Thursday, December 22, 2022

Scotland Passes Bill Making It Easier for People to Legally Change Gender

THE GUARDIAN: MSPs vote in favour of plans to allow people to legally change their gender through system of self-identification

Plans to make it easier and less intrusive for individuals to legally change their gender through a system of self-identification, extending to 16- and 17-year-olds for the first time, will become law in Scotland.

Six years after it was proposed by the first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, following two of the largest public consultations in the history of the Scottish parliament and amid an increasingly toxic and polarised political discourse, the bill was passed by MSPs on Thursday in a specially extended session.

As a mark of the escalating tensions surrounding the changes, the debate was disrupted minutes before the final vote by protesters in the public gallery shouted “shame on you” and “this is the darkest day”.

The gender recognition reform (Scotland) bill removes the need for a psychiatric diagnosis of gender dysphoria in order to obtain a gender recognition certificate (GRC) and extend the application process to 16- and 17-year-olds for the first time. Read the whole article here » | Libby Brooks, Scotland correspondent | Thursday, December 22, 2022

Scotland passes sweeping gender recognition reform in ‘tremendous step forward for trans rights’: Trans people in Scotland will face fewer barriers to legal recognition after the Scottish Parliament voted through its Gender Recognition Reform bill. »

Ukraine Aid Is Investment Not Charity, President Zelensky Tells US Lawmakers - BBC News

Dec 22, 2022 | Ukraine is "alive and kicking" and will never surrender, President Volodymyr Zelensky has said, in an address to US lawmakers on his first foreign trip since Russia's invasion. US military aid to Ukraine was not charity, but an investment in global security for the future, Mr Zelensky said. His appeal comes amid signs US support is likely to face greater scrutiny by Republican lawmakers in Congress. But President Joe Biden vowed to stick by Ukraine "for as long as it takes", pledging a new $2bn (£1.7bn) aid package and promising a further $45bn (£37bn).

UN Human Rights Chief Says UK Should Rethink Plans to Deport Asylum Seekers to Rwanda

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: Volker Türk critical of scheme he considers ethically problematic and believes government must look again at how to deal with people-smuggling gangs and the treatment of refugees

‘You cannot offshore your responsibilities to another state in the way envisaged [by the UK government].’ Volker Türk, the UN high commissioner for human rights. Photograph: Fabrice Coffrini/AFP/Getty Images

The new UN human rights chief has urged the British government to reconsider its plans to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda, warning that in the past similar “offshoring” schemes had led to “deeply inhuman” treatment of refugees.

In his first public comments on the controversy since taking office two months ago, Volker Türk rejected prime minister Rishi Sunak’s description of the £140m deal as “common sense”, saying that as well as being legally and ethically problematic it was also “very costly” and unlikely to work.

“You cannot offshore your responsibilities to another state in the way that is envisaged [by the UK government],” Türk told the Guardian. “It does raise very serious concerns, both from an international human rights and international refugee law perspective.” » | Lizzy Davies | Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Schottland in der Krise | ARTE Re:

Dec 22, 2022 | Musiker Neil Mackay ist einer der hartnäckigsten Kämpfer für die Unabhängigkeit Schottlands. Das Land steckt aktuell in einer tiefen Krise: Explodierende Energie- und Lebensmittelpreise treffen viele Menschen zwischen Highlands und Edinburgh besonders hart. Bringt ein neues Unabhängigkeits-Referendum die Lösung?

Musiker Neil Mackay ist einer der hartnäckigsten Kämpfer für die Unabhängigkeit Schottlands. Er organisiert Großdemonstrationen, bei denen Tausende Landsleute für die Loslösung aus dem Vereinigten Königreich protestieren. Explodierende Energie- und Lebensmittelpreise treffen viele Menschen zwischen Highlands und Edinburgh besonders hart. Zu ihnen gehört auch Sandra MacPherson. Die alleinerziehende Mutter muss sich in diesem Winter wie viele Menschen zwischen „heat or eat“, „heizen oder essen“, entscheiden und ihren Kindern Verzicht beibringen. Befürworter der Unabhängigkeit machen London für die Notlage verantwortlich, die Gegner hingegen die schottische Regierung. Die Erste Ministerin Nicola Sturgeon hat bereits ein neues Unabhängigkeitsreferendum trotz unklarer Gesetzeslage angekündigt. Wie schon der Brexit, spaltet auch die Unabhängigkeitsfrage die Gesellschaft.

Reportage (D 2022, 32 Min)
Video verfügbar bis zum 16/12/2023

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

President Zelensky Meets President Biden at the White House - BBC News

Dec 21, 2022 | In his first foreign visit since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February, President Zelensky travelled to the US to meet President Joe Biden. In a historic meeting at the White House in Washington DC, the two spoke about extra support being pledged by the US to help the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. President Zelensky also presented President Biden with a Ukrainian captain's medal on behalf of those fighting in Ukraine.

The Marlboro Man Enjoying a Smoke

”Robert ‘Bob’ Norris,best known as the the iconic "Marlboro Man" for more than a decade died November 3, 2019 at the age of 90.

Many thanks to Meredith Seidle for this iconic photo.

You can read about Robert Norris here.

Phil Collins - A Groovy Kind of Love | Official Music Video

May 11, 2010 | “A Groovy Kind Of Love” was produced by Phil Collins and Lamont Dozier for the 1988 film “Buster”.

Schön, sinnlich, erregend und erotisch: Ein queerer Kuss. | Reupload

Beau, sensuel, exitant et érotique : un baiser gay. / Beautiful, sensual, exciting and erotic: a queer kiss.

Image thanks to Google Images and to Washington Blade, its original source.

Ein Kuss, der keine Beschreibung braucht

A kiss that needs no description / Un baiser qui n'a pas besoin de description

Für das schöne Bild bedanke ich mich bei Stocksy United auf Pinterest.

The Federal Trust: The Latest Bit of Brexit Nonsense

Dec 21, 2022 | In this new Federal Trust video, Brendan Donnelly argues that the so-called "Brexit Freedom Bill" is both pointless and dangerous. It seeks to repeal thousands of British laws simply because they have a European origin; and it opens the door to the abolition of rights and standards previously guaranteed by European legislation.


Brendan Donnelly is the Director of the Federal Trust and a former Conservative MEP.


The Federal Trust is a research institute studying regional, national, European and global levels of government. It has always had a particular interest in the European Union and Britain’s place in it. The Federal Trust has no allegiance to any political party. It is registered as a charity for the purposes of education and research.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 21, 2022

Margaret Thatcher: The Rise of the Iron Lady | This Lady's Not for Turning | Timeline

Apr 8, 2021 | The rise of Margaret Thatcher, Conservative Party Leader and UK Prime Minister from 1975 to 1990.

You can sign up for History Hit here should you wish to do so. By using the code ‘TIMELINE’, you can secure a 50% discount on your subscription.

KERA: A Conversation with Margaret Thatcher

Apr 17, 2013 | In 1991, KERA's Lee Cullum talked with Margaret Thatcher as part of the station's "Conversations" series. At the time of the interview, Thatcher had recently resigned as the 49th prime minister of Great Britain. The former leader recounts her years at the pinnacle of her career and reveals unexpected facets of her personality, her love of poetry and her devotion to her father.

