Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Protestierende Frauen in Iran: «Die Hoffnung ist grösser als die Angst»

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG : Seit dem Tod einer jungen Iranerin durch die Polizei vor zwei Wochen gehen in der islamischen Republik unzählige Frauen auf die Strasse. Trotz brutaler Repression wollten sie weitermachen, erzählen drei von ihnen.

Ein[e] Frau hält ein Bild von Mahsa Amini. Der Tod der 22-jährigen, die vor zwei Wochen in Teheran in Polizeigewahrsam starb, hat in Iran grosse Proteste ausgelöst. | Vadim Ghirda / AP

Vor ein paar Tagen erst sei sie von Polizisten verprügelt worden, erzählt eine iranische Studentin am Telefon: «Ich habe einen Schlagstock abbekommen, auf den Oberschenkel. Trotzdem gehe ich auch heute wieder raus. Wir machen weiter. Wir haben genug und wollen, dass dieses Regime endlich verschwindet.»

Die Stimme der 26-Jährigen aus Karaj, einer Stadt in der Nähe von Teheran, klingt selbstbewusst. Allerdings bricht die Verbindung immer wieder ab. «Das liegt daran, dass die Regierung das Internet immer wieder abschaltet. Deshalb rufst du am besten am Morgen an, dann ist die Verbindung besser», erklärt sie.

«Es hätte jede von uns treffen können»

Seit die 22-jährige Mahsa Amini vor zwei Wochen von der iranischen Sittenpolizei wegen eines Verstosses gegen die Kleiderordnung festgenommen worden und in Polizeigewahrsam gestorben ist, kommt es in der Islamischen Republik zu einer regelrechten Explosion der Wut. » | Daniel Böhm, Beirut | Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2022

Danish Royal Family: Queen 'Sorry' after Stripping Grandchildren's Titles

Queen Margrethe II said she wanted to keep the monarch in "keeping with the times" | GETTY IMAGES

BBC: The Queen of Denmark has apologised after stripping four of her grandchildren of their royal titles - but has not reversed the decision.

Queen Margrethe II said she wanted the monarchy in "keeping with the times", that her decision had been a long time coming, and that it would "future-proof" the institution.

But she "underestimated" her family's reaction "and for that I am sorry".

The initial decision was announced last week, to begin next year.

"The titles of prince and princess that they have held up until now will be discontinued," the initial statement said. "Prince Joachim's descendants will thus have to be addressed as excellencies in the future."

Prince Joachim - the younger son of Queen Margrethe - said he was upset by the change.

"It's never fun to see your children being mistreated like that," he told Ekstra Bladet. "They find themselves in a situation they do not understand." » | Merlyn Thomas, BBC News | Monday, October 3, 2022

Verwandter Artikel.

Danish Queen Apologizes After Stripping Royal Titles From 4 Grandchildren: Prince Joachim, the youngest of Queen Margrethe II’s two sons, has four children who will be affected by the change, which the queen said was “a necessary future-proofing of the monarchy.” »

North Korea Fires Missile Over Japan in Major Escalation

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The missile flew about 2,800 miles, the longest distance ever traveled by a North Korean missile, officials in Tokyo and Seoul said.

North Korea fired a medium-range missile over Japan for the first time in five years. It landed in the Pacific Ocean 22 minutes after the launch. | Jeon Heon-Kyun/EPA, via Shutterstock

SEOUL — North Korea on Tuesday fired an intermediate-range ballistic missile over Japan for the first time in five years, prompting a rare warning by the Japanese government for residents in two northern prefectures to seek shelter.

The launch represented a major escalation by North Korea, which has conducted a flurry of missile tests in recent days as the United States held military drills in the region with South Korea and Japan. By launching a missile over Japan and toward the Pacific, North Korea heightened regional concerns over its growing nuclear capabilities, and raised the stakes in stalled diplomatic talks with Washington. » | Choe Sang-Hun and Motoko Rich | Monday, October 3, 2022

Selenskyj mischt sich in Debatte um Elon Musks Friedensplan ein

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der ukrainische Präsident kontert über den Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter eine Idee des Milliardärs zur Beendigung des Kriegs gegen die Ukraine. Zuvor war darum ein heftiger Streit entbrannt.

Elon Musk | Bild : DPA


In die Twitter-Debatte über ein Friedensszenario für die Ukraine von US-Milliardär Elon Musk hat sich der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj eingemischt. „Welchen Elon Musk magst du mehr? Den Ukraine-Unterstützer oder den Russland-Unterstützer“, fragte der Staatschef am Montag im Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter. Innerhalb von kurzer Zeit beteiligten sich mehrere Hunderttausend Menschen an der Umfrage. Mehr als 90 Prozent bevorzugten den die Ukraine unterstützenden Musk.

Zuvor war ein heftiger Streit um das von Musk entworfene Szenario zum Ende von Russlands Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine entbrannt. Der US-Milliardär hatte darin einen neutralen Status für die Ukraine, den Verzicht auf die Halbinsel Krim und Referenden unter UN-Aufsicht zur staatlichen Zugehörigkeit der russisch besetzten Gebiete als Bild entworfen. Nach entrüsteten Antworten aus Kiew stellte der 51-Jährige abermals eine Wahl zur staatlichen Zugehörigkeit der Menschen auf der Krim und im Donbass zur Debatte. » | Quelle: dpa-AFX | Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2022

Zelenskiy hits back as Elon Musk sets up Twitter poll on annexed areas of Ukraine: Outrage and condemnation over billionaire’s suggestions including formally making Crimea part of Russia »

Après la chute de Lyman, en Ukraine, frictions au sein du commandement russe

LE MONDE : Le ministre de la défense, Sergueï Choïgou, et le chef d’état-major, Valéri Guerassimov, sont de plus en plus ouvertement critiqués après les revers essuyés par les forces russes.

Vladimir Poutine et son ministre de la défense, Sergueï Choïgou, le 15 août 2022, à Patriot Park, à une quarantaine de kilomètres à l’ouest de Moscou, en Russie. AP

La chute de la ville de Lyman n’était pas encore consommée, samedi 1er octobre, que les hauts responsables de « l’opération spéciale » russe en Ukraine commençaient le jeu de massacre avec la désignation des responsables de cette nouvelle déroute. Premier à dégainer, Ramzan Kadyrov s’en est pris avec virulence au colonel général Alexandre Lapine, maître des opérations dans cette ville de la région de Donetsk tout juste annexée par la Russie.

Selon le dirigeant tchétchène, l’officier supérieur, « un incapable », « n’a pas fourni les communications, les renforts et le ravitaillement en munitions nécessaires » aux soldats engagés dans la défense de cette localité stratégique. « Ce même Lapine qui a reçu l’étoile de héros de la Russie pour la prise de Lyssytchansk alors qu’il n’était même pas dans le coin… », fustige-t-il sur sa chaîne Telegram. « Je dégraderais Lapine au rang de simple soldat et l’enverrais au front avec un fusil pour laver sa honte dans le sang », conclut le Tchétchène, qui en profite pour réclamer « des mesures plus radicales, comme l’utilisation d’une bombe nucléaire de faible puissance ». » | Par Benoît Vitkine (Moscou, correspondant) | lundi 3 octobre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Liz Truss Refuses to Rule Out Real-terms Benefits Cuts

THE GUARDIAN: PM facing fresh battle with MPs as she declines to commit to raising benefits in line with inflation

Liz Truss said ministers were ‘going to have to make decisions about how we bring down debt as a proportion of GDP in the medium term’. Photograph: Hannah McKay/Reuters

Liz Truss has refused to commit to raising benefits in line with inflation, amid a fresh battle with MPs over cuts to spending including concern from among her cabinet.

