Sunday, December 18, 2022

Iranian Actress Taraneh Alidoosti Arrested after Supporting Protests - BBC News

Dec 18, 2022 | Iranian authorities have arrested one of the country's best known actresses, after she expressed solidarity with anti-government demonstrators. Taraneh Alidoosti was detained on charges of "spreading falsehoods" about the protest movement that has gripped the country, state media said. In a social media post last week, Alidoosti condemned the execution of a man over his involvement with the protests. She is best known for her role in the Oscar-winning film The Salesman.


Iran : arrestation de Taraneh Alidoosti, célèbre actrice, et de l’avocat des journalistes ayant couvert la mort de Mahsa Amini : L’Iran est en proie à des manifestations depuis la mort le 16 septembre de la jeune Kurde iranienne après son arrestation par la police des mœurs à Téhéran, qui lui reprochait d’avoir violé le code vestimentaire strict pour les femmes. »