Sunday, December 10, 2023

NZZ: #NieWiederIstJetzt: Antisemitismus ist seit Israels Militäroffensive wieder überall

Dec 8, 2023 | Seit dem 7. Oktober 2023 und dem Ausbruch des brutalen Krieg zwischen Israel und Palästina im Gazastreifen nehmen antisemitische Inhalte wieder zu. Wir sehen das an Hauswänden, auf Strassen und Friedhöfen, aber eben auch im Internet. Vor allem auf Social Media werden viele Inhalte geteilt und geliked, die antisemitisches Gedankengut beinhalten. Und das ist ein Problem. Antisemitismus kommt wieder an die Oberfläche - das weckt böse Erinnerungen an die 1930er Jahre. Aber was ist Antisemitismus denn genau? Und welche Posts sind antisemitisch, die vielleicht jede:r von uns schon einmal geteilt oder geliked hat? Wir erklären im Video zusammen mit Erik Petry, Historiker für Jüdische Geschichte an der Universität Basel, was Antisemitismus ist, wie er sich aktuell zeigt und warum Antisemitismus so gefährlich ist.

Russia Outlaws LGBTQ Content and Symbols as 'Extremist' | DW News

Dec 10, 2023 | Russia is tightening its repression of the LGBTQ community. A new law that will soon come into force effectively categorizes symbols and information that are not heterosexual as extremist. As DW’s Jennifer Pahlke reports, those who break it could face big fines and long jail sentences.

Argentinier ächzen unter der gallopierenden Inflation | DW Nachrichten

Dec 9, 2023 | Kaum hat Argentinien einen neuen Präsidenten, schnellen die Preise nach oben. Obwohl nur 20% Preissteigerung erlaubt wurden, schlagen viele Händler gleich das Doppelte drauf: Bis zu 40 Prozent kostet Brot zum Beispiel jetzt mehr.

Und der frischgewählte ultraliberale Rechtspopulist Chavier Milei will noch weit mehr Preisregulierungen und Subventionen aufheben. Was kommt also auf Argentinien zu, und wie gehen die Menschen damit um?

The Guardian View on the New Rwanda Bill: A Draconian Disgrace

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: In its determination to put fear of asylum seekers at the centre of the next election, the government is brushing human rights and the rule of law aside

The prime minister holds a press conference in Downing Street’s briefing room. ‘Mr Sunak’s authority is more fragile than ever.’ Photograph: Reuters

The Conservative government’s proposal to remove asylum seekers to Rwanda has always been more a piece of performative cruelty than a practical or strategic policy. It plays to the party and media gallery rather than truly addressing the migration problem. This remains even more true today, following the publication of the government’s draconian and disgraceful safety of Rwanda bill. This reneges on Britain’s human rights laws and brushes the historic role of our country’s courts aside.

The overriding purpose of the policy and the bill is to give voters the impression that the Conservatives have gripped the small boats issue before next year’s general election. Planes taking off for Rwanda make good propaganda. Yet even if the planes were to take off, Rwanda itself has made clear that the numbers removed would only be in the hundreds. The government is fixated on the migration margins, not the mainstream. » | Editorial | Thursday, December 7, 2023

This whole Rwanda scheme is disgraceful and totally unBritish at its very core. This is NOT the way that this country has historically treated its migrants and asylum seekers.

This is scandalous; it is also scandalous that this government is wasting hundreds of millions of taxpayers’ hard-earned money on such hare-brained schemes — and schemes they are! — thought up by half-wits and dim-wits! It is policies like this that bring shame on this nation. How low are we going to sink as a nation? For God’s sake: We Brits are better than this! – © Mark Alexander

Abu Dhabi’s Takeover of The Telegraph Puts Press Freedom at Risk

THE TELEGRAPH: State ownership of newspapers brings with it a unique and deeply troubling set of questions

In March 2022, I flew to Dubai on an Emirates plane packed with sunseekers, most of whom were more interested in cocktails on the beach than politics.

My trip, paid for by the Dubai tourist board, was intended as an investigation into the Jewish community in the emirate. The Abraham Accords had recently been signed, heralding new “normalised” relations with Israel. » | Zoe Strimpel | Saturday, December 9, 2023

If you want to Islamise a nation without shedding blood, take over the nation's newspapers and media. Victory will be swift and assured. – © Mark Alexander

Why Can't Sweden Get Gang Violence under Control? | Focus on Europe

Dec 10, 2023 | This has never happened before in Sweden: The government has called in the army to help combat rampant gang violence in the cities. The police seem overwhelmed, the politicians helpless. In 2022, 62 people were killed in shootings. And both perpetrators and victims are getting younger. During his research in Stockholm and Uppsala, our reporter wants to find out: Why is this wave of violence hitting 'tranquil' Sweden of all places...Why can't the authorities get it under control? Is the situation partly due to a failed integration policy? And: What are the ways out of the violence? Our reporter meets ex-gangsters, survivors, police officers and social workers. | Report: Gunnar Köhne

Diese Sendung ist auch auf Deutsch hier erhältlich.

Gap between Haves and Have-nots Widening, Report Warns

BBC: The growing gap between the UK's "haves and have-nots" is in danger of becoming a "chasm", a report has warned.

Research by the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) think tank argues the most disadvantaged are no better off than they were 15 years ago.

It mentioned stagnant wages, family breakdown, poor housing, crime, mental health and other issues, saying the gap widened during the pandemic.

Ministers highlighted the support to help with the rising cost of living.

The report by the CSJ's Social Justice Commission says the country is at risk of slipping back to a social divide not seen since the Victorian era. » | BBC | Saturday, December 9, 2023

This is what happens to a society when greed is allowed to be its driver! It is a direct consequence of years of Thatcherism and thirteen plus years of Tory rule. – © Mark Alexander

Denmark, Fearing Reprisals, Bans Quran Burning

THE NEW TORK TIMES: The law came after a series of public Quran burnings in Scandinavia caused uproar in Muslim communities.

EXTRACT: … “The terrorist threat level against Denmark is alarmingly high,” said a spokesman for the Moderates party, which is part of the coalition government. “This law is introduced out of necessity, not out of desire.”

But the measure was sharply criticized by opponents, including the right-wing Liberal Alliance party. Steffen Larsen, a Liberal Alliance lawmaker, said during a heated debate in Parliament on Thursday that it was a product of “political correctness” and that it was “designed to restrain the freedom of speech and the artistic freedom.”

The measure, Mr. Larsen said, is “nothing to be proud of.”

Nina Palesa Bonde, a deputy judge at the Copenhagen District Court, also criticized the ban, arguing on social media that it protected a text that “is used as a death sentence for women, Jews, homosexuals in many countries.” … Read the whole article here » | Maya Tekeli and Emma Bubola | Maya Tekeli reported from Copenhagen, and Emma Bubola from London. | Thursday, December 7, 2023

Related article and comment from me here.

