Friday, July 08, 2022

Darum ist die Inflation in der Schweiz so viel niedriger


FRANFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die Inflation trifft die Schweiz deutlich we¬¬niger heftig als Deutschland und die Eurozone. Die Energieausgaben haben ein geringeres Gewicht. Auch staatliche Regulierung und Protektionismus spielen eine Rolle.

Die Schweiz liegt im Herzen Europas und ist – obschon nicht Mitglied der EU – wirtschaftlich eng mit ih¬ren Nachbarn verflochten. Trotzdem ist die Eidgenossenschaft bisher deutlich we¬¬niger heftig von der Inflation betroffen als Deutschland. Im Juni sind die Konsumentenpreise im Vergleich zum ent¬sprechenden Vorjahresmonat um 3,4  Prozent gestiegen. Das ist für die Schweiz zwar die stärkste Teuerung seit 1993. Aber in der Eurozone und in den Vereinigten Staaten betrug der Anstieg in der gleichen Zeit jeweils 8,6 Prozent.

Für die vergleichsweise niedrige Inflation in der Schweiz gibt es eine Reihe von Gründen. Am wichtigsten ist die geringere Rolle der Energie, des Haupttreibers der Inflation in aller Welt. Die Einfuhrpreise für Heizöl und Erdgas sind zwar auch in der Schweiz rasant gestiegen. Aber die Energieausgaben haben im Warenkorb der Schweizer Haushalte ein viel geringeres Gewicht als andernorts. Alessandro Bee, Ökonom bei der Schweizer Bank UBS, veranschlagt den Anteil auf 5,5 Prozent, während Energieträger in der EU rund 11 Prozent und in Deutschland 12 Prozent des Warenkorbs ausmachten. » | Von Johannes Ritter | Freitag, 8. Juli 2022

L'élégance d'un autre temps

Eleganz vergangener Zeiten / Elegance of a bygone age

Mes remerciements vont à maria teresa debra camonte sur Pinterest pour cette splendide photo. Merci beaucoup !

Shinzo Abe, ancien premier ministre japonais, est mort après avoir été blessé par balle

LE MONDE : L’ex-dirigeant, âgé de 67 ans, participait à un meeting politique dans la région de Nara lorsque des coups de feu ont retenti. « C’est un acte barbare en pleine campagne électorale », a réagi l’actuel premier ministre, Fumio Kishida.

Shinzo Abe, le 25 septembre 2017, lors d’une conférence de presse à Tokyo. SHIZUO KAMBAYASHI / AP

L’ancien premier ministre japonais Shinzo Abe est mort à 67 ans, vendredi 8 juillet, après avoir été blessé par balle lors d’un rassemblement électoral à Nara. « C’est un acte barbare en pleine campagne électorale, qui est la base de la démocratie, et c’est absolument impardonnable », a condamné Fumio Kishida, actuel premier ministre du Japon qui a été le ministre des affaires étrangères de M. Abe de 2012 à 2017.

L’ancien dirigeant est mort à l’hôpital où il avait été transporté à la mi-journée (heure de Tokyo). « Il était en état d’arrêt cardio-respiratoire à son arrivée. [Les médecins ont] tenté de le réanimer. Cependant, il est malheureusement mort à 17 h 03 » (10 h 03 à Paris), a déclaré Hidetada Fukushima, professeur de médecine d’urgence à l’hôpital de l’université médicale de Nara, situé à Kashihara, une ville voisine.

Peu avant l’annonce de sa mort, l’actuel premier ministre avait décrit M. Abe dans « un état très grave ». Un peu plus tôt, des médias locaux croyaient savoir qu’il ne présentait aucun signe de vie. » | Le Monde avec AFP | vendredi 8 juillet 2022

Shinzo Abe, Japan’s former prime minister, dies after being shot : Longest-serving PM, known for his ‘Abenomics’ policy, shot while making campaign speech in Nara »

Das Attentat auf Shinzo Abe ist eine Zäsur in der japanischen Geschichte – und es könnte weitreichende Folgen haben: Ein Land ist geschockt. Der Architekt von Japans Wirtschafts- und Aussenpolitik wurde erschossen. »

Live Updates: Shinzo Abe, 67, Dies After Being Shot During Speech: The former prime minister of Japan was assassinated on Friday in the city of Nara. He served in the office longer than anyone before stepping down in 2020. »

Johnson May Be Finished but the Damage He Did Lives On

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: A new UK premier must start forming partnerships within Europe and ditch the destructive populism that led to Brexit

Boris Johnson with Donald Trump. The populist politics both men adopted is now exposed as discredited and exhausted. Photograph: Evan Vucci/AP

For all the talk by nationalists about how much they value unity, democracy and tradition, nationalism always turns out to be the most divisive, undemocratic and disrespectful political principle imaginable.

The Brexit variety is no different. It was entirely predictable that it would not so much liberate a sovereign nation from its supposed European shackles as unleash a political elite from any constraints whatsoever.

Now that Boris Johnson’s premiership has ended in disgrace and he has been exposed for what he is and what everyone knew he was, there is a sense of relief in Brussels. And sure, there is some schadenfreude on the continent that he has finally got his comeuppance.

But no one is under any illusion that Johnson’s departure from Downing Street solves any of the underlying problems in the UK/EU relationship. Because the damage done by the outgoing prime minister, through the project that he instrumentalised to achieve power, lives on.

On the economy, it lives on to the point where even Labour finds it impossible to distance itself from the core problem now harming the UK Brexit itself.

Trying to “make Brexit work” the slogan that Labour leader Keir Starmer uses when he rules out a future return to British membership, might be a political imperative for at least another generation. But it is still economic and illogical nonsense.

No amount of tinkering with the practical details of Brexit can remedy the fundamental incoherence it creates. Self-imposed isolation from your nearest and biggest trading partner harms small businesses as they try to trade with customers in neighbouring countries, prompts big companies to seek to invest elsewhere and dismembers labour markets to the detriment of both employers and job-seekers. » | Guy Verhofstadt | Friday, July 8, 2022

Have you ever wondered what a brace of tw*ts looks like? Wonder no longer! Take a look at the picture above! That’s what a brace of tw*ts looks like! As if one tw*t wasn’t enough! We had to suffer through a pair of them: one that side of the Atlantic; the other, this side. – © Mark Alexander

Live Updates: Shinzo Abe Is Hospitalized in Critical Condition After Being Shot

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The former prime minister of Japan was unconscious after being wounded while giving a speech near Kyoto, authorities said.

TOKYO — Shinzo Abe, the former prime minister of Japan, was in critical condition after being shot on Friday morning while giving a speech in western Japan, according to Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

Footage on social media showed Mr. Abe, 67, collapsed and bleeding on the ground in the city of Nara near Kyoto. The Japanese Fire and Disaster Management Agency said that Mr. Abe had sustained a gunshot wound to his right neck and left chest.

The police said they had arrested a suspect, Tetsuya Yamagami, on a charge of attempted murder. The suspect had used “gunlike equipment,” which was retrieved at the scene, a police spokesman said.

