Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Letter That Led to the Founding of Israel | Featured Documentary

Oct 16, 2023 | In November 1917, Britain’s Balfour Declaration opened the door to the founding of Israel 30 years later. And it has had a major impact on the Middle East.

The British government issued a public statement that contained a letter from Foreign Minister Arthur Balfour to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community. He forwarded it to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. It began, “His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people” and was the first public statement of support for Zionism by a major political power.

Iran Warns of ‘Multiple Fronts’ If Israel’s Gaza Attacks Continue.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Iran’s foreign minister spoke after a whirlwind tour of allies in the region. Israel’s northern border with Lebanon is being closely monitored as the first potential flashpoint where the war could spread.

Iran’s foreign minister, Hossein Amir Abdollahian, returned to Tehran after a regional tour that included visits with a top Hamas official in Doha, Qatar; Hezbollah’s leader in Beirut; and the Syrian president in Damascus. | Abbas Salman/EPA, via Shutterstock

Iran’s foreign minister warned on Monday that a regional network of militias known in parts of the Middle East as the “axis of resistance” would open “multiple fronts” against Israel if its attacks continued to kill civilians in Gaza.

“Time is running out very fast,” the official, Hossein Amir Abdollahian, said during a live televised interview with Iranian state television on Monday night. “If the war crimes against the Palestinians are not immediately stopped, other multiple fronts will open and this is inevitable.”

Mr. Amir Abdollahian spoke after returning to Tehran from a tour of capitals aligned or close to Iran. He met the top political official of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, in Doha, Qatar; the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, in Beirut; and President Bashar al-Assad of Syria in Damascus.

In the interview, he said that in those meetings, the leaders of what is regionally called “the resistance” told him that “their hands are on the trigger” and said that “pre-emptive action” was possible “in the coming few hours” because those leaders would “naturally not allow the Zionist regime to do whatever it wants in Gaza” and then turn its attention to them. » | Farnaz Fassihi | Published: Monday, October 16, 2023; updated: Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The Guardian View on Poland’s Election: A Record Turnout Delivers a Landmark Result

GUARDIAN EUROPE – EDITORIAL: A mass mobilisation of voters appears to have ousted the radical right from power. That is good news for Polish democracy, and for Europe

Poland's main opposition leader, Donald Tusk, at an election rally in Pruszków, Poland, on 13 October 2023. Photograph: Petr David Josek/AP

Back in 2018, as Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) neared the end of its first term in office, its leader, Jarosław Kaczyński, told one newspaper that his radical right project had only just begun. “We are preparing a long march,” said Mr Kaczyński, “one needs, not two, but three terms.”

On Sunday, Poles turned out in extraordinary numbers determined to thwart that ambition, and they appear to have succeeded in remarkable fashion. Provisional results indicate that the highest election turnout since the fall of communism delivered a famous and unexpectedly clear victory for the opposition coalition of parties. Though PiS emerged once more as the largest electoral force, it lost its majority and seemingly has no viable route to constructing a new one. For Poland, and for the rest of Europe, this constitutes a hugely consequential result. For progressives, it is one to celebrate. » | Editorial | Monday, October 16, 2023

Fresh air has blown over Poland; hopefully, it will keep on blowing. Eastern Europe needs plenty more fresh air. Now, as a result of this great election result – a warm welcome back, Mr Tusk! – all of Europe will be able to breathe more easily again. The cobwebs are being blown away, slowly but surely. – © Mark Alexander

With Opposition Gains, Poland Looks to Unwind an ‘Illiberal Democracy’: With all of the votes counted, liberal parties have probably won by enough to assemble a new coalition. The governing party can still form its own, but the prospects look dim. »

Monday, October 16, 2023

Brussels on High Alert as Two Swedes Killed in Shooting and Suspect Remains At Large

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Belgium’s prime minister suggests attack that left two dead is linked to terrorism

Brussels is on its highest level of security alert after two Swedes were shot dead in in the centre of the city, and Belgium’s prime minister suggested that the attack was linked to terrorism.

“I have just offered my sincere condolences to @SwedishPM following tonight’s harrowing attack on Swedish citizens in Brussels,” Alexander De Croo tweeted. “As close partners, the fight against terrorism is a joint one.”

Police warned that the suspect remained on the loose.

The gunman, who was wearing a fluorescent orange jacket and using an automatic rifle, fled the scene after the incident, according to a video shared by the Flemish newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws.

Media reports aired amateur videos showing a man firing several shots near a station using a large weapon. Belgian broadcasters said the two victims were Swedes. A third shooting victim was reportedly wounded and receiving treatment in hospital. (+ video) » | Lisa O’Carroll in Brussels, and agencies | Monday, October 16, 2023

Ne-Yo : One In A Million | Official Music Video | Reupload

Sep 3, 2010 | | Views on YouTube: 331,068,967

EDWARD SAID and Palestine (1986)

Apr 6, 2013 | EDWARD SAID (1935-2003). Palestinian-born intellectual and world-famous literary critic. Author of 'Orientalism' and 'The Question of Palestine'. Professor of English Literature at Columbia University, NYC until his death. From the BBC series 'Exiles'.

WIKIPEDIA: Edward Said »

World-renowned scholar Edward Said dies »

Poland: Opposition Poised to Oust Ruling Nationalists | DW News

Oct 16, 2023 | After eight years and two consecutive terms in power, Poland's nationalist Law and Justice party may be on their way out. Exit polls suggest they secured around 36% of the votes - more than any other party, but not the majority they would need to govern again. The opposing Civic Coalition party - headed by former European Council President Donald Tusk - came in second place but may be able team up with two smaller parties to form a government and secure a majority of seats in Parliament.

Related article here.

Poland election: Law and Justice party on course to be ousted from power: Former PM Donald Tusk hails ‘the end of evil times’ as early results suggest opposition parties will be able to form governing coalition »

Monaco, le rocher était presque parfait : le couple Grace Kelly et Prince Rainier – Documentaire

Sep 24, 2023 | La saga commencée voici 60 ans sur le Rocher n'a pas cessé de passionner le public. En épousant une étoile hollywoodienne au charme infini, Grace Kelly, le prince Rainier propulsait son minuscule Etat au coeur de l'imaginaire universel.

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Marianne Délices : Recette des crêpes Suzette

Jan 31, 2022 | Ces crêpes sont garnies d'un délicieux sirop à l'orange et au beurre, et flambées au Grand Marnier (ou une autre liqueur à l'orange comme le Curaçao par exemple). C'est la recette idéale pour la Chandeleur, ou pour combler un moment de gourmandise.

Cliquez ici pour les ingrédients et la méthode de préparation. Cliquez ensuite sur « more ».

Bundesweite Plakataktion für Israel: „Dieser Terrorangriff geht uns alle an“

BERLINER ZEITUNG: Mehr als 1000 Menschen haben Hamas-Terroristen am 7. Oktober in Israel ermordet und fast 200 entführt. Eine bundesweite Kampagne soll an sie erinnern – auch in Berlin.