The prime minister said pensions would rise in line with inflation, having committed to the pensions “triple lock” during the leadership campaign. But she said people on welfare benefits were in a “different situation” and said they were more able to look for more work.

“When people are on a fixed income, when they are pensioners, it is quite hard to adjust. I think it’s a different situation for people who are in the position to be able to work,” she told LBC. “What I want to do is make sure that we are helping more people into work.” » | Jessica Elgot, Deputy political editor | Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Please remind me: Did the Devil ever have a daughter? If he did, this must be she! God is replete with compassion; the Devil, by contrast, has none. Just like Lizzie! She has absolutely no compassion for the less fortunate and worries about the pennies they might be costing the country; by contrast, she is generosity itself when it comes to the superrich and doesn't give a damn that many are not paying any taxes at all and are hiding their great fortunes from the taxman by stashing the dosh away offshore. – © Mark Alexander

Monday, October 03, 2022

Chris Brown - Forever | Official HD Video | Reupload

US Senator: 'We Are All Worried about What Putin Might Do'

US Senator Jean Shaheen (D-NH) says, given Vladimir Putin's 'irrational' nuclear threats, it's critical that NATO stay united against Russian aggression.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Condemns Protests Gripping Country

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, speaking for the first time about the uprising, accused the U.S. and Israel of fomenting unrest and voiced support for the crackdown on protesters.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, reviewing the country’s armed forces at a graduation ceremony in Tehran on Monday. | Wana News Agency, via Reuters

Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, broke his silence Monday on the protests that have engulfed the country, accusing Israel and the United States of fomenting them and expressing his support for the security services that have cracked down on the unrest.

Mr. Khamenei, speaking at a graduation ceremony at a police training school and cited by Iranian media, said it was the duty of the security forces to “ensure the safety of the Iranian nation,” referring to the protests that are now in their third week.

The unrest erupted last month after a 22-year-old woman, Mahsa Amini, died in the custody of the morality police in Tehran after being accused of violating the country’s law mandating head scarves for adult women.

Mr. Khamene said he was “heartbroken” over the death of Ms. Amini, but he condemned the protesters, accusing them of arson and other attacks around the country. “This rioting was planned,” he said.

“The recent incidents were orchestrated by America, the Zionist regime and the people on their payroll and Iranians who are traitors abroad,” Mr. Khamenei said. “They have a big problem with an Iran that is strong and independent.”

Mr. Khamenei’s defense of the government crackdown and his dismissal of the protests as foreign fueled suggested that the authorities are prepared to double down, a stance that may further inflame the protesters.

The security forces and the “people of Iran were the biggest victims of these incidents,” he said. “In the future, whenever our enemy wants to create chaos, the people of Iran will rise up to defend, the brave and religious people of Iran.” » | Cora Engelbrecht and Farnaz Fassihi | Monday, Octiber 3, 2022

Russie : la résistance féministe | ARTE Reportage

Leur banière : FAWR, - Feminist Anti War Resistance -, dont la chaîne Telegram a très vite attiré plus de 30.000 followers. Parmi elles, Paladdia : c’est le nom d'artiste de cette jeune designer qui a déjà été incarcérée deux fois depuis le début de la guerre.

A Saint-Pétersbourg, elle est surveillée de près par la police chargée de faire taire les opposants. Son amie Lolja Nordic, elle, a été accusée de “terrorisme téléphonique”. Elle risquait 10 ans de prison et vit désormais à Tallinn, en Estonie. Pourtant, malgré la distance, elle reste l’une des principales coordinatrices du réseau de résistantes féministes anti-guerre. Et vient par ailleurs en aide aux réfugiés ukrainiens qui débarquent à Tallinn. La doyenne de ces militantes s’appelle Yelena Osipova. A 77 ans, cette peintre dont la famille était rescapée du siège de Leningrad est surnommée “la grand-mère pour la paix”. Elle n’hésite pas à manifester régulièrement dans les rues de St Petersbourg, armée de ses toiles dénonçant la guerre.

Trois personnalités, parmi les milliers d’activistes, qui dénoncent la violence d’Etat en Russie, convaincues que l’oppression envers les femmes russes et l’acceptation de la guerre en Ukraine participent du même système, idéologiquement bien implanté au cœur de la société.

Reportage de Sophie Larmoyer (France, 2022)
Disponible jusqu'au 18/05/2025

Dinu Lipatti Plays Schubert Impromptu in G-Flat Major (with Preluding)

WIKIPEDIA: Dinu Lipatti.

Our Yemeni Kitchen | مطبخنا اليمني | Shawarma at Home | شاورما بالبيت

For a full list of the ingredients and method of cooking in both English and Arabic, please click here and then click on “show more”.

Die Tories lassen ihre Chefin im Regen stehen – das ist die gerechte Strafe für den Hochmut einer Politikerin

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die konservativen Spitzenpolitiker haben ihrer Vorsitzenden Liz Truss brutal die Grenzen ihrer Macht aufgezeigt. Passt sie sich nicht schnell den Realitäten an, wird sie es schwer haben.

Die selbstbewusste britische Premierministerin Liz Truss wurde von ihrer Partei auf den Boden der Realität zurückgeholt. | Hannah Mckay / Reuters


Es gibt vieles, was die derzeit am Parteitag in Birmingham versammelten konservativen Abgeordneten Grossbritanniens ihrer Chefin übelnehmen: die mit ihnen nicht abgesprochene Radikalität ihrer finanzpolitischen Ansätze, der dadurch ausgelöste Vertrauensverlust an den Finanzmärkten oder der Absturz der Partei in den Wählerumfragen. Besonders sauer stiess vielen Tories die Aussage von Liz Truss im grossen TV-Interview vom Sonntagmorgen auf, nicht sie, sondern ihr Schatzkanzler Kwasi Kwarteng habe den am meisten kritisierten – und am Montag zurückgenommenen – Entscheid getroffen, den Spitzensteuersatz für sehr hohe Einkommen zu senken.

Eine Politikerin, die derart forsch und überheblich auftritt wie die neue Premierministerin, muss für ihre Entscheidungen einstehen, auch wenn sie das Glück verlässt. Doch Truss hat mit der schnellen Distanzierung von ihrem wichtigsten Minister und Mitstreiter nebst ihren verblüffenden politischen und finanzwirtschaftlichen Fehleinschätzungen auch eine persönliche Schwäche erkennen lassen. Das wird man ihr nicht vergessen in Westminster. » | Peter Rásonyi | Montag, 3. Oktober 2022

Truss Picked ‘Cronies off Backbenches’ for Cabinet, Says Heseltine

THE GUARDIAN: Former Tory ‘big beast’ says PM needs to ‘appoint ministers who know what the heck they’re doing’

Lord Heseltine, pictured in 2019, warns against believing in ‘short-term miracles to growth’.Photograph: Tolga Akmen/AFP/Getty Images

Liz Truss packed her cabinet with “cronies off the backbenches” rather than competent ministers with a range of views, and appeared to have no coherent plan behind her mini-budget, Michael Heseltine has said.