Images shared on social media showed a man being tackled after the shooting near Yamatosaidaiji Station. The man was a Nara resident, according to NHK, the public broadcaster. A detailed motive for the shooting was not immediately made public. A suspect is arrested on a charge of attempted murder after Shinzo Abe is wounded. » | Mokoto Rich | Friday, July 8, 2022

L’ancien premier ministre japonais Shinzo Abe dans « un état très grave » après avoir été blessé par balle : L’ex-dirigeant participait à un meeting politique dans la région de Nara lorsque des coups de feu ont retenti. « C’est un acte barbare en pleine campagne électorale », a réagi l’actuel premier ministre, Fumio Kishida. »

Anschlag auf Shinzo Abe – Schütze soll früherer Soldat sein: Japans früherer Premier ist auf offener Bühne angeschossen und lebensgefährlich verletzt worden. Der mutmaßliche Täter soll gesagt haben, er sei "unzufrieden" mit Abe. »

The Guardian View on Boris Johnson’s Resignation: Good Riddance

THE GUARDIAN: The prime minister has bowed to the inevitable, but he remains defiant and petty, and is still a threat to Britain

‘Mr Johnson went grudgingly and without grace. He left with a speech outside No 10 that was at once breezy and bitter.’ Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

The good news is that the worst prime minister in modern British history is going. The bad news is that he has not yet gone. Boris Johnson fought to the end to remain in Downing Street as his reputation and his government collapsed around him. On Thursday, as more ministers resigned, including one who had been in office less than 48 hours, he bowed to the inevitable, resigning as Conservative leader while remaining prime minister until a successor is chosen.

Mr Johnson went grudgingly and without grace. He left with a speech outside No 10 that was at once breezy and bitter. It contained no note of contrition for his own misconduct as prime minister, or any syllable of awareness of why a party that had rushed to embrace him three years ago has rushed to rid itself of him now. His capacity to do damage to his party and the country has not yet ended.

Mr Johnson presided over three turbulent years in Downing Street. Some of the turbulence was wholly predictable from his past behaviour in journalism and politics, and was his own fault. Some was caused by seismic global events that few, including him, saw coming. He traded on his charisma, which helped lead to his election victory in 2019, but his approach to governance was never serious or strategic, as Brexit exemplified. His conduct as prime minister was incompetent, corrupt and shameful. He should have gone months ago. » | Editorial | Thursday, July 7, 2022

Diabetes - A Lucrative Disease | DW Documentary

Jul 7, 2022 In our modern consumer society, Type 2 diabetes has become a widespread disease. Companies are developing drugs that are increasingly expensive, but not necessarily more effective. Health authorities are powerless.

Diabetes is spreading rapidly, all over the world. The disease destroys lives and puts a strain on public budgets. The UN is calling on governments to take action.

Diabetes is proof that modern societies are incapable of adequately treating chronic disease. It affects around 430 million people worldwide, with two main metabolic disorders falling under the name diabetes. Type 1 is an autoimmune disease that must be treated with lifelong doses of insulin, while type 2 can develop when a person’s diet is too high in fat and sugar and they do not engage in enough physical activity.

With turnover of $46 billion, diabetes is a massive and extremely lucrative market. Constantly promised miracle cures have not led to satisfactory treatment, with patients either taking too many drugs or no longer being able to afford them. It’s a desperate situation, and the only ones benefiting seem to be pharmaceutical companies.

A medical focus on blood glucose levels has led to an overreliance on medication, sometimes without due concern for dangerous side effects. Patients become trapped in a cycle of treatment, which in many cases still does not halt the disease’s progression. This can lead to amputations, blindness and heart attacks.

And yet there are alternatives that could flatten the curve of the type 2 diabetes epidemic, while reducing health care spending. Improved diet can be a preventative measure, and a strict adherence to diet can also bring about remission in the case of Type 2 diabetes.

But these solutions require effort, as well as a complete rethinking of chronic disease management. Filmed on three continents, this documentary features industry whistleblowers, patients, researchers and medical professionals. It also confronts pharmaceutical companies about their responsibility for the situation.

Collapsing Public Support Suggests Brexit Is Anything But Done

THE GUARDIAN: Most people think Brexit has gone badly, a UK survey finds, and Johnson has left behind a mess of problems for a new PM

Boris Johnson’s critics say his deal with the EU did not achieve the ‘stability and certainty’ he claimed it would. Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA

The mantra right up to the grisly end was that he had got Brexit “done”.

Boris Johnson’s apparent double miracle was to break the parliamentary impasse that tormented his predecessor Theresa May when trying to pass her withdrawal agreement and then to successfully negotiate a trade deal with the EU in the following 10 months.

“This deal means a new stability and a new certainty in what has sometimes been a fractious and difficult relationship,” Johnson had said on Christmas Eve 2020 as the ink was drying on the new trade agreement.

Johnson certainly achieved a political feat in uniting his party after removing May from office and then forming an unlikely electoral alliance in the wider country – despite misleading the Queen, in the opinion of a Scottish court, as he sought to threaten recalcitrant MPs with a no-deal exit back in the dark days of 2019.

But recent polling suggests support for Brexit in the UK has collapsed – and the outgoing prime minister’s critics might confidently argue today that Johnson leaves a mess of issues behind rather than the “certainty and stability” that he claimed to have secured 18 months ago. » | Daniel Boffey in Brussels | Friday, July 8, 2022

Thursday, July 07, 2022

Sir Ed! With the Conservatives in Total Disarray and Labour Having Ruled Out a Return to the EU, This Is Your Big Chance. Carpe Diem!

At the risk of stating the obvious, the Conservative Party is clearly in total and utter disarray. Further, it is a divided party – divided between the pro-European wing and the anti-European wing, the so-called Remainers and Brexiteers.

David Cameron exacerbated the problem, of course, by calling the Brexit referendum. In so doing, he projected the longstanding rift in his party onto the nation. And what a rift it has caused! It has divided the regions and even divided families. Many of the divisions are based particularly on age, but also to a great extent on class as well.

Older folk are often more inclined to be Brexiteers, many of whom lived through the Second World War or were told many stories by their parents of life at that time. There is no doubt many have been unable to put the war behind them. They live in the past. In addition, many of them are resentful of Germany's clear and enormous economic success. How many times in my life have I heard old folk say "we won the war, but Germany won the peace"!

In my humble opinion, many of the people who fought hard for Brexit, people like Nigel Farage and his trouble-making partners surreptitiously played on past prejudices to bring people to the point of voting for the suicide of our nation. This, of course, was just what the fossilized Tories needed to pull the wool over people’s eyes.

Coming out of the European Union was the greatest mistake this country has made since World War II. It was an act of self-harm. One could call it national suicide. To walk away from the greatest and best single market in the world—The Single Market—made absolutely no sense at all. It is a market of approximately 500 million consumers. A market with free movement of goods and people, and no impediments to the sale of services either. Moreover, despite Margaret Thatcher’s hostility to a federal Europe, she was for the Single Market. Very much so. Indeed, she was one of its architects! Would the Single Market exist today had it not been in part due to her tireless efforts? And we have walked away from it! Go figure! Further, to add insult to injury, we have walked away from it when ruled by a Conservative administration, the Party which prides itself on being pro-business. My word! What a topsy-turvy world we now inhabit!