München, Prinzregentenplatz: Von einem roten Plakat blickt ein junger Mann auf die vorbeilaufenden Fußgänger. Er trägt einen Dreitagebart, eine Brille, ein adrettes weißes Hemd und eine Fliege. Sein Blick wirkt selbstbewusst. Doch über seinem Foto ist zu lesen: „Mein Name ist Awad. Ich wurde ermordet.“

Awad Darawshe war 23 Jahre alt, als ihn Terroristen der Hamas ermordeten. Der Sanitäter war vor Ort, als die Hamas das Supernova-Festival an der Grenze zu Gaza überfiel. Die Terroristen ermordeten Hunderte Menschen, sie vergewaltigten Frauen neben den Leichen ihrer Freunde, nahmen Geiseln und verschleppten sie nach Gaza. Doch Darawshe entschied sich zu bleiben, um Leben zu retten. Der junge arabische Israeli, ein Muslim, ist für Israelis ein Held. » | Nathan Giwerzew | Montag, 16. Oktober 2023

The Peril Now Facing Us: Israel Invades, Iran Intervenes – and This War Goes Global

THE GUARDIAN: Calls for restraint are right but unlikely to be heeded. A conflict setting Israel and the US against Iran has rarely seemed closer

The foremost concern of western governments as the Israel-Hamas war enters a murderous second week is not the plight of Palestinians in Gaza. It is the alarming prospect of a swiftly spreading conflict pitting Israeli and US forces against Iran and its militia proxies. Recent, ominous signs suggest a rapid deterioration. Iran holds the key.

The two issues are intimately connected. Arab leaders told Antony Blinken, the visiting US secretary of state, that unless Israel’s mass casualty attacks on Gaza cease, the war may escalate uncontrollably. “If the Zionist aggressions do not stop, the hands of all parties in the region are on the trigger,” warned Iran’s foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

But Israel will not be stopped. A high-risk, full-scale ground offensive into northern Gaza is imminent. Most western leaders surely wish it wasn’t happening. Even James Cleverly, Britain’s seriously clueless foreign secretary, has belatedly urged restraint. But amid continuing aftershocks from Black Saturday, they feel unable to prevent it. » | Simon Tisdall | Monday 16, 2023

Jesse Lawrence feat. Joe Leone : Out of Thin Air

Jul 27, 2019

The Brexit Blame Game | #shorts

Telling truth tp power.

Israel Can Defend Itself and Uphold Its Values


THE NEW YORK TIMES: Israel stands on the verge of invading Gaza in response to the terrorist attacks by Hamas that many, including Israel’s leaders, have compared to Sept. 11 not just because of the scale and savagery but also because the terrorists sought to destroy the tranquillity of daily life. They killed the very young and the very old, the strong and the weak, civilians and soldiers; they took some 150 hostages, including children, and survivors said the attackers raped women — all to send a message that no Israeli was safe.

Israel has a responsibility to its citizens to hold accountable the perpetrators of this violence, but as Secretary of State Antony Blinken said this week, “How Israel does this matters.”

Israel cannot win this war just by killing all the terrorists. It is determined to break the power of Hamas, and in that effort it deserves the support of the United States and the rest of the world. But it can succeed only by upholding the rules and norms of behavior that Hamas so wantonly ignores. What Israel is fighting to defend is a society that values human life and the rule of law. To do that, the means and the ends of its military response must be consistent.

Israel’s goal is to destroy Hamas; in doing that, it should not lose sight of its commitment to safeguard those who have not taken up arms. » | The Editorial Board | Saturday, October 14, 2023

Israel Will ‘Destroy’ Lebanon If War Spreads

THE TELEGRAPH: UK and US warn over escalation in Middle East crisis as jets bomb northern neighbour

Israeli jets have started bombing in Lebanon as the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) warned it would “destroy” the country if Hizbollah entered the war.

The air raids came as the United States and the UK expressed fears that Israel’s war with Hamas could “escalate” into a conflict involving “the wider Middle East”.

The Israeli strikes were carried out after anti-tank rockets fired by Hizbollah killed one person in northern Israel in the most serious clashes outside of Gaza since the war began.

Tzachi Hanegbi, an Israeli national security adviser, warned the Iran-sponsored terrorist group not to start a war on a second front, threatening the “destruction of Lebanon” if it did.

Western nations have warned against any escalation in the conflict and have moved to try and prevent it spilling outwards, potentially drawing in Iran, with the US ordering a second aircraft carrier strike group to the region over the weekend. » | Roland Oliphant, Senior Foreign Correspondent, in Jerusalem | Sunday, October 15, 2023

Poland Exit Polls: Donald Tusk Claims Victory Based on Coalition Hopes

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Civic Coalition expected to have got fewer votes than ruling Law and Justice party but is likely to ally with other parties

Donald Tusk and supporters of the largest opposition grouping, Civic Coalition, react to exit polls. Photograph: Kacper Pempel/Reuters

Donald Tusk, the former Polish prime minister and European Council president, claimed victory in Poland’s parliamentary election on Sunday, making the announcement just minutes after the polls closed, based on the results of an exit poll.

The poll suggested the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party had won the most votes but appeared to show a route to government for a combined opposition coalition led by Tusk.

PiS, which has governed Poland for eight years, has turned public television into a propaganda arm of the government, restricted abortion rights and demonised LGBTQ+ people, migrants and refugees. It has also put Poland on a collision course with Brussels over rule of law issues, which has led to tens of billions of euros in European funding being frozen.

Tusk appeared on stage at the Civic Coalition election headquarters at Warsaw’s Ethnographical Museum to declare victory.

“It’s the end of the evil times, it’s the end of the PiS rule, we made it,” said Tusk, to cheers from assembled supporters. » | Shaun Walker in Warsaw | Sunday, October 15, 2023

Poland election: opposition claims win after strong exit poll result – as it happened »

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Judenfeindliche Schmierereien in Berlin: Das ist die Bilanz der Polizei

BERLINER ZEITUNG: Davidsterne an Haustüren, judenfeindliche und palästinensische Sprüche: Nach Ausbruch des Israel-Kriegs zählt die Polizei täglich Schmierereien in Berlin. Die Bilanz vom Samstag.

Ein Berliner Polizist übermalt eine israelfeindliche Schmiererei. | Morris Pudwell

Nach Ausbruch des Israel-Kriegs hat die Polizei auch am Samstag und in der Nacht zu Sonntag wieder etliche israel- und judenfeindliche Schmierereien entdeckt und beseitigt. Bei Demonstrationen kam es zu Zusammenstößen mit Polizeibeamten. Am Sonntag wurde eine weitere Bilanz veröffentlicht. » | Christian Gehrke | Sonntag, 15. Oktober 2023

Palästinenser-Proteste: Explodierende Böller und Pfefferspray auf dem Potsdamer Platz: Etwa 1000 Menschen versammelten sich am Sonntag in Berlin-Mitte. Die Polizei musste mit mehreren Hundertschaften anrücken. »

Sufjan Stevens : Mystery of Love | From the Film Call Me By Your Name | Sony Soundtrack

Jan 12, 2018 | The movie Call Me By Your Name is a sensual and transcendent tale of first love, based on the acclaimed novel by André Aciman, written by Oscar® nominee James Ivory and starring Armie Hammer. …

Archäologie des Judentums | Doku HD | ARTE

Oct 15, 2023 | Vom Mittelmeerraum bis nach Nordeuropa bringt die Archäologie heute immer mehr Überreste jüdischer Siedlungen ans Tageslicht. Synagogen, Grabstelen, rituelle Bäder und ganze Stadtviertel zeichnen heute ein neues Bild jüdischer Gemeinschaften in Europa - und machen ihre Präsenz in Europa seit dem Altertum sichtbar. | Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 31/08/2024

In Full: Scotland's First Minister Humza Yousaf Condemns Israel

Oct 14, 2023 | Scotland's First Minister Humza Yousaf has said "collective punishment has to be condemned" after speaking of how his mother-in-law is "trapped" in Gaza.