The ex-deputy prime minister and former senior Conservative, who sits in the Lords as an unaffiliated peer after being suspended from the party in 2019, also predicted that Truss’s chances of winning the next election were “looking pretty bleak”.

Speaking at a fringe event on Monday at the Conservative conference in Birmingham, Heseltine said the prime minister’s plan for rapid economic growth would never work, castigating what he said was a curse of short-termism. » | Peter Walker, Political correspondent | Monday, October 3, 2022

Humiliated Liz Truss is in office but barely in power. Rebel MPs have the whip hand now: The PM and Kwasi Kwarteng have bought themselves some breathing space, but the rest of their plan will trigger more revolts »

Ganz einfach, zwei verliebte Männer. | Reupload

Tout simplement, deux hommes amoureux. / Quite simply, two men in love.

Herzlichen Dank an Malachi Max and Leo Giamani auf Pinterest für dieses außerordentlich schönes Bild.

Saudi Interrogation | Locked Up Abroad

A man arrested under suspicion of being a homosexual is subject to harsh questioning.

Saudi Seizes Rainbow Toys in Hhomosexuality' Crackdown | WION Fineprint

Jun 16, 2022 | Saudi Arabia is seizing rainbow-coloured toys and articles of clothing from shops in an apparent crackdown on homosexuality in the kingdom. Officials say the colours send a "poisoned message" to children. Molly Gambhir tells you more

First Openly Gay Saudi on Changing Status of LGBT in Kuwait

Feb 18, 2022 | 'Kuwait and the Arab Gulf have been violating the LGBTQ community's rights for many years'

Days after Kuwait’s constitutional court struck down a law that criminalizes “imitation of the opposite sex” - considered a breakthrough for the regional transgender community - journalist and international rights activist Wajeeh Lion spoke with i24NEWS about the implications such a move has on the LGBTQ community in the Arab world.

“It might be a very small step in the right direction. Kuwait and the Arab Gulf have been violating the LGBTQ community's rights for many years,” Lion said.

Turkey Inflation at New 24-year High of 83% after Rate Cuts | DW News

Inflation in Turkey climbed to a new 24-year high of 83.45% in September, according to official data, after the central bank surprised markets by cutting rates twice in the last two months.

Turkey's repeated reductions in rates come at the insistence of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who believes — contrary to well-established economic principles — that reducing interest rates can slow inflation, rather than fuel it.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — October 3, 2022

Chicago : If You Leave Me Now | Official Audio

Official audio for Chicago - "If You Leave Me Now" from 'Chicago X' (1976) Written by Peter Cetera Produced By James William Guercio | Views on YouTube: 4,214,782

Unser täglich Brot | ARTE Re:

Es ist eines der ältesten und wichtigsten Grundnahrungsmittel – doch Brot ist nicht gleich Brot. Immer mehr Menschen wollen sich gesund ernähren und wissen: Was ist drin? Gut 78 Kilogramm Brot und Brötchen isst jeder Deutsche durchschnittlich pro Jahr. Aber wie gesund es tatsächlich ist, hängt zum einen von der Qualität der Rohstoffe, zum anderen von der Verarbeitung ab.

In seiner Backstube auf der Schwäbischen Alb setzt Heiner Beck für ein aromatisches und bekömmliches Brot auf Regionalität, eine lange Teigruhe und Rohstoffe in Bio-Qualität. Aktuell testet er verschiedene Leinsamen-Sorten in Hinblick auf Ertrag, Geschmack und die verdauungsfördernde „Schleimigkeit“ – gemeinsam mit Getreideforscher Friedrich Longin. Der 43-Jährige führte mit Heiner Beck schon viele Praxistests durch und leitet an der Uni Hohenheim die Arbeitsgruppe Weizen. Er will mit Vorurteilen aufräumen, denn Weizen hat einen schlechten Ruf. Gleichzeitig will er auf alte Getreidearten aufmerksam machen, die zu einer wichtigen Vielfalt beitragen – sowohl auf dem Teller als auch auf den Feldern.

Bei Hobby-Bäckerin Grit Steußloff aus Rostock hat die Back-Leidenschaft klein angefangen, inzwischen bietet sie Kurse für Backbegeisterte an. Vor allem der Sauerteig, der nicht dank Hefe, sondern Milchsäurebakterien aufgeht, hat eine wachsende Fangemeinde. Im neusten Kurs will auch die 34-Jährige Elisa Zeitke noch mehr Kniffe für ihre Backkunst lernen. Immer mehr Menschen wollen wissen: Was ist in meinem Lebensmittel drin? Diese Devise verfolgen auch Jens und Thorsten Eiling. Die Brüder betreiben eine Bio-Mühle im nordrhein-westfälischen Warstein. Momentan wird eine neue Mehlsorte getestet: ein extrafeines Vollkornweizenmehl aus Populationsweizen, einer Durchkreuzung mehrerer moderner Weizensorten. Brot-Blogger und Arzt Björn Hollensteiner soll das Mehl testen – das Probe-Brot muss im Anschluss aber noch den Fluffigkeits- und Geschmackstest bei den Müllern bestehen.

Reportage (D 2022, 32 Min)
Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 29/09/2023

Brazil Election: Lula Wins First Round but Far Right Has Momentum

THE GUARDIAN: Six key questions after first round of voting leads to closer than expected result
Supporters of Lula react as they watch the vote count in Brazil. Photograph: Sérgio Lima/AFP/Getty Images


Brazil’s left went into Sunday’s election hoping for an outright majority for their candidate Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva over Jair Bolsonaro, the far-right figurehead who has been Brazil’s president for the last four years.

At the very least, they hoped for a commanding margin and a sense of momentum going into a run-off between the two. And progressives around the world were watching for an emphatic repudiation of Bolsonaro’s presidency that would signal that the forces of extremism were in retreat. But it hasn’t worked out that way.

Instead, Lula won 48% of votes, roughly in line with polls – but Bolsonaro did much better than expected, taking 43%, and his supporters also outperformed polls in state and senate races. Lula is expected to take most votes from the minor candidates who now drop out, and should be favourite to win in the second round on October 30 - but the road to victory looks rockier than it did last night. The stakes could hardly be higher. » | Archie Bland | Monday, October 3, 2022

Tax U-turn Wins Truss Some Time but Damage to Credibility Remains

THE GUARDIAN: PM said she was prepared to make unpopular decisions – but then buckled, so now she will be seen as both unpopular and wrong

It was seen as electoral suicide to cut taxes for the rich, and a succession of bad polls for the Tories bore that view out. Photograph: Tolga Akmen/EPA


So it turns out the lady was for turning, after all. Just hours after Liz Truss declared on national television that she would stand by her controversial plan to scrap the 45p top tax rate, she dumped it.

The decision came in crisis talks with her chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, late on Sunday night, after the prime minister spent the evening touring fringe events at the Tory party conference.

It was clear to anybody with even an ounce of political foresight that the U-turn was inevitable. Rebellious Tory MPs, led by former cabinet minister Michael Gove, had made it clear they would vote against the 45p rate cut, undeterred by threats to strip them of the whip.