Michael Lambert: They Really Think It Is Worse in the 'Corrupt' EU

Dec 9, 2023 | Last week Boris Johnson appeared before the Covid19 enquiry still unable to produce his WhatsApp messages for the crucial period when decisions about Covid19 were being made.

On Thursday Rishi Sunak gave a press conference detailing his latest attempts to 'Stop the Boats' by sending a handful of asylum seekers to Rwanda at enormous cost.

I received around 1750 comments in response to my video last week about rejoining the European Union. These are some of the comments from those who still believe that the UK was right to leave the EU. Many of these comments suggest, without any supporting evidence, that things are even worse in the EU and especially in Germany. Others suggest that the EU is corrupt and destined to break up.

Saturday, December 09, 2023

Journeys to the North: Lapland | Documentary

Dec 9, 2023 | Lying beyond the Arctic Circle, Lapland covers several hundred thousand square kilometers, straddling Norway, Sweden and Finland. To the west and north, along the Norwegian coast, it spreads into thousands of islets. It's a dramatic landscape of forest, ice and sea. Winter here can last almost eight months.

1914 | Sainsbury's Ad | Christmas 2014

Nov 12, 2014 | Sainsbury’s Christmas advert, 1914. Made in partnership with The Royal British Legion. Inspired by real events from 100 years ago.

In my opinion, this is the most beautiful Christmas ad ever! It is very moving and is based on an actual event that occurred in the Great War. This short advertisement encapsulates the true spirit of Christmas. It also brings us Europeans closer together and shows the senselessness of war and conflict. Wonderful! – © Mark Alexander

Echte Wiener Sachertorte mit traditioneller Glasur: saftig, fluffig, lecker | Gebacken vom Hofzuckerbäcker

May 22, 2023 | Echte Wiener Sachertorte mit traditioneller Glasur - saftig, fluffig, lecker. Ein kleines Stück Wien; ein großes Stück Geschichte. Auf der ganzen Welt bekannt und begehrt. Die echte Wiener Sachertorte. Doch trotzdem passieren hier dennoch noch einige Fehler. Wie Ihr diese leckere Wiener Sachertorte ganz einfach zu Hause selber nachmachen könnt, das zeig ich euch in meinem heutigen Video.

Ums ausführliche Rezept zu lesen, klicken Sie hier und dann klicken Sie auf ‚more‘.

Eye Candy


Very many thanks to Pinterest for this photo of manly perfection.

Ina Garten's 5-Star Mussels in White Wine | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Dec 9, 2023 | Ina Garten's Mussels in White Wine make an easy yet elegant Saturday (or anyday) meal.

Get the recipe here.

Britain Facing Surge of Salmonella Cases because of Brexit

Dec 9, 2023 | Britain is facing a surge in salmonella cases due to a lack of post-Brexit quality checks on food, a union has warned.

The National Farmers Union (NFU) said the UK was seeing recurring cases of salmonella because meat, poultry and eggs have not been checked properly since leaving the EU. It comes as the Food Standards Agency (FSA) said it was investigating a recent rise in cases of salmonella food poisoning linked to poultry from Poland.

“A number of the cases have involved the consumption of eggs produced in Poland and used in meals in restaurants and cafés,” said Tina Potter, head of incidents at the FSA.

More than 200 human cases of salmonellosis linked to poultry products such as eggs and meat were reported this year.

These Tories should be unceremoniously kicked out of office as soon as possible. The buffoons in that party are utterly stupid. Please note that I write as a lifelong, but ex-Conservative voter. Never would I vote for those clowns again! They have ruined this country. It would be hard to imagine how they could possibly have done more damage to this country in the last thirteen or so years than they have done.

Our country is not safe in Tories’ hands. Get the SOBs out of office now! And let the party die a natural death, just like the Whigs before them. The party is not fit for purpose. For starters, they spend taxpayers’ money like drunken sailors. Corruption is rife in the party to boot.

Why the LibDems don’t come out and say unequivocally that they intend to take the UK back into the EU at the earliest possible convenience is beyond my comprehension. This country desperately needs to go back into the European Union, even if we have to abandon the pound sterling and adopt the euro. Taking us back into the EU would be a vote-winner for the LibDems; indeed, I would go as far as to say that this policy alone could be the making of the party. It could knock the Tories into third place, into the long grass – where they belong.

Sir Ed Davey is a thoroughly decent man who should seize this opportunity. Fortune favours the brave! – © Mark Alexander

Ryan O’Neal Obituary

THE GUARDIAN: Star of Love Story, Paper Moon and Barry Lyndon who remained a prolific screen actor despite his stormy personal life

Ryan O'Neal and Ali Macgraw in Arthur Hiller’s film Love Story, 1970. Photograph: Paramount/Allstar

With his blond good looks and blue eyes, Ryan O’Neal, who has died aged 82, was often cast as a callow, boy-next-door type in the 1970s films that made him internationally famous. Back then, his clean-cut onscreen image offered few clues as to the notoriety his private life would gain. But his troubled relationship with three of his children, Tatum, Griffin and Redmond, his drugtaking and a tempestuous relationship with the actor Farrah Fawcett would come to overshadow his long, fluctuating acting career.

As the well-groomed Oliver Barrett IV, a Harvard law student, he falls for Jennifer Cavalieri (Ali MacGraw), a working-class music student, in Love Story (1970). They marry against his wealthy father’s wishes, and she dies of cancer. The two young stars created some chemistry, and with the tagline “Love means never having to say you’re sorry”, the tearjerker was a huge success. But despite noteworthy performances in Paper Moon (1973) and Barry Lyndon (1975), O’Neal was never to equal the popularity that Love Story conferred on him.

O’Neal was born in Los Angeles into a movie family. His father was Charles “Blackie” O’Neal, a novelist and screenwriter whose film scripts included the subtle horror movie The Seventh Victim (1943) and the Randolph Scott western Return of the Badmen (1948). His mother, Patricia (nee O’Callaghan), appeared in a few films, but mostly acted on stage. » | Ronald Bergan | Saturday, December 9, 2023

Ryan O'Neal

A screenshot taken from the following photo gallery in the Guardian.

PHOTO GALLERY: Ryan O’Neal: a life in pictures: Hollywood actor Ryan O’Neal, who starred in Peyton Place, Love Story, What’s Up, Doc? and Barry Lyndon, has died at the age of 82. We look back at his career »

It seems that I wasn’t alone in finding Ryan O’Neal unsettlingly, devastatingly, stunningly handsome, Peter Bradshaw, the writer of the following articles did too:

Ryan O’Neal was a captivating and absurdly handsome movie star: The late actor’s beauty was used for a string of roles, including Love Story and Paper Moon, but he also displayed a rare comic prowess »

Ryan O’Neal, Master of the Offbeat Meet-Cute: The former boxer had a gift for mixing innocence and wit. It didn’t hurt that he had the face of a good guy. »

Related content and comment here.

