Sunday, August 14, 2022

The Coming California Megastorm

THE NEW YORK TIMES: A different ‘Big One’ is approaching. Climate change is hastening its arrival.

California, where earthquakes, droughts and wildfires have shaped life for generations, also faces the growing threat of another kind of calamity, one whose fury would be felt across the entire state.

This one will come from the sky.

According to new research, it will very likely take shape one winter in the Pacific, near Hawaii. No one knows exactly when, but from the vast expanse of tropical air around the Equator, atmospheric currents will pluck out a long tendril of water vapor and funnel it toward the West Coast.

This vapor plume will be enormous, hundreds of miles wide and more than 1,200 miles long, and seething with ferocious winds. It will be carrying so much water that if you converted it all to liquid, its flow would be about 26 times what the Mississippi River discharges into the Gulf of Mexico at any given moment.

When this torpedo of moisture reaches California, it will crash into the mountains and be forced upward. This will cool its payload of vapor and kick off weeks and waves of rain and snow. » | Raymond Zhong | Graphics by Mira Rojanasakul | Photographs by Erin Schaff | Friday, August 12, 2022

Remembering Olivia Newton-John | 60 Minutes Australia

Aug 14, 2022 A singer, actor and a campaigner who raised millions to find a cure for cancer. Olivia Newton-John didn't waste a moment of her 73 years, but there was also always time for her greatest love, her family. Three years ago, Olivia invited 60 Minutes to her ranch in southern California for what turned out to be one of her last Australian interviews.


As Right-Wing Rhetoric Escalates, So Do Threats and Violence

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Both threats of political violence and actual attacks have become a steady reality of American life. Experts blame dehumanizing and apocalyptic language.

The armed attack this week on an F.B.I. office in Ohio by a supporter of former President Donald J. Trump who was enraged by the bureau’s search of Mr. Trump’s private residence in Florida was one of the most disturbing episodes of right-wing political violence in recent months.

But it was hardly the only one.

In the year and a half since a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol, threats of political violence and actual attacks have become a steady reality of American life, affecting school board officials, election workers, flight attendants, librarians and even members of Congress, often with few headlines and little reaction from politicians.

In late June, a former Marine stepped down as the grand marshal of a July 4 parade in Houston after a deluge of threats that focused on her support of transgender rights. A few weeks later, the gay mayor of an Oklahoma city quit his job after what he described as a series of “threats and attacks bordering on violence.” Even the federal judge who authorized the warrant to search for classified material at Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump’s beachfront home and club, became a target. On pro-Trump message boards, several threats were issued against him and his family, with one person writing, “I see a rope around his neck.” » | Alan Feuer | Saturday, August 13, 2022

Traditional Spanish Tortilla - The Dish Every Spanish Child Grows up with | DW Food

Aug 13, 2022 In Spain, they're eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner - the Spanish Tortilla. Children and grown-ups alike love them. And they are on every menu. Close to 35,000 tons of ready-made tortillas are eaten every year. In Barcelona, we visited a traditional Truiteria - which is Catalan for Tortilleria - to find out the secrets behind this dish.


Report: Regina Niedenzu
Camera & Edit: Dirk Rensmann

The Observer View on the Attack on Salman Rushdie Being an Attack on Free Expression

THE OBSERVER – EDITORIAL: The author’s courage to speak out while living under a fatwa for 30 years should be taken as an example by others

The right to dissent is fundamental to human development but, throughout history, writers and thinkers who have dared to challenge the orthodoxies of their time have faced persecution and violence. It takes extraordinary courage to persist in the face of mortal threats intended to intimidate, silence and terrorise.

For more than 30 years, Salman Rushdie has refused to be cowed by a fatwa calling for his assassination, issued in 1989 by the late supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The violent attack on Rushdie on Friday was not just a heinous attempt on the life of one of the world’s most insightful storytellers but an attack on the right to disagree, on liberal democracy and on freedom itself. » | a href= target=_blank>Observer editorial | Sunday, August 14, 2022

Salman Rushdie is off ventilator and able to talk, agent says: Author seriously injured in New York stabbing remains in hospital, as Joe Biden praises his courage and suspect denies attempted murder »

L’attaque au couteau contre Salman Rushdie était « préméditée », selon le procureur : Le procureur de Chautauqua, où a eu lieu l’agression, vendredi, a expliqué que le suspect avait préparé son attaque en obtenant notamment par avance un laissez-passer sous un faux nom pour l’événement où devait intervenir l’écrivain. »

« Ce qu’incarne Salman Rushdie, c’est la liberté d’expression face à l’islamisme et aux fondamentalismes, et il l’a payée à plusieurs titres » : La fatwa de l’ayatollah Khomeyni contre l’auteur des « Versets sataniques » a transformé la vie de l’écrivain en cauchemar et fait oublier les qualités de ce roman comme celles du reste de son œuvre, souligne, dans une tribune au « Monde », la philosophe Anna Bonalume. »

Le romancier Salman Rushdie, cible d’une fatwa depuis 33 ans, victime d’une attaque au couteau : L’auteur des « Versets sataniques », qui faisait l’objet de menaces de mort depuis 1989, se trouve dans un état grave après avoir été poignardé lors d’une conférence dans l’Etat de New York. Son agresseur, âgé de 24 ans, a été arrêté. »

Rushdie zeigt erste Anzeichen der Besserung: Der mutmaßliche Angreifer Salman Rushdies sitzt wegen versuchten Mordes in Untersuchungshaft. Das Mitgefühl für den verletzten Schriftsteller bleibt unterdessen groß. Nun gibt es erste Anzeichen für eine Besserung seines Zustands. »

Rushdie Stabbed Roughly 10 Times in Premeditated Attack, Prosecutors Say: The writer, who was gravely wounded and had been put on a ventilator after surgery, is now talking in the hospital, according to his agent. »

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Bank of England under Fire over £23m Bonus Payouts

THE OBSERVER: Anger as thousands of Bank staff enjoy ‘performance awards’ after governor urged other British workers not to demand big rises

The Bank of England, which has been criticised for underestimating the threat of rising inflation, last year paid out bonuses to its staff amounting to more than £23m, the Observer can reveal.

This bonus pot was at its highest level for at least two years, with more than 4,260 employees receiving performance awards. Andrew Bailey, the bank’s governor, was widely criticised earlier this year after telling Britain’s workers that they should not be asking for big pay rises because inflation had to be kept under control.

The bank is tasked by the government with hitting an inflation target of 2%, but the current rate stands at 9.4%. Lord Sikka, emeritus professor of accounting at Sheffield University, said: “Bonuses should only be paid for extraordinary performance, but there is no evidence the bank has delivered even an ordinary performance. They are unjustified.” » Jon Ungoed-Thomas | Sarurday, August 13, 2022

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Nicola Sturgeon Calls Boris Johnson ‘Disgrace to Office of Prime Minister’

THE GUARDIAN: First minister of Scotland also jokes she never thought she would look back fondly on Theresa May as PM

Nicola Sturgeon, who has seen four Downing Street incumbents while in office, was speaking at the Edinburgh fringe on Saturday. Photograph: Euan Cherry/Getty Images

Nicola Sturgeon has said Boris Johnson is the only prime minister she has worked with who was “a disgrace to the office”.

