Saturday, April 02, 2022

Le pape François condamne « l’agressivité puérile et destructrice » de Vladimir Poutine, sans le nommer

LE MONDE : En visite à Malte samedi, le pontife argentin a déclaré que l’hypothèse de son déplacement à Kiev est « sur la table ».

Le pape François s’exprime lors de sa visite à Malte, le 2 avril 2022. ANDREW MEDICHINI / AP

En route pour Rome, vers l’an 60, l’apôtre Paul avait fait naufrage près de la côte maltaise et avait été recueilli par les autochtones, qui l’avaient bien accueilli et qu’il n’avait pas manqué d’évangéliser. Samedi 2 avril, le pape François, successeur de Pierre, est arrivé à Malte pour une visite de deux jours dans un archipel où la pratique catholique, bien qu’encore très répandue, est comme ailleurs en Europe en recul, un mouvement accentué par la pandémie de Covid-19. La foule qui se massait le long du trajet, à partir de l’aéroport, puis devant le palais présidentiel, témoignait cependant que l’empreinte catholique demeure très forte.

L’annonce de l’Evangile, placée par le pontife argentin au cœur de la nouvelle Constitution du Vatican, promulguée le 19 mars, devait initialement être l’un des thèmes majeurs de ce voyage méditerranéen. La guerre en Ukraine lui a un peu volé la vedette. Le chef de l’Eglise catholique a consacré au conflit près de la moitié du long discours qu’il a prononcé à son arrivée, comme à chaque déplacement à l’étranger, devant les responsables politiques du pays, samedi matin.

Depuis l’invasion de l’Ukraine, le 24 février, François a multiplié les objurgations à faire cesser « cette cruauté sauvage », « cette violente agression contre l’Ukraine », « cette guerre répugnante ». Mais il s’était, jusqu’à présent, refusé à incriminer nommément la Russie ou Vladimir Poutine, conformément, fait-on valoir à Rome, à la tradition diplomatique du Saint-Siège, soucieux de ne pas être enrôlé par les parties en conflit et de maintenir une capacité de parler avec tous. « Le pape n’est ni un journaliste ni un politique. Il est le pape et il agit en pape », a twitté l’un de ses proches, Antonio Spadaro, directeur de la revue jésuite La Civilta Cattolica. » | Par Cécile Chambraud (La Valette (Malte), envoyée spéciale) | samedi 2 avril 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Why Do Trump and Putin Get Along So Well? | Michael McFaul | TEDxStanford | 2017

Jun 2, 2017 • During his tenure as U.S. Ambassador to Russia under President Obama, Stanford Political Science Professor Michael McFaul lived with death threats against him and his family. Since returning to the U.S., McFaul has been banned from returning to Russia, but at home he is one of the most sought-after observers of what he calls the Trump-Putin “Bromance.” His take on Russia today is both insightful and troubling. But as he says, “Diplomacy is not a popularity contest.”

Michael McFaul is Professor of Political Science, Director and Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, and the Peter and Helen Bing Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. Dr. McFaul served for five years in the Obama administration, first as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Russian and Eurasian Affairs at the National Security Council at the White House (2009-2012), and then as U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation (2012-2014). He has authored several books, including Advancing Democracy Abroad: Why We Should, How We Can and, with Kathryn Stoner, Transition.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Konversionstherapie: der Versuch, queere Identität auszulöschen

Jan 24, 2022 • Einen Teil der eigenen Identität ablegen, wegbeten, auslöschen? Genau darauf zielen queerfeindliche Konversionsverfahren ab. In Österreich wurde das Verbot dieser Praxis an Minderjährigen erst im Juni 2021 beschlossen.

heute 19:00 Uhr vom 01.04.2022

Apr 1, 2022 • Durch den Ukraine-Krieg werden nicht nur das Tanken und Heizen teurer, sondern auch Lebensmittel. Der Handelsverband rechnet mit einer Preissteigerung im zweistelligen Prozent-Bereich. Diese und weitere Nachrichten des Tages in den ZDFheute Nachrichten um 19 Uhr.

Undercover Investigation Exposes Current Face of Gay Conversion Therapy | 60 Minutes Australia

Sep 15, 2019 • These days in Australia, and other western countries, isn’t it a given that we make our own choices about our sexuality? Not only that, but whatever those decisions, isn’t it guaranteed that they will be respected and supported? Surprisingly the answer is often no. Some fundamentalist churches still actively preach that homosexuality is a sin, and they think a bizarre mix of prayer and threat is the way to fix it. As Sarah Abo reports in a special 60 MINUTES investigation, a form of gay conversion therapy continues to be practised on mainly young Australians who have been deemed “broken” by church ministers and counsellors. But shamefully, far from doing God’s work, these people are causing lifelong damage.

How Conversion Therapy Affects Your Mental Health

Oct 10, 2017 • There’s a lot of controversy around its use and legality — particularly with minors — but what effects does it have on a person’s well-being?

Conversion Therapy Survivor Describes Treatment as 'Torture' | CBC News

Jul 13, 2019 • The federal government is looking at ways to reform the Criminal Code in order to 'combat conversion therapy.'

Former Ambassador to Russia: Putin ‘Very Upset’ about Ukraine War Failures

Apr 2, 2022 • Amb. Michael McFaul tells MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart that he thinks it’s “highly unlikely” that Vladimir Putin would want to expand this war in response to potentially the first Ukrainian attack on Russian soil, adding the U.S. should keep sending weapons to Ukraine despite fears Putin might escalate the war: “The only way there will be peace in Ukraine is if there is a military stalemate.”

Truth to Power: Cost of Living Crisis: Brexit Identified as a Major Factor

Apr 2, 2022 • Every serious independent economist argued that massively raising barriers with your main trade partner is an extraordinary act of self-harm. And now, 6 years too late, the extreme right-wing Brexit backing Express newspaper last week carried the headline “Brexit blamed as UK exports drop 14% – Britain 'missing out' on global trade”. Eventhough the article went on to trumpet the world-beating amount of trade deals the UK has struck, it concluded by reporting the Office of Budget Responsibility statement that Brexit has meant a 14% drop in exports, and also reported economist Gabriella Dickens’ comment that UK export growth would remain sluggish “as UK exporters continued “to be slowly cut out of global supply chains, due to the extra administrative burden for EU firms of sourcing goods from Britain”. As every single day seems to bring a new reminder of how stupid an idea Brexit was, is there now a widespread acceptance that every one of those economists was right, and that Brexit is a contributing factor to the current cost of living crisis?

Michael Lambert: Cost of Living Crisis as Government Wastes £Billions

Apr 2, 2022 • Whilst the biggest cost of living crisis approaches, the government wastes billions through incompetence and mismanagement.

The Bounce Back Loan scheme was designed to help businesses survive the pandemic. It involved lending out $47 billion without any checks and with the government guaranteeing all loans. Already £4.9 billion has been written off due to fraud.