Donald Trump Makes Lewd Remarks about Women on Video | NBC News

Oct 7, 2016 | In a 2005 conversation with Access Hollywood Donald Trump discusses his approach to some women.

WARNING! This video is NOT suitable for children. Nor Is it suitable for the prissy. It is vulgar, filthy and extremely sexist.

I am posting this video on Donald Trump because I believe that it shows the man’s true, base and ignoble nature. That he should be running for the highest office in the US yet again, that the American electorate hasn’t already had enough of this vulgar man is beyond my comprehension. In my opinion, after the trouble he has brought on the USA, he should not be allowed anywhere near the White House.

Americans clearly have a very different understanding of what a president should be and how he should behave than I do. Trump will not make “America great again’ as he so frequently boasts; rather, if he gets re-elected, he will make America the laughing stock of the world. Moreover, he will fill Vladimir Putin and Xi Xinping with glee. – © Mark Alexander

Why Donald Trump Is Stronger than Ever after His Sean Hannity Town Hall | The Warning

Dec 9, 2023 | Steve Schmidt reacts to the fallout from Donald Trump's Town Hall with Sean Hannity on Fox News. Steve said the event proved that Trump is "stronger than ever" and can not be taken lightly by Joe Biden and the Democrats in 2024.

How Ukraine Plans to Stop Speaking Russian

Dec 7, 2023

Geert Wilders' Victory May Be Only the Beginning of Voters Rebuking the Establishment: Steve Forbes

Nov 30, 2023 | Steve Forbes warns mainstream politicians that more shocking electoral upsets from outsiders may soon be in store due to voters' disaffection for current policies.

Yes, Mr. Forbes: British politics stinks to high heaven, too! – © Mark Alexander

The Prince of Bahrain Stands with Israel | #shorts

The Prince of Bahrain understands what Israel is dealing with.

UK Voters Want Closer Relationship with EU in ‘Significant’ Shift since Brexit

THE OBSERVER: Major study finds public see ties with Europe as more important than links with US and many ‘exhausted’ by ‘toxic’ debate

Protesters gather in front of the Foreign Office and Downing Street, demanding a new election and the UK's rejoining of the EU on 25 March 2023. Photograph: Sinai Noor/REX/Shutterstock

Almost twice as many UK voters now believe a close relationship with the EU is more important for peace, prosperity and security than ties with the US, according to a major new study of post-Brexit attitudes.

The report, based on extensive polling and discussion groups with people of all Brexit persuasions, finds that attitudes towards the EU are becoming more favourable across a range of policy areas, and that the entire Brexit debate is now far less toxic and more pragmatic.

This, its authors say, will give a potential Labour government “space and permission” to work towards closer links, particularly on issues of trade, security and defence, where a clear majority of the public is now in favour. The report by the independent thinktank British Future found that 52% of the public would now like the UK to have a closer relationship with the EU, with only 12% saying it should have a more distant one, and 27% in favour of maintaining the status quo. » | Toby Helm, Political editor | Saturday, December 9, 2023

Ryan O’Neal, Who Became a Star With ‘Love Story,’ Dies at 82

THE NEW YORK TIMES: He was a familiar face in movies and on TV before his breakout performance opposite Ali MacGraw in the 1970 blockbuster. But it was overshadowed by years of personal problems.

Ryan O’Neal’s performance opposite Ali MacGraw in the hit 1970 movie “Love Story” made him an instant star. | Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images

Ryan O’Neal, who became an instant movie star in the hit film “Love Story,” the highest-grossing movie of 1970, but who was later known as much for his personal life and health problems as for his acting in his later career, died on Friday. He was 82.

His son Patrick O’Neal confirmed the death in a post on Instagram. It did not give the cause or say where he died.

Mr. O’Neal was a familiar face on both big and small screens for a half-century. But he was never as famous as he was in the immediate aftermath of “Love Story.”

He was 29 years old and had spent a decade on television but had made only two other movies when he was chosen to star in Arthur Hiller’s sentimental romance, written by Erich Segal (who turned his screenplay into a best-selling novel). His performance as Oliver Barrett IV, a wealthy, golden-haired Harvard hockey player married to a dying woman played by Ali MacGraw, garnered him the only Academy Award nomination of his career. » | Aljean Harmetz | Friday, December 8, 2023

Ryan O’Neal, Hollywood actor and star of Love Story, dies aged 82: Death of star of Paper Moon, What’s Up, Doc? and Barry Lyndon announced by his son Patrick O’Neal »

Ryan O'Neal, Oscar-nominated star of Love Story, dead at 82: American actor Ryan O'Neal, best known for his Oscar-nominated role in 1970 romance Love Story, has died at the age of 82, his son said. »

Ryan O’Neal: Love Story star and Oscar nominee dies aged 82: American actor also starred in Paper Moon and for decades dated Farrah Fawcett »

How very sad! I was a student in London when Love Story premiered here in the UK. I remember driving to a cinema in Leicester Square to watch the film. It was a devastatingly beautiful film! I left the cinema star-struck! The first thing I did the following Monday morning was go to a bookshop to buy the book. I believe I have it here to this very day.

Ryan O'Neal was devastatingly handsome in the film; in fact, he was probably my very first crush! After watching that truly wonderful film, I started being unsettled about my sexual orientation. (I was not out at that time.)

Ryan o'Neal was my dream-lover. The All-American college-boy.

A wonderful era has ended. – © Mark Alexander

Friday, December 08, 2023

Steve Schmidt Explains How the Ivy League Failed America's Youth | The Warning

Dec 8, 2023 | Steve Schmidt reacts to the recent antisemitic protests taking place across college campuses in the United States. He says the fact these elite universities allow this behavior from their students is a sign of national decay.

F*** these Ivy League universities if they can't do better than this! – © Mark Alexander

Eating Red Meat Is Good for You

Classic French Chateaubriand

Many thanks to The Spruce Eats on Pinterest for the photo of this scrumptious-looking Chateaubriand.

Remember: Red meat is full of the following nutrients: zinc, iodine, iron, selenium, B12, B6, essential fatty acids, protein, riboflavin, niacin, phospherous, pantothenate, magnesium and potassium. If you listen to the left-wing press, they’ll have you eating a very unhealthy, vegan or vegetarian diet in no time at all, in order to look after the environment. It’s your carbon footprint, don’t you know? Well, for what it’s worth, I want to look after the environment too; but even though I do, my health must come FIRST! If I lose my health, I won’t be around long enough to enjoy the environment! C'est ça ! – © Mark Alexander

Ne-Yo : One In A Million | Official Music Video | Reupload

Sep 3, 2010 | Remastered in HD | Views on YouTube: 334,018,856

Perry Como: And I Love You So

Feb 20, 2017 | Provided to YouTube by BMG Special Products | Views on YouTube: 18,348,159

Frank Sinatra: Somethin' Stupid

Jul 29, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

One to Enrage the Homophobes

Something quite, quite normal: Two handsome men expressing their love for each other.

