Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Susan Rice Criticizes Hungarian PM Using Coronavirus Crisis for Power Grab | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss how governments have used emergency powers granted during the coronavirus crisis to impinge on democratic norms and the rule of law. She also discusses the Trump administration seeming to back off the use of the term "Wuhan virus" in an official capacity, and the president's pattern of lashing out at women and women of color.Aired on 3/31/2020.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

US Indictment of Maduro Is Cruel & Inhuman Action – Prof. Salas

In the latest move against an already struggling Venezuela, US Attorney General William Barr has announced the indictment of President Maduro and more than a dozen other Venezuelan officials for a narco-terrorism and cocaine trafficking conspiracy. Author and professor of Latin American History at Pomona College Miguel Tinker Salas shares his expertise.

Spain: 'It Is Really, Really Bad...and It Will Only Get Worse'

A medical director speaks about the health workers affected by the virus in Spain and what the UK needs to learn before the virus curve peaks.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Xi Jinping Calls on Trump to Improve US-China Relations amid Covid-19 Crisis

THE GUARDIAN: Phonecall between leaders came as China prepares to seal itself off from the world to stem ‘imported’ coronavirus cases

Chinese president Xi Jinping has called on Donald Trump to take “substantive actions” to improve relations between the two countries, as China prepared to shut its borders to foreign arrivals amid fears of infections coming from abroad.

On Friday, Trump and Chinese president Xi Jinping held a phone call about the coronavirus outbreak in an attempt to repair strained relations, following weeks of traded barbs over the virus. According to state media, Xi told Trump in a phone call on Friday that US-China relations had reached an “important juncture”.

“Working together brings both sides benefits, fighting hurts both. Cooperation is the only choice,” he said. Xi said he hoped the US would take “substantive actions” to improve US-China relations to develop a relationship that is “without conflict and confrontation” but based on “mutual respect and mutually beneficial cooperation.”

Trump has continued to call the disease “the Chinese virus,” despite protestations from Beijing. Chinese diplomats have in turn pushed the idea that the virus, which emerged in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, originated in the US.

Xi also said he hoped the US would take “effective measures” to safeguard the lives of Chinese citizens in the US, describing the pandemic as the “common enemy of mankind.” He said: “Only by united can the international community defeat it.” » | Lily Kuo in Shanghai | Friday, March 27, 2020

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

'Covid Coalition' Government Considered by Senior Conservatives

THE GUARDIAN: George Freeman says Keir Starmer should join ‘unavoidable’ cross-party government if elected

Senior Conservatives are questioning whether Boris Johnson will need a national unity government or emergency cross-party council to share responsibility for the coronavirus crisis if the situation worsens.

George Freeman, a former minister in Johnson’s government, was the first to break cover to say a “Covid coalition” government may be “unavoidable” and some other Tory MPs privately believe the prime minister will need cross-party governing consensus if emergency measures are to continue for months.

Freeman told the Guardian: “The scale of this national emergency – the suspension of usual freedoms and democracy, the economic consequences and the likely loss of tens of thousands of lives – demands a suspension of politics as usual. » | Rowena Mason, Peter Walker and Kate Proctor | Wednesday, March 25, 2020 (?)

Economist Jeffrey Sachs: Trump “Understands Nothing, Listens to Nothing” as Pandemic Surges in US

As #NotDying4WallStreet trends on Twitter, President Trump defies his top scientists and soaring infection rate, saying he will ease restrictions soon to jumpstart the economy. We speak with economist Jeffrey Sachs about the stimulus package that failed to pass again Monday, as Democrats called the measure a slush fund for corporations. Sachs also led the WHO’s Commission on Macroeconomics and Health from 2000 to 2001 and played a key role in conceiving and establishing the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, which helped distribute new medicines to fight infectious diseases.

Coronavirus: Update zur weltweiten Lage

Die Welt stemmt sich gegen die Coronavirus Pandemie: besonders schnell kann sich das Virus da ausbreiten, wo viele Menschen auf engstem Raum miteinander in Kontakt sind. In Indien leben fast 1,4 Milliarden Menschen. Die Regierung hat Teilen des bevölkerungsreichen Staates eine Ausgangs-Sperre verordnet. Mehr über die aktuelle Lage in unseren Corona-News.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Coronavirus: Update zur weltweiten Lage

Die Welt in Kampf gegen Corona: China gibt langsam Entwarnung, auch in Südkorea hat sich die Ansteckungsgwschwindigkeit rapide verlangsamt. Dafür ist weiterhin Europa zentral betroffen. Italien schließt Firmen und Fabriken, Spanien will Notstand und Ausgangssperre verlängern. Und in den USA nimmt die Corona-Welle deutlich an Wucht zu: Mit rund 27.000 Infizierten liegen die Staaten jetzt schon auf Platz vier der weltweiten Statistik der US amerikanischen Johns-Hopkins Universität.

Joe Calls for a Government Site to List Mask, Glove Production | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Joe Scarborough calls for a government web site that will list the production of masks, gloves, protective gear, testing and ventilators.

Coronavirus: Italian City’s Warning to the Rest of the World

Bergamo’s streets are empty as it deals with a devastating number of coronavirus-related deaths – and residents have a warning for others. It is the worst-hit city in Italy, the country currently struggling the most with the coronavirus crisis.

'Be Careful': Spain's Last 1918 Flu Survivor Offers Warning on Coronavirus

THE GUARDIAN: José Ameal Peña, 105, is watching on anxiously as a new pandemic sweeps globe

José Ameal Peña was four years old when the 1918 flu tore through his small fishing town in northern Spain, its deadly path narrated by the daily ringing of church bells.

More than a century later, Ameal Peña – believed to be Spain’s only living survivor of a pandemic said to be the deadliest in human history – has a warning as the world faces off against Covid-19. “Be careful,” he said. “I don’t want to see the same thing repeated. It claimed so many lives.”

The 1918 flu, known as the Spanish flu after the country’s press were among the first to report on it, killed between 50 and 100 million people around the world. » | Ashifa Kassam in Madrid | Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Italian Doctor on How Virus 'Exploded', Having Coronavirus & How to Fight It

Dr Sylvia Bignamini is the Health Director of San Francesco Clinic in Bergamo, Italy, the city at the epicentre of the country's outbreak

She conducted the first coronavirus test in her nursing home and also caught the virus herself. She is now living and working in isolation at home.

Italien fährt Wirtschaft größtenteils herunter

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: In Italien sollen Unternehmen, die keine lebenswichtigen Güter oder Dienstleistungen produzieren und anbieten, die Arbeit einstellen. Rapide steigende Sterbezahlen zwingen die drittgrößte Volkswirtschaft der EU zu diesem Schritt.

Italien schließt angesichts immer weiter steigender Totenzahlen durch die Coronavirus-Pandemie die gesamte nicht lebensnotwendige Produktion. Davon seien Supermärkte, Banken, Post und Apotheken ausgenommen, sagte Ministerpräsident Giuseppe Conte am Samstagabend. „Es ist die schwerste Krise für das Land seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.“ Nun werde jede produktive Tätigkeit eingestellt, „die nicht entscheidend und unerlässlich dafür ist, uns essenzielle Güter und Dienstleistungen zu garantieren“. Diese drastische Maßnahme in der drittgrößten Volkswirtschaft der EU soll zunächst bis 3. April gelten.

