Sunday, September 04, 2022

Obituary: Mikhail S. Gorbachev, Reformist Soviet Leader, Is Dead at 91

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Adopting principles of glasnost and perestroika, he weighed the legacy of seven decades of Communist rule and set a new course, presiding over the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the U.S.S.R.

Mikhail S. Gorbachev had a profound effect on his time: In little more than six tumultuous years, he lifted the Iron Curtain, transforming the map of Europe and the political climate of the world. | Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times

Mikhail S. Gorbachev, whose rise to power in the Soviet Union set in motion a series of revolutionary changes that transformed the map of Europe and ended the Cold War that had threatened the world with nuclear annihilation, has died in Moscow. He was 91.

His death was announced on Tuesday by Russia’s state news agencies, citing the city’s central clinical hospital. The reports said he had died after an unspecified “long and grave illness.”

Few leaders in the 20th century, indeed in any century, have had such a profound effect on their time. In little more than six tumultuous years, Mr. Gorbachev lifted the Iron Curtain, decisively altering the political climate of the world. At home he promised and delivered greater openness as he set out to restructure his country’s society and faltering economy. It was not his intention to liquidate the Soviet empire, but within five years of coming to power he had presided over the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. He ended the Soviet debacle in Afghanistan and, in an extraordinary five months in 1989, stood by as the Communist system imploded from the Baltics to the Balkans in countries already weakened by widespread corruption and moribund economies.

For this he was hounded from office by hard-line Communist plotters and disappointed liberals alike, the first group fearing that he would destroy the old system and the other worried that he would not.

It was abroad that he was hailed as heroic. To George F. Kennan, the distinguished American diplomat and Sovietologist, Mr. Gorbachev was “a miracle,” a man who saw the world as it was, unblinkered by Soviet ideology.

But to many inside Russia, the upheaval Mr. Gorbachev had wrought was a disaster. President Vladimir V. Putin called the collapse of the Soviet Union the “greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century.” For Mr. Putin — and his fellow K.G.B. veterans who now form the inner circle of power in Russia — the end of the U.S.S.R. was a moment of shame and defeat that the invasion of Ukraine this year was meant to help undo. » | Marilyn Berger | Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Leer en español .

Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the USSR, has died at 91 : The architect of the East-West rapprochement and father of perestroika has died at the age of 91. Deemed responsible in Russia for the chaos following the collapse of the Soviet Union, he left political life in 1991. »

Mikhaïl Gorbatchev, le dernier dirigeant de l’URSS, est mort :NÉCROLOGIE | Artisan du rapprochement Est-Ouest, le père de la perestroïka s’est éteint à l’âge de 91 ans. Perçu en Russie comme le responsable du chaos qui a suivi la chute de l’Union soviétique, il avait quitté la vie politique en 1991. »

Der Kreml-Chef mit dem menschlichen Antlitz: Michail Gorbatschow wollte die Sowjetunion retten – und scheiterte. In Putins Russland wirkte er wie aus der Zeit gefallen. Dort schlug ihm nur nach dem Tod seiner Frau große Sympathie entgegen. »

Gorbachev Freed My Generation of Eastern Europeans from the Abyss. We Saw a Different Future

THE OBSERVER: The man who liberalised the Soviet Union died last week, beset by a sense that his country had been betrayed – by the west and history

‘I still see Lenin as our god’: Mikhail Gorbachev in Aberdeen in December 1993. Photograph: Murdo Macleod/The Guardian

The German poet Hans Magnus Enzensberger labelled him “the hero of retreat”. But does retreat produce heroes? A lost man haunted by the death of his beloved wife and torn apart by a sense of guilt and anger for the tragic death of his beloved country. This is how Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet Union’s first and final president, vividly appears in Vitaly Mansky’s documentary Gorbachev. Heaven. This was also my experience several years ago when I visited Gorbachev in his foundation’s empty offices. This stark, poignant impression of Mikhail Sergeevich, who died last week at 91, will forever stay with me.

I recall two other Gorbachevs. The first I saw on TV in my native Bulgaria in 1985. I was a 20-year-old studying philosophy at Sofia University and Gorbachev had just been elected general secretary of the Communist party of the Soviet Union. His arrival to power, not to mention his opening policy gambits, was as surprising as snow in July. The very fact that the Soviet nomenklatura elected somebody who was younger than 70 and able to finish a sentence was a miracle. Even more supernatural was the sense of an opening that he brought – an infectious feeling that something impossible only yesterday was possible today and that even more might happen tomorrow. » | Ivan Krastev * | Sunday, September 4, 2022

* Ivan Krastev is chairman of the Center for Liberal Strategies in Sofia, Bulgaria. His latest book is Democracy Disrupted: The Politics of Global Protest

Russia Blacklists Artists and Pop Stars Critical of Ukraine War | Focus on Europe | DW News

Sep 4, 2022 In Russia, artists who speak out against the invasion of Ukraine are being blacklisted. A State Duma commission formed to investigate "anti-Russian cultural activities" is targeting artists, musicians and other prominent figures in the cultural sphere.

Marvin Gaye : What’s Going On?

Nov 12, 2020 | Views on YouTube: 7,462,453 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Saturday, September 03, 2022

What’s Sexier Than a Handsome Man in a Kilt? | Reupload

They’ll “soothe your battered soul”!

Many thanks to Buzz Feed on Pinterest for this delightful photo.

Liz Truss Eyes Bonfire of Workers' Rights to Boost Economy

Sep 3, 2022

Liz Truss is a NASTY FB! She should NEVER be allowed to become this country’s prime minister. – © Mark Alexander

Against All Odds • Take a Look At Me Now • Phil Collins | Reupload

Oct 18, 2015 Soundtrack from the 1984 Taylor Hackford film "Against All Odds" with Rachel Ward, Jeff Bridges, James Woods, Alex Karras, Jane Greer, Dorian Harewood, Swoosie Kurtz, Saul Rubinek & Richard Widmark.

Bernie Sanders: “What the Political Establishment Won't Tell You.”

Jun 16, 2022 When people like Sen. Lindsey Graham speak, you don't hear anything about the major issues facing the country. That's what the political establishment does.

Bernie Sanders for President! – © Mark Alexander

Mikhail Gorbachev Funeral: Hundreds Pay Respects to Last Soviet Leader | BBC News

Sep 3, 2022 Hundreds of people have paid their respects at the funeral of the last Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev in Moscow.

Russia's President Vladimir Putin cited a busy "work schedule" as a reason for him missing the event at the House of Unions on Saturday.

Liberal politician Grigory Yavlinsky said: "These people have come to Gorbachev to thank him, to say 'Thank you Mr Gorbachev, you gave us a chance.'"

Instagram: Social Media for Narcissists I Documentary

Sep 3, 2022 With two billion active monthly users, Instagram has conquered the world providing a photo-sharing platform for our ever more visual culture. This documentary examines how Instagram, launched in 2010 and bought by Facebook in 2012, has changed modern society: the app has created the influencer, transformed advertising, media and fashion but is also criticised for a rise in mental health problems in young people.