Speaking at a panel event at the Edinburgh fringe on Saturday afternoon, hosted by broadcaster Ayesha Hazarika, she said: “I disagreed with David Cameron, I disagreed with Theresa May, I disagreed with Boris Johnson, but he’s the only one who’s actually disgraced the office of prime minister. The sooner he’s gone, the better.”

Sturgeon said the idea that parties were taking place during the Covid-19 pandemic “blew her mind”. “The idea that this could have happened while the rest of the country was going through the horrors of it really blows my mind,” she told audience members.

“Parties themselves are bad enough, but it was the lying, frankly, and the constant attempt to shift the goalposts and the narrative. He was a disgrace, let’s be honest.”

Four prime ministers have been in Downing Street since Sturgeon took office in 2014 and she joked to audience members she never thought she would “look back fondly” on Theresa May as prime minister. » | PA Media | Saturday, August 13, 2022

BoJo has not been only a disgrace to the office of prime minister, he has also been a joke. A sick joke. Liz Truss looks to be even worse. The Conservative Party is ailing. It should go the way of the Whigs: into oblivion! The whole party is a made up of fossils. Relics from a bygone age.

The best thing Nicola Sturgeon can do is convince her fellow countrymen that the time has come to secede from the United Kingdom. The Scots need independence. They need to rejoin the European Union in their own right, as an independent country. They should view that 500m+ market of consumers. The country cannot fail as an independent nation within the EU. Leave this sinking ship, once and for all time! Bonne chance ! – © Mark Alexander

Michael Lambert: 7 Things We Must Do to Save the UK

Aug 13, 2022 The UK is in a very serious position. The economy is facing one of the biggest crises ever: exports are collapsing; firms are closing; and individuals are being constantly pressured by the cost of living crisis.

The government meanwhile continues to move to the right, with the two candidates vying to take over from Boris Johnson offering ever more right-wing and extremist policies to their tiny electorate of Conservative Party members. The situation is made worse by having chosen to pursue an extremely hard-right Brexit.

The parliamentary voting system of First Past The Post is archaic and unfair, favouring larger parties whilst excluding smaller parties and making it extremely difficult for them to be heard.

The House of Lords is absurd and should be completely abolished. As it is, it is a facility mostly for the Prime Minister of the day to reward those who he or she favours and in order to gain party advantage.

Party funding is obscene whereby rich and powerful men and women are effectively able to buy influence and advantage. Similarly the Labour Party is unduly influenced by trade unions who support them.

London is awash with money from all over the world, much of which is the proceeds of crime. This has resulted in thousands of very expensive properties in central London being left empty, being used as a depository for ill-gotten gains. London, with Turkey and Dubai is known the world over as the easiest place to launder money without and risk of being investigated or otherwise bothered by the authorities. Indeed, governments over the past ten years or so have appeared to encourage such activity by effectively asking not to told about it and turning a blind eye.

Climate change is not being treated as the massive crisis that it is, dwarfing all other considerations. The government should treat this as the biggest threat facing us all.

Chef Billy Parisi: Baba Ganoush | Eggplant Spread / Aubergine Dip | بابا غنوج

Sep 11, 2020 This baba Ganoush recipe is incredibly easy to make and jam-packed with delicious eggplant, roasted garlic, and tahini flavors!

This appetizer, or side dish, is a classic levant region recipe consisting of mashed cooked eggplant that is mixed with seasonings, olive oil, lemon juice, and tahini. Interestingly enough the baba Ganoush we eat most often in the United States is actually something called Mutabbal.

Authentic baba ganoush does not use tahini and is usually garnished with pomegranate molasses or seeds and olive oil while being mixed with tomatoes and other veggies. So not to confuse anyone, we’ll stick with the version we most commonly eat here in the US.


• 2 large eggplant [aubergine], about 3 pounds total
• ¼ cup garlic confit
• ¼ cup tahini
• juice of 1 lemon
• 1 teaspoon ground cumin
• ¼ teaspoon cayenne
• ¼ cup garlic confit oil
• sea salt to taste

Makes 4 cups
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes

Procedures [Method]:

1. Preheat the grill to high heat, 450°F to 550°F [230/240°C].

2. Add the eggplants and cook on all sides until softened and roasted, which takes about 25 minutes.

3. Remove the eggplants and let cool slightly before slicing in half and scraping out the fruit inside. Discard the peelings.

4. Add the eggplant to a food processor and process on high speed until smooth.

5. Next, add in the garlic, tahini, lemon juice, cumin, cayenne, and salt and process on high speed until smooth.r />

7. Serve and optional garnishes of olive oil, cayenne, and chopped parsley.

Chef Notes:

Make ahead: This can be made up to 1 day ahead of time. Simply keep it covered in the refrigerator until it is ready to be served.

How to Store: Keep covered in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Baba Ganoush does not freeze well.

If you would like to make a classic baba ganoush instead of Mutabbal, remove the tahini, and garnish with pomegranate syrup or seeds, as well as olive oil. In addition, there is no need to process it in a food processor, simply chop with a knife or mash with a fork.

You can use either raw or roasted tahini in this recipe.

If cayenne is too spicy simply substitute with paprika.

There will be plenty of garlic confit and roasted garlic olive oil left over after this recipe and both will keep in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

When the eggplant is done roasting the outside skin will firm up and be slightly crispy.

Simply Red : If You Don't Know Me by Now | Official Video

Views on YouTube: 105,177,375

Die Deutschen lieben Eis! | Karambolage | ARTE

Aug 12, 2022 Prune Antoine lädt uns auf ein Eis ein, und zwar in eine typisch deutsche Eisdiele.

Text: Prune Antoine
Bild: Christine Gensheimer
Auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 04/02/2026

Truth To Power: Zombie UK Government about to Lurch Further Right

Aug 13, 2022 Whether it’s Sunak or Truss that emerges victorious from the cess pit of the Tory leadership contest, the new leader will appoint ministers, and introduce policies, that will make the Johnson government look positively liberal. From their plans for lawless, unregulated charter cities, to the removal of our human rights of free assembly and protest, to a bonfire of environmental, consumer and employment regulations and standards, plus a doubling down on the performative cruelty of the Rwanda policy, The Conservative Party has morphed into a far right English National Party. Whichever leader they choose, and it’s probably going to be Lib Dem stroke Tory, Remainer stroke Brexiteer Liz Truss, they have no interest in the burgeoning cost of living crisis which will cause great pain to millions.

Author Salman Rushdie on a Ventilator after Being Stabbed | DW News

Aug 13, 2022 Author Salman Rushdie is alive but breathing through a ventilator after being stabbed on stage as he was about to give a lecture in New York state. Rushdie had spent years in hiding and under police protection after Iranian leaders called for his execution over his 1988 novel "The Satanic Verses." A 24-year-old man has been taken into custody.