Related videos here.

SNP backs Humza Yousaf's Scottish independence plan: SNP delegates have backed Humza Yousaf's plan to use the next general election result to push for a second independence referendum. / An amended version of the strategy was voted through overwhelmingly at the party's annual conference in Aberdeen. / It is based on winning a majority of Scottish seats, at least 29. »

Humza Yousaf’s wife says Israeli ‘terror’ has left family ‘waiting to die’: Nadia El-Nakla tells SNP conference she feels ‘complete despair’ and fears ‘Gaza will no longer exist’ after ground offensive / Humza Yousaf’s wife has accused Israel of “terrorising” Gaza, saying that every inhabitant including her family was “waiting to die”. / In a surprise speech at the SNP conference in Aberdeen, Nadia El-Nakla said her relatives in Gaza City were being forced to say goodbye to each other “like it’s the last time” ahead of the planned Israeli ground offensive. / She said ice cream trucks were being used to store the dead and her brother, a doctor, can no longer treat the injured as he had run out of medical supplies. Mr Yousaf embraced his wife after her speech, then wiped away tears. »

Israel Troops Taking Positions Near Gaza Border - BBC News

Oct 15, 2023 | Israel has warned 1.1m Palestinians living in north Gaza to evacuate south, as it prepares to attack "by land air and sea".

The UN's aid agency told the BBC that Gaza is "being pushed into an abyss".

The US has sent a second aircraft carrier to the region to "deter hostile actions against Israel". Meanwhile, Iran has warned of "far-reaching consequences" if Israel continues attacking. And tension is rising on Israel's northern border with Lebanon, too. An Israeli civilian has been killed near there by a missile fired from Lebanon.

En direct, guerre Israël-Hamas : l’Iran menace d’intervenir si Israël poursuit son action à Gaza ; Antony Blinken en visite en Arabie saoudite

LE MONDE : Selon le site d’information israélien Walla et le site d’information américain Axios, le ministre des affaires étrangères iranien a rencontré, samedi, à Beyrouth, l’émissaire des Nations unies au Moyen-Orient. Il a averti que son pays avait des « lignes rouges », et qu’il serait contraint de réagir en cas d’opération terrestre israélienne à Gaza. LIVE EN COURS » | dimanche 15 octobre 2023

Australia Rejects Proposal to Recognise Aboriginal People in Constitution

THE OBSERVER: Voice to parliament referendum fails in defeat that Indigenous advocates will see as a blow to progress towards reconciliation

Australians have resoundingly rejected a proposal to recognise Aboriginal people in the country’s constitution and establish a body to advise parliament on Indigenous issues.

Saturday’s voice to parliament referendum failed, with the defeat clear shortly after polls closed.

To succeed, the yes campaign – advocating for the voice – needed to secure a double majority, meaning it needed both a majority of the national vote, as well as majorities in four of Australia’s six states.

The defeat will be seen by Indigenous advocates as a blow to what has been a hard fought struggle to progress reconciliation and recognition in modern Australia, with First Nations people continuing to suffer discrimination, poorer health and economic outcomes.

More than 17 million Australians were enrolled for the compulsory vote, with many expats visiting embassies around the world in the weeks leading up to Saturday’s poll.

The prime minister, Anthony Albanese, called for Australians to show “kindness” to each other after the referendum. (+ video) » | Elias Visontay | Saturday, October 4, 2023

Albanese wanted to end two centuries of silence, but we said no – and failed our First Nations people: The prime minister thought that with the voice he could bend the country towards progress without breaking it. Peter Dutton made sure he couldn’t »

Australian voice referendum live results »

Germany Invites UK to Reach Improved Brexit Trading Deal

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Finance minister offers standing invitation to ‘intensify your trade relationship to the EU’

The German finance minister has issued an open invitation to the UK to reach a new deal to improve Brexit trading relations that would reduce trade barriers and “obstacles in daily business life”.

Christian Lindner told the BBC: “This is a standing invitation for the UK: if you want to intensify your trade relationship to the EU, call us. We really appreciate the United Kingdom and its values, its people … and I would really, really appreciate it if we can intensify [the trade relationship] again.”

His comments will come as a surprise to the European Commission vice-president, Maroš Šefčovič, who negotiated the Brexit trade deal, and they throw the door open to the Labour leader, Keir Starmer, who has said he will seek “a much better” relationship with the EU if he wins the next general election.

Šefčovič has insisted the Brexit deal will not be “put in the shredder”. He is also resisting calls from the car industry in the UK and the EU for a three-year suspension of tariffs, scheduled to come into force in January, on electric car exports.

It is understood he may, however, agree to a one-year suspension as a compromise. » | Lisa O’Carroll, Brussels correspondent | Saturday, October 14, 2023

New Zealand Abandons Labour and Shifts to the Right as Country Votes for Wholesale Change

THE OBSERVER: Party once led by Jacinda Ardern suffers serious election defeat amid anger over cost of living and strict Covid policies

New Zealand voters have delivered a forceful rejection of the Labour government as a surge in support for the National party delivered what analysts described as a “bloodbath” for the government and a new right-leaning era for politics in the country.

The result marked a dramatic change in fortunes for the Labour party, which three years earlier – led by Jacinda Ardern - secured a historic mandate, but saw its support dwindle in the face of rising living costs and the Covid pandemic.

Speaking to a large crowd of party-faithful at his election night event in Auckland, National party leader Christopher Luxon said his party was on course to form the next government with libertarian party Act. “All over this country you have reached for hope and you have voted for change,” Luxon said. » | Eva Corlett in Wellington | Saturday, October 14, 2023

While you’re delivering change, don’t forget to give young people their rights back! Repeal that ridiculous incremental ban on smoking for New Zealand’s young that Jacinda Adern introduced! Be democratic, not autocratic. – © Mark Alexander

New Zealand elects new government as Labour suffers heavy losses across electoral map

Saturday, October 14, 2023



Mystery of …


Isn’t She…


Sunak Promises Israel ‘Unqualified Support in Face of Evil’ – but Makes No Mention of Gaza’s Plight

THE OBSERVER: Keir Starmer also backs Israel but issues call for all parties to act in line with international law

Rishi Sunak – support for Israel ‘not just today, not just tomorrow, but always’. Photograph: Michael Mayhew/Allstar

Rishi Sunak has voiced “unequivocal” UK support for Israel “not just today, not just tomorrow, but always” in a lengthy statement to mark one week since Hamas militants murdered 1,300 Israeli civilians and soldiers, and took more than 150 people hostage. The prime minister’s remarks – in which he makes no mention of the plight of innocent Palestinians now trapped in Gaza, or the need for their safe evacuation – come amid growing political tensions in the UK over how to respond to Israel’s retaliatory bombing of Gaza, and its orders to more than 1 million Palestinians to flee their homes for their own safety. » | Toby Helm, Political Editor | Saturday, October 14, 2023

ICJP Says It Intends to Prosecute UK Government Officials for Complicity in War Crimes in Gaza

Oct 14, 2023 | The International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) has written a warning to UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak that it intends to prosecute UK government officials for complicity in war crimes in Gaza. ICJP co-director Crispin Blunt spoke to Sky News on Saturday morning to discuss the warning.