They warned of the “un-Conservative” risk of using borrowed money to fund tax cuts and the broader fiscal turbulence unleashed by the uncertainty around the mini-budget. The Tories, they feared, had permanently broken the link with economic competence.

But it was the politics that caused the deepest unease. At a time when people are struggling with the costs of living, and the government is planning further public spending cuts, focusing on welfare, it was seen as electoral suicide to cut taxes for the rich. A succession of bad polls for the Tories bore that view out. » | Pippa Crerar, Political editor | Monday, October 3, 2022

Liz Truss Abandons Plan to Scrap 45p Top Rate of Income Tax amid Tory Revolt

THE GUARDIAN: Government makes U-turn over proposal to abolish top-rate tax cut after growing backlash over mini-budget

Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng on Sunday, the first day of the Conservative party conference in Birmingham. Photograph: Leon Neal/Getty Images

Liz Truss’s government has abandoned its plan to abolish the 45% top rate of income tax in a humiliating U-turn, after a growing Conservative revolt over the policy and a turbulent reaction from markets.

Announcing the decision in an early morning tweet on Monday, Kwasi Kwarteng said: “We get it, and we have listened.”

The chancellor said the decision to cut tax for people on incomes of £150,000 or more “has become a distraction from our overriding mission to tackle the challenges facing our country”.

He continued: “As a result, I’m announcing we are not proceeding with the abolition of the 45p tax rate.”

But in a round of broadcast interviews hours before he was due to address the Conservative conference in Birmingham, Kwarteng denied his mini-budget 10 days ago had been a mistake, despite its impact on the pound and on the cost of government debt, which in turn has made mortgages more expensive. » | Peter Walker and Virginia Harrison | Monday, October 3, 2022

I should damn well think so too! Giving tax cuts to the superrich at a time when so many people are suffering, having to go to foodbanks to feed their children and many having to choose between heating and eating, would have been totally and utterly unconscionable. – © Mark Alexander

Times Radio: We've Lost the Next Election, Says Conservative MP Charles Walker

"It's hard to construct an argument now that the Conservatives can win that general election. I suspect conversation is, yeah, how much do we lose it by."

Sunday, October 02, 2022

Au Burkina Faso, le colonel Damiba a accepté de démissionner, la France dénonce « des atteintes graves à la sécurité » de ses institutions

LE MONDE : Le capitaine Ibrahim Traoré, nouvel homme fort autoproclamé, a appelé les manifestants à « se départir de tout acte de violence et de vandalisme (…) notamment ceux qui pourraient être perpétrés contre l’ambassade de la France » à Ouagadougou.

Près de deux jours après la destitution annoncée par des militaires du chef de la junte au pouvoir, la tension restait vive, dimanche, au Burkina Faso. Le lieutenant-colonel Damiba, destitué vendredi par le capitaine Ibrahim Traoré mais qui refusait d’abdiquer, a finalement accepté de démissionner dimanche, ont annoncé des chefs religieux et communautaires. « Suite aux actions de médiation » menées par ces chefs entre les deux rivaux, « le Président Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba a proposé lui-même sa démission afin d’éviter des affrontements aux conséquences humaines et matérielles graves », indiquent-ils dans un communiqué.

Cette annonce fait suite à deux jours de confusion politique, au cours desquels la France et ses institutions ont été prises pour cibles par des manifestants en colère. » | Le Monde avec AFP | dimanche 2 octobre 2022

Realed links.

Brazil’s Elections: The Economist Interviews Lula

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, commonly known as Lula, is the former leftist president of Brazil and the man taking on Jair Bolsonaro, the right-wing incumbent, in the country’s upcoming presidential election. In an exclusive interview with The Economist, Lula discusses his campaign and his plans for Brazil.

Petraeus: US Would Destroy Russia’s Troops If Putin Uses Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine

THE GUARDIAN: Former CIA director and retired army general says Moscow’s leader is ‘desperate’ and ‘battlefield reality he faces is irreversible’

Former CIA director and retired army general David Petraeus in 2015. Photograph: Chris Keane/REUTERS

The US and its allies would destroy Russia’s troops and equipment in Ukraine – as well as sink its Black sea fleet – if Russian president Vladimir Putin uses nuclear weapons in the country, former CIA director and retired four-star army general David Petraeus warned on Sunday.

Petreaus said that he had not spoken to national security adviser Jake Sullivan on the likely US response to nuclear escalation from Russia, which administration officials have said has been repeatedly communicated to Moscow.

He told ABC News: “Just to give you a hypothetical, we would respond by leading a Nato – a collective – effort that would take out every Russian conventional force that we can see and identify on the battlefield in Ukraine and also in Crimea and every ship in the Black sea.”

The warning comes days after Putin expressed views that many have interpreted as a threat of a larger war between Russia and the west. » | Edward Helmore | Sunday, October 2, 2022

Will Bolsonaro Accept Brazil's Election Results If He Loses? | DW News

Brazilians go to the polls after a highly polarized presidential election campaign that's prompted fears of violence. Opinion polls give a clear advantage to the leftist former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. And the right-wing incumbent, Jair Bolsonaro, has hinted that he might not accept a defeat. DW correspondent Johann Ramirez sent this report on the election from Rio de Janeiro.

Cost of Living Crisis Worsens in UK; Liz Truss's Approval Ratings Plunge | World News | WION

It has been barely a month since Liz Truss took over the reins from Boris Johnson as the UK’s Prime Minister and it seems that she is already facing a major crisis. According to the Observer poll, the approval ratings of Liz Truss and the Tories have plunged.

Brasilien wählt, doch Bolsonaro will nichts anderes als einen Wahlsieg akzeptieren

NEUE ZURCHER ZEITUNG: Das grösste Land Lateinamerikas wählt an diesem Sonntag. Präsident Jair Bolsonaro sät Zweifel am elektronischen Wahlsystem. Seine Anhänger sind bewaffnet. Es drohen gewalttätige Unruhen. Die Urnen schliessen um 22 Uhr mitteleuropäischer Zeit.

Präsident Jair Bolsonaro mit Anhängern an einer Wahlveranstaltung in Santos. | Andre Penner / AP

Er werde das Wahlergebnis akzeptieren – solange bei den Wahlen alles mit rechten Dingen zugehe, wiederholt Präsident Jair Bolsonaro fast täglich gegenüber seinen Anhängern. Alles andere als ein hoher Wahlsieg seinerzeit im ersten Wahlgang von diesem Sonntag deute darauf hin, dass irgendetwas falsch laufe im Obersten Wahlgericht.

Mit der kühnen Behauptung des Wahlsieges scheint der Präsident seine Anhänger auf die drohende Niederlage bei seiner Wiederwahl vorbereiten zu wollen. Denn es sieht nicht gut für ihn aus: In den Umfragen der renommierten Institute Ipec und Datafolha liegt sein Kontrahent Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva 14 Prozentpunkte vor ihm. Ein Wahlsieg des Ex-Präsidenten Lula schon im ersten Wahldurchgang erscheint möglich.