The buying of PPE at the start of the pandemic was a disaster, with friends of Tory politicians with no experience of buying PPE being given priority. The NHS calculates that the cost of some PPE being unsuitable, some being unusable and some out of date, as well as much that was sold at twice the normal price, has cost them as much as £20 billion. £7 million per week is being spent on storage and much of the stock is being incinerated.

The test & trace for which £37 billion was budgeted appears to have been as good as useless and this has been confirmed by the Public Accounts Committee.

Friday, April 01, 2022

Two New Secret Abramovich SuperYachts Discovered! | SY News

Antigua confirms Roman Abramovich owns 2 yachts moored on island Caribbean nation launched investigation after FT revealed boats’ ties to sanctions-hit Russian oligarch

Antigua’s minister of foreign affairs Paul Chet Greene said the island’s government had requested information on whether the owner of the BVI company, Wenham Overseas Limited, is on Britain’s sanctions list, in light of “persistent allegations by the Financial Times that the vessels could be owned by Mr Roman Abramovich”. The letter then confirmed that the British High Commission had provided Antiguan authorities with a letter “from the Financial Investigation Agency of the British Virgin Islands which states the beneficial owner of Wenham Overseas Ltd is Roman Abramovich”.

heute journal 31 березня 2022

Apr 1, 2022 • Новини дня з українськими субтитрами. Актуальний огляд від редакції ZDF з ґрунтовним аналізом найважливіших подій у Німеччині та світі.

Folgen des Ukraine-Krieges: Kommt ein Energieimport-Embargo? | maybrit illner vom 31.03.22

Apr 1, 2022 • Mehr Waffen und einen Energieboykott – das erwartet die Ukraine von Deutschland. Mehr geht nicht, heißt es in Berlin. Kann Deutschland nicht mehr tun? Oder nur unter so großen Opfern, wie man sie den Bürger*innen nicht zumuten will? …

Gerard Depardieu: Kremlin Responds to Actor's Putin Criticism


BBC: The Kremlin has hit back after French actor Gerard Depardieu accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of "crazy, unacceptable excesses" in Ukraine.

Depardieu said the Russian people were not responsible for their president's behaviour. Mr Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said the actor probably did not completely understand the situation in Ukraine and offered to explain it.

Depardieu left France for tax reasons and took Russian citizenship in 2013.

He received his Russian passport from President Putin in person in the Black Sea resort of Sochi.

At the time, the actor and the president shook hands and hugged each other, with Depardieu describing Russia as "a great democracy".

In 2015, Ukraine banned him from entering the country for five years after he supported Russia's annexation of Crimea. » | Friday, April 1, 2022

Hongrie: Viktor Orban prêt pour quatre ans de plus

Plus ancien chef de gouvernement en exercice de l’Union européenne, Viktor Orban (ici, le 12 février à Budapest) brigue, dimanche, un quatrième mandat consécutif. BERNADETT SZABO/REUTERS

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Le premier ministre hongrois sans discontinuer depuis 2010 est donné favori, dimanche, des législatives.


À en croire les sondages, il n’y aurait plus aucun suspense. Viktor Orban, à la tête de son parti ultraconservateur, le Fidesz, est donné vainqueur par l’intégralité des enquêtes d’opinion. Certaines anticipent même une très large victoire du premier ministre, qui brigue un quatrième mandat consécutif depuis son retour au pouvoir en 2010. «Je n’arrive pas à me souvenir d’un moment où les étoiles ont été si bien alignées à 19 jours des élections», s’est amusé Viktor Orban, illustrant toute la confiance qui habite ses troupes.

Pourtant, ces élections législatives avaient été annoncées comme inédites. Pour la première fois en douze ans, les six principaux partis de l’opposition, incluant les socialistes, les écologistes, les sociaux-démocrates, les libéraux ainsi que l’ancien parti d’extrême droite recentré idéologiquement, se sont unis au sein d’une seule et même coalition. Après les défaites aussi sèches qu’humiliantes de 2014 et 2018, où le Fidesz s’était systématiquement imposé avec une majorité des deux tiers au Parlement, ils avaient accepté d’enterrer la hache de guerre dans le seul but de déloger Viktor Orban du pouvoir. » | Par Thomas Laffitte | vendredi 1 avril 2022

Strained Relations at EU-China Summit: Europe Urges China Not to Side with Russia | DW News

Apr 1, 2022 • Top diplomats from the EU are meeting via videoconference Friday with China's leaders to discuss urgent matters including the war in Ukraine, the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. Chinese President Xi Jinping addressed the afternoon session with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, European Council President Charles Michel and the EU's foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell. He called on the EU and China "to prevent spillovers of the crisis." Earlier they spoke with Li Keqiang, premier of China's state council. Li told his European counterparts China "opposes division of blocs and taking sides," a Chinese diplomat told German press agency DPA. State broadcaster CCTV said Li added China is pushing for peace in "its own way." Von der Leyen said after, "We made very clear China should not interfere with our sanctions."

Micky Maus wird zum LGBTQ-Aktivisten

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Ein neues Gesetz in Florida verbietet den Unterricht über Geschlechtsidentitäten bis zur dritten Klasse. Disney hat deshalb die Spenden an die Republikaner eingestellt und will die Vorschrift bekämpfen. Im Internet entlädt sich ein konservativer Shitstorm.

Das symbiotische Verhältnis zwischen den Micky-Maus-Erfindern und der Republikanischen Partei in Florida steht vor eine Zerreissprobe. | Alisha Jucevic / Bloomberg

Die Beziehung zwischen der in Florida dominierenden Republikanischen Partei und der Walt Disney Company gestaltete sich bisher weitgehend harmonisch. Schliesslich ist der Unterhaltungsriese mit seinen Vergnügungsparks einer der grössten Arbeitgeber im Sunshine State und ein Touristenmagnet. Während die Politik den Konzern mit Steuerentlastungen und anderen Privilegien unterstützte, revanchierte sich die Traumfabrik mit grosszügigen Parteispenden. Gemäss dem «Orlando Sentinel» soll Disney seit Jahresbeginn 2021 mindestens 2,2 Millionen Dollar an politische Kandidaten und Komitees in Florida überwiesen haben. Rund 80 Prozent dieser Gelder seien an die Republikaner und konservative Kreise gegangen.

Am Montag jedoch unterzeichnete der republikanische Gouverneur Ron DeSantis ein neues Gesetz, welches das symbiotische Verhältnis zwischen den Micky-Maus-Erfindern und der konservativen Mehrheitspartei in Florida vor eine Zerreissprobe stellt. Offiziell heisst die neue Regelung «Gesetz für elterliche Rechte in der Bildung». Ihre Gegner sprechen jedoch vom «Sag nicht schwul»-Gesetz, weil es den Unterricht über sexuelle Orientierungen und Geschlechtsidentitäten vom Kindergarten bis mindestens zur dritten Klasse verbietet. Hält sich eine Schulbehörde oder ein Lehrer nicht an diese Vorschrift, können Eltern gegen sie klagen. » | Christian Weisflog, Washington | Freitag, 1. April 2022

Disney's opposition to gender identity law angers DeSantis: Florida’s tetchy Republican governor Ron DeSantis is threatening retaliation against the state’s largest private employer Disney after it pledged to work to overturn the state’s controversial new “don’t say gay” law banning gender identity discussions in schools. »

Dimitra’s Dishes : Orange & Almond Olive Oil Paximadia: Vegan Biscotti

Mar 5, 2020 • Paximadia is the Greek word for the double-baked cookies we all know and love, Biscotti. This is a vegan recipe that creates the most aromatic cookies that are perfect for dunking in your coffee!