Erstes Interview! Boris Becker spricht unter Tränen über Knast-Aufenthalt

Dec 21, 2022 | Mit emotionalen Worten hat Ex-Tennisstar Boris Becker (55) von seiner Zeit in Haft berichtet. Immer wieder von Tränen und Momenten der Rührung unterbrochen, schildert der Wimbledon-Held auch zwei lebensgefährliche Situationen hinter Gittern. BILD begleitete das Gespräch am Dienstagabend live. Hier gibt es den Ticker zum Nachlesen.

Taliban Bans Higher Education for Women 'Until Further Notice' | DW News

Dec 20, 2022 | The Taliban has closed universities for female students, the Ministry of Higher Education said on Tuesday in Afghanistan. "You are all informed to immediately implement the mentioned order of suspending education of females under further notice," read a letter issued by the Ministry to all goverment and private universities. A spokesman for the Education Ministry also tweeted the letter, with the ban meaning that girls and women have been effectively locked out of classrooms after 6th grade. The ban on higher education comes less than three months after thousands of women took university entrance exams across the country, with many aspiring to become teachers or medical practitioners. Universities had remained open to women since the Taliban swept back into power in August 2021, so long as they attended classes separated from male students. The Taliban-led government in Afghanistan also reportedly specified subjects that women could choose to study at their universities.

Elon Musk to Quit as Twitter CEO When Replacement Found - BBC News

Dec 21, 2022 | Twitter boss Elon Musk has said he will quit as chief executive of the company when he can find someone “foolish enough to take the job”. Mr Musk said he’d abide by the results of a poll he tweeted asking Twitter users whether he should resign - 57.5% of people voted “yes” to him quitting the role. The SpaceX and Tesla boss said he will still run the software and servers teams. Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s former chief operating officer, and Jared Kushner, US former presidential adviser and son-in-law of Donald Trump, are just some of the names mentioned as possible replacements.

Donald Trump’s Tax Returns to Be Made Public - BBC News

Dec 21, 2022 | A committee in the US House of Representatives has voted to release six years of Donald Trump’s tax returns. The former president’s filings from 2015-2021 - when he was running for president and serving in the White House - will be made public. Mr Trump fought to keep the documents a secret. US presidents are not required by law to release their tax returns, but for decades they have done so voluntarily. It is unclear when the public will be able to view the documents, with one committee member estimating it would be “a few days”.

The Real Meaning of the Story of Sodom and Gomorrah

Apr 15, 2011 | Jay Michaelson, author of God vs. Gay: the Religious Case for Equality, looks at the Biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah and what it really has to say about human morality.

As both a gay rights activist and religion scholar, Michaelson is uniquely positioned to tackle the contentious "God vs. Gay" divide. The author underscores that the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament both emphasize the importance of love, compassion, and equality. From this starting point, Michaelson offers a progressive take on gay rights--arguing that the moral principles in these texts favor acceptance of gays and lesbians, outweighing the handful of ambiguous verses so often cited by conservatives. In arguing that politically and spiritually the God/gay split must end, this book will stimulate a long-overdue dialogue on an urgent issue.

WIKIPEDIA: Jay Michaelson.

Beacon Press.

Related here

Children Born Outside UK to British Parents in Same-sex Couples Left ‘Stateless’

THE GUARDIAN: British nationals and EU spouses say they were told by Home Office that children born abroad are not eligible for British citizenship

Children born outside the UK to a British parent in a same-sex relationship are being left stateless by the Home Office, the Guardian has learned.

British nationals and their EU spouses say they have been told by the department that children born abroad to a British parent who was also born outside the UK are not eligible for British citizenship. If the UK is unwilling to issue documentation, this has the added effect of leaving some children stateless in cases of EU countries that don’t recognise two mothers.

Couples say they have been left in limbo for many years, unable to leave the country where their child was born because they cannot obtain a passport or other identity documents for them.

“While UK nationality laws don’t explicitly discriminate against LGBTIQ+ parents, it’s the implementation in practice and the lack of regulation for children who may be stateless that creates these situations,” said Patricia Cabral, legal policy coordinator at the European Network on Statelessness, who called for safeguards. » | Nicola Kelly | Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Iranian Family Torn Apart by Protest Crackdown | DW News

Dec 21, 2022 | The European Union has told Iran it must immediately end its crackdown on demonstrators. One of those in danger of being executed is Ghareh Hassanlou. His wife was given a lengthy sentence. DW spoke with Hassanlou's brother, who lives in the Netherlands.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Keine Zigarette danach: 100 Jahre im Dunstkreis der Tabakindustrie in Deutschland und den USA | Doku | Reupload

Jan 21, 2022 | „Die Zigarette ist das vollständige Urbild des Genusses: Sie ist köstlich und lässt uns unbefriedigt.“ Oscar Wilde

Die Zigarette: Mit ihr hat eine ganze Generation ihr Lebensgefühl ausgedrückt. Mit ihr verband man gleichzeitig Geselligkeit, Lebensfreude und Genuss. Für Frauen wurde sie zum Zeichen eines neuen Selbstbewusstseins, die Zigarette danach wurde zum fast schon obligatorischen Ritual.

In 100 Jahren hat die Zigarette wie kaum ein zweites Produkt die Herzen - oder besser gesagt die Lungen – der Menschen im Sturm erobert. Doch die Freude um den blaue Dunst hatte ein dunkles Geheimnis. Lange Zeit wurden Gefahren des Rauchens unterdrückt, verschwiegen und verleumdet.

Es sollte lange dauern, bis die Menschen das hohe Gesundheitsrisiko wirklich begriffen und ihr liebgewonnenes Hobby in einem neuen Licht betrachteten.

Doch Tabakkonzerne scheuten keine Kosten und Mühen – nicht nur ein möglichst positives Bild der Zigarette zu zeichnen. Jahrzehntelang haben sie gesundheitliche Risiken heruntergespielt, verleumdet und unter den Teppich gekehrt. Systematisch wurden Zweifel am wissenschaftlichen Konsens gesät, um das Bild der harmlosen Zigarette zu bewahren.

Für Experten sorgte die Lobby schon selbst. Sie kaufte Wissenschaftler, übte Druck auf die Politik und vernebelte über Jahrzehnte hinweg die öffentliche Meinung. Wir blicken in diesem Video auf die Geschichte des Rauchens in den USA und auch hier in Deutschland. Denn der Aufstieg und der Fall der Zigarette ist auch eine der aufsehenerregendsten Geschichte der Massenmanipulation.

How Iran’s Regime Tries to Silence Protesters in Canada and the US - The Fifth Estate

Dec 20, 2022 | As demonstrations in Iran continue and its government executes protesters, The Fifth Estate sits down with Iranian journalist and activist Masih Alinejad to examine how the regime tries to silence dissidents abroad.

Sunak Refuses to Budge on NHS Pay

Dec 20, 2022 | Rishi Sunak has insisted he cannot budge on NHS pay because he does not want to exacerbate soaring inflation as he comes under increasing pressure to negotiate with striking workers.

Read the Guardian article here: Rishi Sunak refuses to budge on NHS pay as strikes continue: PM says rises could make inflation worse and states politicians should not ‘cut across’ independent pay review process »

Hogwash! Where would we have been without the nurses during the pandemic? Clapping in appreciation of their services was all well and good, but when all is said and done, clapping doesn’t put food on the table!