Das Land hatte am Samstag an nur einem Tag fast 800 Tote vermeldet und damit so viele wie nie seit dem Ausbruch des Virus im Land. Bisher starben 4825 Menschen, teilte der Zivilschutz in Rom mit. Das waren 793 mehr als am Vortag. Besonders stark betroffen ist die nördliche Region Lombardei, wo das Virus Ende Februar ausgebrochen war und die Krankenhäuser mittlerweile vor dem Kollaps stehen. Die wirtschaftlichen Schäden für das hoch verschuldete Land sind jetzt schon unermesslich. » | Quelle: dpa | Sonntag, 22.März 2020

Saturday, March 21, 2020

So reagiert Söder auf den weinenden Bäcker aus Hannover

Ein deutscher Bäcker bringt mit seinem Video zur Corona-Krise, ein ganzes Land zum Weinen.

Brexit geht in die Verlängerung

DIE PRESSE: Längere Übergangsfrist bis 2021/2022 zeichnet sich ab

. London/Brüssel.
Die Verhandlungen über das künftige Verhältnis zwischen Großbritannien und der EU stehen momentan unter keinem guten Stern – und das hängt nicht ausschließlich mit der Tatsache zusammen, dass EU-Chefverhandler Michel Barnier am Donnerstag mit dem Coronavirus diagnostiziert und umgehend in die häusliche Quarantäne geschickt wurde. Die Herausforderungen, die Europäer und Briten im Zusammenhang mit der Pandemie bewältigen müssen, sind massiv – und schränken die inhaltliche Bandbreite der Institutionen in Brüssel und London ein.

Am Freitag bot Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen Großbritannien eine Verlängerung der Brexit-Übergangsfrist an. Diese Frist läuft am 31. Dezember ab – bis dahin werden die Briten wie Mitglieder des Binnenmarkts behandelt, an den Grenzen zwischen Großbritannien und der EU finden keine Zollkontrollen statt. London könne jederzeit um Verlängerung ansuchen, „das muss die Regierung von Boris Johnson selber entscheiden“, sagte von der Leyen. » | ag./la | Freitag, 20. März 2020

’Everything Is Uncharted’: New Yorkers Confront Life Amid a Coronavirus Shutdown

With restrictions tightened on businesses and daily activity, residents are grappling with uncertainty about resources, health care and their paychecks.

Opinion: We Should All Be More Like the Nuns of 1918

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The sisters of Philadelphia were lifesavers during the Spanish flu epidemic. They are an inspiration today.

A few years ago, I set out to research my grandmother’s early childhood in Philadelphia, looking for clues about what the world was like in the first precarious years of her life. I knew that she was born in October 1917, that she had lived through the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 as a baby, but I was unprepared for the harrowing details I uncovered in my search.

Reading about the fall of 1918 left me grappling with a series of images of the outbreak as it was experienced locally: hushed streets, shut doors, bodies piled up in basements and on porches because the morgues had run out of coffins. Businesses and public spaces citywide were shuttered, including churches, schools and theaters. In a single day, on Oct. 16, more than 700 people in Philadelphia died from influenza.

But as I read the first alarming headlines about the coronavirus in January, what came to mind from my family research was one particular document, an oral history published in 1919 by the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia to preserve living memories of the Spanish flu. “Facts unrecorded are quickly lost in the new interests of changing time,” its author began; here, he meant to “gather information for the future.” Within these unassuming pages, I found the story of an extraordinary act of generosity and compassion, carried out at the height of a pandemic. Titled “Work of the Sisters During the Epidemic of Influenza, October 1918,” within this document was evidence of the enormous human capacity for personal sacrifice in the name of public good. » | Kiley Bense | Friday, March 20, 2020

1918 Pandemic (H1N1 virus) »

Spanish flu »

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Coronavirus Death Toll in Italy Officially Surpasses China | MSNBC

Over 3,400 people have died from the coronavirus in Italy, officially surpassing the death toll from the virus in China.

Germany Shuts Down Far-Right Clubs That Deny the Modern State

THE NEW YORK TIMES: In a first, the federal government banned two clubs with allegiance to the old German Reich. Police raids on members’ homes found weapons, propaganda and narcotics.

BERLIN — The German government on Thursday banned two clubs linked to an anti-Semitic movement that refuses to recognize the modern German state, with the Interior Ministry ordering raids on the homes of the groups’ leaders in 10 states as part of a crackdown on Germany’s far right.

“We relentlessly continue the fight against right-wing extremism even in times of crisis,” Horst Seehofer, Germany’s interior minister, said in a statement. “We are dealing with an association that distributes racist and anti-Semitic writings and thus systematically poisons our liberal society,” Mr. Seehofer added.

After years of focusing on threats from Islamist extremists, the German authorities have started to train their resources on combating homegrown far-right extremists. There have been three major attacks in the last nine months, including the killing of a politician, a failed attack on a synagogue and the killing in February of nine Germans with immigrant backgrounds, all three of which were carried out by far-right extremists.

“Far-right terror is the biggest threat to our democracy right now,” Christine Lambrecht, the country’s justice minister, said after the February attacks. On Thursday, she said the decision to ban the clubs brought the fight against far-right extremism and racism to the “highest political level.” » | Christopher F. Schuetze | Thursday, March 19, 2020

The President Is Lying About Coronavirus

A Message from Her Majesty The Queen

The Queen has just shared this message to the country:

As Philip and I arrive at Windsor today, we know that many individuals and families across the United Kingdom, and around the world, are entering a period of great concern and uncertainty.

We are all being advised to change our normal routines and regular patterns of life for the greater good of the communities we live in and, in particular, to protect the most vulnerable within them.

At times such as these, I am reminded that our nation’s history has been forged by people and communities coming together to work as one, concentrating our combined efforts with a focus on the common goal.

We are enormously thankful for the expertise and commitment of our scientists, medical practitioners and emergency and public services; but now more than any time in our recent past, we all have a vitally important part to play as individuals - today and in the coming days, weeks and months.

Many of us will need to find new ways of staying in touch with each other and making sure that loved ones are safe. I am certain we are up to that challenge. You can be assured that my family and I stand ready to play our part.


Read it here »

Billionaire Petition

Coronavirus Outbreak in Belgium: "Brussels, a Very Quiet City"

Coronavirus in Belgium: FRANCE24's correspondent in Brussels Dave Keating tells us more about the situation of the pandemic in the country.

Calls for UK Basic Income Payment to Cushion Coronavirus Impact

THE GUARDIAN: MPs, peers and others say the money for all citizens would help them through crisis

The government is facing cross-party calls from MPs, charities and thinktanks to start paying swathes of the population a basic income to cushion the economic shock of the coronavirus outbreak.

The former Conservative business secretary Greg Clark urged the government to act immediately to prevent mass job losses by allowing the taxpayer to subsidise companies’ wage bills. Forty-six opposition MPs and peers also wrote to Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak demanding a basic income payment for all citizens to see them through this crisis. » | Robert Booth and Heather Stewart | Thursday, March 19, 2020

France May Refuse Entry to Britons If No Strict Lockdown Is Imposed in UK

THE GUARDIAN: French PM says UK citizens may not be allowed in as part of measures to fight coronavirus

France has warned it may start turning travellers from Britain away unless the UK adopts a similar near-total lockdown to those in place in other European countries.

With EU governments including Italy, Spain and France requiring citizens to stay at home to curb the coronavirus, and Rome threatening to tighten restrictions further, the French prime minister, Édouard Philippe, has said that if the UK does not follow suit soon, arrivals from Britain could be refused entry.