With many thanks to GG Lynn for this truly delightful photo.

Margaret Thatcher Did Terrible Things, Insists Keir Starmer after Backlash to Tribute

THE TELEGRAPH: Labour leader caused a stir by commending the former PM for enacting ‘meaningful change’

Sir Keir says he was making the point that Thatcher was a leader with a 'driving sense of purpose', rather than expressing support for her policies | CREDIT: ROGER HARRIS/AFP via Getty Images

Sir Keir Starmer has insisted he is not a fan of Margaret Thatcher as he faced a backlash from his own MPs for praising the Iron Lady.

The Labour leader claimed the former prime minister did “terrible things” which he “profoundly disagrees with” as he sought to placate backbenchers angered by his tribute to her legacy.

Sir Keir caused a stir by commending Thatcher for enacting “meaningful change” and “setting loose our natural entrepreneurialism” in an article for The Telegraph.

He has since stressed he was making the point that she was a leader with a “driving sense of purpose”, rather than expressing support for her policies.

He went even further at a gala dinner in Scotland on Thursday evening, clarifying he was no champion of her politics. Asked if he was a fan of Thatcher, he said: “No, absolutely not. She did terrible things, particularly here in Scotland which everybody in this room, myself included, profoundly disagrees with.” » | Amy Gibbons, Political Correspondent | Friday, December 8, 2023

Can't these politicians let Margaret Thatcher rest in peace? It's as if they are tied to Mummy's apron strings! Margeret Thatcher was in power 40 years ago! I remember the period very well. Undoubtedly, her politics made life exciting for many, though very hard for many others. Whether you agreed with her politics, or not, nobody can deny her leadership skills and sense of purpose.

However, she governed in very different times from today. The problems she and her government faced and had to try and solve were very different from today's problems. Indeed, one of the major problems we face today is wealth inequality. The gap between the haves and have-nots has never been as big as this since the Gilded Age. It should be noted that it was Thatcherism here in the UK and Reaganomics, its brother in the States, that set this trend in motion. We wouldn't have this HUGE wealth gap today had it not been for Thatcher and Reagan. So the last thing we need now is yet more of the very policies that caused this problem.

Thatcher once said that the wealth gap doesn't matter. As a one-time student of economics, I can assure you that she was absolutely wrong on that. The gap between the rich and the poor does matter if society is to cohere and be harmonious. You only have to ask the French about that! France lost its monarchy because of the displeasure of the people with the then existent wealth gap!

I find it mystifying that Thatcher's spell on this country has still not been broken. That this is so can surely be explained only by our politicians' lack of understanding of the economy and of how economics works.

Thatcherism was all well and good in the 1980s and 90s. But all these decades later, we need another way forward.

Margaret Thatcher: Requiescat in pace. – © Mark Alexander

Hunter Biden Charged With Evading Taxes on Millions From Foreign Firms

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Justice Department charged President Biden’s son after a long-running and wide-ranging investigation with substantial political repercussions.

Hunter Biden, the son of President Biden, had already been charged with three federal weapons felonies in September. | Kenny Holston/The New York Times

A federal grand jury charged Hunter Biden on Thursday with a scheme to evade federal taxes on millions in income from foreign businesses, the second indictment against him this year and a major new development in a case Republicans have made the cornerstone of a possible impeachment of President Biden.

Mr. Biden, the president’s son, faces three counts each of evasion of a tax assessment, failure to file and pay taxes, and filing a false or fraudulent tax return, according to the 56-page indictment — a withering play-by-play of personal indulgence with potentially enormous political costs for his father.

The charges, filed in California, came five months after he appeared to be on the verge of a plea deal that would have avoided jail time and potentially granted him broad immunity from future prosecution stemming from his business dealings. But the agreement collapsed, and in September, he was indicted in Delaware on three charges stemming from his illegal purchase of a handgun in 2018, a period when he used drugs heavily and was prohibited from owning a firearm.

The tax charges have always been the more serious element of the inquiry by the special counsel, David C. Weiss, who began investigating the president’s son five years ago as the Trump-appointed U.S. attorney for Delaware. Mr. Weiss was retained when President Biden took office in 2021. » | Glenn Thrush and Michael S. Schmidt | Reporting from Washington | Thursday, Dece,ber 7, 2023

Is every sod at the top corrupt? Isn't there even one honest broker amonst the SOBs? All American politicians invoke God. They can't get by without mentioning Gods name. The bloody hypocrites. For Christ's sake, leave God out of the equation and start behaving honestly and responsibly. The bloody lot of you are a disgrace. – © Mark Alexander

Recipedis: Brunsli : Swiss Almond Chocolate Christmas Cookies

Ciao Amici! If you're looking for a delicious and festive cookie to serve at your Christmas party, then you need to try Swiss almond chocolate cookies. Here in Switzerland, we call them Brunsli. These cookies/biscuits are made from simple ingredients and are easy to put together.

For the recipe, click here, then click on ‘more’.

Bedrohen Superreiche die Demokratie? | 42 - Die Antwort auf fast alles | ARTE

Dec 8, 2023 | Weltweit nimmt der Superreichtum immer gigantischere Ausmaße an. Ist es eine Gefahr für die Demokratie, wenn wenige Menschen um ein Vielfaches reicher sind als der Rest der Bevölkerung? "42" spricht darüber unter anderem mit der Rechtswissenschaftlerin Katharina Pistor, dem Soziologen Michael Hartmann oder dem Investigativ-Journalisten Olivier Petitjean.

Demokratien beruhen auf einem fundamentalen Ideal: One man, one vote – das Volk ist souverän. Das Ganze wird gestützt durch ein ausgeklügeltes System aus Checks and Balances, mit Gerichten, Parlamenten, Wahlen, Parteien und der freien Presse. So soll eigentlich verhindert werden, dass einzelne Bürger oder Teile der Bevölkerung zu einflussreich werden und die Macht im Staat übernehmen. Kann dieses komplizierte System der Machtteilung noch funktionieren, wenn wenige Bürger sehr viel reicher sind als alle anderen?

Für die Rechtswissenschaftlerin Katharina Pistor sind viele Demokratien durch den Superreichtum längst aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten: „Ich denke, wenn man sich die politische Großwetterlage anguckt in verschiedenen Demokratien, einschließlich der ältesten Demokratien, die wir haben, zum Beispiel den USA, dann ist ganz klar, dass wir die Schieflage erreicht haben.“ Laut dem Philosophen Christian Neuhäuser wird der moderne Superreichtum – im Unterschied zum Reichtum anderer Zeitalter – durch private Unternehmen erzeugt. Nutznießer sind vor allem die Chefs und Gründer der Unternehmen; sie können mit dem erworbenen Reichtum nicht nur eine enorme wirtschaftliche Macht ausüben, sondern auch politisch Einfluss nehmen. Aber wie?