Why is it that when bankers, others in finance, and CEOs pay themselves multi-million pound bonuses, it is not inflationary, but when people like nurses want a modest increase in pay to keep their salaries in line with inflation, it cannot be paid because doing so would fuel even more inflation? This, Mr. Sunak, makes no sense whatsoever. For heaven’s sake, pay our health workers properly, pay them a decent salary, pay them a salary commensurate with their services to society! – © Mark Alexander

Warme statt weisse Weihnachten: Ein riesiger Wirbel beeinflusst das Wetter im Winter

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Anfang Dezember hatte klirrende Kälte die Schweiz erfasst, auch in den Städten lag Schnee. Die Festtage werden warm und grün.

Anfang Dezember war es in Zürich weihnachtlich weiss, nun ist der Schnee geschmolzen. | Michael Buholzer / Keystone

Als der Schnee vergangene Woche die Schweiz mit einem weissen Tuch überdeckte, war die Hoffnung auf verschneite Festtage im Flachland gross. Doch nun zeigt der Wetterbericht deutlich: Weihnachten wird in diesem Jahr nicht kalt und weiss, sondern warm und grün. Zeigte das Thermometer vor wenigen Tagen noch Zahlen im Minusbereich an, werden Ende Woche Temperaturen bis 13 Grad erwartet.

Vom Einfluss des Polarwirbels

Ob in den Wintermonaten der Schnee schmilzt oder klirrende Kälte herrscht, kann vom Verhalten des sogenannten Polarwirbels abhängen, eines Phänomens der Stratosphäre. Jeden Winter bildet sich 30 bis 50 Kilometer hoch über dem Nordpol ein riesiger, kalter Luftwirbel. Er entsteht dort, wo im Winter kein Sonnenlicht hinkommt und die Luft deshalb stark abkühlt. Die grossen Temperatur- und Druckunterschiede setzen den Wirbel in Bewegung. Das gleiche Phänomen lässt sich auch in der Antarktis über dem Südpol beobachten. » | Elena Oberholzer | Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2022

Lipatti & Ansermet - Schumann Concerto in A minor Op. 54

Jul 1, 2012 | Dinu Lipatti, piano. Ernest Ansermet conducting the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande live - Geneva, February 22, 1950

What Did Jesus Say about Homosexuality?

Sep 28, 2011 | Jay Michaelson, author of God vs. Gay: The Religious Case for Equality, looks at what Christ had to say about homosexuality.

The myth that the Bible forbids homosexuality—the myth of "God versus Gay"—is behind some of the most divisive and painful conflicts of our day. In this provocative, passionately argued, and game-changing book, scholar and activist Jay Michaelson shows that not only does the Bible not prohibit same-sex intimacy, but the vast majority of its teachings support the full equality and dignity of gay and lesbian people, from the first flaw it finds in creation ("It is not good for a person to be alone") to the way religious communities grow through reflection and conscience. In short, Michaelson observes, religious people should support equality for gays and lesbians—not despite their religion, but because of it.

With close readings of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament, the latest data on the science of sexual orientation, and a sympathetic, accessible, and ecumenical approach to religious faith, Michaelson makes the case that sexual diversity is part of the beauty of nature and that the recognition of same-sex families will strengthen, not threaten, the values religious people hold dear. This is an important book for anyone who has wrestled with questions of religion and homosexuality: parents and pastors, believers and skeptics, advocates of "gay rights" and opponents of them. Whatever your views on religion and sexual diversity, God vs. Gay is a plea for a more compassionate, informed conversation—and a first step toward creating one.


Jesus, Christianity, and Homosexuality »

Qumran - die geheimnisvollen Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer | Terra X

Dec 18, 2022 | Ein Jahrtausendfund und eine Sensation: Die Qumran-Schriftrollen gehören zu den wichtigsten archäologischen Entdeckungen des 20. Jahrhunderts. 1947 werden nahe der archäologischen Stätte Qumran am Toten Meer im Westjordanland zufällig antike Handschriften in Höhlen entdeckt. Es handelt sich um jüdische Schriften, auch Texte aus der Bibel sind darunter - die ältesten biblischen Zeugnisse, die je gefunden wurden. Insgesamt sind es fast 1000 Schriftrollen, der Großteil des Fundes besteht jedoch aus Tausenden von Schnipseln, teilweise nicht größer als ein Fingernagel. Ein wissenschaftliches Puzzle, das Rätsel aufgibt. Was verraten die Schriften darüber, wer sie geschrieben hat?

Bis heute machen Verschwörungstheorien die Runde. Angeblich enthalten die Schriften brisante Informationen über Jesus, die vom Vatikan bewusst verheimlicht wurden. War Jesus verheiratet und hatte eine Tochter? Und wie sind die Schriften in die Höhlen gekommen? Qumran bietet selbst 75 Jahre nach dem Auffinden der ersten Rollen genügend Stoff, um immer noch über die Interpretation zu streiten und es steht der Vorwurf im Raum, dass etwas manipuliert wurde.

Dieses Video ist eine Produktion des ZDF.
Autorin: Charlotte Magin
Schnitt: Wolfgang Daut

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 20, 2022

Netherlands Apologizes for Role in Historic Slave Trade | DW News

Dec 19, 2022 | Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte delivered a speech formally apologizing for his country's historical role in slavery and its consequences into the present day. "Today on behalf of the Dutch government, I apologize for the past actions of the Dutch state," Rutte said in a speech. "For centuries the Dutch state and its representatives have enabled and stimulated slavery and have profited from it. It is true that nobody alive today bears any personal guilt for slavery ... (however) the Dutch state bears responsibility for the immense suffering that has been done to those that were enslaved and their descendants," he added. He also said that slavery must be recognized in "the clearest terms" as "a crime against humanity." According to Rutte, the government will establish a fund for initiatives that will help tackle the legacy of slavery in the Netherlands and its former colonies.


Aux Pays-Bas, les excuses de Mark Rutte pour l’esclavage : Le premier ministre a qualifié la traite, pratiquée jadis par son pays, de « crime contre l’humanité ». »


Die Niederlande entschuldigen sich für das düsterste Kapitel ihrer Vergangenheit: den lukrativen Menschenhandel: Die Niederlande, deren Reichtum vor vier Jahrhunderten mit der Ausbeutung von Kolonien begann, haben sich bei den Nachkommen der Sklaven entschuldigt. Ministerpräsident Rutte sprach im Namen der Regierung von einem historischen Verbrechen. »

Japan's Teachers Vulnerable to Overwork Deaths | DW News

Dec 20, 2022 | The Japanese word karoshi means "death from overwork." Too much work kills Japan's overstretched workers with heart attacks, strokes from mental stress, malnourishment. Teachers seem to be particularly vulnerable to karoshi.

Celebrations as World Cup Winners Argentina Return Home – BBC News

Dec 20, 2022 | World Cup winners Argentina have been greeted by jubilant crowds at Buenos Aires airport and a bank holiday has been declared in the country. After beating France in Sunday's final, the team landed home in the early hours of Tuesday morning. They travelled on an open-top bus to Argentine Football headquarters. Fans lined the streets en route, with the main celebration taking place at Buenos Aires' Obelisk monument at midday (15:00 GMT) on Tuesday. The Argentine government said Tuesday would be a bank holiday so fans "can express their deepest joy for the national team".