Get the recipe here.

'The Last Straw': Former Oligarch on Renouncing Russian Citizenship

Apr 1, 2022 • CNN's Hadas Gold speaks to Leonid Nevzlin, a former oligarch who moved to Israel nearly 20 years ago, on his decision to publicly renounce his Russian citizenship.

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – April 1, 2022

Amerikanische Reisepässe mit „X“ als Geschlecht möglich


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Vom 11. April an können Amerikaner sich im Reisepass als drittgeschlechtlich eintragen lassen. Damit sei ein Meilenstein erreicht, sagt Außenminister Blinken.

In den Vereinigten Staaten können Bürger von diesem Monat an auf dem Antrag für einen neuen Reisepass die Angabe „X“ für ein drittes Geschlecht auswählen. Damit habe man einen weiteren Meilenstein dabei erreicht, „allen Bürgern unabhängig von ihrer Geschlechtsidentität besser zu dienen“, teilte Außenminister Antony Blinken am Donnerstag mit. » | Quelle: DPA_Basis | Donnertag, 31. März 2022

The Dark History of Gay Conversion Therapy

Conversion Therapy: Ban to Go-ahead but Not Cover Trans People

BBC: The government insists it will ban so-called conversion therapy for gay or bisexual people in England and Wales - but not for transgender people.

It comes hours after it had said it would drop the ban entirely.

The announcement that it would explore "non-legislative measures" to prevent the practice prompted a furious response from LGBT groups and many MPs.

According to NHS England, conversion therapy tries to change someone's sexual orientation or gender identity.

A senior government source has told the BBC the ban will feature in the next Queen's Speech.

Just hours earlier, a government spokesperson had said the ban would be dropped and they would instead review ways to stop conversion therapy practices through existing law and "other non-legislative measures".

But news that ministers are now only planning to ban conversion therapy for cisgender people - those whose gender identity is in-line with their biological sex - has been met with criticism from some MPs and charities.

The Rainbow Project, said any ban that didn't include transgender people was "not a real ban". Labour MP Nadia Whittome said it was "still not good enough", before adding: "LGB comes with the T, and the Tories are not on our side". » | Sophie Gallagher & Josh Parry, BBC News | Friday, April1, 2022


What are LGBTQ+ conversion practices and why is there a push to ban them?: Boris Johnson performed two U-turns on Thursday about Tory pledge to ban LGBT conversion practices »

As a lesbian woman, I was subjected to conversion practices. We must protect trans people against this abuse: Trans people are nearly twice as likely as lesbian and gay people to undergo interventions that range from prayers to forced rape »

Boris Johnson Ditches Conversion Therapy Ban in Shameful U-turn

Boris Johnson attends a memorial service for the Duke of Edinburgh at Westminster Abbey on 29 March 2022 in London, England. (Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty)

PINK NEWS: Boris Johnson has ditched his long-promised conversion therapy ban.

ITV News reported that an official briefing document confirms Johnson “has agreed we should not move forward with legislation to ban LGBT conversion therapy”.

This is despite a ban on the practice being announced in the Queen’s Speech last year, and the government running a major consultation on the issue.

A government spokesperson confirmed: “Having explored this sensitive issue in great depth the government has decided to proceed by reviewing how existing law can be deployed more effectively to prevent this in the quickest way possible, and explore the use of other non-legislative measures.”

Theresa May first promised to outlaw the practice in 2018.

The leaked document suggests the U-turn will be announced in May’s Queen’s Speech, and that the Ukraine war could be used as justification. . » | Reiss Smith | Thursday, March 31, 2022

This is indeed shameful! It shows us clearly that the man is duplicitous, unprincipled and weak. – Mark

Related article.

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Putin Critic Mikhail Khodorkovsky: Putin Realizes 'There Can Be No Military Solution' | DW Interview

Mar 31, 2022 • Over a month after Moscow launched its invasion of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has come to understand that "there can be no military solution here," exiled Russian oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky told DW. Khodorkovsky, a prominent critic of the Russian leader, previously spent a decade in prison in Russia on charges widely regarded as revenge for challenging Putin's rule. Russian troops began their invasion of Ukraine on February 24. Putin announced that the operation aimed at "demilitarizing" and "de-nazifying" the former Soviet state and protecting Russian speakers in the country. But with Russia failing to quickly occupy the country due to strong Ukrainian resistance and its troops getting bogged down, Moscow recently announced a change in its war aims, saying that it will focus on the "liberation" of the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine. "Putin is stuck when it comes to the military operation," Khodorkovsky said, adding, "Putin has two options now: Either he escalates things, which could mean either introducing mobilization or using tactical nuclear weapons, or he can stabilize the situation and begin peace talks in earnest." In the interview with DW, Khodorkovsky also stressed the importance of a unified Western position. "The West's position needs to be clear, meaning comprehensive support for Ukraine if the war continues and in case Putin uses tactical nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction," he underlined. "That sort of clear position from the West will, let's say, help Putin make the right decision."

Boris Johnson Ditches Plans for Ban on LGBT Conversion Practices

THE GUARDIAN: Leaked document forces government to announce change in approach despite repeated promises

A protester holds up a sign during a Reclaim Pride protest last year. Photograph: Vuk Valcic/Sopa Images/Rex/Shutterstock

Boris Johnson has ditched plans for a legal ban on conversion practices despite repeated promises for such a move, Downing Street has confirmed.

The government announced the change of policy after it emerged in a leaked document obtained by ITV News.

A government spokesperson said: “Having explored this sensitive issue in great depth the government has decided to proceed by reviewing how existing law can be deployed more effectively to prevent this in the quickest way possible, and explore the use of other non-legislative measures.”

Conversion practices attempt to change or suppress a person’s sexuality or gender identity and Johnson and his predecessor Theresa May promised to make it illegal.

The move to drop plans for a legal ban was condemned by the Liberal Democrats. The party’s equalities spokesperson, the MP Wera Hobhouse, said: “This is not just yet another U-turn from the Tories, but giving the green light to a form of torture in the UK. This is an utter betrayal of the LGBT+ community. » | Heather Stewart and Harriet Sherwood | Thursday, March 31, 2022

This is proof that BoJo is not only a clown; but he is a contemptible clown! Conversion therapy is not only very dangerous; it is also ineffective and unenlightened. BoJo, you are a disgrace to your party; moreover, you are unworthy of the leadership position you hold. You have ditched the ban on conversion therapy; now it is time—high time—for the country to ditch you! – © Mark

Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No 2, Evgeny Kissin HD

Jan 10, 2017 • Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France Conductor: Myung-Whun Chung Salle Pleyel, Paris, 19 September, 2014| Views on YouTube : 1,744,869

Dimitra’s Dishes: Sesame Baklava from Lakonia, Greece: Samousades

Get the recipe here.

