“I, and all those who believe in this legislation, must convince our parliamentarians and subsequently those who may still have a negative stance,” he said in his first interview of the year with the country’s public broadcaster ERT. “What we are going to legislate is equality in marriage, which means the elimination of any discrimination based on sexual orientation. It is not something radically different from what applies in other European countries.” » | Helena Smith in Athens | Thursday, January 11, 2024

Here's What Happens If Trump Wins in 2024 | Stories of Our Times

Jan 4, 2024 | Despite being banned from the ballot paper in two states (so far) and multiple legal hurdles, Donald Trump looks on course to take on Joe Biden in the election. He’s joked about becoming a dictator for a day, and says he will carry out mass deportations - and that’s just the tip of the iceberg…

Swedish Alarm after Defence Chiefs' War Warning

BBC: A warning to Swedes from two top defence officials to prepare for war has prompted concern and accusations of alarmism.

Civil Defence Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin told a defence conference "there could be war in Sweden".

His message was then backed up by military commander-in-chief Gen Micael Byden, who said all Swedes should prepare mentally for the possibility.

However, opposition politicians have objected to the tone of the warnings.

Ex-prime minister Magdalena Andersson told Swedish TV that while the security situation was serious, "it is not as if war is just outside the door." » | Paul Kirby, BBC News | Wednesday, January 10, 2024

US to Allow Bitcoin to Be Part of Mainstream Investing Funds | BBC News

Jan 11, 2024 | The US has made the long-awaited decision to allow Bitcoin to be part of mainstream investing funds. It has approved what are known as spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which can be purchased by anyone from pension funds to ordinary investors. The announcement from the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission was accompanied by a stern warning about risks associated with the asset. The US financial watchdog had repeatedly rebuffed earlier requests for approvals, citing concerns about potential for fraud and manipulation.

Frankreichs Käsekultur in der Krise | ARTE Re:

Jan 9, 2024 | Französische Käseproduzenten sind in Sorge: Traditioneller Rohmilchkäse wie Camembert oder Brie verlieren gegenüber pasteurisierter Massenware stetig Marktanteile. Auch der Klimawandel und Preissteigerungen in vielen Bereichen setzen den Herstellern berühmter Käsespezialitäten wie dem Salers zu. Ist Frankreichs Käsekultur, einst Stolz der Nation, in Gefahr?

Der Familienbetrieb von Félix Troupel konnte 2022 wegen einer Hitzewelle wochenlang keinen Salers-Käse herstellen. Seine Kühe fanden auf den ausgedörrten Weiden des Départements Cantal nicht genug zu fressen und so konnte er die strengen Auflagen für den herkunftsgeschützten Käse nicht erfüllen. Die Folge: Auf den Holzregalen seines Käseveredlers reifen deutlich weniger Salers-Käse als sonst.

Trockene Sommer machen auch den Produzenten des wohl berühmtesten Käses Frankreichs zu schaffen: dem Camembert. In dem gleichnamigen Dorf in der Normandie gibt es nur noch wenige Betriebe, die die Spezialität in aufwändiger Handarbeit produzieren. Mit der pasteurisierten und deutlich günstigeren Massenware großer Konzerne können die kleinen Betriebe nicht konkurrieren. Die Agraringenieurin Julie Hagberg versucht in Camembert, eine der letzten Käsereien im Ort vor dem Konkurs zu bewahren. Für sie ist die enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Milchbauern der Region der Schlüssel zu einem guten, charaktervollen Käse, für den die Verbraucher auch bereit sind, etwas mehr zu bezahlen.

Dem Erhalt und der Förderung eines anderen Weichkäses hat sich in der Nähe von Paris eine kulinarische Bruderschaft verschrieben: die „Confrérie du Brie de Meaux“. Zum dritten Mal organisiert deren Präsident Thierry Bitschené ein ganzes Festival rund um den cremigen Käse mit der Schimmelschicht. Die halbe Stadt ist auf den Beinen, wenn die Käsebrüder mit dem längsten Brie-Baguette der Welt einen Rekord aufstellen wollen und sich die wenigen verbliebenen „Brie de Meaux“-Produzenten bei einem Wettbewerb miteinander messen.