Peaceful Cooking | هدوء الطبخ | Fish with Rice | سمك مع أرز

Aug 23, 2022 | Cooking fish in this way will make the whole family happy.

For the ingredients necessary to cook this recipe and the method used in both English and Arabic, click here and then click on “show more”.

Michael Lambert: Could the UK Economy Collapse?

Sep 3, 2022 The UK economy could collapse very soon if urgent measures are not taken. Climate change, clearly the biggest threat which mankind has ever faced is causing massive disruption of food supplies as a result of drought and flooding.

Vladimir Putin's crazy and irrational behaviour threatens us all, including his own economy. The UK has been ruled by a dishonest, incompetent and self-obsessed prime minister and a second-rate government and has presided over an extensive decline in standards.

Brexit has so weakened the UK economy that we are forecast to be the 19th slowest-growing economy in the G20 next year.

The new prime minister, who is expected to be Liz Truss, has given no indication of how she will solve any of our problems other than by cutting taxes.

Electricity prices have risen so much that many householders will be unable to pay. Businesses which are not protected by any price cap are seeing electricity prices increasing so much that many will simply be forced to close.

The stress of being unable to cope with the rising cost of living is likely to lead to mental health problems for many. Others are likely to resort to crime in order to survive and, given the extremely low possibility of ever being apprehended, may well be seen as the only solution for many to survive.

Liz Truss Cost of Living Crisis Policies Would Make Inflation Worse | Economics | New Statesman

Aug 31, 2022 Liz truss has shown a "complete failure" to address the inflation driven UK cost of living crisis, says economist Duncan Weldon.

Economist and Journalist Duncan Weldon speaks to the New Statesman's Will Dunn to discuss his cover story in the latest issue of the New Statesman magazine, titled "The coming economic storm: As inflation reaches a 40-year high and with Britain facing a punishing recession, the Conservative leadership contenders have failed to grasp the scale of the crisis."

Economist and Journalist Duncan Weldon speaks to the New Statesman's Will Dunn to discuss his cover story in the latest issue of the New Statesman magazine, titled "The coming economic storm: As inflation reaches a 40-year high and with Britain facing a punishing recession, the Conservative leadership contenders have failed to grasp the scale of the crisis."

Mit der Absage der Europride spielt Serbiens Präsident Vucic ein zynisches Spiel

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die serbische Regierung will einen seit langem geplanten Grossanlass für die Rechte sexueller Minderheiten blockieren. Die Empörung ist gross.

Protestmarsch in Belgrad gegen die Europride, eine Veranstaltung für die Rechte Homosexueller. Auf den Transparenten sind der Tschetnik-Führer Draza Mihajlovic und Putin als «Ikonen» des homophoben Protests zu sehen. | Andrej Cukic / EPA

Aleksandar Vucic ist ein Meister des politischen Spagats. Seit Jahren schon präsentiert sich der serbische Präsident im Westen als verlässlicher Partner im europäischen Integrationsprozess, in Moskau als panorthodoxer Verbündeter und im eigenen Land als Bewahrer des wahren Serbentums. Das vergangene Wochenende liefert reichlich Anschauungsmaterial dafür.

Ablenkungsmanöver für Kosovo-Deal

Im Streit mit Kosovo, dessen Unabhängigkeit Belgrad nicht anerkennt, wurde am Samstag ein erster Durchbruch erreicht. Serbien wird künftig für die Einreise auf sein Territorium kosovarische Ausweispapiere akzeptieren. Die Regierung in Pristina hatte gedroht, andernfalls ihrerseits keine serbischen Dokumente mehr anzuerkennen.

Belgrad betont, dass dies keine implizite Anerkennung der Eigenstaatlichkeit sei. Dennoch ist die jüngste Entwicklung ein wichtiger Meilenstein auf dem Weg zu einer Normalisierung der Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Saaten. Kosovos Regierungschef Albin Kurti hat sich mit seinem Beharren auf dem Prinzip der Reziprozität gegenüber Vucic durchgesetzt und damit einen bedeutenden Etappensieg errungen.

Wohl auch um national-konservative Kreise angesichts dieses vermeintlichen Tabubruchs zu besänftigen, kündigte Vucic praktisch gleichzeitig an, die sogenannte Europride nicht zum geplanten Zeitpunkt im September durchführen zu lassen. » | Volker Pabst, Istanbul | Freitag, 2. September 2022

More Life-decoding the Secret of Aging | DW Documentary

May 28, 2022 Can the aging process be reversed - or even halted, altogether? If we manage to decode this final mystery of our human biology, we might soon be able to eradicate age-related illnesses like cancer, dementia and heart problems.

The race to invent the miracle pill is well underway. Today, international researchers are getting astonishingly close to realizing humanity’s dream of immortality.

The hunt for immortality gained traction with the discovery of Costa Rica’s so-called "Blue Zone,” by Luis Rosero-Bixby. In the "Blue Zone,” on the Nicoya Peninsular, he found a remarkable number of centenarians. Here, male life expectancy is the highest in the world. Their healthy lifestyle is one factor, but the promise of longevity is probably also because their telomeres - sections of DNA found at the end of chromosomes - are longer than those of the average person.

It’s a field of research currently being explored by Maria Blasco in Madrid. But this is just one of many possible factors influencing the process of aging. Senescent cells may also play a key role. Also known as "zombie cells”, these attack our body in old age and flood it with alarm signals until, at some point, we collapse under their weight. That’s a theory proposed by another researcher in Spain, Manuel Serrano.

A billion-dollar industry is already knocking impatiently at the lab doors. The first to market the miracle pill is guaranteed incredible wealth. That’s why investors are sponsoring young bio-startups in Hong Kong. Keen not be left out, US Big Tech is vying for the world’s best scientists. Alex Zhavoronkov has secured a slice of that pie, with a cash injection of more than 250 million dollars for his company’s work on aging research.

Whereas some pioneers’ visions burst like bubbles, others rush to get other, rather more dubious products onto the market. But their efficacy is now measurable. The epigenetic clock devised by Steve Horvath can measure our biological age, regardless of our actual age in years.

With his research on the thymus gland, California’s Greg Fahy managed to not only decelerate the aging process, but reverse it. His initial study on humans showed that a particular drug cocktail took an average two-and-a-half years off their age.

Young biohackers like Nina Khera from Boston want everyone to benefit from this research. Together with friends, she’s working on the "epigenetic clock for all”.

But while we’re busy trying to counter the aging process and all the illnesses it entails, fundamental questions arise: Should we be messing with nature like this? Are we about to overwhelm the planet with more and more people? Criminal biologist Mark Benecke in Cologne says that these questions are coming far too late.

The Woman Who Taught the West How to Cook Indian Food – BBC News

Sep 3, 2022 Forty years ago, a ground-breaking cookery programme popularised the cooking of Indian food at home.

In fact, it proved so popular in the UK, US and Europe, supermarkets ran out of the ingredients featured on the show.

It was presented by the Indian actor turned food writer Madhur Jaffrey.

‘Madhur Jaffrey’s Indian Cookery’ was the first mainstream series about Indian food broadcast in the UK and the first to be presented by an Indian.