By coming out of the European Union, we Brits have relinquished all the privileges that came with our membership: We lost our rights as European citizens. Rights such as the right to live, work and retire to any member country. The right to free healthcare, which is based on reciprocity. Free education for our children, too. In fact, I believe that Germany offers free university education to many, as well. In addition, we have also relinquished the right to fall in love and marry across borders. And so much else besides. Our leaving of the European Union was nothing short of insanity.

A small number of people at the top have been able to gain from our leaving. For most, however, it has been, and will remain, a great loss. For the billionaire class, free European healthcare is not an issue. For most people, it is. A big issue.

As a result of Brexit, many businesses have ceased trading. So how many small businesspeople have seen all their hard work to build up their businesses supplying goods and services to Europe going down the tubes? How much hardship has this act of insanity really, truly caused? Clearly, the MSM is reluctant to inform us.

But even apart from all the economic losses that we have suffered, and all the inconveniences, there was another very important goal of the European Union: the goal of maintaining and cultivating peace and good relations between our European nations. There was cross-cultural exchange between us, the importance of which should never be underestimated.

Despite being raised as a Conservative, and despite having been a lifelong Conservative voter, when Brexit came along, I was disenfranchised. I simply could not vote for a party—any party— which is anti-Europe. Europe is my home. Even outside of the EU, I still consider Europe my home. Wales is a European country/principality. Yes, it is part of Greta Britain, but it is also part of Europe. Certainly, geographically speaking. But also, politically. We have so much in common with our European sistren and brethren.

Keir Starmer of the Labour Party has ruled out trying to re-join the European Union. This, in my opinion, gives the Liberal Democrats a huge opportunity. At the next election, whenever that will be, it can put clear blue water between it and the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. It can offer the electorate a clear choice; it can offer the Remainers, of whom there are so many, and with the increasing disillusionment of voters by the obvious false promises offered by Brexit—remember those sunny uplands we were promised, ‘dem da’ hills of gold yonder? Eldorado?—well it didn’t happen, did it? It came to nothing. And it will come to nothing in the future, too.

The Liberal Democrat Party is a good, solid party with a great liberal history—liberal in the British sense, not the American sense—and it has a great leader: Sir Edward Jonathan Davey , usually known as Ed Davey, who is, I feel sure, a thoroughly decent man. Decency is not a quality readily found in politicians. But from what I have read about this man, he is decent. Decent and solid.

I therefore have a suggestion for him. It is as follows: Be brave and give the electorate a real choice. That way, the LibDems will be able to capitalize on great recent successes in by-elections. I am as certain as anyone could be that if the British electorate were offered the chance to return to the European Union, they would vote for you in droves.

Go for it, Sir Ed! As you well know, fortune favours the brave.

© Mark Alexander
Thursday, July 7, 2022

Ed Davey: Leader of the Liberal Democrats. MP for Kingston & Surbiton. »

DW Food: 3 European Schnitzels You Have To Try | Europe Eats

Feb 26, 2022 Europe loves schnitzel! In fact, it loves schnitzel so much that if offers countless alternatives to the traditional Viennese “Wiener Schnitzel”.

Boris Johnson démissionne de la tête du Parti conservateur, discrédité par les scandales

LE MONDE : L’ancien maire de Londres restera premier ministre jusqu’à ce qu’un nouveau dirigeant soit désigné.

Il s’est accroché jusqu’au bout avant d’être, finalement, renversé par son propre parti. Usé par les scandales, affaibli par une série de démissions sans précédent, le premier ministre britannique, Boris Johnson, s’est résolu, jeudi 7 juillet, à quitter le pouvoir, en annonçant sa démission en tant que chef du parti conservateur. Il restera premier ministre jusqu’à ce qu’un nouveau dirigeant soit désigné.

« C’est clairement la volonté du Parti conservateur qu’il y ait un nouveau chef de file et donc un nouveau premier ministre », a-t-il déclaré à la mi-journée, lors d’une allocution de six minutes, devant Downing Street, se disant « triste » de quitter « le meilleur travail au monde ». Reconnaissant son échec, il a néanmoins jugé « qu’il serait dingue de changer de gouvernement, alors que nous réalisons autant de choses, que nous avons un mandat aussi vaste et que nous n’avons que quelques points de retard dans les sondages ».

« Je suis immensément fier des réalisations de ce gouvernement : d’avoir réalisé le Brexit, réglé nos relations avec le continent, redonné le pouvoir à ce pays de faire ses propres lois », a-t-il salué. » | Le Monde avec AFP | jeudi 7 juillet 2022

ri Lanka Is "Grinding to a Halt" Amid Fuel Shortage, Inflation & Austerity, Prompting Mass Protests

Jul 7, 2022 Fuel shortages in Sri Lanka have triggered a wave of protests calling for the resignation of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. This comes as Sri Lanka's government has forced the closure of all schools and announced plans to cut electricity by up to three hours a day, as well as stop printing currency to quell inflation. Meanwhile, Sri Lanka is also facing a dire shortage of food and medicine, and doctors say the country's entire health system could collapse. "There is no discussion on the part of the government on how we as Sri Lankans are going to come out of this crisis," says Ahilan Kadirgamar, political economist and senior lecturer at the University of Jaffna, who explains how the government's doubling down on austerity measures has devastated the working class.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – July 7, 2022

Inflation - eine neue Bedrohung für die Weltwirtschaft? | ARTE Info Plus

Jul 7, 2022 Im Juni erreichte die Inflation in der Eurozone eine Rekordhöhe von +8,6%. Das ist natürlich nur ein Durchschnittswert: Einige Länder halten sich besser als andere, die Preise für bestimmte Produkte steigen stärker als andere.

Dieser Preisanstieg trifft zwar in erster Linie die sozial Schwächsten, doch er erschüttert auch das empfindliche Gleichgewicht der Weltwirtschaft. In Wirtschaftskreisen wird sogar eine Rezession befürchtet. Wie kann die Inflation eingedämmt werden? Und inwieweit kann sie uns beeinträchtigen?

Rabbits, Hats, Magicians and De Pfeffel Johnson

Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson should be sent packing as soon as possible. If he’s allowed to stay on as a caretaker prime minister, he might not leave at all!

Boris is to politics what a magician is to hat-tricks! Magicians are able to pull rabbits out of hats before our very eyes by deft sleight of hand. De Pfeffel is equally skillful in politics. Before our very eyes, he could pull a fast one, maybe call a general election, and finesse his way into staying on as prime minister for several years to come, causing lots of uncertainty. Be warned!

Likeable, Boris may well be; but, often, so are rogues! In a funny kind of way, De Pfeffel is a likeable rogue with a touch of class.

One will never be sure BoJo has gone until he is well and truly out the door of Number 10! I concur with John Major on this, but perhaps for different reasons.

© Mark Alexander
Thursday, July 7, 2022

An Officer and a Gentleman • Up Where We Belong • Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes

Apr 3, 2012 Up Where We Belong by Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes is the theme song for the 1982 film An Officer and a Gentleman. It reached #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 in the US that year. This music video adds some fighter jet scenes from Top Gun (1986) to accentuate the lyrics. | Views on YouTube: 24,151,169

Fancy a Wedding with Panache and Style?