Reportage (D 2024, 31 Min)
Video verfügbar bis zum 23/03/2028

‘Normalization of Crazy’: Trump's ‘Absolute Immunity’ Coup Defense Compared to Murderous Dictators

Jan 11, 2024 | Donald Trump's lawyer walked into a federal courtroom and argued yesterday that Trump could order a hit on his political rival or rivals using the U.S. Military without facing any legal accountability. Assassination has historically ben the province of dictators like Vladimir Putin, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin or Adolf Hitler, and not of American presidents. Joy Reid and her panel discuss.

Republicans are ridiculous and dangerous. The Republican Party should go the way of the dodo. The world would be a better place it it did. – © Mark Alexander

The Lincoln Project: Liz Cheney on The View

Jan 10, 2024 | Liz Cheney speaks with integrity and conviction. And she's right to say that history will judge Trump's MAGA enablers.

The Lincoln Project: Foreign Asset

Jan 11, 2024 | He isn't even trying to hide it. Donald Trump is a foreign asset.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Trump Told European Leaders that US ‘Will Never Come to Help You’

THE GUARDIAN: Then president told European commissioners in 2020 that ‘Nato is dead’ and the US would never defend Europe if it were attacked

Donald Trump told the president of the European Commission in 2020 that the US would “never come help” if Europe was attacked and also said “Nato is dead”, a senior European commissioner said.

Multiple news outlets said the exchange between Trump and Ursula von der Leyen at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2020 was described in Brussels on Tuesday by Thierry Breton, a French European commissioner responsible for the internal market, with responsibilities including defence.

“You need to understand that if Europe is under attack we will never come to help you and to support you,” Trump said, according to Breton, who was speaking at the European parliament.

According to Breton, Trump also said: “By the way, Nato is dead, and we will leave, we will quit Nato.” » | Martin Pengelly in Washington | Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Rudy Rochman: My Experience Fighting in Gaza

Jan 10, 2024 | An inside look at the war from within Gaza, with a holistic take on how we can break free from this reoccurring conflict.

You can support Rudy Rochman on Patreon here.

This video is a Kavana Films production.

SNP Minister Wants Plan for Conversion Practices Ban to Send ‘Strong Message’

THE GUARDIAN: Emma Roddick says she wants LGBTQ+ people to know that Scottish government is ‘still with them’ as consultation begins

Plans to introduce a ban on conversion practices in Scotland should send “a strong message” to LGBTQ+ people that “the Scottish government is still with them”, according to Holyrood’s equalities minister.

Emma Roddick was speaking to the Guardian after launching a public consultation on the proposed ban on practices that aim to change or suppress a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. » | Libby Brooks, Scotland correspondent | Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Nigella Lawson Visits Former Lyons Corner House | Who Do You Think You Are

Jan 22, 2021 | Nigella Lawson's Jewish immigrant family have come a long way from poverty in Europe and the East End to the wealth of Belgravia. Her father Nigel was Margaret Thatcher's golden boy and mother Vanessa was heiress to the Lyons food dynasty. Nigella explores the origins of the Lyons business and discovers that it was a romance in 1863 and the coming together of the Salmons and the Glucksteins that helped cement its original success as a tobacco company.

Pete Buttigieg on Coming Out as Gay: 'You Only Get to Be One Person' | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Apr 16, 2019 | Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Democratic candidate for president in 2020, talks with Rachel Maddow about the decision-making process that went into coming out as gay at the age of 33 as an elected official in Indiana.

"Hört auf, uns fremde Werte aufzuzwingen": Russlands "LGBTQ-Propaganda-Gesetz" | DW Nachricht

Feb 1, 2023 | Seit über einem Monat gilt in Russland ein "LGBT-Propaganda-Gesetz", nach dem die Verbreitung von Medieninhalten zu gleichgeschlechtlicher Liebe bestraft wird. Immer mehr Bücher und Filme landen seitdem auf dem Index. Seit über einem Monat gilt dort ein Gesetz, das sogenannte "Propaganda nicht-traditioneller sexueller Beziehungen" sowohl unter Jugendlichen als auch unter Erwachsenen bestrafen soll. Unter nicht-traditionellen Beziehungen verstehen russische Behörden schlicht die Liebe zwischen zwei Männern oder zwei Frauen.