Harvey Weinstein Found Guilty in Second Sex Crimes Trial – BBC News

Dec 20, 2022 | Former Hollywood film mogul Harvey Weinstein has been found guilty by a Los Angeles jury of raping a woman. The two-month trial heard how Weinstein used his influence to lure women into private meetings before attacking them. The 70-year-old Oscar winner is facing up to 24 years in prison when he is sentenced.

Zeuginnen sagen mit Penis-Details gegen Weinstein aus: Eine Jury hat Weinstein wegen Sexualverbrechen in drei Anklagepunkten, darunter Vergewaltigung, schuldig gesprochen. Die Anklage hatte in ihrer Zeuginnen-Befragung auf Details über Weinsteins Genitalien gesetzt. »

97-year-old Former Secretary at a Nazi Concentration Camp Convicted by German Court | DW News

Dec 20, 2022 A court in northern Germany on Tuesday convicted Irmgard F., a former secretary at the Nazi Stutthof concentration camp, of complicity in murder in more than 10,000 people. She received a two-year suspended sentence as requested by prosecutors.

From June 1943 to April 1945, she worked as a stenographer and typist at the Stutthof death camp, near what was then Nazi-occupied Danzig and is now Gdansk.

Related BBC report here.


Une ex-secrétaire d’un camp nazi condamnée à deux ans de prison avec sursis en Allemagne : Irmgard Furchner est la première femme à être jugée en Allemagne depuis des décennies pour les crimes commis sous le régime nazi. »

Former Nazi Secretary Guilty of Complicity in More Than 10,500 Murders – BBC News

Dec 20, 2022 | A former secretary who worked for the commander of a Nazi concentration camp has been convicted of complicity in the murders of more than 10,505 people. Irmgard Furchner, 97, was taken on as a teenaged typist at Stutthof and worked there from 1943 to 1945. Furchner, one of the few women to be tried for Nazi crimes in decades, was given a two-year suspended jail term. Although she was a civilian worker, the judge agreed she was fully aware of what was going on at the camp. Some 65,000 people are thought to have died in horrendous conditions at Stutthof, including Jewish prisoners, non-Jewish Poles and captured Soviet soldiers.

Why Petulant Oligarchs Rule Our World

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images


THE NEW YORK TIMES: Some years ago — I think it was 2015 — I got a quick lesson in how easy it is to become a horrible person. I was a featured speaker at a conference in São Paulo, Brazil, and my arrival flight was badly delayed. The organizers, worried that I would miss my slot thanks to the city’s notorious traffic, arranged to have me met at the airport and flown directly to the hotel’s roof by helicopter.

Then, when the conference was over, there was a car waiting to take me back to the airport. And just for a minute I found myself thinking, “What? I have to take a car?

By the way, in real life I mostly get around on the subway.

Anyway, the lesson I took from my moment of pettiness was that privilege corrupts, that it very easily breeds a sense of entitlement. And surely, to paraphrase Lord Acton, enormous privilege corrupts enormously, in part because the very privileged are normally surrounded by people who would never dare tell them that they’re behaving badly.

That’s why I’m not shocked by the spectacle of Elon Musk’s reputational self-immolation. Fascinated, yes; who isn’t? But when an immensely rich man, accustomed not just to getting whatever he wants but also to being a much-admired icon, finds himself not just losing his aura but becoming a subject of widespread ridicule, of course he lashes out erratically, and in so doing makes his problems even worse.

The more interesting question is why we’re now ruled by such people. For we’re clearly living in the age of the petulant oligarch. » | Paul Krugman | Monday, December 19, 2022

Met Office Forecasts 2023 Will Be Hotter Than 2022

Read the article here.

Monday, December 19, 2022

House January 6 Panel Recommends Criminal Charges against Donald Trump

THE GUARDIAN: The referral marks the first time in US history that Congress has taken such action against a former president

House January 6 panel recommends criminal charges against Donald Trump – video

The January 6 committee has referred Donald Trump to the justice department to face criminal charges, accusing the former president of fomenting an insurrection and conspiring against the government over his attempt to subvert the outcome of the 2020 election, and the bloody attack on the US Capitol.

The committee’s referrals approved by its members on Monday are the first time in American history that Congress has recommended charges against a former president. They come after more than a year of investigation by the bipartisan House of Representatives panel tasked with understanding Trump’s plot to stop Joe Biden from taking office.

“The committee believes that more than sufficient evidence exists for a criminal referral of former President Trump for assisting or aiding and comforting those at the Capitol who engaged in a violent attack on the United States,” Congressman Jamie Raskin said as the lawmakers held their final public meeting. » | Chris Stein in Washington | Monday, December 19, 2022

Zwei schöne Männer; ein schöner Kuss | Reupload

Deux beaux hommes ; un beau baiser / Two beautiful men; one beautiful kiss

Fürs super Foto bedanke ich mich bei Alexsandre Porier auf Pinterest.

1946 The Movie: Official Trailer

Dec 6, 2022 | 1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture is a feature documentary that follows the story of tireless researchers who trace the origins of the anti-gay movement among Christians to a grave mistranslation of the Bible in 1946. It chronicles the discovery of never-before-seen archives at Yale University which unveil astonishing new revelations, and casts significant doubt on any biblical basis for LGBTQIA+ prejudice. Featuring commentary from prominent scholars as well as opposing pastors, including the personal stories of the film’s creators, 1946 is at once challenging, enlightening, and inspiring.

While other documentaries have been successful in their attempt to treat the symptom of homophobia in the church, 1946 is working to diagnose and treat the disease - Biblical Literalism.


How a Bible Error Changed History and Turned Gays Into Pariahs: In a new book and documentary, two researchers claim the original bible never condemned homosexuality. »

Margaret Thatcher in Her Own Words | Extended Interview with Miriam Stoppard | Timeline

Apr 8, 2019 | Margaret Thatcher's rare interview with Miriam Stoppard, 1985.

If you wish to do so, you can subscribe to History Hit and receive a 50% discount by clicking here and by using the code ‘TIMELINE’.

Who Was the Real Pontius Pilate? | The Man Who Killed Christ | Timeline

Apr 3, 2021 | Throughout history, Pontius Pilate has been portrayed as a weak ruler-the man who allowed Jesus Christ to be crucified at the demand of the Jews. But this documentary portrays a very different Pilate, one who had his own motives for allowing Jesus' fate.

If you wish to do so, you can subscribe to History Hit and receive a 50% discount by clicking here and by using the code ‘TIMELINE’.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 19, 2022

UK Rwanda Asylum Plan Is Legal, High Court Rules - BBC News

Dec 19, 2022 | Plans to deport asylum seekers arriving in the UK to Rwanda are lawful, the country's High Court has ruled. In April, the Home Office announced plans to send some asylum seekers to the African country on a one-way ticket, to claim asylum there. The government says the measures would reduce numbers crossing the English Channel, but critics question Rwanda's human rights record. A decision on whether to allow an appeal on the ruling has been adjourned until next year.

The Rwanda deportation scheme might be legal, but it remains deeply shameful: Britain’s plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda has got the go-ahead just as the African country edges towards ‘pariah state’ territory »

Elon Musk: Twitter Users Vote in Favour of Boss Resigning


BBC: Twitter users have voted in favour of Elon Musk stepping down as the platform's chief executive after the billionaire ran a poll on his future.