Putin Skips Gorbachev Funeral due to 'Full Schedule' | DW News

The last leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev is being laid to rest at a ceremony in Moscow. Gorbachev died on Tuesday at the age of 91 after a long illness. Crowds lined up in Moscow to see the former president lying in state at Moscow's Hall of Columns. But he is not being given a full state funeral usually held for former leaders. Russian President Vladimir Putin will not attend, citing a full schedule. Most western leaders are also staying away because of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. However, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is expected to be in Moscow to pay his last respects.

Mikhail Gorbachev funeral held in Moscow as Putin too busy to attend: Hundreds of mourners pay tribute in Russian capital to former Soviet leader credited with helping to end cold war »

A Moscou, les funérailles de Gorbatchev sans Vladimir Poutine, qui s’est contenté d’un hommage minimal : Salué en Occident comme un homme de paix, le dernier dirigeant soviétique est perçu par beaucoup de Russes comme le responsable des années de crise politique, économique et morale qui ont suivi la chute de l’URSS. »

Ein historischer Glücksfall: Von den Deutschen wurde Michail Gorbatschow verehrt, weil er ihnen die Wiedervereinigung schenkte. Seine Gegner konnten ihm nicht verzeihen, dass er auch das Ende der Sowjetunion besiegelte. Dabei hat er das nie gewollt. »

Hunderte nehmen Abschied von Michail Gorbatschow: Kein nationaler Trauertag, kein Putin am Grab: In Moskau findet die Beerdigung des ehemaligen sowjetischen Präsidenten Gorbatschow statt – ohne große Feierlichkeiten. »

Dr Harriet Fraad: Capitalism Hits Home: Roe v Wade Overturned - How Did We Get Here?

IJul 7, 2022 In this episode of ‘Capitalism Hits Home’, Dr Fraad looks at the recent dramatic US Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v Wade. She argues that all of the SCOTUS decisions for 2022 share a common purpose. First, they help to create a capitalist authoritarian state enforced by unaccountable police. Secondly, they divide the mass of people. They antagonize divisions between people and fuel culture wars. The goal is to create hierarchical and hostile divisions that keep Americans from uniting as an employee class and winning.

Abortion Pill Providers Experiment With Ways to Broaden Access: These new efforts, which test the legal boundaries, have sprung up since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and many states restricted abortion. »

’Truth To Power’: Brexit Hit New Lows Last Month Ft. @Political X

This week, I welcomed Alex from Political X to the show. Political X Channel link is here.

Friday, September 02, 2022

EU Warns Next PM Unilateral Action on Brexit Deal Is of ‘Great Concern’

THE GUARDIAN: European Commission vice-president, Maroš Šefčovič, says it is ‘legally and politically inconceivable’

EU Commission vice-president, Maroš Šefčovič. Photograph: Martin Divíšek/EPA

The EU has warned the incoming British prime minister, likely to be Liz Truss, that any unilateral action to scrap part of the Brexit deal is legally and politically of “great concern” across the continent.

The warning by the European Commission vice-president, Maroš Šefčovič, comes just days before the new prime minister is expected to confirm they will press ahead with new laws to dismantle the arrangements for Northern Ireland.

Truss and Sunak have both committed to carrying through with the Northern Ireland protocol bill in their leadership campaigns, despite the threat of a retaliatory trade war with the EU.

“The unilateral action is naturally of great concern,” Šefčovič told an audience that included invited ministers from the British and Irish governments. » | Lisa O'Carroll, Brexit correspondent | Friday, September 2, 2022

The Economist: Will Trump Be President Again?

Aug 30, 2022 Despite losing in 2020, Donald Trump has managed to strengthen his grip on the Republican Party. Will he run again for president—and if so, could he win?

Historian of Radical Right: Biden Is Correct, Trump Poses Existential Threat to Future of Democracy

Sep 2, 2022 In a primetime address Thursday, President Biden warned Donald Trump and his radical supporters are threatening the foundations of the republic. Biden said, "Too much of what's happening in our country today is not normal," and that MAGA Republicans present a "clear and present danger to our democracy," referring to Trump's campaign slogan of "Make America Great Again." We speak with Nancy MacLean, author and Duke University historian, who says Biden's speech was a "wake-up call" for the nation and mainstream media. "He was absolutely right, in my opinion, that the Trump wing of the party and the MAGA Republicans have jumped the rails of constitutional democracy, of the factual universe and of representative democracy."

Liebe lässt sich nicht erzwingen.

” Love in action”

Fürs schöne Bild bedanke ich mich bei selmandannie2 auf Pinterest.

« Sucede que el amor se hace amor cuando menos lo esperas y a veces de las formas en las que siempre dijiste que no. »

“It happens that love becomes love when you least expect it and sometimes in the ways that always you said no.”

« Il arrive que l'amour devienne amour quand on s'y attend le moins et parfois de la manière qui a toujours tu as dit non. »

„Es passiert, dass Liebe zu Liebe wird wenn Du es am wenigsten erwartet hast und manchmalso wie immer Du sagtest Nein.“

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — September 2, 2022

Eagles : Lyin’ Eyes | Remastered 2013 | Reupload

Provided to YouTube by Rhino/Elektra | Views on YouTube: 17,827,549

Two Cuties Kissing Sweetly

Deux mignonnes s'embrassent doucement / Zwei süße küssen sich süß

With many thanks to Ivan C A on Pinterest for this absolutely delightful photo.

Peaceful Cooking | هدوء الطبخ | Delicious Chicken Breasts with Rice | صدور الدجاج اللذيذة

An easy chicken with rice recipe which is amazingly delicious.

For the list of ingredients and the cooking method in both English and Arabic, please click here. Then click on "show more".

Konstantin of ‘Inside Russia’: Gorbachev RIP: “The Best Leader Russia Has Known”

Michail Gorbatchev died at old age of 92.

Grande distribution : Lindt, Danone et Kiri accusés de « shrinkflation » sur les produits alimentaires

LE MONDE : L’ONG Foodwatch met en cause six marques qui ont modifié la taille de leurs produits-phares ces dernières années pour ne pas trop augmenter les prix.

Nestlé, Lindt & Sprüngli ou encore Danone ont trouvé la solution pour ne pas trop augmenter les prix en rayons et risquer de faire fuir des clients inquiets pour leur portefeuille : ils réduisent discrètement la quantité, voire la qualité, de certains de leurs produits, dénonce l’association Foodwatch dans une étude reprise par l’émission « Complément d’enquête », diffusée jeudi 1er septembre sur France 2. » | Le Monde avec AFP | vendredi 2 septembre 2022

The Lincoln Project: President Biden on the MAGA Republican Party

Sep 2, 2022 The Lincoln Project is a leading pro-democracy organization in the United States — dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy. Our fight against Trumpism is only beginning. We must combat these forces everywhere and at all times — our democracy depends on it.

Related article here.

Cristina Kirchner, la vice-présidente de l’Argentine, victime d’une tentative d’assassinat

LE MONDE : Un homme a tenté de tirer, à bout portant, sur la vice-présidente argentine, à Buenos Aires, jeudi soir. Les motivations du suspect, interpellé par la police, restent inconnues. Le président Alberto Fernandez a décrété un jour férié national.