Neuhäuser zufolge gibt es hier verschiedene Mechanismen, die von simpler Bestechung über Lobbyismus bis zum sogenannten Mäzenatentum reichen. Auch der französische Investigativjournalist Olivier Petitjean beobachtet, dass die politische Macht der Superreichen seit Jahren wächst. Er befürchtet, dass die Menschen „in einem Wirtschaftssystem leben, das immer mehr die Superreichen bevorzugt – und immer ungerechter wird.“

Wissenschafts-Dokureihe (D 2023, 27 Min)
Verfügbar bis zum 09/12/2024

Le destin tragique de la dernière impératrice d'Iran | INA Mireille Dumas

Nov 28, 2023 | Mireille Dumas reçoit Farah Diba Pahlavi, la dernière impératrice d'Iran qui a du fuir son pays avec Mohammad Reza Pahlavi le 16 janvier 1979 après la chute de la monarchie iranienne. Elle raconte sa rencontre avec le shah, son rôle d'impératrice auprès des Iraniens et son regard sur la situation actuelle au sein de la république islamique d'Iran.

À mon avis, cela aurait été bien mieux pour l’Iran et pour les Iraniens s’ils étaient restés fidèles au Shah et à Shahbanou. Le trône du paon était ancré dans l’histoire et l’élégance. Sa Majesté l'impératrice Farah Pahlavi aurait pu apporter à l'Iran et aux Iraniens tant de respect, d'élégance et de position dans le monde. La chute de la dynastie est une véritable tragédie. C’est une grande perte non seulement pour les Iraniens mais aussi pour le monde entier. – © Mark Alexander

WIKIPEDIA: Farah Pahlavi »

Her Majesty Queen Farah Pahlavi [Official website] »

Iran Looks to Houthi Proxies to Escalate Fight With Israel

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Iranian-backed militia in Yemen has launched drone and missile attacks on Israeli and American targets. American officials fear the group could go too far and incite a wider war.

Houthi fighters who have volunteered to fight in Gaza against Israel during a parade this month in Sana, Yemen. | Khaled Abdullah/Reuters

The Houthis, Iranian-backed rebels in Yemen who have launched recent drone and missile attacks on Israeli and American targets, are emerging as an unpredictable and dangerous wild card in the Middle East — the proxies that Iran considers most suited to widening the war with Israel.

Analysts close to the Iranian government said the Houthis’ base in Yemen makes them ideally positioned to escalate fighting in the region, in the hopes of pressuring Israel to end its war with Hamas in Gaza.

The analysts’ assessment tracks with descriptions of a plan by Iran and its network of militias to increase attacks on Israeli and American targets in the region, according to two Iranians affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps who were not authorized to speak publicly.

The Houthis, the analysts said, are Iran’s chosen proxies because from Yemen they are both close enough to the Red Sea’s strategic waterways to disrupt global shipping, and far enough from Israel to make retaliatory strikes difficult. Unlike Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed militant group that has struck Israel from Lebanon, the Houthis are not beholden to domestic political dynamics — making them effectively accountable to no one. » | Farnaz Fassihi, Ronen Bergman and Eric Schmitt | Friday, December 8, 2023

Vladimir Putin to Seek Another Term as Russian President

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The announcement was long expected after the Constitution was amended in 2020, effectively allowing the Russian leader to stay in power until 2036.

A photograph released by Russian state media showed President Vladimir V. Putin speaking in Moscow on Friday during a medal ceremony for military personnel. | Valeriy Sharifulin/Sputnik, via Reuters

President Vladimir V. Putin said on Friday that he would seek another term as Russia’s leader at an election scheduled for March 17, setting in motion a campaign that is widely expected to result in another victory.

With the war in Ukraine as a backdrop, Mr. Putin’s announcement was laden with symbolism. According to Tass, a Russian state news agency, he made it during a military awards ceremony in the Kremlin, responding to a question posed by Artyom Zhoga, a Russian military officer and official from Donetsk, a city in eastern Ukraine.

“I won’t hide it, I had different thoughts at different times,” Mr. Putin said. “But now you are right, the time is such when a decision needs to be made,” he said. “I will run for president of Russia.”

It was a long-expected announcement, awaited by observers at least since the Russian Constitution was amended in 2020 to effectively allow Mr. Putin to stay in power until 2036. He has led Russia as either president or prime minister since 1999. » | Valerie Hopkins and Ivan Nechepurenko | Friday, December 8, 2023

Zigarre rauchen – So geht’s richtig: Tipps zum Genießen von Zigarren

Apr 19, 2018 | Was gibt es beim Zigarre rauchen zu beachten, was gilt es zu vermeiden? Hier sind Experten-Tipps zum Genießen von Zigarren. Der wahre Kenner raucht seine Zigarre nicht, er genießt sie, weil jeder Zug seinem Gaumen das Ergebnis eines außerordentlichen Vergnügens bereiten soll. Damit die Zigarre auch zu einem echten Genusserlebnis wird, sollte man beim Rauchen einige Punkte berücksichtigen. ...

King and Queen Plan to Visit Australia in 2024

THE TELEGRAPH: Public reaction to the visit could indicate the level of support for the monarchy in the country, where calls for republicanism are growing

The King and Queen are expected to travel to Australia and New Zealand in October CREDIT: Shutterstock

The King is planning to visit Australia next year in what is likely be a key test of his popularity as monarch, the Sydney Morning Herald has reported.

His Majesty, accompanied by the Queen, is expected to travel to Australia just before or after the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Samoa, which is being held in late October.

“King Charles is planning to visit Australia and New Zealand in October,” the newspaper reported, quoting an anonymous diplomatic source, who had contact with the monarch. » | Roger Maynard in Sydney | Tuesday, December 5, 2023

When I saw this photograph, I was reminded of my childhood: I was reminded of the nursery rhyme, Old King Cole was a merry old soul. And a merry old soul was he. …

As much as I respect our monarchy and our king and queen, I must say that that photo looks rather anachronistic in 2023.

Still, having a respected monarch is a whole lot safer and better than having a republic. Were we to have a republic, we could end up with a president like Trump! Just imagine that! Perish the thought! – © Mark Alexander

Australian PM Called Thatcher a ‘F------ B----’ in Angry Phone Call

THE TELEGRAPH: The two leaders were at loggerheads over British and Irish Lions tour to apartheid South Africa until Mrs Thatcher withdrew the team

Margaret Thatcher and Bob Hawke were said to have a 'love-hate relationship' CREDIT: Getty Images

A former Australian prime minister called Margaret Thatcher a “f------ b----” during an angry phone call about the British and Irish Lions tour in 1986, a new memoir claims.

