Sunday, January 14, 2024

Defending Brexit Is Now Indefensible

Jan14, 2024

Read about the report here.

The treacherous cabal at the top sold the electorate a bill of goods! We all know who these swindlers are; they are well-known to ALL of us. They did this, of course, to line their own pockets, the future and prosperity of the nation be damned. These people pretend to be patriots, but in reality, they are nothing of the sort. Alas, they managed to hoodwink enough people to vote for that silly, stupid Brexit – a scheme thought-up by people who understand little or nothing about economics, international trade, or geopolitics. But unfortunately, the people in the cabal did understand manipulation: how to manipulate public opinion.

Brexit MUST BE REVERSED as soon as possible; moreover, we need to dump the pound and adopt the euro.

This country needs prosperity not impoverishment; it needs wealth not poverty! Furthermore, the country needs prosperity for ALL, not just for the PRIVILEGED FEW. Let us take our bitter lemons and make out of them sweet lemonade! Let us turn our misfortune into great good fortune. Let us turn this into an opportunity to make this country, once and for all, a TRUE DEMOCRACY! – © Mark Alexander