La vice-présidente argentine, Cristina Kirchner, a été la cible d’une tentative d’assassinat, jeudi 1er septembre 2022, à Buenos Aires. LUIS ROBAYO / AFP

L’Argentine était sous le choc, vendredi 2 septembre, au lendemain d’une tentative d’assassinat à Buenos Aires de la vice-présidente, Cristina Kirchner, qui a suscité des condamnations unanimes, dans le pays comme à l’étranger.

Un homme a été arrêté, jeudi soir, après avoir essayé de tirer avec une arme de poing sur Mme Kirchner près de son domicile, devant lequel des centaines de militants se rassemblent chaque soir depuis onze jours pour exprimer leur soutien à l’ex-cheffe de l’Etat, actuellement en procès pour fraude et corruption.

« Cristina est en vie, car, pour une raison qui n’a pas encore été confirmée techniquement, l’arme qui contenait cinq balles n’a pas fait feu bien qu’ayant été déclenchée », a déclaré le président argentin, Alberto Fernandez, dans une allocution, quelques heures après les faits. » | Le Monde avec AFP | vendredi 2 septembre 2022

LIRE AUSSI : En Argentine, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner utilise son procès pour corruption pour se relancer : Une peine de douze ans de prison a été requise contre la vice-présidente du pays, qui s’estime victime d’une persécution politique. »

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner: arrest after attempted shooting of Argentina vice-president: Fernández de Kirchner was greeting supporters when man approached her and raised handgun to her face »

Biden Warns That American Values Are Under Assault by Trump-Led Extremism

THE NEW YORK TIMES: PHILADELPHIA — President Biden traveled to Independence Hall on Thursday to warn that America's democratic values are under assault by forces of extremism loyal to former President Donald J. Trump, using a prime-time address to define the midterm elections as a “battle for the soul of this nation.”

In a 24-minute speech, Mr. Biden blamed his predecessor for stoking a movement filled with election deniers and people calling for political violence. He went out of his way to declare that not all Republicans embrace extremism, however, and he said that defending democracy would require rejecting Mr. Trump and his ideology in elections this fall.

“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic,” Mr. Biden said, flanked by Marine guards.

“But there’s no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans,” he added. “And that is a threat to this country.” » | Zolan Kanno-Youngs and Michael D. Shear | Wednesday, September 1, 2022

There’s a very simple solution to this political conundrum. Do to him what he wanted to do to Hillary Clinton. Lock him up! – © Mark Alexander

Thursday, September 01, 2022

Exposition : « Les Eglises et la Shoah », les réponses chrétiennes face à la déportation

LE MONDE : Quatre-vingts ans après la rafle du Vél’ d’Hiv, le Mémorial de la Shoah à Paris propose une exposition sur la réponse, plurielle, des chrétiens face à la déportation des juifs par les nazis.

Comment la Shoah a-t-elle pu se dérouler dans une Europe chrétienne attachée aux valeurs humanistes ? Comment interpréter la multitude de réactions des communautés chrétiennes ? Le Mémorial de la Shoah, à Paris, répond à ces questions en veillant à ne pas tomber dans la vision piégeuse d’une Eglise monolithique, préférant mettre en avant les initiatives individuelles de certains de ses membres.

A la lumière d’une historiographie renouvelée, en partie grâce à l’ouverture du fonds d’archives du Vatican, le Mémorial raconte d’abord la résistance chrétienne telle qu’elle s’est réellement mise en œuvre : du secret des établissements qui ont recueilli et caché des enfants juifs aux couvertures des journaux qui ont diffusé les appels de membres des Eglises, en s’exposant au risque d’être pris pour cibles et arrêtés. » | Par Fiona André | mercredi 31 août 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

NZZ Format : Migration – die Welt auf Wanderschaft (2017)

Masseneinwanderung, Flüchtlingstsunami, Asylchaos. Migration scheint eines der brennendsten Themen des 21. Jahrhunderts zu sein, obwohl der Mensch auf Wanderschaft geht, seit er denken kann. Verbunden mit Migration sind viele Ängste. Vor Überfremdung, Benachteiligung, vor sozialem Abstieg. Doch wie berechtigt sind diese Ängste? Internationale Umfragen belegen: Menschen schätzen den Ausländeranteil in ihrer Gesellschaft fast immer doppelt so hoch ein, wie er tatsächlich ist. Und Migrationsökonomen verweisen auf den wirtschaftlichen Nutzen, den Zuwanderung mit sich bringt. Warum Migration trotzdem brandgefährlich sein kann, und wie man sie zum Wohle der europäischen Gesellschaften besser managen könnte: Ein NZZ Format über Migration als Geschichte von Verlust und Bereicherung.

Germany: More and More Bakeries Have to Close / Deutschland: Immer mehr Bäckereien müssen schließen | Maintower

Corona, lack of young people and now the high energy prices. The last traditional bakery in Heppenheim has to close. The traditional bakery of the Kaufmann family has been on the corner of Mozartstrasse and Gerhart-Hauptmann-Strasse in Weststadt since 1903. And now it's the end of December. "Unfortunately, the high energy prices and material costs are forcing us to do this!" says owner Willi Kaufmann. And so the Heppenheim bakery is not the only bakery in Hesse that has to close.

Einzelhändler in Not: Was ist zu tun, damit das Lädchen am Eck nicht stirbt? Die IHK hat die Aktion „Heimat shoppen“ ins Leben gerufen. Sie zeigt auch, wie vielfältig die Probleme sind. »

Putin Will Not Attend Gorbachev's Funeral

Mikhail Gorbachev (L) and Vladimir Putin in 2004 | EPA

BBC: Russian President Vladimir Putin will not attend the funeral of Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet Union's last leader, the Kremlin has confirmed.

Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Mr Putin's work schedule would not permit him to attend the event on Saturday.

He said the Russian leader had paid his respects at the Moscow hospital where Gorbachev died on Tuesday, aged 91.

Gorbachev's reforms helped end the Cold War, but saw the demise of the Soviet Union, which Mr Putin has lamented. » | Robert Plummer, BBC News | Thursday, September 1, 2022

Steigende Inflation in der Schweiz: Die Nationalbank muss bald nachziehen

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die Konsumentenpreise in der Schweiz sind im August weiter gestiegen. Um zu verhindern, dass sich die Inflation verfestigt und auf immer mehr Güter überschwappt, sollte die SNB den Leitzins noch diesen Monat erhöhen – dies auch als Signal an die Arbeitnehmenden.