Israeli Journalist Gideon Levy: Israel Should Lift Siege & Call Off Plan for Ground Invasion of Gaza

Oct 11, 2023 | From Tel Aviv, we hear from award-winning Israeli journalist and author Gideon Levy, whose recent column for Haaretz is headlined "Israel Can't Imprison Two Million Gazans Without Paying a Cruel Price." Levy discusses the reaction within Israeli society toward Hamas's unexpected attack and condemns the Netanyahu government for only mobilizing for further warfare rather than providing effective assistance to victims. "Nobody is leading Israel," declares Levy, who also calls for Israel to lift its blockade of Gaza and accept that its campaign of eradicating Hamas is "impossible." After decades of Palestinian subjugation under Israeli rule, "you can kill the current top people of Hamas, but you will not kill the ideology of Hamas," says Levy.

Yuval Noah Harari on CNN Amanpour - Hamas' Aim Was 'to Assassinate Any Chance for Peace'

Oct 13, 2023 | Watch Christiane Amanpour's interview with Yuval Noah Harari, exploring the long-term implications of Hamas' attack on Israel and the subsequent retaliation in Gaza. Broadcast live on CNN International on October 12, 2023.

‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of Gazans Displaced Over 12 Hours, U.N. Says

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Israeli military said it would allow Palestinians to move south on two of Gaza’s main roads between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. “without any harm.” Displaced Palestinians struggled to find food or places to shelter as the U.N. warned that clean water in Gaza was running out.

Hundreds of thousands of panicked Gazans fleeing south in response to Israeli warnings struggled to find food and shelter on Saturday in an intensifying humanitarian crisis, with the United Nations saying that nearly half the population had been displaced and water supplies were dwindling.

On Saturday, the Israeli military made an announcement that was its clearest indication yet that they are preparing to launch what they called “a significant ground operation,” as part of “an integrated and coordinated attack from the air, sea and land.”

The Israeli military also said on Saturday it would allow Palestinians to move south on two of the Gaza Strip’s main roads between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. “without any harm,” an announcement that some Palestinians took as a deadline.

The highways heading south were packed with vehicles piled high with blankets and mattresses. Hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced in just the last 12 hours, the U.N. agency that aids Palestinians said on Saturday afternoon, as it warned that access to water supplies in Gaza was now “a matter of life and death.” » | Raja Abdulrahim, Aaron Boxerman and Victoria Kim | Saturday, October 14, 2023

Thousands March through Central London to Call for a Free Palestine

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Protesters in Scottish cities also shrug off home secretary’s warning that waving Palestinian flag might be a criminal offence

Thousands of people have marched through central London calling for a free Palestine as tensions grow over an impending Israeli ground offensive in Gaza.

A pronounced police presence reflected sensitivities surrounding the march, but no arrests were reported after warnings that action would be taken against anyone showing support for Hamas or deviating from the agreed route.

Minutes before the march set off, Scotland Yard announced that its counter-terrorism police were looking into more than 50 cases of “potential terrorist content online” in the period since Hamas launched its attack against Israel last Saturday.

The home secretary, Suella Braverman, had said earlier in the week that waving a Palestinian flag might be a criminal offence. Few at the march seemed to take such a threat seriously, with a sea of Palestinian flags visible as the crowd moved slowly down Regent Street towards Whitehall. (+ video) » | Mark Townsend | Saturday, October 14, 2023

Israel-Hamas War: Next Step Is to 'Eradicate This Nazi-type Hamas' - Ex-Israeli PM Naftali Bennett

Oct 12, 2023 | Former Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett has told Sky News the country's military is currently focused on "eradicating Hamas" - but the interview became heated over questions on possible civilian casualties in Gaza. Mr Bennett stressed that for now the focus of the Israel Defense Forces is to "go on the offensive" and "eradicate this Nazi-type Hamas".

Le château de Versailles évacué après une alerte à la bombe

Oct 14, 2023 | Le château de Versailles a été évacué ce samedi après-midi après une alerte à la bombe déclenchée après un message anonyme envoyé via le site moncomissariat.fr. Plus tôt dans la journée, c’est le musée du Louvre qui a été évacué et fermé pour «pour des raisons de sécurité» alors que la France est en alerte «urgence attentat».

Le Louvre et le château de Versailles évacués « pour raisons de sécurité » : Le plus grand musée du monde a fermé ses portes à la mi-journée après avoir « reçu un message écrit faisant état d’un risque pour [la structure] et pour ses visiteurs », tandis qu’une alerte à la bombe a été signalée pour le monument historique des Yvelines. »

Louvre in Paris evacuates staff and visitors after receiving written threat: Closure comes after decision to put France on high alert following fatal school stabbing by suspected extremist »

Scotland’s First Minister Feels ‘Helpless’ Watching His In-laws Trapped in Gaza

Oct 14, 2023 | Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf sought to comfort the family of a Scot who died in the Hamas attacks – hugging the mother of Bernard Cowen at a service for him. His own family is caught up in the conflict – his wife’s parents trapped in Gaza after travelling there last week to visit a sick relative. They’ve made an emotional plea for help.

Related videos here, here and here.

PORTRAIT de Humza Yousaf en français :

Humza Yousaf, un premier ministre écossais fier de sa double culture : A 38 ans, cet homme d’origine pakistanaise est le premier dirigeant musulman d’une nation occidentale. Un parcours qui fait sa force au moment où il doit à la fois redresser l’Ecosse et sa formation politique, le parti indépendantiste SNP. » | (Article réservé aux abonnés)

Who Is Funding Hamas? | DW Business Special

Oct 14, 2023 | The terror attacks against Israel have drawn new attention to the Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip – and its backers. Host Marie Sina is joined by Matthew Levitt, director of the Program on Counterterrorism and Intelligence at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. They discuss Hamas' main sources of funding, its ties to Iran and Russia, and the humanitarian situation for Palestinian civilians.

Michael Lambert: STARMER - Sitting on Fences

Oct 14, 2023 | Last week was the Labour party conference in Liverpool. The mood was optimistic since it is now widely expected that Labour will form the next government with Keir Starmer as prime minister.

In his keynote speech, Starmer failed to mention many of the major issues facing the country such as global warming, AI, fraud and electoral reform. He spoke about various reforms including ending non-dom tax relief, ending tax relief for private schools and reform of the planning system to facilitate the building of many more houses. However, in a speech marked by meaningless management speak he said very little about how all of his proposed reforms were to be paid for.

Towards the end of his speech, he did acknowledge that growing the economy would entail expansion of business. The current Tory cabinet and the 31-strong shadow cabinet have virtually no business experience and it is doubtful if they really understand that backing new small businesses is crucial to the success of the economy and is the only way that all of the reforms Starmer wants to make can be financed.

Jonathan Roumie : «Incarner le Christ a changé radicalement ma vie»

Oct 14, 2023 | La saison 3 de la série «The Chosen», qui met en scène les Évangiles, et qui comptabilise plus de 543 millions de vues dans le monde, est dévoilée en avant-première cette semaine au cinéma. Pour Jonathan Roumie, qui incarne Jésus de Nazareth, ce succès tient au fait que son personnage est éminemment contemporain et que chaque personnalité est décrite dans les textes.