Um eine mögliche Niederlage im Vorfeld zu diskreditieren, attackiert Bolsonaro die elektronischen Wahlurnen. Das macht er seit Beginn seiner Regierung 2019. Dabei hat er nie Belege vorlegen können, die seine Behauptungen stützen. Er selbst wurde sechs Mal mit diesem System als Abgeordneter für Rio de Janeiro und schliesslich zum Präsidenten gewählt. » | Alexander Busch, Salvador | Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2022

Brazil: A Nation Divided | FT Film

Latin America’s largest nation is facing its most important election in decades as Jair Bolsonaro and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva square off amid deep political and cultural polarisation. FT Brazil bureau chief Bryan Harris travels the nation to look at the enormous economic and social challenges facing the next president. He meets wealthy farmers, truckers, evangelicals and those facing food insecurity

Jour de vote au Brésil : Lula favori, désinformation et tensions... ce qu’il faut savoir sur le scrutin : Les campagnes de désinformation et les attaques contre le système électoral font craindre des tensions après l’annonce des résultats. L’ancien président Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva est le favori. »

Brazil Elections 2022: It's Bolsonaro vs Lula, Explained

A former leader seeking a comeback and a polarising far-right president. It's Lula da Silva vs Jair Bolsonaro as elections get underway in Brazil. If neither manages to secure at least 50-per-cent of the vote - there will be a run off election later this month.

A Picture Paints a Thousand Words.

Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte. / Une image vaut mille mots.

With many thanks to L.T. on Pinterest for this really great photo.

Who Are the Russians Resisting Putin's Ukraine War Draft? | Focus on Europe

Putin has announced an emergency partial mobilization because of the war in Ukraine, but many Russians are refusing to join.

The French Revolution | Documentary

The French Revolution (French: Révolution française [ʁevɔlysjɔ̃ fʁɑ̃sɛːz]) was a period of far-reaching social and political upheaval in France that lasted from 1789 until 1799, and was partially carried forward by Napoleon during the later expansion of the French Empire. The Revolution overthrew the monarchy, established a republic, experienced violent periods of political turmoil, and finally culminated in a dictatorship under Napoleon that rapidly brought many of its principles to Western Europe and beyond. Inspired by liberal and radical ideas, the Revolution profoundly altered the course of modern history, triggering the global decline of absolute monarchies while replacing them with republics and liberal democracies. Through the Revolutionary Wars, it unleashed a wave of global conflicts that extended from the Caribbean to the Middle East. Historians widely regard the Revolution as one of the most important events in human history.

The causes of the French Revolution are complex and are still debated among historians. Following the Seven Years' War and the American Revolutionary War, the French government was deeply in debt and attempted to restore its financial status through unpopular taxation schemes, which were heavily regressive. Years of bad harvests leading up to the Revolution also inflamed popular resentment of the privileges enjoyed by the clergy and the aristocracy. Demands for change were formulated in terms of Enlightenment ideals and contributed to the convocation of the Estates-General in May 1789. The first year of the Revolution saw members of the Third Estate (commoners) taking control, the assault on the Bastille in July, the passage of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in August, and a women's march on Versailles that forced the royal court back to Paris in October. A central event of the first stage, in August 1789, was the abolition of feudalism and the old rules and privileges left over from the Ancien Régime. The next few years featured political struggles between various liberal assemblies and right-wing supporters of the monarchy intent on thwarting major reforms. The Republic was proclaimed in September 1792 after the French victory at Valmy. In a momentous event that led to international condemnation, Louis XVI was executed in January 1793.

External threats closely shaped the course of the Revolution. The Revolutionary Wars beginning in 1792 ultimately featured French victories that facilitated the conquest of the Italian Peninsula, the Low Countries and most territories west of the Rhine – achievements that had eluded previous French governments for centuries. Internally, popular agitation radicalised the Revolution significantly, culminating in the rise of Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobins. The dictatorship imposed by the Committee of Public Safety during the Reign of Terror, from 1793 until 1794, established price controls on food and other items, abolished slavery in French colonies abroad, dechristianised society through the creation of a new calendar and the expulsion of religious figures, and secured the borders of the new republic from its enemies. Large numbers of civilians were executed by revolutionary tribunals during the Terror, with estimates ranging from 16,000 to 40,000. After the Thermidorian Reaction, an executive council known as the Directory assumed control of the French state in 1795. The rule of the Directory was characterised by suspended elections, debt repudiations, financial instability, persecutions against the Catholic clergy, and significant military conquests abroad.[7] Dogged by charges of corruption, the Directory collapsed in a coup led by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1799. Napoleon, who became the hero of the Revolution through his popular military campaigns, went on to establish the Consulate and later the First Empire, setting the stage for a wider array of global conflicts in the Napoleonic Wars.

The modern era has unfolded in the shadow of the French Revolution. Almost all future revolutionary movements looked back to the Revolution as their predecessor, Its central phrases and cultural symbols, such as La Marseillaise and Liberté, fraternité, égalité, ou la mort, became the clarion call for other major upheavals in modern history, including the Russian Revolution over a century later.

The values and institutions of the Revolution dominate French politics to this day. The Revolution resulted in the suppression of the feudal system, the emancipation of the individual, the greater division of landed property, the abolition of the privileges of noble birth and the nominal establishment of equality. The French Revolution differed from other revolutions in being not merely national, for it aimed at benefiting all humanity.

Globally, the Revolution accelerated the rise of republics and democracies.

Jacob Rees-Mogg’s Business Partner Given Senior Minister Role

THE GUARDIAN: City financier who co-founded investment firm with business secretary is made trade minister

Jacob Rees-Mogg and other senior cabinet members face questions about being too close to the City. Photograph: Paul Ellis/AFP/Getty Images

The City business partner of Jacob Rees-Mogg has been handed a peerage and job as a senior minister by Liz Truss’s government in a move likely to trigger accusations of cronyism.

Dominic Johnson, a financier who co-founded Somerset Capital Management with Rees-Mogg, was appointed as a minister in the Cabinet Office and the Department for International Trade.

The announcement was slipped out on the government’s website, which said he had been appointed as of Sunday.

The appointment is likely to be controversial at a time when Truss, her chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, and Rees-Mogg face questions about being too close to the City, after the mini-budget handed substantial tax cuts to financiers and the wealthy. » | Rowena Mason, Whitehall editor | Sunday, October 2, 2022

WTF! This administration is as corrupt as corrupt can be! Talk about jobs for the boys … this is it! This country’s government behaves in a way one would expect a banana republic’s government to behave. Kick these corrupt Tories out of office forthwith!

It would appear that they have already lost the next election. Now, Parliament has to find a way of bringing the date of the election forward. – © Mark Alexander

Imam und schwul: Kampf für einen toleranten Islam | DW Reporter

Ludovic Mohamed Zahed will einen Islam, der mit LGBTQ-Minderheiten toleranter umgeht. Muslim und schwul sein zu können, ohne sich dafür schämen oder sich verstecken zu müssen, dafür kämpft er.

Zahed hat in Algerien eine Ausbildung zum Imam durchlaufen. In der Heimat traute er sich nicht, über seine Homosexualität zu sprechen. Erst in Marseille outete er sich. Zahed ist Initiator der ersten inklusiven Moschee Frankreichs und des Calem-Instituts in Marseille, wo er neue Imame in einem fortschrittlicheren Islam ausbildet. Eigentlich sind gleichgeschlechtliche Ehen im Islam tabu. Aber Zahed will neue Wege beschreiten - und scheut sich nicht, dieses Tabu zu umgehen und homosexuellen Paaren ihren größten Wunsch zu erfüllen.