Aufgeklärte Menschen in der modernen Welt nennen es normal, Liebe füreinander auszudrücken; Wladimir Putin und sein Freund, der Patriarch der russisch-orthodoxen Kirche, nennen es Dekadenz!

Enlightened people in the modern world call expressing love for each other normal; Vladimir Putin and his friend, the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, call it decadence! / Les personnes éclairées dans le monde moderne appellent l'expression de l'amour l'une pour l'autre normale ; Vladimir Poutine et son ami, le patriarche de l'Église orthodoxe russe, appellent cela la décadence !

Für dieses schöne und gefühlvolle Bild bedanke ich mich bei The Ex Frat Man auf Pinterest.

George Michael : One More Try

Views on YouTube: 142,967,192

Heilige Spezialoperation

Patriarch Kirill und Wladimir Putin im Juli 2015 in Moskau | Bild: DPA


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der Vatikan und der Papst setzen auf Moskaus Patriarchen Kirill als Friedensstifter. Doch Russlands Orthodoxe Kirche ist eng mit Putin und dem Kreml verbunden.

Am 8. März appellierte Kardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, Vorsitzender der katholischen Bischofskonferenzen der EU, an Patriarch Kirill: Das Oberhaupt der russisch-orthodoxen Kirche solle auf die Moskauer Machthaber einwirken, damit diese eine „diplomatische Lösung des Konflikts“ in der Ukraine suchten, auf der Grundlage von „Dialog, gesundem Menschenverstand und Respekt für das Völkerrecht“. Neun Tage später erhielt der Erzbischof von Luxemburg eine Antwort von Metropolit Hilarion, dem Leiter des Außenamts der russisch-orthodoxen Kirche, die man als Absage werten muss.

Zwar ist die Rede von „dramatischen Ereignissen auf dem vielgeprüften Boden der Ukraine“. Doch sei „ganz offensichtlich, dass der gegenwärtige Konflikt nicht mit immer neuen öffentlichen Erklärungen gelöst werden kann“. Wie sonst das russische Außenministerium, fordert Hilarion eine „Absage an die Sprache der Ultimaten“. Man habe ein „besonderes Gebet für die baldige Wiederherstellung des Friedens“ in der Ukraine in die Liturgie aufgenommen, schreibt der Metropolit zwar. Doch was darunter aus Moskauer Sicht zu verstehen ist, hatte wenige Tage zuvor Pa¬triarch Kirill klargemacht: Er übergab Viktor Solotow, dem Leiter der Nationalgarde, während eines Gottesdienstes in der Moskauer Christ-Erlöser-Kathedrale eine Ikone der Muttergottes, welche „die jungen Krieger inspirieren“ solle. Solotow sagte, die Ikone werde „die russische Streitmacht schützen und unseren Sieg beschleunigen“. » | Von Friedrich Schmidt, Politischer Korrespondent für Russland und die GUS in Moskau. | Donnerstag, 31. März 2022

Um weiterzulesen, muß man abonniert sein. Hier sind die beliebtesten Abonnements der Frankfurter Allgemeineren Zeitung.

Eine Reise durch das Baltikum | Reportage HD | ARTE

Mar 31, 2022 • Seit Beginn des Ukraine-Krieges ist auch in Russlands baltischen Nachbarstaaten die Angst vor einer militärischen Auseinandersetzung gewachsen. Zumal man sich hier noch lebhaft an die Zeit unter russischer Besatzung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg erinnert. In Estland, Lettland und Litauen, wo eine große russischsprachige Minderheit lebt, schließen sich immer mehr Menschen den Nationalgarden an – für den Fall der Fälle. Wie groß ist die Bedrohung durch Russland für das Baltikum? Und wie gehen die Menschen vor Ort mit der angespannten Lage um? Eine Reise durch die Drillingsländer.

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – March 31, 2022

Putin Authorizes Draft of Nearly 135,000 into Russian Military

Mar 31, 2022 • CNN’s Christiane Amanpour reacts to news that Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on spring conscription, fixing a target for 134,500 individuals to be drafted into the Russian armed forces.

How Long Will Russian Forces Continue to Hold Positions? | Ukraine Latest

Mar 31, 2022 • The shelling has not stopped in Ukraine, even after Russia announced it would scale down its military activity.

It's thought Russia now wants to focus on securing control over the Donbas region in the east of Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelenskyy says his forces will fight for ''every meter of land''.

This comes as the US says its intelligence suggests Russian President Vladimir Putin is being misled by fearful advisors about his military's poor performance in Ukraine. Intelligence reports from the British defense ministry say Russian forces continue to hold positions to the east and west of Kyiv and that the outskirts of the Ukrainian capital are likely to see heavy fighting in the coming days.

Bombings have continued unabated in the besieged port city of Mariupol. Ukraine's deputy prime minister says a convoy of 45 buses is on its way to the city to try and evacuate civilians - after Russia said it would pause fighting there today. Previous attempts to open a humanitarian corridor from Mariupol have failed.

Ukraine War: Putin Being Misled by Fearful Advisers, US Says

The US and UK say Putin is being misinformed by his advisers | REUTERS

BBC: Russian President Vladimir Putin is being misled by advisers who are too scared to tell him how badly the war in Ukraine is going, the White House says.

Meanwhile British intelligence says Russian troops in Ukraine are demoralised, short of equipment and refusing to carry out orders.

Mr Putin is also not being told about the full impact of sanctions on the Russian economy, the White House said.

The Kremlin has not yet commented on the assessments.

White House spokesperson Kate Bedingfield said the US had information that Mr Putin "felt misled by the Russian military" and this had resulted in "persistent tension between Putin and his military leadership".

"Putin's war has been a strategic blunder that has left Russia weaker over the long term and increasingly isolated on the world stage," she said. » | Thursday, March 31, 2022

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

'He's Taking the Side of Putin': Trump Asks for 'Invented Dirt' from Russia

Mar 30, 2022 • Former President Trump publicly called on Vladimir Putin on Tuesday to release any dirt he might have on Hunter Biden, the president’s son. The Morning Joe panel discusses.

Panic Buying Sets In as Russians Feel Impact of Sanctions

Mar 30, 2022 • Russians are feeling the impact of international sanctions as inflation pushes the cost of household staples up. CNN's Anna Stewart reports some supermarkets have placed limits on how much customers can buy of certain products.

Un article lié à cela.

Oligarchs on UK Sanctions List Were Granted ‘Golden Visas’

THE GUARDIAN: Eight unnamed individuals were awarded right to live in Britain under controversial investor visa scheme

Eight Russian oligarchs on the UK sanctions list over their links to Vladimir Putin were granted “golden visas” to live in Britain.

The eight individuals, who Boris Johnson described as having “the blood of the Ukrainian people on their hands”, were granted the right to live in the UK after promising to invest at least £2m under the controversial tier 1 investor visa scheme.