Doppelt so viele Jugendliche rauchen: Was da los? | Aktuelle Stunde

Dec 29, 2022 | Doppelt so viele rauchende Jugendliche: Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr ist die Zahl der 14-17 Jährigen, die Tabak rauchen, deutlich gestiegen. Das ergibt eine Studie der Deutschen Befragung zum Rauchverhalten (DEBRA-Studie), über die zuerst der SPIEGEL berichtet hat. Woran der krasse Anstieg der Zahlen liegt, ist aber nicht klar.

In Zahlen bedeutet das: 15,9 Prozent der 14-17-Jährigen rauchen. Damit sind sie aber nicht allein: Auch unter den 18- bis 24-Jährigen rauchen mehr Menschen als im Vorjahr – hier ist der Anteil von etwa 36 auf 41 Prozent gestiegen.

Die DEBRA-Studie wird seit 2016 durchgeführt und befragt alle zwei Monate rund 2.000 Teilnehmende. Damit ist sie laut SPIEGEL die umfangreichste Untersuchung zu dem Thema. Den Begriff „Rauchen“ definiert sie als den „täglichen oder nicht täglichen Konsum von Zigaretten oder Tabak in anderer Form“.

Es sind 21 Monate her seitdem ich eine Zigarette geraucht habe. Ich rauchte die letzte Zigarette am 10. April 2022.

Auch wenn ich das Rauchen früher geliebt habe, habe ich das Rauchen überhaupt nicht vermißt. Ich verspürte auch keinerlei Heißhunger, obwohl ich viele Jahre lang täglich eine Packung geraucht habe.

Natürlich ist es deutlich schonender für den Geldbeutel, nicht zu rauchen, insbesondere angesichts der heutigen Zigarettenpreise. Das Hauptproblem beim Nichtrauchen besteht darin, daß man unweigerlich an Gewicht zunimmt, wenn man mit dem Rauchen aufhört. Nicht unbedingt, weil man mehr ißt, sondern weil Rauchen den Stoffwechsel ankurbelt. Wenn man also aufhört, verlangsamt sich der Stoffwechsel. Daher die Gewichtszunahme. –© Mark Alexander

We 'Can Never Win' a War: Taiwan's Former President Ma on the Best Way to Deal with China | DW News

Jan 10, 2024 | As Taiwan prepares for a knife-edge election, former president Ma Ying-jeou has made a dramatic call for a rethink of Taiwan’s whole approach to the threat of Chinese invasion. In this exclusive DW interview, Ma said attempts to deter China from attacking Taiwan would not work. “No matter how much you defend yourself, you can never fight a war with the mainland. You can never win. They're too large, much stronger than us.”

Ma also cast doubt on whether the United States would come to Taiwan’s aid if China invaded – despite US President Joe Biden repeatedly saying he would do so. Ma added that he believed Taiwan could work with China’s President Xi Jinping and said that “we have to” trust Xi on relations across the Taiwan Strait. Ma called for a return to his friendly approach to China as president from 2008-16. “We should use a non-use of military means to reduce the tension,” he said. Speaking to DW’s Richard Walker and Tsou Tzung-han, Ma blamed Taiwan’s current DPP government for the intense tensions with China. He added that in the long term, “unification” of Taiwan with China might be possible – but only if achieved peacefully and democratically.

Drug Cartels Unleash Wave of Violence in Ecuador | DW News

Jan 10, 2024 | Ecuador's president has declared a state of emergency and warned that the country has entered an “internal armed conflict” due to the drug gang violence. Violence in Ecuador has unleashed a wave of terror among the population.


