Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Alastair Campbell: Tory MPs 'Need to Find a Spine'

Jul 6, 2022 Conservative MPs who support Boris Johnson are "propping up a crook, a liar and a charlatan" says former Downing Street Director of Communications under Tony Blair, Alastair Campbell.

He said that Sajid Javid and Rishi Sunak had realised that their reputations were being tarnished the longer they served in a Johnson government, and that their only option was to step down.

Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson is a clown, and it is high time that he along with his circus leave London town! He is not only a clown, but a buffoon too. He is dangerous. He has already done untold damage to this nation, both in terms of economics and in terms of social cohesion. All because he insisted on getting a job he is unqualified to do, and ill-equipped for.

The man is without any understanding of economics. He is also without principle. He has screwed around all his life, leaving a trail of devastation behind him. The UK economy is no exception.

One truly has to ask oneself some serious questions when one is talking about a man so puffed up and self-absorbed that he grew up believing that he would one day become “king of the world”! Go figure!

However, instead of becoming king of the world, he had to settle for second best: becoming prime minister. And what a mess he is making of the job!

De Pfeffel’s antics re Brexit, along with his cohorts’, have ensured that this once proud United Kingdom, admired throughout the world especially for its integrity, has been turned into the Disunited Kingdom, ready to break up in a heartbeat, and having lost so much respect throughout the world.

To our European brethren and ‘Sistren’, BoJo has become a laughing stock. He is not the admired man he thinks he is. So, it really is time for him to consider his position in the interests of the nation and its people. – © Mark Alexander