Bob Hawke, the Labour prime minister from 1983 to 1991, contacted his British counterpart to persuade her to call off the rugby tour in South Africa in protest against apartheid.

John Brown, the former Australian sports minister, has said in his new memoir that the conversation proceeded on diplomatic lines for about 10 minutes when “suddenly the mood changed”.

“Thatcher had popularised the expression ‘the lady is not for turning’ and she was obviously determined to maintain her stance supporting South Africa,” he recalled.

“I could see Bob, as I had seen him many times before, becoming agitated and angry. Eventually he reached the limit of his patience,” Mr Brown wrote. » | Roger Maynard | Friday, December 8, 2023

Rishi's Rwanda Spend; Rishi's Rwanda Threats

Dec 8, 2023 | It will only take 29 Conservative MPs to rebel to defeat this bill. As we saw less than a week ago, the Conservative party is ready to rebel and Lord Garnier has given advice to the 109 One Nation group that the bill due for a vote on Tuesday is "political" and "legal nonsense"

Well said! It is an outrage that so much taxpayers' money is being spent on this crap! Much of that money will probably end up in the bank accounts of the rulers there anyway. The petulant Sunak has clearly got more money than sense. It is an irony indeed that he, a teetotaller, is spending taxpayers' money like a drunken sailor! – © Mark Alexander

Prince Harry Loses Legal Bid to Throw Out Mail on Sunday Publisher’s Libel Defence

THE GUARDIAN: Duke of Sussex suing Associated Newspapers Limited and lawyers say story ‘an attack on his honesty and integrity’

The Duke of Sussex at the high court earlier this year. Photograph: Alberto Pezzali/AP

The Duke of Sussex has lost a bid to have the Mail on Sunday publisher’s defence to his high court libel claim thrown out by a judge.

Harry, 39, is suing Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) over a February 2022 article about his legal challenge against the Home Office after a decision to change his publicly funded security arrangements when visiting the UK.

The duke’s lawyers have said the story, which claimed Harry “tried to keep details of his legal battle to reinstate his police protection secret from the public”, was “an attack on his honesty and integrity” and would undermine his charity work and efforts to tackle misinformation online.

ANL is contesting the claim, arguing the article expressed an “honest opinion” and did not cause “serious harm” to his reputation. » | PA Media | Friday, November 8, 2023

UKM-Experte klärt auf: Risiken und Inhaltsstoffe von E-Zigaretten vs. normale Zigaretten

May 30, 2023 | Rund 28 Prozent der Erwachsenen in Deutschland rauchen. Dabei hat der Anteil an Konsument*innen von E-Zigaretten in den letzten Jahren sprunghaft zugenommen. In einem kürzlich veröffentlichten Positionspapier mehrerer medizinischer Fachgesellschaften wird ausdrücklich davor gewarnt, E-Zigaretten in Bezug auf gesundheitlichen Folgen zu unterschätzen. Autoren der Studie sind u.a. Dr. Bernd Krabbe, Chefarzt der Angiologie im UKM MHS in Steinfurt, und Priv.-Doz. Nasser Malyar, Sektionsleiter der Angiologie am UKM.

"Der Irrglaube, die E-Zigarette sei gesund, ist in jedem Fall falsch. Es wird sich in Zukunft noch herausstellen, ob die E-Zigarette weniger schädlich ist. Wichtig bleibt festzuhalten: Schädlich sind beide – vor allem in Kombination", betont Malyar.

Politiker von heute promovieren E-Zigaretten statt Zigaretten aus Tabak. Sie scheinen überzeugt davon zu sein, daß Dampfen weniger schädlich ist als Rauchen.

Genau wie der Spezialist im Video sagt, beides ist schädlich und Information über Dampfen haben wir viel zu wenig, um viel darüber sagen zu können, die langzeitige Auswirkungen von E-Zigaretten.

Persönlich bin ich der Meinung, daß Politiker von diesem Thema die Hände weg halten sollten. Sie sollten einfach den Leuten Information geben und erlauben die Leute selber zu entscheiden, ob sie rauchen oder dampfen wollen. Letztendlich geht es den Politikern gar nichts an.

Übrigens, am 10. Dezember werde ich Nichtraucher seit einem Jahr und ach Monaten sein. – © Mark Alexander

Mohamad Faridi & Andrew Wommack : Grace Encounters Conference | 2022

Sep 16, 2023 | Mohamad Faridi - Mohamad Faridi was raised in Iran as a devoted Muslim, believing that martyrdom was the pinnacle of success. Afraid that he would be punished in hell by the god of Islam for his sins, he did all he could to fulfill the demands of his religion. Everything would change, however, when he encountered the unconditional love and grace of Jesus Christ. Knowing his newfound faith would result in extreme persecution, he fled to America where he met and married his wife, Susan. A pastor friend introduced them to Andrew Wommack’s teachings, and they began growing in faith and understanding the true meaning of the Gospel. Their lives would never be the same! Now a Charis graduate, Mohamad is impacting the Muslim world with the Good News of God’s love and grace.

Listen carefully to what Mohamad Faridi tells us about the nature of Islam. It should be a warning to us all in the West. Don't be put off by the deeply Christian talk in the video. That is not why I am posting this for you. I want people to TRULY UNDERSTAND, once and for all, what we are dealing with when we are dealing with Islam. Muslims can be incredibly lovely people. I know form experience that this is true. But Islam itself is a BACKWARD IDEOLOGY. It should have no place in Europe or the West. It doesn't belong here.

Western politicians are hoodwinking electorates by forstering competing ideologies at one and the same time. Feminism, gay rights, equality of religions, etc. Islam believes in none of these things; and will tolerate none of these things either.

When Islam gets its STEELY GRIP on the West, which, if present trends and birthrates continue it surely will, then we will be able to kiss goodbye to women's rights, gay rights, atheists' rights, and all the other rights one can think of. You will have ONLY ONE RIGHT: the right to SUBMIT to Allah. That mysthical cruel dude in the sky, who watches everything you do, even what you do on the toilet!

If things go on as they are, if our politicians show no spunk, eventually, the people will take matters into their own hands. This is what I fear. I fear civil war. There is only so much that the people will accept. They certainly put up with it for now, but in the long-run, they will never accept the dark, backward ways of a religion which belongs in the sands of the desert rather than in the West. – © Mark Alexander

Geert Wilders’ Message for Muslims in Europe | Controversial Dutch PM, warns Erdogan

Dec 4, 2023 | The Far-Right Dutch Prime Minister, renowned for his Islamophobic stance and anti-Turkey sentiments, recently stirred controversy with a video message following a dramatic victory.

In the video, originally uploaded on December 4, 2015, Geert Wilders explicitly stated, "I have a message to the Turks; we do not want you in Europe. You are not European. You can never be a part of Europe." He went on to criticize Turkey, claiming it is ruled by the "dangerous Erdogan, who carries the flag of Islam," and emphatically expressed, "We don't want Islam. Therefore, Türkiye, stay away from us."