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Friday, October 13, 2023

Eine Geschichte des Antisemitismus (1/4) | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Oct 11, 2023 | Wo nahm der Antisemitismus seinen Anfang und wie hat er sich weiterentwickelt? Die erste Folge der Dokureihe untersucht die Wurzeln des Phänomens: von der ersten Welle antijüdischer Gewalt im antiken Alexandria über das goldene Zeitalter von al-Andalus und das Massaker von Granada bis hin zu den Kreuzzügen.

Wo nahm der Antisemitismus seinen Anfang? Warum konnte er sich weiterverbreiten? Warum entstand die erste große Welle antijüdischer Gewalt ausgerechnet im antiken Alexandria, als die Römer die Macht übernahmen? Wie setzte sich der Antijudaismus in den christlichen und in den muslimischen Zivilisationen fest? Wie konnte Granada nach einem 300-jährigen Goldenen Zeitalter auf der Iberischen Halbinsel zum Schauplatz eines Massakers werden, dem ersten Pogrom auf europäischem Boden? Warum kam es während der Kreuzzüge zu organisierten Judenpogromen? Der Gang durch das erste Jahrtausend erzählt nicht nur von den Anfängen des Antisemitismus, sondern auch vom beginnenden Kampf gegen diese Anfeindungen, vom Schutz der Juden durch die Karolinger, von der Unterstützung durch die maurischen Könige in Spanien bis zum Aufruf des Abts Bernhard von Clairvaux (1090-1153), der blutigen Judenverfolgung während der Kreuzzüge ein Ende zu bereiten.

Autor und Regisseur Jonathan Hayoun ist M.A. in Politischer Kommunikation, jüdischen Wissenschaften und audiovisueller Produktion. Er war Präsident der UEJF (Union des Etudiants Juifs de France) und Regisseur des ARTE-Dokumentarfilms „Rettet Auschwitz!“ (2017).

Dokureihe, Regie: Jonathan Hayoun und Judith Cohen Solal (F 2022, 52 Min)
Verfügbar bis zum 11/02/2024

Flaschenwürfe und „Free Palestine“-Rufe: Polizei geht gegen Palästinenser-Protest in Neukölln vor

BERLINER ZEITUNG: Trotz des verhängten Demo-Verbots versammeln sich 150 Protestierende an der Neuköllner Sonnenallee. Es gibt Rangeleien mit der Polizei und Festnahmen.

In Berlin-Neukölln hat es am Freitagnachmittag immer wieder pro-palästinensische Ansammlungen und Tumulte gegeben. Unterstützer von Palästinensern, vor allem junge Männer, versammelten sich vor Imbissen und Cafés.

Einige trugen Schals oder Tücher in den Farben der Flagge von Palästina und diskutierten lautstark mit der Polizei. Auf der Neuköllner Sonnenallee versammelten sich trotz Demo-Verbots rund 150 Menschen – junges, arabisches Publikum und linke Aktivisten aus dem Umfeld der Migrantifa.

Widerholt kam es zu Rangeleien zwischen Protestierenden und Polizei. Es gab Flaschenwürfe seitens der Demonstranten, Polizeibeamte beschlagnahmten eine Palästinenser-Fahne und führten mehrere Festnahmen durch. Die Stimmung war mitunter sehr aggressiv und angespannt, Medienvertreter wurden als „Pressehuren“ beschimpft. » | Andreas Kopietz | Freitag, 13. Oktober 2023

Scottish First Minister ‘Disappointed’ the PM Hasn’t Reached Out as His Family Are Trapped in Gaza

Oct 13, 2023 | Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf tells 5 News it’s “disappointing” that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has not reached out to him after revealing his wife's parents, who live in Dundee, are trapped in Gaza and are struggling to find a safe passage out. 5 News Scotland Reporter Alan Jenkins reports.

JP Morgan CEO Warns World May Be Facing ‘Most Dangerous Time’ in Decades

THE GUARDIAN: Jamie Dimon says Israel-Gaza conflict may have ‘far-reaching impacts’ on energy prices, food costs and international trade

The JP Morgan boss, Jamie Dimon, has warned the world may be living through “the most dangerous time the world has seen in decades” as Israel prepares to launch an expected ground offensive on Gaza.

The escalating conflict could have “far-reaching impacts” on energy prices, food costs, international trade and diplomatic ties, he said as JPMorgan Chase, America’s largest bank, reported earnings for the latest quarter.

While the lender posted another robust set of results, Dimon cautioned that interest rates may increase further in the United States, as the savings of consumers dwindle.

Dimon said: “The war in Ukraine compounded by last week’s attacks on Israel may have far-reaching impacts on energy and food markets, global trade and geopolitical relationships. This may be the most dangerous time the world has seen in decades. » | Callum Jones in New York | Friday, October 13, 2023

Americans Will Spend Half Their Lives Taking Prescription Drugs: Penn State Study

NEW YORK POST: If you’re an American, you’re probably on drugs — or will be someday soon.

A new study reveals that people born in the US today will spend about half of their lives taking prescription drugs.

And for women, the figure is closer to 60% of their lives.

“The years that people can expect to spend taking prescription drugs are now higher than they might spend in their first marriage, getting an education or being in the labor force,” study author Dr. Jessica Ho of the Pennsylvania State University said in a news release. » | Marc Lallanilla | Friday, October 13, 2023

Tobacco Sales Ban: PM Accused of "Creeping Prohibition"

FOREST: Forest has accused prime minister Rishi Sunak of “creeping prohibition” and treating future generations of adults like children.

Responding to the announcement that the government will raise the age of sale of tobacco by one year every year, Simon Clark, director of the smokers’ rights group Forest, said:

“These are desperate measures by a desperate prime minister.

“Raising the age of sale of tobacco is creeping prohibition, but it won’t stop young people smoking because prohibition doesn't work. Anyone who wants to smoke will buy tobacco abroad or from illicit sources. » | Forest | Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Banning sale of cigarettes to future generations "obscene": Forest has reacted with anger to a report that the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is 'considering introducing some of the world's toughest anti-smoking measures that would in effect ban the next generation from ever being able to buy cigarettes'. »

Ireland: Tobacco tax hike will "drive more smokers to the black market" »

After the Pogrom in Israel, the Angel of Death Is Licking His Lips

GUARDIAN EUROPE: The horror unleashed by Hamas has brought tragedy to Israel and devastation to Gaza - and fear to Jews across the world

The word pogrom was not meant to exist in Hebrew. In the new Israel, the very idea of Jews being murdered en masse, their children butchered before their eyes, was meant to have been banished to the realm of bitter memory. It was only in the eastern Europe of exile that Jews would have to flee from tormentors bent on killing them, only there that they would hide in the dark, trying to stifle their breath lest they make a betraying sound. Once they had a state of their own, where they could defend themselves at last, there would be no need to speak of pogroms, except in the history books.

But it was a pogrom that came to Israel last weekend, multiple pogroms in fact, as lethal as any that cut down the Yiddish-speaking Jews of the last century or, in repeating patterns, the centuries before. Jews still remember the Kishinev pogrom of 1903, a calamity recalled in poetry recited to this day. At Kishinev, 49 Jews were murdered. Last Saturday, at least 1,200 were put to death, many of them in ways too sadistic to be recounted in a newspaper. » | Jonathan Freedland | Friday, October 13, 2023

Die Angst vor dem importierten Nahostkonflikt


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: In Großbritannien haben antisemitische Vorfälle stark zugenommen. Die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen zum Schutz jüdischer Einrichtungen mussten verstärkt werden. Auch in Frankreich wächst die Sorge vor einem Stellvertreterkonflikt.