Die Schweizerische Nationalbank ist gefordert im Kampf gegen die Teuerung. | Peter Klaunzer / Keystone


Die europäischen Nachbarstaaten mögen die Schweiz um ihre vergleichsweise niedrige Inflation beneiden. Doch nur weil es anderswo noch schlimmer ist, kann man sich hierzulande nicht zurücklehnen. So wird auch in der Schweiz das Leben immer teurer. Neue Daten zeigen, dass die Konsumentenpreise im August gegenüber dem Vorjahr um 3,5 Prozent gestiegen sind. Der Wert liegt am oberen Rand der Erwartungen und auf dem höchsten Niveau seit den frühen 1990er Jahren. Von einer Entspannung an der Preisfront kann weiterhin keine Rede sein. » | Thomas Fuster | Donnerstag, 1. September 2022

How to Make Steak au poivre | A Classic French Recipe

Chef note: oven at 325F (170C) for 15 minutes for medium rare (130 F). Feelin' saucy? Enhance the flavor of tenderloin steaks with a luscious cream and brandy sauce. Sear the pepper-crusted steaks in a hot skillet. While steaks rest, combine shallots, brandy, green peppercorns and heavy cream. Steak au poivre is the perfect recipe for a special occasion celebrated at home.


4 (6-ounce) Certified Angus Beef ® tenderloin filet steaks (filet mignon)
2 teaspoons coarse kosher salt, divided
2 tablespoons peppercorn trio
2 teaspoons canola oil
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
3 tablespoons brined green peppercorns
1/4 cup cognac or brandy
1 cup salt-free beef stock
1 cup heavy cream [double cream]

Learn more about filet mignon here.

Andrés & Hugo | Cuatro Lunas | I Feel It Coming | Reupload

Jan 18, 2022 | Views on YouTube: 147,530

« Les oligarchies du Moyen-Orient aspirent à passer de l’or noir à l’or vert »

LE MONDE – CHRONIQUE : La guerre en Ukraine a enrichi les pays du Golfe Arabo-Persique, dont les ressources en méthane et en pétrole sont abondantes. Avec cette manne, la région cherche à se diversifier, en misant sur l’énergie « verte ». A commencer par l’hydrogène, note Philippe Escande, éditorialiste économique au « Monde ».

Le vainqueur incontestable de la guerre en Ukraine est le golfe Arabo-Persique. Les navires occidentaux font désormais la queue devant les ports méthaniers du Qatar ou pétroliers d’Arabie saoudite et des Emirats. Selon les calculs du Fonds monétaire international, cité par le Financial Times, les producteurs du Golfe devraient engranger 1 300 milliards de dollars (1 300 milliards d’euros) de plus d’ici à 2026 par rapport à la situation prévalant avant le conflit. La croissance en Arabie saoudite devrait s’afficher en 2022 au-delà de 7,6 %, permettant au pays d’afficher un excédent budgétaire, le premier depuis 2003, représentant 5,5 % de son produit intérieur brut. » | Philippe Escande | jeudi 1 septembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

'Sheer Horror' : UK Public React to Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak as Next Prime Minister

Sep 1, 2022 Members of the public in Birmingham give their opinion when asked who they would prefer to win the Conservative Party leadership contest to become Britain’s new Prime Minister, out of Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss.

Gary Beesley
William MacIntyre
Pat Miller
Vicky Roden
Alex Billingham

This government is a shitshow! And if Liz Truss takes over the reins of government, it will become a shittiershow! The woman is bloody clueless. She is also heartless. The last thing this country needs at this time is more Thatcherism. It is Thatcherism that has got us into the mess we are in right now.

Arguably, Thatcherism was what the country needed back in the day—about forty years ago—but her doctrine has past its sell-by date. Thatcher was a wonderful leader in her time. But these are different times, and we have different problems to solve. Different problems call for different solutions.

I am no big fan of Rishi Sunak, especially because he was/is a Brexiteer, which is anathema to me and my worldview; but he would be infinitely better as a leader than the clueless Truss. Let us all hope and pray for a miracle! – © Mark Alexander

Michael Bolton : Drift Away | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 4,014,383

Democracy Now! Top US News and World Headlines – September 1, 2022

Our Yemeni Kitchen | مطبخنا اليمني | Kofta Kebab | كفتة كباب

Cooking a delicious, easy, and fast kofta kebab recipe without an oven along with three sauces.

Subtitles for other languages are available for this video by clicking on the appropriate button on the video itself.

A list of the ingredients used in this recipe and the method of preparation is available in both English and Arabic by clicking here and then clicking on "show more".

The Lincoln Project: Last Week in the Republican Party

Aug 31, 2022

American whackadoos! – Mark

"Tell the Oligarchs They Cannot Have It All!" - Bernie Sanders at RMT* Rally

US Senator Bernie Sanders appeared at the RMT's rally in London.

* National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers

Pound Slides as Fears Mount for UK Economy

BBC: Worries over the prospects for the UK economy led the pound to slide 5% against the US dollar in August.

Sterling sank again on Thursday morning, dipping below $1.16 on the currency markets.

Analysts said the fall reflects the darkening outlook for the economy, with consumers and businesses facing rising prices and soaring energy bills.

The Bank of England has predicted the UK will fall into recession towards the end of this year.

The weak pound means Brits travelling overseas will find their spending money will not stretch as far.

"Our economic prospects are not looking particularly good compared to the rest of the world," said Laura Lambie, senior investment director at Investec.

Ms Lambie said that recession fears were weighing on markets, with the investment bank Goldman Sachs warning this week that the UK could remain in recession until 2024.

A recession is defined as the economy getting smaller for two consecutive three-month periods. » | Noor Nanji, Business reporter, BBC News | Thursday, September 1, 2022

Edward Enninful: Vogue Editor Says Losing Eyesight Is His Biggest Fear

Enninful pictured with Anna Wintour, the editor of US Vogue | RYAN EMBERLEY/AMFAR

BBC: The editor-in-chief of British Vogue has said losing his eyesight is his biggest fear.

Edward Enninful, who has had poor vision for much of his life, has had four operations in recent years for problems including a detached retina.

This required him to spend weeks at a time looking at the floor, with his head down.

In an interview with BBC News, Enninful also revealed that he didn't speak to his father for nearly 15 years.

The magazine editor, whose autobiography is released next week, also said he spent 14 years on an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) programme.

Asked if he feared losing his eyesight, Enninful said: "It's my biggest fear. » | Amol Rajan, Media editor | Wednesday, August 31, 2022

To Edward Enninful, Fashion is ‘Borderless’: The British Vogue editor wants to make the media — and the world — a more welcoming place. »

Vogue editor's Wiltshire 'wedding of the year' which brought fashion stars to Longleat: Edward Enninful used all his connections for a combined 50th birthday and wedding bash which reportedly cost £600,000 »

Ovo Energy Boss Proposes Plan to Stave Off Household Bill Crisis

Read the article here.

Death of Gorbachev: Global Tributes but Little Sorrow in Russia - BBC News

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Gay Activist Comes Out to Parents Before the Local News Does It for Him

Aug 31, 2022 In 2008, Kris Banks was about to be a very public figure in Houston’s LGBTQIA+ political scene. There was just one problem: he wasn’t out to his family. After an injury forced Kris to recuperate at his parents’ house, he knew time was running out to come out before they would find out in the media. So come out, he did, but it did not go well. While not outright rejected, an icy relationship with his parents ensued. Fortunately, with time, their relationship thawed and they grew close once more, allowing Kris to finally break down the barrier between his political activism and his home life.