You don't have to be an unconventional bride to make a fashion statement! Want to know how to rock a bridal hat on your wedding day? Keep clicking here if you do.

Envie d'un mariage avec panache et style ? / Lust auf eine Hochzeit mit Flair und Stil?

Thanks mille fois to Easy Weddings (Australia) on Pinterest for this sublimely stylish and elegant photo.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Delivers Resignation Speech - BBC News

Jul 7, 2022 UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has given his resignation address to the nation.

“It is clearly now the will of the parliamentary Conservative Party that there should be a new leader of the party and therefore a new prime minister,” he said outside Downing Street.

Johnson said the process of choosing the new leader should begin now and the timetable will be announced next week.

Boris Johnson’s messy exit encapsulates a tumultuous reign as prime minister. »

LIVE EN COURS : Boris Johnson quitte la tête du Parti conservateur et restera premier ministre jusqu’à ce qu’un nouveau dirigeant soit désigné : « Il est désormais clair que le Parti conservateur souhaite avoir un nouveau chef et donc un nouveau premier ministre », a reconnu M. Johnson. Le processus de succession à la tête des tories commencera dès la semaine prochaine. »

Johnson: Traurig, dass ich den besten Job der Welt aufgeben muss: Der britische Premierminister tritt als Chef seiner Konservativen Partei zurück. Er wolle aber als Regierungschef weitermachen, bis ein Nachfolger gewählt sei, sagte Johnson. »

LIVE: Regierungskrise im Vereinigten Königreich: Boris Johnson erklärt Rückzug in Rede an die Nation: «Ich bin traurig, dass ich den besten Job der Welt aufgeben muss»: Boris Johnson hat am Donnerstag den Parteivorsitz niedergelegt. Als britischer Premierminister will er im Amt bleiben, bis ein Nachfolger gefunden ist. Zuvor waren rund sechzig Minister und hochrangige Parteikollegen zurückgetreten. Die wichtigsten Antworten zur Regierungskrise. »

Breaking: Boris Johnson to Quit as Prime Minister after Succession of Ministers Resign from UK Government – Live

THE GUARDIAN: Latest updates: prime minister has decided to resign, according to reports, after new chancellor tells him to quit

Boris Johnson has agreed to resign, but wants to stay on as PM until new Tory leader elected by autumn » | Andrew Sparrow | Thursday, July 7, 2022

Don’t Waste All Your Anger on Boris Johnson — Save Some for His Enablers

THE GUARDIAN: The prime minister and his wrecking crew already smashed our democracy – now they are just turning the ire on themselves

Sajid Javid, Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson in Downing Street in September 2021. Photograph: Toby Melville/PA

In 2019 the now-departed chancellor, Rishi Sunak, played a vital role in boosting Boris Johnson’s chances of becoming Tory leader. He co-wrotea statement declaring: “Boris Johnson is one of life’s optimists and can help us recapture a sense of excitement and hope about what we Conservatives can do for Britain.” On Tuesday night, he changed his mind. It had apparently taken him three years to discover what everyone already knew – indeed, what Johnson had blatantly advertised all along, dangling from a zipwire, standing beside the Vote Leave bus, filing fibbing copy to the Telegraph.

What’s more, Sunak was meant to have spent this week hailing “the biggest personal tax cut in over a decade”, a giveaway precision-targeted at those tabloids that once purred approval at the government but now only hiss and spit. It was the start of yet another relaunch: the Treasury and the Tory press office lined up all their ducks, and Sunak and Johnson were gearing up for an event next week. Instead the prime minister looks like toast and almost every other story is lost in the noise – even the ones about Britons getting a bit more cash.

Ah well, that’s another £6bn tipped down the drain.

Here is what the end of the Tory show looks like: costly policies that splash about public money with the sole aim of currying favour for a leadership contest. Your taxes spent to prop up their poll ratings. » | Aditya Chakrabortty| Thursday, July 7, 2022

‘This cannot go on’: more ministers resign from cabinet: Northern Ireland secretary Brandon Lewis, security minister Damian Hinds, science minister George Freeman, and Treasury minister Helen Whatley hand in hand notice »

Latest developments live »

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Lettland führt die Wehrpflicht wieder ein

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Nach dem Angriff Russlands auf die Ukraine ist eine Rückkehr zur Wehrpflicht für viele europäische Staaten ein Thema. In Lettland ist die Entscheidung schon jetzt gefallen.

Als Reaktion auf den russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine führt Lettland wieder die Wehrpflicht ein. „Das derzeitige militärische System Lettlands hat seine Grenze erreicht“, sagte der lettische Verteidigungsminister Artis Pabriks am Dienstag. „Derweil haben wir keinen Grund anzunehmen, dass Russland sein Verhalten ändern wird.“ » | Quelle: AFP | Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2022

The Guardian View on Boris Johnson: A Shameful Legacy

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: Removing the leader is not enough to repair the damage done to British democracy. A thorough regime change is needed

The Tory party subordinated its history, its judgment and its political identity in service of one man’s monstrous ego.’ Photograph: Tolga Akmen/EPA

Fraud is a word that can describe a person and an action; the deception and the deceiver. Boris Johnson is both. He is a serial liar, but also the incarnation of untruths sold to the country by the party that chose to make him their leader.

His resignation would end a dismal and destructive time for British democracy, when the unwritten codes of decency and dignity that are meant to guard against abuse of power have been tested – and found wanting.

There is scant credit available for ministers who decided in recent days that enough was enough. Their resignations performed a useful service in hastening Mr Johnson’s departure, but his unfitness for office was never a secret. Everyone who followed Mr Johnson’s earlier career path could see that it was paved with falsehoods and betrayal. The damage that his narcissistic character has inflicted on the country was foreseeable.

Too many Tory MPs appeared only to realise this in the past week. The tipping point was the case of Chris Pincher, the former deputy chief whip accused of sexual harassment. Specifically, the problem was a sequence of statements issued by Downing Street that were almost immediately found to be false. Loyalists could not keep up with the rate at which dishonesty was spewing out of No 10. » | Editorial | Wednesday, July 6, 2022

All of Boris Johnson’s weaknesses and character flaws have come to the fore now. Nobody can deny that he is simply not up to the job of prime minister.

My followers and regular visitors will be aware that I have stated these facts clearly from the very start. I feel sure you will all remember my criticisms of Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson, aka BoJo!

It is not over yet for him; by some miracle, he is still clinging to power. But his demise must surely be imminent.

My greatest fear is that we will end up with someone even worse. There are not many good people left in the Conservative Party to choose from. BoJo marginalized all the best people in that party, because they were Europhiles.

© Mark Alexander

Royaume-Uni : démissions en cascade dans le gouvernement de Boris Johnson, qui s’accroche à son poste : Au lendemain des départs fracassants des ministres de la santé et des finances, plus de quarante membres de l’exécutif ont à leur tour démissionné mercredi. Michael Gove, pilier du gouvernement, a été limogé par le premier ministre. »

Dear, Oh Dear! Apparently, Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson Is Refusing to Bow to Pressure to Resign. How Embarrassing!