In Frankreich und Großbritannien sind angesichts des Großangriffs der Hamas auf Israel die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen zum Schutz jüdischer Einrichtungen und Synagogen massiv verstärkt worden. Der französische Innenminister Gérald Darmanin teilte mit, dass ein Polizeiaufgebot von 10.000 Mann mobilisiert werde. Auch Soldaten würden zur Sicherung jüdischer Stätten eingesetzt. Mit respektive 450.000 und 300.000 Bürgern jüdischen Glaubens beherbergen Frankreich und Großbritannien die größten jüdischen Gemeinden in Europa. » | Von Michaela Wiegel und Johannes Leithäuser | Freitag, 13. Oktober 2023

Irak: Tausende Schiiten bei Pro-Palästina-Kundgebung

Oct 13, 2023 | Der irakische Schiitenführer Moqtada al-Sadr hatte dazu aufgerufen, der „schrecklichen Brutalität“ im Gazastreifen ein Ende zu setzen. Es gelte, die israelischen Pläne zu verhindern, den Palästinensern noch mehr Leid zuzufügen. © REUTERS, DPA

„Der Schutz von Zivilisten ist von größter Wichtigkeit“


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Ursula von der Leyen, Roberta Metsola und Annalena Baerbock besuchen Israel und sichern ihre Unterstützung zu. Nach wachsender Kritik in Brüssel muss von der Leyens Sprecher ihre Position noch einmal explizit machen.

Am Freitagmittag trafen fast gleichzeitig drei Frauen in Israel ein, die dem Land ihre Unterstützung bekunden wollten. Aus Brüssel kamen EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen und Parlamentspräsidentin Roberta Metsola, aus Berlin kam Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock. „Wir sind hier mit einer Botschaft der Solidarität nach dem schlimmsten Terrorangriff, den Israel in Generationen erlitten hat“, schrieb Metsola nach der Ankunft auf der Plattform X. „Wir können – und wir müssen – Hamas stoppen. Und alles in unserer Macht stehende tun, um die humanitären Folgen zu lindern.“ » | Von Thomas Gutschker und Matthias Wyssuwa | Freitag, 13. Oktober 2023

Inside the Persecuted Church of Iran | Documentary Series Pt. 2

May 2, 2023 | What is it like being a Christian in Iran? In this episode of Neighborhoods and Nations, Steven Morales speaks to Iranian Christians about Iran’s secret church. Nima Alizadeh, an Iranian Christian, tells us about the persecution that Christians face in Tehran.

Part 1.

The Stop Trump Summit

Oct 11, 2023 | Can American Democracy Survive the 2024 Election?

Robert De Niro: Trump Is ‘Evil’ and ‘a Wannabe Tough Guy with No Morals or Ethics’

GUARDIAN EUROPE: The actor was unable to attend the Stop Trump Summit in New York due to Covid, but his statement was read out warning that ‘we must take the danger very seriously’

‘I’ve spent a lot of time studying bad men’ … Robert De Niro at the Cannes film festival earlier this year. Photograph: Mondadori Portfolio/Getty Images

Actor Robert De Niro has launched another broadside at Donald Trump, calling the former president and likely Republican nominee for the 2024 election “evil” and “a wannabe tough guy with no morals or ethics”.

De Niro’s statement was aired on Wednesday at the Stop Trump Summit in New York City, organised by the New Republic magazine. De Niro was unable to attend the event in person due to testing positive for Covid, but his statement was read out by Miles Taylor, a former Trump administration official and author of Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy from the Next Trump. » | Andrew Pulver | Friday, October 13, 2023

Teacher Killed in Arras School Attack in Northern France

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Two other people critically injured and attacker arrested as president heads to scene of stabbing

A teacher has been killed and two other people critically injured in a stabbing at a school in Arras, northern France.

Europe 1 reported that the suspected attacker, who has been arrested, was on a watchlist of people known to be a security risk in connection to radical Islamism. Local media reported that he was a former pupil at Gambetta college. A police source told Agence France-Presse he was from Russia’s mainly Muslim southern Caucasus region of Chechnya.

France’s anti-terrorism prosecution office said it would start an investigation, as President Emmanuel Macron headed to the scene.

The attack happened at about 11am. BFM reported that the person killed was a French literature teacher. A second teacher, reported to be a sports professor, and a school security guard were in hospital with critical injuries, according to the local prefect. » | Kim Willsher in Paris | Friday, October 13, 2023

LIVE EN COURS : En direct, attaque au couteau à Arras : un enseignant tué et deux personnes blessées, l’auteur présumé faisait l’objet d’une surveillance active de la part de la DGSI : Un ancien élève d’origine tchétchène a poignardé plusieurs personnes dans l’enceinte du lycée Gambetta-Carnot. Il a été interpellé peu après, ainsi que son frère dont on ignore pour le moment s’il est mêlé à l’attaque, selon une source policière au « Monde ». Emmanuel Macron va se rendre sur place. Le parquet national antiterroriste a ouvert une enquête. »

Arras : le tueur au couteau était sous surveillance et avait été contrôlé la veille de l’attaque : Mohammed Mogouchkov, l'islamiste qui a tué un professeur et blessé deux autres personnes à Arras vendredi, faisait l'objet d'un suivi actif récent de la DGSI. »

Teacher Dead After Terrorist Stabbing at French School, Officials Say: A suspect was quickly arrested after the attack. President Emmanuel Macron said France had been “hit by the barbarity of Islamist terrorism.” »

Blowback: How Israel Helped Create Hamas

Feb 20, 2018 | Did you also know that Hamas — which is an Arabic acronym for “Islamic Resistance Movement” — would probably not exist today were it not for the Jewish state? That the Israelis helped turn a bunch of fringe Palestinian Islamists in the late 1970s into one of the world’s most notorious militant groups? That Hamas is blowback?

Former Israeli official Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s, told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat. Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades, told the Wall Street Journal in 2009 that Hamas is “Israel’s creation.” Hamas was the result of this, as Mehdi Hasan explains. First, the Israelis helped build up a militant strain of Palestinian political Islam, in the form of Hamas and its Muslim Brotherhood precursors; then, the Israelis switched tack and tried to bomb, besiege, and blockade it out of existence.

“The Intercept is an investigative nonprofit news organization dedicated to producing fearless, adversarial journalism. We believe journalism should bring transparency and accountability to powerful governmental and corporate institutions.”

With Energy Supplies Down, Time May Be Running Out for Injured People in Gaza’s Hospitals | DW News

October 13, 2023 | Palestinian officials now say more than 1,500 people have been killed in retaliatory airstrikes in Gaza, after the Islamist-militant group Hamas' terror attack on Israel which killed 1,300.

On Monday, Israel's Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced a "total blockade" of Gaza and discontinued supplies of electricity, food and fuel from Israel to the sealed-off territory. Hospitals are affected and on the brink of complete collapse due to the ever-growing number of casualties and lack of energy and medical supllies.

As a result, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has warned that hospitals could soon turn into morgues.

Hard to Reach: Why Christianity Is Booming in Iran (Even under the Islamic Regime) | Documentary Series Pt. 1

Apr 25, 2023 | Iran is one of only three Islamic Republics in the world. And when you get down to it, you can see how it doesn’t actually function like a republic… but here’s why this matters. For the last 40 years, politics and religion in Iran have been one and the same. It’s the Islamic Republic of Iran. So the main religion is Islam. So you can’t have any other religion other than Islam. So when you are born in Iran, you are told you are Muslim. You have to practice Islam and that’s your religion by birth. Islam is not a choice, it’s what you’re forcibly born into, and in people’s minds: the rules of the government and the rules of Islam are the same thing. There is no separation between the church and state.