Barbra Streisand : Guilty ft. Barry Gibb | Official Audio | Reupload

Jan 6, 2020 | Views on YouTube : 8,589,173

Anderson Debates Texas GOPer on Reparative Therapy

Anderson Cooper asks Bryan Hughes, a Texas state representative, about why the state GOP is embracing reparative therapy

Nourah al-Qahtani: Saudi Woman Jailed for 45 Years for Social Media Posts

BBC: A Saudi woman has been sentenced to 45 years in prison for her social media posts, in the second case of its kind this month, activists say.

A terrorism court convicted Nourah bint Saeed al-Qahtani of "using the internet to tear the social fabric" and "violating public order by using social media", rights group Dawn reported.

Little is known about her other than that she criticised Saudi leaders.

Another woman was jailed for 34 years over her Twitter activity on 9 August.

Abdullah Alaoudh, director of research for the Gulf region at Dawn, told the BBC's Newshour programme that the US-based group had learnt of Qahtani's case only after being passed court documents by a judicial source, and that it was continuing to investigate.

"Nothing in her court documents pertains to any violence or criminal activity," he said.

"The charges against her are really broad. They are using the counter-terrorism law and the anti-cybercrime law... that can criminalise any posting that is even remotely critical of the government," he added. » | David Gritten, BBC News | Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Tiffany’s « Couples’ Rings » | Reupload

Beautiful !

With many thanks to on Pinterest for this superb image.

Les deux héritages de Mikhaïl Gorbatchev

LE MONDE – EDITORIAL : La mort du dernier dirigeant soviétique jette une lumière crue sur l’action de son lointain successeur : il mit fin à la guerre en Afghanistan quand Vladimir Poutine a, lui, déclenché celle contre l’Ukraine.

Une dernière fois, il est célébré en Occident pendant que la Russie masque difficilement son mépris. Ce contraste résume brutalement le bilan de Mikhaïl Gorbatchev, emporté par l’âge et la maladie le 30 août, à 91 ans. Car son nom est resté synonyme de fin de la guerre froide pour l’Ouest, et de saboteur de la grandeur russe pour son pays.

Il n’avait ni prévu ni voulu la fin de l’URSS, « la plus grande catastrophe géopolitique du XXe siècle » selon son lointain successeur, Vladimir Poutine, qui macère dans ce sentiment d’humiliation depuis trois décennies. Mikhaïl Gorbatchev en fut le fossoyeur malgré lui. Il avait compris que le modèle économique soviétique, épuisé par la stagnation brejnévienne, la course aux armements et la guerre en Afghanistan, n’était pas viable. Pour le sauver, il voulut le réformer. Cela supposait de le restructurer – perestroïka – et de lever la chape de plomb qui pesait sur le système politique en instaurant la transparence – glasnost. Ces deux mots allaient l’accompagner jusqu’à la chute. » | Éditorial « du Monde » | mercredi 31 août 2022

Marco (2019) : A Gay Short Film by Saleem Haddad | Reupload

Viewer discretion is advised. This short film is not suitable for children. – Mark

World Leaders React to Gorbachev's Death amid Russian Tensions with West

Aug 31, 2022 Tributes have also been pouring in from leaders around the world. In Russia, a spokesman for Vladimir Putin said the president expressed his deepest condolences to Gorbachev's family.

UN Chief Antonio Guterres said he was deeply saddened by Gorbachev's passing and described him as a "one of a kind states-man, who changed the course of history.

European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen said Gorbachev's crucial role in bringing down the Iron Curtain opened the way for a free Europe.

And the foundation of then U-S president Ronald Reagan tweeted that Gorbachev was a man, who was once a political adversary, but who ended up becoming a friend.

This Is My Kitchen: Fadi's Tabbouleh Recipe | Dubai | تبولة

Fadi from Lebanon, shows us how to prepare the famous lebanese salad, Tabbouleh!

A Nightmare Scenario If Trump Gets a Second Term: The Atlantic

Aug 31, 2022 In a new piece for The Atlantic, Jonathan Rauch sounds the alarm on a second term for Trump and why it would look like Viktor Orbán's Hungary.

Sviatoslav Richter : Rachmaninov – Piano Concerto No. 2 | 1959/ Reissue: Esoteric 2013

Sergei Rachmaninoff : Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18 | 0:00 1st Movement: Moderato | 11:10 2nd Movement: Adagio sostenuto | 23:005 3rd Movement: Allegro scherzando

Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra
Conducted by Stanislaw Wislocki
Location: Philharmonic Hall, Warsaw
Recording Date: 26 April – 2 May 1959

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Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – August 31, 2022

Is France a Chain-smoking Nation?

Nov 23, 2017 | Views on YouTube: 132,150

Behind the Scenes of South Korea's Barrier-Breaking LGBTQ Reality Shows

South Korea’s first LGBTQ reality shows “Merry Queer” and “His Man” premiered on streaming platform Wavve this summer—and the people behind these shows hope they’ll help bring awareness to the long fight for LGBTQ rights in the country. South Korea does not recognize same-sex marriage and offers little legal protection to its LGBTQ citizens. “Merry Queer” co-host Hong Seok-cheon—one of the most prominent openly gay celebrities in South Korea—spoke to TIME along with the shows' producer Lim Chang-hyuck and “His Man” cast member Lee Jeong-ho on what these shows mean for queer representation. “In the future, I hope 'Merry Queer,' 'His Man' and other cultural content could open up more opportunities to bring awareness to issues that need to be resolved or discussed,” Hong said.

25. Todestag der Prinzessin: Fünf Irrtümer über Diana | DER SPIEGEL

Aug 31, 2022 Prinzessin Diana war charmant, unkonventionell, beliebt. Aber einige Geschichten, die sich bis heute halten, stimmen gar nicht. Patricia Dreyer, SPIEGEL-Expertin in Sachen Royals, klärt auf.

The Dangers of Romance Scams and How Not to Get Caught Out

Apr 1, 2014 Big Money. Big Lies. This week, Insight brings together victims, police, dating sites and an international money transfer organisation to find out about the dangers of romance scams and how not to get caught out.

Last Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev: Dies Aged 91 - BBC News

Aug 31, 2022

Is It Acceptable That Russians Can Continue Travelling to the EU | DW News

Aug 30, 2022 According to the EU border control agency Frontex, almost a million travelers with Russian passports have come to the EU since the war in Ukraine started six months ago. Is it acceptable that Russians can continue travelling to the EU as if the war of aggression against Ukraine wasn't happening?

Les pays membres de l’UE suspendent un accord facilitant la délivrance de visas pour les Russes : Ils n’ont cependant pas décidé d’une interdiction de visa plus large, comme le demandaient certains Etats membres. »

Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev Dies Aged 91 | DW News

Aug 30, 2022 Mikhail Gorbachev, the final leader of the Soviet Union who ended the Cold War without bloodshed, has died in hospital on Tuesday. He was 91.

From 1985 until the collapse of the Soviet union in 1991, Gorbachev oversaw a massive overhaul of the country's economic and political policies.