How embarrassing is this for Boris! Hey, but that’s how a normal person would feel if told to go by so many people. But Boris is anything but normal! He thinks that feelings of embarrassment are for the little people, I presume. How brazen can anyone be?

Even the pint-sized, Priti Patel, the nasty woman in the cabinet, is telling Boris to go. In actual fact, if BoJo goes, he should take that heartless woman with him.

© Mark Alexander

Pressure grows on Britain’s prime minister to resign as he loses support in his party. »

Other articles of interest connected with Boris Johnson:

Johnson clings on amid cabinet standoff and dozens of resignations: Downing Street source says ‘he wants to stay and fight’ despite interventions from ministers including Shapps and Patel »

Russian connections:

Boris Johnson admits to private meeting with ex-KGB agent: Prime minister confirms meeting with Alexander Lebedev in Italy in 2018 when he was foreign secretary »

And then BoJo’s new appointment:

Nadhim Zahawi: the past business dealings of the new chancellor: One of parliament’s richest MPs, Zahawi has legitimately used a tax haven for family investments while building a colourful portfolio of outside interests »

Seth Andrews : “Awesome Without Allah”

"Nov 29, 2020 I was able to generate my own sense of purpose instead of having my life spoon-fed to me." For Seth Andrews, between the safety of the “religious cocoon” and the “goodness, love and beauty” he discovered upon leaving it? There’s no comparison.

Here’s some food for thought for you! I am not plugging atheism, by the way; so, please don’t jump to any conclusions. However, I do have an open mind; so I certainly have periods of doubt myself. Especially when I hear fundamentalists of every strip spouting forth. They sound so simplistic to me. They are so certain about things we simply cannot be certain about.

Because religion is nothing more than belief, and belief is just that: belief; we cannot ever be certain about God/Allah/Yahweh, whatever you call him. We shall have to wait until we pass on to know for sure.

So far, I do still have a belief in God, even though its strength waxes and wanes – just like the moon! But then that is normal for Christians.

What I do know is this: Christian principles are good principles to live by. However, in my experience, only the few actually manage to do so. Many call themselves Christians; only the few pass muster. We are all in need of trying harder.

The real Christians I have met in life are the ones that talk about it the least. They just get on and live by their principles – quietly.

I find Seth Andrews’ atheism very interesting; and in actual fact, I concur with much of what he says. I know from previous videos I have watched of his that Christopher Hitchens helped him along on his path to atheism.


© Mark Alexander

Holidaymakers Warned of Rising Coronavirus Cases at European Destinations

THE GUARDIAN: Increases reported in countries including Greece, Spain, France and Germany as Omicron variant BA.5 spreads

Ermones beach in Corfu, Greece: new coronavirus infections have risen on the islands of Corfu, Cephalonia and Zakynthos in recent weeks. Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA

Holidaymakers heading to and from the European mainland are being warned of a growing incidence of coronavirus, especially in tourist hotspots, which risks hampering travel plans.

Health officials are calling in some cases for a reintroduction of face masks and other measures, and are urging travellers to exercise personal responsibility, warning that an escalation of the virus could lead to the swift return of restrictions.

Greece, Spain, France and Germany – as well as further-afield destinations such as the Caribbean islands, Morocco and Tunisia – are all recording significant rises in cases. » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Die Luft für Boris Johnson wird dünner und dünner

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Boris Johnsons politische Überlebenschancen haben sich am Mittwoch weiter verschlechtert. Im Unterhaus gab sich der Premierminister zwar kämpferisch. Doch prominente Aufrufe zum Rücktritt häufen sich, und Johnson droht ein neues Misstrauensvotum.
Boris Johnson macht sich am Mittwoch auf den Weg von der Downing Street ins Unterhaus. | ohn Sibley / Reuters

Es herrschte Endzeitstimmung, als Boris Johnson am Mittwochmittag zur wöchentlichen Fragestunde an den Premierminister im Unterhaus in Westminster erschien. Die Gesichter der konservativen Abgeordneten, die Johnson normalerweise frenetisch anfeuern, wirkten finster und versteinert. Auf den vorderen Bänken an Johnsons Seite fehlten der ehemalige Schatzkanzler Rishi Sunak und Ex-Gesundheitsminister Sajid Javid, die am Dienstagabend unter Protest von ihren Ämtern zurückgetreten waren. Am Ende der Sitzung riefen ihm Labour-Abgeordnete «Bye Boris» zu – in der Erwartung, dass die Fragestunde im Unterhaus Johnsons letzte gewesen sein könnte. Aufruf zur Revolte » | Niklaus Nuspliger, London | Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2022

Île du Levant: Wiege der französischen Freikörperkultur | Stadt, Land, Kunst | ARTE | Reupload

Feb 21, 2022 • Die Île du Levant ist die wohl am wenigsten bekannte der Hyerischen Inseln. Mit ihren weißen Sandstränden und steilen Klippen, die mit dem tiefblauen Wasser des Mittelmeers kontrastieren, wurde sie in den 1930er Jahren zum Ausgangspunkt einer Lebensutopie, die die Rückkehr zur Natur proklamierte: die Freikörperkultur. Was schon im 18. Jahrhundert als medizinische Anwendung begann, fand schnell Anhänger in ganz Europa.

Die Brüder Durville brachten die Freikörperkultur auf die Insel, wo sie bis heute begeistert gepflegt wird.

Verfügbar bis zum 01/02/2024

Many years ago, I flew down to the South of France, to a language school in Hyères to improve my French. I spent several weeks there on two separate occasions. IEach time, stayed with a delightful French married couple.

One day, my host’s wife was thinking of where I should do some sightseeing. She recommended I take a boat trip over to this island for the day. Being more than a little shy at that time, I was reluctant to go there, especially being alone. However, I plucked the courage and went.

The weather was glorious and very hot. The island was magnificent. I shan’t go into detail, but I spent one of the finest days of my life there. It was an extremely liberating experience. In fact, the following year, I went down to the same school and to the same family. Naturally, I went over to the island again. That day, too, was equally sublime.

The French really know how to live life to the fullest. Little wonder we get such marvelous expressions as joie de vivre and savoir vivre from the French. People iin the Anglosphere are so puritanical and boring by comparison with the fun-loving French.

Vive les français !
Vive la belle France !

© Mark Alexander

Deutsche Version:

Vor vielen Jahren flog ich nach Südfrankreich, um in einer Sprachschule in Hyères mein Französisch zu verbessern. Ich habe dort bei zwei verschiedenen Gelegenheiten mehrere Wochen verbracht. Jedes Mal wohnte ich bei einem entzückenden französischen Ehepaar.

Eines Tages, als sie überlegte, was ich besichtigen sollte, empfahl mir die Dame für den nächsten Tag eine Bootsfahrt zu dieser Insel zu nehmen. Da ich damals eher schüchtern war, wollte ich nur ungern dorthin gehen, besonders weil ich alleine war. Ich faßte jedoch den Mut dazu und ging.

Das Wetter war herrlich und sehr heiß. Die Insel war großartig. Ich werde nicht ins Detail gehen, aber ich habe dort einen der schönsten Tage meines Lebens verbracht. Es war auch eine extrem befreiende Erfahrung. Tatsächlich ging ich im folgenden Jahr zur dieselben Schule und zur derselben Familie. Natürlich ging ich noch einmal auf die Insel. Auch dieser Tag war ebenso erhaben.

