Saturday, December 17, 2022

What Does It Mean to Have Children as a Gay Couple? | DW Documentary

Dec 17, 2022 | What does it mean to have children as a gay couple? Four couples talk about the challenges and joys that have accompanied their journey to having a family. Among them are the famous ballet dancer John Lam and his husband John Ruggieri.

The classic image of the family is undergoing a fundamental transformation, with more and more same-sex couples fulfilling their dream of having children of their own. For this documentary, four LGBTQ couples were accompanied over several years. The film was shot in the US, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. The couples, among them the famous ballet dancer John Lam and his husband John Ruggieri, talk openly and movingly about how the desire for a family developed, their struggles on the way to attaining family happiness, and what everyday life with their children is like today.