Salman Rushdie: Author on ventilator and unable to speak, agent says: Salman Rushdie's agent has said "the news is not good" after the author was stabbed at an event in New York state. »

Who is Salman Rushdie? The writer who emerged from hiding: Over a literary career spanning five decades, Sir Salman Rushdie has been no stranger to death threats arising due to the nature of his work. »

Horrifying, ghastly: Authors condemn attack on Salman Rushdie: Authors around the world have expressed their shock and sadness at the attack on Salman Rushdie in New York state. »

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Salman Rushdie placé sous assistance respiratoire après avoir été poignardé lors d’une conférence dans l’Etat de New York

LE MONDE : Salman Rushdie a été visé par une fatwa de l’ayatollah iranien Ruhollah Khomeyni en 1989, après la publication de ses « Versets sataniques », livre que de nombreux musulmans considèrent comme blasphématoire.

Salman Rushdie lors d’une conférence au Havre (Seine-Maritime), le 13 septembre 2016. CHARLY TRIBALLEAU / AFP

L’écrivain britannique Salman Rushdie, cible de menaces de mort de la part de l’Iran depuis la publication des Versets sataniques (1988), a été placé sous respirateur artificiel après avoir été agressé et poignardé au cou et à l’abdomen, vendredi 12 août, alors qu’il s’apprêtait à prendre la parole lors d’une conférence dans l’Etat de New York, aux Etats-Unis.

Immédiatement après l’agression sur l’estrade d’un amphithéâtre d’un centre culturel à Chautauqua, M. Rushdie a été transporté en hélicoptère vers l’hôpital le plus proche, où il a été opéré en urgence. « Les nouvelles ne sont pas bonnes », a fait savoir son agent, Andrew Wylie, qui a précisé que l’écrivain de 75 ans avait besoin d’une assistance respiratoire. « Salman va probablement perdre un œil, les nerfs de son bras ont été sectionnés et son foie a été poignardé et est endommagé », a-t-il ajouté. » | Le Monde avec AFP | vendredi 12 août 2022

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In Wealthy City, a Marxist Mayor Wins Over Voters

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Yes, this Communist politician in Graz, Austria, wants to redistribute wealth, but a focus on housing, her own modest lifestyle and a hard childhood have helped her popularity.

The iconic bell tower in the wealthy city of Graz, Austria, which is led by a Communist mayor, Elke Kahr. | Marylise Vigneau for The New York Times


GRAZ, Austria — That the conservative mayor would win yet again, and serve a fifth term, had been treated as a foregone conclusion in Graz, Austria’s second-largest city, a place where it’s not uncommon to encounter local residents proudly dressed in traditional lederhosen and dirndls.

Elke Kahr, the leader of the city’s Communist Party, was equally convinced she would lose again to the slick heir to a trading dynasty who had led the city for 18 years.

So she was as surprised as the journalist who told her the election news last September: The Communists had emerged victorious, and she would be the next mayor.

“He was completely bewildered — and I thought it was a joke,” Ms. Kahr recalled of her election night conversation with the reporter at City Hall.

Newspapers across Europe started calling the city “Leningraz,” a moniker the new mayor smiles about.

“Yes, 100 percent, I’m a convinced Marxist,” Ms. Kahr said in her mayoral office, flanked by the used Ikea shelves with which she displaced the stately furniture of her predecessor, Siegfried Nagl, of the Austrian People’s Party, or Ö.V.P.

Ms. Kahr, 60, is now trying to “redistribute wealth” as much as her role allows her to, she said.

But that doesn’t mean that her Communist Party of Austria, or K.P.Ö., plans to dispossess the bourgeoisie or abolish the free market. Ms. Kahr said her goal was “to alleviate the problems of the people in our city as much as possible.” » | Denise Hruby | Friday, August 12, 2022

Salman Rushdie on Ventilator after Being Stabbed on Stage at New York State Event

THE GUARDIAN: Author attacked at event in western New York as police identify the suspect in custody as Hadi Matar

Sir Salman Rushdie remains on a ventilator after being attacked on stage at an event in western New York state on Friday morning.

Rushdie, the author whose writing led to death threats from Iran in the 1980s, was stabbed in the neck and torso as he was about to give a lecture in western New York.

Rushdie, 75, was taken to surgery, and Andrew Wylie, his spokesperson, said in a statement early Friday evening that the author was put on a ventilator and had suffered significant injuries: “The news is not good. Salman will likely lose one eye; the nerves in his arm were severed; and his liver was stabbed and damaged.”

Authorities later identified the man suspected of stabbing Rushdie as 24-year-old Hadi Matar of Fairview, New Jersey, who had bought a pass to the event. Plus video » | Ed Pilkington and Maya Yang in New York, Sam Levin in Los Angeles and agencies | Friday, August 12, 2022

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Friday, August 12, 2022

Salman Rushdie: Author Stabbed at Event in New York State

Aug 12, 2022 The author Salman Rushdie is being treated in hospital after he was stabbed on stage at an event in upstate New York.

The 75-year-old writer had been subjected to death threats by Iran in the 1980s - when Ayatollah Khomeini declared his works to be blasphemous.

New York's governor said a state police officer intervened - saving Sir Salman's life - as well as the event's moderator who was also injured.

The attack took place at an event at the Chautauqua Institution in the west of New York state.

Warning: This report contains distressing scenes.

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Boris Johnson Says UK Energy-bill Support Package Is Not Enough

THE GUARDIAN: PM fuels Tory leadership dispute by saying UK will need to find more cash to help with surging bills

Boris Johnson said more support would need to be provided by winter. Photograph: Oli Scarff/AP

Boris Johnson has acknowledged that the package of support to help people pay surging energy bills is not enough, as the split deepens between Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss over how to deal with the crisis.

Amid forecasts that energy bills could hit £5,000 a year by next April, the prime minister made clear that he expected his successor to act.

Asked if the current package of £400 off bills, rising to £650 for vulnerable households, was enough, Johnson said: “No, because what I’m saying what we’re doing in addition is trying to make sure that by October, by January, there is further support, and what the government will be doing, whoever is the prime minister, is making sure there is extra cash to help people.” » | Rowena Mason, Deputy political editor | Friday, April 12, 2022

Trump under Investigation for Potential Violations of Espionage Act, Warrant Reveals

THE GUARDIAN: Details contained in explosive search warrant show US officials investigating whether three criminal statutes violated

Donald Trump in New York this week, days after the FBI searched his home in south Florida.Photograph: David Dee Delgado/Reuters

Donald Trump is under criminal investigation for potential violations of the Espionage Act and additional statutes relating to obstruction of justice and destroying federal government records, according to the search warrant executed by FBI agents at the former president’s home on Monday.

The explosive search warrant – the contents of which were confirmed by the Guardian – shows the FBI was seeking evidence about whether the mishandling of classified documents by Trump, including some marked top secret, amounted to a violation of three criminal statutes.