A total of 57.5% voted "yes" after Mr Musk asked his 122 million followers whether he should stand down.

Mr Musk, who bought Twitter for $44bn (£36bn), said before the poll closed that he would abide by the result.

The technology tycoon, who also runs Tesla and Space X, has faced much criticism since taking over the site.

Mr Musk is yet to comment since the poll closed. Even if he were to resign as chief executive, he would remain as Twitter's owner. » | Michael Race & Zoe Kleinman, Business reporter & Technology editor, BBC News | Monday, December 19, 2022

Calls for More Antisemitism Teaching in UK Schools to Tackle Rise in Hate

THE GUARDIAN: Adviser urges governments to act ‘before this form of racism poisons the minds of many more young people’

Schools should be required to teach about contemporary antisemitism, not only the Holocaust, as part of a drive to combat an “alarming” rise in hatred towards Jewish people among British pupils, a government adviser has said.

The former Labour MP Lord Mann, who now sits as a non-affiliated peer, urged ministers across the UK to take action after an investigation found the number of antisemitic incidents in English schools had almost trebled over the past five years.

The independent antisemitism adviser to ministers said the “growing spread” of cases among young people should be a matter of “deep concern” to everyone, as he warned that such dangerous prejudices often led to violence against members of the Jewish community, including schoolchildren. » | Kevin Rawlinson and agency | Monday, December 19, 2022

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Stephen Fry: “Lost, Alone and I Wanted to Take My Life”

Dec 5, 2022 | To call Stephen Fry a national treasure would be underselling him. One of the hardest working names in British media, you name it and Stephen has done it; writer, actor, director and comedian. The size of his contribution to British culture in over four decades as a public figure is staggering.

A Sensuous and Affectionate Kiss

Ein sinnlicher und liebevoller Kuss / Un baiser sensuel et affectueux

With many thanks to Fulin Law on Pinterst for this most sensuous of gay kisses.

Schwule Liebe

Amour gay / Gay love

Ich bedanke mich bei Esdras Vutica für dieses zarte Foto.

Le Royaume-Uni dans l’impasse

LE MONDE – ÉDITORIAL : Impuissant à lutter contre l’inflation, le gouvernement britannique refuse de céder aux revendications de rattrapage de salaires, alors qu’une vague de grèves de grande ampleur frappe le Royaume-Uni. Une situation qui traduit la grande faiblesse politique de ses dirigeants.

Des gares vides, des métros rares, des rendez-vous médicaux annulés et des ambulances introuvables. Jamais depuis les années Thatcher le Royaume-Uni n’avait connu une vague de grèves de pareille ampleur, au point que la référence à un nouvel « hiver du mécontentement », expression d’inspiration shakespearienne qui désigne les grèves massives de 1978-1979, est omniprésente. Plus de 1 million de travailleurs britanniques au total doivent cesser le travail, d’ici à la fin de l’année, dans un mouvement de relais commencé le 12 décembre destiné à satisfaire des revendications de salaires, face à une inflation qui s’est élevée en novembre à 10,7 % sur un an (6,2 % en France). » | Éditorial « du Monde » | samedi 17 décembre 2022

Read in English.

The Observer View on Why Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Does Not Deserve Another Term in Office

THE OBSERVER – EDITORIAL: Voters suffering from the president’s terrible economic policies might have finally had enough

Courts in Turkey generally bow to the wishes of the country’s authoritarian president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. This is unsurprising, given his purges of judges and prosecutors during his two decades in power. So last week’s court verdict sentencing Istanbul’s popular opposition mayor, Ekrem İmamoğlu, to more than two years in jail and banning him from public life followed a familiar pattern.

That this decision was politically motivated goes without saying. Little of importance happens in Erdoğan’s Turkey without his direction or consent. In short, a working-class populist who began life as a reformer fighting for social justice has developed into a cantankerous, dictatorial bully.

For Erdoğan, politics is personal – and İmamoğlu represents possibly the biggest threat to his re-election hopes in next year’s presidential poll. İmamoğlu has already bested the president once. In 2019, he triumphed in Istanbul’s re-run mayoral contest after Erdoğan’s ruling AKP party refused, Trump-like, to accept his initial victory. » | Observer editorial | Sunday, December 18, 2022

Iranian Actress Taraneh Alidoosti Arrested after Supporting Protests - BBC News

Dec 18, 2022 | Iranian authorities have arrested one of the country's best known actresses, after she expressed solidarity with anti-government demonstrators. Taraneh Alidoosti was detained on charges of "spreading falsehoods" about the protest movement that has gripped the country, state media said. In a social media post last week, Alidoosti condemned the execution of a man over his involvement with the protests. She is best known for her role in the Oscar-winning film The Salesman.


Iran : arrestation de Taraneh Alidoosti, célèbre actrice, et de l’avocat des journalistes ayant couvert la mort de Mahsa Amini : L’Iran est en proie à des manifestations depuis la mort le 16 septembre de la jeune Kurde iranienne après son arrestation par la police des mœurs à Téhéran, qui lui reprochait d’avoir violé le code vestimentaire strict pour les femmes. »

Norvège, la quête du nord - Glace - Neige - Aurores boréales - Documentaire voyage - HD - AMP

Dec 18, 2022 | La Norvège s’étire tout en longueur vers le nord, au-delà du cercle polaire arctique. Ce pays recèle de nombreux trésors et il ne faut pas hésiter à braver l’hiver en bateau pour aller les admirer dans leur écrin de glace et de neige.

Depuis les villes historiques de Bergen et Tromsö jusqu’aux merveilles naturelles de l’archipel des Lofoten, la Norvège offre de multiples sensations au visiteur.

Mais cette quête du Nord ne saurait être complète sans le charme hypnotique des aurores boréales.

Réalisé par : Daniel Lafarge, Eric Bacos

Julio Iglesias - Mit Charme zum Weltstar | Doku HD | ARTE

Dec 17, 2022 | Fünf Jahrzehnte, 14 Sprachen, 300 Millionen verkaufte Tonträger und 2.600 Goldene und Platin-Schallplatten: Diese Zahlen sind Zeugnis für Julio Iglesias' beeindruckende musikalische Karriere. Der spanische Sänger eroberte mit seinen Hits wie "Un canto a Galicia" (Wenn ein Schiff vorüberfährt) die ganze Welt und wurde zum perfekten Botschafter seines Heimatlandes.

„Der Mann wird zur Legende!“ So der Manager von Julio Iglesias, als die beiden sich 1978 aufmachten, die USA zu erobern. Er sollte Recht behalten: Heute ist der spanische Sänger tatsächlich eine lebende Legende. Alles begann im Alter von 20 Jahren: Iglesias lag nach einem schweren Autounfall im Krankenhaus und bekam seine erste Gitarre geschenkt – und damit auch eine Karriere der Sonderklasse.