Asking Londoners What They Think of Liz Truss

Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng are pulling the piss! Kick them out of office! The French got it right in 1789!

Outrageous Pulled Pork | Jamie Oliver | ONE

This is a principles recipe - the most delicious pulled pork extravaganza that you can use however you want, from pizza toppings to burger buns it's sure to be a crowd pleaser. Using just simple ingredients, you'll get about 15 portions out of this so feed a crowd or mix it up with different meal ideas, either way you're on to a winner. Recipe from Jamie's latest book ONE.

Das Oktoberfest in München - zwischen zünftiger Gaudi und Massenexzess | ZDF.reportage

Das größte Volksfest der Welt, Millionen Besucherinnen und Besucher, Millionen Maß Bier. Für viele ist es eine zünftige Gaudi, für andere ein Massenexzess. Aber für die meisten ist es einfach: das Oktoberfest. Das größte Zelt bietet Platz für 9.800 Besucherinnen und Besucher aus München, Bayern und der ganzen Welt. "Die Krüge hoch!", ruft der Kapellmeister, und die durstigen Gäste folgen brav. Tausendfach klackert die Maß beim Anstoßen: Wieder ist ein Hektoliter Bier weggetrunken.

Mit dabei: Alina und Laura, 18 und 20 Jahre alt, zum ersten Mal als Erwachsene auf der Wiesn. Sie und ihre Clique wollen bis zur Sperrstunde Spaß haben. Ein klarer Plan nach mehr als zwei Jahren ohne Oktoberfest. Die Wirte hoffen, dass es so gut wie vor Corona läuft: Die Wiesn, das ist Gastronomie im XXL-Format. Wie am Fließband werden Hähnchen auf Drehspieße gesteckt und Schnitzel paniert. Das Bier kommt per Leitung direkt aus einem der Großtanks – das Holzfass in der Schenke ist meist nur noch Fassade. Nachts, wenn die letzten Gäste gegangen sind, füllen Tanklaster alles wieder auf.

Tagsüber schleppen Hundertschaften an Bedienungen von früh bis spät Hendl, Bier und mehr für die Gäste. 500 Maß am Tag können es schon mal sein, wenn's gut läuft. Der Lohn und die Trinkgelder sind gut. Nur das Gedränge und den Lärm muss man vertragen – diesmal 17 Tage am Stück.

Der Job der "Brotverkäuferinnen" ist reserviert für Geringverdiener. Nicht jeder Tag läuft gut, aber am Ende reicht es hoffentlich für einen kleinen Urlaub, trotz magerer Rente. Früher war mehr drin. Doch die Konkurrenz ist groß: Drinnen im Bierzelt gibt's die Brezen inzwischen auch an den Platz gebracht – oder es steht gleich ein ganzes Brotzeitbrettl auf dem Tisch.

Von früh bis spät buhlen Schausteller und Marktkaufleute um Kundschaft. Familie Kaiser hat fast so viele Fahrgeschäfte wie Familienmitglieder. Auf der Wiesn steht beinahe der gesamte Kaiser-Clan mit Hightech-Karussells und Achterbahnen vereint auf einem Platz – und gewährt einen Einblick ins Rauf und Runter einer Branche, die sich immer weiterentwickeln muss.

Das Teufelsrad ist das Gegenmodell: Familie Polaczy hat das uralte Fahrgeschäft geerbt – die Schaustellerei ist für die drei Generationen nur ein Nebenjob. Die Idee dieses "Karussells" ist genial einfach: Wer es am längsten schafft, sich auf einer drehenden Scheibe zu halten, den feiern sie – wer vorher abrutscht oder weggekegelt wird, füttert die Schadenfreude der Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer. "Ein Leben ohne Wiesn", sagt Elisabeth Polaczy und spricht damit vielen aus der Seele, "ist undenkbar."

Eine "ZDF.reportage" über das Oktoberfest in München, das nun endlich wieder stattfindet.

Der Fall von Liman ist ein weiteres Desaster für Russland – nun rechnen führende Kommandanten öffentlich mit dem Generalstab ab

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die Ukrainer rücken an verschiedenen Fronten vor und wollen vor dem Winter möglichst grosse Geländegewinne erzielen. In Moskau hofft man auf den Effekt der Teilmobilisierung, doch die Nerven liegen blank.

Ukrainische Soldaten posieren vor einem Verwaltungsgebäude in der befreiten Stadt Liman. | Oleksiy Biloshytskyi / Reuters

Als Russlands Armee im Frühling aus der Umgebung von Kiew floh, verkaufte dies Moskau als «Geste des guten Willens», den chaotischen Rückzug aus Kupjansk und Isjum als «Umgruppierung». Doch als der Fall der strategisch bedeutsamen Stadt Liman am Samstagnachmittag nicht mehr zu verheimlichen war, verzichtete die Militärführung für einmal auf Euphemismen: «Angesichts der Gefahr einer Einkesselung wurden die alliierten Truppen abgezogen», erklärte das Verteidigungsministerium.

Ob diese auf «eine günstigere Position» zurückwichen, wie es im zweiten Teil der Meldung hiess, darf hingegen bezweifelt werden. Am Samstagabend gab es in der Stadt weiterhin Scharmützel, es blieb unklar, wie vielen der geschätzt 5000 russischen Soldaten die Flucht gelang. Das ukrainische Verteidigungsministerium erklärte dazu nur, die Mehrheit habe sich «entweder in Gefangenschaft begeben oder in Leichensäcke ‹verlagert›». In Videos auf sozialen Medien sind Tote Russen und Kriegsgefangene zu sehen, sie erlauben aber keinen Rückschluss auf genaue Zahlen. » | Ivo Mijnssen, Wien | Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2022

Related link.

Le Brésil aux urnes : entre Bolsonaro et Lula, un choix décisif sous tension

LE MONDE : A la veille du scrutin présidentiel, qui se tient dimanche, le président sortant d’extrême droite tentait de rattraper son retard sur le candidat de gauche.

Lors d’une retransmission en extérieur du débat présidentiel, à Rio de Janeiro, jeudi 29 septembre 2022. MATIAS DELACROIX / AP

Le « choc des titans » est enfin arrivé. Celui-ci oppose, lors de l’élection présidentielle, dimanche 2 octobre, les deux plus grandes figures politiques actuelles du Brésil : à l’extrême droite, le chef de l’Etat sortant, Jair Bolsonaro, et à gauche, l’ancien syndicaliste et président (2003-2011), Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Un duel au sommet, aussi historique que périlleux, dans un pays polarisé et électrisé comme jamais.