“Everyone in the EU must adopt logical methods and processes to fight against the epidemic,” Philippe said. “It’s obvious that if neighbouring states like the UK leave it too long, we would have difficulty allowing British citizens who are moving freely around their country to come to France.” » | Jon Henley, Europe correspondent, and Kim Willsher | Thursday, March 19, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Corona-Krise: Merkel: Es ist ernst!

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel fordert die Menschen in Deutschland auf, beim Kampf gegen die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus mitzuhelfen. „Es ist ernst. Nehmen Sie es auch ernst“, sagt Merkel in einer Fernsehansprache. „Seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg gab es keine Herausforderung an unser Land mehr, bei der es so auf unser gemeinsames, solidarisches Handeln ankommt.“ Außerdem: „Wir müssen das Risiko, dass der eine den anderen ansteckt, so begrenzen wie wir können.“ Alle sollen sich an die Abstandsregeln halten, bittet sie die Bevölkerung. Zwar hätte Deutschland ein gutes Gesundheitssystem: „Aber auch unsere Krankenhäuser wären völlig überfordert, wenn in kürzester Zeit zu viele Patienten eingeliefert würden, die einen schweren Verlauf der Coronainfektion erleiden."

Es ist das erste Mal in ihrer Amtszeit, dass sich Merkel außerhalb der Silvester-Ansprache im Fernsehen direkt an die Bevölkerung wendet.

Coronavirus Update: Europe Starts Closing Down Borders | DW News

Travel into Europe, the current epicenter of the coroanvirus pandemic, is being severely restricted. European Union leaders have agreed on a 30-day ban on travellers entering the bloc. The decision will affect most non-citizens and non-residents of the European Union - with some exceptions. It will be up to each member state to implement the new regulations. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the EU would do what's necessary to protect the public's health and the economy. European countries aren't the only ones clamping down on their borders. The United States and Canada, which share the world's longest land frontier, are working out the details of banning all non-essential travel between the two countries. Australia has declared its first-ever 'human biosecurity emergency.' Prime Minister Scott Morrison has advised Australians not to travel abroad. Saudi Arabia, which holds the rotating chair of G-20 countries, says it will convene a video summit next week to coordinate the coronavirus response among the world's biggest economies. And Japan's deputy prime minister says holding the Summer Olympics would make 'no sense' if countries can't send athletes.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Europe Shuts Out Visitors to Slow Coronavirus

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Even as European countries erect barriers between one another, the E.U. announced a coordinated ban on nearly all travelers from the rest of the world.

BRUSSELS — European leaders agreed on Tuesday to close off their territory to almost all visitors, shutting the door to most travelers for at least 30 days as they struggled to arrest the rapid spread of the coronavirus on the continent.

The leaders, meeting by teleconference, agreed to close off a region encompassing at least 26 countries and more than 400 million people — setting out on a long stretch of isolation unlike almost anything seen in modern European history.

Exceptions will be made for European citizens and residents coming home, although some countries were asking them to self-isolate for two weeks, in some cases away from their families. Medical professionals and scientists will also be exempt.

Britain said it was not planning to participate in the measure, said the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. » | Matina Stevis-Gridneff | Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Trump Now Claims He Always Knew the Coronvirus Would Be a Pandemic

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The president tried to rewrite his history with advising Americans about the coronavirus. His own words prove him wrong.

WASHINGTON — For weeks, President Trump has minimized the coronavirus, mocked concern about it and treated the risk cavalierly. On Tuesday he took to the White House podium and made a remarkable pronouncement: He knew it was a pandemic all along.

“I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic,” Mr. Trump told reporters.

Here is what Mr. Trump actually said from the beginning of the pandemic. » | Katie Rogers and Maggie Haberman | Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Who can lie like Trump? What a load of BS this is! – Mark

Donald Trump, l’anti-européen

LE MONDE: Editorial. Le président américain a décidé, jeudi 12 mars, d’interdire l’accès aux Etats-Unis pendant un mois aux personnes venant des 26 pays membres de l’espace Schengen, sous prétexte d’empêcher la propagation du coronavirus. Une décision aberrante.

Editorial du « Monde ».
Le coronavirus a permis à Donald Trump de réaliser enfin son rêve : mettre l’Europe en quarantaine. En décidant, jeudi 12 mars, de fermer la porte du territoire des Etats-Unis pendant un mois aux personnes venant des 26 pays membres de l’espace Schengen, sous prétexte d’empêcher la contamination de ses compatriotes par ce qu’il appelle « un virus étranger », le président américain a trahi, une fois de plus, son hostilité viscérale à l’égard de l’Union européenne.

Cette décision est pitoyable à plusieurs égards. Dans sa forme, d’abord : prise sans la moindre concertation avec les gouvernements des pays concernés et mise en œuvre dans un délai de moins de quarante-huit heures, elle a semé le chaos dans les aéroports, les compagnies aériennes, déjà lourdement mises à l’épreuve, les représentations consulaires, sur les places boursières et parmi des centaines de milliers de voyageurs. » | Samedi 14 mars 2020

Macron Declares France ‘at War’ With Virus, as E.U. Proposes 30-Day Travel Ban

THE NEW YORK TIMES: President Emmanuel Macron commanded the French to stay at home for at least 15 days, joining other European leaders who are taking measures never before seen in the postwar West.

BRUSSELS — Adopting martial language, President Emmanuel Macron ordered the French to stay at home for at least the next 15 days, as France put in place some of the most severe measures in Europe to try to curb the raging coronavirus.

The aggressive move by France came as other countries in the region introduced measures that their leaders described as unprecedented in postwar Europe, and as the European Union proposed a 30-day shutdown of all nonessential travel into the bloc from other countries.

The movement of French citizens will be tightly restricted, starting from midday on Tuesday and lasting through at least the end of the month, with people expected to stay home, leaving only for essential activities like food shopping. Anyone violating the order faces punishment.

“We are at war," Mr. Macron said in an address to the nation Monday night. “The enemy is invisible and it requires our general mobilization.”

The French army will deploy to transport the sick to hospitals, and a military hospital with 30 intensive care beds will be set up in the eastern region of Alsace, where one of the largest infection clusters has erupted.

Mr. Macron was responding to severe warnings from doctors about an increasingly dire situation. Jérôme Salomon, a top official at France’s health ministry, told France Inter radio on Monday that the situation in France was “deteriorating very quickly.” » | Steven Erlanger | Monday, March 16, 2020

Coronavirus: How Spaniards Aren't Going to Let Life under Lockdown Get Them Down

Spaniards were ordered into lockdown this weekend as the country struggled to control a spiralling coronavirus outbreak – but residents weren’t going to let it get them down.

Told they would only be allowed to leave their homes for essential business – such as to buy food or medical supplies – for the next 15 days, people sprung [sic] into action to keep neighbourhood morale high.

Videos circulated online showed neighbours performing music to each other from their balconies, playing bingo between windows, and even offering exercise tutorials from their courtyards.

Historic: New York Grinds to a Halt

New York, New Jersey and Connecticut have ordered the closure of bars, restaurants and movie theaters in an attempt to stem the growing number of COVID-19 coronavirus infections. The once-teeming streets of New York City have become still. RT America’s Trinity Chavez reports from coronavirus-stricken New York City.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Boris Johnson Tells UK Public to Avoid Non-essential Contact and Travel

Prime Minister Boris Johnson updates the UK on the latest coronavirus advice after a Cobra meeting.

Jetzt live: Schweiz: Bundesrat erklärt Notstand, riegelt das Land ab, mobilisiert Armee

TAGES ANZEIGER: Die Landesregierung informiert in diesen Minuten über den aktuellen Stand in Sachen Coronavirus. Wir berichten laufend.