This isn't the first time Wilders has showcased discriminatory views; throughout his career, he has consistently made anti-Islamic comments, often targeting Erdogan and using anti-Turkey rhetoric as part of his domestic policy. Notably, in 2019, Wilders canceled a Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest, provoking protests in Pakistan, underscoring his ongoing commitment to a divisive stance against Islam despite any opposition.

UK Paid Rwanda an Extra £100m for Asylum Deal

Rishi Sunak defended his Rwanda plans at a press conference on Thursday

BBC: The UK has given Rwanda a further £100m this year as part of its deal to relocate asylum seekers there.

The payment was made in April, the Home Office's top civil servant said in a letter to MPs, after £140m had already been sent to the African nation.

Sir Matthew Rycroft said another payment of £50m was expected next year.

The revelation came hours after Rishi Sunak vowed to "finish the job" of reviving the plan after the resignation of his immigration minister this week.

The scheme to send some asylum seekers to Rwanda for processing, in order to deter people from crossing the English Channel in small boats, was first announced by then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson in April 2022. » | Andre Rhoden-Paul, BBC NEWS | Friday, December 8, 2023

FFS! What a tosser Sunak is! Has he taken leave of his senses? Does this country really have to pay all these HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of tax-payers' money paid out for a HARE-BRAINED SCHEME that will probably never work anyway? And, by the way, when large sums of money like that go to such countries in Africa, they usually end up in private bank accounts: the bank accounts of the rulers! They live in the lap of luxury whilst the British taxpayers suffer.

When it comes to paying the elderly a decent state pension, they can never afford the money. Even the triple lock, which is paid because the government has been incapable of controlling inflation in the economy, is, we are told, "unsustainable" in the long-term. Yet the government can find enormous sums of money for silly schemes thought-up up by half-wits!

When I was in school, we had a name for people like this... We'd call them wankers! Sunak is such a person.

Kick him out of office as soon as possible. He was never elected into office in the first place anyway. – © Mark Alexander

Thursday, December 07, 2023

Putin Described as 'Most Intelligent Gentleman' by Former Austrian Foreign Minister | BBC News

Dec 7, 2023 | The former Austrian foreign minister Karin Kneissl, who hit the headlines when she danced with Vladimir Putin at her wedding in 2018, has moved to Russia. In an interview, Ms Kneissl claimed that “political pressure” had forced her out of Austria and described President Putin as “the most intelligent gentleman". It comes as this month European Union leaders are set to discuss imposing additional restrictions on Russia over the war in Ukraine, in what would be a twelfth round of sanctions.

The Lincoln Project: Telling the Truth

Dec 7, 2023 | Republicans, Democrats, Independents - regardless of your party affiliation, it should be clear to everyone that Donald Trump is telling us exactly what his dictatorial ambitions are.

How Vivek Ramaswamy Is Auditioning to Be Donald Trump's VP | The Warning

Dec 7, 2023 | Steve Schmidt reacts to Vivek Ramaswamy's comments at the Republican President debate, saying both 9/11 and January 6th were inside jobs. Steve adds that this sort of inane commentary is clearly an audition to be Trump's running mate and should be cause of national concern.

Prince Harry Claims He Was ‘Forced’ to Step Back from Royal Duties

THE TELEGRAPH: Duke of Sussex disputes suggestion that it was his choice to stop being ‘full time working member of Royal family’, High Court hears

The Duke of Sussex leaves the Royal Courts of Justice in central London during a hearing in March CREDIT: AFP

The Duke of Sussex was “forced” to step back from royal duties and leave the UK, he has told the High Court.

Prince Harry disputed a suggestion, made during his legal challenge against the Government decision to deny him automatic police protection in the UK, that he had chosen to stop being “a full-time working member of the Royal family”.

His barrister, Shaheed Fatima KC, said she wanted to make it “quite clear” that this was not the case.

She read an excerpt from the Duke’s witness statement in which he said: “It was with great sadness for the both of us that my wife and I felt forced to step back from this role and leave the country in 2020. » | Victoria Ward, Deputy Royal Editor | THursday, December 7, 2023

Danish MPs Vote to Ban Desecration of Religious Texts after Qur’an Burnings

GUARDIAN EUROPE: String of incidents where Islamic text was burned in Denmark and Sweden prompted intensively debated bill

A far-right group burning a copy of the Qur’an in Copenhagen, Denmark, in July. Photograph: Ole Jensen/Getty Images

The Danish parliament has voted to ban the burning of religious scriptures after a series of Qur’an desecrations in the country and neighbouring Sweden.

After months of intensive debate, a bill making it illegal to burn, soil, trample on or cut recognised religious scriptures including the Qur’an, the Bible or the Torah was passed with 94 votes in favour and 77 against.

Over the summer copies of the Qur’an were burned or otherwise damaged during a series of protests in Denmark and Sweden, prompting international uproar. The diplomatic crisis that followed led both governments to say they would look at ways to legally limit such acts.

The Danish government has presented the move as a security measure. Presenting the proposal in August, the justice minister, Peter Hummelgaard, a Social Democrat, said: “It harms Denmark and Danish interests, and risks harming the security of Danes abroad and here at home.”

Those who break the new law could be punished with fines or up to two years in prison. » | Miranda Bryant in Stockholm | Thursday, December 7, 2023

The politicians in the Danish parliament must be a lily-livered lot! This is a truly retrograde step. Whatever happened to freedom of expression in Denmark? Is someone also going to be imprisoned for burning fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm?

This is the re-introduction of a blasphemy law through the back door! Weakness! Weakness! Weakness! Weakness, which helps the Islamization of Europe along. Shame on the lot of you! – © Mark Alexander

You Belong to Me! | Documentary

Dec 7, 2023 | Why is femicide so prevalent across Europe? And what does it say about our societies? A look at the issue in Spain, France and Germany.

Mohamad Faridi in Discussion with Nonie Darwish on Islamic Values and Biblical Values

Aug 27, 2020

This excellent discussion is a very important one for Westerners to be able to understand the true nature of Islam. Both Nonie Darwish — a famous authoress — and Mohamad Faridi are former Muslims who have seen the light and have converted to Christianity.

This discussion cuts through the politically correct and woke nonsense Westerners are fed to get to the truth about Islam, to its true nature. It shows us not what people want to believe about Islam, but what people should believe about it. Enjoy the discussion! – © Mark Alexander

Israel: What’s with All the Moustaches in the IDF?

”Soldiers have been letting their facial follicles flow.”

I do hope that our Führer watches this and sees all the young soldiers lighting up! It’s what soldiers do. But if Sunak gets his way, our soldiers won’t be allowed a cigarette when relaxing after combat. They’ll be old enough to die for our country, but not old enough to smoke a cigarette! Just imagine that! – © Mark Alexander

Almond Panna Cotta | Akis Petretzikis

Dec 7, 2023

Get the recipe here.