Haaretz Columnist Gideon Levy on Israel's Conduct in Gaza | Amanpour & Co

Jan 9, 2024 | Palestinian authorities say one in every 100 residents of Gaza have been killed over the past three months. That’s more than 23,000 dead, nearly two-thirds of them women and children. This human toll is front and center as Western officials visit the region expressing increasing concern about the situation. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken today has been meeting with top officials in Israel to persuade them to protect civilians, allow more aid into Gaza, and try to prevent a wider war. The German Foreign Minister is in the occupied West Bank, where she condemned Israeli settler violence towards Palestinians. But is the Israeli government listening to its strongest allies? And what are the long-term consequences of such destruction? Haaretz Columnist Gideon Levy says there’s no way to explain Israel’s conduct in Gaza. He joined the program from Tel Aviv. | Originally aired on January 9, 2024

She Rioted on January 6. Now She's Headed to Prison

Jan 10, 2024 | A January 6 rioter speaks to CNN's Donie O'Sullivan days before she begins her lengthy prison sentence

🇨🇭Glacier Express: Switzerland's World’s Most Scenic, Luxurious & Expensive Train Ride

Jan 10, 2024 | The Glacier Express connects the two famous resorts in the Swiss Alps in a unique way. The Glacier Express is a direct train connecting railway stations of the two major mountain resorts of Zermatt and St. Moritz via Andermatt in the central Swiss Alps .The classic panoramic train is a source of excitement for young and old alike. The journey takes you over daredevil viaducts, through countless tunnels and unique landscapes. The panorama train meanders gently through valleys and over passes, and the constantly changing views of mountains, lakes and glaciers

This video cannot be embedded on external websites. So here is a link to the video on YouTube, where you can enjoy this beautiful and scenic winter train ride. Enjoy! – Mark

Papstvertrauter plädiert für Abschaffung des Zölibats


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Ein ranghoher Vertreter des Vatikans hat sich für die Abschaffung des Zölibats für katholische Priester ausgesprochen. Warum auf junge Männer verzichten, nur weil sie heiraten wollten, fragt Erzbischof Charles Scicluna.

Ein ranghoher Vertreter des Vatikans hat die Debatte über die verpflichtende Ehelosigkeit von katholischen Priestern und Ordensleuten neu angestoßen. In einem Gespräch mit der Tageszeitung „Times of Malta“ sagte Erzbischof Charles Scicluna, ein Vertrauter von Papst Franziskus: „Warum sollten wir einen jungen Mann verlieren, der ein guter Priester geworden wäre, nur weil er heiraten will?“ Die Weltkirche solle über den Zölibat eine „ernsthafte Diskussion“ führen. Der 64 Jahre alte Scicluna ist als beigeordneter Sekretär der Glaubensbehörde im Vatikan für die Bearbeitung von Missbrauchsfällen verantwortlich. Zudem amtiert er weiterhin als Erzbischof von Malta. » | Von Matthias Rüb, Rom | Montag, 8. Januar 2024 [€] (Aber im Moment gibt es eine Probezeit: Zugang zu allen F+ Artikeln ist für 30 Tage kostenfrei.)

Melania Trump's Mother Amalija Knavs Dies at 78

BBC: Former US First Lady Melania Trump has "with deep sadness" announced the death of her mother, Amalija Knavs, at the age of 78.

"Amalija Knavs was a strong woman who always carried herself with grace, warmth, and dignity," she said.

The cause of death was not disclosed in the brief statement on X, formerly Twitter.

Donald Trump mentioned this month at an event in Florida that his Slovenia-born mother-in-law was "very ill".

Mrs Trump said in her statement on Tuesday night: "She was entirely devoted to her husband, daughters, grandson, and son-in-law. » | Max Matza, BBC News | Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Melania Trump’s mom, Amalija Knavs, dead at age 78: ‘My beloved mother’ »

Melania Trump's mother Amalija dies aged 78: Former first lady mourns 'devoted' mom as Donald posts sweet picture with 'incredible woman' »

Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Moroccan Lamb with Potato & Raisins | Gordon Ramsay

Mar 12, 2015 | This super simple Moroccan lamb dish is the perfect main that will surely impress any guest.

Parents Who Refuse Children Gender Change Face Seven Years in Jail in Scotland

THE TELEGRAPH: SNP outlines proposal to ban 'conversion therapy' after its self-ID law was blocked by UK Government

Parents who refuse to allow their children to change gender would face up to seven years in jail under SNP plans to ban “conversion therapy”.