Die Franzosen wissen wirklich, wie man das Leben in vollen Zügen genießt. Kein Wunder, dass wir aus dem Französischen so wunderbare Ausdrücke wie joie de vivre und savoir vivre bekommen haben. Die Menschen in der Anglosphäre sind im Vergleich zu den lebenslustigen Franzosen so puritanisch und langweilig.

Es lebe die Franzosen!
Vive la belle France!

© Mark Alexander

Royaume-Uni : la pression s’accroît sur Boris Johnson, après une série de démissions au sein de son cabinet

LE MONDE : Le départ surprise, mardi, des ministres britanniques de l’économie et de la santé, deux figures importantes du Parti conservateur, affaiblit considérablement le chef du gouvernement, touché par un nouveau scandale.

Le premier ministre britannique, Boris Johnson, entouré de Sajid Javid et de Rishi Sunak, à Londres, le 7 septembre 2021. TOBY MELVILLE / AFP

Jusqu’à présent, Boris Johnson semblait pouvoir résister à tous les scandales. Le dernier en date – un mensonge, au mieux par omission, au sujet des agissements déplacés d’un député conservateur – lui portera-t-il le coup fatal ?

Après la démission presque simultanée du chancelier de l’Echiquier, Rishi Sunak, et du ministre de la santé, Sajid Javid, deux poids lourds de son gouvernement, mardi 5 juillet, le premier ministre britannique lutte désormais pour sa survie. Chaque jour risque d’être le dernier, surtout si les départs se multiplient. Mercredi matin, de nouveaux responsables, à l’instar du secrétaire d’Etat à la famille, Will Quince, ont annoncé leur démission, alors que M. Johnson devait affronter deux périlleux rendez-vous dans la journée : la séance des questions au premier ministre, à la Chambre des communes, et une audition programmée de longue date devant la « commission de liaison » du Parlement, chargée de surveiller l’activité du gouvernement. » | Par Cécile Ducourtieux (Londres, correspondante) | mercredi 6 juillet 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

The Beach Boys : California Saga (On My Way To Sunny Californ-i-a) | Visualizer

Jul 6, 2022 The official visualizer for “California Saga (On My Way To Sunny Californ-i-a)” from ‘Sounds of Summer: The Very Best of The Beach Boys’ Expanded Edition.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – July 6, 2022

Sir! The Gig Is Up, Methinks

By the way BoJo, when retired, I suggest you eat smaller steaks, go easy on the chips, and eat fewer doughnuts! You’ll have plenty of time in your retirement to plan your meals better! Bonne chance !

With many thanks to the Daily Mail for this most unflattering photo of our ‘Duce’.

L’amour en cuir

Liebe in Leder / Love in leather

Mes remerciements vont à Carling Black Leather sur Pinterest pour cette superbe photo.

Phil Collins : Can't Stop Loving You | Official Music Video

Views on YouTube: 37,260,679

Was gibt es an diesem süßen Foto nicht zu lieben?

What's not to love about this cute photo? / Qu'est-ce qu'il n'y a pas à aimer dans cette jolie photo ?

Fürs schöne, liebe Foto bedanke ich mich bei Akaya auf Pinterest.

"Armani Was Awesome"

Who does style better than Giorgio Armani?

With many thanks to styleforum on Pinterest for this great image.

Alastair Campbell: Tory MPs 'Need to Find a Spine'

Jul 6, 2022 Conservative MPs who support Boris Johnson are "propping up a crook, a liar and a charlatan" says former Downing Street Director of Communications under Tony Blair, Alastair Campbell.

He said that Sajid Javid and Rishi Sunak had realised that their reputations were being tarnished the longer they served in a Johnson government, and that their only option was to step down.

Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson is a clown, and it is high time that he along with his circus leave London town! He is not only a clown, but a buffoon too. He is dangerous. He has already done untold damage to this nation, both in terms of economics and in terms of social cohesion. All because he insisted on getting a job he is unqualified to do, and ill-equipped for.

The man is without any understanding of economics. He is also without principle. He has screwed around all his life, leaving a trail of devastation behind him. The UK economy is no exception.

One truly has to ask oneself some serious questions when one is talking about a man so puffed up and self-absorbed that he grew up believing that he would one day become “king of the world”! Go figure!

However, instead of becoming king of the world, he had to settle for second best: becoming prime minister. And what a mess he is making of the job!

De Pfeffel’s antics re Brexit, along with his cohorts’, have ensured that this once proud United Kingdom, admired throughout the world especially for its integrity, has been turned into the Disunited Kingdom, ready to break up in a heartbeat, and having lost so much respect throughout the world.

To our European brethren and ‘Sistren’, BoJo has become a laughing stock. He is not the admired man he thinks he is. So, it really is time for him to consider his position in the interests of the nation and its people. – © Mark Alexander

Jacob Rees-Mogg Dismisses Calls for PM to Leave Downing Street

Jul 5, 2022 Jacob Rees-Mogg has dismissed calls for the Prime Minister to resign following the resignations of his Chancellor and Health Secretary.

Jake is such a man of the people, don’t ya think? I wonder how many plums he had for breakfast yesterday before this interview?

It’s hard to believe that his recent family ancestry is Welsh. They were dairy folk who went to London to make a bob or two, to improve the family fortunes. Didn’t they do well?

He's doing his level best to return us to the Victorian era. He is anti-abortion, even after rape, and anti-gay marriage, naturally. They weren’t into gay marriage in the Victorian era. Gosh! The man is such a fossil.

Check out these articles to get to know this fossil a little better:

Jacob Rees-Mogg opposed to gay marriage and abortion – even after rape: Conservative MP tipped to succeed Theresa May says he is against same-sex marriage and abortion in all circumstances »

Rees-Mogg’s roots tell a true Conservative tale – just not the one he wants us to hear: The MP’s grandfather worked as a dairyman and lorry driver, but this does not fit his carefully cultivated public image »

Mark Alexander

The Queen Mother: ”I'm Not as Nice as People Think I Am”

Aug 2, 2018 Documentary made in 2001 for Channel 5 about the Queen Mother | Views on YouTube: 1,630,911

Tuesday, July 05, 2022

BoJo’s Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost!

Mr. Johnson weaseled his way to Downing Street by betting on Brexit at the last minute, thinking that he would have more chance of being handed the keys to Number 10 that way; but he was never a committed Brexiteer. Brexit was just a convenience for him to achieve his lifelong ambition: becoming prime minister.

Boris played a dishonorable game to achieve his goal and now, he is paying the price: his administration is falling apart.

We the people, the hapless electorate, were lied to about Brexit. We Remainers didn’t buy into the lies; alas, the Brexiteers did. However, ithe following must be said: the electorate was lied to about the benefits of Brexit and the prosperity it would bring. In addition, we had no robust national debate on this most important of decisions – the most important decision taken by the British people since the end of World War II.