Cassidy Hutchinson: Voting for Trump a Vote for ‘Fascist Government’

Dec 7, 2023 | Fmr. Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson joins MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss the “extreme threat” Trump poses to democracy if elected to a second term and shares her thoughts about Liz Cheney’s “profound” book that she says is an “indictment of the Republican Party” and urges Americans to heed its warning.

Nancy Pelosi: Republicans Have Placed Democracy in Jeopardy

Dec 7, 2023 | On the day former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announces his retirement from Congress, fellow California representative Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi tells MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell that she would rather talk about what is at stake in 2024: our democracy.

Braverman Denies Spreading Poison within Party to Get Rid of PM

THE GUARDIAN: Former home secretary refuses to back Rishi Sunak’s deportation plan and says Tories are in a ‘perilous situation’

Suella Braverman told BBC’s Today programme: ‘sometimes honesty is uncomfortable. If that upsets polite society, I’m sorry about that.’ Photograph: Justin Tallis/PA

Former home secretary Suella Braverman has denied spreading poison within her own party to get rid of Rishi Sunak.

In a combative interview after the resignation of the immigration minister Robert Jenrick on Wednesday, Braverman told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme she was a “plain speaker” and not trying to remove the prime minister.

However, she refused to back Sunak’s Rwanda deportation plan, key to fulfilling one of his five pledges to the British people, insisting “the reality and sorry truth is, it just won’t work”.

She also again warned the prime minister of the “perilous situation” the Conservatives found themselves in given his pledge to stop the boats at the start of the year. » | Aletha Adu, Political correspondent | Thursday, December 7, 2023

Saudi’s MBS Welcomes Putin with Smiles & Handshake | Russia’s Bid to Checkmate US In Middle East?

Dec 7, 2023 | Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman held bilateral talks in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, on December 6. Putin said "nothing can prevent the development of our friendly relations" as he makes a rare trip abroad seeking to bolster Russia's influence in the Middle East. MBS also said that cooperation between the two countries had a "positive impact on many issues" in the Middle East. Before Saudi Arabia's visit, Putin made a trip to the UAE, where he met President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

US Senate Republicans Block Military Aid for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan | DW News

Dec 7, 2023 | US Republican senators have blocked a bill aimed at providing billions of dollars of military aid to Ukraine and Israel. They insist that any aid to Ukraine must be tied to stronger policies to control immigration across the border with Mexico. The result of the vote will send the lawmakers back to the negotiating table. President Joe Biden has signaled he's prepared to make compromises to get the aid approved.

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Naughty and Nice; Sexy and Cool…

… a source of great pleasure with each and every draw!

Many thanks to Nona DeAnda on Pinterest for this delightful photo.

The Guardian View on Tory Ideology: Thatcherism Isn’t Working – It Never Did

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: There was no miracle, only a myth manufactured by the Iron Lady herself. It’s time Westminster woke up to that

Margaret Thatcher on the steps of 10 Downing Street, May 1980. Photograph: John Redman/AP

A spectre is haunting British politics. Its outline is instantly recognisable to every Briton of a certain age: hair coiffed into a halo, shoulders firmed up with pads and, jutting out from the left wrist, the inevitable handbag.

More than three decades after she was driven out of No 10, and a decade after her death, Margaret Thatcher still casts a long shadow over the country she once ruled, and her party. Rishi Sunak sat in her old Rover ( and tweeted about it, naturally) and Liz Truss copied her wardrobe. She influenced the Labour party under Tony Blair, though this admiration was first tempered by Labour under Ed Miliband and even more under Jeremy Corbyn. Sir Keir Starmer’s praise for Mrs Thatcher is perhaps more about internal Labour politics than about the Tories’ “leaderene”.

For some, however, she remained the country’s “saviour”. As the UK became the sick man of Europe, along came its first woman prime minister – closing down industries and cutting spending. Supporters acknowledge this hurt, but say it worked. History has not been kind about such judgments. Her emphasis on monetarism proved wrong. She bequeathed a dismal legacy of greed and inequality. » | Editorial | Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Who Says Mary Was a Virgin?

Dec 6, 2023

Freedom up in Smoke – Baroness Fox of Buckley

Nov 27, 2023 | On Monday 20th November 2023 the smokers' group Forest invited a panel of speakers to discuss the UK Government's plan for a ban on the sale of tobacco to future generations of adults. They included Baroness Fox of Buckley, founder of the Academy of Ideas, who told us, "It's mad."

In these troubled times, one would think that Rishi Sunak would have far, far more important things to think about than whether a young man, or woman, takes up the smoking habit, which is their right in a democracy.

Who does this little dictator think he is? Many dictators in history have been short. Rishi Sunak is no exception to the rule.

If this absurd law goes ahead, one day, it will have to be repealed. New Zealand has abandoned the silly little law; the new right-wing government there could probably see how undemocratic and how unworkable it would have been in practice. And we Brits will have to abandon it too. In any case, the power and influence of the Tories is in steep decline – people have had enough of their silly little, unworkable ideas and the chaos they have brought with them.

Margaret Thatcher, although not a smoker herself, would never have introduced such a silly, unworkable, undemocratic law. She respected liberty and people's rights too much.

It is clear to me that Rishi Sunak is like a schoolboy trying to function in a man's world. – © Mark Alexander

Putin in the Middle East: What Is the Focus of His Visit to the UAE and Saudi Arabia? | DW News

Dec 6, 2023 | Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in the United Arab Emirates for a rare trip abroad. It's his first time visiting the Middle East since Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The UAE's foreign minister greeted the Russian President on his arrival. Putin then traveled on for talks with the UAE president Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed. He hailed the two countries current relations, saying they were at an "unprecedented high." Putin will also visit Saudi Arabia during the trip, where he will hold talks with the country's de facto ruler Mohammed bin Salman.

For more on this, we talk to Juri Rescheto. He is DW's former Moscow Bureau chief and joins us now from Riga, as DW is banned from reporting in Russia.

Related video here.

How George Santos's Absurdity Helps Donald Trump's Re-election Chances | The Warning

Dec 6, 2023 | Steve Schmidt reacts to the news George Santos has joined Cameo. Despite its absurdity on its face, Steve says this sort of action leads to a cynical electorate which could help elect Donald Trump in 2024.

UNTOLD: Gay under the Taliban | Channel 4 Documentaries

Oct 17, 2023 | A shocking story of four LGBTQ+ Afghans as they struggle to survive under the brutal oppression of the Taliban regime. Combining recent powerful diary-testimony and user-generated footage smuggled out of Afghanistan, the characters and their appalling stories are brought to life with dynamic animated scenes. Their haunting experiences reveal how Queer people are now hunted, brutalised and attacked through sexual violence, ultimately resulting in an existence they say now “isn’t worth living”.