Ein halbes Jahrhundert später füllt er immer noch die großen Stadien der Welt und führt eine beachtliche Rekordliste: Seine erste Tournee in Spanien zählte 41 Konzerte in 41 Städten innerhalb nur 30 Tagen, 1976 war dank ihm die berühmte Arena Madison Square Garden in nur 24 Stunden ausverkauft – kein Wunder, dass Iglesias bereits 1985 mit einem Stern auf dem Walk of Fame und 2019 mit einem Grammy für sein Lebenswerk ausgezeichnet wurde. Ein Latin Crooner, der sogar Frank Sinatra in den Schatten stellt. Egal ob „La vida sigue igual“ oder „Un canto a Galicia“: Seine Evergreens machen den charmanten Spanier zu einem nationalen Kulturgut auf jeder Bühne – nicht zuletzt wegen seinen zahlreichen fremdsprachigen Tonträgern unter anderem auf Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch und Japanisch. Die Dokumentation erzählt den Werdegang des Superstars und wie dieser es schaffte, die Musik Lateinamerikas und die mediterrane Kultur zu globalisieren.

Porträt von Anne-Solen Douguet (F 2022, 53 Min)
Video verfügbar bis zum 19/06/2023

Italia Squisita: Potato Rösti in a Swiss 2-star Michelin Restaurant with Paolo Rota - Da Vittorio St. Moritz**

Dec 16, 2022 | Mountain potatoes, butter and salt for one of the most iconic dishes of Swiss cuisine, the Rösti. Paolo Rota, two Michelin star chef in St. Moritz, illustrates the traditional recipe for Swiss potato cake and its re-interpretation, a technical, elegant and opulent dish in perfect Da Vittorio style (editor's note: Da Vittorio is a 3 Michelin star Italian restaurant based in Bergamo).

Saturday, December 17, 2022

What Does It Mean to Have Children as a Gay Couple? | DW Documentary

Dec 17, 2022 | What does it mean to have children as a gay couple? Four couples talk about the challenges and joys that have accompanied their journey to having a family. Among them are the famous ballet dancer John Lam and his husband John Ruggieri.

The classic image of the family is undergoing a fundamental transformation, with more and more same-sex couples fulfilling their dream of having children of their own. For this documentary, four LGBTQ couples were accompanied over several years. The film was shot in the US, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. The couples, among them the famous ballet dancer John Lam and his husband John Ruggieri, talk openly and movingly about how the desire for a family developed, their struggles on the way to attaining family happiness, and what everyday life with their children is like today.

10 Best Fine Dining Restaurants in Paris (€€ to €€€€)

Jul 9, 2022 | Discover the 10 best restaurants in Paris to celebrate a special occasion, your birthday, an anniversary, or graduation, or to propose to your sweetheart. From haute cuisine and very expensive to affordable options. Some on the left bank and others on the right bank of Paris. Bon Appeti t!

What's the Impact of Peru's Political Crisis & How Will it End? | Inside Story

Dec 17, 2022 | Since the jailing of Peru's former President Pedro Castillo more than a week ago, violence has spread across the country, with troops opening fire and killing demonstrators.

Two ministers have resigned, the government has declared a state of emergency, and curfews have been imposed in 15 regions. What does this crisis mean for Peru and other countries in Latin America - and how might it end?

Presenter: Hazem Sika

Paola Ugaz - investigative journalist in Lima.
Javier Farje - Peru analyst and historian in London.
Jo-Marie Burt - Associate Professor of Political Science/Latin American Studies, George Mason University, Washington DC

5 Multimilliardäre der Geschichte | Terra X

May 30, 2021 | Die Geschichte der Welt ist seit jeher eine Geschichte von arm und reich. Milliardäre gibt es auch schon in der Vergangenheit. Wir zeugen Euch 5 der reichsten Menschen der Geschichte.

Der römische Kaiser Augustus hat mit Hilfe seiner Legionäre Länder erobert. Der Krieg hat Augustus groß gemacht. Doch der Frieden wird ihn reich machen. Die Steuern aus den Provinzen des Reiches fließen in seine eigene Tasche. Mit einem geschätzten Vermögen von rund 4 Billionen Euro gilt er bis heute als einer der reichsten Menschen der Geschichte überhaupt. Genug, um Rom gründlich zu renovieren und in eine „Stadt aus Marmor“ zu verwandeln, wie der Dichter Sueton schreibt. Alain der Rote ist bis heute der reichste Mensch, der jemals auf der britischen Insel gelebt hat. Er kämpfte im 11. Jahrhundert an der Seite Wilhelm des Eroberers. Zum Dank übertrug der neue Herrscher ihm einen riesigen Grundbesitz.

Jakob Fugger, genannt der „Reiche“ machte sein Vermögen als europaweit tätiger Kaufherr, Bankier und Kreditgeber. In den Augen der Kirche ist Fugger als Banker ein Wucherer. Um trotzdem seine Seele vor dem Fegefeuer zu retten, stiftet er 1521 in Augsburg eine Siedlung für die Armen. Für einen „Rheinischen Gulden“ bekommen Bedürftige hier ein Dach über dem Kopf. Und bis heute sind die Bewohner verpflichtet, jeden Tag für den Stifter zu beten.
Br /> Der Großindustrielle John D. Rockefeller gilt dagegen als skrupelloser Geschäftsmann. Als in den USA im 19. Jahrhundert das moderne Ölzeitalter begann, war er zur Stelle. Mit seiner „Standard Oil Company“ wird John D. Rockefeller in den USA zum Ölbaron und zum ersten Dollar-Milliardär der Geschichte.

Der Unternehmer Elon Musk ist den meisten durch SpaceX und Tesla ein Begriff. Angefangen hat er nach eigenen Angaben mit einem Computer und 2000 Dollar Startkapital. Heute ist er einer der reichsten Männer der Welt. Sein Markenzeichen: waghalsige Projekte.

Stevie Wonder: Knocks Me Off My Feet

May 9, 2019 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Songs In The Key Of Life ℗ A Motown Records Release; ℗ 1976 UMG Recordings, Inc.

Homos in History: “I’ll Never Love Like This Again”

I hope that these two handsome fellows are resting in peace, especially because I doubt that they had much peace to enjoy their love for each other at the time they used to be in love. / Ich hoffe, daß diese beiden gutaussehenden Gesellen in Frieden ruhen, zumal ich bezweifle, daß sie zu der Zeit, als sie verliebt waren, viel Ruhe hatten, um ihre Liebe füreinander zu genießen. / J'espère que ces deux beaux gars reposent en paix, surtout parce que je doute qu'ils aient eu beaucoup de paix pour jouir de leur amour l'un pour l'autre à l'époque où ils s'aimaient.

With many thanks to Pinterest and the anonymous uploader for this super vintage photo.

Inside the Port Flooding Europe with Cocaine - BBC News

Dec 17, 2022 | The port of Antwerp in Belgium is largely seen as the capital of cocaine trafficking in Europe. Corruption and violence are now on the rise and the drug is widely available on the streets. Europe correspondent Nick Beake visited the city to find out how the problem has developed.

Is There a Place in Tennis for Ex-star Boris Becker after His Release from Jail? | DW News

Dec 17, 2022 | The German tennis star Boris Becker has been freed from a British prison and is now expected to be deported from the country. In April this year, Becker was jailed for two years and six months for hiding hundreds of thousands of pounds of assets after he was declared bankrupt. The 55-year-old was originally required to serve at least 15 months but has reportedly now received an early release.