The result of this ill-judged decision to leave the European Union has come with a very high price: a high price for the nation, especially in terms of much slower economic growth and enormous ongoing cost to the economy; and a high price for the people, especially because we Brits have lost all our rights as citizens of Europe: the right to live, work, or retire to Europe; the right to set up businesses there; the right to free health care based on reciprocity; the right to marriage and being able to love across borders, and much else besides.

Boris achieved his ambition by foul means; and now it looks as though, very soon, he might well have to pay the ultimate price himself. Boris’s chickens are coming home to roost.

© Mark Alexander
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The Guardian View on the Cabinet Resignations: Endgame for Boris Johnson

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: The departure of Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid should herald the end of a discredited premiership

‘Other members of Mr Johnson’s cabinet must now follow the example of Mr Sunak and Mr Javid.’ Photograph: Toby Melville/PA

The prime minister’s dissembling, his taste for obfuscation and self-serving half-truths, and his willingness to mislead are by now sadly familiar. To that extent, it came as no surprise on Tuesday to learn that Boris Johnson had indeed – despite multiple assertions to the contrary – been told of specific sexual misconduct allegations prior to appointing Chris Pincher as deputy chief whip. But sooner or later a tipping point was coming for ministers obliged to trash their own reputations to defend a dishonest, delinquent prime minister. On Tuesday night it came.

Britain deserves better than a prime minister who has become a laughing stock, presiding over a rudderless administration at a time of economic crisis. In the interests of preserving their own self-respect, other members of Mr Johnson’s cabinet must now follow the example of Mr Sunak and Mr Javid. The prime minister needs to be confronted with the truth: his time is up. » | Editorial | Tuesday, July 5, 2022

EU Scraps 115 Grants for UK Scientists and Academics amid Brexit Row

THE GUARDIAN: Move follows dispute over Northern Ireland protocol, as one academic says UK is going down a ‘dark path’

British scientists and academic researchers have been dealt a blow after 115 grants from a flagship EU research programme were terminated because of the continuing Brexit row over Northern Ireland.

One academic said he was “relieved” to be exiting the country and feared the UK was going down a “dark path” like Germany in the 1930s. » | Lisa O'Carroll Brexit correspondent| Tuesday, July 5, 2022

A Poor Country Made Bitcoin a National Currency. The Bet Isn’t Paying Off.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: It brought El Salvador’s president, Nayib Bukele, the adulation of the tech community, but reduced scarce funds and moved the nation closer to default.

President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador at an event in June to mark his third year in office.Credit...Jose Cabezas/Reuters

Bitcoin was meant to transform El Salvador’s economy, catapulting the poor Central American nation into an unlikely harbinger of a financial revolution.

But nearly a year after the country’s president, Nayib Bukele, shocked the financial world by making its most popular digital coin a national currency, his bet appears to be backfiring, highlighting the gap between the utopian promises of cryptocurrency’s proponents and economic realities.

The government’s bitcoin holdings have lost about 60 percent of their presumed value during the recent market plunge. The use of bitcoin among Salvadorans has collapsed and the country is running out of cash after Mr. Bukele failed to raise fresh funds from cryptocurrency investors. » | Anatoly Kurmanaev and Bryan Avelar | Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Sajid Javid and Rishi Sunak Quit – Throwing Boris Johnson’s Future into Doubt

THE GUARDIAN: ealth secretary and chancellor resign in what appears to be coordinated move

Sajid Javid, Rishi Sunak said they had lost confidence in Boris Johnson. Photograph: Leon Neal/Getty Images

Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid have dramatically resigned from the cabinet in what appeared to be a coordinated move, throwing the prime minister’s future in doubt.

Boris Johnson apologised on Tuesday evening, for appointing Chris Pincher as deputy chief whip, despite belatedly admitting having known that Pincher was found to have behaved inappropriately in 2019.

In their resignation letters, both men pointed to a lack of grip in Downing Street, with Sunak saying the public expected government to be conducted, “properly, competently and seriously”.

The double blow to Johnson’s authority followed an extraordinary intervention from former Foreign Office permanent secretary Simon McDonald, who made clear Johnson had been briefed about an investigation into Pincher in 2019.

Cabinet minister Michael Ellis told shocked MPs that Johnson “did not immediately recall”, that he had previously been informed about an investigation into Pincher, who resigned on Friday evening after admitting getting drunk, and being accused of groping young men. » | Heather Stewart, Political editor | Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid’s resignation letters in full: Read chancellor and health secretary’s full letters explaining why they are leaving cabinet »

Reality is finally dawning on the cabinet: Boris Johnson is NOT your friend: Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid have decided they’re finally done with 2022’s full-scale debasement of public life. Who’s next? »

Related articles.

Two Senior UK Cabinet Ministers Resign to Force Out PM

THE NATIONAL NEWS: Sajid Javid and Rishi Sunak both announce they will quit to force out Boris Johnson

Sajid Javid and Rishi Sunak, two senior members of the UK cabinet, resigned on Tuesday, piling more pressure on the embattled Prime Minster Boris Johnson to step down.

British Health Secretary Sajid Javid resigned from Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government on Tuesday, he said in a statement. » | Neil Murphy | Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Britischer Gesundheits- und Finanzminister treten zurück: Sajid Javid und Rishi Sunak haben heute ihre Ämter niedergelegt »

Zwei britische Minister treten zurück: In London treten aus Protest gegen Boris Johnson zwei seiner Minister zurück. Großbritannien stürzt in eine Regierungskrise. »

Sajid Javid and Rishi Sunak resign from government: Chancellor Rishi Sunak and Health Secretary Sajid Javid have resigned from government saying they no longer have confidence in Boris Johnson to lead the country. / Mr Sunak said the public expected government to be conducted "properly, competently and seriously"./ Mr Javid echoed this in his resignation letter, saying the government was not "acting in the national interest". »

The Remarkable Strength of The Queen Mother | A Century of The Queen Mother | Timeline

Jul 11, 2020 This one-of-a-kind documentary examines The Queen Mother, her love for her husband and daughters, her support for the institution of monarchy, her animosity towards Mrs. Simpson and Princess Diana and her extravagant lifestyle and love of racing, gardens and fashion.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – July 5, 2022

Eine deutsche Eigenheit | Karambolage | ARTE

Jul 5, 2022 Jeanette Konrad stellt uns eine deutsche Eigenart vor, den Buchstaben „ß”.

Text: Jeanette Konrad
Bild: Bérangère Lallemant
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 21/05/2035

Très simple, très élégant, très flatteur, très beau

Ganz einfach, ganz elegant, ganz schmeichelhaft, ganz schön / Very simple, very elegant, very flattering, very beautiful

Very many thanks to Martha Lynn Millinery for the photo of this stunning hat.

Rupert Everett's Shades of Gay | Full Documentary | LGBTQIA+

Jun 24, 2022 2017 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the legalisation of homosexuality in the UK (the 1967 Sexual Offences Act was given royal assent on 27th July of that year) - a great leap forward for tolerance and equality. But while the country basks in self-congratulation, one gay man - Rupert Everett - wants to ask some uncomfortable questions about what was lost, as well as gained, when gay men and women could finally step out from the closet. In this documentary, Rupert is going to meet a cast of LGBT men and women to chart some of the changes that have taken place in gay life and gay culture over the last fifty years. From the men in their eighties who frequented the underground gay clubs of Soho and cottaged with palace guards, to young transgender people coming out as the 'only trans in the village' in rural Britain, the cast will exemplify something about the gay experience in the different eras of LGBT visibility, from gay bashing to the AIDS crisis to the first 'gaybies'.