Lady Williams of Trafford, a home office minister, said in an answer to a parliamentary question this week that on 18 March, eight of the oligarchs subjected to sanctions over the invasion of Ukraine “had been identified as holding or having held leave as a tier 1 (investor) migrant or as a tier 1 (investor) migrant dependent”.

The eight people were not named, and the Home Office declined to provide further details. » | Rupert Neate and Aubrey Allegretti | Wednesday, March 30, 2022

China hofiert Außenminister Lawrow

Der chinesische Außenminister Wang Yi mit seinem russischen Amtskollegen Sergej Lawrow im Juli 2019 in Brasilien | Bild: REUTERS


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Peking beschwört die Freundschaft zu Moskau und ist bereit, die Beziehungen „auf eine höhere Ebene“ zu heben. Das könnte die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen mit Europa belasten.

Trotz des andauernden russischen Angriffskrieges in der Ukraine hat sich China abermals demonstrativ hinter Moskau gestellt. Der chinesische Außenminister Wang Yi sagte am Mittwoch nach einem Treffen mit seinem russischen Amtskollegen Sergej Lawrow, China sei bereit, die Beziehungen zu Moskau „auf eine höhere Ebene“ zu heben. Beide Seiten seien entschlossener denn je, die Zusammenarbeit auszubauen. „Die chinesisch-russischen Beziehungen haben dem jüngsten Test der sich wandelnden internationalen Lage standgehalten, die korrekte Richtung des Fortschritts beibehalten und ein nachhaltiges Momentum erreicht“, sagte Wang Yi laut einer Mitteilung des Außenministeriums. Lawrow war erstmals seit dem Beginn des Krieges nach China gereist. Offizieller Anlass waren multilaterale Beratungen über die Lage in Afghanistan. Das Treffen fand aufgrund der Pandemie fernab der Hauptstadt in der Provinz Anhui statt. » | Von Friederike Böge | Mittwoch, 30. März 2022

Guerre en Ukraine: les Russes pris dans le nœud coulant des sanctions internationales

Les Russes se trouvent confrontés aux restrictions croissantes qui raniment le spectre des pénuries. Ci-dessus, une femme passe devant les rayons vides d’un supermarché, le 23 mars, à Moscou. Sopa Images/Sopa Images/SPUS/ABACA

LE FIGARO : RÉCIT - La population commence à sentir les restrictions économiques imposées après l’invasion de l’Ukraine, mais celles-ci ne semblent pas en mesure de faire bouger les lignes politiques.

Correspondant à Moscou

Ce n’est qu’un détail, mais tout de même: il devient de plus en plus difficile de se procurer du papier blanc en Russie, sinon en le payant cinq fois plus cher qu’il y a un mois. En cause, les sanctions internationales décidées après l’invasion de l’Ukraine et l’arrêt des approvisionnements en produits chimiques de blanchiment importés de Finlande… D’où le retour en force du papier jaunasse - pompeusement rebaptisé «écologique»-, omniprésent à l’époque de l’URSS.

Petit à petit, jour après jour, les Russes sont confrontés aux restrictions croissantes, qui bousculent le quotidien et raniment le spectre des pénuries que beaucoup ont encore en mémoire. C’est Svetlana, ménagère moscovite qui découvre un beau matin dans son supermarché que le sucre, le sarrasin et le sel sont en rupture de stock. Et quand il y a en a, pas plus d’un paquet par client! Sans crier gare, capsules pour lave-vaisselle, serviettes hygiéniques et certains produits pour animaux ont également disparu des rayons. » | Par Alain Barluet | mercredi 30 mars 2022

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Democracy Now! US News & World News – March 30, 2022

Ukraine War: Putin Demands Mariupol Surrender to End Shelling

BBC: Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that shelling of the besieged Ukrainian city of Mariupol will only end when Ukrainian troops surrender.

Mr Putin made the comments during an hour long phone call with French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday night, the Kremlin said in a statement.

But French officials said the Russian leader had agreed to consider plans to evacuate civilians from the city.

It comes as new satellite photos showed the destruction caused by the shelling. » | Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Germany Warns on Gas Supply over Russia Payment Row

BBC: Germany has declared an "early warning" over possible gas supply disruption amid a payments stand-off with Russia.

Russia has demanded "unfriendly" countries pay for its gas in roubles, but the EU, which mainly pays in euros, has rejected the idea.

On Wednesday, German economy minister Robert Habeck urged consumers and companies to reduce consumption in anticipation of possible shortages.

Germany gets about half its gas and a third of its oil from Russia.

Berlin has pledged to reduce its dependence on Russian energy over time but warned it could face a recession if supplies stopped suddenly.

Under an existing gas emergency plan, the "early warning phase" is the first of three steps designed to prepare the country for a potential supply shock.

In its final stage, the government would bring in gas rationing. » | Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Just a List of Lies Boris Johnson Has Told

Mar 29, 2022 • At the end of last year Boris Johnson stood up in parliament to tell the public that he had been reassured there were no parties in Downing Street. Today, the Met Police has issued 20 fines for parties held in Downing Street. He’s lying to you.

Democracy Now! US News & World News – March 29, 2022

Queen Attends Prince Philip Memorial Service at Westminster Abbey

Read the BBC article here.

Read related articles here.

Here’s What It’s Like Having $100 Billion vs. $1 Billion | Robert Reich

Mar 29, 2022 • Americans worth over $100 billion:

Elon Musk: $270B
Jeff Bezos: $190B
Bill Gates: $135B
Warren Buffett: $130B
Larry Page: $119B
Sergey Brin: $115B
Larry Ellison: $113B

Prince Andrew Plays Prominent Role in Prince Philip Memorial Service

THE GUARDIAN: Royal makes first public appearance since settling sexual assault case filed against him by Virginia Giuffre

The Queen and Prince Andrew attend the service of thanksgiving for Prince Philip. Photograph: Richard Pohle/AFP/Getty Images

Prince Andrew has prompted controversy after playing a unexpectedly prominent role escorting the Queen into a memorial service for his father, Prince Philip, in the disgraced royal’s first public appearance since settling the sexual assault case filed against him by Virginia Giuffre.

The ceremony in Westminster Abbey was held to mark a year since the Duke of Edinburgh’s death after his funeral was attended by just 30 loved ones due to pandemic restrictions.

It was uncertain until Tuesday morning whether the Queen would be able to attend after suffering poor mobility that has prevented her from travelling to official engagements.

She travelled from Windsor with Andrew, who escorted her into Westminster Abbey, offering his elbow as she moved carefully to her place using a walking stick.