Bundespräsidentin Simonetta Sommaruga hat sich mit klaren Worten an die Bevölkerung gewandt. «Wir müssen jetzt, sofort, handeln.» Es müsse ein Ruck durch Land gehen, ansonsten könne die Ausbreitung des Virus nicht verlangsamt werden.

Das Umsetzen der drastischen Massnahmen sei «im Interesse von uns allen», sagte Sommaruga am Montagabend vor den Bundeshausmedien. Jeder Einzelne müsse sich daran halten. Wenn es keine Reaktion gebe, wenn zu viele Menschen erkrankten, dann komme es in den Spitälern zu einem Engpass. » | red/sda | Montag, 16. März 2020

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Coronavirus Update: Spain on Lockdown, Germany Shuts Borders | DW News (15.03.20)

Galloway | Is MBS's Public Executing & War Funding Not Enough to Stop Leaders from Bowing to Him?

Galloway’s take on Saudi Arabia’s atrocities, as well as Western politicians’ habit of looking the other way.

Notstand in Spanien: Ausgangssperren gelten ab Montag

Der Notstand gilt ab Montagmorgen und dauert zunächst 15 Tage an. Bürger dürfen dann das Haus nur noch verlassen, um zur Arbeit zu gehen oder um lebensnotwendige Besorgungen zu machen. Viele Straßen und öffentliche Orte in Spanien waren aber schon am Samstag weitgehend leergefegt.

Spaniens Ministerpräsident Pedro Sánchez stellte die einzelnen Vorkehrungen am Samstagabend auf einer Pressekonferenz vor: Das öffentliche Leben wird stark eingeschränkt, Menschen sollen ihr Haus nur verlassen, wenn sie einkaufen, zur Apotheke, zum Geldautomaten oder zum Arzt müssen. Auch der Weg zum Arbeitsplatz und zurück nach Hause ist erlaubt. Allerdings sind die Menschen angehalten, nach Möglichkeit von zu Hause aus zu arbeiten. Einen Spaziergang machen oder Freunde besuchen, ist damit tabu. Nur Besuche bei Älteren und Minderjährigen, körperlich geschwächten Personen und Behinderten sind erlaubt. Spanien hat in den vergangenen Tagen einen besonders dramatischen Anstieg der Infektionen erlebt. Nach offiziellen Angaben waren bis Samstag mehr als 6000 Menschen am Coronavirus erkrankt, mehr als 190 sind an den Folgen der Krankheit gestorben.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Sick Joke of Donald Trump's Presidency Isn't Funny Any More

THE GUARDIAN: The coronavirus outbreak has revealed the full stupidity, incompetence and selfishness of the president to deadly effect

For three long years the world has been treated to the sick joke of Donald Trump’s presidency. Some days were more sick than others. But now the joke is over.

So is the entire facade of the Trump White House: the gold-plated veneer of power and grift will be stripped bare by a global pandemic and recession.

Of all the obituaries we’ll read in the next several weeks, every one will be more meaningful than the political end of a former reality-TV star.

But make no mistake. The humanitarian crisis about to unfold will consume what’s left of this president and the Republican party that surrendered its self-respect and sense of duty to flatter his ego and avoid his angry tweets.

Trump was right about one thing, and only one thing, as the coronavirus started to spread across the world. The sight of thousands of dead Americans will hurt him politically. It will also hurt many thousands of Americans in reality. » Richard Wolffe | Friday, March 13, 2020

Coronavirus : les « lieux recevant du public » non essentiels fermés dès minuit

LE POINT: Edouard Philippe a annoncé samedi soir la fermeture dès minuit et « jusqu'à nouvel ordre » de tous les « lieux recevant du public non indispensables à la vie du pays », appelant les Français à « plus de discipline » face à la pandémie de coronavirus. Restaurants, bars, discothèques, cinémas sont appelés à fermer leurs portes. Les commerces sont aussi touchés, à l'exception des magasins alimentaires, pharmacies, banques, bureaux de tabac ou encore stations-essence, a précisé le Premier ministre. En revanche, le premier tour des élections municipales se déroulera dimanche « comme prévu ». Le directeur général de la Santé Jérôme Salomon a annoncé que 830 nouveaux cas de patients infectés par le nouveau coronavirus avaient été détectés en France, pour un total de 4 500 depuis le début de l'épidémie qui a fait pour l'heure 91 morts dans le pays. » | Par LePoint.fr (avec AFP) | Samedi 14 mars 2020

Be Careful. Trump May Exploit the Coronavirus Crisis for Authoritarian Ends

THE GUARDIAN: When he no can longer lie or deny, he’ll blame immigrants, journalists, people of color, liberals and other enemies

Donald Trump’s Oval Office address on coronavirus was terrifying because it revealed a man completely unmatched to the moment. Even though he was reading from a teleprompter, the president got the details of his major policy announcements wrong. He attempted no emotional connection with or comfort of the tens of millions of Americans whose lives are being upended by the threat of the disease. He didn’t even have anything useful to say about what his own top scientist has described as America’s “failing” testing regime, which has screened about as many people all year as South Korea does in a day. In a presidency accustomed to lows, this one was quite literally sickening. » | Andrew Gawthorpe* | Saturday, March 14, 2020

* Andrew Gawthorpe is a historian of the United States at Leiden University

Coronavirus: US to Extend Travel Ban to UK and Ireland

BBC: The US is to extend its European coronavirus travel ban to include the UK and Republic of Ireland.

The ban will begin at midnight EST on Monday (04:00 GMT Tuesday), Vice-President Mike Pence announced. » | Saturday, March 14, 2020

Italians Sing Patriotic Songs from Their Balconies During Coronavirus Lockdown

THE GUARDIAN: Neighbours from Naples to Tuscany make harmonies across empty streets to lift spirits and pass the time during quarantine

Italians have been singing from their balconies across the country, in an effort to boost morale during its nationwide lockdown that began this week, due to Covid-19.

Videos of Italian neighbours singing together have been appearing on social media after Italy’s prime minister Giuseppe Conte announced the restrictions that shut down virtually all daily life, and leftonly grocery stores, banks, and pharmacies open. » | Christine Kearney | Saturday, March 14, 2020

Italians Cope with Quarantine by Singing on Their Balconies »

Rom zu Zeiten von Corona - "La Dolce Vita" in Quarantäne | ARTE

Der Coronavirus breitet sich weiter aus. Immer mehr Städte sind in Quarantäne. Rom in Zeiten von Corona: Einen Espresso im Bistro zu bestellen, ist in Italien zu einem Akt des Widerstandes geworden. Denn um die Covid-19 Epidemie einzudämmen, hat der Ministerpräsident drastische Maßnahmen ergriffen: Schulen und Geschäfte wurden geschloßen, Fußballspiele und andere Menschenansammlungen abgesagt. Der italienische Alltag beschränkt sich fortan (fast) auf die eigenen vier Wände. Mit unserem Korrespondenten tauchen wir in das Leben unter Quarantäne ein.

Switzerland Imposes Sweeping Measures to Contain Coronavirus

SWISS INFO: Switzerland has closed schools throughout the country and imposed a ban on public gatherings of more than 100 people. The government pledged CHF10 billion ($10.6 billion) in emergency aid to support the economy and re-introduced in principle border checks with neighbouring countries.

The package of measures was announced at a news conference attended by four of the seven government ministers on Friday.

The ban on gatherings will last until at least the end of April while schools will be closed until April 4 (some cantons have bans until April 30). The border with Italy will remain open but further restrictions will be applied. Furthermore, border controls with other European countries have been tightened with a suspension of the single border agreement. Switzerland is not a member state of the European Union but is included in the Schengen zone.