Trump Calls Hizbollah ‘Smart’ for Hitting Israel after Hamas Attacks

Oct 13, 2023 | The leading Republican candidate for president has spoken about the attacks on Israel by Hamas admonishing Israeli PM Netanyahu and calling the militant group Hezbollah “smart” for launching strikes along Israel’s northern border. MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell speaks to Ben Rhodes.

British-Palestinian Surgeon on Treating the Wounded in Gaza | Amanpour & Company

Oct 12, 2023 | Israel’s siege is blocking food, water and medicines from reaching Gaza, and the U.N. warns the population is being placed at imminent risk. British-Palestinian surgeon Ghassan Abu Sittah, who left London for Gaza on Sunday, joins the show. Originally aired on October 12, 2023

Celeriac and Potato Purée | Cooking with Zahra

Oct 13, 2023 | Celeriac and potato puree is a creamy and flavorful side dish made by combining celeriac (also known as celery root) and potatoes, which are cooked until tender and then mashed or pureed.

Celeriac and potato puree offers a unique and delicious combination of flavors. The earthy and slightly nutty taste of celeriac complements the creamy texture of the potatoes, creating a side dish that is both comforting and sophisticated.

This purée is a versatile accompaniment to a range of dishes, making it a popular choice for various occasions.

Get the full recipe here.

Israel’s Evacuation Order to Northern Gaza ‘Impossible’, Says UN - BBC News

Oct 13, 2023 | Israel has given a 24-hour deadline for everyone in the northern part of the Gaza Strip - home to about 1.1 million people - to evacuate to the south, the UN has said.

Israeli military directly addressed Gaza City residents, telling them to leave for their "safety and protection".

The warning comes as Israel is expected to launch a ground offensive into Gaza to root out militant group Hamas.

The UN wants the evacuation order withdrawn, warning that it is "impossible" and could lead to "devastating humanitarian consequences".

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Adresse aux Français.

Oct 12, 2023

Macron: „Unbarmherziges Vorgehen“ gegen antisemitische Straftäter: In Frankreich häufen sich seit dem Angriff der Hamas auf Israel antisemitisch motivierte Straftaten. Präsident Macron spricht sich für „Solidarität ohne wenn und aber“ aus und will hart gegen Täter durchgreifen.»

Israel Rules Out Aid to Gaza until Hamas Releases Hostages - BBC News

Oct 12, 2023 | The situation in Gaza is "dire", with food and water running out, according to the UN's World Food Programme. Israel says its blockade of Gaza will not end until Hamas releases Israeli hostages. 1,300 people have died in Israel since Saturday’s deadly attacks, and more than 1,400 have died in Gaza.

Israel-Gaza Attacks: Humza Yousaf's Wife Fears for 'Terrified' Family

BBC: The wife of Scotland's First Minister Humza Yousaf said her parents, who have been trapped in Gaza since the Hamas attack on Israel, are "terrified" about what might happen next.

Nadia El-Nakla also told BBC News some relatives have had their homes destroyed in missile strikes.

Elizabeth El-Nakla and Maged El-Nakla, who live in Dundee, travelled to Gaza last week to see a sick relative.

Days into their trip Hamas killed 1,200 people, Israeli officials say.

Palestinian health officials say 1,200 people have died in Israeli airstrikes in Gaza as the death toll continues to rise in the conflict.

On Tuesday Mr Yousaf called for the creation of a humanitarian corridor in and out of locked-down Gaza. » | James Cook & Paul O'Hare, Scotland editor | Thursday, October 12, 203

UN Says 340,000 Displaced in Gaza I DW News

Oct 12, 2023 | The UN says nearly 340,000 people have been forced to leave their homes in Gaza, decrying a humanitarian situation there that is "beyond the imagination" as Israel continues to launch airstrikes against the territory. Israel says it is hitting targets linked to the terrorist group Hamas, as retaliation for its unprecedented attacks over the weekend that killed at least 1,200 people in Israel, according to its military authorities.

Meanwhile, Palestinian authorities in Gaza say more than 1,200 have been killed since Israel's airstrikes and supply siege began. Gaza is also lacking electricity after its only power station ran out of fuel. Food, water and medical supplies are also running low.

The White House has said the US is working with Israel and Egypt in an attempt to set up safe corridors for civilians in Gaza. Egypt's president also says he is intensifying efforts to contain the conflict.

The Rafah crossing on the Egyptian border was seen as a possible route for Gazans trying to flee, but it is now closed.

Some Thoughts on Vaping

I recently wrote a short essay on smoking and drinking. In it, I pointed out that I had been smoke-free for a full year and a half. I also pointed out that I disagreed with vaping being touted as a healthier alternative to smoking, pointing out that we know far too little about the habit yet to be able to tell.

This sad article on the BBC website today about a young 12-year old girl with lung damage helps prove my point.

In my experience as a person qualified in education, I would say that it is irresponsible to encourage this habit, especially among the young. Our young have been encouraged to take up the vaping habit because of the unrelenting war on smoking, cigarettes and tobacco. I stand by my words: vaping should not be encouraged, at least not at this time and at least not until we have many more years of experience with it. Originally, vaping was put forward as a way to help smokers to quit. And for that purpose, vapes should have been made available only on prescription. But vaping is no longer simply a means of giving up smoking; it is now an alternative to smoking, a habit to which young people have quickly been drawn.

It goes without saying that smoking is an unhealthy habit. Therefore, I have no problem with our government or the medical profession educating people on the dangers of habit. But that is as far as it should go. Cigarettes should not be made so expensive that they become unaffordable for anyone except for the superrich. In doing that, it makes the pleasurable habit affordable only for the privileged few. Ironically, it also make the habit more attractive! After all, if everyone could drive a Bentley, they would soon lose their appeal.

Whenever governments get involved, they screw things up. Governments should adopt a hands-off approach, being satisfied that they are doing all they can to inform people of the dangers. It is precisely because governments have been meddling that we now face the huge problem of so many of our young people being addicted to e-cigarettes and vaping! Do-gooders rarely do good; usually, they achieve the opposite.

© Mark Alexander

All Rights Reserved

Philip Morris lobbying to stop WHO ‘attack’ on vapes and similar products: Exclusive: Leaked email shows firm behind Marlboro cigarettes critical of global ‘prohibitionist’ agenda »

Israel Gaza: Antisemitic Incidents 'Quadruple in UK' since Hamas Attack

BBC: Antisemitic incidents in the UK have more than quadrupled since Hamas's attack on Israel, says a charity which helps Jewish people in the UK.

The Community Security Trust (CST) recorded 89 "anti-Jewish hate" incidents from 7 to 10 October.

That marked a more than four-fold rise on the 21 antisemitic incidents recorded in the same period last year.

Security minister Tom Tugendhat said he was "very concerned" at reports of an increase in antisemitism.