Proposals published on Tuesday state that actions designed to “change or suppress” another individual’s gender identity, causing them physical or psychological harm, would become illegal under the radical law.

SNP ministers acknowledged that so-called conversion practices often took place in a “family setting”, raising the prospect that parents could be criminalised if they refuse to go along with their child’s declaration that they are transgender.

Stopping someone from “dressing in a way that reflects their sexual orientation or gender identity” was put forward as an example of an action that would become illegal, even if a parent believed they were acting in a child’s best interests. » | Daniel Sanderson, Scottish Correspondent | Tuesday, January 9, 2024

This is absurd. The Scottish government must have taken leave of its senses. – © Mark Alexander

Donald Trump Warns of 'Bedlam' If Criminal Charges Are Brought against Him

Jan 9, 2024 | Donald Trump has warned there will be “bedlam” if criminal charges are brought against him, claiming US President Joe Biden is attempting to push him off the ballot before the presidential election in November.

Speaking after his lawyers argued he had presidential immunity on four counts of election interference, Mr Trump said: “I think they feel this is the way they’re going to try and win and that’s not the way it goes. There will be bedlam in the country... it’s the opening of a Pandora’s Box.

“When they talk about threat to democracy, that’s your real threat to democracy. And I feel that as president you need to have immunity.”

Read the Telegraph article here.

Ex-Muslim Armin Navabi: An Atheist Republic

Feb 4, 2021 | Armin Navabi is an Iranian ex-Muslim. In 2012, he founded Atheist Republic, an online community that now has hundreds of branches in several countries around the world and enables non-believers to interact with each other in places where criticism of religion is often repressed and criminalized.

His book, "Why There Is No God: Simple Responses to 20 Common Arguments for the Existence of God", was published in 2014.

Navabi is also the co-host, with Ali Rizvi, of the podcast “Secular Jihadists for a Muslim Enlightenment.”

“Atheist Republic’s main goal is mostly for atheists to realize that they're not alone, that there’s a community for them, that they’re not isolated,” he tells “Freethought Matters” host Dan Barker. “And also for atheists to understand that not only shouldn’t they feel like they need to hide or that they’re isolated, but also that they don't have to be apologetic about their views.”

Learn more about the Freedom From Religion Foundation at

People everywhere are in chains. Why? Because they believe myths, fairy tales, and BS. It is high time that people free themselves from this bullshit. – © Mark Alexander

Nigella’s Apple Pork Chops with Sauerkraut Slaw | Ocado

Jan 9, 2024 | “This recipe is such a favourite of mine, and so I’m particularly happy to share it with you here. It’s one of those simple stalwarts I rustle up for supper when I want something substantial but uplifting at the same time. While it might be straightforward to make, it is rewardingly complex in flavour: the allspice added to the apple juice in the pan when you deglaze it brings comforting warmth, and the sharp tangle of sauerkraut – itself a refreshing contrast to the rich meat – is also aromatically tempered by caraway seeds and a tiny pinch of ground cloves.”

Get the recipe here.

Avec Gabriel Attal, le gouvernement est dirigé pour la première fois par un Premier ministre ouvertement gay

KOMITID : Gabriel Attal a été nommé Premier ministre par le Président le 9 janvier et l'annonce en a été faite peu après midi.
Gabriel Attal en 2022 à Paris - Pierre Galan / Shutterstock

Le suspense aura duré quelques heures. Gabriel Attal a été nommé Premier ministre par le Président le 9 janvier.

Il devient le plus jeune Premier ministre de la 5e République mais aussi le premier chef du gouvernement français ouvertement gay.

Il remplace à ce poste Elisabeth Borne, qui avait été la deuxième femme à occuper cette fonction et qui est restée un an et près de huit mois à Matignon. Une séquence marquée par l’adoption de deux lois très critiquées : la réforme des retraites et une nouvelle loi sur l’immigration très dure, marquée par des mesures inspirées par la « préférence nationale » chère à l’extrême droite.

Gabriel Attal, 34 ans, était depuis moins de six mois au ministère de l’Education nationale.