The CHF10 billion ($10.6 billion) aid package is aimed at helping companies survive the economic downturn caused by coronavirus. » | Urs Geiser and Matthew Allen | Friday, March 13, 2020

Coronavirus: US Travel Ban on Europe Begins as Many Countries Step Up Containment

THE GUARDIAN: Saudi Arabia suspends all international flights, New Zealand introduces quarantine for almost all arrivals

The travel ban from Europe to the United States has come into force, as a growing number of countries across the world ramp up their efforts to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

President Trump’s travel ban on the 26 countries of the Schengen area began as part of stepped up efforts by his administration to tackle the growing Covid-19 outbreak, including the declaration of a national emergency, freeing up $50bn in federal funding and promising a screening website and drive-through tests.

The travel ban excludes the UK and Ireland, but Donald Trump has said the UK could be added to the list of European countries included.

Many other countries also stepped up their fight against the virus, including Saudi Arabia which suspended all international flights for two weeks, starting on Sunday. The period will be considered as an exceptional official holiday for citizens and residents who are unable to return due to the suspension of flights or if they face quarantine after their return to the Kingdom, state news agency, SPA, cited the official as saying. The country has reported 86 coronavirus cases.

In New Zealand, the prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, announced that she would introduce “the widest-ranging and toughest border restrictions of anyone in the world”, also from midnight on Sunday. » | Rebecca Ratcliffe | Saturday, March 14, 2020

Will the Coronavirus Pandemic Cause a Global Recession? I Inside Story

Stock markets around the world have had a turbulent week with some of the worst losses in over 30 years. It's the world's biggest health emergency. The coronavirus outbreak is now a pandemic, and there are fears it can lead to a catastrophic global economic crisis.

Sweeping containment measures have disrupted markets around the world - including in the US. A travel ban on 26 European countries came into effect on Friday and the unprecedented move sent stocks crashing to their worst losses in over 30 years.

On Wall Street, the Dow Jones Industrial Average sank 10 percent on Thursday -- its biggest plunge since the Black Monday crash of 1987. While European markets showed some signs of recovery on Friday. So, what's the economic fallout?

Presenter: James Bays | Guests: Pedro Da Costa - Senior Reporter at Market News International; Hosuk Lee-Makiyama - Director of the European Centre for International Political Economy; Gareth Leather - Senior Economist who specialises in Asian and emerging markets at the firm Capital Economics

Friday, March 13, 2020

Coronavirus: WHO Accuses Governments of 'Alarming Levels of Inaction' | DW News

The World Health Organisation has declared the coronavirus a pandemic and accused governments of "alarming levels of inaction". The WHO says it hopes using the word 'pandemic' will shock lethargic governments into taking more decisive measures. One of the worst-hit countries, Italy, has announced another wave of restrictions. Now, all shops, except food stores and pharmacies, will be closed to try to halt the spread of the disease. US President Donald Trump has banned nearly all travel from Europe to the United States starting at midnight on Friday. The ban will last for 30 days, but excludes the UK and Ireland and a few other countries outside the Schengen passport-free travel area. Trump said clusters of coronavirus infections in the US were traceable to people coming from Europe. He blamed the European Union for failing to act quickly enough to prevent the spread of the disease.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Emmanuel Macron : Adresse aux Français

Gleich richtet sich die Kanzlerin an alle Deutschen | BILD Live

In der Corona-Krise kommt jetzt eine Ansprache von Kanzlerin Merkel an alle in Deutschland.

Trump Calls COVID-19 “Foreign Virus” as Lack of Universal Healthcare Makes the Pandemic Worse

After downplaying the threat of coronavirus for days, President Donald Trump addressed the nation Wednesday from the Oval Office, calling COVID-19 a “foreign virus” and announcing an unprecedented travel ban from most of Europe to the U.S. He also said he will expand sick leave. This comes as Senate Republicans blocked paid sick leave legislation. Robert Pollin, distinguished university professor of economics and co-director of the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, says the lack of universal healthcare in the U.S. is exacerbating the coronavirus crisis due to “the absurdity that people cannot feel confident that they are going to get medical treatment” when they need it most. In 2018, Pollin co-authored a paper titled “Economic Analysis of Medicare for All.” His forthcoming book, co-authored with Noam Chomsky, is “The Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal: The Political Economy of Saving the Planet.”

Everyone Questioning Biden's Mental Fitness

Joe Biden’s mental fitness is a huge concern. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

Trump’s Re-election Chances Suddenly Look Shakier

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Weeks ago, his advisers were counting on a strong economy and a Democratic opponent easily portrayed as too far left. But the political landscape has sharply shifted.

President Trump faces the biggest challenge yet to his prospects of being re-elected, with his advisers’ two major assumptions for the campaign — a booming economy and an opponent easily vilified as too far left — quickly evaporating.

After a year in which Mr. Trump has told voters that they must support his re-election or risk watching the economy decline, the stock market is reeling and economists are warning that a recession could be on the horizon because of the worsening spread of the coronavirus.

And instead of elevating Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, as Mr. Trump made clear was his hope, Democrats have suddenly and decisively swung from a flirtation with socialism to former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., who has run a primary campaign centered on a return to political normalcy.

“Biden’s success in the suburbs makes him an acceptable alternative to Trump,” said Scott Reed, the top political adviser for the United States Chamber of Commerce. “His turnout in the suburbs threatens the Republican Senate.” » | Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Martin | Thursday, March 12, 2020

Sanders Presses Biden on Key Issues

Trump Delivers National Address on Coronavirus (Full Video)

Richard Wolff: Banks Are Trembling!

Economist and founder of Democracy at Work Dr. Richard Wolff and broadcasting legend Larry King join Rick Sanchez to weigh in on Wall Street's terrifying Monday plunge, the worst since 2008. They explain the link between oil exploration and extraction and the debt that fuels it. They also discuss the role of the coronavirus outbreak in the economic crisis and its likely influence on US politics.

A Fumbled Global Response to the Virus in a Leadership Void

THE NEW YORK TIMES: While world leaders are at last speaking out about the gravity of the pandemic, their voices are less a choir than a cacophony, with the United States absent from its traditional conductor role.

LONDON — In Frankfurt, the president of the European Central Bank warned that the coronavirus could trigger an economic crash as dire as that of 2008. In Berlin, the German chancellor warned the virus could infect two-thirds of her country’s population. In London, the British prime minister rolled out a nearly $40 billion rescue package to cushion his economy from the shock.

As the toll of those afflicted by the virus continued to soar and financial markets from Tokyo to New York continued to swoon, world leaders are finally starting to find their voices about the gravity of what is now officially a pandemic.

Yet it remains less a choir than a cacophony — a dissonant babble of politicians all struggling, in their own way, to cope with the manifold challenges posed by the virus, from its crushing burden on hospitals and health care workers to its economic devastation and rising death toll.

The choir also lacks a conductor, a role played through most of the post-World War II era by the United States.

President Trump has failed to work with other leaders to fashion a common response, preferring to promote his border wall over the scientific advice of his own medical experts. » | Mark Landler | Wednesday, March 11, 2020, updated Thursday, March 12, 2020

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

A Room With a View • O Mio Babbino Caro • Kiri Te Kanawa

Soundtrack/theme music from the 1985 James Ivory film "A Room With A View" with Helena Bonham Carter, Daniel Day-Lewis, Julian Sands, Maggie Smith, Denholm Elliot, Judi Dench, Simon Callow & Rupert Graves. Based on the novel by EM Forster. "O Mio Babbino Caro" ("Oh My Beloved Father") is a soprano aria from the opera Gianni Schicchi (1918) by Giacomo Puccini.