Most notably, the search warrant granted by US magistrate judge Bruce Reinhart and approved by Attorney General Merrick Garland authorized FBI agents to seize materials that could form evidence that Trump violated the Espionage Act under 18 USC 793, and Obstruction, under 18 USC 1519. » | Hugo Lowell in Washington | Friday, August 12, 2022

Yuja Wang: Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor Op. 18 | HD

Sep 22, 2021 London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Michael Tilson Thomas. The Barbican, May 27 2021

Critically Low Water Levels on Lake Garda

Aug 12, 2022 Italy's worst drought in decades has caused the water level of the country's largest lake to fall sharply and reduce in size. At Sirmione, in the southernmost part of Lake Garda, rocky "beaches" have emerged where the water usually is - enabling tourists to stroll and sunbathe.

Stabbing Sends Ripples of ‘Shock and Horror’ through the Literary World.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Literary figures and public officials said that they were shocked by the news that the author Salman Rushdie had been stabbed in the neck on Friday morning while onstage to give a lecture at the Chautauqua Institute in western New York.

“We cannot immediately think of any comparable incident of a public violent attack on a writer during a literary event here in the United States,” said Suzanne Nossel, the chief executive officer of the nonprofit literary organization PEN America, who noted that the motivations for the attack and Mr. Rushdie’s current condition were unknown as of Friday late morning.

Mr. Rushdie is a former president of PEN America, which advocates for writers’ freedom of expression around the world.

She said in a statement that the organization’s members were “reeling from shock and horror.”

Ms. Nossel said Mr. Rushdie had emailed her hours before the attack to ask about helping Ukrainian writers in need of safe refuge.

“Salman Rushdie has been targeted for his words for decades, but has never flinched nor faltered,” she said. “He has devoted tireless energy to assisting others who are vulnerable and menaced.”

The author Neil Gaiman wrote on Twitter that he was “shocked and distressed” about the attack.

“He’s a good man and a brilliant one and I hope he’s okay,” he said.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain said in a Twitter post that he was “appalled that Sir Salman Rushdie has been stabbed while exercising a right we should never cease to defend. Right now my thoughts are with his loved ones. We are all hoping he is okay.” » | Hurubie Meko | Friday, August 12, 2022

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L’Angleterre déclare l’état de sécheresse sur une grande partie de son territoire

LE MONDE : Le pays a connu son début d’année le plus sec depuis près d’un demi-siècle, à tel point que la source de la Tamise est à sec. Des interdictions d’arrosage, de lavage de voitures et de remplissage des piscines pour les particuliers vont notamment entrer en vigueur.

Alors que l’ensemble du territoire français est concerné par la sécheresse, la situation s’aggrave aussi outre-Manche. L’état de sécheresse a ainsi été déclaré, vendredi 12 août, dans une grande partie de l’Angleterre, a annoncé le gouvernement britannique, à l’issue d’une réunion d’urgence convoquée par l’agence pour l’environnement.

L’alerte, qui n’avait pas été déclarée depuis 2018, concerne quatorzes zones incluant Londres, la vallée de la Tamise et une grande partie du sud, du centre et de l’est de l’Angleterre. Si, comme en France, elle peut entraîner des mesures allant jusqu’à des restrictions de l’usage de l’eau, elle intervient alors que le Royaume-Uni connaît sa deuxième vague de chaleur de l’été, dans un pays peu habitué aux températures élevées. » | Le Monde avec AFP | vendredi 12 août 2022

Dimitra’s Dishes : Mediterranean Chickpea Salad

Get the recipe here.

The Only EU Country Where Abortion Is iIlegal - BBC News

Aug 12, 2022 Malta is the only EU state with a ban on abortion, there are no exceptions, including in cases of rape or incest.

Neither of Malta's main political parties supported a bill to decriminalise abortion last year but campaigners hope that a review of the law, along with shifts in social attitudes, could trigger change.

Salman Rushdie Is Attacked Onstage in Western New York.

Salman RushdieCredit...Grant Pollard/Invision, via Associated Press

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The author Salman Rushdie, who spent years in hiding and under police protection after Iranian officials called for his execution, was attacked and stabbed in the neck on Friday while onstage in Chautauqua, near Erie in western New York, the state police said.

The attack happened at about 11 a.m., shortly after Mr. Rushdie took the stage to deliver a lecture at the Chautauqua Institution, a community in western New York that offers arts and literary programming during the summer.

Mr. Rushdie was taken by helicopter to a local hospital, the state police said in a statement. His condition is not yet known. It was not clear what motivated the attacker.

Rita Landman, an endocrinologist who was in the audience, said that Mr. Rushdie had multiple stab wounds, including one to the right side of his neck, and that there was a pool of blood under his body. But she said he appeared to be alive. “People were saying, ‘He has a pulse, he has a pulse he has a pulse,’” Ms. Landman said.

The author had just come onstage and was seated in a chair as a staff member introduced him, when the assailant rushed the stage and assaulted the author. “I could just see his fists sort of pounding on Salman,” one witness, Bill Vasu, 72, said.

A number of people rushed to Mr. Rushdie’s aid, Mr. Vasu said, and quickly pinned the attacker to the ground. » | David Gelles and Elizabeth A. Harris | Friday, August 12, 2022

L’auteur britannique Salman Rushdie hospitalisé après avoir été poignardé lors d’une conférence dans l’Etat de New York : Salman Rushdie a été visé par une fatwa de l’ayatollah iranien Ruhollah Khomeyni en 1989 après la publication de ses « Versets sataniques » l’année précédente, livre que de nombreux musulmans considèrent comme blasphématoire. »

Messerangriff auf Salman Rushdie : In Chautauqua im Bundesstaat New York wurde Salman Rushdie auf offener Bühne mit einem Messer am Hals verletzt. Er wurde mit einem Hubschrauber in ein Krankenhaus gebracht. »

‘This is shocking’: writers and celebrities horrified by Salman Rushdie attack: Author, who has previously faced death threats, was stabbed as he was about to deliver a lecture in western New York »

L'écrivain Salman Rushdie «poignardé au cou» sur scène dans l'État de New York : L'état de santé de l'auteur des Versets sataniques est pour l'heure «inconnu», selon la police, qui a annoncé l'arrestation d'un suspect. »

Salman Rushdie, Samuel Paty et « Charlie », tous victimes d’une même stratégie djihadiste planétaire : La fatwa contre l’écrivain, l’assassinat de l’enseignant, le massacre à Paris... le scénario des campagnes djihadistes est quasi invariable. »

Autor Salman Rushdie bei Event in New York niedergestochen: Der 75-Jährige ist am Leben und wurde in ein Krankenhaus geflogen, erklärte New Yorks Gouverneurin Hochul. Der Angreifer wurde festgenommen »

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – August 12, 2022

Saudi Spying Inside Twitter Led to Torture & Jailing of Saudi Man Who Ran Satirical Account

Aug 12, 2022 A jury in California has convicted a former worker at Twitter of spying for Saudi Arabia by providing the kingdom private information about Saudi dissidents. The spying effort led to the arrest, torture and jailing of Abdulrahman al-Sadhan, who ran an anonymous satirical Twitter account. His sister, Areej al-Sadhan, and the lawyer for the family, Jim Walden, are calling on the Biden administration to push for his release. "The brutality of the Saudi officials have no limits," says Areej al-Sadhan. "Twitter and other social media companies have more than a little responsibility for what's happening, not just with respect to Abdulrahman's case and the case of other disappeared Saudi human rights activists and outspoken dissidents, but across a much broader array of misconduct," says Walden.