A la veille du scrutin, les sondages donnaient la gauche largement en tête. Lula obtiendrait 50 % des votes exprimés (hors blancs et nuls), contre 36 % à Jair Bolsonaro, selon la dernière enquête de l’institut Datafolha, laissant entrevoir la possibilité d’une victoire du chef de file du Parti des travailleurs (PT) dès le premier tour. Les tenants de la troisième voie, le travailliste Ciro Gomes et la centriste Simone Tebet, plafonnent respectivement à 6 % et 5 % d’intentions de vote, contre 0 % à 1 % pour les sept candidats restants. » | Par Bruno Meyerfeld (Rio de Janeiro, correspondant) | samedi 1 octobre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Cacio e Pepe: Original vs. Gourmet (Grilled) with Errico Recanati - Andreina*

Errico Recanati's Cacio e Pepe is the result of the great research work that the chef of Andreina Restaurant has been carrying out for years on the grilling process. After the classic version of the recipe not to be confused with Mac & Cheese, Recanati illustrates the different steps to make his signature dish with smoke, flames and a selection of 7 peppers from all over the world. A cacio e pepe that challenges commonplaces about pasta but above all a recipe to be handled with extreme caution.

Zelensky Says Russia’s Retreat Is a Sign of Its Weak Position in the East

A photo provided by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Service of President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday in Kyiv. | Ukrainian Presidential Press Service, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

THE NEW YORK TIMES: President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine quickly sought to capitalize politically on the Russian retreat from the crucial rail hub of Lyman, saying that it showed that Moscow’s attempt to illegally annex much of the country was an “absolute farce.”

On Friday, after Russian-appointed officials held discredited referendums in four partially occupied areas of Ukraine, the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin, announced that the areas, including Donetsk Province, where Lyman is, would be absorbed into Russia and that its people would be Russian citizens “forever.”

Mr. Putin claimed the residents in those provinces had voted overwhelmingly to join the Russian Federation, but Ukraine and its Western allies dismissed the referendums as shams, as most of the citizens had fled the region and many of those left behind were forced to cast ballots at gunpoint. » | James C. McKinley Jr. | Sunday, October 2, 2022

Kwasi Kwarteng ‘Attended Champagne Party with Financiers on Mini-budget Day’

THE GUARDIAN: Guests, which included hedge fund managers, allegedly congratulated the chancellor and told him to ‘double down’

Two sources said Kwarteng described the day of the mini-budget announcement as a ‘great day for freedom’. Photograph: BBC News

Kwasi Kwarteng reportedly attended a private champagne reception with hedge fund managers at the home of a Conservative donor on the same day he delivered his mini-budget.

The chancellor is alleged to have given guests information about forthcoming government spending cuts during the event at the west London home of Andrew Law, a financier, on the evening of Friday 23 September.

Kwarteng’s mini-budget earlier in the day, which introduced a £45bn package of tax cuts that will mostly benefit the richest fifth of households, triggered economic turmoil – with sterling collapsing to its lowest level since 1985 and the Bank of England acting to save pension funds.

The Labour leader, Keir Starmer, has called for the recall of parliament to address the financial crisis. » | Nadeem Badshah | Sunday, October 2, 2022

Protesters Attack French Embassy in Burkina Faso over Allegedly Harbouring Ousted President

THE GUARDIAN: West African bloc denounced the country’s second military coup in nine months, saying it was ‘inappropriate’

Angry protesters have attacked the French embassy in Burkina Faso’s capital after supporters of the west African nation’s new coup leader accused France of harbouring the ousted interim president, a charge French authorities vehemently denied.

Lt Col Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba was overthrown late on Friday less than nine months after he mounted a coup in Burkina Faso, which has been failing to effectively counter rising violence by Islamic extremists.

Comments by a junta spokesperson on Saturday set into motion an outburst of anger in Ouagadougou, the capital. » | Associated Press in Ouagadougou | Saturday, October 1, 2022

Related links.

Saturday, October 01, 2022

Voters Abandon Tories as Faith in Economic Competence Dives

THE OBSERVER: Conservative MPs urge Liz Truss’s removal from No 10 after poll reveals British public’s fury over tax plans

Liz Truss on Saturday: she showed no sign of backing down over £45bn in unfunded tax cuts.Photograph: Alberto Pezzali/AP

Three-quarters of UK voters, including a staggering 71% of those who backed the Conservatives at the last general election, believe the prime minister, Liz Truss, and the chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, have “lost control” of the economy, according to a devastating poll for the Observer on the eve of the Tory conference.

The survey by Opinium – which also reveals that Labour has extended its lead by a massive 14 percentage points in the last week alone, from 5 points to 19 points, and that Truss’s ratings are now lower than Boris Johnson’s at the height of the Partygate scandal – comes as some Tory MPs are beginning to demand the new prime minister’s removal from No 10 after less than a month in office.
Other senior party figures are warning that the damage to the party’s reputation for economic management resulting from Kwarteng’s tax-cutting budget, is so serious that it will take many years to repair. » | Toby Helm & Michael Savage | Saturday, October 1, 2022

How to Start Smoking (Again)

THE GUARDIAN: There's nothing quite as dull as a how-I-quit-fags story. Taking up cigarettes, however, can be pretty interesting, says Tim Wilson, who has begun smoking seven times

I have started smoking about seven times. The best one was the last. It always is. Practice makes perfect, so you have a more textured awareness of what is unfolding. There's the moment of fatal nostalgia, the decision, the dizzy embrace, and, between 10 to 15 minutes later, the desire to repeat. Quitting cigarettes grabs headlines, (understandably, it's a trial) but starting them deserves scrutiny also. Just because something is easy, doesn't mean it isn't significant.

I'm not alone, apparently, in my vacillation. Studies say that smokers who quit may fail three to seven times before making the final abstention. "Relapse rates" are estimated to range from between 60 and 90 per cent in the first year. Relapse, indeed. Medical language is so cold-blooded. If I'm relapsing, why does the event feel like a reunion? It's like bumping into an ex-girlfriend, finding she is still trouble, and knowing that just this once more, you're up for it.

My last... fling began at a party. I was with intelligent and attractive people, and on the wagon. My doctor had told me not to get off the wagon, so there I stood, clutching my sparkling mineral water. The sex columnist I was talking to was smoking. I looked about me. Everyone was smoking. Cigarettes hung in the air, being tapped insouciantly, being sucked as a prelude to delivering clever remarks. The bubbles in my water continued to rise, cheerful and empty. Something was missing from my life. Risk.

To an ex-smoker, good health can pale because its benefits are quickly absorbed into daily existence. Clean breath and a lack of morning phlegm are instances of absence rather than presence. You quit because you are tired of the smoking rigmarole, the locating of matches and the coughing. You start because well-being is, well, tedious. » | Tim Wilson | Tuesday, December 17, 2002


MARK ALEXANDER: I came across this delightful article recently. It is delightful precisely because it goes against the current poltitically correct narrative about how awful and dangerous smoking tobacco is. I don’t agree with this narrative.

Let’s get this straight: I am an ex-smoker. I smoked for most of my adult life. I smoked twenty cigarettes a day, which I consider a normal, moderate number of cigarettes to smoke in a day.

Smoking gave me great pleasure: I loved a smoke. I never felt addicted to cigarettes. I simply wasn’t. That is why I was able to give up smoking from one day to the next; and I haven’t had any cravings for cigarettes after quitting.

My only 'naughty' pleasures in life were a few alcoholic drinks and some cigarettes. These days, even though the smoking of cigarettes is frowned upon by many, people do far, far worse things than smoke a cigarette. You don’t need me to tell you what they do. I have never ever indulged in anything stronger than a few glasses of alcohol—Scotch whisky and red or white wine, usually; and perhaps gin or vodka, more usually in summer.