US Primary Election Results: Game Over for Sanders? | DW News

Joe Biden appears to have cemented his position as the front-runner in the US Democratic presidential race. The former vice president has scored big wins in four of six states holding contests in the race to select the Democratic nominee, including the largest prize Michigan. The results are a blow to Biden's rival for the nomination, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

Monday, March 09, 2020

Joe: It Is Critical Trump Get His Arms around This Virus | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The panel discusses the president's bids to downplay the severity of the coronavirus outbreak and the need for the president to be realistic about the dangers from the virus. Aired on 03/09/2020.

Prince Andrew Won't Voluntarily Cooperate in Epstein Inquiry, Prosecutor Says

THE GUARDIAN: Despite public offer to help with investigation Andrew has ‘completely shut the door’, and New York attorney general is now considering other options

Prince Andrew has “completely shut the door” on cooperating with US investigators in the Jeffrey Epstein case and they are now “considering” further options, a New York prosecutor said on Monday.

Andrew was a friend of Epstein, the wealthy financier and convicted sex offender whose death in custody while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges in New York last year was ruled a suicide.

Andrew denies all claims of sexual misconduct relating to the Epstein case but has stepped back from public duties as a result of his connection to it.

Speaking to reporters on Monday, Manhattan US attorney Geoffrey Berman said: “Contrary to Prince Andrew’s very public offer to cooperate with our investigation into Epstein’s co-conspirators, an offer that was conveyed via press release, Prince Andrew has now completely shut the door on voluntary cooperation and our office is considering its options.” » | Martin Pengelly and Kenya Evelyn in New York | Monday, March 9, 2020

Sunday, March 08, 2020

Saudi Crackdown Widens amid Reports of Further Arrests of Royals

A fourth senior prince is reported to have been detained in Saudi Arabia. US media reports say the former head of army intelligence, Prince Nayef bin Ahmed, is among those now being held. But there has not been any official response from the government. Al Jazeera's Alexi O'Brien reports.

Is Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Consolidating Power? – Inside Story

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman has had a controversial rise to power, and he appears to be tightening his grip even further.

Media reports suggest at least 20 Princes, officials and army officers have been arrested in the Kingdom's latest purge. They include former Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Nayef and the King's last-surviving full brother, Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz.

The Saudi government hasn't officially responded to reports that the princes were accused of a coup plot. In just three years, Mohammed Bin Salman has silenced nearly all voices of dissent at home, with critics jailed, even killed. So, what are the implications of this crackdown?

Presenter: Jonah Hull | Guests: Roxane Farmanfamaian - Lecturer on Middle East Politics at the University of Cambridge; David Hearst - Editor in Chief of the online publication ‘Middle East Eye’; Ali Al-Ahmed - Director of the Gulf Affairs Institute and a former Saudi political prisoner.

Saturday, March 07, 2020

Hitler's Favourite Royal | World War 2 Documentary | Timeline

Prince Charles Edward was Queen Victoria’s favourite grandson. In 1900, the sixteen-year-old Prince was the only viable British contender for the hugely wealthy Dukedom of Saxe Coburg and Gotha in Germany. Ordered to go by Queen Victoria, he took the title and was transformed from a British Prince into a German Duke – Herzog Carl Eduard. The course of his life was altered in ways neither he nor Queen Victoria could have ever imagined.

At the outbreak of the First World War, Prince Charles Edward had no option but to fight for Germany against the country of his birth. When the War ended, he was stripped of his British titles, and an Act of Parliament branded him a Traitor Peer. Disillusioned and depressed, Charles Edward became an enthusiastic supporter of Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist Workers’ Party, and unwittingly helped him in his rise to power. Appointing him President of the Anglo German Fellowship, Hitler offered Charles Edward a way to return to Britain with his head held high.

Charles Edward was also President of the German Red Cross, and it was this that would ultimately embroil him in the darkest aspects of the Nazi regime, implicating him in the T4 Euthanasia Programme. At the end of the Second World War, he was arrested by the Americans, held in a series of harsh internment camps and forced to undergo a humiliating trial where, despite his claims he had no knowledge of the crimes of the regime, he was adjudged to have been an important Nazi and was almost bankrupted by heavy fines. He died in poverty and obscurity in Germany in 1954. His sister Princess Alice, who had stayed in England, became one of the most popular members of the Royal Family and a favourite aunt of Queen Elizabeth II. She was the living embodiment of the life her brother could have had, if it had not been for Queen Victoria’s fateful decision fifty years earlier. Documentary first broadcast in 2007.

Content licensed from TVF International.

Saudi Crackdown: King Salman's Brother and Nephew Detained

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has reportedly detained high-profile members of the royal family. That includes former crown prince Mohammed bin Nayef, as well as Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the younger brother of the Saudi King.

Reports suggest that they have both been accused of treason. Saudi guards have also arrested one of Mohammed Bin Nayef's brothers. They are now likely under threat of life imprisonment or possible execution. Both could have been rivals to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the throne when King Salman dies.

Al Jazeera’s Jamal Elshayyal explains what these detentions mean for the kingdom and their impact on Saudi politics. We are also joined by Khalil Jahshan, the executive director of Arab Center Washington, DC.

Friday, March 06, 2020

Wall Street 1929: The Great Crash

Life in North Korea | DW Documentary

Are people in North Korea allowed to laugh, dance and marry? This documentary provides unique insights on everyday life in the East Asian country, which most people associate with dictatorship, military parades and nuclear missile testing.

Perhaps no other country in the world is as mysterious as North Korea. In the West, it’s known as the last Stalinist dictatorship, the land of dictator Kim Jong Un, bombastic military parades and nuclear missile tests. And it is actually quite difficult to look beyond the political and examine the daily life of 25 million North Koreans. Are they allowed to laugh, dance and marry? What do they eat? Where do they go on holiday? These simple questions are difficult to answer given the isolation of the population from the rest of the world. The filmmakers behind Have Fun in Pyongyang visited people who have lived in the isolated mountainous nation for three generations. Over eight years, they visited North Korea forty times to attend festivals and harvest ceremonies, visit factories and listen to singing contests, in the process catching surprising, fascinating and bizarre glimpses of everyday life in North Korea. The documentary gives us an insight into North Korean life and helps us understand how the impoverished, isolated country has survived the end of the Cold War, the famine of the 1990s that cost hundreds of thousands their lives, and the never-ending diplomatic and military conflicts.

Troy Collings: North Korea's 'first budget travel agent' dies aged 33 »

Thursday, March 05, 2020

Elizabeth Warren, Once a Front-Runner, Drops Out of Presidential Race

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Ms. Warren, a senator and former law professor, staked her campaign on fighting corruption and changing the rules of the economy.

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts dropped out of the presidential race on Thursday, ending a run defined by an avalanche of policy plans that aimed to pull the Democratic Party to the left and appealed to enough voters to make her briefly a front-runner last fall.

Though her vision excited progressives, it did not generate enough excitement among the party’s working-class and diverse base, and her support had eroded by Super Tuesday. In her final weeks as a candidate she effectively drove former Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York, a centrist billionaire, out of the race with debate performances that flashed her evident skills and political potential.