Classy Summer Style…

…by Linda Konate

With many thanks to Linda Konate on Pinterest for this superb and elegant image.

„Russland stiehlt Kinder, um sie adoptieren zu lassen“


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die Ukraine beklagt bisher mehr als 2100 Zwangsadoptionen von Waisenkindern durch Russland. Putins Kinderbeauftragte spielt darin eine zentrale Rolle.

Wer ukrainisches Fernsehen schaut, der bekam im April und Mai mehrfach den Namen Kira Obedynska zu hören. Am Anfang ohne das Gesicht dazu. Die zwölf Jahre alte Kira war Halbwaise, bald nach Beginn des Krieges in der Ukraine auch Vollwaise. Ihr Vater wurde im von den russischen Truppen belagerten Mariupol, der Heimatstadt der Familie, erschossen – als er in seiner Wohnung auf dem Balkon stand. Daraufhin versuchte eine Gruppe von Einwohnern, darunter Kira, zu Fuß aus der Stadt zu fliehen. Ein Kind berührte eine Mine; auch Kira wurde durch die Explosion verletzt. Sie wurde be¬handelt. Am Ende brachten russische oder prorussische Kämpfer das Mädchen nach Donezk, in die 2014 unter Moskauer Anleitung gebildete sogenannte Donezker Volksrepublik (DNR). Dort lag sie wochenlang im Krankenhaus. » | Gerhard Gnauck, Politischer Korrespondent für Polen, die Ukraine, Estland, Lettland und Litauen mit Sitz in Warschau | Freitag, 12. August 2022

Au Maroc, le manque d’eau désespère les villages

LE MONDE : Le royaume chérifien subit une grave sécheresse depuis plus de quarante ans. Dans les années 1960, la disponibilité en eau était quatre fois supérieure à aujourd’hui.

A 140 km de Casablanca, près du village d’Ouled Essi Masseoud, la retenue d’eau du barrage d’Al-Massira n’est plus qu’une terre assechée, le 8 août 2022. FADEL SENNA / AFP

« Voir des villageois courant chaque matin à la fontaine ou chez un voisin pour récupérer de l’eau donne envie de pleurer », confie Mohamed Sbaï, qui a abandonné l’agriculture à cause des sécheresses successives qui frappent son village isolé, à 140 km de Casablanca.

Village aux terres autrefois fertiles, Ouled Essi Masseoud est désormais durement touché par le stress hydrique qui menace tout le Maroc. Privée d’eau potable courante, cette localité située au pied de collines s’approvisionne uniquement dans les fontaines publiques ou dans les puits privés. « Les fontaines ne sont opérationnelles qu’un à deux jours par semaine, les puits commencent à se tarir et le fleuve à côté s’assèche de plus en plus », explique à l’AFP M. Sbaï, ancien paysan. « La rareté de l’eau nous fait souffrir », poursuit le sexagénaire, en route pour récupérer de l’eau chez des voisins. » | Le Monde avec AFP | vendredi 12 août 2022

The Beach Boys : California Saga | On My Way To Sunny Californ-i-a | Visualizer | Reupload

Jul 6, 2022 The official visualizer for “California Saga (On My Way To Sunny Californ-i-a)” from ‘Sounds of Summer: The Very Best of The Beach Boys’ Expanded Edition.

Eagles : Lyin' Eyes | 2013 Remaster | Reupload

Nov 1, 2018 Provided to YouTube by Rhino/Elektra | Views n YouTube: 17,056,601

Thursday, August 11, 2022

UK Energy Bills 'to Top £5,000 in January'

Aug 11, 2022 British households face average energy bills surging above £5,000 next year, according to the latest forecast by the energy consultancy Auxilione.

The warning follows a steep rise in wholesale gas prices - and came as the Prime Minister attended a meeting with the electricity sector in Downing Street. That meeting failed to produce any immediate concrete help for struggling households.

This USELESS government needs to be kicked out of office as soon as possible. Brexit has been a disaster. BoJo has been a disaster. Liz Truss will/would be a disaster. As will/would Rishi Sunak. This country is falling apart. – © Mark

Tinder: Investigation Reveals the Dark Side of the Dating App | Four Corners

Oct 12, 2020 Tinder has been downloaded more than 100 million times worldwide. It’s reinvented the way we meet people.

Billed as 'the largest, hottest community of singles in the world', Tinder urges users, 'when in doubt, give a Swipe Right. Trust us, the more options you have, the better-looking life becomes.'

The app generates enormous revenue for its parent company Match Group, but there's alarming evidence that Tinder is putting users at great risk.

In a joint investigation, Four Corners and triple j Hack reveal that the dating app has become a playground for sex offenders.

This documentary is definitely NOT suitable for children. – Mark

Megafeuer: Der Planet brennt | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Aug 11, 2022 Internationale Wissenschaftler, Feuerwehrleute und Sachverständige aus Europa, den Vereinigten Staaten, Kanada und Indonesien erforschen, warum Waldbrände immer öfter außer Kontrolle geraten und was man dagegen tun kann. Welche Maßnahmen sind notwendig, bevor Feuersbrünste die Städte und Wälder dieser Welt unwiederbringlich in Schutt und Asche legen?

Überall auf der Welt werden Wälder von riesigen Feuern verschlungen. 350 Millionen Hektar – also eine Fläche, die fast sechsmal so groß ist wie Frankreich – fallen jährlich den Flammen zum Opfer. Im australischen New South Wales wird man der monatelang lodernden Buschfeuer nicht mehr Herr.

Heftig wütende Waldbrände gigantischen Ausmaßes, sogenannte Megafeuer, können selbst von erfahrenen Löschkräften und unter Einsatz von Spitzentechnologie nicht beherrscht werden. Schlimmer noch, diese gewaltigen Feuersbrünste erreichen immer häufiger bewohntes Gebiet, zerstören Häuser und fordern Menschenleben.

Die Zukunftsaussichten sind erschreckend: Wenn ein Feuer ausbricht, werden ganze Vororte zu tödlichen Fallen; verkohlte Landstriche können sich vielleicht nie wieder vollständig erholen. Die Feuer gefährden die Gesundheit, verstärken den Klimawandel und belasten die Wirtschaft. Je rigoroser die Feuerwehrkräfte die Flammen bekämpfen, umso heftiger und häufiger scheinen sie zu wüten. Was paradox klingt, ist eine Realität, der man sich stellen muss, um Wohngebiete und Menschenleben zu retten. Kann der Mensch lernen, mit dem Feuer zu leben?