Selon un cadre de la majorité cité par l’AFP, il « incarne un élan, une dynamique, une audace dont on a sûrement besoin ». » | Christophe Martet avec l’AFP | mardi 9 janvier 2024

Two Handsome Men…

…in love

Many thanks to Pinterest for this delightful photo.

Michael Lambert: 'Going for Growth' - Where Is This Growth Coming from? | Reupload

Jan 6, 2024 | The UK economy is in a terrible state of decline following Brexit. The NHS is in chaos with a waiting list approaching 8 million. Qualified doctors who are known as junior doctors earn £15 per hour and are on strike. Others are leaving the NHS.

The UK has the lowest state pensions in Europe. Real wages have not increased since 2007 and there has been the biggest fall in living standards since the 1950's.

Sewage is routinely tipped into our rivers and sea by private, often foreign-owned water companies. City centres are derelict with boarded up shops, grafitti and rough sleepers. Rishi Sunak continues to rush around telling us that everything is going so well and that he is going to cut taxes despite the dire state of the economy.

Keir Starmer, who will almost certainly be prime minister before the end of this year, continues to claim that he will 'Make Brexit Work' and will do so by going for growth without explaining how that will happen.

In the meantime, the rich are getting richer, inequality is increasing and the government plans to go after the poor by taxing anyone selling goods online and by secretly inspecting the bank accounts of anyone claiming benefits.

Another excellent synopsis of the dystopia that the UK has become under the Tories. Whichever way one slices it, the UK has become a chaotic mess under the Conservatives – the Party which once prided itself on being the serious party that knew how to govern, the serious party one could depend on for sensible politics, the party which cleared up messes created by others. They didn't indulge in making them themselves.

There is absolutely no doubt about it. Brexit has been a disaster; and it will continue to be one for this nation.

Our corrupt and incompetent politicians are living in the land of make-believe. – © Mark Alexander

National Emergency after Jailed Drug Lord 'Fito' Vanishes in Ecuador | DW News

Jan 9, 2024

US Lawmakers Push for Tougher Policies after Migration Surge along the US-Mexico Border | DW News

Jan 9, 2024 | Record breaking numbers of migrants have been detained trying to cross the US-Mexico border illegally since President Biden took office. Many Republicans, and even some within Biden's own Democratic party, have been pushing for tougher policies.

Gabriel Attal Becomes France’s Youngest Prime Minister | BBC News

Jan 9, 2024 | Gabriel Attal has been named France's next prime minister, as Emmanuel Macron aims to revive his presidency with a new government. At 34, he is the youngest PM in modern French history, outranking even Socialist Laurent Fabius who was 37 when he was appointed by François Mitterrand in 1984. Mr Attal replaces Élisabeth Borne, who resigned after 20 months in office. Throughout that time she struggled with a lack of a majority in parliament.

France Gets Its Youngest and First Openly Gay Prime Minister: Gabriel Attal, 34, replaces Élisabeth Borne in a cabinet shuffle that President Emmanuel Macron hopes can reinvigorate a term marked by drift and division. »

King Farouk of Egypt

Dec 31, 2023 | King Farouk of Egypt’s life was a brutal lesson that “the bigger they are, the harder they fall.” From birth, the ruler’s whole world was a procession of luxury, debauchery, and extravagance, but this mass of privilege slowly corrupted the spoiled boy into a cruel, twisted man. But oh, did Farouk ever pay for his sins

The Man Who Nearly Destroyed the Monarchy

Nov 1, 2023 | There’s no doubt that Antony Armstrong-Jones led a charmed life—yet he also had a serious penchant for scandal. His success brought him into the stratosphere of the royal family, but he left a trail of broken hearts in his wake.

The UK, by Denying Scotland to Leave the Voluntary Union Treaty, Is Breaking International Law

Jan 8, 2024

Macron ernennt Gabriel Attal zum Premierminister Frankreichs

Jan 9, 2024 | Nach dem Rücktritt von Elisabeth Borne hat der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron das Amt neu besetzt. Attal wird mit seinen 34 Jahren der jüngste Premierminister der Geschichte. Zudem ist er der erste Regierungschef des Landes, der offen homosexuell lebt. © AFP, EPA

WIKIPEDIA: Gabriel Attal E, D, F.