The CST says six of the 89 incidents recorded were assaults, three referred to damage to Jewish property and 66 were related to abusive behaviour, 22 of which happened online. » | Emily McGarvey, BBC News | Thursday, October 12, 2023

Augmentation des attentats antisémites également en France depuis le début de la guerre :

Guerre Israël-Hamas : « plus d’une centaine d’actes antisémites » signalés en France, selon Gérald Darmanin : Il s’agit, selon le ministère de l’intérieur, de tags ou d’insultes à la communauté juive. Il a répété qu’il n’y avait pas de signe d’importation du conflit ou de « menace terroriste islamiste » en France. »

Scholz pledges ‘zero tolerance’ as antisemitic incidents rise in Europe: Attacks on Jewish communities and protests glorifying terrorism spread amid Israel-Hamas war »

For Hamas, Shattering Israel’s Sense of Security Is a Major Goal

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Rising domestic pressures and a desire to boost its anti-Israel credentials pushed Hamas to attack and most likely drove its decision to inflict terror.

The day Israelis woke to the horror that the Palestinian squads that had infiltrated their country were shooting soldiers and civilians and dragging captives back to Gaza, the shadowy commander of Hamas’s military wing released a rare message blessing the attack.

Speaking from a secret location, the commander, Muhammad Deif, described the operation as an explosion of anger at Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and told his forces it was a first step toward Israel’s destruction.

“Righteous fighters, this is your day to bury this criminal enemy. Its time has finished. Kill them wherever you find them,” he said in an audio message posted on social media. “Remove this filth from your land and your sacred places. Fight and the angels fight with you.”

Mounting grievances fueled Hamas’s decision to attack, but the nature of that attack was shaped by a deep thirst for revenge built up over decades of conflict — a desire to see Israel bleed. » | Ben Hubbard, Reporting from Cairo | Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Roberto Saviano Faces Defamation Verdict for Remark about Giorgia Meloni

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Writer could be imprisoned if found guilty over comments castigating Italian PM for her vitriol about Mediterranean rescues

Saviano, the author of Gomorrah, has had libel cases brought against him by two other current government ministers. Photograph: Luca Bruno/AP

A Rome judge is poised to deliver a verdict in a criminal defamation trial against the Italian anti-mafia author Roberto Saviano for calling the prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, a “bastard”.

In a case that has attracted international attention and criticism of Italy’s draconian defamation laws, Saviano, who has lived under police protection since the publication of his bestselling book Gomorrah, faces up to three years in prison if found guilty at Rome’s criminal court on Thursday.

The global writers’ association, Pen International, has expressed solidarity with Saviano and urged Meloni to drop the charges.

Sabrina Tucci, the communications and campaigns manager for Pen who is in Rome for the hearing, said: “The fact that this lawsuit was initiated by Meloni, Italy’s prime minister, serves as a dangerous warning to writers and journalists, suggesting that their words could lead to prolonged legal battles, financial strain, emotional distress, and possible imprisonment. » | Angela Giuffrida in Rome | Thursday, October 12, 2023

Anti-Mafia-Kämpfer Roberto Saviano wegen Verleumdung verurteilt: Der Schriftsteller hatte Giorgia Melonis Haltung in der Migrationsfrage scharf kritisiert. Nun muss Saviano eine Geldstrafe zahlen, er selbst sieht sich als „Opfer einer autoritären Regierung“. »

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Sam Bankman-Fried's Ex-girlfriend Caroline Ellison Testifies against Him at Fraud Trial

Oct 11, 2023 | Caroline Ellison, Sam Bankman-Fried's ex-girlfriend, is back on the witness stand Wednesday in the FTX founder's fraud trial. Ellison previously pleaded guilty to multiple charges and agreed to cooperate with the prosecution. CBS News national correspondent Errol Barnett is at the courthouse and has the latest on Ellison's testimony.

Young Poles Leave the Church | ARTE.tv Documentary

Oct 11, 2023 | The Catholic church in Poland is losing ground. Although over 80% of Poles identify as Catholics, young people are increasingly turning away from the institution. Only 23% of 18-24 year olds still claim to be regular churchgoers, whereas 30 years ago there were three times as many. This trend is also visible in seminaries with a significant fall in Poles training to be priests.

Ex-PM: First 'Get Rid of' Hamas, Then Netanyahu | Conflict Zone

Oct 11, 2023 | "Netanyahu is history, he's done," Ehud Olmert told DW. He called the current Israeli leaders "violent, messianic thugs" and said that long term, Palestinians must be able to "exercise their right to self-determination." The center-right politician and former prime minister added that there was no alternative to the two-state solution with the Palestinians. On the issue of the scores of Israelis taken hostage by Hamas, Olmert said there was "no basis for negotiation" with Hamas — since, in his view, the Islamist militant group was not interested in negotiations. Olmert also told host Tim Sebastian that he thought there was little likelihood of direct military action against Iran, even though Tehran had "coordinated" the attacks and that a derailment of a US-sponsored diplomatic and security accord between Israel and Saudi Arabia would serve Iran's interests.

Eine Geschichte des Antisemitismus (1/4) | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Oct 11, 2023 | Wo nahm der Antisemitismus seinen Anfang und wie hat er sich weiterentwickelt? Die erste Folge der Dokureihe untersucht die Wurzeln des Phänomens: von der ersten Welle antijüdischer Gewalt im antiken Alexandria über das goldene Zeitalter von al-Andalus und das Massaker von Granada bis hin zu den Kreuzzügen.

Wo nahm der Antisemitismus seinen Anfang? Warum konnte er sich weiterverbreiten? Warum entstand die erste große Welle antijüdischer Gewalt ausgerechnet im antiken Alexandria, als die Römer die Macht übernahmen? Wie setzte sich der Antijudaismus in den christlichen und in den muslimischen Zivilisationen fest? Wie konnte Granada nach einem 300-jährigen Goldenen Zeitalter auf der Iberischen Halbinsel zum Schauplatz eines Massakers werden, dem ersten Pogrom auf europäischem Boden? Warum kam es während der Kreuzzüge zu organisierten Judenpogromen? Der Gang durch das erste Jahrtausend erzählt nicht nur von den Anfängen des Antisemitismus, sondern auch vom beginnenden Kampf gegen diese Anfeindungen, vom Schutz der Juden durch die Karolinger, von der Unterstützung durch die maurischen Könige in Spanien bis zum Aufruf des Abts Bernhard von Clairvaux (1090-1153), der blutigen Judenverfolgung während der Kreuzzüge ein Ende zu bereiten.

Autor und Regisseur Jonathan Hayoun ist M.A. in Politischer Kommunikation, jüdischen Wissenschaften und audiovisueller Produktion. Er war Präsident der UEJF (Union des Etudiants Juifs de France) und Regisseur des ARTE-Dokumentarfilms „Rettet Auschwitz!“ (2017).

Dokureihe, Regie: Jonathan Hayoun und Judith Cohen Solal (F 2022, 52 Min)
Verfügbar bis zum 11/02/2024

Seong-Jin Cho – Chopin: Nocturnes, Op. 9: No. 2 in E Flat Major. Andante

Sep 11, 2021

Dimitra’s Dishes: Greek Potato & Feta Croquettes

Oct 11, 2023

Get the recipe here.

What Is Iran's Role in the Hamas Attacks on Israel? | DW News

Oct 10, 2023 | Hamas depends on foreign aid of all kinds. A lot of it comes from Iran. Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says Tehran had no role in the Hamas terrorist attacks at the weekend. At the same time Khamenei praised the operation as an irreperable military and intelligence defeat. Iran and Hamas share the declared aim of destroying Israel.