His policy of glasnost, or free speech, allowed previously unthinkable criticism of the Communist Party and the state, but it also emboldened calls for independence in the Soviet Union's constituent republics — first in the Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and then elsewhere.

As the last Soviet leader, Gorbachev forged arms reduction reals with the United States and partnerships with the West to remove the Iron Curtain that had divided Europe since World War II, which saw the reunification of East and West Germany in 1990.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Whitney Houston with Enrique Iglesias : Could I Have This Kiss Forever | Official HD Video | Reupload

Tender Is the Kiss That Sends You into Ecstasy! | Reupload

Zärtlich ist der Kuss, der dich in Ekstase versetzt! / Tendre est le baiser qui vous envoie en extase ! / Tyner yw'r cusan sy'n eich anfon i ecstasi! / ¡Tierno es el beso que te lleva al éxtasis! / !العطاء هو القبلة التي ترسلك إلى النشوة

« El amor se representa de muchas formas, aqui tendras imagenes tiernas de parejas gays »

With many thanks to for this superb image.

Support for Welsh Independence Is Growing – People Are Fed Up with Being Forgotten

THE GUARDIAN: As in Scotland, many people have looked at the United Kingdom and decided that it’s simply not working for them

‘With his calls for ‘home rule’, Mark Drakeford, the first minister, has essentially parked his tanks on Plaid Cymru’s lawn.’ Photograph: Matthew Horwood/Getty Images

The idea of an independent Wales is no longer just a hobby-horse of bearded men in Carmarthenshire pubs on Six Nations rugby match days. Polls put support for independence at about 30%, (and skew more pro- the younger you go): not enough to signal anything imminent, but high enough for us to be certain something real is happening. After all, Scotland was polling similar numbers in 2007, and just seven years later David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg were making “the vow” to the people of Scotland as they scrambled to keep the union together.

Of course when we look at this 30% figure, there is a question of saliency. People may support independence, but how crucial is the issue for them? Most people support House of Lords reform, for instance, but it doesn’t result in a massive majority for the Lib Dems. Having spent the last 18 months immersed in the idea of an independent Wales, I can attest that this is a real movement, with legitimate grievances which should be taken seriously. This isn’t to say that independence is inevitable but just that, like the leave campaign or those for an independent Scotland, these issues are fringe, minority movements – until they’re not.

Perhaps the biggest surprise when I started researching this area is how, especially for people who have come to the idea of Welsh independence since Brexit, identity is only a secondary motivating factor. For them it is, first and foremost, a matter of the head not the heart. Most supporters have simply looked at the state of the United Kingdom, seen that it isn’t working for Wales, and view independence as the most effective vehicle for fixing Wales’s problems. That doesn’t mean independence necessarily is the answer, just that the status quo is leaving the country both impoverished and unable to fix the problems it has. » | Will Hayward | Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Energy Prices Could Push UK Inflation to 22%, a Near Post-war Record

Inflation in the UK could top 22% next year, close to the post-war record set in 1975, if wholesale energy prices remain at current high levels, Goldman Sachs has warned. Highlighting the pressure on households and businesses, the US investment bank said inflation could peak at 22.4% next year if wholesale gas and electricity prices continue to spiral over the winter.

In a scenario where prices “remain elevated at current levels”, economists at the bank said the Ofgem energy price cap for household bills could rise by more than 80% in January. This would “imply headline inflation peaking at 22.4%”.

Inflation rose above 10% for the first time since the early 80s in July, fuelled by surging wholesale energy prices and the rising cost of basic essentials. Inflation hit a post-war record of 24.5% in August 1975. » | Richard Partington, Economics correspondent | Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Inder Gautam Adani wird drittreichster Mensch der Welt

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Noch vor wenigen Jahren war Gautam Adani ausserhalb von Indien weitgehend unbekannt. Der Studienabbrecher startete als Diamantenhändler, später stieg er ins Kohlegeschäft ein. Nun hat Adani den Franzosen Bernard Arnault (LVMH) überholt und ist damit zum drittreichsten Menschen der Welt geworden.

Das Vermögen von Gautam Adani ist während der Corona-Pandemie stark gestiegen. | Rupak De Chowdhuri / Reuters

sev./Bloomberg Es ist das erste Mal, dass ein Asiat den Sprung unter die ersten drei im Bloomberg-Milliardärs-Index geschafft hat. Der Inder Mukesh Ambani und der Chinese Jack Ma haben es nicht so weit gebracht. Mit einem Vermögen von 137,4 Milliarden Dollar hat Adani Bill Gates und den Franzosen Bernard Arnault überholt und liegt in der Rangliste nun nur noch hinter Elon Musk und Jeff Bezos aus den USA.

Die Basis für seinen gewaltigen Reichtum legte Adani in den 1990er Jahren, als er sich den Hafen in Mundra an der Küste Gujarats sicherte. Er bahnte sich geschickt seinen Weg durch die indische Bürokratie und kaufte rund um den Hafen immer mehr Land. Gegenüber der «New York Times» hatte der Inder einst gesagt, dass sein Aufstieg von Gelegenheiten geprägt gewesen sei: Erst kam der Hafen, dieser führte ihn zum Energiesektor. Indiens Hunger nach Kohle liess ihn in andere Länder expandieren. » | sev./Bloomberg | Dienstag, 30. August 2022

The Enduring Echoes of Moorish Spain

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Exploring the country’s Arab influence is an impossibly romantic journey, involving palaces with intricate geometric designs, castles and grand mosques reconfigured by Christians into cathedrals.

Córdoba’s Mosque-Cathedral, or La Mezquita, was one of the first and grandest mosques in Europe. | Emilio Parra Doiztua for The New York Times

There is a way through Spain that is all horseshoe arches, keyhole windows and bronze doors carved in Arabic script. It meanders into crenelated forts, Moorish castles overlooking the Mediterranean and grand mosques reconfigured by Christians into cathedrals.

As the child of an Iraqi woman and a Swedish-American man, I have always been drawn to places where West and East converge and dissolve into each other. The southern edge of Spain, where North Africa is just an hour away by water, is one of these places.

One midsummer week, my husband and I immersed ourselves in what remains of Moorish Spain, places that brought to mind the sights, sounds and scents of childhood visits to my mother’s homeland. We took an impossibly romantic path through Seville, Córdoba, Granada, Málaga, the port city of Tarifa and, finally, by ferry across the Strait of Gibraltar, to Tangier, Morocco.

Arab influence in Spain dates to the early 700s, not long after the founding of Islam, when Muslims from North Africa crossed the Strait of Gibraltar (from the Arabic for “Tariq’s rock”). The Europeans called the invaders Moors, after Mauretania, the Roman name for North Africa. Over the centuries, the Moors left a legacy in Spanish architecture, music, food and language in the region they then called al-Andalus. The name of Spain’s greatest hero, El Cid, comes from the Arabic honorific, Sayid. The 16th-century novelist Miguel de Cervantes framed his fictional story of the knight-errant Don Quixote as the translation of a recovered Arabic manuscript. Where cultures meet, and endure » | Nina Burleigh | Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Conned: Love Scams and Swindles | SBS Insight

Jun 8, 2022 Falling prey to a con artist can be a humiliating and often expensive exercise. Many cons end in costly court cases, even imprisonment, and that's just for the victims. The perpetrators often appear to be charismatic and charming, but they’re far more likely to be narcissistic risk-takers who revel in power and control. This week's Insight delves into these charismatic and complex characters.

