Saturday, December 09, 2023

Donald Trump Makes Lewd Remarks about Women on Video | NBC News

Oct 7, 2016 | In a 2005 conversation with Access Hollywood Donald Trump discusses his approach to some women.

WARNING! This video is NOT suitable for children. Nor Is it suitable for the prissy. It is vulgar, filthy and extremely sexist.

I am posting this video on Donald Trump because I believe that it shows the man’s true, base and ignoble nature. That he should be running for the highest office in the US yet again, that the American electorate hasn’t already had enough of this vulgar man is beyond my comprehension. In my opinion, after the trouble he has brought on the USA, he should not be allowed anywhere near the White House.

Americans clearly have a very different understanding of what a president should be and how he should behave than I do. Trump will not make “America great again’ as he so frequently boasts; rather, if he gets re-elected, he will make America the laughing stock of the world. Moreover, he will fill Vladimir Putin and Xi Xinping with glee. – © Mark Alexander