Das Filmteam hat Löschkräfte, Wissenschaftler und Sachverständige in Europa, den Vereinigten Staaten, Kanada und Indonesien bei ihrer Arbeit begleitet, um zu verstehen, warum Wälder weltweit in Flammen aufgehen, warum die neuen Megafeuer immer weiter ausarten und wie man sich vor ihnen schützen kann. Es besuchte Gemeinden, die von Megafeuern verwüstet wurden, und erhielt Einblicke in die Maßnahmen, mit denen einfache Bürger ihre Häuser und ihre Familien schützen. Das Fazit: Es ist notwendig, mit falschen Vorstellungen über das Feuer und seine Funktionsweise aufzuräumen. Tatsächlich ist Feuer ein natürlicher Prozess, der zu allen Zeiten eine wichtige Rolle beim Erhalt der Ökosysteme spielte. Kann der Mensch angesichts der drohenden Katastrophe seinen Kontrollzwang ablegen und den richtigen Umgang mit Feuer lernen, bevor sich das Klima weiter aufheizt und Wälder und Städte in den Flammen verglühen?

Dokumentarfilm (F 2019, 94 Min)
Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 15/10/2022

The Narcissist's Playbook: How Smart Women Are Abused by Romantic Frauds | Australian Story

Mar 14, 2022 Narcissists. Frauds. Fantasists. How smart women are being swindled by romance conmen.

It's not often you become the subject of your own story, but this is exactly what happened to journalist Stephanie Wood when she fell in love with a man she met online.

After a tumultuous year she discovered her boyfriend’s life was a carefully constructed web of lies and deceptions.

When she published a book about life with 'Joe' she was inundated with stories from other women about their own betrayals at the hands of serial fantasists, many of whom began their false personas online.

Australian Story follows Stephanie as she meets some of these women and hears their heartbreaking - and ultimately life-affirming - accounts of how they rebuilt their lives.

Peril and Privilege: Gay Expat Nightlife in Dubai

A screenshot taken from the photo in the accompanying article.

LSE: Ryan Centner overcame significant challenges to investigate how Western gay men living in Dubai use their economic, social and cultural privileges to create communities where they can meet and socialise. Homosexuality is illegal in Dubai, so gay men technically risk deportation, imprisonment and even the death penalty.

How can a sense of belonging be forged in a setting where one’s existence is forbidden? That is the question that LSE’s Dr Centner and his co-author Harvard’s Manoel Pereira Neto explore in their groundbreaking research into Dubai’s expatriate gay men’s nightlife.

But it was not an easy topic to research. Dr Centner explains: “It's an illegal, or criminalised, identity and set of behaviours and practices, so in a very general sense, it's a taboo. And taboo subjects are very often under-researched, sometimes because people have a hard time gaining access, gaining that trust, but also because, even if people gain that access, there could be significant repercussions for themselves as researchers, or for the people who are the research participants.

“As two queer researchers, we were able to enter the worlds of relatively privileged Western gay expatriates. Secrecy is often the norm, but the field was familiar to us, through previous visits and research projects.” » | Dr Ryan Centner, Assistant Professor of Urban Geography, Department of Geography and Environment |Tuessday, September 7, 2022

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines – August 11, 2022

NSW Becomes Second State to Ban Nazi Flag and Symbols

THE GUARDIAN: Intentionally bearing swastikas can now land a person in jail for up to a year and a fine of over $100,000

Intentionally waving a Nazi flag in New South Wales or displaying memorabilia bearing swastikas could now land a person in jail for up to a year, along with a fine of over $100,000.

The Crimes Amendment (prohibition on display of Nazi symbols) Bill 2022 swiftly and unanimously passed the NSW upper house on Thursday.

The legislation was drafted in April, after an inquiry recommended a ban on the public display of Nazi symbols in a bid to tackle rising antisemitism.

NSW becomes the second state in Australia to pass the landmark legislation after Victoria in June.

NSW Jewish Board of Deputies CEO Darren Bark described the passing of the law as a historic day for NSW. » | Australian Associated Press | Thursday, August 11, 2022

Josh Cavallo on Being the First Openly Gay Pro Footballer — Still Playing | One Plus One | ABC News

Aug 11, 2022 When Josh Cavallo posted a video on social media called 'Josh's Truth' he wasn't sure what the reaction would be. The Adelaide United player was to become the first openly gay professional footballer currently playing worldwide. In his first longform TV interview the 22-year-old speaks with Courtney Act about finding acceptance and dealing with abuse.

France wildfire forces thousands to flee - BBC News

Aug 11, 2022 More than 1,000 firefighters are battling a "monster" wildfire in the south-western France that has already destroyed nearly 7,000 hectares of forest.

The raging blaze near the city of Bordeaux has gutted a number of homes and forced 10,000 residents to flee.

European countries have seen a wave of deadly wildfires this summer, triggered by record temperatures and droughts across the continent.

Pelosi verteidigt Taiwan-Reise


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die US-Demokratin und Vorsitzende des Repräsentantenhauses bekräftigt ihre Kritik an China – und versichert Taiwan den Beistand der Vereinigten Staaten.

Die Vorsitzende des US-Repräsentantenhauses,Nancy Pelosi, hat ihren umstrittenen Besuch in Taiwan verteidigt. „Wir werden es China nicht erlauben, Taiwan zu isolieren“, sagte die demokratische Politikerin am Mittwoch in Washington. Die Volksrepublik halte Taiwan beispielsweise von einer Mitgliedschaft in der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO ab. „Aber sie halten uns nicht davon ab, nach Taiwan zu reisen“, sagte Pelosi. An ihrem Besuch zu Beginn des Monats hatte es vor allem aus China, aber auch aus anderen Ländern Kritik gegeben. » | Quelle: dpa-AFX/tnie. | Mittwoch, 10. August 2022

La Chine promet une tolérance zéro envers les « séparatistes » taïwanais

LE MONDE : Pékin, qui a annoncé mercredi avoir mis fin à ses exercices militaires au large de Taïwan, a assuré dans un Livre blanc, publié le même jour, ne pas renoncer à l’usage de la force pour reconquérir l’île. En réponse à ces nouvelles menaces, l’armée taïwanaise a procédé à un nouvel exercice à munitions réelles jeudi.

Pékin poursuit ses intimidations en direction de Tapei. La Chine a, en effet, promis mercredi 10 août de ne laisser « aucune marge de manœuvre » aux partisans d’une indépendance de Taïwan, soulignant que « l’usage de la force » pour reconquérir l’île restait sur la table « en dernier recours », dans un Livre blanc publié par le Bureau des affaires taïwanaises, organisme du gouvernement chinois. Le même jour, Pékin a annoncé mettre fin à ses exercices militaires au large de l’île tout en assurant qu’elle « continuera à mener des entraînements militaires et à se préparer à la guerre ».

En réponse à ces nouvelles menaces, l’armée taïwanaise a procédé à un nouvel exercice à munitions réelles jeudi, effectuant des tirs d’obusiers et de fusées éclairantes, a expliqué à l’Agence France-Presse Lou Woei-jye, porte-parole du 8e corps de l’armée. Ces manœuvres dans le sud de l’île, qui ont démarré à 2 h 30 heure française, ont duré une heure. » | Le Monde avec AFP et Reuters | jeudi 11 août 2022

Rishi Sunak Has a Sterling Résumé. It’s Not Helping Him Replace Boris Johnson.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Mr. Sunak is viewed by many in his party as too distant from ordinary Britons, and is being blamed by some for setting off the rebellion that toppled Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

CARDIFF, Wales — Just a few weeks ago Rishi Sunak, the former chancellor of the Exchequer, seemed well-placed to become Britain’s next prime minister, topping the short list of two contenders selected by Conservative Party lawmakers to replace the departing Boris Johnson.