She entered the race railing against the corrosive power of big money, and one long-term consequence of her campaign is that Ms. Warren demonstrated that someone other than Senator Bernie Sanders, and his intensely loyal small-dollar donors, could fund a credible presidential campaign without holding fund-raisers. » | Astead W. Herndon and Shane Goldmacher | Thursday, March 5, 2020

Dubai Ruler Organised Kidnapping of His Children, UK Court Rules

THE GUARDIAN: Ruling backs Princess Haya’s claim that husband Sheikh Mohammed intimidated her

The ruler of Dubai orchestrated the abductions of two of his children – one from the streets of Cambridge – and subjected his youngest wife to a campaign of “intimidation”, a damning UK family court judgment has found.

In findings that risk destabilising diplomatic relations with the United Arab Emirates, a close Gulf ally of Britain, the actions of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum were described by the judge as behaviour which, on the balance of probabilities, amounted to potentially breaking UK and international law.

The Guardian and other news organisations can reveal the ruling following months of private hearings and a legal dispute that reached the supreme court. It details an extraordinary family saga spanning 20 years during which the sheikh, 70, organised international kidnappings, imprisoned two of his daughters and “deprived [them] of their liberty”. » | Owen Bowcott and Haroon Siddique | Thursday, March 5, 2020

Dubai ruler's wife who shattered perception of a perfect couple »

Bevor Hitler kam : Deutschlands Weg in die Diktatur 1918 - 1933

Bernie Sanders and the Establishment Red Scare Meltdown

We are witnessing the beginnings of the cataclysmic meltdown that will occur in various sectors of the U.S. political class in the United States if Bernie Sanders wins the majority of delegates in the Democratic primary.

It has unfortunately become low hanging fruit to look at MSNBC’s coverage of this primary for a sense of how out of touch, delusional and, frankly, demoralized the Democratic establishment and its pundits are. But it is really something to behold.

And then you have this shameless class of neocons, lifelong right-wing Republicans, so-called conservative pundits who call themselves Never Trumpers. They have been in this weird alliance with the MSNBC/DNC crowd in the Trump era. And now they are all offering their totally unsolicited and unwanted panic-addled advice for what Democrats should do and how urgent it is to stop Bernie Sanders.

Bernie Sanders has been vetted. The campaign of Hillary Clinton spent substantial resources on so-called opposition research and produced absolutely nothing that could effectively tar Sanders.

One of the wealthiest people on earth, Michael Bloomberg, is spending megamillions right now trying to smear Bernie Sanders. And it is a bit ironic, and frankly nuts, that Bloomberg — with all of his heinous, well-documented skeletons walking around out in public — to pretend to be the vetter in chief of Bernie Sanders. Here is the fact: If there was any real dirt on Bernie Sanders, it would have already been weaponized and deployed. And so what do we have now? Red-baiting. McCarthyism is the central strategy of the bipartisan coalition trying to stop Bernie Sanders.

Here is the major difference between those attacking Sanders and Bernie Sanders: Bernie Sanders has consistently opposed U.S. hegemony. That’s why they attack him. These people don’t care about human rights unless it fits their agenda. If you actually listen to what Bernie Sanders has said about left-wing governments, he constantly offers nuance. He calls out authoritarianism and anti-democratic policies.

Bernie Sanders is an imperfect messenger, for sure. But he has done the work, kept focus, and inspired so many people across racial, economic, gender, and ethnic lines to fight for something bigger than themselves. Remember that when you watch the desperate smears against him. Remember that what they are trying to stop has nothing to do with Fidel Castro or the Sandinistas.

This is about stopping the masses of people in this country who are sick and tired of a system based on oppression and rooted in defense of a system where the rich and powerful rule all of our lives.

Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Super Tuesday: Wer wählt eigentlich Bernie Sanders?

Nach vier Vorwahlen der Demokraten liegt der linke Senator Bernie Sanders vorne. Wer sind die Wähler des 78-Jährigen und warum geben sie ihm ihre Stimme?

Sunday, March 01, 2020

The Abolition of Monarchy | Constantine: A King's Story | Real Royalty

This documentary is an intimate portrait of King Constantine of Greece during his exile - his life in London, his interactions with other royal families and his role in securing the Games for Greece in 2004.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Alain de Botton: How Does Love Survive in Everyday Life? | Sternstunde Philosophie | SRF Kultur

Sich verlieben geht ganz einfach. Die Liebe durch den Alltag retten, ist schon schwieriger. Der Starphilosoph Alain de Botton erklärt im Gespräch mit Barbara Bleisch, warum alte Liebe nicht unbedingt rosten muss und weshalb die Philosophie ein gutes Rostschutzmittel ist.

Zwar bekommen sich nicht immer die Richtigen, und zuweilen braucht es mehrere Anläufe. Aber früher oder später landen die meisten in der «Zweierkiste». Doch was, wenn die sprichwörtlichen Schmetterlinge im Bauch davonfliegen und der nüchterne Alltag einzieht? Was, wenn Kinder und Karriere an den Nerven zehren und die Liebe auf der Strecke bleibt?

Darüber, wie es mit der Liebe weitergeht, wenn die erste Verliebtheit vorbei ist, wissen die Menschen erstaunlich wenig, sagt der Bestsellerautor Alain de Botton. Kein Wunder: Grimms Märchen und Hollywoods Traumfabrik beenden ihre Liebesgeschichten immer dann, wenn sich die Liebenden gefunden haben. Doch wie retten Dornröschen, Aschenputtel sowie Harry und Sally ihre Liebe über die Zeit?

Alain de Botton hat über diese Frage einen philosophischen Roman geschrieben - und kommt zu überraschenden Schlüssen: Partner sollten einander nicht annehmen, wie sie sind; Monogamie ist eine Tragödie, aber man kann mit ihr leben; wenn Paare streiten, sind sie selten wütend, sondern bedürftig.

Barbara Bleisch begibt sich mit Alain de Botton in die philosophische Paartherapie.

Alain de Botton »

Psychiatrist on Trump’s ‘Dangerous’ Response to Coronavirus Crisis | The Last Word | MSNBC

Dr. Lance Dodes, a contributor to bestselling “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,” tells Lawrence O’Donnell that President Trump is a “con man” who is making the current public health crisis “all about himself”- which could have grave results for Americans. Aired on 02/27/20.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

“Pence Is Not a Medical Expert”: Is the Trump Administration Ready to Stop a US Coronavirus Pandemic?

The coronavirus disease that was first diagnosed in China’s Hubei province has now spread to at least 47 countries and every continent except Antarctica. The World Health Organization has declared the outbreak an international health emergency. President Trump sought to play down the threat from coronavirus and announced Vice President Mike Pence would be his point person to coordinate government efforts to prevent a widespread outbreak. As Trump spoke, a new milestone in the novel coronavirus outbreak was reported, in a possible example of community spread: A person was diagnosed with the virus in Northern California who had not traveled to any of the affected regions of the world, nor had known contact with anyone else who did. We speak with Laurie Garrett, former senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations and a Pulitzer Prize-winning science writer. She is the author of several books, including “Ebola: Story of an Outbreak,” “The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance” and “Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health.”

The Debate: France and Muslims: What Will Macron's Declaration Change?

France is digesting the controversial recommendations made by President Emmanuel Macron. Essentially the president is calling to combat Islamist separation in France. The sense that a religion can separate a person from the lifestyle and values of France, where church and state are separated by law. But will Macron's words in Mulhouse, in eastern France, get to the heart of the matter?