Emmanuel Macron Appoints France’s Youngest Prime Minister

THE TELEGRAPH: Gabriel Attal, the 34-year-old education minister known as ‘Macron Boy’, succeeds the sacked Elisabeth Borne

Newly appointed Prime minister Gabriel Attal is welcomed by outgoing Prime minister Elisabeth Borne as he arrives for the handover ceremony in ParisCREDIT: EMMANUEL DUNAND/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

Emmanuel Macron has appointed a 34-year-old who made his name by banning Muslim abaya robes in schools as France’s youngest prime minister.

Gabriel Attal, the education minister, was chosen to breathe new life into the president’s flagging second term in office.

The move will not necessarily lead to any major political shift but signals Macron’s desire to try to move beyond last year’s unpopular pension and immigration reforms and improve his centrist party’s chances in June’s EU ballot.

Mr Attal, who has been called “Macron Boy”, is seen by some as a potential presidential candidate in 2027. He is the first openly gay prime minister. » | Telegraph’s Foreign Staff | Tuesday, January 9, 2024

LE MONDE : Gabriel Attal à Matignon, la promotion spectaculaire d’un fidèle du chef de l’Etat : Le ministre de l’éducation nationale, l’un des plus populaires du gouvernement, a été propulsé, mardi, à Matignon. Ancien socialiste, il avait rejoint Emmanuel Macron dès 2016. A 34 ans, il devient le plus jeune premier ministre de la Vᵉ République » [€]

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG : Gabriel Attal, ein Klon Macrons: Gabriel Attal tritt als jüngster Regierungschef an. Weitere Ähnlichkeiten mit dem Präsidenten sind gewollt. In Gestalt des 34 Jahre alten Gabriel Attal setzt der französische Präsident auf ein frisches, unverbrauchtes Gesicht an der Regierungsspitze. In den französischen Medien wird der neue Premierminister als politisches Wunderkind gefeiert. Attal hat bislang schlicht die Zeit gefehlt, sich in seinen Ämtern zu bewähren. Das Bildungsministerium hatte er erst im vergangenen Sommer übernommen. Er stellte sich mit dem Verbot der Abaja genannten islamischen Überkleider in den Klassenräumen vor. » [€]

THE GUARDIAN: Gabriel Attal appointed youngest French PM as Macron tries to revive popularity: Attal, 34, rose in opinion polls during his time as education minister and may improve ruling party’s chances in EU elections »

Who Is Gabriel Attal de Couriss? The French PM who climbed the ranks in record time?

US Presidential Election: Is Global Democracy At Stake? | DW News

Jan 9, 2024 | In the US, Republicans and Democrats are about to decide who will be running for the White House next year. Three years after Trump loyalists stormed the US Capitol, the former president is gearing up for another campaign. Constitutional law professor Gloria E. Browne-Marshall explains why this would threaten not only the rights of minorities in the US but may also be dangerous for democracy worldwide.

Britiain Needs Free Trade with the EU!

Jan 8, 2024 | Loss of subsidies, free trade and EU labour continues to bash British farming and food/drink industry.

The Tories MUST BE kicked out of office asap. And this country MUST RETURN to the Single Market. Our food standards MUST BE kept high. The Tories cannot be trusted any longer. Even after this short time, our food standards are lower. We should never have left the European Union in the first place. The whole exercise was a nonsense, a HUGE mistake; and a very expensive mistake at that! Ultimately, we MUST RETURN to the European Union as FULL MEMBERS of the Union. Without opt-outs. Further, we should ditch the pound and adopt the euro. – © Mark Alexander

Hear Why Michelle Obama Says She's 'Terrified' about Potential Outcome of Election

Jan 9, 2024 | Former first lady Michelle Obama said she’s “terrified” about the potential outcome of the 2024 election, listing November’s presidential contest as among the fears that keep her awake at night, in a podcast interview. CNN political commentator and former Obama White House senior policy adviser Ashley Allison and CNN senior political analyst Gloria Borger join Wolf Blitzer to discuss