Salomonen erlauben vorerst keine US-Marinebesuche mehr

2019 in Peking: Manasseh Sogavare (links), Premierminister der Salomonen, und Li Keqiang, Premierminister von China, während der Unterzeichnungszeremonie für den Entwurf eines Sicherheitspakts | Bild: DPA


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Vor kurzem verweigerten die Salomonen einem Schiff der US-Küstenwache die Einfahrt – mutmaßlich auf Wunsch Chinas. Nun hat der pazifische Inselstaat ein Moratorium über alle US-Marinebesuche verhängt.

Vor dem Hintergrund der mutmaßlichen Einflussnahme Chinas auf die südpazifischen Salomonen kommt es weiter zu Spannungen zwischen dem Inselstaat und den Vereinigten Staaten. Nach dem Abschluss des umstrittenen Sicherheitspakts mit China vor wenigen Monaten hat die Regierung der Salomonen die USA nun darüber informiert, dass sie vorerst keine Besuche der US-Marine mehr zulassen wird. Die Regierung in Washington sei am Montag von den Behörden auf den Salomonen über ein „Moratorium für alle Marinebesuche bis zur Aktualisierung der Protokollverfahren“ informiert worden, teilte ein Sprecher der amerikanischen Botschaft im australischen Canberra am Dienstag mit. » | Von Till Fähnders, Singapur, Politischer Korrespondent für Südostasien | Dienstag, 30. August 2022

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – August 30, 2022

'That's a Fascist Statement:' Cicilline on Lindsey Graham’s 'Riot' Threat

Aug 30, 2022

Saudi Woman Jailed for Social Media ‘Violations’, Says Rights Group

THE GUARDIAN: Nourah bint Saeed al-Qahtani accused of ‘using the internet to tear Saudi Arabia’s social fabric’

News of the sentence comes after Salma al-Shehab was convicted for following Twitter accounts of dissidents in exile. Photograph: Gregory Bull/AP

Another Saudi Arabian woman has been sentenced to decades in prison by the kingdom’s terrorism court for using social media to “violate the public order”, according to court documents seen by a human rights group.

Nourah bint Saeed al-Qahtani was sentenced to 45 years in prison after a specialised criminal court convicted her of “using the internet to tear [Saudi Arabia’s] social fabric”, according to documents that were obtained and reviewed by Democracy for the Arab World Now (Dawn), an organisation founded by Jamal Khashoggi.

Dawn shared its findings, which it said were verified by Saudi sources, with the Guardian.

Few details are known about Qahtani, including her age or the circumstances around her arrest and conviction. » | Stephanie Kirchgaessner | Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The Saudi Prince: How Dangerous Is MBS? | The Economist

Muhammad bin Salman, or MBS—the millennial crown prince of Saudi Arabia—appears increasingly invincible. With the war in Ukraine disrupting energy supplies, Western leaders are eager to get their hands on his oil. But should they worry about the young prince’s power?

Floods, Dought and the Consequences of Extreme Weather | DW Documentary

Princess Diana’s Living Legacy Inspires But Is a Thorn in the Royals' Side

Princess Diana during a visit to Leicester, to formally open The Richard Attenborough Centre for Disability and Arts, in May 1997. Getty

THE NATIONAL: A quarter of a century after her death, the humanity and vulnerability of the princess still holds wide appeal

Anywhere in the world the mere mention of Princess Diana’s name evokes feelings of admiration and awe on some level, regardless of how the divide between fans and detractors of Britain’s royal family is drawn.

The Princess of Wales, or the "Queen of Hearts" as she was fondly called by her avid followers, left an indelible mark on the family she married into at the age of 20.

Her death in a car crash in Paris on August 31, 1997, sent shock waves around the globe and prompted a huge outpouring of grief. Closer to home, it left a black hole in the monarchy and a massive void in her young sons’ lives.

A quarter of a century on from that fateful day, the legacy Diana left behind still inspires her fans, intrigues authors and even haunts the institution with which she wrestled. ‘She was like a meteor’ » | Laura O'Callaghan | Tuesday, August 30, 2022

This article can be listened to in Arabic. A link appears on the newspaper’s website.

Meghan Interview: We Upset Royal Dynamic Just by Existing, Says Duchess of Sussex


BBC: The Duchess of Sussex said she upset the "dynamic of the hierarchy" of the Royal Family "just by existing".

Meghan, 41, told US magazine The Cut she and the Duke of Sussex, were willing to move to any Commonwealth country but were not allowed to.

Talking about her exit from the Royal family the duchess said it "takes a lot of effort to forgive".

She also spoke about Prince Harry's relationship with his father, the Prince of Wales.

Asked by journalist Alison P Davis about the impact of her privacy case against the Mail on Sunday, Meghan said: "Harry said to me, 'I lost my dad in this process.'

"It doesn't have to be the same for them as it was for me, but that's his decision."

A spokeswoman for the duchess later told BBC News that Meghan was referring to her own father, from whom she is estranged, and was saying she hoped the same would not happen to her husband.

A source close to Prince Charles told the PA news agency he would be saddened if Harry felt their relationship was lost, adding: "The Prince of Wales loves both his sons".

Prince Harry, 37, has previously said his father, Prince Charles, "stopped taking my calls" after the couple stepped back as senior working royals in 2020. » | BBC | Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Secret Deals Ending Britain's Control in Gulf Revealed

Sheikh Saqr of Sharjah was removed from power in a British-sponsored coup

BBC: Secret dealings which brought to an end Britain's empire in the Middle East are revealed in a joint BBC News Arabic and Persian documentary. The film Secrets & Deals: How Britain Left the Gulf contains details of how it left Iran in control of contested islands, as well as eyewitness accounts of a British-organised coup.

The winter of 1967-1968 was a time of crisis for the British economy. Many Arab leaders were convinced Britain had secretly helped Israel to victory over its Arab neighbours in the Six Day War of June 1967. Israel had captured East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza, the Sinai Peninsula, and the Golan Heights.

In retaliation, the oil-rich Gulf states began selling off their holdings of the British currency.

The pound crashed. Desperate to save money, Harold Wilson's Labour government decided it was time to terminate Britain's imperial defence commitments in the Middle East.

Britain never officially had colonies in the Gulf, but it had been the pre-eminent foreign power there since the 18th Century.

The Arab emirates of Bahrain, Qatar and the Trucial States (Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and their smaller neighbours) had signed treaties of protection with Britain.

This meant Britain controlled their defence and foreign policies, while local leaders mostly oversaw local affairs. » | Ahisha Ghafoor & Paul Mitchell, BBC News Arabic & BBC News Persian | Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Trump Will Be Indicted: DOJ Vet Says Donald Can't Escape after Stealing, Lying and Stonewalling

Aug 30, 2022