Andrew’s prominent role raised eyebrows for coming so soon after a multimillion-pound out-of-court settlement in a civil sexual assault case. He continues to deny the allegation, but has stepped down from public life over his friendship with convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein. » | Rachel Hall and agency | Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Queen attends Prince Philip thanksgiving service: Monarch, 95, leads royal family at event in honour of husband Philip at Westminster Abbey »

Andrew escorts Queen by arm at memorial service for Prince Philip: Monarch is visibly moved as her consort finally receives the farewell that he wanted »

Prince Andrew, Banished From Royal Duties, Escorts Queen to Memorial: The prince’s conspicuous public appearance at the service for his father, Prince Philip, who died last year, sent an unmistakable message of support by a 95-year-old mother for her disgraced son. LONDON — Six weeks ago, Prince Andrew agreed to a multi-million-dollar legal settlement with a woman who accused him of raping her when she was a teenager. On Tuesday, he escorted his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, to a memorial service at Westminster Abbey to celebrate the life of her late husband, Prince Philip. »

Was Prince Andrew’s role at service a bid to rehabilitate ‘soiled royal’?: Analysis: Concerns about royal family’s judgment and message to abuse victims as prince appears at Queen’s side »

The Queen shared the limelight with Andrew – but he’s still out in the cold: No surprise he was at his father’s memorial service. But the looks from Charles and William told you his public life is over »

Herb Alpert : This Guy's in Love with You

Provided to YouTube by Ingrooves | Views on YouTube: 2,189,073

Rod Stewart : Maggie May

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views on YouTube: 21,429,498

Time to Chill Out: It’s Happy Hour Again!


When a Good Smoke Belonged to a Good Cocktail at a Good Bar!

Cocking a snook at modern day hyper-sensibilities. When a good time was had by all.


Quelque chose de spécial pour les homophobes !

Etwas Besonderes für die Homophoben! / Something special for the homophobes!


Time for a Little Boogie! Orleans : Dance with Me

The Psychology of an Isolated Russia | The New Yorker

Mar 11, 2022 • David Remnick and the historian Steve Kotkin discuss Vladimir Putin and how authoritarian regimes are pushed into misguided foreign wars.

My Story : Coming Out to My Religious Russian Family

May 31, 2019 • This video is about My story of when i came out as gay to my family almost 3 years ago, and about my journey to where I am now. Hope this inspires somebody!!

Stephen Fry Confronts Vitaly Milonov over Russian Law Banning 'Gay Propaganda' - BBC Two

This Russian dude is so ignorant and so backward. He needs to crawl back under that rock he emerged from! By the way, people who protest too much are often hiding their own true sexual identities and proclivities! Moreover, he has absolutely no understanding of the teachings of Christianity. – © Mark

Young and Gay in Putin's Russia | Part 1

Jan 13, 2014 • When Russian President Vladimir Putin banned gay "propaganda" in June last year, Russia's LGBT community went from being a stigmatized fringe group to full-blown enemies of the state. Homophobia becoming legislation means it's now not only accepted in Russia but actively encouraged, which has led to a depressing rise in homophobic attacks and murders.

The main aim of the law, which essentially bans any public display of homosexuality, is to prevent minors from getting the impression that being gay is normal. Which means that, if you're young and gay in Putin's Russia, you're ostracized and cut off from any kind of legal support network.

In part 1 we get a ride with Artem, a young driver for Moscow's gay taxi service "Our Taxi", meet Nikita, a 17-year-old activist who has been labeled a "propagandist" because of his LGBT rights YouTube channel, and Yulia, a young lesbian who started LGBT self defense classes after her favorite gay bar in Moscow was attacked by about 20 armed men in October 2012.

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Telling the Story of Gays in Russia - Stories | GQ

Feb 24, 2016 • GQ editors describe the complicated process of reporting a story on LGBT rights in Putin’s Russia—a country that is almost as hostile to the press as it is to gay people.

Worst Thing about Coming Out: Stories of Identity Oppression 60 Minutes Documentary

After Coming Out as Gay, This Russian Violinist Can't Return Home

Putin Can 'Never Be Welcomed Back into the International Community'

Mar 29, 2022 • Retired Four Star General Barry McCaffrey and NBC News White House correspondent Mike Memoli on President Biden insisting that it is his personal view that Putin cannot remain in power, and that his comments over the weekend in Poland were not advocating for regime change.

Australia Alarmed at China’s Security Talks with Solomon Islands

VOA: SYDNEY — The Solomon Islands has confirmed it is negotiating a security deal with China, which has caused alarm in neighboring Australia and New Zealand.

The Solomon Islands is located in the southwestern Pacific, about 2,000 miles northeast of Australia.

A draft official document emerged on social media Thursday. It details plans that could allow Beijing to send armed police and soldiers to the Pacific archipelago to “protect the safety of Chinese personnel and major projects in Solomon Islands.”

In Australia, there are fears that the agreement could lead to Beijing establishing a permanent military presence or bases in the Pacific Island country.

Australia and New Zealand have been the Solomon Islands’ traditional defense partners and aid donors. » | Phil Mercer | Saturday, March 26, 2022

Salomonen wollen enger mit China kooperieren: Die Salomonen streben eine Sicherheitskooperation mit China an. Australien und Neuseeland sind alarmiert. Sie fürchten eine militärische Präsenz Pekings im Südpazifik. »

Fiona Hill on a “Neutral Ukraine,” Nuclear Threat and Russia’s Doomed Economy | Amanpour and Company

Mar 28, 2022 • Fiona Hill is a former national security official specializing in European and Russian affairs, and was an impeachment witness against Donald Trump in 2019. She speaks with Walter Isaacson about the impact of Biden’s remarks in Warsaw this weekend -- which the White House insists were not a call for regime change in Russia – and how Putin is likely to react.

Russenfeindlichkeit in Deutschland - und wie Putins Propaganda sie ausschlachtet | Frontal

Mar 29, 2022 • Der Krieg in der Ukraine hat auch Folgen für die russischstämmige Community in Deutschland – und führt zudem zu Konflikten im Miteinander zwischen russischsprachigen Menschen, die hier leben. All das schlachtet Putin dann für seine Propaganda aus.

Immer häufiger kommt es zu Übergriffen und Anfeindungen in Straßen, Restaurants und Schulen gegen Menschen aus Russland oder mit russischen Wurzeln. Besorgt über diese Entwicklung zeigt sich auch die Antirassismus-Beauftragte der Bundesregierung, Reem Alabali-Radovan: "Teilweise trauen sich Menschen nicht mehr, Russisch auf der Straße zu sprechen." Es gebe Angriffe auf russische Lebensmittelmärkte, und Kinder würden in der Schule beleidigt werden, so die SPD-Politikerin.

Laut Bundesinnenministerium haben die Länder seit Kriegsbeginn sowohl mögliche russen- als auch ukrainefeindliche Straftaten an das Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) gemeldet. In Berlin ermittelt der zuständige Staatsschutz im Landeskriminalamt (LKA) nach einem Brandanschlag auf die deutsch-russische Internationale Lomonossow-Schule in Berlin-Marzahn und Flaschenwürfen auf eine russisch-orthodoxe Kirche in Berlin-Charlottenburg, in der zurzeit Ukraine-Geflüchtete untergebracht sind.

Leaders & Comedians

Origin: Unknown

Funny, but True!