How a French Brewery Creates One of the Best Beers In the World

Dec 17, 2022 | Which countries are known for their beers? Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic - and France? Yes, the French created some international award-winning beers in recent years. We show you how the Cap d'Ona brewery from the south of France created the world's best dark beer in 2022.

The Rise of Right-wing Terrorism In Weimar Germany | Impossible Peace | Timeline

Jul 9, 2020 | In effort to keep peace, treaties were proposed to keep the aggressors of World War 1 under-armed. The ratio of military power was drastically in favour of the US and Great Britain. This might have successfully kept peace, if it was only given a chance.

If you wish to do so, you can sign up for History Hit and get a big discount by using the code ‘TIMELINE’ here.

Michael Lambert: Back to Being the 'Sick Man of Europe"

Dec 17, 2022 | I have been in business for more than fifty years since before the UK was a member of the EU. For many years I dealt with small companies in Italy before having to switch to China where quality, reliability and prices were all unbeatable. I noticed how the Chinese were working so hard to produce cheap consumer goods, whereas we in the West seemed to take it easy and enjoy the benefits.

Mrs Thatcher's decision to move to a service-based economy whilst manufacturing declined left us vulnerable. The 2008 economic crisis was the time that we should have decided to concentrate on IT and other high-tech sectors, but instead the government chose austerity. Since then we have struggled and many suffered whilst the rich have become richer. Faced with declining living standards a majority were persuaded that the EU was the reason for our decline and that if we left things would improve.

Now that we have finally left the EU, it is clear to all but the most ardent and disillusioned believers in Brexit that it was a terrible mistake. Our economy is now in a terrible state and deteriorating, and people are angry. The government's response under a very weak and clueless prime minister, Rishi Sunak, is to try to focus the country's anger on desperate asylum seekers who risk their lives to cross the Channel

You can buy Michael Lambert’s book here.

Another great synopsis. I can't disagree with anything you said. It was all the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Thank you! I was going to make Brits' sense of superiority the focus of my comment today, but then you said exactly what I had been thinking. I, too, really believe that one of our biggest problems is the reluctance of Brits to embrace the truth about this country's size and influence. So many people are deluded: they think that Britannia still rules the waves! They just can't get it into their heads that we are merely a medium-sized country, just like other European nations. For years, we were able to box above our weight. But, now, that cannot go on. The sooner we Brits come to terms with reality, the sooner we will heal. One way or another, our destiny lies in Europe. After all, we are Europeans. But believe this or not, I actually know some people who deny even that obvious fact! Again, thank you for your hard work and clearly-expressed message today. – © Mark Alexander

Twitter’s Suspension of Journalists Sets ‘Dangerous Precedent’, UN Warns

THE GUARDIAN: Pressure grows on Elon Musk as EU says social media platform could face sanctions over suspensions

The United Nations is “very disturbed” by Twitter’s abrupt suspension of a group of US journalists, a spokesperson has said, warning that the move sets a “dangerous precedent” – as the EU said the social media platform could fall foul of forthcoming digital regulations.

Stéphane Dujarric said on Friday the UN was “very disturbed” by the barring of prominent tech reporters at news organisations including CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times who have written about Musk and the tech company he owns.

Dujarric said media voices should not be silenced on a platform that professed to be a haven for freedom of speech. “The move sets a dangerous precedent at a time when journalists all over the world are facing censorship, physical threats and even worse,” he told reporters.

Germany’s government said press freedom must not be switched “on and off on a whim” and Downing Street also raised concerns over the suspensions. » | Dan Milmo, Rowena Mason and Alex Hern | Friday, December 16, 2022


Musk contre Musk : l’obsession du milliardaire pour Twitter fragilise ses succès industriels : L’image de Tesla s’est dégradée sous l’effet des multiples polémiques déclenchées par Elon Musk à la suite de son rachat du réseau social. L’action a perdu 60 % depuis le début de l’année, et les investisseurs défendent un recentrage sur le constructeur automobile. »

Friday, December 16, 2022

“We Are in a Debt Trap” - Nouriel Roubini on 10 ‘Megathreats’ to Our World and How to Stop Them

Dec 16, 2022 | Nouriel Roubini is an economist, a professor in New York, a global economic consultant and an author who, amongst many distinguishing things, was one of those who foresaw the 2008 credit crunch and financial crisis.

His latest work is called ‘Megathreats’, and it details 10 trends that make it more likely than not that we are heading for a global economic crash of stagnant growth, debt crises and high inflation that will cause decades of dystopian suffering and injustice. No wonder they call him Dr. Doom.

In this episode, Nouriel joins Krishnan to talk about climate change, job-displacing artificial intelligence and our future.

Produced by: Imahn Robertson

Massacre in Peru: Death Toll Tops 17 as Protests Mount After Ouster & Jailing of President Castillo

Dec 16, 2022 | Mass protests are intensifying in Peru following the ouster and jailing of President Pedro Castillo, who was impeached on December 7 after attempting to dissolve Congress and rule by decree. At least 17 protesters have been killed in the unrest as police have attacked crowds with tear gas and live ammunition. On Thursday, a judicial panel ruled that Castillo should remain locked up for 18 months of pretrial detention, and Castillo's successor, his former vice president, Dina Boluarte, has declared a state of emergency across the country, suspending some civil rights. Peruvian sociologist Eduardo González Cueva calls the government's heavy-handed response "a coup within a coup" and says dissatisfaction with the entire political establishment is driving the protests. "This is no longer about Castillo personally," he says. "This is about the people of Peru who do not see themselves represented in this political system and are calling for a very radical change."

Ayatollah Khamenei Family Members Condemn Iran's Regime | DW News

Dec 16, 2022 | Iran has condemned the European Union for imposing new sanctions over its response to anti-government protests. The EU announced measures targeting Iran's state broadcaster, army chief, Revolutionary Guards commanders and a cleric. Protests have swept Iran since the September 16th death of a young Iranian Kurdish woman in police custody. Courts in Iran have sentenced 11 people to death in connection with the protests, with the first two people executed in the past week. More than 18,000 Iranians have been arrested, including close members of the family of Ayatollah Khamenei: His niece is one of the sharpest critics of the Supreme Leader.

One for Our Control-Freak Friend in the Antipodes, Jacinda Ardern…

…making it illegal for people born after a certain year not to be able to buy cigarettes is not only dictatorial, it will also prove to be counter-productive and ineffective. Those young people will simply procure their cigarettes from abroad. A stupid, badly-thought-out policy by a myopic, left-wing government. It is to be hoped that this policy will fail. Encouraging people not to smoke is one thing; legislating against them doing so is quite something else – something far, far more sinister. – © Mark Alexander

With many thanks to PennyRoseBLacK on Pinterest for this delightful photo.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 16, 2022

En Iran, des exécutions publiques pour terroriser les manifestants et mater la révolte

LE MONDE : Deux hommes ont été pendus, onze personnes sont dans le couloir de la mort ; les manifestations ont cessé.

Ces jours-ci, nombre d’Iraniens se réveillent, effrayés, pour vérifier si de nouvelles exécutions ont eu lieu. En Iran, elles sont organisées lors de la prière du matin, un peu avant la levée du soleil. Aux premières heures du jour, Mohsen Shekari et Majidreza Rahnavard, âgés de 23 ans, ont été pendus, respectivement le 8 et le 12 décembre. Ils faisaient partie des milliers de manifestants qui sont descendus dans les rues du pays après la mort de Mahsa Amini, le 16 septembre, à l’issue de sa garde à vue pour son voile jugé « mal porté ».