I quit the lovely and enjoyable habit of smoking on April 10th this year. The day after my birthday. I had three cigarettes left in the pack from the day before. I smoked them; and that was the end of my smoking career (I think!).

The only negative thing I find about not smoking is that I have gained weight. Smoking helped me maintain a fairly constant weight all of my adult life.

When you tell people that after giving up smoking, one gains weight, they immediately think that one eats more. Not so! At least not in my case. One thing I have learnt is that smoking increases one’s metabolism; so, when one stops the pleasurable habit, one’s metabolism slows down. A slow metabolism means that one’’s ingested calories are more slowly burnt off, of course. Hence the weight gain.

Most people these days don’t smoke cigarettes anymore, at least not in public in the Anglosphere. But are they healthier because of this abstinence? Emphatically not! I have never seen so many obese people in my life. They may not be smokers; but they are certainly not any healthier. These days, they eat junk food instead, or puff on e-cigarettes (the long term consequences of which are as yet unknown), or puff, perhaps, on cannabis.

Some of the nicest, happiest people I have ever met in my life have been smokers. By contrast, some of the nastiest, most miserable people I have met have been non-smokers, especially when being militant about not smoking. Think about the non-smokers we know of: Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Putin; and many others besides.

I am not suggesting that smoking tobacco makes one a nice person. Obviously it doesn't. But it is interesting to note that some of the worst people who have ever lived have been not only non-smokers, but also militantly anti-smoking. Just some food for thought.

Anyway, enjoy the article. Such articles are a rare find today. © Mark Aleander

Ein schwuler Kuss mitten in den schönen bunten Blumen.| Reupload

A gay kiss in the middle of the beautiful colorful flowers. / Un baiser gay au milieu des belles fleurs colorées.

Für dieses schöne Bild bedanke ich mich bei Szymonss auf Pinterest.

L'élégance française

French elegance / Französische Eleganz

Un grand merci à Vogue Magazine pour cette jolie et chic photo.

Thousands March in Cardiff Calling for Welsh Independence

THE GUARDIAN: Rally by campaigners, who say Westminster government does not serve nation’s best interests, is second in a few months

Welsh independence campaigners in the centre of Cardiff, Wales on Saturday. Photograph: Bronwen Weatherby/PA

Thousands of people have marched through Cardiff as part of a rally for Welsh independence.

Campaigners at the event carried large flags and banners and paraded through the city centre led by a samba band. It was organised by All Under One Banner Cymru (AUOB) and Yes Cymru. It was the second pro-independence rally to take place in Wales this year, after a march attracted about 8,000 supporters in Wrexham in July.

The AUOB and Yes Cymru [Cymru is Welsh for Wales] are campaigning for independence from the United Kingdom, as they believe Westminster does not operate with the best interests of the Welsh people in mind.

Despite rail strikes across the UK, organisers estimated about 10,000 people made it to the march – at the front of which was a banner saying “Annibyniaeth”, meaning independence in Welsh.

Harriet Protheroe-Soltani from AUOB Cymru said: “Given the UK government’s recent tax cuts for the rich and continual erosion of workers’ rights it’s important, now more than ever, that people come along and demonstrate that we do not trust Westminster to look after the interests of Wales.” » | Gemma McSherry | Saturday, October 1, 2022

How ironic it would be if Scotland and Wales seceded from the Union and Ireland became independent, too. Scotland and Wales could be independent nations in the European Union. The Republic of Ireland is already in the European Union and is prosperous as a result of its membership; so, if Northern Ireland joined Eire, the whole of Ireland would be in the EU. That would leave England truly isolated. Perhaps it could apply to the US to become its 51st state! I'm sure Disney could do something splendid with England's royal heritage! A sad irony indeed. Sad, that is, for the English. – © Mark Alexander

« Les femmes françaises les plus chic de tous les temps »

« De tous temps, la femme française a fasciné le reste du monde, qui ne cesse de la fantasmer et de lui rendre hommage. Il n'était donc que justice que « The Cut » dévoile son classement de ces françaises – d'adoption ou non – qui ont marqué durablement l'Histoire de leur style bien à elles. »

Je tiens à remercier Vanity Fair France sur Pinterest pour cette vraiment élégant et chic photo.

Citizenship for the Rich: Demand Rises for ‘Golden Passports'

FRANCE 24: The EU is set to take Malta to court over its scheme allowing wealthy foreigners to buy Maltese – and EU – citizenship for a costly fee. But buying citizenship and residence rights is a global trend among the super-wealthy that looks set to stay.

The European Commission on Thursday took Malta to the European Union's highest court over its "golden passport" scheme that allows wealthy investors to buy Maltese – and therefore EU – citizenship, without having to live in the country.

Despite repeated calls to end the scheme, Malta has raised €1.1 billion since 2013 through offering passports in exchange for investments, with most investors coming from the Gulf, Asia and Russia.

Under pressure from the EU, Cyprus and Bulgaria have recently stopped offering similar schemes. Yet the only concession Malta has made is to suspend the scheme for Russian and Belarusian citizens following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

While Malta is under pressure to ban investment citizenship, multiple countries around the world welcome the practice.

“The [2008] global financial crisis also put pressure on governments to find ways to bring foreign investment into their economies, and this is seen as a relatively costless way of doing so,” says Lior Erez, departmental lecturer in theory of politics at Oxford University, UK. “Especially if it involves no actual migration.”

Yet the EU views things differently, citing “ethical, legal and economic” concerns as well as “several serious security risks”, if the scheme continues.

"By offering citizenship in exchange for pre-determined payments or investments, without a genuine link with the Member State concerned, Malta breaches EU law," tweeted EU Justice Affairs Commissioner Didier Reynders on Thursday. "European Union values are not for sale.” » | Joanna York | Saturday, October 1, 2022

Kwasi Kwarteng: An Eton Tough Nut with Legendary Self-confidence

THE GUARDIAN: Stories of the under-fire chancellor’s self-assurance abound. Colleagues see him as unlikely to back down without a fight

Kwasi Kwarteng ‘was never remotely interested in other people’s point of view’, said a former minister. Photograph: Michael Mayhew/Sportsphoto/Allstar

In recent years, Bill Gates held a roundtable discussion to which Kwasi Kwarteng was invited as a senior minister.

The billionaire was hosting the meeting, surrounded by high-profile guests. But according to observers, when Kwarteng turned up, he began to act as if he was the one in charge of the meeting “offering his opinion on everything” and “lecturing” Gates about the businessman’s own expert subject. It was “bizarre and embarrassing” to watch, according to one person with knowledge of the episode.

A tendency to arrogance – but also undoubted cleverness – is a common theme that many people who have worked with the new chancellor seem to report. This was the case even among fellow Tories, before he angered them with his politically and economically explosive mini-budget.

One former cabinet minister who worked with Kwarteng as business secretary described him as having “the concentration span of a gnat” and an inability to sit through anything other than very short meetings. “He was never remotely interested in other people’s point of view,” the former minister said.

“I found him very odd to deal with … but there is an intellectual arrogance about Kwasi and Liz [Truss] and Jacob [Rees-Mogg] and those four to five people at the top. They genuinely do think they are cleverer than anyone else and that other people’s views are slightly tiresome.” » | Rowena Mason and Aubrey Allegretti | Saturday, October 1, 2022