With an impeccable résumé, a reputation for competence and a reservoir of good will from having guided Britain’s economy through the pandemic, Mr. Sunak was regarded as perhaps the country’s brainiest, most polished and most successful frontline politician.

But some of those same qualities now seem to be working against him. That resistance has hindered his pursuit of 10 Downing Street, according to opinion polls that show him trailing the foreign secretary, Liz Truss, in the race to succeed Mr. Johnson, with the winner to be announced on Sept. 5.

Mr. Sunak’s diminished fortunes have added urgency to his campaign as he faces off with Ms. Truss in a series of debates across Britain. At an event in Cardiff, he bounded onto the stage with a broad smile and pleaded for votes from hundreds of activists in his party who will be among those who decide the outcome of the contest.

“I will give you my everything, my heart and my soul — everything I’ve got,” he said, turning to face different parts of the hall and promising to make his audience “feel enormously proud of the Conservative government that I will be privileged to lead.” » | Stephen Castle | Thursday, August 11, 2022

The Guardian View on Tory Infighting: A Bad Policy Auction

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: ‘Blue-on-blue’ bickering makes a lively spectacle – but it gives a narrow, rightwing frame to bigger, broader issues

The timetable for the Tory leadership was supposed to be tight, installing a replacement for Boris Johnson without gratuitous delay. But in the absence of a functional government, it feels interminable. Mr Johnson has awarded himself a summer of gardening leave, despite mounting evidence that Britain is heading for an autumn of discontent, leading to a winter of strife. A massive energy price shock is due when the cap on domestic bills is lifted at the start of October. Inflation is degrading household incomes. The lack of direction from Downing Street would be problem enough, but the character of the leadership contest – petty, bitter and unequal to scale of the task ahead – compounds the impression of a country drifting aimlessly into crisis.

Neither of the candidates has displayed any imagination in responding to the cost of living crisis. Also, the contest gives them incentive to appeal only to a tiny, mostly wealthy, retired, propertied electorate. Their prescriptions for shielding people from the coming storm are written for an audience that is disproportionately protected already. » | Editorial | Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The post-Johnson era is taking shape — and it looks like a massive lurch to the right: Fixated on the tax cuts beloved of Tory members, Truss and Sunak have no plan at all to deal with the UK’s looming crises »

EU under Pressure to Ban Russian Tourists from Europe

THE GUARDIAN: Ukrainian president says Russians ‘should live in their own world until they change their philosophy’

The EU has been urged to introduce a travel ban on Russian tourists with some member states saying visiting Europe was “a privilege, not a human right” for holidaymakers.

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said in an interview with the Washington Post that the “most important sanction” was to “close the borders, because the Russians are taking away someone else’s land”. Russians should “live in their own world until they change their philosophy”, he said.

The Ukrainian president’s call was backed by Estonia’s prime minister, Kaja Kallas, who tweeted that visiting Europe was “a privilege, not a human right”, adding: “Time to end tourism from Russia. Stop issuing tourist visas to Russians.”

Finland’s prime minister, Sanna Marin, has aired the same frustrations, telling public broadcaster YLE that it was “not right that while Russia is waging an aggressive, brutal war of aggression in Europe, Russians can live a normal life, travel in Europe, be tourists.” » | Jon Henley | Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Liz Truss Says She Would Ignore 'Attention Seeker' Nicola Sturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon says Liz Truss asked her ‘how to get into Vogue’: Scottish first minister said Truss ‘looked a little bit as if she’d swallowed a wasp’ when she told her she had been in Vogue twice »

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Sans Boris Johnson, les conservateurs craignent de perdre l’ex-« mur rouge » du nord de l’Angleterre

LE MONDE : Liz Truss et Rishi Sunak, candidats pour remplacer Boris Johnson, se sont affrontés lors d’un nouveau débat à Darlington, un bastion travailliste qui avait basculé dans le camp des tories en 2019.

Voilà une demi-heure que Rishi Sunak parle, mardi 9 août, devant un millier d’adhérents du Parti conservateur britannique réunis au Darlington Hippodrome quand arrive le moment des questions de la salle. Un homme se lève et lui lance : « Vous savez ce qu’on dit : celui qui manie le poignard ne porte jamais la couronne. » Une salve d’applaudissements accueille sa remarque.

Rishi Sunak, l’un des deux candidats pour prendre la tête du parti, fait partie de ceux qui ont précipité la chute de Boris Johnson. En remettant sa démission le 5 juillet, alors qu’il était chancelier de l’Echiquier, il a provoqué un effet boule de neige menant finalement au départ programmé du premier ministre britannique. » | Par Eric Albert (Darlington (Angleterre), envoyé spécial) | mercredi 10 août 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Sexy or What ?

Colin Farrel having a pull.

Many thanks to Les Pourquoises on Pinterest for this super image.

For your information, it is four months to the day, today, since I smoked my last cigarette. No relapses, no cravings. I’m just tobacco-free. It’s good to see a man such as Colin Farrell enjoying a cigarette, though, all the same. I am NOT going to turn into a typical ‘reformed smoker’, an ‘anti-smoker’, just because I have myself kicked the habit. Such people have always annoyed me greatly. In my opinion, life is short. We must all get our kicks where we can. And if those kicks come from smoking a few cigarettes, then so be it. Enjoy! – © Mark Alexander

The Fight for Water | DW Documentary | Part 1

Aug 10, 2022 Climate change is causing temperatures to rise. Extreme weather events and droughts are increasing. Springs and wells are drying up. And everyone needs more water. The battles for control over precious water reserves have begun.

In some countries, water has always been available in abundance - and is wasted carelessly every day. But the climate crisis is changing that. Because the climate is warming, everyone needs more water than ever: for drinking, agriculture and industry. Water is the new gold.

In many countries, the distribution battles for precious water reserves have already begun. In Mendocino, California, there is no longer enough water to flush the toilets. And in Germany, regional drinking water supplies collapse in hot weather. Groundwater levels have dropped to record lows in many places. Will we still have enough drinking water in the future? What happens when our water disappears?

Virginia Governor Wants to Force Teachers to Out Students to Parents

LGBTQ NATION: "I firmly believe that teachers and schools have an obligation to make sure that parents are well informed about what’s happening in their kids’ lives," said Youngkin.

GOP gubernatorial nominee Glenn Youngkin campaign with Sen. Ted CruzPhoto:

A series of moves by Republican governor Glenn Youngkin of Virginia is bringing his policy of “parental rights” for the Commonwealth closer to reality.

In July, Youngkin appointed five new members to the State Board of Education, giving the governor a conservative majority. The Board sets statewide curriculum standards and high school graduation requirements, and establishes state testing and assessment programs.

With the Board’s support assured, Youngkin came out on Tuesday with his most explicit endorsement of a policy transgender rights supporters in Virginia have long feared: informing parents of their kids’ sexual orientation and gender identity without the student’s express permission.