Le premier a été exécuté dans la prison de Gohardacht, à 30 kilomètres de Téhéran, à l’abri des regards. Majidreza Rahnavard, lui, a été tué sur une place publique dans sa ville natale, Machhad, dans l’est du pays. Aucune communication officielle n’a annoncé son exécution, et il semble que la population locale n’ait pas été informée. Pourtant, selon les photos publiées par les agences officielles iraniennes, plusieurs dizaines de personnes étaient présentes lors de la pendaison. » | Par Ghazal Golshiri | vendredi 16 décembre 2022

Russia Launches New Deadly Strikes across Ukraine - BBC News

Dec 16, 2022 | Russian forces fired 60 missiles and carried out drone attacks across Ukraine on Friday, officials said, striking the capital Kyiv and cities in the north, south, west and centre. Two people were killed when a residential building was hit in Kryvyi Rih and a third died in Kherson. Attacks have intensified this week as Russia targets Ukraine's civilian infrastructure. Power was completely down in Kharkiv in the north and several other regions.

Twitter Locks Out Top Journalists Covering Elon Musk - BBC News

Dec 16, 2022 | Twitter accounts belonging to several prominent journalists covering the company's owner, Elon Musk, have been abruptly suspended. Reporters for the New York Times, CNN and the Washington Post are among those who found themselves locked out of their accounts on Thursday evening. A Twitter spokeswoman told tech website The Verge that the ban was related to the live sharing of location data. It comes after Mr Musk vowed to sue the owner of a profile that tracks his jet. A spokesman for the New York Times called the suspensions "questionable and unfortunate" and CNN added it was “concerning but not surprising".

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Netflix Analysis: This Time Harry and Meghan Got Personal


BBC: This time it's personal. Deeply personal.

The Netflix trailers had hinted at explosive revelations about the monarchy, but in the end the final three episodes of the series had a different kind of impact. It was emotional rather than political.

It was a battle between brothers, with an underlying sense of anger and betrayal.

People sometimes call the royals a soap opera. This was the Christmas omnibus edition, with claims of shouting matches, underhand dealing, and a big walkout.

"It was terrifying to have my brother scream and shout at me and my father say things that just simply weren't true," said Prince Harry.

He was still clearly raw and raging. His hatred for the tabloid press loomed large. "Enough of the pain, enough of the suffering," he said of the impact of negative press coverage of his wife.

There was no great warmth for the rest of his family either. Across six hours of the series, his father, King Charles, was only a fleeting guest in the story. Camilla, the Queen Consort, seemed absent entirely.

The family summit in Sandringham - before Harry and Meghan left for the US - was presented as more like an ambush. The couple claimed they had been given no flexibility on their plans to be half-in, half-out royals.

"So there was no other option at this point. I said 'We need to get out of here,'" said Prince Harry. » | Sean Coughlan, Royal correspondent | Thursday, December 15, 2022



Harry Takes Aim at William in New Episodes of Netflix Documentary: The younger prince made several incendiary allegations about his brother, who is now heir to the British throne. »

‘Harry & Meghan’: A Second Serving of Reviews for the Netflix Series: The final episodes include the Duchess of Sussex’s claim that the royal family fed her “to the wolves,” but some critics have had their fill of the couple’s account. »

Keeping Up With the Windsors: Prince William and Prince Harry are out and about quite a bit lately. With the release of the younger brother’s Netflix documentary and upcoming memoir, don’t expect the jockeying for attention to abate anytime soon. »

Gefährlicher Umgang mit der Inflation: Die Notenbanken verkleinern ihre Zinsschritte und wecken damit unbegründete Hoffnungen

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: In den USA, im Euro-Raum und in der Schweiz haben die Notenbanken allesamt etwas Tempo aus ihrer Politik steigender Zinsen genommen. Die Verlangsamung bedeutet aber nicht, dass die Währungsbehörden das Problem der hohen Inflation bereits unter Kontrolle haben.

Weniger Güter für mehr Geld: Die Inflation macht sich auch beim Einkauf bemerkbar. | Gaetan Bally / Keystone


Zuerst die gute Nachricht: Im laufenden Jahr haben die grossen Zentralbanken endlich den Ernst der Lage erkannt. Sie haben realisiert, dass die lange Zeit totgeglaubte Inflation noch immer quicklebendig ist. Und sie haben auf das Hochschnellen des Preisniveaus mit einer Straffung ihrer zuvor extrem expansiven Geldpolitik reagiert. So auch diese Woche: Nachdem am Mittwoch die amerikanische Notenbank den Leitzins erhöht hatte, doppelten am Donnerstag die Schweizerische Na¬tionalbank (SNB), die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) und die Bank of England (BoE) nach.

Grosse Unterschiede zwischen den Währungsräumen

Doch so einheitlich die geballte Ladung an Geldpolitik erscheinen mag, so gross bleiben die Unterschiede zwischen den Währungsräumen: Schon ziemlich weit bei der Zinsnormalisierung sind die USA. Dort hat das Fed nach zögerlichem Beginn die Zügel bereits so stark angezogen, dass nun das Tempo leicht gedrosselt wird. So ist der Leitsatz am Mittwoch nach vier Zinsschritten um je 0,75 Prozentpunkte nur noch um 0,50 Prozentpunkte erhöht worden. Dies auch deshalb, weil Amerikas Geldpolitik bereits bremsend auf die Konjunktur zu wirken beginnt. » | Thomas Fuster | Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2022

Poor Little Donnie!

The poor man has lost the plot!

Click here to see Trump making an even bigger prat of himself than he usually does.

‘Losing the plot’: Trump mocked after announcing superhero card collection: Cards cost ‘only $99 each’ and ‘would make a great Christmas gift’, said former president in video as he made ‘major announcement’ »

Doris Day - Fly Me to the Moon

My Next Guest with David Letterman and Volodymyr Zelenskyy | Official Clip | Netflix

Dec 7, 2022 | David Letterman travels to Kyiv, Ukraine for an in-depth conversation with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at a secret underground bunker.

Lire l’article « du Monde » ici.

No Christmas Ceasefire in Ukraine, Russia Says, as Winter Deadlock Sets In

THE GUARDIAN: Kremlin rejects Zelenskiy call for troop withdrawals, saying Ukraine must accept Russia’s territorial gains, as Canada reinstates Nord Stream sanctions

A street decorated with Christmas lights in Lviv, Ukraine. Russia has said a Christmas ceasefire in its war is ‘not on the agenda’. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Moscow has said no “Christmas ceasefire” was on the cards after nearly 10 months of war in Ukraine, with fighting looking set to drag on through the winter.

“There is no calm on the frontline,” the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, said in his regular evening video address on Wednesday. “Every day and every metre is given extremely hard. And especially where the entire tactic of the occupiers boils down to the destruction of everything in front of them with artillery – so that only bare ruins and craters in the ground remain.”

Asked on Wednesday whether Moscow had seen proposals for a “Christmas ceasefire”, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “No, no such offers have been received from anybody. This topic is not on the agenda.” » | Agencies | Thursday, December 15, 2022