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

“The Billionaire Election”: Anand Giridharadas on How 2020 Is a Referendum on Wealth Inequality

The 10th Democratic presidential debate took place Tuesday in Charleston, South Carolina, and two billionaires were at either end of the stage: Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer. Front-runner Bernie Sanders, who has made attacking the power of the “billionaire class” a central theme of his campaign, stood in the middle. It was a visual representation of the split within the Democratic Party, in which a growing number of people are “rising up against plutocracy,” says Anand Giridharadas, editor-at-large at Time magazine and author of “Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World.” His recent piece for The New York Times is titled “The Billionaire Election: Does the world belong to them or to us?

Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Economy Is Actually Trump’s Biggest Weakness

The economy for most American citizens is not working. Capitalism today only benefits those at the top, and tens of millions of Americans are just a few hundred dollars away from financial ruin. THIS is the issue that Democrats need to be hammering on the campaign trail, and some of them are. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains how the Democrats can capitalize on the REAL economic situation of millions of Americans.

Bernie Sanders Dismantles Wall Street "Crooks" at Santa Ana, CA Rally

Bernie Sanders slammed Wall Street billionaires and advocated for the middle class at a rally in Santa Ana, CA on Friday.

Wallis Simpson's Hard Lessons for Harry and Meghan

BBC: A popular, playful prince falls in love with a strong-willed US divorcee, who ends up vilified by a hostile British press. In Harry and Meghan, some royal watchers see echoes of Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson, the couple at the heart of the abdication crisis eight decades ago. But does the comparison hold up? It could do if the Duke and Duchess of Sussex end up reliving the Duke and Duchess of Windsor's tormented exile.

In December 1936, The King gave up his throne and an Empire of half a billion souls so he could wed a woman who was divorcing her second husband.

The public vitriol spewed on his bride-to-be, Wallis Simpson, might strike a chord with the latest American to marry into Britain's royal family.

On top of being condemned as a social climber from a Baltimore, Maryland, row-house, Simpson was reviled as a cheap adventuress, a lesbian, a nymphomaniac, a Nazi spy and a hermaphrodite.

She was portrayed as a sexual enchantress who supposedly learned "ancient Chinese skills" in the brothels of Shanghai, where her first husband, a US Navy pilot, had been stationed.

But the media's attacks on Simpson weren't just in print.

Daily Express reporters hurled bricks through the window of her rented Regent's Park, London, home, the newspaper's owner, Lord Beaverbrook, would later acknowledge. » | Jude Sheerin, BBC, Washington | Saturday, February 22, 2020

Friday, February 21, 2020

Naturwunder und Powerfood: Fakten zum Ei - Dokumentation von NZZ Format (2007)

Immer mehr Konsumenten sind bereit, für Eier von „glücklichen“ Hühnern mehr zu bezahlen. Schweizer Bio-Eier sind wohl die teuersten auf der Welt, trotzdem werden sie von Jahr zu Jahr besser verkauft. Der einzige Schweizer Bio-Eierhändler hatte eine gute Nase. Das weltweit grösste Zuchtunternehmen für Legehennen befindet sich in Cuxhaven an der Nordsee. Jahrzehntelang stand die Legeleistung im Zentrum der Bemühungen. Mit dem allmählichen Verschwinden der Käfighaltung und dem Aufkommen neuer Halteformen sind neue Kriterien in der Zucht gefragt. Die Produktion von Impfstoff-Viren in Hühnereiern hat eine lange Tradition. Innerhalb weniger Stunden können sie sich dort um das 200’000fache vermehren. Am Roslin Institute in Edinburgh ist es gelungen, transgene Hühner zu züchten, die in ihren Eiern Proteine liefern, die eines Tages gegen Hautkrebs, Tumore und Viren eingesetzt werden könnten. Dazu: Was war zuerst: Huhn oder Ei? Ein Philosoph klärt.

In "NZZ Swiss made": Die Kemmeriboden-Meringues. Die Geschichte einer berühmten Nachspeise aus dem Emmental.

Soul-searching in Germany as Hanau Mourns Shooting Victims | DW News

People in Germany have been holding vigils for the ten killed by a suspected far-right extremist in the western city of Hanau. Authorities have identified the attacker as a 43-year-old German national. Prosecutors are treating the killings as an act of right-wing domestic terrorism. People have been coming together to mourn the victims and also to call for action. The city has a population of about 100,000, with a wide range of ethnic backgrounds. The Confederation of Kurds in Germany has confirmed that several of the dead had Kurdish origins. We met with some family members of those killed in Wednesday's attack.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Rare Look Inside Secretive Mormon Temple (2012)

CNN's Brian Todd reports on a Mormon temple and interviews a church elder on posthumous baptisms.

Europas Kleinstaaten - Monaco - Geschlossene Gesellschaft

California Governor Declares Homeless Crisis ‘a Disgrace’

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Vulnerable to the charge that the problem has exploded under Democratic rule, Gov. Gavin Newsom pleaded with legislators to take action.

SAN FRANCISCO — With tens of thousands of people living on the streets of California, the homelessness crisis has become the state’s defining issue. For Gov. Gavin Newsom, the emergency had become so dire that he devoted his entire State of the State address on Wednesday to the 150,000 Californians without homes.

“Let’s call it what it is: It’s a disgrace that the richest state in the richest nation, succeeding across so many sectors, is falling so far behind to properly house, heal and humanely treat so many of its own people,” Mr. Newsom told lawmakers in Sacramento. “Every day, the California dream is dimmed by the wrenching reality of families and children and seniors living unfed on a concrete bed.”

Vulnerable to the charge that the problem has exploded under Democratic rule in California, Mr. Newsom, a former mayor of San Francisco, pleaded with — and at times admonished — legislators to take action.

“The hard truth is for too long we’ve ignored this problem,” Mr. Newsom said. “We turned away.” » | Thomas Fuller | Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

How Germany's Universal Healthcare System Works

Germany’s health-care system spends nearly half as much as the United States but still manages to cover 100% of its population through a mix of public and private insurance schemes. There are two different systems that residents can turn to for insurance in Germany: SHI, which stands for Statutory Health Insurance and PHI or Private Health Insurance. Here’s how they work.

Sabisky Row: Dominic Cummings Criticised over 'Designer Babies' post

THE GUARDIAN: PM’s aide dragged further into row over decision to hire adviser with eugenicist views

Boris Johnson’s senior aide Dominic Cummings has been dragged further into the row over No 10’s decision to hire an adviser with eugenicist views after it emerged that he suggested in his own writings that the NHS should cover the cost of selecting babies to have higher IQs.

In a blogpost covering his views on the future of “designer babies”, Cummings said he believed rich would-be parents would inevitably select embryos with “the highest prediction for IQ” and floated the idea that “a national health system should fund everybody to do this” to avoid an unfair advantage for the wealthy.

Experts criticised Cummings’s theories about genetics, saying they were unworkable, unethical and amounted to eugenics, two days after Andrew Sabisky resigned as a No 10 contractor over his past claims that black Americans on average had lower IQs than white people. » | Rowena Mason and Ian Sample | Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Saudi Official: 'We Don't Have a History of Murdering Our Citizens' | Conflict Zone

Adel al-Jubeir, Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, tells Conflict Zone his country is paying 'a great price' over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. But he dismisses criticism from human rights groups over Riyadh's dire treatment of activists.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Die Fürstenfamilie Liechtenstein | 15.08.2017/ORF 2

Hans-Adam II. von und zu Liechtenstein gehört heute zu den reichsten Adeligen Europas. Zudem ist er der einzige Monarch, der einem Staat auch den Namen gibt. Die Dokumentation gibt einen Einblick in die beiden prächtigen Wiener Palais der Familie, in die Gemäldedepots und die Restaurierungswerkstätte.