Origin: Unknown

Mikhaïl Khodorkovski: «Vladimir Poutine est déjà en guerre contre l’Otan»

«En Russie, le pouvoir peut quand il le veut confisquer les biens des oligarques, les jeter en prison ou les faire assassiner», confie au Figaro Mikhaïl Khodorkovski. Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa via Reuters Connect

LE FIGARO : RÉCIT - Dans un entretien au Figaro, l’ex-oligarque et opposant russe analyse les intentions du maître du Kremlin.

Alors que la déraison des armes règne depuis un mois dans les plaines d’Ukraine, le monde entier s’interroge sur les intentions de Vladimir Poutine, voire sur sa santé mentale. Un homme connaît bien le maître du Kremlin. Ils ont vécu tous les deux la chute de l’URSS, se sont côtoyés, combattus. Mikhaïl Khodorkovski en est persuadé, Poutine n’est pas fou. «Pas dans le sens de quelqu’un qui ne sait plus ce qu’il fait, en tout cas, dit-il, certes, il est devenu plus émotionnel ces derniers temps et ne se sent plus obligé de se contenir. Mais il reste rationnel, même si cela peut le servir de paraître ne plus l’être, pour faire peur.» Il n’est pas suicidaire non plus. «Sinon, il ne recevrait pas ses hôtes à distance, au bout d’une longue table…»

Pour celui qui fut un temps l’homme le plus riche de Russie avant de s’opposer et de passer dix ans en prison, Vladimir Poutine vit tout simplement ce que connaissent tous les dictateurs. Il s’est peu à peu isolé du monde réel, coupé des réalités par un entourage tétanisé par la crainte et lui disant ce qu’il a envie d’entendre. «Il a été très mal informé sur l’esprit qui anime les Ukrainiens, comme sur l’état de son armée, avance-t-il, c’est typique des régimes dictatoriaux. Je pense qu’il est réellement tombé des nues.» » | Par Arnaud De La Grange | lundi 28 mars 2022

Réservé aux abonnés

Ukraine Peace Talks: We Should Be 'Really Wary' of the Russians

Mar 29, 2022 • Lord Peter Ricketts, former British Permanent Representative to NATO, says the Russians have a 'morbid fascination' with poisons and chemical weapons and if he was attending the informal peace talks in Turkey today, he would be 'extremely careful'. He said the negotiations are to be welcomed, but he was very sceptical of the outcome.

Russians Don't Necessarily Share West's View of Putin's Belligerence

Mar 29, 2022 • Inna Sovsun, member of the Ukrainian parliament, points out that Vladimir Putin is legitimately popular with many Russians, as is his style, so there is a strong chance that even if he were to be removed from power, his replacement would be a similar type of leader anyway.

Biden Reassurances Notwithstanding, Putin Fears Removal by US

Mar 29, 2022 • Julia Ioffe, founding partner and Washington correspondent for Puck, outlines the pattern Vladimir Putin sees in the U.S. removing leaders it doesn't like from power that gives President Joe Biden's remarks about Putin not remaining in power greater meaning than was intended.

« Novaïa Gazeta », le dernier journal indépendant installé en Russie, s’arrête : Dirigé par Dmitri Mouratov, Prix Nobel de la paix 2021, le média a annoncé qu’il reprendrait ses activités à la fin de l’« opération militaire spéciale » en Ukraine. »

Evgeny Lebedev Peerage: Labour Seeks to Force Ministers to Publish Advice

THE GUARDIAN: Angela Rayner to force binding vote on release of information, including on PM’s involvement in decision

Evgeny Lebedev during his introduction in the House of Lords on 17 December 2020.Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

The government could be forced to reveal private advice over the appointment of Evgeny Lebedev to the House of Lords, amid evidence the security services had concerns about the peerage.

Labour will force a binding vote on releasing information about Boris Johnson’s involvement in the decision to award the peerage to the Evening Standard owner. Angela Rayner, the party’s deputy leader, will demand the information concerning the appointment from the Cabinet Office.

The Guardian revealed in October 2020 that Johnson met Lebedev in March, shortly before the House of Lords appointments commission, which scrutinises all nominations, wrote to the prime minister. It is understood to have expressed concerns about Lebedev’s proposed peerage and asked Downing Street to reconsider.

Peers were said to have had confidential briefing from the UK security services, which suggested the appointment was a potential security risk because of Lebedev’s father, Alexander Lebedev, a former KGB agent who worked undercover at the Soviet embassy in London. » | Jessica Elgot, Chief political correspondent | Monday, March 28, 2022

Monday, March 28, 2022

‘I Make No Apologies’: Biden Stands by ‘Putin Cannot Remain in Power’ Remark

THE GUARDIAN: President says he was not calling for regime change but was expressing personal ‘moral outrage’ over Russia’s invasion

Biden on Monday with Shalanda Young, the OBM director. Biden said he was ‘expressing the moral outrage I felt’ when he said Putin cannot remain in power. Photograph: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Joe Biden on Monday defended the unscripted remarks he made at the end of an important speech in Poland at the weekend, in which he said that Russian president Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power”, which had prompted hurried efforts by other senior figures in the administration to play down the comment in the face of international criticism.

The US president, when questioned on Sunday after attending church following his return to the White House, denied that he was seeking “regime change” as a new policy.

On Monday, at an event at the White House with director of the Office of Management and Budget, Shalanda Young, to present the 2023 budget proposals, Biden said of his remarks in Poland: “I’m not walking anything back.”

He was adamant that he was not calling for regime change in Russia, and instead was expressing only his personal “moral outrage” at the “brutality” of Putin’s assault on Ukraine, having visited some of the millions of refugees who have fled the war in the last month.

“I was expressing the moral outrage I felt … I had just come from being with those families. But I want to be clear that I wasn’t then, nor am I now, articulating a policy change,” he said.

“I make no apologies for it,” he added, of his remarks on Saturday. » | Lauren Gambino in Washington and Joanna Walters in New York | Monday, March 28, 2022

Barbra Streisand - Guilty | Official Audio | ft. Barry Gibb

Views on YouTube: 6,509,766

War in Ukraine: The Economist Interviews President Zelensky | The Economist

Mar 28, 2022 • Volodymyr Zelensky talks to The Economist’s editor-in-chief, Zanny Minton Beddoes, in his Kyiv complex dubbed “the fortress”. In a wide-ranging interview, the Ukrainian president discusses the state of the war, the international support he needs and what a Ukrainian victory would look like.

I have great respect for this man. He is true leader. And the West should do even more to help the beleaguered Ukrainians. They are fighting not only for their country's liberty; they are also fighting for the continued liberty of the West as a whole. If Russia wins this war, it will be a victory of autocracy over democracy. Then we will have something to look forward to! It is a shame, an absolute shame, that so many Western leaders have so little courage to take the bold steps necessary to help these besieged people. – Mark

Aufspüren und Beschlagnahmen: Die schwierige Suche nach dem Vermögen russischer Oligarchen

Mar 26, 2022 • Millionen schwere Villen, Privat-Jets, Luxus-Yachten – Russische Oligarchen haben ihren Reichtum über ganz Europa verteilt. Die EU-Sanktionen sollen Putins Unterstützer treffen – wir wollen rausfinden: was ist bisher passiert und wie erfolgversprechend ist Europas Jagd auf russisches Oligarchen-Vermögen?