“With regards to informing parents with most important decisions about their children,” Youngkin told WJLA News, “I think everybody knows where I stand: parents matter. Parents should be at the forefront of all of these discussions. And I firmly believe that teachers and schools have an obligation to make sure that parents are well informed about what’s happening in their kids’ lives.” » | Greg Owen | Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Here’s another Republican throwback! One really has to ask oneself one simple question: Is America returning to the Dark Ages? The Republicans sure seem to want to secure such an outcome. – © Mark Alexander

Perfection dans la beauté virile | Reupload

Perfection in manly beauty / Perfektion in männlicher Schönheit / الكمال في الجمال الرجولي

Mes remerciements vont à Anonymous sur Pinterest pour cette sublime photo.

Schön. Romantisch. Überzeugt. Treu. Verheiratet.

Beautiful. romantic. Convinced. Faithful. Married. ? Beau. Romantique. Convaincu. Fidèle. Marié.

Für dieses schöne Bild bedanke ich mich bei Bella Bella Planning auf Pinterest.

My Gay Lover and I Argue about Our Faith | Gay Romance | The Falls: Covenant of Grace

The Lincoln Project : Insider

Aug 10, 2022 At this point, the only one not talking to the Jan. 6th Committee is Donald. | Views on YouTube: 79,146

Trump on Tape: I Grab Women "by the Pu**y”.

This video on YouTube is NOT suitable for children. – Mark

Democracy Now! Top News & World Headlins – August 10, 2022

Art Garfunkel : Bright Eyes

Feb 20, 2017 Provided to YouTube by Columbia

Olivia Newton-John’s Last Emotional Interview

Premiered Aug 8, 2022 John Travolta just posted about Olivia's passing, saying, "My dearest Olivia, you made all of our lives so much better. Your impact was incredible. I love you so much. We will see you down the road and we will all be together again. Yours from the first moment I saw you and forever! Your Danny, your John!

Olivia Newton-John, who soared to international stardom as both a singer and movie star has died.

Olivia's husband, John Easterling, says she died peacefully at her ranch in Southern California Monday morning, surrounded by family and friends. Olivia has battled breast cancer for more than 30 years, a specific cause of death was not given, although a source close to Olivia told TMZ, "After a 30-year cancer journey, she lost her battle to metastatic breast cancer."


Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Scheinbar führt Deutschland als Land in Europa, das am Queersten ist!

Apparently Germany leads as the most queer country in Europe! / Apparemment, l'Allemagne est le pays le plus queer d'Europe !

Fürs schöne Foto bedanke ich mich bei Dazed auf Pinterest.

Exposing Nigerian Online Love Scammers | 60 Minutes Australia

Jul 16, 2019 Most of us have figured out by now, that transferring our life savings into a Nigerian bank account is a mug's game. We know there's no royal fortune. No multi-million dollar return. In fact, no hope of ever seeing our money again. Maybe that's why the men behind those dodgy emails have moved on to scams that are more sophisticated and far more callous. Now they don't just bankrupt their victims, they break their hearts as well. So we decided to take them on at their own game. We set up a sting of our own and it wasn't long before the sharks took the bait.

ROYALLY SCREWED OVER: Glasgow woman convinced she was flirting with billionaire Dubai prince who wanted to visit her scammed out of £3,800: A GLASGOW woman convinced she was flirting with a billionaire Dubai royal was actually talking to scammers who conned her out of £3,800. »

The Lincoln Project : Nowhere to Hide

Aug 9, 2022 Someone's in bigly trouble.

What Now for Donald Trump - as His Home Is Raided by FBI?

Aug 9, 2022 Donald Trump was on one of his golf courses in New York when he heard news that the FBI had descended on his lavish Florida home.

The backlash was instant. The former president instantly blamed the Democratic Party, saying they didn't want him to run for the White House again in 2024.

And while Trump's hardcore base were incandescent with anger, his allies in congress threatened retribution against the bureau.


If Trump Broke a Law on the Removal of Official Records, Would He Be Barred from Future Office?

Boxes were moved out of the Eisenhower Executive Office building inside the White House complex near the end of President Donald J. Trump’s term. | Gerald Herbert/Associated Press

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Early reports that the F.B.I. search of former President Donald J. Trump’s residence in Florida related to an investigation into whether he had unlawfully taken government files when he left the White House focused attention on an obscure criminal law barring removal of official records. The penalties for breaking that law include disqualification from holding any federal office.

Because Mr. Trump is widely believed to be preparing to run for president again in 2024, that unusual penalty raised the prospect that he might be legally barred from returning to the White House.

Specifically, the law in question — Section 2071 of Title 18 of the United States Code — makes it a crime if someone who has custody of government documents or records “willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies or destroys” them.

If convicted, defendants can be fined or sentenced to prison for up to three years. In addition, the statute says, if they are currently in a federal office, they “shall forfeit” that office, and they shall “be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”

On its face, then, if Mr. Trump were to be charged and convicted of removing, concealing or destroying government records under that law, he would seem to be ineligible to become president again. » | Charlie Savage | Monday, August 8, 2022

Related srticles.

Canicule : dix-huit départements, principalement dans l’ouest du pays, placés en vigilance orange

LE MONDE : Les fortes chaleurs s’étendront dans les jours à venir vers le nord-ouest puis le nord du pays, a expliqué Météo-France.

Paris, France le 18 juillet 2022 : Sur la place du Carrousel a proximité du Louvre des visiteurs se promènent et se protègent comme ils peuvent du soleil écrasant. BENJAMIN GIRETTE POUR « LE MONDE »

La troisième période de canicule se poursuit en France hexagonale. Mardi 9 août, dix-huit départements ont été placés en vigilance orange canicule par Météo-France, avant des orages attendus à partir de dimanche.

Les 18 départements concernés sont les suivants : la Charente (16), la Charente-Maritime (17), la Dordogne (24), le Gard (30), la Haute-Garonne (31), le Gers (32), la Gironde (33), les Landes (40), la Loire-Atlantique (44), le Lot (46), le Lot-et-Garonne (47), les Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64), les Hautes-Pyrénées (65), les Deux-Sèvres (79), le Tarn (81), le Tarn-et-Garonne (82), le Vaucluse (84) et la Vendée (85).

Mercredi, les températures maximales « atteindront 34 à 37 °C des Pays de la Loire à [la région] Poitou-Charentes, et 36 à 38 °C de façon généralisée sur le Sud-Ouest avec localement des pointes à 39 ou 40 °C », avertit d’ores et déjà Météo-France. » | Le Monde avec AFP | mardi 9 août 2022

Art Garfunkel : I Only Have Eyes for You

Jan 18, 2017 Provided to YouTube by Columbia

Also here.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — August 9, 2022

The Lincoln Project : Getting Sh*t Done

Aug 9, 2022 Democrats:

Lowered prescription drug prices
Reduced tax burden on the middle class
Took action on Climate Change


Voted to keep insulin prices sky high
Aim to increase taxes on the middle class
Led a mob to attack our Capitol

Which America do you want?