“Somewhat recently, the Pride acronym has adopted more letters. Many sources now refer to the LGBTQIA+ community, which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual. While some of those words are often discussed, others may need some further explanation.” [Source]

Viewer discretion is strongly agvised. Please note that this documentary is NOT suitable for children.

I should like to add that this is a whole new world for me. The lewdness, drug-taking, free sex is totally abhorrent to me. I have never had any part in such a debauched way of life; and nor will I ever.

I placed this documentary up before I had watched it all the way through. Had I done so first, which I usually do, I probably wouldn't have posted it at all. But now that it is up, I suppose it should stay up. But it portrays a way of life that is totally alien to me. For me, having same-sex attraction means something far, far purer than this.

Even before coming out, when I still lived a straight life, I never believed in free sex. I never believed in bed-hopping. Straight or gay, we all need standards in life. Watching this debauchery makes me want to climb right back into the closet! – © Mark Alexander

Is It Time to Give Julian Assange His Freedom? | Media Watch

Julian Assange appeals to London’s High Court to block his extradition to the United States as calls grow for the WikiLeaks founder to be finally freed.

Joe Biden is said to be a devout Christian. Surely, then, as a devout Christian, he cannot possibly justify allowing Assange to be treated in this despicable, inhumane and unChristian manner. It is high time that President Biden show us all his true Christian colours and Christian compassion and order this poor man be released. Clearly, Julian Assange has suffered enough already. Let him return to Australia, to his family. It is the only truly Christian thing to do. – © Mark Alexander

Marco : A Short Film by Saleem Haddad

Un excellent court métrage pour pimenter votre journée ! | Views on YouTube : 3,328,276

Viewer discretion is strongly advised. This excellent short film is not suitable for children. – Mark

Saleem Haddad.

About Saleem Haddad.

Book: Guapa.

Elie, Lebanon

Apr 16, 2018 "I'm a normal person, I'm just attracted to members of the same sex."

For more stories of self-discovery from LGBT activists across the Middle East and North Africa, click here.

Monday, July 04, 2022

God Is Not Great | Christopher Hitchens | Talks at Google | 2007

Aug 17, 2007 Author Christopher Hitchens discusses his book "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything" as a part of the Authors@Google series. The author of Why Orwell Matters and Letters to a Young Contrarian, Christopher Hitchens is a Vanity Fair contributing editor, a Slate columnist, and a regular contributor to The Atlantic Monthly. He has also written for The Nation, Granta, Harper's, The Washington Post, and is a frequent television and radio guest. Born in England, Hitchens was educated at Balliol College, Oxford, where he received a degree in philosophy, politics, and economics. He now lives in Washington, D.C., and he became a U.S. citizen in 2007. This event took place on August 16, 2007 at Google headquarters in Mountain View, CA.

Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey : When You Believe | Official HD Video

Views on YouTube: 389,058,776

Donald Tusk wirft Polens Regierung „katastrophale“ Wirtschaftspolitik vor

Der Vorwahlkampf ist eröffnet: Donald Tusk am 2. Juli 2022 in Radom. | Bild: IMAGO


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: In Polen ist der Vorwahlkampf eröffnet und Donald Tusk zu alter Form aufgelaufen. Der PiS-Regierung wirft er vor, die Verarmung breiter Schichten zu riskieren.

Die nagelneue Sporthalle in der polnischen Stadt Radom war voll. Polens größte Oppositionskraft, die liberale Bürgerplattform (PO), hatte am Samstag zu einem Konvent geladen, der das „größte Event“ der Partei seit Jahren werden sollte. 5000 Teilnehmer waren aus dem ganzen Land gekommen und richteten ihre Blicke auf die Saalmitte, wo der Parteisprecher das Ereignis im Stil eines Boxkampfmoderators eröffnete, „von dem ihr noch euren Kindern und Enkeln erzählen werdet“. Dann war die Bühne frei für den Hauptredner.

Donald Tusk eröffnete eine Art Vorwahlkampf; von 2007 bis 2014 war er Polens Ministerpräsident und damit der am längsten amtierende Regierungschef nach dem Ende der Diktatur. Anschließend war Tusk EU-Ratspräsident und EVP-Chef. Parlamentswahlen sind zwar erst im Herbst nächsten Jahres. Aber die Parteien trommeln bereits, als werde in drei Monaten gewählt. Außerdem weiß man bei der rechten PiS, der von Tusks Intimfeind Jarosław Kaczyński geführten Regierungspartei, nie so genau, ob sie nicht doch vorzeitige Wahlen aus dem Hut zaubert. » | Gerhard Gnauck, Politischer Korrespondent für Polen, die Ukraine, Estland, Lettland und Litauen mit Sitz in Warschau. | Sonntag, 3. Juli 2022

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Près de Chicago, une fusillade lors d’une parade du 4-Juillet fait au moins six morts

LE MONDE : Vingt-quatre personnes ont par ailleurs été blessées, selon la police d’Highland Park. Les autorités sont toujours à la recherche du suspect, « considéré comme armé et dangereux ».

La police recherche le tireur qui a tué au moins six personnes et blessé vingt-quatre autres personnes lors d’une parade à l’occasion de la fête nationale américaine du 4-Juillet, à Highland Park, au nord de Chicago, le 4 juillet 2022. TYLER PASCIAK LARIVIERE / AP

Au moins six personnes ont été tuées et vingt-quatre autres blessées dans une fusillade, lundi 4 juillet, lors d’une parade à l’occasion du 4-Juillet, la fête nationale américaine, à Highland Park, ville cossue au nord de Chicago (Illinois). Précédemment, la municipalité avait déclaré que seize personnes avaient été transportées à l’hôpital.

Le suspect, décrit par la police comme un homme blanc âgé entre 18 et 20 ans, est en fuite et « considéré comme armé et dangereux ». Selon le bureau du shérif, l’homme a tiré au fusil du toit d’un bâtiment. Les autorités sont toujours à sa recherche.

D’après le quotidien Chicago Sun-Times, la parade a commencé autour de 10 heures (17 heures, heure de Paris), mais n’a duré qu’une dizaine de minutes avant que des coups de feu ne se fassent entendre. Un témoin a affirmé à la chaîne américaine CNN avoir entendu entre vingt et vingt-cinq coups de feu. Des vidéos, filmées par des témoins, ont enregistré les coups de feu et le mouvement de panique qui s’est ensuivi. » | Le Monde | lundi 4 juillet 2022

Mehrere Tote nach Schüssen während Feiertags-Parade: In einem Vorort von Chicago sind mehrere Menschen erschossen worden. Der Tatverdächtige befindet sich auf der Flucht. Laut den Behörden soll die Region Highland Park gemieden werden. »

‘This isn’t freedom’: Fourth of July shooting rocks Chicago and shocks US: Shooting strikes symbolic note as shooter targets Highland Park parade celebrating Independence Day »