Das Problem: Wenn überhaupt bekannt ist, wem welche Yacht oder Villa gehört, dann laufen die Vermögenswerte auf Briefkastenfirmen. Und diese Briefkastenfirmen gehören wiederum anderen Briefkastenfirmen. Dieses Labyrinth zu durchschauen gelingt europäischen Ländern sehr unterschiedlich: Während Italien und Frankreich schon Yachten und Villen beschlagnahmen, sind Deutschland, Großbritannien und die Schweiz zögerlicher. Dabei sind gerade der britische und der Schweizer Finanzplatz Rückzugsorte für russisches Vermögen.

Europas Jagd auf Oligarchenvermögen läuft in unterschiedlicher Geschwindigkeit – und Härte. Und über allem hängt die Frage – ob Europa überhaupt über genug gesetzliche Munition verfügt, um Oligarchen rund um Putin wie Gennadi Timtchenko, Roman Abramovich und Alisher Usmanov zu treffen.

L'oligarque russe Abramovitch et des négociateurs ukrainiens ont souffert d'un possible «empoisonnement», selon le Wall Street Journal : Le propriétaire du club de football anglais Chelsea, qui tente de jouer les médiateurs entre Moscou et Kiev, a «développé des symptômes» après une réunion dans la capitale ukrainienne courant mars. »

Avlon: Biden's Putin Gaffe Says Quiet Part Out Loud

Mar 28, 2022 • CNN's John Avlon and Bianna Golodryga say President Biden's improvised comment that Russian President Vladimir Putin should be removed from office was a gaffe, but it was not a call for regime change in Russia nor a redefinition of US policy.

The Sweetest Queer Love Declarations on Netflix

Jun 17, 2021 • We’re celebrating Pride Month with some of our favorite queer love declarations on Netflix. Cue the Kleenex!

Federal Judge Finds Trump Likely Committed Crimes Over 2020 Election

THE NEW YORK TIMES: “The illegality of the plan was obvious,” the judge wrote in a civil case, referring to the former president’s efforts to persuade Vice President Mike Pence to upend the certification of the Electoral College results.

The House committee investigating the Capitol riot said it had accumulated evidence that President Donald J. Trump and his allies could potentially be charged with criminal violations. On Monday, a federal judge essentially agreed. | Audra Melton for The New York Times

WASHINGTON — A federal judge ruled on Monday that former President Donald J. Trump and a lawyer who advised him on how to overturn the 2020 election most likely committed felonies, including obstructing the work of Congress and conspiring to defraud the United States.

The judge’s comments marked a significant breakthrough for the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, which had laid out in a civil filing the crimes it believed Mr. Trump might have committed as it weighs making a criminal referral to the Justice Department.

“The illegality of the plan was obvious,” wrote Judge David O. Carter of the Central District of California. “Our nation was founded on the peaceful transition of power, epitomized by George Washington laying down his sword to make way for democratic elections. Ignoring this history, President Trump vigorously campaigned for the vice president to single-handedly determine the results of the 2020 election.” » | Luke Broadwater and Alan Feuer | Monday, March 28, 2022

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – March 28, 2022

Julian Assange's Lawyer Reveals How the WikiLeaks Founder Is Coping in Prison | 60 Minutes Australia

Aitor Martinez, Julian Assange's Spanish lawyer, tells 60 Minutes the Australian WikiLeaks founder has been "destroyed" by his time in prison.

Russia Adds DW News to 'Foreign Agents' List | DW News

Mar 28, 2022 • Russia's justice ministry has added Deutsche Welle to a list of media organisations it labels as "foreign agents". That designation means DW is required to label anything published with a disclaimer. The term carries negative Soviet-era connotations in Russia, suggestive of spying. It's not the first action taken against DW. In early February, Russia ordered the closure of our Moscow bureau and our website was blocked by Russia's state communications regulator earlier this month.

Velshi: When Biden Said Putin 'Cannot Remain in Power', He Was Right. And He Should Stick to It

Mar 27, 2022 • America is backsliding on democracy, largely because of the after effects of Donald Trump’s undermining and denial of the outcome of the 2020 election. But democratic backsliding is the norm all over the world today. According to a report by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, the number of countries moving in an authoritarian direction in 2020 outnumbered those going in a democratic direction. So when President Joe Biden said Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power” he was right. And he should stick by it.

Guerre en Ukraine : Emmanuel Macron et Olaf Scholz prennent leurs distances après les propos de Joe Biden

LE MONDE : Le président français et le chancelier allemand veulent maintenir un canal de communication avec Vladimir Poutine dans l’espoir de négocier la fin du conflit par la voie diplomatique.

Livraisons d’armes à l’Ukraine, rôle de l’OTAN en Europe centrale, sanctions concertées et démonstration d’unité, la visite de Joe Biden à Bruxelles et à Varsovie avait jusqu’ici convaincu les Européens du réengagement des Etats-Unis face à la Russie. Mais les petites phrases improvisées par le président américain lors de son passage en Pologne, samedi 26 mars, les ont mis dans un embarras certain, alors que la guerre en Ukraine entre dans son deuxième mois. » | Par Philippe Ricard | lundi 28 mars 2022

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Russia Seizes Audemars Piguet Watches in Apparent Retaliation for Swiss Sanctions

THE GUARDIAN: Timepieces worth millions of dollars were taken by FSB agents in Moscow, according to a Swiss paper

Audemars Piguet watches can cost more than £700,000 apiece. Photograph: Leon Neal/Getty Images

Russian agents seized millions of dollars worth of Audemars Piguet watches in Moscow in an apparent retaliation for Swiss sanctions banning luxury goods exports, Bloomberg reported, citing Swiss newspaper NZZ am Sonntag.

The watches, which can cost more than £700,000 apiece, were seized from the firm’s local premises by agents from Russia’s FSB security service on Tuesday, the newspaper said. It cited independent sources and a confidential Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs memo written for members of parliament that apparently gave details of the raid.

Switzerland abandoned its traditional neutral stance and followed other western governments in imposing sanctions banning the export of luxury goods to Russia earlier this month in response to the invasion of Ukraine.

The Swiss member of parliament Roger Köppel first revealed the information on a YouTube video. » | Staff and agencies | Sunday, March 27, 2022

Zelensky 'Ready to Discuss Neutral Status' in Ukraine-Russia Peace Deal - BBC News

Mar 28, 2022 • President Volodymyr Zelensky has said Ukraine is prepared to discuss adopting a neutral status as part of a peace deal with Russia. But the Ukrainian president said it would have to go to a referendum and be guaranteed by third parties.

He made the comments in an interview with independent Russian journalists.

The next round of face-to-face negotiations between Ukraine and Russia take place this week in Turkey.

Zelensky Gives Interview to Russian Journalists. Moscow Orders It Quashed. »